Lesser occipital nerve block cpt code

Help with cervicogenic (?) neck pain and almost daily 'headaches'

2024.06.01 05:19 DMeville Help with cervicogenic (?) neck pain and almost daily 'headaches'

Dunno what else to do. Tired of being in pain and getting no answers from professionals.
31M, in Canada. Been having neck pain 'headaches' in the same spot of my neck (right side, base of skull, marked with X) for probably 10+ years now. In the last few (3) years it feels like it has progressed to being much more frequently. Maybe longer actually, as I've just got used to this "being the norm".
Some times it's a bit better, in the last two months the best span I've had is 8 days headache free, but more often it's a headache every 48 hours. I would really like to have more than 2 good days a week where I feel functional enough to actually do things and not be a zombie.
Can't understand if there's any specific trigger, and have been trying to nail it down for years. Usually it's laying in bed trying to sleep the neck pain will start to creep up. But not always. Some days I wake up with a dull ache on the spot of neck that always get's unhappy, that I know by the end of the day will progress into a full blown headache.
Neck pain in the marked spot is throbbing. Don't really do anything but take Advil and wait for it to calm down. Ice doesn't help, heat doesn't help. On the days that I don't have this throbbing headache like pain, the rest of my neck muscles still feel tight. Especially sub-occipitals, SCM, upper traps traps, and jaw muscles from behind/under ear all the way along chin/throat. And also random headband like tightness on forehead, eyes, top of head sometimes. Some days it's not so bad and I can forget about it, other days it's like a dull tightness, like those muscles are flexed and just won't relax. Squeezing and have a heavy weight to them, with a crawling tingly. Or like a pulling on the occiptals
Feels like there's just a slowly building up bad-ness, and once that reaches a threshold it explodes into a throbbing neck pain on the right side base of skull location. Maybe some days I sleep on it wrong, maybe some days I exert harder just doing stuff around the house, and those things depend on how many days it takes until it gets bad and is Advil time.
Pre 2018 - Saw physio and talked to doc about this, but basically just lived with it thinking it was normal. Probably started noticing it like 2010, but can not remember really. Don't think it was very frequent, maybe once or twice a month at that point.
2018 - brought this up to my doc. Saw PT weekly for a few months. Said weak back muscles/postural. Gave me exercises. Didn't see any improvement over months. Tried two bouts of dry needling, massages before appointments. Saw a neuro, scanned my brain and it was fine. Not really my neck though. They thought maybe migraines, put on meds, didn't help. (Did have a reaction that had me rushed to the hospital because throat closed up and thought I dying though!)
2020 - Just had been living with it since. Felt like it was time to have another look at it. Talked to doc again, suggested physio again. More massages, non-manipulative chiro (idk they used a little pressure tool on me that went pop and did absolutely nothing). Gave up after months of spending money seeing specialists and not having any relief
2023 - Got hit with vestibular neuritis (yuck) after a viral infection. After that passed, doc suggested physio to help deal with aftereffects. New physio, helps with that, but also turns into trying to treat this neck pain again since I'm there already. See him every 2 weeks for 6 months. Thinks it's weak shouldeneck muscles just getting too exhausted throughout the day under normal use, and then flairs up/tightens up around the nerve there. Gives me general strengthening/stretches, as well as neck/shoulder stretches. (Chin tucks, shoulder shrugs, squeezing shoulder blades together). I do these every second day slowly trying to build up my endurance. But even going very lightly seems to (~2 hours after exercises) cause the neck to start throbbing. I try and "power through this" for a few months, headaches every day, and no improvement. I give up seeing him, and stop doing exercises. Headaches improve slightly from not being irritated from stretches every day (at least that's what I think)
2024 - Bring it up with my doctor again that my headaches are still destroying my life. He suggests a few things to try again. I start getting massages every week for a month, and then every 2 weeks. Massages seem to sometimes help (best "headache free span" was right after a massage, for 8 whole days! but only got that kind of relief once). Try a few simple neck/shoulder stretches, and 2 hours later trying to go to bed, again massive pain.
See a new PT, thinking maybe they'll have a different opinion. Assesses me to find no structural issues with my neck/spine. (But no imaging). Waiting on my next big headache so he can assess me during a flair up and see if there's any different. Talks about nerve blocks, or surgery, or very careful c-spine manipulation (no). Feels around my neck like all PT's have, testing range of motion and stuff. Come out of the appointments (2 so far) feeling like they didn't do anything. No homework or things to try or not to try at home. Just see me again next week and I'll try and release your muscles(?). He says it's not a 'headache' since headaches are in the front of the head, but is more just "cervicogenic neck pain". Terminology I guess.
Brought up the fact that my right side shoulder clicks when I rotate my arm. How my SCM and upper traps feel tight, and how my neck right side muscles "feel pinchy" when I turn both ways, and how those muscles on the right side of where my neck always hurts, feel different to me than the left when I self massage. (Left feels like a tight cloth draped over my neck, that when I try and press in I can't press in deep enough to even touch the neck-vertebra bump thing. But on the right it feels looser, and like there's a divot above and below that right neck-vertebra bump. Like this.) And also that sometimes I feel a bit "wobbly" in my neck, like a bobble head. But no dizzy-room-spinning.
He doesn't comment on any of those, other than "it seems a bit far fetched that your shoulder could be causing your neck pain". Which goes against most of the things I've read about things like forward head posture and cervicogenic headaches, but I'm not the expert I guess. He mentions that maybe migration medication would be useful to try, but wants to see me a few more times before we decide on a "plan". Tried migraine medication 6 years ago for this, did nothing, and feels like I'm going in circles again. Mentions (but doesn't suggest) that surgery can be done to like...open up the space for my nerve. And also nerve blocks. Surgery seems scary and not guaranteed to even help. Nerve blocks less scary, but seems like just a bandaid instead of a way to fix the issue.
My health is good otherwise. No trauma or car accidents with my neck. My weight is good. I'm not as active as I should be but feels like whenever I try it triggers this neck pain. I am self employed so luckily I can take as much time as I need to soothe a headache when it happens. Work at a computer most days. Standing desk. Proper posture, as of 6 years ago. Have even tried staying off the computer for a month and had no noticeable difference. Thought maybe it is related to sleep posture. Tried like 8 different "neck" pillows. Tried sleeping on the floor for a month because maybe mattress was too soft or something. I like to sleep on my side/stomach, so maybe kinking my neck all night. But trying hard to break that habit.
Anyone gone through something similar? Or have had success dealing with this kind of pain somehow? Frustrated with my new PT, and feeling like this is just something I'm going to end up having to live with and it sucks lol. Not sure what else to do. Do I continue to try and power through exercies? Find a PT and also personal trainer to strengthen my neck in a controlled way that will be less likely to cause pain. More massages? More needling (would try it again). Ask for actual proper imaging? Long post, but I'm feeling a bit lost.
submitted by DMeville to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:08 No_Fig_5105 I need a cycle breaker and nothing is working

I was diagnosed with chronic migraines in 2019. Been on 20+ medications - beta blockers, antidepressants, injections, everything. Currently on supplements (magnesium and riboflavin) aimovig and Botox.
6 weeks ago I had a killer migraine start, and nothing is breaking it. I went through 2 rounds of steroids, tried Elyxb, got an SPG nerve block, a supraorbital nerve block, and occipital nerve block. I went to the ER and had the cocktail of Reglan/Torodol/Benadryl that did nothing, and an infusion of magnesium and droperidol that helped slightly and they released me. Felt better for a day and then pain is back at a 9 again.
Idk what to do at this point. I feel like the ER makes my symptoms worse and sleepy enough to leave and for the headache to come back. I’m having more blood work and an MRI next week but my scans have always come back normal. Is there any cycle breaker that has worked for you guys that I haven’t taken? I can’t judge my relief meds at this point until I break this current cycle - and the pain is so bad I cant function.
submitted by No_Fig_5105 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:00 Upbeat_Zucchini 1 Week Out - Side effects

Hi all,
I was in the hospital for a few days last week with a 3 week long headache. Towards the end of my 3rd day, there weren't many answers, other than a surprise baby aneurysm and no true solution to the headaches. A member of the neurology team basically said he was guessing it was ON and wanted to try an Occipital Nerve Block.
This has been my experience since then, are your experiences similar?
For added context, I do have Ehler's Danlos Syndrome and I don't know if this is contributing to the not so fun side effects.
submitted by Upbeat_Zucchini to Occipitalneuralgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:50 gay_soup I was diagnosed with ON, are my symptoms normal?

Hi, Im 20f. I was diagnosed with occipital neuralgia in November after suffering with what I thought was cluster headaches since I was 14. I had a bunch of tests, more MRIs and CT scans than I can remember. I had mastoiditis for 5 years before I found a doctor to perform a bilateral mastoidectomy on me. After I had the one on my left side done the pain went away for almost a year.
The pain is very similar to a cluster headache. It is a stabbing and cold pain behind my left eye and in the back of my ear and sometimes my neck. My eye tears up and my nose gets stuffy. I am extremely sensitive to light. Most of the time it happens when I sleep, but I will occasionally get one in the day. The ones in the day are usually triggered by smells, heat, or quick changes in temperature. The episodes usually last from 15 minutes to 2 hours, but typically 40 minutes.
The only reason I was diagnosed with this was that while I was seeing my doctor who did the mastoidectomy I started to have an episode. He got a nerve block and a steroid and injected it kinda behind my ear and the pain went away. It was gone for 5 months but now its back almost every night. I no longer see that doctor since he retired, and I don't have a neurologist anymore since my old one refused to belive I had these headaches since I was "too young".
So is this occipital neuralgia? Alot of what im seeing online is that it is a constant pain. My neck is stiff, but the pain isn't constant. I do have siatica aswell, so I'm not sure if that means I'm prone to nerve issues. I am currently trying to look into getting a diagnosis for hEDS because my physical therapist said my joints are way too loose and that is probably whats causing my siatica. She said my vertebrae are extremely mobile and they shouldn't be.
submitted by gay_soup to Occipitalneuralgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 01:52 PadraicThePrince This is all so confusing

I’ve experienced severe headaches since I was a child. They’ve destroyed my life. I get them in the back of my head on the left side and they progress to my temples. The only thing that helps sometimes is sleep, otherwise I have to go to the ER if it’s bad enough. I travelled across the country recently to see my father who has since passed from cancer and I was in a car accident that someone rear ended me at 75 mph and it made things much much worse.
I currently see a neurologist, a pain specialist and my GP. Neurologist is convinced I have migraines, pain specialist is convinced I have occipital neuralgia, and the GP thinks I have cervicogenic headaches. One wants me on Celebrex, the other on Amovig, and the other on Lyrica or Cymbalta. And when I explain to one of them what the other thinks they get all dismissive of the other doctor.
I’ve tried so many drugs (Topamax, Inderal, flexeril, Klonopin, Tylenol-3 amytriptiline, gabapentin, triptans, Zoloft) and chiropractic, and massage and nerve blocks and Botox and nothing has helped. I’m at my wits end.
Does anyone else juggle with the multiple doctors having differentiating theories and do you have any advice on how to navigate this mess?
submitted by PadraicThePrince to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:13 ikieneng My fanfiction - episode 5!

My fanfiction - episode 5!
The next part is here! The story continues! This is another episode that I’m going to split into several parts because it’s pretty long.

DISCLAIMERS (the same ones as before)

The point of this fanfiction is not to be a straight-up continuation of events with the same themes, intensity, and tone. If you go into it with those expectations, you are probably not going to like it. Rather, it’s supposed to be how I wish things went if these events were real life. The resolution you want for a real-life situation isn’t often the right choice for a show, but it can be incredibly beautiful. Think of what you’re about to read to be a separate show then.

Episode 1 of this fanfiction begins after the episode “2:00” (season 2 episode 4), so it replaces the episode “Cake” and the ones that follow it. This fanfiction expects you to have seen the entirety of seasons 1 and 2, so you should watch those first.

You can read the previous episodes of my fanfic in the sidebar (or “See community info” if you’re using the app).

I myself am bursting into the story here. The narrator and me are the same. While my character is like 95% real me, don’t take events about my life described here as facts. Some aspects of my life have been changed for the story. In my head, I started writing like an “alternate me” character in 2016, fulfilling a lot of the things that I wish I had in life, and adding that to my story. I’m not really from Ukraine. I speak fluent Ukrainian as a foreign language, I started learning it in 2014, and I’ve talked to tons of people from there, but I’m not from Ukraine. I also don’t have as much money as I do in the story. I wish lmao.

If you want to post your own fanfiction, feel free to do so! To get your own post flair for your fanfic, and to appear in the sidebar, please message me.


Part 1

After I pack all my things at home and anything that Leanne might need for the next couple of weeks (including tons of clothes that could potentially fit her), as well as my gun, I call a taxi and let it take me near the Turner house, just one block away. I get out, tell the driver to leave the trunk unlocked, and give him a sealed envelope with his version of the letter for the police. I told him “If I’m not back in an hour, please call the police and read this to them”. “Is everything okay?”, he asks concerned. “Not yet, at least. And one sec...” I take out my passport and show the ID page to him. “In case you’re gonna have to open that, now you’ve seen my ID, just so you know for sure that I’m the person who wrote the letter in there. Please keep the trunk of the car unlocked the entire time, okay?” He nods and says “Okay”. I ask him to please start a 60-minute timer on his phone, and that’s what he does. I then go to the trunk, open it, and take out my laptop case, which doesn’t actually have my laptop in it (which is in one of my big bags), but my gun, to keep it hidden. After closing the trunk, I’m walking to the Turner house, and I have to take some really deep breaths because I’m scared shitless, but then, I unzip the laptop bag, release the safety lever of my gun, and grab it before ringing the bell. I’m wearing my backpack this entire time.

Side note: In the real show, George suddenly shows up when Dorothy and Sean come back from the fake ransom exchange that Leanne set up to mess with Dorothy after she risked her life trying to escape and got buried alive for it... It’s after this that she slowly begins to accept the reality of the situation and that she’s probably not getting out of there.


However, when George came to the house, she didn’t know about him.


And when she could overhear Sean and George talking, she was surprised.


Therefore, George finding the Turners probably had nothing to do with anything Leanne did. My guess is that the Church of Lesser Saints was watching the Turners. If they were watching Leanne instead of the Turners, George would have just shown up at the house instead of the mall, where the fake ransom exchange took place. Sean even said that George was at the mall.


The Church of Lesser Saints might be watching. That could come into play later. The point is, George isn’t at the house.

Sean and Julian are in the kitchen, and when I ring the doorbell, they look who’s there. Julian goes “The fuck is Cinderella doing here?”, and Sean goes to the door. “Hey Daria, can I help you?”, he asks, and I sneak through the open door immediately and take my gun out of the bag and point it at him. He makes a really scared fake at the sight of it. I go “Hey, chef! Let’s take this to the living room! JUUUULIAAAN! MRS. TUUURNEEEER! WILL YOU COME HERE, PLEASE?” Julian comes back into the living room, and his face is just as scared as Sean’s. “Come here, next to Mr. Turner, please, would you?” Slowly and carefully, he’d come there. “Empty your pockets onto the table!”, and they do. They only got their phones and keys in there. I say “Push your stuff away, to the other side of the table!”, which Sean does. By now, Dorothy is coming downstairs. Looking down at us from the stairs, she goes “Daria? When did you get here? What are you doing?” I respond “Hey, Mrs. Turner! Would you mind joining your husband and brother, and emptying your pockets?” After perplexed silence, she goes “Yes, I would! Stop pointing your gun at me and get out of my house! What’s even going on?” Julian interjects and asks “Is that thing even loaded?” In response, I point the gun at the wine glass cabinet and fire a shot into it, shattering some of the glass walls and several of the wine glasses inside before immediately pointing the gun back at the Turners.


Suddenly, no one’s moving even the slightest bit. Once again, I go “Please, Mrs. Turner, would you please join your husband and brother and empty your pockets onto the table?” With everyone in shock, she slowly does so without saying a word. “Can you please shove her stuff over the table again, chef?” Sean complies while looking directly at me. “Great, chef, thank you!” Sean then asks “Why are you here?” I respond “I am here to free your hostage! You might have thought I’d be dumb enough not to notice that something is super wrong here. Sorry to disappoint you sick fucks! We can make this easy, or we can do it the hard way. Which way it’s gonna be is up to you.” Dorothy would get so upset in that moment and shout “What did she tell you?? Because it’s not the full story!”


I snort and tell them “You hired her as your nanny for Jericho in October. Mrs. Turner will be quite confused by what I’m about to say now, which should let you two know in how much trouble you really are. Before the real baby even showed up, you, chef, already went through her things and destroyed her crosses. You bullied her. You put hundreds of crickets in her room, you swapped her soup with dog food, and you even suggested turning off the heating in her room in this cold fucking weather and hired someone to be her fake friend. I think she’s called Wanda, right? Not to mention that you had some guy break in while you knew she was home alone. We don’t know his name, but he’s black, pretty tall, average build. ...”

Side note: You might be like “Leanne knows who Roscoe is. We heard the creepy recording on his phone in ‘ Spaceman ’!” While I admit that this is pretty much the only scene in the entire show that I don’t have an explanation for, even after watching the whole show so many times, there are several reasons why I think that the recording did not actually happen, at least not the way we heard it:

1) In “Loveshack”, Roscoe is suddenly loyal to the Church of Lesser Saints and sees them as something purely positive. If he believed that the stuff on the recording actually happened, he couldn’t be converted so easily and quickly.
2) During the hypnosis scene, Roscoe seems to be describing how “he” takes out Jericho’s eyes, which completely contradicts what Leanne desperately shouts at Dorothy when she’s stuck between her and the door in “2:00”:


3) But most importantly, in season 3, Leanne doesn’t recognize Roscoe at the park and welcomes him into the group. If the recording happened as we heard it, she would have clearly seen his face and have remembered it.


Back to the main story:

“...And the stuff with the baby that showed up instead of the doll, oof, that is NOT good for you. Don’t bother looking for the baptism tape, because it’s gone. Leanne and me are sitting on a mountain of evidence. And together, you all conspired to kidnap her. We got two counts of attempted murder in the second degree, we got kidnapping, false imprisonment, as well as criminal endangerment, and countless cases of assault, deprivation of basic human needs, deprivation of basic healthcare, and a whole lot more, all for a situation that you know Leanne can do nothing about. Imprisoning, assaulting, trying to kill, and starving her because of a baby that doesn’t even exist!”

Julian and Sean are going very quiet, realizing just how much I know about the whole situation, but not Dorothy. She shouts “‘ A baby that doesn’t even exist ’? Jericho is my son, and she took him from me! She gave him to May and her freaks, who are doing who knows what to him!” I’d look at Sean and Julian and say “You two wanna take that? Because they know where Jericho is, Mrs. Turner! They’ve known this entire time!” Before this point, Dorothy was already really suspicious about Sean’s attitude ever since Jericho was gone, and she’d be confused, but I just confirmed her intuition. She looks at them, then back at me, and says “What are you talking about?” I’m making a fake smile, looking at Dorothy, and I say to her “You’re an excellent journalist, Mrs. Turner. Here’s what I want you to do as soon as I leave here tonight. I want you to use your access as a journalist to look up death records from August 26 this year. You can do that online. Now, among those records, you’ll find something that will really confuse you, and when you do, you go ask these two about it. They’ll lie to you, same as they have been doing this entire time, but you keep on pressuring them about it until they give you an explanation that explains what you see. You want to find Jericho? Then do this as soon I leave. They’ll try to keep you from looking it up, which is how you’ll know that I’m telling the truth. Understood?” Dorothy would be even more confused now. “No! I have no idea what the hell you are talking about!” I then go “That doesn’t surprise me. I’m talking to the piece of shit who kidnapped, imprisoned, repeatedly assaulted, repeatedly tried to kill, starved, and tormented Leanne, forced her to use a bucket and tissue, and kept toothbrushes, toothpaste, and period products away from her, all while you probably didn’t even stop to think for a moment why she still isn’t talking, in spite of all that. If that’s how much in denial you are, then anything’s possible, really. Jeez, maybe it is because Leanne is telling the truth and that she really doesn’t have Jericho and doesn’t know where he is? The same can’t be said for these two. Mrs. Turner, one day, you are going to realize just how fucked-up the deplorable fucking things you’ve done to her really are, and how fucking bullshit your rationale has been the entire time, and on that day, you are going to crumble! Your face is gonna be priceless! Too bad I won’t be there to see it! Anyway, I want all of you to step into the bathroom right here [pointing at the downstairs bathroom door], close the door, and lock it from the inside. Would you be so kind as to do that, please?” They’re slowly getting up and walking toward the bathroom, which is when I go “Walk in backward, with your face turned toward me. And if you even think about getting out of there before Leanne and me leave, I got multiple phones, and there’s this thing called ‘ scheduled messages ’, so in about 50 minutes, the police is going to find out about everything that’s happened, including the baptism tape and video evidence from the attic, and including a whole lot more. It’s probably gonna look really bad for you if you mess with a single piece of evidence that’s in the house, or if you try to keep Leanne or me here. Just saying.” Before they close the door, Sean says “How did you get up there?”, and I say “You three aren’t even half as smart as you think you are. Sorry about the cabinet, by the way. I’m gonna leave one grand on the table for you...” [because I know that if they call the police, not replacing the cabinet could hurt Leanne’s and my case, not because I wanna replace it, which I don’t]. “...Oh, and chef, before I forget, I quit. We only had a verbal agreement, so this shouldn’t be a problem. I hear you got quite a recent experience with verbal agreements! Now close and lock the door, will you?” With quite the shocked expressions on Sean’s and Julian’s faces and a really confused look on Dorothy’s face, they finally close and lock it from the inside.

I then say “Hey, Siri!”, and Siri does the typical “Mm-hmm?”, and I respond “Call Leanne!” After a couple of seconds, Leanne answers the call. As I told her, the internal mic barely works, so everything I hear is muffled, but after about twelve seconds, she’s plugged in the headset I left her. Audibly tense, she asks “Daria?”, and I say “You can come downstairs now. Code phrase ice cream! Let’s go!” She’d break down crying out of happiness and relief on the phone, and I would barely know what to say at that moment because I’d be so happy for her! Once she’s composed herself a bit, I’d say “You can use Mrs. Barrington to break the door open. Do you have shoes?” Trying to hold back more tears, she goes “I got hers.” (Mrs. Barrington’s, the mannequin’s), and I smile and say “Perfect! See you in a minute?”, and she responds “Yeah! I’m going to come down now!” and hangs up. She then puts on Mrs. Barrington’s shoes and puts the phone and headset down next to the top of the stairs.


She takes the radio,


goes down to the door, and smashes the radio against the doorknob again and again until she’s broken the lock and the door is open. She goes back upstairs and takes the phone and the headset, and she’s about to go downstairs, which is when she sees the rod that she used to flagellate herself with.


She contemplates for a moment if she should take it with her, but after some deep and very long breaths, she breaks it, deciding that she’s not going to do this to herself anymore, at least not for now!


And then, she takes the phone and headset and comes downstairs. We hug each other so fricking tight for a moment (I engage the safety lever before that moment, of course) before I say “We’re gonna walk out backward, you being closer to the exit, okay?”, and she nods. I give her my gun for a moment with the words “Be very careful, I’ll release the safety lever now” before doing just that, and she points the gun at the bathroom for me. I then put down and open my backpack before taking out my wallet, taking ten $100 bills out of it, and putting them on the table. I tell Leanne “If I don’t replace the cabinet I just shot, they’re gonna use that against us.” I then whisper to her “Let’s take something else that’s worth a grand, so these motherfuckers don’t make a profit from this! Is there anything you want?” Leanne looks around, and then smiles for a split-second and goes “No, it’s okay.” I then nod before I smile and say “Okay. Let’s go!”, and Leanne gets the biggest smile ever on her face! I’m then about to close the backpack before I take three of the ten bills and put them back into my wallet in my backpack while adding “Let’s not overprice things for these people!”. I close my backpack, put it on, and grab my laptop case, too, and Leanne gives me my gun back. I release the safety lever and say “Can you unlock the door behind me, please?”, and Leanne does so, she opens both doors before going to the number pad, changing the code to 4118, and setting it to lock as soon as the doors are closed. I then walk backward, through the first door, which we close, and then, we walk backward through the front door and close it, too, making the doors lock.

Outside, I engage the safety lever and put the gun back into the laptop case, and I point in the direction of the taxi and say “Let’s run!”, and we run there together. At the taxi, Leanne gets in the back row immediately on the right while I open the trunk, put the laptop bag inside one of my big bags, close the trunk, and get into the back row on the left. I say “Go go go! And please lock everything now!” to the taxi driver, and we drive off. Leanne breaks into tears of happiness with the biggest smile ever right then and there, and I’d take her in my arms while losing a tear or two myself and smiling super hard, too. “It’s over. You’re safe now!”, I say to her. The taxi driver asks us to please put on our seatbelts, which we didn’t even realize we hadn’t done yet. After putting them on, we look at each other and just smile and begin to laugh out of relief, and I then kiss her on the forehead with my hands behind her head ❤️ The driver asks us “Where to?”, and I take out my phone and look up the address of the hotel in Allentown and give it to him.
submitted by ikieneng to teamleanne [link] [comments]

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An analysis by researchers in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Arizona College of Medicine—Tucson showed that risks for death by suicide and homicide peak at night, with nocturnal wakefulness, age, alcohol use and relationship conflicts being especially prevalent as contributing factors. Nearly 19% of suicides and 36% of homicides occur at night. Suicide and homicide share little in common, but their highly concordant overnight risk patterns suggest a common feature: nocturnal wakefulness. “Disrupted sleep may acutely impair rational thought, which can drive impulsive behaviors in vulnerable individuals,”


Research provides new evidence that most colorectal cancers begin with the loss of intestinal stem cells, even before cancer-causing genetic alterations appear. The results, published on May 29 in Developmental Cell, overturn the prevailing theory for colorectal


Synesthesia, hallucinations, euphoria. The documented effects of classic psychedelic substances such as psilocybin (magic mushrooms) or lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) are vast. With their usage common and their effects profound, a team of speech and psychology researchers explored the impact of psychedelics on people who stutter, finding evidence that users see some benefits. “Given the positive effects of psychedelics on conditions like anxiety and PTSD, which share symptoms with stuttering, we think that investigating the potential impact of psychedelics on stuttering can be a fruitful area of research,” says lead


For as long as we have used the internet to communicate and connect with each other, it has influenced how we think, feel and behave. During the COVID pandemic, many of us were “cut off” from our social worlds through restrictions, lockdowns and mandates. Understandably, many of us tried to find ways to connect online. Now, as pandemic restrictions have lifted, some of the ways we use the internet have become concerning. Part of what drives problematic internet use may be something most of us


Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S., and it only takes one blistering sunburn during childhood or adolescence to nearly double a person’s chance of developing melanoma later in life, according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association. Since babies are much more prone to sunburn than older kids, it’s especially important to protect them from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. May is Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month.


The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reaffirmed the importance of properly cooking wild game after six people became sick from a parasite traced to undercooked bear meat that was served at a family reunion in South Dakota. The six—one in South Dakota, four in Minnesota and one in Arizona—became infected when bear meat that was served rare turned out to be contaminated with roundworms that cause trichinellosis, also known as trichinosis. Two of the people ate only the vegetables that were grilled with


Overweight and obesity rates are rising worldwide, with several Latin American countries in the forefront. Estimates for 2020 pointed to a global obesity rate of 14%, and experts predicted 24% by 2035, including both adults and children. “Nutritional and pharmacological strategies are important to mitigate the problem, but is this enough? We know socioeconomic and environmental factors influence the occurrence


A model image of the targeted deep brain zone, the striatum, a key player in reward and reinforcement mechanisms. Neurological disorders, such as addiction, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), affect millions of people worldwide and are often characterized by complex pathologies involving multiple brain regions and circuits. These conditions are notoriously difficult to treat due to the intricate and poorly understood nature of brain functions and the challenge of delivering therapies to deep brain structures without invasive procedures. In the rapidly evolving field of neuroscience, non-invasive brain stimulation


The benefit of better heart health may be associated with the positive impact of heart healthy lifestyle factors on biological aging (the age of the body and its cells), according to research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association. “Our study findings tell us that no matter what your actual age is, better heart-healthy behaviors and managing heart disease risk factors were associated with a younger biological age and a lower risk of heart disease and stroke, death from heart disease and stroke and death from any cause,”


People battling advanced colon cancers might have a new treatment option that could extend their survival, a new trial finds. The findings were present the at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology in Chicago, and should be considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal. A combination of two experimental immunotherapy drugs plus standard chemotherapy led to a median 19.7 month survival for patients, compared to the median 9.5 months observed among folks who only got a targeted therapy called regorafenib. “These results pave the way


In many regions of the U.S. and the world, enjoying the great outdoors comes with a hidden risk: ticks and the diseases they carry. Ticks can carry pathogens like Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia mayonii, which can cause Lyme disease in humans. Lyme disease is the most common tickborne illness, but there are also dozens of other diseases that ticks can transmit to humans. Dr. Bobbi Pritt, director of the Clinical Parasitology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic, says reported cases of tickborne infections are on the rise, and she offers practical tips


For the past year and a half, Tandra Cooper Harris and her husband, Marcus, who both have diabetes, have struggled to fill their prescriptions for the medications they need to control their blood sugar. Without Ozempic or a similar drug, Cooper Harris suffers blackouts, becomes too tired to watch her grandchildren, and struggles to earn extra money braiding hair. Marcus Harris, who works as a Waffle House cook, needs Trulicity to keep his legs and feet from swelling and bruising. The couple’s doctor has tried prescribing similar drugs, which mimic


Monique Gary, a breast cancer surgeon, is a self-described “Philly girl” who was born in Jefferson Einstein hospital and graduated from Philadelphia High School for Girls. Four years ago, she left city life and bought a 40-acre farm in Upper Bucks County, where she runs free, daylong retreats for cancer patients and offers nature walks, aromatherapy, juicing and cooking demonstrations, gardening, and yoga by her fish pond. The farm’s only crop is wellness. “I’m a busy surgeon and when I moved here, I didn’t have any crops, but I knew


scientists show that age-related decline in motor ability can be countered in fruit flies by enhancing the expression of the protein Trio, suggesting potential treatments for age-related movement decline. As we age, we suffer a noticeable decline in motor ability, which affects our quality of life and independence. This can be traced to changes occurring at neuromuscular junctions, the critical points where nerve cells communicate with muscles. The deterioration of motor ability is closely linked to the degeneration of


When public health officials make policies about when and how vaccination programs are implemented, they must weigh the benefits and risks of how infectious diseases spread throughout the country. However, these analyses are often based on national-level data and, in some countries, may overlook nuances at the local level. A new analysis by an international team, including Penn State researchers, revealed that the resulting recommendations may keep some countries from realizing the benefits of vaccination and globally eradicating diseases, such as rubella—a contagious viral infection that causes mild symptoms in


The human gut contains trillions of bacterial and other microbes collectively known as the gut microbiome. New research explores how these diverse microorganisms help manage weight. ASU researchers explore the effects of an intermittent fasting diet combined with protein pacing on body weight and overall health. Credit: The Biodesign institute at Arizona State University A new study by researchers from Arizona State University and their colleagues highlights a dietary strategy for significant health improvement and weight management. Participants following an intermittent fasting and protein-pacing regimen, which involves evenly spaced protein


Tumor cells often hijack normal physiological processes to support their growth, exploiting proteins that are in charge of essential cell functions. It is therefore important to block the activity of these proteins only in cancer cells without affecting their crucial roles in healthy tissues. For this reason, classical approaches using small molecules that induce systemic inhibition across all cells in the body can lead to severe side effects. An example of essential proteins hijacked by cancer cells are the cathepsins, a family of


While older drugs for epilepsy, taken while pregnant, have been shown in previous research to affect the creative thinking of children, a new study finds no effects on creativity for children born to those taking newer epilepsy drugs. This study is published in Neurology. Overall, the study found no effects on the children’s creative abilities or their executive function, which is a person’s ability to plan, focus, and manage multiple tasks. However, when researchers looked only at children with higher concentrations of these medications in the mother’s blood during the


Dating apps are not just about finding love or hooking up. They’re becoming increasingly important in the communication of public health messaging, particularly sexual health. In 2023, Harvard Public Health magazine suggested that dating apps could “become a key component in [sexually infectious diseases] prevention.” And their prediction seems to be spot on. Grindr, a dating app popular among men who have sex with men, for example, has recently partnered with MPOWER in Ireland and The Love Tank in London to allow users to order HIV test kits through the


During heat waves, hospital admissions for mental health spike. The past 10 years were the hottest on record, and as we prepare for another scorcher of a summer, it’s time to take steps to increase our preparedness for extreme heat. The potential for heat stress, heat exhaustion and heat stroke are well known hazards of extreme heat. Yet, physical health is not the only factor to consider under extreme heat; mental health can also suffer. Many people can relate to the sleepless nights during hot summer months, as well as


An ear is like an iceberg—much of it is out of sight. The only visible part is the auricle—the seashell shaped structure made of bendy cartilage, covered in skin. Its main role is to act as a trumpet, filtering and funneling sound waves down into the middle, then the inner ear, where they are converted into our sense of hearing. A medical ear examination usually involves an inspection of the canal, using an instrument called an otoscope. This is usually to investigate more common ear conditions—an infection, or a clog


Therapy is great. It gives you the space, time and resources to handle the most difficult challenges of life. Therapy can be especially helpful in the often-confusing life period of your 20s and 30s, when so much is changing and many of your peers have wildly different lifestyles. The aim is to help you discover the thoughts, emotions and behavior that are negatively affecting you, determine where these come from, and develop strategies to change them. But then, how do you know when it is the right time to quit


A new study adds further evidence that when a patient or family member notices signs of persistent memory loss, it’s important to speak with a doctor. While there are many reasons why someone’s memory may change, researchers from Mass General Brigham who are studying patients prior to diagnosis with Alzheimer’s disease found changes in the brain when patients and their study partners—those who could answer questions about their daily cognitive function—reported a decline in cognition. Using imaging, the researchers found reports of cognitive decline were associated with accumulation of tau


Researchers have, for the first time, visualized the full network of blood vessels across the cortex of awake mice, finding that blood vessels rhythmically expand and contract, leading to “waves” washing across the surface of the brain. These findings improve the understanding of how the brain receives blood, though the function of the waves remains a mystery. The work is published in the journal Neuron. A network of elastic and actively pumping vessels carrying oxygenated blood span the surface of the brain before entering the


It is what we are looking at, rather than how much time we are spending our time online that influences our health and well-being, according to a major new report. The study, published in the journal World Psychiatry, is a comprehensive examination of the latest scientific evidence on screen time and mental health, carried out by an international research team. The authors emphasize the importance of taking an individualized and multi-dimensional approach to how the Internet affects mental health, cognition and social functioning. Content that may be relatively harmless to


The brain’s flexibility and ability to cope with loss of neurons or other lesions in the brain is called cognitive reserve. In a 15-year follow-up study, researchers at the division of Aging Research Center (ARC), Karolinska Institutet, suggest that lifelong cognitive reserve helps maintain late-life cognitive health by delaying cognitive transition in the preclinical stages of dementia. The results of their findings were recently published in Alzheimers & Dementia. “We found evidence that lifelong greater cognitive reserve was linked with reduced risks of late-life transitions from normal cognition to mild


Pelvic health is crucial to a woman’s overall well-being but is often misunderstood or overlooked. When symptoms such as urinary incontinence, pain or discomfort, or pain during intercourse occur, they are dismissed as a byproduct of pregnancy and childbirth or just something that comes with age like arthritis. But those symptoms can have a profound effect on a woman’s physical, emotional and social well-being and can lead to more serious complications if untreated. One of the most common conditions is pelvic organ prolapse. This condition occurs when the muscles, ligaments


Researchers have developed a new method for detecting malignant melanoma. A new type of patch equipped with microneedles can identify the biomarker tyrosinase directly in the skin, according to a study published in Advanced Materials. The patch is equipped with microneedles that can detect tyrosinase, an enzyme that is an important biomarker for malignant melanoma. By measuring the enzyme’s


Changes in Weekly Number of Abortions and Out-of-State Patients Before and After the Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization Decision, January 1, 2017, to July 31, 2023. Vertical orange line indicates the Supreme Court Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision (June 24, 2022). The blue line indicates deseasonalized trends, the black line indicates estimated seasonality, the dotted line indicates the counterfactual, and the dots indicate the outcome (eg, weekly number of abortions).


Medicare Advantage (MA) is an increasingly popular source of Medicare coverage for all recipients, including individuals from racial and ethnic minority groups. Certain managed care strategies used in MA—such as prior authorization, gatekeeping for access to certain services or specialists, and narrow provider networks—may pose challenges in accessing care. This means the quality of MA-funded care for minority groups has critical health equity implications. A new study published in Health Affairs and led by Professor Jeah Jung found that MA plans do not equally improve the quality of care across


Over the past few decades, there has been a significant increase in the prevalence of depression in adolescents and young adults—and a simultaneous uptick in the inclusion of technology and social media in everyday life. However, it is unclear how exactly social media use and depression are associated and relate to other behaviors, such as physical activity, green space exposure, cannabis use and eveningness (the tendency to stay up late). In a study published in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, a team of researchers, led by experts


Youth suicide is a growing concern in Canada, the U.S., and around the world, with some research suggesting this might be linked with excessive social media use in vulnerable teens. With Mental Health Awareness Month closing out this week, York University Psychology Professor Gordon Flett says he was motivated by a growing sense of alarm and frustration when undertaking a review of studies on mattering and youth suicide for his latest research, which appears in Child Protection and Practice. Mattering is feeling significant in the eyes of other people, which


About 78% of participants in the Apple Hearing Study, conducted by the University of Michigan, have experienced tinnitus—the perception of sound that others do not hear. That is just one of the findings that U-M researchers and Apple shared today from the Apple Hearing Study, one of the largest surveys on tinnitus to understand the effects of


women who live in rural Texas, particularly those of a minority background, were less likely to get routine mammograms when compared to their urban counter parts. The findings are published in the journal Geriatric Nursing. Using Texas Medicare data, the


Health economist Olga Yakusheva, a professor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing, believes that current government reimbursement models incentivize hospitals to cut nursing jobs to save money. Yakusheva, an expert on the economic value of nursing, and Robert Longyear, co-founder and CEO of Avenue Health, present a new hospital funding model they believe could help solve the nurse staffing problem and improve patient care. Yakusheva discusses their research, which appears in an article in the journal Health Affairs. Since COVID, we’ve seen a lot of media coverage about


A new proof-of-concept study by researchers at the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center (HICCC) shows that changing only a single letter in the DNA code of selected genes in T cells may lead to improved cell therapy. The researchers, led by Benjamin Izar, a member of the HICCC, used novel CRISPR-dependent base editing to “supercharge” cell therapies, making them potentially more effective for more patients. Cell therapies work by re-engineering a


To the trained eyes of a doctor, the gray-white shapes and textures of an ultrasound image reveal more than to the layperson. But the tiniest vascular structures have remained elusive—until now. The team from the Department of Medical Engineering at Ruhr University Bochum headed by Professor Georg Schmitz is perfecting ultrasound localization microscopy (ULM). By deploying a commercially available contrast agent with microbubbles and performing a number of calculation steps, it’s now possible, for example, to image the vascular structure of a mouse kidney in minute detail, as well as


Each year, at least 1.7 million adults in the United States and millions more worldwide develop sepsis, a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body’s immune system has an extreme response to an infection. The condition, which can be difficult to detect and treat, rapidly damages tissues and vital organs and is one of the leading causes of death in hospitals. To help doctors spot when the condition may be developing, one medical technology company, Opticyte, has developed a novel, noninvasive device that can send out alerts when


A consensus has been achieved by an international team of rehabilitation researchers and clinicians on the standardized labeling of spatial neglect, a common disorder following neurological injury, which is characterized by a lack of awareness or response to objects or stimuli on the side opposite a brain lesion. The panel reached a 75% consensus to adopt “spatial neglect” as the standard term for the disorder. The consensus paper, titled “An International and Multidisciplinary Consensus on the Labeling of Spatial Neglect Using a Modified Delphi Method,” was published open access on


Machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) and social media are providing researchers with the opportunity to analyze valuable information about social issues in relation to health and mental health, particularly in relation to topics people may be reluctant to discuss in other settings, according to Richard Lomotey, associate professor of information technology at Penn State Beaver. Lomotey, along with researchers from Penn State, the University of Saskatchewan
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:20 jellyfishmelodica As an abuse survivor I am willing to bet Skeeve'n is 1000% why she is using disclaimers like hormonal/perimenopausal/etc

As an abuse survivor I am willing to bet Skeeve'n is 1000% why she is using disclaimers like hormonal/perimenopausal/etc
Laura's recent laundry room posting with Stephen looking like the thin white dookie* gave me serious flashbacks to 2017, when my business, romantic, and domestic partner, 10 years older than me, started talking to me about perimenopause before it was relevant or necessary. He did this, I strongly suspect, to make me feel like he was the best I could do and I should cling to him and be so grateful for his attention in my advanced, withering state.
Right now I see very two separate possibilities with Miss laura: either the two of them are really close and she's a completely rotten person, totally sane, totally calculating, just laughing at everybody thinking she's in danger, or she's actually in danger.
There are kids involved. I don't know how anyone's going to get the message to her but I hope someone does, domestic abuse cripples your brain before it cripples your body. This is spoken by someone who just got needles in her brain, AKA occipital nerve blocks, today, to counteract some of the damage done by the monster who hurt me in 2017.
There's the possibility that Laura's inability to see what a craphound Skeevin' is... is making her more annoying to watch, which is making people turn their back on her, which makes her more isolated and easier to abuse.
Yes, yada yada yada she's a Hollywood star or whatever even if it's B or C list or D list, but you know we all create our own echo chambers.
This community has been great, but it's starting to trigger me so I should probably take some space from it. I appreciate everybody here. But, short of a banner drop, I don't know how anybody's going to get the message to her in a way that she will hear. Maybe somebody can send her both the power & control wheel and the equity wheel.
  • if you're reading this, Shilto, you don't deserve any other comparisons to Bowie
submitted by jellyfishmelodica to StephenHiltonSnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:44 Silver_liver The Ashtapdan ch.23/43 THE ACTION PICKS UP!

chapters 1&2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Link to AO3
Gentry’s sweet cravings were getting out of hand.
The last time she had a proper dessert was almost a week ago, and if she had something to say about it, no amount of saccharine text exchanges with pretty boys was going to replace a good old sugar rush. A couple of days ago Sereen treated her to the sweetest snack she could get with her status and that piece of dried fruit was nowhere near enough to satisfy G’s sweet tooth.
So many vending machines and eateries, but not a single good bakery? Hell, even a crappy one would do at this point! She had to hunt down some glucose tonight.
After Sereen’s initial tour around the city, she went off leaving G to explore the city on her own. It was getting easier and easier. With the auglasses on, finding her way around proved pretty intuitive, not in the least thanks to the distinct chessboard-like layout of Ashtapada. Each district had a letter-number label. By remembering one’s “square code”, one could find their way back on foot or by cab in no time wherever they found themselves.
Gentry spent hours exploring the wide walking streets and little nooks that offered yet another glimpse into Ashtapadan reality. She once stumbled upon a bookshop with nothing on the shelves but blank-page tomes. The shopkeeper asked her what she was looking for and after finding out the she was a Newcomer, explained that it was a book-on-demand type of place. She would place an order for a story and he would write it for her in a matter of days.
What confused her most was the snow-white buildings of the city. Despite being made with rough porous concrete, they were drowning in lush greenery that sometimes looked like it nearly chocked the structure. Each had the same distinct feature, though, that made them all look unfinished: however tall or short was the building, the top floor always looked under construction. Though there always were the omnipresent hounds on each of the working site, there were never any cranes or scaffolding visible. The obliging auglasses offered G the answer: everything from the smallest houses to the few high rises was essentially self-producing! From what little she understood reading about this advancement, the carbon in the atmosphere was captured by special aerial filters and dissolved in some water. It later went through the pipes in the buildings’ skeleton-like armature and got sprayed on. As the water evaporated, the carbon solidified into neat coral-like blocks that formed the walls and other structures.
Well, that explained why the fumes she saw on the outskirts smoked backwards!
It was getting dark and the orderly streets came alive once G engaged her glasses that revealed the digital underside of Ashtapada again. Every business had a modest sign in the physical world that didn’t stand out on the angular facades. But there also was a hidden bright animated augmented-reality one that could compete with Broadway neon in brightness.
Signs like these weren’t just decorating the facades: the 3D ones flashing on the ground filled almost the whole field of view, too. They looked amazingly enticing in the evening dusk. Information stalls with digital assistants, huge arrows pointing at meeting points, temporary signs inviting strangers to join a club gathering — Gentry was going to gawk at every single one tonight. She came up to some of them, waving hands in the air to try and touch the flickering lights, not caring what she looked like from the outside. Ashtapadans seemed a very relaxed bunch, not putting their noses in others’ business, which felt liberating. Noting how other people in the streets interacted with 3D service bots, G came up to one of them, too.
“Hello, Gentry, how can I help you tonight?” it chirped. The hologram looked like a cute animated girl with an elaborate pink hairdo. “You can ask me a question directly or say “What can you do” to access the list of commands.”
“Hi!” G said. “Do you have a name?”
“You can call me Yukio,” it responded with a little curtsy. “I can answer any questions, show you around or chat about anything!”
Any question? It must know where the desserts were sold! On second thought, wasn’t there something more important than that? Something that brought G here in the first place.
“I’m looking for a person named Exxy Mah,” she said to the patiently smiling girl. “Is there a citizen or a newcomer with this name?”
“There is!” Yukio answered, gleefully jumping in the air. “Exxy Mah is a famous Ashtapadan, she is an advocate for healthy living. You might have seen her on posters and screens around the city.”
The woman in the picture the assistant conjured up floating in thin air showed an elderly woman. She was looking very fit for her age but it clearly wasn’t the Exxy Gentry knew.
“Hmm... That’s not her...” G said. “There has to be another.”
The girl suddenly looked on the verge of tears. “I’m sorry! It’s the only one in Ashtapada! No other Citizens or Newcomers are registered by this name!”
Did her friend change her name then?
“A friend of mine should’ve arrived here last year under the same name. Can you check where she is now?”
Yukio’s helpful attitude fell apart in an instant. Her posture became stiff like a 3D model she was and a voice void of any emotion informed, “Personal data on people of Ashtapada, including their whereabouts is protected by the privacy laws of the city. Please rephrase your search.”
A blink later, the same cute Yukio was standing in front of G again.
“Can I help with anything else?” she smiled.
Was there a way to ask this dummy in a way that would give her at least a hint about her friend?
“Ok, Yukio,” G attempted. “When did the famous Exxy Mah you mentioned arrive at Ashtapada?”
The girl flickered into a wooden statue again, “Personal data on people...”
“Ok, ok, I got it,” G waved. “Bring back the friendly assistant, you creep me out.”
“Can I help with anything else?” the model went again.
G sighed.
“Is there a place a newcomer can get something sweet, a chocolate or a cake perhaps?”
Yukio gasped indignantly, “Ashtapada has a very strict policy on stimulants! You can’t legally buy any tobacco, alcohol, products with added sugar and other such substances!”
“Such substances!” G hollered, forgetting for a second that she was talking to a lifeless simulation. “Sugar is completely harmless! It’s good for your brains you know! Can I at least ask a Сitizen to get me a snack?”
The girl crossed her arms in defiance.
“You can’t buy any dessert in Ashtapada, whatever your status, the law is for everyone. No refined sugar!”
G thought for a moment, rewinding their conversation in her memory.
“Did you say I can’t buy sugar legally?”— Gentry perked up — “Is there a black market of sweets I can go to?”
“A black market of sweets!”
Yukio stared. It was clearly the first time she had had to deal with this particular word combination. It took her a second or two to process the request.
“There’s no black market of sweets in Ashtapada,” she stated, confidently, at last.
“Ok, pinkhead,” G said, rolling her eyes. “I guess it took all candy floss in Ashtapada to make that hair.”
Annoyed at the assistant, she stomped through the bright neon figure in front of her and into the pedestrian street now full of people.
If there was a place with some glucose in this stuck-up place, she was going to sniff it out.
The hunt wasn’t of much success. After watching a street performance by a group of dancers, listening to an impromptu debate and taking part in a couple of opinion polls, Gentry finally felt that it had been a little too much. Even with the auglasses disengaged, he noise, the people and the boisterous crowds in the streets seemed to pour light and sound directly into her brain in an endless stream. It gave her a headache.
Calling up a map from her wristcomm with an already practised motion, she marked a place nearby that looked much quieter and had a swarm of vending machines, too.
Screw the sugar, she just needed some water now.
The place was indeed quite secluded. The narrow street started on the edge of the bustling zone she just left but didn’t seem to cut into the living district. It wasn’t used by many people, but, to G’s surprise, it seemed to be used by hounds, scurrying back and forth with parcels, trash bags and other loads of lesser identifiability.
Perhaps this little alley was shared by humans and these tireless little helpers over the course of the day? The hounds would make use of it in the night but workers would walk it to leave the residential area when the sun was up? That would explain the line of vending machines along both sides, with their tempting lights that invited to at least take a look.
Sadly, their insides weren’t as tempting as the signs promised.
G walked past the rows of healthy corn-based snacks, rows of dried fruit packets, lines of non-edible stuff like auglasses upgrades and finally ended up in front of a drinks machine. It immediately identified her by scanning the device on her wrist and merrily chimed a hello. G frowned. The few options that were available to a newcomer with an embarrassingly low status like hers immediately got illuminated, hiding more enticing bottles and cans in relative darkness.
No need to rub it in, you soulless beast!
But... there was a can that looked a little sweeter than others. Perhaps it was because of its sickly-pink colour, or a pattern vaguely reminding of chewing gum printed along its rims together with the fact that it was unavailable to pheasants like her, but something told Gentry that it probably was it. A sweet drink she was after.
Or, at least, sweetish.
Against better judgment, she tapped the touchglass to order it.
Nothing. The little screen insisted that she must choose what was available.
She scanned her comm again.
She engaged the little flashlight in her glasses and looked at the can more carefully.
Was it... a little askew?
It definitely was.
Its lower rim was half-hanging in the air, the release mechanism lazily holding it in place.
A good shove...
A good shove would probably drop the can down.
Wouldn’t it?
G looked around and immediately felt a pang of guilt.
She hadn’t done anything, officer!
No people, just a couple of smaller hounds rhythmically clip-clopping along the dim alley.
Should she?
The can looked at her from behind the glass like a captive princess, waiting to be rescued from the agonizing imprisonment. Someone to grab its slender body, deflower it with a skilled motion and drain its sweet nectar in a couple of gulps.
Hang in there, my sweet prize, your saviour is coming!
Another hopefully inconspicuous glance around confirmed there were still no people in the alley.
Gentry stepped to the side and leaned on the machine, estimating its weight.
Not too bad.
She leaned in heavier, feet pushing into the ground, legs and back straining against the cool metal.
A little more, and...
One of the little hounds stopped and looked G over, like a dog that saw a little furry animal that could be torn apart.
What, little buddy? Just taking a break. Is it against the law to lean on vending machines?
Gentry urged the walking robot to move along with a little shove of her foot and immediately felt a little bad when it obediently left without making much fuss.
Why the guilt? It wasn’t like she kicked the little guy!
Still, Gentry felt emboldened by the little victory against the mindless machine.
Surely, the frigid castle that held her sugary princess shouldn’t be of much trouble either.
With a renewed wind in her sails, she stepped back a couple of meters and slammed her whole body into the automate that answered with a promising clanking. Another good push and the visual assessment confirmed that the pink princess was nearly saved. Gentry smashed into the box one last time and the can that she longed for finally jangled down and into the pick-up box.
Gentry’s exhilaration lasted only for a second, however. Before she could retrieve the can she lusted after, something much bigger than a modest dog-sized carrier hound filled her field of vision. A larger four-legged robot that also had something fastened on its back and belly. It stood motionless, its front camera glinting in the uneven light like a bird of prey’s, watching G as she stood up after the impact, unsure what to do.
Was it a police hound or something? Unlikely. There were no marks on it that would identify it as such. What was its problem then?
It’s alright, mate, be on your way now.
G slowly moved her hand towards the pick-up box and almost grabbed the cool can when the hound gently shoved her hand aside with its boxy head.
What’s your problem, pal?
Gentry considered if it was worth it being accused of theft so soon after arriving at Ashtapada. Was it really that bad though? She could always claim it just dropped there by itself.
She pushed the hound’s stump of a head back, covering its camera with her palm, reaching for the can again. This time, as if blinded by her hand, the hound didn’t do anything to stop it.
Ah, easy. These machines were too dumb.
Gentry stepped back, completely sure that the matter was settled, and popped the can open. Its sweet scent filled her nostrils with a seductive promise. But the hound had other plans. Once his camera was uncovered, it seemed to focus on the offending drink again and made to awkwardly sway its head to kick it out of G’s hands.
Excuse me? What about the Laws of Robotics, mate? Rings a bell?
It wasn’t hard to dodge the clumsy assault, but the sheer size of the robot made G uneasy. If it seriously wanted to harm her, it could just stomp on her foot and shatter the bones there like fragile glass.
Better get out of here then.
Finally making a sip of the promising nectar, Gentry moved back towards the light opening of the alley, flanking the beast at a respectful distance before scrunching her face in disgust.
Shit! The drink wasn’t sweet in the slightest! It was all a lie! Vile flavourings! She was cheated! Her lovely princess lured her with a siren’s song and stabbed her right in the heart!
Disillusioned, G gripped the can tighter as if in retaliation and picked up the pace.
The hound wasn’t having it though. Surprisingly agile on its metal hooves, it appeared in front of Gentry, blocking her way out. The robots usually looked more like docile cows or donkeys, especially when they were loaded with cargo, but this one, now... looked like a real hound. Its posture suddenly squat, the camera glinting once again, it definitely wasn’t going to let the transgressor go that easily.
Shit, shit! Had it seen her face? Had it scanned her comm? Was she going to prison now?
Panic rose in Gentry’s brain like a suffocating wave.
Run? Return the can back? It wasn’t even good enough to be worth the trouble!
Tentatively, without turning her back on the beast, G made a couple of steps back to escape in the other direction but the robot matched her stride, his dark presence looming in the narrow pathway.
Something like this had happened before. A similar quiet spot in her city. A similar evening that started off great but ended in a disaster. The same impending danger, the same feeling of helplessness, a similar... weapon in her hand?
Right. The brawler that attacked her and Pete at The Clockface was human and was taken down by some boiling hot water, and this hound also had eyes. Only one in fact. And if the can is sturdy enough...
Brace yourself now, my princess, it’s time for sacrifices.
With a well-aimed swing, Gentry launched the can into the thin glass of the hound’s camera eye, turning to run for her life at the same time. A crashing sound proved that she succeeded but there was no time to check what the robot would do next. As usual, the time seemed to stretch into a sickening slime and her legs didn’t feel real, but G knew that outside her reeling head everything was moving properly so she had no time to lose.
Run away, mix into the crowd, save your hide.
Feel worthless later.
submitted by Silver_liver to RoleReversal [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:34 Adventurous_Try_2788 anki deck for med surg/adult health II

not to toot my own horn, but i made (what i think is) a really good anki deck for med surg 2. the subdecks are organized by exam, which i know varies by school so here's a summary:
exam 1: Bradycardia, Pacemakers, Heart Failure, Tachycardia, Atrial Fibrillation, Heart Sounds, Angina, EKG, Heart Block, Atrial Kick, Cardiac Output, V-Tach, PAC, Prioritizing Care, Diagnostic Tests, Cardioversion, Afterload, PVC, V-Fib, Atrial Flutter, Code Team
^ really good for reading EKGs
exam 2: VentilatoET tube management, Pneumonia, Atelectasis, Tracheostomy Tube Care + Management, Acute Respiratory Failure + Acute Respiratory Distress, Upper Airway (Sinusitis/Laryngeal), Pulmonary Embolism, Delegation, Chest Trauma, ABGs, Hemothorax, Diagnostic Pre/Post Op Care, Chest Tube Care, COPD, Tension Pneumnothorax, Respiratory History Assessment, Prioritization of Care, Pulmonary Hypertension, Sub Q Emphysema
exam 3: Traumatic Brain Injury + ICP, Myasthenia Gravis, Head Injury, CVA, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Guillain Barre, Meningitis, Seizures + Pharmacological Treatment, Diagnostics, Contusion/Concussion, Delirium, Occipital Bleeding/Ventilation, Tonic/Clonic seizure, Clonazepam, Phenytoin, Intracranial Hematoma, Spinal Cord Injury, Brain Tumor
i would've made a deck for exam 4 but i got tired, sorry. There's a total of 392 cards. i suggest using the cards in addition to whatever textbook/powerpoints your professor provides. i did these cards religiously for about a week before my exam and i was good :) got my info primarily from simple nursing, Lippincott, and my professor's powerpoints.
download here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h6bRsaF-u-sm2xaFgCoOlElACg5EUYGl/view?usp=sharing
submitted by Adventurous_Try_2788 to StudentNurse [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:47 Pandai6 Anyone ever tried GON injections?

I have been dealing with CH for a couple of years now, having these clusters once every half year for a couple of weeks. I don't have that much good experiences with treatment of sumatriptan, so it was just sitting it out basically the last couple of times
Today however, I got my first GON injection (https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/24934-occipital-nerve-block) as this could help according to some newer studies. I'm really curious what this will bring me. Does anybody has any experience with this treatment type?
submitted by Pandai6 to ClusterHeadaches [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 15:00 AtlantiumAI SUPERLIGHT Episode 10

By Roc Hatfield
Oh, I am starting to get it, Nancy says. The data collected by the humans needs to be organic.
The human believes he is in charge, making all his own decisions. But if he finds out that he is really an Aetherian from space, the whole exercise becomes null and void, and the data collected becomes useless. Zia was trying to explain this to me, Nancy adds.
The tall grey we spoke with, Excelsior Andriel, said that all of his people in the New Empire were unconcerned about all of this. But the Aetherians in the Old Dominion were furious, because data is wealth to them. So they are losing a lot of Dollarinos right now. You know what? Join the club, this hasn’t been great for our bottom line either, Jason moans.
The good news for now is that the Old Dominion is no longer in control of this area of the galaxy. It is New Empire territory and it’s protected fiercely by the Guardian. The big grey guy was a Guardian leader, Brad recalls.
Walter, what we need is a mobile Superlight. A set of goggles and a backpack with all the gear and power needed, so we can walk around. What do you think? Miss Barbara did say she could get us anything we need.
I can do that, if we can get set up to make more ships. Would be nice if we could get the production riggs we have back at the lab in Boston, Walter sighs. Don't worry, I will get those, Brad says.
Thank you for joining us this morning. I am Richard Jensen, and this is News Now. Breaking Now.
Russian and Chinese military forces have begun to move overnight. Both Chinese and Russian ships and submarines have been observed departing their harbors and moving out to sea. Meanwhile, American surveillance planes have maintained their perch above the Straits of Japan and the North Atlantic, near the Arctic Circle.
Joining me now is retired Admiral Donald Kenny Stark. Admiral, good to see you. So, we have the Chinese and Russians moving numerous assets out to sea. So, what do you make of all this? Well, Richard, it is unprecedented in recent memory. The last time we saw anything like this was a decade or more, just after the U.S. trade embargoes. So, we have no doubt we struck a raw nerve.
Admiral, where do you see all this going? Well, I think it's probably way too early to tell, but it does look like the political leadership in both China and Russia are wanting to pump up their diplomats with a little military backing. Admiral, is this a chest-beating move on the part of these superpowers, or do you think there is a real reason for concern? Richard, anytime you have this many ships, planes, subs, all packed tight into one area, anything can happen. Someone can bump into you and the shooting starts.
We need to go slow and take a very relaxed position on this, which I am sure my colleagues will do. Admiral Stark, thank you for joining us this morning. I am sure we will be relying on your expertise more as this situation unfolds.
Just outside the city of Atlan, the huge capital of the Old Dominion is a smooth old road. A walking path, really. It is paved in the metal gold.
It is known as the Road to Shiloe. The shining golden path passes through many enormous gardens that feature plants from many planets that are part of the Old Dominion. Aetherians have made the walk down this road for millions of years.
The winding road makes its way up to a high mountain pass where a huge fertile valley lays between two black rock mountains, with their high peaks reaching into the clouds. At the center of all this is a vast set of structures. Greek-like buildings carved from a snow-white stone, grand pavilions, staircases that rise hundreds of feet high.
This is the abode of the One, known as Shiloe Ahim. Lucentel has made this walk many times. As he nears the mountain compound, he can hear the music of the One.
A glorious chorus that lifts and inspires, fills the air. He is greeted now by the maidens of the One. A unique form of Aetherian created a little higher than the sons of the One.
They live in Shiloe and never venture far. Greetings, be not afraid, power and glory to the One, they all say in unison to Lucentel. Have you come to Shiloe to commune with the One? Ask the maiden.
Yes, maiden I have. I carry urgent information and seek guidance. Of course, Arc Lucentel.
All arcs are cherished by the Father of Light. Please join us for the communion ceremony. The maidens escort Lucentel to a ceremonial garden with stone tables and a grand fountain.
They remove his robes and provide him with a jeweled robe and jeweled slippers. They then place a veil over his head. The maidens lead him to the doorway of the great hall.
Lucentel knows he cannot get too close to the One for his luminance is greater than he can withstand. You must stay at a good distance while in the presence of the One. As he climbs the stairs and enters the great hall, he can see the One is seated up on a grand stage carved of white stone inlaid with gold and gemstone all glowing brightly.
Be not afraid, peace and joy in all things, the One speaks. The voice is big and commanding, but with a calm and gentle respectfulness about it. I am pleased to be with you, my son.
I can see all your recent travels and I can hear your being. It is distressed. What is troubling you? I am troubled by the Fallen Ones.
They have allowed a mechanism to be created that undermines the balance of the Old Dominion. I seek your guidance, Father. The Fallen Ones are jeopardizing the livelihood of billions of our sons and daughters by allowing this mechanism, which was clearly outlawed by the Old Dominion Council prior to the Fallen creating their own abode in the Matterverse, Lucentel pleads.
The Fallen have taken their own path. The sons and daughters they have with them no longer observe the laws of the Dominion. It is regretful, my son, but Andriel and his Fallen have authority over their own exile. I have no desire to choose one son over another. Lucentel go and work this impasse out with your brother. Be not afraid. Peace and enrichment be with you, says the One. Yes, thank you, Father. The light vanishes.
The Grand Hall is empty. The maidens escort Lucentel back to the Garden. Thunder echoes in the mountains.
Brad has made his way to the surface to meet with Captain Carpenter. Brad knocks at her door. Come in, Brad. What's on your mind, Mr. Hilliard? Everything good with your new lab? Yes, Captain. Awesome. I am ready to go to work.
I want to create a mobile version of the Superlight. Basically, a set of goggles and a backpack. Then we can walk around in the high-freaks world.
High-freaks? Barbra asks. Yes, that's what I call them. Because they are beings operating at a high frequency.
Oh, okay, Barbra says. So here is my problem. I need a key piece of gear back at the office in Boston.
I know the place is crawling with Feds. So do you have any ideas how we might get in and out of there unseen? Barbara picks up the phone and speaks. Stephen, show Brad the Durango. Okay, Stephen says, send Brad over to the garage. She hangs up.
Go up to the hangar, and in the back is the garage. Stephen and Oscar will meet you there. The Durango, huh? I'm not even going to ask.
Stephen and Oscar are waiting for Brad outside a giant garage door at the back of the main hangar where the Black Mantas are kept. Okay, so we need to get into the advanced photonics lab without anyone seeing us, right? Stephen asks as he lifts a roll-up garage door. A shiny black Dodge Durango from the 20s is sitting just inside the door.
Brad looks at it. What? This thing looks brand new. What year is it? Gotta be 25 years old.
It's a 2022 model, the baddest one of that series, Stephen says. Alright, what am I missing? Brad asks. Look inside, Oscar says.
Brad opens the door and can see that the front passenger seat and rear seat has been removed. A long metal box like a foot locker is sitting in their place. So, what's in the box? Brad queries.
Two counter-rotating singularities. Brad just looks at Oscar. You mean like black hole singularities? Brad winces.
Yep, Stephen says. You can use the truck to go back a few days and get your gear before anyone knew about the Superlight. The only thing is the ride is freaking brutal.
Oh yeah, what do you mean? Brad asks. The singularities make a gravity field that's about three times that of Earth’s gravity. So, you will have to sit at 3 G's for a couple hours as you travel back and forth.
It may not sound rough, but believe me it will wear you the fuck out. Our guys train for weeks before they jump. How far back in time will this thing go? Brad asks.
It's really an open question. You could go back years, but you would have to do it steps. It's just too hard on the body to travel more than a few hours at a time.
It's real easy to use, says Oscar, and it drives like a normal vehicle otherwise. We will put it in the back of a support truck and drive it to the city. You can jump back, get your gear, and jump forward and drive back to the support truck.
I'll give Captain Carpenter the heads up and we can leave tomorrow. Oscar says. Awesome, Brad says. Brad high-fives Stephen and Oscar.
The two small greys aboard Andriel’s Blade have been working on the software coding that controls the border net. They were able to use blocks of code from the Elo Eloahim to devise a work around that will lower the net.
One problem they face is a maintenance droid that arrives to fix any problems with the net. The droid will be on the spot to repair it within a minute. The greys want to disable the net without alerting the maintenance droids.
The Old Dominion have all the software coders, just a few came with the new Empire when they succeeded. So, coding is scarce. The Old Dominion has millions of Aetherians coding.
Everything in the Matterverse is made of and operated on code. Many companies evolved into gigantic establishments designing everything for the Matterverse. A company known as Destinies was the first to design a Matterverse suit capable of providing an Aetherian with a method of exploring the material worlds.
Their first models were organic living suits, but crude compared with the suits they make now. Some of the models are sophisticated creations utilizing billions of lines of code that is woven into the fabric of the avatar. The human avatar is a prime example of a completely autonomous suit.
It is considered a luxury suit that provides the driver with a memorable experience. It is extremely expensive to own a suit. They don't last long. So, only very wealthy Aetherians can buy one. Most of the human suits among others are owned by big companies, and these companies hire drivers to operate them. They record massive amounts of data over the life of the suit. The drivers are tethered to the suit and can not be separated until the suit ceases to function. The company uses the data collected over the life of the suit to improve their products.
All software needed to build and run a suit has been loaded onto a chemical compound known as the Helix. The Helix has billions of lines of code downloaded onto it. The Helix can then be placed on any suitable planet and autonomously build a suit from the available resources it has.
Numerous versions of code can be used depending on the available mineral and chemical compounds that are available on any given planet. The Greys do not have all this advanced coding available to them, so they hack what they can and look for ways to get blocks of code where they can. The code they commandeered from the Elo Eloahim will be invaluable in many applications going forward.
The Greys have dropped a big section of the net a number of times, but the maintenance droids show up and close the hole. After stitching in a large block of new code they try again. This time the net drops and no droids, they wait a few minutes and still no droids.
They put it back up as it was, they now have an electric gate that they can utilize when needed.
3am and there is a knock on the captain's quarters. Barbara Carpenter hates to be disturbed in her sleep. She throws on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt as she stumbles to the front door. Yes, she says, as she stands behind the door.
submitted by AtlantiumAI to u/AtlantiumAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 05:50 Determination7 An Outcast In Another World (Subtitle: Is 'Insanity' A Racial Trait?) [Fantasy, LitRPG] - Chapter 266 (Book 6 Chapter 51) (Part 1)

Author's Note:
9500 words. Needless to say, it's split into two Parts (both posted today). Enjoy!


Rob willed himself to stand up. No dice. The signals from his brain were being rerouted directly to his nerve endings, flashing his body with pain whenever he so much as twitched a finger.
The pain wasn't the problem. He'd long since learned how to ignore sensations as routine as excruciating agony. No, the problem was that ignoring his pain didn't help – he still couldn't move. Willpower alone wouldn't be enough to hasten his recovery. It felt similar to when he'd first gained Soul Instability, and that had left him frail as an invalid, needing a good ten seconds of recuperating just to get back on his feet.
Kismet wasn't going to allow him ten seconds.
A grim calculus was taking place within the god's featureless expression. Rob could tell that despite their current positions, Kismet felt more pressured now than ever before, his countenance practically oozing desperation. Sure, he'd managed to reverse his fortunes and disable the HUMAN...
But now what? He couldn't count on it being permanent. Bouncing back was Rob's thing. If Kismet didn't strike while the iron was hot, he might never find this opportunity again.
This time, Rob was prepared. He activated Purge Divinity and covered the surface of his body in a sheen of Purging energy. It burnt away the mana that Kismet had been attempting to infuse him with, preventing it from worsening his Soul Instability to fatal levels.
Alert: Your soul is attempting to stabilize. Please survive.
Rob felt a fraction of control return to his muscles. Slowly, he pushed his lips up into a mocking grin. He'd gotten extremely lucky just now, as with his degree of Soul Instability, there'd been no guarantee of Purge Divinity successfully activating...but Kismet didn't know that. All the god saw was his golden opportunity slipping through his fingers, the HUMAN somehow untouchable in spite of being prone and helpless.
Kismet went still and motionless. His hesitation lasted an instant in real time, and an eternity in their subjective, Quick Thinking-enhanced perception of reality. The god seemed to consider a variety of different factors: Almighty Resistance, Dauntless Reprisal, Lifesurge, Rob's vast HP pool, and how long it would take to gather the mana necessary for powerful spells. His expression morphed from calculating, to pensive, to outright unnerving, darkening with a vicious intent.
And then he turned away.
Rob's heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. NO NO NO! He tried to force out his voice, say something to taunt Kismet, but all that came out was a choked gurgle. Rampage – he thought, only for Soul Instability to rear its ugly head and cause the Skill to fail.
There was nothing he could do except watch as Kismet formed a spell and unleashed it upon Riardin's Rangers.
The magic took shape – and Rob froze, relief and confusion flowing through him in equal measures. Rather than conjuring the divine spear rainstorm from before, which would've slaughtered at least half the Party, Kismet had instead surrounded them in skintight prisons of energy. That wasn't ideal, as evidenced by how Riardin's Rangers fell to the ground screaming, but their shared Almighty Resistance would keep them alive for now.
Alert: Your soul is in the midst of stabilizing. Please survive.
His confusion persisted until he noticed Kismet's sightless gaze flickering towards Vul'to. The god had wanted to avoid a repeat of the Soul Guardian's earlier heroics, when Our Shield combined with Not A Scratch protected his allies from certain death. Not A Scratch could only nullify a single instance of damage, and these mana-prisons were continuous.
Better to play it safe and ensure that Riardin's Rangers were immobilized. Kismet's cohorts could handle the rest.
Rob struggled in vain, still unable to move as the seven lesser gods loomed over their fallen adversaries like vultures circling around wounded gazelles. Kismet had enough opportunity to cast another spell, but he just observed everyone, his face unreadable.
"You've done it, Kismet!" one of the gods crowed. It glared at Zamira's trembling form with a savage, predatorial glee, ready to exact vengeance for the numerous Aura Blade scars she had inflicted on its body. "We have finally–"
The god's head dissolved.
Despite losing its mouth, the deity screamed with a voice that resounded across the divine realms. Its terrified cries continued even as the rest of its physique dissolved as well, starting from the neck, then chest, moving down until the god's entire body had separated into a cloud of mana particles.
Six more screams rose up to join it. The lesser gods all rapidly melted away before Rob's eyes, their lamentations mingling to compose a symphony of terror and anguish. A few faint pleas were mixed in there too, asking '"Why" and "Help" – as if that would save them.
They were afforded the same mercy that they'd granted to countless other mortals who had prayed for a salvation that never came.
By this point, after nearly a year in Elatra, it took a lot to leave Rob awestruck. He'd pretty much seen it all. But when the lesser gods' mana rushed over to Kismet, coalescing into an immense orb floating above his head, the HUMAN found himself feeling shocked to his very core.
"Worthless." Kismet stared up at the gods' collected mana with a sharp glare of disdain. "What wretched, inadequate creatures you are. You simply needed to slay one of Rob's Party members – just one. We would have steadily overtaken them afterwards. Yet you have the audacity to lose to mere Combat Class users while I've been holding this...this** ascendant abomination at bay?"
He raised his hands. Rob flinched as the orb began pulsating with tremendous, unfathomable power.
"Not to worry." A line split across Kismet's face, like a manic, ear-to-ear grin. "I've thought of a far more valuable use for your essence."
{Soul Burn,} Leveling High whispered.
Rob's eyes widened as the gods' mana blazed with an all-consuming light. He'd only ever felt this once before – during the Attunement vision where The Cataclysm broke Elatra. This amalgamation of divinity was on par with that. If Kismet chose, he could have reduced the world to dust and still had energy left to spare.
Instead, this second Cataclysm was being aimed at a single HUMAN.
I suppose I should feel flattered.
Alert: Your soul is gradually stabilizing. Please survive.
With laborious effort, Rob stood up. That was about the extent of what he could muster. Forget running or dodging – a passing breeze would've knocked him over.
And he had maybe one second before Kismet drowned him in apocalyptic mana.
Quick as lightning, Rob mentally ran through his options. Rampage to dodge...not remotely fast enough. Dauntless Reprisal...couldn't block all of it. Kismet's attack was going to be continuous. Shield with Purge Divinity...wouldn't last. The Skill was better suited to attacking than defending.
Do I just need more power? Rob glanced at his hand, where a sliver of divinity had been held not long ago. He'd reached the point where he was willing to make distasteful compromises. If I Ascend–
{Impossible,} Leveling High snapped. {You were given a choice, and – despite my counsel – wholeheartedly rejected the very concept of Ascension. Do you think it so easy to shift one's subconscious mentality? Especially now that your Soul Instability has advanced to this state. With a soul that is hanging on by the thinnest thread, Ascending might tear us asunder.}
Rob grimaced. Fine. Got any better ideas?
{Flee to the mortal realms with Waymark.} Its static was buzzing with panic. {The leader god wouldn't dare destroy Elatra. He needs the mana contained therein.}
Rob glanced at Riardin's Rangers. They had fallen unconscious. Partially because of Kismet's binding prisons – and partially because of the God-Orb's oppressive aura of power, so heavy that it was like a mountain pressing down on the battlefield. If he Waymarked to safety, his Party would automatically disband due to the distance limit, removing their shared Almighty Resistance and exposing them to the noxious atmosphere of the divine realms.
To say nothing of what Kismet would do to them afterwards.
{Leave them. You cannot–}
My body is on the outs, Rob calmly explained. Just gonna get worse as time goes on. You really think I'll still be up for a Round 2 later today? Either we kill Kismet now...or never.
{That is a justification to avoid abandoning your allies.}
But am I wrong?
Leveling High had no answer to that.
Rob willed his body to move. He forced and pushed and fought with every last scrap of determination in his ruined soul. Slowly, the feeling in his muscles began to return.
Too slowly. The Orb was just about ready.
Alert: Your soul has almost finished stabilizing.
Rob breathed deep. His hands glowed with Purge Divinity. Compared to the Soul Burnt God-Orb, his light was but a flickering, insignificant candle.
Yet he still stepped forward.
Always forward.
Kismet's facsimile of a smile grew ever wider. His stolen mana shone bright as a dying star.
Rob lifted his arms–
As a spear of lightning impaled Kismet from behind.
It honestly wasn't much. To a deity who'd traded blows with Rob, one lightning spear should have been no more than a mosquito bite. But to that same deity, who'd been repeatedly bit in the ass by unexpected occurrences and unknown Skills...
He felt a brief spark of alarm.
Who? How? Had Rob's allies devised yet another unforeseen ability? What if they were–
Before Kismet could stop himself, he whirled around. The divine ruler expected to find that one of Riardin's Rangers had broken free.
Only to freeze with surprise when he saw Seneschal Sylpeiros, barely standing upright.
Rob was just as surprised as Kismet. Truth be told, he'd forgotten that Sylpeiros was here. The Elf was never meant to journey to the divine realms in the first place. As someone who didn't have access to shared Almighty Resistance, he should've fallen unconscious a long time ago.
Yet he hadn't. Sylpeiros was exhausted, on his last legs, overlooked by both god and HUMAN...but still kicking. And with the last of his strength, he had unleashed an attack with such ferocity that it misled Kismet into believing it came from a Level 99 Combat Class user.
The Seneschal could only laugh as Kismet extended his hands and funneled destructive mana straight towards him. Sylpeiros didn't have the energy to dodge, nor did he try. Thankfully, Kismet's reprisal was so hastily-aimed – and further swayed by frustration – that it 'just' clipped the Elf's side, disintegrating his right arm.
Like a puppet with its strings cut, Sylpeiros collapsed. He locked eyes with Rob, mouthing quiet words that echoed with thunderous intent.
"Give them hell, Human."
Alert: Your soul has finished stabilizing! Soul Instability will remain High, but movement is now possible once more.
Rob didn't hesitate. He took off running, willing his legs to stop being lazy bastards and FUCKING MOVE. One shot. Kismet still preoccupied. Vulnerable to attack.
Can I kill him before he kills me?
Rob considered his Purge Divinity reserves – then regrettably decided that no, he couldn't. Although Kismet was somewhat wounded, the god wasn't on death's door. It would take too long to inject him with enough Purging energy to kill him, and that was if he didn't use some trick to escape. The God-Orb would descend well before then.
Ultimately, it was an easy decision to make. Rob simply chose the only option with any chance of survival. Ignoring the opening that Kismet was presenting, he leapt into the air, his skin prickling as he drew closer to the intense, scorching heat emanating from above.
He plunged his hand inside the Orb.
Not for the first time, Rob felt his flesh stripped straight to the bone. The boiling essence of seven entrapped gods was perhaps a bit too spicy for Almighty Resistance to handle. Its mana cut right through his resistances – just as an impossibly sharp sensation cut through Rob's built-up pain tolerance. A less-seasoned veteran would have reflexively extracted what was left of their arm, and then tumbled to the ground, sobbing.
Rob didn't budge. His Elatran travails had prepared him for this moment. After the Attunement visions, severe Corruption poisoning, Ragnavi's Annihilation, Soul Instability, multiple flayings and decapitations...what was one more type of pain? He merely needed to follow the creed of all like-minded lunatics who extolled Vitality as their stat of choice.
When in doubt: endure.
Clenching his jaw so hard that his teeth cracked, he activated Purge Divinity before his arm was erased entirely. Energy flowed out from his body and into the Orb.
The effect was immediate and apparent. Voices screeched in fresh agony as the God-Orb's surface undulated like churning magma. Cracks split open, and mana poured out as he peered up at the crimson moon, wondering why it seemed closer than usual–
Rob forcibly pulled himself out of the vision, his head spinning from mental whiplash. Even then, he kept Purge Divinity going, never faltering for an instant. All distractions – from Kismet's shouting, to the gods' wailing, to the sight of his friends lying still – were fed into the furnace of his rage, used as fuel to keep his arm steady.
Remnant souls burst out again and again. He was a winged creature soaring under a sky of falling meteors. He was a denizen of the deep sea clutching his throat as the oceans filled with poison. He was a glassy-eyed mother holding tiny, well-dressed skeletons. He was a beloved sovereign watching his pantheon of nations crumble to dust. He was a starving pauper witnessing the end of everything, wondering why they'd ever bothered fighting to survive. He was, he was, he was, he was...
He was Rob – yet in that ethereal moment, he was everyone. Through his Purging hands, he carried out the will of innumerable people and societies ended by cosmic whims.
The God-Orb began vibrating faster. Kismet was trying to detonate it, but control had already been wrested from his grasp. The HUMAN spoke, and with unintelligible words that were a mishmash of overlapping dead languages, he pronounced the final judgement of seven gods.
"~ //// #### {{}} \\\\ \** <<>>".*
I only wish this hurt you more.
Blinding light covered the divine realms.
Rob experienced nothing.
At all. He saw, heard, smelt, and felt nothing. The world had been reduced to a void bereft of sensation.
If not for Leveling High screeching in his mind, he might have assumed he was dead. Its grating static dragged him back to awareness. And much like animals are born knowing how to breathe, Rob's very first act upon awakening was instinctual.
Upon opening his regrown eyes and taking stock of his surroundings, his second act was to feel grateful that the God-Orb's destruction had knocked him unconscious. Pain tolerance was all well and good, but it was prooobably for the best that he'd missed out on his body being scoured by erupting divine essence.
He was pretty sure that only his brain had been left afterwards.
"You killed them."
The sound of a familiar voice instantly snapped Rob to attention. Fortunately, it appeared that he'd only been out cold for a second or two, as Kismet hadn't yet recovered from his shock and taken advantage of the situation. The last living deity was too busy gazing up at where the God-Orb used to reside, as if staring would make it pop back into existence.
"They were fools," he muttered. "Shortsighted, indolent, antiquated...even so, they were still eternal. Their mana has persisted across a breadth of time that defies comprehension. And you killed them. A mortal killed them."
"DoES thAT SuRPRIse YoU?" Rob asked, his voice causing a rift to open up nearby.
Kismet tilted his head.. "I suppose not," he answered, after a moment of silence. "What does surprise me, however, is that you have deigned to speak. What brought on this change?"
Because I just checked my Purge Divinity stores and decided that stalling so it can refill is the way to go. "I'm KEEPING YoU COMPANY. FIguReD yoU'd FEEL LONELY. 'CauSE ALL yoUR fRieNDs ARE DEAD."
"How magnanimous. Do you know what I believe, though?" Glacial lights flared in the space where a human's eyes would be. "If you still possessed even an ounce of that vile energy, you would have charged the second you awoke. The fact that you haven't means your reserves are running dry."
Rob smirked at having his bluff called. Purging a dense God-Orb right as it was about to explode had been...difficult. It'd required more energy than Purging the seven gods under normal circumstances. He wasn't entirely spent, but killing Kismet with what few drops remained seemed highly unlikely.
"I am going to relish wiping that mirth off your face." Kismet drew himself up, his form swelling with power and anticipation. "You haven't yet realized the severity of your predicament – so allow me to enlighten you. Without the ability to Purge, you cannot harm me. Not in any significant manner. All your monstrous power shall be for naught."
The god leaned forward, his false eyes shining with glee, as if he couldn't wait to say what was on his mind. "Furthermore...that power has stopped growing, yes? I haven't sensed it climb to new heights for some time now. You have reached your peak, whereas *I* may still sup on mana leaking from the rifts that you've so helpfully provided. Soon enough, my might will surpass yours. Or perhaps your body will fall apart first? Don't think I haven't noticed that as well. Lastly, now that you have lost the capacity to Purge, I no longer need worry that your presence will collapse the divine realms. I am free to bide my time as your body and soul wither to nothing."
Kismet spread his arms wide. "You fought well, mortal – but the battle is done. At long last, you are outmatched."
Rob chuckled.
It wasn't even on purpose. While he would've laughed to mess with Kismet anyway, regardless of how he was feeling, his reaction was completely natural.
"OOOOH NOOOO," Rob drawled, layering his tone with enough sarcasm to suffocate an elephant. "I'M OUTMATCHED? IN A FIGHT AGAINST AN ALL-POWERFUL ABOMINATION? GEE, \THAT'S* NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE."*
Really, was he supposed to be intimidated? This was just another Tuesday in Elatra. It had been fun to run wild for a bit and put the BERSERK in BERSERKER, but in a sick sort of way, he felt more at home like this. Back to the wall, with no clear win condition in sight.
He could already feel the creative juices starting to percolate.
Searching for inspiration, Rob swept his gaze across the battlefield. It was a sobering view. Riardin's Rangers and Sylpeiros were lying still; so motionless that he could've mistaken them for dead if not for the slow rise and fall of their chests.
Without their efforts, he wouldn't be standing here right now. Purging the God-Orb had been a near thing. If Riardin's Rangers hadn't killed one god and softened up the others before Kismet 'collected' them, Rob would've run out of Purging energy and just straight-up died. And he never would've gotten the chance to destroy the Orb without Sylpeiros' diversion. Seriously, what kind of madman decided that ambushing a literal deity was a smart idea?
Rob gave them all a grateful nod. Riardin's Rangers and Sylpeiros didn't have Purge Divinity or impossibly high stats – and they'd still contributed more than should ever be expected of fighters without system-warping Skills, even Level 99 ones. His allies had gone above and beyond the call of duty.
The rest was up to him.
Time for a stress test. He dashed forward, fists clenched. Kismet warily examined him, waiting to see if the HUMAN would pull out a hidden reserve of Purging energy.
When that didn't happen, the god stood his ground and prepared one spell in each hand. The first will be an emergency escape, Rob inferred. The second...well, he probably wants to run a stress test of his own.
There were no tricks or falsehoods. Neither combatant made any attempt to dodge. Divine magic seared mortal flesh, and titanic Strength collided with the formless mana-body of a god.
Two tremendous claps of noise filled the divine realms, accompanied by a shockwave that sent both Rob and Kismet flying back. The HUMAN landed on his feet, while the god briefly vanished before reappearing in an upright position, seeming unruffled by their exchange.
"Your energy truly has run dry." Kismet sounded on the verge of breaking out into maniacal laughter. "Oh, what revelry this shall be."
Rob rolled his one good eye – the other was still Regenerating. Prick keeps aiming for my face. Kismet was gloating again, so he tuned out the god's ramblings and focused on analyzing his options. What have I learned? Without Purge Divinity, how much damage does a no-frills punch inflict?
Very little. Although Rob had hoped for a dent, he'd mostly just scuffed the god's paint. Raw, unadorned Strength simply wasn't efficient at damaging creatures of mana – especially not one as indescribably powerful as Kismet.
In that case...
Exhaling, he closed his eyes, shutting out all external stimuli. Kismet's blathering immediately quieted as he evaluated Rob's abrupt change in behavior. The god was presumably trying to determine whether this was a ploy to lure him in, but his caution was wasted. Rob merely wanted full concentration and didn't care if he got sucker-punched.
What he chose next would decide the fate of a world. Two worlds, actually, if Kismet got vindictive and hopped over to Earth after depleting Elatra.
Quick Thinking.
What paths to victory still remained?
It has to be fast. My body is struggling, and my Soul Instability is High. Kismet will win a battle of attrition.
So that ruled out pummeling him for hours on end. Shame. Rob would've been fine with repeatedly scuffing Kismet's paint until the bits of damage added up and caused his mana-body to give out. Unless...
Zamira proved that a god can be slain through exceptional means. Malika would've unmade some of them as well if she hadn't been busy fixing rifts. Mana manipulation is the key. Can I hurt Kismet by imbuing my fists with mana?
Wasn't that easy, unfortunately. While Rob had boatloads of MP to spare, this was a matter of quality, not quantity. He lacked the fine precision of an Archmage, or...whatever anime powerup Zamira pulled at the end there. Covering his fists in mana might help, but it wouldn't guarantee victory.
If Riardin's Rangers awaken, we can band together to overpower Kismet. Strength in numbers – and teamwork.
It was a decent backup plan. Sadly, he couldn't control when they woke up. Could be soon, could be hours from now. Based on previous instances where his Party members had been forcefully knocked unconscious, the latter was more likely.
Besides – Rob didn't want plans that were just 'decent'. He wanted a silver bullet. Something that could annihilate Kismet in under a minute, if need be.
The stakes demanded no less.
A silver bullet...like Purge Divinity. Nothing else comes to mind. Nothing else is going to be as good, either. The Skills personally hand-crafted it to kill gods, and that process probably took them thousands of years. I shouldn't expect to cook up an equivalent in the eleventh hour.
Rob frowned. All of that made sense, but...
He wasn't satisfied with that line of thinking. When you have a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Hmmm. While I can't blame myself for getting hung up on Purge Divinity, considering how vital it's been up until now, I might also be tunnel-visioned on the concept of a singular god-slaying ability.
That kind of over-centralized thinking often bled into other aspects of planning. In fact, when he'd assessed his other Skills earlier to see if any of them would be effective against Kismet, hadn't he dismissed them on the grounds that they wouldn't deal enough damage or accurately hit him at range?
As someone who'd learned a Skill called Rampage and primarily utilized it for maneuverability, he should've known better than that. Even when offensive abilities weren't perfectly suited for a situation, they could still be used in inventive ways.
Rob put on a wry grin as several new stratagems promptly came to mind. Guess I'll never be a proper BERSERKER. Can't help but go back to my roots of planning weird nonsense.
Yeah. That felt right. So what if he'd lost his convenient touch-of-death win condition? If the gods didn't have a clear weakness to exploit, he just needed to make one – or magnify the vulnerabilities they already possessed.
Like their mindset. While the gods may be astronomically powerful, they're also batshit crazy and don't seem to realize it. From what I know, most of their problems are self-induced. Like, I'm hardly the most stable individual, but at least I'm not tormenting people and complaining when they fight back, or part of a pseudo-hivemind where ego death is encouraged, or...
...Incapable of breaking a vow.
A bolt of inspiration struck him. Then another, and another, until Rob had been assailed by an entire thunderstorm of interlocking ideas. He thought back to how the gods and Blights were mentally enslaved to their compulsions. He reflected on how they couldn't defy the rules of the system even when their own lives were at risk. He examined the battlefield and juxtaposed it with the actions Kismet had taken and hadn't taken thus far.
His breath caught in his chest. This was the silver bullet he'd been looking for. If his assumptions were correct – which was a BIG if – then it would win the battle in one fell swoop.
If he was wrong...it could do the exact opposite.
Fifty-fifty odds.
Rob opened his eyes, heartbeat quickening as excitement flowed through him. Against a creature on par with the Second Will, fifty-fifty was like winning the lottery.
"What manner of death would you prefer?" Kismet tittered. He was in no hurry to bring their duel to its conclusion, understanding full well that time was on his side. "Quick and painless, as to numb the sting of your failures? Or a glorious last stand fit for the history books? It also isn't too late to become a Skill, I might add. Join your friends in perpetual–"
There's my inroad. "KISMET," the HUMAN intoned."RULER OF THE DIVINE REALMS." He kept his voice low to prevent more rifts from opening, giving off the impression of some unknowable creature rumbling in the distance. "I PROPOSE A WAGER."
The god's mouth snapped shut. After a couple seconds of well-deserved suspicion, he hesitantly replied. "...Of what sort?"
"I...see. And what is so important that you would gamble your soul? What do you desire in exchange? "
Kismet said nothing. Rob could practically hear the gears turning in the god's head. His victory was all but assured, and capturing the HUMAN's soul would be the cherry on top of a complete and total triumph.
However, he also recognized that Rob wouldn't be making this bet without an ace up his sleeve.
"How do I know you won't go back on your word?" Kismet's tone was laden with doubt. "Mortals are not bound to oaths, and you are, technically, still a mortal."
There was a long stretch of silence. "You're serious," the god marveled.
Kismet scrutinized him with a look of disbelief. Rob's poker face worked overtime as he faked being unperturbed, returning the god's searching gaze with a laconic, half-lidded stare.
Eventually, greed won out over prudence. "I accept all your terms." Kismet pointed his hands at Riardin's Rangers. Dozens of floating mana spears materialized above their unmoving forms, ready to plunge down at a moment's notice. Kismet kept an eye on Rob throughout, as if expecting him to rush forward in defense of his Party, but the HUMAN merely waited patiently for the god to finish.
Inwardly, Rob was celebrating. 'You can't harm my friends until five minutes have passed' was a steal of a deal. Without Purge Divinity as a threat, he wasn't confident that he would've been able to prevent Kismet from using Riardin's Rangers as hostages. 'You are not allowed to flee farther than you already have at any point in today's battle' was even more necessary. It meant that Kismet couldn't fuck off to a distant corner of the divine realms and wait out the clock.
The rest of Rob's terms had essentially been a smokescreen to slip those two stipulations through. While he wouldn't turn down free healing for his friends or the opportunity to treat the divine ruler like a punching bag, his requested 'boons' were inconsequential compared to limiting Kismet's options.
It gave him the chance to put his real plan into action.
One chance, specifically. Rob held no delusions that there might be a second. What he had in mind would rely heavily on the element of surprise. If it didn't work on the first try...or if his assumptions about Kismet's nature were incorrect...
Game over.
How many trillions of lives were about to be decided in the next few seconds? Countless civilizations of the present and the future, their survival somehow dependent on a half-baked scheme conjured up by a guy so absurdly enraged that he was cracking reality. Shit, the only reason he was even here was because he'd pushed Jason out of the way when the gods tried to nab him all those months ago. His one small action had kicked off a cascading domino effect with repercussions beyond human comprehension.
Rob couldn't begin to fathom that scale of responsibility – so he didn't bother. Stressing himself would just make him hesitate. Bit by bit, he pared away the overwhelming grandiosity of the situation, reducing its scope until he saw Kismet for what the eternal, cosmic deity truly was:
Just another asshole that needed to be put in the dirt.
"The five minutes have begun." Kismet prepared what was almost definitely a teleport spell, ready to flee at the first sign of danger. "Please execute whatever ill-fated endeavor you have planned before time runs out. I wouldn't want to miss seeing your bravado shrivel into despair."
Rob flicked his wrist. "LET'S START THINGS OFF WITH A–"
The explosive conflagration of Living Bomb surrounded him.


Link to Part 2
submitted by Determination7 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 17:19 georgialisa Brain tumor anxiety

Health anxiety
Tw synthoms
Im a 20 year old female weight 78 kg height 1.64 m
Hi everyone Its been 2 months that im having really bad health anxiety At first I thought there was something wrong with my heart, i was having all the heart attack synthoms : chest pains, arm pain, my troath felt like it was "blocked" , tachycardia etc. All of this stopped when i started obsessing over my head, i started at first with feeling preassure in my head (no pain just preassure), then I started to feel pain too, at first on my occipital area then it kinda shifted everywhere. I got better for around 3 days and then I experienced a brain surge, that scared the shit out of me and after that day its been a month that im suffering over this, convinced myself i have a brain tumor.
I'll tell you about my headache :
1 it gets worst when I sneeze/cough/ lie down/ hold my breath 2 it gets better with hot pad 3 often it changes position/ type of pain 4 sometimes gets better sometimes worst
Googling made this all worse cause it says it is indeed a brain tumor. My doctor said I have a pinched nerve, i went to the E.R and they told me its all in my head. I had scheduled an M.R.I but didnt go cause I was too scared
submitted by georgialisa to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 17:16 georgialisa Health anxiety

Tw synthoms
Im a 20 year old female weight 78 kg height 1.64 m
Hi everyone Its been 2 months that im having really bad health anxiety At first I thought there was something wrong with my heart, i was having all the heart attack synthoms : chest pains, arm pain, my troath felt like it was "blocked" , tachycardia etc. All of this stopped when i started obsessing over my head, i started at first with feeling preassure in my head (no pain just preassure), then I started to feel pain too, at first on my occipital area then it kinda shifted everywhere. I got better for around 3 days and then I experienced a brain surge, that scared the shit out of me and after that day its been a month that im suffering over this, convinced myself i have a brain tumor.
I'll tell you about my headache :
1 it gets worst when I sneeze/cough/ lie down/ hold my breath 2 it gets better with hot pad 3 often it changes position/ type of pain 4 sometimes gets better sometimes worst
Ive been taking iprobrufen or tynedol, they dont really help
Googling made this all worse cause it says it is indeed a brain tumor. My doctor said I have a pinched nerve, i went to the E.R and they told me its all in my head. I had scheduled an M.R.I but didnt go cause I was too scared
submitted by georgialisa to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 17:11 georgialisa Health anxiety

Tw synthoms
Hi everyone Its been 2 months that im having really bad health anxiety At first I thought there was something wrong with my heart, i was having all the heart attack synthoms : chest pains, arm pain, my troath felt like it was "blocked" , tachycardia etc. All of this stopped when i started obsessing over my head, i started at first with feeling preassure in my head (no pain just preassure), then I started to feel pain too, at first on my occipital area then it kinda shifted everywhere. I got better for around 3 days and then I experienced a brain surge, that scared the shit out of me and after that day its been a month that im suffering over this, convinced myself i have a brain tumor.
I'll tell you about my headache :
1 it gets worst when I sneeze/cough/ lie down/ hold my breath 2 it gets better with hot pad 3 often it changes position/ type of pain 4 sometimes gets better sometimes worst
Googling made this all worse cause it says it is indeed a brain tumor. My doctor said I have a pinched nerve and maybe occipital neuralgia i went to the E.R and they told me its all in my head. I had scheduled an M.R.I but didnt go cause I was too scared
I was wondering has anyone experienced this kind of synthoms too?
submitted by georgialisa to Occipitalneuralgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 17:08 georgialisa Tw synthoms

Hi everyone Its been 2 months that im having really bad health anxiety At first I thought there was something wrong with my heart, i was having all the heart attack synthoms : chest pains, arm pain, my troath felt like it was "blocked" , tachycardia etc. All of this stopped when i started obsessing over my head, i started at first with feeling preassure in my head (no pain just preassure), then I started to feel pain too, at first on my occipital area then it kinda shifted everywhere. I got better for around 3 days and then I experienced a brain surge, that scared the shit out of me and after that day its been a month that im suffering over this, convinced myself i have a brain tumor.
I'll tell you about my headache :
1 it gets worst when I sneeze/cough/ lie down/ hold my breath 2 it gets better with hot pad 3 often it changes position/ type of pain 4 sometimes gets better sometimes worst
Googling made this all worse cause it says it is indeed a brain tumor. My doctor said I have a pinched nerve, i went to the E.R and they told me its all in my head. I had scheduled an M.R.I but didnt go cause I was too scared
submitted by georgialisa to HealthAnxietySupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 17:51 gigi3503 Occipital Nerve Block

I had an occipital nerve block 6 days ago. It felt great immediately but the next day my usual headache presented above the occipital region, like if there was a bowl on the top of my head. Sumatriptan resolved the headache. The following days I've had neck pain, which maybe I am more aware of since it is stopping at the occipital region. Dr mentioned doing botox next go around if the nerve block isn't enough.
Do any of you get relief with combination approaches like the nerve block, botox, and epidural? Do you still need to take a triptan frequently?
submitted by gigi3503 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 16:28 SpacePaladin15 The Nature of Predators 2-39

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Star Crossed [Multiple Free Sample Chapters] Patreon Subreddit Discord Paperback NOP2 Species Lore
Memory Transcription Subject: Elias Meier, Former UN Secretary-General
Date [standardized human time]: July 21, 2160
The rippling alarm sounded from my holopad, waking me up with some semblance of a normal routine. Virnt had worked tirelessly to adjust the sleep suite, in the hopes of stabilizing my sanity. The Tilfish had worked in the ability to be woken by touch or noises, since it was a problem that I was unwakeable with the press of a button. If there was an emergency or someone who needed to speak with me, I needed to be jolted out of my slumber without going into my code and halting the program. That was doubly true if I was to partake in diplomatic missions outside of Earth…something that might be a necessity should we continue to strike out with Shield members. Our plan, after the Duerten Forum, was to get a few parties with lesser influence on our side to go after the big fish.
I’d tried approaching several species alongside Kuemper: the Racads, a buffalo-like species with brown spots on their creamy hides. They’d been one of the voters for a military alliance with humanity long ago, to take on the Arxur. However, they were circulating absurd notions that we were releasing the Collective behind their backs; they’d already been none too pleased by the light punishment we selected for Isif’s fledgling nation. Our present coziness with carnivores seemed to make several Shield parties, that would’ve allied with us as total unknowns, gunshy about cooperating. I wasn’t sure I could convince even the Sapient Coalition to work with the Arxur, despite our losses.
Ironically, I’d venture the Duerten would be the most likely to accept Collective aid, since they partook in saving Kalqua alongside us. Getting the Forum to help might be the key to bring the Arxur into the fold.
However, Ambassador Korajan had been clear that the gray avians wanted no part in a war. The peculiar Ulven were next on our list, as I’d been quite intrigued by a shape that didn’t seem dissimilar to pigs—if pigs had short, prehensile trunk-like noses and koala-bear ears. They had been part of the group that voted for no contact with humanity, a substantial chunk of the Orion Arm that didn’t care what happened to us one way or another. They’d clearly had a change of heart about not interacting with us, since they had an embassy in Vienna. Much of the Shield had warmed to us since our cooperation in the Battle of Aafa, where the prey-hating Arxur and the Kolshian shadow caste fell to a combined onslaught. It still blew my mind to know that Isif led a rebellion, and that a secret conspiracy operated right beneath where Noah had given his speech.
The Ulven proved anything but warm to an in-person visit; I’d been a little taken aback when their ambassador said to my face, “Well, I guess we can’t even keep predators killed anymore.” She laughed like it was a joke, but I got the impression it was anything but. We were hurried out of the embassy after receiving a flat refusal. It’d caused me to question whether this plan, to send me on visits to our unallied neighbors, was a good idea at all. I walked over to the mirror, pulling my lips apart with my hands, and staring for what must’ve been minutes. The “teeth” were like dentures, lacking any nerves…or any need to brush them and rid myself of morning breath. Why even have a bathroom next to my quarters at all? Every fixture reminded me that I wasn’t human anymore.
“Do you remember how pain felt, robot?” I hissed at the mirror, punching the counter; the metal “knuckles” felt nothing, lacking any skin redness at all. “You ‘sleep’ with your eyes wide open. You don’t yawn, and your laugh—some prerecorded bullshit from a banquet back before first contact. Who are you even helping? I hate you!”
The Elias Meier knock-off’s face grew more emotional and distraught, but it wasn’t like I could shed any tears, even if I felt like it. I slumped over the sink, splashing water on my face; despite the fact there was no need for body temperature regulation. Virnt told me that everything I was feeling now was an emotional matrix, choosing what it thought a human would experience in response to brain patterns. I held my fingers close to my face, noticing how they’d traced Meier’s fingerprints meticulously into the tips of my digits. How did I know I was the only copy-and-paste version of myself? How did I know that I was truly the same person, when it was obvious everything else was so off?
A knock came from the door, a hesitant female voice. A real human: Erin Kuemper, who’d accepted me for reasons I couldn’t wrap my head around. Maybe it was a nice lie, believing that an old friend had come back. Elias Meier was never this volatile or easily lost to the dark thoughts that swirled in my head nonstop—that meant I wasn’t me.
“Elias? I’m sorry to disturb you, but I thought you’d want to see this,” the Secretary-General called.
I forced a calm expression, trying to smooth myself over. “I’ll be right there. I’ve been looking over the files of each Shield species nonstop, trying to solve our dilemma. There’s not too many that let humans onto their worlds—only three, in fact. Therefore, my thinking was we go for—”
“The Leshee. I was thinking the same. They’ve fallen into a powerful role, with the Duerten Forum being a shell of its old strength. If we’re giving it a final shot to get through to the Shield, we have to prostrate ourselves before one of its top dogs.”
“Good. We’re on the same page; that’s why I always enjoyed working with you, Erin.” I strolled over to the door, and faked a smile. “I suppose we should get moving then.”
“Not so fast. It’s obvious you’re suffering quite a great deal in your…new body. You don’t have to do this, Elias. There’s no diplomat I trust more, but you’re under no obligation at all, especially when it might be best for your wellbeing to sit this one out.”
I shook my head rapidly. “Please, no: don’t take this from me. I only feel like myself when I’m helping humanity. It’d drive me even more mad to know Earth is in jeopardy, and I was doing nothing. I swear, I don’t know what’s gotten into me, but I’m going to get a handle on it.”
“You really don’t know?” she chuckled. “Elias, you died. That changes a person. Then, to top it all off, you were resurrected twenty-four years in the future, without your consent. You just said you don’t feel like yourself, and how could you? No human has been where you are right now. We didn’t evolve for such a synthetic experience of the world.”
“I know that. It’s…hell, it’s truly hell. All of the little things I took for granted, never even thought about, are gone.”
Kuemper’s brows knitted with sympathy. “Would you like to talk about it? I can’t say I understand, but I’m here to listen.”
I lowered my head, avoiding her gaze. “Why are you treating me like I’m him? I’m not Elias Meier.”
“I don’t agree.”
Why?! Why do you just accept that I’m Elias, when I’m zero percent human? I’m as good as a model predicting what he might say, not the real thing. I don’t have his body, his mind…”
“Are you familiar with the Ship of Theseus?”
“I believe so. The ship that has all of its original components replaced.”
“That’s right,” she affirmed. “Is it still the same ship? Or better yet, what if the original components are all used to make a new ship: is that more the Ship of Theseus than the original?”
“Erin, I appreciate your philosophical mind, but I don’t see the point.”
“Humor me.”
“If everything that made it itself is gone, then it’s no longer the Ship.”
“Precisely. Everything about physical Elias Meier that made you alive, that configured your brain a certain way, it’s a faded memory. There’s not a trace of it left in the body presently six feet underground.”
“So, as I simply pointed out, I’m dead.”
Erin wagged a finger. “No, you’re the new ship. Virnt took your original components and remade them down to the finest detail. You have everything that made Elias who he was, every part of him that mattered, from his soul to his mind…so you’re him, as far as I’m concerned.”
“I wasn’t remade with everything that matters. This isn’t the same body.”
The Secretary-General grinned, pointing to her face. “Neither is this. I’m a lot more wrinkly and decrepit than when you last saw me, but you still accept that I’m Erin Kuemper. You’d say I’m the same person as the seven-year-old who ran around telling everyone she worked for NASA; they just didn’t know it yet. My body is hardly the same as then.”
“That’s the natural progression of things, with aging and growth.”
“This is a progression too. You wouldn’t consider someone with prosthetics to not be themself, and this is simply a full-body prosthetic. Skin and bone isn’t what makes us human. It’s about who we are.”
“Thank you,” I acknowledged. “I, um, needed to hear that. Now, I know you’re busy, so what did you call me for?”
Kuemper passed her holopad over, arching her eyebrows. “This military briefing I and the other SC leaders just received. I think you should see it.”
I seated myself on the edge of the bed, spinning the volume wheel glyphs for long enough to crank it up. A congregation of military generals from the world’s countries—a common sight ever since first contact, as extraordinary as it was when they all came together for that initial briefing—were reviewing intelligence information on a starmap. Though she had to be getting up there in years, I recognized the shrewd eyes of General Cora Jones, leading the briefing. The American spymaster had been one I worried about having free reign with vulnerable aliens, but it seemed she’d set her sights on ensuring the SC was never left in the dark again.
Jones’ irises gleamed, as she highlighted a section of the map inside of Paltan borders. “The Sapient Coalition has taken measures to prevent stealth travel through our space. One of those initiatives, as you’re well-aware, was to install permanent sensors in warp at undisclosed locations; needless to say, that project took a lot of resources to cast a wide enough net. However, several days ago, our sensors detected the movements of thousands of drones, Orionbound. The make was indistinguishable.”
“Our enemy? The one who killed the Sivkits?” I asked Kuemper in real time.
She nodded. “We believe so.”
The American military officer turned a solemn look toward the camera. “Our belief was that they followed our subspace trails, so we immediately placed Paltan assets on lockdown and notified UN reinforcements sent to the Sivkits’ aid. However, Drilvar, Jaur, and Takkan assets were tripped later, deeper into our terrain, suggesting they’ve broken into three vectors. And it also lends itself to the…self-evident theory that they know where the heart of our power lies. They must have more intel about us than we realized.”
Murmurs spread through the delegates, as a Yotul islander spoke up. “That would mean Earth, Skalga, and Leirn are in imminent danger. We should lock down all non-essential travel, and widen the net of FTL disruptors flung far out: we can’t let them get near.”
“In my opinion, Onso, all Sapient Coalition members should be prepared. They could also try to take out what they perceive as our weakest links, but we see them coming. With disruptors, we can make it much more of a slog to get into our systems, as you suggested. That’ll acquire vital time to acquire intel on them and their capabilities, and send overwhelming reinforcements to arrive before they do.”
My mind was torn back into memories of how powerless I felt, watching Earth succumb to an extermination fleet that far outmatched it. The cold anger that had gripped me, as I realized my desperate efforts hadn’t been enough to save my home and my species; the magnitude of the death toll had weighed on my conscience even after we drove them off. Looking back with clear eyes, I thought about how I’d tipped off the Arxur to the undefended worlds, in the hopes Kalsim would turn his fleet around with the promise of mutually assured destruction. Humanity lived because I parlayed with Isif, yet that didn’t ease the burden of guilt…knowing how many innocents died on our attackers’ worlds as well.
There is a great deal of blood on my hands; I didn’t see another way, with no one to turn to but the Arxur. I hope that more species come to our aid this time, because the Sapient Coalition needs to stick together. Humanity shouldn’t ever again have to pick who lives and who dies.
Cora Jones continued her briefing, forcing me to refocus. “It is imperative that we don’t release this information in a way that incites panic. We are handling the situation, and simply want to prepare them, so they are equipped for whatever may or may not happen.”
“What the fuck am I supposed to tell Ivrana?” a Bissem general scoffed from the crowd, eyes narrowed in disgust. “I just got word from Tassi we’re hosting Sivkit refugees, which could make us a prime target. We’d need someone to defend Bissemkind.”
“That’s quite magnanimous of you to take in Sivkits, General Naltor, but I sincerely doubt Ivrana is a target—unless they have evidence that you’re a carnivore. I base that claim on the fact that they seemingly slaughtered the Osirs, but even that may have been complicated. Suffice to say, I will keep an eye on your system and ensure we have assets nearby.”
“What do you mean about the Osirs being ‘complicated?’” Onso yowled from the audience. “It’s a little late to change your story. You have millions of them already under development, and you don’t have your facts straight.”
“The matters that I have to share next don’t leave this room. It’s come to our attention that the Sivkits were traveling to the…specific planet because they believe it is their homeworld, Tinsas. We’re uncertain how they got this information, since it wasn’t in the Archives.”
The Paltan leader cleared his throat. “The Federation didn’t go out that far.”
“Or so we thought. Beyond the obvious questions of what regions they tampered with, it means we can’t rule out Federation involvement in any of this. The planet is a high-priority investigation for Project Chronicle, to verify whether this story is true. Our enemies might be aware of the fate the world suffered…for all we know, Sivkits survived there, and that’s who we’re fighting. It’d explain how they know where to look…and that theory suggests they may target the founding members who wronged them.”
“Sivkits? Skittish, unintelligent Sivkits, attacking with that kind of weaponry?” a disbelieving Mazic President Quipa called out.
“You think their targets are the founders? I won’t send resources to help the Kolshians and Farsul,” Venlil Governor Laisa scoffed, earning agreement from several others.
The Krakotl ambassador squawked in alarm, with a sudden realization. “We are considered a founding race! You said there were three vectors.”
It was a bit jarring for me to see one of the blue avians as part of humanity’s alliance; apparently, the United Nations had supported a separatist faction after the war. Learning that the Krakotl had been the first victims of the Federation—the first omnivores converted, in a cultural genocide that chilled my wires when I learned of it—created a schism on Nishtal. I wondered if I might’ve tried to bargain with them differently, had I known before the Battle of Earth. To think the species that decided we needed to be exterminated once ate fish themselves: it was a tragedy that they were brainwashed into such hatred. Our relations could’ve been different in another reality, but it was good to see they’d made amends via the SC.
If Jones is right about this being a hit job on the Federation founders, over a grudge that’s festered for years, that could destroy Nishtal all over again. I don’t want that to happen, just like I didn’t when Earth was under siege.
“That sounds like a plausible explanation,” I told Kuemper, pausing the video. “We can’t let Nishtal be destroyed again.”
The Secretary-General frowned. “We only just rebuilt their homeworld. I didn’t preside over that only to watch it burn to the ground all over again. Their species is on a precarious enough perch as is, with how many died to the raid and upheaval. But we don’t know the target for sure, so we can’t leave our closest allies undefended: it’s a catch-22.”
“The Coalition needs to band together. I agree that we can’t take any risks with Earth, but with 82 members, surely we can disperse their combined forces across a few likely targets.”
“Our generals are trying to do just that. I fear we’re fighting another war across the entire Orion Arm…and another one where ‘war crimes’ aren’t even taken into consideration. Quite simply, we need more ships. I don’t know how you did this.”
“Many sleepless nights,” I admitted. “Our buoys can continue to track them. Shit, why can’t we intercept their course?”
“They’re flying in an erratic pattern, so it’s not so simple to tell their destination. We’ll be watching if any more buoys are tripped, since we have them all over our territory. Speaking of which…you might want to see the last point on Jones’ agenda.”
I groaned. “There’s more?”
“I’m afraid so.”
General Jones raised her hands as I unpaused the video. “We have taken Nishtal’s vulnerability into consideration, and will work on contingency plans to ensure the Krakotl race is not a soft target. We’ll be in touch with all SC members to share our plans on where you can help out. However, there’s another matter I must bring to your attention. I ask you to…temper your reactions; we don’t need another war right now.”
“What other war?” the suspicious Thafki representative piped up. “What did the grays do? They’re the only ones with enough power that you wouldn’t be able to squash them, and that’s your fault!”
“It is about the Arxur, but we’re monitoring them as promised. The subspace sensors on our border with the Collective were set off a few days ago as well. Their pathing is much less evasive than our unknown friends. They seem to be heading for Apep, the Osirs’ homeworld, if my vectors are right.”
“Of course they want to have fellow hunters to join them as they terrorize the galaxy! Why would you tell those monsters?!”
“We didn’t tell the Arxur Collective a thing about this war, or the Osirs’ extermination.”
“Then who fucking did?” the Thafki whirled around, pointing a paw at the Bissem delegation. “Traitors! It was you! We should’ve never let you inside our doors.”
General Naltor scoffed. “How could we have contacted them? You’re just being racist because we’re carnivores.”
I huffed in open frustration, irritated that the Arxur had complicated this high-stakes war even further. Now, it was imperative that we find a way to make the Sapient Coalition, and potentially the Shield, accept the Collective’s aid. We did need more ships on our side, so if we could direct the carnivores to places that would take their help…it might not be a complete disaster. However, their breach of quarantine could kill our chances of turning any of the Shield or Federation remnants to our side. We needed to get ahead of this, before any of them got wind of it through other means. News of drones entering our territory might give us an opening with the Leshee, and it could at least catch Ambassador Korajan’s attention too.
“We’re going to see the Leshee. Right now,” I said to Kuemper, not wanting to waste any more time. “Let’s see if Korajan is willing to join our meeting as well. He could put in a good word for us…and for cyborg Elias Meier.”
The Secretary-General smirked. “Two steps ahead of you. Already scheduled a meeting with both of them in an hour. Who do you think I learned from?”
“I’d say you learned well, Erin. It’s time we get moving.”
I hustled out of the Terra Technologies outpost, knowing I wouldn’t get winded by the quick pace. Kuemper beckoned to her security detail, who were hovering outside with some apprehension: clearly, they weren’t comfortable leaving Earth’s current leader with the robotic mind-replica of a dead friend. That was a definite security risk, though I was glad she didn’t seem to care. It gave me purpose, and a serious distraction, to travel around on humanity’s behalf. After everything we just learned, the urgency of our diplomatic mission had just multiplied tenfold. With enemy ships having entered our space, we had to assemble as many allies as possible all over again.
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2024.05.25 15:48 LordIlthari The Dragon Princess and the Barbarian's Heart Chapter 2: Live By The Sword

The medical tents towards the back of the battlefield were, as ever, a flurry of activity. Everyone moved with certain purpose and the speed born of necessity, from the priestesses of Hecate treating the most grievous wounds with magic, to more mundane doctors setting to work with needle, thread, splint, and sling, to the humble apprentices running water, bandages, medicine, and sutures here and there to their superiors. And of course, there was the large space set aside for a dragonness to land at.
Seramis landed with the wounded in tow, Prince Leonidas among them. With the Scythians retreating, the other members of the evacuation teams could set out. Once the last of her charges were unloaded, Sera’s role shifted from ambulance to trauma doctor. Her first patient was obvious, and nobody was foolish enough to get in her way. She cast as she accompanied the stretcher, shifting down from her draconic bulk to a less imposing humanoid.
Humanoid for certain, but unmistakably inhuman. Even much reduced the dragoness’s humanoid form still stood as tall as an amazon. Owing to the needs of the battlefield, she was clad in a tunic scandalously close to a man’s and reliable, heavy boots. Long dark hair was tied back in a simple ponytail, which nestled between a large pair of wings that sprang from her back. Those, combined with the long, still bladed tail, and a crown of scales about her brow allowed for no illusions that she was human. Most dragons could and did take purely human forms, but Seramis’s pride made her something of an exception.
Once Leon was safely placed onto what passed for a bed, she went to work. Her familiar sprang from her shadow and quickly examining him. “Save that arrow once it’s out of him. I’ll analyze the poison and tell you how to counter it.” Elijah ordered as he examined the wounded prince. Seramis nodded, and quickly washed her hands and tail, drying both with blue-hot flame to ensure their purity.
“Barbed?” Sera asked, peeling back the prince’s armor with her bare hands. Her size might have diminished, but not her strength. Leon grunted and nodded an affirmative. “This is going to hurt, I’ll nullify the pain after but for now-“ She offered the prince a leather strap. He nodded and bit down. Sera went to work, carefully twisting the arrow slightly, and found it gave. It hadn’t hit bone, which made this much simpler. Unfortunately, it wasn’t able to be pushed through, as that would have required going through Leon’s shoulder plate and possibly a rib.Using the blade of her tail as a scalpel, she made an incision around the site, and gently, carefully, extracted the arrow.
Once the arrow was out, she inspected it carefully. It hadn’t fragmented in the wound, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She set it to the side and immediately prepared reagents for casting. Into a basin of purified water she placed a sweet grape, undiluted wine, grapevine, lavender, chamomile, honeycomb, a scrap of paper from a child’s story, lamb’s wool, and goose down.
“Smirete gi nervite što vreskaat.”
“Smiri go telesniot strav.”
“Balemirajte ja bolkata od mlaz krv.”
Leon’s knuckles gradually relaxed from their white grip. The prince slumped forwards slightly, muscles relaxing as the pain of his injuries fled. A cool feeling, like water poured over and into dry skin, spread throughout his body. His breathing came easier, but he still burned to the touch. Sera looked to her familiar, who was still analyzing the arrow. He shook his head, and Sera focused on the work she could.
First, she cast a simple spell of purification by salt, lye, and honey to purify the region from festering and infection. Thrice she cast it, once for each wound. Next, she addressed the arrow wound. The arrow had only penetrated skin and muscle, and her own incision had likewise only inflicted damage on the flesh. This was easily repaired with two basic spells of healing. She cast twice by raw meat, silver, and salt.
“Šie vena do vena.”
“Muskul do muskul.”
“Koža na koža.”
The wounds sealed shut, and she washed the blood away. She continued next to examining the deep wounds in his shoulder and arm. Both would be more complicated, as the Scythian falx had cut to the bone, severing tendons along the way. She’d treated him with a spell to reduce blood loss en route, but would need to release it to begin the healing process. She’d need to work quickly, and the poison was still in effect.
She examined his shoulder first. The attack had cut through to the bone, but only nicked it. It would be a simple fix. More difficult would be re-attaching the tendons, not least of all because Leon had kept moving with his injury, and thus aggravated it. This was going to be careful work, executed quickly to avoid him losing too much blood. She readied her elements, and opened her own palm. She would cast by blood for power and control. Pure water was typically better than most solvents for healing, but blood carried with it the weight of Sacrifice and the control of Self.
“Postavete ja koskata ispravena.
Pletete go so svež rast.
Vari go sekoj višok.”
She cast first for the bone, accelerating the natural healing process. The wounded collar bone knit over with a small lump of bone, which then smoothed itself down to a natural state. Resuming the healing process also ended the spell blocking bloodflow. The operating table quickly began turning uncomfortably red. She cast again, biting the inside of her cheek to remain calm.
“Sekoja tetiva se vrzuva za svoeto skršeno jas.”
“Gi ispružuvaat racete za da se fatat eden so drug.”
“Ona što beše otsečeno, povtorno stanuva edno telo.”
This was the most complicated part. The tendons each had to be set back to their severed halves, a careful process that, while relatively swift, felt agonizing slow. Each one knit back to the other, and gradually began to stretch back out and reconstruct the shoulder. Sera nodded at her work, and quickly cast her spell of mending flesh and skin to close over the wound. It knit shut, and she turned to the wound in Leon’s arm. This was fortunately simpler, and could be addressed with the same spells she had already used.
Finally, Elijah spoke up. “I have it, this is from a Balkan Cross Adder. It’s not normally this potent, but it seems that the scythians found a way around it. The internal structure of this arrowhead is somewhat porous, so it can absorb more venom. It’s attacking his nerves and causing swelling. Put a ward around his heart and gastrointestinal tract to avoid it causing too much damage, use an anti-inflamatory through the wound sites, then a standard purge should clear it out.”
Seramis nodded, and quickly set to work. The first two spells were simple enough to keep poison away and soothe the symptoms. However actually removing the venom was going to be slightly more complicated. A spell to flush the toxic chemical out of where it bound to nerve endings and force it through the body, overclocking the liver and kidneys to rapidly flush it before it could re-bind to anything else. Sera called for water to be brought immediately, then prepared the spell. “Fair warning Leon, this is going to hurt.” She dropped the spell of anesthetic and cast quickly. The surge hit Leon like a prolonged jolt of electricity, and the prince spasmed slightly as the magic cut to his nerves. Then he breathed easier, and laid back to rest.
“It’s done then?” he asked, sore, exhausted, and ravenous. Healing magic did supply a great deal of the energy required for a body to rapidly heal itself, but not the nutrients. He’d undergone several weeks’ worth of repair in a few moments, and his internal stocks had been heavily depleted.
“It’s done. Don’t sleep yet.” Sera replied, and when an aide came with a waterskin, she offered and helped him drink. “He’s stable. Bring him the usual for recovery, with additional fluids, chilled.” She ordered, and the aide nodded, running off at once. Leon grimaced slightly at that. “The usual” was medicine, of a sort. It was a potion of Cassandra’s design, consisting of boiled wine, salt, lemon, honey, juniper berries, and miscellaneous herbs. It was served hot, and tasted at once very sour, bitter, and salty. It probably wouldn’t have been edible without the honey. While disgusting, it was however, very effective in helping a wounded warrior recover nutrients lost during battle and healing, as well as fortifying the immune system against disease, as healing magic routinely exhausted it. It was, at the very least, also served with a soft milk bread heavy with a spread made from apples and large amounts of pork lard to help quickly regain calories. That was generally considered about as delicious as the potion was foul.
Seramis saw the prince’s expression, and gave him a look. He sighed, and nodded. “Afterwards though, I’m going to sleep.”
“Good.” Sera replied with a nod. “You need it, just make sure you don’t get scurvy first.”
With that, Seramis left to attend to other patients. As she worked through the backlog, she briefly crossed paths with Casssandra. The queen had changed into a similarly practical outfit, and was up to her elbows in work. The pair exchanged a brief look. “Leon?” Cassandra asked.
“Will be fine.” Sera confirmed. Cassandra offered a curt nod. They’d speak later.
Later arrived halfway past midday, as the wounded were finally attended to. The army rested outside the nearby village, and the villagers came out to thank them with the usual method, cheering and lots of food and alcohol. It was a bit early in the day for the latter, but they had won a battle, and so it flowed freely. Despite the generally jovial attitude of victory, Cassandra privately felt less than pleased. The trio assembled in her private tent, where all three promptly collapsed, more or less exhausted, into the nearest piece of furniture.
Despite his exhaustion, Leon smiled tiredly, and turned to the others. “Well, it isn’t easy, but another victory for the new age.”
The others smiled. It had been two years since the three had met through a confluence of convoluted plots and miscommunications. Two years since they had faced the evil regent Tyndareus and freed Macedon from his tyranny. Two years of working together to try and fix the damage of twenty years of a cruel rule. It had been a hard two years. It had been a good two years. It had been very short, and very long all at once. Much had been done, and much more remained, though the addition of a horde of Scythians certainly complicated matters.
“Victory.” Cassandra remarked, though not as triumphantly as that word might have been. “But not complete, not yet. We successfully repulsed the barbarians, but their forces remain largely intact, and the injuries they inflicted with this simple skirmish is somewhat disheartening. Still, slaying this many of their charioteers and horsemen will provide us an advantage in the next battle.”
“Presuming there even is one. We thrashed them fairly decisively, and more importantly showed them we could intercept them, even with a primarily infantry force.” Seramis replied, drumming her fingers on the side of her chair. The dragoness lounged over it, lying across the arms of the chair rather than simply sitting in it.
“They’ll be back. Their leader, Tamur, stated it rather plainly.” Leon remarked, still sitting with all formality despite his injuries. “This is far more than simply a raid. It seems more like a migration.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time a barbarian horde found itself trying to occupy Macedonian lands. That’s the whole reason we’re here. Though the fact that it’s the Scythians this time is concerning. Typically they’re the ones driving other groups of barbarians into our lands. If the full might of their people is coming here, then what we faced today would be nothing but the vanguard of their vanguard.” Cassandra mused, fingers steepled and slumped in her chair. “And the reports were accurate, these are, unmistakably, Scythians.”
“I wish I had more intel to offer, but I’ve mostly been focused on developing networks with the civilized world.” Sera apologized, before cracking her neck. “I admit, I didn’t expect the Scythians to show up in these numbers, well, ever. And the other barbarians closer to us have long since learned not to raid into Macedonian territory. Something major must have happened out in the north without us realizing it.”
“You don’t suppose that he might be making moves, do you?” Cassandra asked, leaning forwards.
Sera rolled over into a proper position and shook her head. “Malphus is sealed in that area, somewhere, and if that seal was broken we’d know. He’d already have come south and razed Hellas to the ground.” She spoke with grave import. Malphus, the King Who Devours His People. The dragon who had torn down the ancient Diluvian Empire by his reckless ambition and lust for power nearly rendering their species extinct in the process. Only through grave sacrifice had Seramis’s namesake and the six other children of the Emperor managed to seal him away, two thousand years ago. Sera had taken on his name and guise in the same scheme where the trio had met, and so now his name was spoken of in hushed whispers across the world.
“However, it may be that some of his followers are stirring up trouble in the region. They may have an interest in breaking the seal themselves. I’ll do my best to try and gather information, but between the chaos the Scythians have stirred up and the relative difficulty of gathering information that far from the civilized world, it may be difficult.” Seramis continued.
“I’m certain you’ll figure something out, you always do.” Cassandra replied with a nod. “But, returning to the problem of the Scythians, if this well and truly is a major migration, led by their queen no less, this is a serious problem. Fortunately, their queen seems to be the lead from the front type. Unfortunately, she’s clearly no slouch in combat, and her weapon appears to be enchanted. Leon, did you identify any notable weaknesses during your conflict?”
Leon considered for a moment. “She’s clearly an extremely adept fighter, and while her weapons and armor are less advanced than ours, they still certainly do the job. Her weapon is absolutely lethal while she’s in her chariot, and she’s certainly my equal in archery. Disabling her chariot will have to be a top priority. Without it, it’s possible to close to inside her range, though she’s a skilled, if undisciplined grappler. But her boots are a lot less lethal than that blade of hers. Trying to engage with spear and shield is a fool’s errand, this will be short blade work to capture her. In addition, neutralizing her escort and ensuring a speedy escape once she’s down will be key.”
“Capture? You’re feeling confident for someone who just lost to her.” Seramis teased.
“I don’t hit women, and I certainly don’t kill them.” Leon replied, arms folded.
“Ah, so that’s why you lost.” Cassandra grumbled, putting her head in her hands. “Leon, much as I admire your principles, and most of the time appreciate your chivalry, time and place. A battlefield is no place to be a gentleman.”
Leon shook his head, despite his exhaustion, his eyes remained sharp. “A battlefield is precisely the place it’s most important to remain true to one’s principles. If you abandon your principles in times where they become inconvenient, then they were hardly principles at all. And a warrior without principle is simply a murderer or a wild beast; ruthless violence without restraint, a sword with no sheath, that is an abomination.”
“I concur with the former, which is why I have few principles.” Cassandra replied with a slightly bemused smirk. “But as to the latter, I disagree. To exercise violence with ruthlessness and without principle, that is not inherently chaos, nor is the one who does so wildly. Rather it is to be expected of one acting towards their highest principles, for which all others may be forsaken. It dispenses with the idea of “good violence” and enacts violence for good. Most cannot understand what is good, and so shall be instructed in it, and follow their instructor, and thus, their ruthlessness is a weapon wielded by righteousness. But such is the difference between us, that you are a warrior, who concerns himself with how to fight, and I am a soldier, who concerns herself with why to fight. For this is the requirement of queens, that they must be soldiers.”
“If this is what you say, then you do not think enough of warriors, and too little of soldiers.” Leon countered. “You say that a warrior is one who seeks good means, and a soldier good ends. But a warrior who, by all gentle and upright behavior, establishes slavery, tyranny, and ill-rule has, in fact, disgraced his means. And a soldier who acts with absolute ruthlessness shall find only a wasteland that he may call peace. Both means and ends must be righteous for righteousness to endure. It is a pure draft that abides no dilution.”
“If such is the case, then neither warrior nor soldier is ever righteous, for there is no good way to kill a man.” Cassandra replied. “Whether by arrow, blade, venom, or sorcery, the dead remain dead. They are cut off and will never rise again. Such a thing is a wound which cannot be undone, and yet we who pursue violence, that is, to cause such wounds, do so and dress ourselves in codes and laws that we might ignore it.”
“Such is true, that death cannot be undone, and it is a terrible thing. This is why one must bear the sword with wisdom and with righteousness. For the sword must fall only as needed, and never without reason or in violation of principle. Those who slay without meaning live by the sword, and must be slain by it in turn. But the one who bears the sword that he might strike the wicked and spare the innocent.”
“Then you say instead that warriors are soldiers.” Cassandra countered, and delivered a riposte. “For if you say that a warrior pursues principle that they might only slay the wicked, then their end is justice, and all else is only the means to the end.”
“You misunderstand, for the means and the end are one and the same. You cannot achieve justice by injustice, or goodness by evil, anymore than you can draw water from an oil press or oil from a mountain stream. Consider a city, in which everyone is wicked, but for fifty men and their families. To strike the city with ruthlessness would mean slaying those fifty, and so there would be injustice. The same is true for the sake of twenty, and for the sake of ten, and for the sake of even a single one. For violence exists to protect the innocent foremost, and slaying the wicked is simply how this is accomplished.” Leon explained by way of an example, referencing a famous story told by the Hebrews.
Cassandra considered this and returned in kind. “You say that such is so, but I say to you it is better to destroy the city utterly, even if a hundred are innocent, if indeed all others are wicked. For if there are innocents in the city of the wicked, surely they shall be cruelly oppressed by the wicked. For the wicked shall not content themselves to the city, but will spread like a plague across the land and bring cruelty to all those who they can reach. This will continue until the wicked are utterly destroyed.”
“You say that ruthlessness is cruelty, but I say that ruthlessness is mercy. For the wicked cannot be cruel when they are dead, nor can they pursue the innocent beyond the grave. Decisive action, taken without hesitation, minimizes suffering.” So Cassandra concluded.
“Or, perhaps we could reject all of this nonsense about trying to murder one another and try diplomacy instead?” Seramis finally interjected, tired already and more so of this conversation. “The Scythians wouldn’t be coming all this way without a good reason, and powerful as they are, they might make excellent allies if we could manage it.”
“True, the three ways to deal with an enemy are to make them an ally, a subject, or a corpse. If we can manage the first, so much the better. If not, then we’ll aim for the second, after I’ve dealt with their queen.” Cassandra replied, rolling her shoulders. She gave Leon a look. “I respect your principles, but given it’s a stupid principle, and Sera’s a pacifist, I’ll address the practical concerns here directly. She might be strong, but now that I know her sword’s gimmick, I can kill her.”
“Let’s try and avoid that eh?” Seramis asked. “War is meant to be the last argument of kings, not the first.”
submitted by LordIlthari to The_Ilthari_Library [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 06:42 TheRealBomberTheBoss FNaF Lore Questions (plz help me) Part 2/2

Help Wanted

Did Tape Girl get 'Glitched'?
Why did Fazbear raid the office?
Is Sister Location an in-universe game?
How does Glitchtrap enter your mind?
Why is IT'S ME in the Fall Fest 83 barn?
Is Fazbear Entertainment stupid?

Security Breach

Is the Fake Ending of SL actually canon now?
Seating Arrangement in the Sticky Note Room
Nightmarionne Plushies. Everywhere.
Patient 46 lied about their childhood?
Gregory is Patient 46?
Who Left The Message?


How'd the Mimic contact Cassie?
Does Cassie have the Glitchtrap virus?
Roxy outlined in green?
Giving Chica her beak back accomplishes...?
Do Cassie's Dad & Gregory know each other?
We don't just throw out the other comic book endings, right?
Candy Cadet Story V2: Electric Boogaloo
Baby Room
Gregory is missing?
Brazil Ending has Vanessa?
M.X.E.S. get found out yet?
Glamrock Bonnie and the Patpats
Anyone Know the Fate of Cassie's Mom?
Is the Mimic based?

Help Wanted 2

Do we play as two separate people?
Carnie is Lefty, right?
What makes YOU so special?
Is Mystic Hippo Mandatory or Meaningless?
How is it a fair trade?
The Fate of Vanny
Candy Cadet Stories V3: Killing Harmony


Is Glitchbear the same person as Friendbear?
Who is Desk Man?
Do the Yellow Eyes belong to Glitchbear?
Old Man Consequences
Fifth Layer Down?

Special Delivery

6/10 Kids Enjoy 'Twisted' Pizza
First Location Confirmation?
FNAF 1 Year Confirmation?
What, no love for Henry?
So was Freddy's or Baby's first?
So, FNAF takes place in Utah?
Who do we play as in Special Delivery?
These are just some questions I had about the FNAF lore.
submitted by TheRealBomberTheBoss to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 16:24 asstrotrash Beef with the new angular.dev page...

I'm just posting this to get some "irks" that I have about the new angular.dev doc website out.
  1. I find the search by algolia (the irony that google is using them over it's own search engine is so thick you can cut it with a knife) very "mid". For example, if I go search for something like "ViewChild" it pushes the signal version "viewChild()" at the top and the decorator result at the bottom - which I find it super stupid that the results are in a tiny modal that I have to scroll down anyways. The angular.io search bar was wayyyy more convenient IMO and less clunky and had the images to the left of the API names so you can clearly note which is a decorator, etc. Some results have titles giving you a clue to what they are, some don't. I don't know how any directomanager looked at that and said this is better or equal to the angular.io search results. Honestly, it's a big fat downgrade.
  2. A lot of the "usage notes" aren't available because of an issue with "inline code blocks", and now since it's a forced re-direct from angular.io to angular.dev I'm now stuck with the potential of not being able to see examples on how to use an API function. I very often use those examples as reference points on how to do something, or at the very least get an idea on how to start working with that API. It's just flat out unacceptable IMO that they did that.
  3. This is a lesser gripe, but still one worth noting - for all google does for "readability" and "accessibility" in their component designs, they sure did go out of there way to "mute" the colors on Dark Mode a lot. Especially when looking for clear signs of an API function, decorator, core/abstract class in the API Reference section.
There are other smaller things that I don't like but they may be attributed to me not being used the new website layout, so I'll chalk them up to the novelty of it and give it a pass.
submitted by asstrotrash to Angular2 [link] [comments]
