Junior class shirt ideas 2013

Swedish Heavy Metal with historical lyrics.

2012.08.09 15:25 Riipa Swedish Heavy Metal with historical lyrics.

Swedish Heavy Metal with historical lyrics

2013.06.04 21:45 crpearce All levels of digital filmmakers are welcome.

Amateurs, Weekend Warriors, and Beginners are welcome! We love the pros, and want their input always, but sometimes it's nice to have a quiet corner to share our small daily struggles and ask those honest, yet rookie questions. This subreddit is about the increasingly divergent field of DSLR filmmaking and how we deal with Small Screen Distribution.

2016.11.12 04:12 azog_the_defiler1 For Maryland Socialists, Communists, and and other leftists.

This subreddit is for any socialists, communists, or other left radicals in Maryland.

2024.05.20 02:40 SpaceC0wb0y86 Looking for advice on how to capitalize on increased recent exposure and potentially take a next step

Forgive me if this question should be asked elsewhere but I could really use some advice.
I’ve been a journalist full time at the same company in Huntsville, Alabama for the last 3 years. I started out at my university newspaper in 2013 before graduating and moving to New Orleans where I wasn’t able to book work consistently enough to truly say, “I’ve been a journalist for the past decade.” There was a 1-2 year period where I thought I didn’t have what it took.
My current situation has been very satisfying from the beginning. My boss owns a magazine and a business journal focused on Huntsville and the surrounding area. Most of the assignments have been limited in the amount of exposure you could ever expect as with most other community based journalism but Huntsville is also home to NASA and Redstone Arsenal. It requires more effort a long with putting yourself out there much more consistently, but any determined journalist can find stories locally that will generate readers far beyond the city and state lines.
In August of 2023, I had an instance where my luck and determination peaked at the same time when I was able to track down the son of a former Chinese immigrant turned Huntsville scientist, Dr. Ning Li. She wasn’t famous, not even among most Huntsville residents, but in the early 2000’s she had a run of published papers that made her extremely well known in the science community and even resulted in publications like Wired running multi page spreads about her work on anti gravity technology. I’m going to be REALLY short here but she seemingly disappeared after leaving UAH to start her own company for her research in 2002. Records show initial funding from DoD but the paper trail ends there and she never had a public appearance again.
Eventually this “disappearance” was noticed and some reporters were asking about her publicly at the time, but no sure fire answers ever came. This, along with some public rumors of her defecting back to China with US secrets, eventually resulted in a large community of people who were still asking for answers 20 years later in the form of YouTube videos (Barely Sociable had a big one with 2+ million views) or various science / conspiracy based websites. It only grew as more people started making claims that a lot of the UAP reports being publicized described technology that seemed to resemble her initial theory that gained promise.
I was able to track down her adult son’s phone number. After a series of phone calls over the next month, I gained his trust and was invited to his home where he was able to give me all of the answers except ones about the success of her research on her top secret work funded by the DoD. He didn’t know if she was ever proven right or wrong because she worked at the Arsenal every day until the day she was struck by a car driven by a student on UAH campus. She suffered a TBI that immediately rendered her as if she had late stage Alzheimer’s. Never spoke again and he cared for her around the clock until she died 6 years later.
He was unable to learn anything further about her work, but he gave me a lot of information that wasn’t known at the time and I was able to fully disprove any rumor of her turning traitor to the US for a return to China.
I published the story and it did really well in mid-late 2023 amongst the crowd who already knew of her obviously and the regular Huntsville readers of ours found her life story very interesting. It was immediately the most successful story of my career as other reporters were making stories about the fact that I was able to solve her mystery. It died down like I figured until 4-6 weeks ago.
The UAP disclosure hype has resulted in more people talking about her than ever before. I’m hearing my name and seeing my picture on videos with over 1 million views for the first time ever.
I was very happy but didn’t think it changed much for me because it’s not like it could grow more realistically. Until Joe fucking Rogan reads pretty much the whole story and talks about it for 5-10 minutes on the podcast with largest following in the world.
My excitement turned to disbelief that day and it’s still crazy to think about sometimes. I never realistically thought I would write something that would generate traffic numbers around 5-6 million readers on a single story. That number is over course of 8 months which is very far removed getting those same numbers in the span of a week but the increase in exposure has been noticeable in my inbox ever since the Rogan podcast.
Noticeable enough that it feels like I’m very possibly having a moment before it’s just a moment before THE moment if that makes sense.
I haven’t had any career advancing job offers but there’s been some who have reached out in support to suggest various story topics that run parallel to that story as follow up ideas. Maybe I’m overestimating here but I feel like if I capitalize on my recent success correctly, I could see my career advance a step farther than I thought was possible for the year of 2024 when it started.
But…. I’m not at all sure how of the specific road map that could achieve such a thing. Yeah, I proved I can put together a story that results in traffic from both readers and “cultural trendsetters” but only once.
If anyone has ever been in a similar position, I would love some advice on the best way to turn this exposure into interest from publishers 1 step up the totem pole from where I am now. That also applies to people who haven’t been in this position, the more feedback I can get, the more prepared I feel I can be.
Sorry this post has been so long, it’s just been heavy on my mind for the last 1-2 weeks and I needed to hear from people who are both A: familiar with the industry and B: Not my boss.
submitted by SpaceC0wb0y86 to Journalism [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:39 useless_user5672 My friend is sending mixed signals and its making me spiral

my friend (18 f) has been sending me (18 f) mixed signals since fall last year and it dont really know what to make of it. for context, ive been and out lesbian since middle school and i met this girl at the beginning of junior year through one of my childhood friends. I sat with my childhood friend and her friend group for lunch because she offered and i didnt have anyone else to sit with. throughout the year i got close to all of them and they ended up being my main friend group that year and me and this one girl especially got close. we just really hit it off and were really good friends. that summer i had this group over a couple of times and we hung out a bunch. my timeline of all the important events to the story are kinda janky but im gonna do my best to them in order. summer rolls around and everything is fine, me and this girl get even more close and were basically texting everyday about random stuff, just being friends. it isnt until senior year started that everything started being weird. when i got my schedule for the year i realized i had none of my friends in any classes, i didnt know anyone so i didnt see that group during the day but we all talked and stuff outside of school. she held a halloween party every year and i went, me her and my childhood friend went to a pumpkin patch, normal stuff. some time passes and one night in novemeber we get to texting. we had been doing this thing for a few weeks where shed ask me for a movie recommendation and live text me as she watched it. so were watching the movie and texting and somehow the conversation took a turn to the topic of relationships. she was just venting to me about all her insecurities and fears when it comes to talking to people and i was offering m support, me and my friends vent to each other all the time so it was pretty normal. she had identified as bi for as long as id known her but had beeing talking about how she thought she was only attracted to men and that all the girls shed either liked or pursued she envied or was jealous of in some capacity. i told her i totally understood and was offering as much support as i could having very similar experiences with me. as the convo went on i started giving more input not wanting to seem uninterested to i started telling her some of the things im insecure about in relationships (i have zero experience when it comes to this stuff, ive never even talked to a girl before but i still have my issues) and everytime i listed one, she would say something like 'but i like that in a person'. the first time i didnt think much of it but it became a pattern after the next 5 times and soon after that she sent the message 'if only you were a boy or i liked girls'. i think its self explanatory as to why thats shitty but it didnt really bother me in the moment, i thought it was weird but i dont think it had hit me. soon after that night, wed gone to my childhood friends birthday party and everything was fine. the next weekend she asked me to go to six flags with her, and the way she worded it made it sound like it was gonna be a group thing but it ended up being just us. it was a pretty normal hangout, i mean there was an appropriate amount of awkwardness but we both just really enjoyed each others company. i went to the school musical to see her and a couple of my other friends about a month after that but she gradually stopped texting and i stopped texting first and we didnt talk from january to march after that. then after two months of no communiction, she invited me to her birthday pool party. now forgive me if im reading too far into this, but seeing someone for the first time in months while youre all half naked is kinda weird, no? anyways i go to the party and its very awkward. i hadnt seen anyone all year especially her and i just tried to make the best of the situation. that night we had our first convo since our 'hiatus' and i ended up watching a movie she reccommended. few days after that, we started talking semi regualry again and i told her i missed talking to her because i did and we just kinda caught each other up on stuff that had happened since we last talked. we went to another party for another one of our friends and stayed up to listen to the new taylor swift album together but its evident we arent as close or as comfortable as we used to be. prom rolls around and she makes dinner reservations for our group, one of our friends gets a last minute date and she makes a big deal over adding him so late bc it was a hassle but added someone upon my request immediately. prom night she also avoided eye contact with me a bit at dinner and i didnt see her a whole lot at the dance itself. the last few songs i was with her and a couple of our other friends singing and dancing (she wouldnt make eyecontact with me at all while we were btw) and to my surprise, when all walked off and one of the last slow dances started she asked me to dance. i said yes because why not, its prom and we danced. it wasnt anything weird or awkward, it was actually really nice. after the dance, our whole big group went and hungout at her house after and she didnt really acknowledge me. like usually when shes avoiding me i can tell, but she just didnt even acknowldge my existence really. its the day after, prom was last night and i don't really know how to feel. i guess im just askinf for advice on what to make of this or whether i should ask her about any of this? i dont really know.
submitted by useless_user5672 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:36 Vulp4ce Movies I can watch at school?

So, I've been using my idle time during classes to watch movies (I'm at the last year of highschool). I watch mostly the most popular ones (mainly the letterboxd's top 250 movies with the most fans list).
However, a lot of them have nudity, kissing scenes, etc. I totally don't mind watching those when I'm alone; but watching these type of things at school, where you're surrounded by stupid teens, is not the greatest idea.
Also, it's preferable if the movie is easy to follow even with a lot of pausing in-between. Stuff that is complex to understand is a no-go, since it's hard to pay attention when you have 30 people close to you, making noise.
Lastly, it'd be better if it had next to none LGBT stuff, since, again, teenagers.
Here's my letterboxd, if you guys wanna check what I have already watched/rated - https://boxd.it/7vjyH
I'd really appreciate some recommendations.
submitted by Vulp4ce to MovieSuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:33 Vulp4ce Movies I can watch at school?

So, I've been using my idle time during classes to watch movies (I'm at the last year of highschool). I watch mostly the most popular ones (mainly the letterboxd's top 250 movies with the most fans list).
However, a lot of them have nudity, kissing scenes, etc. I totally don't mind watching those when I'm alone; but watching these type of things at school, where you're surrounded by stupid teens, is not the greatest idea.
Also, it's preferable if the movie is easy to follow even with a lot of pausing in-between. Stuff that is complex to understand is a no-go, since it's hard to pay attention when you have 30 people close to you, making noise.
Lastly, it'd be better if it had next to none LGBT stuff, since, again, teenagers.
Here's my letterboxd, if you guys wanna check what I have already watched/rated - https://boxd.it/7vjyH
I'd really appreciate some recommendations.
submitted by Vulp4ce to Letterboxd [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:31 LivingPeace2722 Would you give up everything for your dream?

Hi- need serious advice. I know this is a novel, I’m so sorry but I would appreciate anyone who reads it. I’m a 20 yr old F and I live with my brother, 19 M, and my two parents. My parents are abusive. There is no way to get around it. Physically when I was young and mentally now. I can’t describe what they put me through now- it’s awful. I promised myself all throughout high school I would leave the moment I turned 18 but something kind of switched and they became more tolerable, almost nicer, so like a fucking idiot I stayed. I started my bachelors, started working and tried to convince myself it was alright. The other reason I stayed was for my brother. I’ve taken care of him my whole life. I didn’t have any other choice, and I didn’t think I wanted one. It was my duty to take care of him and I did my job as best as I could only being 11 months older. I have gotten in the middle of fights, taken beatings, punishments, paid for him, drove him, etc. Time and money I didn’t have to spare spent on him with no repayment, and I’m talking about he wanted a new $60 game so I asked him to help me while I cleaned my room (vacuuming, taking down dirty clothes, wiping down my fan). This has been going on for years. I was the one to complete his college essay, to call his advisors to get his transcripts, to do his homework, otherwise my ass was on the line with my parents. I have done everything I could for him. Plus, he didn’t even get into college because I told him he had to complete his 200 word prompt for his college application, leading him not to get accepted because he didn’t fucking do it. He’s in his first year while I’m almost in my fourth. I have had jobs for the last 3 years in my field while he has done nothing. I begged my parents for a car and drivers license for 2 1/2 years while he, at 19, only got his 4 months ago. He does the bare minimum. Less than that, actually. The night before fall semester started he got into a fight with my father, physically, left the house, and made me go looking for him and try to convince him to go back home until 5am. To say my semester was fucked after that is an understatement. It’s constant but I stay because I’m his sister. It’s my job. It’s also a cultural thing I guess. I know I’m venting but I’m getting to the point I promise. A month ago I asked him to help me clean my room so that I could study since he has a habit of fucking his room up, coming and staying in my room, taking up my bed, and asking me to buy him food. I had just returned from the library, brought him Taco Bell, and wanted to clean a bit before continuing to study for my final the next day. To be clear, if I didn’t pass this class I wouldn’t be on track to graduate or get into my optometry program. He said he didn’t want to help and bitched and moaned but when I pointed out that I had gone out of my way to get Taco Bell for him he agreed to aid. I asked him to just bring up some cleaning stuff and take down my clothes so I could have them clean for work and he left. After an hour or so of waiting for him (yes I was procrastinating and purposely didn’t ask why he was taking so long) I heard him come upstairs with a plate full of sandwiches and go into his room. I was pissed. I started to text him, angrily and cursing I’ll admit, about him not doing shit and being so annoying. I called him a bum for never following on his promises or doing absolutely fucking anything. He started texting in all caps not to call him that otherwise he swore to god I would regret it, and I, being the person that I am (a fucking idiot) called him it again. He rushed out of his room, kicked open my door and threw his phone at me as hard as he could and left me with a bruise. He started standing over me, threatening me, saying shit like he was going to throw me done the stairs, snap my neck, etc. I’ve seen him get that way before- he smashes shit to pieces, breaks anything in his sight, and generally destroys things. For some context he’s a big guy, almost 300lb and used to be able to deadlift 500+lb. I got scared, saw a knife on my counter from dishes I had yet to clean, and pulled it on him. He slowly backed off and went to his room, before I, again, a fucking idiot, called him a bum again. A stupid decision, I know, I would definitely be the bitch that got knifed in a movie and you’d cheer for her death. This time I closed the door before he could come in, he tried to break down the door while I was on the other side, and in response he smashed something made of glass on the other side and punched a hole in my door. I contacted my dad who was far away and he sent my mother home. My mother and I haven’t spoken to each other in a few months since she called me a burden for asking her to help me get my work clothes ready for the week. She came in, spoke to my brother I guess, then came in and spoke to me. She said it was unbelievable and she didn’t know what to say and when I explained what happened and then told me to study for my test. She also went back to talk to him and came back to talk with me, asking me if I pulled a knife on him, which I admitted to, only because I was seriously afraid of him pushing me down the stairs or knocking me out. After that I locked the door and when texting my parents about the situation they only told me not to worry about it, just study. I couldn’t, and I swear to god I tried, all night. I was scared and I think in shock. I got to the lecture hall early and tried to study there but that didn’t help either. I had done alright in the class, done very well in the lab, but knew I bombed the final. I went home and didn’t speak to anyone at home for days. After about 3 days I went downstairs and saw my dad who tried to act like it wasn’t a big deal. I explained how insane and irrational the entire situation was and how I wanted to move out. I couldn’t handle dealing with all of their shit, and if I was the problem like they said I was then I would be fixing that too. I have a very important board exam this summer that I also have to take to get into optometry school and I proposed that I would live on campus, only for the summer. He refused, angrily saying that it wasn’t me place to move out, that he would never support me, and that if that’s what I wanted to do I could get the fuck out right now. A few things- I pay partially for my school. I don’t make much but I put a lot of what I do have toward school and the rest towards little things for me and my brother. Secondly, almost every single thing within my bedroom I have paid for. Excluding the mattress, furniture, and my phone, I have paid for everything I need or want through hard work. Thirdly, both my parents are currently unemployed but wealthy. Wealthy enough that they can go on vacations, pay for four cars, go out with their friends, and pay for their son’s tuition with no hassle. It’s only mine that poses a problem, which is the reason they let me work. They attempt to dictate how I should spend my money constantly. The argument went on for an hour, him accusing me of failing because I chose to, him proposing that he get a lock for my door, telling me I could move into the basement, etc. When my father refused to budge I went upstairs, used a loc that I had bought for when your staying at a hotel to barricade the door and have not spoken to him since. It has been a month now and I have not spoke to anyone in person, though my mother has been trying to guilt me into making me give up my refrigerator in my room by telling me my grandfather is in hospice, there will be a funeral soon, and me having that fridge is making me too fat to be presentable, as well as trying to be nice and hugging me when I have to leave for work in the morning. Now, with all of that context, here’s what’s going on. Since the entire incident happened I have been trying to figure out a way to leave. I have looked into campus housing but it’s an additional $7000 per semester that I don’t think I can afford even if I take out student loans and do FAFSA. I’m scared of the position. It’ll put me in when it comes to going to school. I do have another choice though. I recently toured an apartment complex that is beautiful it’s my dream place and the rent is less than $1500 a month. The only problem is that I only currently make being part time 12 to 1300 a month I just got a raise to $18 an hour but even then that’s not gonna be enough to cover it if I’m going to school at the same time, I’ve looked into some options and FAFSA and loans wouldn’t be able to cover any of my housing outside of living on campus. The only problem with living on campus is I can’t make the morning drive less than an hour and a half to work and I’m afraid with how it all affect my schedule and will to study. I was honestly giving up the idea of moving out at all because it seems so impractical and there was no way that I could actually leave and take my stuff with me without a fight. However, I recently learned that my parents tomorrow are leaving on a five day vacation to Vegas with Little to no thought of how that affects me and the position that I’m in with my brother, if I can figure out a way to somehow be able to afford the rent for this place afford a car to get to work because we have really bad public transportation in my area then I think I would just drop out of school and go. I love optometry more than anything and that’s why I was willing to deal with all of this but maybe school just isn’t in the cards for me. I don’t want to give it up but I don’t think that I’ll make it out of here alive, in all honesty. I can’t keep up with everything it’s ruining my life and I’m only 20 years old. But it’s so scary that I don’t know if I can even take the steps to moving out. I just paid tuition for the spring summer semester and have only $500 to my name. I would need to take out a loan to be able to put down the down payment for the car and the apartment and what if I don’t get approved? What if my work doesn’t give me full-time? what am I gonna do then? I don’t have anybody in my life that could help me. I also have a big family that would all be on their side and agree with them and what if I leave and they come back and cause a scene that causes me to lose my job? They would 100% do that. I know for some people it’s a no brainer but put yourself in my shoes. I have no money, family, friends, or support. At least here I have car and my room and sometimes they’re tolerable. I would only have to do it for 1-2(?) more years. On the other hand, this place is destroying me. I hate who I am becoming because of it. Would it be worth giving up my future for getting my dreams or moving out? If you read all of this you’re amazing, thank you so much. I can only stare at a pros and cons list for so long 🙃
submitted by LivingPeace2722 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:30 Ok_Argument_1136 What can I do to redeem my first two less then stellar academic years of High School?

I'm currently a sophomore in High School and an upcoming Junior in NYC. To put it bluntly, I'm not the best student. My freshman year, I was mainly a B and C student, with the occasional D in things like Math and such. My Sophomore year though, began amazingly. A's and B's across the board, only one D and C in two classes in the first marking period (in nyc semesters are split in two marking periods, each school year containing 4 marking periods, 2 for each semester. Not sure if thats the same everywhere else though). After that first marking period though, it sorta went downhill. The second marking period I ended up flunking some classes which didn't change very much in the third marking period. I'm currently in the final marking period of the school year and its not looking hot either, although I'm working to change it before June. Since I did so poorly, it isn't confirmed, but I'm 99% sure I'll be needing summer school to make up some classes/credits. I am aware that my Junior year will be pretty much the deciding factor on whether or not I get into a good college or not because of it being the year colleges care most about, so I am determined to do everything I can to be an amazing student next year, but what are some things that I can do in order to maximize my chances in getting into a good college?
For starters, right now I think I have something like a 2.5-3.0 GPA (am not sure how to check), and recognizer the importance of extracurricular activities, so I am part of the school soccer team (was the manager before becoming a player on the team), plays the Euphonium in the school concert band, part of the school Aviation Club, frequent the Weight Room, and am part of the Dungeons & Dragons Club. Along with this, I am currently an Intern at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, lent my voice in a College Film Project (Voice-Over Work), and worked last summer. I feel as if my resume is already pretty stacked but would like to further it with things like volunteer work and more work experience (I plan to work again this summer if summer school doesn't interfere with it), so advice on finding opportunities like volunteer work and internships would be much appreciated.
In terms of academics, I'm pretty sure the reason why I am doing badly is because of laziness. I'll admit, that first stretch earlier on in the year was cool because I had post-summer academic motivation, so it was admittedly easy to keep up work. Once work began to get more challenging as the year progressed though and I began to get invested in other things, things like homework and school work got put on the back burner. I know I could be an amazing academic student if I really tried, its just hard to find the motivation sometimes, although I plan to get better.
So thats pretty much the rundown of the kind of student I am. Advice on how to become better would be appreciated, along with advice on how to secure volunteer work and more internship/work opportunities. Another thing I'd like are my chances on getting into a good school with how I am now (I.E., how likely am I to get into a top school with my current academic resume including things like extracurriculars and work experience).
submitted by Ok_Argument_1136 to college [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:30 lost-on-the-highway UK Student Goes In Blind and Gets Absolutely Obliterated

Man, I had a rough run, but here's my example of an application that went... not great. Worth noting that I had no idea what I was doing and the few people who apply US from my school are legacies/have contacts, and after I got deferred ED I panic-submitted all of these in the space of like two weeks. (also my college counselor was absolutely rubbish, told me I should aim for "safer schools", and then defined a safer school as anything above 10% acceptance).
Intended Major(s): Film, astronomy minor
Standardized Testing
Letters of Recommendation
Decisions (oh god this was so rough)
Additional Information:
Well, that wans't exactly what I expected, but honestly, I'm thrilled. I've always wanted to live in New York, I've always wanted to go to film school, and I have a feeling this is all meant to be. NYU is better for film than ivies anyway and I'm still the first in my family to go to the US, and yep, 10 variations of "no" is rough, but it only takes one "yes" :) (see this post for extended gushiness and feelings)
submitted by lost-on-the-highway to collegeresults [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:28 StrigiformeLover Potential D&D Crossover/Magic Izuku idea-with an Unchosen twist.

I've been toying with an idea for a D&D 5e Crossover that puts a twist on the "Izuku gets a power that isn't a Quirk" concept. Effectively, the crossover idea starts like a lot of the Altpower Izuku fics, with him meeting a wandering Druid instead of All Might and becoming a Druid. He passes off his new power as a late-blooming Nature Manipulation Quirk, and at first, it holds to the Stations of the Canon until Stain.
However, a massive twist to the story is that Izuku's not the only 1-A Student who gains magic-others do too as the story progresses. And as it would be revealed, Magic can cause unusual Quirk Evolutions in Quirked magic users in-line with their chosen Class and Subclass. Tenya, who becomes an Ancients Paladin after fighting Stain and learning Izuku's secret, eventually gains arm-based magical energy shields. (Think a cross between sci-fi arm-mounted forcefields and Pike’s shield spell in Legends of Vox Machina.) Shinso, who takes up Technomancy (from the old modern Magic Unearthed Arcana) to cover his Quirk’s weakness to technology, ends up being able to not only use his Quirk through technology, but actively “Brainwash”/hack computers with his voice alone. Ojiro, who becomes a Hexblade Warlock (albeit with his "Hex" weapon being a bo staff), gets boosted agility and a passive Magical Awareness. (He's still the Normal One in terms of personality, though.)
And these added abilities aren't just extensions of their chosen classes and Subclasses-they’re full Quirk Evolutions, and affect their bodies. Tenya’s shields come from "engine" ports that come from his forearms. Shinso’s voice takes a mechanical quality and his eyes start to glow a digital green. Ojiro starts getting frequent headaches from the constant Detect Magic aura. And so on, and so on.
So in a fun twist, this ironically makes Izuku the “token normal”. Yes, he is technically a Homebrew Druid subclass (Circle of the City from Pointy Hat’s Druid video), but he can’t have a sudden Quirk Evolution or rapid power boost like the others because he doesn’t have a Quirk-and outside of multiclassing (which he’s unlikely to do), he will always be Just A Druid.
(I thought this could be a fun way for Izuku to get an alternate powerset while still being the underdog-he is magic, but so are his classmates, and him not getting AfO at any point means that he still has to work harder to keep up due to not having a Quirk that can be empowered/Awakened.)
submitted by StrigiformeLover to BokunoheroFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:26 DesertMiles 90s music video?

A guy is in a diner laying in a booth and singing. He was wearing a brown shirt I think. Possibly a bowling type of shirt. It was a slow song. Any ideas?
submitted by DesertMiles to NameThatSong [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:26 ProjectDifferent3187 Writing a Story

Thomas had to write a story for class. His English teacher wanted him to write a story about anything. He had no idea what to write. He could not think of a good idea. He wanted to do well on this assignment.
submitted by ProjectDifferent3187 to u/ProjectDifferent3187 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:25 onegrumpybitch Missing Person

Missing Person
My ex husband's roommate has been missing since Saturday, May 11th. He lives in Cartersville, off of Hwy 20. His car was last seen in Abbeville, GA. His family believes his car may have been stolen. If anyone has any information please contact the numbers on the flyer.
submitted by onegrumpybitch to Georgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:23 Pleasant_Resolution2 Scholarships

I’m an incoming junior for the class of ‘26 and I noticed there were a bunch of scholarships available on the TAMS page. However, there weren’t any amounts listed under the description. Are these worth filling out? Also, some of the forms had a non-mandatory option for information about research and others didn’t, so I was wondering if I should only fill out the non-research scholarships.
submitted by Pleasant_Resolution2 to TAMS [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:23 DillyDallyLALy Advice for expecting OC parents

Hey OC parents and families! My bf (32) and I (33) just found out that we are pregnant with our first and have no idea what we are going to do!
Anyone else who is around our age or younger with kids and a house…. What do you guys do for a living and how do you afford living in Orange County let alone buying a house in this market and economy?
Right now I make only about $2,000- $2,500 a month as a Surfing and Mindfulness group facilitator working with treatment centers, as well as running my own pet sitting business. Which is prolly less than what it’s going to cost for us to hire childcare…. if I continue working so that just doesn't make sense for me anymore.
My bf is a freelance camera operator / cinematographer who made about 75k last year but really only ended up with 52k after taxes… he is still on an IRS payment plan paying taxes for the last 2 years :/
I live rent free with my dad in laguna niguel, and haven’t managed to save a dime due to debt, other bills, and literally just feeding myself with the exorbitant cost of everything here, and he lives with 2 roommates in Aliso Viejo, one of which is his younger sister whom he been paying to feed. We both have adhd and are terrible with money and finances. And have not been able to save just trying to keeping up with the Orange County lifestyle. And what I mean by that is maybe going out for food and drinks a few times a week, and occasional date nights a few times a month. We do not have fancy cars or designer clothes or bags…. And do not live extravagantly by any means. We live paycheck to paycheck and are barely scraping by.
So my question is, how did you guys do it? How did you save up for a house? And kids? What kind of support did you have from your parents? And what the fuck do y’all do for a living to be able to afford even a middle class life here in Orange County?
Thanks 🙏
submitted by DillyDallyLALy to orangecounty [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:21 xtremexavier15 TMPI 13

Boys: Harold, Zee
Episode 13: Lies, Cries, and One Big Prize
"Previously, on Total Drama. Zee, Scarlett, and Harold created their own challenges!"
"Zee went with balancing, which bit big time for Scarlett and gave Harold the shock of his life."
"Harold's treetop race was more entertaining than a sawing monkey. Surprisingly, Scarlett won the challenge, and Harold fell from grace and the trees."
"So, it all came down to Scarlett's challenge: a trivia challenge about the former competitors. Zee didn't have too good a start, but quickly earned himself a spot in the finale."
"It all came down to a final question, and one that Scarlett ironically got wrong. Bye-bye!"
The montage ended with a flash, showing a close-up of Chris in front of a bare rock wall. "Down to two from three," he said, holding up three fingers but lowering one of them, "cause now we're Scarlett-free. But," he lowered another finger, "it'll still be neat to see who gets beat," he punched his open palm. "So! Grab a seat. There's one million bucks on the line," the shot cut to a robotic arm lifting up the open suitcase full of prize money against a radiant orange-and-gold background. "Iiiiiit's finale time!" Chris said as the shot cut back to him.
"On Total! Drama! Paaaaaahkitew Island!"
(Theme Song)
A deep note played as the episode opened on the bunker, the sky dark and the crickets chirping. A deep sigh issued forth from it, and the camera soon cut inside to show Harold tossing and turning in his bed. He got up and grabbed a pillow from the bed above him and closed his eyes with a smile, only to open them and sigh again.
Confessional: Harold
"It's no use," Harold sighed in the confessional. "I just can't get to sleep. I'm too anxious about tomorrow. I don't know if Zee is having the same trouble as I am..."
“It’d be cool if I win the last challenge. Just think about how much better my life would be. No more wedgies, wet willies, and toilet face plunges, my peers would respect me more as a million dollar winner, and I can invest the money in a way that’ll make me more than the show has to afford.”
Confessional Ends
The static cut away to show Harold turning his back to the camera with another sigh, then the shot cut to the inside of the barn to show Zee sleeping peacefully and snoring rather loudly.
Confessional: Zee
"This is a high stress situation, but I’m able to get some rest in order to ease it," Zee explained. "Even if it’s a million dollar competition against Harold."
Confessional Ends
An angelic sound played as the shot returned to a close-up of Harold, his eyes blinking blearily to sleep as the light of dawn streamed in through a window high on the wall above him.
Just as he and the music seemed to reach a peaceful rest, the wail of an airhorn pierced the walls and forced Harold back into wakefulness, his eyes snapping open wide and bloodshot. "Harold and Zee," Chris announced over the camp loudspeakers, the screen splitting in two with a shot of the good vibe guy blearily waking up sliding in on the left. "Meeting area, now!"
The scene flashed to Zee and Harold standing before Chris in the open meeting area. "Yes! Today, I fire one of you from a cannon," he greeted excitedly. "And then start my vacation."
"Plus you'll hand one of us a million dollars," Harold added with a grin.
"I haven't forgotten, dude," Chris said in annoyance. "I'm just focusing on the parts that bring me the most joy. Okay?"
"What's the challenge?" Zee asked. "Is it physical or have you decided on something else?"
Harold grinned. "Total Drama finales are always physical," he said. "And while I am classified as a brain, I'm afraid I have more fighting skills than you."
"Don't get too overconfident just yet," Zee warned. "I might surprise you."
"If I may continue?" Chris interrupted, his annoyed expression soon dropping. "Your final challenge is so demanding, the lawyers insisted each of you get a helper. Ehh," he shrugged, "it's not a horrible idea. I mean," the shot cut to the finalists as they watched him, "maybe they'll be able to help us find your bodies!" Zee and Harold shared a brief but wary look. "So, which of the past contestants would you like as a helper?" Chris asked, stepping over to them.
Confessional: Zee
"I'd prefer Julia," Zee told the outhouse camera. "She's really rad, and we work well together. But I wouldn't be too upset over having anybody else as a helper. Well, except for Scarlett."
Confessional: Harold
"It's no surprise that I'd prefer Leshawna over anyone else," Harold confessed. "She can handle her own battles and objectively speaking, she is the most physically attractive girl this season. I just wish that we were able to talk to each other before she left."
Confessionals End
"I choose Leshawna," Harold said with a smile as the static cut away and a triumphant tune played...for a few brief moments.
Chris chuckled. "'Choose'?" he repeated, laughing again. "Nooo, no no no no no no no...," he told the finalists.
"But you just asked us-," Zee pointed out in confusion.
"I know," Chris conceded, "I asked you who you wanted, I did that to be mean." He laughed again as the sound of squeaky wheels approached. "Your helpers-" the camera pulled back to show Chef pushing a large widescreen monitor up to the host on a cart- "will be selected thusly! When you press this button," he held up a remote control with a single red button on it, "the possible helpers will flash across the screen." A game show jingle played as the shot cut to the monitor, now showing the portraits of the eliminated contestants rolling down across the screen as if on a reel. "Whoever's face it stops on, is your helper."
The reel stopped on an image of Scarlett after drinking Juggy Chunks. "What happens if we land on someone we don't want?" Harold asked.
"You each get one chance to pass and spin again," Chris answered with a wide grin as the sound of a helicopter grew louder. "And just to make things even more interesting," he added, growing more and more giddy with each moment, "I've brought all the helpers out to watch!"
"RELEASE ME, YOU CRETIN! I DEMAND IT!" shouted a familiar voice.
Harold and Zee gasped as the music spiked, and the shot cut to the same dual-rotor military helicopter that Chris and Chef had taken shelter in during the island's malfunctioning as it flew in overhead.
Then the camera panned downward to show the twelve eliminated campers dangling under it tied up in ropes – Max on the far left, then Amy, Sammy, Duncan, Ella, B, Lightning, Scarlett, Julia, DJ, Leshawna, and finally Jo on the far right.
"What's the big idea, McLean?!" Jo shouted hatefully, the shot cutting in close to her and Leshawna.
"Yeah," Leshawna chimed in, "why do I gotta be hanging next to her!" The two girls locked eyes and glared.
"I don't think that's the issue here..." DJ said, the camera panning onto him.
"I personally don't mind being tied up like this," Julia said in a positive tone, the camera pulling back to show her smiling. "I'm just happy to see my boyfriend in the finale."
"I didn't even want to show up, but I would appreciate it if I was actually seated," Scarlett said in a grumpy tone.
"Sha-yeah!" Lightning agreed as the camera panned onto him. "Chris, these ropes might cause Lightning some bruising. Can we get them loosened a bit?"
Scarlett gave Lightning an incredulous look. "You do realize that if the ropes are loosened, you'll fall?"
"Lightning will just get back up again," Lightning told her obliviously.
The camera cut back to B. It lingered on him for a few moments as he awkwardly looked from side to side, then directly at the camera as he smiled coolly.
"Despite this drastic situation we're in," Ella sang after the song panned to her, "I still want either Zee or Harold to win~!"
Another pan to the left showed Duncan watching her. "My money's on Harold," he said, shrugging.
“And how come?” Ella asked.
"Zee's cool and all, but I just know the dork better," Duncan answered.
"Really?" Geoff asked, raising a eyebrow in disbelief. "Are the shows in Jersey really that terrible to watch?"
"They are if ya don't have tickets!" Anne Maria answered happily.
Yet another pan put the focus on Amy and Sammy. "Are you still not going to apologize for how you've treated me ever since we were little?" Sammy asked.
"And why should I?" Amy replied in slight irritation.
"Because I put you in your place and pointed out your own flaws," Sammy explained. “The least you can do is be humble a bit.”
"You may have gotten further than me, but you still didn’t win the season," Amy bragged. “You're a bowl of mush, and I'm a parfait, which is French for perfect.”
“So what's French for bossy blonde cow?” Sammy taunted with a smirk. “I know! Vache blonde autoritaire!”
"You are so going to get it," Amy growled.
The camera pulled back to show Max clenching his eyes shut in pain. "Would you two identical ladies cease that annoying racket?!" he finally yelled with another force to startle Amy and Sammy into looking at him. "Thank y-" he began to say plainly before Amy smacked him in the head. "Hey!" he said, cringing at the hit.
"Okay," Chris said, the music turning slow and plodding as the camera cut back to him, Zee and Harold. "Now that the Peanut Gallery has had a chance to reintroduce themselves, let's move on."
"Whoa, hold on a minute," Zee held up a hand to interrupt. "Why? How? When?"
"Uh, you're gonna have to be a little more specific there," Chris told him, raising an eyebrow.
"He means why are they all tied up?" Harold translated.
Chris let out a long, irritated sigh. "Fine," he said. "I'm keeping them tied up and in plain sight so we don't have them float towards the sun, okay?"
"No," Harold said bluntly.
"Not really," Zee replied.
"Whatever," Chris told them, his brow creased in annoyance. His expression then changed into a smile. "Who goes first will be decided by a coin toss," he explained, taking out a coin and flipping it towards the campers.
It hit Zee in the eye. He yelped in pain, rubbing where he'd been hit.
"Zee wins!" Chris happily announced. "Let's see who you get," he said as the game show jingled played again.
The shot cut to a close-up of the monitor as the portraits began to scroll past, Zee uttering a series of grunts as she watched off-screen – some hopeful, some annoyed. "Okay, stop," he said after a few seconds, the camera moving to him as he pressed the button on his remote.
The simulated reel stopped on Jo. "Not who I wanted at all," Zee said in disappointment as a triumphant jingle played, "but I got what I got and I'm not gonna throw a fit."
"Harold," Chris said, the camera moving back to the finalists as the dweeb pursed his lips, "you're up."
The game show jingle played, and the portraits started flashing across the monitor again – until they stopped on Scarlett. "No..." Harold groaned.
Confessional: Harold
"I knew the odds of getting Leshawna were slim," Harold confessed. "But I want a helper who would actually assist me."
Confessional Ends
An odd note played as the shot cut back to Zee, Harold, and Chris, the latter two sharing a look. "I'd like to spin again," Harold said.
"Have at it," Chris replied, the shot briefly cutting to the pictures flashing across the monitor again.
Harold pressed the button, and sagged in defeat – and the camera cut to the monitor to show that it had landed on Scarlett again. The camera moved in front of Chris as he gave her a mischievous look. "Scarlett again?" he asked in fake shock. "What are the odds?"
The camera pulled back as Chris turned to the right and nodded at Chef, who returned the gesture and walked away. "Okay, looks like Zee gets Jo and Harold gets Scarlett," Chris said, nodding toward the helicopter. The ropes tied around the two chosen helpers abruptly came loose, causing both to fall, but while Scarlett landed in an awkward flop, Jo simply tucked her legs in and rolled as a light but triumphant tune played.
She got back onto her feet just as Zee walked up to her. "Hey Jo. I know we haven't gotten along-" Zee said.
"-but since we're partners, we're gonna have to try and tolerate each other," Jo replied. "Yeah, I know."
Confessional: Jo
"I'm not in the game any more, which still sucks," Jo explained. "But Chill Pill managed to subvert my expectations. He lasted longer than I thought he would have. And if I have to work with him, then so be it."
Confessional Ends
The camera panned to the right as Scarlett snorted and stood up. "I strongly refuse to partake in this," she said, the shot cutting in close as she brushed the dirt off her shirt then turned around.
She took a step, and walked right into Chef, who snickered and locked a thick metal collar around the quiet brainiac's neck.
"Let me guess. You're going to shock me if I don't play along, right?" Scarlett asked in annoyance as she tugged at the collar.
"You'd think that," Chris said with a mischievous smile, "but this is actually something different. In case you somehow ended up as one of the helpers, I had a special collar made that'll tranquilize you if you don't play along," he finished with a smug look.
Scarlett groaned in annoyance. "Fine."
"Hey, as long as you don't just bail, I'm cool," Chris told him.
"I'm not," Harold interrupted with an angry look.
Confessional: Scarlett
"Unless I want a voltage surprise like the ones I received in episode four," Scarlett told the confessional camera with disgust, idly tugging at the collar around her neck, "I'll help Harold with his goal of winning the one million dollars. That doesn't mean I have to be happy about it."
Confessional: Chris
"Am I full of good ideas or what?" Chris chuckled in the outhouse camera.
Confessionals End
"So," Chris said, the static cutting away to show him walking towards the two pairs. "Reunion's over? Good! It's time for your final challenge. I have endearingly titled it, 'The Double Duo of Deadly Dying Death'!" A dramatic spike in the music, reverberated voice, and zoomed-in and angled shot all combined to make the revealing of the title particularly dramatic.
"That sounds dangerous...," Zee said worryingly.
"It's supposed to be dangerous, Dodo Brain," Jo groaned.
Confessional: Zee
"Now I'm wishing I did use my second chance like Harold did," Zee confessed.
Confessional Ends
"Now since Blaineley snuck back onto the island and changed it completely by wreaking havoc in the secret underground control room..." Chris began to explain.
"Umm, hold on," came the voice of Julia, the camera panning back up to the still-loitering helicopter. "What did you just say?" she asked in confusion.
"Wait, you didn't know that?" Duncan asked. "I knew I was forgetting something."
"Host!" Max interrupted, drawing the focus to the other end of the line. "I demand you explain this!"
"No," Chris replied in a deadpan tone. "As I was saying," he continued, putting his bland smile back on as the background music became deep and tense, "we've yet to explore all the wonderful and bizarre new dangers the island's new landscape has to offer. Until now. Harold and Zee," the shot cut back to the two pairs, "with assistance from your helpers-" Zee and Jo shared a frown while Harold and Scarlett shared a glare - "you will race across the island. First one to cross the finish line will receive," Chris turned to the side and grabbed the prized suitcase from Chef, the music building up grandly as he opened it to reveal its glowing contents, "One! Millions! Dol-lars!"
All four teens started cheering.
"All you have to do is survive a 2000-foot plummet from an ice cliff," Chris joyously explained, the camera cutting to the slender peak of a snowy mountain before quick-panning away, "successfully learn to breathe while submerged in mud," the camera panned across a bubbling lake of mud before quick-panning away again, "and then sprint two miles across a wide-open field where," the shot now panned across a seemingly ordinary and empty field, "I'm absolutely sure no harm will come to you."
The shot cut back to the cast as Chris began to laugh raucously for an extended period of time. "The point I'm making," Chris said once he'd finally finished, "is that there's a decent chance you may not survive this."
Both finalists and helpers groaned warily. Then they were each tossed an orange helmet.
"For the first part of the challenge," Chris explained, "the lawyers insisted you wear helmets to protect your brains." The shot cut to him and Chef. "I mean who knows. Someday, you may start using them." The roar of the nearby helicopter suddenly increased, the added wind whipping up a cloud of dust around the men. "When you get to the top of the mountain, it'd be a good idea to build a bobsled," Chris instructed, "or, it'll be a very rough ride down!"
The show's smaller red helicopter was shown flying over, the larger military one flying away with the rest of the former campers still attached. "Grab a rope!" Chris said, the camera panning down the four ropes hanging from the helicopter to show them dangling just above the finalists and helpers. "Your challenge begins...NOW!"
The four grabbed the ropes in front of them, and to a sudden bit of challenge music and a blast of the host's airhorn, the helicopter flew off dragging the startled teens along with it.
"Good luck! Stay safe!" Chris called out after them. "Are things I'd say, if I cared!"
The footage flashed ahead to the top of the snowy peak, several boxes and barrels of various junk – including what looked like several sets of skis – already waiting at the top. The small helicopter arrived momentarily, and the shot cut to its four passengers landing in the show – Jo and Zee on the left, Scarlett and Harold on the right.
"We're supposed to build a bobsled out of this junk?" Jo asked in disbelief.
"No," Zee corrected as he grabbed a pair of skis, "Chris just said it would be a good idea." He tossed the skis onto the ground and stepped on them, a tense challenge tune playing in the background. "I have a different one, so hop on."
The shot cut to a close-up of Jo grinning, then to her jumping onto the skis behind Zee. "Let's do this!" she said as they began to slide forward down the slope and left the scene.
The camera panned onto Scarlett, holding a pair of skis of her own. "We should get moving!"
"What's to stop me from believing that you won't shove me off the skis?" Harold asked, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.
"I have this wretched collar on. Shoving you is the last thing I want to do. Now get on!" Scarlett told him angrily.
"Fine," Harold said, rolling his eyes and walking over to where Scarlett was already waiting on the skis and got ahead of her. The challenge music rose up again as they leaned forward, and started to slide.
The shot cut to Zee and Jo looking back over their shoulders with grins on their faces. They promptly skied through a tall mogul, slowing them down a little and covering Zee's eyes in snow. "I can't see!" he shouted, clawing at the packed snow as they began to swerve.
"Quick, to the left!" Jo shouted, one hand around Zee's waist and one point ahead of them as they swerved away from the camera around another mound of snow. "Now right!" Jo directed, the two swerving back towards the foreground. "Left!" She shouted, but they just sped through another mogul earning a scream from the jock-ette.
Confessional: Jo
Jo was blue from the cold and shivering heavily.
Confessional Ends
"Well isn't that the best thing that's happened today!" Scarlett taunted as the scene cut back to her and Harold.
"Yeah, well, we're gonna be next if we don't keep dodging these things," Harold pointed out as they began to swerve around the moguls as well. "And I want to try and get ahead of them while we can."
The music ramped up dangerously as the dweeb and brainiac slid towards another mogul. "Left!" Harold shouted.
"No, right!" Scarlett replied, the two leaning to the opposite direction, swerving nowhere, and plowing right through the mound. "Aagh!"
"Scarlett!" Harold growled as they started swerving wildly, snow covering both their eyes. They clipped the side of another mogul, sending themselves into a screaming spin, hit a third mogul, and came out tumbling end over end.
The shot cut to the bottom of the slope, the music leveling off as what looked like a mogul on skis slid down. The camera zoomed in as two patches of snow fell away to reveal Zee and Jo inside, the two moaning and blue in the face. "Zee, we need to move," Jo weakly told her partner, "before-"
A massive snowball suddenly ran them over, breaking the snow but leaving the good vibe guy and jock-ette lying in a puddle of melting snow. A crash was heard off-screen, but the camera lingered in place as Jo groaned and stood up. "Let's go," Jo told her partner. "You're still in this..."
"...yeah," Zee said as he caught his breath. "Yeah!" he said, more energetically this time. "I've got this!" he declared before charging forward, the shot cutting to Jo as she smirked softly then raced after her partner.
The camera followed them along for a few seconds until they reached a heap of snow, skis, and dazed-looking teens, which the shot immediately focused on. "What happened?" Harold shot at his partner, the dweeb lying upside-down half-trapped in the snow. "I told you to go left!"
"And I told you to go right!" Scarlett countered, her head sticking out the right way up but her legs sticking out over it.
"Yes, but I'm the one in charge!" Harold replied. "You're supposed to be helping me!"
"I was steering!" Scarlett said before the snow holding her up crumbled away, causing her to fall over with a startled gasp.
Harold sighed in aggravation before a small pile of melting snow collapsed onto his face.
The scene cut away to show Chris and Chef sitting in lawn chairs eating popcorn as they watched the challenge feed, the host promptly pausing it with a beep and looking at the camera. "This finale's out of control!" he said excitedly as the capstone theme began to play. "Zee and Jo got run over! Harold and Scarlett can't stop arguing! And all of them just plowed through like a ton of snow!"
"Stay tuned, "he continued, the shot moving away but the host quickly popping back up in front of it. "Someone is leaving here a millionaire. It's the finale of Total! Drama! Paaaaaahkitew Island!"
(Commercial Break)
submitted by xtremexavier15 to u/xtremexavier15 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:19 campionesidd Ranking all Juventus Jeep kits from worst to best.

With Jeep's shirt sponsorship due to end imminently, I decided to rank all the Jeep kits we've had over the years. These include all home, away and third kits since the 2012-13 season, but exclude any special edition or one-off kits. Of course, these are my subjective rankings, so I don't expect anyone to agree with this 100%, so feel free to voice your own opinions.
Starting off with the worst kits:
36) 2021-22 Third kit. By far the worst Juventus kit with the Jeep logo in my opinion. While it uses classic Juve colors like yellow and blue- the overly bright yellow and the horrible design make it ugly for an amateur kit, let alone on one of the biggest teams in Europe.
35) 2019-20 Home: The worst Home kit on this list. It made a total mockery of Juve's classic black and white stripes and replaced them with an unappealing half white/ half black shirt with a pink ribbon in the middle. While this might not have been a terrible third kit, it was an absolute travesty to have had it as a home jersey.
34) 2017-18 Third: An unappealing olive green kit with a horizontal white band that completely seems out of place. Highly forgettable.
33) 2023-24 Home: In previous years, Adidas has done a stellar job of incorporating yellow into the mix and complementing it well with other colors, but in this instance, the yellow clashes with the black and white stripes and makes it look like a mess.
32) 2016-17 Third: The infamous zebra kit. While the zebra design on the sleeves itself doesn't look too bad, it doesn't go well with the completely bland and uninspiring white of the rest of the shirt.
31) 2020-21 Third: While the orange color looks good, the black spots look like smudges of ink and ruin the overall appearance of the jersey.
30) 2018-19 Home: The black and white stripes are too narrow, and the Jeep sticker is slapped on top of it.
29) 2019-20 Away: Not a bad looking kit by any means, but the white kit and the red lettering are very unremarkable and forgettable.
28) 2012-13 Away: An otherwise good looking kit whose ranking is knocked down several spots due to the ugly Jeep sticker which sticks out, and not in a good way.
27) 2012-13 Third: Just like the kit below it in this ranking it is ruined by the awkward placement of the Jeep logo.
26) 2013-14 Third: Plain and boring black kit. Not much to see here.
25) 2022-23 Home: A controversial jersey. Some people loved this jersey and others hated it. Personally I think it looks good from a distance, but isn't pretty from up close.
24) 2023-24 Third: A greyish black jersey that is decent looking, but a very forgettable one.
23) 2020-21 Away: From here on out, we start getting to the decent looking kits and jerseys. This is another forgettable entry in the list. The dark blue color looks nice, but there's nothing that stands out about this kit.
22) 2015-16 Home: Another kit that divides opinion. The stripes are too narrow for my liking.
21) 2018-19 Away: A very clean, crisp beige design that stands out simply because we're not used to seeing this color on a Juventus jersey.
20) 2014-15 Third: Another unconventional Juve color, but I like the clean bright green design. This kit belongs firmly in the middle of the pack.
19) 2016-17 Home: A slightly unconventional design for a home kit. Would've ranked higher if the Jeep sticker was incorporated more gracefully.
18) 2018-19 Third: Very similar to the gorgeous 2015-16 kit, this beautiful jersey loses a few spots for being not very distinct from it.
17) 2019-20 Third: Most of Juve's blue kits are easy on this eye, and this one is no different.
16) 2022-23 Away: A sleek black kit with an electrifying Jeep logo, but not a very memorable one.
15) 2012-13 Home: The very first Juve home jersey with a Jeep logo. The collar looks nice, but like other early Jeep designs, the Jeep logo placement isn't done very well.
14) 2014-15 Home: A classy and timeless home kit, which will be remembered favorably for years to come due to Juve's incredible season that year.
13) 2022-23 Third: Juve returning to its pink roots yet again. This kit gets a high rating due to its intricate design although few people will remember it in the coming years due to Juve's miserable season on and off the pitch.
12) 2017-18 Away: Yellow and blue are classic Juve colors, but this kit's similarity to the 2013-14 kit leaves it out of the top 10 list.
11) 2016-17 Away: I have fond memories of this pretty two-tone blue kit, as Juve had another memorable season in Italy and Europe with it.
10) 2023-24 Away: One of the few horizontally striped jerseys on this list. I appreciate the effort to make a design that stands out from the rest. The pink and grey stripes complement each other nicely
9) 2013-14 Home: This is what a Juventus home jersey should look like. Perfectly spaced stripes, and a great collar and simple sleeves. Not ranked near the very top due to the intrusive Jeep sticker.
8) 2015-16 Away kit: The highest ranked pink kit in this list. Would've been perfect with a better Jeep logo.
7) 2021-22 Home kit: Excellent kit. The only thing I don't like about it is the horizontal Adidas stripes on the top.
6) 2013-14 Away: The Yellow shirt and blue shorts are done to perfection. If you wear this shirt, make sure it to wear blue jeans or blue shorts to match the color combo.
5) 2021-22 Away: Very visually striking jersey, and one which you can wear casually and look great in. I actually like the Adidas stripes on this one.
4) 2020-21 Home: The gold lettering and logos look really nice on the home shirt. A huge improvement over the dreadful 2018-19/ and 2019-20 jerseys.
3) 2017-18 Home: The first Juve jersey without the classic Juventus logo, but the classy design of the collar and the gold touches more than make up for it. The best Juve home jersey in a long time in my opinion.
2) 2014-15 Away: Reminiscent of the 1995-96 Juventus away jersey, this stunning kit also brought us many memorable moments in the Champions League. This was one of the last kits Nike designed for us, and they certainly made sure they signed off on a high note
1) 2015-16 Third: The black and gold combo is sublime. The Jeep logo is tastefully done, and the classic Juve logo is converted to a black and gold scheme which looks gorgeous. Adidas hit a home run with this one.
Based on the average ranking of each kit, the seasons with the best kits are
  1. 2015-16
  2. 2014-15
  3. 2013-14
and the seasons with the worst kits are:
  1. 2019-20
  2. 2012-13
  3. 2018-19
submitted by campionesidd to Juve [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:19 rumanchu "Major Class Cooldown" list anywhere?

I'm doing the Remix, and got a tinker gem (Storm Overload) that says that "Casting your major class cooldown causes you to overload, inflicting Nature damage and stunning enemies within 40 yards for 2 sec."
Sounds pretty neat, except I have no idea what the "major class cooldown" is for my class (Subtlety Rogue, though I honestly don't know what's considered a "major class cooldown" for any class). Is there a list somewhere of what abilities trigger this?
submitted by rumanchu to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:16 SupremeG1634 No intership this summer, feeling like I’m wasting it not learning anything

Next semester I will be a Junior in Aerospace Engineering. I noticed how some people I know gotten internships this summer, and to be honest, I’m feeling bum out that I was not able to land an internship. I did went to my university’s career fair and apply to several jobs online, but was pretty much ghosted or rejected.
I’m taking two summer classes to stay on track to graduate in 4 1/2 years, but I feel like I should be using my time gaining experience and skills needed for my degree instead. I could try to a part time job and make some quick cash, but I see it as a waste of time because it has nothing to do with my degree.
Should I just worry about my summer classes instead? I just need some advice because I’m feeling a bit down.
submitted by SupremeG1634 to EngineeringStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:16 KhanStrikes It would be cool if we could get more weapon skills for existing weapons

Ranger hammer is the only weapon that allows players to swap out weapon skills, maybe this could be extended to other weapons for other classes too.
For example I like the idea of power daredevil but don't like the animation locks on staff. Adding a new skill in the slot of Weakening Charge that does not animation lock you would be sick.
Im sure people can think of other weapons with problematic or too niche skills that could be swapped out to make the weapon better for certain content.
submitted by KhanStrikes to Guildwars2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:11 syth9 Advice for Creating Immersive Sound and Lighting Environments for Classroom

Hey all, I'm a former software engineer who's getting into high school ed as an instructor. Budget TBD, though I'd like to keep it under a couple thousand.
I have a vision of having a programmable console I could use to activate preset lighting and sound scenes and wanted to get a good idea of what products I should look into (or perhaps avoid). If I'm thinking about this the wrong way or taking an non-ideal approach then do let me know.
Here are some of the experiences I want to create, some are far out but roll with me:
Going to list my ideas for how to accomplish these below. Note that I'm not necessarily trying to do all of these at once, I just want to see what's possible.
These are needs for visual:
For visuals I was considering a couple different ideas:
These are my needs for Audio:
For audio I was exploring:
Needs for controls/console:
Ideas for controls/console:
Classroom info:
submitted by syth9 to CommercialAV [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:11 Initial_Hair_1196 Transfer orientation question for major change

I was accepted for ME but am 100% switching to EE. I understand I can only make this change at the beginning of the semester so currently (and when class registration/orientation time arrives) I will be a ME still. Does anyone know how it will work when I’m at orientation for ME, but I need to register for EE classes? I have emailed the department but figured I would ask here too for some knowledge. I’m pretty sure I am required to attend the ME orientation and can’t ditch and go to the EE orientation.
Do the ME advisors know what classes I will need as an EE?
Will they be annoyed at me for wanting to change majors and asking them for help switching to another major?
Is this going to be a nightmare?
Any input would be greatly appreciated! And fyi I have done my own research and have an idea of what I need to take my first semester.
submitted by Initial_Hair_1196 to SJSU [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:07 SanderSo47 Directors at the Box Office: Clint Eastwood (Part 2)

Directors at the Box Office: Clint Eastwood (Part 2)

As Reddit doesn't allow posts to exceed 40,000 characters, Eastwood's edition had to be split into two parts because his whole career cannot be ignored. The first part was posted yesterday.

Million Dollar Baby (2004)¨

"Beyond his silence, there is a past. Beyond her dreams, there is a feeling. Beyond hope, there is a memory. Beyond their journey, there is a love."
His 25th film. Based on stories from the 2000 collection Rope Burns: Stories from the Corner by F.X. Toole, it stars Eastwood, Hilary Swank and Morgan Freeman. The film follows Margaret "Maggie" Fitzgerald, an underdog amateur boxer who is helped by an underappreciated boxing trainer to achieve her dream of becoming a professional.
Paul Haggis wrote the script on spec, and it took four years to sell it. The film was stuck in development hell for years before it was shot. Several studios rejected the project even when Eastwood signed on as actor and director. Even Warner Bros., Eastwood's longtime home base, would not agree to a $30 million budget. Eastwood persuaded Lakeshore Entertainment's Tom Rosenberg to put up half the budget (as well as handle foreign distribution), with Warner Bros. contributing the rest.
The film had an incredible run in limited release, breaking many records for Eastwood's career. It eventually earned a fantastic $216 million worldwide, becoming his highest grossing film ever. It received critical acclaim, and it was named as one of his greatest films. It won four Oscars: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress (for Swank), and Best Supporting Actor (for Freeman). Eastwood became one of the very few directors to make two films to win both Best Picture and Best Director.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $100,492,203. ($166.8 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $216,763,646.

Flags of Our Fathers (2006)

"A single shot can end the war."
His 26th film. Based on the book written by James Bradley and Ron Powers, it stars Ryan Phillippe, Jesse Bradford, Adam Beach, John Benjamin Hickey, John Slattery, Paul Walker, Jamie Bell, Barry Pepper, Robert Patrick and Neal McDonough. The film follows the 1945 Battle of Iwo Jima, the five Marines and one Navy corpsman who were involved in raising the flag on Iwo Jima, and the after effects of that event on their lives.
The film received positive reviews, but it bombed at the box office with just $65 million against its huge $90 million budget.
  • Budget: $90,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $33,602,376. ($52.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $65,900,249.

Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)

"The completion of the Iwo Jima saga."
His 27th film. Based on Picture Letters from Commander in Chief by Tadamichi Kuribayashi, it stars Ken Watanabe, Kazunari Ninomiya, Tsuyoshi Ihara, Ryō Kase and Shidō Nakamura. It's a companion film to Flags of Our Fathers, and portrays the Battle of Iwo Jima from the perspective of the Japanese soldiers.
In the process of reading about the Japanese perspective of the war for Flags of Our Fathers, in particular General Tadamichi Kuribayashi, Eastwood decided to film a companion piece with this film, which was shot entirely in Japanese. The film was shot back-to-back, starting filming just one month after Flags of Our Fathers wrapped filming.
Despite being seen as the least accessible of both films, this film was much more successful at the box office than the previous film (including a colossal $42 million in Japan alone). It also received critical acclaim, particularly for how it handed the depiction of good and evil from both sides. It received 4 Oscar nominations, including Best Picture and Best Director.
  • Budget: $19,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $13,756,082. ($21.3 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $68,673,228.

Changeling (2008)

"To find her son, she did what no one else dared."
His 28th film. It stars Angelina Jolie and John Malkovich, and is based on real-life events, specifically the 1928 Wineville Chicken Coop murders in Mira Loma, California. It follows a woman united with a boy who she realizes is not her missing son. When she tries to demonstrate that to the police and city authorities, she is vilified as delusional, labeled as an unfit mother and confined to a psychiatric ward.
The film earned $113 million worldwide, barely breaking even at the box office. The film received mixed reviews, but Jolie received praise for her performance. She was nominated for the Oscar for Best Actress.
  • Budget: $55,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $35,739,802. ($52 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $113,398,237.

Gran Torino (2008)

"Ever come across somebody you shouldn't have messed with?"
His 29th film. It stars Eastwood, and follows Walt Kowalski, a recently widowed Korean War veteran alienated from his family and angry at the world, whose young neighbor, Thao Vang Lor, is pressured by his cousin into stealing Walt's prized Ford Torino for his initiation into a gang. Walt thwarts the theft and subsequently develops a relationship with the boy and his family.
The film received great reviews, as well as praise from the Hmong community. It ended up becoming a sleeper hit, and it earned $270 million worldwide, becoming his highest grossing film.
  • Budget: $25,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $148,095,302. ($215.6 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $269,958,228.

Invictus (2009)

"His people needed a leader. He gave them a champion."
His 30th film. It stars Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon. Following the aftermath of the apartheid, President Nelson Mandela decides to unite his people by supporting a rugby team in their bid to win the 1995 Rugby World Cup.
The film earned $122 million worldwide, barely breaking even. It received positive reviews, and Freeman and Damon received Oscar nominations for their performances.
  • Budget: $50,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $37,491,364. ($54.7 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $122,426,792.

Hereafter (2010)

"Touched by death. Changed by life."
His 31st film. It stars Matt Damon, Cécile de France, Bryce Dallas Howard, Lyndsey Marshal, Jay Mohr and Thierry Neuvic. An American with a special connection to the afterlife, a woman with a near-death experience and a young English boy, who lost his loved ones, cross paths in an effort to find closure in their lives.
Despite mixed reviews, it managed to earn $107 million, turning a small profit.
  • Budget: $50,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $32,746,941. ($47 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $106,956,330.

J. Edgar (2011)

"The most powerful man in the world."
His 32nd film. The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Armie Hammer, Naomi Watts, Josh Lucas, and Judi Dench, and follows the career of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, focusing on Hoover's life from the 1919 Palmer Raids onward.
The film received mixed reviews; while DiCaprio received praise, the technical aspects of the film were criticized. It earned $84 million, making it a box office success, but far below what DiCaprio usually makes at the box office.
  • Budget: $35,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $37,306,030. ($52 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $84,920,539.

Jersey Boys (2014)

"Everybody remembers it how they need to."
His 33rd film. Base on the 2004 jukebox musical, it stars John Lloyd Young, Erich Bergen, Michael Lomenda, Vincent Piazza and Christopher Walken, and tells the story of the musical group The Four Seasons.
It received mixed reviews, with praise for the musical numbers but criticism for the narrative and runtime, and failed at the box office.
  • Budget: $40,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $47,047,013. ($62.3 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $67,647,013.

American Sniper (2014)

"The most lethal sniper in U.S. history."
His 34th film. It is based on the memoir by Chris Kyle, Scott McEwen and Jim DeFelice, and stars Bradley Cooper and Sienna Miller. The film follows the life of Kyle, who became the deadliest marksman in U.S. military history with 255 kills from four tours in the Iraq War, 160 of which were officially confirmed by the Department of Defense. While Kyle was celebrated for his military successes, his tours of duty took a heavy toll on his personal and family life.
In 2012, Cooper and Warner Bros. bought the rights to the memoir. Cooper wanted Chris Pratt to star as Kyle, but WB told him they would only greenlight the film if he stars in it. After Kyle's murder in 2013, Steven Spielberg signed to direct. Spielberg had read Kyle's book, though he desired to have a more psychological conflict present in the screenplay so an "enemy sniper" character could serve as the insurgent sharpshooter who was trying to track down and kill Kyle. Spielberg's ideas contributed to the development of a lengthy screenplay approaching 160 pages. Due to Warner Bros.' budget constraints, Spielberg felt he could not bring his vision of the story to the screen. So Eastwood was brought in to direct.
The film attained a solid, but not extraordinary response from critics. It also attracted some controversy over its portrayal of both the Iraq War and Kyle himself.
The box office though?
To say that the film had a fantastic run would be selling it short.
It opened on Christmas Day in 4 theaters, and it earned a huge $633,456 ($158,364 PTA). But the following weekend, it actually increased despite playing at the same amount of theaters, adding $676,909. That translated to a $169,227 PTA, becoming the highest second weekend PTA in history for a live-action film. And on its third weekend, it earned $579,518 ($144,879 PTA), becoming the first film to have three weekends above $100,000 PTA. In the 22 days it played in just 4 theaters, it earned $3,424,778.
On its first wide weekend, the film shook the industry by opening with a colossal $89 million. That was almost as much as the other 2014 blockbusters, and given that the film didn't have 3D pricing, it's very likely it sold far more tickets than them. It broke the January opening weekend record by twice as much, and the second biggest for an R-rated title. With insane word of mouth ("A+" on CinemaScore), this film had the legs. In less than one week, it became Eastwood's highest grossing film domestically. On its second weekend, it dropped just 28% and made $64 million, which was the biggest second weekend for an R-rated film (a record it still maintains) and crossed $200 million domestically. And by March, the film overtook The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1 ($334 million) as the highest grossing 2014 film in North America.
After an insane run in theaters, it closed with a gigantic $350 million domestically, which made it the second highest grossing R-rated film in North America. Overseas, it was also very strong, and it made a huge $547 million worldwide. It was easily Eastwood's highest grossing film, even adjusted for inflation. One of the greatest box office runs in recent memory. It received six Oscar nominations, including Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Actor for Cooper, ultimately winning one for Best Sound Editing.
The biggest surprise of the 2010s? Perhaps. Cause let's face it, when 2014, did any of you had this as the top film of the year? Or even in the Top 20? Please.
  • Budget: $59,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $350,159,020. ($463.7 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $547,659,020.

Sully (2016)

"The untold story behind the miracle on the Hudson."
His 35th film. Based on the autobiography Highest Duty by Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger and Jeffrey Skiles, it stars Tom Hanks, Aaron Eckhart, Laura Linney, Anna Gunn, Autumn Reeser, Holt McCallany, and Jamey Sheridan. The film follows Sullenberger's 2009 emergency landing of US Airways Flight 1549 on the Hudson River, in which all 155 passengers and crew survived and the subsequent publicity and investigation.
The film received strong reviews, and earned over $240 million worldwide, becoming one of his highest grossing films.
  • Budget: $60,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $125,070,033. ($163.3 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $243,870,033.

The 15:17 to Paris (2018)

"The real heroes."
His 36th film. Based on the autobiography by Jeffrey E. Stern, Spencer Stone, Anthony Sadler, and Alek Skarlatos, it stars Stone, Sadler, and Skarlatos as themselves and follows the trio through life leading up to and including their stopping of the 2015 Thalys train attack.
Despite choosing Kyle Gallner, Jeremie Harris and Alexander Ludwig as the leads, Eastwood decided to cast the heroes to play themselves, which was met with confusion as they lacked acting experience. And that was reflected on the final film; it received negative reviews for its acting, and it bombed at the box office.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $36,276,286. ($45.2 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $57,176,286.

The Mule (2018)

"Nobody runs forever."
His 37th film. Based on the 2014 The New York Times article The Sinaloa Cartel's 90-Year-Old Drug Mule by Sam Dolnick, it stars Eastwood, Bradley Cooper, Laurence Fishburne, Michael Peña, Dianne Wiest, and Andy García. Due to financial issues, horticulturist Earl Stone becomes a courier for a drug cartel. Slowly, he grows closer to his estranged family, but his illegal activities threaten much more than his life.
It received good reviews (although some questioned its story and tone), and earned over $173 million worldwide.
  • Budget: $50,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $103,804,407. ($129.6 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $174,804,407.

Richard Jewell (2019)

"The world will know his name and the truth."
His 38th film. The film stars Paul Walter Hauser, Sam Rockwell, Kathy Bates, Jon Hamm, and Olivia Wilde. The film depicts the July 27 Centennial Olympic Park bombing and its aftermath, as security guard Richard Jewell finds a bomb during the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, and alerts authorities to evacuate, only to later be wrongly accused of having placed the device himself.
The film received positive reviews, but several journalists criticized the critical portrayal of the reporter that first accused Jewell: Kathy Scruggs (specifically for trading sex for stories). The film marked another commercial failure for Eastwood.
  • Budget: $45,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $22,345,542. ($27.4 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $44,645,542.

Cry Macho (2021)

"A story of being lost and found."
His 39th film. Based on the novel by N. Richard Nash, it stars Eastwood and Dwight Yoakam. Set in 1979, it follows a former rodeo star hired to reunite a young boy in Mexico with his father in the United States.
Nash tried to get this film made all the way since 1970s, but no studio was willing to pick it up. He restructured his films as a novel, was successful and studios were now interested. There were a few candidates for the leading role; Robert Mitchum, Roy Scheider, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Eastwood himself. Arnie was willing to star in the film back in 2003, but put it on hold when he was elected Governor. He was set to star after leaving office, but the project was scrapped after his affair scandal was made known. In 2020, Eastwood signed to return.
The film received mixed reviews, particularly for its writing and acting. It was also a huge flop at the box office, and marked Eastwood's least attended film as leading man. David Zaslav criticized the studio's decision to finance the film. Warner executives allegedly said that although they knew the film was unlikely to turn a profit, they felt indebted to Eastwood for his decades-long relationship with the studio and his consistent ability to deliver films under budget and on time.
  • Budget: $33,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $10,310,734. ($11.9 million adjusted)
  • Worldwide gross: $16,510,734.

The Future

He recently wrapped post-production on his 40th film, Juror No. 2. It stars Nicholas Hoult, Toni Collette, Zoey Deutch, Leslie Bibb, Chris Messina, J. K. Simmons and Kiefer Sutherland, and follows a juror serving on a murder trial who realizes he may be at fault for the victim's death.


No. Movie Year Studio Domestic Total Overseas Total Worldwide Total Budget
1 American Sniper 2014 Warner Bros. $350,159,020 $197,500,000 $547,659,020 $59M
2 Gran Torino 2008 Warner Bros. $148,095,302 $121,862,926 $269,958,228 $25M
3 Sully 2016 Warner Bros. $125,070,033 $118,800,000 $243,870,033 $60M
4 Million Dollar Baby 2004 Warner Bros. $100,492,203 $116,271,443 $216,763,646 $30M
5 The Bridges of Madison County 1995 Warner Bros. $71,516,617 $110,500,000 $182,016,617 $22M
6 The Mule 2018 Warner Bros. $103,804,407 $71,000,000 $174,804,407 $50M
7 Unforgiven 1992 Warner Bros. $101,167,799 $58,000,000 $159,167,799 $14.4M
8 Mystic River 2003 Warner Bros. $90,135,191 $66,460,000 $156,595,191 $25M
9 Sudden Impact 1983 Warner Bros. $67,642,693 $83,000,000 $150,642,693 $22M
10 A Perfect World 1993 Warner Bros. $31,130,999 $104,000,000 $135,130,999 $30M
11 Space Cowboys 2000 Warner Bros. $90,464,773 $38,419,359 $128,884,132 $60M
12 Invictus 2009 Warner Bros. $37,491,364 $84,935,428 $122,426,792 $55M
13 Heartbreak Ridge 1986 Warner Bros. $42,724,017 $78,975,983 $121,700,000 $15M
14 Changeling 2008 Universal $35,739,802 $77,658,435 $113,398,237 $55M
15 Hereafter 2010 Warner Bros. $32,746,941 $74,209,389 $106,956,330 $50M
16 Absolute Power 1997 Sony $50,068,310 $42,700,000 $92,768,310 $50M
17 J. Edgar 2011 Warner Bros. $37,306,030 $47,614,509 $84,920,539 $35M
18 Letters from Iwo Jima 2006 Warner Bros. $13,756,082 $54,917,146 $68,673,228 $19M
19 Jersey Boys 2014 Warner Bros. $47,047,013 $20,600,000 $67,647,013 $40M
20 Flags of Our Fathers 2006 Warner Bros. $33,602,376 $32,297,873 $65,900,249 $90M
21 The 15:17 to Paris 2018 Warner Bros. $36,276,286 $20,900,000 $57,176,286 $30M
22 Firefox 1982 Warner Bros. $46,708,276 $0 $46,708,276 $21M
23 Richard Jewell 2019 Warner Bros. $22,345,542 $22,300,000 $44,645,542 $45M
24 Pale Rider 1985 Warner Bros. $41,410,568 $0 $41,410,568 $6.9M
25 The Gauntlet 1977 Warner Bros. $35,400,000 $0 $35,400,000 $5.5M
26 The Outlaw Josey Wales 1976 Warner Bros. $31,800,000 $0 $31,800,000 $3.7M
27 Blood Work 2002 Warner Bros. $26,235,081 $5,559,637 $31,794,718 $50M
28 Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil 1997 Warner Bros. $25,105,255 $0 $25,105,255 $30M
29 Bronco Billy 1980 Warner Bros. $24,265,659 $0 $24,265,659 $6.5M
30 The Rookie 1990 Warner Bros. $21,633,874 $0 $21,633,874 $30M
31 True Crime 1999 Warner Bros. $16,649,768 $0 $16,649,768 $55M
32 Cry Macho 2021 Warner Bros. $10,310,734 $6,200,000 $16,510,734 $33M
33 High Plains Drifter 1973 Universal $15,700,000 $0 $15,700,000 $5.5M
34 The Eiger Sanction 1975 Universal $14,200,000 $0 $14,200,000 $9M
35 Play Misty for Me 1971 Universal $10,600,000 $0 $10,600,000 $950K
36 Honkytonk Man 1982 Warner Bros. $4,484,991 $0 $4,484,991 $2M
37 White Hunter Black Heart 1990 Warner Bros. $2,319,124 $0 $2,319,124 $24M
38 Bird 1988 Warner Bros. $2,181,286 $0 $2,181,286 $14M
39 Breezy 1973 Universal $200,000 $17,753 $217,753 $750K
Across those 39 films, he has made $3,536,687,297 worldwide. That's $90,684,289 per film.

The Verdict

Insanely profitable.
Even the bombs do not taint this kind of reputation. Eastwood has made all these films under budget and never past its deadline. That's something that has to be treasured for studios, no wonder he's been staying with Warner Bros. since 1976. His ability to get films ready in short notice is impressive; Richard Jewell started filming in June and it was on theaters in December. One of the most impressive actors who transitioned into directors. You can tell that Sergio Leone and Don Siegel taught him well.
Now of course, his method of directing can also have its setbacks: he's often known for not asking for multiple takes and he skips rehearsals. So that means the performances of his actors aren't always the best they could've done. Which is why, despite making some masterpieces or fantastic films, he's also made a few films with weak technical aspects: poor lighting (J. Edgar), questionable logic (Cry Macho), obvious props (the fake baby in American Sniper), and some bad acting (Gran Torino and The 15:17 to Paris). At the same time, it's clear he can also get extraordinary performances through these methods; Gene Hackman, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Hilary Swank and Morgan Freeman won Oscars for starring in his films.
He also proved old age doesn't prevent you from continuing to work. He's turning 94 in a few weeks, and he's still directing films. Manoel de Oliveira directed films until he was 104, so perhaps we still have a few more years with Eastwood behind the camera.
P.S. Ever since I started this series, there's been suggestions that I should do "Actors at the Box Office" multiple times. While the idea is intriguing, that doesn't seem feasible for me. I'd have to categorize whether the actor is leading, supporting, original IP, adaptation, remakes, etc. Besides, with the continuing decline of star power, it's tough to decide what actor is truly moving the needle at the box office. That's why I'm making solely "Directors at the Box Office", because the director is responsible for the production. If the film succeeds, the director will get credit. And if the film flops, the director will be blamed. So this is the closest you'll get to "Actors at the Box Office".
Hope you liked this edition. You can find this and more in the wiki for this section.
The next director will be Robert Zemeckis. One of the biggest falls from grace.
I asked you to choose who else should be in the run and the comment with the most upvotes would be chosen. It had to be a controversial filmmaker. Well, we'll later talk about... Zack Snyder. Oh, BoxOffice chose fuego 🔥
This is the schedule for the following four:
Week Director Reasoning
May 20-26 Robert Zemeckis Can we get old Zemeckis back?
May 27-June 2 Richard Donner An influential figure of the 70s and 80s.
June 3-9 Ang Lee What happened to Lee?
June 10-16 Zack Snyder RIP Inbox.
Who should be next after Snyder? That's up to you.
submitted by SanderSo47 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:06 Throwawayname664 Figured out my top surgery decision!

I have OCD so it is extremely hard to make any decisions. For a long time, I knew I wanted top surgery but I was agonizing over which method I wanted to the point where I was unable to even move forward in the process.
I have a small chest and will likely qualify for peri or keyhole, but I've always had a sentimental attachment to the idea of having DI scars (they were an inspiration to me as a younger trans kid, and I wanted to have my own someday). But I've also realized it would be more convenient and safer in a lot of ways without the scars.
What made me finally make my decision was when I was out in public with my shirt cropped. I was getting stares from people, and it was uncomfortable. People stared at me like my body was something obscene. I realized that I would rather avoid facing (possibly hostile) attention from others due to my top surgery scars. While I want to be openly trans, I want to do so on my own terms instead of potentially being outed every time I take my shirt off. And with my career path, there is a chance I may need to travel to countries unfriendly to queer people for work.
Earlier, I was considering getting DI but getting a coverup tattoo if I changed my mind later about having visible scars. But I realized there's no way to guarantee that will be possible. For all I know my scars could keloid and may or may not respond well to treatment, and tattooing may not be an option if it's severe. And if my scars don't heal well it could be painful and limit my mobility.
So I decided that if I qualify for peri/keyhole, that is what I will go for. Otherwise, I will seek nipple-sparing DI or buttonhole (retaining nipple sensation is important to me as well).
I had the irrational worry that if I got peri I would be "abandoning my transness". I feel like a lot of media portrays top surgery scars at The Image™️ of transmasculinity. But I realized that isn't true, I can still be open and proud of being trans and choose a minimal-scarring procedure. If I want to do something to physically mark my transness onto my body, I can always get a pride tattoo or something.
After figuring all this out, I submitted a consultation request for Dr. Wolf. Being able to do informed consent, and also being able to get a revision done for free if needed (which will be more likely if I get peri) seems like a huge plus. I already have the money saved.
The website said I should hear back in 24-48 hours, but I've also heard it can take a long time to hear back since his office is so busy. So we'll see, hopefully I'll hear back sooner than later. I'm extremely excited to finally do this, I've waited almost a decade.
submitted by Throwawayname664 to ftm [link] [comments]
