Adult breast feeding photos

Support and knowledge about breastfeeding

2009.11.30 07:50 Support and knowledge about breastfeeding

**This is a community to encourage, support, and educate parents nursing babies/children through their breastfeeding journey. Partners seeking advice and support are also welcome here.**

2010.11.27 19:56 hersheykiss7761 Baby Bumps

A place for pregnant redditors, those who have been pregnant, those who wish to be in the future, and anyone who supports them. Not the place for bump or ultrasound pics, sorry!

2024.06.02 17:18 PotatoNotOfficial Bf openly has a celebrity crush, am i just being insecure?

I (f18) met my boyfriend (m19) two months ago and he asked me to be his girlfriend after a month of dating. He's been amazing and very caring, however his open "crush" on this movie character and actress that plays her makes me feel upset and insecure. His crush is Elvira from the movie "Elvira: Mistress of the Dark." She has pretty big breasts which (from what I've seen, i have not watched the movie though) seem to be a big part of her character, and they're kind of on display. He has a photo of her as his lockscreen and when I asked about who she is he told me she's this character from this movie and "my wife in another universe." It definitely upset me when he said that (especiallyafter googling her and seeing how she looks like), as at that point we were already in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, but I guess I closed my eyes and didn't say anything. The other day we were on a date and we saw a poster of her and he said "oh my god my wife." Again it made me upset so I asked in a colder tone "do you like the character or do you like her tits?" He basically said "I like both the character and her tits." He started talking about her and how he wanted to meet the actress but didn't get to. I think he saw that I was ticked off because he quickly went to grab my hand to hold it while we were walking. I was definitely pissed but, again, I didn't say anything (although he might have noticed how the tone of my voice changed). Additionally, he follows this goth girl on instagram whose breasts are also pretty big.
It's definitely making me feel insecure as I look nowhere close to them, and they're totally his type. I'm not goth nor are my breasts big, I'm just a B cup and i have struggled with being insecure about my breast size in the past. His ex, who he broke up with ~7 months ago, is also gorgeous and they dated for 2 years, also living together at one point. She doesn't look like them either, but nonetheless she's gorgeous. He hasn't brought her up yet, but I did some digging and thats how I found her.
Anyway, am I overreacting to this whoever thing? I took a two year break from dating after a toxic relationship, so maybe I forgot how dating is?? All my past relationships have also been very toxic (hence the break) and have definitely caused an array of problems for me, some of them being insecurities and trust issues. My bf treats me well and we have a pretty healthy dynamic, which is new to me, so I really can't tell if I'm just overreacting or my anger is justified.
Tl;Dr Bf crushes on actress and movie character with big breasts, openly stating he likes her breasts and calling her his "wife", is me being upset justified or am I overreacting?
submitted by PotatoNotOfficial to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:15 Girlypoop4u Afraid of loose skin.

Hey! So I (f23) have started going to the gym. I weigh around 74kgs right now and am about 5ft tall. I've always been a fat kid as back as I remember. I also have stretch marks on my tummy and my breasts. I'm afraid that I'll end up with loose skin, and that feeds to my bad body image. Do you think I'll have loose skin? Give advice!
submitted by Girlypoop4u to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:00 Kaliboyd0820 Birth control and breast feeding? 2 months pp

I know this is a question for my doctor. But they are closed today so I’m going to ask all you other mommies until I can call him. And hopefully y’all can give me some advice to calm my mind. I was pumping an average of 7-10 oz every pumping session. But decided to get on birth control, and with in a few days I noticed my supply has dropped drastically. I pump 3-4 oz each session. Maybe 5.5 if I’m lucky. I pump every 3 hours around the clock. Have any of you noticed a drop in your milk while taking birth control? The birth control I take is Junel Fe. I looked it up and it’s linked to a drop in supply. I’m honestly a little mad at my dr for prescribing me that and not warning me..
submitted by Kaliboyd0820 to ExclusivelyPumping [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:51 swtogirl AITA for telling my (43f) BF(47m) he is spoiling his kids?

I am not OOP. OOP is u/Duuveltje who posted on AITAH.

Do NOT comment on Original Posts. See rule 7. This sub has a 7-day waiting period so the latest update is at least 7 days old.

Editor's Note: I did some very mild editing for readability, mainly I moved the small update below the major update in the second post so they appear chronologically.

Trigger Warning: Physical violence

AITA for telling my (43f) BF(47m) he is spoiling his kids? January 25, 2023

(throw away account)
Me (43f) and my boyfriend (47m) have been together for about 6 months, but have been friends for a long time. He is divorced, has a full time job and takes care of his children (12&14) full time. I was single, no kids. My boyfriend has been taking care of his kids full time for 4 years now. He is doing very well as a single dad, lots of respect for that. I get along very well with the kids, they’ve always been nice to me. Problem is: I think he spoils his kids. I’ve always kept my mouth shut about this until 2 weeks ago.
Example: at Christmas we went to dinner at his parent's house, his sister was also there with her family. His youngest comes in with his laptop open, connects to Wi-Fi and starts gaming with his back to everyone over dinner. He hardly said anything to his family. I found this very disrespectful, especially towards the grandparents.
Another example: my boyfriend always cooks dinner. Sometimes 2 or 3 different things to everyone's liking. His eldest then refuses to eat what she "ordered" herself, gets mad because she gets hungry and makes BF go to the store or get take-out late at night.
Another example: The eldest usually sits upstairs in her room. The youngest is downstairs gaming on his laptop or playstation. When he plays on his laptop, he puts on youtube game videos on the TV. That means that we (the adults) can never watch TV. We could watch something that everyone likes, but we can’t because 12 year old controls the TV. We just sit at the kitchen table and talk a bit.
He always gives his children what they want, he never tells them no. They never have to do simple chores like load the dishwasher or feed the dog. BF does everything alone. His children treat him like a slave and it hurts me to see that, but it also irritates me.
Because of this, I don't like coming to their house anymore. As a result, he only comes to my house to fuck (literally in and out) making me feel like a whore. That hurt, so I finally poured my heart out. I told him he raises his kids to be spoiled and entitled. He was very offended by what I said. He said the divorce was hard on the kids and he had to “fix” them. (They lived with their mother for a while where they were neglected according to him).
So this blew up and I haven’t seen him in 2 weeks. He keeps texting me and asking if we can talk to work it out. I miss him very much and I really love him but I don't know if this can be solved. I don't see how things are going to change. I know it's easy for me to talk for someone without kids and I understand very well that it is difficult as a single father. But if he doesn't teach his kids manners, I don't know how this could work out. Not even for me, but for him and for the kids. Life is going to be very difficult for them when they find out that they can't always get their way. AITA here?

The purpose of dating is to find someone who shares your values.
He does not.
Move on.

Your bf is in the position of feeling sorry for his kids about the divorce and that their mom is crappy and neglectful, I get that. But, he is indeed spoiling them, trying to be oh so good to them to make it up. He can’t. He is causing them harm by prolonging the dysfunction. Neglect or over-spoiling…both are the wrong way. Kids feel better when they are part of a healthy working unit/family. When they contribute they feel self-worth.
He should have them doing chores and he should stop catering to their unreasonable demands. But unless he understands this, and wants to really make the changes, well, your role is limited. And you need to decide based on one more conversation if you want to be a part of his plan going forward. It’s good that you pointed out how he is failing his kids. But you can only decide to stay or leave. and you can tell him: I want to be part of a healthy family where everyone pitches in and adults have some priority over what kids want. Stay or go based on what the situation is, not what you wish it was.

Major update after my last post. My (43f) BF’s (47m) kid is out of control. AITA for wanting to report him? January 31, 2023 (6 days later)

(Update after my latest post, throw away account)
My boyfriend and I continued to text each other after our big fight. We slowly got a little more understanding of each other and decided to see each other again. Remember: we really do love each other (or so I thought).
He came to my house a few times and I came (though hesitantly) to his house. Everything was ok as he assured me that his children (14f and 12m) were not aware of our argument. They were just nice to me again, as usual. We talked and had a drink. At one point, the oldest went upstairs to her room and the youngest stayed downstairs on the couch playing video games.
My BF went outside to walk the dog. He wouldn't be gone for more than a few minutes. I sat at the kitchen table with my phone as the youngest son got up and tossed his empty glass onto the counter from a distance. Of course, he missed and the glass shattered on the floor. I said to him "Why would you throw a glass? You know it will break!"
I got up to pick up the big shards and asked him to get the vacuum cleaner. I was bent over, with my back to him. The 12-year-old came out of nowhere and low-kicked me against the back of my thigh really hard. I banged my head against the low kitchen cabinets and tried to catch myself with my hand. But I already had some big shards of glass in my hand so I had big cuts. It didn't seem too deep but I was bleeding profusely.

His sister came downstairs because of the noise and shouted: “What have you done???” She cried and she tried to help me (she really did) but I got up, got my things, and got the fuck out of there.
Once home I pulled out the shards out of my hand but it kept bleeding so I drove myself to the ER. I got 12 stitches in 3 different cuts on my hand. Luckily no permanent damage. I also think I had a (mild?) concussion because I had trouble driving to and from the hospital, and because I was still dizzy for 2 days. I also have a big bruise on my leg where he kicked me.
During my hospital visit and the hours after my ex blew up my phone. I didn't answer because I was so mad I thought I would say things I would regret. After two days I told him what had happened. He was surprised by my story, he said the kids told him I freaked out at his son because he dropped a glass. I showed him pictures of my injuries but he doesn't believe it happened as I said.
Obviously, this is my ex now. I don’t want anything to do with a delusional man like that ever again. Let alone with his demon children. I told him I was going to report assault to the police, and that I have the hospital records to back me up. He begged me not to because he's afraid he'll lose his kids. Their mother is not a good alternative, so they might end up in foster care.
AITA here???
To be clear, I don't want my ex to lose his kids. I still honestly think he's trying his best but he can't handle it. His children grow up to be entitled little brats!
EDIT: I recognize that I shouldn't call the kids spoiled brats. They are a result of their upbringing. Also: the youngest has been doing martial arts for the last 2 years because he was bullied at school. Another parenting decision that I don't necessarily support (not in that context) but that's another discussion.

(small update) (Editor's note: same post, a day later)

Well, this blew up beyond imagination. Thank you all for your (mostly) kind words and advice. So I called the police today and made an appointment with a police officer that specializes in family matters. This will take place tomorrow.
Also, I want to clarify some things because I couldn't respond to every post.
My ex and I hung out a lot longer than 6 months, so I did get to see the family dynamics before we got together. I just didn't think it was that problematic at the time.
Dad and his ex went through a difficult divorce. I don't know many details but I do know that things were not going well at the mother's house. The kids were removed from there and went to live with their dad permanently. So they are already in the system.
I know dad has been called to school a few times because of fights involving his son.
Brother and sister seem to get along aside from the usual siblings arguments. I did hear dad and daughter say (on different occasions) that son is getting bigger and stronger and sometimes hurts her (unintentionally?) I never had the impression that he assaulted his sister.
I think the daughter is a typical teenager who is grumpy at times and often isolates herself in her room. I don't see any problematic behavior there, other than the fact that Dad is bending over backward to attend to her sometimes ridiculous needs. I didn’t say anything, I just thought he was spoiling her rotten.
Dad says the son is on the autistic spectrum. I've never noticed any of that (I'm not a specialist) other than that he throws a tantrum almost every time he doesn’t get his way.
Dad once told me that the son was bitten by the dog because he teased him. But I have often seen the son cuddling with the dog. I don't think he's hurting the dog.

I reported my ex BF’s kid February 1, 2023 (8 days later)
Update from my previous post
I needed a day to reflect but I got my shit together and called the police and made an appointment with the local police officer, that was today. I sat with him and told him everything that had happened. He was very patient and understanding and let me tell my story. I explained to him that I didn't want to press charges but that I had concerns about my ex's family and that I would like them to get help, but I don't know how. I don’t want to get the son in trouble, I want to get him help.
He said that as a police officer, he couldn't do anything for me because I didn't want to press charges, but that he had been working with a social worker for years and called her right away for advice. He summarized my story and asked if she was okay with being on speaker. We talked but unfortunately, she didn't have much time so we made an agreement that she would call me at the end of the week. She did tell me and the officer that it was important to document our conversation, along with photos of my injuries. I said I didn't want to because I didn't want to press charges. She explained that it was only a document of this case to go on file, in case it might be needed later. So I agreed.
I followed the officer into some kind of interrogation room (that's what it looked like). He typed out my statement and I signed it. He called in another officer (a woman) to take pictures of my injuries because I had to pull my pants down. They took pictures of my hand and the bruise on the back of my leg, which is still dark purple. So now I have to wait for the call from the social worker.

Why did you not want to press charges? 12 is old enough to know not to abuse someone like that.

Excuse me? You don’t want to press charges? What country do you live in? Cops, by law, must file charges in any case of domestic or sexual violence. I don’t care if he’s 12 or, in a recent case 6 years old. Cops should be opening an investigation and contacting the DA’s office for charges. The child needs to be removed from the home, tested and placed somewhere he can get the help he needs.

OOP responds:
I am one of those few dozen people who do not live in the US

I sincerely hope you don’t regret not pressing charges. That kid is too young to be diagnosed with psychopathy, but if he seriously harms or kills the next person? And all you did was make a report? Really? Lady, the signs are all there. Hope it turns out well, for everyone’s sake.

Editor's Note: OOP hasn't been active on this throwaway account since the last post, so I am marking this inconclusive. Although OOP decided not to press charges, the story didn't really feel finished and we never heard from her again. If you disagree with the flair, comment below.

Reminder: I am not OOP. Do NOT comment on Original Posts. See rule 7.

submitted by swtogirl to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:49 Any-Horror-5762 Formula Feeding newborn

Hey guys! I wanted to ask about formula feeding a newborn, specifically right after birth.
My first I breastfed for 15 months. My second was tongue and lip tied, and I destroyed my mental health for 3 months trying to breast feed, get him to latch, and pumping. With my second, around 3 months, I finally broke down to formula feed only and it’s been the best experience.
I want to formula feed the babe I’m currently pregnant with, but I’m unsure how it goes in the hospital. Do we just bring our own can and make a bottle right after birth? Can we offer it with room temp/cold water? My second always took his milk any temperature, and that definitely saved my sanity at night.
Is there a specific brand I have to use? We currently use Similac 360, and we’ve loved it. Hoping to use it again, but unsure if newborns need a specific kind. I know hospitals offer the liquid ready to use milk, but in my experience with my second, he preferred the powder and did better on it digestively.
Also, did anybody breastfeed during the day and supplement with formula at night? How did that go, and how did you introduce it? I know some babies will only take one or the other, so interested in anybody’s experience with it. Considering that as well, especially those first few months. I just cannot pump again, it wrecked me, especially with 2 under 2 and my oldest being school aged and the whole school pickup/drop off.
Of course I will consult with my pedi beforehand, but I’m due end of January and I’m just trying to think of these things now to prepare myself and maybe not have a rough PP like I did with my second. Any insight, experiences, tips, etc. is appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by Any-Horror-5762 to FormulaFeeders [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:41 Maddy2238 How to add formula in to diet?

My baby is almost 4 months and she has always been breastfed but I have been struggling producing. I barely produce just enough to feed her throughout the day and it's been taking a tole on me mentally. I want to supplement with formula but don't know where to begin. What formula is closest to breast milk and how can I start introducing it? I would like to still give her breast milk but add formula so I can freeze some breast milk and also have help feeding her. Any advice or opinions are appreciated!
submitted by Maddy2238 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:40 Equivalent_Second393 Why does my mouth look like a who from who ville.

See how round it is around my mouth. I feel like it makes me look very strange.
I do have strong muscles in that area as well so maybe that’s it?the second photo shows me smiling.
I am also missing my first and second molars on both sides. I wear a partial denture but took it out for this photo to show the missing teeth area. Even with the partial in my face looks exactly the same.
I am 33 years old, weight 125 but at one point I was 190 at just 5’1!
I’ve had two pregnancies.
I have also been told by my plastic surgeon who did my breast reduction years ago that I have “low density tissue” (cause my boobs are so squishy feeling is why it came up) maybe that has something to do with it?
Thanks everyone ❤️
submitted by Equivalent_Second393 to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:33 breakfastoats I have an extremely asymmetrical chest, and I don’t think I can ever be okay with it.

22F, as the title states I have an extremely asymmetrical chest, it is something I have always been insecure about and probably will continue to be for the rest of my life. When I say asymmetrical, I don’t mean ones slightly off and the other is fine. I have literal cup sizes between both breasts. My right breast is a double D and my left breast is an A. It is extremely noticeable if I wear clothes that are more form fitting, so I always end up wearing things that are around 2 to 3 times bigger than what I normally fit into. Overall, it just makes me feel like shit, and I’ve never felt represented in any form at all throughout my whole life. I have gotten nothing but insults about my breasts from past relationships. I have had an ex tell me to put my shirt back on before having sex/taking risqué photos. It’s just dehumanizing, and I can’t help but to compare myself to literally every single woman I see on social media and wish I had chests like them. I don’t want them to be “perfect”, I just want them to look normal. I’ve considered surgery, but it’s just so expensive and there’s many risks associated with breast augmentation. It just feels like I’m always going to dislike the body I’m in.
submitted by breakfastoats to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:30 w3thr33 Okay here's a story....

Hi! So I'd like to tell you a story that was told very casually my whole life and just.....
See? Gut check? Something....
Okay so it went pretty much exactly like this as told by my mother:
She (me) was hospitalized as a baby for 2 weeks for failure to thrive. She was 8 1/2 pounds when she was born and she only weighed 15 pounds at 11 months. You're supposed to triple in weight and she hadn't even doubled. The doctors basically said they couldn't find anything wrong with her, she just doesn't absorb her nutrients correctly - so she'll never be fat! I wish I had that!
....... I was born in 1972.
I have seen a picture of myself at 11 months.... not great.
My grandma quite often took us in when things were not going well at home. All of my pictures from Grandma's house my cheeks are pink, my eyes are bright, and dare I say I even look a little.... chubby?
My grandma never said an unkind word about my parents.... she's my father's mother. She did however once say that she sometimes wondered if our mother was feeding us.
This is all I know because I don't remember my first year and our childhood was so chaotic finding facts is.... near impossible. Grandma is no longer with us.
Part of me feels like a total jerk to come to this conclusion when I don't fully and completely know every single fact but.....
It seems strange to brag about your baby girl being so emaciated she had to be hospitalized for 2 weeks? It came up with my daughter recently and she's like Mom I've always been uncomfortable with how casually that story was always told.... you do realize my cat weighs more than 15 pounds and you were almost a YEAR old.....
.... I was always small but I was never ever not healthy in the next 17 years/ once I was around other adults and/or mobile.
submitted by w3thr33 to emotionalneglect [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:18 lolnoideaa Mini pill experience - 3 weeks PP

What has been your mini pill experience postpartum and with breast feeding / periods/hormones/eventually TTC? Anything else
submitted by lolnoideaa to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:10 Garfsayswhat AITA for telling my wife she takes me for granted and to stop digging me out for “not doing enough”

For context our son just turned 12 months, and my wife returns to work tomorrow after a year off of work.
We are very fortunate as I work for a blue chip and make 6 figures but often that means working away or 50-60 hour weeks, and so we have agreed that rather than her return full time and put our son in nursery, she would only work 2 days per week and help raise our son 5 days per week.
I get really fucked off when my wife scoffs at me after she tries to assign me a job to do via a disingenuous question - for example this afternoon, I asked if our son was due a nap and she replied “yes, do you want to walk him around the block?”, I am pretty tired after catering at his birthday party yesterday, so I said “do you want to take him?”
An argument ensued re how I don’t do enough to help her with our son, with my main point being that she is our sons “primary” care give and;
A) you’ve not worked for 12 months B) you aren’t returning to work full time C) we now pay her parents to clean our house (affordable due to my work)
For context, I like to cook, so I cook all our dinners. As I say, cleaning is taken care of by somebody else… I’ve always helped with our son, whether it’s changing nappies or feeding time etc. admittedly she does much more than me (particularly whilst she was breast feeding), but she quipped my view on us parenting is like something from the “dark ages”…
Am I the asshole here? Feels like a cake and eat it situation…
submitted by Garfsayswhat to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:09 No-Hovercraft4061 (COMMENT⬇️) Natural OnlyFans Amateur Onlyfans Tits toy Tattoos Booty Big Dragons Ass ✨ BBC Samanthabxby Doggystyle slut Full and

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submitted by No-Hovercraft4061 to burn_tune6898654 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:07 Jaded_Leg_8360 AITA for wanting to tell my sibling to parent their child?

I have no where else to go woth this so here it is. I 28f and my older sibling 30nb live together in my house which me and my husband 30m own. He and I have 2 kids 4f and 9m and my sibling has a son 9m. My nephew is very high energy, and has a destructive/ combative demeanor while my kids are for the most part calm kids. Since they've moved here, he has broken toys, broken furniture, carved his initials in things, and gotten into a lot of trouble at school. He yells a lot. Like a lot. To the point of I can't be in my living spaces because his loudness is overwhelming and I don't want to yell/ be mean to the kids because I don't want to add to his trauma. I say his because he is the loud one, which my kids feed off of. They still don't get loud but sometimes they're more rowdy, and that mixed with his loudness is too overwhelming for me. Especially since it's all day. My kids tiptoe around him so they don't anger him because he also is a big personality who reacts largely to things. If he gets hit with for ex a small toy, he drops and says that hit my nuts and proceeds to act breathless. And I say act because he has full conversations, the whole time he's in pain. He yells at my kids for touching his toys and blames them if they get broken, but he's broken many of their toys. He's destroyed things simply because he didn't think that whatever the things are, are reusable. He constantly tells us our food is disgusting ( pretty sure he has ARFID ) but he's very rude about it. He will make fun of everyone including my sibling and when we express we are upset he doesn't care. But If we laugh and he just so happens to be having a hard time with something, we are laughing at him. Even when we're not, so then he blows up about that. Now the meat and potatoes. My sibling and he occupy our basement. They have their own rooms down there, and I don't mind if they're in the mutual living spaces. My sibling will stay downstairs, and he will be upstairs causing mayhem. My sibling has said to parent him how they do, but that means I'm going to have more broken things cause they don't care if he jumps on the couch, but I do since we had it special made as itbwas our first big purchase as a couple. They don't care if he runs around, but I do because he's knocked over the smallest one, he also runs into walls and then complains because he hurt himself. I just want them to be around him so I don't have to parent him, cause theyre the parent. We used to play video games as a family and have stopped because he's a sore loser and a sore winner. We don't go out to functions because he acts a hot mess and doesn't listen to anyone. I don't want to be mean to either of them, but I find myself correcting him a lot more than my kids because when you tell my kids not to do something they usually don't do it again. I can't keep living in this situation because I don't like that I'm hiding from my own family. It didn't start like this, but since I realised I'm so angry and overwhelmed all the time, I don't interact with them. But when I do I'm still overwhelmed and I get angry, and I snap at him/them. So he doesn't like me because I'm the enforcer out of the adults in the house. I really just don't know what to do and I need advice. So WIBTAH?
submitted by Jaded_Leg_8360 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:01 lemonade4-44 Argument with my father

I (29F) recently had an argument with my father (61M). For context: I don't have a very good relationship with my mother, it's okay on the surface but we don't have a close relationship, and I've struggled a lot with it. So my relationship with my father is very important to me, and I've always seen him as this proper man with good morals and values. I guess I've never thought of him as a man with faults of his own, and that has hit hard this week.
My father travelled to Thailand. People asked me if he went there to get a girlfriend, and I always laughed it off and thought "No, not my dad!". You know what people think when a single man in his 60s travel to Thailand by himself. I guess I was stupid and thought that he only went there because of health benefits (he has a painful chronic illness).
Earlier this week I saw that he had a thai girl as his wallpaper on his phone. I couldn't get myself to say anything, but I sent him a message the day after asking who this woman was and why she had his cover photo as her cover photo on facebook, because I found her there. He said it was a woman he met in Thailand, and asked me if I had any problems with it. I do. So I replied. Harshly.
We met later that day and we had an argument. He told me he never expected to get such a message from me, but I was so angry and disappointed that I didn't hold back. I told him everything I thought. I told him I think it's gross. We had a long argument, but by the end of it he told me that he wasn't gonna marry anyone, she wasn't his girlfriend, he's not gonna bring her here. He even asked me "what do you suggest that I do?". And later that night we went out for ice cream, and he's called me everyday since then. I'm guessing he wants to repair our relationship and that he realized how much this affects me.
What grosses me out is that many men from my western country who travel to Thailand to get a girlfriend are typically older men who can't or won't find anyone back home, classic "losers", so they go to Thailand and find someone super young who wants a better life. I can't see it as an actual loving relationship. And I know that I'm prejudiced, and I don't care what other people do, but I could never see my FATHER doing this. I never thought of him as a man like that, and now he's proven me wrong.
My father is an adult man and he can do whatever he wants. I can't say what he's allowed or not allowed to do. I'm fully aware of that, and I've told him that. But it grosses me out. I want him to find someone to love and grow old with, but I don't want him to be a complete loser and go to Thailand for that.
After our argument I can't stop replaying the argument in my head and looking at his facebook even though I've blocked the woman and can't see anything from her.
I feel like my relationship with my father is forever changed, and when my relationship with my mother already is bad, it feels like I have a bad relationship with both of my parents. And even though I'm 29, I still don't have a family of my own, and my relationship with my father is very important to me. I'm hoping that I'll be able to move on and that our relationship will be back to normal again, but if he continues to travel to Thailand and keeping in touch with her or other women, I'm afraid it won't.
Ps. I don't need comments saying that I'm prejudiced or anything like that - I know that he can do what he wants and that he's in full control of his life, and I know that many people are happily married with someone from Thailand or other countries. I don't care what other people do, as long as they're happy. But with my father it's different, and this argument and situation has completely broken me.
submitted by lemonade4-44 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:53 Competitive_Card_268 Trying not to give up

Let me start off by saying I LOVE breast feeding my little baby. She is currently 3 weeks & 4 days old. The first couple of days were really hard. Eventually we got the hang of it & we both love it. For some reason i pumped so much in the early days & my family fed me so much stuff to help with my supply. Everyone was so worried I didn’t make enough even tho baby girl was less than a week old. Now I am an over supplier & my baby is suffering from fore milk and hind milk imbalance. I’ve spoken to a lactation consultant & plan on speaking to the pediatrician at her next appointment. I’m just feeling like there is always something to worry about. Baby girl is so fussy & clearly having the hardest time pooping & it breaks my heart. LC suggested I had express a bit before every feeding to get some fore milk out. No pumping due to the stimulation. I do this & let baby girl feed as long as she wants. Then when she’s does I hand express to see if hindmilk is coming. It’s either nothing is coming out or still fore milk. I know breast milk is the best but I am so worried this is not the best for my baby and I’m tired of it being so complicated. However, I am not a quitter. Any words of encouragement? Any similar experiences? Also, my boobs hurt so bad trying to sort this whole thing out
submitted by Competitive_Card_268 to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:52 insieme1998 Stray kitten randomly appeared out of nowhere, not sure what to do

I have 3-4 adult stray cats that basically live on my porch and front lawn. They're not really let inside the house, but we do feed them a few times a day and provide fresh water.
This afternoon, while I was coming out to feed them, I hear kitten noises. Not long after, a kitten comes out from underneath my car, which is parked in the driveway. I've never seen this kitten before in my life, and it doesn't look like any of the other cats, all of which are male. It seemed pretty frightened as it kept meowing and was looking for dark places to hide. Whenever we tried to go inside the house, it would dash towards the door in an attempt to follow us in. Otherwise, it would hide in a small nook in the underside of the car, although we also noticed that it was afraid of noises from cars and motorcycles passing by.
I'm quite baffled as to where it came from. The car had been used earlier that morning so I suspect it may have climbed into that nook while the car was parked elsewhere, and then stayed there until the car came home. I had to go somewhere later in the day and even after I started the car, the kitten would run under it and hide in that nook (despite being scared of other loud noises?). I doubt the mother is nearby given that there are already cats here that have made this area their territory.
I feel bad because the poor kitty is clearly distressed. I've been able to pick it up a few times and each time, I can feel its heart beating fast. It keeps meowing whenever humans are around, and I've given it food and water, but I don't know what it needs.
What should I do? I'm thinking of taking it back to where the car was earlier, in hopes that its mother may be around. But if she isn't... I think we have the space to raise it. I've already bought cat food for kittens to sustain the kitty for the time being.
EDIT: I looked at some charts online and I believe the kitten is around 6 weeks old. It has a full fur coat and can move and run around on its own.
submitted by insieme1998 to kittens [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:43 Altruistic_Bike5975 Underrated Family Friendly Activities in Melbourne

I have a younger brother and I will spill the secrets of Melbourne for people who want to visit or even live here and have no idea about these things. These things are fun and not that expensive way to spend your weekend with 4-9 year olds.
submitted by Altruistic_Bike5975 to AskAnAustralian [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:34 OkCelebration3594 (COMMENT⬇️) MILF Full Deepthroat Furrys Ass Bads Ass Pussy your Furries Natural and OnlyFans OnlyFans Charlibxby more Doggystyle Tattoos

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submitted by OkCelebration3594 to melt_strum4848386 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:34 dejapasstime FTM 4 days old, how much did they eat initially?

I tried to prepare by massaging and self expressing before birth, about 2 weeks. We bf immediately after birth and every 2-3 hrs since then. Day 3 realized he’s a hungry boy and not satisfied at all so we supplemented with formula so we could all get some sleep. I’m talking with my doula today but want to know other experiences to start producing? I began pumping yesterday too, found out my supply is very low and stopping after about 10 minutes, not even .5oz combined breasts, so he was just sucking for so long without anything, no wonder he was hungry! He wasn’t satisfied with formula until almost 2 oz each feed since start of day 3!
Anyway I really want this to work and hope my milk comes in soon. How much did your LO eat in the first few days and what did you do to satisfy them?
submitted by dejapasstime to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:26 Hot_Gap_2114 My (47M) ex wife (48F) wants to leave our daughter (12F) alone at her house to watch her dog while she travels

My (47M) ex wife (48F) and I have been divorced for 5 years now. We have two children together (14M and 12F) While together, we got a dog. I never wanted a pet. Love pets, but I believe they are a huge commitment and not one I ever wanted. I feel like too many people take pets not realizing how much goes into pet care. When we divorced, it became her dog. She has asked me in the past to help out while she travels (for work) and while I have done so once or twice, I’ve refused subsequently. The dog sheds, she barks, nips etc. She’s not a bad dog, it’s just not for me - doesn’t suit my life.
Now she is travelling more for work. As I am refusing to take the dog, she is asking for our twelve year old daughter to stay overnight at her house to care for the dog (late walk and early morning walk plus company). She has a 4 day trip coming up (out of country) in late June during her custody week. Normally we would have swapped weeks, I would take the kids and that’s done. But dog care has become an issue.
She wants our daughter to spend all nights there. Since school is done at this point, I would come home from work, pick up my daughter, feed dinner and drive her back there. She would be alone overnight, wake up after I’m at work, spend the day alone until I come hope after work. My ex says friends and neighbors will check in and be available. I also live 7km away.
I am completely opposed. I feel 12 years old is too young to be alone. My daughter is very mature and responsible, but 12 is twelve. It’s not 15 and is far from 18. Babysitting until parents come home is one thing, alone with mom in another country is a whole other thing. I have let my daughter do it before, on a « one night in a while » type basis. I’m not comfortable with it and went over to visit her in the morning. Now the issue is (a) she is asking for it more often (like at least twice a month) and (b) it’s not just one night, it’s a week.
My ex wife refuses to see any of this. She refused to pay for dog care. Says I have no say as it is her custody week and our kids can help care for the dog.
The argument has been ongoing for weeks now and I would appreciate some advice. Specifically: 1. Am I unreasonable in not wanting to do this, not wanting to be saddled with the responsibility for the dog? 2. Am I incorrect in my stance that a twelve year old should not be left alone for a week (and that neighbors checking in is not parenting/adulting)? 3. Help in strategies to communicate these and or how to change my point of view.
submitted by Hot_Gap_2114 to coparenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:21 saquib11 If the Non-Muslims only knew...

After year's of being active on Reddit, I came to realize that most people don't know or understand that Islam could have been the cure for most of the issues they face in life. In many cases, Reddit will downvote you to oblivion or ban you from their subreddits if you ever suggest islamic laws or rules as a solution. But they will never address the root cause of the issue.
For example, stories like the following are common in popular subreddits-
"I was drunk at a party and was taken advantage of.." "My ex-boyfriend won't delete our photos and is threatening to release them.." "I lied on my resume and got fired from my dream job.." "The bank foreclosed my home.." "I got into a fight at a bar last night and broke my jaw.." "I discovered my best friend is a p3do.." "A drunk driver killed my husband.." "I turned to adult work to pay off my student loans.."
And so on.
In no way am I mocking these people. And in many cases, they are the victims of someone else's actions. But if at least one of the parties involved in such situations (for example, the abuser and the victim) had followed Islamic ruling, most likely, the said issue wouldn't have arrived. Beyond the examples I mentioned, I couldn't find a single issue that Islam has no rulings on it.
Many years ago, I read somewhere that the only thing that Islam didn't have any ruling on was which side of the road (left or right) we should walk or travel. Obviously, this was a metaphor, but it speaks the volume on how inclusive this religion is.
One of the underlying benefits of Islam is that, unlike any other religion, it teaches us to prevent disasters from happening in the first place. There's no doubt that we will all have our fair share of trials and tribulations, whether we are believers or not. But Islam heavily focuses on holding ourselves accountable and saves us from the consequences of our actions.
May Allah help us all to stay on the guided path.
submitted by saquib11 to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:17 Asleep-Tough8463 (COMMENT⬇️) plenty slut Furrys OnlyFans Full Amateur Big Furries Blowjob addict Amateur Tattoos BBC MILF your Charlibxby Pussy Tits

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submitted by Asleep-Tough8463 to char_strike3348097 [link] [comments]