I h farnsworth prints


2018.10.29 05:46 _Mr_Johnson_ OldSchoolShadowrun

For fans of the 3rd edition and earlier Shadowrun games and background, including those who want to use other systems (including modern Shadowrun systems) to model the ethos and gameplay of FASA era classic Shadowrun. Identifying elements of the Old School that Shadowrun players wanted to invest their more modern Shadowrun games with might be an interesting source of discussion as well.

2024.05.17 07:37 russt90 XDAs are my new favorite

XDAs are my new favorite
Replaced the stock keycaps of my Epomaker EP84 Plus and I think I have the minimalist look and feel I was aiming for. First time trying XDA profile and I'm a fan.
submitted by russt90 to MechanicalKeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:03 Illustrious_Mousse37 Nuphy gem 80

Nuphy gem 80
Anyone knows the purpose of the Print Whole, keycode: Custom(11):PrintWhole? Also: the Win Lock, keycode: custom(13): win lock seem not working.
submitted by Illustrious_Mousse37 to NuPhy [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:06 Feeling-Cookie107 [US, US] [H] Variety of Cards [W] Paypal

I’m back from vacation! Got a nice variety of cards for you guys to look through. Slabs coming in next week😎All cards pictured are off of tcgplayer pricing, I have everything in a list with proper conditions so pricing will be easy to find. Everything is $1+
All “higher end” cards are NM unless otherwise specified. With the binders, make sure to notice the different sections marked by condition! Only posting here until Sunday morning, then other platforms get their hands in this!
https://imgur.com/a/yOn8YmD Variety binder
https://imgur.com/a/xiASedH Topps Cards $5 each
https://imgur.com/a/lQ4WM7e Topps Cards $10 each
https://imgur.com/a/pfVx1Q6 Vintage Binder
https://imgur.com/a/ONVdLUr “Higher End” stuff
https://imgur.com/a/RyRs9NC Charizard vmax closeups
https://imgur.com/a/52ubaej Lisia closeups (Possible error, seems to be the consensus on fb, ink smudge while printing. Can’t be felt or rubbed off)
https://imgur.com/a/pzpdEM3 Latias ex closeups
https://imgur.com/a/PoVXU2G Typhlosion closeups
Add $5 to any orders for tracked shipping
submitted by Feeling-Cookie107 to pkmntcgtrades [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:25 Cupelix14 Keychron Q6 build with sidelit keycaps

Keychron Q6 build with sidelit keycaps submitted by Cupelix14 to MechanicalKeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:09 Busy_Foreverp Why cura

Why cura
I'm trying to slice and it gives me an error. I've tried multiple SD card and formatting them and USB c but it doesn't work.
submitted by Busy_Foreverp to Ender3V3SE [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:18 MadThad762 New Programming Layout. Thoughts?

New Programming Layout. Thoughts? submitted by MadThad762 to ErgoMechKeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:08 MadThad762 ZSA Voyager Canary Matrix Layout

ZSA Voyager Canary Matrix Layout submitted by MadThad762 to KeyboardLayouts [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:12 lhamacega Making 2WD Arduino vehicle drive straight with MPU6050

Hello!! I'm finishing my graduating in Control and Automation Engineering and this 2WD vehicle is my final paper...
Well, i've already made so much progress, but now i'm stucked on the position control for the robot drives straight, and i'm having some problems with the logic for it: i dont know how to compare the initial yaw value with the yaw value while it's driving forward.
//roda direita #define pinMot1A 5 #define pinMot1B 6 #define v_motor1 3 //roda esquerda #define pinMot2A 9 #define pinMot2B 10 #define v_motor2 11 // Acelerômetro e giroscópio #include #include  MPU6050 mpu(Wire); // Timers unsigned long timer = 0; float timeStep = 0.01; // Yaw value float yaw = 0; float yawAntigo = 0; // Velocidades int velAlta = 255; int velBaixa = 10; int vel = 130; int vel_D; int vel_E; void setup() { pinMode(pinMot1B, OUTPUT); //sentido horario pinMode(pinMot2B, OUTPUT); //sentido horario pinMode(v_motor1, OUTPUT); //velocidade do motor 1 pinMode(v_motor2, OUTPUT); //velocidade do motor 2 Serial.begin(9600); Wire.begin(); byte status = mpu.begin(); Serial.print(F("MPU6050 status: ")); Serial.println(status); while(status!=0){ } // stop everything if could not connect to MPU6050 Serial.println(F("Calculating offsets, do not move MPU6050")); delay(1000); // mpu.upsideDownMounting = true; // uncomment this line if the MPU6050 is mounted upside-down mpu.calcOffsets(); // gyro and accelero Serial.println("Done!\n"); } void loop() { // Motor 1 - Direito digitalWrite(pinMot1B, HIGH); analogWrite(v_motor1, vel_D); // Motor 2 - Esquerdo digitalWrite(pinMot2B, HIGH); analogWrite(v_motor2, vel_E); mpu.update(); if((millis()-timer)>10){ // print data every 10ms Serial.print("\tYaw : "); Serial.println(mpu.getAngleZ()); timer = millis(); } } void control(){ int kp = 15; //se a direção mudar: vel = vel - (yawAntigo - yaw) * kp; vel_D = vel + (yaw - yawAntigo)*kp; if(vel_D > velAlta){ vel_D = velAlta; } else if (vel_D < velBaixa){ vel_D = velBaixa; } vel_E = vel + (yaw - yawAntigo)*kp; if(vel_E > velAlta){ vel_E = velAlta; } else if (vel_E < velBaixa){ vel_E = velBaixa; } } 
I tried to be simple with my code, and its not actually complete but its on the way.
Until the 'void loop' it just turn on the motors and show the yaw values
the 'void control' its just a prototype i just found online and its not implemented yet xD.
I'm looking for some guidance for this control and some good advices for the project
submitted by lhamacega to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:13 assortedhawk525 Arduino Nano stutters and shorty after that freezes when executing code for an oled display

I am using an Arduino Nano to control the temperature of an enclosure for a 3d printer but when I turn on the arduino it randomly stutters and freezes. Sometimes it works for 30 minutes and other times on wont even propperly start and every time the serial output stops / turn into questionmarks and or cubes when it is doing something with the display and I dont know how to fix it. I want the screen to show The current tempature, himidity and how much the vent is open I am using a 0.96 inch I2C OLED display the resolution is 128x64. I made sure to check if I have the correct display driver. I am using a DHT11 to mesure the temperature, 2 servo's for a door and a relay to turn on a fan.
#include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #define SCREEN_WIDTH 128 #define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64 // Declaration for an SSD1306 display connected to I2C (SDA, SCL pins) Adafruit_SSD1306 display(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, &Wire); #define DHTPIN 2 #define DHTTYPE DHT11 #define RELAY_PIN 3 #define SERVO_PIN 4 #define SERVO2_PIN 5 DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); Servo myservo; Servo myservo2; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("Setup started"); if(!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C)) { Serial.println(F("SSD1306 allocation failed")); for(;;); } delay(2000); display.clearDisplay(); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(WHITE); display.setCursor(0,0); display.println("Starting"); display.display(); dht.begin(); myservo.attach(SERVO_PIN); // attaches the servo on pin SERVO_PIN to the servo object myservo2.attach(SERVO2_PIN); pinMode(RELAY_PIN, OUTPUT); // Set the relay pin as output Serial.println("Setup completed"); } void loop() { Serial.println("Loop started"); delay(250); float t = dht.readTemperature(); float h = dht.readHumidity(); if (isnan(t)) { Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT sensor!"); return; } int servoPos = map(t, 30, 40, 90, 45); // Map the temperature to servo position servoPos = constrain(servoPos, 45, 90); myservo.write(servoPos); // Move the servo to the position based on temperature int servoPos2 = map(t, 30, 40, 90, 135); // Map the temperature to second servo position in opposite direction servoPos2 = constrain(servoPos2, 90, 135); myservo2.write(servoPos2); int servoPosdisplay = map(servoPos, 90, 45, 0, 100); if(t >= 40) { digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, HIGH); //Serial.println("Relay turned ON"); } else { digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, LOW); //Serial.println("Relay turned OFF"); } delay(250); Serial.println("displaying screen"); //print display.clearDisplay(); display.setTextSize(3); display.setTextColor(WHITE); display.setCursor(0,0); display.print(t); display.println(" C"); Serial.println("temp print complete"); //print display.setTextSize(1); Serial.println("text size changed"); //print display.print("Cooling power "); display.print(servoPosdisplay); display.println("%"); Serial.println("cool power print complete"); //print display.print("Humidity "); display.print(h); display.print("%"); Serial.println("humidity print complete"); //print display.display(); Serial.println("Loop completed"); //serial prints //Serial.print("Pos servo 1="); //Serial.println(servoPos); //Serial.print("Pos servo 2="); //Serial.println(servoPos2); } 
submitted by assortedhawk525 to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:26 Mayo_Clinic Hi Reddit! I’m Jeff Janus, MD, an otolaryngologist (ENT surgeon) specializing in head and neck cancer. On May 30, 2024, at 11 a.m. ET, I'll be participating in my first #AMA and will answer your questions on thyroid cancer, parathyroid surgery, and robotic surgery of the throat…Ask Me Anything!

Hi Reddit! I’m Jeff Janus, MD, an otolaryngologist (ENT surgeon) specializing in head and neck cancer. On May 30, 2024, at 11 a.m. ET, I'll be participating in my first #AMA and will answer your questions on thyroid cancer, parathyroid surgery, and robotic surgery of the throat…Ask Me Anything!
Jeff Janus, MD
As Chair of the Department of Otolaryngology at Mayo Clinic in Florida, I am passionate about putting the needs of head and neck cancer patients first by leveraging the latest technology to achieve better outcomes for these complicated cases. I work together with amazing colleagues including other head and neck cancer surgeons, as well as endocrinologists, radiation doctors, chemotherapy doctors and other specialists to focus on treating patients with cancer.
Over the course of the 16 years that I have been doing this, I’ve had the honor of using some remarkably interesting technology to achieve fantastic results. We routinely use 3-D printing as part of our practice to remove head and neck cancers, and to reduce surgical times for long cases by many hours. Our team uses nerve monitoring to identify difficult-to-locate nerves in both parotid surgery and thyroid surgery. We also use light markers, called autofluorescence, to find difficult-to-locate parathyroid tumors. I have a passion for using these unique tools to preserve form and function for our increasingly complex patients.
Our department recently started a residency program here in Florida, and we have partnered with our Neurosurgery colleagues to open our region’s first skull base lab, to share this knowledge with the next generation of ENT surgeons.
Watching things come together is a passion of mine, both personally and professionally. This quality also is present in my long-time hobby, woodworking, which is another craft that requires attention to detail, precision, and the right tools.
It’s an honor to work at a place where we can use complex solutions to treat complex patients and have access to such a knowledgeable and genuine team. I am delighted to answer any questions that you might have. Again, my specific areas of interest include:
submitted by Mayo_Clinic to u/Mayo_Clinic [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:18 GoddFatherr My RTC clock code isn’t detecting real time and I can’t seem to understand why

I am doing a project about a blue LED turning on based on certain time intervals. However, for some reason the RTC clock isn’t detecting current time and keeps sending a high signal to the LED light. The light keeps turning on no matter how much I change the time intervals. Is there something missing in the following code I am using?:


include "RTClib.h"

RTC_DS3231 rtc;
// Define the pin for the signal const int signalPin = 13;
// Define structure for time struct aTime { uint8_t hours; uint8_t minutes; };
// Initialize turn-on and turn-off times aTime turnOnTime = {20, 0}; // 20:00 (8 PM) aTime turnOffTime = {6, 0}; // 06:00 (6 AM)
// Function prototypes void setTurnOnTime(uint8_t hours, uint8_t minutes); void setRunTimeDuration(uint8_t hours, uint8_t minutes); void checkTime();
void setup() { // Start the Serial communication Serial.begin(9600);
// Set the signal pin as output pinMode(signalPin, OUTPUT); // Initialize the RTC Serial.println("Initializing RTC..."); if (!rtc.begin()) { Serial.println("Couldn't find RTC"); while (1); } Serial.println("RTC initialized"); // Check if the RTC lost power and if so, set the time if (rtc.lostPower()) { Serial.println("RTC lost power, setting time..."); rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); Serial.println("Time set successfully"); delay(1000); // Wait for RTC to stabilize } 
void loop() { // Check the time periodically checkTime(); delay(1000); // Adjust the delay as needed }
void setTurnOnTime(uint8_t hours, uint8_t minutes) { turnOnTime.hours = hours; turnOnTime.minutes = minutes; }
void setRunTimeDuration(uint8_t hours, uint8_t minutes) { // Function for setting the duration (if needed) // Not implemented in this example }
void checkTime() { // Get the current date and time DateTime now = rtc.now();
// Print the current date Serial.print(now.year(), DEC); Serial.print('/'); Serial.print(now.month(), DEC); Serial.print('/'); Serial.print(now.day(), DEC); Serial.print(" "); // Print the current time Serial.print(now.hour(), DEC); Serial.print(':'); Serial.print(now.minute(), DEC); Serial.print(':'); Serial.print(now.second(), DEC); Serial.println(); // Check if the current time falls within the turn-on and turn-off range if ((now.hour() >= turnOnTime.hours now.hour() < turnOffTime.hours) ((now.hour() == turnOffTime.hours) && (now.minute() < turnOffTime.minutes))) { digitalWrite(signalPin, HIGH); // Send high signal Serial.println("Signal HIGH (Turned ON)"); } else { digitalWrite(signalPin, LOW); // Send low signal Serial.println("Signal LOW (Turned OFF)"); } 
EDIT: The output of the code is Signal HIGH (Turned On) 2000/1/1 0:0:0
submitted by GoddFatherr to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:02 Grindwalds Help to reduce code size in Arduino IDE for ESP32

#include  #include  #include  #include  #include  WiFiManager wifiManager;//Objeto de manipulação do wi-fi WiFiClient client; //Cliente de Telnet IPAddress server(10, 10, 10, 10); //IP do servidor da Amazon boolean found = false; //Se encontrou o ESP no último scan void setup() { BLEScan* pBLEScan; //Variável que irá guardar o scan uint32_t lastScanTime = 0; //Quando ocorreu o último scan uint32_t lastFoundTime = 0; //Tempo em que encontrou o ESP pela última vez //Callback das chamadas ao scan class MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks: public BLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks { void onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice advertisedDevice) { //Sempre que um dispositivo for encontrado ele é mostrado aqui //Serial.print("Device found: "); //Serial.println(advertisedDevice.toString().c_str()); //Se for o dispositivo que esperamos if(advertisedDevice.getAddress().toString() == "2a:07:98:00:03:c8" ) { //Marcamos como encontrado, paramos o scan found = true; advertisedDevice.getScan()->stop(); Serial.println("Botão encontrado!"); } } }; Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(32, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(32, LOW); //Guardamos a referência e configuramos o objeto scan BLEDevice::init("R3Play"); pBLEScan = BLEDevice::getScan(); pBLEScan->setAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks(new MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks()); pBLEScan->setActiveScan(true); // Criar um objeto BLEClient com o UUID definido BLEClient* pClient = BLEDevice::createClient(); //callback para quando entra em modo de configuração AP wifiManager.setAPCallback(configModeCallback); //callback para quando se conecta em uma rede, ou seja, quando passa a trabalhar em modo estação wifiManager.setSaveConfigCallback(saveConfigCallback); } void loop() { //inicia somente led azul if(WiFi.status()!= WL_CONNECTED){ wifiManager.resetSettings();} if (digitalRead(12) == LOW){ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// <------------------------------------- Serial.println("Pino 12 apertado"); digitalWrite(26,HIGH); //LIGA BUZINA digitalWrite(32,HIGH); //Acende LED azul delay(1000); digitalWrite(26,LOW); //DESLIGA BUZINA digitalWrite(32,LOW); //apaga LED azul delay(1000); if(WiFi.status()== WL_CONNECTED){ if (client.connect(server, 6802)) { Serial.println("Telnet connected"); client.println("2on+510Vbutton"+ WiFi.macAddress() +"- R3Play"); Serial.println("2on+510Vbutton"+ WiFi.macAddress() +"- R3Play"); } else { Serial.println("Telnet connection failed");// if you didn't get a connection to the server: } } } if(WiFi.status()== WL_CONNECTED){ //Se conectado na rede digitalWrite(32,HIGH); //Acende LED VERDE //Serial.println("Conectado na Rede WiFi!!!"); } else{ //se não conectado na rede digitalWrite(32,LOW); //Apaga LED VERDE wifiManager.autoConnect();//Função para se autoconectar na rede } } //callback que indica que o ESP entrou no modo AP void configModeCallback (WiFiManager *myWiFiManager) { Serial.println("Entrou no modo de configuração"); Serial.println(WiFi.softAPIP()); //imprime o IP do AP Serial.println(myWiFiManager->getConfigPortalSSID()); //imprime o SSID criado da rede } //Callback que indica que salvamos uma nova rede para se conectar (modo estação) void saveConfigCallback () { Serial.println("Configuração salva"); } 
Good morning guys I'm trying to upload a code to my ESP32 but I don't have space on the board, I would like some help or tips to reduce the size of my code. thanks
submitted by Grindwalds to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:23 Dramatic-Fix8876 Bash Pro review

For context I've used H pattern shifters in sims since the very first commercially available Act-Labs shifter in the early 2000s, the different Logitech G series offerings, the Thrustmaster TH8A, and for the last 5 years I've been using the Frex GP.
I have not owned but have used the Pro-Sim shifter at a local sim shop so I can draw comparisons to this unit as well.
Of the above mentioned if I had my choice budget not being in question I would certainly go for the Pro-Sim, it simply had the most satisfying two stage feel to the gear engagement (getting into neutral and then getting into gear) however, at over 3x the price of the Frex I just felt like it didn’t offer enough to justify the move. Frex also simulates the two stage feel through detents on the shaft that gets acted on by a spring ball plunger, however with the Pro-Sim this feeling is much more pronounced. I kept going back to the shop over the last few years picking up the odd piece of equipment and giving the Pro-Sim a row each time but at the end of the day I figured I'd hold out for something "active".
On the subject of "Well does it feel like getting into gear in a real car", having driven dozens of cars I don't recall any two that feel the same. The feeling has been anything from G25 like spongy and sloppy in a 2007 Accord, to a very mechanical sharp and direct feel of a Mk4 Golf, to everything else in between. I have never driven anything race prepped that is H pattern equipped but I've rowed through some gears at an auto show in a stock car and a touring car and these felt closer to what the Pro-Sim feels like vs road cars.
Naturally the next thing in the evolution of the shifter was some kind of feedback, something to take the simulation further and prevent getting into gear if you aren't doing the correct things. Frex did this a long time ago but ultimately it wasn’t realistic as it was a mechanical solution, you have to press the clutch to shift gear and in real life both synchromesh and dog boxes allow for shifting clutches with correct technique.
On to the Bash Pro.
Construction is solid and the unit is heavy. The only nonmetal bits are what I'd call the dust guard, buttons and electronics housing frame components that are not stressed in any way. I wish the dust guard bit was polished in some way so you do not see the obvious 3d printer markings, same can be said for the other 3d printed bits, but hey if this shaved off some decent dollars from construction cost than why not. I've read a lot of "at this cost and 3d printed bits" and quite frankly I don't get the comments, the cost is actually "fair" considering the price of the competition.
Aesthetically its nothing to look at and if it were up to me I'd do away with the carbon fiber box for electronics and just make it all metal. I swapped the original 6+R knob for the black/carbon Frex knob and I think it looks miles better. It’s just a box that is pure function and I will take the footprint of this unit over the very cool looking competition any day. It does come with a mounting plate and easily screws into a piece of 40xXX profile. In my case it screwed into the Advanced Sim Racing shifter plate. The software controlling the unit is a plugin for SimHub.
How does it feel?
It has the gear engagement feel of the Pro-Sim at a 3rd of the size. There is a two stage feel to shifting gears but even more so due to the programable delay and the blocking gate mechanism. For delay we are talking about milliseconds, but it really makes for a great, into neutral and then into gear feel. There is a very strong and pronounced feel in taking it out of gear, into neutral, and then into gear again. The throw is heavy, but I don’t think its adjustable, this might be an issue for some, I’ll gladly leave it as is as I prefer heavy controls all around. In H sync mode you can control the delays between each gears, for example 1-2, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6 can all have different delay timing set, or just remove delay all together. The unit is loud just like its pears.
The parts of the shaft which slide into the gates/gears have spinning bearings attached, the gates themselves are very thick as is the lockout gate which are all rounded off. The bearings fit perfectly into the slots which results in absolutely no play/slop when in gear and in a very smooth action when sliding in and out of the gates. In neutral position the lever just returns to middle position without bouncing around like the Frex would. The staged feel is achieved by the gate returning to the lockout position as soon as you pop into neutral and then muscle your way through the now "allowed to move away" lockout gate and into gear.
Price wise, this shifter comes in cheaper than the BDH and way cheaper than the Pro-Sim, making it a no brainer for me. There is nothing those shifters offer over the Bash Pro at this stage, hopefully the unit proves to be reliable. I do not like to talk about price/value as it’s really about what you want/need and willing to spend on something and from watches to cars, it starts at next to nothing to won’t afford it in a lifetime. But in this case, I must say it is good value if you compare it to the high-end competition. This is an innovative product, first of its kind, and its clocking in at a significant discount over the competition. This stands in stark contrast to the Simucube Active pedal, which is a first of its kind, and is an end-game product, however, the cost of this offering reflects it. With the Bash Pro you got something similar, something moving the hobby to the next level and its cheaper than its “passive” neighbours.
As I type this up, Pro-Sim is working on an addon for their H and sequential boxes that will also block out gears when not doing this correctly, and this is great news for existing Pro-Sim owners. This unit will also work off of SimHub, will be curious to see what kind of options it will have.

submitted by Dramatic-Fix8876 to simracing [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:34 AJ_Smoothie Simplest C Question Ever

Yet somehow I can find the answer. From K&R:
#include  int main() { int c; while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) putchar(c); printf("Breakfast!"); } 
I'm running this inside vscode in the terminal. If I type in B, then it prints back a B. Great. Now why the heck does "Breakfast" not print after it prints the B? It's almost like I have return after putchar.
I made made the horrible assumption that getchar() was functioned like Serial.available() from Arduino. Silly silly me. Okay so now check this out:
int main() { int c; while (getchar() != EOF) printf("Breakfast!"); printf("I'm so hungry & confused rn"); } 
When I run this, breakfast does NOT continually print.
Followup again:
I made even more assumptions that getchar() would return false if there were no characters to be read. Yeah, it's a blocking function. Clearly I need to take a step back from this and actually use my brain. I was also completely unfamiliar with how C programs run in terminal, so that had to learned as well (i.e. you run and actual .exe and terminal will close once the program is finished).
submitted by AJ_Smoothie to C_Programming [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:51 ElongatedMuskrat Starship Development Thread #56

SpaceX Starship page


  1. IFT-4 as of May 11th, NET end of May or some time in June 2024 according to Elon Musk which ties in with Kathy Leuders saying on May 14th that they could have the FAA licence the last week in May or June. Expected to use Booster 11 and Ship 29. A licence modification is needed because they are planning to do "some different things."
  2. IFT-3 launch consisted of Booster 10 and Ship 28 as initially mentioned on NSF Roundup. SpaceX successfully achieved the launch on the specified date of March 14th 2024, as announced at this link with a post-flight summary. The IFT-2 mishap investigation was concluded on February 26th. Launch License was issued by the FAA on March 13th 2024 - this is a direct link to a PDF document on the FAA's website. Propellant transfer was successful.
  3. When was the previous Integrated Flight Test (IFT-2)? Booster 9 + Ship 25 launched Saturday, November 18 after slight delay.
  4. What was the result of IFT-2 Successful lift off with minimal pad damage. Successful booster operation with all engines to successful hot stage separation. Booster destroyed after attempted boost-back. Ship fired all engines to near orbital speed then lost. No re-entry attempt.
  5. Did IFT-2 fail? No. As part of an iterative test program, many milestones were achieved. Perfection is not expected at this stage.
  6. Goals for 2024 Reach orbit, deploy starlinks and recover both stages
  7. Currently approved maximum launches 10 between 07.03.2024 and 06.03.2025: A maximum of five overpressure events from Starship intact impact and up to a total of five reentry debris or soft water landings in the Indian Ocean within a year of NMFS provided concurrence published on March 7, 2024

/SpaceX Official IFT-3 Discussion Thread

Quick Links

Starship Dev 55 Starship Dev 54 Starship Dev 53 Starship Thread List
Official Starship Update SpaceX Update Thread


Road Closures

Road & Beach Closure
Type Start (UTC) End (UTC) Status
Primary 2024-05-17 13:00:00 2024-05-18 01:00:00 Possible
Temporary Road Delay
Type Start (UTC) End (UTC)
Primary 2024-05-18 03:00:00 2024-05-18 07:00:00
Primary 2024-05-20 03:00:00 2024-05-20 07:00:00
Primary 2024-05-21 03:00:00 2024-05-21 07:00:00
Up to date as of 2024-05-17

Vehicle Status

As of May 16th, 2024.
Follow Ring Watchers on Twitter and Discord for more.
Future Ship+Booster pairings: IFT-4 - B11+S29; IFT-5 - B12+S30; IFT-6 - B13+S31; IFT-7 - B14+S32
Ship Location Status Comment
S24, S25, S28 Bottom of sea Destroyed S24: IFT-1 (Summary, Video). S25: IFT-2 (Summary, Video). S28: IFT-3 (Summary, Video).
S26 Massey's Testing Static fire Oct. 20. No flaps or heat shield, plus other changes. 3 cryo tests, 1 spin prime, 1 static fire. October 27th: Moved to Rocket Garden where it was modified for unknown reasons. May 5th (2024): Moved from Rocket Garden to MB2, current fate unknown. May 8th: Rolled out to Massey's on the new ship static fire test stand.
S29 Launch Site Final Testing before IFT-4 Fully stacked, completed 3x cryo tests. Jan 31st: Engine installation started, two Raptor Centers seen going into MB2. Feb 25th: Moved from MB2 to High Bay. March 1st: Moved to Launch Site. March 2nd: After a brief trip to the OLM for a photo op on the 1st, moved back to Pad B and lifted onto the test stand. March 7th: Apparently aborted Spin Prime - LOX tank partly filled then detank. March 11th: Spin Prime with all six Raptors. March 12th: Moved back to Build Site and on March 13th moved into the High Bay. March 22nd: Moved back to Launch Site for more testing. March 25th: Static Fire test of all six Raptors. March 27th: Single engine Static Fire test to simulate igniting one engine for deorbit using the header tanks for propellant. March 29th: Rolled back to High Bay for final prep work prior to IFT-4. April 1st: All of the tiles removed from the tip of the nosecone, the next day workers started to add new ones. Many other loose and broken tiles also removed from other places on the ship, replacement process ongoing. May 10th - moved from HB to MB2, also most of the problem tiles have been replaced, only a few gaps remain. May 12th: Rolled out to Launch Site for stacking onto B11 and subsequent WDR (possibly on May 16th). May 15th: Stacked onto B11. May 16th: Partial propellant load of LOX and LCH4 then detank (note: NOT a failed WDR, there were no indications that a WDR was planned).
S30 High Bay Finalizing Fully stacked, completed 2 cryo tests Jan 3 and Jan 6. April 4th: Moved to MB2 for engines installation. April 8th: Two RVACs and one Raptor Center were taken inside MB2 and installed. April 9th: Another Raptor Center moved into MB2 then an RVAC. Note: it's being said that all six Raptors are now installed, one Raptor Center was missed when Rover Cam was down for some hours prior to the first RVAC being moved inside MB2. May 1st: Moved to Launch Site for testing. May 7th: Small cryo test then later appeared to be going for a static fire, but after filling with LOX S30 was detanked, so an apparent abort. May 8th: Static Fire of all six Raptors. May 10th: Rolled back to the Build Site where it sat outside the High Bay all night and was then moved inside on May 11th.
S31 High Bay Repair Fully stacked and as of January 10th has had both aft flaps installed. TPS incomplete. May 11th: Placed on ship thrust simulator and rolled out to Massey's Test Site for thrust puck plus cryo testing. May 12th: Cryo test performed but there was an anomaly which caused a brief electrical fire on the raceway. May 15th: Rolled back from Massey's to the High Bay for inspection and, hopefully, repair work.
S32 Rocket Garden Under construction Fully stacked. No aft flaps. TPS incomplete.
S33+ Build Site In pieces Parts visible at Build and Sanchez sites.

Booster Location Status Comment
B7, B9, B10 Bottom of sea Destroyed B7: IFT-1 (Summary, Video). B9: IFT-2 (Summary, Video). B10: IFT-3 (Summary, Video).
B11 Launch Site Final testing before IFT-4 Completed 2 cryo tests. All engines have been installed according to the Booster Production diagram from The Ringwatchers. Hot Stage Ring not yet fitted but it's located behind the High Bay. April 3rd: Rolled out to Launch Site for some testing. April 5th: Static Fire. April 7th: Rolled back to Mega Bay 1 for final prep work prior to IFT-4. May 3rd: HSR has been spotted as having been installed. May 10th: Rolled out to Launch Site for WDR. May 15th: S29 stacked on top. May 16th: Partial propellant load of LOX and LCH4 then detank (note: NOT a failed WDR, there were no indications that a WDR was planned).
B12 Mega Bay 1 Finalizing Appears complete, except for raptors and hot stage ring. Completed one cryo test on Jan 11. Second cryo test on Jan 12.
B13 Mega Bay 1 Finalizing As of Feb 3rd: Fully stacked, remaining work ongoing. April 25th: New temporary protective cap installed on top to protect the grid fin components (note: grid fins not yet installed) then rolled out to Massey's Test Site for thrust puck and cryo testing. April 27th: First cryo test (Methane Tank only). April 29th: Second cryo test (LOX tank). May 3rd: Rolled back to Mega Bay 1 for final work (grid fins, Raptors, etc have yet to be installed).
B14 Mega Bay 1 LOX Tank under construction Feb 9th: LOX tank Aft section A2:4 staged outside MB1. Feb 13th: Aft Section A2:4 moved inside MB1 and Common Dome section (CX:4) staged outside. Feb 15th: CX:4 moved into MB1 and stacked with A2:4, Aft section A3:4 staged outside MB1. Feb 21st: A3:4 moved into MB1 and stacked with the LOX tank, A4:4 staged outside MB1. Feb 23rd: Section A4:4 taken inside MB1. Feb 24th: A5:4 staged outside MB1. Feb 28th: A5:4 moved inside MB1 and stacked, also Methane tank section F2:3 staged outside MB1. Feb 29th: F3:3 also staged outside MB1. March 5th: Aft section positioned outside MB1, Forward section moves between MB1 and High Bay. March 6th: Aft section moved inside MB1. March 12th: Forward section of the methane tank parked outside MB1 and the LOX tank was stacked onto the aft section, meaning that once welded the LOX tank is completely stacked. March 13th: FX:3 and F2:3 moved inside MB1 and stacked, F3:3 still staged outside. March 27th: F3:3 moved into MB1 and stacked. March 29th: B14 F4:4 staged outside MB1. April 1st: B14 F4:4 moved inside MB1 and stacked, so completing the stacking of the methane tank. April 26th: The ring stand that the methane tank was on was removed from MB1 so indicating that B14 is now fully stacked. May 8th onwards - CO2 tanks taken inside for B14.
B15+ Build Site Assembly Assorted parts spotted through B17.

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submitted by ElongatedMuskrat to spacex [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:31 Unlucky-Row-786 All shia hadeeths are authentic 100% every single hadeeth (fallacy of tahreef)

The problem with tahreef is that you can’t authenticate hadeeth narrations, as in Shias can no longer prove a narration is weak or strong by checking whether it goes against the Quran
A person cannot be a true Twelver Shi’ah except if he believes that the Quran is Muharaf! [1]
While this might seem strange, what follows is even stranger. Ahl Al-Sunnah transmitted the Quran from the Prophet [May Blessings of Allah and Peace be upon him and his household] through Tawatur [2] and a multitude of widespread authentic chains. These Mushafs that are printed today, and people all over the world read from, are from one of these four narrations:
  1. The narration of Hafs from ‘Asim, and this is widespread in the Arabian Gulf, Egypt, Shaam, Iraq, and Yemen.
  2. The second is the narration of Warsh from Nafi’, and this is common in Morocco and Algeria.
  3. The third narration is that of Qalon from Nafi’, and it is widespread in Libya.
  4. The fourth is the narration of Al-Duwri from Abi ‘Amr, and this is common in Chad and the South of Sudan.
In addition to these there are other narrations which are not that common among people, but are being taught in institutes and Universities.
So ask [May Allah bless you, benefit you, and make you a benefit for others] … ask their scholars: Where is the Quran of Aal Al-Bayt? Where is the Mushaf which the Imams narrate and transmit from each other?
Where is the chain of: Al-‘Askari from the way of Al-Hadi from Al- Jawad from Al-Ridaa form Al-Kazim from Al-Sadiq from Al-Baqir from Zayn Al-‘Abideen from Al-Husien (the grandson of the Prophet) or Al-Hasan (the grandson of the Prophet) from Ali [May Allah be pleased with them all]?
Did the students of these Imams narrate everything from them except the Quran?!!
Are the scholars of the Shi’ah capable of producing a chain of the Quran up to the Messenger [May Blessings of Allah and Peace be upon him and his household] without relying on or referring back to the chains of Ahl Al-Sunnah?!! I am definite that they are incapable of producing such a thing, so go back to them and check if they can correct me. What I think they will say to you, though, is: there is a narration, and it is the narration of Hamza Al-Zayaat from the way of Al-Sadiq from Al-Baqir from Zayn Al-‘Abideen from Al-Husien from Ali.
This should raise another important question: Why is this being narrated by Hamza Al-Zayaat [3] from Al-Sadiq [4], and not by Al-Kazim [from Al-Sadiq]? And why isn’t Al-Kazim’s son: Al-Rida narrating this from him? And why isn’t Al-Jawad narrating it from Al-Rida … this is a very important point to pay attention to.
Then I add to this another question to the Shi’ah: Where are your chains today to Hamza Al-Zayaat? And where is the recitation of Hamza Al-Zayaat being recited today?
All the countries that the Shi’ah recite Quran in today follow: the narration of Hafs from ‘Asim, the narration of Warsh from Nafi’, the narration of Qalon from Nafi’, or the narration of Al-Duwri from Abi ‘Amr. Where is the narration of Hamza? I do not know of a Mushaf that is printed upon the narration of Hamza on this day.
If the Companions were Apostates, especially the famous ones from among them, and they were the ones that transmitted the Quran: How can a Shi’ah trust the narration of those who he believe are Apostates? This Quran that is between our hands today, is from the narration of those companions of the Prophet [May Blessings of Allah and Peace be upon him and his household], and it is the one narrated by Hafs from the way of ‘Asim from Abi ‘Abdulrahman Al-Salami from ‘Uthman and Ali and Ubi and Zayd.
Where is the chain of the Shi’ah to Hafs or to Warsh or to Qalon or to Al-Duwri?
After answering these questions you would understand why we said that you will not be a shi’ah except if you say that the Quran had been subject to Tahreef.
We add to this, that some Shi’a scholars, such as Ni’mat-u-Allah Al- Jazai’ri [5], Al-Nuri Al-Tabrasi [6] , and others proclaimed that Mutawatir narrations were transmitted from the infallible Imams stating that the Quran is Muharaf, yet you do not find even one narration from the Imams clearly stating that the Quran is free from any such Tahreef. The first to say that [the Quran is] free from Tahreef from their earlier scholars are four, they are: Al-Tabrasi Abu Ali[7], Al-Tusi[8] , Al-Murtada [9], and Al-Saduq [10]. As for Al-Mufeed [11] he has two sayings in this matter.
It follows, that all those who claim to follow the Twelve Imams should also say [as their Imams are reported to have said] that the Quran has been subject to Tahreef, since the narrations that came from the way of the Imams attested to such a thing. As for those who don’t wish to follow the Imams and choose to follow someone else, like Al-Tusi, Al-Murtada, Al-Saduq, and Al-Tabrasi then that is their matter.
For that reason you will find that the scholars of Ahl Al-Sunnah are strict in this matter, and say that whoever says that the Quran is Muharaf is a Kaffir, and they clearly declare such a thing based on what Allah the Exalted said: {Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian}Hijr 15:9 . The scholars of the Shi’ah, on the other hand, do not say that, rather they just say that he who says such a thing is just mistaken.
Many times we hear of a narration called “Hadith Al-Thaqalayn”, and the Thaqalayn as is known are: The Book of Allah, and Aal Al- Bayt. This tradition, which came in the Shiah books, state that the Quran is the Major [Thiql], and Aal Al-Bayt is the minor Thiql. So after this we say:
Don’t all the scholars of the Shi’ah with no exception, say that the killers of Al-Husien [May Allah be pleased with him] are Apostates, since Al-Husien [May Allah be pleased with him] is a member of the minor Thiql, thus his killers are Apostates due to their attack on a member of the minor Thiql, based on this tradition. Yet they do not accuse any of those who attack the major Thiql, the Quran, of any of that?!
For that reason a huge number … yes a huge number … from the big Shi’ah scholars said that the Quran is Muharaf. So do you accept these [scholars] as the symbols and heads of the Mazhab you are attributed to? [These are the scholars] whom you ask Allah to bestow his Mercy on, and whom you highly praise the knowledge and books they left behind. Do you know, May Allah Bless you, that Husien Al-Nuri Al- Tabrasi 13 said that the Noble Quran has ridiculous, silly verses (I ask refuge in Allah for me and you from such Apostasy)!
I ask you: Is he after saying that a Muslim?! What he said can be found in his evil book: “Fasl Al-Khitab Fee Ithbaat Tahreef Kitab Rab Al-Arbab” .
Go ask Shia scholars, ask them about the status of that man among the scholars of the Twelver Shiahs.
If we do not stand up to defend the Quran, and we do not show animosity towards those who disrespect it, and do not free ourselves from those who attack it, then By Allah how can our Islam remain correct. Push Shia scholars, May Allah bless you, to declare all those who slander and attack the Quran as non Muslims, in the same way as they openly declare the Apostasy of the Nawasib [12] [May Allah curse them], even though the Nawasib showed animosity to humans i.e. the household of the Prophet. Why then don’t the Shiah scholars also declare as Apostates and curse those who show animosity or attack the Book of Allah the Exalted.
As for us Ahl Al-Sunnah, we Praise Allah, who has guided us to the path where we do not distinguish between those who attack the Book of Allah, or the Household of the Messenger, or his Companions. We have one Manhaj in defending all that which is revered in this Religion. We show animosity and free ourselves from all those who attack the Book of Allah, rather we declare him as an Apostate, and we hate and free ourselves from all those who slander and attack the household of the Messenger [Blessings and Peace of Allah be upon him and his household] or the companions of our Prophet [Blessings of Allah and Peace upon him].
Shias will usually tell you about the burning, the goat & ibn umar like atheists do: www.twelvershia.net/2015/11/25/defense-sunni-view-quran/
You do realise the Qur'an is an oral tradition, don't you. If you can't accept this then I am afraid you have to become Sunni because the earliest traditions are Sunni.
The earliest Hadith books are Sunni. The earliest Fiqh books are Sunni. The earliest 'Aqidah books are Sunni. The earliest Sirah books are Sunni. These were written several hundred years before Shiite books were written. Study and read the earliest books, and you will gain a good understanding.
Shias might attempt to steal the chains in the Sunni books and attribute them to themselves, which is pathetic and shows the weakness of their way. `Asim bin abi al-Nujoud, Hafs bin Sulayman and Hamzah al-Zayyat are all great Imams of Ahlul-Sunnah, the Twelvers cannot prove that they were Rafidhi imami Shia neither through their books or ours. If they were to prove that they were Shia, the Shia of the time were Sunni in their worship, and even if they try their best to prove that they were Rafidhah, then even the Imamiyyah at the time had different sects all of them enemies who make Takfeer on each-other.
By consensus`Asim and Hafs are two great Imams of Qira’at. The weakness attributed to Hafs is in regards to his skills as narrator, and the accusation of him being a liar is a baseless exaggeration. And if true still doesn’t strengthen Shia’s view.
The rules for the authentication of a narrator in a Hadithi chain are different than the rules for the authentication of a Qur’ani recitation.
1 Tahreef is the belief that the Quran has been subject to alteration after the Death of Prophet Muhammad [Blessings and Peace be upon him], and that the Quran that we have today is not the same as the one left to us by him [Blessings and Peace be upon him]. Such a belief would place one outside the fold of Islam according to the Scholars of Ahl Al-Sunnah wa Al-Jama’ah.
2 Tawatur or Mutawatir is a narration reported by a significant number of narrators at each level of the chain of narration, in such a way that it becomes beyond possibility that these narrators could have conspired to forge such narration. It is of the highest level of authenticity, and the highest level of Tawatur is that of the Quran.
3 Hamza Al-Zayaat (80 H to 156/8 H): He is Hamza b. Habib b. ‘Imarah Al-Zayat Al-Kufi. He is one of the scholars of his time in the Qiraat. He was known for his worship and piety. He took the Quran from: Sulaiman Al-A’mash, Humraan b. A’yan, Ja’far b. Muhammad Al-Sadiq, Abu Ishaq Al-Subai’y, and many others.
4 Original source did not mention Al-Sadiq, however according to books of Qiraat Al-Sadiq was one of those Hamza Al-Zayaat took the Quran from not Al-Baqir (Refer to Ghayat Al-Nihaya). The next paragraph was modified accordingly.
55 Ni’mat Allah Al-Jazaeri (1050 H – 1112 H): is a highly praised Shi’ah scholar. From his scholars are Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi (known as Al-‘Alamah Al-Majlisi) and Muhammad Mohsen (known as Al-Fayd Al-Kashani), as well as many others. He was praised by a number of Shia scholars including Al-Majlisi in the Ijazah he gave him, Al-Hur Al-‘Amili, Yusuf Al-Bahrani, as well as others. Refer to what he said about Tahreef Al-Quran in his book: Al-Anwaar Al-Nu’maniyah
6 Husien Al-Nuri Al-Tabrasi (1254 H – 1320 H): He was praised by the Shia Shaykh Aaqa Al- Tahrani who said of him: “… One of the greatest scholars of the Shia, and one of the grandest men of Islam in this century”. Also Al-Sayid Mohsen Al-Ameen said of him: “He was a noble scholar, a Muhadith, with great knowledge in both the Science of Hadith and Narrators … He was the most unique scholars of his time when it comes to knowledge of narrations and traditions …”. He is the author of the book: Fasl Al-Khitaab fee Ithbaat tahreef Kitab Rab Al-Arbab. 7 Al-Fadl b. Al-Hasan Al-Tabrasi (460 H – 548 H): The author of Majma’ Al-Bayan fee Tafseer Al- Quran.
8 Muhammad b. Al-Hasan Al-Tusi (385 H – 460 H): Known as Shaykh Al-Taefah. 9 Ali b. Al-Husien known as Al-Sayid Al-Murtada (355 H – 436 H). 10 Abu Ja’far Muhammad b. Ali b. Musa b. Babawayh Al-Qumi (305 H – 381 H): known as Al- Shaykh Al-Saduq.
11 Muhammad b. Muhammad b. Al-Nu’man (336 H – 413 H): Abu Abdullah Al-Mufeed.
12 Who are the Naasibis and what is the ruling on them? http://www.islamqa.com/en/ref/43322/
submitted by Unlucky-Row-786 to ExShia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:42 Own_Commercial_5654 Not getting descriptive errors while publishing to pubsub

I am trying to publish data to pubsub in topic with schema type as Avro.
I have created a topic with a schema in Avro format specifying the fields, also created a subscriber.
Now to publish the messages I am writing the below code as per pubsub documentation.
I have a SampleTest.avsc file to has Avro schema in this format
{ "type": "record", "name": "Avro", "fields": [ { "name": "event_type", "type": [ "null", "string" ], "default": null }, { "name": "field1", "type": [ "null", "string" ], "default": null }, { "name": "field2", "type": [ "null", "int" ], "default": null }, { "name": "created_at", "type": "string" } ] } 
And my code is this:
import os import io import logging import json from avro.io import BinaryEncoder, DatumWriter, Validate import avro.schema as schema from google.cloud.pubsub import PublisherClient from google.api_core.exceptions import NotFound from datetime import datetime publisher_client = PublisherClient() data = { "event_type": "23", "field1": "test", "field2": 100000, "created_at": datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") } def get_schema(): avsc_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "SampleTest.avsc") print(avsc_file) with open(avsc_file, "r") as file: avro_schema = schema.parse(file.read()) def write_to_pub_sub(record: dict, publisher_client: PublisherClient): logging.debug(f"data to insert: {record}") project_id = get_project_id() topic_id = "SampleTest" avro_schema = get_schema() writer = DatumWriter(avro_schema) bout = io.BytesIO() encoder = BinaryEncoder(bout) writer.write(record, encoder) data = bout.getvalue() try: if data: topic_path = publisher_client.topic_path(project_id, topic_id) future = publisher_client.publish(topic_path, data) print(f"Published message ID: {future.result()}") except NotFound: print(f"{topic_id} not found.") write_to_pub_sub(data, publisher_client) 
This code returns this error message:
response = self._client._gapic_publish( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/chandan.patra/Desktop/cloud-2/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/google/cloud/pubsub_v1/publisheclient.py", line 267, in _gapic_publish return super().publish(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/chandan.patra/Desktop/cloud-2/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/google/pubsub_v1/services/publisheclient.py", line 831, in publish response = rpc( ^^^^ File "/Users/chandan.patra/Desktop/cloud-2/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/google/api_core/gapic_v1/method.py", line 113, in __call__ return wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/chandan.patra/Desktop/cloud-2/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/google/api_core/retry.py", line 349, in retry_wrapped_func return retry_target( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/chandan.patra/Desktop/cloud-2/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/google/api_core/retry.py", line 191, in retry_target return target() ^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/chandan.patra/Desktop/cloud-2/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/google/api_core/timeout.py", line 120, in func_with_timeout return func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/chandan.patra/Desktop/cloud-2/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/google/api_core/grpc_helpers.py", line 74, in error_remapped_callable raise exceptions.from_grpc_error(exc) from exc google.api_core.exceptions.InvalidArgument: 400 Invalid data in message: Message failed schema validation. [reason: "INVALID_BINARY_AVRO_MESSAGE" domain: "pubsub.googleapis.com" metadata { key: "revisionInfo" value: "Could not validate message with any schema revision for schema: projects/903879460213/schemas/SampleTest, last checked revision: revision_id=6634ec3a failed with status: Invalid data in message: Got invalid index for union of size 2: 19." } metadata { key: "message" value: "Message failed schema validation" } ] 
It says message invalidation failed when rpc call is made to publisher but it doesn’t tells the actual fields on which it failed.
How can I know why schema validation failed and on which fields? If there is something wrong with data or in schema it doesn't show that.
Also is there any functions in this library or any 3rd party libraries that can validate my schema and write proper error messages which will be specific to debug it further?
Also tell me if I missed anything in code which can help me debug it better.
submitted by Own_Commercial_5654 to googlecloud [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:31 jdonovan36 prettier does not seem to respect printWidth

Prettier formatting does not seem to abide by the `printWidth` rule in my `.prettierrc`. I have set `printWidth: 999` to demonstrate the issue clearly. Now,


formats to


as you can see, the formatter does work and even the classes get rearranged in the recommended tailwind order, the long class variable is moved to a new line even though the printWidth I have set should allow everything in that tag stay on the same line.
I use NvChad, here is my `conform.lua`
local options = { formatters_by_ft = { lua = { "stylua" }, css = { "prettier" }, html = { "prettier" }, javascript = { "prettier" }, typescript = { "prettier" }, svelte_fmt = { command = "prettier", args = { "--plugin", "prettier-plugin-svelte", "$FILENAME" }, }, }, format_on_save = { -- These options will be passed to conform.format() enabled = true, timeout_ms = 2000, lsp_fallback = true, }, } require("conform").setup(options) 
and here is the `.prettierrc` in the root of my svelte project
{ "useTabs": true, "singleQuote": true, "trailingComma": "none", "printWidth": 999, "bracketSameLine": true, "plugins": [ "prettier-plugin-svelte", "prettier-plugin-tailwindcss" ], "overrides": [ { "files": "*.svelte", "options": { "parser": "svelte" } } ] } 
after running `:LspInfo`
What could be causing this?
submitted by jdonovan36 to neovim [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:00 RealLapisWolfMC Need some help programming an HC06

I have an Arduino Uno R3 and an HC06 Bluetooth module hooked up. I have this code uploaded on the arduino.
SoftwareSerial btSerial(2, 3); // TX, RX
String fromPC = "";
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // hardware serial for the USB-PC
btSerial.begin(9600); // software serial Arduino to HC-06 (9600 is default)
// print instructions
Serial.println("HC-06 AT Command Programming");
Serial.println(" -- Command Reference ---");
Serial.println("AT (simply checks connection)");
Serial.println("AT+VERSION (sends the firmware verison)");
Serial.println("AT+NAMExxxxx (to change name to xxxxx");
Serial.println("AT+PINnnnn (to change password to 4 digit nnnn");
Serial.println("AT+BAUDn (to change to baud rate #1");
Serial.println(" BAUD1 = 1200");
Serial.println(" BAUD2 = 2400");
Serial.println(" BAUD3 = 4800");
Serial.println(" BAUD4 = 9600");
Serial.println(" BAUD5 = 19200");
Serial.println(" BAUD6 = 38400");
Serial.println(" BAUD7 = 57600");
Serial.println(" BAUD8 = 115200");
void loop() {
// Read from HC-06
if (btSerial.available()) {
while(btSerial.available()) { // While there is more to be read, keep reading.
// Read from PC
if (Serial.available()){
delay(10); //
fromPC = (char)Serial.read();
btSerial.print(fromPC); // show the HC-06 responce
Serial.print(fromPC); // echo it back to the PC
I don't believe there are any errors in this code. The one thing that would prevent this from working would be in the case that the baud rate was changed from the default 9600. I checked the other values, to no avail.
The specific problem I have is that the HC06 is in AT mode, but I can't seem to get any response from it in AT mode. For example, the command "AT" is supposed to return "OK." This just simply does not happen. Sources have given me conflicting data on which wiring scheme is correct, so I just tried both:
Scheme 1
Scheme 2
No luck from either of these schemes. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by RealLapisWolfMC to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:11 PM-me-synth-pics best alpha camera for street and general stuff (budget is around 2.7k)

Hey all,
I’m looking to buy a sony alpha camera size/format doesn’t really matter, i am looking for a full frame camera
I’m really just looking for good performance in low light environments and something that’ll make high quality images that can scale up for larger prints and look good
I have the edu discount at B&H if that helps
submitted by PM-me-synth-pics to SonyAlpha [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:28 GMOFueled Myoware 2.0 Muscle Sensor not detecting muscle movement - help

 Myoware 2.0 Muscle Sensor not detecting muscle movement - help
Recently purchased the Myoware 2.0 muscle sensor and when testing it out, it doesn't seem to really detect any muscle movements. Attached is a picture of my setup.
I'm currently running my Myoware board off of the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2 board as seen on the breadboard. My ENV pin is connected to the Arduino A0, Myoware GND to Arduino GND, and Vin is connected to the Arduino's 5v. My laptop is not connected to the wall and is powering the Arduino via a USB port. I am also confident that the solder points are fine.
I followed both the Myoware guide and the Spark fun guide and tested the board using 2 scripts provided by each source.
/* MyoWare Example_01_analogRead_SINGLE SparkFun Electronics Pete Lewis 3/24/2022 License: This code is public domain but you buy me a beverage if you use this and we meet someday. This code was adapted from the MyoWare analogReadValue.ino example found here: https://github.com/AdvancerTechnologies/MyoWare_MuscleSensor This example streams the data from a single MyoWare sensor attached to ADC A0. Graphical representation is available using Serial Plotter (Tools > Serial Plotter menu). *Only run on a laptop using its battery. Do not plug in laptop chargedock/monitor. *Do not touch your laptop trackpad or keyboard while the MyoWare sensor is powered. Hardware: SparkFun RedBoard Artemis (or Arduino of choice) USB from Artemis to Computer. Output from sensor connected to your Arduino pin A0 This example code is in the public domain. */ void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial); // optionally wait for serial terminal to open Serial.println("MyoWare Example_01_analogRead_SINGLE"); } void loop() { int sensorValue = analogRead(A0); // read the input on analog pin A0 Serial.println(sensorValue); // print out the value you read delay(50); // to avoid overloading the serial terminal } /* Read MyoWare Voltage Example Code Advancer Technologies, LLC Brian Kaminski 1/12/2024 This example reads a MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor output on A0-A3 where A0 is ENV, A1 is RAW, A2 is RECT, and A3 is REF. It then converts the reading to the amplitude of the muscle activity as it appears at the electrodes in millivolts. MyoWare Muscle Sensor Analog Output: 1. Raw EMG Output (RAW) - This is the raw amplified and filtered output: * We will first remove the DC voltage offset using the REF value, converts its value to volts based on the ADC parameters, and remove the gain applied by the sensor using the RAW gain equation which is fixed at 200. 2. Rectified EMG Output (RECT) - This is the full-ware rectified RAW output: * We will first convert its value to volts based on the ADC parameters and remove the gain applied by the sensor using the RAW gain equation which is fixed at 200. 3. EMG Envelope (ENV) - This is the amplified envelope of the RECT output: * We will first convert its value to volts based on the ADC parameters and remove the gain applied the sensor using the ENV gain equation, see below. ENV has an second amplification stage which is adjustable using the gain potentiometer. We will need the gain potentiometer's resistance in kOhms to calcuate the gain. Read more about the MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor & electromyography (EMG) output here: https://myoware.com/learn/tutorials-guides/ In order for this example to work, you will need a MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor with the Vin and GND pins connected to 5V and GND pins on an Arduino compatible board. The ENV, RAW, and REF pins will need to connect to the A0, A1, and A2 pins on the Arduino compatible board, respectively. Hardware: MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor Arduino compatible board (e.g Uno, Mega, etc.) USB Cable Graphical representation is available using Serial Plotter (Tools > Serial Plotter menu). This example code is in the public domain. */ #include  // MyoWare class object MyoWare myoware; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second: Serial.begin(9600); // output conversion parameters - modify these values to match your setup myoware.setConvertOutput(true); // Set to true to convert ADC output to the amplitude of // of the muscle activity as it appears at the electrodes // in millivolts myoware.setADCResolution(12.); // ADC bits (shield default = 12-bit) myoware.setADCVoltage(5); // ADC reference voltage (shield default = 3.3V) myoware.setGainPotentiometer(50.); // Gain potentiometer resistance in kOhms. // adjust the potentiometer setting such that the // max muscle reading is below 3.3V then update this // parameter to the measured value of the potentiometer myoware.setENVPin(A0); // Arduino pin connected to ENV myoware.setRAWPin(A1); // Arduino pin connected to RAW myoware.setREFPin(A2); // Arduino pin connected to REF myoware.setRECTPin(A3); // Arduino pin connected to RECT } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { // read the sensor's analog output pins const double envMillivolts = myoware.readSensorOutput(MyoWare::ENVELOPE); const double rawMillivolts = myoware.readSensorOutput(MyoWare::RAW); const double rectMillivolts = myoware.readSensorOutput(MyoWare::RECTIFIED); // print output in millivolts: Serial.print(envMillivolts); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(rawMillivolts); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(rectMillivolts); } 
I tested in the board with the snap-on electrodes in multiple positions on both my forearm and bicep. I made sure to follow the placement of the 3 electrodes based on the Myoware 2.0 Muscle Sensor guide. When I try sensing signals by clenching or flexing my muscles, the ENV LED virtually always stays on and the readings basically only fluctuate around 790-800 no matter what I try. There may have been one or two times the light flickered or turned off and the serial plotter would drop closer to 0 but would then just return back to the 790-800 fluctuations.
When the board is not connected to anything, the serial plotter shows the readings oscillate from 0-800.
In any case the power red LED stays on the whole time meaning the board is receiving adequate power and the gain has not been adjusted.
Is there anything obvious I'm doing wrong? Could the issue be with my board? Any help would be appreciated to help me get this working, thanks!
submitted by GMOFueled to MyoWare [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:28 Ambitious-Rest7380 Able bodied people desiring Chronic illness/disability

Maybe I just haven't developed a sense of humor regarding my chronic illness. Or maybe It just pisses me off when able bodied people post or comment to me in person that they desire my symptoms for a gosh darn parking placard. I have had the latter happen to me a few times, but today I want to share an instance in which really boiled my blood.
Here is the situation: I was scrolling on tiktok. I see a young woman's video about her mom who has a paralyzed forehead. In the video, she shares that her mom suffered an extremely terrible car crash that left some of her facial muscles paralyzed. She goes on to say in the video that she will never age as well as her mom despite being her genetic clone. Essentially, she points out that the crash resulted in a botox like affect and that her mom looks very young for her age.
I thought this was a little strange to put out there on Beyonce's internet. But I somewhat felt for this 25 year old woman. It is hard to be a woman in our day and age and constantly feel like we need to look young. I even commented in support of her mom saying that the wreck must have been terrible and that I am glad she was okay.
My mistake. The next video this woman posts is of her printing out a disability parking placard and writing "forehead" in the blank space. HuH? I do not know about any of yall, but it was a battle to obtain my parking placard. It can also be an internal battle to seek out that kind of accommodation. I know I kept asking myself if I was sick enough to need one. Flash forward and this parking placard has been indispensable to my mental and physical health. I feel safe going places now and not worry about my heat intolerance or if I am going to faint in the parking lot. So to see someone print one out, even if it was in a joking manner, really got me upset.
Maybe I am too sensitive. But this thought was quickly burnt out as I saw this woman fight for her life in the comments and getting into arguments with members of the disability community. She kept saying her mom was not disabled. Upon examination, I did see some comments saying that this creator shouldn't make fun of disability, but I did not see anyone calling her mom disabled. The general consensus among commentators seemed to be that it was inappropriate to desire a symptom of disability (more people than just this lady's mom have facial paralysis) even in a joking manner. I tend to agree. You can't put something like that out on the internet and expect people who do have muscle paralysis to be okay with it.
I ended up blocking this woman, I hope she is able to grow and recognize the potential harm in her actions. But before I blocked her, I was curious to see what she does for a living. I saw that she was a tattoo artist and when I checked her tattoo IG, she had "safe space" in her bio. Safe space for who my friend, bc it def isn't a safe space for anyone in the disability community.
submitted by Ambitious-Rest7380 to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]
