Thank you to employees happy anniversary

The Tiniest of Units!!!

2019.03.22 20:48 Alphatek666 The Tiniest of Units!!!

A chilled out place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of tiny animals, insects & random objects you find pretty awesome.

2016.01.04 21:29 Not_An_Ambulance Malicious Compliance

People conforming to the letter, but not the spirit, of a request.

2008.04.08 02:06 /r/Vegas - The Original Reddit Las Vegas

The original Las Vegas subreddit run by people who live in Las Vegas. Locals and visitors welcome.

2024.05.17 13:53 Ryeaugla High School “Friend” messages me for the first time in years basically just to call me a b*tch

High School “Friend” messages me for the first time in years basically just to call me a b*tch
Like, did this really necessitate a Facebook message? Just because I didn’t say thanks on a nearly 1 year old post? 🤦‍♀️ She was always starting shit back in our school days too.
submitted by Ryeaugla to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:52 Snushy_101 WhatConverts Careers: Explore Openings, Unveil Benefits!

WhatConverts Careers: Explore Openings, Unveil Benefits!
Did you know that 80% of professionals consider a company's culture before applying for a job? At WhatConverts, careers are not just about jobs; they're about growth, fulfillment, and things. Join us in revolutionizing the marketing industry with opportunities that value innovation and creativity. Discover a workplace where your ideas matter, your voice is heard, and your career thrives. Elevate your potential with a team that champions diversity, collaboration, and excellence. Explore our openings today and embark on a rewarding journey with WhatConverts.
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What benefits can I expect by joining the team at WhatConverts?

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Why should I consider a career at WhatConverts?

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submitted by Snushy_101 to ReviewsFactory [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:52 SKGibbo Pokemon go referral code

On the off chance anyone needs a Referal code for pokemon go here's mine 😊
Happy to go all the way to Best friends, sending gifts from the UK
Or if you just want to add me
You'll get free stuff for using it and I will too. Many thanks LordSKG
submitted by SKGibbo to PokemonGOIVs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:50 redditismytherapylol AITA for getting jealous over my (ex) best friend and my boyfriend?

My boyfriend and I (F) have been dating for almost 9 months. When we first started dating, I started spending more time with him rather than with my friend group (lets call it friend group A), which is a bad move on my part to be honest but I have strict parents and not enough time in the day to hang out with both of them. It's not like I completely ditched them, I tried to split my time half half but it was really difficult to. None of them really had a problem with this except my best friend (Also F). Now, again back then we just started dating, and I was blinded to see that I was ditching my best friend. SO again. That's my fault.
A few months after we started dating, my boyfriend and I hung out with some more people as well, and soon we became something close to a friend group (friend group B). (btw: I hadn't ditched friend group A, I still spent time with both of them.) Friend group B consisted of most of my bgs friends, though I'm pretty much friends with his friends so it was fine for me. One day, I invited my best friend to join friend group B because she was closer to 2 of the friends in friend group B than A anyways. Everything was going pretty good with friend group B until my parents thought they were bad influences and told me to stop hanging out with them. Of course, I listened because well, they're my parents and I didn't want to make them mad. I ended up going back to friend group A, sometimes visiting friend group B mainly to see my bf, but here's the funny part. My best friend didn't come with me.
Now, I get that she was closer with some of the people in friend group B than A, and I wanted to be happy for her, because she seemed happy, but I was already really unhappy getting forced to leave friend group B, and it just sucks she didn't seem to care. We barely talked because we never saw each other anymore, and when we did see each other it seemed awkward or forced, nothing like how "best friends" are supposed to act. I always tried to muster up the courage to speak to her about it, but I was always scared it would ruin our friendship, even if it was dangling by a thread. As I couldn't do anything about it, I decided to just leave it alone, and perhaps things will just fall into place one day. Oh how wrong I was.
So I left it alone. I just hung out with friend group A and minded my own business, and I was completely out of the loop of friend group B, beside the occasional visits. When these visits happened, I noticed my boyfriend and my "best friend" starting to get kinda close. They knew a lot about each other and each others weird 'eras' (eg. my "best friends" old anime phase) and had a lot of inside jokes. I, being the one who introduced them to each other, of course tried to ignore it and be happy for them since I HAD originally wanted them to be friends, but now I was really regretting it. Soon enough, I noticed them texting constantly (snap number one best friend for 2months+ goes crazy), playing video games together (even with my "best friends" little sister like what!?!?!), and hanging out and going to lunch together (okay this was usually with friend group B as well but I thought it was weird my "best friend" was able to go out so much since she had strict parents like I did (even stricter actually) and we went out like once a month, but suddenly she was able to go out with friend group B so often?) Also, whenever I went to go visit my boyfriend and friend group B, I would see them interacting and felt like I was being left out. (Honestly I felt left out of friend group B entirely but that's another story) To be fair, these activities were pretty "friendly" but I just felt like there were some weird areas (I wont get into it since this is getting way too long). Or maybe I'm just a really really jealous person (actually that might be it).
I thought about two solutions. 1. I tell my boyfriend how uncomfortable I feel around the two of them, and make him cut her off, but this could risk my best friend getting mad at me idk. (Okay I'm making this whole thing out to be like my best friends an evil villain and im sure shes not (or she wasn't I'm not sure anymore) but I'm just really uncomfortable with what could be going on behind my back. I do trust my boyfriend, I'm just worried about how much my "best friend" has changed and if she'll backstab me). Also I'd feel really controlling even though I know he would 100% understand, it just feels weird to me if that makes sense? Like he has told me to cut contact with people and I've had no problem with that but I've never told anyone to do that before and I'm scared he'll get offended I don't trust him. And they're so close I feel like I'd be ruining their friendship? I DONT KNOW OKAY I have no idea what to do. 2. I tell my best friend everything she's done and how it really hurt me and try to make her understand. Yeah that seems like a better solution so I did just that. I told her everything that pissed me off and how I felt uncomfortable around them. She seemed to have understood (key word: "seemed to") and apologised and felt the same way as I did about our friendship drifting. She also emphasized how she and my boyfriend were "not that close anymore", but I definitely disagree with that (also agreed by another close friend in friend group B). And though she "seemed to" understand and said she would change, I do see changes in our friendship and out dynamic, even if its not a big one, but I don't think she understood JUST HOW uncomfortable I was with her and my boyfriend, because I didn't see a change there.
So the conclusion is, my boyfriend is really close friends with my best friend (now ex best friend ig) even if they don't admit it but its fairly obvious. I'm trying to be okay with it since I introduced them to eachother because I wanted them to get to know eachother, but I'm really struggling to not break into tears everytime I see them talking or sitting together or honestly everything they do together... I have no idea what to do to stop feeling like this. Am I making it sound really serious when its not? What do you guys think? What should I do?!

PS: sorry this is so long, I haven't talked to anyone about the true depth of this but its seriously unhealthy. this is my first reddit post so if i should make any changes let me know! also let me know if you guys have any questions! thank you !!!!
submitted by redditismytherapylol to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:49 Fishon72 Florida to Texas reporting in. Court order: methadone sister out, two other sisters in. And judge ordered everyone get along!

Here I am again. After getting moms house cleaned up and getting her SSA finally applied for and headed her way, dads business almost closed, and a LITTANY of other things done, (the list is a months long feat I did in 5 weeks), and also caring for mom with dementia. I had signed a POA for mom so I could investigate her bank accounts. I found lots of financial abuse by methadone sister. Haven’t turned her in yet.
On May 2 I was served with a restraining order and notice to vacate my mother’s house by my older billionaire sister. Little sister convinced her I was the bad guy and that I was causing harm, stealing, blah blah. Older sisters emergency guardianship was overturned in court yesterday by a very stern judge who quickly saw through the BS. (Plus I provided the court text messages that both of their entire affidavits were based on lies).
Judge granted me guardianship of the person and granted older sister guardianship of her estate. This is common practice as they do not want people stealing elderly and moving them out of state, stealing their assets. However I can move my mother to Florida now, as she has begged the court and begged me since right after my father passed in February. After 90 days if all is well, the estate is turned back over to us.
I throughout all of it I kept having this vision of sitting with my mom on the boardwalk of the beach by my house and watching the sun come up. In my vision I see myself turning to her and saying “well, mom, we did it.” I kept telling her throughout all of this that it’s going to be okay, we are going to win this. Her attorney ad litem kept telling me the judge is NEVER going to let her go to Florida.
Thats not the way things work apparently. The court was held yesterday in the 200 year old courtroom in a small Texas town square courthouse (no metal detectors, judge wore a cowboy hat) it was RAGING storming, judge just wanted for mom to be happy and be safe and keep her assets safe. After a trial period her estate will be released back to me. LOL judge said, “Everyone will get along and treat each other with respect. EVERYONE. Or we will have another hearing and it will not be fun for you.” Basically, the judge told my abusive older sister that she’s not allowed to abuse me anymore or else.
I so very much appreciate the laws associated with this whole process. Without them people like my younger sister could just strong arm everyone away from the scene, keep mom’s assets and keep neglecting her. Adversely, if I were a person of the quality of my younger sister and lived out of state, I could “steal” my mother with dementia and her assets and take her across state lines making it a very large, very expensive task to recover it all. I appreciate the laws for that reason as well, that could have been a possibility for younger sister if she was feeling flighty. So all in all it was a win. More work involved with of course certificates and bonds required, but mom gets what she wants.
In a few weeks she will be watching sunrises over the Atlantic and petting chihuahuas and gardening with me, making bread. Thank God for that judge. She was to the point she was refusing help from anyone but me. I can’t imagine how things would be for her if the outcome had been any different. Probably assisted living/borderline nursing care. God is good!!!
submitted by Fishon72 to dementia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:47 Myca88 What should I do? Need advices :(

Hi, I have been recovering since last autumn, I was very underweight and I'm at a normal weight now (a bit lower than my pre ed weight), I wasn't eating recovery amounts (because of 0 appetite) but I ate in a surplus and gained weight slowly. Also a few weeks ago I got one period after around 2 years of amenorrhea which made me very happy but I'm also scared because my digestion is kinda the same as when I started, I feel it is slow in the lower stomach, I'm full of gas 24/7 and I have 0 physical and mental appetite. :( I'm sad because I thought getting the period back means that the body trusts me again but I feel it still holds onto food? What should I do to fix/speed up my digestion and get hungry again? I don't even know how much more weight I should gain because I don't have an appetite to guide me, I don't understand why my body won't cooperate and tell me what it needs and how much. I'm so tired of forcing myself to eat every day for so long. Any advice or personal experience will be greatly appreciated. Thank you! <3
submitted by Myca88 to fuckeatingdisorders [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:46 Ok-Security-1782 i don’t know what to do with myself

i am 15, trans, and autistic. i tried going to high school in person but i had to go back to online school in december after the first semester because my mental health got so bad i couldn’t function and only recently have i been starting to get back on my feet. my memory is awful and im tired all the time, ive tried just about everything and doctors don’t know why. i’ve been on lexapro for a year and it’s working pretty well but i still frequently have days where i can barely function. as dumb as this may sound all i do is play video games and masturbate and even with that i can’t even enjoy it because of how SSRI’s make it impossible for me to enjoy anything sexual. i also believe i have ocd as i show most all signs and my mother also has it. which leads to me having awful intrusive thoughts that make me think terrible things about myself and others. i can’t maintain a relationship of any kind because i have a very low social battery, holding conversations online and in person are very difficult for me, and i’m also autistic which i find i mask well but not well enough for most people not to be able to tell there’s something off about me. i’ve lost interest in most of my hobbies and i can’t seem to enjoy anything the way i used to. my siblings are my best friends but one moved and the other works a lot, i spend a lot of time with my parents which i do cherish especially because they’re getting older. but i still feel very lonely, even with my siblings they don’t show interest in my interests the way i do theirs, they’re both big music people but they really don’t seem to show interest when i show them any of my music. i do feel i could be diving too deep into my siblings lack of interest in me, but i also feel like if i was they would acknowledge me more when all three of us hangout. they’ll have full blown conversations and never ask for my input or anything. i’ve talked about this to the one im closer to more than once and they said they’d try to include me more but i don’t feel that they have made that effort. they tend to make empty promises to me a lot and they have for years but i don’t feel there’s a way to address it with them. i wish i had a way to express myself, i know my brother was very similar to me when he was my age and that he did a lot of writing and so did my other sibling, but i don’t feel that i can express myself that way and the same goes for other forms of art. as much as im doing okay right now i know im going to go back down and i want to be better prepared for it in anyway i can be. im happy for any input you may have and even if you don’t thank you for reading this. i’ve never felt able to truly express what i feel so even if i don’t know you it’s good to know someone knows what im feeling.
submitted by Ok-Security-1782 to helpme [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:45 Disastrous_Force868 I was exposed to hsv2 4months ago and I still don't feel well

Hi :) I was exposed to Hsv2 and I feel like I lost my soul a real big piece of me. I'm trying really hard to not to think this way and trying to do this living the moment, find happiness from little stuffs mindset thing while I'm doing it I know I'm trying so that I'm trying part makes me feel kind of funny and sad and It kind of doesn't work I know and also I don't know why I'm suffering this much I think the way how I expressed my freedom with shiny eyes and vibes I just feel that all of them are gone. I act so good so I just act like I'm just the same as before but something is just missing sorry just venting venting. How are you guys going through this? Any advice anything would help with this feeling like that I lost myself somehow If anyone wants to talk to DM me too or the comment would be nice too Thank you !
submitted by Disastrous_Force868 to HSVpositive [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:44 deadstraykitten Grateful I didn't pick that bottle up

Welp, turns out I just went through a depressive episode. I didn't wanted to drink, I've just been both bored and stressed out by the situation I've been in and looking for an escape.
Thank god I found another way by taking the ferry over to Lombok; leaving this overcrowded, noisy island behind and booking a hostel in the middle of nowhere for a few days. I've been the only guest there at this time and the next small town was half an hour drive away. 24 hrs in and I had my energy, vibe and will to live back. Just chilling in the hammock overlooking the jungle, reading books, going for walks through the rice fields, stopping at a coconut farm for a little refreshment and a ciggie, sharing some comfy silence with the locals there.
The urge to drink or stuff my face with sugar or junkfood literally evaporated and I got back into my workout and mindfulness routine, going to bed early and waking up with the sun to watch it rise over the mountains with a cup of coffee in my hand.
2022's Aly would've thrown up into her mouth and called me a boring cvnt, but I don't care anymore. I'll put my ego aside and stop trying to live up to the expectations of other people, trying to be happy by doing what I THINK should make a person my age happy.
This week in nature made me realize that I hate big cities, I hate parties, I hate chaos. Everything is too loud and too bright and too fast ever since I stopped drinking after almost a decade of alcoholism AND THAT'S OK. No need to pretend anymore, I'm not the same as I used to be.
Maybe life will be less thrilling and exciting but it will be fucking peaceful and from now on I will just embrace the slow life. I think I just want to go off the grid where I can work with horses, currently looking into volunteering projects in South America. Take care of animals, spend time in nature, do my yoga, write my damn book and maybe finally start that YouTube Channel I've been talking about since the age of 15.
No, my life is not over. I'm just getting started man (slowly).
submitted by deadstraykitten to dryalcoholics [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:39 Night_Putting 99.85, thanks for the help!

Made it to 99.85 today, 19 days to go. Might be able to make it. Thanks for all the help as always. I'll be happy share clicks.
Can you help me out? I am trying to get a free gift. Hello friends, I need your help to click this link below to get more puppy snacks for my new pet!!
submitted by Night_Putting to SHEIN_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:38 throwawayyyy3674379 Im scared my mom will no longer love me if I take off my hijab

Im a 15 year old girl who's been wearing a hijab since i was 7. I actually voluntarily wore it since my sister, friends,mom and basically every female I knew and looked up to wore it. I didn't even know WHY I wore it. Now that im 15 I want to take it off but im scared my mom won't let me. I haven said anything to her yet but she's all like: "you're 15 now, you have to start dressing more modestly and stop wearing pants" the clothes I wear are hoodies and big large "poofy" pants which don't even show off my body. I don't wear tight clothes since they make me uncomfortable.
Recently we moved to a new place in a new country which means all my old muslim friends wouldn't be able to know that I took it off and I don't need to fear losing any friends. But now my mom Is pushing me to meet all these other Somali girls and I'd trying to persuade me into wearing long boring black dresses under the guise of that "they're more modest then your regular clothes" and "all the other Somali girls will also be wearing these!"
I dont wanna make new hijabi friends since im scared they'll talk about me behind my back since that's what happened at my old school when someone took it off. I used to know a Pakistani girl who took hers off and whenever I saw her i admired her for being more brave then me. If she's not ok with me wearing pants I can't imagine how she'll act when I try to take it off.
I hate this dumb double standard where if you're a convert who's not ready for a hijab yet or a girl who just never wore one then everyone's okay with that. But god forbid You've been wearing one since you were 8 like me and decide you don't wanna wear one now??? Like maybe I'll be more okay with it when im 20 something but now I don't want to and have been feeling like this for 3 years.
My mom is the kindest person I know but my god she's do strict when it comes to religion it's like she becomes possessed. Ive overhead my older sister tell her she didn't wanna wear one a few years back and my mom Being the smooth talker she is managed to persuade her to keep Wearing it.
Whenever I think of myself in my future im not wearing a hijab, and all of this makes me resent it and back away from it.
Why can't my mom be like my friends mom? I have a friend or HAD a friend who was from the same country as Me and she told me that her mom tolf her "if you don't wanna wear your hijab tell me then, I'll love you no matter what" and the girl choose to wear hijab and was happy wearing it. I wish my mom gave me that option too.
Thanks for listening, I didn't proofread so there are probably alot of spelling errors.
submitted by throwawayyyy3674379 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:38 R98rayan Need Help: Unjust Overwatch Ban and No Response from Blizzard Support

Need Help: Unjust Overwatch Ban and No Response from Blizzard Support
Hello everyone,
This is Rayan AL-Ghamdi (R98rayan) and I need your help with an urgent issue regarding my Overwatch account's permanent ban.
As a dedicated PC player for many years, I have never engaged in any hacking activities. Shockingly, about a week ago, I received a ban for hacking. Despite my inquiries, the Blizzard team has not provided any clear information about the reason for this ban. My ticket number is EU94468815.
This action was deeply shocking to me. I've been an Overwatch player since the early days of Overwatch 1 when it was crowned Game of the Year, investing significant time and money into the game. My Reinhardt playtime speaks for itself.
After discovering the ban, I opened a ticket to understand and challenge the ban as a loyal player who has always adhered to the game's rules. Unfortunately, I received a generic response stating that the ban was due to a violation of the company's rules, without any specific details.
I was surprised and continued to send messages, but received no further responses. I suspect that the ban might have been triggered by my use of a program called AutoHotKey, which I used to adjust the volume in Firefox while gaming, not for any malicious intent.
I've provided several possible explanations and communicated extensively with Blizzard, stressing that my account holds my gaming history, friends, skins, and countless hours of play. Despite this, after a week of stress and waiting, a Blizzard employee responded with the same generic automated response and promptly closed my ticket, marking it as resolved.
I was deeply frustrated by this dismissive response. I've been advised to share my story on Twitter to potentially reach someone who can help.
I've created a thread detailing my situation, and I hope you can help spread the word by retweeting or sharing it. Here is the link: Twitter Thread's Tweet
Thank you for listening to my story.
Ticket 1/3
Ticket 2/3
Ticket 3/3
My profile on Overwatch 2 and contain my Reinhardt's playtime and clean history.
I can't enjoy Overwatch 2 due the Ban from Blizzard.
Blizzard's Email about telling me that I'm using Hack.
submitted by R98rayan to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:37 Asktraders178 True Forex Funds Shuts Down Permanently Due to Financial Insolvency

True Forex Funds Shuts Down Permanently Due to Financial Insolvency submitted by Asktraders178 to ForexPropBrokersNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:35 Professional_War_450 Do you have flare ups where symptoms are bad and then good periods where you feel normal again?

In a 4 year battle of finding out what is wrong with me. I have just discovered dysautonomia and I tick every symptom on the list, plus with added chiari malformation which can be the cause.
I’m wondering whether someone who is diagnosed can help me here…
My symptoms come and go, I seem to have 2 bad flare ups a year… Strangely around the same time: May/September.
I suffer with: - PVC’s/ectopic beats - Sudden spike in heart rate for no reason (racing at 140 for 30 minutes after picking up a sock?) - Spike in heart rate (130s) and ectopics after eating and before bowel movements - Resting heart rate very low (50s) despite the above - Sudden spike or drop in heart rate upon standing - Blood pooling in hands, really dark veins in my palms upon standing - Anxiety (made worse by all the symptoms of course) - Light/sound sensitivity - Shortness of breath - Feeling like I’m going to choke on food when swallowing - Constantly thirsty, feels like water doesn’t work in my body? - Bouts of bad constipation and ‘loose’ poos, never any happy medium - Low blood pressure
The list goes on really but these are the most prominent issues.
I’m seeing my cardiologist/electrophysasist on Tuesday and I plan to bring up this condition with him.
How did you go about getting diagnosed?
Thank you 💜
submitted by Professional_War_450 to dysautonomia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:33 Icy_Dinner_6249 Took a step back kasi napagod akong maging emotional sponge ng best friend ko. (Long post)

Sorry, medyo detailed kasi ako mag kwento. And warning na rin, dito lang ako manunumbat ng slight.
I (F26) have a best friend (F27) since highschool na married na with a 2yo. Nag click kami noon because we can relate to each other in having strict parents/grandparents. We went to different universities in college and we sometimes see each other na lang. It will always be monthssss in a year bago kami mag catch up and I'm grateful that we remain connected kahit ganon.
She is my best friend. I was there thru her ups and downs. I planned her bridal shower and went all out since sya yung first ikakasal sa circle of friends namin and I was the only one who could attend her wedding as MOH since covid time yon. I frankly say to her when her then bf or flings are red flags. Even husband niya nga ngayon, red flag.
I'm the type of friend na genuinely nasasaktan para sa kanya when it comes to her love life. Hindi niya kasi deserve yon. Siya naman, panay rant sa akin thru messenger pag may gusto syang ilabas na galit specially now sa husband niya. Over the years of her married life even nung pregnancy journey niya, she wasn't genuinely happy but she thrives. She would rant to me how badly she wanna die already dahil pagod na sya sa husband niya pero kundi dahil sa anak nila, matagal na daw niya gustong mag give up. How she feels unloved and hindi priority. Post partum, ganon.
She would send her rants anytime of the day. I also told her din naman na rant ka lang anytime. I'll listen/read all of them and be there for you as much as I can. And everytime she does, I'm sometimes in the middle of work, bagong gising, in a company party, on a staycation with my bf, or kaka out lang from work. Tapos when she rants to me, sobrang haba always so I will back read from the top. Then position myself and my brain to be the comforting best friend. Hindi pa ako married, and I'm honest with her na I don't have the words to say kasi I can't relate but I'm there for her and would always tell her na everything is valid. She's not wrong for feeling those things. Being a wife and a mom is no easy role. One day, sobrang nasaktan ako for her that I cried after reading her rants early in the morning in front of my bf. Then suck it all up kasi ayoko ding ma compromise ang time namin non.
Since her new season, I would always invite myself sa kanila. Sa bahay mismo. To visit her and catch up, and play with her son. She would say na she's too swamped to hang out at kumain sa labas because of her responsibilities so I would visit them na lang. And bring food of course. Of all her friends, ako lang ata gumagawa non for her.
Then came December last year. Nag rant sya. Of course I replied. Then na seen na niya. And that's it. Seen. For the first time, I asked myself, am I her best friend ba talaga? Does she see me as one? Then I remember, she never visited me sa amin kahit once, she never invited me to have a girl's day, then I saw on a post that she went to downtown to eat out with her college friends and bonded sa condo with them. I understand na minsan lang silang magkita but what I realized din was sa aming dalawa, ako ang bigay ng bigay, ako yung nagte take ng extra mile for her. Ako yung lagi siyang pinupuntahan. I have been her emotional sponge and parang napagod na akong isink in yung burdens niya just to know how to comfort her.
On the other hand, siya yung hindi ko masabihan ng pinagdadanan ko kasi ayokong makadagdag sa stress niya. Siya yung hindi ko masabihan na ang saya ko sa relationship ko ngayon kasi minahal na ako ng tama kasi baka it would rub off in a bad way sa kanya knowing her sentiments nya sa husband nya. Sya yung hindi ko malapitan kasi ang petty ng feelings ko compared mo sa stress nya. Ayokong dumagdag. Ayokong maging burden na kaibigan. Takot akong ako naman mag rant sa buhay ko tapos hindi nya ako ma comfort din kasi marami syang prinoproblema.
Ewan ko ba. Ako ang nasaktan this time. In truth, napagod ako as a friend. So I took a step back. Hindi ako nag memessage sa kanya. Since nung december, hindi din sya nag message. I just greeted her nung bday niya. Wala akong rants na natanggap since new year maybe because nabasa nya tung retweet ko about friends being an emotional sponge and how it should not be so normalized.
Lastly, ito masasabi ko: when you share your trauma sa best friends niyo, kamustahin niyo rin sila. Don't leave them hanging with your rants and pains. Adjust kayo ng konti just as how they would adjust their mood to listen to you. Hindi po madali yung ang saya ng mood at surroundings mo pero kailangan mong isink in yung trauma ng iba para wala kang mali na masabi at make things worse. I hope you take a step back din and take that extra mile for those people na hindi ka talaga iniwan.
At sa mga may same situation sa akin, hindi mo ikinasama ang mapagod bilang kaibigan. Hindi ka masama if you're putting boundaries. Tao ka lang din. Pagod ka man ngayon, pero alam ko at alam mong mahal mo sila kahit anong mangyari. Pahinga ka muna. You did your best to show them that you want to keep them in your life. It's not your responsibility anymore if they don't keep you in theirs.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by Icy_Dinner_6249 to adultingph [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:33 brianzors Should I have a Myeloid Next Generation Sequencing Panel?

Hi there,
I’ve (29M) been neutropenic since at least November 2023 when it was incidentally found (0.9 ANC) on a blood test by my PCP. I’ve had many FBCs since then and they’ve ranged from 1.1 to 1.6 ANC (with one result of 2.4 at Christmas, which I was happy for and then got a cold two days later lol) with the most recent being 1.4 last week.
My NHS haematologist has exhausted all avenues that I see online as far as I’m aware except for bone marrow biopsy which he doesn’t think is worth performing. (Should be noted that I saw a private haematologist prior to the NHS one that echoed this)
He has offered to perform a Myeloid NGS panel (this was also considered by the private doctor but she deferred to my NHS apt as she knew I was paying out of pocket for a relatively expensive test). The doctor has warned me that this test can have incidental findings that may not have concerned me until later in life and also it can have implications for family members.
My question is does anyone have any advice? I’m having a very hard time deciding what to do and it is weighing on my massively.
Thank you!!!
Some other info -
In range platelets (~240 on average) and RBC/HGB (~5.00 and ~150 respectively on average)
Borderline low lymphocytes sometimes
Had atrial fibrillation in 2015 which was cardioverted and has not returned since but do experience some palpitations
Have eosinophilic esophagitis since 2013
(I mention the two seemingly unrelated issues above because I’ve read there’s a link between clonal hematopoiesis and heart issues)
submitted by brianzors to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:30 pratkata Thoughts on Wag Hotels?

Has anyone else used Wag Hotels in Chicago for their puppy? We have a six month old golden that has been at their ORD location since yesterday and he's in one the suites with the Special Care add-on (required since he's too young to be neutered) for a whopping $200 a day in boarding fees. We're contemplating pulling him since (our normally very happy pup) seems very unhappy and lonely based on the camera in his room. I completely understand I'm being a little anxious since it's his first time apart from both of us; he's typically had one or the other.
Has anyone else used Wag Hotels? What did you think? Would love to hear your experiences since l'm reading some nightmare reviews about the chain that mirror what we saw. Thank you in advance!
(Pics of our goodest boi for attention 🐶🐾)
submitted by pratkata to AskChicago [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:30 shelsifer Stuff I wish someone would have told me about newborns

A few things I think would have been immensely helpful to know before I had my child. What do you think would have been great to know before you were left sleep deprived to care for your bundle of joy?
  1. I wish someone had mentioned how LOUD newborns sleep. Contact naps, sleeping in her portable crib or even on a blanket supervised on our bed (while I’m awake) my baby is a quiet and peaceful sleeper. But once I put her in her crib for the night she becomes the loudest grunting noise maker ever. Sleeps solidly for 4-6 hours so I know it’s quality sleep, but no one mentioned how noisy she could be! I was worried at first that something was wrong.
  2. Everyone makes a big deal to let you know you’ll be dealing with poop everywhere, no one mentioned the astronomical amount of spit up we might encounter. My baby is a happy spit up baby who is gaining weight so it’s a laundry issue not a health issue, but man do we pile up the dirty baby laundry. Burp towels because she will spew a mess and a simple burp cloth isn’t enough to catch it. We use receiving blankets as burp cloths. Bibs, spit cloths to wipe her mouth, washcloths to wash her face or chest, multiple, multiple outfits because they’ll be wet. Not to mention my clothes if she manages to miss the towel and get me instead. Shirts or pants, I’ve found it on my ankles at the end of a burp walk (where she won’t settle unless I walk around burping her).
  3. Get a breastpump and make sure it’s clean and you know how to use it before you deliver your baby. My plan was to exclusively breastfeed and guess what, that didn’t work out at first. Coming home from the hospital I had to use a provided manual breastpump the first two days because I didn’t think to learn about my pump or clean or sanitize it or have bottles clean and ready to use. But with a weight issue/not enough wet diapers and also breast engorgement that caused a shallow latch and painful feeds I needed to pump for almost a week. It all worked out and now I EBF but I wish someone had said hey silly lady, you should have that stuff ready, you might need it long before your maternity leave is over and you go back to work.
  4. Don’t sleep when the baby sleeps. Take turns/shifts with your SO or have someone come watch the baby so you can get solid sleep. Surviving off hour long naps is not sustainable.
I think it would have been so helpful if someone had mentioned these things to me. Thanks for reading for all those that finished this post, probably during a feeding session or while hoping their LO settles back to sleep.
submitted by shelsifer to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:27 midlifecrysuss My ex boss murdered a dog because a handler messed him up.

Hi, I know the title is ambiguous but I promise to tell you everything. This is my first post and it’s like 4am, so please bear with me as I get through this. I worked at a kennel that doubled as a security company training ground with a pretty large k9 security guard company where I live. There are multiple different levels of dogs that would stay ranging from the scaredy cats to the mean machines. These mean machines were off in an area by themselves in a kennel type room where it’s no touch. We can help the dog but didn’t have to enter its space to do so. There was one in this section, he lived at the kennel because he was a “failed” k9 dog. I asked what happened. Apparently he doesn’t like crates and he shredded his handlers arm. I would be pretty angry if my life was comprised of 70% crate time to 30% outside time. Then you have handlers who have never even spent any real time around a dog until training, so add the green human to a powerful working dog, it’s not really the best ingredients for success…
Sure the dog gave me crazy eyes for the first 3 weeks but with the help of treats, my puppy voice and being brave enough to pet him with my finger through the crack, I won him over. Treats, sitting on the floor with him giving him lovies and looking him in the eye. I needed him to know I was never going to hurt him. I was able to get to a point where I could leash him and walk him. Sure maybe others could too but no one trusted him enough to do so. At some point the boss started saying things like “want him?” “I’ll give you $XXX if you adopt him”. “If you don’t take him he’s going to the rainbow bridge”. Now at this point I was upset and told the general manager and he came back saying that it was just a joke and he’s asked the person who made that comment to knock it off. So I believed him. Not too long after that I truly think he was mad I spoke to someone so they said I was no longer allowed inside his room as he cannot be trusted. These men who train dogs and humans to handle these dogs- for a living. They couldn’t be bothered to even work on his issues to adopt him out. So rather than do their job as trainers- they put him down. I was actually thinking of adopting him and was at the point I wanted to see how he’d react to my dog. I don’t use a kennel and my dogs go anywhere they please except the counter and tables so I thought hey, if he likes my guy, then maybe this might work. Well I never got the chance to even try because they advised me of the “new rules” despite hounding me to adopt said dog. How am I supposed to do that if I can’t work on him and acclimate my personal dog in a safe neutral zone. I was unfortunately fired because I stood up for people when they asked for things like pay stubs and to be paid on time. And because I questioned things that he did and spoke up when asking for things we needed to do our jobs right. He doesn’t like confrontation and will bend over for the people he deems are above him. It’s fine. I believe in karma. I found out later they told the employees that he was adopted out. Nope, they killed him. Because they couldn’t care less and he would just keep bringing new dogs when he had 11 living at the kennel already not working. Yes he took 11 rooms from paying customers because he’s too lazy to work with the current dogs he has or adopt them out. I understand the dog had a bite record. I specialize in aggressive dogs. I don’t fear them. I look them in the eyes till they submit. Now this is partially due to the fact I respect their space, but I love winning a dog over. Now for legal reasons and just in case they ever see this post and try to take me to court for telling my story, I won’t be telling you where I’m from or any details of the companies. I’m too poor to be sued right now lol. I had this dream that I would open my own kennel and put him out of business. The property I want is currently for sale and the kennel is already built. I have ideas for additions to add to profit but I don’t have 3 million dollars lol. I didn’t really have anyone else to tell this to and it mortifies me that I ever supported them so I truly did need to get this out of my system. It makes me so angry what they’ve done. Bunch of lazy cowards. If you’ve gotten this far, thanks for reading. Also, thumper rules apply to comments: if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. And by that I mean please don’t be rude or judge me. You still only have a piece of the story and there are many more stories and details I’d like to give however I fear giving away too much will unearth who they are. Thanks again for the read.
submitted by midlifecrysuss to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:26 Legal_Sir5311 AITA for telling my birth father’s wife that I exist Here’s an update!
I (27F) was given up for adoption at birth. I had an amazing childhood, my adoptive family was amazing and I have no negative feelings towards my adoption. I believe it was a blessing, and I am beyond thankful for how my turned out. 4 years ago I discovered who my birth mother was through 23&me. I eventually met her and her husband, and it was amazing. Our relationship is growing, and I am very happy with the reunion. When meeting her, she explained how she got pregnant by basically a 1 night stand in college. She told my birth father and he wanted nothing to do with me. She made the decision to give me up. She told her husband and her two children about me, and she wants me to meet them and be a bigger part of her life. My birth father (from what she told me) never told anyone about me. After meeting her, I contacted him on Facebook. He never responded back and I send various messages thoughout the years. I don’t know what kind of relationship I want from him. I guess I would like an acknowledgment that I exist. I would like to know a little bit about his life, so I can know who I came from. If he doesn’t want contact or a relationship past that, I can accept that. But I am angry that he ignores my multiple attempts to contact him. Obviously no response from him means he wants nothing from me. But I think he should at the least tell me that instead of ignoring me. So a few days ago I was googling him, and I came across his wife’s name. I found her phone number online. I messaged her, told her I was trying to get into contact with her husband and to let him know I will continue to reach out until I get a response. She said she would let him know. I did not say that I was his daughter, as I thought that was his secret to share. The next day my birth mother contacted me and said my birth dad contacted her, asking him to call her. She has reached out to him when she met me and he ignored her. I believe he contacted yer because he wants her to tell me to leave him alone. She said she will support me whatever I decide. She did not respond to him. It made me angry that he reached out to her but still has yet to contact me. So I texted the wife again and told her I was her husbands birth daughter and that I was adopted from birth. Should I not have told her? AITA for exposing that secret to his wife?
UPDATE: so this happened two days after I originally made this post, it just took a while for me to update. My birth dad ended up sending me an email. Basically it said he never saw my messages and would like to email with me back and forth to navigate this difficult and relationship. He claimed he never saw my messages, but they were clearly opened and read on messenger throughout the years. He claimed that he would like to get to know me, but wasn’t sure how to begin.
I’ve had spoken to his older brother a few weeks prior on Facebook. They knew nothing about me, and had no way of contacting him. They said he moved away from the family many years ago and would try to reach out to him for me, but not to have high hopes. They sent photos of the extended family. They asked me about my life, requested photos and overall were very nice. I got the impression that my birthdad was kind of the black sheep of the family. Anyways, after reading his email and taking time to process my own emotions, I came to the conclusion that I was the asshole. I should have never reached out to his wife. I was upset and emotional, and believed I had a right to continue pushing. Who was he to ignore me? But, I did not like how I behaved. I hurt his wife by exposing his secret, and I think that was really shitty of me to do. Regardless of who he was to me, I had no right to potentially blow up his entire life.
I believe he only reached out because his wife found out and pressured him to contact me. Why else would he ignore me for years, then act like he was open to something immediately after his wife found out? these are assumptions, as I do not know his real motivations.
I have decided to not pursue a relationship further. It was causing a lot of sleepless nights, anxiety and I started to question my worth. I decided my life was better and I was happier before pushing this man for a relationship he clearly does not want. Honestly, that might make me a bigger asshole. But, I am happier now, and I honestly believe he is relieved I haven’t reach out since. What do you think? AITA for not reaching out after receiving his email? Or is it better to just move on?
submitted by Legal_Sir5311 to ComfortLevelPod [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:26 radishapple Hospitality sales

Hi all,
This goes out to those working in hospitality sales / sales in general. A little backstory, I’m nearing the end of my degree in hospitality business, and I’ve reached out to hotels and applied for a role in hospitality sales.
Currently I’m part-timing in the front office department and I would like to know more about the hospitality sales industry / what key pointers I need to say to ace the interview, or any interview tips in general!
Thank you in advance and happy Friday to all
submitted by radishapple to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:25 No-Doubt-5786 All the things my mil an sil has done to me

For 16 years my mil an oldest sil have been awful, after dealing with it for so long I developed ptsd from their treatment. I been NC since April and it is absolutely wonderful, I juss wanna talk about some of the things they've done.
After the birth of my first daughter mil an fil were telling bf to not sign the birth certificate, and the nurses were giving me such a hard time for him to sign the paperwork. So when he came to the hospital after work I told him they wanted him to sign the papers he was refusing to go get them from the desk an I just had a c section, so I got mad and walked down there and got the stuff from them an took it back to him he did sign but mil an fil were not happy... it has always been difficult with husband until recently believing me about how awful his mother is to me he didn't wanna deal with any of it an basically wanted me to take their torture which the end result was my mental health, makes me really upset cuz I could of been smarter and just left an maybe today I would be able to go into a large crowd of people without feeling scared an panicking. I can barely go into stores now. But anyway....
Bf was giving me money to help buy baby stuff it was 100 every week, he was also giving mil 400 a week. Mil an sil cornered me and threw a fit about he was giving me to much money. Which i find funny bc he was literally giving her a lot of money, I was also on government assistance for like 3 months an she said bf was entitled to half of that money.
Mil put her electric in bfs name (he still lived there) she let the bill go up to over 2000 dollars and didn't pay it off till he gave her problems cuz they were sayin his wages were gonna be attached, we had juss gotten our first apartment when they threatened to attach his wages. She lied to him about paying it she did some but not all and he still gets letters about that bill.
During the first couple weeks at our new apartment mil would bring a plate of food for just bf an would give me dirty looks while he was eating it 🤣
Now it gets interesting...
Fast forward to our second child mil stated to both of us the baby wasn't his but was my brother's 🙄 that was the first time she did anything Infront of him an he threw a fit after that its all been backhanded she'd do shit when he wasn't in the room.
I had gotten a tattoo on the side of my neck just a lil star and she said only trashy people do that, but it was ok sil got 2 on both sides of her neck.
Mil sil and sils friend came to our wedding in pajamas it was at the courthouse but everyone was dressed up
Mil took both bottom tiers of my wedding cake my friend made for me and my mom had to fight her for the top of it. She had also stole my first babyshower cake I didn't even get a piece
Sometimes on the weekends we would drink beers an have people over, sometimes sil would come over and few times she'd bring her friend and their mutual friend would come now I knew right away they did this on purpose and it was absolutely intentional they had this girl flirt with husband I over heard this girl say something about how her crotch would get so wet and I went off it caused a big fight and when I told that girl we were married she acted shocked an left immediately never saw her again.
Mil brought me pants of this really really big lady we all knew and said these should fit u
This one is the beginning of the end my father passed away and a month after was my youngest bday husband was outside cookin on the grill and mil and fil came in an mil starting making jokes about funerals even fil told her thats fked up. My mom went home later in tears. A few months later after that we learned fil had the same cancer my dad passed of.
Youngest sil overdosed 2 years ago and is bedridden now and mil takes care of her and her 3 kids 2 months before that happened we were all sitting at my kitchen table and mil told everyone idc what kind of drugs you do just don't get caught with them... I thought wow this is insane shit.
In February of this year I had gotten a fb message from someone idk and they were sayin all these things that would definitely make me break up with husband, in the messages they had given their self away sayin only things mil would of known. There was a huge argument and mil ended up writing husband f you and your family. Then all of a sudden sils friend gets a job at husband's shop an works with him... husband an I sat down and were talkin about how that whole thing was a big plan to get us to break up and sils friend to weasel her way into husband's life.
There has been so much more but those r the things that stay vividly in my mind. After the whole fb thing I was done an the last time mil popped up at our home an i had a panic attack she was told to not come here anymore of course she knows nothing and has done nothing wrong 🙄 an is currently telling people she doesn't know what's going on... she has to tell people that so she doesn't look like the bad guy cuz she has talked so much trash about me to everyone that they would know. She even sent her nephew to tell husband to call his mom 🙄 he never did... he texted her happy mother's day and she said to tell me the same from her I'm at the point I don't want to hear from her, don't wanna hear her name, I wanna forget what she looks like.
I forgot to mention they were all on m3th an that just amplified their stupidness which is probably why they thought that fb idea was the plan to finally get husband an I apart 😆 oldest sil is really bad on that stuff now an her life is Fallin apart everyone says she is goin down the same path as youngest sil but all they do is watch and talk about it.
If you made it thus far thanks for reading ❤️
submitted by No-Doubt-5786 to inlaws [link] [comments]