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414: Brew City

2009.09.17 21:39 tsondie21 414: Brew City

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2024.06.01 10:50 Yurii_S_Kh The Maiden Apostle

The Maiden Apostle
Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin)
The most significant event in the history of Georgia was the country’s conversion to Christianity in the early fourth century by St. Nino, Equal-to-the-Apostles. The light of the Gospels brought by the virgin Nino to Georgia like a lamp lit from the fire of the Jerusalem church took flesh in the wondrous works of Christian literature and ecclesiastical art, in magnificent cathedrals resembling sculptures hewn from whole blocks of granite, in churches—stone blossoms that adorned the entire country as the garden of the Most Holy Theotokos, in chapels crowning the mountain peaks, so that the mountains and cliffs themselves are like footstools for the chapels. This light shines from the ancient icons and frescoes of extraordinary spiritual depth. This light sparkles in sacred chants. It illuminates the pages of Georgian Saints’ Lives and chronicles; but most importantly—the light brought by St. Nino changed and transformed the soul of the people.
* * *
Christianity made man a new creation. It gave him the dignity of the image and likeness of God, and revealed an imperishable spiritual treasure. Christianity turned man’s thoughts and heart to eternity. It gave his soul the possibility to be reborn and resurrected through mystical experience. Christianity revealed to man the true freedom of love, instead of the pagan freedom of passions and tyranny. Christian theology gave an answer to the age-old questions raised but not answered by philosophy. The Gospel teaching showed that each human personality—inimitable and unique—is of supreme value. Christianity became a powerful impulse for rethinking and developing the relationships between people and nations, founded upon respect for man as an image of God and a manifestation of eternity on earth. The light brought by St. Nino illumined Georgia’s historical path for many centuries. The Baptism of Georgia was the beginning of a new era in the spiritual life of its people.
The Gospel was first preached in Georgia by the apostles themselves. It was like the first rays of the sun that brighten the mountain peaks, as if tearing them from the captivity of darkness and night. Ancient ice and snow burst into flames of blinding light, but in the gorges and passes the fog still curls like the black smoke of a campfire. The world is sunk in pre-dawn night and sleep. The peaks illuminated by the light were the first Christian communities founded by the apostles. But the people remained in pagan captivity. Apostles Andrew the First-Called, Simon the Canaanite, and Matthew had cast the seeds of Gospel teaching into Georgian soil, but three centuries passed before this land would be covered with wondrously beautiful flowers. Just as the Aragva River changes its flow from south to west at the borders of Mshkheta, so did the Baptism of Georgia in the Aragva turn Georgia’s entire course of history from Iran to Byzantium.
The fourth century was a time of conversion to Christianity in the Caucasus Mountain region. Georgia’s brothers, Armenia and Caspian Albania, also converted, and this Christian house became an impenetrable fortress against their enemies.
St. Nino was, according to ancient tradition, a cousin of Great-Martyr George the Trophy-Bearer. There is a great similarity between the image of the knight who slays the dragon and the young virgin, who raised the cross in her hands like a spiritual sun over Georgia.
Georgia is the portion of the Most Holy Theotokos. The Virgin Mary chose a virgin to be the apostle of Georgia—St. Nino, who was almost a child at the time. With the cross as her sword she was victorious in battle with paganism, and illumined the nation with the light of the Gospel. She captivated people’s hearts with the fire of love, which Christ had brought from heaven to earth. She converted the people to Christ not with artful words, but through the power of grace. Nino’s chosenness was marked by the gift of miracles and healing. But the conversion of a nation through a young virgin was the greatest miracle. It is impossible to prove the existence of light—it has to be seen. St. Nino herself was a bright lamp; those around her felt this light with their souls, and beheld the eternal beauty of the Gospels. They received Nino’s preaching as a new life, hitherto unknown to them.
St. Nino lived from her childhood in a Jerusalem church under the care of her uncle, Patriarch Juvenal. This church was located on the slopes of Mount Sion, where the Holy Spirit had descended upon the apostles (the Church of the Resurrection of Christ the Savior had not yet been built). St. Nino grew up under the eaves of the church, similar to how the Virgin Mary lived for ten years in the Old Testament temple in fulfillment of her parent’s vow. The Virgin Mary had access to the Holy of Holies. The virgin Nino prayed in the place where the Holy Spirit descended in the form of fiery tongues and founded the New Testament Church in the upper room on Sion.
Jerusalem is a book made of stone, written about Christ. There the air preserves the breath of His lips, and the earth, His footprints. There, it is as if time has stopped, and it seems that Christ is near, like the time of His earthly life.
St. Nino lived at the church, like a nun in reclusion. The church is a concentration of spiritual light. Outside the church the light becomes dispersed and dim. In the silence of the church she heard the voice of angels, and in visions she conversed with Christ the Savior, as St. Paul conversed face-to-face with Jesus in the Arabian Desert. The Mother of God appeared to her as she did to the apostles after her Dormition. She saw with her spiritual eyes the beginning and end of the world. Prayer transfigured her. The young virgin seemed to be the embodiment of the spirit of ancient prophetesses, or angels who had taken on human appearance.
At the Savior’s will and the Mother of God’s blessing, she came from Palestine to the capital of Georgia, Mshkheta, which became a second Jerusalem. The day of her arrival, August 6, was the New Year and festival of the Zoroastrian divinity Ahura Mazda—the main festival of fire-worshippers. St. Nino entered into combat with Ahura Mazda and conquered him, as St. George conquered the dragon. The dragon was slain by the power of prayer, and the idol of Ahura Mazda fell and shattered into dust. This day became the spiritual new year in the life of the Georgian people.
Mshkheta greeted St. Nino with festival noise, solemn processions, and a sea of fires lit to honor Ahura Mazda. For Mazdaists, every first day of the month was dedicated to Ahura Mazda, and this first day of the year was celebrated with particular solemnity. On the left bank of the Kura River, opposite Mshkheta, King Parnaoz built a fortress and a pagan temple called Armazi. On the left side opposite Mshkheta, on the mountain peak stood idols of the Zoroastrian divinity, wrought of metal and decorated with precious stones. One of them held a bared sword in an outstretched arm and stood over Mshkheta like a conqueror, looking over the city from the heights of a citadel.
St. Nino fell to her knees and began to pray that the Lord would cast down the idols with His might, just as the idols of Memphis shook and fell when the Virgin Mary and her Infant passed through the city gates.
A miracle occurred. A storm arose. The horizon was darkened by clouds as if the sky was furrowing its brow. Dark clouds like black glaciers flows over Mshkheta. The sun’s light turned to dusk, as if time was turning back and night was on again. Lightning tore the clouds. The whole earth seemed to shake from the thunder. A whirlwind like a tornado flung Ahura Mazda into the gorge, like a knight throws his combatant from his horse. Torrential rain poured down mixed with hail, like molten metal and stones cast from battlements. The water of the Aragvi became covered with foam, as if it was boiling—waves heaved upwards, as if they wanted to reach the mountain peaks. It seemed that the river would crash over Mshkheta and drown it in its belly. People ran to their homes in horror. The city emptied, like a graveyard. But the storm passed as quickly as it came. Again the sun shone in the sky cleansed by wind and washed by rain. On the mountain peak there were no longer any idols to be seen, as if St. Nino had torn the military emblem from the walls of the Acropolis. In the thunder and wind, in the blinding flashes of lightning a new page opened in the Christian chronicles of Georgia, magnificent as Caucasus nature.
St. Nino began to live in the house of the king’s orchard keeper, the Jew Anastasios. Here she built a hut out of branches covered with clay on the edge of the king’s orchard. Her bed was a piece of wool felt thrown over the earth in place of a carpet, on which she prayed most of the night, falling asleep just before daybreak. On this site is built the Samtavro Monastery of St. Nino. In her desert cell is the cross made of grapevines, given to her by the Virgin Mary. This cross, a great sacred treasure of Georgia, is kept in the Sion Cathedral in Tbilisi.
In the Greek Chronicles, St. Nino is called Nonna; that is, nun and recluse. For the heart of a monk, the desert is the place where he meets Christ. St. Nino often withdrew to the outskirts of Mshkheta, especially to the mountain that is now crowned with the Dzhvari church, where the noise of the city and waves of the river would not disturb her silence. In the mountains the quietude is like an impenetrable, transparent crystal wall. There she prayed for hours to God, and when the first stars appeared in the sky, like candles lit by an invisible hand before an iconostasis, she would descend to the capital city, where the houses’ windows glowed like stars fallen from the sky.
St. Nino’s preaching was accompanied by manifestations of God’s power, especially the healing of the sick. Through the Jews who had settled in the Caucasus by at least the seventh century before Christ, the peoples of Georgia had been acquainted with Biblical teaching. Christian communities founded by the apostles in as early as the first century formed separate islands that eventually turned into an archipelago, spreading across the sea of paganism. By the end of the third century, Christianity was the second religion in size after Mazdaism. Georgia now stood before a choice: what should it be from now on—pagan, or Christian; what should they choose—the Gospels or the Avesta, the light of the Cross or the fires of Zoroaster?
Queen Nana, who had been healed of a mortal disease by the virgin Nino, became a Christian. King Mirian, son of a Persian shah, had been taught from childhood that Iran was the land of light, and east and west of it was the kingdom of darkness—Turan and Rome. The priests of Zoroaster convinced the king that Christianity is the herald of catastrophes prophesied by Zoroaster, that it is the religion of women and slaves, not worthy of an Aryan, that the true faith would perish through a woman, as one Indian sage had written five centuries before the birth of Christ, that Iran was created by great heroes who had conquered the devs (giants) from Turan, and because of the Christians the Jews perished and Rome was in decline.
The king was sunk in heavy doubts.
Where is the truth? Where should he lead his people? Will his descendants bless, or curse his name? The scales of history wavered in his hands, and no one knew which cup would drop lower. But the king’s doubt was resolved by a miracle—he was saved from fatal danger when he called upon the unknown God of St. Nino. King Mirian became the first Christian king of Georgia. According to the Greek chronologists, Georgia’s conversion happened in 318 A.D., and the Baptism of Georgia according to the Kartlis Tskhovreba (Life of Georgia) happened in 326, while the time of the hierarchical establishment in the Georgian Church came in 337.
The priests and bishops sent from Byzantium baptized the people of Georgia and Aragva. The place where King Mirian and his princes were baptized is called to this day the “courtiers’ font”. Downstream on the river, like in an enormous font, the people were baptized.
The fires of Zoroastrianism were extinguished in the waters of the Aragva; in the waves of the Aragva the blood of human sacrifices spilled to idols before the reign of Reva the Righteous (two centuries B.C.) was cleansed away, as was the filth of pagan theurgy and magic. The shards of shattered idols were thrown like corpses in a common grave in the Aragva. The Holy Spirit descended into the waters of the Aragva, as it did into the waters of the Jordan.
St. Nino traversed all of Kartli and Kakhetia with her preaching. She ascended to mountain settlements that were like eagles’ nests clinging to cliffs over the abysses. She preached in the courts of princes and in the huts of paupers. Day and night she spent in care for the newly baptized people, like a godmother for her children.
Nino performed the ascetic labors of her life in the eastern region of Georgia called Ereti, in the settlement of Bodbe. Like a gravestone on her grave stands the Church of St. George the Trophy Bearer. Here St. Nino rests in body, but in spirit she abides in every church, city, and village of Georgia. She abides in the heart of Georgia, and Georgia, in her heart.
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:19 zanpancan Draft 1

Suprabhat, Vannakam, Adab and Welcome to the 2024 LOK SABHA GENERAL ELECTION THUNDERDOME.
India is a parliamentary democracy that follows the first-past-the-post voting system, similar to the standard Westminster System. The Lower House of the Indian Parliament (Lok Sabha) consists of 543 seats representing 543 constituencies that send 1 Member of Parliament (MP) each. These 543 MP's then choose a prime minister via simple majority.
For each constituency, a political party gives a ticket to a single Candidate. The Candidate with at least a plurality of votes in a constituency represents that Constituency in parliament as a member of the party.
There are no party level primaries in India, the candidate for a constituency is decided by the party high command and only one person from a party can be on the ticket for a particular seat. You can contest multiple constituencies though from the same party as both Narendra Modi (2014 BJP Candidate for both Varanasi and Vadodara) and Rahul Gandhi (2024 Congress Candidate for both Rae Bareili and Wayanad) have done. If no existing political party gives you a ticket, you can contest as an Independent Candidate or form your own party and contest as a member of your own party.
The government can be formed by the party or the alliance that has a simple majority of MP's. When no single political party has a majority of MP's, an alliance of various parties can be formed that contains the majority of MP's. This is called a post-poll alliance, where the parties contest elections separately but might come together after the elections in order to form the government or be part of the government. However there is also the pre-poll alliance where political parties join or form an alliance before the elections.
Economy & Employment:
The incumbent BJP-led NDA government makes the positive case of economic growth and development under its decade long tenure. It points to strong rejuvenated GDP growth with relatively low inflation, rising wages, a growing middle class, stable macroeconomic positioning, strong spending, slashing of multidimensional poverty, a strong and well administered welfare state, expanded free trade, sharp reduction in regulation, increase in select manufacturing and industry, a revitalized finance sector, and a thriving service market.
The government points to the large-scale infrastructure development undertaken, expanding roadways, delivering expansive electrification, and provisions of basic utility services. They point to the stagnation and policy paralysis observed under the tenure of the last Congress government (UPA 2), and further make point to the opposition's alleged proposed populist economic programs as untenable and unfeasible. They make the case that the opposition has leftist economic policies that are not grounded in economic reality.
The INC-led I.N.D.I.A opposition on the other hand, makes the negative case against the incumbents, pointing to large scale youth unemployment, even among educated youth. They point to an alleged inability of the government to tie growth to employment. They allege a failure of manufacturing capacity and sufficient industrialization of the economy, highlighting the lack of sufficient private capital inflows. They criticize the growth figures of the economy by casting doubt on the government's statistics, and focusing extensively on growing wealth inequality, alleging that growth only occurs for the rich billionaire class, with minimal relief for the poor, targeting specific attacks against domestic industrial magnates, Adani and Ambani. They allege favoritism on the part of the incumbent government towards their select base, highlighting the state of Gujarat as being prioritized over other states.
In making their positive case, they propose a more inclusive and redistributive model of growth, proposing heightened subsidization programmes, more welfare and support programmes, higher taxation on the wealthy and corporations, leveraging private capital inflows for infrastructure development, and prioritizing equitable growth through a caste census, developing corrective policies for inequalities between castes.
They aim to solve the employment crisis through expanding roles in state enterprises and filling government vacancies, alongside expanding labour intensive industries like manufacturing and mining, whilst pointing to high growth rates of the economy as well as committing to expand manufacturing through reforms and subsidy platforms like the PLI, FAME etc., further claiming that increased infrastructure spending will lead to crowding in effect thus enabling faster industrialization.
Social Justice:
The issues of social equity and justice have become major cornerstones of both the incumbent and opposition electoral platforms. This is most prevalent through the forthcoming section on sectarianism, but also focuses on key issues regarding class equality and - most importantly - caste-based discrimination.
The incumbent BJP-led NDA government point to their solid track record of universal poverty alleviation, targeted successful welfare and affirmative action programmes. The INC-led I.N.D.I.A opposition on the other hand, point to growing wealth inequality and apparent institutional and systemic discrimination against underprivileged caste communities in academia, employment, governmental programmes, courts, the military, etc. They allege that the government has not committed to taking resolute and definitive action against casteism through corrective policy.
This all boils down to the Reservation system, a large scale, affirmative action initiative, conducted through a systematic quota-based policy of allotment of institutional positions in education, governmental employment, schemes and programmes, direct political representation, etc.
With reservations estimated to have hit 59.5% of Central Government Institutional positions, there are now broader calls to expand the scale and scope of this drive. The opposition wanting to break the cap limits and even introduce this system into the private sector to potentially induce parity, while the government commits to more modest hikes of upto 62.5% while playing into incumbent Prime Minister Narendra Modi's identity as a member of an underprivileged caste community.
While the opposition campaigns on removing limits to the quota system to deliver equity, the government alleges these commitments to be populist and detrimental, while alleging that the opposition seeks to potentially appease its Muslim voter base by introducing expanded reservations for Muslims, thereby allegedly sabotaging the disadvantaged Hindu lower castes, and redistributing their wealth to Muslims, in a bid to gain their votes.
Both the incumbent BJP-led NDA government and the INC-led I.N.D.I.A opposition have framed communalism as a lynchpin issue of the Election. The incumbent government points to alleged casteist and bigoted rhetoric against select caste groups and Hindus. They allege the opposition panders to minorities for their votes, whilst not delivering on the real issues. They allege the opposition seeks to drive up divisiveness and shared social harmony in India. They further allege that the opposition engages in divisive rhetoric on key issues of Hindu-Indian culture like that of the Ram Temple, in ways that contradict the spirit of the Indian State.
The opposition on the other hand, accused the incumbent government of being bigoted against minority communities, from the large Muslim community, to the lower caste communities of Indian society. They allege use of hateful and divisive rhetoric against these communities, and point to select controversial government positions and policies on issues like the Ram Mandir, the controversial CAA-NRC laws, the proposed Uniform Civil Code, among others. They further allege institutional degradation of key offices including policing, academia, and the military in discriminating against minority groups.
Institutional Independence:
The INC-led I.N.D.I.A opposition alleges institutional degradation and capture of various independent governmental entities by the incumbents. They point to the use of Executive, Investigative, Anti-Corruption, Enforcement, & Tax authorities against opposition figures and media as evidence, highlighting specific cases of the detaining and arrest of two sitting opposition Chief Ministers, and the resignation of one. They highlight alleged selective targeting of opposition figures for raids, charges, and arrests, creating an alleged environment of impunity for the government. The opposition alleges heightened and blatant partisanship of members of the Judiciary in support of the incumbent government. They also allege illegitimate freezing of campaigning funds, crackdowns on press freedoms via capture of media institutions, and also critically alleges institutional capture of the Election Commission, casting doubts on election results primarily critiquing India's Electronic Voting Machines (EVM).
The Government rebukes these claims as part of a strong anti-corruption drive, highlighting a drop in governmental corruption cases since the previous Congress government (UPA 2, infamously riddled with such allegations). The government frames the opposition parties as corrupt and power-hungry, while further disparaging the opposition's alleged unfounded attacks on Indian institutions, apparent partisan attacks on the judiciary and critiquing apparent unfounded claims of election denialism.
The election is primarily clash between two large coalitions, and their leading parties. On one side, you have the incumbent government of the BJP-led NDA, or National Democratic Alliance, and on the other, you have the opposition INC-led I.N.D.I.A, or Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance, a new mega coalition of more than 35 parties, with a few unofficial supporters too.
The following is a list of some key players in each of the alliances and is by no means a comprehensive or exhaustive list of all involved factions.
The incumbent NDA includes:
  1. BJP – The BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party - "Indian People's Party") is a Hindu nationalist party committed to Hindutva ideology, promoting Hindu culture, opposing Muslim immigration, and creating a nativist country wherein India embraces a fundamentally Hindu social fabric. The BJP government under Modi undertook strong reformist policies in promoting liberalization of the economy through aggressive regulatory reforms, furthering free trade through FTAs and privatization of underperforming state assets. They took aggressive stances on defense and counterterrorism against Pakistan and China, while pragmatically engaging other nations despite criticism on some foreign policy moves for being 'wolf warrior-esque'. They uphold a strong nationalist domestic and foreign policy, that simultaneously does not retreat from globalization. On National Security, they aim to make India a regional power with a strong emphasis on modernization & indigenization of military administration and technology, while also reducing bureaucratic and manpower burdens through varied recruitment windows.
  2. JD(U) - The JD(U) (Janata Dal (United) – “People’s Party (United)”) is led by Bihar CM Nitish Kumar and has been in power in the eastern state of Bihar since 2005. It was formed after a series of splits and mergers in the Janata Dal in the 90s. It is credited with doing good work in the state on roads, electricity, and water, however it has failed to provide jobs & spur manufacturing. This, combined with its leader frequently switching between rival alliances, is causing anti-incumbency.
  3. TDP - The TDP (Telugu Desam Party – “Party of the Telugu Land") follows a pro-Telugu ideology. It was founded as an alternative to the Congress hegemony, by emphasizing Telugu regional pride and serving as the party for farmers, backward castes and middle-class people. Since the 1990s, it has followed an economically liberal policy that has been seen as pro-business and pro-development as well as populist welfare measures.
The opposition I.N.D.I.A includes:
  1. INC - The INC (Indian National Congress) is a big tent social-democratic/democratic-socialist party with its foundational pillars being equity, equality, and egalitarianism. They take broad commitments to secularism and class equality to be principal positions. The INC under Rahul Gandhi has taken strong positions on caste issues, shining light on inequities from past and current discrimination, and proposing active policy interventions. While the INC also holds a free-market/pro-liberalization consensus, they emphasize growing social and wealth inequality and seek inclusive and redistributive growth with strong state intervention. They also see some proposed liberalizing reforms to further inequality and take an 'anti-corporatist' position. They take a slightly less strong position to Indian foreign policy, stressing a more diplomatic approach (with minimal variance on actual positions to the incumbents). They embrace globalization in part, while emphasizing India's need for domestic development. They aim to industrialize India rapidly through stimulating private investment and aim to subsidize both supply and demand. They seek to maintain the Indian military with a focus on highly trained soldiers. They pioneered multi-alignment as the foreign policy for India.
  2. AAP - The AAP (Aam Aadmi Party – “Common Man's Party"), part of INDIA coalition, currently holds power in two key states - Delhi and Punjab. Its chief figurehead and leader, Arvind Kejriwal, the Chief Minister of Delhi, was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate under an alleged liquor scam in the run up to elections. Barely a 10 year old party it has expanded very quickly to many states, running two of them, and now has national party status by the Election Commission of India (ECI). It leans centre-left to centre-right, with some play of soft Hindutva, while its economic platform comprises heavy spending in education, health, and free schemes of water and electricity. They rose to power on an anti-corruption program in 2013 and continues to have it as its central plank.
  3. CPI(M) – The CPI(M) (Communist Party of India (Marxist)). They commies lol. The CPI(M) is one of the larger and more mainstrean communist parties in India. Since they operate within the Indian republic's constitution they have adopted more Indian characterisrics. They are primarily against privatisation in the public sector and in favour of universal education and healthcare. Their base has traditionally been in Kerala, one of the more developed states in India in terms of income levels and HCI. they're in favour of private sector reservations and in recent years have also been pro-FDI They promise non-aligned foreign policy, but largely are very anti-US and pro-China. They promise to restore Article 370 and oppose forceful seizure of land by government. They're one of the most influential parties in India due to a strong cadre and student union ecosystem. They've had an effect on the farmers protests as well as economic positions of the INDI Alliance.
  4. DMK - The DMK (Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam - “Dravidian Progressive Federation") is a big tent broad left-wing party that is foundationally Dravidian (primarily Tamil) Nationalist, with strong emphasis on social equity and caste issues, while being staunchly secular and atheistic, and interventionist, statist, heavily welfarist, and industrialist in economic policy. They are primarily a regional party operating in the state of Tamil Nadu, led by M.K. Stalin, the state's current Chief Minister.
  5. RJD - The RJD (Rashtriya Janata Dal – “National People’s Party”) is a caste-based (Muslims & Yadavs) political party in the Indian state of Bihar, which it ruled from 1990 to 2005. Its rule was one of extreme lawlessness & anarchy. It was called the “Jungle Raj”. Between 1990 & 2000, Bihar's per capita income and power consumption fell off a cliff due to mismanagement. Its CM, Lalu Prasad, was convicted of corruption in 2013.
  6. SP - The SP (Samajwadi Party – “Socialist Party”) believes in creating a socialist society that operates on the principle of equality. Although the party previously ran on an anti-computer, anti-English, and anti-machinery platform, under its new national president Akhilesh Yadav, the party has made a 180° turn. Now, the Samajwadi Party declares itself to be the party of infrastructure while maintaining its commitment to social justice, with a special focus on teaching computer skills. The party's main base is in the state of Uttar Pradesh, which is the most populated state in India, with a population of 230 million. The only negatives associated with the party are the rampant dynasticism within its ranks and its perceived soft stance on law and order issues.
  7. JMM - The JMM (Jharkhand Mukti Morcha – “Jharkhand Liberation Front") currently runs the govt of eastern state of Jharkhand. The party has historically centred tribal rights as its central plank and agitated for a new tribal state separate from Bihar until 2000, when their demands were met. It leans centre-left to left with their key issues being tribal control of land, mineral and mining rights, addressing issues of rehabilitation of tribals. The party is primarily run by the Soren family, with Champai Soren being its chief minister candidate in the current government after the last chief minister Hemant Soren was arrested by enforcement directorate. JMM is in alliance with the Indian national congress in the state, and part of the INDIA coalition for the Lok Sabha elections. They face charges of corruption and the image of dynastic politics.
The “It’s Complicated”, Unaligned, Split, and/or other Supplementary Parties include:
  1. TMC - The TMC or AITC (All India Trinamool Congress) is a Bengali political party ruling over the state of West Bengal since 2011. It is led by Mamata Banerjee and her nephew Abhishek Banerjee. It is a center-left, welfarist, Bengali Nationalist party. It has been criticized for using heavy-handed authoritarian tactics against opposition leaders in the state, corruption, and political violence. It is credited with ending 34 years of communist rule in the state. West Bengal under the AITC has registered subpar economic performance and is largely stagnant. Pertinent to note Mamata used to be Congress leader till 1998, and AITC, in spite of being sympathetic towards the I.N.D.I.A. alliance at the national level, is fighting the Congress-Left alliance in West Bengal on all 42 seats.
  2. AIADMK - The AIADMK (All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam – “All India Anna Dravidian Progressive Federation") is a broad centre-left/left-wing party adhering to foundational Dravidian philosophy, while emphasizing Tamil identity. Traditionally being less ethno-nationalist than their sister opposition party the DMK, they adhere to broad welfarist left-wing populism, focusing on social justice and communal equity, while being less economically statist than the DMK. They also focus primarily on Tamil Nadu as a regional party, currently led by Edappadi Palaniswami.
  3. Shiv Sena - The Shiv Sena (“Army of Shivaji”) was founded by Bal Thackeray in 1966 as a populist, xenophobic party, although the party gradually added Hindutva ideology to its anti non-Maharashtrian plank. It was the long time senior partner to the BJP in Maharashtra till Narendra Modi's popularity caused a change in the dynamics. After power sharing talks with the BJP failed in 2019, the Shiv Sena switched alliances to join hands with their long time rivals in Congress and NCP in an arrangement that made Bal Thackeray’s son Uddhav Thackeray the Chief Minister of Maharashtra. In 2022 again, The Majority of Shiv Sena politicians led by Eknath Shinde rebelled against the top leadership to ally again with the BJP, taking control of the party and toppling the Uddhav Thackeray government. The splinter group led by Uddhav Thackeray is called SS (UBT) and it is allied with the Congress in the INDIA Alliance.
  4. NCP – The NCP (Nationalist Congress Party) were founded in 1998 by Sharad Pawar and a few others who left the Congress in 1998 after Sonia Gandhi was made Congress president. Despite it's formation, the NCP was a long term ally of the Congress sharing virtually the same ideology. In 2023 however, like the Shiv Sena, In a rebellion led by Sharad Pawar's nephew Ajit, a Majority of NCP politicians switched alliances to support the BJP and took control of the party. Like the Shiv Sena, the Splinter group led by Sharad Pawar and his daughter is called NCP (SP) and it's allied with the Congress in the INDIA Alliance
  5. YSRCP - The YSRCP (Yuvjana Sramika Rythu Congress Party – “Youth, Labour, & Farmer Congress Party”) was founded by the son of an old congress Chief Minister after he was denied the role of Chief Minister after his father. It's a populist centre-of-left party with strong focus on welfare schemes and cash benefits. It's mired in controversy due to its dynastic nature, its ties to Christian Fundamentalism and American Missionaries targeting the marginalized.
  6. BRS - The BRS (Bharatiya Rashtra Samithi – “Indian National Council”) was formed originally with a single-point agenda of creating a separate Telangana state with Hyderabad as its capital. They are largely neoliberal and are credited with rapid economic growth in Telangana.
  7. BJD – The BJD (Biju Janata Dal – “Biju’s People’ Platform”) was formed by Naveen Pattnaik the son of the former CM of Oddisha, Biju Pattnaik. It’s a Odia regional party with a strong focus on poverty upliftment through welfare policies and equitable economic growth.
  8. BSP - The BSP (Bahujan Samaj Party - "Majority Community Party") is a center-left party in the state of Uttar Pradesh, which was started to uplift Dalits and other marginalized communities in India by Kanshi Ram. Its current party president is Mayawati. BSP is considered as one of the biggest parties in India as per vote share, although it's currently in decline. At its height, this party had a strong base in many states across north India, but now it's only limited to the state of Uttar Pradesh, which is one of the largest states in India with a population of 230 million. There are strong suspicions of BSP working in secret with BJP, and maybe that's why the party is not fighting this election enthusiastically. Although they can still make the competition interesting on a few seats in UP.
  1. Political Dynasticism:
Although dynastism is thought to be a good fix for internal chaos in a party, the current political leader of the Congress, Rahul Gandhi, is a fourth-generation dynast who has to carry the political baggage of everything which went wrong during the rule of his grandmother and great-grandfather.
Also because one family has been controlling the Congress for decades, it has caused various state-level leaders to either form their own party or join another one. They see no future in the Congress anymore because the door to leadership is always closed for them. This has destroyed the ground level cadre of Congress party in many key states.
Rahul Gandhi’s privilege combined with the lack of any real political acumen so far has led to the INC taking damage due to is infamy.
Nepotism and dynastic politics has been a key issue throughout the last 10 years as BJP positions itself as the ‘common man’s party’
  1. The Ram Mandir:
A land dispute originating from the alleged destruction of a Hindu Temple, replaced by a Mosque built allegedly atop the site (the Babri Masjid) in the 16th century allegedly by Mughal Empror Babur in present day Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, the proposed birthplace of the Hindu deity Lord Ram.
Following a century of sporadic conflict, from 1853 to 1949, a revivalist movement in the 1980's would lead to rising communal tensions, culminating in the 1992 destruction of the Ram Temple by Hindu Nationalists and devotees.
The legal conflict over the land would continue until 2019, when the Supreme Court of India issued the controversial ruling that the land be handed over to government trust for the construction of a Ram Temple, with seperate land being allotted to the local Muslim community for construction of a Mosque.
Almost all elements of the dispute remain mired in controversy. From the historical and religious associations of Ayodhya with Ram, the existence of a definitively Hindu structure, the alleged deliberate destruction of the said temple, the times and events of construction and use, the participants, planning, and events of the 1992 destruction, the ASI Archeological Surveys that served as key evidence for the Supreme Court being tampered and politicised by both sides of the politcal aisle, the legality of the ruling itself, and other surrounding issues regarding justice against those alleged to have partaken in the destruction of the Babri Masjid.
  1. Foreign Policy:
The BJP is campaigning on building a multi-aligned foreign policy where India is seen as the world’s friend as well as an upcoming regional power. This was at its peak during India’s G20 presidency. Many Indians claim the rise of India’s global stature is an electoral issue. This can be seen in the popularity of the government’s anti-terror operations in both Pakistan and beyond. The resurgence of an interventionist foreign policy has proven to be popular in projecting the strongman image of Modi. The country’s commitment to it’s strategic autonomy and multi-alignment have been a fixture right since Nehru.
submitted by zanpancan to u/zanpancan [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:48 cleansedbytheblood Anointed prayers to receive healing and deliverance

My Blood Covenant Salvation Prayer
Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ. I believe You love me and sent Your Son to remove the sin which separates me from You. Father, I repent of all sin in my life. Please forgive me and cleanse me by the blood of Jesus Christ. By faith, I receive Your forgiveness and cleansing in Jesus’ name. Your Word says I am brought near to You by the blood of Jesus Christ, through which I enter into blood covenant salvation relationship with You now. Lord Jesus, I invite You to come into my life, and I submit totally to You and to Your Word (John 14:23). I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord. I believe in my heart God raised Him from the dead. It is with my heart I believe and am justified, and it is with my mouth I confess and am saved (Rom.10:9-10). I ask You to be Lord of my spirit, my soul (mind, thoughts, will, intellect, and emotions), and my body (I Thess.5:23). You are faithful to complete the work You have begun in me (Phil 1:6). By faith, I confess sin shall no longer have dominion over me because your Holy Spirit lives in me. I confess I am saved. I am under covenant through Jesus Christ to receive the promises that are for me including salvation, deliverance, healing, renewal, and all God’s promises for His children. I renounce the authority of Satan or any authority other than Jesus Christ over all areas of my life. I renounce every stronghold or influence of the devil, including ungodly soul ties, masonic attachments, ungodly beliefs, bitter root judgments, all personal sin, and everything inherited through the generations. The Word tells me I have a heavenly Father, and I now inherit only from Him. Lord, empower me to live for You. Release the Holy Spirit within me, that He may convict me of sin. I have access to the power of the Holy Spirit and the right to every spiritual gift (1 Cor. 12:4-11). Help me walk daily in the fullness of the Spirit filled life. I open my heart and ask You to fill me now with Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Prayer to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit
Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, Your Son, Who has saved me. I repent of my sins and ask You to wash me clean by the Blood of Jesus. Jesus said, “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever—the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive [and take to its heart] because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He (the Holy Spirit) remains with you continually and will be in you.” John 14:16 (AMP) In Mark 1:8, John the Baptist promised that while he baptized with water, You would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. So, Lord, I ask You to baptize me with Your Holy Spirit and fire. I am thankful as I ask for your empowerment and fire, it will refine me into who you have called and created me to be. I know You indwelled me at my salvation (John 20:22; Romans 8:9). Now, I ask You to fill me to overflowing with Your Presence, Your power, and Your joy. You promised in Acts 1:5-8 that Your disciples would receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit would come upon us. You promised to give us power to be Your witnesses even to the ends of the earth. This wonderful promise was fulfilled at the Feast of Pentecost in Jerusalem, as described in Acts 2. I pray the Holy Spirit come upon me now. I yield myself to You. I pray you breathe on me a breath of refreshment and empowerment. I receive by faith the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I welcome you, Holy Spirit, in the Name of Jesus. Thank You for empowering me for Your service. Fill me with boldness and courage to speak Your Word with power. I receive this wonderful empowerment by faith. As promised in John 14:26, send me the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, to teach me all things and remind me of everything You teach in Your Word. I desire spiritual gifts according to Your Word and ask You to grant me Your spiritual giftings according to Your will for my life. I joyfully accept Your gifts for me, in Jesus’ Name.
Prayer to Break Generational Curses and Sins of the Bloodlines:
Dear Heavenly Father: Thank you that the blood of Jesus is able to take away all sin. I believe this and receive it now in Jesus’ name. I pray forgiveness for the sins of my father, of that bloodline for all generations back, and I ask You to wash me clean now, by the blood of the Lamb. I pray forgiveness for the sins of my mother, of that bloodline for all generations back, and I ask You to wash me clean now, by the blood of the Lamb. I receive Your forgiveness and believe that by Your blood I am cleansed from the sins of all my generational bloodlines. I take the authority I have in my blood covenant with Jesus Christ, and I break all generational curses on my father's side all generations back, broken now, by the blood of the Lamb. I take this same authority and break all generational curses on my mother's side, all generations back, broken now, by the blood of the Lamb. With this same authority I have under the blood covenant of salvation in Jesus, I break any spoken curses on my family bloodline. I break the power of all seals of silence and all vows of secrecy. I take the same authority in the name and the blood of Jesus, and I break all covenants and contracts to satan including blood covenant contracts. I pray forgiveness for the sins of my family line of all those things that happened in darkness, such as any attachment to slavery or any kind of persecution or mistreatment or abuse of any people groups or individuals, and I pray blessings on all descendants of the persecuted groups or individuals. I pray forgiveness for the sin of all idolatries attached to the American Indian bloodline and break all related curses. I break any attachments to family superstitions and idolatries, ungodly beliefs, wives tales, luck charms, and rhyme curses in Jesus’ name. Thank you, Jesus, that Your word says, "Cursed is the one who hangs on the tree." You took our curses, and You took our sins, so that we can have life more abundantly, and we praise you for it. I receive by faith now all generational sins and all generational curses are broken by the blood of the Lamb, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Prayer to Break Ungodly Soul Ties
Father, in the name of Jesus, I submit my soul, my desires, my will, and my emotions to the Holy Spirit and Your Word. I confess as sin all of my sexual relationships before marriage and any sexual relationships outside of marriage. I confess as sin all ungodly relationships involving any part of me, whether spirit, soul, or body. Father, I thank You for giving me the keys of Your kingdom and the keys of spiritual authority. What I bind is bound, and what I loose is loosed (Matthew 16:19). I ask You to loosen from me all soul ties to past sexual partners and ungodly relationships in Jesus' name. Please uproot all tentacles of sexual bondage, emotional longings, dependencies, vain imaginations, enslaving thoughts, and thought patterns. I bind, renounce, and resist any evil spirits that have been reinforced through those soul ties or may have been transferred to me through ungodly associations or promiscuity. I also repent of the sin of the idolatry attached to my pursuit of perversion. Jeremiah 2:20-25 says that my Heavenly Father's perception of this perversion that I have been pursuing is that I will not serve him, and I love foreign gods, and I must go after them. Therefore, I repent of the sin of this idolatry, and I apply the blood of Jesus to it now. I submit to the Lord Jesus Christ and to His Word that tells me that I must forgive so that I will be forgiven. I repent of the sin of unforgiveness and judgment toward the people who have violated me sexually due to incest, molestation, or rape. I choose to forgive and bless them, and I break any soul tie attachments to these people in Jesus' name. Please cleanse my soul with Your blood, renew my mind, and help me to forget all illicit unions so that I am free to give myself, body, soul, and spirit, totally to You. Father, I receive Your forgiveness for all past sins of ungodly soul ties and unrighteous sexual activity. I believe that by Your grace, I am forgiven. Thank You for remembering my sins no more and for cleansing me from all unrighteousness. I commit myself totally to You. By Your grace, please keep me holy in my spirit, soul, and body, as I choose to renew my mind in Christ (Romans 12:1-2). In the Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Release of Bitter Root Judgment and Expectancy
Dear Heavenly Father: In the Name of Jesus, I repent for the sin of judging Your creation. I have judged and condemned others, although I am not a righteous judge and have no right to judge anyone. Jesus committed no sin, and was righteous, but He judged no one. Jesus entrusted Himself to You, the One who judges righteously. I now entrust myself to You. Please forgive me for this sin of judging and condemning others. I now bless those who I have judged. I bless those I have accused. I bless those who hate me and have cursed or abused me. I break the power of the spiritual law of sowing and reaping. I forgive, release, and bless them. I ask You to bless them and give them what they need. With this change in me comes a new expectation of reaping blessings, as opposed to reaping curses. When I “sow” differently, I will “reap” differently. I now intend to sow blessings into my life by blessing those people who have despitefully used me, in Jesus’s Name. Thank You, Lord, for forgiving me and helping me to forgive others. I ask these things in the Name of Jesus Christ. SCRIPTURES Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Gal. 6:7 Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Matt. 7:1-2 See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. Heb. 12:15 Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the Lord your God is giving you. Deut. 5:16 Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Luke 6:37-38 You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. Romans 2:1 This is what the Lord says-the Holy One of Israel, and its Maker: Concerning things to come, do you question me about my children, or give me orders about the work of my hands? Isaiah 45:11
Prayer of repentance of personal sin
Dear Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I repent of all personal sin in my life. I ask You to forgive me and cleanse me. Some areas of sin I know; other areas of sin I do not recognize. But Your Word promises You are faithful and just to forgive all our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. I ask You to reveal all areas of personal sin, known and unknown, so I may more deeply repent. Your sheep hear Your voice. You will speak to my heart and mind, and I will hear You. If there are areas in which I am perishing for a lack of knowledge, I ask You to reveal Your truth to me. In Jesus’ Name, I will not reject Your truth. I specifically repent of anger, pride, perversion, idolatry, addiction, greed, fear, control, manipulation, judgment, accusation, gossip (here insert area of specific sin or sins, such as fear of lack, fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of success, etc.) Convict me of my sin, O God, so I may see my sin and repent to the depths of my soul. There is no righteousness in me on my own, but I am made righteous by the Blood of Jesus. Your Word promises that as we repent, we step into the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Your mercy is great toward me, and You will freely pardon. As far as the east is from the west, so far have You removed my transgressions from me. By Your Holy Spirit, empower me to overcome personal sin in my life. I confess I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. The prayer of a righteous person will avail much. Show me Your ways, that I may know You more and walk in Your ways all the days of my life, in Jesus’ Name.
Prayer to Release and Remove Ungodly Thought Processes, Mindsets, Devices, Defense Mechanisms, and Wrong or Unbiblical Reactions
Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I _____________ ask You to forgive me for the sin of failing to cast my cares upon You because I did not know how to cast my cares upon You. There have been times in my life when I suffered from a lack of knowledge of knowing how to handle life's situations, difficulties, decisions, traumas, and not casting my cares upon Jesus as Your Word says to do. I confess I have used ungodly thought processes, mindsets, devices, defense mechanisms, and wrong or unbiblical reactions. I confess that I sought to handle and control my own problems in my own ways. I devised methods and systems for my self-preservation. Now, I choose to ask You, Lord, to gather and remove the devices I have created and used to get through life's difficult circumstances. I repent for the control I used in creating these devices instead of trusting in You. I release all control, anger, revenge, unforgiveness, and judgments, and all altered states of mind into which I entered to handle trauma in my life. I relinquish my self-preservation, and I trust You for my life and choices. I release to You all trauma, known and unknown. I bind and break the power of all soul tie attachments, longings, emotional bondage, enslaving thought patterns, and dependencies in the name of Jesus Christ. I now purpose in my heart not to reenter these altered states of mind, devices, and mindsets that I have become accustomed to using. I pray in the name of Jesus that You give me the renewal of mind to recognize these devices when they reappear due to life's circumstances. I release to You all disappointment, bitterness, and resentment about my past. I choose to renew my mind through the ongoing study of Your Word. I choose Your truth instead of altered states of mind that have caused me to revisit painful feelings or paralyze and distort my response to abuse or other behavior patterns toward me. So, I speak to all altered states of mind, ungodly thought processes, mindsets, defense mechanisms, devices, and conditioned reactions. I command all such devices to align themselves with the Word of God and release their power over me, my mind, my emotions, my personality, and align with my will in the name of Jesus Christ. I desire as the head and not the tail (Deut. 28:13) to have Jesus Christ and Your Holy Spirit come into me and restore my soul. I forgive, release, and bless everyone who has hurt, abused, or misled me. I repent and ask forgiveness for the sin of carrying any unforgiveness or judgment toward these people. I ask You to bless them and give them what they need. Please bring me into a place where I am fully restored and made whole in spirit, soul, and body. I ask You to renew my mind so that I will not return to these old ways of thinking. I thank You for teaching me to take captive every thought to make it obedient to Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). I ask You to give me the renewed ability to maintain this fresh way of thinking for my new godly lifestyle. According to James 1, I can ask You, Lord, for wisdom, and You will give generously to all without finding fault. I ask that You give me the wisdom to maintain godly thought processes in this new season of my life and not return to the old, ungodly thought processes. I desire that all of me be able to worship You in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). I desire to worship You with a sound mind, undivided heart, and clarity. I thank You and ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus, I take the authority I have received through my blood covenant of salvation by accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I bind and break the power of all spells, curses, and incantations spoken over my life from any source, including my family, church relationships, work relationships, friends, enemies, known demonic sources, strategies of the enemy using any sources, and all word curses from known or unknown sources. I break the power of these curses and declare their functions null and void. I speak the mighty Name of Jesus Christ over these evil words. The Name of Jesus Christ is above every name. His Word is above every word. His power is above every other power or principality. I pray His Word over anyone who has knowingly or unknowingly cursed or abused me. And I pray, heavenly Father, that you bless them and give them what they need, in Jesus’ Name. I thank You, Lord, that You have the ability to hear the curse and turn it into a blessing. Amen.
PRAYER TO BREAK TERRITORIAL STRONGHOLDS ESPECIALLY GOOD FOR MISSIONARIES For Missionaries traveling and entering territorial strongholds in countries such as China, India, the Middle East, or Africa, especially if entering mausoleums, temples, shrines, or other places of heathen worship. Cover yourself with a prayer such as the following:
Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I take the authority I have received through my blood covenant of salvation by accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I thank You for teaching us our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12). I bind and break the power of any influence of territorial strongholds that may attempt to attach themselves to me as I embark on a journey to serve the Most High God. I bind and break the power of any spell, curse, or incantation from the spiritual realm empowered by the idolatrous and vain worship of Buddha, Hindu gods, Krishna, Allah, Mohammed, local deities, ancestor worship, necromancy, animism, voodoo, witchcraft, idols made with hands, or other false gods. I declare the power of all such forces aligned against me to be null & void. I bind and break the power of any influence of territorial strongholds that have become attached to me due to my service in ministry. I bind and break the power of any influence of territorial strongholds over the areas in which I travel, in which I serve in ministry, and in which I reside. From Satan to the Prince of Persia to the least of the territorial spirits, I speak the mighty name of Jesus Christ over them. I bind and break the power and influence of these territorial strongholds, and call their function null and void, in the name of Jesus Christ. I thank You that he who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91). The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe (Proverbs 18:10). And a curse without cause will not come to rest on me (Proverbs 26:2). I thank You that no weapon formed against me will prosper, and I will refute every tongue that accuses me. I thank You this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is our vindication from You (Isaiah 54:17). Thank you, Jesus, for the power of Your name.
Prayer of Repentance for Prior Involvement in any Other Religion or Spiritual Practice or Teaching
Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I come before You. I praise You for making a way for the forgiveness of my sins. I acknowledge that Your Word requires that I repent and ask forgiveness for my sins, in Jesus’ Name. I acknowledge Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God, slain for the remission of my sins and the sins of the world. I acknowledge Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. I believe He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, suffered and died on the cross, was buried, and rose again. He ascended into heaven, where He sits by His Father. Under my Blood Covenant of Salvation, through the acceptance of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I repent of the sin of believing any teaching that does not line up with the Holy Bible, the Word of God. The Scriptures say Jesus Christ became the Word of God (John 1:14; Revelation 19:13). Therefore, I repent of believing anti-christ teachings and entertaining anti-christ and unbiblical thoughts. With the authority I have in my Blood Covenant of Salvation with Jesus Christ, I break the power of all spoken or written oaths, curses, vows, decrees, chants, blood sacrifices, and rituals. I repent of the sin of receiving or aligning with these anti-christ oaths, curses, vows, or decrees. I repent of the sin of participating in any anti-christ chants, blood sacrifices, or rituals of any description. I repent of the sin of receiving any anti-christ attachments to my mind, intellect, heart, feelings, and emotions. I repent of the sin of receiving and agreeing with unbiblical principles, teachings, and spiritual deceptions. I acknowledge these have caused attacks on my physical body, mental wellbeing, relationships, and finances. I bind and break the power of all of these ungodly attachments in the mighty Name of Jesus. The Word tells me I am to forgive and bless those who persecute or despitefully use me, as Jesus forgave and blessed. (I Peter 2:21-23; Matthew 5:44). I repent of the sins of anger, unforgiveness, and judgment toward anyone who has mislead or misguided me in any way, in the Name and Blood of Jesus Christ. I pray that you bless them and open their eyes to your truth. Thank You, Heavenly Father, that through my acceptance of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and my acknowledgement that He is the only Way to You, I become an heir to the promises of Abraham (Galatians 3:29). I stand in faith and believe that all Your promises are Yes and Amen, through Jesus Christ (II Corinthians 1:20). Amen.
PRAYER FOR MILITARY (Good for anyone)
Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray in the authority I have received through my blood covenant of salvation by accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord & Savior. Lord, I ask for Your mercy & protection as I travel in obedience to orders during my service in the Military. I acknowledge & repent of my sins. I ask You to forgive me & wash away my sin by the shed Blood of Jesus. Your Word says as I confess & repent of my sins, You are faithful & just to forgive me & purify me from all unrighteousness (I John 1:9). This causes my prayers to be righteous, powerful, & effective (James 5:16). I bind & break the power of every influence of territorial strongholds that have attached or seek to attach themselves to me as I serve in the Military. I bind & break the power of every influence & assignment from territorial strongholds & other demonic powers as I travel from place to place during training & tours of duty, & embark on every change of assignment & change of residence. I call the function of each of these territorial strongholds & demonic powers to be null & void. In the Name of Jesus, I bind & break the power of the devil, who was a murderer from the beginning and is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44). I bind & break the power of every such assignment of the devil that would cause or seek to cause physical injury, mental torment, or death to me. I bind & break every assignment of calamity, destruction, sudden death, & suicide by any person. I bind every lying tongue that would persuade a person to commit suicide. I call the function of every such demonic assignment null & void, in the mighty Name of Jesus. I bind & break the power of the enemy to steal the Lord’s call on my life or rob me of the blessings of His covenant promises, including health & a full life span (Exodus 23:25-26). Jesus stated, “The thief comes only to steal & kill & destroy; I have come that they may have life, & have it to the full.” (John 10:10). Thank You, Jesus, for health and a full life span. LORD, (you) are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the LORD, & he answers me from his holy mountain. I lie down & sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side. Arise, LORD! Deliver me, my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked. From the LORD comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people. (Psalm 3). Lord, You know when I sit & when I rise; You discern my going out & my lying down; You are familiar with all my ways (Psalm 139:2-3). You will never leave or forsake me. (Deut.31:6; Hebrews 13:5) Lord, thank you for teaching us to put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). I stand strong in the Lord & Your mighty power. I put on the full armor of God, so I can take my stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggles are not against flesh & blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world & against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore I put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, I may be able to stand my ground, & after I have done everything, to stand. I stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around my waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, & with my feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, I take up the shield of faith, with which I can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. I take the helmet of salvation & the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And I pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers & requests. With this in mind, I am alert & always keep on praying for all of Your people. Thank You, Lord, for teaching me to pray & trust You for protection for my body, soul & spirit (1Thess.5:23). I thank You that no weapon formed against me will prosper (Isaiah 54:17). In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ, I bind & break the power of every spell, curse, blasphemy, & incantation from the spiritual realm empowered by the idolatrous & vain worship of Allah, Mohammed, Buddha, any Hindu deities, local deities on any continent, ancestor worship, necromancy, animism, voodoo, witchcraft, idols made with hands, or any other false gods. Further, I declare the power of all such spiritual forces aligned against me to be null & void. I declare I will dwell in the shelter of the most High & rest in the shadow of the Almighty. In the mighty Name of Jesus, I declare I will not fear for the terror by night, the arrow that flies by day, the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. I will say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and I will make the Most High my dwelling, & no harm will overtake me, no disaster will come near my tent (Psalm 91:1-10). I declare null & void the assignment of post-traumatic stress disorder against me & all military personnel. I declare the threefold cord of feaanxiety & trauma & torment will not destroy us. I bind & break the power of all traumatic & stressful experiences of warfare. In the mighty Name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, I speak His peace, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts & your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7). Lord, I ask You for the continuing ability to cast my daily cares upon You, as You direct me to do: “casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, & all your concerns, once & for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, & watches over you very carefully]” I Peter 5:7 (Amplified). In the Name of Jesus, I declare these attacks will not destroy or harm my body, emotions, mind, or will. The enemy’s schemes for evil, terror, & ongoing torment in my life, I declare to be impotent before the Lord God Almighty in Heaven above. Lord, I stand on Your Word, which promises “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and love, and a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7 KJV). I ask these things in the Name of my Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, the Messiah of Israel.
Prayer to break Masonic Curses and Attachments:
Prayers courtesy of
submitted by cleansedbytheblood to Deliverance [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:50 BoscoCyRatBear The faithful are protected..and provided for.

The faithful are protected..and provided for.
A pilgrimage of zealous ,faithful vermensk having been traveling months on foot , numbers dwindling, hearing radio reports of ratkin far west in the sea of sand wasteland , a great sign that sent them on this journey was the time the sky went jet black and the planet shook from khorde's MODS station being shutdown and the flow of mana detected, their ancient relics ignited in warpfire from a greater daemon lord of the Vermensk faith refound this planet
They eventually had to travel above ground in the desert, soon tracked by a wastelanders tracked down to an old derelict chapel they chose to made a final, the guards with crossbows screamed out, belting out arrows after they been imbued with acid and fire enchantments ,pistols firing as shotguns blasted yet the most faithful gathered at the alter praying while gunfire crossbows molotovs hit the temple. Arrows and shells ran dry as the hungering starving ratkin grabbed their various melee weapons preparing to fight to the bitter end
Anytime now wanted you to fight!?"
The rat warrior priest held her tome of Rott as they were praying with her kin
"Blessed Sovereign... the world drowns in corruption. Your empire is aflame with heresy and asunder. The faithful perish and the wicked multiply ,"
Ratmen sliced stabbed and bashed cannibal raiders. A raider had gotten shield bashed and then their chest crushed by a hammer
"Blessed Sovereign lend us your strength, grant us the will to purge the corrupt, to smite the heretic, to bring hope for where hope is lost"
A vermensk horned rat screamed taking series of darts to the arm tearing them out as the limb went limp respond by hurling a great bolt of fire to incinerate a war bus of raiders. A sherat uses her fangs to bite into a raider's skull using his body as a meatshield as 10mm ripped into the corpse
" by the mark of Ruin and the halbard, we pledge to the current battle ,we vow not to waver , and never retreat. "
the praying rats rose up gathering their weapons
"To stand against the flames of perdition, "
Their melee weapons begin to glow
"To drive back the shadow of chaos with your holy unlight"
their voices filled with reverence strength filled their muscles , stamina returned as their souls ignited in righteous indignation. The barricades were shattered as the warrior priests moved to join their kin
Ratkin wielding a bayonet adorned hunting rifle: Finally finished praying have ya?"
War priestess:" where's your patience , warlord Quinn,..have I ever let you down.." she lifted her halbard , holy book on her hip "Victory favors the faithful, let's teach them fear and show them our fury."
She raised her halbard as it glowed a bright jade green her halbard ignited turning black covered in green fire of warpflanes , the weapons of others gained this same glow of their true faith. The rusted sand damaged church bell began tolling with a rising din growing louder cruelly
The ratkin screeched with fury that has not been seen since the days of gods monsters and knights charging forth to sunder flesh slicing through clothes metal meat and bone , the rats seemed to dance around gunfire darts arrows with unnatural grace, the warpriestess had hurled her halbard at the cannibal boss piercing her scrap metal wield shield beheading the cannibalistic bitch. The warpriestess leapt up onto the war rig of the cannibal boss, yanking the steering wheel to avoid crashing into the church and yanking the keys claiming it. This sudden turn of tides caused the last few cannibal / slaver wastelanders to cut their losses and flee.
The rats cheered as not only did they have transport arms , but they also had food now , the corpses of those who would've used and or ate them.
*They were a week's walk from the sea of sand ((where most of us are)) yet merely a day or so of nonstop driving, a raider's map would allow them to find their rumored kin, as if there's indeed vermensk out here they would congregate near any deposits of warpstone(
submitted by BoscoCyRatBear to wasteposting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:20 Hermeticrux Question

So I've been digging into a good amount of this stuff and have half a heart to take it much more deeply, and seriously. However, i am extremely dissuaded at the notion due to being stopped in my tracks at every turn by either generic google descriptions of the "original principles" and history, or the revival of the belief system from 1908 and onward in the form of occultic magic. should "magic" be a part of the real deal i will deal with that if i ever get there because i personally have a code that disagrees with the use of any kind of magic. regardless, my original issue is upon searching for more intensive studying for the actual belief system i am greeted only with the wikipedia-esque synopsis, or occultic churches that seem to always only be related to either Aleister Crowley, or the 1908 occult revival of the golden dawn which seem to both be heavily saturated with the concept of using magic and only understanding what's necessary to use magic for specific purposes. I don't mean this in a condescending manner or offensive tone, but I really dislike the idea of following an extremely modern conception of of a belief system that explained and offered so much more understanding of life and the universe than simply practical understanding of howe to manipulate the way things work for any reason. maybe i have misunderstood the concept of the kybalion but it seems as if it was written as a cliffnotes specifically to allow practice. if i had to describe it id say im looking for a path and church that adheres to the corpus hermeticum and the understanding of its texts and the world around us. maybe im wrong but i cant help but notice everything so extremely quickly turns into rituals to do this or that, and hardly any discussion on the practice of learning the actual parameters itself which is weird considering the "master of masters" himself and supposedly any other master had spent their entire lives until death learning new things and from outside sources and adapting into their understanding. i guess i dont trust "james 37 years old from san diego california" who read the book a few years ago and has been facing west every morning as someone to put my path in the hands of. side note, im in recovery from addiction and part of it is learning a new way of living and perspective, and that alone has taken me ten years to get to the imperfect place i am now, and my sponsor always was an "old timer" where i was able to learn the mental side of it before the action side. the state of this whole situation with this experience, which i can say is the most mind blowing and important thing i never even thought was possible, just doesnt instill confidence in me enough to trust any pursuit of it anywhere ive sen in passing. im sure a good part of this is due to me not digging in enough, but i was hoping for something that seems less elementary. i mean ........ the understanding of the laws of the universe and god itself...... mastered to the point of altering the reality with magic....from a book made in 1908........ in a couple decades of whatever indirect understanding coming from anyone other than a direct lineage? i dont need a secret old man with a dog head ghost to approach me and tell me i can be harry potter but man it just doesnt sit right with me.
submitted by Hermeticrux to Hermeticism [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:38 Kylenki BREAKING: War in Ukraine Causes Doppler Shift to Red-Lines Everywhere - "We are very lucky that they are so [REDACTED] stupid."

Regarding the Kharkiv situation, Western arms use by Ukraine across the border into Russia, tactical advantages, strategic policy shifts, and the shitstorm Russia caused for itself. These are some thoughts.
The strategic loss that resulted from their short-term tactical advantage is what intensifies my schadenfreude.
By exploiting an agreement between Ukraine and other allies Russia staged and moved at will within their borders in preparation to attack--and as long as the terms of the agreement lasted this was a major tactical advantage. It has a weakness: the agreement.
If they thought the agreement wasn't negotiable, then they remain as idiotic as before. If they thought the agreement was negotiable and staged as they did anyway, they were idiots before and are even bigger idiots now. In either case, the West lifts restrictions and agreements between allies are negotiable--as is well documented--so you can determine which kind of idiot produced the Russian plan.
It's almost like they didn't even gamble. No odds were calculated. Do, and we lose, but, do and we lose. It's a tautological defeat.
As a psychological barrier to so much more, allowing Western munitions to hit within Russian borders, a diminishment to all red lines currently in place occurred. Because attacking into Russia has been the red line that pre-existed even 2014, let alone 2022 to now. This is a wider shift in policy globally. Maybe tectonic.
If Russia had not staged their Kharkiv feilure[sic] from inside Russia so brazenly, the tactical advantage of such a disposition of forces, so constrained, would not have been made so bloody obvious to everyone at once. But since Kharkiv is attacked from a staging ground in nearby Russia, and all of Russia is a staging ground for the war, this has now implicitly tabled the topic of wider weapons use for everywhere.
In terms of what this means for the advancement of this topic for debate, in all historical examples of red lines that make it to the debate portion of the timeline, they are vastly altered or erased in time. Getting to this part of the timeline is the hardest because motivation for change must be great enough. Russia provided that motivation.
We are lucky.
submitted by Kylenki to NAFO [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:29 tagisanngtalino The Korean American 7M cult has many similarities with INC

There's a new documentary on Netflix called Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult.
It's the story of Robert Shinn, who is a Korean American that created a cultish church called Shekina Church International in Los Angeles. Shinn also was involved in many business ventures and put on a fake air of wealth. He struck gold by gathering a bunch of dancers, getting them high TikTok views and then saying that it's because God has blessed them through his church, and that he is a "man of God," being the closest human to God.
While I'm not sure if he knows of the INC, his preaching was scarily like that of the 1980's and early 1990's INC in the West. It was the disappointed, strict Asian dad style of preaching. That actually convinced some Western converts to INC about the INC's claims to be the true church, and when the façade broke, many left. Unfortunately, Shinn's similar approach is taking advantage of a lot of younger people that might have a bad relationship with their parents or going through difficult times.
I'm just glad the INC tripled down on being a cult and everyone's seen the really scary side of them. A smarter and more well-run INC could have pulled a similar stunt to take advantage of young people, but they're too stupid and proud to.
submitted by tagisanngtalino to exIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:15 Beyond_Feeling Modesto mural being torn down soon.

FYI, the Modesto mural on the back of Redeemer church by the railroad tracks will be torn down soon. JS West is going to tear the building down. So if you want a picture, you might want to get one soon.
submitted by Beyond_Feeling to Modesto [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:57 BambaTallKing New world/story “The Kingdom Forever”

I would like feedback, questions or anything on my new world idea heavily inspired by Mad Max and the rule of cool.
The Kingdom Forever
This story takes place in a post-apocalypse setting. A war known now as the “Hunder Million War” was so vast that the armies involved stomped countries flat, turning lands into inhospitable wastes. With this war, cities became ruins, cultures destroyed and twisted, normal civilization now but a distant memory. And even after the great passing of time, the war continues. Pockets of ragtag military groups take distant pot shots at each other, all fighting for a war in which the original purpose has been lost. They fight at the command of descendants of the Old-Greats, warlords from the far past who commanded the once grand armies.
There are two major powerhouses in the wastes, both strong warlords. To the west resides Lord Nomda Gare whom controls the Gray City. To the east is Lord Hunder, who believes himself to be the most direct descendant of the Old-Great, Hunder Million. A fictional man thought to be real and the leader behind the start of the war. Hunder lays claim over the Forever Stretch, a great waste, as well as the Unkillable, a post-war town. These two lords have been sending their Men of War to die wherever the frontline may be. When these small skirmishes end, the Men of War must fend off Scabs and scavengers who come to claim the bounties of their fallen allies. In this war time, every bullet, casing and gun must return to the Old-Great’s Kingdom. And although the war continues, most pay no mind to it.
In this time most everyone has forgotten anything about the old world. They know that the Old Folk lived in Cities, but they don’t know what a city is. Ruins from the old world are always considered “Cities”, no matter how small or large the ruins are. Some know of cars and that they could travel across the wastes in mere seconds, but gasoline is all rotted and cars have rusted away or been repurposed.
Even if the apocalypse has come and war rages on, there are still jobs for common folk to do. Water Boys work the water mills. Rakers comb the wastes for spent casings and scraps. Cage Drivers drive cages. Scavengers, farmers, hunters, all of them make their living as best as they can. But there is one job more dangerous and higher paying than most. Snatchers. The hero of this story is a Top Caliber Snatcher. A person that captures people at the behest of those with authority, and someone that all in the wastes fear. This man has taken a job from the warlord, Nomda Gare. He is to travel east to the Unkillable and snatch a woman that the Lord desires. He needs to know no reason for capturing a person, he just gives a price and delivers.
That is the basics of the world and very basics of the story setup. As stated, I would like any sort of feedback, questions or criticisms. Thank you.
submitted by BambaTallKing to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:02 AutoModerator Welcome to Sun Meadow Temple an entirely online Pagan Temple!!!

We are an online Pagan Temple open to all branches and practices of Paganism. We are a registered church as such have more requirements than a normal discord server. We strive to create an online religious community for those who for many reasons cannot be openly Pagan or attend a Pagan church in their area. We also strive to create a community open to and inclusive of all ages, races, genders, sexualities, and anything else. We are not a paid server!!
Contemporary Paganism is a term denoting modern applications of Pagan religiosity and spirituality. These religious concepts are codified into a wide, disparate terminology encompassing many different philosophical and theological outlooks. It generally encompasses religious traditions focused on reviving or drawing inspiration from the pre-Christian traditions of Europe, North Africa, and West Asia; modern paganism does not include African, Native American, East Asian or other traditions who deliberately do not identify as pagan. - pagan
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2024.06.01 06:01 CalmPost0704 Instant queues and formulaic games

After a few thousand games, it really does seem to be like these games are scripted. The losses are almost all feeling exactly the same, i can tell how the game will go after the 5 minutes. You click play game and BOOM right into a match with 9 other players who are allegedly humans, with skill distribution among the teams that are always the same.
How many times do you die at an objective or a team fight, maybe you died first, maybe you were the last one dead, and the game ends literally 1 or 2 seconds after YOU respawn, regardless of what your allies are doing? It has happened to me more than I can count. I cant be the only one who is feeling this.
How many times do I have to watch my master yi duskblade riftwalker try to steal gromp? at lvl 1 and die, no boots wandering around, double heal bot lanes, no adc, supports in the baron lane, etc etc. How many times do i get to have a free meal when the other teams jungle does that... NEVER. When the game wants to feed me losses, mysteriously they are able to just instantly 2 second queue time put me into games with these sorts of players--allegedly human? What? are they all just on standby waiting? Ok maybe you get ready to promote a rank and a time or 2 just bad luck you have a string of games where your allies have gone to complete shit doing things you cannot imagine someone with 2k games played would do, but it is routine. this happens as the rule it is not the exception.
Ok its 1:15 here comes the enemy jungle ready to gank right on schedule. I can tell you how many times i've had a jungle gank mid for me at lvl 3. ONCE. it has happened once. It was a rammus, we were steam rolling, and it was a 4v5 remake WITH MY OWN BARON LANE the guilty afk party. It is literally the only time in the last 100 games. Yet almost without fail, to the second I just know here comes the enemy jungle.
My allies on the other hand, they dont just make bad plays in these losses. Its not like, whoops you missed your ability or whoops you accidently flashed the into the wall and not over it. Im talking a tank support with full hp just walking in random circles or hiding in a bush doing god knows. Im talking 45 second team fights where half the team hasnt even bothered to ult. I'm in htese fights just shaking my head literally, "gee if only nami would ult, if only nautilus would ult, if only thresh would hook himself in and ult, if only leona would ult, if only sett would ult, if only amumu would ult, if only rammus would ult" this happens all the damn time in these bizarre strings of losses. where literally 1 initiation or cc ult would be all the team needs to just roll over the enemy.
How many times have I had an amumu support with samira jungle in the same game, 5 TIMES IN THE LAST WEEK ALONE. I have NEVER seen the other team with some garbage player playing a jungler as support. Yet in these mysterious loss games that took 0 seconds to assemble, here we go, vi support, ammumu support, rammus support. Ok maybe it can work, its far from ideal, the players are never capable, and i've never seen the enemy have to deal with this crap.
Aside from these patterns, the thing that makes it so remarkable is the timing and the queue time. Am I taking crazy pills? Instant queues with these kinds of inexplicable players? The game in the west is supposedly not popular, but there sure doesnt seem to be any slow down in the time it takes to get put on team clown show. Anyone else who can feel this?
submitted by CalmPost0704 to wildrift [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:46 DevarDavis22 Blaze 3: Demonic Arc 5: Immortal Sins⁶

Blaze 3: Demonic Arc 5: Immortal Sins⁶
Last time Buzz was shown destroying. He sees his past life right before him and snaps. He sees a familiar face. A woman who resembles Heather. Buzz wanted to marry her. What is her response? Yes or no? Find out right now. Harper" I...I do." Buzz" Excellent. My dear. We'll get married tomorrow. As soon as possible. For now it's time to get your dress." People arrive in the location and so do the Justice Drivers. Buzz quickly covers his mouth. Buzz" Hey we're getting married tomorrow." Everyone wishes them luck. Harper throws a fake smile on. Tinn" Congratulations you two(remembers him from earlier)." The Justice Drivers all wishes them luck.
While leaving, Draum looks back and sees the look on Harper's face. Harper begins to signal a look with her eyes. Draum" Something is not right here." Strider" What are you talking about?" Draum" That woman seemed like she didn't want to be there or with him. She gave me this look. A distress call." Julmbo" Maybe you're overthinking it." Draum" I know what I saw. That woman needs help." Julmbo" Alright. We'll follow the guy." Tinn" This is the guy I bumped into earlier." Strider'' He could be the the guy I fought." Spike" Could be. We won't know until we find out." The Justice Drivers are hiding and spying. Buzz is in the area. Draum uses his body for distraction. The Justice Drives get a hold of Harper. Buzz" Heather? They've taken her. HEATHER!!!"
Harper" Thank you guys. I don't know what I would have done without you." Julmbo" We're the Justice Drivers. Just doing our jobs." Tinn" What's your name?" Harper" It's Harper Sukinuu. That guy was a psycho." Harper talks about Buzz and gets to know the Justice Drivers. Spike" I see what you mean." Draum" Wait a minute?! You said that he'd do anything for Heather. I have an idea. We'll just have to use that for us then." Julmbo" That is really risky but we have to try it." Strider'' If this guy is an Anti-Sapien then that mask man should be too." Spike" Then that means they are most definitely together." A boy is shown(Conithio Town) taking without paying. Has a hood on. Boy" Yummy. That was good. Must find more." A Crow was flying around in the back.
Togyu Manji shown. Tijiri" Hey. Those are the guys from earlier. Let's show them." Takei" Your right." Jillian" I don't see any evil duers(she looks around)." Eyashi" We got company." Zushi" It's the mask guy with them." CJ" It's her. Lady Lightning." Jillian" Don't wear my name out." Sid" That's her?" Takei" What are you waiting for? Take em out milady." Jillian" I only fight evil duers(arms crossed)." Tijiri" I don't know what is up with this girl. Are you going to fight or what?" Jillian" No." Eyashi" I don't believe it. She is actually fighting it." Zushi" So it is true then." FATHER" Please(talking in a nice tone). We need you fight with us. Pretty please!" Jillian sticks her tongue out. FATHER" She stuck her tongue out at me(goofy tone). Why you!" Tijiri" Don't mind her FATHER. We don't need her."
Takei tries to attack CJ but Jillian stops him. Takei'' Why you!" Jillian" I won't let you hurt my friend." Tijiri" Friend?! She's lost it." Takei'' Keep talking like that!" Jillian" It's tme to fight the evil duers." Tijiri" You got to be kidding me. Anti-Sapien vs Anti-sapien." Takei battles Lady Lightning but not that long. They both leave. CJ" Thank you." Jillian" That's what superheros are for." Eyashi" How many more Anti-Sapiens are there?" Jillian" Just those two." Phil" I thought it be more?" Jillian" I did hear FATHER say there's another Anti-Sapien at Conithio Town." Fasha" Back at Conithio Town." Eyashi is calling the Justice Drivers again. Julmbo" You got an Anti-Sapien on your Side. No way. You're joking." He puts Jillian on the phone.
Jillian" There's an Anti-Sapien in your location. Be very careful." Julmbo" Wow you're real. We already ran into another Anti-Sapien. He used bugs. Do you recall a Anti-Sapien with bug power?" Jillian" No. I only know Takei and Tijiri." Julmbo" Who might they be?" Jillian" Takei is the masked one and Tijiri is the mohawk man." Julmbo" So you don't know each other. Can you put Eyashi back on the phone?" She does. Julmbo" This guy was a psychopath and needs to be put down. Well at least we only have to worry about three Anti-Sapien for now. But Jakob, the bug guy tried to force this woman to marry him. He kept calling her Heather. His past life kept interfering." Eyashi" Sounds like a complete weirdo." Julmbo" Like some people(says it funny/talking about Eyashi). That was lucky that Draum had a feeling. Now Harper can be safe. We need to take them out one by one."
Fasha talks about wanting Julmbo to teach her how to utilize the Extension Blade. Julmbo" Anytime when I'm not busy." Takei and Tijiri are together. Takei" Can you Believe the nerves on that girl." Tijiri" She is out of control. That's what she is." FATHER" We need her more than ever." Tijiri" She's made up her mind." FATHER" Mind You say? We need a creator. I know where to go." He goes to Jim's house. Takei and Tijiri aren't seen by Jim. Hiding. FATHER" Jim!" Jim" Who's there?" FATHER" It is I. FATHER. The creator of the Anti-Sapiens." Jim" What do you want with me? Trying to make me an Anti-Sapien?" FATHER" You are not needed for that but your daughter is already one." Jim" My Jillian?" FATHER" You see your daughter was acting up. She was trying to fight my children. And I don't like my children to fight each other. I'm trying to forgive her. She turned her back on us and is with the outsiders. I need her back. I need something from you."
Jim" What is it?" FATHER" I need you to finish that suit. How long are we talking about?" Jim" Several months." FATHER" We don't have that long! Can you make something that allows you to take an item from the finished timeline, and put it in the unfinished one?" Jim" I believe so! Yes." FATHER" Excellent! I used to be a creator myself. Back in my days.". Jim" I'll get to it then." FATHER" There's just one more thing I need. I need a brainwashing device. So in case she acts up. You can never be too." Jim" I can't. She is my little girl(adult). Screw you and you are just a conscience. You can't hurt me anyway!" FATHER" You're right. I cannot." Takei and Tijiri reveals themselves. FATHER" But they can. I'd get cracking if I were you. Time is the essence."
Conithio Town. Harper is all alone. Harper" Jakob. Where are you? I need your help. I've escaped from those bastards. I want to be with you now. I want to finish our marriage." Jakob appears and says" So here you are? And you've accepted your destination I see." Demons show up. Harper" I don't like the demons. Kill them Jakob." Jakob" Sure thing." He killed them all. Harper" How far are you willing to go for me?" Jakob" To the end of the Earth and back. Just for you Heather." Harper"' Would you cut your hand off?" Jakob does and says" I told you I'd do." He waves his ripped off hand. Jakob" All we have to do is get married and we'll be together forever." Harper" This is the man I need." Julmbo" All we have do is wait until wedding then we strike." Strider'' It's sad that we have to leave Harper with that freak show."
Next day/wedding. Jakob" You look stunning in that dress Heather." Wedding occurs. There are no people. Private wedding. The officiant" Do you, Heather, promise to be Jakob's friend? To comfort him and listen to him? To celebrate his successes and to support his struggles? To love him, respect him and tenderly care for him, through all the days of your life?" Harper" I do." The officiant" Jakob, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in (holy) matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" Jakob "I do." The officiant" I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." They kiss. Harper unwantedly. Jakob" Now we're together forever."
The Justice Drivers arrive late but not intended. They go for a sneak attack. Jakob" What did they come from?" Strider" Time to take you out, asshole!" Julmbo" You will pay for everything you've done!" The Justice Drivers battles him 5 on 1(+ Draum). Jakob" (he laughs)Don't think for one second I'm intimidated. I'm a god-damned Anti-Sapien for Pete's sake." Towards the end of the fight, Julmbo manages freeze Jakob. Strider is going to burn him up. However, an interruption occurs. Lights go out. When they return, he's being carried out by a weird crawly thing(large). Draum" What is that thing? One of his bugs?!" The crawly thing says" (female voice)Not by my watch." Spike" Damnit! We were so close!!" Tinn" All that work. For nothing."
Crawly thing is a woman. FATHER" That was a close one. We have to be more careful. Thanks for the save, Wiggy. Wiggy" Don't mention it." Jakob wakes up. Jakob" what are you doing here? Sister(older)." Wiggy" Saving your ass." FATHER" We're nearly there. It's time for a visit." Jakob" Where might that be?" FATHER" Togyu Manji. There are 3 more Anti-Sapiens there. We'll need to unite with them. Then the Anti-Sapiens will be invincible." Wiggy" Now that's a plan." Jakob has a nonchalant look on his face. Doesn't like to get help from his sister. Togyu Manji. Takei and Tijiri pay Jim a visit. FATHER" So how are we coming along?" Jim" I have finished the first device and went to the future to get the the super suit. Just a few touches on the last device." A few touches later. Jim" I'm complete." FATHER" Let me see" Jim starts to walk away.
FATHER" Wait! There's one more thing I need you to do specifically." Jim" And what is that?" FATHER" I need you to give it to her personally. Put the brainwashing device inside the super suit." Jim" I can't do that!! Are you mad?" FATHER" That is the point." Takei and Tijiri both stare at him evilly. Jim" Fine I'll do it(sad voice)." Tijiri" That's the spirit." FATHER" 2 more Anti-Sapiens are on their way. All we have to do is sit back and wait." Takei" I'm bored. Going to harass some people." Tijiri" Have fun." FATHER" Call your daughter over and tell her the suit is finished." He does. Jillian arrives with CJ. Jim" It seems you have company?" Jillian" This is CJ. We met a few days ago." CJ" Please to meet you." Jillian" She wanted to see the super suit in person." The super suit is easy to put on. It starts off small then expands. Laughter is heard. Tijiri appears.
Jillian" Back for more?" Tijiri" This time it's different. I feel bad for you. Attack!" Jillian strikes CJ. CJ" What was that for?" She tries to snap out of it but can't. CJ" Snap out of it!! It's me. CJ." Jillian" I don't know any CJ. You are an evil duer." CJ" She is not listening. Guess it's time to fight back." Tijiri" This is intriguing." CJ finally gets to fight Jillian. Jillian is going to finish off CJ(ending). A voice streams" LEAVE HER ALONE!! Sez Unemori arrives on the scene. He has a gadget blade. Sez" Get out of here!" CJ" I don't run from fights, kid." Sez" Fine then." Tijiri"' I guess that's my cue." He fights CJ while Sez battles Jillian. Tijiri rolls his body up and attack. Sez uses his gadget blade to scan his abilities. Sez" It seems you can absorb whatever you touch then distribute it to any body part." Tijiri" Right you are. It is sad that you came just to die." Jillian" Your opponent is me." Sez gets distracted. Jillian" Never take your eyes off the ball, evil duer."
Sez" I have you know, I am not a villain(talking like a hero). I am but a noble hero. A man of the faithful people. You are but a person who is for herself and not anyone else(still talking the same)." Jillian" Take That back(deep voice). Do my ears deceive me? Did I really just hear that? I want you to know that I can never be this fowl creature of a person, you call villain." They both continue to talk like heros. CJ and Tijiri both get distracted of it what they are saying. Tijiri" Will you 2 can it already!! All of your stupid super hero talk is giving me a damn headache!!" Sez" You just don't appreciate our work." He's about to keep talking but Tijiri punched him. Tijiri" Oh no you don't." Jillian is doing the same thing. Tijiri" No not you to! I'm kinda regretting her being on our side." FATHER" Oh you can bare her." Tijiri" I don't think so. Wait a minute, we're supposed to be fighting. You've got me distracted! Let's finish this up shall we!"
Ending. CJ and Sez are about to be finished. Fasha appears. Tijiri" I remember you. Your appearance doesn't matter." Eyashi and Team Blaze appears. Eyashi" Back for more. Wasn't expecting you to show up." Tijiri" I'm not ready to fight, so I'm going to skedaddle." They both leave. Zushi" Good thing we came in time. Didn't you say that he left last time(looking at Eyashi)?" Eyashi" What are they planning? They are clearly up to something. This happened again with the Justice Drivers. They are waiting for something but what?" Fasha" Why was Lady Lightning with Tijiri?" CJ" She just started to attack me." Phil" Whose this guy?" Sez is going to talk like a hero when CJ cuts him off. CJ" Oh no you don't!" Sez l" I wasn't going to do the talk! I'm Sez Unemori. I saw this girl in trouble so I helped her. I was here for someone. I heard they moved here. Do you know group called Team Earth."
Sid" Of course we do." Sez" Oh that's great." Eyashi" Welcome to Team Blaze. You'll be a great ally. I'll show you where they are." Sez" That's great." CJ" We still don't know what happened to Lady Lightning. Even on the other side, she still seemed in character." Jim is shown hiding and says" It was me. I did it(comes out of hiding). I didn't want to though(crying). I'm Jim Madame. That was my daughter. I was forced to do it." Eyashi" Who? Please tell us." Jim is shaking/looking nervous. Jim" I trust you. I'll tell you. It was FATHER." Everyone says FATHER. He was communicating with his mind. He had the the Anti-Sapiens with him. Forced me to make the super suit to lure her in. And the Brainwashing device was if she'd be rebellious. He mentioned wanting to get the Anti-Sapiens together." Eyashi" It all makes sense now. Now we have think about where are they going and we already know. Togyu Manji. We have to round up everyone. We'll go get Team Earth first."
FATHER calls his children their Anti-Sapien name, rather than their real name. Takei is shown terrorizing. Takei" Now this is fun. Scream all you want. It won't help you(laughs)." A woman appears. Takei" What are you doing to me(sarcastic tone)? She" I can't let you hurt any bystanders." Takei" Oh we'll see about that." She turns into a demon Beast. Tiger Demon. Takei" Wow. Did not expect to see that trick." Time passes. A male appears this time. Takei" Where'd he come from?" He becomes a demon as well. Demon Bear. Takei" Demon power? They must be from the same place?" Another one appears. He is an Animal Humanoid Gorilla. He is stuck in his form. Demon Gorilla.
Tijiri" The 3 of you still can't beat me." Sidney arrives. Takei" You still need more people to fight me." Sidney" It sure took you guys awhile to get to the area. You're going down." Takei" You know, I think I have a few more minutes. Let's do it." Sidney summons his weapon. The others join in. Takei" That's the spirit. Join in. The more the merrier." He launches his blades like an arrow but to a citizen. Gorilla says" Oh no , he's gonna kill em." Tiger catches it with her teeth but barely. Takei" My, that was close(sarcastic tone)." FATHER" It's tme Massk." He laughs. Takei" It's been fun but I have nothing to prove. I'll see you another time. Sayonara!" He's gone.
Bear(fat)" I'm glad that mask guy is gone. We would not have defeated him anyway." Tiger" Of course you'd say that. You have to stop acting like that. You need to grow some balls." Bear" I know you didn't!" Gorilla" Stop acting like children. Nevermind." Sidney" Wait. That's the mask guy Eyashi was talking about. The Justice Drivers ran into him. Is he an Anti-Sapien? If so, what is he doing here?" Tiger" Anti-Sapien? You don't think? Sidney" Let's go see then." Bear" Here we go. Let's go." Sidney's group. Tiger=Donta. Bear=Yoshatora. Gorilla=Jasin(Jason). Jasin is a good archer. Jakob and Wiggy have arrived in Togyu Manji. FATHER is with another Anti-Sapien. Black. Team Blaze is shown. What will happen with the Anti-Sapiens . Can they be stopped? Find out what will happen next time on Part ⁷. "To Be Continued"
Last time. FATHER made plans with the Anti-Sapiens. He wanted to gather the Anti-Sapiens in one spot. FATHER would force jim to create an invention for Jillian which would make her fight her the others. Team Blaze were trying to get the others together. Sidney's group fought Takei and questioned was he an Anti-Sapien. The Anti-Sapiens have finally made it to Togyu Manji. FATHER was shown with a new Anti-Sapien. What will happen now? FATHER" I'm glad that you are here." Rmpage" Pleasure doing business with you." FATHER" We are nearly there." Rampage" I sense some good spirit energy. Let me make a quick stop." FATHER" Make it quick." Rampage challenges some people.
Rampage" Who is next?" Geo appears and says" I guess I am now." Rampage thinks" That spirit energy. He's one of the strong ones. I can see it in his eyes." Geo struggles to keep up with his strikes. Geo" He's strong. Too strong. He surpassed my hand to hand. He's not ordinary(thoughts)."fight over. They finally make it to the others. Rampage" So these are the other Anti-Sapiens." FATHER begins to laugh. FATHER" It's about damn time. We are finally one. We will make the world suffer. Feel our wrath." Everyone laughs as well. Team Blaze are shown. Corroshi" Eyashi. What brings you guys here?"
Eyashi" We have actually discovered something. We've got word that the Anti-Sapiens are joining up. I believe it is going to be here." Corroshi" Why do you think that?" Fasha" Togyu Manji is a very large area. They probably want to takeover here. And besides, there's a lot of incidents that occur here anyways." Corroshi" Nice response." Zushi" We needed to round up everyone and warn them. We need everyone here. We need your help." Corroshi" You can count on me." Sez" Hey Corroshi?" Corroshi turns around says" Do I know you?" Sez" It's me Sez. From the tournament." Corroshi" Oh yeah. I remember you not. You are the one who tried to cheat." Sez" That's me." Corroshi" So why did you come back?"
Sez" I heard you moved wanted to know if you let you join your team?" Corroshi" Well of course you can. Welcome aboard!" Sez" Aw thanks." Geo and the others aren't there yet. Now everyone is together. Rischardo" Since we're up against Anti-Sapiens, I want everybody to know this. If any of you see Anti-Sapiens named Ira and Danly Indies, there my kids and I'll deal with them. Ira has red hair and Danly has orange hair." Everyone is training with each other. Julmbo" Hey Fasha." Fasha" Yes." Julmbo" Let me see your blade." She does. Julmbo" I see. There is something I need to teach you. Reincarnation." Fasha" Reincarnation?" Julmbo" It's the ability to fix broken Extension Blades."
He breaks his blade. Julmbo" Reincarnation!" The blade has fixed itself. Fasha" Wow that's going to take some time." Julmbo" Nonsense. With your skills you'll master it in no time." He continues to train Fasha. MaXx, Haden, and Sid are lifting weights. MaXx and Haden get into an altercation. MaXx's eyes turn black. MaXx" I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!" MaXx' Dark Seal interrupts. He raises his blade towards Haden. Eyashi uses his speed and gets in between(has his hands out separating them)them and says" Brothers shouldn't fight! MaXx don't let them darkness consume you." He snaps out of it. MaXx" You're right." Thank you." His eyes return. Keira Saja goes towards Sid and says" I want to be just like you, Fasha, Phil, and the others."
Sid" What do you mean Keira?" Keira" I wish I had powers so I could protect you guys and fight alongside you. If CJ could have power behind I could. I wanted to know if you would train me?" Sid" Ah yeah. Sure. First I need you to hit my fists." She does. Sid" Good but harder. " Phil and Fasha laughs(good laughs). Keira continues to work on her strikes. Cumi name change. Was supposed to sound like cute. New name. Cuimi(kwee-me). Cuemi(q-me). Cuimi(c-oo-me). New name is Cuemi. Cuemi has a vision. Cuemi" Wait! There are these people and there are shredded. We have to save them." Corroshi" Where are they?" They are headed out.
People are on the ground, all cut up. Domay" Who could have done this." Ishani" I think I am going to be sick." She almost throws up. They hear a knife sound cutting together. They go check it out. There's a man standing on dead bodies with his back turn. He turns around and has knives in his hands. Geo" It's him!" He charges and attacks. Eyon" You know this guy?" Geo" This guy was challenging people and he beat me. Hand to hand combat. He is not ordinary. I knew it was slomething about the guy." Rampage" Right you are." He shows off his Anti-Sapien symbol on the left shoulder.
Arc Notes- Spirit Cuffs. Wind Slice Attack. Sid spit lightning attack works with fire (combine together) FATHER. Light Power heal chair. Rade plant lady. Geo likes to eat but Yolmmo eats more. Rade uses Genesis to get information without having to leave his spot. He tells to Eyashi Arc 6. Rade apple. Draum takes Hydro Corps with Justice Drivers. Keina Kiyoshi 7. Last time on opening Arc 6. Arc 7 lot demons. Sez Unemori gadget style. Sakura Hurata Arc 5. Korin Kore. 11th grade. Soothsayer short witch attire. Go to school together. Gru boxing style. Sid, Phil and Fasha back to back. Nara Haseku. Frogg Kikio 4. How to do Fire Morph. Archer. Wind Swallow. Shadow Spea Sabitist Lemaru pike. Blaze rich. Call me Darkness. Tijiri Akaru. Ball shape. Anti-Sapien Hydro Corps. Reincarnation. Massk story. Talk about mask. Body weapon/ absorb/keep power. Absorb blades. Sid and Phil extend fists before the fight. Sidney lots of Anti-Sapiens appearing frequently. Jim dies but will be blame on Team Blaze. Lady Lightning puts Haden to sleep. To spark or not to spark. Burnt mouth. HarpeHeather. Jakob Akali one hand. Buzz bugs covering body. Draum stronger than the demons. Danly I am a demon. Wiggy wig talk to her. Ignoramus. Genesis. Anti-Sapiens Cliff.
Sidney's group. Tiger=Donta. Bear=Yoshatora. Gorilla=Jasin
Mind Controller- Dwells into the person's mind and uses their memories against them. Making the mind attack it's owner.
Team Earth: Corroshi Setse(all styles/fire fav)(master), Geo Kazy(Dragon style/Jeet Kune Do), Eyon Yoshi(Lightning/fire), Yolmmo Usay(wateice) Domay Usay(wind), Korr Yoshi, Kunesuke Atara(glasses/reads/black/lady's man), Su Lin(Eyon's girlfriend/Chinese/not black), Ishani Sharma(Indian skin/not black/turban/Yolmmo's)
Hydro Corps: Sodum Hydro(leader), Coracoona/Charzie Anderson(not black), Dornymious(door-nee-me-us)Ryeno or Rhyno(Rhino/not black/charges), Shune Tuche(to-shay/special suit and mask/great hunter)
Areas- Tohoku Japan(setting/West Japan), Togyu Manji(Sid's home), Conithio Town, Kurai (dark) Haitsu(heights), Renyu Haito, Shiawasena Michi(happy road), Hausada, Heteritoke Town, Kibakoru(near a bakery), Ryusoka (ree-u-so-kah)Tofa,(small town), Zuloko Ikiki(large area), Uketa(oo-kee-tah) Sada(near a graveyard area), Sushun(Soul Snatcher's headquarters), Osaka Japan(western Japan)(Team Earth's original home), Kanta Japan(eastern Japan), Burakkubēsu(means black base)/(Black Widow's hideout),
Greater Demons-Balaam and Dracula
Notes-Mirror asylum. Plache appears arc 6. Rade is a scientist. Wants Kikia to give up her organization. He uses a dark gass it turns people into demons. Erika, Keira Umo, Eyashi, Zushi, and others become demons put into a facility. Must find antidote. Rade has all the demons power Who died. Haden arm becomes demon like but hasn't turned yet. Kikia will stick him with a syringe. Demon form wears off. Arc 6. Haden and MaXx can't win. demon souls. Airball- can be small or large/chargeable. Eyashi- Wind of the Dragon Punch. Charge fist then strike the enemy/enemies. Late effect. Final blow will feel like a combination of all the punches in one. Maybe Phil. Dead Beat- idea demon/creature. Strider punches mountain/Gru move mountain. Camme punches Sid.
Lightning Beam (Death Beam). Eyashi got 3 main bosses to like him. Absorb moves/spirt energy. Thunder Strike/plow. Rischardo Underworld fighting scene. Dragon Breath. Heat Vision. Hot as Hell move. Double jump. Liba Tezu. Kiko glasses. Anti-Sapiens jump off cliff and wake up. We're twins..cousins Fasha. That arm. You're a Soul Killer. You have the red flpower. It's you. Punch/ uppercut Thunder Rider. MaXx grabs it and throws it back. Saundra asks for Sid's name. She tells Ryu. He appears and sees Sid.
Charging fist Sid and Phil. Regular male student too many female characters. Genesis. Rade uses rings to cuff bodyl/Freak Ring Circus/Spirit Ring Cuff. Dragon Flare origin during Bosch's story. Burning Impalememet Sid. Surfing Ice Blade works with other elements. Sid used first with Reaper Sajettus then Fasha with Rudiaslaudia and Sakura used. 1st Lt Alex Mohoto. The Hydro Corps. Eyon vs Tairon was controlled. Fēng's blade Dragon Heart. Dark Matter. Haden purple lightning. When Danly dies, Rischardo will be shown/ Flashbacks shown/will say his son's name. Velencya bird. Corri Howbori. Sid lightning style against Blaze. Lightning Slash. Spirit energy. Rischardo trains Sid. Underwater. Keira says I want to be like you sid train her. Destruction/Destructional Saucer(disk) Domay. Hall of the Gods. Gods on left and Goddesses on right. Gods of Time. Rischardo warns his Greater Demons. Rischardo runs into them later Arc last straw. Camme can't fly. Lightning and wind Morph speed.
Ra-Ibo and Kungaru power greater than God of Spirit world and demonic king
submitted by DevarDavis22 to u/DevarDavis22 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:37 JustKidding456 Second Sunday after Pentecost: Gospel Reading (CPH The Lutheran Study Bible)

Have a blessed week ahead.
Gospel According to Mark 2:23–28:
Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath
One Sabbath he was going through the grainfields, and as they made their way, his disciples began to pluck heads of grain. And the Pharisees were saying to him, “Look, why are they doing what is not lawful on the Sabbath?” And he said to them, “Have you never read what David did, when he was in need and was hungry, he and those who were with him: how he entered the house of God, in the time of Abiathar the high priest, and ate the bread of the Presence, which it is not lawful for any but the priests to eat, and also gave it to those who were with him?” And he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.”
Engelbrecht, E. A. (2009). The Lutheran Study Bible. Concordia Publishing House:
2:23–28 When the Pharisees accuse Jesus’ disciples of violating the Sabbath, Jesus uses the opportunity to claim divine authority and assert His messianic status. Sadly, there are people today who still level criticisms like the Pharisees of old, criticizing Jesus’ followers because they really wish to criticize the authority and status of the Lord. But neither Jesus nor His Church can be dismissed. Through these same disciples, Jesus would spread the good news of peace, rest, and comfort. • Lord, defend Your people from those who hate You and would therefore do harm to Your Church. Help the Church to see that the battle is Yours and that You can do all things. Amen.
Engelbrecht, E. A. (2009). The Lutheran Study Bible. Concordia Publishing House:
(c = circa — cf = confer — NT = New Testament — vv = verses — Ex = Exodus — Dt = Deuteronomy — Is = Isaiah — Dn = Daniel — Mt = Matthew — Rm = Romans — Gal = Galatians — Heb = Hebrews — Jas = James — 1Pt = 1 Peter — Luth = Martin Luther — AE = Luther, Martin. Luther’s Works. American Edition. General editors Jaroslav Pelikan and Helmut T. Lehmann. 56 vols. St. Louis: Concordia, and Philadelphia: Muhlenberg and Fortress, 1955–86.)
2:23 See note, Dt 23:24–25: “God demands charity and hospitality but protects the owner from being taken advantage of. Such an attitude of charity and hospitality toward others is also expected of NT believers (cf Rm 12:9–13; Gal 6:10; Heb 13:2; Jas 2:14–18; 1Pt 4:8–11).”
2:24 not lawful. See note, Mt 12:2: “The Pharisees resumed their faultfinding (Mt 9:11, 34). The Law of Moses forbade all forms of work on the Sabbath (Ex 31:13–15), including the harvesting of grain (Ex 34:21; Dt 5:14), which the Pharisees accused the disciples of doing.”
2:25–26 See note, Mt 12:3–4: “Jesus cited a biblical example familiar to the Pharisees in order to claim authority as great as Israel’s greatest king. David demanded five loaves of bread from the priest at the tabernacle in Nob, a village just east of Jerusalem. Twelve sacred loaves were placed before the Lord every Sabbath as a thank offering and were to be eaten only by the priests. However, only this “holy bread” was available for David and his men, and so they ate it. Jesus, the Son of David, likewise allowed that it was more important on this occasion for His followers to eat than to rest on the Sabbath.”
2:27 Sabbath was made for man. Jesus clarifies God’s purpose in establishing the Sabbath: this day of rest was primarily intended to restore people, not make them slaves of arbitrary rules and regulations. Luth: “Man was especially created for the knowledge and worship of God; for the Sabbath was not ordained for sheep and cows but for men, that in them the knowledge of God might be developed and might increase” (AE 1:80).
2:28 Jesus’ reason for referring to the story of David eating the holy bread (vv 25–26) comes clear: the Lord of the Sabbath—Jesus—is greater than King David. This bold claim to divinity is not lost on Jesus’ critics, as 3:2, 6 show. Son of Man. Favorite self-designation of Jesus, used c 80 times in the Gospels but almost never in the rest of the NT. Its meaning varies somewhat depending on the context. Indicates that though Jesus is fully man, He is much more. As a messianic title, it combines the ideas of a servant who will suffer and die for all people (Is 53; Mt 20:28) and the exalted Son of Man, whose reign is everlasting (Dn 7:13–14; Mt 24:30).
submitted by JustKidding456 to Sunday [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:31 Long-Statement-4281 My list of compiled mods for a perfect never ending playthrough! Fallout 4 Xbox S/X Stable Mods

150/150 ❤️= new weapons
Notes for starting a run with my load order (very easy)
Ultra Modded Fallout 4 ALL DLC On Xbox Series X
(Tons of New Loot, Armor, Weapons, Enemies, Tweaks and Quests, Content, Clothes, Locations, sounds, textures, treasures, battles and encounters and OVERHAULED to discover across the DLC and Base game.)
Normal or Easy setting playthrough
(It will be VERY HARD THOUGH!)
Skk Damage Settings; from chem bench utility 50% or 100% enemy damage out 200% or 250% player damage out Based on preference.
Munitions settings; from chem bench utility add .223 ammo add 12.7mm ammo Remove .22 ammo
Pickup False:Camera from Chem Bench utility and favorite for new camera mode.
submitted by Long-Statement-4281 to Fallout4Builds [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:19 ScruffyNerfherder501 Can anyone explain what this means? [FNV]

I keep getting crashes when i load a save. I was told to look at falloutnv_error.log and i dont understand what it means. New to modding.
Loading a user created or misnamed BSA
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MASTERFILE: Script 'MECWTollTriggerScript1' in file 'MojaveExpressCourierWork.esm' has not been compiled.
MASTERFILE: Script 'MECWTollTriggerScript2' in file 'MojaveExpressCourierWork.esm' has not been compiled.
MASTERFILE: Script 'MECWTollTriggerScript3' in file 'MojaveExpressCourierWork.esm' has not been compiled.
MASTERFILE: Script 'MECWTollTriggerScript4' in file 'MojaveExpressCourierWork.esm' has not been compiled.
MASTERFILE: Script 'MECWTollTriggerScript5' in file 'MojaveExpressCourierWork.esm' has not been compiled.
GAME EFFECTS: Effect Item (AD0C90E7) Salvaged Power Helmet has no effects defined.
FORMS: Addon Node BE000DD8 "ZUCABMPSRedSparks01" is trying to use index 19901, but Addon Node 530008B9 "ZUCABMPSRedSparks01" already uses that index. Addon Node BE000DD8 "ZUCABMPSRedSparks01" will be remapped to a new index.
FORMS: Addon Node BE000DD9 "ZUCABMPSRedRing01" is trying to use index 19902, but Addon Node 530008BA "ZUCABMPSRedRing01" already uses that index. Addon Node BE000DD9 "ZUCABMPSRedRing01" will be remapped to a new index.
MASTERFILE: Armor 'PipBoyGlove' needs to have biped slots selected in the editor.
MASTERFILE: Armor 'PWBVxDisguiseOptionToken' needs to have biped slots selected in the editor.
MASTERFILE: Armor 'PAHPPowerGlove2' needs to have biped slots selected in the editor.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find linked reference 00105AA1. Linked reference data will be removed.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find linked reference 1801D6A2. Linked reference data will be removed.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find enable state parent 0012CE42. Enable state parent data will be removed.
MASTERFILE: Unable to find Package Location Reference (00000000) on owner object "AngelStandingPackage".
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'JIPCCCIsHired' (9302D500) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'JIPCCCIsHired' (9302D500). Faction 'PlayerFaction'(0E125620) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'JIPCCCIsHired' (9302D500)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'RCResidentFaction' (000179D9), but Faction 'RCResidentFaction' (000179D9) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1). Faction 'RCResidentFaction'(133FD890) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'UnderworldResidentFaction' (000179EB), but Faction 'UnderworldResidentFaction' (000179EB) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1). Faction 'UnderworldResidentFaction'(133FD890) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'BrotherhoodSteelScribeFaction' (00019392), but Faction 'BrotherhoodSteelScribeFaction' (00019392) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1). Faction 'BrotherhoodSteelScribeFaction'(133FD890) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'BrotherhoodSteelFaction' (0001D3FE), but Faction 'BrotherhoodSteelFaction' (0001D3FE) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1). Faction 'BrotherhoodSteelFaction'(133FD890) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'BrotherhoodSteelGenericFaction' (00030512), but Faction 'BrotherhoodSteelGenericFaction' (00030512) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1). Faction 'BrotherhoodSteelGenericFaction'(133FD890) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'MQPlayerBOSAllyFaction' (000410B5), but Faction 'MQPlayerBOSAllyFaction' (000410B5) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1). Faction 'MQPlayerBOSAllyFaction'(133FD890) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'BrotherhoodMQ11Faction' (00088B0D), but Faction 'BrotherhoodMQ11Faction' (00088B0D) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1). Faction 'BrotherhoodMQ11Faction'(133FD890) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DoctorLiLab' (0009070E), but Faction 'DoctorLiLab' (0009070E) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1). Faction 'DoctorLiLab'(133FD890) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'VBOSSnifferFaction' (00141AA1), but Faction 'VBOSSnifferFaction' (00141AA1) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1). Faction 'VBOSSnifferFaction'(133FD890) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'BrotherhoodSteelAllyFaction' (0014B03E), but Faction 'BrotherhoodSteelAllyFaction' (0014B03E) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1). Faction 'BrotherhoodSteelAllyFaction'(133FD890) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'BrotherhoodTurretFaction' (00166B4E), but Faction 'BrotherhoodTurretFaction' (00166B4E) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1). Faction 'BrotherhoodTurretFaction'(133FD890) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'MECWBrotherhoodSteelFaction' (1E0133C1)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'MECWCaravan' (1E005629) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'MECWCaravan' (1E005629). Faction 'PlayerFaction'(0C290DCC) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'MECWCaravan' (1E005629)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'aaCyberdogsMojaveFaction' (18058BEF) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'NCRFactionNV' (000A46E7), but Faction 'NCRFactionNV' (000A46E7) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'aaCyberdogsMojaveFaction' (18058BEF). Faction 'NCRFactionNV'(133FE540) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'aaCyberdogsMojaveFaction' (18058BEF)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'aaCyberdogsMojaveFaction' (18058BEF) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'CrimsonCaravanFactionNV' (000FED1D), but Faction 'CrimsonCaravanFactionNV' (000FED1D) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'aaCyberdogsMojaveFaction' (18058BEF). Faction 'CrimsonCaravanFactionNV'(133FE540) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'aaCyberdogsMojaveFaction' (18058BEF)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'aaCyberdogsMojaveFaction' (18058BEF) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'GoodspringsFaction' (00104C6E), but Faction 'GoodspringsFaction' (00104C6E) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'aaCyberdogsMojaveFaction' (18058BEF). Faction 'GoodspringsFaction'(133FE540) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'aaCyberdogsMojaveFaction' (18058BEF)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'aaCyberdogsMojaveFaction' (18058BEF) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'vMojaveCivilianFaction' (00152E91), but Faction 'vMojaveCivilianFaction' (00152E91) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'aaCyberdogsMojaveFaction' (18058BEF). Faction 'vMojaveCivilianFaction'(133FE540) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'aaCyberdogsMojaveFaction' (18058BEF)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'aaRatKingFaction' (1804058A) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'FeralGhoulFaction' (0001C6D3), but Faction 'FeralGhoulFaction' (0001C6D3) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'aaRatKingFaction' (1804058A). Faction 'FeralGhoulFaction'(111EC670) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'aaRatKingFaction' (1804058A)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'aaRatKingFaction' (1804058A) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'VCrGiantRatFaction' (0014F3FB), but Faction 'VCrGiantRatFaction' (0014F3FB) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'aaRatKingFaction' (1804058A). Faction 'VCrGiantRatFaction'(111EC670) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'aaRatKingFaction' (1804058A)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'TLDHumanDickHeadFaction' (13015C0D) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'FiendsFactionNV' (000EF323), but Faction 'FiendsFactionNV' (000EF323) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'TLDHumanDickHeadFaction' (13015C0D). Faction 'FiendsFactionNV'(121A25F0) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'TLDHumanDickHeadFaction' (13015C0D)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'NCRFactionNV' (000A46E7), but Faction 'NCRFactionNV' (000A46E7) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574). Faction 'NCRFactionNV'(132059C4) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'NovacGenericTownie' (000BB9E8), but Faction 'NovacGenericTownie' (000BB9E8) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574). Faction 'NovacGenericTownie'(132059C4) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PrimmResidentsFaction' (000D7F56), but Faction 'PrimmResidentsFaction' (000D7F56) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574). Faction 'PrimmResidentsFaction'(132059C4) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'WestsideFactionNV' (000F9DD6), but Faction 'WestsideFactionNV' (000F9DD6) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574). Faction 'WestsideFactionNV'(132059C4) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'GoodspringsFaction' (00104C6E), but Faction 'GoodspringsFaction' (00104C6E) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574). Faction 'GoodspringsFaction'(132059C4) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'FreesideLocalFaction' (0011640A), but Faction 'FreesideLocalFaction' (0011640A) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574). Faction 'FreesideLocalFaction'(132059C4) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'vMojaveCivilianFaction' (00152E91), but Faction 'vMojaveCivilianFaction' (00152E91) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574). Faction 'vMojaveCivilianFaction'(132059C4) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PrimmDealerFaction' (001630F7), but Faction 'PrimmDealerFaction' (001630F7) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574). Faction 'PrimmDealerFaction'(132059C4) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'TLDWastelandCustomerFaction' (13010574)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'TLDMojaveHunterfaction' (13001E2F) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'GoodspringsFaction' (00104C6E), but Faction 'GoodspringsFaction' (00104C6E) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'TLDMojaveHunterfaction' (13001E2F). Faction 'GoodspringsFaction'(121A2620) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'TLDMojaveHunterfaction' (13001E2F)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'TLDMojaveHunterfaction' (13001E2F) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'vMojaveCivilianFaction' (00152E91), but Faction 'vMojaveCivilianFaction' (00152E91) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'TLDMojaveHunterfaction' (13001E2F). Faction 'vMojaveCivilianFaction'(121A2620) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'TLDMojaveHunterfaction' (13001E2F)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'TLDVigilanteFaction' (13001D0D) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PrimmResidentsFaction' (000D7F56), but Faction 'PrimmResidentsFaction' (000D7F56) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'TLDVigilanteFaction' (13001D0D). Faction 'PrimmResidentsFaction'(111DEC14) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'TLDVigilanteFaction' (13001D0D)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'TLDVigilanteFaction' (13001D0D) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'GoodspringsFaction' (00104C6E), but Faction 'GoodspringsFaction' (00104C6E) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'TLDVigilanteFaction' (13001D0D). Faction 'GoodspringsFaction'(111DEC14) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'TLDVigilanteFaction' (13001D0D)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'TLDViperFriendFaction' (130846E1) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'VWastelandNVBanditViperFaction' (0015F16E), but Faction 'VWastelandNVBanditViperFaction' (0015F16E) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'TLDViperFriendFaction' (130846E1). Faction 'VWastelandNVBanditViperFaction'(121A2650) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'TLDViperFriendFaction' (130846E1)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'TLDWestSideFriends' (1305822A) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'WestsideFactionNV' (000F9DD6), but Faction 'WestsideFactionNV' (000F9DD6) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'TLDWestSideFriends' (1305822A). Faction 'WestsideFactionNV'(111DEC8C) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'TLDWestSideFriends' (1305822A)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'TLDUnderpassFactionClone' (1303AF0F) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'FollowersOfTheApocalypseFaction' (00117E12), but Faction 'FollowersOfTheApocalypseFaction' (00117E12) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'TLDUnderpassFactionClone' (1303AF0F). Faction 'FollowersOfTheApocalypseFaction'(13205A18) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'TLDUnderpassFactionClone' (1303AF0F)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'TLDBrahminFriends' (13036D99) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'BrahminFaction' (00021472), but Faction 'BrahminFaction' (00021472) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'TLDBrahminFriends' (13036D99). Faction 'BrahminFaction'(111DECB4) will be forced to be a Friend of Faction 'TLDBrahminFriends' (13036D99)
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'TLDWastelandSecuritronFaction' (13023BFB) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'Pla


"DLC: TribalPack"
"DLC: OldWorldBlues"
"DLC: MercenaryPack"
"DLC: LonesomeRoad"
"DLC: HonestHearts"
"DLC: GunRunnersArsenal"
"DLC: DeadMoney"
"DLC: ClassicPack"
"DLC: CaravanPack"
"Fixed ESMs"
"JIP LN NVSE Plugin"
"JohnnyGuitar NVSE"
"ShowOff xNVSE"
"Texture Modding Preset"
"UIO - User Interface Organizer"
"Crash Logger"
"Improved Console"
"Console Paste"
"Basic Console Autocomplete"
"Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus"
"Navmesh Overhaul"
"Stewie Tweaks"
"Stewie Tweaks Essentials INI"
"Engine Optimizations"
"Fast Weapon Lag Fix"
"VATS Lag Fix"
"Viewmodel Shake Fix - NVSE"
"Iron Sights Aligned"
"skinned mesh improvement mod"
"New Vegas Mesh Improvement Mod"
"YUP - Base Game and All DLC"
"Enhanced Camera 1.4c"
"Improved Lighting Shaders"
"Climate Control NVSE"
"ED-E Less Frequent Battle Music"
"Assorted Voice Popping Fixes"
"Elijah Missing Distortion Fix"
"Less Abrasive Landing Sounds"
"Lily Voice Consistency"
"ActorCause Save Bloat Fix"
"Aqua Performa - Strip Performance Fix"
"Fallout Alpha Rendering Tweaks"
"Exterior Emittance Fix"
"Depth of Field Fix"
"Crafting Consistency Fix"
"ExRB - Extended Roombounds"
"Swiming Creatures Fix"
"Impostors and LOD Flicker Fix"
"The Mod Configuration Menu"
"Vanilla UI Plus (New Vegas)"
"Clean Vanilla Hud"
"High Res Local Maps"
"High Resolution Screens"
"JIP Improved Recipe Menu ESPless"
"JAM - VNV Configuration"
"Clean Just Assorted Mods"
"Just Assorted Mods"
"No Exit to Main Menu"
"Follower Tweaks"
"lStewieAl - Cookable Grenades"
"Faster Sleep Wait"
"Save Manager"
"Bad Touch NVSE"
"Vanilla Enhancements Merged"
"Trap Tweaks NV"
"Uncut Wasteland"
"Uncut Wasteland (VNV) - EVEM Patch"
"Misc Content Restoration - NV"
"Misc Content Restoration - YUP Patch"
"Functional Post Game Ending"
"Uncut Wasteland. Outside Bets"
"Uncut Extra Collection"
"Northern Passage Cave Entrance (Honest Hearts)"
"Uncut Bison Trees"
"Uncut Cottonwood Cove Shack"
"Uncut Greenhouses"
"Uncut Road to Legate's Camp"
"Essential DLC Enhancements"
"The Living Desert Main File"
"Muzzle Flash Light Fix"
"Viewmodel Shading Fix - NVSE"
"FaceGen Tint Fixes for NV"
"NV Compatibility Skeleton"
"High Resolution Water Fog"
"Improved LOD noise Texture"
"Landscape Texture Improvements"
"First release"
"More Consistent Vanilla Rock Textures"
"A Little More Lamplight"
"Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks - FNV - YUP"
"Desert Natural Weathers NV"
"High Resolution Bloom"
"Cloud Upgrade"
"Interior Rain"
"3D Rain"
"Climate Control - Rain"
"Duncan's Uncut Collection - AIO Part 1"
"Advanced PA TOTNW Patch"
"Mr. House Surrenders to the NCR FPGE"
"Classic Tactics Inspired Plasma Rifle"
"No Toll Booths for Mojave Express Courier Delivery Work"
"Lively Wrangler"
"Gore Overhaul"
"Natural Duster Coats"
"Lively 188"
"Mojave NPCs"
"Lively Nellis Kids (english)"
"Factions Reloaded Legion"
"I Fought the Law - Simple NCR Start"
"Lively Goodsprings"
"Lively Goodsprings - People"
"Classic Creature Style Retexture Pack"
"Armed to the Teeth - Redux"
"no more gourd"
"Lore Accurate Jacobstown Voices"
"Saw Her Yesterday - Dean Domino Music Replacer"
"Classic Fallout Sounds and Notifications Merged"
"FOV Slider"
"Classic Sentry Bot FNV Replacer"
"Menace of The New West"
"Camp Golf Confrontation"
"Skill Bonus Misc. Items"
"Dusty Distance Redone"
"Lively Barton"
"Main Release"
"Idle Variety ESPless"
"Snake - Male Player Voice"
"Female Marked Men V.1.1 - Hotfix"
"Male Ghoul NCR Personnel V.1.1 - The Bug Fix"
"JIP Selective-Fire"
"Followers Help at the Dam V.1.0 - The Release"
"Brotherhood Reinforcements V.1.0 - The Release"
"Great Khan Reinforcements V.1.0 - The Release"
"NCR Dress Browns"
"31 New Food Items 1_4"
"Honest Hearts - Tribal Race Restoration"
"Bighorner Model Variants - Standard"
"Courier Intro Outfit REDUX"
"Dead Money Accurate Elijah Updated"
"Female Lobotomites Spawn"
"Camp McCarran monorail animation stand alone version"
"Classic Geckos - Main File"
"Classic Brahmin - Main File"
"Healthier Yao Guai"
"Companions Relax"
"Primm Reputation Restored"
"Ghoul Powder Gangers - V.1.3 - Hotfix"
"Meat Prep Animations Restored"
"Luxe Aeterna - The True Revival of Luxury"
"More Usable Furniture FNV"
"Lore Fix - Asian Daniel"
"A Thorny Situation"
"A Van Graff Scorned"
"A Koch and Bohr Story"
"Better Burned Man"
"Pacers Gambit"
"Grub n Gulp but better"
"Lively Gourmand"
"Classic Lightweight Leather Armor Replacer"
"Classic Leather Armor Replacer Honest Hearts"
"Classic Leather Armor Replacer"
"Classic Centaur Replacer"
"Classic Metal Armor Replacer DLC"
"Classic Metal Armor Replacer"
"Classic Metal Armor Lightweight Replacer"
"Tops Casino Restored"
"Lively Cass"
"Lively Billy"
"Classic Floaters For New Vegas"
"NCR Helmet Additions 1.1"
"NCR Rearmed Remade"
"Classic-esque Fallout Roads and Asphalt Retexture"
"Classic Music Re-Integrated 1.1"
"Radioactive Tumbleweed Cut Content"
"If It Wasnt For Betsy"
"Animated Workbenches"
"Bone Harvester"
"Bone Armor"
"New Vegas Lockpicks"
"A Cyber Affair"
"Classic Canteen"
"Classic Jackals"
"Lively 13th Floor (english)"
"Pip-Boy Renamer SCRIPT (Recommended)"
"George Lives His Life"
"Courier Head Bandage"
"JIP Companions Command and Control"
"Veronica Outfit Replacer - Scavenger Variant"
"Westside Thugs Uncut"
"Andy Lives His Life"
"Dean Domino Hair Cut Content Restored - Dead Money"
"Vault 34 Ghouls have Vault Suits"
"Lively Phebus"
"Female Ghoul NCR Personnel V.1.0"
"Francine Hangs MCCaffery's Hat - Serious Version"
"NV Dialogue Improvements"
"Glow Version"
"Classic Super Mutant Style Armor MOTNW Version"
"The House Always Wins II"
"More rusty cars in Mojave"
"Irradiant Muck"
"MkII Fragmentation grenade -fixed"
"Lonesome Road Skeletonized General"
"Better Gun Runners"
"Cottonwood Cove Slave Market"
"Canon courier's duster (new hats)"
"Classic Style Mysterious Stranger"
"More Classic Fallout Outfits"
"Feral Ghouls And Jason Bright Brotherhood Robes"
"Simple Open Strip"
"Cocktail Waitresses V.1.0.1"
"More Motorcycles and Bikes"
"Horrors of The New West"
"Lively Chris"
"Animated Ingestibles (english)"
"Lively Street Vendor"
"Classic Goris"
"Vault 19 Powder Gangers Are Actually Powder Ganger"
"Daniel - Unique Textures 1-1"
"The Classic Bridgekeeper Robes V.1.1"
"Classic Stealth Boy 3001 (Updated)"
"Soda Cans"
"Another Ghoul Variant - No PA"
"Classic-esque Feral Ghoul Retexture"
"Classik - Psycho"
"Better View From Casino's Courtyards"
"Animated Chems (Old)"
"Outside Bets V 1-4"
"A Wilder Wasteland"
"Rotface to Riches"
"Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered"
"The file"
"Main File"
"Clutter Pack"
"Classic MPA MK-I Classic Brotherhood"
"Titans of The New West"
"No Pipboy in Power Armor"
"More Dresses for Veronica - Vanilla"
"Oh My Papa - Finally Fixed"
"Strip and Freeside HD Signs"
"Classic Fallout Weapons Replacer Pack"
"Desert Ranger Dzengrave version 2"
"Revelation UI Extras Collection"
"NCRCF Prison Guards - V.1.0"
"Kimball's Secret Service - V.1.2 - The Hotfix"
"Vanilla UI Plus Revelation (New Vegas)"
"TLD Classic Robobrain Fix"
"Classic Robobrain Replacer"
"Classic Mr. Handy and Gutsy Replacer"
"TLD Classic Handy Fix"
"Classic ED-E"
"Classic Computers - FNV Edition 1.1 Upgrade"
"Classic Computers - FNV Edition"
"NV Feral Ghoul Children"
"1st Recon Wear 1st Recon Uniforms"
"Classic Pack Lore Accurate Replacer - FOMOD"
"Classic Brotherhood Combat Armor (Vanilla)"
"Geonox The Hero Race v"
"Talking Heads - PipBoy 2000"
"Nellis Artillery Launcher Restored"
"Classic Pip-Boy 2000 replacer version"
"NPC Pip-Boy 2000MKVI or 2500"
submitted by ScruffyNerfherder501 to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:18 James_Readme Sebastian Rauffenburg's lie #11: Wearing a clerical collar/clothing is allegedly a proof that the INC identified itself as a Protestant sect in its early days

Sebastian Rauffenburg's lie #11: Wearing a clerical collaclothing is allegedly a proof that the INC identified itself as a Protestant sect in its early days
This is one of the weak arguments of Sebastian claiming just because Bro. Felix Manalo can be seen in some old photos that he wore a clerical collaclothing means he identified himself to be a protestant when he began preaching the INC.
While it is true that the clerical collar was invented in the Presbyterian Church (protestant), it was actually adopted by other Christian denominations including the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church:
"A clerical collar, clergy collar, or, pejoratively, dog collar, is an item of Christian clerical clothing."
"Invented in the Presbyterian Church, the clerical collar was adopted by other Christian denominations, including the Anglican Church, Methodist churches, Eastern Orthodox Church, Baptist churches, Catholic churches and the Lutheran churches."
"The term Roman collar is equivalent to "clerical collar" and does not necessarily mean that the wearer is Roman Catholic."
If we are to use Sebatian's argument, then would he accept that the Catholic and Orthodox churches became protestants when they adopted its use? 🤭
In the photo, we can see that Bro. Beda Aboloc, a former catholic priest was wearing a clerical collaclothing which means this is not for protestant use only.
We can also read the comments of two anti INCs who clearly dont agree with Sebastian's theory 🤭
Him asking if it is okay if ministers today would wear that, the answer is no. Because the church has an already approved uniforms and kind of clothes for ministers, and church officers to wear.
Again, it is normal for non INCs to describe the church as a Protestant sect/denomination because for them, if a church is not a catholic then automatically it is considered as a protestant. Until now, Sebastian doesnt have a solid proof to show that the INC identified itself as a protestant church in its early days.
submitted by James_Readme to TrueIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:39 FoxSocks1447 I thought the world was ending, turns out it was just 9:00

I was with my grandparents and cousins up in North Carolina. They have a house up in the Smoky Mountains that has no Wi-Fi or cable, and gets very creepy at night. I don't like the house, but I always agree to go up there when given a choice because I love spending time with everyone and that place is so beautiful it's hard to say no.
I was talking to my current best friend, who was not doing well with her family life at the time. Unbeknownst to me at the time, they were at a circus with their grandma and sisters, just having a grand old time! But because of her family life and incidents earlier that day and week, I was extremely concerned about their slow responses to my messages. (We messaged each other back and forth constantly at the time doing an improv story.) The fear of something happening to her was constantly on my mind and was making me scared, but I tried to ignore it, as I was playing with my cousins. Although I had more time to play with them without worrying about responding quickly, the amount of time she took to respond was very concerning without knowing the context, which I found out just before this incident occurred. Even so, my heart rate did not slow down, which was a little scary considering I was starting to feel a little dizzy/lightheaded, and my breath was slowly picking up weight.
My cousins and I we in the back of my grandpa's tuck, watching the sunset, when my little cousin (not a toddler) spontaneously started crying. I don't mean a few tears fell with some sniffles, she started full-on sobbing. She hugged me and her brother and I held onto her for a little while. He rubbed her back while I kissed the top of her head, trying to calm her down. When we eventually got her to tell us what was wrong, she said she was scared to lose us. I had been complaining about my increased heart rate and shaky hands all day, so this is probably what triggered this fear. We reassured her everyone was okay and that I was probably just having an off day, when music began to play in the town below the hill out house was on: A haunting melody of loud bells that echo up to the mountains through the gentle fog. All of us were already on edge, so this horrified us.
We ran inside to find our grandma and tell her, all convinced that something extremely bad was happening, our favorite theories were nuclear incident or end of the world. My little cousin was crying again, I was on the verge of tears and my shaking and heart rate were much worse, and my other cousin (my age) was freaked out, but surprisingly not crying yet. (He's the crybaby of our family, sorry bud, but it's true.) My grandma saw how panicked we were and we told her about the music. She calmed us down and pointed out the time to us; 9:01. She explained that there was a church in the middle of time that had a very loud bell that marked the hour, like grandma and grandpa's church, Dunwoody Baptist, used to have in the middle of the garden area before it was completely remolded during the lockdown.
This calmed us down and honestly made us feel a little stupid, but I was still concerned about my heart rate, which would not go down no matter what I tried. She suggested that I was moving around a lot more than usual so my cousins and I decided to watch a movie I had brought, which was one of the My Hero Academia movies. (This movie actually got my cousin hooked on the series, but got me less hooked on it.) Or maybe me and my little cousin only just watched Horton Hears a Who for the millionth time while my other cousin played on his phone and bugged the crap out of us for kicks, I don't remember. Either way, was a fun time, gad the world didn't end that day.
So, to sum it up, I am not dead, everyone is fine, and we freaked out for absolutely no reason. It was awesome and now lives as a funny story to tell.
submitted by FoxSocks1447 to funnystories [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:07 SnooPeanuts4336 EVENTS FOR THE WEEK OF 31MAY-05JUN

Weekend Events
Manhattan Project B Reactor Tours The B Reactor National Historic Landmark, Richland Daily, 8:30a-12:30p Free
Petting Zoo/Hobby Farm Jostens Petting Zoo 10a $8
Mushroom Fest Adventures Underground, Richland 10-7p Fri-Sun
Auditions for Disney's Newsies The Broadway Musical ACT, Richland June 3 & 4 3-6p
Slamtastic IV - Indoor 3on3 Tournament Mid Columbia Hoops, Richland June 1 & 2 8a-5p
Friday May 31
Opening Weekend Rise & Shine Bake Shop, Kennewick 9a-4p
CBC Dental Hygiene Club Fundraiser Red Robin 11a-8p
Huge Yard Sale First Lutheran Church, Kennewick 9a-3p
A Drag Queen Hoedown Out & About, Pasco 5-9p $15
Mini Van Gogh class Bristle Art Gallery, Kennewick 6p
Kaizen League Tri-Cities Triple Crown Classic Judges/Referee Clinic Pacific Kicks Tae Kwon Do, Kennewick 7:15p
Apollo Presents Water Follies Spring Splash Playground of Dreams 9a-10p
ImproveIntermediate Level Line Dance Lessons Branding Iron, Kennewick 6-9p
Fck it up with Lacey Lifted Lotus Yoga, Kennewick 6-7:15p $7
Crackle! Boom! Pop! Honeycomb Studio, Kennewick 2p $Unk
Yoga for TC Cancer Center Kaylor Ace Wellness, Richland 11:15a-12:15p $Donation
In Bloom Acrylic Class Yellow Dog Art Studio, Richland 6-8p
Community Healing Through Breath The Studio Bespoke, Richland 6:30-7:30p
TC Thunder Twilight Meet #1 (Youth, Open, Masters) Southridge High School, Kennewick 5:30-10:30p
Jet Ski and Boat Rentals Howard Amon Park, Richland 5-6p
Games and Comedy
Solar Spirits Trivia and Taco Truck Solar Spirits Distillery & Tasting Room 6-8p
Karaoke with Pam Rose Tumbleweeds West, West Richland 7-10p
Art Krug Comedy w/ Drew McGrath Jokers Comedy Club, Richland 7:30-9p $12
Macrame Class: Wall Plant Hanger with Metal Hoop Anything Grows, Richland 6:30-8:30p
Ben Naught Iconic Brewing
Fifth Friday Fete Barnard Griffin, Richland 6-8p
EMO Night Rays Golden Lion, Richland 8p
Blue Hour Open Mic Caterpillar Cafe, Richland 6-8p
Dr. ROCK & The Sturgeons At Michelle's, Richland 7-10p
Cindy McKay and Sally O’Neal Emerald of Siam, Richland 5-8p
Live Music with Jack Rothwell Rattlesnale Brewing Co, Richland 7-10p
Live Music with Frazer Wambeke Goose Ridge Winery 5-7p
Saturday Jun 1
Artist Alley at the 23rd Classy Chassy Car Show & Shine Downtown Kennewick 10a-3p
Kids toys, clothes, & shoes release Wood & Neutrals, Kennewick 10a
Everyone's a little gay in June! DSH3 #156 Sam's Saloon, Kennewick 12p
Book signing- Kurtis Dolman Barnes & Noble, Kennewick 12p
Pride Kickoff Moonshot Brewing, Kennewick 12-9p
Cards, Cars & Collectible Show Kennewick Public Market 10a-5p
National Dino Day celebration Gesa Carosel of Dreams, Kennewick 5p
MCBA Field day 3619 W 4th Ave, Kennewick 10a
Food Truck Crawl Summers Hub, Kennewick 11a-8p
The Backyard Festival The Tin Hat, Kennewick 4p $20
Clothes by the bag & $ .75 Pants The Family Resource Center, Kennewick 10a-3p $8/bag
Hot Mess Cool Night Market Hot Mess Burgers & Fries, Kennewick 6-10p
20 Year Anniversary Celebration Hobby Town, Kennewick 11a
Abandoned Vehicle Auction Police Impounds and Private Impounds Rad Towing, Pasco 9a-12p
Cards, Cars & Collectible Show Kennewick Public Market 10a-5p
76th Annual Rose Show Columbia Basin College 1-4p Free
Pride Prom Columbia Basin College 7-11p
Huge Yard Sale First Lutheran Church, Kennewick 9a-3p
DSAMC Flower Planting Play Date Mac's Garden Center, Pasco 11a-1p
National Dino Day celebration Gesa Carousel of Dreams, Kennewick 5p Free
Terrarium Workshop Studio Paloma, Richland 3:30-4:30p
TCAB Recital 2024 John Dam Plaza, Richland 3p
1st Saturday Flight & Bites Lunch Monterosso’s, Richland 11a-1p $Var
Midsummer Festival + Summer Wine Club Release Longship Cellars at Horn Rapids, Richland 1-5p $64
Orchid Arrangement Workshop It's All In The Details, Kennewick 6-7:30p $75
Prancing Peacock Paint & Sip Art YOUR Way, Pasco 6-8p $42
Como la Flor Selena Paint & Sip The Medusa, Pasco 6-8p $42
STEAM Workshop: Pollinators! Columbia Park Trail, Richland 10a-12p
Hat Burning and Decorating Class Red Mountain Trails, Benton City 2:30-4:30p
Level 7 - Mid-Columbia Tennis Junior Spring Championships 2024 Kamiakin High School 8a-4p
Big River Inagural Year Race Big River, Pasco 8a-11a
Outdoor Survival Training by Mid-Columbia 99s Columbia Basin College 9a $99
Summerfest Open Horse Show Franklin County Saddle Club, Pasco 8a-6p
NAMI Tri-Cities Walk Your Way Event 2024 Howard Amon Park, Richland 9a-12p
LAGERS & LUNGES on the lawn Iconic Brewing, Richland 1:30-4:30p
Games and Comedy
Trivia Night with Musical Bingo Aub's Lounge, Richland 5-7:30p
Karaoke Night Wine Social, Richland 8-11p
PRIDE Month Karaoke with Amber Bamber The Emerald of Siam, Richland 5-8p
PRIDE Month Karaoke The Emerald of Siam, Richland 9p-12a
Stompin Ground Outside Longbranch Saloon, Finley 8p
Montez de Durango & Pattulla 81 Rancho De Las Vacas, Pasco 8p $Unk
Jägernauts Rattlesnake Mountain Brewing Co, Richland 7-10p
James Hunnicutt, Yotes Dog Bite Harris and Cory Peterson Ray's Golden Lion, Richland 8p
Frank n' Debi Jazz The Emerald of Siam, Richland 9p
Tresspasser Tumbleweeds West, West Richland 7-10p
Sunday Jun 2
Tri-Cities Pride Festival Peanuts Park, Pasco 12-6p
Pride Night Drag The Emerald of Siam, Richland 7p $Unk
KA 10U Spaghetti Feed Village Bistro, Kennewick 4-6p $20
Father's Day Market/Bazaar Gesa Carousel of Dreams, Kennewick 12-4p
Storm Fest 2024 Ray's Golden Lion, Richland 6:30-11:30
Rest & Reset Day-Long Retreat The Yoga Community, Richland 9:30a-5p $150
Charcuterie workshop Muret-Gaston Wine Bar, Kennewick 3-4:30p
Beach Sign, Paint Party! D's Wicked Cider, Kennewick 5-7p $39
Food & Wine Pairing Dinner Monterosso's, Richland 5:30p
SSSCC Event 6 Tri-City Raceway at RMEC, Benton City 7a-4p
Branded by M - Summerfest Open Horse Show Franklin County Saddle Club, Pasco 7p
Poses and Pours with Trinity Hot Yoga Goose Ridge Estates, Richland 10-11a $50
Games and Comedy
The Pub Prelims 1 The Pub, Kennewick 9p
CBC Spring Choir Concert Columbia Basin College, Pasco 7p
Monday Jun 3
Tri-Cities Pride Festival Peanuts Park, Pasco 12-6p
Transportation Improvement Plan Open House Cafe con Arte, Pasco 4-6p
Charcuterie workshop Muret-Gaston Wine Bar, Kennewick 3-4:30p
Games and Comedy
Game Night Live Round Table Pizza, Richland 5-7p
Open Mic The Emerald of Siam, Richland 7-11p
Tuesday Jun 4
Transportation Improvement Plan Open House Cafe con Arte, Pasco 4-6p
Future Eagle Day and Open House Heritage University TC, Kennewick 4-6p
Mobile Market (drive thru) 2nd Harvest Eastgate Elementary Kennewick 11a-1p
Silver City Brewery Tap Takeover The Underground Taphouse, Pasco 6-8p
Birds Of A Feather, Paint-N-Sip Shooters Sports Bar, Kennewick 6:30-8:30p $39
Stepping Stones Class Paws to Play Dog Daycare, Pasco 7:30p
Richland Rod And Gun Club Catfish Seminar Richland Public Library 7p
Southridge Volleyball Camp for 6th-8th graders Southridge High School, Kennewick 4:30-7:30p
CBC Orchestra Concert Columbia Basin College, Pasco 7p
Live Music with Siena Christie Wine Social, Richland 6:30-8:30p
Acoustic Night with Steve Carver The Emerald of Siam, Richland 6p
Wednesday Jun 5
Transportation Improvement Plan Open House Cafe con Arte, Pasco 4-6p
Night Market Summer's Hub, Kennewick 5-8p
Life in Richland: Hanford Workers and Their Families Walking Tour The Uptown Theater, Richland 9-11a
Sips and Stems-Peony Party Richland Dugout, Richland 5:30-6:30p
Big Foot Beach Vacation- Art with Aubrey Crepe Haus + El Compadre, Kennewick 6:30-8:30p $Unk
Pride Bowling Spare Time Lanes & Arcades, Kennewick 6-9p
Jazz Jam's Hosted by Collin Wilson The Emerald of Siam, Richland 1p
White Bluffs' Howling Choir Club Performance White Bluffs Elementary, Richland 7p
events can be found on and just a note, some events may have tickets required or payment at the door information I was unable to find
submitted by SnooPeanuts4336 to TriCitiesWA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:01 QuillOfThorns [Discord] [5e] Airwalkers of the Sword Coast

"Move from activity to activity, from place to place, pursuing every new experience as your interest ebbs and flows. Let all you meet know that the freedom to move about and to soar on the breeze of life is the one of the inherent rights of every living thing. Above all, do not ever let yourself be fettered or imprisoned, for a life constrained is little better than death." - The tenets of Akadi, goddess of air
Hi there! I’m looking for three players to be part of a long-term PbP campaign set in the Sword Coast region of the Forgotten Realms. However, as a slight twist to the standard adventuring party set-up of disparate rogues and rapscallions coming together in search of coin, I would like the heroes of this campaign to be bound together by a shared devotion to Akadi, the untethered goddess of air and freedom.
Apart from this, the campaign will still be about a single group of powerful fighters / rogues / clerics, etc., going around and righting the wrongs of the world in small ways (and then in much larger ways as they progress in level). My own experience of D&D and PbP in particular has taught me that having a unifying theme to a party can really elevate the experience of a campaign and provide ample opportunities for unique role-playing moments.
Firstly, here’s a little about me. My campaign style is narrative-heavy, with an 80 / 20 split between RP and combat. My main passion in D&D is providing interesting NPCs for players to interact with, both in the form of beloved allies and despised villains, and my primary goal with every campaign is to provide characters that players will want to return to even after the quest is finished.
For the purposes of PbP, I run episodic campaigns that consist of several smaller quests, each lasting in the range of months, rather than one long story that wraps up after several years. This way, even if you end up having to step away from the campaign, you’ll hopefully have experienced at least a few completed stories beforehand.
My intention is to start this campaign at Level 1, with the characters starting out as junior airwalkers of the Church of Akadi on their first divine quest, and then follow the party all the way through to Level 20, where they have ascended to become the direct representatives of Akadi in the Sword Coast and beyond.
For this campaign, I’m only looking for serious characters. Light-hearted moments are a given, but I’m afraid I don’t have much interest in comedy characters. I can also only post once a day at most, so I’m not worried about what time zone players are from, as long as they can post regularly and keep up with the flow of the game.
Thanks for reading my wall of text! If this campaign sounds interesting to you, please let me know using the form linked below. I’ll leave it open for 24 hours so that everyone who wants to has a chance to respond.
submitted by QuillOfThorns to pbp [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:30 pullthstring Is it just me? I'm not an INC but I can to the point of "QUESTIONING" my faith.

I was born and raised as a Protestant (Baptist), but when I was 18 years old I challenged my belief and went questioning everything even though I was knowledgeable of everything. I stopped attending church services, my parents were only a bit worried but never stood on my way of searching.
Finally after a year of questioning everything I come to realization that we are "saved by the grace", Jesus did all the works for us and offer us salvation, not by works, but by faith.
What made me realized? These;
  1. Who ever believes in Jesus as lord will be saved. (This one will save you from "church slavery", Jesus did the work for us, YOU DON'T HAVE TO SACRIFICE ANYMORE FOR A CHURCH OR BE A MARTYR COZ HE ALREADY SACRIFICED HIMSELF) We do good things because we appreciate what Jesus did to us "It's a free will but not an obligation".
  2. Be open minded! Listening to other beliefs will give you satisfaction, will make you knowledgeable, and gives to contentment too. Christianity is different because "Faith alone" saves, Jesus gives unconditional love, born in a manger, humble, ate with sinners, told us to love our enemies and neighbors, heals, forgives and never remember your sins, and the most of all is he loves us so much!
  3. Spirituality but not Religion. Spirituality means relationship with God, not to be a part of something that will dictate you what to do and practice their rituals. I attend churches who never see themselves as a religion but group of people praising God together.
  4. Humility (Jesus is Humble). Jesus was never boasted of everything but was born in a manger. If your church makes you feel proud of material things, Jesus will hate that. Jesus is love, Jesus look into our hearts, not how big your temple is, your offering or whatsoever. Remember too that Jesus teaches to love enemies, he teaches too not to take revenge but if they hurt you, turn your other cheeks too.
submitted by pullthstring to exIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:02 Alpha1stOne Russian weaponization of humanitarian aid

Putin has weaponized humanitarian aid to Gaza. Russian motives are clear, to paint NATO in a bad light for sending weapons to mass murder Gazans while Russia sends medical supplies and food to the population that has been starved for over half a year.
Disinformation experts warn that Russia's weaponization of humanitarian aid will appeal to extremist elements in the west who value the lives of children over MIC profits and will undermine NATO's tough on disarmed civilians in ruble approach that the West needs to maintain in it's unity that civilians unarmed or even surrendering should not spread misinformation about being genocided when they are only being ethnically cleansed from some areas and not the whole Arab race is being wiped out.
The European Union issued a statement to social media companies to reject Russian weaponization of medical supplies to over 100,000 injured in Gaza by bringing to attention that is not even half the total population and the number is being over sensationalized by what are suspected Russian sympathizers. If the social media companies will not crack down on such blatant Russian propaganda the EU will be forced to sanction and fine any social media company which will not voluntarily comply with defeating Russian malinformation campaign.
Canadian and UK governments called on insurance companies to suspend the policies of any and all ships and planes engaging in such subversive supplies of Russian humanitarian aid to Gaza with NATO secretary general warning if the first shipments are not stopped Russia will escalate the deliveries until every person in need is supplied with basic supplies and food. This propaganda victory by the Russians must be defended from by all means necessary.
Ukrainian webstite Mirotvorets has published the name of the Captain and First mate of the ship leading the flotilla. Captain Bogdan Mirniy and First Mate Lyubov Dobra are accused of destabilization efforts against NATO allies of Ukraine and the ship named Dar Pomoshi is added to the list of enemies of Ukraine.
On Youtube Boko Haram declared the ''humanitarian'' flotilla to a Russian propaganda stunt since half of the Wagner forces were withdrawn from Africa in order to provide ship based escort security to the flotilla.
In a statement released on Facebook ISIS spokesman from the main regional group in Syria Kurd-Al-Salafi categorized Russian humanitarian aid to Gazans as haram because among Gazans killed and wounded some are Christian and Druze as well as other groups.
MSNBC/NBC/CBS/ABC/BBC/CBC in chorus: the world is reeling from such a blatant assault on western freedoms by Russian Flotilla that seeks to undermine the rules based order with unrestrained deliveries of humanitarian aid to the victims of NATO's dominant ally in the middle east. In a joint statement both Bidet and Trudeau called up the UN general assembly to condemn and reject such a brutal assault upon democracy that Putin ordered with his provocative humanitarian aid shipments.
Now onto a word from our sponsors at PfizeModerna brought to you by Blackrock and Lockheed Martin.
submitted by Alpha1stOne to sendinthetanks [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:02 ultralightbee Not sure how to tell my family

I'm 27F from a super religious (southern Baptist) family. I've been in a wonderful, committed relationship with a man for 4 years (getting engaged soon!!!) and from the outside looking in I'm "straight-passing" to my family.
However, over the past few years through therapy & unpacking religious trauma I've fully accepted that I'm bisexual and came out officially to my partner and friends who are all extremely loving and supportive. I've gotten involved with the queer community in my city and with pride month coming up I want to be out & proud to everyone, wearing bi pride outfits and posting about my journey on social media!! But even tho I'm a grown adult, I'm still terrified of my family finding out and/or me coming out directly to them.
I've had so much shame growing up and thought I would be fine with just "hiding" and letting them assume I'm straight by only dating men publicly (I know, internalized homophobia is horrible). My mom already puts a lot of pressure on me to get back into the church after my father died last year and I'm worried her and my siblings will look down on me and put even more pressure on me to "pray it away" and it will further damage our already complicated relationships. I guess I'm looking for tips on how to address the situation; should I come out directly to my family? Or how should I address it if they find out and I get confronted by them?
submitted by ultralightbee to bisexual [link] [comments]