Pre-k writing journal

Journal Writing

2014.10.08 02:42 Journal Writing

A community for those who enjoy keeping written journals to understand their life through words. Any submissions of drawing-inspired or bullet journals will be removed, this is for strictly classic journal entries!

2011.01.11 17:20 Rcjobson Journaling: for people who have journals

/Journaling is a subreddit dedicated to those who keep a written Journal. Share photos of what you write, ask questions, and find inspiration here with like minded people. Whatever you need we're a happy bunch, ready to grab a cup of coffee and write! — Use an app? Check out digitaljournaling. Want to use Reddit as a journal? Check out DiaryofaRedditor. Make collages? Check out JournalingIsArt.

2015.01.06 14:22 BrainOfIvane Kwaderno: The subreddit for Filipino writers

A place for Filipino and Philippines-based writers to share their work and discuss writing-related topics!

2024.06.02 17:56 Puppysdiarylol Journalling to help with loneliness

Does this work? I used to love journalling but I haven't been doing it much for the past few years. If it's helped you, what do you write? Is it about your day, or is it questions you ask yourself?
I want to get back into journalling to help with feeling so alone at school and at home. I feel like it would be good for me, but I don't know where to start.
If anyone has any advice regarding this I'd love to hear! Please let me know <3
submitted by Puppysdiarylol to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:45 SolidAspect1275 42/F/WV looking for like minded pen pals who love chatty letters and packages.

Hello! I am 42 years old, and live in West Virginia in the US currently. I have been with the love of my life for 11 months now. Very proud to be in the LGBTQIA+ community.I love writing chatty letters, and have just gotten back into journaling and drawing again. I love coffee, tea, sweets, stickers, washi tape, cooking, baking, true crime, horror, Disney, and more. I have a passion for helping those less fortunate, and very proudly sponsor children in the Dominican Republic, the Philippines, and Mexico. Anxiously awaiting the fourth and final child I will help. Hoping to not only write letters, but at some point send packages as well. Age and location are not an issue at all.
submitted by SolidAspect1275 to penpalsover30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:29 UnDead_Ted For It Is Written

For It Is Written

Today's Verse

1 Corinthians 2:9 (NIV) - However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those who love him.

1) Design

  • But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
  • That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”

2) Develop

It is written/What the Scriptures mean:
The word is trustworthy and true (Rev. 21:4)
What no human mind has conceived/Entered into the heart of man:
This phrase suggests that the wonders of God’s plans and blessings are beyond human sensory experience. No one has seen or heard the full extent of what God has prepared. This emphasizes that even the human imagination or understanding cannot fully grasp the greatness of what God has in store. It transcends our thoughts and expectations.
Things God has prepared/Hath prepared:
This part highlights that these extraordinary blessings and plans are specifically for those who love God. It underscores the relationship between God's love and human devotion.

3) Actions

What actions develop the story in this verse? What is happening? To whom?
To understand the development and context of the story in 1 Corinthians 2:9, we need to look at the surrounding verses and the overall message of the chapter. Here’s a breakdown of the actions and the narrative flow:

Context of 1 Corinthians 2

  1. Paul’s Preaching and Message (Verses 1-5):
    • Paul begins by reminding the Corinthians that when he came to them, he did not use eloquent words or human wisdom. Instead, he preached Christ crucified, relying on the power of the Holy Spirit so that their faith would rest on God's power, not human wisdom.
  2. God’s Wisdom Revealed by the Spirit (Verses 6-8):
    • Paul contrasts human wisdom with God’s wisdom. He explains that God’s wisdom is a mystery, hidden and destined for the glory of believers. This wisdom was not understood by the rulers of the age, for if they had understood it, they would not have crucified Jesus.
  3. The Verse in Question (Verse 9):
    • Here, Paul emphasizes the incomprehensible nature of God’s plans. He quotes from Isaiah to highlight that what God has prepared for those who love Him is beyond human understanding.
  4. Revelation Through the Spirit (Verses 10-16):
    • Paul explains that God has revealed these things to us through His Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. Paul goes on to say that the natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God because they are spiritually discerned.

Actions and Development

  1. Paul’s Humble Approach:
    • Paul’s decision to preach not with persuasive words but with the Spirit’s power sets the stage. This establishes the foundation that true understanding and faith come from God’s power, not human intellect.
  2. Contrast of Wisdom:
    • Paul contrasts human wisdom with divine wisdom. Human rulers and their wisdom failed to recognize Jesus as the Messiah, which led to His crucifixion.
  3. Quoting Isaiah:
    • Paul quotes from the Old Testament (Isaiah 64:4) to illustrate the greatness of God’s plans for believers. This quote emphasizes the hidden, glorious nature of God’s promises, preparing the audience to understand that divine wisdom is revealed by the Spirit.
  4. Revelation by the Spirit:
    • Paul asserts that the Holy Spirit reveals God’s wisdom to believers. This revelation process is a crucial action that develops the understanding that spiritual truths are discerned through the Spirit.

What is Happening and To Whom?

  • To the Believers in Corinth:
    • Paul is addressing the Corinthian Christians, encouraging them to seek God’s wisdom through the Holy Spirit rather than relying on human wisdom and eloquence.
  • Revelation of God’s Plan:
    • The key action is the revelation of God’s plans and blessings to believers. This revelation is something that no human sense or understanding can grasp, but it is made known through the Spirit.


In 1 Corinthians 2:9, Paul is explaining that the amazing things God has prepared for those who love Him are beyond human comprehension and can only be revealed through the Spirit. The actions developing this story include Paul’s humble preaching approach, the contrast between human and divine wisdom, the quoting of scripture to illustrate the point, and the ultimate revelation by the Holy Spirit to believers. The recipients of this message are the Corinthian Christians, and the overarching theme is the reliance on spiritual wisdom over human wisdom.

4) Outcome

What is God saying to you today? How can you apply this to your life?
Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 2:9, the message God conveys is one of profound hope and assurance. The verse reminds us that God's plans for those who love Him are far greater than anything we can perceive or imagine. Here’s a personalized reflection and application of this message:

God's Message to You Today

  1. Trust in the Unseen: God is encouraging you to trust in His plans, even when you can't see the full picture. His blessings and purposes are beyond your current understanding.
  2. Hope and Assurance: God is reassuring you that He has prepared wonderful things for you, which should fill you with hope and confidence in His love and promises.
  3. Dependence on the Spirit: The verse emphasizes the importance of relying on the Holy Spirit for wisdom and understanding, rather than solely on your own knowledge or human wisdom.

Application to Your Life

  1. Cultivate Trust and Faith:
    • Action: Spend time in prayer and meditation, asking God to help you trust in His plans for your life.
    • Reflection: Reflect on past experiences where God’s plans turned out to be better than you could have imagined, reinforcing your trust in His providence.
  2. Embrace Hope and Joy:
    • Action: Whenever you face uncertainty or challenges, remind yourself of this verse and the promise it holds. Let it be a source of comfort and motivation.
    • Reflection: Keep a journal where you note down moments of blessings and unexpected joys, as reminders of God’s goodness and faithfulness.
  3. Seek Spiritual Wisdom:
    • Action: Make it a habit to read the Bible and seek understanding through the Holy Spirit. Join a Bible study group or find a spiritual mentor who can guide you in your faith journey.
    • Reflection: Ponder on how God’s wisdom has guided you in making decisions that aligned with His will, and how you can continue to seek His guidance.
  4. Share the Message:
    • Action: Share this verse and its message with friends or family members who may need encouragement. Be a source of hope and reassurance to others.
    • Reflection: Think about ways you can demonstrate the love and wisdom of God in your daily interactions, serving as a testimony to His promises.
By integrating these actions and reflections into your daily life, you can live out the profound truths of 1 Corinthians 2:9, experiencing the fullness of God’s love and plans for you.

Verse Thoughts....

  1. The Limitations of Human Understanding
    • The verse underscores the limitations of our sensory and intellectual capacities. Our eyes, ears, and minds cannot fully grasp the depth and breadth of God's plans. This invites humility, acknowledging that God's wisdom and knowledge far surpass our own.
  2. The Promise of Divine Revelation
    • Although human understanding is limited, God has chosen to reveal His wisdom and plans to us through His Spirit. This revelation is not something we achieve through our efforts but is a gift from God, showing His desire to be known by us.
  3. The Depth of God’s Love
    • The verse is a testament to the extraordinary love God has for those who love Him. It suggests that the blessings and plans He has for us are not only beyond our comprehension but are also crafted out of His deep love and care for us.
  4. Encouragement in Uncertainty
    • This passage provides immense comfort during times of uncertainty and doubt. It reassures us that even if we cannot see or understand what lies ahead, God has already prepared something wonderful for us. This encourages trust and patience in God’s timing.
  5. Inspiration for Hope and Faith
    • Knowing that God’s plans are greater than we can imagine inspires hope and strengthens our faith. It reminds us to look beyond our current circumstances and hold onto the promises of God, who is faithful and loving.

Practical Applications

  1. Trust in God's Plan
    • In moments of uncertainty, remind yourself of this verse. Trust that God’s plans are greater than what you can currently see or understand.
  2. Seek Spiritual Wisdom
    • Regularly engage in prayer, Bible study, and meditation to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Ask God to reveal His wisdom to you.
  3. Maintain Hope and Positivity
    • Let this verse fuel your hope. When facing challenges, hold onto the assurance that God has amazing things prepared for you.
  4. Share the Encouragement
    • Share this verse with others who may be struggling or in need of encouragement. Help them see the greatness of God’s love and plans.
  5. Live with Expectation
    • Live each day with the expectation that God has wonderful things in store for you. Approach life with a positive and hopeful outlook, grounded in the promises of God.

Reflective Questions

Q-1) How does recognizing the limits of your understanding change your perspective on current challenges?

1. Promotes Humility

  • Shift in Attitude: Acknowledging that your understanding is limited fosters humility. It helps you realize that you don’t have all the answers and that it’s okay to seek help from others and rely on God.
  • Openness to Learning: This humility makes you more open to learning and gaining new perspectives, which can lead to better solutions and personal growth.

2. Encourages Trust in God

  • Dependence on Divine Wisdom: Understanding that God’s wisdom surpasses yours encourages you to rely more on His guidance. This reliance can bring peace and assurance that you are not alone in facing your challenges.
  • Faith in God’s Plan: Trusting that God has a greater plan helps you to have faith that everything will work out for good, even if you don’t understand how at the moment.

3. Reduces Anxiety and Stress

  • Letting Go of Control: When you accept that you don’t need to have everything figured out, it can relieve the pressure of trying to control every aspect of your life. This reduction in stress can improve your mental and emotional well-being.
  • Focus on the Present: You can focus more on what you can do now and leave the unknown future in God’s hands, reducing worry about outcomes that are beyond your control.

4. Enhances Patience and Perseverance

  • Long-Term Perspective: Recognizing your limits helps you to see challenges as part of a larger process. This perspective encourages patience and perseverance, knowing that understanding and resolution might come in time.
  • Resilience: It builds resilience, as you learn to trust the journey and remain steadfast even when immediate solutions are not apparent.

5. Improves Relationships

  • Seeking Support: Realizing you don’t have all the answers makes you more willing to seek advice and support from others, strengthening your relationships and community.
  • Empathy and Compassion: This understanding fosters empathy, as you become more aware of the struggles everyone faces, leading to more compassionate interactions.

6. Inspires Hope and Positivity

  • Belief in Greater Good: Trusting that there’s a bigger picture that you might not fully understand can inspire hope. Believing in God’s good plans for you can bring a sense of optimism and positivity, even in tough times.
  • Focus on Growth: Challenges can be seen as opportunities for growth and learning rather than insurmountable obstacles, leading to a more positive and constructive approach to problems.

Practical Steps to Apply This Perspective

  1. Prayer and Meditation: Regularly spend time in prayer and meditation, asking for God’s guidance and peace. Reflect on scriptures that remind you of God’s wisdom and plans.
  2. Seek Counsel: Don’t hesitate to seek advice and support from trusted friends, family, mentors, or spiritual leaders. They can provide insights and perspectives you might not have considered.
  3. Practice Mindfulness: Stay present and focus on the tasks and decisions you can make today. Let go of the need to control or worry about the future.
  4. Journaling: Keep a journal to document your thoughts, prayers, and the ways you see God’s hand in your life. Reflect on how past challenges have led to growth and blessings.
  5. Gratitude: Cultivate a habit of gratitude, regularly acknowledging and thanking God for His presence and the ways He has guided you through challenges in the past.
By recognizing the limits of your understanding, you can approach current challenges with a more grounded, peaceful, and hopeful mindset, trusting that God’s greater wisdom and plans are at work in your life.

Q-2) In what ways can you seek to deepen your relationship with God to better understand His plans for you?


1. Prayer

  • Consistent Communication: Make prayer a regular part of your daily routine. Use this time to talk to God, share your concerns, and listen for His guidance.
  • Varied Forms of Prayer: Engage in different types of prayer such as adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. This variety helps in developing a well-rounded relationship with God.

2. Bible Study

  • Daily Reading: Commit to reading the Bible daily. It’s God’s Word and the primary way He communicates His will and plans.
  • Study Groups: Join a Bible study group. Discussing scripture with others can provide new insights and a deeper understanding.
  • Meditation on Scripture: Take time to meditate on specific verses or passages, reflecting on how they apply to your life and seeking God’s revelation through them.

3. Worship

  • Personal Worship: Spend time in personal worship through music, singing, or other forms of expression that draw you closer to God.
  • Corporate Worship: Participate regularly in church services and community worship. Being part of a community of believers can strengthen your faith and understanding.

4. Service and Ministry

  • Volunteer Work: Engage in service opportunities within your church or community. Serving others helps you to live out your faith and can provide clarity on your purpose.
  • Ministry Involvement: Get involved in ministry activities. This allows you to use your gifts and talents for God’s glory and often reveals His plans for you through your service.

5. Spiritual Disciplines

  • Fasting: Practice fasting as a way to seek God more intensely. Fasting helps to focus on spiritual needs and seek God’s direction.
  • Silence and Solitude: Spend time in silence and solitude to listen to God without distractions. This practice helps you to hear God’s voice more clearly.

6. Guidance from Spiritual Mentors

  • Mentorship: Seek out a spiritual mentor or advisor who can provide guidance, wisdom, and support as you navigate your faith journey.
  • Discipleship: Engage in discipleship programs where you can learn and grow under the guidance of more mature believers.

7. Reflective Practices

  • Journaling: Keep a spiritual journal to record your prayers, reflections, and any insights or revelations you receive. This helps you track your spiritual growth and discern God’s patterns in your life.
  • Retreats: Participate in spiritual retreats where you can withdraw from daily distractions and focus solely on your relationship with God.

8. Reading Christian Literature

  • Books and Devotionals: Read books and devotionals that help deepen your understanding of God and His plans. Choose literature that challenges and encourages you in your faith.

9. Community and Fellowship

  • Small Groups: Join a small group or home group where you can share life with others, pray together, and support each other’s spiritual growth.
  • Accountability Partners: Establish relationships with accountability partners who can encourage you, pray for you, and help you stay committed to your spiritual goals.

10. Attending Conferences and Seminars

  • Christian Conferences: Attend conferences, seminars, and workshops that focus on spiritual growth and development. These events can provide fresh perspectives and renewed inspiration.


Deepening your relationship with God is an ongoing journey that involves intentionality, discipline, and openness to the Holy Spirit. By engaging in these practices, you create space for God to reveal His plans and guide you more clearly. It’s through a committed and growing relationship with Him that you can better understand His will and purpose for your life.
Q-3) How can you remind yourself of God’s promises during times of doubt or difficulty?

Scripture Memorization

  • Key Verses: Memorize verses that speak to God's promises. Examples include:
    • Isaiah 41:10: "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
    • Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
  • Daily Recall: Regularly recite these verses to yourself, especially during moments of doubt.

2. Prayer and Meditation

  • Prayer Focus: Use your prayer time to remind yourself of God's promises. Thank God for His faithfulness and ask for the strength to trust Him.
  • Meditative Reflection: Spend time in quiet reflection, meditating on specific promises and allowing their truth to sink deep into your heart.

3. Journaling

  • Gratitude Journal: Keep a journal where you record instances of God's faithfulness and answered prayers. Reflecting on past experiences can reinforce your trust in God's promises.
  • Promise Journal: Write down God’s promises that are meaningful to you. Revisit these entries during tough times to remind yourself of His faithfulness.

4. Visual Reminders

  • Post-It Notes: Write verses or key promises on post-it notes and place them around your home, office, or car where you’ll see them regularly.
  • Phone Reminders: Set reminders on your phone with scriptures or affirmations of God's promises to prompt you throughout the day.

5. Worship Music

  • Songs of Promise: Listen to worship songs that focus on God's promises. Music has a powerful way of reinforcing truths and uplifting your spirit.
  • Create Playlists: Create playlists of songs that encourage and remind you of God’s faithfulness and promises.

6. Christian Community

  • Small Groups: Join a small group or Bible study where you can share your struggles and be reminded of God's promises by others.
  • Accountability Partners: Have a trusted friend or mentor who can remind you of God's promises when you’re feeling doubtful or discouraged.

7. Reading Devotionals and Christian Literature

  • Daily Devotions: Use devotional books that focus on God’s promises. Daily readings can provide consistent reminders and encouragement.
  • Books on God’s Promises: Read books by Christian authors that delve into the promises of God, offering deeper insights and personal stories of faith.

8. Attending Church Services

  • Sermons and Teachings: Regularly attend church services to hear sermons that reinforce God’s promises and provide biblical teaching.
  • Community Worship: Engage in corporate worship and fellowship, which can strengthen your faith and remind you of God’s presence and promises.

9. Creative Expression

  • Art and Craft: Create artwork, crafts, or write poems that reflect God's promises. This creative process can help internalize these truths.
  • Scripture Cards: Make or purchase scripture cards with promises of God. Use them for daily meditation or share them with others.

10. Personal Testimony

  • Reflect on Testimonies: Reflect on your personal testimonies of how God has been faithful in the past. Share these stories with others to reinforce your own faith.
  • Listen to Others: Hear testimonies from other believers about how God has kept His promises. This can be highly encouraging and affirming.
By incorporating these practices into your life, you can keep God’s promises at the forefront of your mind, helping you to navigate through times of doubt or difficulty with faith and confidence.
Scripture MemorizationEnd
  • Key Verses: Memorize verses that speak to God's promises. Examples include:
    • Isaiah 41:10: "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
    • Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
  • Daily Recall: Regularly recite these verses to yourself, especially during moments of doubt.

2. Prayer and Meditation

  • Prayer Focus: Use your prayer time to remind yourself of God's promises. Thank God for His faithfulness and ask for the strength to trust Him.
  • Meditative Reflection: Spend time in quiet reflection, meditating on specific promises and allowing their truth to sink deep into your heart.

3. Journaling

  • Gratitude Journal: Keep a journal where you record instances of God's faithfulness and answered prayers. Reflecting on past experiences can reinforce your trust in God's promises.
  • Promise Journal: Write down God’s promises that are meaningful to you. Revisit these entries during tough times to remind yourself of His faithfulness.

4. Visual Reminders

  • Post-It Notes: Write verses or key promises on post-it notes and place them around your home, office, or car where you’ll see them regularly.
  • Phone Reminders: Set reminders on your phone with scriptures or affirmations of God's promises to prompt you throughout the day.

5. Worship Music

  • Songs of Promise: Listen to worship songs that focus on God's promises. Music has a powerful way of reinforcing truths and uplifting your spirit.
  • Create Playlists: Create playlists of songs that encourage and remind you of God’s faithfulness and promises.

6. Christian Community

  • Small Groups: Join a small group or Bible study where you can share your struggles and be reminded of God's promises by others.
  • Accountability Partners: Have a trusted friend or mentor who can remind you of God's promises when you’re feeling doubtful or discouraged.

7. Reading Devotionals and Christian Literature

  • Daily Devotions: Use devotional books that focus on God’s promises. Daily readings can provide consistent reminders and encouragement.
  • Books on God’s Promises: Read books by Christian authors that delve into the promises of God, offering deeper insights and personal stories of faith.

8. Attending Church Services

  • Sermons and Teachings: Regularly attend church services to hear sermons that reinforce God’s promises and provide biblical teaching.
  • Community Worship: Engage in corporate worship and fellowship, which can strengthen your faith and remind you of God’s presence and promises.

9. Creative Expression

  • Art and Craft: Create artwork, crafts, or write poems that reflect God's promises. This creative process can help internalize these truths.
  • Scripture Cards: Make or purchase scripture cards with promises of God. Use them for daily meditation or share them with others.

10. Personal Testimony

  • Reflect on Testimonies: Reflect on your personal testimonies of how God has been faithful in the past. Share these stories with others to reinforce your own faith.
  • Listen to Others: Hear testimonies from other believers about how God has kept His promises. This can be highly encouraging and affirming.
By incorporating these practices into your life, you can keep God’s promises at the forefront of your mind, helping you to navigate through times of doubt or difficulty with faith and confidence.
Q-4) Who in your life could benefit from hearing the message of this verse, and how can you share it with them?
Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 2:9 and its message of hope and the incomprehensible nature of God's plans can be incredibly uplifting. Here are some ways to identify people who could benefit from this message and practical methods to share it with them:

Identifying People Who Could Benefit

  1. Friends Facing Difficulties: Friends who are going through challenging times, whether it's personal loss, career struggles, or health issues, could find comfort in this message.
  2. Family Members in Transition: Family members who are experiencing life transitions, such as moving, starting a new job, or entering a new stage of life, may need encouragement.
  3. Co-workers Under Stress: Colleagues who are dealing with work-related stress or uncertainty might find solace in knowing that there is a greater plan.
  4. Church Community Members: Fellow church members who are seeking deeper faith or struggling with their spiritual journey can benefit from this reminder of God's promises.
  5. Acquaintances Facing Uncertainty: Anyone in your wider social circle who is facing uncertainty or doubt about the future.

How to Share the Message

  1. Personal Conversations
    • Heartfelt Discussion: Share the verse during a personal conversation, expressing how it has helped you and how you believe it can bring them hope.
    • Empathetic Listening: Listen to their concerns and gently introduce the verse as a source of encouragement.
  2. Written Communication
    • Handwritten Notes: Write a heartfelt note or card including the verse, along with a personal message of encouragement.
    • Emails or Text Messages: Send a thoughtful email or text message sharing the verse and how it might relate to their situation.
  3. Social Media
    • Posts and Stories: Share the verse on your social media platforms with a reflection on what it means to you. Tag friends who you think would benefit.
    • Direct Messages: Send the verse in a private message to someone you know is struggling, accompanied by a personal note of support.
  4. Group Settings
    • Small Groups or Bible Studies: Share the verse during a small group or Bible study meeting, discussing its meaning and relevance to current challenges.
    • Family Gatherings: Bring up the verse during family dinners or gatherings, using it as a topic of discussion and reflection.
  5. Gifts and Tokens
    • Scripture Cards or Bookmarks: Give friends and family scripture cards or bookmarks featuring the verse.
    • Books or Devotionals: Gift a book or devotional that explores God’s promises and includes reflections on 1 Corinthians 2:9.
  6. Creative Expression
    • Art and Crafts: Create artwork, such as paintings or calligraphy, featuring the verse, and give it as a gift.
    • Music and Poetry: Share songs or poems inspired by the verse, either ones you find or ones you create yourself.

Example Scenarios

  1. A Friend Struggling with Job Loss:
    • Approach: Over coffee, share how 1 Corinthians 2:9 has helped you trust in God's greater plan during your own uncertain times.
    • Encouragement: Remind them that while they might not see it now, God has something wonderful prepared for them.
  2. A Family Member Going Through Divorce:
    • Approach: Write them a heartfelt letter including the verse, expressing your love and support.
    • Encouragement: Highlight that God's love and plans for them are beyond what they can currently imagine, offering hope for the future.
  3. A Co-worker Facing Burnout:
    • Approach: During a lunch break, discuss the verse and its impact on your perspective during stressful periods.
    • Encouragement: Suggest that taking some time to reflect on this promise might bring them peace and renewed strength.
By thoughtfully and compassionately sharing the message of 1 Corinthians 2:9, you can provide hope and encouragement to those around you, reminding them of God's incredible and unfathomable plans for their lives.
Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 2:9 and its message of hope and the incomprehensible nature of God's plans can be incredibly uplifting. Here are some ways to identify people who could benefit from this message and practical methods to share it with them:End

Identifying People Who Could Benefit

  1. Friends Facing Difficulties: Friends who are going through challenging times, whether it's personal loss, career struggles, or health issues, could find comfort in this message.
  2. Family Members in Transition: Family members who are experiencing life transitions, such as moving, starting a new job, or entering a new stage of life, may need encouragement.
  3. Co-workers Under Stress: Colleagues who are dealing with work-related stress or uncertainty might find solace in knowing that there is a greater plan.
  4. Church Community Members: Fellow church members who are seeking deeper faith or struggling with their spiritual journey can benefit from this reminder of God's promises.
  5. Acquaintances Facing Uncertainty: Anyone in your wider social circle who is facing uncertainty or doubt about the future.

How to Share the Message

  1. Personal Conversations
    • Heartfelt Discussion: Share the verse during a personal conversation, expressing how it has helped you and how you believe it can bring them hope.
    • Empathetic Listening: Listen to their concerns and gently introduce the verse as a source of encouragement.
  2. Written Communication
    • Handwritten Notes: Write a heartfelt note or card including the verse, along with a personal message of encouragement.
    • Emails or Text Messages: Send a thoughtful email or text message sharing the verse and how it might relate to their situation.
  3. Social Media
    • Posts and Stories: Share the verse on your social media platforms with a reflection on what it means to you. Tag friends who you think would benefit.
    • Direct Messages: Send the verse in a private message to someone you know is struggling, accompanied by a personal note of support.
  4. Group Settings
    • Small Groups or Bible Studies: Share the verse during a small group or Bible study meeting, discussing its meaning and relevance to current challenges.
    • Family Gatherings: Bring up the verse during family dinners or gatherings, using it as a topic of discussion and reflection.
  5. Gifts and Tokens
    • Scripture Cards or Bookmarks: Give friends and family scripture cards or bookmarks featuring the verse.
    • Books or Devotionals: Gift a book or devotional that explores God’s promises and includes reflections on 1 Corinthians 2:9.
  6. Creative Expression
    • Art and Crafts: Create artwork, such as paintings or calligraphy, featuring the verse, and give it as a gift.
    • Music and Poetry: Share songs or poems inspired by the verse, either ones you find or ones you create yourself.

Example Scenarios

  1. A Friend Struggling with Job Loss:
    • Approach: Over coffee, share how 1 Corinthians 2:9 has helped you trust in God's greater plan during your own uncertain times.
    • Encouragement: Remind them that while they might not see it now, God has something wonderful prepared for them.
  2. A Family Member Going Through Divorce:
    • Approach: Write them a heartfelt letter including the verse, expressing your love and support.
    • Encouragement: Highlight that God's love and plans for them are beyond what they can currently imagine, offering hope for the future.
  3. A Co-worker Facing Burnout:
    • Approach: During a lunch break, discuss the verse and its impact on your perspective during stressful periods.
    • Encouragement: Suggest that taking some time to reflect on this promise might bring them peace and renewed strength.
By thoughtfully and compassionately sharing the message of 1 Corinthians 2:9, you can provide hope and encouragement to those around you, reminding them of God's incredible and unfathomable plans for their lives. It invites us to live in a state of awe and trust, knowing that God’s plans for us are far beyond what we can imagine. By embracing this truth, we can navigate life with hope, faith, and a deeper connection to God’s Spirit.
Let's Pray:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your incredible love and the promises You have given us. As Your Word says, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him." We are in awe of Your plans, which surpass our understanding and imagination.
Lord, we come before You with hearts full of gratitude for the assurance that You have great things prepared for us. Help us to trust in Your divine wisdom and timing, especially during moments of doubt and difficulty. Remind us that Your ways are higher than our ways and that Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
When we face uncertainties and challenges, let us find comfort in Your promises. Strengthen our faith so that we may walk confidently, knowing that You are guiding our steps. Help us to be patient and to wait on You, trusting that Your plans for us are good and filled with hope and a future.
Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with Your peace and joy. Open our eyes to see glimpses of Your marvelous works and our ears to hear Your gentle guidance. May we continually seek Your presence and be sensitive to Your leading in our lives.
Lord, we lift up our loved ones who may be struggling or feeling lost. May they also come to know the depth of Your love and the greatness of Your plans for them. Use us to be a source of encouragement and hope, sharing Your promises and love with those around us.
We surrender our worries and fears to You, trusting that You hold our future in Your hands. Thank You for Your faithfulness and the assurance that You are always with us.
In Jesus' precious name, we pray.
submitted by UnDead_Ted to TheDailyDose [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:44 mystrawberrycandle 20 F - looking for a long-term, genuine friendship/connection!

hey y'all, my name's lilly - im 20 years old, afab(female at birth)/fem nonbinary, i use they/them pronouns, and im looking for long-term, genuine friendships. i have a variety of interests and i love rambling and talking about them to other people ! honestly if you let me I could talk all day, but im also a good listener and love taking in other people's interests as well. i tend to put in a lot of effort and energy towards getting to know others, so id expect the same energy back - im not a dry texter in the slightest. ask questions, and actually engage in the conversation with me - that's the best way to get to know me (:
like I mentioned I have many many hobbies and interests. i love music, kpop, kdramas, art/drawing, writing, reading, dancing, journaling, watching youtube, watching movies/tv shows, anime/manga, and video games ! i don't mind what gender you are, but im open to anyone that is 18+, and i also don't mind older people messaging me. im pretty introverted and enjoy getting to know people on a slow and deep level, but with time i do open up more. sometimes it is difficult for me to reply promptly because my energy can be low, but please be patient with me and ill get back to you asap ! and please don't just say hey ! give me an intro about yourself as well. if we have any common interests, dm me ! let's get to know each other (:
submitted by mystrawberrycandle to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:42 LordPentolino Crimson Highlands Archives

I've managed to pinpoint all of the Crimson Highland Archive. One of them (Smudged Letter) is apparently bugged. It's initially visible but not readable. It becomes interactable during a side quest, after season finish, but it disappear after reading without getting registered and then is nowhere to be found.
Note: A certain number of these entries, like those in Eroded Enclave, appear after you end the season and/or during side quests that appear immediately after.
Note 2: Some of these entries in CH3 are inside cocoons
submitted by LordPentolino to AFKJourney [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:38 mystrawberrycandle 20 [F4A] #online - looking for a long-term, genuine friendship/connection!

hey y'all, my name's lilly - im 20 years old, afab(female at birth)/fem nonbinary, i use they/them pronouns, and im looking for long-term, genuine friendships. i have a variety of interests and i love rambling and talking about them to other people ! honestly if you let me I could talk all day, but im also a good listener and love taking in other people's interests as well. i tend to put in a lot of effort and energy towards getting to know others, so id expect the same energy back - im not a dry texter in the slightest. ask questions, and actually engage in the conversation with me - that's the best way to get to know me (:
like I mentioned I have many many hobbies and interests. i love music, kpop, kdramas, art/drawing, writing, reading, dancing, journaling, watching youtube, watching movies/tv shows, anime/manga, and video games ! i don't mind what gender you are, but im open to anyone that is 18+, and i also don't mind older people messaging me. im pretty introverted and enjoy getting to know people on a slow and deep level, but with time i do open up more. sometimes it is difficult for me to reply promptly because my energy can be low, but please be patient with me and ill get back to you asap ! and please don't just say hey ! give me an intro about yourself as well. if we have any common interests, dm me ! let's get to know each other (:
submitted by mystrawberrycandle to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:30 Purple_Mauve_gang1 Exercise mentally

It is always good to exercise your mental health because just like physical health mental health matters
These are ways you could exercise mentally
1*Meditate: there are different ways of meditation like mindfulness, spiritual,focused and movement meditation you should just find the one that suits you
2*Goal setting: this helps a lot if you are a procrastinator set goals for the week or day it could be small things and at the end of the day check to see if you have completed all of it it will help you achieve and finish task and you'll have less stress
3*Gratitude: this is a must you should keep a book were you write down what you are grateful for at the end of the day or week it could be even the smallest of things like your crush said hi to you by doing this you will see how much you have that you will forget about what you lack slowly
4*Diet :there are so many diets you could go on that help prevent depression go on a 21 day diet like medi mod diet and the paleto diet
5*Journalling :this is good for you write down every thing that goes on in your days and also write down were you want to see yourself in life
(Hope you keep these tips in mind I'll do a video on the different types of meditation and Gratitude)
submitted by Purple_Mauve_gang1 to mentalhealth_music1 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:14 supremejesusx Partner using me for money & sex? Or keep trying to win back

Abandon my partner ? or stay
Very long story short: Dating for almost 2 years. Moved in way too fast. Were never able to properly communicate and resolve fights so they became bigger and (for my part) i said mean things.
I wanted to leave a few times, didn't. She left me one day but left her items. Came back after me writing love letters and flowers,etc. We didnt talk properly, fought once again and again without talking she left with everything while i was at work.
After a month of NC (mostly) and me paying a few thousands in remaining bills so she could feel safety and have less worries, i suprised her with an airbnb near a beach about an hour away from her hometown. Gave her a book with all our memories and my thoughts that ive been journaling about her, some fancy clothes as she always liked me to take the lead. And did some beautiful bars/restaueants. We had an amazing time! Just like we were in love all over again.
Started slowly rebuilding and videocalling everyday, saying i love you,etc but she didnt want any labels or gave almost no reassurance even when i openly communicated about it. I got anxious, suffered alot. One day she was extremely sweet, the other ..things were off and i almost didnt exist to her.
In the meanwhile we planned another holiday (last week).
A week before the holiday she suddenly said that its unfair what she has been doing and doesnt want a relationship right now. ( at the same time i know 100% sure she does and wants to have kids soon too)
A bit after she tried to convince me it was a bad idea to do the holiday. Everything was already paid for and now it was a day before the holiday.
It was very very stressful to me but i couldnt cancel so i told her. We went.. it was amazing.. almost dreamlike and cared for each other.
A while ago i bought a ring and prepared some text to tell her on the holiday. As i didnt say the text finally but explained i did this and why. Also that i really still wanted this and am doing my best to show up and apologise / grow together. (The ring was supposed to be a promise ring) She doesn't seem to be able to give a definitive answer.
i really want to respect her space and understand but somewhere also think if you want something or love someone, no matter how hard it was. At least you're clear or try in some way after all this? Even after suffering or this long i'm still trying to fight for it and it feels a bit like it means nothing to her.
She was and is very kind and loving. But i'm just quite scared to be on the emotional rollercoaster i was on again.
Do i ask her again what she wants to do? As i don't want to force her but also by now 3-4 months have past and i've been trying to show consistent love and growth,two holidays, gifts and care. We live in a different country now which doesn't make it easier.
I feel way less anxious than i did at some points. But don't want to be waiting for months with hearts in my eyes for a message that says: "i dont love you anymore"
What do i do ?
TL:DR Couple of 2 years, started to not resolve fights and said very wrong things. She moved out. Been trying to win her back giving her space , two holidays, nice gifts, daily compliments and care. She stays vague and i dont know what to do as i feel less anxious, want to fight but also want clarity in a way. Mostly dont want to pressure her. What do i do.
submitted by supremejesusx to love [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:34 BeastModeCrypto LOOK1% - LIFE!

Happy Sunday, TEAM!
Looking to make a significant change in your life? Here are 10 ways to reprogram your mind and design a new life, complete with practical examples:
  1. Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve. For example, set a goal to learn a new skill within six months and create a detailed plan to achieve it.
  2. Practice Positive Affirmations: Reinforce positive beliefs by repeating affirmations daily. Example: “I am capable and successful,” said every morning.
  3. Visualize Your Success: Spend a few minutes each day imagining yourself achieving your goals. Visualize your success in vivid detail, such as landing your dream job or running a successful business.
  4. Develop a Growth Mindset: Embrace challenges as opportunities to grow. For example, if you encounter a difficult task at work, view it as a chance to develop new skills.
  5. Meditate Daily: Incorporate meditation into your routine to reduce stress and increase focus. Start with just 5 minutes a day using a guided meditation app.
  6. Read and Learn Continuously: Dedicate time to reading books or articles on personal development. For instance, read one book a month on a topic that interests you.
  7. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Spend time with people who uplift and inspire you. Join a group or community that shares your interests and goals.
  8. Take Consistent Action: Break down your goals into small, manageable tasks and work on them consistently. For example, if you want to write a book, commit to writing 500 words every day.
  9. Embrace Failure as Learning: View failures as stepping stones to success. Analyze what went wrong, learn from it, and apply those lessons to future efforts.
  10. Practice Gratitude: Keep a daily gratitude journal. Write down three things you are grateful for each day to foster a positive outlook.
Let's all strive to reprogram our minds and design the lives we desire!

MindsetShift #PersonalDevelopment #GrowthMindset #PositiveChange #GoalSetting #SuccessJourney #Meditation #ContinuousLearning #Gratitude #Resilience #Empowerment #TeamSuccess

submitted by BeastModeCrypto to motivation [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:31 Legitimate_Bit5426 Should I apply honor classes? And a few more questions.

(Before I start, I think I should take a moment to talk about myself. I have spent the majority of my academic years(middle/high school) in South Korea, so I don't know much about the college admission process in the U.S. Please forgive me for my ignorance and I would love to hear your thoughts.)(Lastly, I am Korean, but I was born in the states, so I'm not an international student and I will be attending a CC in the fall.)
Q.1) Should I apply for the Honors Program?
I am currently thinking about applying for the honors program at my school. I have read the WIKI and was kind of confused about the part that said "you should not force yourself to take honor classes, since AOs don't care about the difficulty of the classes that students take". I thought that because honors classes have fewer students, I would get to know the professors more and maybe get a better LOR. The school also says that I would get to do "Coursework involving research, independent inquiry, project-based learning, creative expression, service-learning and other kinds of experiential learning". I thought this could help me do some activities for ECs so I was really tempted to apply. (If you're thinking "That's not how you do ECs. What an idiot." please hold your anger for Q3.)
Q.2) "AOs largely will not care about the difficulty of your courses". Does that mean I should just take easy classes to get As?
I want to try more challenging classes, but I am kind of scared/confused about whether I even need to take more challenging classes. In high school I finished calc 1 and a bit of 2 (In Korea, you take calculus in high school) but when I was registering for CC they said I needed to take college algebra because I needed to do the prerequisites first. There is a placement test that I can take to skip classes like trigonometry and pre-calculus, but I'm hesitant to take it because one side of me thinks that I should just take trig and pre-calc to get As. But the other side of me wants to take the test, so I can take more challenging classes and take science classes like university physics or chem.(I need to take trig and pre-calc to take them)I currently haven't registered for the test because my counselor advised that I should get a feel for college first and maybe take the test next semester. I agree with the counselor and think that I should focus my first semester on ECs and improving my English skills, so, I'm thinking of taking the test next semester.
Q.3) what the frick are ECs????? How do you get such BIG achievements in the first year of college?
In Korea, college admissions don't take ECs very seriously, so the importance levels kind of look like this.( grades >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ECs) ( The grading system in Korea is totally different to the US, so, schools don't really need/use ECs to evaluate students.) So when I first started looking at applications of other students in the US, I was genuinely shocked. A high school student building a non-profit to teach other students? A senior made a startup that generates millions in profit? wtf do you mean???(btw respect to the mods). When I was in high school in Korea, ECs were reading a book about a topic that you are interested in and presenting it in class or writing a research paper for a school research fair. I was sort of relieved when the WIKI said that small ECs can still help, but I am completely lost on how I would become a competitive applicant. How do you publish papers in top journals and build such big things like Student A in the WIKI?
I am terribly sorry for writing such a long post. I am completely out of my comfort zone and feel really lost. Your help would be greatly appreciated and thanks again for reading such a long post.
submitted by Legitimate_Bit5426 to TransferToTop25 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:26 Menesio My first one-day retreat -- feedback on tentative schedule?

Hi folks,
I have been daily meditating for some years now (20 mins a day, let's say 5-6 years). I had a rough patch the last years or so with my practice but I am happier as of late, and I would to try my first one-day retreat. I have never done anything of the like, but I have done longer meditation sessions (1 hour max, nothing crazy) and I have tried other "difficoult experiences" (marathons, psychedelics).
After reading some advice on this board, I have put together this tentative schedule. Does anyone want to pitch in and tell me if this is too ambitious, or anything I could improve?
Wake up at 7:00 shower breakfast (bananas and grean tea) yoga
8 to 9 -> sitting meditation 9 to 9:30 -> walking meditation 9:30 to 10:30 -> sitting meditation 10:30 to 11:00 -> walking meditation or yoga 11:00 to 12:00 -> sitting meditation
lunch from 12:00 to 13:30 prepare, and eat tofu with veggies (after eating, if there is time left: look at the sky, walk around, journal, yoga)
13:30 to 14:30 -> sitting meditation 14:30 to 15 -> walking meditation 15 to 16 -> sitting meditation
16 to 18 "cool down" time. No phone. Try walking around, writing, journaling
(total sitting meditation: 5 hours)
submitted by Menesio to Meditation [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:00 av-law Four Months After the Mountain Meadows Massacre, John D. Lee - The Director at the Scene - Enjoyed the Privileges of a Celebrity

“In [January] 1858 [following the Mountain Meadows Massacre in September 1857], Brigham Young gave me my seventeenth wife Emma Batchelder . . . . Brigham Young said that Isaac C. Haight . . . and I, needed some young women to renew our vitality so he gave us both a dashing young bride.” (Lee, Confessions, 289). John D. Lee and Isaac C. Haight were married, in each case, in President Young’s private sealing room. Diary Two, John D. Lee’s 1857-1861 account of his life, like the journals of other Massacre-related Saints, is missing pages (in Lee’s case 12 pages). The surviving part of the Diary begins in the midst of an entry for December 27, 1857, approximately three-and-a-half months after the Massacre. At this moment, the Diary, absent pages that were removed and concealed, has John D. Lee, a southern Utah Legislator, as was also Haight, in Salt Lake City attending the tenth annual session of the Utah Legislature, listening to speeches by Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball.
In the evening, on December 27, 1857, John D. Lee “attended a ward meeting” where he “was called to the Stand by Bishop Wooly, to open by Prayre.” On the following day, Monday, December 28, Lee and his sidekick “Pres. I[saac] C. Haight” traveled North of the city “to visit relatives . . . .” (Brooks, The Diaries of John D. Lee, Vol. 1, 140). On the 30th, Lee took dinner with Simon C. Dot, where he received an invitation to “Stay & Participate in a Social Party [the] following evening.” Still, on the 30th, in the evening he “addressed the Saints in this city [presumably “centerville Farmington . . .”].” On January 1, 1858, and as a matter of some importance, Lee “Paid a visit to Father H. Rollins & obtaind the co. [company] of My [Emma] Batchelor as a Partner in the Dance . . . [a woman he had seen at Bishop Wooly’s ward]. In the eve[n]ing I was favored with Bro. Judson Stoddards carriage & Horses, to bring my Partner to the Party. We enjoyed the Dance well. Spent the remainder of the Night at C.W. Dollons.” (Ibid., Vol. 1, 140). In the morning, with yet more assistance from Judson Stoddard’s carriage and horses, one of Lee’s daughters, then Emma Bachellor and Lee were conveyed to the city, where they had their pictures taken, after which the daughter, and Emma, “both returned home.” Before they did, “Emma expressed an attatchment for me & Said that I on first site [sight] was the object of her Choice.” Lee replied that he would lay the case (marriage to Emma) before Brigham Young (whose consent for Lee to marry was required) and would let her know “when convenient” what the Governor said. On that evening, January 2, 1858, by the request of Brigham Young and four months after the Massacre, “Lee attend[ed] the Theater in the council Hall . . . .” (Ibid., 140-41).
On Sunday, January 3, 1858, after meetings in the Tabernacle featuring Orson Hyde, George Albert Smith, Joseph Young and Daniel H. Wells, Lee preached to “an attentive assembly in the 8th Ward,” where he was “full of the Spirit & had good liberty.” In the evening on Monday, January 4, 1858, Lee had an interview with Brigham Young, who “counseled me to bring Emma & he would Seal her to me.” (Ibid., 141). On Tuesday, January 5, 1858, Lee traveled twelve miles north to fetch Emma, only to find that she was in trouble with her Bishop who had vetoed the intended union. His opposition arose, according to Lee, “from the simple fact that I h[ad] not asked his permission.” Lee had permission, he noted, from Brigham Young “& the girl had no father & that was [all] that was requi[red].” Lee told his intended “that if she loved & had confidence in me” that she should “get into the carriage & let the Bishop sweat & go to hell . . . .” With that controversy then resolved, “In a few minets we were on our ways.” Later that day, the Members of the Legislature (including John D. Lee) met at the Endowment Room where they received lectures upon “clothing ourselves [in] Priestly Robes & Praying &c.” (Brooks, The Diaries of John D. Lee, Vol. 1, 141-42).
On Wednesday, January 6, “upon the Motion of Elder O. Hyd[e] & vote of the House I was requested to deliver a speech upon Forengn relations & Self preservation.” On Thursday, January 7 at 9:00 a.m., John D. Lee and others met in the Endowment Room at the request of Heber C. Kimball “to clothe & be instructed in the Prayre circle.” (Ibid., 142). “At 12 noon Emma Batchellor was given to me to wife by Prest. B. Young in his own Sealing Room.” (Ibid., 142-43). Approximately four months after the horrendous events at Mountain Meadows (and in January 1858), Brigham Young rewarded John D. Lee and Isaac C. Haight (the executors of the Massacre) by marrying them, with some few days between, Lee to Emma Batchelder, and Haight to Elizabeth Summers. The two conspirators, two of Brigham Young’s main men in the south, were married to their exciting new polygamous wives – by the grateful prophet – in the prophet’s private sealing room. (Lee, Confessions, 289).
Brigham Young, John D. Lee’s brother-in-law (Brigham was married to Emmeline Free), understood how Lee might exercise his renewed “vitality” with a “dashing young bride.” In December 1847, when a council chastened Lee “for his cruel treatment of his wives,” Lee said that he had “‘frigged [Young’s sister-in-law] Louisa Free 20 times in one night,’ Young joined in upbraiding Lee but seemed to make light of some allegations. ‘[T]hats the matter with John,’ Young laughed, ‘he has loved his women too much & frigged them too much.’” (John G. Turner, Brigham Young: Pioneer Prophet, 159).
There was another not-so-unimportant element connected to this blissful ten-day from meeting to marriage courtship. It concerned Emma and yet another husband. She was already sealed to another church member, Brother “Jas. Kippin.” Lee’s Diary explained that annoyance in the following terms: “She had been forced to be Sealed to Jas. Kippin through ignorence of the order of this church.” They (Lee did not describe them) said that Emma and her posterity “Should be cursed if she did not consent to be Seald to him.” Once this monster husband “[ac]complished” his nefarious “designs,” he mistreated her. She loathed him, and refused to have connection with him. The Bishop of the ward, after “lear[n]ing the facts,” reported his findings to President Brigham Young. President Brigham Young “set her at liberty at once.” (Brooks, The Diaries of John D. Lee, 143).
On Thursday, January 7, the day of the marriage – Emma being freed from her mind-bending encumbrance – the newlyweds were feted by dignitaries – including President Isaac Haight, two other presidents and two bishops – through the good offices of Sister Ezra Taft Benson (the first Ezra Taft Benson) and her family. “Sister Benson made the Bride cake & a good Dinner; the guest[s] Eat & drank [Cherry Brandy, Sugar {and} other liquors] & made merry & had a firstrate good time.” (Ibid., 143). After the marriage, while still in the city, and then also after, Lee enjoyed the privileges of a celebrity. The murderer at Mountain Meadows, the man who lured those emigrants out, leading them to their deaths, killing some himself, consorted with Mormon royalty.
On Monday, January 11, 1858, “the Legislative assembly met in Joint Session.” At 2:00 p.m., the assembly adjourned to Tuesday, the 12th. At 10:00 a.m. on the twelfth, “Pres. H. C. Kimble enterd the Door, took off his hat & Shouted Hura 3 times for Iseral.” The subject of home manufacture was “the topic of the day. Amung the rest I [John D. Lee] delivered a discourse on that subject which was met with applause by all the House. The Speaker, H.C. Kimble commandd me to write down that Speech & he would have it printd & continued, Gentlemen, that is experimental knowledge & that’s what we want & I wouldent give the snap of my finger for all the Speeches that you could make aside from that.” (Ibid., 143-44). On Saturday, January 16, 1858. “At eve[n]ing Pres. B. Young invited me to attend the rehearsal at the Social Hall. Pres. Young Said to me that he inte[nded] to have sent me home provid[ed] that I needd help & that his tea[m]s & men would be ready to start with us at the close of the Legislatu[re] . . . wished me hapiness with my new wife.” (Ibid., 144). Sunday, January 17, 1858. “At early candle light I addressed an other assembly at the 17th Ward . . . . The Spirit of the Lord was with us & we had a good time.” (Ibid., 145). Friday, January 22, 1858. “This eve[n]ing Pres Young said that he wished Bro. Haight & I to Make our arrangements to Start home on Mond. Next. By that time he would have his co. ready to Start & that he intendd to assist me home with my New wife Emma.” (Ibid., 145).
Saturday, January 23rd. “Recieved an order from Bro. B. Young, Kimble & Wells [First Presidency] for 3 Milch cows for the benefit of their co. Sent to make a farm on the Rio virgin.” (Ibid., 146). Sunday, January 24, 1858: “Bro. I[saac] C. Haight had Miss Elizabeth Sum[mers] Seald to him by Pres. B. Young. . . .” Following which “the Pres. [Brigham Young] remain[ed] in his Sealing Room & conversed with me Some hour or More upon the Presant Moves of [the] government against u[s] & councild me to encourage the Manufacturing of Powde[r] & getting out of Lead, & to wake up the Saints in all the Southern setlements to their duty, thus reviving the spir[it] of the reformation &c. Blessed [by Young] & we parted.” (Ibid., 146).
Monday, January 25, 1858. Traveled home [to Harmony] with Isaac Haight. “With our 2 new wives made us quite a load.” “I also presented I.C. Haight with a brace of colts revolvers . . . .” (Ibid., 146). January 26. “[P]ut up at Bro. Alfonzo Green’s. Kind reception.” January 27. “Put [up] for the Night at Bro. Kerns, Springville, where we were made welcome.” January 28. “Traveld to payson & put at Bro. Jas Pace, one of my adopted children. In the evening he bought us tickets & took us to the Theathre.” January 29. “Bro. Pace gave me some 5 bushls of oats to feed on our way home . . . . Put up with Bro. Z. Baxters . . . Kind reception.”
submitted by av-law to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:57 joe_patchell How Ryan Holiday grew his email list to 800,000+ subscribers

Ryan Holiday went from dropping out of university to popularising the ancient philosophy of Stoicism.
Since 2016, he's built his email list to 800,000+ subscribers.
He used just 5 main tactics:
(steal them to 10X your email list)
Pick a word and build your brand around it.
Stoicism has been around for 2000 years. But 10 years ago it was still considered an untapped niche.
Ryan recognised this and jumped at it. In 2016, he published The Daily Stoic. It's since sold 1M+ copies.
Good writing is a result of good research.
Billy Oppenheimer is the powerhouse behind the Daily Stoic newsletter.
Steal his 5-step note-taking framework:
1/ Do not copy and paste
2/ Use time as a filter
3/ Take notes for a stranger
4/ Let the notes determine the themes
5/ Regularly review the collection
The key to consistency is planning ahead.
Ryan Holiday is always 3-4 months ahead of schedule.
His ‘UNSENT’ google doc is a 152-page backlog of ready to send Daily Stoic emails.
Turn one idea into a hundred pieces of content.
He says, "when you have a strong email list, you can start strong in other mediums."
The Daily Stoic isn't just a book. It's a podcast, a daily email, a journal, and social media posts.
Every piece of content gets reused, reaching his audience from different angles.
If you're not promoting your work, no one else will.
He says that "building an email list is the single best way to communicate with your audience.”
Ryan alternates between plugging his daily email and his latest offer (e.g. book/challenge/course) at the end of each article or social post.
If you liked this post, you'll find more case studies here
submitted by joe_patchell to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:44 lemonade110 how stop yourself from trying to fit in small places, due to fear of becoming someone envious, or fear of anxiety that comes with out bursts of people getting triggered when they see you grow or improve

I don't know if this the right place to ask for a little advice.
But I never found myself like this till 2021. Probably Cuz I never had to stay home with my family for a long time and never came across such a situation or people.
For the last 2.5 years, I have been studying to give a couple of exams to get my career straight. It was suppose to take less time than that but it's taking longer. When I started going at the root cause I realized that it's probably cuz I don't like being seen when around my family cuz I don't feel safe.
I've been shamed of being too much, of being someone who knows it all, of being someone who's too good and nice to be true ( when infact I just follow the basic ethics and respect while dealing with anyone. Nothing pretentious, and the other persons ethics of dealing with the other person is purely messed up), of being someone who takes up too much space ( when asked for basic privacy), for being the favorite of the family and getting all the good meals and the attention , for having the privilege to have everything and them being envious of my privilege and alot of other stuffbut that's all I can think of now
I've seen myself becoming smaller. Taking up less space. Trying to study or work when alone or late at night or early in the morning.Sabotaging my work to avoid a conflict at home cuz it adds up to my anxiety about my career. Curled up posture and a massive loss of appetite, weight loss, body aches, developing resentment. Moreover, it is affecting my career now.
What I did: -I tried to set legit strict boundaries and had a good communication but it ended up with alot of projection and heated up arguments multiple times. Realized that the other person is not emotionally mature enough for it. Now detached myself mentally from them and don't engage much -I tried to reset my routine to lessen the interaction but the people around me would start projecting their anxieties or insecurities and then start putting me in the loop everytime they find me alone ( and the rest of the family asleep) -i tried finding a job so that I can shift and stay alone, as my family wont be able to afford it. Still searching for it tho - I try to wear ear plugs and don't engage much which works. - I stay in touch with my emotions. Write or journal stay connected with some of my friends, who literally are like angels in my life. God bless them, but they have their own lives too - I did change my place, went to one of my sisters place but ber household is already too toxic for anyone so don't have any else place to go
What advice I would be needing: I have noticed the only time my appetite feels normal and I can sit and move with a good posture, and actually my work or studying done or be productive, is when everyone has left home for something. So it has been instilled in subconscious at this point.
Is there a way or steps to undo it? A self help book, a couple of steps, any video, anything. This feeling of becoming small due to the fear of people's outbursts and their projections and them not respecting your space and then being jealous of it, has grown in my subconscious. Any help for now, other than moving out. I would really love it and need that
submitted by lemonade110 to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:17 adulting4kids Songwriting Prompts

  1. Memory Lane:
    • Write lyrics that take a nostalgic journey down memory lane. Reflect on a specific moment or period in your life.
  2. Metaphorical Exploration:
    • Craft lyrics using metaphors to describe a complex emotion or personal experience. Explore how metaphorical language can convey deeper meanings.
  3. Unspoken Words:
    • Imagine a conversation you wish you had but never did. Write lyrics expressing the unspoken words and emotions in that imaginary dialogue.
  4. Invisible Forces:
    • Explore the invisible forces that shape our lives—fate, destiny, or serendipity. Write lyrics that delve into the idea of unseen influences.
  5. Parallel Universes:
    • Envision a parallel universe where things unfolded differently. Write lyrics that explore the alternate reality and its impact on emotions.
  6. Colors of Emotion:
    • Assign emotions to colors and create lyrics that paint a vivid picture using the emotional spectrum.
  7. Whispers of Nature:
    • Listen to the sounds of nature and write lyrics inspired by the whispers of the wind, the rhythm of rain, or the melody of birdsong.
  8. Time Traveler's Journal:
    • Imagine being a time traveler and witnessing different eras. Write lyrics that capture the experiences and emotions encountered on this journey through time.
  9. The Art of Goodbye:
    • Explore the theme of saying goodbye, whether it's to a person, a place, or an era. Write lyrics that convey the complexity of farewells.
  10. Ripple Effect:
    • Write lyrics that explore the ripple effect of a single decision or event. How does one action resonate and impact various aspects of life?
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:14 Icy_Distribution4937 How to get through to someone?

I’ve recently been getting a bunch of terf-like videos on my instagram feed (most likely bc i keep interacting with them i need to stop…) But everytime i comment about how wrong they are through, social science, and science in general they just don’t listen? I tell them so many things like how Trans women can go on hrt that will essentially “turn off” a male gene in her dna, how they can of course get breast augmentation and Vulv/Vaginoplasty if they would like. Things like how sex and gender are diffrent; sex referring to genetics like xx and xy chromosomes, gender referring to the social construct. So when referring to women I mean those who identify as women or those who are under that umbrella. And even then that’s not enough for them! They ask something akin to “well can they have a baby?! Do they have a uterus?!” So I tell them this: Women can be born without a Uterus. It’s uncommon but It happens. Does that not make them a woman? Yet cannot give birth or have a period, so are they not women by that standard?. I also tell them anecdotal opinions about how it is a tad weird to just dwindle down women to having a child( of course not that’s it’s bad just not every woman would like to have one). Then they talk about chromosomes, how someone will always have either XX or XY chromosomes. So what about intersex individuals who may have another chromosome, or may only have one chromosome all together?? Then they make another argument on how Trans women are unable to give birth or have a period. Again, I refer back to those women who were born with xx chromosomes, who can’t have a period, who are unable to have a baby. Are they not women as well by their definition? It’s so dehumanizing and just overall uncaring. Every single argument they bring up I do my best to rebuttal it and while doing so it all ties into each other, making me sound like a broken record when i keep repeating myself over and over! Then these people tell me i’m not right, and tell me (a person who is in college studying science) that whatever i’m learning is wrong, even though everything i’ve read up on is from academic journals, scholarly books, and so much more credible information. Even medical practices that aid gender affirming care, I tell them that is science! This medicine we have is science. Then they just don’t listen and say i’m stupid and delusional. All of this to say; Is there really any way to get through people’s minds like this? To me it’s not draining to keep telling people this. I will hop on any opportunity to tell people about science and how far we have come with modern technology. And I also love doing it and feel as though I have an obligation to (Trans man who deeply loves and cares for the trans community). Should I be sending information along with these?? I feel as if I do they would say i’m biased, Though am I supposed to write a whole paper in the instagram comments? Though, truthfully, I don’t have any evidence and things on hand, especially to give out since i use my resources at college(pay walls and things that would get me in trouble i think??) I think as i am writing this i’ve come to the conclusion that it sort of doesn’t matter because I know i’m correct, but this can go vice versa with the person on the other side who isn’t getting my side of the argument. I would still like to know others thoughts of this, and maybe some advice?
submitted by Icy_Distribution4937 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:13 lemonade110 making myself small to avoid triggering other people as I don't have the mental capacity for a tantrum or to keep people around have their pride

I don't know if this the right place to ask for a little advice.
But I never found myself like this till 2021. Probably Cuz I never had to stay home with my family for a long time and never came across such a situation or people.
For the last 2.5 years, I have been studying to give a couple of exams to get my career straight. It was suppose to take less time than that but it's taking longer. When I started going at the root cause I realized that it's probably cuz I don't like being seen when around my family cuz I don't feel safe.
I've been shamed of being too much, of being someone who knows it all, of being someone who's too good and nice to be true ( when infact I just follow the basic ethics and respect while dealing with anyone. Nothing pretentious, and the other persons ethics of dealing with the other person is purely messed up), of being someone who takes up too much space ( when asked for basic privacy), for being the favorite of the family and getting all the good meals and the attention , for having the privilege to have everything and them being envious of my privilege and alot of other stuffbut that's all I can think of now
I've seen myself becoming smaller. Taking up less space. Trying to study or work when alone or late at night or early in the morning.Sabotaging my work to avoid a conflict at home cuz it adds up to my anxiety about my career. Curled up posture and a massive loss of appetite, weight loss, body aches, developing resentment. Moreover, it is affecting my career now.
What I did: -I tried to set legit strict boundaries and had a good communication but it ended up with alot of projection and heated up arguments multiple times. Realized that the other person is not emotionally mature enough for it. Now detached myself mentally from them and don't engage much -I tried to reset my routine to lessen the interaction but the people around me would start projecting their anxieties or insecurities and then start putting me in the loop everytime they find me alone ( and the rest of the family asleep) -i tried finding a job so that I can shift and stay alone, as my family wont be able to afford it. Still searching for it tho - I try to wear ear plugs and don't engage much which works. - I stay in touch with my emotions. Write or journal stay connected with some of my friends, who literally are like angels in my life. God bless them, but they have their own lives too - I did change my place, went to one of my sisters place but ber household is already too toxic for anyone so don't have any else place to go
What advice I would be needing: I have noticed the only time my appetite feels normal and I can sit and move with a good posture, and actually my work or studying done or be productive, is when everyone has left home for something. So it has been instilled in subconscious at this point.
Is there a way or steps to undo it? A self help book, a couple of steps, any video, anything. This feeling of becoming small due to the fear of people's outbursts and their projections and them not respecting your space and then being jealous of it, has grown in my subconscious. Any help for now, other than moving out. I would really love it and need that
submitted by lemonade110 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:47 karatespacetiger June Recovery Challenge Day 2 Check In

Hello and welcome to Day 2 of the June Recovery Challenge, how are you?
Wishing you peace and success for today :)

Today's check in:

What is something you'd like to remember as you go through this week?

Bonus exercise: Ways to Get Through Urges

The urge to binge is going to come up, that's a given. It can feel like the urge will never go away unless we give in to it, but that is simply not true. Most urges last for about 15 minutes or so; if they last longer than that it's likely because we're dwelling on the urge and keeping it going rather than taking steps to help ourselves out of it.
Keep this list handy and in multiple places so that you can get to it when you need it! I print mine out and keep it on my fridge, the back of my apartment door, and on my phone :)
You may have to use more than one of these urge coping skills at a time, especially during early days of recovery and/or when you have a bigger urge! That’s ok, just know that it WILL get easier over time (and you might be surprised how quickly that will happen). Every urge you overcome is a step closer to them becoming weaker and weaker.
In more advanced stages of recovery, we don't have to wait for an urge to start before getting to these coping skills! We can also deploy them when we either experience or get the urge to engage in activities that we know arebinge setup behaviours, for example.
The bonus exercise: what are your favourite strategies to get through an urge (I'll add them to the list below!), and do you see any new ones here that you want to try? These are in point form so that this post isn't just a TLDR wall (it might be already lol), if you have any questions about any specific one, ask in the comments and we can talk through it! :)

(with contributions by BrushedYourTeethYet, depressionkitten, MSH0123, Over_Entertainment, Negative-Claim-5806, Guavatc, While_Then, Anybody_Minimum, aslfingerspell, zodiahk, smokyoat, No-Masterpiece-8392, airemyn, apragopolis!)

Any activity that will take up your attention for 10-15 minutes
You might have to do more than one distraction in a row, or two at a time, for example listening to a podcast while doing a puzzle


Are you hungry, angry, lonely or tired (or do you have any other unmet needs? bored? stressed?)? If so, address those needs!

Leave the situation immediately!
The longer you stay in a triggering situation or dwell on an urge, the harder it gets

Accept that urges will come and go, and don’t let it take over
Accept it for what it is: a temporary feeling that you don’t have to give in to, not an inevitability. Remember: feelings are not facts! They’re feelings and they come and go.

Treat your urge like a lying salesperson, don’t let it sell you something you don’t want or need!
Think about what lies your urge might be telling you, and dispute them with facts:

Decide in advance that as soon as an urge starts, you will substitute it with a certain activity (anything!)
Resolve the discomfort by proxy: think of a fairly significant but easily resolvable task that you're currently procrastinating on doing like sending an email or cleaning a spot in my room, see if doing that instead gives you a sense of relief that your brain might experience as relief from the urge
Think about when you usually get urges and plan in advance to be doing something else during that time, create a new ritual
Think about whether certain sensations might satisfy the urge without binging. For example, chewing (gum), chewing something crunchy (ice, carrot sticks (if that's not a binge food for you), swallowing something (water), touch/prepare/handle something, open or handle food containers, look at food, or taste something?
[depending on your own ED symptoms, urge coping skills that involve interacting with food or food containers may or may not be safe for you- what is safe/effective for one person may not be safe for someone else!]

Call a trusted person in your life
Post in your recovery community looking for support / someone to talk you through it
Call a warm line

Tell yourself (possibly out loud) that you're experiencing a binge urge. Ask yourself how intense it is, and how at risk you feel
Strategize: is it a low/medium urge, can you just go about your day, or is it intensifying/high urge, and so needs specific attention?
Ask yourself why you are having such an urge - did you eat enough? was there a trigger?
Play the tape forward: Ok, so I binge, then what? How will I feel? Is that what I want?
Keep a note on your phone or in a journal about urges (an urge log):
Remember that giving in to an urge is not actually that satisfying, it's actually an empty, bottomless cycle. There is no "just one time", there is no end until we stop giving in to urges.

if you have a slip and want to turn it into a recovery learning opportunity, here are some questions:
(you don't have to post your answers if you don't want to, but I do recommend writing or typing them out somewhere)
Copy/paste the following text into your comment to get a reminder from Reddit:
When you get your reminder, look here for a link to the next day's post :)
submitted by karatespacetiger to BingeEatingDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:41 HelenRodgers1 A Comprehensive Essay on Facing the Freshman Fears: Overcoming Anxiety and Adjusting to College Life

A Comprehensive Essay on Facing the Freshman Fears: Overcoming Anxiety and Adjusting to College Life
Happy weekend, friends! Here's new essay sample for you to read and master your academic writing skills, enjoy! Contact us if you need any help with your paper😊
A Comprehensive Essay on Facing the Freshman Fears: Overcoming Anxiety and Adjusting to College Life
The transition from high school to college is a significant milestone in a young person's life, marked by excitement, anticipation, and often, anxiety. For many freshmen, the prospect of navigating a new environment, meeting new people, and managing academic responsibilities can be daunting. In this essay, we will explore the common fears and challenges freshmen face as they transition to college life and discuss strategies for overcoming these obstacles.
Understanding Freshman Fears
The Unknown Terrain: Navigating the New Environment
The unfamiliarity of college campuses, buildings, and classrooms can trigger feelings of anxiety and apprehension among freshmen. The fear of getting lost or being late for class can be overwhelming, especially during the initial days of college (American Psychological Association, 2020).
Social Anxiety: Making New Connections
Building new friendships and social networks is a crucial aspect of the college experience. However, many freshmen struggle with feelings of social anxiety and self-doubt, fearing rejection or inadequacy in social situations (Pritchard, Wilson, & Yamnitz, 2007).
Academic Pressure: Meeting Expectations
The academic demands of college, including rigorous coursework, exams, and deadlines, can create significant stress for freshmen. The fear of academic failure and the pressure to excel academically can take a toll on their mental well-being (Dyson & Renk, 2006).
Strategies for Overcoming Freshman Fears
Orientation Programs: Navigating the New Environment
Colleges often conduct orientation programs to help freshmen familiarize themselves with campus facilities, academic resources, and support services. Participation in these programs can ease the transition and alleviate anxiety about navigating the new environment.
Social Support: Building Connections
Encouraging freshmen to participate in campus activities, clubs, and organizations can facilitate social connections and help them build a sense of belonging. Peer support groups and mentorship programs can also provide valuable emotional support and guidance during the adjustment period.
Time Management: Managing Academic Responsibilities
Effective time management skills are essential for managing the academic workload in college. Freshmen can benefit from developing a study schedule, prioritizing tasks, and seeking assistance from professors or tutors when needed. Additionally, setting realistic goals and celebrating small achievements can boost their confidence and motivation.
The transition to college life is a transformative journey filled with opportunities for personal growth and development. While freshmen may encounter various fears and challenges along the way, they also have the resilience and resources to overcome them. By embracing orientation programs, building social connections, and mastering time management skills, freshmen can navigate the transition with confidence and thrive in their college experience.
In conclusion, facing freshman fears is an integral part of the college experience, and overcoming them requires courage, resilience, and support from peers and mentors. By acknowledging their fears, seeking help when needed, and adopting proactive strategies for adjustment, freshmen can embark on a successful academic journey and make the most of their college years.
American Psychological Association. (2020). Stress in America™ 2020: A National Mental Health Crisis.
Dyson, R., & Renk, K. (2006). Freshmen adaptation to university life: Depressive symptoms, stress, and coping. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 62(10), 1231–1244. []()
Pritchard, M. E., Wilson, G. S., & Yamnitz, B. (2007). What predicts adjustment among college students? A longitudinal panel study. Journal of American College Health, 56(1), 15–22. []()
submitted by HelenRodgers1 to u/HelenRodgers1 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:30 Mundane--Disaster Adhd journaling

I've been told that journaling can help organize all the chaos in my mind, so i gave it a try and oh boy, i start writing one thing and the next i'm way off topic. So much for calming my mind 😂. Any tips? is that normal?
submitted by Mundane--Disaster to Journaling [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:24 galaxyisinfinite Arrested Development ruined the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower for me

Spoilers foe the movie Perks of Being a Wallflower
The actress that plays Egg also plays Mary in the film. The whole time I was just thinking of Ann. When she shows up to pick him up for their date, I can hear the parents mentally saying, "Her?". At one point, the dad calls her Buddist instead of her name. The main character sleeps with her because he's horny despite liking the other girl in their friend group. After they have sex he writes in his journal how he made a huge mistake. There are so many parallels, I couldn't stop laughing while watching this dramatic film.
submitted by galaxyisinfinite to arresteddevelopment [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:09 Spare-Lifeguard-268 Any advice on privacy?

So- I’m 38 years old. There’s lots of things I’d like to journal about, get my feelings out.
As a young child/ teen, I loved writing, but I had a mother who would go through my trash. If there was something I had written she would always read it and then passive aggressively treat me badly or give me guilt/ shame over it. Some of the most embarrassing things I’ve written in my life, and I know my Mom read them. These instances where she read things I didn’t want read are such anxiety inducing “core” memories for me.
Even after I left home- at 26 I went home to completely remove everything from my old room- I found things I had written and thrown away all those years ago, and didn’t think she had read, and she had taken them out of the trash and hidden them in different places in my dresser drawers. I mean absolutely the most mortifying things you can imagine.
Today when I try to write something it gives me so much anxiety, to the point it’s hard to focus on what I’m writing. And it brings up all the guilt and shame from her. When I finish writing, I am so panicked to destroy it fully before someone can see it. But even though I’m relieved it’s gone, it’s like I’m sad that I couldn’t let myself “be me”… does that make sense?
I just want to know if there’s anyone who had a similar experience and got over it to enjoying journaling again, or any advice. I really do feel it would be an important emotional outlet for me if I could get rid of all the bad associated with it. Thanks for reading all this.
submitted by Spare-Lifeguard-268 to Journaling [link] [comments]