Naskah pidato narkoba bahasa indonesia

AN 8.40 Duccaritavipākasutta: Conducive

2024.06.01 02:42 dailySuttaBot AN 8.40 Duccaritavipākasutta: Conducive

AN 8.40 Duccaritavipākasutta: Conducive
(1) “Bhikkhus, the destruction of life, repeatedly pursued, developed, and cultivated, is conducive to hell, to the animal realm, and to the sphere of afflicted spirits; for one reborn as a human being the destruction of life at minimum conduces to a short life span.
(2) “Taking what is not given, repeatedly pursued, developed, and cultivated, is conducive to hell, to the animal realm, and to the sphere of afflicted spirits; for one reborn as a human being taking what is not given at minimum conduces to loss of wealth.
(3) “Sexual misconduct, repeatedly pursued, developed, and cultivated, is conducive to hell, to the animal realm, and to the sphere of afflicted spirits; for one reborn as a human being sexual misconduct at minimum conduces to enmity and rivalry.
(4) “False speech, repeatedly pursued, developed, and cultivated, is conducive to hell, to the animal realm, and to the sphere of afflicted spirits; for one reborn as a human being false speech at minimum conduces to false accusations.
(5) “Divisive speech, repeatedly pursued, developed, and cultivated, is conducive to hell, to the animal realm, and to the sphere of afflicted spirits; for one reborn as a human being divisive speech at minimum conduces to being divided from one’s friends.
(6) “Harsh speech, repeatedly pursued, developed, and cultivated, is conducive to hell, to the animal realm, and to the sphere of afflicted spirits; for one reborn as a human being harsh speech at minimum conduces to disagreeable sounds.
(7) “Idle chatter, repeatedly pursued, developed, and cultivated, is conducive to hell, to the animal realm, and to the sphere of afflicted spirits; for one reborn as a human being idle chatter at minimum conduces to others distrusting one’s words.
(8) “Drinking liquor and wine, repeatedly pursued, developed, and cultivated, is conducive to hell, to the animal realm, and to the sphere of afflicted spirits; for one reborn as a human being drinking liquor and wine at minimum conduces to madness.”
Read this translation of Aṅguttara Nikāya 8.40 Duccaritavipākasutta: Conducive_by Bhikkhu Bodhi on Or read a different translation on, or Or _listen on Or explore the Pali on
Or read a translation in Deutsch, বাংলা, Español, Bahasa Indonesia, Italiano, 日本語, မြန်မာဘာသာ, Português, Русский, සිංහල, Svenska, ไทย, Tiếng Việt, or 汉语. Learn how to find your language.
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2024.05.31 23:20 xoxefo3952 The New World dari Y-Rin untuk Dibaca Gratis - Fantasi Cerita Indonesia

Lock Easton, si Badut Penyendiri, mendadak menjadi pusat perhatian. Semua orang yang melihatnya terpana, takjub, bahkan hingga ada yang jatuh pingsan. Tidak berhenti sampai disitu, keanehan-keanehan lain menyusul setelahnya, membuat Lock menjadi semakin stres dan kewarasannya terancam. Puncak dari semua hal tersebut adalah saat tetangganya, yang telah tinggal di sebelah apartemennya selama bertahun-tahun, lenyap secara misterius dengan hanya meninggalkan sepucuk surat. Kehidupan Lock kemudian berubah 180 derajat setelah seorang eksistensi, yang menyebut dirinya [Yang Terpilih], muncul di hadapannya dan memberinya dua pilihan sulit. Sadar bahwa dirinya berbeda, Lock akhirnya memutuskan untuk meninggalkan kehidupan yang dijalaninya sekarang dan melangkah ke Dunia Baru yang asing, memesona, dan penuh petualangan. Namun, Lock tidak sadar bahwa takdir mengerikan yang menunggunya, tidak akan terelakan begitu ia memilih jalan tersebut. Dan yang membuat keadaan makin gawat, seseorang diam-diam berambisi untuk menjebaknya menjadi seorang pengkhianat.. Bahasa: Indonesia Genre: Fantasy, Mystery Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:43 sumpitsakit Minecraft ketika diubah ke bahasa Indonesia

Minecraft ketika diubah ke bahasa Indonesia submitted by sumpitsakit to ondonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:38 This_Jicama_3417 Minecraft ketika diubah ke bahasa Indonesia

Minecraft ketika diubah ke bahasa Indonesia
Source: IG minecraftkitasemua.idn
submitted by This_Jicama_3417 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:42 dailySuttaBot SN 12.10 Gotamasutta: Gotama

SN 12.10 Gotamasutta: Gotama
[Note: “Choices” is the translation for the Pali word sankhāra. It is sometimes translated as “volitional formations” or “fabrications”. To learn about dependent origination in detail, see SN 12.2.]
“Mendicants, before my awakening—when I was still unawakened but intent on awakening—I thought: ‘Alas, this world has fallen into trouble. It’s born, grows old, dies, passes away, and is reborn, yet it doesn’t understand how to escape from this suffering, from old age and death. Oh, when will an escape be found from this suffering, from old age and death?’
Then it occurred to me: ‘When what exists is there old age and death? What is a condition for old age and death?’ Then, through rational application of mind, I comprehended with wisdom: ‘When rebirth exists there’s old age and death. Rebirth is a condition for old age and death.’
Then it occurred to me: ‘When what exists is there rebirth? … continued existence … grasping … craving … feeling … contact … the six sense fields … name and form … consciousness … ‘When what exists are there choices? What is a condition for choices?’ Then, through rational application of mind, I comprehended with wisdom: ‘When ignorance exists there are choices. Ignorance is a condition for choices.’
And so, ignorance is a condition for choices.
Choices are a condition for consciousness. … That is how this entire mass of suffering originates. ‘Origination, origination.’ Such was the vision, knowledge, wisdom, realization, and light that arose in me regarding teachings not learned before from another.
Then it occurred to me: ‘When what doesn’t exist is there no old age and death? When what ceases do old age and death cease?’ Then, through rational application of mind, I comprehended with wisdom: ‘When rebirth doesn’t exist there’s no old age and death. When rebirth ceases, old age and death cease.’
Then it occurred to me: ‘When what doesn’t exist is there no rebirth? … continued existence … grasping … craving … feeling … contact … the six sense fields … name and form … consciousness … ‘When what doesn’t exist are there no choices? When what ceases do choices cease?’ Then, through rational application of mind, I comprehended with wisdom: ‘When ignorance doesn’t exist there are no choices. When ignorance ceases, choices cease.’
And so, when ignorance ceases, choices cease. When choices cease, consciousness ceases. … That is how this entire mass of suffering ceases. ‘Cessation, cessation.’ Such was the vision, knowledge, wisdom, realization, and light that arose in me regarding teachings not learned before from another.”
Read this translation of Saṁyutta Nikāya 12.10 Gotamasutta: Gotama_by Bhikkhu Sujato on Or read a different translation on Or _listen on or Or explore the Pali on
Or read a translation in Deutsch, বাংলা, Čeština, Español, Magyar, Bahasa Indonesia, 日本語, မြန်မာဘာသာ, Norsk, Português, Русский, සිංහල, ไทย, Tiếng Việt, or 汉语. Learn how to find your language.
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2024.05.30 18:17 Fit-Review4008 What language is the most intresting for the futur to study ??

Hello reddit, I have a biggg dilema, so next year I'm going to uni and I'm accepted in 3 schools, with 3 different languages. First there is Mandarin,then Bahasa Indonesia and finaly Russian. The thing is russian really interest me and it's a part of my blood line so it would be really interesting to learn it yk but idk about mandarin cause it may be really interesting for future jobs
lmao please help me choose what's best for my future hehehe
submitted by Fit-Review4008 to languagelearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 13:39 ajeb22 Community Sharing - Now is probably the best time to start playing Yugioh in Indonesia

Community Sharing - Now is probably the best time to start playing Yugioh in Indonesia
Bikin tulisan ini karena lg gabut siapa tau bisa ngembangin Komunitas
  1. Apa itu Yugioh?
Harusnya orang2 udah tau lah ya kartun kita zaman kecil ini, yugioh adalah permainan kartu anak2 yang seringnya dimainkan oleh orang dewasa karena termasuk kompleks. Yang membuat yugioh berbeda dengan card game lain adalah permainan yugioh sangat cepat karena hampir tidak ada limit jumlah play yg dilakukan dengan satu turn, dan jumlah kartu yg sudah mencalai belasan ribu sehingga banyak combo yg dapat kamu lakukan
  1. Bagaimana kondisi komunitas Yugioh di Indonesia?
Yugioh di indonesia baru official sejak tahun lalu (april 2023) dan sekarang kondisinya masih terus berkembang. Jumlah player resmi yg tercatat ada sejumlah 1000 player dan player aktif ada at least 256 terbukti dari kmrn (foto 4) tournament yg diadakan berkuota 256 orang dan slot turnamennya langsung penuh dalam kurun waktu 1 jam
Sayangnya halangan terbesar untuk berkembangnya komunitas ini adalah karena indonesia terlalu luas dan tidak semua daerah bisa ada komunitas atau toko official
  1. Kenapa sekarang waktu mulai terbaik?
Pertama-tama yugioh di indonesia dibagi 2 format, Format Asia English dimana kamu harus bermain dengan kartu OCG (istilah untuk kartu yg dirilis di asia) bahasa inggris dan OCG JP yg dimana kamu bisa bermain dengan kartu bahasa jepang maupun inggris
Di Format Asia English konami baru saja merilis product bernama deck salamangreat sanctum (foto 2), yg dimana dengan membeli 3 produk ini dan membuat dengan dari situ maka decknya sudah cukup kuat untuk turnamen sehingga cocok untuk pemula. Format ini lebih newbie friendly karena kartunya bisa terbaca (bahasa inggris) dan card pool yg lebih sedikit. Sayangnya produk ini lagi sold out dimana2 jadi mesti nunggu restock katanya minggu dpn
Di Format JP konami akan merilis tactical try deck tgl 8 nanti (foto 1 & 3), yg ini lebih bagus lagi karena cukup dengan membeli 1 maka decknya sudah siap main di turnamen lengkap dengan kartu pendukungnya. Ada juga tuh 1 deck waifu (live twin, deck vtuber x phantom thief) buat kalian pencinta waifu. Kekurangan di format ini adalah kartunya rata bhs jpn jadi mesti hafal/rajin tanya lawan dan pemainnya rata2 udah veteran
  1. Bagaimana cara bergabung
Untuk komunitasnya sendiri paling aktif di FB, bisa cari Yugioh Duelist Indonesia (YDI) situ isinya rata2 sih jual beli tp ga masalah kalau mau tanya2. Untun cara tempat paling deket dengan kalian ada aplikasi namana Neuron ada di play store, disitu kalau pilih region indonesia kalian bisa liat2 mana toko terdekat dengan kalian dan kapan turnamen diadakan. Tinggal datang pas ada turnamen dan bilang aja ke judge (biasanya dia ikut turnamennya) kalian pingin bljr main dan rata2 sih friendly kok mau ngajarin (ya mereka makin banyak orang main makin banyak dpt duid jd pasti seneng jg)
submitted by ajeb22 to indowibu [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:02 sumpitsakit *Group* ~intermediate Bahasa Indonesia classes for ~2 weeks

submitted by sumpitsakit to ondonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 11:58 clheng337563 *Group* ~intermediate Bahasa Indonesia classes for ~2 weeks

Hi:), anyone knows where to find group Bahasa Indonesia intermediate classes by any chance? I've contacted several large* schools but they say you need to find your own classmates
I'm holidaying in Ubud, Bali right now, but don't mind hopping to another city.
*(large according to google maps)
submitted by clheng337563 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 02:42 dailySuttaBot AN 6.25 From… Anussatiṭṭhānasutta: Topics for Recollection—The Buddha

AN 6.25 From… Anussatiṭṭhānasutta: Topics for Recollection—The Buddha
“Mendicants, there are these six topics for recollection. What six?
Firstly, a noble disciple recollects the Realized One: ‘That Blessed One is perfected, a fully awakened Buddha, accomplished in knowledge and conduct, holy, knower of the world, supreme guide for those who wish to train, teacher of gods and humans, awakened, blessed.’ When a noble disciple recollects the Realized One their mind is not full of greed, hate, and delusion. At that time their mind is unswerving. They’ve left behind greed; they’re free of it and have risen above it. ‘Greed’ is a term for the five kinds of sensual stimulation. Relying on this, some sentient beings are purified in this way.…
Read the entire translation of Aṅguttara Nikāya 6.25 Anussatiṭṭhānasutta: Topics for Recollection_by Bhikkhu Sujato on Or _listen on Or explore the Pali on
Or read a translation in Deutsch, বাংলা, Español, Bahasa Indonesia, 日本語, မြန်မာဘာသာ, Русский, සිංහල, ไทย, Tiếng Việt, or 汉语. Learn how to find your language.
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2024.05.29 17:46 Klunsklo5 How can i fix this (ive been using 3 different browser and it still look the same)

submitted by Klunsklo5 to robloxgamedev [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:23 FurFur-Gamer-47 OTP BOT AVAILABLE ™️

OTP BOT AVAILABLE ™️ submitted by FurFur-Gamer-47 to u/FurFur-Gamer-47 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:42 dailySuttaBot Thag 5.8 Vakkalittheragāthā: Vakkali

Thag 5.8 Vakkalittheragāthā: Vakkali
“Struck by a wind ailment
while dwelling in a forest grove,
you’ve entered a tough place for gathering alms—
how will you get by, monk?”
“Pervading this bag of bones
with abundant rapture and happiness,
putting up with what’s tough,
I’ll dwell in the forest.
Developing mindfulness meditation,
the faculties and the powers,
developing the factors of awakening,
I’ll dwell in the forest.
Having seen those who are energetic, resolute,
always staunchly vigorous,
harmonious and united,
I’ll dwell in the forest.
Recollecting the Buddha—
the best, the tamed, the serene—
tireless all day and night
I’ll dwell in the forest.”
Read this translation of Theragāthā 5.8 Vakkalittheragāthā: Vakkali_by Bhikkhu Sujato on Or read a different translation on or Or _listen on Or explore the Pali on
Or read a translation in Deutsch, Bahasa Indonesia, Italiano, 日本語, Norsk, සිංහල, or Tiếng Việt. Learn how to find your language.
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2024.05.28 02:42 dailySuttaBot AN 6.96 Pātubhāvasutta: Appearance

AN 6.96 Pātubhāvasutta: Appearance
“Mendicants, the appearance of six things is rare in the world. What six?
  1. A Realized One, a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha.
  2. A person who teaches the teaching and training proclaimed by a Realized One.
  3. Rebirth in a civilized region.
  4. Unimpaired sense faculties.
  5. Being bright and clever.
  6. Enthusiasm for skillful qualities.
The appearance of these six things is rare in the world.”
Read this translation of Aṅguttara Nikāya 6.96 Pātubhāvasutta: Appearance_by Bhikkhu Sujato on Or _listen on Or explore the Pali on
Or read a translation in Deutsch, বাংলা, Bahasa Indonesia, 日本語, မြန်မာဘာသာ, Nederlands, Русский, සිංහල, ไทย, Tiếng Việt, or 汉语. Learn how to find your language.
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2024.05.27 17:54 Gregory_Gp Offering: - Spanish native - English fluent - French conversational Seeking: Bahasa Indonesia

Hello my name is Grégory, I'm 28, from Spain.
I have an interest for South East Asia since some time now, eventually I want to, at the very least, visit the region but ideally I would like to move there one day, to live somewhere totally different and inmerse etc
I been wanting to learn an asian language for quite some time now, and I told myself why not trying right?
Indonesian called my attention for several reasons, first the country seams awesome a natural paradise, the food delicious, the amount of speakers is huge wich I like, I heard people are very nice wich is always a plus, also I read that you can sort of comunicate with malay people too if you speak Indo so thats great.
It has similar traits with Spanish, so far sounds seam pretty similar and it's pronounced the way it's spelled wich is great.
My level is not conversational whatsoever but I'd like to try and speak it a bit, some basic sentences, fool around with it etc
I can help you with Spanish and English :)
I'm sure we'll find common ground, if you ask me about a certain topic in advance I could look into it a bit to better help you. Thanks.
submitted by Gregory_Gp to language_exchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 02:42 dailySuttaBot AN 4.247 Thūpārahasutta: Worthy of a Monument

AN 4.247 Thūpārahasutta: Worthy of a Monument
[Note: Many people may not realize that the Buddha himself encouraged the building of stupas/thupas to hold the relics of special people.]
“Mendicants, these four are worthy of a monument. What four? A Realized One, a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha; an independent Buddha; a disciple of a Realized One; and a wheel-turning monarch. These four are worthy of a monument.”
[“Independent Buddha” is the translation of Paccekabuddha, a Buddha who does not establish a teaching.]
Read this translation of Aṅguttara Nikāya 4.247 Thūpārahasutta: Worthy of a Monument_by Bhikkhu Sujato on Or _listen on or Or explore the Pali on
Or read a translation in Čeština, Deutsch, বাংলা, Bahasa Indonesia, 日本語, မြန်မာဘာသာ, Русский, සිංහල, ไทย, Tiếng Việt, or 汉语. Learn how to find your language.
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2024.05.26 12:42 motoxim Penjepit Brutal

Penjepit Brutal submitted by motoxim to indowibu [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 06:45 notrobbstark Tell me you didn't study history without telling me you didn't study history

Tell me you didn't study history without telling me you didn't study history
I saw this post about an alternate timeline scenario. What if the someone else colonised us instead of the Spaniards. I am critical towards these kinds of posts because they are too simplistic of the histories of the world. Various factors affected our history, not just Spain being Spain
These types of posts could even be used to mislead the vulnerable to accept the alternative that we could have been part of China. This is thinly veiled propaganda, trying to soften up the idea that we could have been part of China and maybe we could accept CCP influence into our country. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea in an alternate history, said the propagandist.
They began with what if the Portuguese colonised us. Fair enough, that wouldn't have been far off, except for the fact that the Portuguese and even the Dutch were driven by the spice trade. Since the Philippines had no high value spice to speak off, the idea of colonising a near spiceless land at the edge of the known world wasn't all that enticing.
That just leaves us with great old Britania. In all likelihood, we'd be a plantation/penal colony of the British. However, if it wasn't for India and their massively fertile sub-continent, then we'd more likely be a penal colony rather than an archipelago of smaller plantations.
France would have been a contender, but Napoleon wanted to be a land power at a time that Britain rules the waves.
That image where half of the Philippines is Chinese and the other Malaysian is even least likely than all the others scenarios.
Yes, we could have been a predominantly Muslim country, but colonialism was too easy to implement on us because we're an archipelago of diverse peoples and tribes. We're not Thailand where in they are under a single king with one contiguous land mass.
Historically, China is an isolationist country. The only time they tried to colonize overseas was with their attempt to invade Japan. Even then they were ruled by a Mongol decent emperor.
Last point on my TED talk, I don't hate the Chinese. I have no quaIms with the diaspora. I hate the CCP. We are a sovereign nation, built on top of the blood, sweat, and tears of our forebearers. We can continue to live as trading nations, but never a conquered one. History happened for a reason and we have to live with that reality moving forward. Not looking behind and asking what if.
Tldr; study your histories. We would never have been Chinese, if Spain didn't colonise us. In all likelihood, we would have been a British colony.
submitted by notrobbstark to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 06:22 sumpitsakit Indonesia equivalent of Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

Indonesia equivalent of Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo submitted by sumpitsakit to ondonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 06:18 Previous_Knowledge91 Indonesia equivalent of Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

Indonesia equivalent of Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo submitted by Previous_Knowledge91 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 02:42 dailySuttaBot Ud 8.5 Cundasutta: With Cunda

Ud 8.5 Cundasutta: With Cunda
So I have heard. At one time the Buddha was wandering in the land of the Mallas together with a large Saṅgha when he arrived at Pāvā. There he stayed in Cunda the smith’s mango grove.
Cunda heard that the Buddha had arrived and was staying in his mango grove. Then he went to the Buddha, bowed, and sat down to one side. The Buddha educated, encouraged, fired up, and inspired him with a Dhamma talk. Then Cunda said to the Buddha, “Sir, may the Buddha together with the mendicant Saṅgha please accept tomorrow’s meal from me.” The Buddha consented with silence.
Then, knowing that the Buddha had consented, Cunda got up from his seat, bowed, and respectfully circled the Buddha, keeping him on his right, before leaving. And when the night had passed Cunda had delicious fresh and cooked foods prepared in his own home, and plenty of pork on the turn. Then he had the Buddha informed of the time, saying, “Sir, it’s time. The meal is ready.”
Then the Buddha robed up in the morning and, taking his bowl and robe, went to the home of Cunda together with the mendicant Saṅgha, where he sat on the seat spread out and addressed Cunda, “Cunda, please serve me with the pork on the turn that you’ve prepared. And serve the mendicant Saṅgha with the other foods.” “Yes, sir,” replied Cunda, and did as he was asked.
Then the Buddha addressed Cunda, “Cunda, any pork on the turn that’s left over, you should bury it in a pit. I don’t see anyone in this world—with its gods, Māras, and Brahmās, this population with its ascetics and brahmins, its gods and humans—who could properly digest it except for the Realized One.” “Yes, sir,” replied Cunda. He did as he was asked, then came back to the Buddha, bowed, and sat down to one side. Then the Buddha educated, encouraged, fired up, and inspired him with a Dhamma talk, after which he got up from his seat and left.
After the Buddha had eaten Cunda’s meal, he fell severely ill with bloody dysentery, struck by dreadful pains, close to death. But he endured unbothered, with mindfulness and situational awareness.
Then the Buddha said to Venerable Ānanda, “Come, Ānanda, let’s go to Kusinārā.” “Yes, sir,” Ānanda replied.
I’ve heard that after eating
the meal of Cunda the smith,
the wise one fell severely ill,
with pains, close to death.
A severe sickness struck the Teacher
who had eaten the pork on the turn.
While still purging the Buddha said:
“I’ll go to the citadel of Kusinārā.”
Then the Buddha left the road and went to the root of a certain tree, where he addressed Ānanda, “Please, Ānanda, fold my outer robe in four and spread it out for me. I am tired and will sit down.” “Yes, sir,” replied Ānanda, and did as he was asked. The Buddha sat on the seat spread out, and said to Venerable Ānanda, “Please, Ānanda, fetch me some water. I am thirsty and will drink.”
When he said this, Venerable Ānanda said to the Buddha, “Sir, just now around five hundred carts have passed by. The shallow water has been churned up by their wheels, and it flows cloudy and murky. The Kakutthā river is not far away, with clear, sweet, cool water, clean, with smooth banks, delightful. There the Buddha can drink and cool his limbs.”
For a second time, and a third time, the Buddha said to Ānanda, “Please, Ānanda, fetch me some water. I am thirsty and will drink.” “Yes, sir,” replied Ānanda. Taking his bowl he went to the river. Now, though the shallow water in that river had been churned up by wheels, and flowed cloudy and murky, when Ānanda approached it flowed transparent, clear, and unclouded.
Then Venerable Ānanda thought, “Oh, how incredible, how amazing! The Realized One has such psychic power and might! For though the shallow water in that river had been churned up by wheels, and flowed cloudy and murky, when I approached it flowed transparent, clear, and unclouded.” Gathering a bowl of drinking water he went back to the Buddha, and said to him, “It’s incredible, sir, it’s amazing! The Realized One has such psychic power and might! For though the shallow water in that river had been churned up by wheels, and flowed cloudy and murky, when I approached it flowed transparent, clear, and unclouded. Drink the water, Blessed One! Drink the water, Holy One!”
So the Buddha drank the water. Then the Buddha together with a large Saṅgha of mendicants went to the Kakutthā River. He plunged into the river and bathed and drank. And when he had emerged, he went to the mango grove, where he addressed Venerable Cundaka, “Please, Cundaka, fold my outer robe in four and spread it out for me. I am tired and will lie down.”
“Yes, sir,” replied Cundaka, and did as he was asked. And then the Buddha laid down in the lion’s posture—on the right side, placing one foot on top of the other—mindful and aware, and focused on the time of getting up. But Cundaka sat down right there in front of the Buddha.
Having gone to Kakutthā Creek,
whose water was transparent, sweet, and clear,
the Teacher, being tired, plunged in,
the Realized One, without compare in the world.
And after bathing and drinking the Teacher emerged.
Before the group of mendicants, in the middle,the Buddha,
the Teacher who rolled forth the present dispensation,
the great seer went to the mango grove.
He addressed the mendicant named Cundaka:
“Spread out my folded robe so I can lie down.”
The evolved one urged Cunda,
who quickly spread the folded robe.
The Teacher lay down so tired,
while Cunda sat there before him.
Then the Buddha said to Venerable Ānanda, “Now it may happen, Ānanda, that others may give rise to some regret for Cunda the smith: ‘It’s your loss, friend Cunda, it’s your misfortune, in that the Realized One became fully extinguished after eating his last almsmeal from you.’ You should get rid of remorse in Cunda the smith like this:
‘You’re fortunate, friend Cunda, you’re so very fortunate, in that the Realized One became fully extinguished after eating his last almsmeal from you. I have heard and learned this in the presence of the Buddha. There are two almsmeal offerings that have identical fruit and result, and are more fruitful and beneficial than other almsmeal offerings. What two? The almsmeal after eating which a Realized One understands the supreme perfect awakening; and the almsmeal after eating which he becomes fully extinguished in the element of extinguishment with nothing left over. These two almsmeal offerings have identical fruit and result, and are more fruitful and beneficial than other almsmeal offerings.
You’ve accumulated a deed that leads to long life, beauty, happiness, fame, heaven, and sovereignty.’ You should dispel remorse in Cunda the smith like this.”
Then, understanding this matter, on that occasion the Buddha expressed this heartfelt sentiment:
“A giver’s merit grows;
enmity doesn’t build up when you have self-control.
A skillful person gives up bad things—
with the end of greed, hate, and delusion,they’re extinguished.”
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