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Is there any advice I (18f) can have with my (19ftm) boyfriend that isn’t breaking up?

2024.05.19 22:18 77ok Is there any advice I (18f) can have with my (19ftm) boyfriend that isn’t breaking up?

Me and my partner have been together for four, almost five years and we are long distance. we have never met.
this will be a very long read but it honestly doesn’t even sum up everything. there’s been so much more stuff with terrible abusive details and so much emotion that I cannot capture in this post. I also could not explain everything to detail and left out a lot about this girl im eventually going to mention in this post and have left out a lot about other stuff my bf has done and said to me.
to preface, me and my bf both are not in therapy. He is going to therapy in a few months. He is in college and has friends, while I have no friends.
I have a lot of jealousy issues and insecurities. my boyfriend has messed up countless times with his friends. he’s broken a million boundaries over and over throughout this whole relationship. he says he can’t get better. he says he needs me to be more appreciative of the good things he does and to stop getting so mad when he hurts me. any time I talk to him about the bad stuff, he victimizes himself, brings up things I did in the past that I no longer do, gaslights me, manipulates me and tries to break up with me. when he breaks boundaries with people, he just breaks up with me and gets super mad. every boundary broken has been with girls.
he’s emotionally cheated, lied a billion times, hid things a billion times, done things I tell him make me uncomfortable with other people, ranted (talked shit) about me to his friends a billion times but left out all the things he’s done to provoke me and abuse me..and through all of that he has yelled at me and cried and blamed me. I am always very up front about my boundaries and try to be stern every single time.
so through all of that, I have horrible trust issues and insecurities. now we are having issues with this girl in his hometown at his work. he did substances with her, hid it, lied about it, and since then he has made her a HUGE deal. I told him one of my boundaries is not hanging out with people nor being their friend if you’ve messed up boundaries with them intentionally. all of the boundaries I have placed are ones that I follow as well by the way.
he told me he can’t get rid of her because she works with him and can’t find another job and doesn’t want to find another job (it’s a summer job). he wanted to hang out and explore abandoned places with her like the last time they hung out for six hours and also did substances and other stuff at her place. he cried and complained and started about 6 different big fights with most of them resulting in him trying to break up with me or breaking up with me for a few hours to a day.
this girl has a boyfriend but I have this gut feeling she likes him but I could be totally wrong! Like I said, I have really bad jealousy and insecurities but with that comes paranoia. I don’t think every girl likes my bf but there has to be signs and I guess my mind has convinced me there are “signs”.
the signs are: she followed him on Facebook, added him on snapchat, has him on discord and instagram.
she only followed my boyfriend despite knowing I exist.
she only follows my boyfriend and three other people (who are famous). she does not follow her boyfriend on that account.
she friended me on Facebook so I asked her why she friended me on facebook and not instagram (where she always talks to my bf) because she knows I exist on instagram but she said she didn’t notice she wasn’t following me which just feels complete lie. I asked then was asking why she only followed him , (a few famous people), and did not have her bf on this account. she said she has multiple accounts but she was snappy and rude when she responded to me saying stuff like “can’t I follow who I want to what’s the problem here lol” and stuff. I asked a simple question, I wasn’t rude or anything. she apologized for being rude a few minutes later and then went to my boyfriend while he was working (she was in to grab some food) and she told him she thinks I hate her because she was rude to me and didn’t want me thinking she’s a “fucking bitch”. her words told from him to me.
Since my boyfriend said he cannot leave or distance since they work together and it would be too awkward he tried breaking up with me multiple times and said this summer would be miserable with him because all ill do is complain and cry about being anxious with what he has caused. I told him to just be distant and he agreed to.
he had ended up telling her im uncomfortable with them hanging out because she kept begging him to hang out again and he didn’t think it was fair to not explain why he keeps saying no to her. he told her he slipped up on a boundary with her and that I don’t allow it. it made me sound so shitty and he refused to explain my side of why im uncomfortable in more details like I begged and then when I tried to explain it to her (I ended up just not sending it) he kept telling me to cut out parts that make him look bad and that she “doesn’t need to know everything about our relationship”. so I know she thinks im a shitty partner now and I know she does not like me but she doesn’t know anything he’s done.
the day before yesterday was his first day back to work for summer break and they only worked together for about an hour and thirty minutes but still managed to talk quite a bit. she also came up to him and said she wishes they could still hang out and that she’s sad or something about it despite knowing im uncomfortable and that we’ve already made it clear that wouldn’t be happening. She also asked him if they were still good (she was definitely asking because there’s tension between me and her even though her and I like don’t really talk, I’ve also tried inviting her to play games with me and my bf online before he messed up with her and she refused every time and wouldn’t reschedule but then she wants to play games alone with him.) then he asked her if he could get his cigarettes back that he gave her. he says he can’t help talking to her at work because he doesn’t want to be rude and that it’s hard to avoid her.
Today they are currently working together and it’s only been a few hours yet so far she’s come up to his register behind him and looked at his phone, talked a bit and told him she could try and get him a free electric guitar, gave him a piece of gum without asking, showed him pictures of her and her boyfriend at a prom event, talked about working out, etc. Doesn’t sound like much maybe but it hurts when you’ve asked him to distance himself and it was barely half of his first shift and all that has already been done. and not to mention she was stocking while my bf was on register so she kept coming out of her way to talk to him.
if I complain, he just wants to break up. I wish she knew why I don’t want them hanging out. he made me sound like im just a toxic girlfriend. I can’t explain anything to her without him threatening to like cut and kill himself and break up with me.
if I break up with him they’re just gonna hang out all summer and he do god knows what and talk shit about me for sure. he would never explain what he’s done. I’ll look even worse. I just want peace but my heart is breaking. I don’t want to victimize myself but I have such a big heart, i believe in and love god, I love with my whole heart, I try to see good in people, I gave him everything I had and im still trying to pull more out of me. it feels like it’ll never be enough. I know he will forget about me because last summer we were on break and he said he let himself “slip” up and looked at a girl who came into the store with lust and full attraction because he was trying to imagine his life without me. he didn’t even tell me because he didn’t think he needed to since we were on break. He recently told me maybe a month ago. the break lasted like two days and it was because our relationship was so bad and he did not love me anymore. there have been multiple times he has not loved me but it was always because of my reactions to his abuse.
I’ve never not once stopped loving him and I’ve never once found anybody else attractive while I’ve been with him, not even celebrities. I’ve tried to warn him a thousand times that if he breaks boundaries again or hurts me some other way, I’ll be done. he just does it like he breathes. he says he feels remorse but he just always does it again. he said he feels better without me because im always hurting him. I “hurt” him by reacting to his abuse, asking him questions about things he’s done, asking him if he’s broke boundaries with his friends when he’s with them, etc. His first day of work this summer I was asking him questions about the girl and he was so defensive. I still feel like something else happened like he ranted about me or she said something about me that he doesn’t wanna tell me. it was not a normal reaction to a simple question.
is there any way I can get over this without having to break up? It feels like my world is ending. he is my only friend. he is doing great in life. he can move on easily and will move on easily when I am gone. he said before he would just put himself more into work, friends and school and would just forget about me. I have nothing really. I do nothing all day as I don’t even have access to a job.
I just need advice on how to go about controlling my emotions when he’s around this girl and other potential friends.
submitted by 77ok to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:18 PrimetimeCAtemecula Need some help

2 years ago at my daughters 8th birthday, she had friends over to the bowling alley. Two of the parents who are not married started drinking and getting very touchy Feely and he grabbed her ass, not his wife and both his wife and her husband where not there. I brought it to my wife's attention and she said she did not care and said they are adults and this came up that I don't trust this guy and my wife is his wife's friend but did not say anything to her about what we witnessed. We where at a school function and he came up to My wife and hugged her. I was 5 ft away and he never said anything to me. I asked why she allowed him to put his hands on her and she said that she does not feel he has any bad intentions and has never acted that way to her. I told her how I felt what I witnessed and she said she was not going to make him feel awkward and make a big deal about it completely dismissing my feelings about him Touching her and her not setting boundaries. I have every right to tell her I don't want him Touching her after what I and others witnessed. The fact she is more concerned with making him uncomfortable has me feeling confused and upset. I have never told my wife to not be around someone but I have good reason especially since she did not tell his wife and told me she was not going to ruin and marriage and family over something she does nit know is all true lol I mean not only did I see but to other parents at the party witnessed this as well. It is really upsetting and now I asked we go to therapy because she wants me to communicate and I did and she totally has thrown this in my face and is not carying about why I said stay away from him. Please all thoughts on this are apreciated.
submitted by PrimetimeCAtemecula to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:12 alexlovesqsmpdsmp autism, school, "friends", and relationships.

I hate school being autistic. I always am made fun of for wearing the same clothes every day, stimming, being "weird", and stuff like that. I have 3 "Friends" lets call them F, B, and L. F always makes fun of how I look, and act. I never realized this until I talked to my therapist about F and found out that she's making fun of me. L always crosses my boundaries; I tell her I'm not comfortable with her hugging me and just physical contact in general and she still hugs me and grabs my shoulders. B I feel like is my only true friend. She never comes to school though. I have never been the kind of person to just be able to make friends easily. I became friends with F when we were paired together for an project. I never spoke but slowly she was able to make me talk a bit, then I met L and B through F.
I am just overall burnt out. I wake up go to school for 8 hours, then I go to practice for 2 hours, then I study for 2 hours, eat dinner 1-hour, free time 1-hour, and go to bed. School is so exhausting; I don't understand anything. I go nonverbal the second I have to talk to someone its terrible. I need help just to write notes. It's so embarrassing. I have meltdowns and people make fun of me for it.
I never care to even get a gf or bf because I'm ugly and nobody likes me. The girl I have a crush on, lets call her A is also autistic, but shes more of the smart autistic. I just want to be normal. I'm not smart anymore. I used to be in gifted classes and now I'm not. The only thing I am good at is reading/writing and I'm not even that good at it either. My grades are terrible, and my parents scold me for it.
Is anybody else feeling like this?
submitted by alexlovesqsmpdsmp to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:12 Traditional_Pop_3328 AITA for not apologizing?

I (17f) recently went on a trip that lasted about a week (5 days). One of these days fell on April 1st. Although not widely celebrated in every single country some people from my country do it as a way to be funny.
Now we all had a set amount of money we were given for the day and what was left over would be added to the next day's amount. Our chaperones, two teachers and one of the teachers husband's were the only adults on this trip and they were obviously tasked with keeping the money and keep it safe.
We were at a concert when the mood suddenly changed and one of our chaperones said we had to get back to our lodging.
We were told that someone had stolen the money and they were searching the rooms.
Me and my two roommates had been together all day and knew neither one of us did it so we weren't freaking out like the others.
They found the person who stole the money but didn't tell any of us who it was. Emotions were high and everyone was pissed off at having their night of fun end because someone stole money we worked hard to get.(All of us worked and promoted the hell out of things just to be able to afford the trip)
My roommates and I decided to go take a shower because we had been sweating like pigs because of the heatwave that was running through the town we were in. It was a I'd dance in the rain if it came type of heat.
While in the shower one of the younger girls (I'm calling her Mia for privacy reasons) came in and asked us if we knew who stole the money.
We said no and she proceeded to tell us that this other girl (Jennie for privacy) was telling everyone it was Mia's best friend.
Now I will be the first to admit. I do not get along with Jennie. We were in the same middle school and she made me an outcast because I was interested in the old traditions of Halloween. Everyone I knew at school said it was something the devil used so that he could run around and do whatever he wants. I was called a satan worshipper because I was stuck in a school with a bunch of not so good Christians. Another instance was when she scrutinized me because I knew about the Gods of Greek Myhtology and said that I would be willing to worship them because of their values. (This was because we had a discussion in class about greek mythology and it's influence on the world past and present). She was not happy about it and kept making snide remarks and judging me.
I'm short, round, blonde and I make myself known. I really don't need to be judged by someone who had a stick up there.
There are other instances where we didn't get along but these two were the biggest reasons because honestly if you're going to call me a Satanist at the least you could get the pire ready.
Anyway, I was raised that innocent till proven guilty, and since no one knew who had done it she couldn't make comments.
I said as much. I also said that she should keep her nose out of it because it wasn't her place because what if it wasn't her and the girl's name was being dragged for something she didn't do? Rumors spread fast and true or not you still get judged for them.
Jennie came into the bathroom and told me to say it to her face instead of behind her back. I did. She got pissed.
Found out it was Mia's friend and only after some whole dramatized spiel of were sending her home, she would be expelled and us wondering if there was something we could do to help her if she was having financial troubles at home.
We were told about it being a prank and just as we got over the shock Jennie looked at me and my friend and said she demanded an apology from the both of us.
My friend also voiced her opinion in the bathroom by I have a pair of lungs, I speak a whole lot more and I'm the only one who had beef with herdue to past events.
I didn't apologize and neither did my friend because, A) Jennie wasn't in on the prank so she showed us her true colours by going around and telling everyone about it. She showed everyone she had made friends with that she was willing to throw them to the wolves if it meant she could have the spotlight. B) Had the scenario been real and I was the one who stole I would have liked for someone to stand up for me in my absence.(A I did a bad thing but I don't deserve to have my name dragged through the mud) Mia and her friend are both 15, Jennie is 19 going 20 (this is true she was held back in kindergarten twice). They are shy and get intimidated easily by older years and Jennie is imposing as f*ck. C)Younger girls are chatty some of them had already messaged some of their friends and told them what Jennie said. 20 people are going to think Mia's friend stole the money before they find out it's a prank.
I don't think I was in the wrong but I recently told this story to one of my other friends and she said I should have apologized because while I was advocating for someone else's right to privacy I was simultaneously hurting someone else's reputation by branding them a liar and a generally untrustworthy person with no sense of boundaries.
submitted by Traditional_Pop_3328 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:11 77ok Is there any advice I (18f) can have with my (19ftm) boyfriend that isn’t breaking up?

Me and my partner have been together for four, almost five years and we are long distance. we have never met.
this will be a very long read but it honestly doesn’t even sum up everything. there’s been so much more stuff with terrible abusive details and so much emotion that I cannot capture in this post. I also could not explain everything to detail and left out a lot about this girl im eventually going to mention in this post and have left out a lot about other stuff my bf has done and said to me.
to preface, me and my bf both are not in therapy. He is going to therapy in a few months. He is in college and has friends, while I have no friends.
I have a lot of jealousy issues and insecurities. my boyfriend has messed up countless times with his friends. he’s broken a million boundaries over and over throughout this whole relationship. he says he can’t get better. he says he needs me to be more appreciative of the good things he does and to stop getting so mad when he hurts me. any time I talk to him about the bad stuff, he victimizes himself, brings up things I did in the past that I no longer do, gaslights me, manipulates me and tries to break up with me. when he breaks boundaries with people, he just breaks up with me and gets super mad. every boundary broken has been with girls.
he’s emotionally cheated, lied a billion times, hid things a billion times, done things I tell him make me uncomfortable with other people, ranted (talked shit) about me to his friends a billion times but left out all the things he’s done to provoke me and abuse me..and through all of that he has yelled at me and cried and blamed me. I am always very up front about my boundaries and try to be stern every single time.
so through all of that, I have horrible trust issues and insecurities. now we are having issues with this girl in his hometown at his work. he did substances with her, hid it, lied about it, and since then he has made her a HUGE deal. I told him one of my boundaries is not hanging out with people nor being their friend if you’ve messed up boundaries with them intentionally. all of the boundaries I have placed are ones that I follow as well by the way.
he told me he can’t get rid of her because she works with him and can’t find another job and doesn’t want to find another job (it’s a summer job). he wanted to hang out and explore abandoned places with her like the last time they hung out for six hours and also did substances and other stuff at her place. he cried and complained and started about 6 different big fights with most of them resulting in him trying to break up with me or breaking up with me for a few hours to a day.
this girl has a boyfriend but I have this gut feeling she likes him but I could be totally wrong! Like I said, I have really bad jealousy and insecurities but with that comes paranoia. I don’t think every girl likes my bf but there has to be signs and I guess my mind has convinced me there are “signs”.
the signs are: she followed him on Facebook, added him on snapchat, has him on discord and instagram.
she only followed my boyfriend despite knowing I exist.
she only follows my boyfriend and three other people (who are famous). she does not follow her boyfriend on that account.
she friended me on Facebook so I asked her why she friended me on facebook and not instagram (where she always talks to my bf) because she knows I exist on instagram but she said she didn’t notice she wasn’t following me which just feels complete lie. I asked then was asking why she only followed him , (a few famous people), and did not have her bf on this account. she said she has multiple accounts but she was snappy and rude when she responded to me saying stuff like “can’t I follow who I want to what’s the problem here lol” and stuff. I asked a simple question, I wasn’t rude or anything. she apologized for being rude a few minutes later and then went to my boyfriend while he was working (she was in to grab some food) and she told him she thinks I hate her because she was rude to me and didn’t want me thinking she’s a “fucking bitch”. her words told from him to me.
Since my boyfriend said he cannot leave or distance since they work together and it would be too awkward he tried breaking up with me multiple times and said this summer would be miserable with him because all ill do is complain and cry about being anxious with what he has caused. I told him to just be distant and he agreed to.
he had ended up telling her im uncomfortable with them hanging out because she kept begging him to hang out again and he didn’t think it was fair to not explain why he keeps saying no to her. he told her he slipped up on a boundary with her and that I don’t allow it. it made me sound so shitty and he refused to explain my side of why im uncomfortable in more details like I begged and then when I tried to explain it to her (I ended up just not sending it) he kept telling me to cut out parts that make him look bad and that she “doesn’t need to know everything about our relationship”. so I know she thinks im a shitty partner now and I know she does not like me but she doesn’t know anything he’s done.
the day before yesterday was his first day back to work for summer break and they only worked together for about an hour and thirty minutes but still managed to talk quite a bit. she also came up to him and said she wishes they could still hang out and that she’s sad or something about it despite knowing im uncomfortable and that we’ve already made it clear that wouldn’t be happening. She also asked him if they were still good (she was definitely asking because there’s tension between me and her even though her and I like don’t really talk, I’ve also tried inviting her to play games with me and my bf online before he messed up with her and she refused every time and wouldn’t reschedule but then she wants to play games alone with him.) then he asked her if he could get his cigarettes back that he gave her. he says he can’t help talking to her at work because he doesn’t want to be rude and that it’s hard to avoid her.
Today they are currently working together and it’s only been a few hours yet so far she’s come up to his register behind him and looked at his phone, talked a bit and told him she could try and get him a free electric guitar, gave him a piece of gum without asking, showed him pictures of her and her boyfriend at a prom event, talked about working out, etc. Doesn’t sound like much maybe but it hurts when you’ve asked him to distance himself and it was barely half of his first shift and all that has already been done. and not to mention she was stocking while my bf was on register so she kept coming out of her way to talk to him.
if I complain, he just wants to break up. I wish she knew why I don’t want them hanging out. he made me sound like im just a toxic girlfriend. I can’t explain anything to her without him threatening to like cut and kill himself and break up with me.
if I break up with him they’re just gonna hang out all summer and he do god knows what and talk shit about me for sure. he would never explain what he’s done. I’ll look even worse. I just want peace but my heart is breaking. I don’t want to victimize myself but I have such a big heart, i believe in and love god, I love with my whole heart, I try to see good in people, I gave him everything I had and im still trying to pull more out of me. it feels like it’ll never be enough. I know he will forget about me because last summer we were on break and he said he let himself “slip” up and looked at a girl who came into the store with lust and full attraction because he was trying to imagine his life without me. he didn’t even tell me because he didn’t think he needed to since we were on break. He recently told me maybe a month ago. the break lasted like two days and it was because our relationship was so bad and he did not love me anymore. there have been multiple times he has not loved me but it was always because of my reactions to his abuse.
I’ve never not once stopped loving him and I’ve never once found anybody else attractive while I’ve been with him, not even celebrities. I’ve tried to warn him a thousand times that if he breaks boundaries again or hurts me some other way, I’ll be done. he just does it like he breathes. he says he feels remorse but he just always does it again. he said he feels better without me because im always hurting him. I “hurt” him by reacting to his abuse, asking him questions about things he’s done, asking him if he’s broke boundaries with his friends when he’s with them, etc. His first day of work this summer I was asking him questions about the girl and he was so defensive. I still feel like something else happened like he ranted about me or she said something about me that he doesn’t wanna tell me. it was not a normal reaction to a simple question.
is there any way I can get over this without having to break up? It feels like my world is ending. he is my only friend. he is doing great in life. he can move on easily and will move on easily when I am gone. he said before he would just put himself more into work, friends and school and would just forget about me. I have nothing really. I do nothing all day as I don’t even have access to a job.
I just need advice on how to go about controlling my emotions when he’s around this girl and other potential friends.
submitted by 77ok to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:07 suburbanhippie_6 Expecting our first in July, lease ends in October and we are deciding to move.

TDLR: Expecting couple wanting to move and start fresh with a 3month old to be closer to family but isn't sure where would be better for us. Family situation is sort of complicated.
If you are familiar with the south and Ohio geographically and culturally, I would love to hear your input.
28F and 29M married couple currently living 12-16 hours from parents. We have our very good friends (couple with 2 kids) that are basically family that live in our town close by. We are expecting our first in July and our lease is up in October. Living where we currently are is starting to become a bit stale - rent is unaffordable for what we need (a yard and more space) and buying a house is only affordable in school districts that are much less than favorable. Wages are okay. Combined income is about 80k but with student loans, car loans, and we take care of all bills. The biggest perk of staying is the fact that we live on the coast and have wonderful friends that we love as family here.
My dad lives in Northern Kentucky (Cincinnati) and in-laws live in Northern Ohio (Michigan/Ohio) border. We met when I lived in Northern Ohio for grad school. My mom passed 3 years ago after an aggressive 5 month battle with cancer and my dad is 72 yo working full time still after a few stents in his heart and a triple bypass at 70 yo. My mom was 53 so we never expected her to pass before my dad. She was also the glue that held our family together and it has since crumbled unfortunately.
First grandchild on my side, 4th on my husband's side. We live the farthest away out of everyone. My husband is expecting a promotion that will move us to Knoxville, TN which is ~3.5 hours away from my dad and 7 hours from his parents. We won't know anyone and will essentially be starting all over with a 3mo old. He doesn't love his job, but is hoping the pay raise will help us secure housing and help with starting a family. Currently we make a combined income of about 80k. He's open to finding something else if he isn't happy with the negotiations from this promotion. His company recently was bought by a corporate company and doesn't love the changes being made. His family is extremely supportive and my dad is as well. I'm very close to my dad and get along with his family very well. Same goes for him.
Logistically and financially, Ohio is much more affordable and presents more job opportunities for me (Athletic Trainer). Husband would want to live in Cleveland where he has best friends although the thought of going that far up north again worries me with the weather and seasonal affective disorder. We both rely on being outdoors and engaging in outdoor recreation for our mental health. He doesn't mind the cold as much but does like having more mild weather for more time outdoors. He doesn't love the idea of going back to Ohio but can see benefits. He would need to find an entirely new job as would I. We both love camping and hiking in the mountains and really want to be close to all of that and raise our kids with an active lifestyle. Southern culture and values are also something we would love to raise our kids around.
For me, NKY/Cincinnati is out of the question as going back home would send me into a spiraling depression just being back where I worked very hard to get away from (multiple reasons). Every time I visit home I find myself grieving the loss of my mom, the loss of my family as I knew it and my anxiety worsens exponentially. Let's just say where I grew up carries a lot of weight and I'm fairly certain I have a degree of PTSD from being there. But it is also fairly cheap for housing and some connections for jobs. My husband has said he wouldn't let us move back there as he's seen how much of a toll it has on me. It's just unfortunately not an option.
I worry about losing time with my dad as he is the oldest of our parents with pre-existing comorbidities. With my mom's cancer diagnosis being so unexpected I fear losing him unexpectedly as well. I want our children to be involved in his life but also my in-laws in Ohio.
What would you do in this situation? We have both made sacrifices in the past of where we are living in order to take care of business with family and work. We partially feel like it's our obligation to create the life we want for us and our kids. Partially feel like it's going to be so much harder without family nearby and much more uncertainty.
submitted by suburbanhippie_6 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:07 P0ETs_World So prom happened and my date got very annoyed with me

So backstory: Prom was never on the list of things I wanted to do. Never even gave it a second thought. I started talking to this girl a few months before prom. It was going very well and I felt a connection. She clearly stated she did not want a relationship at the moment and I respected all boundaries. Literally a week or two before the actual prom my family had gotten basically kicked out of the home we were renting. So there was a lot going on, one day we kinda had this argument right. I told her that I was very proud of myself and how far I’ve come and that I’m very thankful for everything. She kinda got pissy and said I was being egoistical for saying this, I didn’t know how to react and I told her that I apologize for being proud of myself. That ticked her completely off (important for later)
So fast forward a bit and it’s the day of prom. I was genuinely excited for it more than I thought I would be. Before heading to prom we took pictures and got something to eat. It was us two and then her sister and MY DATES EX?? Going with her sister?? I was kinda confused by this but I just let it fly. Before we got to the place where we were taking pictures, she brought up what happened the other day. Instantly ruined my mood, the whole vibe everything was just off. I apologized again and asked her if there’s anything I can do about it. She said no it’s in the past, and I’m like okay why bring it up to be a mood killer? I did not say this of course but I wanted to. So then everything was off the rest of the time we took pictures. We went out to eat and she just looked upset the whole time. I asked her if she’s alright and she said she was (a lie) and I didn’t know what to do.
So we got to the school and prom was goin on and we was having a good time. Basically to sum up why she was mad was becuz I left the dance floor twice. Once because I had to use the bathroom, and the second time was to say hi to a friend. I communicated everything to her and her sister on where I was going and how long I’d be gone. She was livid. I danced with her the whole night. She called me an asshole and I had enough I just left permanently after that because I’m not gonna be around someone who’s mad at me all day while I’m trying to enjoy something. She left a few times but it didn’t bother me I was fine with dancing by myself for a few 😂 I think I dodged a bullet, why go somewhere special with someone just for them to be mad at you the whole time. She said I put in no effort at all even tho I didn’t even have a home at the time and I still made it to prom for her.
I just wanted to know some thoughts and some things I could’ve done better. Next time I’ll hold my piss all night and completely ignore my friends🫡
submitted by P0ETs_World to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:03 Ok-Guide-7329 Clueminati Interview Notes, Chris calls in at 3:14:00

Clueminati Interview Notes, Chris calls in at 3:14:00
-Chris says Seth and them were up at the school but they did not stop or interact with them and he doesn't know what they were doing
-Chris says he didn't do anything directly to Sebastian and he doesn't have knowledge of who could've on the 26th
-Chris says Katie went with him to the campground instead of staying at the home bc of the threats they were getting, he says they do turn all threats into LE
-Chris confirms 13-18 different dogs have been in the home several times in the first 8 days
-Chris says if he could tell people to search any areas, he said they should search: North, North West, and North East
-Chris thinks the 5 mile radius has been thoroughly checked and he's not saying nothing is in the 5 mile radius but he thinks they should start moving outside of that radius
-Chris says with the relationship between Seth and Katie, he would not let his daughter have a form of a relationship in that magnitude with a man. He says from what he understands as a fathers standpoint it was an inappropriate relationship. He says he has what they've both said and it is what it is and it sucks that the tragedy of Sebastian going missing has dug up a lot of dirt and it had nothing to do with Sebastian missing. He said he understands the digging but he doesn't
-Chris says he thinks all of the theories and assumptions out there are hogwash. He says maybe it's so simple it's complicated, a 15 yr old child walked out of the house and disappeared
-Chris says Seth has worked with LE and so have they to try to get answers and theories and get things debunked that needs to be debunked
-Chris says he doesn't know if Seth would listen to him for advice about his team, but he'd have a conversation in private with him, no cell phone or anyone around. If Katie was present it'd be the 3 of them.
-Chris says Seth has been hurting since the minute he got the phone call. He said Katie is hurting equally and Chris is hurting too.
-Chris says kids who are products of divorces get 4 parents, more family. He doesn't think him being a step dad is unequal to being a dad
-Chris says Katie is hurting and she's emotional
-Chris says there are therapists out there who've offered their time to Chris and Katie and they're gonna take advantage of that
-You can hear the dogs in the background, Chris calls it an ankle biter (Sebastians dogs are still there it seems or different ones)
  • Chris says he's not happy with Seth but it doesn't mean he isn't willing to sit down and have a discussion with him. He says there will be words that will be said bc they are human, but his issue is when people run and say things they know nothing about. He mentions websluthes and says that was a set up, and Seth went on there and said some things that have been debunked once or twice over and he said Seth was just feeding the rage. He said they could talk offline and have the conversation.
-Chris says some comments on the video of Seth going off said it'll make people stop supporting Sebastian, he didn't like that and he said please don't do that and please put the drama aside and don't forget about their son -Chris said it's doubtful they'll be at the vigil. He said he doesn't think the vigil will be 100% what it's supposed to be about. He said if was people who didn't have the intentions that they have they'd consider it. He said he'd like to get the community together and he doesn't know how to plan it, talk to all the churches and hold a massive vigil like a cohesive unit but he's not a planner
-Chris says he can't disclose information about the cameras inside and outside his house but it's been talked about by LE
-Chris says he is kind of a joker, he likes to joke around to relieve some of his tension
-Chris says he was not making fun of Sebastian and if they saw him and Sebastians interactions together they liked to joke around and do goofy things
-Host says he's not disrespecting Chris and Chris is answering his questions with respect and you can't pull honey out of vinegar
-Chris isn't gonna speak for Stephen Crabtrees false information but he said he respects him owning his mistake but he says there is nothing the public knows that all the parents know. He said LE will talk to them before anyone out there about the case.
-Chris said they aren't supposed to divulge information and they've been asked not to talk about the case information.
-Chris says LE has been wonderful anytime they've had questions
-Chris says he did not start the Chris Proudfoot is Innocent Facebook Page
-Chris says he's not in everyone's YouTube commenting and trolling and he doesn't think Seth is doing it either
-Chris says he hasnt played online with Sebastian and Seth. He's tried to play online with Sebastian but he doesn't have a tag so he can't go online and play. He said he's never played online with Sebastian at his dad's house
-Chris said personally he prefers Sebastian not play online at all
-Chris said Sebastian would never sleep in the garage and he did not pressure wash him. There's no room to lay a mattress to sleep on on his garage he said. He said that's false
-Chris says Sebastian did not text Katie's mom before he went missing
-Chris said everything him and Katie have told him has been checked out down to the T. The phone call, Katie's route that morning, the alibis, etc. He said it's all been vetted and checked by LE
-Chris says his wife was a mess and Katie called him bc she was highly stressed and talked and Chris said hold on and he got ahold of the sheriffs office and within 10 minutes of the call the police were there
-Chris says he does not believe Seth was involved with Sebastians disappearance, he said he was at work. Chris said he will never forget the conversation they had when he told Seth
-Chris admits he called and asked his mom Cathy to go to his house that morning to be with Katie until he could get home, that's why Cathy was there
-Chris says his family all track each other with life360 on their phones
-Chris says that Seth knows that Cathy was already interviewed
-Chris said this case is so simple if you take the drama away from it and the best part about it, the most unique part, is Sebastian managed to leave without leaving any evidence behind him
-Chris and Katie went to a restaurant that had flyers up before but didn't anymore. He says you just have to give them another flyer and ask them to put it back up
-Chris says let's say the avg person could walk a certain distance like 2 miles in a hour. From 12-6am he could have got that far, do the math and he could be further than everyone thinks
-Chris says he truly feels deep down Sebastian would seek help if he could
-Chris says if you found Sebastian and he is by himself and you see him, call 911, offer him food or a drink just not soda bc he doesn't like carbonation. Chris says call 911 immediately and let them tell you what to do
-Chris said if you find him to make him comfortable just talk about his family and his parents
-Chris said Sebastian is funny and very unique
-Chris said the double malt joke thing is something Sebastian and Terri loved to get together at Culver's
-Sebastian loves Debbie cakes, chocolate milk, steamed tofu not fried, Sebastian isn't a huge steak eater but he loves smoked salmon and he likes his burgers
-Chris says he's one way at Seth's house and one way and their house
-Tony had called and said his job was to control Seth and control the narrative and Seth got on an interview and said some nonfactual things and what he said opened another avenue up for more speculation. Chris said the call was a little heated but he doesn't care about his end game or his role, he would rather have a conversation with Tony offline -Chris said there are organizations that want to get involved but they without a doubt should be vetted through LE before Katie and Chris consider them being involved
-Chris says he had a conversation with Jules and he said unless LE comes to the house and says she can do it and they are there or if she brings something new he doesn't want more people coming in and out of their house. He does not discredit Jules and TBI has called and said she is legit but he says there's nothing that he knows of that her dogs are gonna do that the others didnt. He said dogs that came already came from across the states across districts even federal dogs so what will Jules dogs do that the others didn't
-Chris said he doesn't know if had a secret phone but if he did it was probably at his dad's house
-Chris says Sebastian didn't ever leave the house alone. Once he was caught crossed the street at his neighbors yards when Chris and Katie got home, once he went to the bus stop in their driveway way too early. Chris says he probably didn't run off at Seth's house
-Chris said let's not go down the road of what he felt about Seth leaving Sebastian home alone while he was at work, Seth does what he does while he's there
-Katie says for the record she does have a voice and she refuses to speak on panels and her husband doesn't abuse her
-Chris says some of the memes are funny
-Chris says this is not a hoax
submitted by Ok-Guide-7329 to SebastianRogers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:01 StepmomLife2022 Please help--10M inappropriate sexual behavior

I am totally at a loss and could really use some advice here. For some background: I (32F) married my husband (33M) almost two years ago. He has split custody of his son (10M) with his ex-wife (29ish?F). We will call her mom. Note: this is quite long, but I can't figure out a good way to shorten it. Questions are welcome. I will try to answer as best as I can.
A couple of years ago, my stepson got in trouble for showing his private parts to another child. I didn't think to ask back then, but I am under the impression the child was the same age as he was at the time (8 or so). At this time, my stepson was spending the school year mostly with his mom as we lived on the other side of the state from them. From what I gather, mom flipped out. My husband and I chalked it up as the normal part of being a child when you get curious about bodies. My husband talked to him about how it was not appropriate to show a part of his body to another person without consent and we took it as our cue to start talking to him about puberty/bodily changes etc. I was not very involved at this time as we were not married yet so this information is pretty limited to me.
Last week, we got a call from mom absolutely beside herself. Her neighbors (two of their kids are involved 5F and 7M) came over banging on her door saying that my stepson was showing his privates to their 7yo and the 7yo was showing his privates to my stepson as well. They alluded to the fact that they could call the police. Mom was shocked and didn't really handle it well. They came back maybe 15 minutes later with more information--not only was there showing, but one of the boys had put their mouth on the other boy's penis. Mom had totally flipped out on my stepson (took away all of his electronics privileges, and literally broke his laptop in front of him) and so we came to talk to him and give her a break to calm down. Before we were able to talk to my stepson, mom recounted an incident that happened about a week ago with the same kids. "They were dry-humping each other and I went out there and just handled it. They stopped." It should be noted, she did not tell the other parents about this until they came knocking about the current incident.
My stepson reported that the showing of their privates stopped about a year ago because the 5F caught them in the act and threatened to tell their parents. She agreed not to tell as long as my stepson "did things for her and was nice to her." Apparently that day, he upset her and she told her parents that he and 7M were showing each other their penises. My stepson leaned in on the fact that they both participated (stating 7M actually started the behavior.) He also didn't talk about the dry humping incident until we asked directly about it and then he said 5F was the one who started that. When we asked where he learned about putting mouths on other people's privates he said people on his bus talk about doing it all the time and he wanted to try it. He reported both boys participated in this behavior as well. We asked him directly about if anyone has shown him their privates before-he denied any other instances. We talked about consent again-they are all too young to consent and since he was the older party he has more responsibility in this. We reiterated that this behavior is not okay and could actually get him in a lot of real trouble. We also brought up that he can explore his own body and this is the only acceptable way to explore at this age.
I am fully aware that my stepson is probably not giving us the whole truth. He is also clearly trying to point blame away from himself. I am also fully aware that it is very possible the other kids felt coerced into this behavior while it is also possible they started the behavior. We just don't know. We plan on getting him into therapy more regularly. My real question is how bad is this? I'm worried about those kids and I'm worried that this behavior is becoming a pattern for my stepson. What boundaries can we put in place to keep him from repeating this behavior? We have already discussed not allowing him to play with younger kids, but that doesn't feel like enough. Also his mom is never on board with our parenting strategies so consistency is that much harder.
Not sure if this is super important, but my husband went to talk to neighbor mom on that night after we talked to my stepson. The talk went well enough that they exchanged numbers because neighbor mom doesn't want to deal with my stepsons mom anymore. We got a text from neighbor mom the other day asking for help because my stepson was playing in front of their house-she had specifically requested he stay away from their house and her children. We tried to deal with this by calling my stepson. He ended up complaining to his mom who called to tell us off about trying to respect the other parent's wishes and essentially stepping in on her parenting. Long story short here is mom has no intention of trying to play nice with the other parents or understand/address their concerns and is making navigating this situation so much more difficult.
TLDR: My 10M stepson is showing an escalating pattern of inappropriate sexual behavior with other children. I am looking for advice on how to handle it.
submitted by StepmomLife2022 to ChildPsychology [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:58 nothing5630 Chesapeake has over 230k people. Is it just a huge bedroom suburb? It seems to have almost no points of interest or even a real downtown.

or am i missing where the cool stuff is?
Ive never heard of a city of almost a quarter million people not even having a legit downtown or points of interest. I know the big shopping districts in Greenbrier and on Battlefield but all i saw was essentianlly a ton of chain stores over and over
I know Chesapeake has good schools and relatively low crime, Is that its only draw?
submitted by nothing5630 to HamptonRoads [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:56 Catgardenspot Husband isn't on board

I have a 6th grader who had a pretty disastrous transition to middle school. He has an IEP and it was very difficult getting it followed, and I have my doubts he'd be learning successfully if it was followed anyway. He's been doing an online K-12 school after school and on weekends and he is getting As in the same subjects he got Ds in for in-person school.
I've come around to the idea of pulling him out of our local middle school and registering him for the district's virtual school. My husband isn't worried about the lack of socialization because our son hasn't formed any friendships as it is. He thinks there's value in him having crappy teachers where he won't learn unless he self-advocates. I don't know how to address such an argument.
My son had a teacher who had several breakdowns and told the kids she didn't care whether they did their work or what they did, which resulted in some kids leaving the class to wander the halls and utter chaos in the classroom for the kids who stayed behind. Each time she took a personal day after to regroup, but ultimately announced to the class that she wouldn't be returning to the school next year and she kind of checked out at that point.
I don't see how our son was supposed to self-advocate to make the best of that situation. We have other kids and I'm not saying they all need an alternative educational approach. Just this one. I think that should mean something.
submitted by Catgardenspot to homeschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:56 nothing5630 IChesapeake has over 230k people. Is it just a huge bedroom suburb? It seems to have almost no points of interest or even a real downtown.

or am i missing where the cool stuff is?
Ive never heard of a city of almost a quarter million people not even having a downtown or solid points of interest. I know the big shopping districts in Greenbrier and on Battlefield but all i saw was essentially a ton of chain stores over and over
I know Chesapeake has good schools and relatively low crime . So is that the only draw?
submitted by nothing5630 to norfolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:51 xxvivrexx Applying in OCDSB

Hi there! I was just wondering what are the chances of someone with a 75%ish average and volunteering at daycares experience of getting into teachers college and then getting into their school district of choice (OCDSB preferably, but any school in the Ottawa region)
submitted by xxvivrexx to OntarioTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:31 wannabesobersenorita Work Help

My company has hired a person to replace my coworker who recently left and after finding out his full name and area where he is moving from, I found numerous articles about him being arrested in 2022 for soliciting minors online. I sent one article to my team lead thinking it must be the wrong person but he confirmed it was the new hire. After expressing my discomfort with the situation, I had conversations with our manager and HR but the issue was made light of bc the charges had been dismissed. Even though my research of public records showed that it was a 7 month sting investigation where he was charged three times with soliciting what he thought were minors (which were actually police officers) and he worked for a school district and the charges were nolle prosse meaning the prosecution decided to discontinue the case for any number of reasons (not necessarily that he was innocent). I was told by management that “he could have simply been texting a student to help with their computer” or “maybe he just got caught up in something but I’d love to hear his side of the story.” Even though I’ve expressed that I am extremely uncomfortable in this scenario, I still have to work closely with him (virtually for now) but having a husband who was I law enforcement, I realize my concerns with this are not unfounded. I will be looking for employment elsewhere bc of how my leadership has handled this but just curious about other people’s opinions on this. I’m not sure how a company can hire a person like this in good conscience and how they can claim to have integrity when the only reason I know about this is because I researched him myself. If I had not, I’m certain they never would have disclosed this to me.
submitted by wannabesobersenorita to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:28 snf1694 Areas to live within commuting distance of Euclid

Hello everyone, long time lurker, first time poster!
I was hoping to get some insight as to where to move our family from the Cincinnati area (West Chester), back to the NE Ohio area. My childhood home in Youngstown isn’t too far away and I have been to Geneva on The Lake a number of times, so I’m somewhat familiar with the Ashtabula County area. That being said I have an employment lead in Euclid and I’d like to know what areas you all would recommended. To give a little more detail I have a 5 month old so school district is our main priority. Doing a quick Reddit thread search, seems that Mentor or Painesville TWP (Riverside) would fit the bill. But I want to get additional input on where to look. Ideally I’d like to be within a 30 min radius of Euclid center.
I hope this makes sense, thanks in advance and of course GETSOME (Go Every Time So Others May Everytime) - Division Three, Footballs Finest
submitted by snf1694 to Cleveland [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:18 Ill_Chicken6173 Daddy issues? New Father figure switched up on me. I’m so lost, disappointed, and depressed.

Background: I [F20] have a narcissistic father. He is well known and appreciated as a political power In my city, but he is so manipulative to everyone. I believe that he may be kind deep down and I know he loves me as his daughter. But since he has grown in popularity and fame, he wants me to fit into a mold of a person that I am not. He constantly talks about me in his podcasts and newsletters, portraying me as a “wild child” argumentative “bra burner” type. I can’t stand it bc ppl think I’m mean before I even meet them. He also got heat in 2020 which led to my car getting keyed by far right winged ppl and my family is also harassed constantly even though I have nothing to do with his political position. Our relationship completely fell apart during Covid. He never stood up for me when people were harassing me and said he couldn’t intervene bc of his power position. He also makes fun of anyone of my multitude of hobbies to my face, but brags about them to colleagues. He says all the right things that a dad should say, but it has never been sincere. When my brother and me made him mad as kids, he would give us the silent treatment for days at a time.
Current issue: So long story, but I loved far away out of state for college to a small lib arts school so I could get away. I got lonely, fell into the wrong group, and eventually got redzoned by a senior athlete who took me under his wing. it was pretty bad for me so I talked to a teachers assistant that I was comfortable with and treated like a sister. But later on she told me that she was a mandated reporter and had to tell her boss who happened to be my professor as well. when he found out he started crying and it was the first time that I had ever experienced genuine empathy over something that had happened to me. Later on he walked me to the title IX office and waited for me to fill out a complaint and meet with the administrator. As the process continued he constantly checked on me and met with me to see how I was doing. He was also the head coach of my college sport so I was basically seeing him every day for multiple hours. I have never experienced so much support in my lifetime emotionally and philosophically. He was the first person to genuinely support my interests and invest in my mental well-being. And I know that the father figure persona may come off as delusional however multiple people noticed this dynamic and some ppl on my team even upset that I was the favorite and treated like his daughter. The next year he had even made me his teachers assistant and constantly checked on me like before. And when I got a boyfriend he interrogated him just like a dad and I got embarrassed and my teammates took notice to it that he was acting like my dad. A couple months later he told me that he was going through a divorce from what I thought was a dream couple. I had even grown close with his soon to be ex wife and felt like I was part of the family. . Regardless I continue to walk his dog every day help with class assignments and talk to him like that I was his daughter. I wouldn’t be so upset if he didn’t reciprocate the energy that I was making up about him being a father figure but it was blatantly obvious And he most definitely played a role in it. Early in this fall semester it seemed like he completely abandoned this idea of being my father especially since he got a new girlfriend. It’s not like we were attracted to each other I genuinely saw him as a father so I’m not really sure why things got mixed up here at this point. Anyways since I was assaulted my freshman year I had developed a substance abuse problem and it had gotten way out of hand this semester. Before this I could be open with him about it and he’s very kind and understanding and offered resources that were personal and his friends not just the typical school resources. Anyways since I opened up that time he’s increasingly become more distant and people have noticed. I started to think that he hated me but I’m really not sure. I mainly think now that he realize that he had crossed a boundary and he had to go back on it However he did it so abruptly but I feel completely abandoned and useless and it seems like everything we’ve ever talked about before never even happened and in the end i just think it’s a shitty thing to do you know? I think it’s totally fine to set boundaries in the beginning to not take on the role as a father figure but to take them on And then completely leave has been so detrimental to my well-being. Since I don’t have a reliable dad to go back to at home I feel like I kind of have no one except my mom but I’d really like a father figure. My mom even acknowledge that this person would be a good father figure even though mine has been present every year of my life which I thought was strange. Anyways I feel like I was just filling the gap of his divorce and his emotional pain at the time and now I think he’s grown tired of me and I don’t really know what to do and all I can say is that I am never been this depressed before And I don’t realistically know any real person to talk to about it. If any of you in this sub Reddit have experience similar to this please please please tell me how you cope. I wish I never met him.
submitted by Ill_Chicken6173 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:12 PirateGolem101 I can't escape my sister's negativity

For 3 straight years, my sister had been going on downfall of negativity and toxicity. She's trying to drag me and my siblings along with her as well, and it's getting really hard to cope with her rigid and toxic behaviour
It all started ever since she finished Year 11 (which is basically the last year of high school), long story short, she faced a lot of bullying. Mostly because of her looks and her rigid lack of empathy, her brain is completely wired into thinking everything is dependant on looks and refuses to show anyone what she actually looks.
She cannot meet a guest without dressing up like a model, hell not even my grandmother. Who literally lives in a village and has nothing to do with gossip in which she fears. My sister has an incredibly self esteem issue, always trying to be a conformist and acting out everything dramatic she sees on social media. Speaking of social media, she's completely enslaved to it. She can't go one minute without her phone and even when she doesn't have her phone with her; she speaks of everything she watches with little to no filter. Her obsession with social media had become so severe that she lacks complete concentration in any task. She is quick to say it's boring or go back to procrastination.
Speaking of the things she talks about, none of it is ever positive. Hence given this heading's name. To sum it up, shes either always going on about how corrupt conservative are. Why Hitler was so justified in his killing of the Jews (this is not a joke, it's literally what she fucking talks about), shitting on Israel or Biden etc. There's so much more she rambles about, but this paragraph would take too long if I discussed everything here.
She's a complete control narcissist as well, no matter how many times I criticise her for her negativity, she will be very quick to project onto me. And will call me "aggressive" and "depressed" for trying to retaliate. She talks about her desire to micromanage her childrens' lives, remember the lack of empathy I mentioned earlier? It still carries on with her, she shames and lashes on everyone for not "sharing the same opinion as her" because apparently she thinks her opinions are the only one that can be valid. Her negativity had become so bad at one point I forced to blast music in my ears so I don't have to listen to her sick stories. It doesn't help it that she calls me a pussy for not engaging in her negativity.
I don't know how longer I take with being around her, I've tried all approaches to try to change her, but she's rigid like a rock. Her lack of empathy is a completely con for my character as well, considering I have autism, I already struggle with understanding empathy and social boundaries. I have many susceptions that she also lies on the spectrum as well, but then she burns me out with her insults when I come close to confronting her. It's like a prison.
submitted by PirateGolem101 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:07 gymlover555 FBISD-Elkins HS- English Class Readings/ Books

Hi everyone (sorry for the incoming long post)
I am trying to help a friend recover a list of books that we read in HS. They have a goal of re-reading them all again, but lost track of a good number of them at their former house and can’t find them. They went to school in Fort Bend ISD (Elkins HS) from around 2012-2016 and were in primarily Pre-AP/AP English classes so some of the books came from summer reading as well.
I am a former student of FBISD, but I also was only able to come up with a few books. I’m hoping someone can assist me in this search or if you still have your syllabi from your English classes at a FBISD school that you can share that is even better! Even if you weren’t in AP and have an idea of some books that were read during that time that would still be helpful. Additionally, I’m sure other schools in other districts in the houston area may have similar readings as well so I would love your input as well!
Some books that we were able to remembebooks that they still have that might help jog your memory are: The Scarlet Letter; Lord of the Flies; Speak; Bless me, Ultima; All the Pretty Horses; A Farewell to Arms; 1984; A Brave New World; Of Mice and Men; As I lay Dying; and Fahrenheit 451.
If you happen to work at Fort Bend ISD school and have a current list of readings that match some of my list I would appreciate if you could share, however, I do know a lot of books are banned so it’s unlikely they are still reading the same books now.
Thank you!
submitted by gymlover555 to TexasTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:04 Blizzardfever In her community?

In her community?
Here we go again! Katie trying to insert herself into this story. How does she connect herself? The school district she lives in is part of the same district as Buffalo. The district is Buffalo, Montrose, Hanover. This is not where she lives. Maple Lake where at least one of the defendants is from is about 7-10 miles beyond Buffalo. How did she “know” her? She was a volunteer with someone, at Church, that went to school with her. Pretty loose connection if you ask me.
submitted by Blizzardfever to WOACB [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:03 gymlover555 FBISD—Elkins HS— English Class Readings/ Books

Hi everyone (sorry for the incoming long post)
I am trying to help a friend recover a list of books that we read in HS. They have a goal of re-reading them all again, but lost track of a good number of them at their former house and can’t find them. They went to school in Fort Bend ISD (Elkins HS) from around 2012-2016 and were in primarily Pre-AP/AP English classes so some of the books came from summer reading as well.
I am a former student of FBISD, but I also was only able to come up with a few books. I’m hoping someone can assist me in this search or if you still have your syllabi from your English classes at a FBISD school that you can share that is even better! Even if you weren’t in AP and have an idea of some books that were read during that time that would still be helpful. Additionally, I’m sure other schools in other districts in the houston area may have similar readings as well so I would love your input as well!
Some books that we were able to remembebooks that they still have that might help jog your memory are: The Scarlet Letter; Lord of the Flies; Speak; Bless me, Ultima; All the Pretty Horses; A Farewell to Arms; 1984; A Brave New World; Of Mice and Men; As I lay Dying; and Fahrenheit 451.
If you happen to work at Fort Bend ISD school and have a current list of readings that match some of my list I would appreciate if you could share, however, I do know a lot of books are banned so it’s unlikely they are still reading the same books now.
Thank you!
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2024.05.19 20:55 CaterpillarRude7401 What’s the point of CCC for school SLPs?

I’m a school CF SLP coming up on the end of my first year. I haven’t even had time to really get all the CF requirements done with how overloaded the SLP team is, and I’ve been telling admin this all year. Now that I’m coming up on being eligible for the CCC…what’s the point? We dont get any steps up at our district for having it. Also, I don’t have to bill right now because Im not CCC or state certified. From where Im sitting…it seems like the CCC will only benefit the district (allowing me to start billing medicaid for them) and I won’t see any benefit. District pays foreimburses CCC cost. We dont see any reimbursement money from medicaid. We get yearly stipends for tests/materials of 700, but I dont think its affected by billing. Thinking of asking my director to move me up 1-2 steps if they want me to apply for the CCC and do extra work.
Also Im forever mad we dont get M+30 or at least +15! Our masters degrees are 60 creds, and teachers/psychs/ etc are only 30
submitted by CaterpillarRude7401 to slp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:53 Relative-Total-5534 15F looking to vibe with someone new:)

Heyyy friends:) . So my name is Olivia and I was wondering if anyone if up for a chat? I am 15, in my sophomore year of school, and I am from the Charleston area. My friend group is pretty inconsistent right now, but I really enjoy meeting new people and having people to chat with. I’ve started a page, which will mostly be for selfies and photos of my life. My family loves to travel, and we try to go on a few vacations a year. I am an only child, but am super close with my family and my dog Maui! I also love photography, I’m pretty artsy overall, and am definitely a beach girl. So yeah, I won’t make this post super long but I’m open to anybody who is willing to respect my boundaries, so feel free to reach out and send a message if you think we would vibe! 💕
submitted by Relative-Total-5534 to chat [link] [comments]
