Clamshell quilt patterns

Quilting in Solitude

2015.10.07 11:49 QuiltInPiece Quilting in Solitude

A fun place to post your quilting, sewing, patterns, crafts, quilt in progress, applique and embroidery. Pretty much anything handmade. Show us your passion. Please feel free to post your projects, links etc.

2013.03.05 19:49 Faelastar For Knitters making the BeeKeeper's Quilt

A place to share your Hexipuffs and talk layout strategy for [The Beekeeper's Quilt](

2010.02.24 19:08 QuiltingBoard Quilting

We love all things quilting. Show off your latest project or just learn how to get started. We're here to help!

2024.06.02 17:49 Becaka Quilting progression

Quilting progression
Hey everyone! I just completed my third quilt and third thing I’ve sewn, so I wanted to share my progress! Plus a cat tax! I realized after that this is all the same cat (I have three) I guess she’s just a big fan of quilting lol!
1 (pics 1-3): This quilt was the first thing I had ever sewn, I’ve always enjoyed crafts so I asked my parents for a sewing machine for my birthday. My mom asked for a quilt so I ordered random fabrics off Amazon and winged it. Being the first quilt I made, I didn’t do any research and made two quilt tops lol! I did straight line quilting and while it’s crooked and goofy I love it.
2 (pics 4-6): after completing my first quilt I was hooked, I decided to make myself one! This time I went to my local quilt shop and got some higher quality fabrics and I had joined this Reddit and started acting looking into how to properly make a quilt. This quilt was made with a random block I found on Pinterest (I’m sure there is an actual name, I just have no clue) and a bunch of fat quarters. I like to call this quilt my learning quilt as I nearly quit so many times after broken needles, tread and a timing issue. This Reddit helped me with some questions about a new machine and I ended up getting the Janome 2030QDC (which I love so much). This was my first taste of free motion quilting and while it gives me a headache remembering the amount of stress that went into it, I am incredibly proud I finished it. The corners are mangled because I didn’t watch the tutorial properly, this is something I’d like to fix at some point in the future.
3 (7-end): This the olive blossom quilt by kecollinsdesigns on Etsy, it was my first experience with sewing curves and using a pattern but I found the pattern to be super easy to follow! The free motion quilting took what felt like years but I love how it turned out and the corners and crinkle make me very happy!
I hope you enjoyed a look into the beginning of my quilting life! There will be many more and I can’t wait to see what I learn and how my skills grow!
submitted by Becaka to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:31 overthemoon828 Where can I get a blanket like this?

Where can I get a blanket like this?
I was shopping at a Ross or TJ Maxx about a year ago and found this blanket. I loved the variety of (soft!) textures and have regretted not getting it! But when I reached out to the named manufacturer about where I could find one, they were not helpful in the least.
To clarify, I don't need this exact blanket but I would like something similar that has multiple textures to (it similar to a quilt, but different textures instead of patterns), and very cuddleable.
submitted by overthemoon828 to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:56 Iwentgaytwice Pattern recommendations and help please!

I started quilting a few months ago after a friend taught me how to hem my own pants. So far I've made two quilts for other coworkers baby shower gifts and each was better than the last. I think I'd like to make one for myself now.
Background: I'm trans and even after I came out I still held on to one of my favorite dresses. I loved the fabric and look of it. I'd like to repurpose the fabric from the dress for my quilt that way I can have it forever.
It's a Michael Miller fabric in the nevermore collection called Goth bugs.
I'm going for a black and white theme to match that. What pattern or style would best feature this fabric? I'm aiming for a full or queen size blanket.
submitted by Iwentgaytwice to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:11 misslion With a month of sewing under my belt, I made my first bag! A mini backpack that I'm in love with!

With a month of sewing under my belt, I made my first bag! A mini backpack that I'm in love with!
Pattern is the Park Mini Backpack by RosieandDavidUS on Etsy. It's a pretty good pattern and the video they have helps a lot. I had originally machine sewn the binding indide but I didn't like how messy it looked so I ripped it out and hand sewed and I am much more pleased. I learned SO much making this bag.
Exterior is cotton canvas remnants from Joann that I paid less than $2 a yard for (it was a wild steal, I tell you). The pattern called for quilting cotton but the added weight of this fabric is working just fine. Interior is quilting cotton remnants from Joann. I'm becoming pretty obsessed with that remnants section!!
submitted by misslion to sewing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:20 artzbots Questions about quilting in lines vs block by block

Especially with a walking foot.
I am taking a beginners quilting class from my LQS and this week our homework is to draw out our quilting pattern/grid and pin baste our quilt sandwich. Knowing that we're supposed to use a walking foot in class for this part, I immediately started to grid out a variation of an orange peel pattern (from Walk 2.0 by Jacquie Gering), only to be told by my teacher that we weren't going across the whole quilt but would be going block by block so I would be doing a lot of turning of my quilt to do the pattern I was gridding out.
The default pattern our teacher is expecting is a simple crosshatch that intersects in the center of each block, making Xs through individual blocks. there a reason for using a walking foot to go block by block vs going across the quilt? Is this so I get used to wrestling the weight of a lap quilt through my machine in small pieces instead of sending long sections of my quilt through the machine at once?
submitted by artzbots to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:06 spdgurl1984 Quilt difficulty levels

Anyone else find that “easy” quilt designs are harder for you than ones that supposedly have a higher difficulty?
Why are the harder things easier for me and the easier things harder?
Does it have anything to do with my perfectionism and anxiety over things being more obvious/noticeable in easier projects that makes me fuss more and take longer and my puzzle solving skills and eye for detail that ease more complex patterns for me?
Am I alone in this or do you struggle with this too?
submitted by spdgurl1984 to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:35 emothebell Mountain Range Baby Quilt

Mountain Range Baby Quilt
Recently finished this baby quilt! I quite enjoyed doing a landscape scene and it was a very easy pattern. It’s the Eastern Sierra Quilt pattern by Donna McLeod ( xoxsew ).
submitted by emothebell to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:24 iseekno To the Pond Quilt is finished!

To the Pond Quilt is finished!
I am beyong thrilled to show off my "To the Pond" quilt! I created the pattern myself in EQ8 and created the animals in Photoshop. I even created most of the fabric designs and had it printed by spoon flower! It took weeks of planning and sewing to get it done. I didn't realize that I had made a pattern with four y seams, so it very difficult to get together! The snail block is surrounded by y seam, woops lesson learned! The backing is a twin flat sheet. It is 68 by 80 a great throw size! I'm in love 🦊
submitted by iseekno to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:25 SewingBotler June Challenge Rules and Entries

June Challenge Rules and Entries
Welcome to the Sewing Challenge subreddit! The challenge theme for June is Pattern Matching!
We are running a new group challenge each month. This post will explain the rules and serve as the collection point for entries. The post will be locked for the first week, then unlocked for entries to be added. We will use the June Challenge Chat and Questions post for discussions. Thanks for your patience as we figure out how to run these challenges! We are still accepting feedback via modmail. If you would like to help pick challenges and run the subreddit, please contact the mod team through modmail! We would love the help!
June 2024 Challenge Description - Pattern Matching
What separates fast manufacturing from home sewing? The time and willingness to put a little extra care into a project. If you have seen this meme or visited LuLaNo, then you know that pattern matching and placement can make or break a project. It's a skill that has to be learned like buttonholes but once you've practiced, it becomes so much easier.
For this month's challenge, choose a fabric that has a print or design. The patterned fabric can be a print design like quilting cottons, or a part of the weave like knit stripes or lace. Then use your fabric to sew any project that has prominent seams to match across. Most garments like shirts, jackets and pants, accessories like bags or home decor like curtains made of multiple panels meet this requirement. The challenge does not include super simple projects like a two-piece cushion, layouts that don't allow pattern matching like most circle skirts or anything made of yardage that needs only a hem, like napkins. Your entry photos should show us the overall project plus a close-up of your beautiful pattern matching.
Fine details:
  1. Announcing your intention to participate is not required. Participation in the challenge is open until this thread is closed to new entries at the end of the month, June 30, 2024, 12 midnight PST. The new challenge goes up on July 1st. Only one entry per user account will be counted toward the challenge. Share as many projects as you would like here and at sewing.
  2. Everyone who posts a finished project in this Challenge Rules and Entries thread will be given user flair that shows off the number of challenges they've completed. Post the same project on sewing and you'll get special user flair there too!
  3. Individual posts to share intentions, plans, and progress can be posted by anyone using the post flair. Please keep all of your musings in one post per user account. To follow each other or any post in the subreddit, use the Follow function on each post and you'll be notified of new comments. Find and click on the little bell!
Sneak preview of the theme for July is Bags! July is a popular month for travel and bags help us carry our important stuff along. Make-up bags, duffel bags, hand bags, it's going to be Bag Month.
submitted by SewingBotler to SewingChallenge [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:38 DrSameJeans Longarm Quilting Question

On my longarm I always do an all-over quilting pattern because I like to begin and end off the edge of my quilt. This obviously limits any more custom quilting, and I’d like to branch out to doing more types of quilting within one quilt. How does the stopping and starting work so that it doesn’t unravel? I know there is a knotting function on the machine. Do I just use that, or will that leave a visible knot? Just so afraid I’ll do all this work and then have it come undone!
submitted by DrSameJeans to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:11 Jenson-ecigs How do you travel with e-cigarettes in the EU?

Vaping is no longer just a smoking cessation method; it has evolved into a lifestyle. Whether you're into chasing clouds or savoring flavors, knowing the ins and outs of traveling with your vape e-cigarettes across the European Union (EU) is vital. While there are some requirements, think of it as preparing a Swiss army knife—stay ready for anything, and you'll breeze through. Let's explore the essentials to ensure your vaping style stays intact and your journeys hassle-free.
Traveling with vape e-cigarettes can seem like navigating a maze of regulations. With each country in the EU having its unique rules, it's like playing a game of chess—strategy is critical.

Understanding EU Regulations

The EU needs a unified approach to e-cigarettes so the rules can vary significantly from one country to another. It’s like a patchwork quilt—each piece with its pattern but part of a bigger picture.

Air Travel with E-cigarettes

When flying, always keep your e-cigarettes in your carry-on baggage. Storing them in checked luggage is against airline policies and could lead to safety hazards.

Handling Airport Security

Security protocols may seem overwhelming. Approach them as you would when preparing a gourmet meal—everything must be meticulously arranged for a seamless vaping experience.

Train Travel Considerations

Are you traveling by train? Each rail company has its guidelines, similar to restaurants' dress codes. Know before you go!

Road Trips and Ferries

The freedom of a road trip comes with a need to understand the rules of the road and the sea. Think of it as tuning your instrument before a concert—essential for a flawless performance.

Country-Specific Rules

Navigating country-specific regulations is essential. It's akin to adjusting your watch to a new time zone—necessary to stay in sync.

Packing Tips for Vapers

Packing your vape gear correctly is as important as packing a parachute for skydiving. Safety and convenience are paramount.

Battery Safety During Travel

Batteries are the heart of your vaping device. Handle them like you would a delicate ornament—carefully and with great attention to detail.

Where to Vape: Know Your Zones

Not every place welcomes vaping. It’s like knowing which fork to use at a formal dinner—knowledge is power.

Cultural Considerations

Being culturally sensitive about vaping is as essential as knowing the local language. It helps in blending in smoothly.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Problems can pop up unexpectedly. Think of them as puzzles to be solved on the go.

Traveling with E-liquid

For example, choosing the right fuel for your car and picking and packing your e-liquid for travel are crucial for a good trip.

Legal Restrictions and Penalties

Awareness of legal boundaries is as critical as knowing the road rules. It keeps you safe and sound.

To Wrap It Up

Traveling with your vape e-cigarettes in the EU doesn’t have to be complicated. With the proper preparation and knowledge, you can enjoy your journey as much as your destination.
submitted by Jenson-ecigs to u/Jenson-ecigs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:46 iseekno Fox, Tulips, Snail, and Bluebird collage blocks are done!

Fox, Tulips, Snail, and Bluebird collage blocks are done!
So excited to have finished my last few blocks of my collage quilt pattern! Next is sewing it down and then on to finishing the quilt top. Thoughts are welcome!
submitted by iseekno to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:37 adyd Finished quilt. Thanks everyone for your suggestions on quilting

Finished quilt. Thanks everyone for your suggestions on quilting
Finished quilt. Pattern is City Girl Chevron my Krista Moser. Ended up going with a diamond snake kind of pattern with a variegated thread. Love how it ended up popping on the backing. It was my first time trying anykind of straight line with a free motion foot, which had a way higher learning curve than I expected. I'm really happy with how it turned out
submitted by adyd to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:09 Megabc123 Bilbo Baggins Patchwork Robe

Bilbo Baggins Patchwork Robe
I finished my Bilbo Baggins Patchwork robe! Thanks for your help earlier, quilting! It's been a long 5 months of preparing and quilting the fabric, learning how to make a robe / making mock-ups, and actually making the robe, lining, and attaching the two together. In all, I think I spent ~200 hours on the robe and it cost a bit more than $200, so that's about $1 per hour of entertainment ;) I also got a lot of fabric from family/friends, and I have a fair number of patches left if anyone wants to try their hand at a robe too!
I was inspired by Shannon Makes' Bilbo Housecoat video here: I purchased the pattern from her site, though I ended up changing it a bit because I wanted larger shapes.
The pattern I used was "Simplicity 4739 Vintage 60's men's robe", though I had to make a fair number of alterations!
front of robe
back of robe
submitted by Megabc123 to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:58 candystarjones Thank you to whoever gave me this idea!

Thank you to whoever gave me this idea!
Making a little something for my new niece being born in the next few days, don't normally quilt in diamond pattern but this is Def making it so easier! Anyone else use a laser level for straight lines or anything else construction related in quilting??
submitted by candystarjones to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:08 Wooden_Phoenix Kitsune by PitchersBoutique

Kitsune by PitchersBoutique
I fell in love with this (FPP) pattern when Pitchers Boutique herself posted her version of it a while back. Not perfect, but it makes me happy and the flimsy is finally done! Now to figure out how best to quilt it...
submitted by Wooden_Phoenix to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:41 Renatasewing No pattern pet quilt

No pattern pet quilt
2 x moda Noah's ark charm squares, leftover fabric cut to charms. Approx 38 by 51 inches. Borders from yardage.
submitted by Renatasewing to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:06 wheniminthisdream 4 quilts for 4 bridesmaids!

4 quilts for 4 bridesmaids!
About 9 months ago I set out to make quilts as gifts for each of my bridesmaids. I get married in 10 days and they’re all finally DONE!! I’m so thrilled with how they turned out and can’t wait to gift them.
Pattern is Madeline from Penelope Handmade, square throw size. Each of the back corners has a handwritten note from me that I scanned and printed on printable fabric (after lots of wash testing 😅). Fully pieced and quilted on my domestic machine, which was really pushed to its limit doing 4 in a row.
submitted by wheniminthisdream to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:58 AloneTour6794 This is the apartment I’m moving into! Ideas for decor?!

This is the apartment I’m moving into! Ideas for decor?!
For the living room, I’m thinking dark blues and olive greens with some orange and yellow accents. I’ve got a really ugly sectional and a gray futon. Both are torn and old, and I want to save to get new ones. I do like the colors, however, and like that they’re easy to mix and match. My parents suggested just getting slip covers for now, and saving to get really nice furniture later on.
For the bedroom, I’ve got a patterned quilt with some pinks, grays, yellow, and reds. I’m thinking there’s a lot I can do there.
My dad said he’d buy my dining room table (up to $500). I really like antiques, however, and I am content with just going to a flea market or estate sale and getting something cheap but timeless. I have no idea what rug I want there, but I also don’t want to ruin the flooring so I definitely need something.
As for the bathroom and kitchen, I have 0 ideas.
I always kill plants, but I definitely think some pothos would liven the place up. I’m thinking I want to just get some clippings and submerge them in a water source while they grow. If any plant girlies have any suggestions, let me know!
Any suggestions, ideas, tips?
submitted by AloneTour6794 to femalelivingspace [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:39 scrappyycat how do you cultivate your "style"?

I'm on my third quilt and I'm struggling with nailing down what my style is in terms of color palettes and patterns. I follow a lot of quilters whose work I admire and I do a ton of pinteresting/online window shopping at patterns and fabrics, but I end up feeling overwhelmed and pulled in a lot of different directions creatively. I guess my question is: has anyone else experienced this and how do you move through it?
submitted by scrappyycat to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:18 Stella_plantsnbakes How would you quilt these?

How would you quilt these?
Hi all! I have a few small projects that are almost ready to be quilted and I am considering how to quilt them. I'm quite new to this hobby so need to stick to straight line quilting that I'll do on my domestic machine. What we have here are 2 pillow covers and one mini quilt. I'm not opposed to colorful thread and close stitches on the cake blocks but worry that may take away from the overall design and pretty colors within. Also, I think I'd prefer the quilting to recede on the mini... it may need very little quilting overall since it will hang and not get washed often. Also, it's only about 7" x 20" so I'm thinking I may just stitch between blocks... but idk. What do you all think?
Love to Sew Mini pattern by SheSewCurly
Birthday Cakes, inspired by many but self drafted
submitted by Stella_plantsnbakes to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:21 Mavgreyxx I Have Opinions on the Pioneer Woman Crochet Kits...Incoming Snark/Review + Rant

A family friend of mine recently went to the store to get me some yarn (shoutout to her, she's lovely), and came across one of the pioneer woman crochet kits- specifically the tea towel crochet topper. She misread it and believed that it was an already-assembled product. Because of this, it ended up in my hands as she has no idea how to crochet and trusted me to make it for her! I saw the kit, gave it an overall glance, and figured it would be a smooth process...boy was I wrong.
For starters, I will say that the kit comes with pretty much everything you'd need to make the towel. It comes with a tea towel, sewing needle and thread, two buttons, a crochet hook, and two skeins of yarn. This kit is supposed to make two towels.
I will say, for 15 dollars, the materials aren't horrible. The hook is ergonomic, the yarn is soft, and you get quite a lot of thread. The buttons are also super cute!
My problem though? The pattern. It is quite clear that the producers thought more of the materials than the pattern.
For the towel portion, row one already starts off with a "Chain one, sc 32". Excuse me? The more that I went through the pattern, more and more did not line up and the directions were unclear. By row 7, I was already scratching my head. The pattern claims to have 20 rows total, but the last two rows are simply "19: Cut string 2 inches", and "20: Weave back through top".
I figured that I could at least troubleshoot and make my way through the pattern, but I found myself giving up and tossing it aside. Determined to make my friend a cute towel, I decided to consult another video on how to make a towel topper.
Do not waste your money here. If you want to make a towel topper with a cute pattern, just buy a towel at the local dollar store, dig out some yarn from the back of your stash, and with the materials you already have along with some spare buttons, this project is infinitely cheaper.
I know that at the end of the day, you pay for the pioneer woman branded materials with the towel designed after her theme. The pattern claims that the project, in total, takes 2H 40MIN to complete, but due to the absolute garbled (and probably AI generated) pattern directions, I spent more time trying to figure it out and inevitably discarding them for directions I gathered for free.
I also want to add that I am not a beginner and have been crocheting for over ten years. I will admit that I do better with video instructions than a written pattern, but usually I can figure out even the trickiest of patterns.
What I gather from all of this is that I am tired of companies capitalizing off of the crochet trend and not even doing an ounce of research. The pioneer woman is known for cooking- she doesn't knit, crochet, sew, quilt, or anything within the fiber arts realm. She's better off just selling the cute branded towels.

TL;DR: Pioneer Woman crochet kits are a waste of money considering that I could understand my doctor's handwriting before I understood the pattern. If you try one yourself, good luck.
submitted by Mavgreyxx to crochet [link] [comments]