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Am I the asshole for getting upset about no one communicating with me

2024.05.20 02:12 tiagoel Am I the asshole for getting upset about no one communicating with me

I was giving this tv stand to my cousin for free and I called her yesterday and asked her when she'd be available. She and I agreed to 10am and when I woke up I messaged her asking about it cause of the rain. I never received a reply, at all... all day. I called my mom since she's never not within 3 feet of my cousin and mom didn't know anything so I tried to let it go. My dad called me and I told him what was going on and he told me oh well they went to the farmers market and shopping together today. Great. So when I finally leave the house and get to the store since I DIDNT HEAR ANYTHING ALL DAY FROM MY COUSIN is when my mom calls and says they're on the way. So I have to rush home and when they get here is when shit hits the fan
So I confront my mom about it since my cousin couldn't be bothered to come inside or say anything to me and as I am saying that this situation really upset me my cousins husband walks in and starts snapping at me about how I said don't bother Yada Yada (I didn't) and I'm like okay whatever. They leave but they leave their kid behind so I grab my keys and wallet and I'm like don't worry if they forget you I'll take you home lmao its no worries. Low and behold my cousins husband (the kids dad) come up and just starts screaming at her and I'm like hey no this is my fault and he just says no it hers and drags her away screaming.
submitted by tiagoel to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:32 BigBoss-2006 How to fix mesh inside of a mesh causing glitches? The shirts inside the overalls aren't touching

submitted by BigBoss-2006 to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:10 Lower_Bag994 Jamie the love bomber

So hear me out. I’m no Renee fan at all but fr I feel bad for her. Putting two and two together he WAS love bombing her and she was right. I thought it was all a bit much from Jamie from the start and it’s clear that he is experienced in reality tv but seeing things unfold it’s clear he did her dirty. I thought he was off key but the more I’m learning its wild out here
They don’t follow each other on Instagram
He’s not doing any promo for it
He has his gf on his page as far back as summer last year
Someone shared he had a gf at the time and dumped Renee as soon as filming finished
But I suppose it is reality tv and what do these girls expect still though
submitted by Lower_Bag994 to LoveUndercover [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:06 RandomFandom596 Jointing the trend!

Jointing the trend!
Favorite character: the main trio
What, you didn’t expect me to pick between the 3? Did you?
Liked by everyone but me: idk
I would’ve said Warren but I think most people don’t like him. Most characters I dislike are ones most of the fandom dislikes I think
Didn’t like at first: healthy band
Yeah, this guys scared the fuck out of me at first. I’ve grown to like them much more now (especially Meat Man and Spinach Can, those 2 are pretty cool)
Would like to know more about: June 20th Trio (Blue Guy, Green Guy, and Red Duck)
These 3 have always intrigued me, since the tv show takes place on June 20th, so hypothetically, these 3 should’ve been the main protagonists, but they just weren’t acknowledged (except for Green Guy’s overalls in 1 scene). I’ve come up with tons of headcanons for these 3, since they’re basically blank slants and you can do a lot with them if you just think hard enough)
Least favorite character: Monster Can.
Fuck this guy. I may have warmed up to the health band, but this can still creeps me out.
Like the design, hate the character: Roy
I love how he just LOOKS like a massive creep. I don’t technically dislike his character, I just absolutely HATE the way he treats his son, which I think was the point. So, he’s here not because he’s a bad character, but because he’s a well written character.
Like the character, hate the design: Key
I like his personality, but something about his design just feels weird.
Similar Personality: main trio
I basically act like a different member of the main trio every single day. I can be stupid, I can be chaotic, and I can be blunt.
Favorite Ship: Red Guy x Duck
Ok, I know some people hate this ship, but I can’t help but love it. I basically view them like Bugs and Daffy from the Looney Tunes Show.
Least favorite ship: Yellow Guy x Roy
…do I even need to explain??? I mean really, do I?!
Would befriend IRL: Red Guy
Idk. He seems chill. Idk if I could handle anyone else.
Would never befriend irl: Warren
Again, I don’t think I need to explain this one at all.
submitted by RandomFandom596 to DHMIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:34 G-M-Dark Episode 3: "Blow"- by Steven Moffat

So, did you manage to count all the re-cycled elements from Steven Moffat's first Doctor Who 2-parter The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances all the way back in May 2005 in Saturdays episode Blow - I mean, Boom...?
Did we have the Gas-Mask kid - no. We did not. But the main villain of the piece is indeed a combat ambulance, we have a kid - this time a little girl - searching (this time) for her Daddy who's been converted into something approximating what he originally was but not quite the original thing and the whole episode rests around a situation wherein everything's about to be blown to smithereens at any moment due to a bomb being on pause.
Oh yes, and the Doctor ends up dancing.
I'm a huge fan of Steven Moffat but, to be perfectly honest, Boom came across more a reject from the Droste Effect meta that became both the raison d'être and ongoing motif of his tenure as showrunner throughout his Matt Smith/Peter Capaldi era.
I got the gag right off the bat: Doctor Who instilled in this guy, at a very young age - that of Amy actually when 11 first meets her (a Scottish boy character would too on-the-nose and nowhere near as pretty to work with) - the urge to write, and I understand that: this fucking show got me at about the same age too.
So, when Steven Moffat gets his chance to write his own version of this thing, it's not just going to be a bunch of stories loosely strung together: this is going to be his dissertation on both the art of TV writing, as well as a history of Doctor Who.
If you want a free and actually very, very good course on both creative screenwriting as well as a crackingly good discourse on the art of writing Doctor Who - Steven Moffat's go as showrunner is an actually very, very witty, cleverly constructed and seriously well written Open University course in creative writing: he takes you through everything, the key core concepts being that writers - not just Doctor Who writers, but writers don't originate anything: they recycle.
To put it in the clearest terms, the screenwriter is The Silence: they don't originate anything, what they do is take whatever's already been done, chop it up into smaller bits and then tell an entirely different story to the "original" by simply moving the bits around to bring about a different outcome.
And you see this used over and over - the same motifs, the same story elements refused, often reversed from the original, and used as the basis of a new story effecting a different outcome, thus:
Say in the case of The Silence) (for example) you have a highly secretive religious order who go around manipulating everything to effect a history they want to replace another yet - at the same time - excise and remove all memory and trace of themselves from reality - whereas, when we come to Peter Capaldi's run we have The Monks who basically do exactly the opposite - they set out to write themselves into history making humanity believe they've always been there helping when, if fact the exact opposite is true...
But it doesn't just stop there: go back all the way to the Bill Hartnell era and the Peter Butterworth character The (Meddling Monk) - the idea of meddling Monks in the fabric of Doctor Who has its genesis far, far earlier - and The Silence too - go back to the David Tennant story Silence in The Library/Forrest of The Dead: Donna finds herself trapped in a virtual ream governed by a dapper suited Dr Moon who, the moment reality begins to creep in, just appears out of nowhere, gives you a "rational" reason why whatever glitch isn't important - and then, you forgot....
But even this has its roots in far, far earlier Doctor Who stories: the Mind Robber), The Land of Fiction - Moffat is perfectly candid about the fact he's not just simply a screenwriter, he's an incredible geek about Doctor Who - and he doesn't go to these lengths just for your benefit, this - his version of the show - is his oeuvre - he's not just a fan, he's a cleaver, cleaver bastard, and he never gets tired of letting you know that.
And so it goes on: Moffats take on the show is a meta involving his entire approach to both being a writer, the act of writing as well as knowing his stuff concerning the show - and, as you go through it, it's a joy to peel back the layers of exactly how many levels Steven Moffat likes to hold forth - confidently - about stuff he really does actually know a fuck of a lot about...
But here, in the context of the current show - this isn't what Moffats doing: he did all that, if you want to go back and stick your head inside Steven Moffats - by all means, go back and watch his version of Doctor Who.
Boom, however, is none of the above things, is just plain lazy: this is something he could have written with one hand tied behind his back and his eyes shut - and I wouldn't put it past him to have approached it that way were it not physically impossible for him to actually have done it.
This has all the superficial gloss of being a cleaver sci-fi concept - and. lest we not forget, the Villenguard Algorithm actually exists, if you're an NHS patient the acceptable cost of your long-term treatment is pre-determined and capped, controlled by an algorithm that just does the maths and decides to pull the plug after spending has reached a certain point: this is a real life thing, Steven Moffat hasn't made it up he's just become aware of it enough to feel as outraged as any right thinking person should - but, that's a different debate.
The point is Boom really is - for a fuck cleaver guy who never gets tired of pressing home how incredible cleaver he is - is a pretty lazy rehash of something he actually wrote far better, probably around 20 years ago.
Maybe that's the point - maybe this is a measure of the distance travelled and lessons learned: were this penned by anyone else, their parents would rightly (and proudly) give a copy pride of place magneted to the fridge - but this is Steven Moffat...
He actually does know better and he's ignoring it.
For Steven Moffat this really was going through the motions at turning in an original script - nice to see Davis's "snow" - and Ruby - are properly established as this season's Bad Wolf - but even this really is sticking to tried and tested crowd pleasing ground even on Russel's part.
Boom lacks, for want of a better word - everything that made Steven Moffat penned story the treasure it once used to be - I know the extended 5 years of the bugger running the show would drain anyone - but this was a rehash plain and simply just to have something to turn in.
Moffat wasn't trying here - he was coasting and, really, it shows. Great job on Russel's part pulling the show back from the brink BBC Studios had happily let the show slide perilously close to going over as far as domestic audiences were concerned - but I'm not seeing anything here that wasn't done better 20 years ago: and frankly it lacked any of the spark that actually made the show good when it first came back.
A few nifty tricks - the whole body thing - "Sharp scratch" - this is a guy who's been to the hospital more than he would otherwise like the past few years - you hit a certain age, I've been there.
But this was more a dud than an explosion - perhaps I should have tempered my expectations, but when the name Steven Moffat is attached to something - it should at least sparkle, and this wasn't even a sparkler.
Just a dud that, in the end, failed to go off.
8/10 if it were written by anyone else - coming from Steven Moffat, however - I'm being generous with a 6/10.
I watched it, probably never going to go back.
submitted by G-M-Dark to Doctorwhy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:44 johnte22 Achieving Sustainable Weight Loss: Practical Tips

I wanted to share some weight loss tips that have helped me on my journey. These strategies focus on sustainable habits rather than quick fixes:
  1. Balanced Diet: Aim for a balanced diet that includes a variety of whole foods—fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Avoid extreme diets; they are often not sustainable.
  2. Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes. It’s easy to overeat even healthy foods. Use smaller plates and listen to your body's hunger cues.
  3. Stay Hydrated: Sometimes, thirst is mistaken for hunger. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and help control your appetite.
  4. Regular Exercise: Incorporate both cardio and strength training exercises into your routine. Find activities you enjoy, whether it's walking, cycling, dancing, or lifting weights.
  5. Sleep Well: Lack of sleep can disrupt your metabolism and increase cravings. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.
  6. Mindful Eating: Pay attention to what you eat and avoid distractions like TV or smartphones during meals. This can help you enjoy your food more and recognize when you’re full.
  7. Consistency Over Perfection: Consistency is key. Don’t get discouraged by occasional slip-ups. Focus on making healthier choices most of the time rather than striving for perfection.
  8. Track Your Progress: Keep a journal or use an app to track your food intake, exercise, and progress. It can provide insights and keep you motivated.
  9. Seek Support: Join a community, find a workout buddy, or talk to a professional like a dietitian or a personal trainer. Support can make a big difference.
  10. Be Patient: Remember, weight loss is a gradual process. Aim for a steady, healthy rate of loss (1-2 pounds per week).
Hope these tips help! Stay motivated and take it one step at a time. You've got this!
Feel free to share your own tips and experiences below.
submitted by johnte22 to weightlossdiets [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:10 Strong_Tell499 Digi-Key is hiring Senior Business Analyst US

submitted by Strong_Tell499 to USJobLeads [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:41 OtiseMaleModel I want to see isla dawn and alba fyre

The poor girls have been on TV twice after they got called up to waste their tag titles against ronda and Shayna.
The girls had it, they're built for TV and finally instead of girls pretending to be crazy as a gimmick we have girls with an actually interesting gimmick
Triple h these girls are in a key stage of their career you can't waste their youth in dark matches.
Vince did this to toni storm now she is thriving elsewhere, don't make this mistake, let them thrive when they're with you.
submitted by OtiseMaleModel to WWE [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:21 kcobra12 To the group I played with the other day... I'm so sorry

So I am not what one would call "good" at Lethal Company. My highest quota is in the 600s, I've never killed a monster above a Thumper with a shovel, I die to spiders and hoarding bugs often, and I've never played with mods.
HOWEVER, there is one niche that I personally think I do really well in: Protection. If I join a lobby, and they have a shotgun, I'm picking that up and blasting any threats in the facility. I'll often enter the room with my go-to loadout of a shotgun, a flashlight, stun grenade, and either a zap gun, another shell, a shovel, or another stun grenade. I don't pick things up, but I do transport already found items and make sure everyone else is alive.
With that short intro out of the way, it's time to explain what happened. So, I joined a lobby with two girls and one guy. I quickly got to know them, and I don't remember all the names, but the lobby host and the most important person in this tale was named TessTickles, or Tess for short.
The quota for this run was upwards of two and a half thousand. They already had a pretty good stockpile when I joined on Day 3, and I quickly told them what my "niche" was. They seemed pretty happy about this, and agreed to let me act as an enforcer of sorts. We were orbiting Artifice, and the plan was simple: We'd collect scrap, drop it outside the main entrance, and one or more people with jetpacks would fly the stuff back to the ship. If we all died, Tess would disconnect and restart the day before the flag for "new save" could be tripped. Basically, if things didn't go according to plan, we'd just save-scum.
So, day three. After two attempts, we landed a pretty good haul. If we kept this pace up, we'd easily make quota. I killed a Bracken, a nutcracker, and a Thumper with my shotgun and shovel, and managed to stun a Jester and allow my teammate to escape. Pretty good gaming on my part, at least by my standards.
Day two started with me asking if I could have one of the jetpacks, purely to try it out. I had never used a jetpack in this game before, and they understandably refused to let me have one. So, I entered Artifice on foot.
The first part of the day went well, as I stood at the main entrance and funneled scrap from upstairs to the outside while fending off anything that got close. My first near miss occurred when I walked into a kitchen to get some scrap, then heard footsteps. I waited, shotgun out, and then saw my teammate walk into the room.
Me: Hey, man.
Teammate: *says nothing and instead draws a shovel and sprints at me*
M: Wait waIT WAIT NONONO-*frantically spamming the trigger of my shotgun, forgetting about the safety*
My teammate was not, in fact, consumed by bloodlust. Instead, he sprinted right past me and whacked the mimic that had been sneaking up on me to death. I took a moment to collect myself, thanking my teammate, before picking up the scrap and taking it back to main.
Remember the safety, though.
Near the end of the day, we all gathered at main. We had a huge haul, and it would take a while to funnel back to the ship. But before that, Tess had something to do.
Tess: Hang on, guys, I gotta go feed my cat.
Me: Alright, we'll protect you.
About a minute later, we got our first monster attack.
Teammate 1: Snare flea.
T2: Alright, I got it.
Me, seeing a mimic slowly walking down the central staircase: Mimic, mimic!
T2: Keep it away from Tess!
T1: I got this. *runs at the mimic with his shovel*
Me: Aight.
*T2 kills the flea*
*Seconds later, T1 gets grabbed by the mimic after a few good whacks*
T1: Hit it! HIT IT, SOMEONE!
*I try and fail to fire my shotgun, then frantically try and get the safety off*
*General pandemonium*
T2 proceeded to get up close and personal with her own shotgun, preparing to blast the mimic. Unfortunately, it was at that exact moment that two things happened at the same time.
  1. T1 got converted into a mimic.
  2. I finally got the safety off my own shotgun and fired a shell.
The buckshot flew right toward the three, killing them all.
It was now just me and Tess.
And Tess was still AFK.
Me: Oh god, guys, I'm so sorry...
I assessed my situation. The items I had available were three shotguns with four ammo between them, two pro flashlights, two shovels, two jetpacks, a flashbang, a stop sign, and about eight hundred credits worth of scrap.
Oh, and a body.
Thankfully, the only threat present seemed to be a slime, which was meandering its way down the stairs. So, I considered my options. I could kite the slime until Tess got back, try and funnel the scrap back to the ship on foot...
Wait, actually, let me check outside, see how bad it is...
I left the facility and was greeted with the sight of:
1 Giant to my left, rapidly approaching.
1 Dog, also to my left, not seeing me yet.
1 Mech, off in the distance.
I quickly turned around and went back into the facility. So, that option was going to be tough. I could maybe try and get to the fire exit, which we knew the location of, but I would only be able to take one load of scrap, it would be dangerous both in and outdoors, and there was no guarantee I'd make it, I could, again, try and kite the slime and wait for Tess to come back, I could-
Well, that certainly complicates things.
That's right, a coilhead had chosen to rear its ugly head at the worst possible time. It now sat at the top of the stairs, which the slime had already descended and was creeping toward me steadily.
I now had another decision to make. If I stood still and tried to keep the coilhead from doing anything, I would risk death to the slime. If I waited for Tess, I'd have to kite both a coil and a slime, and I was not confident in my ability to do that. Besides, what was to say the slime/coil wouldn't just execute her, and then turn on me? On top of that, it was 10:30, and I had no way of knowing when Tess would be back. But I couldn't get through the facility fast enough to reach the fire exit, especially with the coil on me, and there was no way I'd survive outside...
My terrified eyes fell upon the discarded jetpack of my teammate. Picking it up revealed it had three-quarters of a tank left of fuel. With all this knowledge, I made my choice.
As the slime slowly approached, I picked up the three most valuable pieces of scrap I could find, being a gold bar, a perfume bottle, and a laser pointer. Then I equipped the jetpack, steeled myself, and spoke.
Me: Tess, I'm leaving you now. Guys, wish me luck.
With that, I went through the main entrance and out to face the night.
Two things had happened while I was gone. The mech had killed the giant, and the dog was nowhere to be seen. I didn't notice this at first, though, and fired up the jetpack.
While I had never used the jetpack before, I knew how it worked, and thought I had a pretty good idea of how to control it. I knew that it exploded if used for too long, or if you hit a wall, and I had watched Smii7y's Lethal Company videos, so I had a vague idea of what to do. I thought you simply looked in the direction you wanted to go, or something like that.
That is not how the bloody jetpack works.
Instead, it behaves more like it would in real life, having no thrust direction but straight down, and you control your direction by tilting yourself with the movement keys.
I found this out literally on the fly, as I boosted straight up and then tilted forward, landing face-first back on the ground. However, I survived, and now I knew a little more. I boosted back up into the air, fiddled around a bit, and then started to get the hang of it. I drunkenly wobbled through the sky like a mosquito after consuming alchohol, but slowly flew toward the ship. I could see the lights, and the two other dogs nearby. I got closer and closer. My fuel dropped lower and lower. Despite this, I estimated I'd have EXACTLY enough to make it to the ship.
Before I explain what happened next, there's something you should know. I do not play on a traditional monitor setup, oh no. My father thought it would be a good idea to hook my PC up to a TV, which means I have a comically large monitor. However, this is... flawed. The TV doesn't have high enough resolution to show minute details, and the distance I am from the screen means I can't see those fine details either. Additionally, the screen tearing is... rather horrendous, and so Vsync is almost a requirement in every game I play. And then there's the issue of my keyboard and mouse being rather old models, and sometimes having difficulty connecting to the reciever in my PC, resulting in either seconds of input lag or no input at all.
That is exactly what happened here. I was within speaking distance of the ship, less than a second's walk away, when my keyboard inexplicably decided that enough was enough and disconnected for a second. I did not realize this until a second later, when the input finally went through after a second of me holding the S key to start hovering, flipping me COMPLETELY upside down and causing me to faceplant again, right between two dogs.
I frantically tried to take off again, but the extra time spent in the air had expended nearly every last drop of fuel in the pack. Attempting to take off used up the last few drops, which made a sound.
A very loud sound.
Me: Guys... I'm so, so sorry. I tried... I'm sorry...
And then the dogs got to me.
The instant I got back into the group voice chat, I could hear them screaming for Tess. But she wasn't back yet. I watched in sorrow as the ship doors closed, all of us dead, the ship returning to orbit, erasing all the progress we'd made.
Tess didn't return until two minutes later, and the other guy on the team explained that, in the span of two minutes, everything that could have possibly gone wrong, did go wrong. Tess, whoever you are, I'm so sorry.
submitted by kcobra12 to lethalcompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:29 rugbykickoff Match Thread: SD Legion vs Free Jacks - Major League Rugby

Comp: Major League Rugby
Venue: Snapdragon Stadium
View TV providers, weather info and previous results
London Paris Jo'burg New York Sydney Auckland
21:00 22:00 22:00 16:00 06:00 08:00
SD Legion Pos Free Jacks
Alex Horan 15 Mitch Wilson
Tomas Aoake 14 Zach Bastres
Marcel Brache 13 Ben LeSage
Ma a Nonu 12 Wayne van der Bank
Ryan James 11 Paula Balekana
Matt Giteau 10 Danyon Morgan-Puterangi
Connor Tupai 9 Cameron Nordli-Kelemeti
Payton Telea-Ilaio 1 Kyle Ciquera
Hugh Roach 2 Sean Ralph
Darcy Breen 3 John-Roy Jenkinson
Jay Tuivaiti 4 Josh Larsen
Greg Peterson 5 Conor Keys
Christian Poidevin 6 Piers Von Dadelszen
Blair Cowan 7 Setaleki Baker
Tupou Afungia 8 Cam Davidowicz
Cyrille Cama 16 Mason Koch
Djustice Sears-Duru 17 Foster DeWitt
Luke Green 18 Kaleb Geiger
Vili Helu 19 Kyle Baillie
Tevita Tameilau 20 Ethan Fryer
Nick Boyer 21 Holden Yungert
Lincoln McClutchie 22 Le Roux Malan
Mike Te o 23 Isaac OIson
submitted by rugbykickoff to rugbyunion [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:25 Tabonx Help with Core Data merge policy relationships

I am building an app for TV shows using Core Data. I have a custom merge policy that preserves local attributes and merges relationships for entities like genres. These entities need to reference all related objects, but the newly created objects from the API data do not include those references.
According to a tutorial I followed, Core Data does not register conflicts when a relationship is set to default values. This means that when a one-to-many relationship is set to an empty set, the stored values in the database are retained. Therefore, I need to delete all values and restore them again, even if nothing changes.
The problem is that during the merge, the NSManagedObjectID of the object changes (or it does not contain the deleted relationships). When navigated to the detail view of a TV show, the Episode entity's season relationship becomes nil, even though I have a cascade delete rule set for episodes within a season and this should never happen.
My solution was to update the object and fetch it again with the new ID. Here's the code for that:
swift func update(with id: Int) async -> NSManagedObjectID? { do { let data = try await apiCall(id) let id = try await backgroundContext.perform { let updatedObject = Object(context: context, data: data) try backgroundContext.save() return updatedObject.objectID } return id } catch { return nil } }
swift struct DetailWrapper: View { @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var context @State var object: Object var body: some View { DetailScreen(object) .task(id: object.myID) { if let id = await update(with: object.myID) { if let updatedObject = context.object(with: id) as? Object { object = updatedObject } } } } }
However, this still causes the relationship to be nil, and views that depend on them disappear, which is quite unpleasant. Is there any way to fix this, or am I doing something wrong?
This is the merge policy: ```Swift class UpdateMergePolicy: NSMergePolicy { public init() { super.init(merge: .mergeByPropertyObjectTrumpMergePolicyType) }
override func resolve(constraintConflicts list: [NSConstraintConflict]) throws { try list.forEach { conflict in guard let databaseObject = conflict.databaseObject else { try super.resolve(constraintConflicts: list) return } let allRelationshipKeys = Set(databaseObject.entity.relationshipsByName.keys) conflict.conflictingObjects.forEach { conflictObject in let changedKeys = getChangedKeys(conflictObject) // TODO: Clean up if let dObject = databaseObject as? Show, let _ = conflictObject as? Show { dObject.setValue(nil, forKey: "nextEpisodeToWatch") } if let dObject = databaseObject as? Episode, let cObject = conflictObject as? Episode { if cObject.value(forKey: "isNextEpisodeToWatch") == nil { dObject.setValue(nil, forKey: "isNextEpisodeToWatch") } } preserveLocalValues( databaseObject: databaseObject, conflictObject: conflictObject ) mergeKeyValues( databaseObject: databaseObject, conflictObject: conflictObject ) deleteObjectsForChangedRelationshipKeys( changedKeys: changedKeys, databaseObject: databaseObject, conflictObject: conflictObject ) restoreUnchangedRelationship( allRelationshipKeys: allRelationshipKeys, changedKeys: changedKeys, databaseObject: databaseObject, conflictObject: conflictObject ) } } try super.resolve(constraintConflicts: list) } private func preserveLocalValues( databaseObject: NSManagedObject, conflictObject: NSManagedObject ) { if let conflict = conflictObject as? ConflictResolvable { conflict.preserveKeys.forEach { key in let value = databaseObject.value(forKey: key) conflictObject.setValue(value, forKey: key) databaseObject.setValue(nil, forKey: key) } } } private func mergeKeyValues( databaseObject: NSManagedObject, conflictObject: NSManagedObject ) { if let record = databaseObject as? PermanentRecord { record.mergeKeys.forEach { key in if let storedValue = databaseObject.value(forKey: key) as? Set, let conflictValue = conflictObject.value(forKey: key) as? Set { let merge = storedValue.union(conflictValue) conflictObject.setValue(merge, forKey: key) databaseObject.setValue(nil, forKey: key) } } } } private func restoreUnchangedRelationship( allRelationshipKeys: Set, changedKeys: Set, databaseObject: NSManagedObject, conflictObject: NSManagedObject ) { let unchangedKeys = allRelationshipKeys.filter { !changedKeys.contains($0) } unchangedKeys.forEach { key in let value = databaseObject.value(forKey: key) conflictObject.setValue(value, forKey: key) databaseObject.setValue(nil, forKey: key) } } private func deleteObjectsForChangedRelationshipKeys( changedKeys: Set, databaseObject: NSManagedObject, conflictObject: NSManagedObject ) { let changedRelationshipKeys = conflictObject.entity.relationshipsByName.keys.filter { changedKeys.contains($0) } if (conflictObject as? PermanentRecord) != nil { return } for key in changedRelationshipKeys { if let value = databaseObject.value(forKey: key) as? Set { if value.first is PermanentRecord { continue } value.forEach { databaseObject.managedObjectContext?.delete($0) } } else if let value = databaseObject.value(forKey: key) as? NSManagedObject { if value is PermanentRecord { continue } databaseObject.managedObjectContext?.delete(value) } } } private func getChangedKeys(_ object: NSManagedObject) -> Set { guard let conflictResolvable = object as? ConflictResolvable else { return Set(object.changedValues().keys) } return conflictResolvable.getChangedKeys() } 
} ```
submitted by Tabonx to iOSProgramming [link] [comments]

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submitted by Ok_Session_8305 to secondthoughts8 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:00 RM_Official_Thread [Post Match Thread] Villarreal vs Real Madrid (Spanish LALIGA)

Match Info

Kickoff: 19-05-2024 19:00 CEST
Competition: Spanish LALIGA
Referee: Alejandro José Hernández Hernández
Venue: Estadio de la Cerámica


Starting Lineups

Villarreal: Filip Jörgensen, Jorge Cuenca, Eric Bailly, Alberto Moreno, Yerson Mosquera, Dani Parejo, Santi Comesaña, Goncalo Guedes, Ilias Akhomach, Alexander Sørloth, Gerard Moreno
Real Madrid: Andriy Lunin, Antonio Rüdiger, Éder Militão, Fran García, Lucas Vázquez, Luka Modric, Dani Ceballos, Federico Valverde, Joselu , Brahim Díaz, Arda Güler


Villarreal: Francis Coquelin (Dani Parejo), Étienne Capoue (Gerard Moreno), Bertrand Traoré (Ilias Akhomach), Ramón Terrats (Alberto Moreno), Raúl Albiol (Jorge Cuenca), Aïssa Mandi, Pepe Reina, Manu Trigueros, José Luis Morales
Real Madrid: Nacho (Éder Militão), Rodrygo (Brahim Díaz), Eduardo Camavinga (Federico Valverde), Mario Martín (Luka Modric), Thibaut Courtois, Toni Kroos, Jude Bellingham, Vinícius Júnior , Kepa Arrizabalaga, Dani Carvajal, Ferland Mendy

Key Events

Minute Event
86' Dani Ceballos (Real Madrid) is shown the yellow card.
84' Bertrand Traoré (Villarreal) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
82' Substitution, Real Madrid. Mario Martín replaces Luka Modric.
80' Substitution, Villarreal. Ramon Terrats replaces Alberto Moreno because of an injury.
73' Substitution, Villarreal. Étienne Capoue replaces Gerard Moreno.
68' Substitution, Real Madrid. Rodrygo replaces Brahim Díaz.
66' Eduardo Camavinga (Real Madrid) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
61' Substitution, Real Madrid. Nacho replaces Éder Militão.
60' Substitution, Real Madrid. Eduardo Camavinga replaces Federico Valverde.
56' Goal! Villarreal 4, Real Madrid 4. Alexander Sørloth (Villarreal) left footed shot from the centre of the box to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Gerard Moreno following a fast break.
52' Goal! Villarreal 3, Real Madrid 4. Alexander Sørloth (Villarreal) left footed shot from the centre of the box to the bottom left corner.
48' Goal! Villarreal 2, Real Madrid 4. Alexander Sørloth (Villarreal) header from the centre of the box to the bottom left corner. Assisted by Gerard Moreno with a cross.
45' Second Half begins Villarreal 1, Real Madrid 4.
45' Substitution, Villarreal. Bertrand Traoré replaces Ilias Akhomach.
45' Substitution, Villarreal. Raúl Albiol replaces Jorge Cuenca.
45' Substitution, Villarreal. Francis Coquelin replaces Dani Parejo.
45'+6' First Half ends, Villarreal 1, Real Madrid 4.
45'+5' Alberto Moreno (Villarreal) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
45'+2' Goal! Villarreal 1, Real Madrid 4. Arda Güler (Real Madrid) left footed shot from a difficult angle on the right to the bottom left corner. Assisted by Lucas Vázquez.
40' Goal! Villarreal 1, Real Madrid 3. Lucas Vázquez (Real Madrid) left footed shot from the centre of the box to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Brahim Díaz with a through ball.
39' Goal! Villarreal 1, Real Madrid 2. Alexander Sørloth (Villarreal) header from the centre of the box to the bottom left corner. Assisted by Yerson Mosquera with a cross.
30' Goal! Villarreal 0, Real Madrid 2. Joselu (Real Madrid) header from the right side of the six yard box to the high centre of the goal. Assisted by Lucas Vázquez with a cross.
14' Goal! Villarreal 0, Real Madrid 1. Arda Güler (Real Madrid) left footed shot from the centre of the box to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Brahim Díaz.
- First Half begins.

Match Stats

Villarreal Stats Real Madrid
15 Fouls 12
2 Yellow Cards 2
0 Red Cards 0
0 Offsides 1
3 Corner Kicks 3
2 Saves 3
42.9 Possession 57.1
21 SHOTS 12
0.3 On Target % 0.5
0 Penalty Goals 0
0 Penalty Kicks Taken 0
449 Accurate Passes 628
500 Passes 685
0.9 Pass Completion % 0.9
11 Accurate Crosses 3
26 Crosses 13
0.4 Cross % 0.2
39 Long Balls 51
26 Accurate Long Balls 32
0.7 Long Balls % 0.6
7 Blocked Shots 2
13 Effective Tackles 13
24 Tackles 23
0.5 Tackle % 0.6
6 Interceptions 10
7 Effective Clearances 10
7 Clearances 10

Live broadcast listings (TV, live streaming, radio)

Where to watch this game in your country
submitted by RM_Official_Thread to realmadrid [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:23 KrishChaY2211 I had great idea

19 may, 2024
I want build an AI home, a fully AI functional home. Which works by voice assistant. My AI home can replace switchs, locks and the tension of shock circuit by the voice assistant.
The ai assistant can be interacted from the mobile or from the sensors which are kept in speakers in the room. The AI can answer you anything like if you connect the ai assistant with all of your home appliances it can be worked as Jarvis, in fact we can ask AI to take care of the babies and pets while you are working in another room.
Uses of this AI:-
  1. As this thing replaces switches, the home appliances runs by the voice assistant. Eg:- you can ask AI that "hey buddy, switch on the tv and open my favourite movies list", "increase the volume of the tv to 45%", hey buddy, switch on the washing machine" or something like "switch on/off the lights, fans, ac, many more"
  2. By the access to cc camera in the house, you can ask AI to check whether there are any one at the door step, or not. Or else by feeding the voice and appearance of the house holders, the ai can identify you and can open the door for you. (No locks, no keys)
  3. Asking how to cook a veg biryani in the kitchen, the ai can assist you by finding the ways to cook in the web and may guide you rather just giving you a video of someone cooking the same in YouTube.
  4. Ai for kids, if there is a kids room you can differ the feed by saying it as a kids room, so ai will be friendly and safe for them. Ai can also interact with the kids, like if you say a bed time story for the kid, the ai will obviously do that for your kid. Or else if you say help him in doing his homework or to play with him(this may need more stuff than normal).
  5. The ai assistant can find you your objects if you can cover every place of your room visible for cameras, like you kept your phone on bed placed bedsheet on it without knowing that the phone is under bedsheet, as ai always watches you it can ans you if you ask it. It can also capture your memories in 360° cam.
  6. If a snake enters your backyard the ai can detect it and alert you by send message to your mobile and the voice assistant. Of if robber is outside your doorstep it can warn you and call 911or100.
  1. Ai voice assistant should be accurate and perfect, because as the user asks something but if ai understand something else this would be worse. So making the ai assistant capable to hear well is important
  2. As in a house there will be many rooms in a small place, the ai differs by rooms. Like a bedroom ai is different and a kitchen ai is different, if you ask something in kitchen the bedroom may respond for it. To overcome this issue you have to make many trails before releasing it.(For this I have an idea, this may work or doesn't but yeah... As we will keep the voice sensors in the speakers. If we speak a loud the hole room's speakers will respond to you. If you talk slowly only that speaker will respond you which is at your place)
  3. The placing of speakers should be careful, it has look cool and aesthetic and accurate. So I don't have any other ideas for this other than keeping them on the roof sealing.
Motive of this AI model:-
I always wanted to make human life better than the yesterday. By watching the AI growth in age of 17, very fascinated about this and got this crazy ideo of AI HOME.
submitted by KrishChaY2211 to india [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:07 ashw8903 VPN on router

Hi there I have a TP LINK TL WR810N that I don’t use any more. My ISP has started blocking the film streaming sites I use, lookmovie being the key one I’m just wondering if there’s any way I can utilise my TP link router as a second device purely for streaming I use IP vanish on my phone/ipad the issue arises when I cast it to my tv the ISP that sees the stream and blocks it.
Plan is to have phone/roku on the VPN router at times when wanting to stream.
submitted by ashw8903 to VPN [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:30 __INiTiAToR__ Save Big This Holiday: Top Tech Picks for the Early Memorial Day Sales

Memorial Day weekend is almost here, and that means more than just cookouts and backyard fun! It's also become a major shopping weekend, with retailers offering deep discounts on tech and electronics. This year is no exception, and there are already some amazing deals to be found.
Whether you're the grill master of the family or the resident movie buff, there's a tech upgrade waiting to elevate your Memorial Day celebration. Here are some of our top picks for early Memorial Day sales, along with affiliate links to help you snag these deals before they're gone:
1. Big Screen Entertainment: Upgrade Your Outdoor Movie Night
Memorial Day weekend is the perfect time to fire up the grill and enjoy a movie night under the stars. This year, why not take your outdoor entertainment to the next level with a brand new smart TV? Many retailers are offering significant discounts on a variety of models, so you can find the perfect size and features for your needs.
Here are a few smart TVs to consider:
Amazon Fire TV 55" 4-Series 4K UHD smart TV - This TV boasts stunning picture quality and a wide range of smart features, making it perfect for streaming your favorite movies and shows.
TCL 43-Inch Class S3 1080p LED Smart TV with Google TV (43S350G, 2023 Model - Looking for a budget-friendly option? This TV delivers excellent picture quality and all the essential smart features at a great price.
2. Bring the Beats: Must-Have Portable Speakers for Outdoor Fun
No cookout is complete without the perfect soundtrack! This Memorial Day, take your music on the go with a portable Bluetooth speaker. These powerful little devices are perfect for blasting tunes outdoors, whether you're relaxing in your backyard or heading to the park.
Here are some portable speakers to consider:
W-KING Bluetooth Speaker, 90W Peak 50W RMS Portable Speakers Bluetooth Wireless Loud - This speaker packs a punch with big sound in a compact design. It's also waterproof and dustproof, making it perfect for any outdoor adventure.
JBL CHARGE 5 - This speaker offers a long battery life and multiple sound modes to customize your listening experience.
3. Grill Like a Champion: Smart Grills for the Tech-Savvy Chef
Calling all grill masters! Take your grilling skills to the next level with a smart grill. These innovative grills connect to your smartphone, allowing you to remotely control the cooking temperature and monitor your food. This means less time spent hovering over the grill and more time enjoying your guests.
Here are some smart grills to consider:
Weber Genesis SPX-435 Premium Smart Gas Grill - This feature-packed grill offers pre-programmed settings, a built-in temperature probe, and more for perfect grilling every time.
Govee Bluetooth Meat Thermomete - Looking for a more affordable option? The Govee Bluetooth Meat Thermometer will change your traditional way of grilling, it offers Wireless Meat Thermometer for Smoker Oven, Digital Grill Thermometer with 2 Probes and Timer Mode. + Cuisinart CCG-190 Portable Charcoal Grill, 14-Inch
4. Smart Home Convenience: Relax and Enjoy Your Guests
Memorial Day weekend is a time to unwind and celebrate with loved ones. Smart home devices can help you do just that by automating a variety of tasks, freeing you up to focus on enjoying your guests and the festivities.
Here are some smart home devices to consider:
ecobee Smart Thermostat Enhanced + Smart Sensor for Doors & Windows 2 Pack Bundle - This smart thermostat learns your heating and cooling preferences and automatically adjusts the temperature for ultimate comfort.
Level Lock+ Smart Lock Plus Apple Home Keys - Ditch the keys! This smart lock allows you to lock and unlock your doors using your smartphone for ultimate convenience.
Kasa Apple HomeKit Smart Light Switch KS200 - Control your lights with your voice or smartphone with this smart light switch. Set the perfect mood for your cookout with a tap or voice command.
Don't miss out on these incredible deals and upgrade your Memorial Day celebration with the latest tech! Remember, these are just a few of the many amazing deals available this Memorial Day weekend. With a little research, you're sure to find the perfect tech upgrade to fit your needs and budget.
Happy Shopping and Happy Memorial Day!
submitted by __INiTiAToR__ to BudgetComputers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:19 Temporal_Illusion Satisfactory Developer Q&A (05-14-2024)

The Live Stream on Twitch was posted Tuesday, on May 14, 2024 which will be available for viewing in full for a short time longer.
TLDW - Well if you don't have time to view full 1 Hour, 53 Minute Video here is a Video Quick Link List to key Bookmarks for the relevant "Intro", "State of Dev", "Community Highlights", and "Q&A Questions and Answers" discussed by Community Managers Snutt Treptow and Mikael Niazi, taken from the YouTube Channel for Satisfactory Q&A Videos and the Satisfactory Community Highlights Archive created by u/SignpostMarv (CREDIT)
NOTE: The Questions are the Video Title, and the Answers are a quick synopsis of what was said. The "order" of the Questions may or may not follow the original Twitch Live Stream. Some question are not shown as they are either repetitive and have been answered numerous times before, or simply Twitch Stream Chat Joke Questions. If you have concerns about the accuracy of what I posted, view the Videos and listen for yourself. Often there is more discussion related to a Question than I could post without getting too verbose.
Start of State of Dev Portion
Community Highlights Portion
  • View Community Highlights shown during this Livestream to see some great things other Pioneers are doing.
  • There was no Content Creator segment this week.
Start Q&A Portion
submitted by Temporal_Illusion to SatisfactoryGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:18 ChefOig (WTS) (WTT) SEND IT SUNDAY!!!! PC accesories, HK 416 accesories, HK polymer mags, Eotech riser, P365 accesories, Norsso slide icarus frame, RMRcc, HK slim stock

Paypal and zelle are preffered, all prices will include shipping, and dibs rule applies. Let me know if you have any questions or a reasonable offer! Open to bundling and giving out a discount. Everything must go!!
Kills me to sell this set up but holsters are rough these days. NON SERIALIZED PARTS
P320 OEM barrel , came off my m18 and basically new. $120
Norsso reptile slide for p365 standard slide. comes complete, no barrel suppressor heigh sights that have taken a beating but other than that its in good shape. I would prefer to sell with the optic but I can part out. It is a trijicon RMRcc 3.25 MOA. If you would like to purchase the slide only $400 with out the optic. If you would like all together $725!
Icarus precision 365 XL hybrid frame- this is for the manual safety version. I did file it down a little bit because it will flip up its a common problem which doesn't happen anymore. Comes with magazine release. $265
HK Slim stock- $100
HK CH- $40
HK rail panel covers - $50
HK GEN 3 Polymer mags- $40 for 1 $70 for 2
EOTECH American defense xps2 Absolute co witness mount - $100 never used forgot I had it
Netgear wifi adapter, used it when I had my old laptop due to KILLER wifi not killing it. Works awesome no issues with it, they go for $70 new. $50 TV/CV OBO
Glorious GMMK Pro keyboard, only switched the keys not the switches. comes with the celestial fire keys on it ($80) Red coiled cable basically new, Glorious keyboard case ($25) translucent black keys by glorious, a different frame ( I spray painted one grey and one green ) and the original white keys! All together is $275 CV/TV OBO !
Trades im interested in- OKAY surefeed mags, Mp5 mags, Aimpoints, Trijicons open to other offers
submitted by ChefOig to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:06 Desperate-Box5686 Shazam (1974 Filmation) original Elders cel and background

Shazam (1974 Filmation) original Elders cel and background
This is the original key art medium shot of The Elders on its original painted background. It was used at least once an every episode. The eyes and lips are on separate layer cels as they were the only things that moved. Such an iconic piece for Gen X Saturday morning tv kids I’m happy to have in my forever collection.
submitted by Desperate-Box5686 to Shazam [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:56 Rambooctpuss Album Bucket List Favorite Albums By Genre: What's Your Favorite World Music Album?

70's Alt Rock -King Crimson-Lark's Tongue In Aspic
80's Alt Rock - Talking Heads-Remain In Light
90's Alt Rock- Nirvana- Never mind
2000's Alt Rock-The Strokes-Is This It
2010's Alt Rock Tame Impala-Lonerism
Alt Country -Wilco-Summerteeth
Alt Hip Hop-MF Doom- Mad villainy
Art Rock-Dark Side Of The Moon-Pink Floyd
Brit Rock- The Clash- London Calling
College Rock-REM-Murmur
Emo Rock-My Chemical Romance-Welcome To The Black Parade
Experimental Rock-Swans-To Be Kind
Goth-The Cure Disintegration
Grunge- Soundgarden-Superunknown
Hardcore Punk- Black Flag- Damaged
Heavy Metal-Black Sabbath-Paranoid
60's Hard Rock-Led Zeppelin I
70's Hard rock-Led Zeppelin-Physical Graffiti
80's Hard Rock- AC/DC-Back In Black
90's Hard Rock-Nirvana-In Utero
2000's Hard Rock-Queens Of The Stone Age-Songs For The Deaf
2010's ˙Hard Rock- Tool-Fear Inoculum
Indie Rock-Joy Division-Unknown Pleasures
Indie Folk-Big Thief-Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You
Lo-Fi-Neutral Milk Hotel-In The Aeroplane Over The Sea
New Wave-Elvis Costello-This Year's Model
Progressive Rock- Tool- Lateralus
Punk- Ramones-Rocket To Russia
pop punk-Green Day-Dookie
Post Punk- Wire- Pink Flag
Shoegaze-My Bloody Valentine-Loveless
Blues-Nina Simone-Sings The Blues
Blues Rock-The Rolling Stones-Sticky Fingers
Avant Garde- Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band-Trout Mask Replica
Baroque Pop-The Beach Boys-Pet Sounds
Symphonic Rock-Moody Blues-Days Of Future Past
Comedy/Novelty album-Adam Sandler-They're All Gonna Laugh At You
Stand Up Comedy-George Carlin-Back In Town
Americana-The Band-The Band
Bakersfield Sound-Buck Owens-Best Of Buck Owens
Bluegrass-Old & In The Way-That High Lonesome Sound
Outlaw Country-Willie Nelson-Redheaded Stranger
Classic Country-Johnny Cash-Live At Folsom Prison
Country Rock- The Flying Burrito Brothers-The Gilded Palace Of Sin
Dance/Club-LCD Soundsystem- This Is Happening
Christmas /Holiday Album-Vince Gauralidi-A Charlie Brown Christmas
Ambient-Brian Eno-Music For Airports
Electronic Rock-Radiohead-Kid A
Space Rock- Spiritualized- Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space
Synthpop-Depeche Mode-Violator
Synthrock- New Order-Power, Corruption and Lies
Industrial-Nine Inch Nails-The Downward Spiral
Krautrock- Can-Tago Mago
Folk-Bob Dylan-The Freewillin' Bob Dylan
Folk Rock-Bob Dylan-Blood On The Tracks
Southern Rock-The Allman Brothers Band-At Fillmore East
80's Hip Hop-The Beastie Boys-Paul's Boutique
90's- Hip Hop Wu-Tang Clan-Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
2000's Hip Hop-Outkast- Stankonia
2010's Hip Hop-Kendrick Lamar-To Pimp A Butterfly
2020's Hip Hop-Run The Jewels-RTJ 4
East Coast Hip Hop- Nas- Illmatic
West Coast Hip Hop-NWA-Straight Outta Compton
Southern Hip Hop-Outkast -Aquemini
Midwest Album-Kanye West-My Dark Twisted Fantasy
Trap-Travis Sott-Rodeo
Instrumental Hip Hop- DJ Shadow- Endtroducing....
Indie Pop-Belle And Sebastian-If You're Feeling Sinister
Noise Rock-Sonic Youth-Daydream Nation
Post-rock- Godspeed! You Black Emperor-Lift Your Skinny Fist Like Antennas To Heaven
Acid Jazz- Medeski ,Martin, and Wood -Shack-Man
Trip Hop -Portishead- Dummy
Gospel -Aretha Franklin-Amazing Grace
Christian- Sufjan Stevens -Illnoise
Jazz-Miles Davis-Kind Of Blue
Avant Garde Jazz-Ornette Coleman-Shape To Jazz To Come
Swing/Bebop-Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers-Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers w/Thelonious Monk
Jazz/Fusion-Miles Davis-In A Silent Way
Jazz Rock-Miles Davis-Bitches Brew
Jazz/Funk-Herbie Hancock-Head Hunters
Jazz/Rap-A tribe Called Quest-The Low End Theory
Latin- Los Lobos-Kiko
Speed Metal/Thrash- Metallica- Master Of Puppets
Black/Death Metal-Deafheaven-Sunbather
Symphonic Metal-Haken-The Mountain
Glam Rock -T.Rex-Electric Warrior
Hair Metal-Guns N Roses-Appetite For Destruction
New Wave Of British Heavy Metal-Iron Maiden- Number Of The Beast
Sludge-Electric Wizard- Dopethron
Nu Metal-Korn-Korn
New Age-Popol Vuh - Hosianna Mantra
Pop-Prince-Sign O' The Times
60's Pop- The Beatles-Revolver
70's Pop- Carole King-Tapestry
80's Pop- Peter Gabriel-So
90's Pop-Madonna-Ray Of Light
2000's Pop-Madonna-Confessions On A Dance Floor
2010's pop-Robyn-Body Talk
2020's Pop- Perfume Genius-Set My Heart On Fire
Adult Contemporary- Billy Joel-The Stranger
Europop- ABBA- Arrival
Latin Pop-Ruben Y Seis Del Solar-Buscando America
Dance Pop-Dee-Lite-World Clique
Dream Pop- Mazzy Star-So Tonight I Might See
Power Pop- Weezer-Blue Album
R&B- Marvin Gaye-What's Going On
60's R&B-Aretha Franklin-I Never Loved A Man The Way I Loved You
70's R&B- Stevie Wonder- Songs In The Key Of Life
80's R&B- Janet Jackson- Control
90's R&B Album- Lauryn Hill-The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill
2000's R&B- D'Angelo-Voodoo
2020's R&B- SZA-SOS
Disco-Donna Summers-Bad Girls
Doo Wop- The Chantels- We Are The Chantels
Funk-Funkadelic-Maggot Brain
Motown- Marvin Gaye-Let's Get It On
Neo-Soul-Erykah Badu-Baduizm
Psychedelic Soul- Curtis Mayfield-Curtis
Soul-Aretha Franklin-Lady Soul
Reggae-Bob Marley- Exodus
Ska-The Specials-The Specials
Swing Revival-Big Bad Voodoo Daddy-Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
Rock N Roll-The Rolling Stones-Exile On Main Street
Acid Rock- Jimi Hendrix- Are You Experienced
Arena Rock-Boston-Boston
Cock Rock-Van Halen I
Math Rock-Slint-Spiderland
Stoner Rock-Kyuss-Welcome To Sky Valley
Jam Band- Grateful Dead-American Beauty
SingeSongwriter- Neil Young-Harvest
Surf Rock-The Beach Boys-Shut Down Vol II
Soft Rock/Yacht Rock-Steely Dan-Aja
Movie Soundtrack-Singles
Movie Score-The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
TV Soundtrack- Songs In The Key Of X:Music from and inspired by the X-Files
Musical Soundtrack-Jesus Christ Superstar
submitted by Rambooctpuss to albumbucketlist [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:23 dialogdog [Complete] [118k] [SciFi/Alternate history] Mission Butterfly: A quest to save the future

What if you could go back in time …
… and kick a few Baby Boomer butts?
When they came to forks in the road, Boomers often took the wrong one.
In Mission: Butterfly, three “Post-Tippers” – a generation raised after the calamitous climate tipping point of 2025 – go back to the mid-20th century to set a few key people straight. But multi-national cartels, not quite finished ruining the planet, try to stop them.
As we learned in Stephen King’s 11/22/63, you can’t muscle history. The Mission: Butterfly team uses finesse instead. They nudge their targets to make different choices, creating ripples in time that profoundly change history. What if the Vietnam War didn’t happen? If J. Edgar Hoover’s racist snooping had been exposed earlier? If Native Americans’ occupation of Alcatraz had succeeded in winning reparations for indigenous people?
Like Jake Tapper’s “Charlie and Margaret Marder" mystery series, debut author Steve Krizman peppers this sprawling tale with believe-it-or-not history nuggets and surprising celebrity cameos. He exposes the political, economic, and religious roots of human-caused climate change.
TV series like The Man in the High Castle and For All Mankind, imagine “what could have been.” Mission: Butterfly aims higher: By revealing the far-reaching consequences of each individual’s actions and decisions, it causes us to wonder “what can be.”
After months of working and reworking -- with the help of friends and family -- I need fresh eyes. I ask my Beta Readers to:
I'm not in a great hurry, but would like to have feedback within four weeks. If you just can't get through it all, tell me where you stopped and why.
I am willing to swap manuscripts.
submitted by dialogdog to BetaReaders [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:20 ArmyOutrageous8290 Is my 17yo son a lost cause? What do I do?

Is my 17 yo son a lost cause? My husband and I have 3 kids, 17M/17F, and 9F. My son has always been the type that has lied and steals. Even when he was little. We tried bribing, timeouts, quality time, you name it. He has a really bad tendency of gaslighting people, while looking at them in their eyes, stealing his sisters money. 4 years ago, he stole the keys to my husband's gun safe and my husband had to get physical with him in order for the keys to magically reappear.
He is very respectful when home but acts a complete fool when out and about. He gets into trouble and blames other people. I have suggested therapy but my husband believes that there's no use and he'll just lie to the therapist, Ido agree with him but I feel like this is our last resort. He goes off on girls and won't say anything to boys because he's afraid that they will beat him up. My husband had told him that he's a coward and is very disappointed in him.
He recently broke into a school and recorded himself with 2 other kids and they got caught. He has been trying to meet people off of snapchat to have sex withamd has been speaking to this "lady in her 40s" and was going to have this lady get him from the police.... she's a completely different race!!! When asked about him making the video in the school, he vehemently denied it until it showed his face. He said the other kids talking him into breaking into the school but the burner phone he had showed messages of him asking when they were going to do it and prompting them to do so.
He is my stepson and I have been raising him since he was 1.5 years old. His maternal biological side is into drugs and do the same thing that he does. Is this a situation of nature vs nurture?
My husband has full custody and he doesn't know his maternal side but idk. My husband is asking what went wrong. My husband tried to play video games, movies, anime, quality time, you name it and he never seemed to care. He's on the wrestling team and he would never want us to come to his meets but then he spins it and says that we don't come, even though he doesn't want us to. He has been trespassed from his previous job for an altercation with a girl and being disrespectful and he still went back like nothing could happen to him we are always coming to smooth things out for him.
We have always done family night and have open communication to where they express their feelings but he says everything is fine. They have all been given the same opportunities and experiences and love. For example, I told both him and his sister that if they saved their money and said that they wanted to purchase a car, they could. My daughter is has her permit asks to drive everyday with their dad, and has the money for a car. My son no longer has a job but still has money. Instead of trying to purchase a car, he has spent $1000s on TV, video game consoles, and food. He has his permit but doesn't ask to drive. When I brought up purchasing a car again, he said if his sister get a car before him, it would show favoritism and it wouldn't be fair. They have both been told this since they were around 10.
This is all over the place and I apoligize but hes done so many things that its hard to put them all in here. He get cuddles, hugs, and kisses just like the girls but goes againist everything we say. What should we do?
He's super smart and could have been in advanced classes but decided not to. I'm just sadded to see him choose this path. Suggestions?
submitted by ArmyOutrageous8290 to Advice [link] [comments]
