Timeline graph powerpoint template

[For Hire] PowerPoint Presentation / Slide Deck / Pitch Deck Designer ($15 / slide)

2024.06.02 20:05 sniffysloth [For Hire] PowerPoint Presentation / Slide Deck / Pitch Deck Designer ($15 / slide)

You receive: A beautifully designed PowerPoint presentation in .pptx format, or in your preferred format (Keynote, Google Slides, Prezi etc.)
I receive: $15 / slide or whatever your budget is lmao
Service: PowerPoint Presentation / Slide Deck / Pitch Deck / Business Presentation / Corporate Presentation Design (6 years of experience)
Price: $15 / slide or whatever your budget is lmao
Payment method: PayPal
Portfolio: https://aecel.github.io/presentation-design/
Contact: [Email me at sniffysloth@gmail.com](mailto:sniffysloth@gmail.com) or DM me (I would prefer NOT to use Reddit chat, which is a different thing from Direct Message (DM). It's very buggy. Most of the time I don't get the message / notification.)
Hi, I'm Ace. I'm a presentation designer and illustrator. I have 7 years of experience in presentation design and 9 years of experience in vector illustration. Check out my portfolio (https://aecel.github.io/presentation-design/) to look at some of my past works!
Feel free to email or DM me for other questions / comments.
What is needed to start the project? How does it work?
Send these to me at [sniffysloth@gmail.com](mailto:sniffysloth@gmail.com) :
  1. Your plain PowerPoint presentation with clear content for each slide (This can just be plain text or handwritten drawings, charts, graphs or diagrams. I will visually enhance it, restructure, and put in royalty free pictures, custom charts, graphs, diagrams, illustrations etc. Check out my portfolio's "More Samples" section (https://aecel.github.io/presentation-design/) to take a look at what my past client sent me and what my output looks like.)
  2. The Deadline (date and time on when you need the final presentation)
Optional assets: Your preferred style, brand kit, color schemes, template, pictures, anything that can help me deliver what you want. Without a preferred style, I will default to my usual minimalist, clean, flat, vector corporate style similar to Facebook's Allegria style. (See my portfolio for samples)
I will give you a confirmation email and an invoice for 50% downpayment. After I receive this payment, I will start the project. I will send you the first few slides and ask for your feedback, to make sure that I am heading in the right direction. You will receive the final presentation on or before the agreed upon deadline.
When do I get the final file?
You will receive the final presentation on or before the agreed upon deadline. I would prefer a deadline that is at least a week away. For more urgent projects, please let me know immediately.
Can I request for revisions?
Yes, I can accommodate a maximum of 2 rounds of revisions. I really want to avoid these revisions, of course, so in my first final file, I will make sure that each slide is perfect.
Can you add animations to my slides?
Yes, please add a comment on the specific slide that needs an animation.
What other services do you offer?
I can make vector illustrations and logos. I can also vectorize any raster image. Basically, vector illustrations have flat color, solid edges, and can scale to any size. When you zoom in or scale them up, you will not find pixels, you will find clean and sharp edges. Some artists who use this style/format are Kurzgesagt and Olly Moss. This YSK post explains it well.
submitted by sniffysloth to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:06 LifeOfSpirit17 What are your job functions and what industry are you in?

Just curious, in my job we don't really do any SOW or WBS or some of the other formal project management documents/procedures.
My job is essentially to manage the staff responsible for the project's completion, send updates and communicate with the client, and to finalize the bill, which we charge pretty much flat fees for everything, so I'm not tracking labor hours etc. Most of the project plan itself is done before I am even assigned a project, basically handled by our client and an account manager.
I also work in Marketing and our avg project lifecycle is very short, like 2 weeks. But I want to get more experience in the more tangible aspects like creating charters and costing projects, coming up with timelines etc. but this job just isn't it.
Wondering if others here would mind sharing what industry you're in and specific PM functions (or others) you perform?
Maybe kind of something like this as a template
  1. Role: Project manager
  2. Job functions: Create SOW, Create WBS, All Project Costing, managing teams for delivery and execution, Performing *insert timeframe* updates. etc...
  3. Industry: Things and Stuff.
Example documents and functions including but not limited to:
submitted by LifeOfSpirit17 to projectmanagement [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:40 AJW9112 Button puzzle help.

Button puzzle help. submitted by AJW9112 to UnrealEngine5 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:16 HistoricalClass877 Get all the Wall Street Prep courses for cheap (including the entire Premium Package)! DM me

I sell a bundle containing nearly all of the WSP courses (including the entire Premium Package). What's included:
  1. Wall Street Prep Premium Package (Financial Statement Modeling, DCF Modeling, Trading Comps, Transaction Comps, M&A Modeling, LBO Modeling)
  2. Bank & FIG Modeling
  3. Oil & Gas Modeling
  4. Restructuring Modeling
  5. Real Estate (REIT) Modeling
  6. Guide to the Technical Finance Interview
  7. Excel Crash Course
  8. The Ultimate Excel VBA Course
  9. Accounting Crash Course
  10. Advanced Accounting
  11. Analyzing Financial Reports
  12. Interpreting Non-GAAP Reports
  13. Corporate Finance Crash Course
  14. Crash Course in Bonds and Debt
  15. PowerPoint Crash Course
Comes with all of the videos, Excel templates, and supplemental PDF files. All can be downloaded.
Shoot me a message!
submitted by HistoricalClass877 to financestudents [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:22 9mHoq7ar4Z How to customise the project sidebar in Jira Cloud

Hi All,
I feel like this must have been answered elsewhere but I can not really find anything.
Im still new at Jira and am testing things on the free account. I notice that the Project sidebar on the left of the page is different between different templates.
For example the Default template that you start with has one set of links (Timeline, Backlog, ...), then if you start a blank project there is no sidebar on the left but instead it looks like there are links on the top (Summary, Board, List, ...) and then if you start another template like the bug tracking the Project sidebar is populated with a set of filters.
I thought that there would be a setting that would be able to adjust the Blank template according to anything the other templates already offer by default but I am not able to find this setting.
Is anyone able to explain this and post a link to the relevent documentation?
submitted by 9mHoq7ar4Z to jira [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:16 DezyneSkills [For Hire] PowerPoint Presentation Designer - Pitch Decks, Company Profiles, Corporate Templates, and Slide Makeovers

I’m a PowerPoint presentation designer with over 6 years of work experience.
During this time, I have helped many people articulate insights and close more sales. I’d love to help you do the same. I have designed presentations for industries such as SaaS, Real Estate, Healthcare, Life Science Consulting, Mining, IT, Engineering, and Food Packaging.
I have also used Microsoft PowerPoint to create investor pitch decks and client-facing informative presentations in addition to decks for internal operations meetings within organizations.
$400 per project. This fee covers all assets, technical requests, and revisions.
Find out more about my work here:
What can I build for you?
Get in Touch
For inquiries, please send me a message here on Reddit. I usually communicate with clients through email but I’m also open to using other communication platforms.
submitted by DezyneSkills to hiring [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:51 DezyneSkills [For Hire] PowerPoint Presentation Designer - Pitch Decks, Company Profiles, Corporate Templates, and Slide Makeovers

I’m a PowerPoint presentation designer with over 6 years of work experience.
During this time, I have helped many people articulate insights and close more sales. I’d love to help you do the same. I have designed presentations for industries such as SaaS, Real Estate, Healthcare, Life Science Consulting, Mining, IT, Engineering, and Food Packaging.
I have also used Microsoft PowerPoint to create investor pitch decks and client-facing informative presentations in addition to decks for internal operations meetings within organizations.
$400 per project. This fee covers all assets, technical requests, and revisions.
Find out more about my work here:
What can I build for you?
Get in Touch
For inquiries, please send me a message here on Reddit. I usually communicate with clients through email but I’m also open to using other communication platforms.
submitted by DezyneSkills to DesignJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:13 DezyneSkills [For Hire] PowerPoint Presentation Designer - Pitch Decks, Company Profiles, Corporate Templates, and Slide Makeovers

I’m a PowerPoint presentation designer with over 6 years of work experience.
During this time, I have helped many people articulate insights and close more sales. I’d love to help you do the same. I have designed presentations for industries such as SaaS, Real Estate, Healthcare, Life Science Consulting, Mining, IT, Engineering, and Food Packaging.
I have also used Microsoft PowerPoint to create investor pitch decks and client-facing informative presentations in addition to decks for internal operations meetings within organizations.
$400 per project. This fee covers all assets, technical requests, and revisions.
Find out more about my work here:
What can I build for you?
Get in Touch
For inquiries, please send me a message here on Reddit. I usually communicate with clients through email but I’m also open to using other communication platforms.
submitted by DezyneSkills to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:08 odesauria Just submitted as a second author, but...

It was such a strange experience in retrospect. A more established colleague sort of guilted me into doing this project with her. I didn't want to because I'd worked with her previously and had had a nightmarish experienceince, hating the way she thinks, works, and writes (which seems rushed, chaotic, unfounded, and vague to me - I don't understand how any of her work gets accepted). But since I was going to do it anyway, I figured it'd better be something that actually interests me and makes sense to me. So I wrote the proposal. We went back and forth a few times and she agreed. So, in her mind, this is all my idea, I made her do it, and I'm leading the project.
We are on a very tight timeline. In the early stages we sort of alternate taking the lead prompting each other to move forward. At some point I'm thinking it's just not possible to get it done in time for the call for papers, so I suggest we call it quits. She responds by significantly delineating and limiting the scope and prompting me to move forward with that. I do.
I start taking it very seriously, finding and analyzing lit (the study is partly documentary) We both recruit interviewees and conduct interviews together. I do the analysis and write up findings on my own (I have no idea what she would have done for this part, as she didn't even seem to understand what our data was or how to draw conclusions from it). She's supposed to be writing the intro and methods. All this time I've been thinking I'll want to be second author, since I was so ambivalent about the project and wasn't confident I'd like the end result.
We're approaching the deadline, and I send her part of the methods, the findings (which she loves), and a draft for the discussion. She's supposed to complete the intro, methods and discussion. When I get it back, her sections are so monumentally disastrous to me that I rewrite them. Also, parts of the findings are now disfigured (which she herself realized in hindsight and said I could get back to their original shape). At this point it's so close to the deadline that we're not meeting anymore - just texting and sending things back and forth. We never discussed author order (I know, I know), but her assumption matches mine, because she entered our names in a paper template and she's first author.
The last few rounds of revisions from her I actually find helpful. I finalize and submit just in time. The paper would have needed closer revisions, and I'm sure there'll be mistakes, but now I'm thinking the article is actually decent and a cool contribution. And it also occurs to me that I did most of it...
submitted by odesauria to academia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:52 PhysicsGamer2 Some Graphs of Yoahtl's XP Exchange Rates

Some Graphs of Yoahtl's XP Exchange Rates
Solitaire sent me some spreadsheets with Yoahtl's price data since August 28th, 2023, so I threw together some graphs of the data and am posting them with Solitaire's permission. Please Note that XP 3 was added on February 18th, so it is in its own image to avoid timeline confusion.
Ratio of XP Runs' Production to Sellers and Valuation of individual XP Recipes
Ratio of Production to Sellers by Run
XP 3 Value and Ratio as Above; Separated for Clarity of Timeline
Let me know if there are any other graphs that you'd like to see or if you have any questions about the ones presented here.
submitted by PhysicsGamer2 to CivMC [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:51 Ok_Statement_5739 Any data careers without data visualization?

I've been a data analyst in a consulting firm for three years now. What I have started to dread is the data visualization bit, the fruits of my labor. It's not because of the tools we use, currently Tableau, Power BI, Excel, Powerpoint, and the occasional Python. It isn't my job title because my superiors are also equally involved in the visuals. Maybe it's because I'm in corporate. These are products we ultimately deliver to clients and stakeholders and are often bloated with "innovative" beautification of results and verbose language to provide the most "bang for the buck". We do this every week, month, quarter, and year. Sticking entirely to a template is unacceptable. I strongly think data visualization is a given for a data analyst so I'm starting to think this is not the career path or place for me.
What are some entry level data or adjacent careers that sound like a better fit? Ideally, the data exploration/analysis I perform is the product with succinct highlights delivered to my direct higher-up. I've ruled out accounting, data science, and quantitative finance.
submitted by Ok_Statement_5739 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:11 sunny_puppy20 Career stats tracking application

Hi everyone. I recently decided to look into developing a free app (only on Android for now) that allowed us to manually keep your career stats. I have seen a lot of discussions about this, there are some people who are really interested in keeping track of all this. I haven't seen any applications like this, I've only seen Google Sheets templates.
Just a few words about what's going to be there. I think there you can track both coach and player stats, depending on the mode of play; Performance statistics by season, graphs; trophies cabinet and other.
I'd be interested to hear how useful it would really be and what features you'd like to see there :)
submitted by sunny_puppy20 to FIFACareer [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:00 AutoModerator Sample Status/Processing Monthly Megathread - June 2024

Welcome to the Sample Status/Processing Megathread. This monthly megathread (posted at the beginning of each month) allows you post your sample processing timelines, as well as to discuss and comment about any questions, concerns, or rants while you wait. Although not directly handled by AncestryDNA, shipping status may also be discussed in the thread. We recommend sorting the comments by "new" as this is a month long megathread.
You can share your sample status timeline here in one or two ways. The first way is to take a screenshot of your timeline, upload the screenshot to imgur, and share the image link here. The second way is to simply copy and paste the start and completion dates for each step. Here is the text template:
Kit Type: [Standard, Traits, or Health]
Priority processing?: [Yes/No]
DNA Kit Activated: [Date]
Sample Received:
Sample Being Processed:
DNA Extracted:
DNA Analyzed:
Results Ready:
AncestryDNA support article on sample processing: https://support.ancestry.com/s/article/AncestryDNA-Lab-Processing
submitted by AutoModerator to AncestryDNA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:00 AutoModerator Sample Status/Processing Monthly Megathread - June 2024

Welcome to the Sample Status/Processing Megathread, also known as the Waiting, Whining, and Wishing thread. This monthly megathread (posted at the beginning of each month) allows you post your sample processing timelines, as well as to discuss and comment about any questions, concerns, or rants while you wait. Although not directly handled by 23andMe, shipping status may also be discussed in the thread. We recommend sorting the comments by "new" as this is a month long megathread.
You can share your sample status timeline here in one or two ways. The first way is to take a screenshot of your timeline, upload the screenshot to imgur, and share the image link here. The second way is to simply copy and paste the start and completion dates for each step. Here is the text template:
Registered: [Date and Lab Location]
Arrived at Lab:
Computing Your Results:
Results Ready:
If you have any further questions or concerns, 23andMe customer service has some helpful sample status articles: https://customercare.23andme.com/forums/20635777-Sample-Status
submitted by AutoModerator to 23andme [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:32 beingpm Resume Review (What am I doing wrong/What I can do better)

Resume Review (What am I doing wrong/What I can do better)
4 years experience as a data engineer in a consulting firm. Looking to break into product companies. Suggestions welcomed :)
submitted by beingpm to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:02 yassora1977 Looking for PowerPoint ready shapes to use

Looking for PowerPoint ready shapes to use
I'm making a PowerPoint presentation which is not about self affirmation but I ran into these shapes in this reel and I wonder if I can find a template for shapes of this pattern to use?. Thank you.
submitted by yassora1977 to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:58 Present_Position9222 React: A Balanced Look at its Strengths and Weaknesses

React is a JavaScript library created by Facebook and is a library and tool for building user interface components based on JavaScript. Although React is a library rather than a language, it is widely used in web development. This library first appeared in May 2013 and is now one of the most popular front-end libraries for web development.
React is open source and aims to simplify the complex process of building interactive user interfaces. Imagine a user interface that React builds as a collection of components, each responsible for the output of a small piece is a reusable piece of HTML code.
It is also a declarative and component-based library that allows developers to build reusable UI components and follows a Virtual DOM (Document Object Model) approach that optimizes rendering performance by minimizing DOM updates. React is fast and works well with other tools and libraries. We use React in different parts of our website
B. What does React Js do?
Typically, you request a webpage by typing its URL into your web browser. Your browser then sends a request for that webpage, which your browser renders. If you click a link on that webpage to go to another page on the website, a new request is sent to the server to get that new page. This back-and-forth loading pattern between your browser (the client) and the server continues for every new page or resource you try to access on a website. This typical approach to loading websites works just fine, but consider a very data-driven website. The back and forth loading of the full webpage would be redundant and
create a poor user experience. Additionally, when data changes in a traditional JavaScript application, it requires manual DOM manipulation to reflect these changes. You must identify which data changed and update the DOM to reflect those changes, resulting in a full page reload.
React takes a different approach by letting you build what’s known as a single-page application (SPA). A single-page application loads only a single HTML document on the first request. Then, it updates the specific portion, content, or body of the webpage that needs updating using JavaScript. This pattern is known as client-side routing because the client doesn’t have to reload the full webpage to get a new page each time a user makes a new request. Instead, React intercepts the request and only fetches and changes the sections that need changing without having to trigger a full page reload. This approach results in better performance and a more dynamic user experience. React relies on a virtual DOM, which is a copy of the actual DOM. React’s virtual DOM is immediately reloaded to reflect this new change whenever there is a change in the data state. After which, React compares the virtual DOM to the actual DOM to figure out what exactly has changed. React then figures out the least expensive way to patch the actual DOM with that update without rendering the actual DOM. As a result, React’s components and UIs very quickly reflect the changes since you don’t have to reload an entire page every time something updates.
react.js C. Why React
React’s popularity today has eclipsed that of all other front-end development frameworks. Here is why:
· Easy creation of dynamic applications: React makes it easier to create dynamic web applications because it requires less coding and offers more functionality, as opposed to JavaScript, where coding often gets complex very quickly.
· Improved performance: React uses Virtual DOM, thereby creating web applications faster. Virtual DOM compares the components’ previous states and updates only the items in the Real DOM that were changed, instead of updating all of the components again, as conventional web applications do.
· Reusable components: Components are the building blocks of any React application, and a single app usually consists of multiple components. These components have their logic and controls, and they can be reused throughout the application, which in turn dramatically reduces the application’s development time.
· Unidirectional data flow: React follows a unidirectional data flow. This means that when designing a React app, developers often nest child components within parent components. Since the data flows in a single direction, it becomes easier to debug errors and know where a problem occurs in an application at the moment in question.
· Small learning curve: React is easy to learn, as it mostly combines basic HTML and JavaScript concepts with some beneficial additions. Still, as is the case with other tools and frameworks, you have to spend some time to get a proper understanding of React’s library.
· It can be used for the development of both web and mobile apps: We already know that React is used for the development of web applications, but that’s not all it can do. There is a framework called React Native, derived from React itself, that is hugely popular and is used for creating beautiful mobile applications. So, in reality, React can be used for making both web and mobile applications.
· Dedicated tools for easy debugging: Facebook has released a Chrome extension that can be used to debug React applications. This makes the process of debugging React web applications faster and easier.
· The above reasons more than justify the popularity of the React library and why it is being adopted by a large number of organizations and businesses. Now let’s familiarize ourselves with React’s features.
D. React Js Advantages
React JS is actively maintained by Meta and a community of skilled developers and companies. It is known to be fast, scalable, simple, and highly advantageous to be used to create large web applications where we can change data without reloading the page. In this article, we will talk about its various advantages.
D.1 Effortless Maintenance
Creating large applications with multiple integrations is a complex task; however, maintaining it with changing business requirements can be more complicated and expensive. But you don’t need to worry, as React JS got your back with its modular and flexible architecture, leading to modernizing each component independently without affecting others. In addition, objects defined for a particular element can be reassigned to other components to reduce the developer’s effort. As a result, less time is consumed in modernization, code is maintained, and all this is performed economically.
D.2 Fast Rendering
Handling high-volume user data and updating the application simultaneously is every enterprise’s primary business and technical goal. React JS comprises the in-built functionality of virtual DOM, making the rendering faster and enhancing the overall user experience. In addition, it makes the application lightweight, leading to boost performance and productivity. Moreover, it leverages the developers tobuild cutting-edge applications without considering state transitions, making the development timeline shorter. Also, Virtual DOM’s in-memory tree representation of real DOM makes the process sprightly accelerated between the call and display functions.
D.3 Search Engine Friendly
Every service-providing organization wants its website to display at the top of list of the search engines to reach the target audience. For this purpose, search engine optimization is performed. Many websites cannot reach the top search pages, as JavaScript pages are complex to read and rank across search engines. But, the Virtual DOM feature of ReactJS renders the application more accurate and returns the web app as a typical web page. Due to this, search bots are able to crawl through the React JS website and effortlessly analyze the relevance and rank the website on the search engine.
D.4 Reliable Development Tools
Having authentic tools for crafting and debugging an application is an essential requirement of software creation. Furthermore, it aids both the development team and users in integrating and utilizing forefront features. Developers can access several developments, designing, and debugging tools freely over the internet to fabricate React JS application development. They can also seamlessly add extensions of these tools to their Google Chrome and Firefox browsers. As a result, the development team can inspect hierarchies as they generate in Virtual DOM, and it also enables them to isolate and extend the functionality of a particular component.
D.5 Redux Facility
Redux helps to effortlessly store and manage the different states of large and complex applications for providing a seamless experience to the end user. Hence, it is one of the most desirable elements found in React JS. The primary purpose of Redux is to enable other elements to access different transition states without creating a bottleneck, interacting with the child module, and utilizing a callback. Additionally, it makes code debugging and testing easy and improves server rendering.
D.6 Offers Mobile Application Development
React JS is probably seen as a library for building websites and web apps, but it has been upgraded to be considered for creating native mobile applications in recent years. The phrase “learn once, write, anywhere” purely blends with the feature of React JS, as it allows to use same code structure and components for innovating mobile apps development. The applications crafted using React JS can be installed, configured, and utilized on Android and iOS devices. In addition, its multi-platform compatibility aids organizations in building a relationship with their users diversified across different operating systems. With this open-source library, you will be capable of extending your digital presence from desktops to mobile devices.
D.7 Stable and Streamline Code
Having a fault-tolerant front end is the requirement of every organization, and you can entirely depend upon React JS to accomplish this development goal. The React JS application holds the code for each unit independently, aiding developers in performing unit tests on every component and precisely patching potential loopholes. Additionally, with a streamlined code structure, any software development company finds it easier to reinforce the business solution and adjoin features according to current business requirements. Moreover, the stability of React JS refers to flawlessly integrating any change and smoothly running it on users’ devices, reducing the probability of system crashes and clearing the barriers in the road to migrate the system to a newer version.
D.8 Ample Community Support
If we compare React JS with any other open-source JavaScript library, its community is immensely growing, and thousands of people contribute to it daily. Around 1200 contributions are made to the React JS repository with new templates and resolved code queries every day. You can quickly resolve the difficulties during development and even use pre-developed templates to shorten the time-to-market. Additionally, Facebook Inc. actively contributes to the React JS GitHub repository, ensuring the integration of only legitimate modifications and prevention of malicious codes.
D.9 Comes with JSX
JSX is an optional extended feature of React JS used for creating components for the application. The main objective of these tailored elements is to make code simple and leaner for large enterprise-graded solutions. While writing code, you will benefit from it as it displays more errors, exceptions, and warning messages, which you can handle in the initial phases and guarantee the delivery of a quality product. Moreover, it helps the developers by providing a better insight into the working of the user interface inside the JavaScript code.
D.10 Component Re-usability
Components are the most creative way of building an application from scratch and then upgrading it to a futuristic, cutting-edge business solution. React JS provides the architecture and ecosystem to build business software based on components and reuse each component multiple times. Also, experts can utilize a particular module built for a web application for a mobile application. With this, efforts are reduced, the timeline is minimized, and it directly affects the cost to minimal for software development. In addition, it allows you to use the most optimized components in different applications to make them more appealing with a consistent look.
Visit our website! https://yedastegol.com/
submitted by Present_Position9222 to u/Present_Position9222 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:12 nines_own_shadow 1.1.2 and then 1.1.3 have both been released

1.1.2 came with a lot of improvements and some fixes while 1.1.3 was released with some major fixes and one improvement. You'll have to download it here since the auto-updater is currently broken. Here's a full list of both versions:
submitted by nines_own_shadow to LoreForge [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:05 kforsyth716 Resume review for data analyst

(Reposted since the photos in my last post didn’t work)
I am searching for a job in the data analysis field and, like many others, am having zero luck in terms of hearing back from applications. Would very much appreciate any feedback on my resume, especially in terms of getting through ATS filters!
submitted by kforsyth716 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:55 StandardIssueCaveman Met the Man himself today

Met the Man himself today
Got my rulebook signed like a proper fanboy! Really cool guy, had a good chat about his new game Hobgoblin and bought that rulebook too!
submitted by StandardIssueCaveman to gaslands [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:28 GoodBerryKC Cost of App "Starter Bundle" Work

I recently approached a colleague of mine on an app business I'd like to start with him (he's a mobile app product manager in his day job and has launched several successful corporate apps).
Ideally, he would've been my co-founder and product owner (understanding we'd be outsourcing main dev), but he's recently decided that he wants to start his own app building agency. While he's very interested in helping kickstart this thing, he's focused more on his own business. He mentioned that his team could provide the following bundle of work for 10K. We've discussed the business at length and I believe he'd potentially (over)deliver on these items, but just unsure if this is in line with how much I'd spend with other agencies for this type of work....
For the project mentioned last week, we were considering a bundle of the following work: - Planning priority features and development scope for intended releases (MVP, phase I, II, etc as needed) - Planning resources and proposed timelines for the above - Logo, app icon, brand guide, voice and tone, and visual design book + app store release assets - “Happy-path” prototype or animatic of the core software - Presentation deck template and help with content
I also know that I would be able to do an 'ok' job putting this stuff together myself, I'd just be much more comfortable pitching my idea to other potential co-founders or investors if I had material put together by someone who has "been there, done that". Any/all feedback is much appreciated!
submitted by GoodBerryKC to marketing [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:02 McNoxey Can I easily link pages across multiple databases to tasks in a singular database?

I'm mapping out a data warehouse rebuild using Notion, and my current structure looks like this:
I want to show a timeline of dependencies from Metrics > other Metrics > fields, however i seem to only be able to create dependencies within the same database. I could put all of these items into a singular db and use tags to separate them - that's one option.
But I also have a Task database anyway, so I'm thinking it probably just makes sense to relate each of these pages to a task in the task DB. Is there an easy way to do that?
Am I overthinking it? I come from an analytics engineering background where I generally prefer having many tables with attributes specific to that table, but maybe it's better to just make each of these items a Task with templates set up to differentiate the Metrics, Fields and Tables? Is there any concern (from a best practice standpoint) that my task DB may end up with hundreds of various property columns?
submitted by McNoxey to Notion [link] [comments]
