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2024.06.02 20:29 lulumelody 1994

I sit here Thinking back To when I was 6 years old And the 2000 election had everybody up in arms And when I tried to figure out what was making my parents so upset All I could put together in my tiny head was "global warming"
But what did it mean?
And I remember one year later, Being in the teacher's lounge Happiness personified - Here I was, getting the INSIDE look into our Teachers' behind the scenes world But the teachers were all watching tv And I saw them crying And all the burning
But what did it mean?
And when I was 8, I saw so any orange groves, and so much land, and felt the warm and gentle heat of the florida sun. And I hoped the orange groves would always be there for me to come back to
Why would I have hoped for that?
And then in 2004, after having been in Florida now for one year Our first storm hit My little brother, 3, asked my mom Where is that tornado going? My mom said "its called a hurricane And it's coming this way And that's why we were all In a closet
And he asked "why is it coming for us? What did we do to it?"
And I laughed - but I was afraid
Now I am 11 - just beginning to come out of my shell and make more friends I was on the phone In the street At a sleepover This was one of the best years of my life So I didn't really pay attention to Katrina or her aftermath until I made room for her in 2006 Watching everyone pick up the pieces During my commercials I was starting to kind of hate the news
It was usually sad
Then I found some long lost cousins We did everything together every summer And laughed all day And life was good I even got to play around with my cousins Cell phone -unbelievably It was just a glass screen That you could touch To make calls and play games and watch videos
At the time, I just played games on them Not knowing
What does it mean?
And then my parents Considered themselves lucky When my friends Would then tell me Their parents got laid off Eventually I had to look up the difference Between being fired and getting laid off
I just didn't know
In 2009, I was vibing With yes we can Will i am Because for the first time, A white guy wasnt president I was so happy
In 2010 The process began To send my dad Away forever in 2011 When he got deported And my subconscious, ignorant innocence Was depleted I had cracked
And when I graduated high school I had to thank technology for once Just because My dad could stream in And watch
Then I was free
And wanted to see snow again And in Pennsylvania I got my wish And then more The polar vortex was my friend It brought be way back And I begged it not to go
I really don't beg for much
The next summer In a different climate Was brutal I sweat I wore shorts I couldnt breathe much I wasnt used to Not having ac
It felt dangerous
2015 was when I went on a cruise For the first time And hated it Watching the people Reaching through the fence And seeing guns Wasnt something I could Ignore
2016 was just Pristine And the music felt real The people were kind And we all were Making the most Of every day Life was hard but We didnt need much We were young But i swore Revenge on the ones who said "Trump is just doing it to be funny Its a joke Its not real"
Because what the fuck Do I look like to you
Iceland in 2017 was awe full The Cotswolds in 2018 were quiet In 2019 Dublin was rainy and magical 2020 knocked me 3 steps back 2021 was a hot one 2022 we moved. We had to. 2023 was a mild winter
And now, My rights are rearing up to be ripped away By those who have no right But power Is something that Lions Use to kill others's cubs And why should we be different?
We are made of life And overpowering oppression Is something We must fight against And progress and freedom Is what we must be willing to die for
Because everyone seems to be dying these days
And that's no coincidence.
I turn 30 this year. And I've already lived an entire lifetime.
But I thought dying at 30 was a thing of the far past Something my ancestors did to give me a fighting chance
I never thought that My true heart would be dead by now
Because the snow is fading And monkeys are falling And dolphins are frying And palestinians and israeli's are fighting And russians were fucked And ukrainians are fearless And somalia Burkino faso Chad Haiti Niger Labanon And the central African republic And the rohingya,
Are faltering
And they are me. Every one of them.
So I'm voting for Biden. I can't risk my birth control
I would rather die than Make someone else Go through this When the end Seems so near The little things are what matter now.
I've seen enough.
submitted by lulumelody to Poems [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:27 heytheresh1thead Neighbor constantly shoots guns from his windows, how is this allowed?

I live in a small town in the Midwest. I’ve lived here alone for almost 5 years. Before that my family lived here. From about 2013 on there has been issues with our neighbor. With my mom he decided our shared driveway was HIS property and put up a super long pole coming from his fence across the driveway where we go through (we are in the back, he is in the front). During this time, he was shooting guns pretty regularly but it didn’t seem like a whole lot. Now, revving his car all day every day? Yes.
This continues. I am now at the house and within a few months of me being here, he begins to do things. Fog light pointed directly at my house, the poll again, and putting sticks across the driveway so I can’t get through. He then started sending me voice messages on Facebook saying “little girl you don’t know who you’re messing with!” “Oh you want to play let’s play!” It’s worth mentioning that he has also stolen a few packages as well. I put a note in the mailbox to please just leave the packages there and I’ll get them when I get home. They were mostly all chewy packages so I even said if he needed anything for his MANY dogs, let me know.
He then started sending me messages in the same tone. He started telling me he’s going to sue me for “wrecking his driveway” and I’ll be forced to move. The wrecking is from me using the driveway, and the occasional UPS truck.
Now, we’ve gotten a more intense. In 2020, he shot my dog. It was icy and we live on a lake split with a fence. My dog had used the frozen lake and sniffed his way across the fence. Within a minute or two from letting him out, I heard a pop and my dog came running. Thankfully he just barely missed his lungs and heart and my senior pit mix is still with me. I called police when it happened and then asked “what kind of dog is it?” I let them know he is a pit mix, and was told that he can say he felt threatened by my dog and it’s absolutely legal. My dog at the time was 10. He loves every single person he meets. Truly the best boy. He eats, sleeps, poops, and sniffs.
He has since become more gun happy. He has bails of hay set up around his camper he lives in with targets on them. They are about 20 fr from him, the road, and about 30 yards from my house. He spends his days sitting in different windows of his camper, watching, and shooting at these targets. I go down the driveway to leave the house and he has his head out the window, usually with a rifle in hand. I no longer walk to get my mail or garbage. There’s many days that I’m scared to leave the house because he is shooting so much. He doesn’t even leave his camper. Just shoots out the window or door. He drinks very heavily. He also had a girlfriend who lived with him for a year and she ran away after she woke up to a gun to her head. I wanted to call police then, but she didn’t want me to because she was scared he would retaliate against me. The area is so rural that he would know it was me.
I spoke to police about these instances before and was told that he can do what he wants on his property. They also said it’s probably better for them not to come because he would make things worse.
I’m planning on moving hopefully soon, but for now this has made life really hard. Constant gun shots are very hard to hear when you’re just sitting in your house. Of course my sweet dog is also petrified and I often have to sedate him with meds to calm him down. I also know when he leaves for work and comes home so I can plan when to get my mail and take out my trash. It’s getting exhausting.
He also is a felon from an arson conviction in another state in the early 2000’s. Cops said it was fine to have a gun since it’s been so long. The people who lived there previously were his dad and his dads wife. The house caught on fire. The wife died. His dad got out. His dad had a bag packed. Dad passed 6 months later. Do with that info what you will.
At this point I don’t know what to do. Just… deal? If he was far away and just going out into his big yard and doing some shooting practice that would be one thing. It’s the country around here and that isn’t unheard of. I’m tired of living like this!
submitted by heytheresh1thead to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:27 ActiveConfidence29 Realized some crazy shit while drunk on vacation with my family. Or I’m just trippin?

Alr so rn I had a BIG realization about life and myself and idk if I’m just delulu and cuz I’m drunk as a mf rn but yea, it’s mostly about my self esteem, social skills and character in general. All my life I’ve been very antisocial and shy and self conscious about myself for some reason even tho I was an all star baseball and football player since I was 4 years old(stopped playing in the pandemic and never got back to sports).
So yea idk if it was cuz I’m over here on vacation in this tj resort with my family and my parents let me get drunk, and I may have gotten a couple more beers than they let me but still. I realized it when I drank 3 beers(doesn’t really matter just saying cuz that’s what got me a lil more drunk) and yea when I went down to the lobby to ask for the WiFi password I saw these group of girls and they were around my age and they were in front of me but it’s like we connected automatically without even saying a word to each other it was crazy.
I was behind them and as they were leaving so I could go ahead and ask for the wify password one of the girls looked at me and we kinda acknowledged each other for a bit but we went our separate ways. And idk if it was cuz I was drunk af but it’s like she COMEPLETELY understood me somehow and somehow made me realize that all I needed in my life to grow as a person socially, emotionally, psychologically, and in general character wise was just some unconditional love.
It was so fucken weird the way she looked at me was as if she knew me comepletely inside and out, we ovb didn’t talk or nothing and even tho if we had the chance we prob wouldn’t cuz that’s not how I am, if I don’t know u I’m not gonna talk to u no matter what especially if ur a girl my age or around.
But yea sorry idk what tf this shit is, all my life I struggled with depression and other shit but it’s just weird what I realized, like I said idk if it’s cuz I was drunk af and on a beautiful vacation get a way but still. A little background of me is I’m 17 and got big parents issues, their narcissists and never showed me unconditional love as a kid and till this day nothing, not just that but they used me as a emotional toy as a kid and drained tf out me which more than likely caused my mental issues and social issues I got.
Idk it’s like just from that “experience” with that random girl made me realize a whole bunch of shit, the thing is tho idk if I’m just being delulu or not. Another thing I got really big issues with girls for some reason, I got no female friends and for some reason look down on girls ALOT, every time a girl shows interest in me and stuff like that I comepletly shut them down.
And ik for a fact it’s cuz my mom made me have this unconscious image of girls in my head which led me to be like that towards girls. Trust me their is a whole bunch of other shit I could say rn but for some reason every time I try to tell stuff like this to random people on the internet it’s hard for me to explain my thoughts idky.
( edit, I also feel like I need a girl to help me let that big guard up I have down since my mom never showed love and basically “betrayed” me so many times and let me down so many times as a kid to help me “build” myself up and grow.)
Rn as I’m writing this I’m sitting beside the pool drinking a modelo smokin my geek bar and just chillin listening to music in the night sky. And I’m writing this on my journal cuz the wyfy here is acting stupid and not letting me download Reddit so ima post this in the morning.
But yea it’s fucken crazy wtf I realized and btw before this interaction with that girl my mood was bad and everything but once I got that realization from that interaction kindve when I went back up to my room to give my mom the wyfy password code I felt like “myself” and was energetic af and brought the whole rooms mood up for the better.
But at the same time idk if it was cuz was drunk af and hitting the vape a lot, BUT at the same time i was vaping and drinking before that and wasn’t in that same mindstate for some reason. The mind is really weird, but yea sorry ik it’s a lot ik my bad, could it be I realized all my life’s issues?? Or im just delulu af??
So basically to put it in short terms I realized just from that not even interaction but “situation” with those girls and that one specific girl made me realize I NEED a gf and need that love I never got from my mom, and basically somehow need it to fill in that void my mom never filled up ever since I was a kid.
Not just that but my parents are also the same way, their antisocial and people don’t really like them much, luckily I’m at a trade school we’re I live there Monday through Friday so I’m away from them most of the time and basically growing away from them and bettering myself for the better slowly and slowly but could that be really it?
And sorry rn as I’m looking back and reading this it doesn’t sound much as how I pictured in my head so ik for a fact ima get hate from people and say that I’m basically gonna “use” them for my character development or shit like that cuz that’s what happened last time I posted something similar like this.
But yea that’s about it, I can’t really think about much else to say cuz it’s like I’m fried from vaping too much. But yea could that be it? Or im just trippin thank u for reading all this ik it’s a lot sorry.
Another thing sorry, I never had a real gf I’ve had a couple gfs when I was younger but nothing serious at all, every time a girl showed interest I’d lose interest real fast and never took it serious but would basically “date” them.
(Edit sorry I just remembered something, if I never got drunk I would’ve never got that realization if I was in a sober state)
(another edit sorry😭, reading this a couple minutes after writing this, it does not sound at all as what I pictured in my head so if u find it stupid or as if I’m stupid sorry that’s not how I really am it’s just hard for some reason writing my thoughts, I never went to regular hs, I basically dropped out and never did one full semester (or even a full 3 months☹️)of hs and was supposed to graduate literally yesterday but I’m at a trade school and never went cuz of mental issues so bare with me.)
submitted by ActiveConfidence29 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:25 Vegetable_Hair_4348 Why is it challenging for AI detectors to be 100% accurate? So, how should we deal with that? – answers the AI Detection SaaS team.

AI-generated text detection might feel like a struggle against an invisible villain, but at the AI-detection developers team, everything is based on structured algorithms and rigorous testing. Bringing field expertise and experience, our team is here to cover all the rising questions regarding AI detection in texts.
A model is created by machine learning of AI on the examples of human-written and AI-generated text. To put it broadly, programmers instruct the model: “Here are texts generated by AI, and these are human-written. Go and learn what is in common in human texts and what is in common in machine ones”. After learning, the machine is ready to work with other texts.
The main problem is that people can create texts with the same perplexity – both predictability and randomness – as AI bots. The main challenges as of now are:
In the English-speaking Internet, experts argue that ChatGPT is discriminatory against non-natives, but it may flag not only English texts but Japanese, French, or others written by non-natives.
Reading this, one might despair of ever finding an effective solution, but we are here with answers.
The reality is that new models of AI bots generate more sophisticated writing, and students come up with more and more sophisticated ways to cheat.
But AI detector development teams love sophisticated things; they are fully aware of these difficulties and can share some tips on how to deal with them.
Here are some non-technological ways to check if you suspect any misconduct:
Some teachers say it's not that hard to distinguish whether the text was written by a student, especially when it’s not the first assignment to check, but we still understand that it's challenging.
Technological advice:
Treat AI detectors as tools that don’t give exact answers — but rather flag patterns found in a text. This means these sentences match the patterns the AI detector’s model knows about AI writing. For this, use the following logic:
  1. When the AI detector flags random simple sentences — the chances are very high that this was not cheating, as it doesn't make any sense to generate random sentences with AI when you want to cheat.
  2. When the AI detector flags paragraphs — a sign of a higher chance that a student used AI to help in writing an assignment, although paragraphs also can be just matches with AI patterns, it depends on how many such paragraphs you see in a paper.
  3. AI detector flags 50% or more — there is a very high chance that an assignment was AI-generated. However, if not a native speaker wrote an assignment, it would be reasonable to double-check with a student. As mentioned, AI detectors treat writing probability as the primary AI trait, which is also typical for non-native speakers' writing styles.
Conclusion: The forever-evolving AI sphere may evoke confusion, but this doesn’t mean the situation is out of control. Academia continues adapting to AI's ever-evolving features.
submitted by Vegetable_Hair_4348 to OriginalityHub [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:25 lovesickjones making sense of the amount of hate Downtown gets

people dump on downtown non stop like its their job and i am not understanding it.
everybody loves to come to downtown for festivals and baseball games and Sunday brunch and whatever else activity they like to do with their friends, but then will consistently dump on it talking about how dirty it is and how unsafe it is and all these different things.
These are the same people who show up in large groups to gaslamp and trash it during their Sunday brunch or Friday nights out and litter, vimiting and pissing everywhere (ive seen men and women squatting and in corners after bars close) etc etc
the people who live on the streets and the walking dead in their fentanyl funk really dont mess with anyone. I live in downtown and walk the streets regularly with my dogs, and there is only one woman who asks for money and after I told her nah the first two times she stopped. Everybody has a different experience, of course, but I think anybody who lives in downtown would agree with me.
I can definitely understand for women by themselves in the downtown area how men can be creepy, but that can come from a man at the bar or homeless men on the street tbh. If you are traveling in a group smaller than three or especially by yourself, it's probably recommended to just take an Uber or a pedi cab from place to place if you need to get to parking or whatever. Same goes for HC and PB frankly.
Downtown can be beautiful! I recently moved into a new residence (another in DT) and was considering moving to Birdrock/La Jolla/university city or another area thats quieter & cleaner (I will say I don't like how much glass I see daily on the sidewalks in certain areas) after I took into consideration the fact that I hate driving and that I would love to have lots of things for my dogs to do. I decided to stay in downtown and I think it's the best decision for us. there are mad dog parks/areas and that new 12 sqft dog park on 13th & G is going to be EPIC
also, the marina/seatport village, balboa, little italy, petco park etc all walking distance.
And then I've seen people on this sub say how they "feel sorry for people live downtown" Like what? lmaoooo.
I can say that if I had young children, I probably would not desire to live in a downtown area. However, many families are here and there are plenty of children around and thriving.
are the streets of gaslamp and east village the cleanest? no. of course not. but the ones that complain the most about it are the same ones who are visiting weekly to make a mess and then leave
I used to think that people really just didn't like downtown because it's not what they look for in San Diego and while the downtown Metro area for San Diego isnt as robust as some others --- its still active and interesting. I am from NYC and if you think downtown San Diego is the pits of the universe, you havent been around.
what are your thoughts on this topic?
submitted by lovesickjones to SanDiegan [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:24 PosadaFan2023 Issue with one-time substitute daddy coach - Say something or not?

It’s long. I’m sorry. TLDR: parent coach acts petty, my son saves the day, gets celebratory punched in arm by coach leaving a bruise. What now?
Background: Reputable and competitive 12U club team in Maryland. Professional coach’s relative was getting married this weekend. Team has only one coach.
Team, under coach, loses game on Friday.
Team is playing their last spring league game yesterday before summer season. Game matters for playoffs next weekend.
Other characters are “enthusiastic daddy”, whose son, the #2 pitcher, pitched 90 pitches in the loss Friday, and “big lunk” a thrower and innings eater who pitched 40 relieving his son.
All season I have been sensing passive aggression from daddy at my son, who’s knocked his out of the top spot in the rotation
My son is clearly the team’s ace pitcher and is fully rested for Saturday.
I happen to be friendly/aquaintances with coach as we teach at the same highschool.
Get a text from coach after the game that my son should be ready to start yesterday.
Before the game, daddy emails the team that coach has put him in charge in his absence. I’m sure he is very exited.
Lineup comes out. Daddy’s kid is now leading off. My son also is not the starting pitcher. “Big lunk” is with 0 rest.
Also, my son has been moved from his field position - shortstop - to left field.
In Saturdays game Lunk throws 50. Gets lit up in the end. Losing 3-8.
My son finally comes in. Finishes the game going 4 with 10K’s and no hits. Team comes back and wins.
During the celebration, enthusiastic daddy congratulates my son by punching him in his throwing arm, leaving a bruise.
I didn’t see this.
I don’t know if it was intentional or just enthusiasm. He seemed very happy re: the comeback.
I’m confident in the organization that if I were to bring this up, bad things would happen to daddy re: his access to the team and field.
With everything that happened that day, I can’t help but to think that his pettiness shone through - other parents recognized it. I doubt he will be given the honor to coach again.
Should I still say anything? This could be very divisive.
submitted by PosadaFan2023 to Homeplate [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:24 Mcmg82 Andy and the A-team

As good as things are looking for Andy Farrell and the Ireland Squad over the last two years, with a first ever series win in New Zealand, a 2023 Six Nations Grand Slam and a 2024 Six Nations Championship win, there have been a few issues. One such one being, our usual quarter final exit at the 2023 Rugby World Cup. However, the biggest issue I want to talk about today is the depth issue or lack thereof in certain positions and a possible solution for it.
Number One: Our first positional issue is our looseheads and lack of time given to new players coming in. Yes, Cian Healy (36) and Dave Kilcoyne (35) are two very good backup options to Andrew Porter but considering they are both approaching the twilight of their careers, would it be preferable to have Jeremy Loughman on the bench and A.N Other as third choice?
Tight Choices: Let's face it, it's Tadhg Furlong and Finlay Bealham as starter and replacement, in that order, with Tom O'Toole as our third choice. But what happens if we end up with one injured and the other getting a niggle in the warm up? Oli Jager seems to have made somewhat of an impression, but that leaves us scraping the barrel a bit.
Not So Much 7th Heaven: Josh Van Der Flier, 2022 EPCR and World Rugby Player of the Year, has the Irish 7 Jersey nailed down and rightfully so. But who's our other out and out option? Will Connors? John Hodnett? Nick Timoney?
Half Back And Twice The Issues; 9 and 3/4's Of The Way There: Jamison Gibson-Park (32) has to be the starter for the National Team on current form with Conor Murray (34), still not looking like he'll be dislodged as backup. But if one or both are out for some reason who gets what? Is it Craig Casey and Caolan Blade? Do we bring John Cooney back into the fold or give Nathan Doak his chance?
The Perfect 10? Andy Farrell seems to have his man in Jack Crowley as the replacement to Jonathan Sexton. Yet there's somewhat of a case to be made for Ciaran Frawley, if he was to get enough continuous games at 10 provincially. But therein lies the issue, who's where in the pecking order after them?
Ross Byrne seems the most obvious choice right now. His brother Harry, along with Billy Burns of Ulster and Jack Carty of Connacht have fallen off the radar. Sam Pendergast may need more time which isn't going to be easy in a jam packed position at Leinster. Joey Carbery, who's on his way out from Munster, may have put on pressure if he stayed with Munster and more importantly, injury free. So this needs to be addressed.
Fullback Of The Future: As we've seen, Hugo Keenan is the man. As we've also seen against Scotland in this years Six Nations, when he was pulled out of the starting lineup in the warm-up, it left us having to use Jordan Larmour to cover. An issue no team can really account for at the last minute.
However, as I've said with previous positions, it leaves us without a properly tested 15 at international level. So who do we have as that option? Jimmy O'Brien is an option. Would Mike Haley be worth another go? Could Will Addison stay fit long enough to work back into contention? Do we keep switching Ciaran Frawley to where we need him?
Now that I've had my rant about some of the positional issues I've seen, what’s the best solution to try and find a way to give players game time and a decent idea of the system and what's expected? Do we chop and change? Do we cross that bridge when we come to it? Do we have a rough plan in some way?
For me, a rough plan is better than no plan and that plan means going back to look forward. Now, back to what you ask, should we resort to using the Ireland A team? The A team that was on hiatus from February 2015 to November 2022.
A team where players like Cian Healy, Mike Ross, Jonathan Sexton, Keith Earls and many more, got games to not only highlight what they can do outside the province but also learn. Part of the reason they got a good chance to showcase their skill level was in the likes of the Churchill Cup and a few more A games.
But what's so good about this team and what's the best way to utilise this squad?
Well here's my take.
It’s a battle between Provincial Prowess and International Expectation. I know that some people are of the mindset that if a player is performing well at provincial level, that should be enough to get them into the extended squad at least. But, and there's always a but......
The New Stuff: There are, in my opinion, two main issues for players coming in;
  1. Getting accustomed to the new system.
  2. Getting familiar with new combinations and how these affect not only their performance but the team as a whole.
It's something we've all had to adapt to in life and it's no different on the rugby field and like much in life, so much can be learned from two weeks at camp. But the real learning, the real test of any player is in a match, it's in those eighty minutes where crucial learning happens. Under pressure, split-second to make a decision, having to adapt when required. These are some of the reasons as to why the team is needed.
The Learning Curve: It's not just the players who learn from those around them and how the system works, but the coaching staff too, who learn about who they have in various positions and what they bring. It gives a sense of knowing who's the best, if the top two or three guys aren't available. On a bonus side it gives players returning to provinces after time away, a chance of possibly helping their team to improve also.
Easier Assimilation Into The Main Squad: Getting those games at that right spot between provincial and international is also important, as players will realise how much more quick and alert they have to be to not only get to international, but stay there as well. That couple of seconds could make the difference between conceding or stopping a try and the same applies with scoring.
Healthy Competition: Sometimes, having someone vying to take your spot in the team is needed to up your game. This is no different for the main players. In the knowledge that Cian Pendergast, Jacob Stockdale or any other player, has a chance of getting a go in the main squad, is going to push the main guys to gatekeep their spot.
Deep Green Positions: As I've already alluded to, it's about growing depth in positions. Which, some supporters have been saying when a player has been missing. This is why Andy and his coaching staff need to start using this squad on a more regular basis.
A replay of the scenario where the last two A games were against England in February 2015 and a New Zealand XV in November 2022, is not desirable. A few test games against other A sides or tier 2 nations would give a better idea for proper depth and cohesion, which in turn gives everyone a better idea of how much talent we have.
The Selection Box: If Andy were to view the A team as a measuring stick of talent, for me at least, he would need to embark on three non negotiable tasks;
  1. Have five or six players from the fringe in that team, who are familiar with his style. Ideally a 3/3 split.
  2. Have a few basic set piece plays in which to help players become attuned with what's needed.
  3. Have one coach on the team, either head or assistant, one who he is confident in knowing that he'll keep it similar to the national squad.
Coaches and Players for the Squad: Now, this is one area that's well up for debate. Does Farrell choose his head coach or is it an IRFU decision? For me, it has to be Farrell's choice in order to get the message across and plays in place. Whether it's someone from his own staff or someone from the provinces, that is the question.
Possible head coaches could be; Simon Easterby, Leo Cullen or Graham Rowntree. It very much depends on who he perceives to be the best fit. In terms of players, as I've said above, ideally there would be a few experienced players, from either having played or trained under Farrell.
One guy I'd like to see in the squad is Rob Herring. He has many years of experience with Farrell. Fellow Ulster second row, Kieran Treadwell would be my own go-to guy, as he's had time within the main squad, he hasn't played much, but he does have that knowledge.
This is probably going to be the more controversial call, but it's for a good reason. Having Conor Murray in at scrum half, starting or on the bench, brings a wealth of experience not only in play but in leadership as well. It also affords time to another 9 in the main squad to develop. I was hoping to get another player or two in here with a decent amount of time under Farrell, but as of now, no one really stands out.
Summer Tour Of Ireland: With our main squad usually touring the Southern Hemisphere during July, maybe it would be good for the IRFU to use that opportunity to invite teams to Ireland to play our A Team. Not only would it be good for the players, but having them play in various stadiums around the country as well, would get more people interested in going to or watching their games.
submitted by Mcmg82 to u/Mcmg82 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:23 namely_musical Roommate Problems

Hey everyone, as the title states I’ve been having some issues with my current roommates and I need some advice. For some context to this whole situation (this will probably be a little long so please bear with me): Before moving into this apartment, I had been communicating with a friend that I’ve known since elementary school while he was attending college in Arizona. Let’s call him Carl, for the sake of anonymity. He had been expressing how he would like to come back to living in Texas as he wasn’t very comfortable in Arizona, but he didn’t want to go back to living with his parents in Garland either. I discussed with him the possibility of us rooming together in a 2 bedroom apartment, as we had known each other for a long time and were very good friends, so I didn’t really see how there could be any concerns except for money as apartments and housing in Texas (and the US as a whole) has become quite expensive. As we had discussed it more, he had moved back to Garland and begun planning and saving up to move out of his parent’s house. It wouldn’t just be him, however, as he had a friend he knew from Florida that was also in a similar situation that would be willing to share a bedroom with Carl. I was a little skeptical of this idea at first, however after further discussion I did become more comfortable with it. I also discussed the move frequently with my dad and other friends that I would often meet with. Once we started to look at the actual costs of renting a 2 bedroom apartment, I started to get the impression that they (Carl and the other roommate) were expecting me to pay all of the rent rather than splitting costs evenly. I made it clear in all discussions that this was not to be the case, and stated that a 70/30 split for rent would be the most fair, as I knew that Carl was not making as much money as I was and that our other roommate would have to find work in the area before he could start to contribute to the cost of living. Carl agreed on this, and even stated multiple times to the other friends and family we talked with that he would be willing to split 60/40. I made it clear also that I expected everyone on the lease to contribute to rent on every single payment, so that everyone would be doing their part, fairly so, and that no one would need to contribute more than necessary. During all of this, I was told multiple times that it would be a really bad idea to pursue this arangement by my father and others, though I decided to anyway because I trusted Carl and by extension his friend from Florida. As we finalized things and settled on a pretty nice unit with a rent of $1199/mo (a little higher than I would have liked, but manageable), I started to become loaded with more and more requests from Carl to pay for deposits for electricity, internet, and for the apartment itself. I was okay with this, as he had promised to pay me back later. I knew he was struggling with paying off bills from college classes and was also spending on the trip to Florida to assist our roommate. Things started to settle down a bit more, and Carl was able to provide rent, however not at the full 30% that was agreed upon. I begrudgingly kept my mouth shut as I knew I was making a lot more money than him and I thought it would be unfair of me to ask for more than he was able to provide. Fast forward some time later and I had to help my girlfriend move out of her sister’s apartment due to some family issues that I won’t discuss here. Since then, things have gotten a little more difficult to afford, but I have not asked for any more or less from Carl or my other roommate (even though he has made very little to no progress towards getting a job or helping with bills and rent). I have also discovered through my girlfriend that when I am not home, both Carl and Florida have been saying that I am self-centered and short tempered, and that I have been asking too much from them as far as payment towards rent and other expenses such as groceries and other bills. Florida has also said that he feels uncomfortable with continuing to search for work and that he feels that my girlfriend should be pitching in more (even though she helps clean after them, take care of my cats/fish, and will sometimes help with buying cleaning supplies when necessary. While it wasn’t directly said, Florida has heavily implied in conversation that my girlfriend should also being rent, despite that fact that she is not legally written into the lease and as such not legally responsible for assisting with rent and bills. This all brings us to last night. While I was at work, I had remembered that rent still needed to be paid and I reached out to Carl to ask how much he would be able to put in this month. I received a text from him later that said he didn’t have a lot right now and wouldn’t be able to help until next paycheck, which I said was alright. After getting home, I paid rent in full, and went to pick up my girlfriend from work as she was getting off around that time. In the car, she told me that Carl had lied to me about how much he actually had in his account under the instruction of Florida. I was extremely frustrated and exhausted at that point, deciding that this was the last straw, and planned to confront them that night after making dinner. Once I got home after picking her up, their bedroom door was shut and I heard them on a voice call with an online friend while playing a game together (they do this very frequently and are often loud, and taking dishes to their room for snacks without returning them). As usual, they came out right when food was almost ready. That had started to pick at what was already out, and my girlfriend had told them to stop because nothing was finished yet. They took this as a joke and ignored it, so I firmly told them to stop. They acted surprised at this, and went back to their bedroom, closing the door and not returning until I had left the kitchen to get ready for work today. This morning, my girlfriend showed me a text from Carl asking if she had figured out why I was “being such an asshole”.
At this point, I’m heavily considering kicking them both out regardless of whether or not they have a place to stay. I have been more than patient and fair, spent far over half of my savings towards everything in this apartment including the dishes and other supplies they use, only for them to act like this and treat me this way when I’m not home. I really need advice on how to move forward with this situation, and whether or not I am actually in the wrong for feeling the way I do.
(TL;DR - My roommates have been underpaying, not cleaning after themselves, and talking about me behind my back, and in general being a headache to deal with. What do I do?)
Please let me know if I need to provide more information! Thank you all.
submitted by namely_musical to roommates [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:23 ComprehensiveDoor839 Is the relationship worth it? (I F25 and my bf M29)

I 25F and my bf 29M have been dating for 1.5 years. Initially everything was just fine, it seemed that he was my soul mate and other vanilla crap as it usually happens. We knew each other long before our relationship. When it became clear that something could work out between us and before entering into intimacy (both he and I are quite conservative about sex outside of relationships) he admitted that he had been HIV positive for 3 years and was currently taking therapy so he had an undetectable viral load. No one except his two closest friends knows about it and not even his family. Due to the fact that since school days we were taught that it was scary disease and because of the stigma around it I was in a shock. He said that he wanted to give me time to think about whether I wanted to continue this relationship and if I realized that I couldn't accept it, he would understand and in no way reproach me. To be honest I was shocked there were a lot of tears and a sense of injustice, the question "why me" because I felt that I had finally found my love. But after studying everything and going through the entire internet I realized that if a person takes therapy, he can live a full life and have healthy children. And I realized that I wanted to continue this relationship as long as it was worth it. After a while I realized a few things that are bothering me at the moment: 1. Sometimes this fact about his status pops up in my head and covers me with worries about it: what if something goes wrong and he dies, what if I get infected and then pass it on to our children. what if suddenly my parents, relatives, friends and colleagues will find out and they will judge me and him and will shun us. I really want to discuss this with him and not let this topic be the "elephant in the room" but I feel that he himself has not fully accepted it and has not worked it out, so I do not want him to strain and worry. 2. We love each other very much, but we realized that we have completely different love languages. Because of this we have misunderstandings and understatements. I feel that in this case I often make concessions due to our temperaments. 3. Over the past 5 months, he has had changes at work and he physically does not have enough time to spend with me. I'm trying to be an understanding gf and not be offended by it. But we are all human beings and we understand that we need to invest in relationships in order to develop them. So because of the lack of time together I feel like we're moving away. He understands this too, and the last time we had an emotional argument about it he said that he hates his job because he has to sacrifice our time (he can't quit his job or change it due to certain circumstances). But at the same time, when I tell him that I do not require 24/7 his time from him, but just at least for him to spend the night with me and we went to our jobs together in the morning, he refuses. It happens that we can only exchange 5-6 messages per day - no dates, even no phone calls.
Now I have a feeling that I am not a priority for him, I do not feel that I am appreciated and "if a person wants, he will do it." Is the relationship worth it? Does he really love me or does he just know how to lie beautifully? I'm already confused in my thoughts.
submitted by ComprehensiveDoor839 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:22 dust-hunter 18, jobless and no life goal. How to stop wanting to die??

Hey, so basically I'm kind of in a life crisis at the moment? I don't know what I'm doing with my life and don't know where to go. I'm completely lost in life and tired of living in a toxic household.
A bit of information for better context. I am 18 years old, F and I have no highschool diploma. I was kicked out at age 15 as I was not able to go pass grade 8th. I tried an adult education center and was also kicked out earlier this year as I could not find a job within 2 weeks. I have no job still and live in my unhealthy household. My parents are in constant arguments because they love and hate each other at the same time.
I can't go out with friends since I can't afford to. I can't go talk walks or else I get men following me around trying to take me to their places and whatnot. I have a boyfriend of almost 6 years now, but when we hangout we mostly just go to his place and he smokes weed everyday. I don't have the same joy he has of taking weed. It doesn't relax me or anything. I have constant anxiety and I'm paranoid. I never got anything truely diagnosed under my name other then PTSD, so no I do not receive any mental help and no I can't afford 120$ an hour for some.
I have no goals, hobbies or whatever. I used to have a small temporary side gig and loved it. The minute it ended I felt like joint off a 5 story building or in front of a truck because I had no other purpose. I don't have anything to work for. I don't have a life goal I want to reach some day, I don't have small enjoyable hobbies that can brighten my days, nothing.
Please keep saying "oh don't rush things you're do young!!". I don't care wether I'm old or not, I'm an adult and I shouldn't be living in this shit of a household, no one should. I only had 1 job that lasted only a month in my entire life and it was shit fast-food that got me so badly injured I had to crawl for a week just to take a damn piss.
I don't know why I'm alive. I'm just existing, I'm not living. I want to live, but I'm getting close to understand life might just not be for me. Amy help before it's too late, please?
submitted by dust-hunter to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:21 Suwatilore A few (absolutely not burned!) chocolate brownies for my beloved Noire!

A few (absolutely not burned!) chocolate brownies for my beloved Noire!
A wild Cake Post appears! It uses storytelling and feeding time! It is... well, I don't know if it is effective or not but it certainly is something! After all it is, uhm... I actually wanted to say it is delicious but about that I am also not entirely sure... Anyway let me tell you a bit about my weekly baking adventure. Especially this time you can quite call it that! Some time ago I came across a video of some delicious brownies made of Kinder chocolate bars, milk chocolate, chocolate cream and even more delicious chocolate stuff, haha. I didn't only think they looked extremely delicious but also I was pretty sure that my little sweet tooth would also quite enjoy them! After all she loves chocolate a lot! So after thinking about this week's cake they came to my mind and I decided to make them. The process actually wasn't really difficult. Admittedly I think I did mess up the texture a bit in the beginning or at least I wasn't sure and this was a bit discouraging. However it is not like this would already mess up everything. After all you have quite a bit of room for mistakes when cooking or baking. So I just continued and honestly the texture was pretty good in the end and it also tasted delicious. So I put it into the tin which I thought I should bake it in. Well, turns out the tin was too big... So, there I was with all of the dough and the Kinder bars laid out on the with baking paper covered tin noticing that all of it is too big... Man... While the other possible mistake regarding texture would have not weighed so much this one DEFINITELY was quite heavy. I couldn't leave it in there like this so I had to scratch it off and put it back to where I mixed it all in. This was really messy... Really messy... And it was also really annoying that all of the Kinder bars which were supposed to be in the middle between both layers of dough were now basically one with the dough... After I scratched everything off I looked for another tin and then spread it all inside of there. Luckily the new tin was alright and I could put everything in the oven even though it was quite different than it was supposed to be like. After that happened I was honestly kind of confused with everything and didn't really know how to continue as my mind kind of already wrote it off. So unfortunately I didn't find the right time to take out the brownies and they may have ended up a little bit burned... I mean, they are still okay. At least some of them are. But with some you can definitely taste it... This was really disappointing and honestly I am quite disappointed in myself about all of that as well. You may wonder why I didn't know what size the shape should be from the beginning. Well, this was simply because I over read it in the recipe... In the last line there actually was the size mentioned. Someone didn't read the last line though and figured that the tin would be fine... In the end I was kinda embarrassed to present them to my darling but I did so nevertheless. Noire teased me a little bit at first that for once I actually ended up messing up but was quite kind about it and didn't seem to have minded either. It seems she liked them nevertheless. Now that I think about it maybe she had some that weren't burned... Anyway, we kind of laughed about everything eventually and when my little sweetheart gets to eat one of the burned ones throughout the week then let's just consider it a little easteregg, haha. It is a feature!
I am also glad she was out with her sister while I was baking because I was kinda stressed out about everything. I didn't notice it until this point but I was actually not only stressed out because of my mistake while baking but because of the week in general. I don't know why exactly but I think I may be overdoing things a bit lately. Around my little princess I don't really notice that because she always calms me down just with her presence and I feel quite relaxed about everything but once things happened I realized it. So after I finished baking I decided to take things slowly from then on and focus a bit on relaxing. I have had a great time just laying out in the sun! Ah, this was great... And then it started raining all of a sudden... This was mean of the weather! But I was able to relax nevertheless! Of course it would have been even more relaxing if Noire would have been there but I had my little plushie of her to accompany me while she was gone. So it was still a very calming experience.
Talking about calming and great times I wanna mention that the Saturday mornings recently have just been outstandingly wonderful! My little sweetheart and I always take a good amount of time to cuddle before getting up and this always feels just like heaven! Especially after a long week where we didn't get to cuddle this much in the mornings or evenings... It always feels quite painful to initially get up and out of bed to head to work knowing that we will be apart for so long. It feels a bit as if someone is continuously pulling on you until they eventually lose grip and let go. If you are gone for too long though then the longing for your partner becomes stronger and stronger again. As long as you are busy you don't necessarily notice until it is calm again. For me I noticed just how badly I was missing Noire when I came back home on Monday and I instantly felt the need to hug her tightly, never let go again and kiss her as much as I can. It isn't always this extreme for me but this week it continuously stayed this way. My darling was feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of the affection but as much as I know her she enjoyed it quite a lot as well. We are both really clingy after all, haha. Maybe I felt extra needy of her because most of the days I was gone for longer now because I am regularly in the gym again instead of working out at home. I can imagine that the neediness will grow more and more now that we are apart from each other for so long again. I do always have my little keychain of my ruby eyed princess with me which eases my mind but still. Honestly I can't imagine what I would do without my keychain of Noire... It makes everything so much better while we are both not in direct reach.
Since I mentioned the gym a bit earlier let me tell you a little story regarding my gym visits this week. I am trying to workout with a friend and unfortunately often something gets in the way of us working out (especially on leg day! But I am used to it and that he won't ever train legs together with me or at all, haha). This week however things seemed quite fortunate! We were ready to go on Monday and even though there is a really annoying building site that takes forever to pass we eventually met at the gym. I was glad that there wasn't anything coming in our way shortly before that (even though I would have kind of preferred to workout at home because of Noire but well...). So we grab our bags and head into the gym. We arrive and are about to change our clothes AND GUESS WHO FORGOT HIS PANTS! Yes, my friend forgot his pants! You can't make this up! There is always something coming in our way! It is actually unbelievable! Anyway, this definitely was a short workout session for him. Since I already changed I decided to stay and workout on my own even though I would have preferred to go home and workout there. After all the Noire motivation boost is unparalleled when working out! Just knowing that she is in reach definitely helps to improve my mood and makes working out even better! Nevertheless I stayed this time... It wasn't a bad workout but it would have been much more pleasant if I would have been able to occasionally give my darling little kisses in my breaks.
First gym story has ended the second one is about to start, haha. This week I have had the first leg day in around two months now. It felt good and was really exhausting. I always like to listen to music from an artist called Divide Music when I am training legs because his music is really energetic and motivating. After I finished my workout, came home and cuddled with my little sunshine I felt like I didn't want to leave bed ever again. My legs were so sore and even just laying there was a bit painful. Noire always scolds me whenever she notices how sore and tired I am. She is telling me I shouldn't overdo things and so on... But Noire, you should notice that you did workout afterwards! That's how it works! Hmph, I guess she will still keep on scolding me. We may have different opinions on the matter. After she finishes scolding me she actually finds my situation a bit amusing and teases me about it... I already struggle walking, get scolded and then I even get teased about it... And this time I really had difficulties to walk properly. Like the first day afterwards I was actually surprised how well I took it and how I didn't notice it too much but the day after that... Oh man... I felt how every muscle in my legs hurt, haha... Getting up from bed or a chair was quite hard and also sitting back down wasn't much easier. Only on the fourth day (today) it slowly starts to get better. But I guess, that's how it should be! At least for me! ...even though Noire wouldn't agree with me and call me an idiot, haha...
Before ending the post I want to talk a little about what I cooked on Friday for my sweet princess and myself. It was Sticky Honey Lemon Chicken and Sticky Korean Fried Chicken. The second picture shows the honey lemon chicken and oh boy, it was REALLY delicious! It was kinda stressful making it because of my hurting legs and because someone (absolutely not me) forgot to unfreeze the chicken in time which delayed our dinner but honestly it was really worth it! Both meals have tasted really good and Noire and I both loved them! My personal secret tip regarding those meals is to swap the light soy sauce with sweet soy sauce. This gives the whole meal an even better mix of spiciness and sweetness! The mix reminds me of my darling now that I mention it, haha. I couldn't add any more spiciness or sweetness to her because she already is the perfect mix of both! My little princess really knows how to use all of her traits of hers to her advantage with me and steal my breath on the regular!
I think these are really nice words to end this week's post with! While the baking may have been a bit of a failure this week at least I was able to cook something nice for my ruby eyed goddess and satisfy her taste buds otherwise. We hope you were also able to have some nice meals this week and that you overall enjoyed your time together with your partner! If anything bad happened, as always, don't let yourself down because of that! There will always come better times again! Noire and I wish all of you that the next week will bear good news and that you will have a fantastic time!
submitted by Suwatilore to waifuism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:20 Haru_Senju My friends are saying my mother is being to harsh on me, but I don't agree with them

Hello people of reddit. Before you start reading my story, I will say that there may be grammar errors and since English is not my first language and I'm running on 3 hours of sleep. Now, onto the story.
For some background information, I am 15F am turning 16 in a few months. My parents have always been strict, mostly my mother and my father just goes along with it. I'll be honest, I'm not innocent. I have always been a lot to handle for my mother which caused complications in our relationship. For example, I wouldn't listen to her when she told me to go shower, eat or sleep while in the presence of other I acted much differently. My mother always said that I went to my grandmother to complain about how she'd ground or yell at me for such things which is true, but it turns out she thinks that I haven't been telling her what I did too, which of course is not true since I've always told what I did, but my grandparents especially my grandmother found to harsh. The reason for this behaviour was my younger brother who is currently 11. As a 4-5 year old I didn't know how to handle having a younger sibling, especially not when he kept haging my mothers attention which caused me to rebel against her. I felt as she had replaced me and because of this I hated my brother and me and my mother drifted apart. The hatred went so far to the point where I would cut his hair, hit him, make him cry. Yeah just that type of shit. I know very shitty of me. This hatred went on for a few years until I was around 8-10. Around that time I rebelled to the point where my perfect grades dropped while my brothers stayed the same. Around the time I was also having trouble with my friends, since I had no clue that hitting people was not a way of showing affection which caused it to ruin my friendships with my friends and they had replaced me with a new girl in the group. With my grades dropping my mother decided to have a talk with me. She asked me why I was doing this while she was crying which caused me to feel like a piece of crap. I explained why, how I felt and how I felt compared to my younger brother since he behaved like an 'angel' (Which was not true). Because of these problems and situations I had the thoughts of killing myself which my mother found out and also had another talk with me (Sadly it's back again tho). After a while me and my brother got close and I cried, knowing how much of a failure I was at being a daughter and older sister. My brother forgave me and since then we have been so close to the point we spoke at the same, talked at the same time and bonded over a lot of things.
After we had that talk, things got a bit better until I messed things up again my making a stupid mistake of taking her stuff. I understood she was angry so I just stayed silent and cried which pissed her off even more and she kept yelling at me asking me why I had done it. I couldn't answer which cause her get my fathers leather belt and hit my with it. As expected I got red spots, but the thankfully weren't visible at school. From that point on, my mother hit my with a belt, hangers, hairbrushes which thankfully stopped around 3-4 years ago. But of course if it didn't stop her from threatening to throw knifes or pans at my head which I have gotten used to. Because of such events I've grown into keeping my problems for myself since my mother always found that I was being dramatic. Such examples being: Migraines, sleeping issues, not being able to understand how I feel, not being able to talk or be around a large group of people, especially strangers (or just kids from my school in general) and more.
Now onto the current situation. I had taken my brother phone to talk to my friend because I was in the mood to talk to my friend since mine was with my mothers since I have to give it at 7pm(I know, stupid thing to do). My mother had caught me and as expected I got grounded, not really a surprise. I went to my grandparents two days later and my mother went through my phone and found my Google account, one she did not make for me. She went through it's contents and found I was on a social media platform. That platform was face book. My mother was pissed as she had a rule that me and my brother were not allowed on social media, nor where we allowed to send pictures of ourselves to friends or family unless it was our grandparents. She called me home and asked me why I had made the Google account. I explained that I had lost my Discord account, so I made a new Google account to make a new discord account. I've had that account for over a year. Turns out I wasn't allowed to do that since she couldn't monitor what I did and I also wasn't allowed on Discord anymore. She grounded me even longer and I wasn't allowed to speak to anyone. She had cut of my social contact. I understood why she had done that so I just let her do it. Then came the question about my Facebook account. She asked me about and I was confused, I had no recollection of ever making an account until the showed me proof. I was surprised and told her I really had no clue that I had it. She didn't believe me and I got grounded for a longer time since she thought I was lying to her.
My friends ended up asking what happened to me and I explained that I was grounded and why. They have been constantly telling me that she had been way to harsh on me and I didn't think so since I thought I deserved it, which has led me onto reddit. (She thankfully didn't find my reddit account)
So the question is. Is my mother really being to harsh or are my friends overreacting?
I apologize for how long this is and I hope my grammar did not bother you guys to much. If you have any questions, I will try to answer them, when I get back on my device.
Have a nice day or night and thank you for taking time out of your day to read my story.
submitted by Haru_Senju to u/Haru_Senju [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:19 sorealitsclarity this break up from over a year ago has messed my life up

hey i’ve been dealing with this for some time and my “friends” make me feel like shit about how i feel so i’m turning to reddit.
during quarantine, i was on the app called yubo, which is essentially like tinder for teens. it’s not marketed that way, but that’s what it is. i matched with a bunch of douches, but one guy in particular stood out to me. i was pretty dry at first and he said, “stop being dry.” this changed the entire dynamic of our conversation because for once a guy was the one putting in the effort to talk. this was on february 4, 2021 btw. that same night we exchanged phone numbers.
we would talk everyday and ft all the time. i became more and more comfortable with him and started developing feelings. let’s call him rob. i was fifteen and he was seventeen. (please don’t say the age gap is weird). two weeks later we end up meeting and becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. this was the happiest time in quarantine for me. i was with a guy who was really sweet and treated me well. this first part of our long on and off relationship lasted three months . once it became may, he started to question our age gap. he would say things like was it bad that he was pretty much two years older than me (his birthday is at the end of the year and he was only one grade above me.)
i didn’t find it weird and neither did my friends or even some older people i asked. this is initially what caused us to break up the first time. i didn’t care at first because he was just another guy who wasn’t really into me in my mind. i remember that summer i talked about him a lot to these people i had just met. he was even the inspiration for a character in a script i wrote. i couldn’t take us not talking, so i messaged him. he said that he missed me too, but we should probably wait to date. i was just happy that he was there still.
we wouldn’t talk as much as we used to but still communicated. it wasn’t until late november of that year where i realized i really love him. at this point, i was sixteen and i’ve never said i love you and meant to anyone but him. i told him and he said he felt the same way. i wanted to see him since we hadn’t seen each other since may atp. we decided to hang out at his house which was like an hour and change away from my house. the day was december 11th. that was the day he became my first. (put two and two together)
i remember feeling like at that point we were dating even though he never explicitly asked me out. i even asked him why he never asked and he expressed that we both knew we were dating so what’s the point in asking. i was sixteen so who was i to question it. we stayed together for a year almost. there were many arguments that were over petty things. i’ll list some: - me making male friends - a post on my spam page from 2020 - feeling like he didn’t really want me
tbh i’m not really in a thinking mood, but just a bunch of stupid things. i’ll admit he was on to something with the male friends because one of the friends i made “behind his back” would overtly sexualize me even tho he knew i had a boyfriend. anyways, we broke up over an argument over thanksgiving.
for context, i don’t have a great relationship with adults at my life (i am an adult rn and this is still the same). i have never met even my friends parents because i’m really awkward around parents because i don’t know what to say and don’t want to make a bad impression. another thing to keep in mind is that at this time, both of my parents were HORRIBLE to me.
i proposed the idea of meeting his mom and at first he wasn’t really into it, but eventually was for it. i was excited and wasn’t being realistic because one, i’m terrible at talking to adults. two, i said i would stay the night knowing that wasn’t very likely. my parents had no knowledge of him or the fact i had a boyfriend. they were not going to let me spend the night there. plus i never slept over at someone’s house. i started to back out of the idea because he was saying that if i don’t spend the night, there’s no point in going through with meeting her. the argument ended with me being left on read and us not talking until february of 2023. mind you this took place november 15th, 2022.
when we started talking again, i initiated it of course. i remember him saying that if i had texted the next day, he would’ve replied. anyways, i was a senior in high school at this point and already did my college applications. he stayed home for college and told me if i went away for college we wouldn’t stay together. i never took him seriously about that and didn’t really care because i didn’t think it would matter to me. we started talking again and even seeing each other again. the last time we saw each other was april 21, 2023. i accepted an offer to go to school an hour away and he was like if you stay here (as in home) for college we would get back together. at this point he had truly changed. he was nicer and more mature. in his bed, i accepted an offer to a school that was closer. i was very adamant on going there. until one day in may, he just stopped taking to me ..
i texted him in july and came to find out he started talking to another girl (not around the time he stopped talking to me) but they have now been together for almost a year and from what i could see he treats her better than i ever got treated. granted he’s now 20 going on 21. i have not dated anyone since him.
he has ruined my perception of dating and relationships. i thought i missed him and that’s why this looks on my mind, but i don’t miss him. i don’t think that it’s fair that i went through all of that and still deal with it and he gets to be happy with someone else.
i guess this isn’t really me looking for advice, more so just ranting. sorry for any typos but i don’t want to go and read through this.
submitted by sorealitsclarity to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:19 Alternative_Poet7351 21m looking for some open-minded people to be friends with

I'm on here hoping to find some open-minded and accepting people on here also looking for a friend. I'm hoping to have a quick chat and maybe turn this into something long term granted we get along well. I've been in need of a friend to chat with, especially with things I haven't been able to talk about with family or friends. Besides gaming, I'm into some anime and cosplay as well as art and music.
You're welcome to talk my ear off about any topic and I hope I can do the same. I'm open to share a lot about myself personally, but of course I want to get to know you better. I have a lot of things I'm insecure about and I hope you and I can talk about these things as we progress. Don't hesitate to reach out and I'm looking forward to talking with you!
submitted by Alternative_Poet7351 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:18 DistributionAgile376 25 [M4A] 🇨🇭Switzerland - Genève/Neuchâtel. Ace Looking for cuddles and whatnot

Although I'm Hetero, I'm open to anyone, Women, Trans, NB and Men(as long as you're not too much of a manly guy)
Looking for some comfort with cuddles while watching a movie(Ghibli, Disneys, Horror, Sci-fi, etc...) in a chill setting and set boundaries with respect towards personal hygiene. Anyone who's respectful and kind is welcomed!
I have cute vibes, I'm pretty funny, smart and not too tall and I know how to make someone comfortable and to entertain a conversation. Open for other friendly activities. I can move about in Suisse Romande(and perhaps a bit more if we arrange a stay).
Cuddles can be quite the therapy to soothe trauma and loneliness. If you'd just like to experience that sometime just because you like it, why not. There aren't enough cuddles in this world.
submitted by DistributionAgile376 to cuddlebuddies [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:17 lollidee This is why you lost 90 percent of your big supporters. This is not about your wife! You didn’t lose support because of her…

Trish you didn’t lose your biggest supporters solely because of your wife. That is just one teeny tiny thing. That was between you two. We certainly did not like how you treated her and her children and pushed them out by forcing her to accept your sober companion sleeping in your bedroom. That was beyond cruel.
No Trish…it’s because you lie. It’s because you are so active in your addiction since you relapsed that you are making up the most ridiculous excuses for your behavior. And YES Trish you relapsed. We all can see it. No, antibiotics do not cause nodding out which is a sign of ODing
This is the definition of nodding off from google: “What Does it Mean if a Person is “Nodding Off”? Nodding off (also described as “nodding out”) is best explained as drifting in and out of consciousness after using drugs belonging to the class of central nervous system (CNS) depressants. It looks like falling asleep while sitting up or standing.”
You have nodded out numerous times even before your antibiotics (which is the stupidest thing most of us have ever heard). You know how afraid some of your biggest supporters are to see you OD on live?!
You also lost big supporters by your behavior when you are high - such as flashing what’s under your dress when there are children watching. Talking to children on Live and allowing them in boxes whilst you are high as a kite.
You have also lost your big supporters by compulsively lying about your past. You have alienated so many of you family members and I am sure many friends. You had 4 wives (9 to 11 children). 6 bio children that are alive. Your mother, father, grandparents, brother, sister, cousins, etc. who want no part of you. WHY? You are the COMMON DENOMINATOR. You claim everyone lies about you and your past. WHY DON’T YOU EVER TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY? Why are you always a VICTIM? It’s your own shocking behavior.
Why did you go to Vietnam after your accident? Why did you leave all your children? Were you hiding? Fleeing something?
So you were a teacher in Vietnam. It was your wife’s school so maybe she didn’t do the proper background checks on you. Not all foreign countries do background checks unfortunately. Were you a paid teacher that was “on the books” so to speak because from what I remember you were teaching as a favor to your wife to help her! So I don’t believe you were truly an official teacher who was properly vetted.
You lost a lot of support because you said on your Live that one of your wives couldn’t “get off” during sex unless you punched her in the face…and you would comply.
You lost support because you say your past was full of violence. You want to make your followers believe it was ALL perpetrated against you. You want us to believe that. Especially when there are police reports of at least 4 domestic violence incidents in which YOU were the party being accused? I am sure there are more incidents we have not uncovered…YET. You have mentioned numerous times your brushes with police that have beat you up. What did you do? Not saying you deserve to be beaten, but what were you doing to even warrant them to be interacting with you? And I am sure it was not for being trans. You want to make yourself the victim because EVERYONE else is homophobic or transphobic. It’s your GO-TO excuse.
You have lost a lot of your big supporters because they started to become uncomfortable with the way you dress and act like a child mixed with dog collars and hello kitty. Talking baby talk. Making yourself look like a caricature of what your version of a woman is.
You lost a lot of big supporters when you won’t admit you are autogynaphelic (AGP) and not a true trans woman. We can see as you’re getting dressed and made up how turned on you get as more and more layers get added to your costume. You are a cross dresser. Harvard John knows you are AGP. You claimed you were “autosexual” for the first few months I was following you. I don’t know how long before that you were claiming you were. Is it because AGP is NOT considered part of the trans community (although you want people to think it is). It’s a kink. You get off on it.
You lost your big supporters because if they called you out on something they were automatically labeled transphobic or part of the hateful KiKappaKu community? These were women who were big supporters of yours. They bought you lots of gifts. Sent you lots of money. Gifted you TikTok gifts. Now they are considered part of the Klan because they called you out on your sobriety or actions they did not agree with? Always the victim. Do you know some of your biggest supporters that you have lost are part of a race that would be a real victim of the KiKappaKu? You are an entitled white man that has a kink. You are attracted and prefer to be with women. Some women would be afraid to be around you in close quarters.
Do you know you lost a lot of your biggest supporters because you don’t make your social media safe for children? Either from being in active addiction and it showing clear as day your spiraling on drugs and constantly making sexual comments about people choking on your private parts? Saying it daily and constantly throughout your streams on many platforms where children have access? Why don’t you put those age restrictions on your lives. It’s ok for anyone under 18 to see your content when you are strung out and/or drunk on live and flashing and lifting your leg or squatting over the camera while you are In a strawberry shortcake dress?
Oh and yes you did lose a lot of your big supporters because of your little sexual dalliances with your sober companion who truly does look like a teenager. Yes we all heard you talking about licking her privates and “making it clap”. Yes we heard it all.
And yes you lost a lot of your big supporters because you so obliviously failed out of your sober program and lie to them about it. Yes your big supporters were worried about your wellbeing and were them considered a “hater” for caring and trying to help you get back on track. You and you enablers and mods alienated us for caring.
And what is this we are hearing about you possibly being put in a locked facility in general population (jail maybe?) because you didn’t go to probation meetings and didn’t complete your sober program in which he you could have possibly avoided if you listened to your biggest supporters (not your enablers) who wanted to help you cause they saw you slipping back into active addiction and are now shunned to speak in your chat? Supporters who were worried and only wanted to help instead of sweeping it all under the rug like it never happened? Now it looks like you’re in real trouble with the law because you didn’t accept the help that was offered by the “hate group”? We were blocked or muted by your enablers? And I am not talking about the truly hateful people who go to your chat to antagonize and be transphobic and hateful. Your real old supporters didn’t do that to you. But they were still blocked and muted and treated just the same as the really bad trolls who exist.
There is so much more to say that I am leaving out at the moment but I am sure some of your old biggest supporters will add to this.
submitted by lollidee to TayHoTrishUsa [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:17 namely_musical Roommate Problems

Hey everyone, as the title states I’ve been having some issues with my current roommates and I need some advice. For some context to this whole situation (this will probably be a little long so please bear with me): Before moving into this apartment, I had been communicating with a friend that I’ve known since elementary school while he was attending college in Arizona. Let’s call him Carl, for the sake of anonymity. He had been expressing how he would like to come back to living in Texas as he wasn’t very comfortable in Arizona, but he didn’t want to go back to living with his parents in Garland either. I discussed with him the possibility of us rooming together in a 2 bedroom apartment, as we had known each other for a long time and were very good friends, so I didn’t really see how there could be any concerns except for money as apartments and housing in Texas (and the US as a whole) has become quite expensive. As we had discussed it more, he had moved back to Garland and begun planning and saving up to move out of his parent’s house. It wouldn’t just be him, however, as he had a friend he knew from Florida that was also in a similar situation that would be willing to share a bedroom with Carl. I was a little skeptical of this idea at first, however after further discussion I did become more comfortable with it. I also discussed the move frequently with my dad and other friends that I would often meet with. Once we started to look at the actual costs of renting a 2 bedroom apartment, I started to get the impression that they (Carl and the other roommate) were expecting me to pay all of the rent rather than splitting costs evenly. I made it clear in all discussions that this was not to be the case, and stated that a 70/30 split for rent would be the most fair, as I knew that Carl was not making as much money as I was and that our other roommate would have to find work in the area before he could start to contribute to the cost of living. Carl agreed on this, and even stated multiple times to the other friends and family we talked with that he would be willing to split 60/40. I made it clear also that I expected everyone on the lease to contribute to rent on every single payment, so that everyone would be doing their part, fairly so, and that no one would need to contribute more than necessary. During all of this, I was told multiple times that it would be a really bad idea to pursue this arangement by my father and others, though I decided to anyway because I trusted Carl and by extension his friend from Florida. As we finalized things and settled on a pretty nice unit with a rent of $1199/mo (a little higher than I would have liked, but manageable), I started to become loaded with more and more requests from Carl to pay for deposits for electricity, internet, and for the apartment itself. I was okay with this, as he had promised to pay me back later. I knew he was struggling with paying off bills from college classes and was also spending on the trip to Florida to assist our roommate. Things started to settle down a bit more, and Carl was able to provide rent, however not at the full 30% that was agreed upon. I begrudgingly kept my mouth shut as I knew I was making a lot more money than him and I thought it would be unfair of me to ask for more than he was able to provide. Fast forward some time later and I had to help my girlfriend move out of her sister’s apartment due to some family issues that I won’t discuss here. Since then, things have gotten a little more difficult to afford, but I have not asked for any more or less from Carl or my other roommate (even though he has made very little to no progress towards getting a job or helping with bills and rent). I have also discovered through my girlfriend that when I am not home, both Carl and Florida have been saying that I am self-centered and short tempered, and that I have been asking too much from them as far as payment towards rent and other expenses such as groceries and other bills. Florida has also said that he feels uncomfortable with continuing to search for work and that he feels that my girlfriend should be pitching in more (even though she helps clean after them, take care of my cats/fish, and will sometimes help with buying cleaning supplies when necessary. While it wasn’t directly said, Florida has heavily implied in conversation that my girlfriend should also being rent, despite that fact that she is not legally written into the lease and as such not legally responsible for assisting with rent and bills. This all brings us to last night. While I was at work, I had remembered that rent still needed to be paid and I reached out to Carl to ask how much he would be able to put in this month. I received a text from him later that said he didn’t have a lot right now and wouldn’t be able to help until next paycheck, which I said was alright. After getting home, I paid rent in full, and went to pick up my girlfriend from work as she was getting off around that time. In the car, she told me that Carl had lied to me about how much he actually had in his account under the instruction of Florida. I was extremely frustrated and exhausted at that point, deciding that this was the last straw, and planned to confront them that night after making dinner. Once I got home after picking her up, their bedroom door was shut and I heard them on a voice call with an online friend while playing a game together (they do this very frequently and are often loud, and taking dishes to their room for snacks without returning them). As usual, they came out right when food was almost ready. That had started to pick at what was already out, and my girlfriend had told them to stop because nothing was finished yet. They took this as a joke and ignored it, so I firmly told them to stop. They acted surprised at this, and went back to their bedroom, closing the door and not returning until I had left the kitchen to get ready for work today. This morning, my girlfriend showed me a text from Carl asking if she had figured out why I was “being such an asshole”.
At this point, I’m heavily considering kicking them both out regardless of whether or not they have a place to stay. I have been more than patient and fair, spent far over half of my savings towards everything in this apartment including the dishes and other supplies they use, only for them to act like this and treat me this way when I’m not home. I really need advice on how to move forward with this situation, and whether or not I am actually in the wrong for feeling the way I do.
(TL;DR - My roommates have been underpaying, not cleaning after themselves, and talking about me behind my back, and in general being a headache to deal with. What do I do?)
Please let me know if I need to provide more information! Thank you all.
submitted by namely_musical to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:16 beDetective Yongwoo&Juyeon

I tried to analyzed their relationship based on what I seen in the show. The age gap of 10 years surely makes their relationship a bit different compared to other sibling and also their background from divorced family makes.
I realizes that Yongwoo growing up as Juyeon father instead of brother. He need to helo took care of his sister also due to her mother as career mom. Surely, this situation makes Yongwoo needs to sacrifice a lot of thing to Juyeon.
He always positioned himself as Juyeon father and needs to help Juyeon. This nature makes him always help Juyeon whenever she needs and try to solve her problem. Even he included his friends to help Juyeon based on the interviews when his friends help Juyeon with school and attended her graduation when he was not around. Their age gaps also makes Yongwoo needs to be someone that Juyeon can always relied on, but also makes him dont want to relied on Juyeon. This nature makes him always think that its okay to sacrifice everything as long as my sister is happy. We can tell by how he sacrifice his date to give it to Juyeon in the show. He is someone that prioritize Juyeon happiness over his happiness just like father.
I think in the show when Juyeon start to told him her concern about Jaehyung he start to think how to help her sister. Even during the singing contest I believed he also sacrifice his pride as manly man and dance for the sake of his sister. I believed that he start to think how to help Juyeon after Jaehyung stop message Juyeon. I can imagine his feeling when he received text that nobody choose your sister it must hurt his feeling too. I believed in the basement when he gave advice to Juyeon is just he want to encourage Juyeon but deep down he also want to help her to get together with Jaehyung.
I think the night after singing contest just before the Singapore trip he already start to think how to help Juyeon get back to Jaehyung. I think after in Singapore when Juyeon ask him for advice he notice that Jaehyung was into Jiwon and he might already have an idea on how to help Juyeon is by try to get Jiwon.
I kinda want to believe that his feeling is genuine for Choa and his feeling for Choa is bigger than Jiwon. I think he start to make a move to get close to Jiwon after seeing how close Jiwon and Jaehyung in the kitchen. I think his act to get closer to Jiwon is based on Juyeon not based on his feeling. He knows that Juyeon heart is broken broken by Jaehyung getting close to Jiwon. Then he is ready to sacrifice his feeling for choa by using Yoonha date as his weapon to reject Choa and try to brainwash himself that he is into Jiwon. I think his feeling for Jiwon is not as genuine as his feeling for Choa. He start to make a reason to get close to Jiwon and try to make excuse of destiny and reminising his date with Jiwon. I believe he doing this for the sake of Juyeon.
All his life he dedicated himself to taking care and adoring Juyeon ofcourse he cannot stand to saw Juyeon heart broken. I believe he already make a plan on how to make Juyeon Jaehyung happened just after Juyeon ask for his advice in their room. Its kinda sad because he cannot prioritize his own feeling over his sister. He can sacrifice everything and tried his best to help his sister. Even by hurting Choa's feeling just like when he sacrifice his date for Juyeon.
I know he is not that into Jiwon, as we can see in the show if he has "real" feeling for Jiwon he will act like Chulhyun and make an effort to get closer to her. He just started to make a move just after he saw how Jaehyung and Jiwon get closer and how Juyeon heart broken. I can tell by his expression that he has a bit hatred toward Jaehyung after he rejected his sister. Eventhough he didnt show it but I can saw his expression of dislike to Jaehyung after he start not text Juyeon in Seoul. I think he cannot stand to see Jaehyung happiness on top of his sister heart broken. This is just my opinion.
He know his power is to attract any women so he use his power to get close to Jiwon even in last minutes. Just to make a chance for his sister to get back to Jaehyung because he know that Juyeon will not give up with Jaehyung. So he tried to make an opportunity for her to get closer to Jaehyung by get closer to Jiwon.
I know this is just based on my own opinion and analysis. But looking back how he grow up I think Yongwoo is for sure able to do this and as we know his priority is Juyeon happiness. Even sacrifice and ruin other people feelings (Choa, Jaehyung&Jiwon). Because what he care the most is ofcourse only Juyeon. Just like a father who always take care his daughter and sacrifice everything for her.
submitted by beDetective to MySiblingsRomance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:16 iceblinkluck__ nosophobia is ruining my life

hello, I’m a 21F and I’ve been dealing w std/mostly HIV related nosophobia for over a year now. years ago, I was very carefree and didn’t even think about things like stds and just went on having sex without even thinking. last summer, this all changed. I was dating a guy who I later found out was on Grindr the whole time. a friend asked if I had gotten tested for HIV since finding out. this sent me down a rabbit hole, as I was potentially put at risk for something serious without even knowing. I had never even thought about hiv at that point since health class in high school. this has expanded from just HIV to now all STDs and becoming pregnant. anytime I notice something strange down there, or if my period is late, I freak out and go on Reddit and ask if I have some kind of (usually permanent) std. I spend money almost every month on HIV or other tests, even when I haven’t had sex. sometimes I think I’ll be okay to have sex and do, and then I freak out, blowing the person up for the next few days asking if they’re clean and they understandably get very mad at me. then I can’t relax or sleep for weeks until I can get a reliable test. none of these tests have ever been positive. even when I practice safe sex, this does nothing to make my fears go away. I don’t even talk to men anymore, because I’m scared they’ll try to have sex with me and I won’t be able to say no because I also struggle very much w self esteem, and I’ll sleep w them and the cycle will continue.
this is taking over and ruining my life. I can’t afford to keep getting tests and having doctors visits for absolutely nothing. I’m on medication and have a therapist. even my family knows about it. nothing helps, and it’s been over a year. I need it to end.
submitted by iceblinkluck__ to Phobia [link] [comments]


I'm seeing a quite new phenomenon recently; an increasing number of people saying and asking me very similar things like:
I said that this is a very new phenomenon! I am answering questions for a decade now; how strange it is to see suddenly so many people having this problem while it was not a thing before ever. Could it be a coincidence that it is a result of people listening to a Youtuber who promotes the opposite of "feeling it"?
Could it be some kind of marketing/manipulation strategy like "create the artificial need so you have people with a real demand?" Maybe, or maybe it is just a new magical era where suddenly everyone has this issue... Maybe you should be more careful about who you let brainwash you?
You have to realize that most things that billions of people and you included have or create on a daily basis, are things they or you never experienced before! Saying that you have to experience something before you can feel it not only totally ignorant and stupid but it denies the whole teaching of the LAW.
Think about it: If such an assumption is true: It means that the experience exists before the mind! And that you can manifest only what you experienced before! Or that to be able manifest something you have to first live it. Yet, who creates it first? And how?
The most hilarious thing is that this whole "theory" comes from coaches who promote "robotic affirmations", who also are supposedly teaching you that you have no limits and that everything is possible for you. They are literally reading you success stories of how they resurrect people, pets and how they manifest thing out of thin air. YET for some strange and unexplained reasons "feeling it without having experienced it" is impossible.
Guys how do you even swallow that? How can you accept that you're limitless and a God but cannot have a basic human feeling? Are you truly saying that you do not have power over your mind and that you are mentally restrained?
My dear friend, all my posts require that you have a power over your mind, your feelings and emotions. I write posts that explain this for 15 years: each post deals with this, each of them depends of this and each of them reinforces this. Each one of them has that requirement.
It is very very discouraging to read someone saying "I cannot feel it" because not only you're ignoring countless posts I wrote ~EXPLAINING IN DETAIL~ ~HOW IT IS DONE~, but you're denying the law and contradicting it (as I explained above) but above all, what you're saying and may not realize that you're saying is: "I CANT DIRECT MY MIND. THE ONLY POWER I TRULY HAVE. "
A true student of my teachings would ~never~ accept such a low sh*t . ~Letting someone convince you that you cannot feel is very damaging and serious; It is very similar to a toxic, abusive partner or "friend" telling you "You can't find better than me." But this one goes even lower because it deprives you of the ONLY POWER YOU HAVE: which is to direct your states.~ If this is not evil then I don't know what it is.
Now I'm asking you again: Are you truly saying that your environment or people in it have to first make you experience something so that you can create it? Are you truly saying that you're a victim of the past and that all you can do depends of your past? And if this is your belief then how can you be any "god" or do anything? How can the law exist? Who made the past?
If this is truly your message to me: that you dont have power over your mind or what you can feel Im telling you again; my teachings are not for you. THIS IS THE VERY CORE OF WHAT EACH OF MY POST IS ASKING YOU TO DIRECT.
Hopefully you become more mindful about who you listen to and believe. And if you truly want to understand how to "feel" or direct your states you should devote your time and efforts in reading the posts with great curiosity and the will to understand because your ability to direct your states is one of the most important skill you can learn to direct or have power over. Even if "repeating words" worked as a way to manifest, this skill of directing your mind (states) is of extreme importance since it doesn't just help you manifest but much, much greater powers depend on it.
submitted by allismind to ALLISMIND [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:15 throwawayforlemoi My only "friend" sucks, and I don't know what to do

tw: abuse, animal abuse (no details, just mentions)
I don't have many relationships outside of my immediate family. It's really difficult for me to maintain friendships, to the point where it's nigh impossible.
The only person I talk to somewhat regularly, let's call her Jess, is not really a good friend. She is friends with an extremist (racist, homophobic, transphobic) because she likes hearing about people's viewpoints. The woman she is friends with also bullied me, calling me gay and whatnot, and was generally a mean girl, but make it Christian.
She also abuses animals, and when she gets called out for it, she just says "I don't know", or that they have it good with her and her parents, or some bullshit excuse. They (her and her parents, her mother, mainly) think they are some kind of good Samaritans for "rescuing" animals, but really, it's out of the frying pan, into the fire for all the animals they've had so far. No matter how often you tell them that they should not be kept that way, should not be treated this way, they don't listen.
Jess also uses me as some kind of therapist, which is fine up to a certain point, but she doesn't actually take my advice, nor does she do anything to actually better her situation. She calls me, cries for an hour, feels better, then calls me again a week later. At this point, there is nothing left for me to say I haven't told her already. She rejects going to therapy for her problems (mainly issues with her parents and university), because her mother would call her crazy. She doesn't want to move out either, even though she had ample opportunity to do so.
When we call an hour, I maybe get to say one sentence about how I'm doing before it all goes back to revolving around her.
A few days ago, I called her in dire need of someone to talk to due to my father being an abusive asshole. She was extremely insensitive, in my opinion. Like, I was crying, and she asked me if the abuse was worse this time, as if that actually mattered. She also asked to elaborate while I was just trying to calm down and think about something else. Then she offered to take the train to see me in another town, which I agreed to, before pulling back her offer because her boyfriend's mother, whom she has known for 8 or so months, told her not to.
Why, you might ask? Because she had to attend a wedding the next day, and her boyfriend's mother didn't want to risk her skipping it for her so called best friend. She would not have missed the wedding because of me, as it was about mid-day when I called, and she would have been back by the evening of the very same day. But no. She didn't come, in the end. She just resorted to talking about herself, again, to comfort me I guess? I don't know.
It's just draining me, to be honest. To try to be there for someone who doesn't return the favor, to put your energy into someone who just takes, and takes, and takes, without any consideration. Over time, I've grown sour towards Jess, but I honestly don't know what to do.
I know it would likely be best to either reduce contact to a minimum, or to cut it completely, but I don't want to hurt her, which I inevitably would even by explaining what I'm feeling. I guess I just need some advice on what to do with her, and this relationship I don't want to call a friendship anymore.
submitted by throwawayforlemoi to MadeOfStyrofoam [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:14 homeparticle Beyond Ganondorf's Heart: Shedding Light on the Gloom that Permeates Tears of the Kingdom

Hello, everyone!
Recently, my perspective on Tears of the Kingdom has changed in some unexpected ways, and I would like to share what I wrote about it here. They will soon release Master Works, an artbook with design and lore notes, which I don't think will confirm anything, but may point to different things. I want you to note that this is my personal point of view on the game, but aimed at showcasing and emphasizing everyone's unique interpretations and ways of playing. Please, let me know what you think.
There are many Spoilers Ahead:
I think Ganondorf (if not Gloom's Origin) represents something within the player. Do you know those 2h long fanfictions on Youtube that rewrite the whole plot? They may be the actual final boss of the game.
It's translated from Spanish from where I posted it originally. A week before, a youtuber called Tommy Dinh already said some of the things I was writing myself, and I will attach it for you as a really nice addition to the things I will expose.
In Breath of the Wild, the story was distant, but seeing it involved piecing it together. In Tears of the Kingdom, the history is absent and cannot be pieced together, only ordered in a certain way; but now, time can be touched.
It is affirmed as a spatial quality, expanded vertically in its two extremes, sky and underground: the realm that represents the future and the one representing the past. Put in a certain way, the sky and the Depths form an emotional timeline. The Light Dragon, with its body, symbolizes this touch; although the history is hidden, its substance adheres to the present.
The journey begins, and the dragon's tears, which theoretically marked its birth, return to you; in the narrative, everything is like a mosaic that you join in equally, as if the Glide Armor ruled over the others. But there is something with which you struggle to reconnect, something that looks down on you, your expectations, and your memory.
I would say that in the plot, the holes that matter are rather physical, and lead to the world of spirits, covered in a miasma, translated as ‘gloom’ in English. It also means ‘sadness’. When you touch it, it nerfs you, drains your energy. The Depths, or as I said, the emotional past, is the origin of the gloom; the fun plays with our perception of time, making it a dark and monotonous place. But the Depths are not inherently bad; it is a refuge for sadness, which Ganondorf is exploiting.
Ganondorf is like a cardiovascular system (his clothes, his body, the shape of his forehead, his hair, and the tree of gloom from which he would extract his power), invading the world from the Depths because he represents the cruel side of the heart: sadness and nostalgia turned into destructive passion. There is something more: that gloom tree (Gloom's Origin), which probably always existed; he might be using a natural negative element to condense its power, similar to how Rauru uses light.
In BOTW, Zelda was fighting a tumor (Ganon) that invaded life. But in TOTK, what seals Ganondorf and his tree of wrath is sunlight itself: the castle functions as a giant shrine of light, pinned to the seal, and the Kingdom of Darkness would be imposed by an eternal Blood Moon. The light seals the wrath, which invades the world from the heart of its nostalgia.
The history of the kingdom, therefore, has not been simplified since Breath of the Wild. Its new faces seem to say that it has always been the story of light and time, and the sensations they evoke. But a pulse from the heart emerges from the Depths to demand that it be something else. Recently, I watched a gameplay video where a YouTuber, during the demon king cutscenes, said, tired of the lore: “I wish the whole game was like this.”
And I'm talking about the letdowns: I don't think TOTK reproaches us for wanting something else. We play what we like, and Hyrule could respond to other questions. I exaggerate speaking like this, of course, because it works differently for everyone; but I believe that the almost unanimous feeling of repetition, on the one hand, and the reproaches of so many fans, on the other, speak to a different intention. I would say it disappoints us on purpose (I wouldn't be writing this if it hadn't done it with me), to point out an opposing and twisted force in our love and, of course, in its own nostalgia.
Anyone who thinks about archetypes or has played The Wind Waker knows a more relegated and vulnerable part of Ganondorf. In TOTK, the pre-demon Ganondorf supposedly misses the wildness of his previous times, when he ruled under another law; just like many now miss Breath of the Wild, the previous wildness, when our progress and the world to discover mattered more. I believe that what the game really tries to do is rescue your intention from that disillusionment; to separate and reconnect as you want. Your fun and imagination matters as much as your incredulity and boredom. The luminous seeds with which you illuminate the Depths contribute to the allegory that your action and intention are equated with light. In BOTW, Zelda says (I put the English version because it is better translated): 'You are the light that must shine upon Hyrule once again,' emphasizing that connection between the world and you. And at the end of TOTK, it seems to perfectly understand why it has returned from its draconic form: 'I understand. (...) When I felt something… like a warm, loving embrace, I woke up.'; and the rays of light caress the castle. In a video that I will put later, it is related to the gameplay proposal that there is no sacrifice without reward.
Soon, Master Works will be released, something akin to an Ultimania for TOTK, and I suppose its design notes will indicate what inspired them. I doubt they will elaborate on some things, although others seem quite obvious to me; but who knows… maybe the important secrets aren’t those. And yet, I’m tempted to think that a saga I love, and probably its most anticipated game, might have wanted to use the typical disappointment with franchises and lores as a spiritual reversal of its own kingdom. On the other hand, seeing the new Hyrule as Termina, an allegorical world that cries for its past, is difficult for many, but seeing the amount of sad, disappointed, melancholic, and angry posts, videos, and fanfics about the game, and observing the difference in hype between 2019 and now, I believe the reconnection could be very sweet.
At the beginning of the game, after the echo of some heartbeats, Link and Zelda follow the flow of malevolent aura that marked the trailer back then, engulfing a rat. A sanguineous bubbling that, in itself, I believe, was the hype. The characters, or Ganondorf in particular, are not fleshed out because they don’t need to be: now our blood runs through the Depths, in both its natural and demonic state, and a personal light slips through the cracks. The three triangles, deconstructed, are within us.
Considering all this, Zelda's words at the beginning of the game sound different: “People have been falling ill after coming into contact with the gloom drifting through this caverns. (…) With it coming up from beneath Hyrule Castle… (…) Let’s go solve this mystery.”
I think the metaphors this game creates about the act of playing, but especially about sadness and disillusionment, are affecting me in an unexpected way. I highly recommend watching this video by YouTuber Tommy Dinh:
Everyone Missed the Point of Tears of the Kingdom
In it, he mentions the Depths, the gloom, the verticality, and at minute 40, he talks about the deus ex machina and the game’s ending. I especially like the connection with collectivism, which is omnipresent. I would never have related the end of Tears of the Kingdom to ending E of Nier: Automata, it was very difficult. But suddenly, I see them as somewhat similar.
I think Mineru’s final explanation (“I have a theory…”) pays homage to fan theories because its role as something that unites people is important. Ganondorf does not embody nostalgia or sadness, but the dark side of the heart, of passion, which takes advantage of the depressive terrain of nostalgia and past-focused thinking. That is why intention is good if it mobilizes you for the common good, not when it engulfs and renders you useless.
And it seems to me that, in a certain sense, Tears of the Kingdom tries to represent us when our escapism backfires (expert here), or perhaps, those who are concerned with the Timeline external to some Zelda games, like lore archaeologists. I mentioned monotony earlier, and I would say that, specifically, the Find Zelda quest, which leads us to each temple and the castle, is monotonous because someone wants to tell us from the other side that those who get angry and frustrated with what they are being offered, might as well ask themselves other questions. What are you looking for? Here it's only Zelda, Zelda, Zelda, Zelda, Zelda, Princess Zelda, Princess Zelda, Princess Zelda, Princess Zelda. It might bore some, or anger others. Phantom Ganon, the infinite alter ego, is not playing with us in the way we expect (fun), but he probably will.
Additional Notes (those are as well just personal views on some parts of the world/story):
Instead of collectible enemies, the poes are now collectible NPCs.
The protagonist of the future is the first to appear dressed with the aesthetics of the past. They are two planes that merge from their very birth, and there is a third: once you fulfill your obligation (returning the sword to the past), time, represented by verticality, becomes fluid.
Ganondorf embeds a stone in his head to display it; Zelda embeds a sword in her head to hide it.
Ganondorf displays unattainable power, but others wear it as pendants, bracelets, and necklaces. Similarly, Zelda’s stone comes to you during the tutorial, while Ganondorf’s stone has to be forcibly extracted from his draconic form.
Mineru is a channeling of Zelda, literally and figuratively. Her silenced spirit in the tablet symbolizes Zelda, silenced from the beginning of the game, in our Switch.
Zelda understands she can act in the past when she sees herself duplicated.
All the sages from the distant past say the same thing, except for the Sage of Time, who speaks nothing and says everything.
I think the logo (ouroboros and decayed sword) symbolizes these things:
The symbol opposite to the ouroboros in the mural (pic by me)
That's it, guys. Please, as I said, let me know what you think about my perspective, and your personal points on TOTK. I am attaching a link to the original post on Substack: La vieja historia del tiempo y la luz
If this reaches somewhere, I hope you'll like it. Enjoy the game!
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