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A place to discuss your network setup

2016.06.11 19:13 Robbbbbbbbb A place to discuss your network setup

/NetworkDiagrams is a place to show off your network diagrams to avoid an influx of posts in other networking-related subreddits.

2024.06.02 18:40 UberEpicZach Dragon Development Diary #6: 'A Rogue Tale'

Dragon Development Diary #6: 'A Rogue Tale'
Hello, Uber here once again; welcome to our weekly Sunday Dragon Development Diary! This is our #6 edition, and we finally want to show off the brand-new bookmark coming with our Dragon Update this summer! I will be accompanied by Sililex, who has done most of everything in the bookmark to an impressive degree.
–––––––––––––––– Hello again, everyone! Sililex here again with one of the reveals you've all been waiting for. Yes, as many of you guessed, the bookmark releasing with dragons will be The Rogue Prince!
Detectives may have noticed the many teasers in both the original trailer & following diaries, whether it was noticing Daemon and Caraxes briefly, noticing the few pixels of House Strong's Coat of Arms near Harrenhall, or Viserys crying over the death of his dragon….or from myself Uber covering up one of the dates in the last dev diary but forgetting to in the exact next image, revealing the date wholesale.
Wonderful Art by Foxwillow
Prince Daemon rides Caraxes against the Crabfeeder, intent on proving himself as the true dragon of House Targaryen. Providing ships and men for his venture, Corlys the Sea Snake seeks to break the Triarchy's hold on the Stepstones and free himself from the onerous tariffs they place on his trade. Craghas Drahar, one of the three admirals the Triarchy put in charge of the Stepstones, faces down two of the most dangerous men of the age - yet his cruelty outmatches them all, and at this moment he sees his chance to become the eminent power on these islands. The peaceful King Viserys looks on in trepidation and must manage both his house and realm as the prospect of a second Targaryen kingdom looms.
The Team chose this bookmark to give an exciting and dynamic situation where the dragons are in full swing but without introducing the truly behemothic variance of the Dance, which we just didn't have the capacity to deliver simultaneously as dragons. Rest assured, it is coming, but when we do it, we want to do it right. The fact that it's spoiler-free for HotD Season 2 doesn't hurt either ;). Context out of the way, let's look at our main characters and the paths available to them!

Prince Daemon

The bookmark's most dynamic character and the driving force behind many of its events, the Rogue Prince himself, starts from the tiny island of Dwarfstone, intending to conquer its sister islands for himself!
This event was teased in the ModCon Trailer for those with eagle eyes!
In CK2AGOT, this was a relatively simple war against the Three Daughters directly, which could be resolved in six months rather than the five years it took in canon. In CK3AGOT, we wanted to expand this, and with some additional reading of the sources, we have modelled a closer-to-reality view of the Stepstones and their conquest, which will take place over a few stages.
Rather than a truly integrated part of the three daughters, they were ruled by three appointed Admirals as puppet 'states'. As such, Daemon must first take the first out in the First Stepstones before moving on to the other three. If he should be victorious in this first war, the Triarchy would take a more active role in trying to unseat him and join the war. In canon, he would win this conflict and be crowned King of the Narrow Sea, but he was then beset upon by both Dorne and the Triarchy. Just as in canon, he can choose to abandon the Stepstones at this point; however, should he win, various options open up.
However, you'll need to discover the exact results of these paths for yourself…

Corlys the Sea Snake

The Sea Snake faces a less personal but no less deadly issue. The Triarchy has restricted his trade through the Stepstones, weakening his realm.
He now sails with Prince Daemon to unseat them from their damaging perch. Should he succeed, he will win powerful trade agreements and be a strong ally down south. Should he fail...
He is not without his own challenges, though. During one of his many adventures, he betrothed his daughter Laena to the son of a sealord of Braavos. The match has severely degraded in suitability, and he must try to navigate this situation, one of which is the canon outcome where Daemon slays the fallen Sealord.

King Viserys

Though a more passive participant than the others, King Viserys has his own issues to deal with. Chief among these is the question of succession. Once he has a son, the realm will question his decision to name Rhaenyra his heir, and he must decide whether to stand by his daughter or bend to the wishes of his vassals.
Though Rhaenyra is but a girl at the start of the bookmark, A mature Rhaenyra will surely grow into a dragonrider, and if her infant brother is not. She may not take kindly to being sidelined… It all depends on when or if this happens.
His brother's ambition also vexes him, and though Daemon eventually abandoned the Stepstones in canon, should he prove victorious and wish to swear fealty, such a prize addition to the kingdom must be paid for.
Should Viserys deny this request, who knows what strife the kingdom could face…

Craghas and the Admirals

Finally, we have Craghas, who has the hardest challenge of all. He must face the Rogue Prince and Sea Snake both if he is to survive.
Should Daemon win his first war against the northernmost admiral, Craghas will be appointed commander of the Stepstones, and lead their forces against this alliance with the Triarchy at his back! Of course, this is where his canon story ends - with the blade of Dark Sister slicing his head clean off.
Should Daemon lose either of these wars, however, Craghas will face different situations. If the Admirals somehow manage to defeat Daemon's initial landing, they must choose whether to be absorbed by the Triarchy directly, or fight to see which is truly first amongst equals.
The victor of this conflagration, or Craghas himself if he leads the coalition to victory in the second war, must then choose whether to stand by their patron empire or try to forge their own path against one another.
(A small note: Craghas' portrait has not been made yet, hence his changing appearance)

That's a wrap!

We hope this bookmark offers sufficiently dynamic outcomes for everyone to enjoy. In addition to the relatively calm outcome that happened in canon, there are a bunch of wilder outcomes possible, like Dark Sister being claimed by Craghas, Caraxes burning down King's Landing, or Rhaenyra going to war against her father. Despite being a significantly smaller event than the Dance, I feel very proud of how it turned out overall, and I hope our players agree!
As a final note, I'll leave you with a small teaser, as the Rogue Prince is not the only bookmark which may have dragons…
Thank you for reading!
Join our Discord if you haven't already! And stay tuned for more and more dev diaries! Previous Dragon Dev Diaries:
Dragon Development Diary #1: The Vision
Dragon Development Diary #2: The Anatomy of the Dragon Portrait
Dragon Development Diary #3: A Dragon's Character
Dragon Development Diary #4: Hatching and Cradling
Dragon Development Diary #5: Dragonpits & Dragonkeepers
submitted by UberEpicZach to CK3AGOT [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:40 SEOwhale [For Hire] Will Build a Professional Custom-Coded Website Using NextJS & Tailwind CSS ($50)

Hi everyone!
At the moment we're trying to grow our portfolio of local service based businesses & get some testimonials in exchange for a free custom-coded website, you just need to cover the monthly hosting fee.
So backstory, we've been developing custom websites for service based businesses and during this time we created a in-house CMS. Over time we've upgraded the CMS to include things like an AI autoblogger, AI assistants, and an AI image generator to make blog creation process smoother, we also added a custom linktree so people don't need to pay the fees for that anymore. These custom websites are built with NextJS and tailwindCSS, practically all of them get 100% on lighthouse.
We use to be bloggers so we build the SEO into each site we make to ensure its fast, user friendly, and the schema is all correct - this helps rank for local search terms, for example 'landscaping services near me", which will help you get more organic traffic to the site!
So my team would build the website for free, you don't have to pay anything up front, then the monthly hosting would just be $50/month.
Rate: $50/month
Our company sites are: &
DM me if this is something you'd be interested in!
submitted by SEOwhale to hiring [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:40 Best_Flower_7094 8 Free Gifts

Looking to complete the 8 gift for $0 My code is 258047178
I can do Farmland Once 8 gift is completed I could free up to do free gifts currently full.
submitted by Best_Flower_7094 to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:40 RottingUnderDuvet Duvet and Animal Crossing.

Hello, Duvet here. This is a ramble post, so feel free to ignore it. I love you all and hope you have a good day :)
I find comfort in a few things: music, stuffed toys, alcohol. But I can't help but love Animal Crossing the most.
It's such a simple game, yet I've poured over eight-hundred hours into New Horizons in just over four years. I like building small gardens for my animal friends, collecting fossils for Blathers, and simply existing. Even though they aren't real, I truly think I'm friends with all of my island's residents. They sometimes run up to me to talk. They care that much.
I like Hopkins the most. He's a blue bunny who is seemingly inflatable due to the air stopper on his back. We also happen to be birthday twins.
I think what I'm trying to say is that I'm really fucking lonely. I think that fictional animals can be friends. That's a little bit pathetic, right?
Thank you for reading. I'm grateful that so many of you read my posts.
submitted by RottingUnderDuvet to hikikomori [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:39 Spader623 How do you balance and justify your time on doing things, especially hobbies?

This is a bit of a funky one but has been driving me crazy for a while and I thought I'd ask here since it seems to be a good place to discuss it.
My problem I've been having lately is where to use my time for things. Ex: I have 3 hours of free time. Maybe I was also productive, maybe it's storming outside, whatever. I can do anything with those 3 hours. And I have hobbies I enjoy and like... But it just seems tough to balance them. Do I catch up on TV for 3 hours? Do I read a book after an hour? Do I research new hobbied? Do I play videogames? And on top of that, how long and how much of each hobby do I do? I know in theory there's no real 'limit' past it affecting your life but it's still tough.
Any thoughts on this would be super appreciated as it's making it very hard to enjoy my life or hobbies when I'm so worried about how much time I spend on them
submitted by Spader623 to Hobbies [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:39 ThrowRA_oakling I (22F) and another person (23NB) are gonna hang out and I'm unsure if it's a date or not. What's the dos and don'ts in this situation?

We're past acquaintances. The last time we met in person I was going to move away and they gave me the warmest and comforting hug I've ever experienced. Time passed and half a year ago I moved back to the same county where I previously lived and where they currently are living.
We've talked on and off for a couple of years through snapchat sometime after I moved and I've always thought the tone of our conversations was flirty, from both sides. but I'm very inexperienced with romantic relationships so I wasn't completely sure. We did talk about meeting sometime although nothing came out of it, and I thought that's the way it goes since we're past acquaintances.
But some days ago I asked them if they wanted to meet in the summer for a cup of coffee, and they said yes. Today they messaged me and asked if I'm free on wednesday next week and if I want to go to the local spa and I agreed. (as the local spa's website says: "Here you can enjoy warm pools with massage points, various saunas, trickling water and soothing lighting." So no staff massaging you etc.)
Our last lines in our conversation:
Me: "Then I'll see you on Wednesday 🥰"
Them: "❤️ Looking forward to meeting you again"
So now I'm sitting here wondering what I should do. I know I shouldn't expect anything, and if there aren't any romantic signals then it'll be great to just catch up and be social. But are there some other unspoken rules I'm not aware of with a situation like this? Again, I'm super inexperienced when it comes to potential romance, especially since it may not even be potential romance and I've maybe misread the conversation tone.
This will also be the the first time we meet face to face after I moved.
(And just in time to be seen in a bikini, I got a giant zit on my stomach lmao.)
submitted by ThrowRA_oakling to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:39 Cluebro (F4M) (Vampire) (Blood) (Horror) (slight yandere)

You and the speaker have been together for some time now, ever since you got together it’s been amazing you have enjoyed every minute of being together, all thought because of the speakers “job” you don’t really ever get to see her in the morning, since she comes back long after the sun goes down. You have been living with her for some time as well, since she worked you decided you would just take care of the apartment that you both lived in, cooking meals for her and taking care of her when she was home from work. The only problem the two of you had was that you couldn’t go into one room, she never really told you why but tonight you were determined to look inside.
Listening is busy cooking in the kitchen while speaker walks in.
Speaker: Darling~ I’m home and what are you cooking it smells amazing.
Speaker says as listener rushing out from the kitchen and moves towards her hugging her.
Speaker: My dear you shouldn’t hug me it’s raining outside and my clothes are wet, I don’t want you catching a cold.
Listener then shows some concern asking why she didn’t take an umbrella as they scramble around the apartment to take off the speakers coat and make them a hot cup of coffee to keep them warm.
Once they had made the coffee they ran back over to the speaker smiling as they handed speaker the hot cup of coffee.
Speaker: “Awh~ you’re so thoughtful thank you my love, you’re always so good to me”.
Speaker then moved towards the kitchen with listener, she slowly sits down onto one of the chairs on the table before taking a sip of coffee.
Listener then starts to keep cooking, the stake slowly sizzling on the hot pan surrounded by oil.
Listener then turns around before asking speaker to quickly run the store to get some salt and pepper for their dinner.
Speaker: “sure I don’t mind, it won’t take me long” speaker says getting up towards the door, before putting on there coat “I won’t be long darling, try not to miss me too much”. Speaker says before closing the door.
Quickly listener moves over and shuts off the stove making sure that it was off before moving swiftly towards the door which was locked, the listener try’s the door handle a few times before kicking it a few times.
Once the door still didn’t budge the listener got back before using there shoulder to brake into the room.
Once the door was open the room was dark, and a strange smell was coming from something in the room, the listener feels around for a light before switching it on.
Once the slight switches on the listener looks around the room, the floor was stained with dry blood and even the white walls were stained as well, in the corner of the room was a few barrels, curious and a bit scared the listener walks over to the barrels before opening them.
Seeing a crimson red liquid flowing in the barrel, the listener is confused thinking it to just be wine, but in the other corner of the room to the speakers horror, was an old body hiding in the corner of the room, the listener screams looking at the body before going to inspect it.
The body was cold to the touch they and been dead for some time now, but they felt strange, the listener couldn’t put their finger on what but they did, suddenly the speaker heard the door behind him open before turning around.
The speaker stood in the door way, rain dripping down from their forehead, their eyes the same crimson red as that of the blood in the barrel.
Speaker: “what was the one fucking thing I told you darling, the one simple rule you had to follow” the speaker took a small pause “don’t go in the fucking close room, and what did you do, you didn’t listen to me” the speaker says shutting the small door behind them before taking a step closer to the listener.
Speaker: “I didn’t want you to find out like this, really I didn’t, I was going to tell you eventually but, you just had to get curious” speaker says revealing their two sharp fangs that had grown from there gum.
Listener scared asks why was there a body in the room, and why she had fangs.
Speaker: “surly you know what I am darling, just look at me, I’m a vampire” speaker says a large unnerving smile plastered on their face as they take another step closer.
Listened confused repeats what she said saying the word vampire as a small amount of tears started to trickle down the listeners cheeks, their eyes starting to get puffy red.
Speaker: “Don’t cry my dear, I hate when you cry” speaker says kneeling down moving towards the listener before being right in front of them, using their thumb to while away the tears “stop crying my love, i haven’t given you a reason to cry…yet” speaker says with a small smirk.
Speaker then gets closer to listener smelling their neck.
Speaker: “oh my god, I have always wanted to taste that sweet nectar in your neck, but I have always had to restrain myself” speaker says licking their lips “Now that you know my secret, I can’t let you go” speaker says getting closer to listeners neck.
Speaker: “this will only hurt for a small second darling, I can’t hold myself back any longer, your scent it driving me crazy, but don’t worry, you won’t end up like them” speaker says pointing towards the corpse “I’ll be carful with you, just don’t fight it, you belong to me”.
Speaker then slowly bites down on the listers neck, slowly gulping the listeners blood for a little while before pulling away.
Speaker: “your blood, is the best I have ever tasted, my love I knew you were the one for me “ speaker said before giggling for a little while before stopping noticing how tired the listener was.
Speaker: “oh my, did I take to much, I’m sorry my darling I just couldn’t help myself, your blood is the best I have ever had” speaker says kissing listener on the forehead.
Speaker: “don’t worry darling, when you wake up, you will be safe in our little apartment, it’s just gonna take some time for me to trust you again, after all I did trust you not to go into this room and you did anyway”.
Listener then slowly starts to pass out.
Speaker: “don’t worry my little human, your in safe hands now”
Speaker then kisses listener on the head again.
Speaker: “I love you”.
Listener then passes out.
Hi this is the first time in a long time I have done a scrip so I hope whoever or if anyone reads this I hope you liked it. And for anyone wanting to fill this scrip I give permission for it to be posted on any type of platform YouTube/patreon for example as long as you credit me!! If you have any questions feel free to ask.
submitted by Cluebro to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:38 MageBruiser What are some good productivity/TODO style apps/features for iPad?

Hey all,
I've had a quick Google but would like a more up-to-date answer on this!
I've recently got an iPad and want to make the most out of it. What are some good apps and features that you have found useful to help with ADHD? Can be anything from time management to productivity to lists, etc.
Can be either free or paid!
submitted by MageBruiser to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:38 Ok_Project2538 can a dysfunctional family alone cause cptsd ?

hey guys, my cptsd has not been diagnosed but i relate to pretty much everything that has been said here and my symptoms are very extreme even for this subs standarts so i have no doubt that i am a very traumatized person. currently because of my situation i had to move back home about one year and i am absolutely devastated by the fact that there is so much dysfunction in my family. which leads me to my question if you guys would think that growing up in a dysfunctional family where fights and abuse, mental illness, threats of violence, open talk of sex and pornographic material, alcoholism is something that is almost presented on the daily would be enough to cause cptsd for children ? my family is not the typical "antisocial" family and the violence and abuse is sometimes more obvious sometimes more subtle but i am very afraid for my siblings and i feel like all of this alone is enough to cause cptsd for children,
my little sister already shows signs of dissociation and my younger brother is also kind of special sometimes. i am probably the most broken person in my family but i wouldn´t strike others as a particularly negative or toxic person, in fact i can be very uplifting and caring, which is probably due to the fact that i have survived tons of trauma.
i hate to say this but overall i feel like especially my stepfather with his nihilism and alcohol abuse has contributed to the antisocial vibe at home, as well as my grandmother who is an evil narcissist with no compassion for others. my mom has cptsd as well and is also very abusive and extremely toxic. her vibes alone can put me and my younger siblings in fight of light mode.
i have a different father than my younger siblings and my childhood was very stressful, because my mom did not have her cptsd under control at all, she would abuse the shit out of me, and my father yeah, i don´t want to even start to talk about him in this post. overall i feel like my mom confuses her constant dissociation with a good pain free life but all of this leads more or less to the fact that she is never really present and it is very bad for my younger siblings. i always try to teach them stuff but i´m very ill myself and i isolate most of the time.
other than that my stepfather has pretty much pushed me out of the family when i was younger and he threatened me and my mom with violence more than once saying he would punch me in the face and stuff and he drinks beer in front of my siblings all the fucking time. when i was a small child and he visited my mom before they were married i always told him to go home, and i guess children have very good instincts about this. i feel sorry that he is that way, but something about him is just not good for others and my mother is not herself with him. she lets herself go and forgets about her identity leaving me the weakest part of the family because i didn´t have anyone to relate to anymore. my identity got stolen when she remarried and my father was never around really, and if he was, it meant trouble for me. idk why i write all of this. this is very emotional for me and it is not even half of my story and what happened to me , but somehow it felt good to put this into words. maybe some of you guys can relate
submitted by Ok_Project2538 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:38 FoxTraditional5687 Food in the One Piece world

One thing I think doesn't get talked enough about is the use of food in One Piece. It's something that we see from the very start of the series, food not only motivates people, but also get used in place of money, used durring party times, given as a reward, and even some characters are interduced while eating or with food.
I'm not the best at looking at these things and finding the symbolism in books but. . .
I think food is used as a sign of wealth, power, and happiness. We see this in Wano, the capital having all the food living happy and care free life. The powerful have so much food they can just dump it out. Yet they won't give it to the week, and depressed. They don't deserve the it, only fake happiness with Slime Fruit. We see this everytime the crew successfully helps free people and they take food as a reward. Everyone who was oppressed is now given the food they always craved. They are happy and joyful often expressing gratitude to the Strawhats. We see this anytime the Crew is not doing good. If luffy is week he needs food to gain power back. They are times when they are starving on the boat having to try and fish for food. Luffy even calls Chopper emergency food. Even the devil fruits are food that have to be eaten to gain more power.
I think food is a strong theme that comes up gain and again. It could be hints to the One Peice having something to do with food?
Just food for thought 🤣
submitted by FoxTraditional5687 to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:38 AloneVictory4859 Does opening your 3rd eye help you connect with spirits....yes!

Find a comfy and quiet spot, TV and music off!
Repeat the affirmations, I see spirits, I am highly connected to the spiritual world, my third eye is open, I am communicating with my spirit guides, I am talking directly to my spirit guides.
Stay in your comfy position that you have chosen, choose something to stare at and practice focusing on your peripheral.
Breathe loud with purpose, listen to your breathing as a sort of melodic Rhythm that goes back and forth or in and out.
Don't stop, keep going, you can do it, it's easy, it's just 30 minutes!
If you can do this for 6 or more weeks straight, you're sure to open your third eye.
If at any point during this process you find yourself cringing or using words like I can't, then you may need to do some healing up first.
Feel free to ask any questions, I am going to create a visualization aid for opening the third eye also known as the ajna chakra.
I'll explain the visualizing process just in case I am unable to recreate a representation of the third eye.
It is literally as easy as creating the image of a closed eye in your mind, I could be floating in space, it could be your own eye your visualizing on your forehead, whatever you like.
Now once you've successfully created the image of this eye, hovering there or sitting there closed, imagine it popping open, seeing for the first time.
As you watch it open, tell yourself with the light, I just opened my third eye... repeat as often as you like, practice makes perfect.
You can practice this visualization technique along with your affirmations before you start meditating with your eyes open.
Seeing is believing, once you lay your eyes on spirits or paranormal activity, there's no going back and other parts of your psychic systems will just automatically start coming online.
You got this! 🙏🌠💙
submitted by AloneVictory4859 to SpiritGuideAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:37 Savings_Ad_2297 39/M [Friendship] Married parent of 2 looking to meet a potential new longterm friend!

Hey everyone!
Mainly looking for someone to message throughout the day and get to know. So please be open to actually getting to know eachother. Maybe game with if we have that in common. I do work from home so there’s no one to really talk to during the day.
I’m married and have 2 kids, a 7 month old son and a 9 year old daughter. So definitely a platonic friendship if you’re female. I’m into basic nerdy things. Gaming is definitely my number 1 go to, star wars, super heroes, DnD, anything Disney. Also trading card games like Disney Lorcana and Star Wars Unlimited
I watch Critical Role stuff especially Campaign 3 on youtube. Currently on episode 76, so if you watch too, let me know! Also like to watch Battle of the Brands on YouTube.
I’m also into movies and tv, some sports, pro wrestling. Collecting boardgames, action figures and retro games are hobbies as well. Anything 80s/90s nostalgia i absolutely love too so if you want to talk childhood memories and growing up back then, i’m totally down! I miss the good old days where we went to arcades, played outside with friends, and those family sunday dinners at the grandparents ❤️.
My kids are everything to me and I do love talking about them. Love being silly with them and spending time with them (when they aren’t driving me crazy lol)
I really would prefer you be around my age (late 20s a youngest) and also have kids just so we have that stuff in common off the bat!
I would also prefer you be from the US. It’s tough to converse when we are like a day apart lol.
I can be socially awkward most times but I am very easy to get along with and a great listener if you need to vent. I’m definitely considered an introvert. But once you get to know me I break out of that awkward shell.
Please have a fun personality because i like to be sarcastic and mostly like to try and make people laugh because a world without laughter would just be horrible.
I’d like to think i’m an awesome person to get to know and hopefully there’s more you’d like to know so feel free to DM me! (I looove using GIFs so if you message me, open up with a funny one! Especially since then i’ll know you actually read this 😂) Or as an opening challenge send a gif of your favorite movie and i will try to guess it!
submitted by Savings_Ad_2297 to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:37 TanyAntagonist Hiya pals! 28/M/London Anyone else feeling a bit socially stunted/isolated at the moment?

I hope we’re having a lovely Sunday so far! I sadly fell out with one of my real life friends, so I’ve been struggling to bounce back and ultimately be more of my silly self again. If anyone wants to just talk or have random conversations, or just want to check up on each other on call or send voice notes then feel free to message me!
I’m just a soft-spoken Brit who’s very shy and wants to work on my mental health, so I’m very easygoing and patient with practically anyone! I’ve just gotten into both Stardew Valley and Minecraft so I would love to play it with someone on call! I also have Fortnite as well if anyone wants to duo up, or just wants to send me Tikoks LMAO.
Let’s root for each other, innit? Cheers!
submitted by TanyAntagonist to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:37 SEOwhale [For Hire] Free Custom-Coded Website in Exchange for Testimonials

We're currently trying to grow our portfolio & get some testimonials in exchange for a free custom-coded website, you just need to cover the monthly hosting fee.
The website includes built-in SEO, a proprietary CMS connected to our AI autoblogger, AI assistants, automated pinterest schedule & publishing, and an AI image generator to make your blog creation process smoother and more efficient. Additionally, it has a link tree feature to eliminate the need for additional fees.
So my team would build the website for free, you don't have to pay anything up front, then the monthly hosting would just be $50/month
Our company sites are: &
Rate: $50/Month
DM me if this is something you'd be interested in :)
submitted by SEOwhale to ForHireFreelance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:37 Available_Bake_4660 I get to play Cinderella in real life

First time posting on here, hoping it makes me feel better more than anything.
I am the eldest of 3 girls in my family. We have a pretty large age gap in between us all, but all of us are adults at this point. I am the only one so far with children. With my first marriage, we had two beautiful children together. I became a widow at 25, shortly after our youngest was born and that was a very hard part in my life to deal with (still is to be honest). Skip to present day. I have a husband that treats both children as his own. Working full time, I help run a family business that my mother owns while also juggling my two children with school/life stuff. Bills are paid. We are not rich by any means but we keep the kids happy and busy with savings just in case.
My two sisters still live at home. One is on a separate piece of the land while the other is still in the main part of the home. Neither one has had any kind of serious dating experiences or many social outings that they partake in. They go to work and come home to hang out at home. Recently they all decided to book a trip on a cruise. Initially I was super excited for them to all be going. Thinking more of what a great trip for my mom to finally have a break from the business, but as the actual departure date arrived, I feel more like the Cinderella child that got left behind.
Here are the few things that struck me the hardest. When telling people about the trip, my mother told people how it "Was so nice that the whole family was going.". Guess I am no longer part of the family. I wasn't even invited on this trip. My mother did iterate that my sisters were paying all parts of their trips, but found that to be not entirely truthful. My mother used her airline miles to get free airfare for them and got the group rate between everyone, so they MOSTLY paid for their trip. I am sure they figured I couldn't afford it or swing child care. Probably accurate to be honest. Still hurts. Then about a week before they left, I found out that they would be meeting up with quite a few members of family close to their departure spot for the cruise. They only let me know about it so I wouldn't be surprised by pictures posted on social media.
So they are on their cruise. I am minding the store with another employee (thank goodness for her) and watching their house, cleaning it, and tending to their animals. It is a smaller farm but it has farm animals that need tending to about 3 times a day. The kids are having fun just running around the property helping me feed everyone. I just keep feeling really empty wondering why I am the black sheep. What did I do to not be wanted around? I am trustworthy enough to watch their business, house, and animals. I just feel like because I moved out and had a life, I am no longer worthy of their family status. Am I reading too much into all this? I just hate feeling this sad and not loved like my sisters are. I am tired of feeling like I put so much effort into doing things for them and it just not being quite as good as what my siblings are doing.
I am the black sheep for whatever reason. Maybe one day they will tell me what the heck I did to earn the title.
submitted by Available_Bake_4660 to blacksheepunite [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:37 Perfect-Click3933 The “Finders Keepers Karen”

This happened a few years ago. It was a normal day, and I was staying in a hotel because of my sister’s baby shower. So I had just checked into my hotel for the night. And my sister lives pretty far away so it was late by the time I had got there. I was in the elevator with a Karen I mean lady and her daughter. I keep keychains on my suit case from most of my vacation places. And this lady‘s daughter looks at my suit case and starts taking some of my keychains. And I politely say to this(I think 12 year old) that the keychains were mine and she couldn’t have them. Then the Karen comes in and says “Hey she found them finders KEEPERS” and this was a like a 40 year old woman saying this. And I don’t even know how finders keepers would work with this they were on my suitcase. And I say that to this lady and she says “Well then why won’t you let her have those cheap a** things”. And at this point I am mad because I just want to go to my room and sleep because its 11pm. And I say to hopefully end it “Mam if your daughter wants those keychains feel free to take her to Russia you can take her to Brazil and Japan”. She looks pretty furious and I didn’t care I got off the elevator and went to my room.
The next morning when i’m getting ready I hear a knock at my door. I open it and he says that he got a call from a lady who was claiming I stole things from her daughter. But not just any things keychains she said I took keychains from her. So I start telling him that they were mine and he can check elevator cameras and this lady tried to take them from me. He nodded his head and I went to put my hair up. After I go down the stairs be I don’t want to meet another elevator Karen. But guess who I see in the lobby waiting for me. Karen. She starts getting up in my face how I stole things. I tell her politely you and I both know that I didn’t and YOU tried to steal it from me. She huffs with this shocking look on her face that I was the one harassing her. Then while she is looking stunned I leave.
Then I have a wonderful time at my sisters’s baby shower and she is having a boy! I get to be an aunt! I don’t see her again but when I get back the man who had knocked on my door apologized for the inconvenience.
Sorry if there is any typos English isn’t my 1st language.
submitted by Perfect-Click3933 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:36 dontgiveaderp 33 [M4F] Houston, Texas. Hopeless romantic looking for my new favorite person.

I'd like to find someone who captivates me. Someone who I can talk with effortlessly. I want to meet a person who I can include in my daily tasks, and talk with throughout the day. I just want to find someone I can be open with. Platonic conversation or romance. Whatever you are looking for, don't hesitate to message me. I hope to hear from you.
I love a number of things, and hate very little. I'm fairly open to trying new things, but some of the things I enjoy are as follows. I love the outdoors. I've never been camping, but I would like to try it with someone some day. I also love to fish. I mostly fish salt water. I do occasionally fish freshwater though. I like to check out new spots around me, but I mostly fish on the beach. Do you like to fish? What are some of your favorite places to go?
I also enjoy the shooting sports. I primarily target shoot. I take part in a little bit of everything, including rifle, pistol and shotgun. It would be nice to find someone who is into shooting or would like to learn/become more familiar. If you shoot, what do you like to shoot mostly? What's been your favorite gun to shoot so far?
PC games are also a enjoyable pastime for me. I have a variety of games, most of which are on Steam. I have other games on various other stores/services. I enjoy a wide variety of different kind of games, so I'm sure we can find something to play together if you game. What are some of your all time favorite games? What are you currently grinding on that you can't put down? One hobby I discovered later on in life is Magic the Gathering. I play both online on MtG Arena, and with physical cards. Magic has become something I am particularly fond of. Do you play any kind of card/table top games? What's been your favorite so far? If you play Magic, what are some of your favorite deck themes?
Music has always been a part of my life. My tastes are varied, ranging from country, death and black metal, electronic, classic rock, folk, pop punk, and more. Do you have a favorite band? What has been your favorite concert you've been to?
I'm honestly an ambivert. I enjoy doing things outside, as well as spending time indoors. I can veg out all day under the covers curled up in my bed, or I can take a trip somewhere and experience something new. I think my personality is a mix of the best of both worlds. What would the perfect day consist of for you?
As far as my personality is concerned, I would say I am fairly relaxed and laid back. I feel like I am somewhere in the middle between loud and excitable, and shy and quiet. Around people I don't know, I tend to be fairly quiet and to myself. In the company of someone who I am close with, I am more open and free. Do you open right up to people, or does it take a while to become comfortable with someone new?
All I hope for is a connection. It could be platonic, or it could blossom into romance, and commitment. I'm not putting a limit on what I am looking for.
With the prior being said, I am single. I may be interested in changing that with the right person. The idea of commitment excites me. Monogamy is appealing to me. Do you feel satisfied with your social life? What kind of connection are you looking for?
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I appreciate it. I hope you can identify with something I wrote. If you do, please reach out.
P.S. Please feel free to check my post history, and check out a few pictures of my cat if you would like.
submitted by dontgiveaderp to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:36 Hopeful-Coconut-8705 Top Heavy School List

Hi everyone,
I’ll be submitting my application in about a week and have a few concerns about my school list. As far as stats, I have a ~3.9 29AA 20 PAT which are obviously really good but I’m not sure I have the extracurriculars to match them and get accepted at top schools. I have about 400 hours volunteering mostly at a hospital with some hours at food banks, animal shelter, and medical/dental pop up clinics. I also have about 50 hours at a dental free clinic and 110ish hours shadowing mostly general dentists and a few specialists. I did a paid summer research program for about 300 hours and also have a leadership position in a health education campus organization. LORs are likely extremely average. I am an ORM and a CA resident.
I realize I have way too many schools and am looking for advice on which to cut out. I am hoping to specialize but also open to general if thats how it all shakes out in the end. Not really sure if the application process has burnt me out and left me with imposter syndrome or if I should feel comfortable cutting some schools out and ending up with a top heavy school list. Is it crazy to apply to 19 schools?
Thanks :)
submitted by Hopeful-Coconut-8705 to predental [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:36 dontgiveaderp 33 [M4F] Houston, Texas. Hopeless romantic looking for my new favorite person.

I'd like to find someone who captivates me. Someone who I can talk with effortlessly. I want to meet a person who I can include in my daily tasks, and talk with throughout the day. I just want to find someone I can be open with. Platonic conversation or romance. Whatever you are looking for, don't hesitate to message me. I hope to hear from you.
I love a number of things, and hate very little. I'm fairly open to trying new things, but some of the things I enjoy are as follows. I love the outdoors. I've never been camping, but I would like to try it with someone some day. I also love to fish. I mostly fish salt water. I do occasionally fish freshwater though. I like to check out new spots around me, but I mostly fish on the beach. Do you like to fish? What are some of your favorite places to go?
I also enjoy the shooting sports. I primarily target shoot. I take part in a little bit of everything, including rifle, pistol and shotgun. It would be nice to find someone who is into shooting or would like to learn/become more familiar. If you shoot, what do you like to shoot mostly? What's been your favorite gun to shoot so far?
PC games are also a enjoyable pastime for me. I have a variety of games, most of which are on Steam. I have other games on various other stores/services. I enjoy a wide variety of different kind of games, so I'm sure we can find something to play together if you game. What are some of your all time favorite games? What are you currently grinding on that you can't put down? One hobby I discovered later on in life is Magic the Gathering. I play both online on MtG Arena, and with physical cards. Magic has become something I am particularly fond of. Do you play any kind of card/table top games? What's been your favorite so far? If you play Magic, what are some of your favorite deck themes?
Music has always been a part of my life. My tastes are varied, ranging from country, death and black metal, electronic, classic rock, folk, pop punk, and more. Do you have a favorite band? What has been your favorite concert you've been to?
I'm honestly an ambivert. I enjoy doing things outside, as well as spending time indoors. I can veg out all day under the covers curled up in my bed, or I can take a trip somewhere and experience something new. I think my personality is a mix of the best of both worlds. What would the perfect day consist of for you?
As far as my personality is concerned, I would say I am fairly relaxed and laid back. I feel like I am somewhere in the middle between loud and excitable, and shy and quiet. Around people I don't know, I tend to be fairly quiet and to myself. In the company of someone who I am close with, I am more open and free. Do you open right up to people, or does it take a while to become comfortable with someone new?
All I hope for is a connection. It could be platonic, or it could blossom into romance, and commitment. I'm not putting a limit on what I am looking for.
With the prior being said, I am single. I may be interested in changing that with the right person. The idea of commitment excites me. Monogamy is appealing to me. Do you feel satisfied with your social life? What kind of connection are you looking for?
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I appreciate it. I hope you can identify with something I wrote. If you do, please reach out.
P.S. Please feel free to check my post history, and check out a few pictures of my cat if you would like.
submitted by dontgiveaderp to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:36 Feisty_Ad_1617 29 M Anyone up for chat? Indian male here

Hit me up folks
Anyone interested for a chat with lonely and lost Indian male. Feel good and nice encouraging happy chat guaranteee. Please free to hit me up and let's start a healing conversation. I like reading watching shows and movies. I also love Journaling. And much more........I'm from India and ask me more in chat dear people....
submitted by Feisty_Ad_1617 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:35 Secure_Accident6004 I feel so embarrassed

I feel shit
Feel embarrassed
Throwaway account ofc,m27, so I feel shit,I had a date with a very nice girl(cute smart etc my type)we ended up going home and have fun,she looked having a great time and ofc I did,we spent a lot of time on pleasuring her and she ofc but when he had sex I didn’t last for long as I expected (have told her before) cause I haven’t date and have sex for like 6 months,today we spoke a little she text back dry and ofc i got that she is not interested,she told me that sex part was very nice etc but it wasn’t top as she expected and in general that she felt we haven’t chemistry,ofc I accepted that and I thanked her for being honest with me,I highly value that cause it is rare,ofc I felt devastated cause I really liked her (not on only on sex thing part),but she said that since we don’t have chemistry we should not go out again cause this thing can’t change,the prob is that I’m an ok average man,I have my work,personal studies and project I work on,I have full days of work and doing things,but I’m always alone,I avoid to date cause i always think I won’t perform good on sex( I mean I won’t last long)and I feel so shit, I have never a big relationship to make the best of it on this aspect, and i always feel anxious with that,I have dated several nice girls but is not working,i really feel bad cause i know it is my fault and i don’t know how to fix it,i always when i have a problem trying to find a solution asap but on this ,i can’t, thanks everyone for reading this and ofc feel free to comment whatever u want,thanks for ur time!!
submitted by Secure_Accident6004 to PrematureEjaculation [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:35 samptra_writer OMG! Vampire [Episode 3]

submitted by samptra_writer to boyslove [link] [comments]