Alternatives to prednisone

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2021.05.22 12:43 Derimade AlternativesToStatism

"But we need Government to do [insert thing here]" Maybe we don't. Come here to post your non-statist solutions to current problems "handled" by the state.

2024.05.18 03:05 eden_evolving Coming to Terms with Reality when it feels like a Nightmare

i danced around my initial RA diagnosis and said no to medication at 19 during my first mild flare, and i ended up mostly in remission until this year at 24. i credited a strict diet and yoga as my way to keeping things under control.
well, now i have been in a life altering flare for months, and for the first time am on prednisone and plaquenil, and have multiple doctors appointments coming up. i am usually pretty level headed and positive yet this diagnosis and illness have shaken me to my core. i have worked at health food stores, done my yoga teacher training, meditate often, chosen radical and alternative lifestyles and diets, and i have often subscribed to the idea that our mind creates our reality… I thought if I decide im not sick, I won’t be.
While there’s some truth to the power of mindset, and healthy lifestyle choices sure don’t hurt, Im realizing that this RA is real and it’s serious.
Lately, while I traverse this flare and new diagnosis and new medications, I wake up in the morning and think im living in a nightmare and then realize its reality. Did you ever have this feeling when you were newly diagnosed, newly medicated, and in your first horrible flare? It’s the combination of the fear, the anxiety, the grief, sadness, and pain, and accepting that I need pills to even survive right now. This is really hard for me to accept. I know things can and likely will get so much better. And there will continue to be ups and downs for the rest of my entire life.
I just wanted to share how shaken up I feel. I know there’s people who have it ‘better’ and many who have it worse. I remind myself that any human being who has dealt with a difficult medical situation can certainly relate.
submitted by eden_evolving to rheumatoid [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:03 sangcti Pyridostigmine Allergy?

35f, LRP4+. The Pyridostigmine has really helped with my weakness over the past month but I've been having worsening reactions to it that got pretty spooky recently and my Neurologist has recommended that I cease it entirely for 3 days then reassess treatment. Whenever I took it I'd get extreme mucus secretions to the point where I've had to take an expectorant (guiafenesin) alongside each dose and would wheeze for a good hour or so while struggling to bring up a glue like phlegm. I also had an extreme burning skin sensation all over body daily that was getting more and more painful (nurses at the hospital didn't really know what to do and gave me Tylenol and ice packs) and recently after upping the dose to 90, feeling of constricted airways, tightness in my throat, itchy mouth/throat and ears and nape of my neck and feet. In the hospital last week and an ER visit this week they had to give me an abuterol treatment that led to me violently coughing up an unexpected amount of white stringy mucus from my lungs and eased my breathing. So I guess I have asthma now along with MG. I am still taking Prednisone and Mycophenolate without any major issues as of now.
Today is the first day in weeks that I've experienced absolutely no burning skin sensation or super tight airway feeling or itchyness in my mouth or limbs. My last dose was yesterday morning. So if the Pyridostigmine is a no go, are there any alternative daily maintenance pills or would the next step be IV treatment? My Neuro has said that I couldn't quality for IVIG unless I failed the Pyridostigmine and I think being actively allergic to it sounds as failing...
submitted by sangcti to MyastheniaGravis [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:40 Vancouver1987 Heads Up- Pred and Travel Insurance

Hi All,
I noticed something my fellow Canadians might find interesting. I was shopping for travel medical insurance recently, and all of the cheaper policies I found had exclusions for lung disease, if Prednisone was used within 90-180 days.
I did find coverage, it just cost a bit more. I thought I'd post about that here, just in case anyone missed that while preparing for travel. Yet another reason to dislike Prednisone. Though Pred beats the alternative.
Take Care.
submitted by Vancouver1987 to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:26 whoopsiedaizies CE Alternative Treatments?

I have posted previously about my history. The short story is: 4 pregnancies, 1 live birth, no living children (that is really depressing math!). RPL panel normal, I have endometriosis (diagnosed via Receptiva), doing IVF. Like many here, I get pregnant really easily but cannot seem to get out of the first trimester.
After each of my losses, my RE has done chronic endometritis (CD-138) testing. Every single time we have tested for CD-138, it has come back positive, even when testing post abx course. I have also had a hysteroscopy wherein we removed some "polyp-like" benign structures. The polyps came back positive for CE. I have done the EMMA/ALICE four times: 1 time my biome was perfect, 2 times it showed an overgrowth of a reproductive tract pathogen (they are commonly present but I had a disbyosis), and 1 time it showed absolutely nothing. I have taken Azythromycin x2, Amoxicillin, Clindamycin, and Doxycycline in the last 18 months.
My transfer protocol for my last pregnancy included prednisone, loratadine, aspirin, and famotidine (in addition to PIO and estrogen). It went great, until we miscarried and had a massive SCH at 9-10 weeks, right around the time that I started to taper the prednisone.
I am so fucking tired and really at a loss for what to do next. Has anyone here done any alternative treatments for recurrent CE? Like an endometrial infusion? Or a triple antibiotic regimen? I am not convinced this is even an "infection" but really just an inflammatory issue.
I do NAC cycling to reduce inflammation, eat well (high fiber, tons of veggies), limit caffeine and alcohol, take probiotics (oral and vaginal), meditate, exercise, go to therapy. I cannot make too many "lifestyle" changes without damaging my mental health, which is unfortunately at an all time low, coming up on two years of trying since the death of my son.
submitted by whoopsiedaizies to recurrentmiscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:20 whoopsiedaizies CE Alternative Treatments?

I have posted previously about my history. The short story is: 4 pregnancies, 1 live birth, no living children (that is really depressing math!). RPL panel normal, I have endometriosis (diagnosed via Receptiva), doing IVF. Like many here, I get pregnant really easily but cannot seem to get out of the first trimester.
After each of my losses, my RE has done chronic endometritis (CD-138) testing. Every single time we have tested for CD-138, it has come back positive, even when testing post abx course. I have also had a hysteroscopy wherein we removed some "polyp-like" benign structures. The polyps came back positive for CE. I have done the EMMA/ALICE four times: 1 time my biome was perfect, 2 times it showed an overgrowth of a reproductive tract pathogen (they are commonly present but I had a disbyosis), and 1 time it showed absolutely nothing. I have taken Azythromycin x2, Amoxicillin, Clindamycin, and Doxycycline in the last 18 months.
My transfer protocol for my last pregnancy included prednisone, loratadine, aspirin, and famotidine (in addition to PIO and estrogen). It went great, until we miscarried and had a massive SCH at 9-10 weeks, right around the time that I started to taper the prednisone.
I am so fucking tired and really at a loss for what to do next. Has anyone here done any alternative treatments for recurrent CE? Like an endometrial infusion? Or a triple antibiotic regimen? I am not convinced this is even an "infection" but really just an inflammatory issue.
I do NAC cycling to reduce inflammation, eat well (high fiber, tons of veggies), limit caffeine and alcohol, take probiotics (oral and vaginal), meditate, exercise, go to therapy. I cannot make too many "lifestyle" changes without damaging my mental health, which is unfortunately at an all time low, coming up on two years of trying since the death of my son.
submitted by whoopsiedaizies to recurrentmiscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:36 Due_Investigator_442 Psilocybin Micro-dose for Cluster Headaches question

I’ve read all up on ClusterBusters and I’ve decided to try and start microdosing shrooms as they seem to be a great alternative treatment to these horrible headaches.
Long storey short I was on prednisone and it says to wait 5 days till after taking them, today marks 5 days however last night I got one at 2 am and it wouldn’t go away and I needed to sleep so I shot Triptians up my nose not thinking about the microdose and it says that you need to wait 5 days as well after taking triptians to start the psilocybin. Would this be a great interference or can I start today? It’s killing me and really interfering with work I need to try something.
submitted by Due_Investigator_442 to clusterheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 16:03 secndcja Kidney Transplant

I was diagnosed with kidney failure due to IgA nephropathy. Fortunately, my fiancé selflessly stepped in and donated his kidney to give me a second chance at life. Fast forward to 15 months post-transplant, my doctors have kept me on a regimen of prednisone at 5mg dosage to prevent the recurrence of IgA nephropathy, However, the side effects of this medication have started to take a toll on me. I have been experiencing significant weight gain, a moon face, and a distended belly, which have been affecting my self-esteem and overall well-being. At this point, I am eager to explore alternative medications or treatment options that can help manage IgA nephropathy without causing such distressing side effects. Are there other medical interventions available that can effectively address my condition while minimizing the adverse effects of the treatment?
Besides taking prednisone, I'm also on tacrolimus and mycophenolate.
submitted by secndcja to IgANephropathy [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 21:28 _MagicalUnicorn_ Kidny issues

Hi there! My Yorkie celebrated her 16th birthday two days ago 🥰😊🥳 She's been my childhood doggy and has been with our family since she was 7 months old 😍 Unfortunately, she was recently diagnosed with kidney issues 🥺🥺 She never had any health issues except for dental problems.
We did multiple blood and urine tests, and although her results aren't completely off the charts, they're still not healthy. She was given multiple infusions because she was dehydrated from all the vomiting. Additionally, she received a Prednisone shot to help with her appetite and enzymes to add to her new dietary food.
At first, the medication worked very well, and she eagerly begged for more food, even beyond her portion. However, after 5-7 days, the effects wore off, and she stopped eating as much. During a visit to the vet, she received another shot and was prescribed the same medication in pill form, along with more enzymes and another pill to take before meals to aid her gut or colon(I'm not sure what part of her digestive system).
Unfortunately, she started rejecting her food completely, so we began looking for alternatives and experimenting with different foods. In short, her body rejects any form of protein; she vomited after eating chicken and liver. However, she digests carrots, sweet potatoes, and apples well, and enjoys them.
About three days ago, she was barely walking or standing, vomiting (likely from the liver we had given her), and refusing to drink or eat. However, the next day, although she had no balance whatsoever, she seemed to still want to fight because she was slowly drinking and eating and still urinating.
We decided to stop the medication that day because we were afraid it was affecting her too much. Fast forward to today, and she is starting to recover. She walks pretty well, is still drinking and eating, and she even pooped today 🥰 We believe that the side effects took a toll on her little body.
I would appreciate advice on three things:
1) More food options. Please note she has no teeth, so any food we give her is in the form of mashed potatoes 😂
2) I'm considering getting her hip and joint supplements, as well as gut/digestive supplements. Is it worth it? Can anyone recommend anything? I will, of course, consult the vet about them but would still like to get recommendations.
3) Just some general advice and help, maybe from someone who has/had a Yorkie with kidney issues.
I would appreciate any kind of help; we are willing to do anything for our beloved Yorkie—she's very dear to us ❤️🫶🏻
submitted by _MagicalUnicorn_ to Yorkies [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 04:36 Silverlaker39 How do you help your cat that has allergies?

One of my two sibling kittens (now 12 months old) has allergies. It's painful to see her low to the ground, heaving. I've tried to use the inhaler device our vet recommended but she freaks out and rips my hands with her nails. The half prednisone every other day our vet said might be an alternative doesn't do much good.
I've never had a cat with allergies so this is all new to me
Thank you for yoru advice and help
submitted by Silverlaker39 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 07:35 Tova29 Steroids

Edit- just wanted to thank you guys for, your comments have definitely helped and given me some insight . Definitely going to avoid prednisone at all cost and hoping to find an alternative medication for the budesonide!
I have been on budesonide (1 a day) since September , I kind of sucked at taking them until this January I’ve been steady and I’ve taken them like I’m supposed too. Just wanting to know if anyone else has experienced a surge in aggression and agitation while taking steroids , this mainly started a couple of weeks ago after a 4 week dose of prednisone to try and calm a flare . Since then I feel like I’m a completely different person and angry with the world. Contemplating stopping any and all steroids completely. I’m waiting on an appointment with a new GI but am not able to see her until August but hate the idea of going back and seeing my current GI , he just pushes off everything I have to say . TIA!
submitted by Tova29 to IBD [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 16:29 Heavy_Potato37 Third real flare up

Ooff, I had forgotten how bad this hurts.... I had my first tear-pulling flare up about 10 years ago and the only other serious one I've had was about 4 years ago, but the toe-biting devils have returned. Thank you, HFCS soda, for luring them back to me.
I've been having a flare up for the past week or so and I tried to manage it as I always used to (strong NSAID and diet control), and it only seemed to relieve the symptoms for like a day or two. But last night I had a breakdown and had to take my colchicine (which I hate) and prednisone. I had already set my mind to knowing that I wouldn't likely sleep, and it was a hell of a night. The fight between being completely drained and the pain on my foot left me feeling like zombie. I slept like 3 hours due to the pain, but woke up feeling like 90% better and thats all that matters. I'm even happy.
I don't really know if there is a point to this story, just wanted to vent and remind my fellow gout sufferers that this will eventually go away. Take care, take your meds, go to a doctor if you can, follow your low-purine diet, when you ultimately can excercise again, don't drop it, and don't drink soda, I find LaCroix works well as an alternative.
I sort of feel like gout is the ultimate reminder that a healthy lifestyle is worth it.
submitted by Heavy_Potato37 to gout [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 05:37 AdministrativeAd9815 Another one! what else can I do?

First of all. Let me start by saying thanks to this Reddit page where I was able to get info that helped me guide through this challenge.
Recognizing the importance of early intervention, I have a few questions for those who’ve gone through this: - anyone made recovery with prednisone with such starting point of hearing level? - I’ve read about few alternatives: injection, acupuncture, massage, hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Is one more helpful than the other and doesn’t contradict the steroid? I’ve got decent coverage and don’t want to regret anything here. - Anything I can change in my diet to increase my chances?
Open to ideas or any help. Thanks again!!!
submitted by AdministrativeAd9815 to MonoHearing [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 23:41 AddictedtoWallstreet Help me herbalists of Reddit

I am in search of a herb that mimics corticosteroids like prednisone, to be clear I am fully aware there is no 1:1 alternative to prednisone I a only looking for herbs that have glucocorticoid activity or increase cortisol, so far I have read about licorice root, but I was wondering if you know of any others?
submitted by AddictedtoWallstreet to herbalism [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 12:59 Individual-Green9570 The Complex Reality of Anabolic Steroids in Athletics

The pursuit of athletic excellence embodies dedication, perseverance, and the desire to push one's limits. Athletes of all levels engage in sports for the thrill of competition and the satisfaction of realizing their full potential. However, amidst this pursuit, a darker reality lurks - the temptation to win at any cost. This article explores the multifaceted world of anabolic steroids in athletics, shedding light on their uses, misconceptions, and the profound health risks they pose.
Understanding Anabolic Steroids:
Anabolic steroids, colloquially known as "roids," are potent prescription drugs categorized as controlled substances due to their potential for abuse. Often used in high doses to enhance athletic performance, these steroids are distinct from steroid medications like prednisone or hydrocortisone, which serve legitimate medical purposes such as treating asthma or inflammation. Anabolic steroids, derived from testosterone, stimulate muscle growth and body mass, mirroring the effects of the body's natural male hormone. However, it's crucial to recognize that while steroids may enhance physical attributes, they cannot improve an athlete's inherent skills or agility, which are influenced by various factors like genetics, age, and training regimen.
Legitimate Uses and Risks:
When administered properly under medical supervision, anabolic steroids have legitimate therapeutic uses in treating conditions such as blood disorders, arthritis, and certain cancers. However, their potential for severe side effects demands cautious prescription and close monitoring by healthcare professionals. Both federal and state laws mandate that anabolic steroids be prescribed only after a thorough examination by an authorized prescriber, highlighting the gravity of their potential risks.
The Culture of Abuse:
Despite stringent regulations and the condemnation of steroid use by reputable medical organizations and athletic associations, the abuse of anabolic steroids persists within certain circles of athletes. Fueled by the belief that steroids enhance competitiveness and performance, some individuals resort to these drugs to achieve lean muscle mass, aggression, and increased body weight. The practice of "stacking," combining multiple steroids or adding other substances like stimulants, underscores the dangerous misconception that greater strength or muscle size can be attained at any cost.
The Role of Supplements:
In the quest for physical enhancement, many athletes turn to over-the-counter dietary supplements as alternatives to steroids. While some supplements, like creatine, claim to build muscle and improve strength without the side effects of steroids, their safety and efficacy remain contentious. Manufacturers tout their benefits, yet these supplements are not subject to the same rigorous regulations as drugs and may pose risks, particularly when abused or combined with other substances.
The Harsh Reality:
The misuse of anabolic steroids carries profound health risks that extend far beyond the realm of athletic competition. From cardiovascular complications and liver damage to psychological effects and gastrointestinal issues, the toll of steroid abuse on the body can be devastating. While the full extent of these consequences remains uncertain, healthcare providers have observed a range of alarming problems associated with steroid misuse, underscoring the urgent need for education, awareness, and intervention.
The allure of anabolic steroids in athletics is undeniable, promising enhanced performance and physical prowess. However, beneath this facade lies a perilous path fraught with health risks, legal ramifications, and ethical dilemmas. As athletes, coaches, and healthcare professionals, it is imperative to confront the realities of steroid abuse, prioritizing the long-term well-being and integrity of athletes above short-term gains. Only through comprehensive education, vigilant oversight, and a commitment to ethical competition can we safeguard the spirit of sportsmanship and uphold the true essence of athletic excellence.
submitted by Individual-Green9570 to u/Individual-Green9570 [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 20:01 jglabach Any hope of habituating to alternating tones?

Hey all,
Hoping I can get some positive words of encouragement from someone who has fully habituated to multi-tonal tinnitus:
So I've had noise-induced tinnitus for 10+ years from a concert I went to in college, but that was always a steady, high-pitched frequency (~3/10 loudness) and I eventually got 100% habituated to it to the point where I very rarely noticed it, didn't care about it when I did notice it, and it didn't affect my life at all.
A week ago, I noticed two new tinnitus tones in my left ear that are lower-toned and alternate between each other randomly. I have no idea what the cause was, likely not sound-related though as I am famously known within my social circle for advocating for hearing protection and I never listen to music at a very high volume. Originally, it was about a 1/10 in loudness, but I used earwax cleaner to try and fix it and ever since then it's been much louder (~3 or 4/10) and my original high-pitched tinnitus increased to about a 5/10.
I know from experience that when the tone is constant, it's possible to fully habituate. However, I'm wondering if habituation is still possible when the tones are random/inconsistent. It's a lot harder to ignore them throughout the day when the tones are jumping back and forth.
A little more context: 30yo Male, went to ENT 2 days ago and began 7-day, 30mg Prednisone course due to doctor thinking it was related to ETD. I've had TMJD for years and it has always messed with my left ear in many ways (popping, soreness, feeling of fullness). Sometimes when I yawn, my tinnitus gets 2-3x worse for a second. I've also noticed that when I firmly push my finger into my left ear, I can completely muffle the alternating tinnitus for as long as I want, but the high-pitched tinnitus doesn't go away.
Any words of wisdom are much appreciated. I'm a generally positive person who wholeheartedly believes in neuroplasticity and mind over matter, but this last week has been rough and I'm feeling really hopeless and scared that I won't be able to adapt. I'm mainly just looking to see if anyone has successfully managed their alternating-tone tinnitus and gone on to live a happy, fulfilling life. I believe it could be possible, but hearing some testimony would really calm me down.
submitted by jglabach to tinnitus [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 18:31 ShinyDaMemeKween Advice about nail covers

Hi! I have a FIV/FeLV+ cat who gets severe dermatitis. He’s gotten infections from scratch wounds that have cost a lot in emergency treatment, and his immunity is poor due to his illnesses, so him getting sick is very scary and severe.
He’s on prednisone, hot spot treatment, and his food allergens have been identified, but sometimes he still gets bad hotspots during certain times of the year.
I keep his nails short at all times, but I hate putting cones and onesies on him during those times. They make him miserable and impact his movement. I see his little spirit break :(
I would not use nail caps except during flair up times, but I was wondering if cats can still do natural behaviors like stretch and use their scratching post. And if it is comfortable for them. I understand his safety is the most important, but I also want him to be able to be a cat.
Also, if anyone has alternatives to the nail caps, please let me know :)
*edited for format (which is honestly probably still terrible because I’m on my phone)
submitted by ShinyDaMemeKween to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 10:29 Cici1958 Elderly man hand pain radiating to elbow

My father is 95, with a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation and has a stent. He has refused to take an anticoagulant. He is taking Entresto twice a day, atorvastin, 40 mg once a day, metoprolol once a day. About week ago he woke my husband up and asked him to take him to the ER due to hand pain. The doctor diagnosed it as osteoarthritis after an x-ray and prescribed prednisone. The next day I hand him Aleve for pain and it controlled it and he said he had no pain. He told me he has taken the prednisone as directed. Tonight I was up at about 3am and when he saw me he complained of pain. He had taken one Aleve two hours prior. I gave home one more Aleve, gave him a heating pad and ice to alternate. He is very proud and hates to admit a weakness. He also has a bruise under his left eye but won’t disclose how it happened, telling me (after I asked) he just bruises easily. He denies falling in his hand. He claims he has reynaud’s syndrome but I don’t know if this has been verified. He reports the pain is most intense between his thumb and forefinger. I have no idea how to guide him. His pain is disrupting his sleep and he’s less spirited. How can I help/what can this be?
submitted by Cici1958 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 04:12 Cardiacsarc Prednisone taper

I am wondering if any of you have any tips or suggestions on what to look out for as I taper down. I’d love to hear both successful and unsuccessful so I can be prepared.
My backstory: I first started taking prednisone back in January of 2021. After my PET last month showed no active sarcoid, I’ve finally been given the okay to start tapering from my current 10mg dose. I will be staying on the Cellcept for now pending further testing after completing the prednisone taper. My doctor is doing an alternating day dose taper for the prednisone: 10 mg and 7.5 mg every other day for 2 weeks, followed by 7.5 mg daily for 2 weeks, followed by 7.5 mg alternating with 5 mg daily for 2 weeks, followed by 5 mg daily for 2 weeks, followed by 5 mg alternating with 2.5 mg daily for 2 weeks, followed by 2.5 mg daily for 2 weeks, followed by 2.5 mg alternating with 0 mg daily for 2 weeks. So if all goes as planned I will be steroid free in August.
I’m really excited but a little nervous at the same time because I have been on it for over 3 years. So I’m hoping that some of you will be willing to share your experiences and any insight. Thanks in advance!!!
submitted by Cardiacsarc to sarcoidosis [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 22:14 Billythebeard I received these blood results last week and have a follow up appointment in 3 weeks

I received these blood results last week and have a follow up appointment in 3 weeks
I was on a 2 week course of prednisone that ended just before labs were pulled. Fingers crossed it was just an A1C spike from the steroids and a false alarm. Doctor said I might be diabetic.
I have been doing alternating fasts. 48 then 24 then 48 and I plan on keeping this pattern going until next checkin with the doctor.
I do not have a scale, instead I bought a glucose meter and have been checking daily religiously every 4 hours.
The scale at the doctors office said I was 255 at a height of 5’8” and a BMI of 39.
I will update next visit with the new weigh in and next set of labs. It’s no longer about weightloss and looking good for me. Instead it’s for general health and well-being.
Almost lost my mom 2 months ago to diabetes related complications so it’s been a real wake-up call.
submitted by Billythebeard to fasting [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 18:29 Interesting_Title_76 Longtime sufferer seeking new ideas.

Hello, I'm 28 and have dealt with eczema pretty chronically since middle school. I'm one of those people who is pretty knowledgeable and has tried a great deal and what worked doesn't work so well any more. Oatmeal used to help, but I can react to it sometimes these days. Moisturizers of all kinds are iffy at best, coconut oil, shea butter, aquaphor, any lotion or cream can cause me issues at times. I know diet is huge, but I have allergies to nuts and other things which make alternatives difficult. Prednisone is a life saver at times but tapering and rebound/withdrawals are tricky. Topical steroids are the same thing. Extremes in weather can be tough. There are few things that simply WORK anymore. Any ideas?
submitted by Interesting_Title_76 to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 07:40 Famous_Connection_84 questions

So I am a 33 year male (obviously as there are only two genders), 6ft, 220, only 1 race in the world and that is human. My rheumatologist and I are looking for alternative to spinal surgery for stage 4 ddd due to some contributing factors.
  1. Allergy to Prednisone
  2. back is too sensitive
  3. too many nerves and low success rate
Obviously physical therapy has been useless and exhausted as a resource due to my insurance pushing the need of pt being an avenue needed to be pursued before other options. Issue went to stage 4 as a result of an attack from my ex, the spine is now curved at the top and close to touching the spine itself and the disc tends to just pop and click alot
submitted by Famous_Connection_84 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 14:23 ClassroomParty3886 Methotrexate and LDN

I've been grappling with reactive arthritis in my knee for the past 11 months, with persistent swelling throughout. Despite attempting various treatments, including dietary changes, draining the fluid twice, and corticosteroid injections, the relief has been short-lived, with the swelling quickly returning. When diagnosed, my doctor recommended methotrexate, but I was hesitant due to the severe side effects. I chose to try Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) instead, which I've been on for three months. It's helped ease the pain, but the swelling continues unabated.
The ongoing swelling has drastically affected my mobility for over a year now, and at just 26 years old, it's deeply affected my mental health and ability to work.
I later commenced treatment with methotrexate, but after seven weeks, there's been no reduction in swelling. I'm currently on prednisone, methotrexate, and LDN. Initially, prednisone seemed to work, but after decreasing the dose on my doctor’s advice—to avoid long-term risks—the swelling intensified.
Despite my CRP and ESR levels going down, my knee remains severely swollen. I’m worried there might be interactions between LDN and methotrexate that are diminishing their effectiveness. If anyone has any insights or suggestions for managing these medications, or alternative treatments, your advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.
submitted by ClassroomParty3886 to LowDoseNaltrexone [link] [comments]