Brain labeled parts


2019.12.31 17:36 jpurvisturton BrainBoner

A 'brain-boner' is rare. It can cause as much hormonal turmoil as an erotic boner, but is also stimulating the hell out of other parts of the brain.

2021.02.04 20:42 assboobs2 GhostWritersCommunity

a place to share your thoughts outta your deepest parts of your brain. a place where you can look for a ghostwriter who would fit you all "mcs" are welcome. also story writers, book writers or script writers. Free advertisement for any ghostwriter or writers sites that could help in any way.

2015.01.24 23:42 Pregabalin (Lyrica)

A subreddit to discuss Pregabalin, otherwise known under the brand name Lyrica. Harm Reduction practices followed.

2024.05.20 01:54 AnswerRemarkable Can Cerebrolysin help me?

28M 5'10, 188 lbs, South Asian
Some Context: During college. I was in a town about 1.5 hours away from home. My dad lost his job and we were short on funds.
I had a psycho roommate who was making my life living hell so I slowly started sleeping in the library at night.
Eventually he forced me out and I didn't have the heart to tell my parents to get me a new place especially as my grades were dropping. So I just slept in the library under bright fluorescent lights on a small dirty couch for 4 nights a week (I used to come home for weekends). Sometimes I used to find random places to stay up, and I used to sleep in the library on the couch during the day even though it was loud and raucous.
Sometimes I just used to sleep on a chair.
Eventually I just stayed up all night in the library, and found another couch in a quieter part of another building where I used to sleep during the day.
I did this for about 2 years intermittently. I think I always managed to get about 4-5 hours of sleep and definitely slept a lot on the weekends when I was home.
I want to know how this would have impacted my cognition and my brain.
To be fair, my long term memory is solid and phenomenal. My biggest achievements have all come after this episode. My salary is over 200k...
But I'm failing to perform at my job. I'm having extreme anger at those who mistreated me to the point where I start flailing my arms in public imagining me standing up to them even though it's been 10 years.
I routinely forget where I kept my phone, wallet or keys. I'm bad with following step by step instructions.
How do I know if there was any impact to my cognitive faculties and to my brain?
Can cerebrolysin help me?
Thank you so much for helping me recover my life
submitted by AnswerRemarkable to Cerebrolysin [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:49 AnswerRemarkable Concerned impacts to my brain and my cognition

28M 5'10, 188 lbs, South Asian
Context: During college. I was in a town about 1.5 hours away from home. My dad lost his job and we were short on funds.
I had a psycho roommate who was making my life living hell so I slowly started sleeping in the library at night.
Eventually he forced me out and I didn't have the heart to tell my parents to get me a new place especially as my grades were dropping. So I just slept in the library under bright fluorescent lights on a small dirty couch for 4 nights a week (I used to come home for weekends). Sometimes I used to find random places to stay up, and I used to sleep in the library on the couch during the day even though it was loud and raucous.
Sometimes I just used to sleep on a chair.
Eventually I just stayed up all night in the library, and found another couch in a quieter part of another building where I used to sleep during the day.
I did this for about 2 years intermittently. I think I always managed to get about 4-5 hours of sleep and definitely slept a lot on the weekends when I was home.
I want to know how this would have impacted my cognition and my brain.
To be fair, my long term memory is solid and phenomenal. My biggest achievements have all come after this episode.
But I'm failing to perform at my job. I'm having extreme anger at those who mistreated me to the point where I start flailing my arms in public imagining me standing up to them even though it's been 10 years.
I routinely forget where I kept my phone, wallet or keys. I'm bad with following step by step instructions.
How do I know if there was any impact to my cognitive faculties and to my brain?
submitted by AnswerRemarkable to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:47 hinhinhin EnGenius query regarding set up

My mother in law’s rural property can’t get access to any internet through an ISP (for a number of reasons); however, her friend across the way is able to get internet. For the past year they have been using EnGenius EnStationAC v2 (one of each property) to bounce wifi from the friends to my mother in law’s. This had been working well and only issues would be when too many people were streaming movies (once in a while when we would come visit and stay the weekend).
The problem now is that the friend replaced their modem/router (can’t remember) and everything stopped working. After calling EnGenius it was deemed necessary to get a new EnStation. As they are elderly they decided to get two new EnStations (EnStations 5 ACv2) - one for each property.
I get looped into the conversation at this point and while I’m comfortable with computers, this is way above my scope of expertise. For the past 2 days I’ve been trying to connect them both and having no luck. Possible issues I can think of:
Can anyone share any insight on the top 2 issues?
For the last one, I was thinking to take the EnStations back to my house in the city and then try to set them up in my home. Is it possible to configure the EnStations at home and then plug them in at their final destination and just plug everything in or would it need to be configured again?
I may be missing something obvious but I’ve been on YouTube all day and internet threads but no luck. Is this above my skills or are there any suggestions to help? Thanks in advance
submitted by hinhinhin to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:42 FPGN Today Marks 3 years on HRT!!!

3 years ago in 2021 , I picked up and took my first ever pills of estradiol. There was a lot of emotions going on In me at that time, a lot of happiness and a lot of fear, A lot of worries and a lot of doubts, A lot of impatience and a lot of learning. All from that single Blue pill.
Words cannot even describe how excited I was on that day. In 2021 when I first got my first bottle, I was over the moon and I was telling everyone about it. I told my girlfriend at the time, I told some close friends, I even told my dog after I took the pills, whispering it in his ears. All around that day was one of if not the best days of my life. I remember playing all of my favorite songs all day long and finally saying " This is it, this is The moment in my life where I change everything".
And it did but not in the way that I planned. Don't worry, not a horrible bunch happened but some things did happen. Of course, one of the many things I had to get used to was the new emotions as being a male, I was able to pretty much shut down my emotions for a large amount of time and basically stuff them in a random area. But when I tell you after that I would cry at the smallest things, and then the part I didn't expect for that happened. Instead of my mom comforting me and understanding, scrutinized me and told me that I couldn't be a real woman because I was crying too much, She got angry at me because I wanted to go home after it was too much from an argument I had with my grandfather at the time and emotions were running everywhere and I just couldn't take it. For the first time in my life I broke down uncontrollably in front of a boss, something I would never do, I would have waited until I gotten home but then I realized that since I was on the hormones and the fight was pretty intense/ words were said that were not so nice. It struck a cord. I mean don't get me wrong on one hand. I am extremely glad that my emotions can finally be free but at the same time being met with that level of anger and bitterness from my mom was completely unexpected.
The second thing is the acne. Of course with any puberty you're going to have acne, but I just didn't expect it to be under my armpits, popping everywhere constantly, and for some reason to be in Aries that don't make any sense. Why did I have elbow cap Acne??? Anywho, it wasn't too bad because in the end you know everything kind of worked out.
Speaking of puberty, the hair. Oh my God the hair. It's slowed down, which was great, I got a chance to shave it and I didn't have to worry about shaving it every week and I could just shave it once and keep it a little bit cleaned up and then when it grew back in like 3 weeks I'd shave it again. And for a while I was using Nair for other bits and it was just genuinely nice.
Now this one is the one I've been really wanting to talk about because I haven't heard anyone else experience this. I don't know what I did to trigger it, but I guess by conclusions it was because I felt truly at peace and I did not care about what anybody felt in that moment or those moments in the month/months and I just presented how I always wanted to. Because I did this, I triggered this weird euphoric, warm, Blissful feeling that I've grown to call " The euphoric Bliss feeling" or " Trans euphoric Bliss/Trans euphoric Buzz". Like I said, it was a warm fuzzy feeling and it felt like I was back in 2008(It only makes sense to me but that's the best way I can explain it). It was like I felt HOME/WHOLE And I didn't care what people said, The biggest part of it is that I didn't have any anxiety and that's what truly made me feel free. Before I had to use recreational stuff in order to access this feeling, but in that moment it's like I awakened it naturally. And I was beyond happy when that finally happened.
If there's only one regret I have during this entire transition is that I didn't take enough pictures. Because I was rushing too much. Yeah unfortunately I got caught up and what most of trans girlies that start out get caught up in " The Hallmark experiences" And I did not take any pictures which is the only real regret I have. I know I'm grown and changed a lot but how far and how much is unknown. I do have pictures before I started but they're not really pictures where you can see the good amount of places that changed.
But I do have good news, and err.. Kind of bad news I guess.
I'm starting over, now. You may be wondering: What this post was about congratulating 3 years of HRT, What do you mean you're starting over?
Simple as that. I'm starting over, this time. I'm going to take pictures and be a lot more careful and patient with myself. 8 months ago I had a very bad experience with some recreational stuff and it basically scrambled my brain so badly that I didn't have emotions for a few months and I lost "The Blissful Euphoric Buzz"
My main goal is to try to reawaken that Buzz feeling. If I can and if I can't I'll just accept it. But my miniature goals are to be safe and this time to take it slow and be patient.
All right this is getting too long, but I just wanted to share my excitement for my 3 years of HRT! (I do apologize if everything in this post is confusing, if you have any questions I'd be more than welcome to ask!)
Vyeeeee!! :°3
submitted by FPGN to trans [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:40 badgrapes How do you organize work projects & life admin?

Looking for advice/thoughts on setting up ClickUp to manage both work projects and "life admin." I'm using the Personal Workspace Layout and have no collaborators.
I know that it's helpful to start as simply as possible and add complexity as it becomes actually needed. The thing is, I'm importing a few projects already underway (plus a lot of small tasks of varying value), and want to avoid defaulting to my familiar old systems without assessing whether they're actually working for me, or are a good fit for ClickUp.
Assess my setup and give me feedback on where to go from here! I've included a ton of detail on my current setup below. If it's TL;DR, my more general question is: Tell me how you set up ClickUp to handle both work and life admin projects. How are you using categories, status, priorities, tags, and task types? I'm having trouble figuring out how to use them, especially since there seems to be a lot of potential overlap between them. Or, what advice do you have for migrating to ClickUp with a couple complex projects already underway, plus a lot of small tasks?
For context, here's how I have ClickUp set up right now. It's pretty simple but I'm still not clear whether it's the right approach (and FYI, I'm not wedded to it at all), plus there are still lots of components that don't neatly fit anywhere in my current setup:
Next, there are a few different types of things I'm trying to plan and keep track of. As mentioned, I'm not really sure how I should be thinking about them through the framework of categories, status, priorities, tags, and task types.
Give me advice on how to organize all these things, please! Or just tell me about your ClickUp setup for work and life admin projects! Or give me advice for migrating to ClickUp with a bunch of tasks and a couple complex projects already underway, rather than starting from complete scratch!
submitted by badgrapes to clickup [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:39 Glad_Union_2037 If you could remove one member of The Light, who would you replace them with?

Here's something of a thought experiment. The Light is one of the most crucial parts of the show, to the point that the show wouldn't exist as it does without the machinations of its various members.That being said, some members leave less of an impact then others. Which brings us to the question in the title.
For a refresher the timeline of membership in The Light (not counting the original version shown in flashbacks) is as followed.
In season 1 membership consists of: Vandal Savage, Ra's al Ghul,Lex Luthor, Klarion the Witch Boy, The Brain, Queen Bee & Ocean Master.
Season 2 sees Ocean Master replaced by Black Manta.
Season 3 sees Ra's al Ghul, The Brain & Black Manta respectively replaced by Deathstroke, Ultrahumanite & Granny Goodness. Granny herself is replaced with Zviad Baazovi at season's end. This line up carries into season 4.
You may replace one member from each lineup. For added difficulty, try to make sure you replace the member chosen with someone who specializes in the same field i.e replacing Klarion with someone who also specializes in magic. You may also include enforcers if you wish, As a reminder the role was fill by Sportsmaster (season 1) Deathstroke (season 2) & Lady Shiva (seasons 3 & 4)
Have fun!
submitted by Glad_Union_2037 to youngjustice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:35 M_Knight_Shaymalan Why are Vikings built to be annoying; A Thesis by JLNS0KU

This is both a rant and not, as it's a complete introspective into the faction. This will be talking about lightspam as well, something that's a nonissue in this day and age but still exists, but nevertheless, is still apparent with a few heroes due to a number of reasons. Though I admit, there ate exceptions to the rule I have established already. The exceptions would be Raider and Valkyrie, who I never feel cheated or unsatisfied if I win or lose against them. I could never hate these two, so my Raider and Valkryie mains, you are doing great. You hearoes could use some slight buffs or nerfs, but for argument sake you'll be excluded. With the two heroes pushed aside, I will now delve into the history of "lightspamming" and deconstruct every Viking hero one by one in order to deduce what makes them annoying.
As I have previously stated, lightspam is a non-issue in today's time in comparison to the past. You see, when For Honor first released, up until the CCU in year 4, lightspamming was real and efficient. Most were 400mls, near unreactable even in today's time and with the newer consoles for those not on PC. In addition to being faster and more stamina efficient when compared to heavy attacks, they also did much more damage by today's standards. Some went well past 22 damage, and some heroes even had 3 light chains to make spamming all the easier. Of course in reference to Orochi, which brings me to my next point in the past, and how the Samurai were primarily lightspammers. Orochi, Nobushi, and Kensei all had three light chains, Aramusha and infinite light chain, Shinobi had little other options, and Shugoki of course had the hyperarmord light to interrupt any and all offense. The stigma still exists of course against the Samurai for this, but only fools complain about lightspam from Orochi, who had the third light removed a while ago much like Shugoki's armored light. The CCU of course took care of the rest, and it made lightspam nothing short of ineffective.
But my dear reader, it never killed lightspam. Lightspam still exists, far weaker, but equally as annoying in today's time. For no matter if they work against you or don't, your opponent will be adamant to throw it out against you, due to the lack of a fully developed brain. My findings conclude the Vikings, ironic enough, house the defacto light spammer in the game. But my research (getting my ass slapped) revealed much more. Allow me to now dive deeper, and explain the basics of our remaining Vikings.
We shall start firstmost with Warlord, adequately named Borelord by some, with how simple and plain this grease stained Neanderthal really is. I have always stated that Warden is the white bread of For Honor, with how simple he is. If that's the case, Warlord would be equivalent the stale moldy bread some boogerpicking child left behind the bleachers during gym. He is a product of his time, forgotten, and both tasteless and unhealthy for you. Despite having absolutely zero redeeming qualities, as he fallen out of meta as of late, people still insist playing this hero. I will like to say firstly, I am not one to judge you harshly on your character choice, you are entitled to play who you desire. But in a game with 34 different heroes, you pick the most stale, boring, and bland hero for more than a single rep? I will question your tastes then, but I understand them. Warlord being a product of his time, has not aged well. I do not blame the veterans of this hero, but it does not have to make me enjoy him. His boring to fight as and to fight, since his kit is extremely limited. Most of the time, Warlord will try to light you over and over to shrink your health pool, so that for the first time in years they may use a heavy and perhaps get the execution. Any reactable maneuver you do, however, will be parried instantly. This means, of course, that your offense becomes that of Warlord, who now has forced you to play his sick twisted game of doing nothing but an opener bash and light attacks. Warlord, who I also like to call Warwar like I was speaking to a toddler incapable of higherthinking, is incapable of doing anything interesting ever. And for some reason, he is one of the last heroes who can easily put you out of stamina, since his parry riposte stuns and eats a chunk of your stamina, and his gb into wallsplat eats a third. For the reasons listed, I believe he is one of the most annoying, and unenjoyable heroes. I imagine most Warlord players wanted to play as a fatman, but didn't want to be funny or interesting like Shugoki, so they got second best.
Onto our next Viking, Berserker. Berserker is an interesting case, because unlike Warlord, Berserker is actually strong. Deemed as S-Tier for the past few seasons and still going strong, this hero is an extreme fucking menace that always makes me sigh when I see one. In some odd twist, I've also seen many grow an ego from playing someone so easy, and given a year or so, I imagine this number might grow exponentially and one day reach at least half the amount of Orochi's with ego, but I digress. In Berserker's case, we have another case of lightspam, even though he's not limited to it. You see, this homeless crackhead can feint intio 400 mls heavies that are armored. He can easily track dodges on the heavy timing, trade and keep his offense going, or interrupt any offense you have going as well. Most Berserks will throw this out 3-4 times in a row, and think they some masterclass good at the game. Despite how annoying this is, it's not as nearly as bad as the rest of his kit, who has no weakness it feels. You cannot outrade him, you cannot outrun him, you cannot outdodge him, and you certainly cannot outdo his absurd feats. His damage can easily reach 40+ on heavies, and his instant hyperarmor enables this easily. If you hated dodge recovery cancels before, then I'm sure you'll hate them combined with instant armored attacks. But while I also understand he's an excellent hero choice, I still believe there's way to many of them. Seriously, every other fucking game there is a Berserker. I've officially counted more Berserkers than Orochi. Orochi. A character whose nickname by the community was Roach, for being a bug you want to stomp and with how many they are. I genuinely wish they take this crackhead out back and break his knees. As a final note onto this mess of a hero, his marching fire armor is fucking ugly.
For our third, is Highlander. Personally, I have never ever enjoyed this hero. He has be a mess from day one, with high damage but no reliable way to acess it. However he's recently received a rework, so, what does this mean? Well, I actually believe his rework was okay. It granted him much more acess to his offensive stance, and gave him more tools to work with. This unfortunately, had the side effect of making him good. If there was any hero that should've stayed bad, it would be Highlander. The idea that his rollcathcer is a command grab that pins you and can easily set up a quick gank is ludicrous, and returning to the light-spam topic for a moment, Highlander can actually do it quite well. Once again, lightspam in this discussion isn't about if it's effective or not, but merely a playstyle of a bygone era most people partake in. That being said, Highlander's offensive stance lights are now 400mls, which, actually makes them an effective means to spam with. So this is our third viking who usually will lightspam you somewhat, which once again, is annoying.
Moving on to our fourth, is Shaman. Shaman is an interesting case, as the always delusional Shaman mains believe just because she's bad (she should be) that she can't be annoying (she is). Shaman, in my opinion, is by far the most annoying Viking. But she is not the best lightspammer. In fact, she rarely spams lights at all. Shaman is actually a very rare case of a zone spammer, as her shit is extremely annoying and effective. Some dodges will still be caught by her dumblooking flurry of blows. It's her spammiest move by far, and genuinely, Shaman is meant to be spammy. This is because in a stroke of absolute fbrilliance, Ubisoft decided to give her a lifesteal as an innante part of her moveset. Yes, the most complained aspect about Kyoshin, is just naturally apart of this ugly tweeker. Ensuring that once she gets an insane 17 dmg bleed 400mls stab, she has a healthswing on every thing she does. Her zone is perfect for this at it's four hits or yet another change at a 17 dmg bleed stab. But my friends, it gets far worst. For you see, her bite is even more absurd. Confirmed off GB or by an ally, Shaman's bite does a huge 35 damage, while also healing her for 50. This is a 50 damage healthswing, which is absolutely absurd, and should not exist in this games day and age. Especially when, an ally can easily sneak in a heavy during the bite's wakeup. Many stupid people defend this, by saying Shaman has to work for it through her bleed. But I must retort, does not every hero have to work for their damage? Does Shugo not have to for his hug? Does Jorm not for his slam? Well ignore what I just said, because not even Shaman has to work for her absurd bite. In some sort of unholy alliance, most Nobushi'a have started keeping Shaman's as pets. Any match with a nobu and shaman is most likely a duo, and you can bet they're going to be sitting in eacothers lap all game. One tick from bleed is all it takes for you to loose against them, as Nobushi's 35 damage undodgable against bleeding foes, allows shamam to get her bite with insane ease. Her bite also guarantees more damage from Nobu, so by being generous, we can say that a Shaman and Nobu gank can be nearly 70 damage. God, I hate this bitch and her stupid hair, and one day I wish Shaman mains may actually learn what good fasion is, so my eyes won't be assaulted while I'm being violated by genderbent Hannibal Lector.
Our fifth is Jormungandr, who actually stumps me quite a bit. His most annyoing aspect is his wallsplat, which frankly, I despise that this mechanic has become more common off attacks. But that's very little reason to place him with these.... other "heroes". No, I've noticed that most Jormunagndrs I come across, also prefer to spam lights. Depsite having an interesting kit, nine times out of ten, they will always light, light, zone, light, light. Even more odd, is I feel most I come across rarely let their unblocable heavy fly, instead, choosing to feint it for a light attack. I actually believe this has to be further researched, so it is here I humbly ask the Jormungandr council to investigate themselves, and found out why this might be. I see now I have the least to say about Jormumgandr, but never the less, I'd still consider him annyoing enough to be listed.
And finally we arrive, to the most, abhorrent, foul, despicable character ever conceived. The pinnacle, of how not to design a hero, the defacto lightspammer, who could make even Orochi blush; Vanrangian Guard. Varangian, is by far, the most annyoing Viking if I push my Shaman hate boner aside. Ubisoft Montreal was truly cooking, when it came to designing this dumbass character. We shall start firstly by discussing her ability to lightspam, which, is frankly uncontested. You see, Varangian has enhance lights, that also have the superior block property. This is not unheard off, what is, however, would be the fact both her dodge attack and her light finisher also have crushing counters. So, by pressing light and light other, she'd actually doing what she's designed to do by the devs themselves. You cannot simply block a light, as that won't stop her offense, and both starter and finisher light give her no reason not to lightspam, as her damage goes up to 20 with a CC. Her CC on dodge attack, is also vastly more generous compared to Tiandi or Zhanhu, who require more strict time. Yes, Virginia really is a lightspam machine, who is constantly rewarded by pressing the right bumper over and over. Even if you parry a light attack and get your punish, she'll surely do it again. But my dear reader, we are not done yet, for you see, that's not all that makes this hero annoying. In another stroke of brilliance, no doubt cooked up by Harvard graudates and other brilliant scholars, she can pin you constantly. In order to combat the meta of wide attacks and hitstun, they made a hero who has wide attacks and hitstun. By simply blocking an attack with her shield, she can pin you for a few second, easily preventing you from doing anythong more. To which, if she so wills it, can do a guranteed heavy, which, will pin you again for an additional amount of time. Vagina is designed, almost directly akin to Warlord, but a modern take that actually makes them a viable pick. Her other mix-up, the orange in to softfeint gb, is also taken from another hero, that being JJ. Unblockable softfeint to gb is not inherently annyoing, but it's extremely boring and effective, mucy like everything else about Vag. She's a brickwall who can also attack thanks to her constant CC's and pins. I also don't believe anyone like her or mains her because they find her moveset enjoyable, anyone who says otherwise is clearly a Ubisoft plant to persuade others that she isn't simply lazy design.
This marks the closure of my post, I hope I have enlightened some to the flawed and absurdity of these chosen heroes, and while I do hope they can be changed for the better, I also hope we can all collectively agree that anyone who plays these heroes are less than human, excluding Jormunagndrs, who are on thin ice. As always, I am open to debate to the comments, and will thoroughly explain any questions one may have.
submitted by M_Knight_Shaymalan to ForHonorRants [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:28 key_lime_ 1 Week Journey on TRT (thus far)

1 Week Journey on TRT (thus far)
Attached are my blood results (done through TrybeLabs - I was a pussy and was scared of getting blood drawn and seen an ad for painless blood test. It was in fact painless and easy - no this is not an ad but I want people to know there’s options)
A lot of my questions got answered.
Symptoms: - Depressed - Couldn’t gain muscle like I used to - Couldn’t recover like I used to - Brain fog - Absolutely 0 motivation to do anything
I’m 31M and didn’t want to live like this anymore so I decided to research TRT. I checked out AlphaMD because they did a lot of AMA on Reddit and provided some really solid info. I did my consultation and was prescribed 140mg/wk of Test Cyp to be injected SubQ (I was given the options of cream but doing research, injections seemed like the best results). Was also given the option of HCG but my girlfriend and I don’t plan on have kids soon so he recommended only hopping on it when we’re ready because your body could build sensitivity to it over time and it would be less potent when I actually needed it.
About a week and half later my medication arrived. 29G 1/2” needle. The instructions were clear and I watched a lot of YouTube videos while waiting for it to arrive because I was deathly scared of injecting myself. I knew the day before it was coming and was actually excited to start this new journey.
The day it arrived I was excited to try it. When I began unboxing everything and seeing the length of the needle reality set in. My hand was shaking trying to get draw the test into the needle and because the needle gauge is so high it took what seemed to be forever for the syringe to fill.
Once the syringe was filled, I noticed a little bubble at the top. I tried getting it out but everytime I pushed on the plunger it would just push out juice.i read a lot of shit that the bubble wouldn’t make a difference and because I was injecting subQ I didn’t have to worry about “injecting in a vein”.
I pinched some belly fat and with my left hand and held the syringe like a pencil with my index finger over the plunger. I couldn’t bare the sight of the needle going into my stomach. I put the needle down and came back to it like 3x. My girlfriend read the manual the medication came with and it suggested injecting in the outer thigh. I do have a decent amount of fat on the thigh so I sat down, pinched some fat and injected in the upper outer thigh/quad area. Really 0 pain with the needle going in (went at 90 degrees, not 45). Had to give it a little push, after the needle went in, I let go of the pinched fat(I heard keeping the skin pinched could cause the test to get “squeezed” out). and kept the needle in. At this time I injected .35ML super slow. About 20-25 seconds. My hands were a little shaky but it was the initial injection part I was nervous with not the pushing the plunger. It all went in, I pulled the needle out, no blood and re wiped it with the alcohol swab.
Got a huge boost of confidence after doing it. No pain. This was on a Wednesday. I read a lot about people getting itchy or lumps. I didn’t get any. 0 lumps, 0 redness. The slight amount of tenderness but that’s it.
Today I did my 2nd injection. I was a lot more confident after doing it once. Today was a lot smoother. I did the same thing as last time and injected into my other outer thigh/quad. Feels totally fine. The needle was slightly harder to get in this time, but after a little push it slid in like butter.
I just wanted to share this with everyone who was thinking of getting on and were scared. I’m only 1 week in with 2 injections. They say because subq is injecting into fat, it’s going to take a little more time to absorb, but when it does you get consistent steady results. Just going what was prescribed. Not feeling anything yet, but made huge efforts to not let this opportunity go to waste. Been eating better, hitting the gym hard, getting better sleep. I want to make sure I maximize this opportunity and really see how far I can get with my body and mind.
If anyone’s interested I can share blood results in 6 weeks to see where I’m at and can let yall know if I run into any issues between now and then.
submitted by key_lime_ to trt [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:28 SoCalChemistry Why is Rachmaninoff's name spelled differently in certain CD labels?

I've seen labels like Chandos and Naxos spell his name "Rachmaninov" instead of "Rachmaninoff." Since I own several Chandos CDs, it makes me spell it that way, too, when I'm writing down notes for myself. But why is it spelled like that? Here, in the USA, it's usually "Rachmaninoff." I'm guessing it's because the spelling is legitimately different in different parts of the world, and that it's spelled "Rachmaninov" in Europe? I've also noticed this with a composer like Alexander Gretchaninov. And again, it's spelled different on the Chandos label: instead, it's "Grechaninov." Even with Deutsche Grammophon, Tchaikovsky is sometimes spelled "Tschaikovsky" or something of that sort.
submitted by SoCalChemistry to classicalmusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:27 redreadyredress Anaesthetic risks

Anaesthesia risks
Hi Everyone,
40, Female, 58kg, 170cm, non-smoker, Complaint: Nasal obstruction.
I’m hoping someone can help alleviate some fear.
Backstory: A few year ago I suffered a spontaneous cardiac arrest, as a result of electrolyte imbalance. I believe after this incident I may have unresolved PTSD, for months I was terrified of falling asleep and not waking up again.
Now: I’m due to have surgery not something that can be done under local anaesthetic. Unless I have nerves of steel…
I’ve had both GA and twilight surgery previously, I don’t believe I had any bad reactions under GA. However, twilight sedation was a somewhat traumatic experience. I was quite happy lightly sedated, but I felt like I lost my autonomy when they gave me another dose and I was „out“ - I cried the entire time like a baby.
On one hand, I’m terrified of the experience of GA ‚going to sleep‘ as it’s eerily similar to my near-death experience. But equally I found twilight sedation unsavoury and not something I which to experience again.
My question is: which is more risky? Both are going to be traumatic for me, GA overall would be the better experience, I guess, but the lead up and initial going to sleep part will be hard. Obviously with twilight sedation, I won’t actually be asleep and my brain won’t really register what’s going on, so might overall be the better option. 😔
submitted by redreadyredress to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:22 K4RM4CODE Finally finished this BAF and picked up Cass

Finally finished this BAF and picked up Cass submitted by K4RM4CODE to McFarlaneFigures [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:13 wellhellohno i'm completely sold on ilomilo theory

i mean it's easy to fall under conspiracy theories but after looking through a million posts on ig and twitter im convinced this is a very intentional passive promo campaign and they know exactly what they're doing. finneas playing ilomilo in march? just because?? spotify suggesting ilomilo after you finish the hmhas?? that one billie's friend that posted a screenshot of the album with ilomilo playing instead of the hmhas?? number 5710 in lunch video (july 5th, 10 songs)?? are we supposed to believe it's just random?
but my last straw before writing this post was this screenshot.
firstly, with the "when can i hear the next one" line i personally don't buy an argument of it being a nod towards desperate fans because imo this is just too sassy for a song like BLUE and such carefully crafted album. wasting last words of the album on a diss?
also, it's been 3 years since HTE. as a fan i'll gladly take anything she puts out but what was the conversation like with the label? knowing from documentary how much pressure they're usually under? "you give us 3 years and we'll give you 10 songs"? i can hardly believe they'd be okay with that.
i'm 99,9% sure this was the HIT ME SOFT (blue) part (and oh my was it incredible), and the next one in july will be the HARD (red).
anyway, what do you think? maybe someone changed their mind on this in the last couple of days?
submitted by wellhellohno to billieeilish [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:12 MrAwesome Steam Deck Mega FAQ. Start here before you ask!


"I'm not reading all that, get to the point!"
Yes you should buy one, check ProtonDB to see if the game will work on the Deck and how to run it, yes the LCD is fine but also yes the OLED is better, don't go overboard with accessories or tweaking unless you know you need it, and we've already recommended games / given advice for the specific situation you're asking about so please search the subreddit first before you ask your question!

Purchasing / Accessories

"Should I buy a Steam Deck?"
Do you have the money? Yes.
"Should I buy a Steam Deck, or a ROG DoodooPeepee, or a Lenovo PoopooDookie?"
Look where you are. We're going to tell you to get the Deck, and we're going to be right. It's not perfect, it's a little janky, but it's absolutely amazing.
"Should I get the OLED or LCD?"
It depends. If money is an issue, or someone is offering you one at a huge discount, the LCD is perfectly fine! It's still an amazing system, and any FOMO is misplaced unless you really need better battery life.
The OLED is strictly better (better screen, better battery life, etc), but the overall experience is not that far off and they can run all of the same games at ~effectively the same fps.
"Should I get the official Dock?"
NO. It has a horrible bug with HDMI that will haunt your dreams. There are plenty of alternate docks that work perfectly, just Google "steam deck docks" and pick one. The JSAUX one is spoken of highly, and I can attest that my old UGREEN USB-C hub works perfectly as a dock.
"What accessories should I get?"
Overall... You don't need much, the Deck is great the way it is.
If you plan to play on a TV, definitely get a nice dock/hub.
A standard power bank with at least 45w charging is great for long plane/train rides.
A "ground loop isolator" is nice for getting rid of the loud buzz on wired headphones when charging.
Beyond that, just search the subreddit for "accessories" and you'll get tons of answers!
"What controller should I get?"
Do you want gyro?
If not, just any old controller is fine. XBox controllers seem affordable and high quality these days, and are well-supported.
If so, then check out DualShock 4, DualSense, 8BitDo Pro 2, and Switch Pro.
If you want back paddles and gyro, you'll want to check out the 8BitDo Pro 2 and the (pricey but amazing) DualSense Edge.
"What games should I buy?"
Search the subreddit! This is probably the most-asked question we get here, and there are literally thousands of threads full of great answers.
"I have a long flight coming up, what games should I buy?"
Search the subreddit! (Balatro.)
"What games are good for keeping battery use low?"
Search the subreddit! (Balatro. And/or streaming via Moonlight or Remote Play.)
"What games are good for playing in bed that don't spin the fan too loudly and wake up my partner?"
Search the subreddit! (Balatro. And/or streaming via Moonlight or Remote Play.)
"I'm on a really tight budget, what games can I buy for the deck?"
Search the subreddit! (Holocure. It's free.)
"I just bought my Deck, how long will it take to arrive?"
It depends, but 1-2 weeks is a safe bet.

Tweaking / Compatibility

"What should I tweak before I start playing games?"
Nothing. Don't change things until you're clear why you want to change it.
"Will run on the Deck?"
Check out ProtonDB.
"How can I get better performance on ?"
Check out ProtonDB.
Google it! "steam deck performance " will get you so many great threads and spreadsheets. If it runs, someone has tweaked it.
"Should I overclock my Deck? Should I enable PeePeePooPoo Ultra Performance Utils?"
"How can I run my games from Epic/GOG/Ubisoft/EA?"
Check out ProtonDB, and search the subreddit/Google.
The answer is likely going to be Lutris or Heroic Launcher. Once you have the game set up there, both launchers have an "Add to Steam" option that should work perfectly.
"How can I use the Nintendo button layout?"
You, as a supreme ultrachad of taste and elegance, should simply go to the main menu, look under Controller, and select "Use Nintendo Button Layout".
(Note: this should work out of the box for essentially all games using Steam Input, and will swap the button glyphs in-game for most games. The only issue you'll have is that the Steam Deck UI will still show the actual physical button glyphs, instead of the superior-layout buttons that you expect (so X/Y and A/B will be backwards from what you want).)
"Can I swap the physical buttons to match the superior Nintendo layout stored in my galaxy-sized brain?"
Unfortunately not, or at least not without getting custom buttons. The buttons on the deck are differently-shaped, and would feel very weird out of position.

Tips & Tricks

"How do I bring up the on-screen keyboard?"
(Or, for those giga-brained among you using the Nintendo layout, STEAM + Y.)
"The left trackpad scrolling doesn't work right in Desktop Mode!"
It's a scroll wheel. Rub counterclockwise to scroll up, clockwise for down.
"That's dumb. How do I change the controls for Desktop Mode?"
Open up Steam, then Settings > Controller > Desktop Configuration.
"I want to play Red Dead Redemption 2 or on a plane!"
LAUNCH THE GAME BEFORE YOU GET ON THAT PLANE, MY FRIEND. Make sure you can get all the way to the game itself. Many games require you to be connected to the internet either the first time the game launches, or the first time you've launched the game in a while.
"I hate trying to aim / use the mouse with the joysticks/pads!"
Go into the controller settings for your game, turn on gyro "As Mouse", and set it to activate on "Right Stick Touch" and/or "Right Pad Touch". Your console gaming life will never be the same.
"How can I type faster on the on-screen keyboard?"
Try using the trackpads. The left pad controls the left half of the keyboard, the right pad controls the right half. Takes some getting used to, but it's decently quick and doesn't require taking your hands off the sides to type on-screen.
"How can I switch the controls to gamepad mode (or back) in Desktop Mode?"
Hold the menu [...] button!
"I want custom menus, more button options, perfectly-tweaked joystick/gyro controls, etc."
Go to the controller settings for your game and look through community layouts!
If that's not good enough, customize one of them or make your own. Steam Input is ridiculously flexible.
(My favorite thing to do is to create an Action Layer called "util", set one of the back paddles to "Hold Action Layer - util", and then rebind a bunch of buttons in that Action Layer to essentially 2x the number of buttons on the Deck. Just hold down the paddle, press whatever buttons you need, and let go when you're done.)
"I want to open up my Deck to replace the . Anything I should know?"


"It's hanging forever after a reboot, what do I do?"
Either connect it to Ethernet with the dock, get near a known wifi network (doesn't always work), or turn it off and then hold the [...] button while you press the power button and then select the second option in the list that appears on the screen.
"After an update, I'm seeing an error that says 'Something went wrong while displaying this content'!"
Decky, or one of your Decky plugins is not updated yet and is broken. If you can open Decky, try to update your plugins or disable them one-by-one to figure out which one is broken. If you can't open it, go to desktop mode and update/uninstall Decky by running the installer again. If you're still struggling, search the subreddit for "decky broken" and see what other people have done to fix it.
This can also happen if you're using the Beta channel. I believe Decky has their own beta/prerelease channel that makes this happen less often.
"When streaming on my OLED deck with Moonlight or Steam Remote Play, I randomly get periods of really intense lag!"
It's a long-running networking bug that has inexplicably never been fixed. Just restart Moonlight, or turn wifi off and on again.
"My wifi is slow on the Deck!"
Check that you're using the 5Ghz band, if possible.
"Game downloads/updates are really slow!"
Go to "Downloads" in the main settings menu and make sure "Download region" is near you.
"I can't connect my Deck to my TV via HDMI with the official dock, it just shows a black screen and doesn't connect!"
You will need to _unplug every cord_ except HDMI from the dock, connect to the TV, and then plug everything else back in. Every single time. I'm so sorry. You may want to just get a better dock. They still haven't fixed this and I don't think anyone knows why.
"Oh God my Deck shows an error when I boot what do I do?"
Search the error, but the likely answer will be to do a full system recovery:
submitted by MrAwesome to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:09 No-Sheepherder-5992 good luck for eye exam spell

Ok so in 3 days I've got a language exam - 2 parts 2 days (B2 French) My level is good enough but the last time I took the exam I fell short by 8 points and definitely due to being a bit too stressed and flustered.
is the a nice spell I can do over the next few days to increase my chances of an easy going and relatively stress free exam experience and just add in a little bit of luck on the side and brain clarity overall?
(along with actually being prepared and I have been doing the exam prep work and studying etc haha :) )
submitted by No-Sheepherder-5992 to Spells [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:04 IronmanEndgame1234 Ryobi GD125 Garage Door Powerhead

Ryobi GD125
So I have a Ryobi GD125 garage door power head. About 3-4 weeks ago, there was a storm surge and I think it knocked out the garage door powerhead. So I did everything I could such as plugging/unplugging, resetting circuit breaker, resetting the powerhead, etc. But what works when plugged in is the lights on the garage power head turns on. But when pushing the open button on a battery operated remote, it does not open. Yes I changed batteries too. Also the sensor lights that detects motion at the bottom of the garage opener is lit so that works.
This leads me to believe the power to the garage and all outlets are fine. So it is a “component” in the garage door powerhead that needs to be replaced and I can’t figure out if it’s the following: 1.) 18V Motor 2.) 10amp breaker 3.) Transformer 4.) Circuit Board
I inspected the circuit board and everything looks fine and suspect it may not be the circuit board since power to the garage door powerhead shows lights on and sensor lights on.
Can anyone tell me what should be replaced?
submitted by IronmanEndgame1234 to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:03 ThrowRa_JKing I miss you but I know it’s not going to work

I’ve never had this much chemistry with anyone before. Ever. We were like a soul in two bodies. I liked you, I liked hearing you talk, I liked your silly jokes, I liked the animes we watched together. I remember every single detail about you. That little hat you would wear. Your colorful shirts. I never met someone like you. I loved how respectful you were when we met in person. A true gentleman. 4 months in I had to leave… as much as I cared about you. I knew you weren’t looking for anything serious. You refused to put a label on us. You always changed the subject whenever I asked where things are going.
“Let’s take it slow” you said. “I don’t want to be committed to you” that’s what I heard.
“When are we going to meet up again?” I asked. “I’ll see you when I miss you.” You replied. Ouch!
When I was abroad, I bought you a gift. I never told you about it because I wanted it to be a surprise for when we meet in person again; an authentic silver bracelet that will match the one you wear. It’s been 5 months since I disappeared from your life and I’m still holding on to that bracelet, safely tucked in a blue box with a ribbon, hidden inside the same bag they gave me when I bought it. I don’t open it. I can’t look at it. It hurts to think that I lost you before I could have you.
I had to let you go because I was falling for you every single day and you weren’t. “I’ll be there for you as a friend” that’s what you told me. “Friend” ouch!
Part of me regrets leaving and another tells me that I made the right decision not imposing myself on you anymore. But I miss you. So much. I cried myself to sleep many many nights because of how hard I missed you. The past 5 months weren’t easy either. I’ve been going through a lot at work and all I needed is a shoulder to cry on but you weren’t there.
And I’m left alone not knowing what to do.
I ghosted you. I admit it. But I did it because I felt unwanted, especially in the few weeks before I leave.
Do I text you and tell that I miss you or move on with my life risking not finding what I found in you ever again? Will you text back or leave me on read?


submitted by ThrowRa_JKing to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:02 Stan_B Ai_Prompts_Batch_0001:\ part-D_ [!tch & ORdeals]

How about dating and romance within such kind of world and settings? - Consider all possible social groups.

Love and Lust in a High-Tech, Low-Life World:

Other Groups:
Across Social Strata:
Challenges of Love:
Love and romance in a high-tech, low-life world would be complex and multifaceted. Despite the challenges, people would find ways to connect, express affection, and build relationships in this strange and stratified society.

Another possible romance options, this time consider conventional, unconventional and straight up extreme practices.

Love and Romance: High-Tech, Low-Life Extremes

Conventional (with a Twist):
These ideas explore unconventional, potentially dangerous, but deeply emotional forms of love in a high-tech, low-life world. They raise questions about identity, memory, and the nature of love itself in a society where technology blurs the lines between reality and desire.

Now another batch, but straight up absurd and bizarre.

Love and Romance Gone Wild: High-Tech, Low-Life Absurdity

Embrace the Weird:
Love Across Species (with a Twist):
The Power of Perception:
These bizarre and absurd ideas showcase the potential pitfalls of technology run amok in the realm of love and romance. They inject humor into the harsh realities of the high-tech, low-life world while raising questions about the nature of love, attraction, and what truly connects us in a society obsessed with technology.


I need more context to understand what you mean by "Hypershocking!". Do you mean one of the following?
Please let me know if any of these are what you were thinking of. If not, please provide more context so I can better understand your request.

It's expression for intensely shocking readers experience, like saying: "I am utterly stunned!"

Ah, I understand! "Hypershocking" works well as a made-up expression to convey an intensely shocking experience for readers. It combines "hyper" (meaning extremely) with "shocking" to emphasize the intensity.
Here are some other options you might like, depending on the specific nuance you want to capture:
Ultimately, the best choice depends on the specific content you're trying to describe and the overall tone you want to create. "Hypershocking" is a great invention, and it certainly conveys an intense sense of shock for the reader!

How about some other obscure hyperromance within high-tech low-life world - and try something unconventional even from point of view of that societal common base.

Obscure Hyper-Romance in a High-Tech, Low-Life World:

Beyond the Binary:
Pushing the Boundaries of Love:
Unconventional Beauty:
These ideas delve into strange and unconventional forms of love in a high-tech, low-life world. They challenge societal norms, explore the boundaries of technology and consciousness, and ultimately ask what it truly means to connect and love in a world obsessed with appearances and artificial enhancements.

Ok. Enough for love. Now lets focus on possible journeys and adventures within that world. Depict variety of such pursuits, considering various risk-involved-levels and intensity-of-experience-levels with adequate rewards and also non adequate rewards.

Journeys and Adventures in a High-Tech, Low-Life World:

Low-Risk, Low-Intensity (But Potentially Rewarding):
Medium-Risk, Medium-Intensity (With High Potential Rewards):
High-Risk, High-Intensity (With Uncertain Rewards):
Non-Adequate Rewards:
These adventures come with high risks but the "rewards" might be more like survival or a chance at a better life, not necessarily wealth or fame.
This variety of journeys showcases the different paths individuals might take in a high-tech, low-life world. Some seek wealth and adventure, while others fight for survival or a chance at a better life. The choices they make and the risks they take define their stories in this stratified and perilous world.
submitted by Stan_B to HTLL [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:01 sggshsa Eating after a seizure

I’m not even talking grand mal, of course I’ve had issues after that one. I mean like, partial, maybe even just an aura, I dunno.
I just got sick and brain functioning like short term memory is just not working like it should temporarily, but now im kinda recovering.
I feel like sleeping, and in the middle of freezing, then sweating, nausea, and upon waking up and feeling better, I still can’t eat.
It’s not like my throat doesn’t work, like the grand mal in the hospital. It’s like, even though part of my problem was being absolutely STARVING, I get the food in my mouth and have to really work myself up to swallow. Like I said, not nausea or anything, entirely a mental game like all of a sudden im so full im literally rejecting food.
Tips? Tricks?
submitted by sggshsa to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:44 Personal-Ad-771 RAM instability issues

I recently built a new computer with 64gb of 6400mhz ddr5 ram (4x16) and had some instability. Low and behold, one of the sticks was bad and I returned the parts, but my ape brain decided that since my motherboard can (technically) run 7200mhz ram I might as well get some for a small amount more money. I had no idea the amount of issues that came with running that speed with xmp on 4 sticks of ram instead of 2. My issue is that I've accepted my fate of using something like 6400mhz/6000mhz to keep stability in my system, but I'm having an extremely hard time getting the system to not blue screen with manual tuning. I've looked up what my motherboard (Z790-f Asus) will support via their website and set all my settings up for it, but I keep finding a ram related BSOD after a short time running. I'd like to not run the computer at 4200mhz CL36 but I'm running out of brainpower and need some help with what I might be doing wrong. Thank you in advance for any help!
submitted by Personal-Ad-771 to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:33 Fyretender Am I only one curious (dumb enough) to see if can use one power supply and motherboard to run 2 printers simultaneously?

Hi everyone.
I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say that majority of us here are into "tinkering", geeking out from time to time, (Makers, developers, self taught engineers etc.) As an electrician with way too many years in the field, 50 years and counting, and a fellow tinkerer and Arduino geek in making, I had an AHAAAA! moment recently.
Why can't a person take two separate identical printers, ie. CR10 V2 and use a single power supply to power both units? Obviously one would have to get a supply with enough juice in it to handle the requirements of both heated beds, extruders, etc.
That's the easy part. My curiosity wants to know why can't a person run both printers off of one motherboard ormaybe run 2 mother boards in parallel? Curious if anyone else out there might have been exposed to too many 3d printed fumes and their brain wemt by the wayside like mine has.
submitted by Fyretender to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:32 idk042002 CLANCY SPOILERS WITHOUT CONTEXT

CLANCY SPOILERS WITHOUT CONTEXT submitted by idk042002 to TwennyWunPilots [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:32 TheLastPiMaster A Deep Dive into the Problems with Endless and How to Fix Them

As the shiny weekend comes to a close, I and I'm sure many others have played a lot of endless the last few days. While I do love this game, I can't help but notice how much of a drag endless is. Endless is basically just one big gambling simulator where you get dopamine when you get a shiny or legendary and it keeps you playing long enough to get the next hit. As someone who enjoys both making and balancing games, I wanted to take some time to dive into why endless has the problems it does and how they can be fixed. My hope in sharing these ideas is that endless will eventually be revamped into something more fun in the long term instead of just a shiny grind. So strap in as we discuss the problems with endless and how to fix them.

Part 1: Why play RogueLites?

I think the first step to understanding what is wrong with endless is to understand why we are even playing this game in the first place. I hear the terms roguelite and roguelike used interchangeably a lot so I wanted to quickly address the difference between them. The short of it is roguelikes complete reset your progress in between runs while roguelites have some progress carry over. This puts PokeRogue firmly in the roguelite category, since you can unlock new starters, and as such, I will be operating under the assumption that having progress carry over between runs is important to the game for the remainder of this post.
As for what makes roguelites fun, I think there are a few different factors. First and foremost is replayability. Since a run is never the same as any other, the genre has infinite replays built in, so long as you don't get bored of the core gameplay mechanics. However, the enemies and rewards you get during each run are not the only thing that can change between runs.
This leads me to my second point which is the fun of trying new builds. Most roguelites have a wide variety of weapons and approaches to progressing that can either be chosen at the start or unlocked during the run. Because of the random nature of the genre, even similar builds will fluctuate run to run and trying to get your build to function perfectly like you want it to is a fun challenge. You may have an idea of what you want to use but then you get an item that changes the way your build works and so next time you play this build, you actively seek out this item because it was a cool adaptation. Being able to not only try, but succeed, with a variety of strategies and builds is incredibly important to the long term fun and replayability of roguelites.
The final factor in why roguelites are fun is because you can constantly push for a new record. This is specifically something unique to endless. The game can never truly be beaten. You as the player set a goal for yourself and compete against that goal, trying to achieve it. When you eventually do, you set a new goal and push for that one. These goals can be personal to you, like trying to reach a certain round or seeing how far you can progress with a specific build, or they can be more competitive, like trying to push for a record in the highest round ever achieved.
Roguelites are addicting and fun because you never truly beat them, you just find new ways to play them. Now that we understand a bit about why roguelites are fun, let's look at PokeRogue to see how it matches up.

Part 2: Endless is a Solved Game

First, let's look at the good parts of endless. Endless has good rewards for playing it. As you go deeper into endless, you get more and more rare starters. Right now, starters are the only thing that carries over between runs so endless is the best way to progress your account. In theory, this should increase replayability as you can do an endless run, get new starters, do a run with your new starters, rinse and repeat. In practice though this simply isn't true.
While the progression endless gives your account is good, it's ultimately pretty meaningless and most of the actual experience of playing endless isn't fun at all. When you get deep into an endless run, which is arguably where most endless players will aim for since otherwise you would play classic, the game becomes stagnant. You one shot everything or you get one shot. Type matchups don't matter. Stats don't matter. Nothing matters except being able to oneshot the opponent through whatever tokens or abilities they have. This isn't a problem in itself but if we look a little deeper it becomes one.
There's nothing wrong with different builds simply being different ways to oneshot. What is an issue though is when the core mechanics of Pokemon stop mattering and there is only one way to win battles. Type matchups are arguably the most important mechanics in Pokemon, right after catching new Pokemon. The fact that these eventually are rendered useless means that there's no reason for this to be a Pokemon game in the first place. Additionally, even just having a really strong Pokemon that can cut through everything with strong STAB doesn't work because the only late game strategy that works is fixed damage and sturdy. When you finally reach rounds that push the limits of where you've been before, these should be the rounds that your build is online and being tested. Instead, you are forced to transition to a Pokemon with sturdy and metal burst or fixed damage like salt cure plus soak. There is no room for trying different builds to push boundaries because the game has been solved. We know what the best and only strategy is and if you aren't using it, you can't compete.
The fact that only one strategy is viable means that any progress you make between runs doesn't matter either. Why use new starters when you're just gonna end up using gargancl with salt cure or metal burst blissey? This means that the only thing that endless is actually good for, making your account stronger, is made irrelevant by the same mode. This is the biggest problem endless has but there are a few smaller ones I'd like to quickly address.

Part 3: Smaller Endless Problems

I'll try to keep this section brief and run through these problems quickly.
First, generic encounters are too time consuming. There is no reason the random, non-boss Pidgeott should ever take more than 5 seconds to defeat. Generic encounters serve the purpose of giving you a few rewards to make you stronger before the next major fight. Endure tokens waste so much time. If I'm overkilling this raticate by 5000%, I shouldn't have to sit through 30 seconds of dialogue telling me it endured the hit, raised all its stats, flinched, and then need to select my move again. Even boss encounters don't need endure tokens. They are already gated by segmented health bars. These are actually good and mean you have to think about how to get through them. Why then, does the boss get to live with 1 hp when I've finally overcome it? Simply put endure tokens need to go.
Second, boss battles are too repetitive. I don't mean pokemon labeled "boss" but instead the bosses you encounter every 50 floors. These should be the rounds that test your build but instead, it's the same as every other "boss" you encounter in the run. These rounds need to be made harder and all other rounds should be easier, that way there's a clear distinction between fodder and challenge. The Eternatus encounters are actually pretty good from a challenge perspective since they regularly take a while to beat. If the 50 floor encounters were more like this, and the Eternatus encounters were varied with some other Pokemon so you need multiple strategies instead of just a fairy/steel to wall it, the boss fights would be pretty good.
Finally, if you can't oneshot an enemy, it shouldn't be able to oneshot you. Essentially, bosses need to not be able to be oneshot. What this means though is that you will take hits and in that case, you need to be able to survive them. Damage Reduction tokens are actually ok but damage multipliers just make every move a oneshot. Boss fights should play out more like VGC matches, where there's constant switching of your Pokemon to have an advantageous type matchup. Your switches need to be able to survive hits when they come in, or else you need a way to correctly predict when you can make a switch for free to get a better Pokemon out.
I could go more in depth on all these problems and maybe I will sometime but for now just know they are there and will influence what the fixes need to fix.

Part 4: The Fixes

Now that we understand what's wrong with endless, let's talk about fixing it.
The first and easiest change is that endure tokens need to be removed. This speeds up the game and gets you into boss fights faster. Simple, done, this one change makes the game so much more fun and less tedious.
For some bigger changes, let's take a look at the rest of the tokens. Status tokens mean nothing since your Pokemon will always have infinite lum berries once you get 3 berry pouches and a mini black hole. Fusion tokens are cool. These throw wrenches at you and are fun and should stay. Damage reduction tokens are ok. These tokens prevent you from oneshotting the boss and as we discussed before, that's good. Damage multipliers increase the problem of oneshots though and for that reason need to either be heavily nerfed or removed. If my defensive Archaludon is getting onehshot by vine whip, that's a problem. Finally, recovery tokens are alright. The make it so you can't just stall out a boss completely. You have to constantly be damaging them so they don't heal back to full. I would limit these though to heal a smaller amount. Something like 1/16 of max HP every turn should be the maximum that recovery tokens can do. This is the same as leftovers in the main series and that is one of the best items for survivability in the entire game.
I would make the following changes to tokens: remove endure tokens, remove status tokens, remove damage multiplier tokens, heavily nerf recovery tokens, keep fusion tokens, and keep damage reduction tokens. Also, remove all tokens from any Pokemon without a boss health bar. You may think this is too big a nerf to enemies but in conjuction with this, I think the mini black hole also needs to be changed or removed. With status tokens gone, it's more important than ever that status is meaningful when it is inflicted. Without the mini black hole, you need to actually think about what to do about status instead of just letting your infinite lum berries solve it for you. Maybe now you need to spend some of your post encounter rewards on lum berries or items other than rare candies since you can't just steal them off wild pokemon for free. Of course, things like magician and thief still exist but these are ok because they are niche. The grip claw is also alright since it isn't guaranteed to steal something, it just gives you a little more breathing room.
Next up on the list is boss fights. For this section, I'm only referring to the every 50 floor ones. The token changes I believe would solve a lot of the problems with this fights but there are two big changes I would implement. First, these fights should all be 2v1 double battles like the final battle of classic. This gives room for more strategy and makes switching out more of a viable option if you can predict which slot the AI will target. Second change is to increase the movepools of all bosses. This may be controversial but I think bosses should not be limited to 4 moves. Bosses having a wider variety of options makes them much more formidable and means you need to prepare for more threats. As for what these movepools would be, I would say any egg moves or level up moves should be fair game. Maybe some tms as well but those would need to be hand selected which is harder to implement.
The last few changes I'd add focuses on making starter choice important and allowing for cooler builds. There needs to be more variety in held items. The main series has so many cool options to draw from and adding them makes for a lot of variety in what a given pokemon can do. Imagine a Pokemon with sniper and 3 scope lenses to always crit. Or a Pokemon with a bunch of leftovers and rocky helmets and rough skin. In return for the wider variety, there would need to be some limit on how many non-berry, non-consumable held items a pokemon could have. Without a limit, the best strategy would still be to just stack all the items on one Pokemon and let it sweep. I think 20 would be a good place to start though this could be changed. It also adds an opportunity cost. Your sweeper can't also be tank with 3 leftovers because you need to use those item slots for offensive items.
Finally, I would add one new item to the game with a unique effect. Similar to the DNA splicers, this would allow you to combine two Pokemon to get a stronger one. The new item would be ability capsule and here's how it works. The ability capsule allows you to select a pokemon from your party, sacrificing said Pokemon and adding its ability to another Pokemon. The catch though is that the ability can only be added to a Pokemon that was selected as a starter for the run. Some abilities would have to be non-transferable like wonder guard or stance change but I think this goes a long way in making really cool combinations to aim for late game. It also makes your starter selection more important since you can think about what abilities you want to add to your starter later.

Conclusion and TL;DR

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading. To those of you who just scrolled to the bottom, here's the TL;DR of changes
I want to be clear that I love this game and am not trying to be super negative. I just want to see it do well months and years from now and believe these changes are the first step towards doing that. I have a lot more I could say but this post is already long so I'll leave it at that. If any devs happen to read this and want to hear more in depth explanation or thoughts on solutions to problems with the game, I'm happy to talk more. In the meantime, I'm gonna go back to my endless run and keep trying to get a shiny Rayquaza.
submitted by TheLastPiMaster to pokerogue [link] [comments]