Clean super mario rom

Super Mario World ROM

2018.05.25 10:13 sesme77 Super Mario World ROM

This subreddit is dedicated to the Super Mario World games launched in the 90's

2018.10.19 13:43 Super Mario World Rom Hacking

**SMW rom hackers only!**

2017.09.10 20:47 ben174 Super Mario 64 Online

Subreddit dedicated to the Super Mario 64 mod/ROM hack.

2024.06.02 19:55 -__Patato__- Latest purchases

Latest purchases submitted by -__Patato__- to amiibo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:53 throwawayscaredsick Sisters both got sick, worried. Vent/advice (tw, not censored)

This Thursday my twin and I had our birthday. That morning she started to feel nauseous, and then threw up once. The night before she had a certain brand of hot dog that my mom avoids because it always makes her throw up, so I rationalized it to be due to that and I managed my anxiety pretty well surrounding the situation. It was helpful that she only threw up once.
Then just this morning my little sister threw up twice. Then my mom drove her home (we are on a little vacation for our birthday) and she was okay all the way home, but now that she is home my mom says she has thrown up multiple times.
Now my little sister wasn’t here yet when my twin threw up (they got down here the day after), and they lysoled the bathroom and everything, so I believe it may be safe to assume that the incidences are not related. My mom says that I should know that my little sister doesn’t wash her hands good, plus she went swimming in a lake so that could have something to do with it.
I am happy to be away from my younger sister for now, but I do have to go home tomorrow and we all will have to share the same bathroom. I am very anxious to go home. Plus the whole thing feels very final destination, but with throwing up instead of dying.
Also, my hair products and face wash were in the bathroom where she got sick. Are they safe to use? I feel like I don’t want to, but money wise I shouldn’t just throw them away and get all new replacements.
Does anyone have any tips? Overall I am truly handling my anxiety amazingly considering my reactions in the past as well as the entire situation. I haven’t thrown up in over 10 years. I really don’t want to be next. Everyone here is telling me it would be good exposure therapy, but obviously I do not want that to happen. My younger sister has thrown up in the same house before and had some kind of bug and no one else got it because of how good my mom is about disinfecting, but she didn’t have time to clean here and right now I’m just laying in my bed terrified.
I have my “shocking” wristband which will help me if I get super anxious. But I gave my sister the alcohol pads that I always pack to help nausea so now I have none of those. Running out of coping methods here lol.
submitted by throwawayscaredsick to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:51 RennzyFeist [US-CO][H] CIB GameCube Games (Luigi’s Mansion, SSBM, Super Mario Sunshine, Zelda Collector’s), Switch Games [W] PayPal

Shipping only to CONUS; USPS with tracking, PayPal FF for shipped prices.
GameCube All games are CIB * Luigi’s Mansion - 65 * Super Smash Brothers Melee - 55 * Zelda Collectors Edition - 65 * Super Mario Sunshine - 45
If purchasing as a bundle, I’ll do 220 for all GC games.
Switch * Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin (x2) - 25/ea * Dying Light Platinum Edition (x2) - 25/ea * Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville (x2) - 15/ea
If you want any additional pictures, please let me know and I’ll be happy to provide them!
submitted by RennzyFeist to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:50 DemarcusDaFreaky Super Mario bros

Super Mario bros submitted by DemarcusDaFreaky to characterdesigns [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:49 DemarcusDaFreaky Super Mario bros

Super Mario bros submitted by DemarcusDaFreaky to MeatCanyon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:48 cmd72589 I am addicted to my phone and I feel like its affecting my life and parenting

I am addicted to my phone!!! I CANNOT stop.
I have a 3 year old daughter, I work a demanding job (my husband does too tho) and I am 24 weeks pregnant (which doesn't help that I am tired every day of my life). The only thing I really have energy for these days both after work during the week and on the weekends is kind of just relaxing on the couch then mindlessly scrolling on my phone Reddit, facebook, mom groups or playing a game. BUT I am starting to feel like its stressing me out because I will have actual anxiety putting my phone down to do like anything else.
I do kinda feel like it affects my parenting because I will feel guilty like I am not spending enough time with my daughter. During weekends, she will request tv in the mornings so I will just sit there on my phone while she watches her shows. It feels like the mornings is in slow motion until my husband wakes up (he likes to sleep in). Similar during the work week, I usually am exhausted just wanting to relax so its usually my husband going to play with my daughter while I relax on my phone. But there are times I am like OK but WHAT ELSE WOULD I EVEN DO??! Clean the house? Do more laundry? I do take care of WAY more household work but it feels like that is it...that is my, daughter, clean, laundry, scroll my phone, repeat. I don't really have hobbies, especially inside the home. All the typical suggestions I just rather not...gardening (no that is my husbands thing), reading, not much of a cook, etc.. I don't even know what else I even like to do. I use to like to workout but I have reached the point of pregnancy where I just cannot without needing naps or paying for it due to lack of energy so I cancelled my gym because I was paying SOO much money to go 3 times a month. I also like to travel but I went on a trip in April with one of my adventure friends and I found it honestly hard to keep up physically on the trip with her LOL she wanted to hike, which I did but after the first day I felt like I couldn't do it again haha! I also dropped down at work to 4 days a week instead of 5 taking a 20% pay cut so I don't really have the option to afford another trip right now and need to save for this baby.
The only thing that remotely brings me joy right now is socializing with friends. Which sucks because since we moved cross country, I don't really have a friend group anymore. I have like 2 friends that I actually see here and there but with their schedules (one is a mom of 2) they just dont have the time to be hanging out at the consistency I want to and I find it really hard to make mom friends who want to do stuff during the week. I know for one I need to cut the phone habit though because its reaching the point where it makes me stressed and anxious cause its hard to put down and do other things.
How does one put down the phone and what are you guys doing instead? I just feel super sad lately and cannot wait to not be pregnant anymore and maybe find some friends and hobbies.
submitted by cmd72589 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:46 retrokezins New to Miyoo? Start Here!

FYI: There has been a growing number of fake Miyoo sites scamming people on Miyoo sales. There is only one "Official Miyoo Store":
Link to Official Miyoo Store on AliExpress
Sub Rules:
No links to ROM and/or BIOS downloads!
No person to person Miyoo Mini sales posts.
No excessive trolling! We are all here for a common interest and to help each other.
Do not argue with the mods. We do exist to keep things going clean and smooth on this sub.
No affiliated links allowed (including shortlinks).
Giveaway proposals must be sent to the mods first for evaluation in order to avoid further problems.
Posting restock threads isn't allowed. Please use the pinned weekly thread for this purpose.
Posts or links from TEMU are not welcome here!No links to ROM and/or BIOS downloads!
submitted by retrokezins to MiyooMini [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:43 nym_r0dd Meet Grey Wind! New cat owner; advice welcome.

Meet Grey Wind! New cat owner; advice welcome.
he was the runt of his litter so I adopted him as he was the last one left (he’s 9 weeks). any tips? I had a cat as a kid but granted don’t remember much and my mom obviously handled a lot of the cat stuff since I was an oblivious child.
I noticed he doesn’t drink water? I’m giving him wet food as I noticed in his kennel at the shelter his wet food tray was wiped clean and his dry food was pretty full but he just kinda sniffs the water and that’s it.
also, is it too overstimulating for me to walk around the block with him in a sling? I don’t wanna scare him. he’s a little clingy rn but I’m guessing it’s because he hasn’t been shown too much love by either his mother or the people who dumped his litter at the door of the shelter.
my biggest forthcoming problem is I agreed to watch my friend’s cat next weekend, who is a super sweet 4 year old male indoor cat (for example he found a spider and was just playing with it and didn’t eat it or anything lol). would it be ok for me to take my kitten with me to her apartment? I can absolutely keep them separated if need be but what’s the best way to introduce them? he is already very comfortable in my house after about half a day of being scared but he only hides now if I open my bedroom door.
thanks in advance!
submitted by nym_r0dd to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:38 Ok-Garden551 $849 girls only Riverwind at Alafaya

$849 girls only Riverwind at Alafaya
‼️ very urgent pls message me asap ‼️ Looking for a sublease for the 2024-2025 school year!! girls only * Room A at Riverwind at Alafaya Trail (4×4) * Rent is $849 per month! Internet and utilities included (we went over utilities once and it was just $0.40 each) * Hardwood floors, no carpet at all * In unit washer and dryer * Second floor with balcony * The 3 other girls are all UCF students, super sweet, and clean * Very spacious bedrooms and private bathroom * Fully furnished * Shuttle to UCF campus and only 5 min drive away * Amenities includes gym, pool, study lounges, theater, pool table, dog park, and more! * Pet friendly * Helpful management and maintenance Message me for more info!
submitted by Ok-Garden551 to UCFstudenthousing [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:38 Two-Soft-Pillows Any info help on this guitar?

Any info help on this guitar?
From what I can find by the serial number it’s a 1990 Epiphone made in Korea at the Samick factory, but I can find no others like it. I can’t get the bridge off because one screw is stripped and I don’t want to deal with fixing it just now.
I’d love any more info anyone has about the pickups and bridge. I took the pick guard off and there is no extra info I could find.
It is a quality guitar that plays so nicely, super low action and good tone. I bought it at a pawn shop 10 years ago, am cleaning it and figured I’d reach out to the community to see if any other info is out there. My internet searches have come up very short.
Hope you are all well out there!
submitted by Two-Soft-Pillows to Epiphone [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:35 XechoxechoxechoX looking for accommodation

Hello/bonjour! My name is echo (they/them) and i am 18. I have been trying to search for a place around Concordia and have been struggling. my budget is pretty low $500-600 and an animal friendly place is super important for me. I am a student (studying to be a vet tech) and i speak basic french with hopes to improve once i move to montreal. Currently I am living in Nova Scotia but i’d like to be moved in by september 1st. I am a very clean and quiet person, and i’m chill w basically everything.
submitted by XechoxechoxechoX to montrealhousing [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:34 Trick_Barracuda2828 AITA for ruining my roommate’s surprise party?

So, this is a bit awkward. My (22F) roommate, Sarah (23F), has been acting super secretive lately. Talking on the phone in hushed tones, giggling with her friends, the whole deal. I finally cracked and asked her what was up, and she clammed up tighter than a drum.
Tonight, I come home from work to hear loud music and see decorations all over our living room. Turns out, Sarah was throwing a surprise party for her boyfriend’s birthday! There were like twenty people there, all strangers to me, and the place was a mess.
Now, I’m all for celebrations, but . . . we never discussed this. Our apartment isn’t huge, and frankly, it wasn’t exactly spotless before the party. Plus, I had an early shift tomorrow, and the noise level was insane.
Feeling overwhelmed, I went into my room, slammed the door, and texted Sarah that this wasn't cool. She came in looking flustered, apologized, and offered to clean everything in the morning. But the damage was done. The party fizzled out pretty quickly after that.
Sarah’s now giving me the silent treatment, and her boyfriend keeps shooting me dirty looks. AITA for shutting down the party? Should I have just sucked it up and dealt with it?
submitted by Trick_Barracuda2828 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:33 Zaybina Something is off in my life

As salaam Alaykum. I let go of riba in my life. I canceled credit cards. InshaAllah, I plan to start school again but I'm not taking any loans. May Allah(swt) make it easy for me. I have a laptop that my college loaned me in the year 2020. They've not asked for it back but I plan to still give it back to them although my child destroyed it. A little nervous about that but I don't want to feel like I stole something. I'm trying to fix as much as I can so that I am not punished for it. What's off in my life is that I have been so depressed. I don't know if it is from my medical condition or because I'm super depressed. I keep thinking, maybe depression and anxiety and this condition is my test but it should not bring me further from Allah(swt), it should bring me closer to Allah(swt). Lately I just lay in bed and read comic stories. I have no motivation. I stay up all night but not in worship and I sleep one hour before fajr and miss fajr. What's wrong with me. Last night I woke up and started hyperventilating because I panicked. I started to think, "what if I died now and I did not pray?". I started to ask Allah(swt) for forgiveness but I still didn't get up to pray. I'm lazy. I've not had motivation or energy to clean my home as well. Again, not sure if that is due to my medical condition as the condition I have can make me feel extreme fatigue and depression. Something is wrong with me. I'm not sure what to do. I'm not sure if mentally I'm screwed up or if hormones are screwing me up. If also been irritated with my loved ones. I'm usually very patient but I feel like I'm losing it. Maybe I did something wrong and I'm being punished. I don't want to die a loser. I want to die while Allah(swt) is pleased with me.
submitted by Zaybina to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:28 NordicJesus Suggestions for quiet, clean, safe, green cities

Suggestions for clean, quiet, safe, green, wealthy cities
Do you have suggestions for cities that match the following criteria:
Modena, Italy, matches almost all these criteria, except that it’s landlocked. It’s so clean you could pretty much eat from the ground, you see lots of families, it feels super safe. Cars/scooters don’t have access to the old town, so it’s quiet, very green, few tourists, no graffiti, people dress extremely well, everyone seems to be rather wealthy.
I’d like to explore more cities like that. Do you have any other suggestions? Country/continent doesn’t matter.
I’m in Trieste now, heard a lot of good things, but there are noisy scooters everywhere, there is graffiti and it seems a lot rougher compared to Modena. It’s green by the sea, but it feels a lot more touristic with souvenir shops etc. It’s not bad, but it really doesn’t compare to Modena.
submitted by NordicJesus to digitalnomad [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:24 kazin_g [USA] [H]Gunstar Super Heroes CIB, Sonic Jam gamecom, Castlevania Circle of the Moon, Rayman 3 GBA [W]CIB GBA games, preferably RPGs/first party Nintendo stuff

Gunstar Super Heroes CIB - pics: - recently cleaned and tested, works great.
Sonic Jam for - pics: - works great
Rayman 3 for GBA - pics: - works great
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon - pics: - new battery from a few months ago, as you can see. Works great
Looking for: CIB GBA games. Particularly RPGs or 1st party Nintendo games. I need MMBN3 White, MMBN4 Red Sun, MMBN5 Team Colonel, and both MMBN6s. Also looking for Yggdra Union, Wario Land 4, Advance Wars 2, Fire Emblem Sacred Stones, Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros 3, the Kirby games, Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Firered, Leafgreen, or Emerald, both GBA Zeldas, Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga, Tales of Phantasia. Open to other offers, too, though please keep it to RPGs and 1st party Nintendo stuff, please, particularly North American releases (not looking for Japanese or European copies).
submitted by kazin_g to gameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:22 GloveNo2086 Is New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe still worth it in 2024?

I wanted to know if it would still be worth buying this game. I have Mario Wonder and have it almost at 100% and might want to get Mario deluxe (never played it before) How good is the game compared to Wonder and would it be worth it?
submitted by GloveNo2086 to Switch [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:21 LK-9T9sektor [Mods] Can somebody please help me with my New Vegas load order? I am stumped

Hello, not very experienced and having some weird issues, for example Cliff Briscoe is selling ALL quest items, from the snowglobes to the couriers brain. The game also says I am not 4gb patched randomly on startup sometimes when I am. Any help is appreciated.
# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer. +Securitrons On Alert +1_Mail box +Cut mail box use animation +No More Motion Sickness (Script Runner) +Animated Fans +cresonto Bush Smoothness update +Animated Wasteland Trees (recommended) +Wacky decoration Collection with a bit more +Animated vault 22 Foliage +Alternative Speed (Slower) +Animated Bushes +Animated Barbed Wire +Updates- Main - Barrel and generator now have collision mesh +MilitaryTruckReplacerAnimationtwo +Animated Chip Poles with Red Light orbs +Animated sorrows Shacks (7z) +Animated Khan Assets (recommended) +Freeside Sign +Animated Campfires and GeckoSpit +Animated Free side Wire pack - Faster +Bouncing Natural Botany pruned +Animated urban Buildings +Animated Camp Golf flags +Poseidon gas station sign +Vault22AnimatedSign +Animated Utility Poles (Ashens2014) +Animated bridges (slower) - DLC and smoother animations +Raider Dressings Animated +Animated Pylon Wires Recommended +Animated Park Equipment Pack +Animated Rivet City Stands +Animated Maize Fields Minor Change +Fixes Molten Texture path +AnimatedGomorrah(Ashens2014) +Animated tents - Main -NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash +FixedFrontierStandaloneCarsPack_FOMOD +NV Compatibility Skeleton +NewVegasQuickStart +Perfected INI Settings - All-in-One -1_NVCS Installer -FrontierAddon IKnowWhatImDoing -Improved Third Person Camera -Fallout Classic Font With Accents -3rd Person Camera Overhaul +New_separator +Classic-esque Fallout Roads and Asphalt Retexture +VNV Pre-Generated LOD +VNV - LOD Patches +LODIFY FNV Wall_SoGB Editon +LODIFY - Level of detail improvement for your Fallout (TTW And NV Lods) +Different LOD mods little tweaks and additions +Wasted LOD - Cliffs of Mojave +More LODs Additions and fixes +TCM's LOD Overhaul +FNV LOD Supplementation - Optional Overpasses +FNV LOD Supplementation +LOD additions and improvements +Much Needed LOD fixed rocks color +Much Needed LOD +Trees LOD Billboards Vanilla +FNVLODGen Resources +LOD Fixes and Improvements - NVSE +LOD_separator +Afterglow light bright +Afterglow +Radioactive Muck +Irradiant Muck +CFWR Consistent Icons +Unironically Final 3.0 Even Better Loading Screen and Main Menu Replacer-Butthurt Edition +Climate Control - 3D Rain +Climate Control - Rain +3D Rain +Interior Rain +Cloud Upgrade NVSE +High Resolution Bloom NVSE +Desert Natural Weathers - NV - TTW +Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks - EVEM Patch +Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks (Interior Lighting for FNV and TTW) +A Little More Lamplight +More Consistent Vanilla Rock Textures (Less Green Clifftops) +Wasted Rocks Normals +Landscape Texture Improvements +Improved LOD Noise Texture +High Resolution Water Fog - Water Aliasing Fix +Freeside Neon Sign Fix +LightBright Strip Overhaul +PipBoy DoF Disabler +Dialog DOF Disabler +Visuals_separator +Platinum Radio - Final +Cowboy Radio - Now With Voice Acting +Conelrad 640 +Snake - Male Player Voice (JAM) +Snake - Male Player Voice +Player Death Voice Enabler +TheGoldenArchive +audio_separator +Danny Trejofied Raul (Ghoul Version) +Wild Animals Of Survivel Addon Skinning +Wild Animals Of Survival +Greaser-Style Greasers +Kinghtmare Fiends - Main File +BR Repconn Eyebot Replacer +Branded Robots +Spore Plant Melee Attack and Tweaks +Spore Plants in the Wasteland +Yao Guai in the Mojave +Bighorner Model Variants - Standard +Main File No Remastered Version -Main File V22Remastered Version -Harderman optionals +Monster Mod Re-Release +Classic Creature Style Retexture Pack +Bloody Mess For New Vegas Creatures +Loneseome Road Midwest Deathclaws +Tactics Midwest Deathclaw Replacer +Feral Ghouls And Jason Bright Brotherhood Robes +Vault 34 Ghouls Patch Plus Extras +Vault 34 Ghouls have Vault Suits +Another Ghoul Variation Mod FNV -Ghouls Shuffle - Feral Movement +Prodlimen Creature Pack +Prodlimen Creature Integration Pack config ini +Prodlimen Creature Integration Pack +Classic Super Mutant Style Armor MOTNW Version +Classic-esque Super Mutant Retexture +Menace of The New West +Classic-esque Deathclaw Retexture +Classic Brahmin - Main File +Classic Geckos - Main File +Classic Radscorpion Retexture +creatures_separator +Plugins +Brotherhood of Steel and Enclave Classic Combat Armors +Classic Combat Armor Replacer Redux FNV No Backpack +Mk2 Replacer Redux Patch +Textures - desert vanilla +Fallout 2 combat armor mark II (green textures) v1.0.0.3 +Classic Combat Armor Replacer Redux FNV +FNV Honest Herb +FNV Existential Thread v +Tammer_s NIF +Vanilla Underwear Replacer +More Classic Fallout Outfits -Compatibility Update -Classic Fallout 2 combat armor High resolution +Classic Fallout Tesla Armor +Classic Fallout 2 Metal Armor MKII +Classic Fallout Metal Armor - NVSE Replacer +armor_separator +Hotfix 1.6a +Tactapack +Another Millenia +Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered +weapons_separator +B42 Inspect +Hit - VATS Restored +Hit - B42 Interact Skinning - Human Addon +Hit - B42 Interact Skinning +Hit - B42 Interact - New Vegas Bounties I LE +Hit - B42 Interact Animation Pack +B42 Interact +Animated Ingestibles - B42 Inject Vigor Patch +Animated Ingestibles - B42 Inject ScriptRunner +Animated Ingestibles - B42 Inject Patch +Hit - B42 Inject - Liquid Courage +Hit B42 Inject - Random 1 +Hit - B42 Inject - Sunset Sarsaparilla Animations +Hit - B42 Inject - Meat Anims +Hit - B42 Inject - Water Anims -Hit - B42 Inject Anim Pack - Season 1 - SawyerBatty Patch +Hit - B42 Inject Anim Pack - Season 1 - JSawyer Ultimate Patch +Hit - B42 Inject Anim Pack - Season 1 +Animated Ingestibles - Update (english) +Animated Ingestibles (english) +B42 Inject +b42 animations_separator +Hit - Lewis Gun Anims +Hit - Millenia Animations - Part 2 +Hit - Millenia Anim Pack 1 +Blended Locomotion +1. Wasteland Warrior - A Melee Animation Overhaul (Hitman Locomotion) +1. Butcher Pete Complete - A Melee Animation Overhaul (Hitman Locomotion) +Weapon Based Hands Clip Distance +ISControl +3rd Person Animation Fixpack +B42 Optics NV Patches +B42 Optics - ESPless +B42 Weapon Inertia +Melee VATS Animation Restoration +Smooth True Iron Sights Camera +Iron Sights Aligned +New Vegas Animation Overhaul Guns +FNV Clean Animations +Anniversary Anim Pack +Viewmodel Shading Fix - NVSE +Muzzle Flash Light Fix - NVSE +Mostly Fixed FaceGen Tints (NV or TTW) +Animations_separator +the frontier_separator +Someguy Series Revamped Perk fixes +1.2.1a Hotfix +Someguy Series Revamped +KOTR Version 1 dot 04 +Russell Version 1.17 +The Better Angels 1.01 +NVBIII Version .954 FULL +NVBII Version 1 dot 47 +The Inheritance Version 1 dot 29 +NVBI Version 1 dot 55 +Someguy Series 2 dot 0 +someguy_separator +Misc Content Restoration - NV +Duncan's Uncut Collection YUP Patch +Duncan's Uncut Collection - AIO Part 1 +Caravan Travel - The Living Desert patch +Caravan Travel +No Toll Booths for Mojave Express Courier Delivery Work +Mojave Express Courier Delivery Work - Primm +Caravan Guard Remastered +Working Clock ESPless +Classic Pip-Boy 2000 replacer version -The Great Mojave Interior Overhaul +Mojave Raiders +Faction Wasteland Presence +FNV 3DNPC Bundle Updated All In One Plugin +Remove Wasteland Adventurer Patch +Outside Bets for Viva New Vegas' Uncut Wasteland +Outside Bets +New Vegas Uncut +Extra Content_separator +Better Brotherhood +The Living Desert - Travelers Patrols Consequences Increased Population and more +Essential DLC Enhancements Merged - JSUE Patch +Essential DLC Enhancements Merged +FPGE - EVEM Patch +Functional Post Game Ending +Misc Content Restoration - UW (VNV) Patch +Misc Content Restoration - YUP Patch +Misc Content Restoration +Uncut Wasteland (VNV) - EVEM Patch +Uncut Wasteland (VNV) - Vigor Patch +Uncut Wasteland +Content_separator +Famine +Extra Overhauls_separator +Harder Barter Faster Stronger +Traps Tweaks - Traps Use Other Skills +EVEM - Vigor Patch +EVEM - Crafting Consistency Fix Patch +EVEM - YUP Patch +Essential Vanilla Enhancements Merged +Varmint Rifle 22LR +Simple Vigor Config +Vigor - SMIM Patch +Vigor - A Vanilla JSawyer Fork +Overhauls_separator +Retrievable Throwables Reforged 2.2 +Classic Fallout Sounds and Notifications Merged +Bullet Tracers For New vegas +Classic Lightweight Leather Armor Replacer +Classic Leather Armor Replacer Honest Hearts +Classic Leather Armor Replacer +Cowboy Weapons Pack(Hitman Anime for The Victory) +B42 Bows Consistent Icons +B42 Bows Patch ySI +B42 Bows +The AI Merge +PCP Doggo Patch +Player Combat Priority +(B) SAR Settings - DT - Player +(A) SAR Settings - DT +Simple Attack Reactions +Crippled Limb Reaction Enforcer +B42 Quickthrow Tweaks - Give player perks method +B42 Quickthrow +Melee Hitstop Effects +SMAC - Simple Melee Attack Canceling (1.1) +Power Attack Tweaks +JIP Localized DT Fix -B42 True Leaning - Custom INI -B42 True Leaning +Reload Reloaded +Immersive Recoil NPC 1.4.1 +Immersive Recoil 2.4.1 +B42 FireMode +Weapon Requirements System - Custom INI +Weapon Requirements System +Combat_separator +No Pipboy in Power Armor Patch +No Pipboy in Power Armor +Camping +A Very Uncreative Faction Disguise Remover +Friends With Benefits Perk Pack +Sweet 6 Shooter Perk Pack NV Version +Sweet Perk Overhaul No Big Guns Patch +Sweet Perk Overhaul -Enhanced Movement INI +Enhanced Movement +NPCs Sprint kNVSE - ESPless (TOTNW2.0) -Titans of The New West +Better Damage Multipliers +Simple Night Vision +Bottle the Water +Home and Safehouse Tweaks INI File +Home and Safehouse Tweaks +Supplemental Ammo Crafting +JIP CCC Perk Styled Icons Collection +Perk Styled CCC Icons +Jip CCC HD Icons +JIP Companions Command and Control +CHR Tweaks - Carxt's Preset +CHR Tweaks +Extra Gameplay_separator +KillableChildrenESP +Limitless Stats 1.21 +Bad Touch NVSE - Minimalist Preset +Bad Touch NVSE +Auto-Save Manager +Faster Sleep-Wait +Cookable Grenades +Better Caravan +Delay DLC Redux +Follower Tweaks -Immersive Recoil 2.0 +Just Sprint Plus - Expansion for JAM and JVS +Clean Just Assorted Mods (JAM) +JLM Grab Tweak +JAM - VNV Configuration +JAM - Just Assorted Mods +Gameplay_separator -Revelation UI Extras Collection -Vanilla UI Plus Revelation (New Vegas) +Fast Pipboy -Pip-Boy UI Tweaks +Simple Maps +Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Dynamicon +Stats (And Some Perks) +Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Reputation +Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Addendumb +Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Vault Girl Extension +Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Extension +Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - DLC's Items +Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Apparel +Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Weapons +Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Items +3. CPI - Mod Patches +1. Consistent Pip-boy Icons +Map Marker Icons +Weapon Hotkey Icons +Pop-Up Message Icons +Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Framework Plugin +Vault Boy Paper Doll +Alternate Holographic Panel - Background Version +SPAHUD +ySI Vanilla MiscQuest Items Patch +ySI Extended TTW +Exit Categories with Tab +ySI - Assorted Fixes +ySI - Pick Up Prompts +ySI - Colorful Icons Fix +Color Inventory Ycons +ySI - Sorting Icons +yUI +FOV Slider +Recent Loot Log +B42 Notify +Quick Select - Custom INI +Quick Select +Extras - Stewie's Tweaks Sorting Icons Replacer +Extras - Hi-Res Logos +Main And Pause Menus Overhaul +Vanilla Fonts Revisited +Extra UI and HUD_separator +No Exit to Main Menu +Sleep Wait Hardcore Needs +JIP Improved Recipe Menu ESPless +Menu Search +Faster Main Menu +High Resolution Screens +High Res Local Maps +Clean Companion Wheel 256x256 Edition +Clean Vanilla Hud -VUIPlus - Dialog Background Add-on +Vanilla UI Plus (New Vegas) +MCM BugFix 2 +The Mod Configuration Menu +User Interface_separator +Duplicate NPC BugFix Patches by AC All-In-One -Gun Runners Kiosk Glass Fix +Gauss Impact Fix +Impostors and LOD Flicker Fix +Swimming Creatures Fix - ESPless +Strip Lights Region Fix +ExRB - Extended Roombounds +Crafting Consistency Fix +Depth of Field Fix - NVSE +External Emittance Fix - NVSE +Fallout Alpha Rendering Tweaks - NVSE +Aqua Performa - Strip Performance Fix +MoonlightNVSE +ActorCause Save Bloat Fix +Elijah Missing Distortion Fix +Misc Audio Tweaks and Fixes +Climate Control NVSE +Pip-Boy Shading Fix NVSE +Improved Lighting Shaders +Items Transformed - Enhanced Meshes (ITEM) +Meshes and Collision - Totally Enhanced Nifs (MAC-TEN) +PipBoyOn Node Fixes +skinned mesh improvement mod +New Vegas Mesh Improvement Mod - NVMIM +ISControl Enabler and Ironsights adjuster (now ESPless) +Viewmodel Shake Fix - NVSE +VATS Lag Fix +Combat Lag Fix (NVSE) +lStewieAl's Engine Optimizations +Stewie Tweaks Essentials INI +lStewieAl's Tweaks and Engine Fixes +Improved AI (Navmesh Overhaul Mod) +Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus +Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP +Bug Fixes_separator +1_AnhNVSE +ShowOff xNVSE +KEYWORDS +Basic Console Autocomplete +Console Paste Support +Improved Console (NVSE) +Yvile's Crash Logger +FNV Mod Limit Fix +UIO - User Interface Organizer +kNVSE Animation Plugin -NVTF - Texture Modding Preset +NVTF - Viva Default Preset +NVTF - New Vegas Tick Fix +ShowOff INI -ShowOff xNVSE Plugin +JohnnyGuitar NVSE - All Tweaks Preset +JohnnyGuitar NVSE +JIP LN Settings INI +JIP LN NVSE Plugin +1_SUP NVSE Plugin -Fixed Frontier Standalone Cars +Fixed ESMs +Utilities_separator +Viva New Vegas 22.5.2024_separator 
# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer. FalloutNV.esm DeadMoney.esm HonestHearts.esm OldWorldBlues.esm LonesomeRoad.esm GunRunnersArsenal.esm ClassicPack.esm MercenaryPack.esm TribalPack.esm CaravanPack.esm YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm NavmeshOverhaul.esm Bad Touch.esm Vanilla Enhancements.esm Uncut Wasteland.esm Functional Post Game Ending.esm Functional Post Game Ending - YUP Patch.esm Functional Post Game Ending - Uncut Wasteland Patch (VNV).esp TLD_Travelers.esm Better Brotherhood.esm Landscape Texture Improvements.esm 3DNPCFNVBundle.esm Animal.esm Faction Wasteland Presence.esm Home and Safehouse Tweaks.esm Main And Pause Menus Overhaul.esm Mojave Raiders.esm SomeguySeries.esm The Frontier.esm Landscape Texture Improvements - YUP Patch.esm Tammer's NIF-Bashed Armor Mega-Pack.esm FNV Existential Thread.esm FNV Honest Herb's Power Armor Emporium.esm newvegasuncut.esm NV Uncut - Remove Wasteland Adventurer.esm Duncan's Uncut Collection - AIO Part 1.esm Securitrons On Alert.esm The Frontier - Learn To Drive.esm MojaveExpressCourierWork.esm CaravanTravel.esp LightBright.esp outsidebets.esp fixy crap ue.esp mil.esp Tactapack.esp Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered v1.2.esp Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus.esp YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp Vanilla UI Plus.esp DelayDLCRedux.esp Vigor.esp Crafting Consistency Fix.esp NVMIM.esp ImmersiveRecoil.esp Impostors and LOD Flicker Fix.esp JustAssortedMods.esp Just Sprint Plus - JAM.esp Follower Tweaks.esp ExRB.esp Vigor - SMIM Patch.esp Varmint Rifle 22LR.esp EVEM - YUP Patch.esp EVEM - Crafting Consistency Fix Patch.esp EVEM - Vigor Patch.esp Trap Tweaks.esp Uncut Wasteland - YUP Patch.esp Uncut Wasteland (VNV) - Vigor Patch.esp Uncut Wasteland (VNV) - EVEM Patch.esp Misc Content Restoration.esp Misc Content Restoration - YUP Patch.esp Misc Content Restoration - UW (VNV) Patch.esp FPGE - EVEM Patch.esp DLC Enhancements.esp Essential DLC Enhancements Merged - JSUE Patch.esp Better Brotherhood - YUP Patch.esp Better Brotherhood - FPGE Patch.esp FNV FaceGen Fix.esp rockbiter_AnimationSounds.esp B42Inertia.esp MM's Mad Max Mojave.esp TFHotfixes.esp The Frontier - Liberated.esp S6S Base Game Perks Redux.esp Mojave Raiders.esp Car NV.esp AfterglowNeonIllumination.esp AC_NCRTrooperInjuredFix.esp RadioactiveMuck.esp MM Caravan Guard.esp momod.esp Simple Attack Reactions - NV.esp NewVegasBounties.esp NewVegasBountiesII.esp TheInheritance.esp Russell.esp Highwayman.esp GasPumpsOfNV.esp FeralBrightBrother.esp KingOfTheRing.esp NewVegasBountiesIII.esp TheBetterAngels.esp SomeguySeries Revamped.esp CaravanTravel - TLD Patch.esp NVAnimatedGarageDoor.esp AC_RealLifeStateCrossingSigns.esp AC_VFSTouristVaporizedFix.esp Animated Ingestibles.esp Another Ghoul Variant Mod.esp B42Bows.esp B42Inspect.esp B42Retrievables.esp BloodyMessCreatures.esp BR Repconn Eyebot Replacer.esp Branded Robots.esp Bullet Tracers NV Shotgun.esp CIB Bighorners - HH.esp CIB Bighorners.esp Classic Leather Armor Replacer Honest Hearts.esp Classic Leather Armor Replacer.esp Classic Lightweight Leather Armor Replacer.esp Classic SM Outfits MOTNW.esp ClassicFX.esp Cowboy Radio - Now with VA.esp Cowboy Radio - Songs Only.esp HMMWV.esp Platinum Radio.esp Conelrad 640-1240.esp Cowpack.esp PowerToTheBull - LEGIONPAs.esp DrivableCopCar.esp Enhanced Movement.esp ExtendedNVRadio.esp Fallout 2 combat armor MK2 (remastered) replacer.esp Famine.esp Famine - Flora.esp FOVSlider.esp Friends With Benefits Perk Pack.esp Greasers.esp Hitstop.esp HitVATS.esp HMMWV - THUNDER.esp IRNPC.esp JIP Companions Command & Control.esp KC.esp MCMetalArmor.esp MCMetalTesla.esp MigCrippled.esp MigPowerAttack.esp More Classic Fallout Outfits.esp NightmareFiends.esp Player Combat Priority.esp PCP Reduced Chance To Attack Doggo Patch.esp Functional Post Game Ending - Outside Bets Patch.esp PlayerDeathVoiceEnabler.esp Power Armor Holo Panel.esp PAHP_Edits.esp QuickSelect.esp Quickthrow.esp QuickthrowTweaks.esp RAD_RaulAsDannyOverhaul.esp Reload Reloaded.esp S6S Base Game Perks Redux TTW Side.esp S6S Base Perks Redux No Big Guns Patch TTW.esp S6S Perks.esp S6S's Prodlimen Creature Pack.esp SimpleNightVision.esp Someguy Series Revamped perk fixes.esp Spore Plant Melee.esp Enclave and BoS Classic Combat Armor .esp Supplemental Ammo Crafting.esp The Frontier - AutoCombat BugFix.esp The Frontier - BatteryPowered.esp The Frontier - Bonus Cars.esp The Frontier - CarDoorSounds.esp The Frontier - RepairTireIron.esp The Frontier - UseAltUnits.esp TheAIMerge.esp Vault34GhoulVaultSuits.esp Classic Combat Armor Replacer Redux FNV.esp Mk2 Replacer Redux Patch.esp Classic Combat Armor Replacer Redux No Backpack.esp Duncan's Uncut Collection - AIO Part 1 - YUP Patch.esp WeaponRequirementSystem.esp The Mod Configuration Menu.esp AnimatedFanV2.esp Little More Lamplight.esp Strip Lights Region Fix.esp Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks.esp Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks - EVEM Patch.esp DNWeathers.esp Interior Rain.esp CC - Rain.esp CC - 3D Rain.esp Viva New Vegas - LOD.esp NewVegasQuickStart.esp Limitless Stats.esp 
submitted by LK-9T9sektor to fnv [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:21 ProfessionalSalt7936 Switch gamers + Wuthering waves (SEA) / other games / discord friends

Hi there!
Sale na naman ang MHR sa eshop so we're looking for players for MH Rise on the nintendo switch. Beginners / veterans are fully welcome! We also play a lot of coop games like Mario kart, super smash bros, overcooked, acnh, etc.
We're also looking for more wuthering waves players on SEA. We love to discuss the game and possible character combinations, farming routes and the like.
Our discord server is very wholesome and everyone is welcome to join!
See you there!
submitted by ProfessionalSalt7936 to PHGamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:20 kazin_g [USA-MI][H]Gunstar Super Heroes CIB, Sonic Jam gamecom, Castlevania Circle of the Moon, Rayman 3 GBA [W]Paypal

Gunstar Super Heroes CIB - pics: - asking $80 shipped to continental US, recently cleaned and tested, works great.
Sonic Jam for - pics: - asking $50, works great
Rayman 3 for GBA - pics: - asking $10, or free with another purchase, works great
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon - pics: - asking $20 - new battery from a few months ago, as you can see. Works great
submitted by kazin_g to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:17 teh_spazz [USA-TX] [H] PayPal [W] Nintendo Switch Games

Looking for the following:
Super Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Super Mario Bros U Deluxe Super Mario Bros 3D World
Thank you!
submitted by teh_spazz to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:09 Admirable_Sound_7919 Metal slug for snes mini classic

Metal slug for snes mini classic submitted by Admirable_Sound_7919 to RockinTheClassics [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:09 luxactoR [STORE] 27 Unique Items (Blue Gems - Katowice 2014 & more)

Trade URL
🔥Feel free to join my steam group InventoryHub - building a trading hub with approved users.
Type Name FV Info Tradable B/O ($)
💎 ★ Karambit Case Hardened (BS) 0.83 #463 - red eye pattern Yes 12345
💎 ★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Case Hardened (FT) 0.16 #503 - tier 1 pattern with scar Yes 5555
💎 ★ Karambit Case Hardened (WW) 0.42 #670 - blue ring & blue playside Yes 4444
💎 ★ Bayonet Case Hardened (WW) 0.42 #321 - p4 Yes 2499
💎 ★ Hydra Gloves Case Hardened (BS) 0.77 #829 - p1 Yes 938
🙌 ★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Web (FT) 0.22 #89 - tier1 pattern with clean E 5/17/2024 499
💛 StatTrak™ AK-47 Slate (FN) 0.00004 x4 vox holo kato15 on super low float ak (1/2) Yes 3999
💛 M4A1-S Cyrex (FN) 0.04 ibuypower holo kato14 above mag + x2 crown foil Yes 3333
💛 AK-47 Fire Serpent (FT) 0.18 vox holo kato14 on wood + crown foil next position Yes 3333
💛 AWP Asiimov (FT) 0.29 titan holo kato14 on the scope Yes 3125
💛 AK-47 Black Laminate (FT) 0.35 x4 kato14 (ibuypower holo on wood, titan, lgb holo, reason) Yes 2599
💛 StatTrak™ M4A4 In Living Color (FN) 0.042000 x4 dignitas holo col14 (1/1) Yes 2499
💛 USP-S Stainless (WW) 0.43 titan holo kato14 above handle & x2 titan holo kato15 Yes 2499
💛 StatTrak™ AWP Electric Hive (FN) 0.03 dignitas holo col14 on the scope + x3 holo kato14 (vp, dignitas, mystik) Yes 1666
💛 AK-47 Case Hardened (FT) 0.37 ibuypower holo kato14 above trigger Yes 1449
💛 StatTrak™ AK-47 Slate (FN) 0.01 x4 fnatic holo dh14 Yes 749
💛 AK-47 The Empress (WW) 0.39 x4 gold krakow17 (dosia, pashabiceps, x2 nbk) Yes 669
💛 StatTrak™ AK-47 Phantom Disruptor (FN) 0.05 x4 navi holo dh14 (1/1) Yes 549
💛 AK-47 Fuel Injector (FN) 0.06 x2 flammable Foil (wood and back) Yes 549
💛 AWP Redline (MW) 0.11 titan kato14 on the scope Yes 369
💛 USP-S Overgrowth (FN) 0.06 crown foil above handle (rare combo) Yes 279
💛 P250 Mehndi (FN) 0.04 x4 kato14 (vp, mousesports, fnatic mystik) Yes 222
💛 StatTrak™ M4A4 Faded Zebra (BS) 0.78 high float - x4 kato14 (3dmax, vox, ldlc, complexity) Yes 199
💛 Souvenir UMP-45 Urban DDPAT (FT) 0.35 titan foil kato14 Yes 169
💛 StatTrak™ AK-47 Red Laminate (WW) 0.38 harp of war holo next to wood Yes 149
💛 StatTrak™ Desert Eagle Conspiracy (FN) 0.03 x4 liquid mlg16 Yes 36
💛 AWP Worm God (MW) 0.11 x3 kato15 (envyus holo on scope * x2 clg) Yes 22
submitted by luxactoR to Csgotrading [link] [comments]