Groped at bus

Birds taking the train!

2013.06.05 19:19 TTEH3 Birds taking the train!

A subreddit for submitting photos of birds taking the train (we also allow birds riding the bus or other public transport, but prefer trains!) Welcome aboard! Enjoy your birds on the train content.

2011.10.28 15:40 msx Venezia, la città più bella del mondo

Everything related to the city of Venice, Italy

2012.11.23 03:03 Windex007 Totally true stories that absolutely happened

c0MpLeTElY tRUE St0rIeS

2024.05.28 23:48 Salt_Departure7614 I did something horrible

I'm 14 years old at the time and it's the first time I'm allowed to go to a school trip that involves sleeping out for a day. I didn't have a phone but I had an old music player and some earphones that I was using during the bus ride. It's about 5hrs in the trip and two people in front of my chair make out. The bus goes crazy and everyone is giving each other suggestive looks. I then make the bad decision to go and sit with my friends for the rest of the ride. I wouldnt stereotype myself as a shy guy, I wasnt popular but well known in the school and usually had like 3 girls always running upto me trying to jokingly hug me and all was some sort of joke but I played along most of the times and it didn't mean anything at all. So I'm in the bus and sitting with my friend and this girl (she used to play the games) comes and sits right next to me but turns the opposite direction and speak s to another girl. My friend then starts touching her inappropriately but she doesn't say a word, so I join in and after ten minutes of groping her ass my friend somehow nuts on himself and goes to a different seat. I don't know what gets over me but I then just start groping her ass and tits for a while and I basically touched her whole body except her pussy and she didn't say a thing during the whole time. She was just looking at her friend and casually talking. It was so weird, i mean you could literally see my hand making it's way up her chest and she even let out some noise when I pressed her too hard. After an hour or so the lights go on and she leaves. She never said a word about this again and we remained good friends until I graduated. I just recently was reading into SA and this just keeps replaying in my mind, I wish I could ask her but I haven't seen her in over 5 years. I feel horrible whenever I think that I could have done such a thing, I just want closure and to know if I had her consent. I don't even know how this can help but alleast I got it off my chest
submitted by Salt_Departure7614 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 02:11 Disastrous_Basis3474 Schrödinger's Rapist - Why Women Choose The Bear

"Schrödinger’s Rapist: or a guy’s guide to approaching strange women without being maced" is an essay that was published in 2009 by Phaedra Starling. The original post appears to be unavailable, but it is published on other websites and blogs.
(Here is a short explanation if you are unfamiliar with the concept of Schrödinger's Cat, as well as other helpful info)
Schrödinger’s Rapist: or a guy’s guide to approaching strange women without being maced
Let me start out by assuring you that I understand you are a good sort of person. You are kind to children and animals. You respect the elderly. You donate to charity. You tell jokes without laughing at your own punchlines. You respect women. You like women. In fact, you would really like to have a mutually respectful and loving sexual relationship with a woman. Unfortunately, you don’t yet know that woman—she isn’t working with you, nor have you been introduced through mutual friends or drawn to the same activities. So you must look further afield to encounter her.
So far, so good. Miss LonelyHearts, your humble instructor, approves. Human connection, love, romance: there is nothing wrong with these yearnings.
Now, you want to become acquainted with a woman you see in public. The first thing you need to understand is that women are dealing with a set of challenges and concerns that are strange to you, a man. To begin with, we would rather not be killed or otherwise violently assaulted.
“But wait! I don’t want that, either!”
Well, no. But do you think about it all the time? Is preventing violent assault or murder part of your daily routine, rather than merely something you do when you venture into war zones? Because, for women, it is. When I go on a date, I always leave the man’s full name and contact information written next to my computer monitor. This is so the cops can find my body if I go missing. My best friend will call or e-mail me the next morning, and I must answer that call or e-mail before noon-ish, or she begins to worry. If she doesn’t hear from me by three or so, she’ll call the police. My activities after dark are curtailed. Unless I am in a densely-occupied, well-lit space, I won’t go out alone. Even then, I prefer to have a friend or two, or my dogs, with me. Do you follow rules like these?
So when you, a stranger, approach me, I have to ask myself: Will this man rape me?
Do you think I’m overreacting? One in every six American women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime. I bet you don’t think you know any rapists, but consider the sheer number of rapes that must occur. These rapes are not all committed by Phillip Garrido, Brian David Mitchell, or other members of the Brotherhood of Scary Hair and Homemade Religion. While you may assume that none of the men you know are rapists, I can assure you that at least one is. Consider: if every rapist commits an average of ten rapes (a horrifying number, isn’t it?) then the concentration of rapists in the population is still a little over one in sixty. That means four in my graduating class in high school. One among my coworkers. One in the subway car at rush hour. Eleven who work out at my gym. How do I know that you, the nice guy who wants nothing more than companionship and True Love, are not this rapist?
I don’t.
When you approach me in public, you are Schrödinger’s Rapist. You may or may not be a man who would commit rape. I won’t know for sure unless you start sexually assaulting me. I can’t see inside your head, and I don’t know your intentions. If you expect me to trust you—to accept you at face value as a nice sort of guy—you are not only failing to respect my reasonable caution, you are being cavalier about my personal safety.
Fortunately, you’re a good guy. We’ve already established that. Now that you’re aware that there’s a problem, you are going to go out of your way to fix it, and to make the women with whom you interact feel as safe as possible.
To begin with, you must accept that I set my own risk tolerance. When you approach me, I will begin to evaluate the possibility you will do me harm. That possibility is never 0%. For some women, particularly women who have been victims of violent assaults, any level of risk is unacceptable. Those women do not want to be approached, no matter how nice you are or how much you’d like to date them. Okay? That’s their right. Don’t get pissy about it. Women are under no obligation to hear the sales pitch before deciding they are not in the market to buy.
The second important point: you must be aware of what signals you are sending by your appearance and the environment. We are going to be paying close attention to your appearance and behavior and matching those signs to our idea of a threat.
This means that some men should never approach strange women in public. Specifically, if you have truly unusual standards of personal cleanliness, if you are the prophet of your own religion, or if you have tattoos of gang symbols or Technicolor cockroaches all over your face and neck, you are just never going to get a good response approaching a woman cold. That doesn’t mean you’re doomed to a life of solitude, but I suggest you start with internet dating, where you can put your unusual traits out there and find a woman who will appreciate them.
Are you wearing a tee-shirt making a rape joke? NOT A GOOD CHOICE—not in general, and definitely not when approaching a strange woman.
Pay attention to the environment. Look around. Are you in a dark alley? Then probably you ought not approach a woman and try to strike up a conversation. The same applies if you are alone with a woman in most public places. If the public place is a closed area (a subway car, an elevator, a bus), even a crowded one, you may not realize that the woman’s ability to flee in case of threat is limited. Ask yourself, “If I were dangerous, would this woman be safe in this space with me?” If the answer is no, then it isn’t appropriate to approach her.
On the other hand, if you are both at church accompanied by your mothers, who are lifelong best friends, the woman is as close as it comes to safe. That is to say, still not 100% safe. But the odds are pretty good.
The third point: Women are communicating all the time. Learn to understand and respect women’s communication to you.
You want to say Hi to the cute girl on the subway. How will she react? Fortunately, I can tell you with some certainty, because she’s already sending messages to you. Looking out the window, reading a book, working on a computer, arms folded across chest, body away from you = do not disturb. So, y’know, don’t disturb her. Really. Even to say that you like her hair, shoes, or book. A compliment is not always a reason for women to smile and say thank you. You are a threat, remember? You are Schrödinger’s Rapist. Don’t assume that whatever you have to say will win her over with charm or flattery. Believe what she’s signaling, and back off.
If you speak, and she responds in a monosyllabic way without looking at you, she’s saying, “I don’t want to be rude, but please leave me alone.” You don’t know why. It could be “Please leave me alone because I am trying to memorize Beowulf.” It could be “Please leave me alone because you are a scary, scary man with breath like a water buffalo.” It could be “Please leave me alone because I am planning my assassination of a major geopolitical figure and I will have to kill you if you are able to recognize me and blow my cover.”
On the other hand, if she is turned towards you, making eye contact, and she responds in a friendly and talkative manner when you speak to her, you are getting a green light. You can continue the conversation until you start getting signals to back off.
The fourth point: If you fail to respect what women say, you label yourself a problem.
There’s a man with whom I went out on a single date—afternoon coffee, for one hour by the clock—on July 25th. In the two days after the date, he sent me about fifteen e-mails, scolding me for non-responsiveness. I e-mailed him back, saying, “Look, this is a disproportionate response to a single date. You are making me uncomfortable. Do not contact me again.” It is now October 7th. Does he still e-mail?
Yeah. He does. About every two weeks.
This man scores higher on the threat level scale than Man with the Cockroach Tattoos. (Who, after all, is guilty of nothing more than terrifying bad taste.) You see, Mr. E-mail has made it clear that he ignores what I say when he wants something from me. Now, I don’t know if he is an actual rapist, and I sincerely hope he’s not. But he is certainly Schrödinger’s Rapist, and this particular Schrödinger’s Rapist has a probability ratio greater than one in sixty. Because a man who ignores a woman’s NO in a non-sexual setting is more likely to ignore NO in a sexual setting, as well.
So if you speak to a woman who is otherwise occupied, you’re sending a subtle message. It is that your desire to interact trumps her right to be left alone. If you pursue a conversation when she’s tried to cut it off, you send a message. It is that your desire to speak trumps her right to be left alone. And each of those messages indicates that you believe your desires are a legitimate reason to override her rights.
For women, who are watching you very closely to determine how much of a threat you are, this is an important piece of data.
The fifth and last point: Don’t rape. Nor should you commit these similar but less severe offenses: don’t assault. Don’t grope. Don’t constrain. Don’t brandish. Don’t expose yourself. Don’t threaten with physical violence. Don’t threaten with sexual violence.
Shouldn’t this go without saying? Of course it should. Sadly, that’s not the world I live in. You may be beginning to realize that it’s not the world you live in, either.
Miss LonelyHearts wishes you happiness and success in your search for romantic companionship.
submitted by Disastrous_Basis3474 to BurbNBougie [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 05:28 ScenemoCat have been severely abused throughout my life

im legitimately struggling because i got abused since i was a baby by my parents and society
so was born almost 18 years ago and my life has been hell since. i got put in my first time out as a baby at 2 or 3 by my aunt because i kept crying the whole way to virginia and she beat me for it. i was also a rather emotionally volatile baby and was prone to irritation and also never met many milestones others were reaching by 2 (ie full verbality, potty training, etc) and was then diagnosed with autism and the ppl told my parents i would never be able to read, even though ive read as early as 3. i was well loved at preschool, but there was lots of instability home.
neglectful adults, along with ones who would sometimes beat me, specifically my aunt. she once beat me for having a meltdown in the basement where i threw and broke a cup in. think i was 4 or 5 that time. kindergarten was horrible. i have very vague memories, but i remember being sat on by an adult in a separate room for having a meltdown, and other times adults yelling at or getting mad at me for no reason. i remember hyperfixating on a mask once, and an adult got pissed off about it and ripped the mask, making me cry. i started having extreme mood swings at this age and frquently would do things to avoid abandonment.
i then moved after kindergarten, making everything worse. i used to scream everyday, have constant low and high emotional oeriods, and would sometimes become violent. i was also constantly wanted to do the same thing my cousin would do, say mean stuff to her, grope her, etc and she hates me for it now and i don't blame her. i got better in 2nd grade but still. i also was an ass to my brother because i was jealous of all the attention he got as a younger sibling and especially with him being severely autistic. i would frequently lash out at him for things he couldn't control ie destroying things or constantly being hyperactive. this lasted till i was 16. i still messed up a bit at my current age but ive mostly improved, dont hit him anymore, and apologize when i lose patience.
also my parents were generally terrible, especially my mom. my mom would beat me over trivial things, ie meltdowns, cursing, etc, and we would frequently lash out at each other and then "make up". she would also have extremely high expectations of me, ie high grades, dressing conventionally, generally doing everything up to her standards. my mom would namecall me saying im selfish, ungrateful, an idiot a few times, and has beat me ranging from punching, to a hanger, to a metal spatula today. she would also threaten to withold care, beat me, has dismissed my disabilities as all in my head, and has lied to people about me to make me look "insane". meanwhile my dad was mostly passive but sometimes also emotionally abusive and SA'd me at 13. they also parentified me and forced me to look after my severely disabled brother alone as early as 9, which was also terrible considering my own disability
things genuinely got worse when i moved again at 10. being in a racist all white neighborhood was enough, at here barely anyone talks to me. im literally always ignored. i was also bullied like shit in middle school. also my cousin has been an ass since she was 13. she made a fucking 'joke' that i have kidney issues but my parents hid it from me, has insulted me, blamed me for her going to the same k-12 school as her when i was in middle school and her highschool because i urged my mom to have us go together. i get i was an annoying prick at times ie telling on her for a friends curse in text that grade and getting her in trouble even though she was 16 then, but nowadays she is extremely critical. she told me to get my life together for being avoidant and isolating myself because ill regret it later and itll be bad in college if i do it still and there's parties. also, she thinks my illness is in my head because of my moms gossip, is against me getting a degree i wont do as a career, doesn't want me to get a gender affirming surgeon for a boob job because the only real gender affirming care to her is top surgery, etc. she also watched me get beat by my mom and didnt do anything and this was when she was 21 and shes now 22. she also tried getting me to only go to college abroad if its in two areas with her because my parents are against me doing it abroad. she was also abused by her aunt, who is her mother but i still hate her using that as an excuse to abuse me.
my mom and dad divorced and things only got worse. i have called cps, talked to the school, etc and nothing has been done and i have faced ableism for being disabled from teachers to even a bus driver who had a problem with me using a cane. almost every legal agency can only help out if ur 18 or doesn't care about minors. ive also been mistreated by doctors who dont think im ill
im literally deadnamed on the daily by friend who know i dont want to be called my deadname
the worst part is whenever i tell adults they make excuses for my parents behavior too by saying 'they just love you', 'they want the best for you', or blaming me for lashing out.
im fucking tired of existing because im clearly not cared about or important. i feel like i deserved to be abused
submitted by ScenemoCat to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 13:24 weird-dreams-n-shit Some recurring dreams mixed with others

This is more weird entertainment than something you can interpret i think. Sorry for my grammar and spelling, my phone keyboard is lagging a lot.
Been dreaming the most I ever have in my life recently - pretty much having them every night and it feels like they ‘last for ages’. I had a dream last night that started with me on holiday in France or Italy driving in the mountains with my family. The road was terrifyingly weird going up and down really quickly next to massive drops until we pulled over to some restaurant and some mental owner bloke was serving us all kinds of weird food in a really old, dark building. Then at some point this dream changed to me at a party in a warehouse… but I was having a shit on a toilet in the middle of where my friends were sitting for some reason. This is where it gets pretty gross and weird. There were worms on the floor and stuff around me so someone picked one up to ‘clear it away’ I guess? When they threw it on the floor in the actual toilet, it turned into some kind of cute shapeshifting dog which was pure white which then manipulated its skin to show us a glowing rainbow in the side of, then turning it into a map of the world. All of a sudden I’m back with my family in what looked like London mixed with a local town I live near, the alien dog thing has now shapeshifted into a mix of a London bus and the arch on that massive roundabout in London. People seemed to like it. We then crossed the road to go into a tk maxx store (my family and I) when a guy who looked a bit like John David Washington as a road worker came up to me and we started comparing our watches, I was pretty into the conversation and hung back a bit but he then tried to grope me so I beat him up outside. He was then in my house unconscious and tk maxx were releasing a statement in the news I could hear in the background. Then, at some point the dream went into the final part - I’m some kind of old factory facility thing holed up in a lift with vines growing around it and a metal grate roof more like a mining lift. There are people looking for me and I have a bag with some basic supplies, my radio I have for avalanche stuff in real life, and there are a few guns hidden in the side of the lift. Someone ends up finding me and a helicopter thing starts to shoot at the lift , some men then come running towards it so I bust open the floor and go down into the depths of this facility. The men follow after me but I manage to get them to put their hands up with the gun I had from the lift. Don’t remember what happens from there.
To add on, at some point I was living in a sky village with sky people who don’t know about people on earth. Was all a bit odd and fall out-ey. Also got stuck in another lift type room for a bit trying to hide again.
As I said, this is more of a ‘look how fucking weird the subconscious is’ post than an interpretation but yeah. Funny stuff.
Also the reoccurring bit is the factory stuff I think.
submitted by weird-dreams-n-shit to DreamInterpretation [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 05:58 Internal_Toe9353 My Teacher and I

Hello everyone! This is my first time putting all of this in writing so I apologize if it isn’t very coherent haha.
I’m currently a senior (17) in highschool and this post involves a slightly inappropriate relationship between my teacher and I.
So to start, in my junior year of highschool I developed a small crush on my teacher. This wasn’t abnormal for me because I have developed crushes on older guys before (past trauma and daddy issues lol). I didn’t necessarily act on it by being promiscuous but I did go out of my way to attend his club meetings and find random things to talk about him with. Or place annoying stickers on his desk so he would pay attention to me. His responses were pretty normal and he never did anything inappropriate so I thought nothing of it. I just kind of believed this would be like any other crush I’ve had before.
This was before the end of my junior year. My school takes us on annual college trips in order to explore our options. I was super excited because I love hotels but, I was also excited because I found out that he was going as well. So our school takes us on this overnight trip and me and my teacher get a little closer than we were before. We shared songs that we liked with each other on the bus and I even followed him around most of the time which he didn’t seem to mind. After our overnight trip I was pretty bummed out that I wasn’t going to see him around much after that (juniors r pretty busy). But then we started emailing a lot back and forth on our school emails, (Im not sure who initiated it most of the time so I’ll say it was equal). He’d send me emails asking me if i’d like to come over to his class to play games or if i’d like snacks. I’d always go over because I liked spending time with him. Although this one day he came over to the class I was in and asked me to sit in front of him. I complied and it was normal but he then started playfully kicking me as a way to tease. He would sometimes place his legs under mine to be playful. He even grabbed my knee under the table which made me jump because I didn’t expect it. I didn’t think much of it since I liked being with him. After that I went on another overnight night trip and we emailed back and forth while I was on this school trip. At the end of my school year we ended up exchanging discords to keep in touch during the summer (He offered but only if i’d take his class senior year).The thing is he never gave me his main discord, I asked him why and he said “it wasn’t allowed” because I was a student so he instead gave me his side account. During the summer we spoke every day, sometimes i’d initiate with a good morning or he would. The conversations were pretty normal nothing sexual but he did text me while drunk sometimes and we talked about us getting drinks together once I was finally able to drink. He even offered to gift me with things and I even came during the summer to school in order to see him. (He was teaching summer school). After awhile I realized that texting your teacher everyday wasn’t normal and it felt icky so I unfriended him and we didn’t speak for a bit again. As agreed earlier I ended up taking his class my senior year. What surprised me is he never acknowledged me unfriending him on discord and he never brought up us talking almost everyday at all. I was salty for a bit and I got over it. Naturally my crush on him started to fade as well.
I’m writing this because of what he has done recently which is making me rethink our relationship with each other. I heard rumors of him being a creep towards other girls such as sending one girl notes but having placed it directly over his crotch. The girl was uncomfortable and reported it to her mom but nothing was done about it. But the worst thing happened recently, he’s currently being investigated for having groped a girl infront of her classmates. I don’t know much about the details but I know that there was witnesses and there have been teachers subbing for him for a few days now. So with all that being said I really wonder now if my relationship with him was him attempting to groom me? Or am I just overthinking it? I’m so confused because he never went that far with me, besides sometimes being touchy. I don’t know what to think, I would just like everyone’s opinions and thoughts.
submitted by Internal_Toe9353 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 09:08 EroticThoughts233 Forced sex fantasy part 3

I’m not sure how long I laid there in that parking lot, filled with cum. All I know is that 3 men raped me today and all I’m wearing is a shirt.
Eventually, I make my way to my feet and stumbled towards the main road. At this point, I’m not sure where my phone is. I found a bus stop and sat there, waiting for only 10 minutes. As the bus pulled up, I saw men walking towards me.
I run onto the bus and look at the driver. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know where my wallet or phone is. Can I ride free just this once?”
The man leers at me as he says, “Sure, but you have to stay on until the end of the line. Then come find me.” I see his gaze following my shirt to the bare skin underneath and my pussy where I can feel cum dripping out of me. Shaking, I make my way through the crowd of people. I walk to the back of the bus and still can’t find a seat, so I stand near a door.
I feel someone behind me and then a man presses against my ass, his hard dick evident. I start shaking, remembering what I’d already been through. I feel a hand pull up my shirt and bra, revealing then groping my boobs. I look up and see that I am surrounded by men with hard dicks. The man behind me starts pushing me until I end up with my face and boobs smashed against the clear door. I hear sounds from behind me and next thing I know, I am being raped again.
The man enters my pussy to the hilt of his cock and then pauses before starting to roughly fuck me. I start to cry again but don’t bother fighting since I know it is useless. I see men in cars and other buses staring at me as I’m fucked. Soon, he cums while pressing me up against the door. I hear talking and as the man pulls out, I am pulled away from the door. I breathe a sigh of relief when I am turned around until I see all of the men surrounding me have their cocks out, slowly pleasuring themselves.
One sits on the floor and pulls me down to him, straight onto his cock. The man holds me down as another one shows up behind him, sticking his cock in my mouth. Then I feel hands on my hips behind me as another man enters my ass, using the cum as lube. The three men start moving together and I feel pleasure like I’ve never known. I start moaning and hear “Look at what a slut she is. She feels good while getting raped in public.”
Another man responds by saying, “Imagine how slutty she’d be in private.” I hear laughing following that statement, but am too focused on the immense pleasure I’m feeling to care about what they think. I cum as the three men use my holes, losing myself in the pleasure. As each man cums, he is replaced. I lose track of the amount of time I’m used and the amount of orgasms I endure.
Next thing I know, my holes are empty and I hear noises. Someone grabs both of my hands, wrapping the belt around a pole above me and then around my wrists. The belt isn’t quite long enough for me to stand, so I’m left hanging while facing the door. At some point, I lost my shirt and bra, but I don’t care anymore. I just care about cock.
I’m raped several more times while hanging there until the bus stops and it is dark outside. I hear footsteps as I hang there and next thing I know, I’m being released from my bindings. I collapse to the ground on my knees and look up to the person that released me. I see the bus driver with a creepy grin on his face. My eyes drop to his crotch, which shows the signs of a boner. I crawl over to the driver and unzip his pants, taking his big cock out.
As I lean forward to start sucking on his cock, the driver grabs around my neck, choking me. I stare at his cock as he lifts me up and then grabs my hair to drag me to the front of the bus. He pulls me out of the bus and over to what looks like lowered stocks from the medieval age. The driver pushes me into the stocks, making sure that I’m secure and can’t move. The stocks are so low that my mouth is at the perfect height to suck cock while my ass and pussy are still easily accessible.
Then, I feel the drivers cock enter my pussy and my eyes roll back into my head. Cock… what I’ve felt all day and now crave. I start moaning immediately as he fucks me, not caring about my well being. Soon, I feel his cock twitch and I cum as he empties into me.
As I’m sated from the day of cock, I feel something cold, small, and damp on the skin of my back and around my ass and pussy. I realize a bit belatedly that the bus driver is writing on me, but I can’t seem to make myself care. Then, the bus driver leaves me there to be raped all day every day by anyone that passes by.
Thanks for reading my fantasy everyone! This is the end, but if you want more stories I definitely have ideas. Let me know.
submitted by EroticThoughts233 to u/EroticThoughts233 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:00 SareeSoulmate I got groped

This happened more than 6 years ago. It was a day of personal importance for me . So I decided to visit a nearby temple. Since I am visiting the temple I wore a kasavvu Saree .
I borrowed my sister-in-law’s scooter and went to the temple. It was a cloudy day. After my prayers, I retrieved my scooter from the parking area and started my journey back home. It was then that the rain began to sprinkle. As I was passing through a busy area, I parked my scooter near a bus stand. I didn’t get off; instead, I was unhooking my bag from the hook at the front of the scooter
Suddenly, someone jumped onto the back of my scooter and groped me. I was paralyzed with shock for a few moments. It happened without warning, and then he quickly dismounted the scooter and boarded a bus.
I was left feeling shocked, saddened, and angry. The only thought in my head was to get home. Despite the rain, I hurried back. The entire day was overshadowed by the incident.
I chose not to discuss this with my family, fearing they might advise me against riding the scooter alone
It took me several weeks to recover from this trauma. Has anyone else endured a similar experience?
Please share. I’ve come to realize that talking about it with someone can bring immense relief.
submitted by SareeSoulmate to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:31 notanix1312 I'm tired, scared, tomorrow I'm supposed to be thirty.

Hi. Tomorrow is my 30th birthday.
I want to die.
I hear this sentence almost every day since more than a decade now. I've been in institutions dozens of times. I've been through several treatments, and my body has been ruined by SSRIs. I don't know if I'm still suffering from depression. I stopped hurting myself physically a few years ago. I don't know if things are better now. I feel like I have less suffering, but enjoy life less and less. I'm feel like I'm becoming bitter and disappointed in everything, in me, in others,but especially in me. I'm completely dysfunctional, I'm not getting the healthcare I need, I'm unable to go to appointments, I'm unable to think and be productive about anything, even though I have lots of projects. Everything I do feels like a way to procrastinate my suicide, and I generally never finish anything. The only way I manage to clear my head of all this is by sleep deprivation, which I do a lot. After 45 hours without sleep, I just stop thinking, and especially I stop feeling anything, and then I can be a bit more functional. But I do that so often that it's affecting my health. I get very very frequent "brain zaps", almost daily, where it's like I get an electric shock through my brain. A few days ago, after 60 hours of sleep deprivation, I stopped seeing colors for a few minutes. Everything was in shades of grey and a bit of purple. Sometimes it's also like all sounds get muted for a few seconds. It feels like someone else is playing with my senses, or what's left of them. I don't feel anything anymore, to a point where I frequently piss (or shit) myself because I don't even feel that it is happening. After 80/90 hours, I usually end up collapsing and sleeping, and when I wake up it's so horrible.
I feel numb, old and ruined. I've had diarrhea for more than a year now, and I don't really know why. I feel like my body is completely unable to feel any kind of pleasure, especially sexual pleasure, and I feel sleepy all the time, except when I stop sleeping for days. It's a powerful drug, but the comedown is hard.
I'm starting to have eczema, and it's growing on my body. At first it was a small zone in my back, and it's getting bigger and bigger. My genitals are literally atrophying from the combination of the absolute lack of sexual sensations and HRT (I'm a trans woman). I should be having regular stimulation to prevent that, but I'm complete unable to. My teeth are in ruins, from lack of brushing, from the stress that made me grind them out for years. I hate my face, I'm completely failing my transition, I hate how I look, and I hate how completely disconnected and isolated from everyone I feel.
I'm getting more and more isolated from my friends. I don't know if they are my friends anymore. They see hi if they see me, but nobody calls. Tomorrow I'll probably spend my 30th birthday alone, if I'm still alive by then.
This is not a new situation, and nothing particularly bad has happened to me recently. But the thoughts have been intense lately. I see myself dead, every bus, every car I see makes me see my dead and cold corpse lying on the pavement, every tree, every hook, every plastic bag, every knife makes me think of how I could use it to die. I'm scared of pain, and I suppose it protects me a bit, but I also love pain, I dream of it, I would want so bad for someone to punch me, to break me, to cut me, to kick me until I die. Usually when I get assaulted it's not even that bad, they grope me, slap me, it hurts for a few days, and the moment is stressful, but it's not intense enough to make me forget about how much I want to die. I was able to reach that kind of intensity years ago, when I was hitting myself and cutting me with the shards of glass embedded in my fists, but unfortunately, or fortunately, I stopped doing that.
I also don't want to hurt anyone. There are already 5 people in my family that committed suicide, I've lost my cousins, my aunts, my uncle, and as a trans girl I hear about sisters dying regularly. My boyfriend is already a widower, his previous girlfriend died a year before we met, losing me would be devastating for him. It scares me.
I said I want to die but I'm not sure it's true. Deep inside me I think I do want to live. There are things I want to do, things I want to feel, moments I want to live. But they all seem so far inaccessible, so far away, I feel tired, and I'm becoming really scared that an impulse is going to end it all.
I don't really know that to do. I don't trust doctors. I'm more scared of my life continuing as it is right now than of accidentally dying because of a suicidal impulse. SSRIs hurt me a lot, I stopped taking them since three years, and now it's becoming clear to me that I suffer from PSSD. Or it's the depression that is continuing ? I don't even know. I just know that I don't trust them, and that I don't want to see more months/years of my life wasted in a psychiatric institution, and more of my body ruined by their medications and everchanging treatments and diagnosis.
I'm scared because all of this has been going on for a while now. I don't know how to fix, or if I know, well I'm unable to. I know my peers won't be that surprised if I end up killing myself. They'll be sad for sure, but not really surprised.
I hope this won't be my last post. I don't know what to do. I wish I could say I was terrified, but not so much.
submitted by notanix1312 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:25 Hot-Artist9429 help me

I am neha ( 26 f ) , I am here to vent and get some suggestions or maybe even a real friend . This is a story of how I ruined my love life and destroyed the man who meant everything to me . We grew up in Coimbatore , i first met my boyfriend when I was in 11th grade , I actually saw him in a video , it was a Facebook video made by his friends , one of his friend proposed a girl , so they made a video of it , he was there in it too . He is tall , above 6ft , he looked ok , normal , a bit weird too with his specs and curl hair . He didn’t stand out , after few days I saw in a local chat place , he was with his friend , all sweaty , they came from gym . I recognised him immediately though. I saw him sneakily , idk why , after going home I sent him a request to his Insta . We started talking the same night , he said he saw me too , we connected way too fast , he was very funny and practical, we became best friends very soon , we almost spoke daily , in that following year we became so close, there wasn’t anything sexual , we just talk about our day and our lives daily , then he got into a relationship with a girl , I liked her too , life was so easy and fun back then , after we got into college , I Started to date a guy in my college , but we didn’t stop talking , nothing changed between us , after going to college we started getting drunk and smoking up , it was all new and we all did it almost everyday in first year , it was pretty fun . The guy I was with that time , didn’t really smoke up that much , he got drunk but he didn’t smoke pot that much , but the rest of us gathered everyday to smoke pot and play carrom . We both even meet at night to just smoke up and listen to music . At the end of the first year , one day he called me one evening and told me that he wanted to meet me , he sounded very low , I was with my my boyfriend and his friends that time but I left there immediately,booked an auto and Met him at a usual place near an IT park , we drink coffee and smoke cigarettes there usually.he was already there when I went in , he saw me and smiled but that looked very sad , he told me that his girlfriend kissed someone , a distant cousin of her actually , she kissed him in a moment and texted her girlfriend about it , she mentioned that she regrets it very much , I can’t stand it , I don’t know what to do , I feel nauseous, stuff like that . He showed the screenshots , he didn’t talk much he just smiled but that killed me . I was so angry on her , I didn’t even know what to do to make him feel better at that moment, I said she is not worth it , don’t worry , things like that . He didn’t talk about it after that , he changed the topic and he just sat there for 30-40 mins just smoking thinking about something. We speak almost daily and I know everything about him , he told me when they first had sex , we speak about everything, just not anything sexual to each other , when I saw him like this , I was feeling only rage , I was so angry on her , I don’t understand why she kissed some other guy , after getting into that relationship he was very loyal , I know how loyal he was , he even got a tattoo of her initials , but when he knew about this kiss , it made him so sad I guess . After 2 hours , we went home . I called her as soon as I went home , i scolded her so much , she started crying and told me that it was a mistake, she sounded very regretful too , she cried so much , I couldn’t bring myself to be mean after that .but that night i couldn’t sleep , my ex called me all night but I didn’t pick his call , I kept texting him , we used to text in Snapchat daily , I kept sending him texts and he texted me back to , he said he is going to get drunk and pass out , I also felt that’s better , after some days she even cut her hand , like scratches with knife on wrists , she was very regretful too , then somehow they didn’t break up , he wanted to after that but she didn’t let him , but gradually it got ok , but after this we started to speak and meet more frequently than before , I started to drop him in my college , both of our colleges are in same road , we started going in one vehicle daily. Mostly I drove , we speak all the time about nothing , even when we were going on my scooty , we just make fun of people in road , we laughed , had fun . One day he even pressed my breasts accidentally, side of my breast . I started neglecting my ex , that guy I dated that time , after few months , people started to notice , but still we didn’t care . (I actually come off from a well doing family , my family has enough money but my parents have a very unsuccessful marriage, they don’t even speak to each other , I have a younger sister and elder sister . My elder sister is married , my younger sister difference is 3 years . My parents doesn’t speak to each other , my mom openly says that they are together only for the kids . ) I loved being with him , he made me feel safe , comfortable and it’s always warm when I’m with him . We smoked pot all the time though , it was so fun , we even bunked college went to room and just smoked pot and watched anime all day . One day my ex boyfriend and his friends were in Ooty and they wanted me to come , I said I’ll come with him , I can’t come alone , and I asked him to come . We rolled some joints and started to go in his bike , we went a beautiful ride , stopped and smoked up in between, after we reached there I went with my ex boyfriend. We all smoked up that night got drunk , he usually doesn’t talk that much , but all of us were drunk and it was chill , some of my friends like him some don’t , but it’s all chill . We stayed in a tent stay there , that night I was with my ex , he wanted to make out , we kissed and did some stuff but I just felt restless and distracted, I kept thinking about him and my ex was a drunk too , it didn’t turn me on , after some time he passed out . I went out and went to his tent to see him if he is asleep , but he wasn’t there , then I started to look for him and I found him near the fire place , he was smoking up there alone with a phone in his hand , he was just singing this song 7 years by Lucas I think , he was singing along with a joint in his hand , he saw me coming , smiled but he didn’t stop singing, I can see him feeling even little embarrassed, but he looked so happy and free . I sat down there started to smoke up with him . After sometime I asked him why haven’t even kissed even once , I just asked him in a fun way but he got all serious all of a sudden , he saw me straight in the eyes and told me that he would love to kiss me , I literally felt butterflies in my lower tummy , my hips felt all tight too , idk , I still remember everything though . I kissed him in an instant, I kinda rushed in and kissed him, it felt magical . We kissed for a long time , we just kissed , nothing else . But I loved it , after sometime we separated, he saw me smiled and said I tasted sweet and bitter with weed taste . But my heart was beating so fast that time , I wanted to make out with him right there , I’ve felt horny before but he was the only guy made me feel like this , I tried to kiss him again but he stopped me and told me im drunk and asked me to go sleep . Next morning they asked me to go with them but my mind was fully on that kiss , I came back to cbe in his bike , we didn’t talk anything for the first time I just hugged him on the way back , it was nice too . I thought about plans to break up with my ex , after he dropped me home I kept thinking about the kiss , things got normal after a few days , we were like before but we started to flirt a bit , I started to call him baby and it gradually became very intimate . One day in a movie I kissed him again and he kissed me back too , we started making out bit by bit , it developed into a place where he started to grope me while im driving , I enjoyed every bit of that , I broke up with that guy I was with but he was still with that girl . Around final year first semester end they broke up too . We had intercourse the next day , it was amazing , I loved everything about him and the best thing is he is my best friend too . We rented a place for us by college end , we had sex every single day , it was the best , I loved staying with him . After this there was covid and we had to stay in our place , for one whole year I lived with him happily, he never let me down even once , he was already very caring from beginning but after we got committed , he really did treated me like a princess . He didn’t speak much but his actions were most considerate , we both worked remotely and having the time of our life , two years went by , I was happy and fullfilled , at the end of third year he quit his job and tried to get a different better job with extra good pay , 3 months passed by , one day few friends of mine from my work visited our place , they told me about opportunity to work in chennai for a month , I took it and went to chennai for a month , he dropped me to bus and sent me off to chennai . We spoke daily but not that much , I went out with my friends daily got drunk , just having fun . Some of my friends think my boyfriend is beneath me , one even said that I deserve better , she said he didn’t even get a job in three months joked and asked me whether I am the one who’s paying rent , actually he never asked me rent or money , he always paid for everything , but that time when they were joking I didn’t defend him , I still couldn’t believe that I didn’t say anything . In that week I met a guy , he came with my friends , he flirted with me when I was there , after I went back to PG I got a text from this guy , he got my number from my friends it seems . After some texts I responded and we started texting ,i liked the attention I think idk , I was talking to my boyfriend daily too , but somehow he noticed that I am not ok , he asked me about it and I said it was work issue and I am tired , 3rd weekend I met that guy alone , he wanted to have a drink and I went , I slept with him that night , to be honest the sex wasn’t good , when he got inside me I felt darkness , I swear . Idk why I did it , after sex that guy slept in a second , I saw him lying down and I felt like killing myself , I left to my pg in midnight , I booked a cab and went back . I saw my snap notifications from him but I couldn’t open it , I blocked that guy’s number , I went to pg , cried myself to sleep . Next morning I spoke to my boyfriend , told him that I got cold and resting today , he told me that he got a job as a business manager for a US IT firm , he sounded so happy and told me that he called yesterday night to tell me this . I was crying so hard when he was on the phone , at that moment I swear I even fogot the face of that I slept with , he asked me to get rest and I hung up . I couldn’t talk to him , I felt so guilty and ashamed , as I was thinking this I get a notification my swiggy that he placed order to my pg , he bought soup . I broke down , it was like everything is telling me how big mistake I made , suddenly my thought went to that day he told me about his ex’s kiss , I can see that sad smile . I decided not to tell him and love him more and more , he had his birthday in 15 days I wanted to do something for him . When I came back from chennai , he picked me , he was so happy to see me , he spoke about his new job to me on the way , he was like a child , maybe cause he missed me for a month , I can see that he is so happy like silly child just to see me , after going home I had sex with him , I even rimmed him and I kinda liked it , it was the best sex we had , I felt alive and also very guilty . I treated him better and better to ease my guilt , but this made him very happy , I arranged a small party with my sister ,his friends and my mom .the day before his birthday we got drunk he asked me why I am not being adamant like before , ‘enna kadhal ha ‘ (joking sayin I am so in love) he joked about how afetr five years we can get super rich and start a family , I melted hearing all this .i promised myself that I will never let him down . but ha ha This is why I think karma is a bitch , at the noon of his birthday I got a text from that guy saying that he is thinking about that night . He heard the notification took the phone to pass it to me , he just saw the phone simply , just a glance and he just stopped and opened the text , I was blowing up balloons opposite of him , I saw his face and my heart sank , he came closer and gave me the phone , he didn’t speak anything , I opened my phone in a panic , saw the text and I saw him , he asked me ‘ so you slept with some guy ? ‘ , I didn’t reply , my whole mind got blank , I felt like I was gonna faint , he just saw me and said why . Of all these years I knew him I never saw him cry , but now his voice was shaking , he just asked me ‘ yen ‘ (why in tamil) . I saw tears on his eyes , I can see his eyes becoming lifeless in a matter of minutes , I tried to hug him but he just moved away , no matter how much we fight , when I hug him , he gets all cute and lovely , but he just moved away in an instinct . He then came forward hugged me tightly , he said ‘ sorry ‘ . I still don’t know why he said sorry , but that sounded so weak to me , he is my everything and I hurt him , I know everything about him and I still fucked up . He hugged me for some more time , I knew this warmth might be the last thing . After few mins , he rubbed his eyes in my dress , saw me smiled the same way . But it felt more like he is laughing at himself , I watched my 6 ft man walking out of the room , I just stood there alone , and I felt very cold , I remember that cold everyday , evening people came for the party and he got ready and cut the cake , fed me the first piece , my mom and sister was there too , he behaved very good , spoke with my family , but I can see that he is broke , but he still made it through the night , I went to speak with him that night , but he said he can’t . he said ‘ please I can’t ‘ . I choked hearing his voice , he went to terrace , I didn’t sleep at all that night , I walked around our little one bhk apartment , I smoked two packs of cigs that night , I went to check on him in the terrace by 4 , he was sleeping there on the floor , he hugs himself in sleep and its so cold , I cried watching him , just one day ago he was being silly like a kid talking about future family , now he is there alone , heartbroken . Morning usually he makes coffee and rolls one , I made coffee and rolled one , waited for him to come down . He came down saw me and smiled , but its not the cheerful smile , it just hurt so bad watching him like that , he drank the coffee , smoked up with me , even told me its good. Then he got ready , I cooked but he said he can’t eat , he is not hungry , that morning was so silent , he cheers up with he sees me , he was my biggest fan , now he left home with just saying bye . I got a text from him that aftrn asking me to move back to my mom’s if possible , I was dead . I couldn’t say no , I hurt him , he didn’t even scold me , he even requested me , I can only say yes . I asked him that I want to stay one more night , he said ok like always . That night I asked him to cuddle with me , he said ok , he wanted that too it seems , we just hugged in silent , he slept off quickly , he always told me that when I sleep with him it makes him stressfree and he gets a good night sleep . He was asleep on my breasts , I saw him sleeping and I couldn’t stop my tears , realising that this is the last time , I made a stupid mistake , but everything felt unimportant now , I saw him sleeping and I kissed him on his cheek , must have whispered sorry a 100 times , our four years relationship came through my mind , I realize that he made sure I was happy in every way he knew , I proposed him , I made him fall for me , now I broke his heart . I didb’t sleep that night too , morning I dozed off , when I woke up he wasn’t there, he made juice for me and left for work . I packed some of my stuff and went to my mom’s . when I stepped out of our little home , I broke down and cried . I went home and cried , I told my mom we fought , but my sister knew something was up , she tried to ask him but he said it was a small fight , I confessed to her that night , I still remember seeing her confused look , she is a gen z kid , but even she gave me a look of confusion , she didn’t understand how I could do that , she liked my boyfriend very much , she was almost proud of him . But when she knew I cheated on him , she felt disgusted I think . Our sister bind kind of broke too that night . My life was dull , I missed him every second , I missed talking to him , I missed his smell , everything . I just focused on work , two months went by with no contact . I saw him near IT park at our spot one day, he looked like he was sick , he lost weight , his eyes are dry , he looked so pale . I saw him from a distance and I couldn’t believe my eyes , my baby looked so weak and sick , he was having a coffe and smoking a cig alone at the place we used to sit . My eyes teared up watching him , he looked so lonely . None of my friends knew we broke up because I cheated , he specifically asked me not to say anything to anyone . I didn’t speak to him that day , I couldn’t . I was full with guilt . After going home I called his friends and asked how he was and they said that they lost all contact with him and he is ghosting everybody . I broke him and also made him alone , I seriously considered killing myself but I was a coward . After a month , when I was in office , my mom got a diabities issue and fainted , my sister called him in a hurry , he came immediatiely and admitted mom in hospital , when I came there I saw him with a plastic cover with insulins for my mom . After my elder siter came , he left , he asked me to call with updates . Before leaving he asked me why I cheated , he said “ is it because I am not satisfying you “ or “ you wanted a emotial support “. when he said that , I just stood there , I can see his face , hiding a humiliation , I never had a sex issue with him , I loved being with him , but my baby asked me this , I felt ashamed . I couldn’t face him , I just stood there , he said never mind and left . I stood there seeing him leave ,but I didn’t give up , I started texting and snapping so much and somehow I made him talk to me normally , but his eyes has lost its color, he looks like he is tired of everything . After few days we both got drunk and alone , I kissed him as soon as I got the chance , he kissed me back too , usually when he kisses , he hold me ears , looks me in the eyes and kiss me , he did the same out of the habit , as soon as our eyes locked , he bursted out in tears , I truly felt how much this man loved me and how much I hurt him , he wanted to do more but he stopped himself , when he burst into tears, my heart completely broke , I hate myself so much , I hate my friends for fucking up my mind , I hate that guy . My man is gettting punished for giving everything to me , its been a year , he changed , he looks lean , unhealthy , I even think his hair is falling , almost like a zombie . I would glady kill myself for him , I just want him to be happy , I destroyed the only person I love , I see how devastating this can get for him, he looks so weak , I can’r accept it . I should’ve defended him when they joked about him . Its all my fault , its been a year and I still can;t go back to him , I can’t imagine another guy to raise my kids , I want him . Help me .
submitted by Hot-Artist9429 to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 07:44 Sarasvatini Interesting fact: armpit hair is considered too sexy in some parts of the world

For example, in India, normally nobody shaves their body hair. However it is not considered appropriate to show your armpit hair in public because of its resemblance with pubic hair and therefore its sexual connotation. All tops and dresses sleeves, even the shortest one, cover the armpit for decency. If you go on a bus sleeveless, holding the bus handle or pole with your arm up, all men on the bus will stare at it with great lust, and some will probably try to grope you. Basically, showing your armpit hair is the same as showing your pubic hair. Just saying, what may not be sexy for some in some countries, may be way too sexy in other countries.
submitted by Sarasvatini to razorfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 05:28 Quiet-Judgment-5132 Some stranger groped me at a bus

I (20f) was traveling alone at bus when a stranger sat right beside me. He kinda have a short but lean body (probably a gym rat with the way he's dressed) that he's pressing me against the bus window. Because of this, his entire right body is leaning against my entire left side. Then I started to notice his left arm keeps on grazing on my left chest. At first I thought it's just an accident till his arm keeps on subtly trying to push my bra down. That's when I looked down at his arm only to catch his hand trying to poke my breast. I then try to cover my left chest with my hand but he still keeps on trying to pull my bra down through my shirt. I started to get really pissed. I haven't have my breakfast and coffee, not to mention I barely gotten any sleep so I was really ready to take my anger out of him. I gripped my phone tightly, ready to break his nose using the phone edge but i controlled myself thinking he might have something with him that can hurt me real badly, so I just screamed at him to humiliate him. He immediately got up and got down from the bus after I screamed loudly. Too bad I didn't take a picture of him. He's wearing a white long sleeves and light blue running shorts. I'm not scared or anything, I'm just really really pissed since I'm already having a terrible morning then this random fucker decides to sit right next to me at a bus.
submitted by Quiet-Judgment-5132 to SexualHarassment [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 22:45 TxC_KILLJOY I don't feel safe going outside

In the last few years I have had increasingly bad experiences whenever I walk by myself outside. I've been groped innapropriately on a bus, followed by a group of drunk men harrassing me, been catcalled and then had water thrown on me, been attacked in a shop and I've even been physically attacked in the park in broad daylight, left with a black eye.
I don't feel safe to go outside anymore. I'm scared of bumping into any attackors and they seem to be getting more frequent as I've grown up. I'm 20 and autistic, and I do not approach others outside. I try to keep myself to myself - I just seem to bump into utter cranks! I live in a dodgy and poor area near London, which is probably why these attacks are so frequent.
This is upsetting because my favourite activities before were going on park walks and foraging, but that doesn't feel safe anymore. I would exercise but I have a heart condition and I'm not allowed to at the moment, so I've lost some strength and fear I won't be able to keep defending myself anymore. I'm considering carrying around my metal water bottle as a weapon in case something happens, which I think would help me feel more secure. Things like pepper sprays are illegal in the uk so I cannot use those.
Any tips? I just want to be able to go outside again without being attacked or harrased.
submitted by TxC_KILLJOY to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 07:16 Chillaxyl6789 Story of slutty mom

Hi everyone My name is shirali 48 married. Son 22 daughter 21.
I was born to a Coorgi mother and a Tamil father. So my features were mixed with glass skin cat eyes and smooth body 38 30 36 D cup bra and L panty. Take the Omphie bust.
I was used by some relatives and neighbors both boys and girls during school time.
Even now my urges increase and I indulge in deliberately seducing others and I am happy when people look at me.
Mostly I wear casual clothes to work. I work in advertising marketing and my job involves many meetings with clients and office or client parties.
My husband owns a luxury car dealership abroad, he rarely visits or calls us. So I don't have to worry about the future.
I was 5.4 feet tall in the school and had an athletic body and played many sports including cricket and tennis.
It got me involved with the boys at school and local sports clubs. The boy drooled as my breasts bounced as I ran. They grabbed me by my nipple pokies on my sports shirt sticking out. I used to wear sleeveless tops that showed off my cleavage and areolas while playing tennis.
Every week I clean my son's room Although he occasionally cleans my son's room, the maids do the other rooms. I realized he was staring at my hanging breasts without a bra
The next week I caught him downloading porn and he subscribed to live porn sites. I was surprised to find that he also subscribed to incest porn sites, although a common trait for boys. And a lot of money was transferred from his bank to many women of my age I wondered why he dated older women more than younger ones. I was praying that he should not have sex with them. Fortunately, I was relieved to know the reason later.
A vdo made me freeze in which a mom and son incest. Though I thought it is doable for the moment I thought it's not normal and unrealistic.
That made me think about behavior of young boys towards aunties like me. I started noticing my son's friends behavior with me. So far I never felt bad when they shook hands or embrace speck a kiss during celebrations like birthdays etc.
One day I overheard a conversation of boys boasting about their misdemeanors in public busses and trains with women. How they grope rub flash in public. It induced me to take a bus or train ride to see what really happens. So one day I took a train ride in general compartment. I found majority were men and very few ladies.
I was eager to see any male making advances to some female. After 30mins of travel everything was normal and nothing happened. I got bored and decided to get down at next stop.
As I was about to exit the compartment a middle aged female who was wearing sleazy dress gaudy makeup strong perfume entered the compartment and immediately most men were goring her with their eyes. So I stayed back to watch what happens.
A 50 something man got up from his seat and it to her and other men were ogling at her. He asked her which station does she want to get down and the lady answered with a slur some station. He said that he is also alighting at same which seemed far off. She replied in local accent without diction, telling him share the seat. The man glowed and addressed her as Madam n thanked her n sat along with her. As I wanted to see what happens, I got up my seat went to a girl who was seated opposite the lady n man told the girl to take my seat and offer me her seat she obliged.
Sitting in front of them I observed both of them very keenly. The told her something which was not audible and immediately the female laughed loud and told him to give 3000 rupees in an incoherent speech which made me think she is drunk. The agreed by nodding and she immediately started squeezing his crotch in public to which the man never objected. By the time some the train stopped they both got off the train holding each other's waists.
I got aroused seeing this and took a bus ride the same evening in a transparent lowest waist saree low cut sleeveless blouse in full makeup. The bus conductor asked me for ticket I told him that I get down at last stop. While he gave the ticked he held my hand and scratched his nail on my palm. I kept aloof as he is on duty but he kept on walking past me and brushing his body against mine whenever possible until the bus got crowded. I stood holding a a railing atop one by my right side. This made every male in the bus who got down had to ask me for passage. Heat n humidity made my bra n erect pokies visible. After a while I felt someone almost on me in the crowd brushing their body on mine. I got wet in between my thighs to know that 3 men, one ahead one by side one more on my back were rubbing on me. By the time I could move the man facing me groped my breasts and started to squeeze it. My erect nipples pained by it but he continued to my pleasure. I felt erect cock rubbing my ass from behind and another hand kneading my butts. I felt drugged bliss by three on me at once closed my eyes and relishing the moment.
The man in front took my hand to his dick area. I was shocked when I touched his dick going naked for me in a bus throbbing in my palm. I cud feel his sweaty cock and a mild odor emanating which made me pump him vigorously till he leaked in my palm. Without shame it took it to my nose smelt and licked it too.
I took regular bus rides during peak hours in the crowd.
submitted by Chillaxyl6789 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 17:22 Mystery_Cryingcake Neighbor has chair seated in front of my dining room......

Ok, So I live in a little town with less than 500 people, and not a lot of housing either. We moved into our house (by pure luck) almost a year ago now and our neighbor and her husband have been.... off. at first she seemed nice so I really did try to give her a chance, however as time moved on, she became very weird. I don't know how to explain it. she tried to pick up my chiweenie dog up from over our fence (thankfully my dog knows to run from strangers.) She tried to get my kids to help her in her garden and chicken coop, but like my chiweenie, my children have a very good sense of stranger danger and they ran back into the house. Every time we have guests or my parents come over for grandparent time, she always seems to have things to say. She demanded that my mom give her a turkey...... not asked, demanded. (my mother has chickens, ducks, geese, turkies..... just bird city up in her yard lmao) When her old dog died, she tried saying that we hit him with our car, she told her friends to pull up to our gate and blast the horn at the crack of dawn and at my children's bedtime. I asked them to please stop and they responded, " We were told that yall wouldn't mind." WHAT IN THE WORLD MAKES SOMEONE THINK WE WANT OUR KIDS BEING WOKEN UP SO AGRESSIVELY??????
Anyway, one day she pulled a recliner from her house and set it up pointing into our dining room window. Like 40 feet from the window. And she just sits there staring at my house. She stares at me while me and the kids garden, says things about how I dress, how I dress my kids, and how my husband is cheating on me and that is why he is gone for days at a time... my husband is a FirefighteEMT on 48/96 shifts. I stay home to care for the house and kids and write to pass time in-between chores. One day my husband was home and doing some cleaning in the dining room, and the neighbor flipped her lid because he took off his shirt. I was outside putting some seeds in the ground and she told me that my husband is trying to seduce her, I laughed because he saw her staring at him and he decided to be the little jokester, STARTED TO FLICK AND GROPE HIS CHEST WHILE MOANING AND GAVE THE BEST WAVE TO HER. A few days later as I was waiting for the bus to pick up my oldest, she saw me hug and kiss my daughter's head and told me that it was ab*sive to smother my child. It was literally a peck on the head. Then proceeded to tell me that my toddler can't have a tonka truck outside because he will learn to harm animals..... by pushing around a tonka truck..... So, me being done with her told the neighbor to please mind her own business and to not talk to me about my kids unless they are doing something actually bad. She did NOT like it because she called her husband outside and told him was was said, I think he was done too because he called her a profanity and went back inside.
Last week as I was watering my veggie garden, she came out and sat into that chair.... that damned recliner, and screamed at me for using WATER FOR MY VEGGIE GARDEN. She doesn't pay for my bills, we pay for our bills, so I do NOT get how it affects her, and that was my response. Looks like I won't be dropping off veggies as a peace offering. THeres more but I will update when I can.
submitted by Mystery_Cryingcake to neighborsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 12:27 PuzzleheadedTour3096 I feel as if I have a disorder reading this to myself can anyone explain If I do?

So, I was typing my thoughts out on apple notes. Which is something I do at times to feel less stress in a way and I wrote this.
I've noticed a pattern: I tend to idealize my partners initially, relishing in daydreams about them. However, once I feel genuinely cared for, I withdraw and often exhibit narcissistic and manipulative behavior and when they try to bridge the gap I isolate myself. Witnessing someone continue to care for me despite my flaws deeply troubles me. Consequently, I often find myself sabotaging the relationship to spare them from the pain of being with someone like me. This cycle has led me to accept a life devoid of genuine connection, as I struggle to reciprocate the love and emotions others extend to me.
An i’m not trying to have you feel bad for me in anyway or trauma dump. But I think this just stems from having gone through child abuse and having a broken home since a was little til about 15. My old man has never much cared for me or even wanted me, he didn’t even show up when i was born. An he’s showed me that for as long as i can remember given the physical scare I have and all. But seeing fighting between your parents everyday you get used to, almost like it’s normal. The screaming, the crying, the bruises, it dulls you. And being the youngest most of the attention was often focused on you, that includes the beating during the argument and the words said after. I should’ve aborted, your a mistake, I never wanted you, here’s a knife yk that sort of thing. When you see that as one of the first relationships you see, you find love unnecessary and when they separated I wasn’t bothered at all. As life goes on my mom happens to get remarried and the samething happens in the relationship, but with me being the only focus point like cannon fodder or like wood to flames. An as one would cried and cried until I couldn’t cry tat that point I isolated myself from my family, and let marcellus be the golden child. At this point in time the oldest would molest me, very often. Favoritism amongst parents is trouble-sum as my oldest brother and marcellus got what they wanted and I was left to figure it out. So often times i wouldn’t mention my achievements or events for me because they would forget or not care like when I was groped on the school bus when i was a kid or when I got pants and beat up by kids a little older than me in the bathroom but that’s neither here nor there. As before my mom and her new husband divorced, and the oldest went to college.
Unfortunately, upon his return, he falsely accused someone else of rapping him, a claim that proved to be untrue. As he readjusted to being home, frequent arguments erupted, often resulting in either my mom yelling at me or me leaving the house, only to return later. A few weeks later, he went crazy and attempted to harm my mother and Marcellus. Inevitably, I had to physically restrain him and disarm him when he refused to calm down. Even in his room, he continued to act erratically, which made me grab my moms gun. With the loaded weapon aimed at his head, I came dangerously close to ending his life that night. His chilling words, labeling me as "the devil" and "a disease that plagues us," still haunt me. Thankfully, our mother intervened before I could pull the trigger, and he was subsequently admitted to a mental asylum. He's since been released and regained his sanity, but I occasionally question if I'm the root of the issue, though these thoughts haven't led to depression, fortunately.
Reflecting on these experiences, I realize they greatly influence my decision-making and my difficulty in empathizing with others. They also shed light on why I oscillate between being a people pleaser, fun, energetic to isolating myself from others. Perhaps this stems from my deep-seated fear of entering into relationships due to the pain I've associated with them in the past.
Can anyone explain this to me, makes me a little concerned about my mental health?
submitted by PuzzleheadedTour3096 to askatherapist [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 04:18 Snaxxamillion07 2 years ago some old drunk pedo tried getting me in his car (Now 17) (M)

When I was 14I was at a bus stop because I was gonna go skating and this Old guy sits down so I stand up. He was saying that it’s fine and I don’t have to move. He kept on looking at me up and down and couldn’t stop looking at my private Area.
He asked me to go with him in his car and said that I wouldn’t have to pay for the bus. I said no and then he started getting very adamant that I got in with him. When he left he tried to grope me so I pushed his and shouted at him. I keep seeing him and my friends have been followed by them. He’s also been seen walking near or hanging around my college trying to talk to some of the girls.
He also offered me alcohol and at the time I was terrified because I had never drunk anything and he was doing it in broad daylight.
Also a few weeks later, I saw him and he noticed me. I sat on a bench and he sat on the opposite bench staring at me. When I stared back, he would look away and as soon as I got up to walk away from the bench, he started walking behind me.
Kinda seems a bit obsessive :/
submitted by Snaxxamillion07 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 04:12 CIAHerpes I was taken to a prison run by demons. We were greeted by a list of rules.

I've been in and out of prisons and jails ever since I was 17. I thought I had seen it all- Aryan Brotherhood members stabbing guards, gang wars, escapes and torture. I saw many things that still give me nightmares to this day.
"MacDonald, 402202," the guard barked out. I jumped up, the thin mattress under me exhaling a whiff of stale air. I looked through the bars, seeing Correctional Officer Shea. CO Shea was a morbidly obese man with a penchant for being loud and lazy. I had seen a member of the Bloods punch him straight in the nose before, a scene I still remembered with some humor. Shea had crumpled like wet paper on the floor, screaming and crying as more COs ran over and tackled the inmate.
"Yeah?" I asked. Shea handed me a sheet of paper. He regarded me with his gray, colorless eyes.
"Congratulations, you're being transferred. Pack your shit. This is your last day at Springfield Correctional Center."
You might think I would be happy to get a transfer. SCC was, after all, a shithole. The food was terrible and always cold, the place always smelled like bleach and chemicals, and at night it got so cold with only my flimsy sheet that I regularly woke up shivering. The building was nearly a century old, and the fact that it still functioned at all was a miracle in itself.
But, to be honest, I was not thrilled about the transfer. I had made friends here and knew the lay of the land. I didn't have to worry about getting jumped or stabbed to death in the showers. As the old adage goes, it's better the devil you know than the one you don't.
I was led out of my cell the next evening with all the worldly possessions I owned, which fit neatly into a clear trash bag with room to spare. I owned some prison clothes, toothpaste, a toothbrush, deodorant, a Bible, a pair of sandals and a radio. I felt the unbearable lightness of my existence reflected in that bag as it smacked rhythmically against my leg.
"Good luck, friend Josh!" a rather insane acquaintance of mine named Alvin called out from his cell as I passed down the bleak, concrete hallway.
"Take care man. I hope we meet again on the outside," I said, waving, knowing I would almost certainly never see any of these people again. Hell, I hadn't even seen my family in over five years. None of them came to visit me anymore. No one wrote me letters or put money in my commissary account or sent me books to read.
"Well, we're all born alone, and we all die alone," I thought to myself as CO Shea walked by my side. He was breathing heavily, as if he had just finished running a marathon. I looked over at his face, seeing the burst capillaries on his nose from years of hard drinking and the squint of his little, piggy eyes. There was a slight gleam of intelligence and slyness behind that ugly mug, though.
"Well, amigo," Shea said in his slow, plodding way, "I got assigned to go with you. I'll be your ride along buddy. You excited or what?" I smiled faintly at him
"There are worse people than you here, Shea," I said. "Far worse."
I got on the prison bus in my bright-orange jumpsuit. To my surprise, I saw the back was nearly empty. There was only one other prisoner in the back. Shea sat with us to monitor us. We were also handcuffed and anklecuffed. A chain ran down and connected the two.
I looked over at the other prisoner, a black guy with a shaved head. I think he also shaved his eyebrows. I mean, I literally didn't see a single hair on his head besides eyelashes, which he apparently hadn't found a way to shave… yet.
"Sup," he said. I nodded.
"Sup." We sat there in awkward silence as Shea plopped down hard on the bench between us. It groaned like a confused old man.
"So what do you know about this place, Shea?" I asked. He sucked down half a bottle of Coke and then heaved a deep sigh.
"I don't know much about it, to be frank," he admitted sheepishly. "It is apparently brand-new, though. They asked us to send a couple people who met... certain criteria."
"What does that mean?" the black guy asked. Shea gave him a serious look.
"Come on, Timmy, you know what I mean. Hardened criminals. People with long records who tour prisons like some people tour French beaches." I scoffed.
"There are far worse people than me in prison," I said.
"Well, they asked for no murderers or gang bangers too. I don't know why, but maybe it is some new government program. They apparently call it an 'experimental prison’.”
“What about me?” Timmy asked. Shea apparently knew what he meant.
“You’re not a murderer, Timmy,” Shea said, his lips forming the faintest twitch of a smile. “You never…”
“Well, there was that time my girlfriend got me to drop some acid with her. She went and killed her parents. Then we hit the road,” Timmy said fondly, his eyes rising as if he were looking at a hovering angel in the far-off distance.
“You were never convicted of any accessory charges, so it doesn’t count,” Shea retorted.
“Oh, it counts,” Timmy drawled in his slow, plodding way. “It counts. Everything in life counts. If I’ve learned anything in the last 36 years, it’s that you can never truly escape anything you’ve done- good or bad.”
I couldn't see much from the prison van. There was a small, shatterproof window in the swinging back doors, but it only gave a fleeting view of what was behind us. I noticed the dark forests stretching out to the horizon over rolling hills.
We drove for a few hours. The three of us bullshitted, talking about everything from sports to politics to the recent spate of fatal stabbings at SCC.
I felt the van stop. I looked out the back window, seeing more endless trees. I didn’t see a single house or car on the road we had taken.
“This place is a ghost town,” I said. Shea nodded.
“Yeah, it’s dead as Frank Sinatra ‘round here,” Shea said, wheezing out a high-pitched laugh at his own joke. “This area used to be big for coal mining, but as it dried up and people lost their jobs, they moved away. You know, my grandfather was a coal miner.”
“Good place to build a prison, huh?” Timmy asked. “If there is no one around…” We were cut off by a clanging alarm up ahead. I heard something large moving, probably the gate opening. Then we were inside.
I saw the guard towers and rolls of razor wire for a brief moment as the van pulled into an open garage. The darkness immediately blanketed us. The garage door slowly rolled shut behind us. Shea jumped up.
“Let’s get you boys inside so I can take off your handcuffs and everything,” he said, motioning for us to follow. He pulled out a flashlight from his belt, guiding us through the pitch black. The dim light sent shadows racing across the room like groping tentacles. I caught glimpses of strange objects in the darkness. They looked like medieval torture devices.
“What is this place?” I whispered. My voice echoed far too loudly off the cold concrete floor and walls. “Those look like torture devices on that table, Shea. I think those bloody things are thumbscrews and that might be a pear of anguish…” I pointed to the pear-shaped object with three, wicked blades whose points came together sitting on a dusty shelf. The ornate handle had springs connected to it. The object could be forced into any human orifice and, when the springs were engaged, it would open like a flower inside the person’s body, ripping their flesh apart and enlarging that orifice to a bloody, gaping hole.
“How do you know so much about this?” Shea asked, giving me a strange look. He narrowed his little piggy eyes. He continued to fumble with the flashlight, peering around for a door to exit the garage. I looked back at the car and saw the driver just sitting there, his entire body as lifeless and still as a mannequin.
“I’ve read a few books…” I said as Timmy interrupted us.
“I see a little red light glowing under that door,” Timmy said. Shea focused his flashlight on the spot. Across the room, I noticed what Timmy was pointing at. It was an ancient-looking black door. The wood had started to crack and splinter down the middle. Engraved in silver on the front, it said, “Entrance to Northfrost Penitentiary.”
“Hello?” Shea called toward the door as the three of us moved forward, the steel chains giving my steps a clinking rhythm.
Shea reached the antique crystal doorknob. Timmy and I stood next to a dust-covered brazen bull, its bronze mouth wide open as if it were silently roaring at us. As Shea pulled open the door, crimson light flooded into the garage.
Tinted black glass covered the back wall. A speaker button sat next to the window. I looked to my right, seeing a massive sign sprawled across the wall there. It read:
  1. The COs without faces don’t work here and we don’t know who they are. If you see one, press one of the buttons labeled “Emergency Dispatch” that are scattered around the complex.
  2. When the red emergency lights come on, hide until they shut off.
  3. Do not go into the medical ward for any reason.
  4. The warden roams the prison every night at 3:33 AM looking for human meat. Don’t let him catch you.
“What is this, a goddamned joke?” Timmy asked, his dark face forming into a scowl.
“Uhh, well…” Shea rubbed the back of his neck, looking like an obese little boy who lost his parents. “I’ve never been here before, but this is all pretty unusual, I’ll admit.” A buzzing came from the back of the room, and suddenly a garish, echoing intercom turned on.
“Please remove their chains and direct them through the door on the left,” a female robotic voice said calmly in a tone as cool as lemonade on a hot day. “Your transfer will then be complete.” Shea sighed in relief.
“Good,” he grunted. “This place gives me the creeps.”
“Bro, you can’t leave us here,” Timmy protested. “What the fuck is this place? Where is everyone? Why is there a room filled with bloody, ancient torture devices next to the garage?” Shea put up his hands.
“I’m sorry, son, but I have orders. I’m just a messenger here. I was told to transfer you here, and that’s what I’ve done.” He fumbled around his belt for his keyring. He came over and unlocked the handcuffs and anklecuffs from both of us. I stretched, rubbing my wrists. I was glad to be out of those suffocating restraints.
“Thanks for everything, then,” I said, picking up my extremely light garbage bag of possessions and heading for the door on the left. Timmy reluctantly followed behind. A sign on this door read: “To General Population.”
But when we got to the other side and it slammed shut behind us, I found a hallway filled with more red emergency lights streaming down. An involuntary shiver ran down through my body. I remembered those absurd rules someone had put up. What had it said about red lights? My mind raced for a few moments, then the answer popped up. It said to hide.
A man shrieked up ahead, his voice riddled with agony and terror. The hallway split to the right and left, and I couldn’t see anyone. Timmy and I stopped.
“Dude, screw this,” Timmy said, turning and running back toward the door we had come through. He tried pulling it open, but it was firmly locked.
The scream came again, louder and closer, but this time it was cut off suddenly. I heard someone gurgling like a man with a slit throat trying to breathe. And then everything went deathly silent again.
The gray, concrete floor of the hallway had arrows pointing forward on it. There were no doors here. There was nowhere to hide that I could see. Timmy and I reluctantly went forward. As we got to the intersection, we saw the dead body of a man in a brown khaki uniform.
His sightless eyes remained open. They stared up at the ceiling, glassy and still filled with horror. Deep gouge marks bit deeply into the flesh on his back and arms and chest. His throat had been cut or bit open as well. A spreading puddle of blood encircled his body.
I saw a dark blur at the end of the hallway on the right. It looked like little more than a shadow. I whispered to Timmy, pointing. We decided to go left immediately. My heart was pounding at this point. I felt like a soldier walking through the no-man’s land of a warzone. I expected the attack to come at any moment.
The hallway to the left had some doors. I sprinted forward as quietly as I could with Timmy close by my side. I read the first door: To Medical Ward.
“Ugh, no,” I whispered, going to the second one. I heard light footsteps behind me. Turning, I saw a creature from a nightmare sneaking up on us in the bloody glow of the emergency lights.
Its skin was black and shiny like that of a centipede’s. In its general form, it reminded me of a hairless werewolf. It towered over us, its eyes like bone-white cataracts, its claws as long and sharp as a dagger. And yet, its face seemed almost reptilian. It had two small nose holes like a snake and a jaw that unhinged and dropped far below its head. I saw rows of blood-soaked fangs. It gave off a low, gurgling growl that emanated from its chest.
With a rush of adrenaline and a sense of mortal terror, I pushed through the second door without reading the sign on the front. Timmy was right behind me. I heard him scream as he fell into me.
I found myself in a prison dormitory, and we weren’t alone. As I hit the ground, I saw a white face peering out at me from behind the bunk bed. The man hiding there saw the abomination behind us and got up, screaming and running away.
The creature growled, giving chase. In two powerful bounds, it had rushed across the dormitory and grabbed the man by the neck. I looked back at Timmy, seeing him groaning on the ground. Blood poured from deep cuts on his back. I grabbed him, pulling him up.
“Let’s go, let’s go, no time to…” I said when I was cut off by the sound of a neck snapping. I looked back, seeing the creature had twisted the man’s head around in a circle. It raised the limp body to its massive mouth and severed the head in a single powerful bite.
“Get me out of here, man, please,” Timmy whispered as I pulled him back out into the hallway. I looked over, seeing another werewolf creature bounding down the hallway, chasing a man in a prison jumpsuit. I had no choice.
I pulled Timmy toward the door labeled “Medical Ward”. With a creak of rusted hinges, it opened. We went inside to hide.
“Maybe there’s something in here we can use to bandage you up,” I said to Timmy, pulling him down the short hallway toward a room filled with single beds. I didn’t know why the rules said to avoid this place. It looked totally empty. Against the back wall, I saw a glass cabinet filled with bandages, rubbing alcohol, band-aids and other various first aid supplies. I ran toward it. Timmy limped along after me, still groaning.
“Goddamn, I think those claws went down to the bone,” he said.
“It’s gonna be OK,” I said as I pulled out some antiseptic and bandages, adding, “It could’ve been a lot worse.” The universe would immediately prove me right. I heard a slight giggling from under one of the beds. Timmy and I both froze.
Two rotted hands reached out, dragging the mutilated body of a little girl behind them. She had patches of garish, black stitches running across her face, hands and arms. Dark, clotted blood dripped from the sites. She wore a gore-smeared hospital gown and had no eyes. I looked into the empty sockets. They stared back at me like two black holes spinning in the void.
As she rose, her giggles became full-blown laughter, a hysterical gurgling like the laugh of a dying person. Then she ran at me. I saw the silver gleam of a scalpel in her little hand.
“No!” I screamed, raising my hands to protect myself. The scalpel came down, slicing across my palm. It cut deeply. A cold, burning pain ran up my arm. I repressed the urge to scream.
At that moment, the red emergency lights flicked off. Bright, fluorescent lights popped on, flickering and strobing in rapid succession. Timmy ran forward, tackling the undead girl. But I saw more small hands reaching out from under the beds, hands filled with sores and squirming larvae. I could see the bones of their hands through necrotic patches eaten into their flesh.
I ran for Timmy, grabbing him and hauling him up.
“Time to go! Now!” I screamed, pulling him forward as more undead boys and girls rose up, all with sharp knives and surgical instruments grasped in their little hands. I felt a sudden pain in my leg. Looking down, I saw a knife sticking out of my thigh. The empty eye sockets of a little boy’s face stared up at me, grinning like a skull.
I collapsed on the ground as we were surrounded. I prayed to God then, knowing we would die. I prayed that he would forgive me for all my mistakes, because I was on a fast-track to the afterlife and would be seeing him in a few seconds. With a sharp cry of pain, I yanked the knife out of my leg, turning it on my attacker.
Then a gunshot rang out. The head of the nearest girl exploded in a shower of bone fragments and dead maggots. I looked up, seeing Shea standing at the door, his pistol raised.
“Come on!” he screamed. “Come on, you idiots! Let’s go! Now!” Timmy and I didn’t need any more encouragement. As Shea continued to blow apart the nearest of the undead abominations, we limped and scrambled towards him. My leg gave a shriek of pain with every step.
We got out of the medical ward, battered and bruised but still alive.
“Why’d you come back, Shea?” I asked through pained breaths. Shea gave me a frantic look.
“When I got back out to the car, the driver was dead. His throat was… ripped out or something, I don’t know. I grabbed his keys and came back for you two. I don’t know where we are, but I’m getting you out of here,” he explained. I looked at him in amazement. I had never thought in a million years Shea would risk his life to save some scumbag inmates.
“So what’s the plan?” Timmy asked, sweating heavily, his eyes wild and pained. “How are we getting out of here without dying?” Shea shrugged.
“The door locked behind us when we came in,” I said. “Unless we can break it down and get back to the car…” We passed by buttons labeled “Emergency Dispatch” under glowing red emergency signs. I wondered if we could get help somehow through them.
“Halt!” someone cried from behind us. I looked back, seeing a man in a black correctional officers uniform. He ran toward us, his hand on the radio hanging from his belt. But something immediately seemed off about the figure.
As he got closer, I realized why. He had no face. His entire head was just smooth, white skin, without hair or any signs of features. He spoke again, and the voice seemed to come from all around his body.
“You must report to the medical ward,” the strange figure said. “We do not allow injured people in the hallways.”
“No, we’re fine,” Shea said, grinning. “See, buddy? I work for the DOC too.” He pointed at the identification clipped to his breast pocket. The figure raised his radio to his lips.
“We have resistance near Dormitory One,” the fake CO said into his radio before any of us could stop him. Shea ran forward, knocking the radio from his hand. The CO instantly straightened up and whipped out his pistol, pointing it at Shea’s torso. He fired, and I saw Shea’s chest explode in a blossoming flower of blood.
“No, dammit!” Timmy said, running forward. I saw a silver gleam in his hand, and I realized he had taken one of the scalpels from the undead Shea had killed in the Medical Ward. As the fake CO spun to point the pistol at Timmy, Timmy ran into him, stabbing the scalpel deeply into the CO’s neck.
They fell together with Timmy on top of the fake CO. His body weight drove the scalpel deeper into the white, featureless skin. Blood the color of soot spurted from the wound. The gun went off, the bullet missing Timmy entirely and smashing into the ceiling. The CO’s gurgling death gasps seem to come from all around his body. I grabbed Timmy.
“Get the guns!” I said. “They’re both dead. We need the guns.” He nodded, grabbing the CO’s gun and taking an extra magazine from his belt. I did the same with Shea’s gun and magazine. I pressed the button labeled “Emergency Dispatch” as more faceless men appeared far off down the corridor. Then we fled as fast as we could from that hallway, but, seeing as we were both in pretty bad shape, it wasn’t very fast.
At that point, I was just glad to be alive, though.
We wandered around the prison, avoiding the faceless COs whenever we saw them patrolling the hallways. They would radio to each other, their voices always surrounding their bodies rather than coming from their heads, which I found extremely eerie and unsettling. A couple times, I saw men in black SWAT suits with automatic rifles gunning down the fake COs. I wondered if this was the “Emergency Dispatch”. Timmy and I avoided them as well, and we gave a wide berth anytime we heard gunfire.
We passed cells with mummified corpses hanging from the ceiling. We passed dormitories where the victims of the strange, werewolf-like creatures littered the floors, rotting and stinking like roadkill. Occasionally, I would catch a glimpse of another survivor, a pale face peeking out from some hiding spot, but Timmy and I kept pushing forward, looking for a way out.
We were in a sprawling gymnasium, sitting down and resting for a few minutes, when we encountered the Warden.
We heard a demonic roar from the hallway, a mixing of many strange, inhuman tongues. As Timmy and I sat up quickly, a decapitated body flew into the gym, and a creature from Hell followed after it. The body smacked into the concrete wall with a soft, fleshy whack.
The Warden stood ten feet tall. He had on a black correctional officers uniform and a leather visor cap. His face looked like it had no flesh. A thick layer of bone covered it with two reptilian eyes peering out from behind slitted pupils. He hissed, a forked tongue shooting out of his gaping maw. His fingers looked like sharp daggers of bone. A smell like old leather and blood rose from his body.
“Shoot it!” I screamed, raising the pistol and firing at its head. The first shot blew off its visor cap, revealing the hairless, reptilian skull underneath. But the bullet only gouged the top of its skull. It ran at us with powerful, bounding steps, covering the distance in moments.
Timmy and I fired as fast as we could as it got within a few feet of us. It bounded into Timmy like a freight train hitting a car. Timmy’s body went flying and smashed against the back wall with the sound of bones shattering. I slammed another magazine in the pistol as the Warden turned to me.
We had hit it, I saw. One of its eyes had exploded in a shower of gore and vitreous fluid, and its head was bleeding badly. I raised the gun, aiming for the same eye and firing.
The Warden smacked his hand against his face as if he had forgotten something, falling to the floor. I ran forward, putting the pistol point-blank against his ruined eye before emptying the clip. By the end, he wasn’t moving anymore.
“Oh, God,” I said, walking over to Timmy. I saw his shattered legs, his broken spine and his snapped ribs. He coughed up blood. “I’m sorry, Timmy. I really am.” His head might have nodded slightly as he died, giving a final death gasp before falling still.
I found a ring of keys on the Warden’s body. In excitement, I ran downstairs and tried the locked door. It worked.
I went to the van, pulling out the dead driver and starting it. After smashing through the garage door, I drove it through the gate. It did catastrophic damage to the prison van, but it got me far enough away before the engine gave out.
I don’t know what kind of prison that was, but I hope I never see that hellscape again.
submitted by CIAHerpes to horrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 04:11 CIAHerpes I was taken to a prison run by demons. We were greeted by a list of rules.

I've been in and out of prisons and jails ever since I was 17. I thought I had seen it all- Aryan Brotherhood members stabbing guards, gang wars, escapes and torture. I saw many things that still give me nightmares to this day.
"MacDonald, 402202," the guard barked out. I jumped up, the thin mattress under me exhaling a whiff of stale air. I looked through the bars, seeing Correctional Officer Shea. CO Shea was a morbidly obese man with a penchant for being loud and lazy. I had seen a member of the Bloods punch him straight in the nose before, a scene I still remembered with some humor. Shea had crumpled like wet paper on the floor, screaming and crying as more COs ran over and tackled the inmate.
"Yeah?" I asked. Shea handed me a sheet of paper. He regarded me with his gray, colorless eyes.
"Congratulations, you're being transferred. Pack your shit. This is your last day at Springfield Correctional Center."
You might think I would be happy to get a transfer. SCC was, after all, a shithole. The food was terrible and always cold, the place always smelled like bleach and chemicals, and at night it got so cold with only my flimsy sheet that I regularly woke up shivering. The building was nearly a century old, and the fact that it still functioned at all was a miracle in itself.
But, to be honest, I was not thrilled about the transfer. I had made friends here and knew the lay of the land. I didn't have to worry about getting jumped or stabbed to death in the showers. As the old adage goes, it's better the devil you know than the one you don't.
I was led out of my cell the next evening with all the worldly possessions I owned, which fit neatly into a clear trash bag with room to spare. I owned some prison clothes, toothpaste, a toothbrush, deodorant, a Bible, a pair of sandals and a radio. I felt the unbearable lightness of my existence reflected in that bag as it smacked rhythmically against my leg.
"Good luck, friend Josh!" a rather insane acquaintance of mine named Alvin called out from his cell as I passed down the bleak, concrete hallway.
"Take care man. I hope we meet again on the outside," I said, waving, knowing I would almost certainly never see any of these people again. Hell, I hadn't even seen my family in over five years. None of them came to visit me anymore. No one wrote me letters or put money in my commissary account or sent me books to read.
"Well, we're all born alone, and we all die alone," I thought to myself as CO Shea walked by my side. He was breathing heavily, as if he had just finished running a marathon. I looked over at his face, seeing the burst capillaries on his nose from years of hard drinking and the squint of his little, piggy eyes. There was a slight gleam of intelligence and slyness behind that ugly mug, though.
"Well, amigo," Shea said in his slow, plodding way, "I got assigned to go with you. I'll be your ride along buddy. You excited or what?" I smiled faintly at him
"There are worse people than you here, Shea," I said. "Far worse."
I got on the prison bus in my bright-orange jumpsuit. To my surprise, I saw the back was nearly empty. There was only one other prisoner in the back. Shea sat with us to monitor us. We were also handcuffed and anklecuffed. A chain ran down and connected the two.
I looked over at the other prisoner, a black guy with a shaved head. I think he also shaved his eyebrows. I mean, I literally didn't see a single hair on his head besides eyelashes, which he apparently hadn't found a way to shave… yet.
"Sup," he said. I nodded.
"Sup." We sat there in awkward silence as Shea plopped down hard on the bench between us. It groaned like a confused old man.
"So what do you know about this place, Shea?" I asked. He sucked down half a bottle of Coke and then heaved a deep sigh.
"I don't know much about it, to be frank," he admitted sheepishly. "It is apparently brand-new, though. They asked us to send a couple people who met... certain criteria."
"What does that mean?" the black guy asked. Shea gave him a serious look.
"Come on, Timmy, you know what I mean. Hardened criminals. People with long records who tour prisons like some people tour French beaches." I scoffed.
"There are far worse people than me in prison," I said.
"Well, they asked for no murderers or gang bangers too. I don't know why, but maybe it is some new government program. They apparently call it an 'experimental prison’.”
“What about me?” Timmy asked. Shea apparently knew what he meant.
“You’re not a murderer, Timmy,” Shea said, his lips forming the faintest twitch of a smile. “You never…”
“Well, there was that time my girlfriend got me to drop some acid with her. She went and killed her parents. Then we hit the road,” Timmy said fondly, his eyes rising as if he were looking at a hovering angel in the far-off distance.
“You were never convicted of any accessory charges, so it doesn’t count,” Shea retorted.
“Oh, it counts,” Timmy drawled in his slow, plodding way. “It counts. Everything in life counts. If I’ve learned anything in the last 36 years, it’s that you can never truly escape anything you’ve done- good or bad.”
I couldn't see much from the prison van. There was a small, shatterproof window in the swinging back doors, but it only gave a fleeting view of what was behind us. I noticed the dark forests stretching out to the horizon over rolling hills.
We drove for a few hours. The three of us bullshitted, talking about everything from sports to politics to the recent spate of fatal stabbings at SCC.
I felt the van stop. I looked out the back window, seeing more endless trees. I didn’t see a single house or car on the road we had taken.
“This place is a ghost town,” I said. Shea nodded.
“Yeah, it’s dead as Frank Sinatra ‘round here,” Shea said, wheezing out a high-pitched laugh at his own joke. “This area used to be big for coal mining, but as it dried up and people lost their jobs, they moved away. You know, my grandfather was a coal miner.”
“Good place to build a prison, huh?” Timmy asked. “If there is no one around…” We were cut off by a clanging alarm up ahead. I heard something large moving, probably the gate opening. Then we were inside.
I saw the guard towers and rolls of razor wire for a brief moment as the van pulled into an open garage. The darkness immediately blanketed us. The garage door slowly rolled shut behind us. Shea jumped up.
“Let’s get you boys inside so I can take off your handcuffs and everything,” he said, motioning for us to follow. He pulled out a flashlight from his belt, guiding us through the pitch black. The dim light sent shadows racing across the room like groping tentacles. I caught glimpses of strange objects in the darkness. They looked like medieval torture devices.
“What is this place?” I whispered. My voice echoed far too loudly off the cold concrete floor and walls. “Those look like torture devices on that table, Shea. I think those bloody things are thumbscrews and that might be a pear of anguish…” I pointed to the pear-shaped object with three, wicked blades whose points came together sitting on a dusty shelf. The ornate handle had springs connected to it. The object could be forced into any human orifice and, when the springs were engaged, it would open like a flower inside the person’s body, ripping their flesh apart and enlarging that orifice to a bloody, gaping hole.
“How do you know so much about this?” Shea asked, giving me a strange look. He narrowed his little piggy eyes. He continued to fumble with the flashlight, peering around for a door to exit the garage. I looked back at the car and saw the driver just sitting there, his entire body as lifeless and still as a mannequin.
“I’ve read a few books…” I said as Timmy interrupted us.
“I see a little red light glowing under that door,” Timmy said. Shea focused his flashlight on the spot. Across the room, I noticed what Timmy was pointing at. It was an ancient-looking black door. The wood had started to crack and splinter down the middle. Engraved in silver on the front, it said, “Entrance to Northfrost Penitentiary.”
“Hello?” Shea called toward the door as the three of us moved forward, the steel chains giving my steps a clinking rhythm.
Shea reached the antique crystal doorknob. Timmy and I stood next to a dust-covered brazen bull, its bronze mouth wide open as if it were silently roaring at us. As Shea pulled open the door, crimson light flooded into the garage.
Tinted black glass covered the back wall. A speaker button sat next to the window. I looked to my right, seeing a massive sign sprawled across the wall there. It read:
  1. The COs without faces don’t work here and we don’t know who they are. If you see one, press one of the buttons labeled “Emergency Dispatch” that are scattered around the complex.
  2. When the red emergency lights come on, hide until they shut off.
  3. Do not go into the medical ward for any reason.
  4. The warden roams the prison every night at 3:33 AM looking for human meat. Don’t let him catch you.
“What is this, a goddamned joke?” Timmy asked, his dark face forming into a scowl.
“Uhh, well…” Shea rubbed the back of his neck, looking like an obese little boy who lost his parents. “I’ve never been here before, but this is all pretty unusual, I’ll admit.” A buzzing came from the back of the room, and suddenly a garish, echoing intercom turned on.
“Please remove their chains and direct them through the door on the left,” a female robotic voice said calmly in a tone as cool as lemonade on a hot day. “Your transfer will then be complete.” Shea sighed in relief.
“Good,” he grunted. “This place gives me the creeps.”
“Bro, you can’t leave us here,” Timmy protested. “What the fuck is this place? Where is everyone? Why is there a room filled with bloody, ancient torture devices next to the garage?” Shea put up his hands.
“I’m sorry, son, but I have orders. I’m just a messenger here. I was told to transfer you here, and that’s what I’ve done.” He fumbled around his belt for his keyring. He came over and unlocked the handcuffs and anklecuffs from both of us. I stretched, rubbing my wrists. I was glad to be out of those suffocating restraints.
“Thanks for everything, then,” I said, picking up my extremely light garbage bag of possessions and heading for the door on the left. Timmy reluctantly followed behind. A sign on this door read: “To General Population.”
But when we got to the other side and it slammed shut behind us, I found a hallway filled with more red emergency lights streaming down. An involuntary shiver ran down through my body. I remembered those absurd rules someone had put up. What had it said about red lights? My mind raced for a few moments, then the answer popped up. It said to hide.
A man shrieked up ahead, his voice riddled with agony and terror. The hallway split to the right and left, and I couldn’t see anyone. Timmy and I stopped.
“Dude, screw this,” Timmy said, turning and running back toward the door we had come through. He tried pulling it open, but it was firmly locked.
The scream came again, louder and closer, but this time it was cut off suddenly. I heard someone gurgling like a man with a slit throat trying to breathe. And then everything went deathly silent again.
The gray, concrete floor of the hallway had arrows pointing forward on it. There were no doors here. There was nowhere to hide that I could see. Timmy and I reluctantly went forward. As we got to the intersection, we saw the dead body of a man in a brown khaki uniform.
His sightless eyes remained open. They stared up at the ceiling, glassy and still filled with horror. Deep gouge marks bit deeply into the flesh on his back and arms and chest. His throat had been cut or bit open as well. A spreading puddle of blood encircled his body.
I saw a dark blur at the end of the hallway on the right. It looked like little more than a shadow. I whispered to Timmy, pointing. We decided to go left immediately. My heart was pounding at this point. I felt like a soldier walking through the no-man’s land of a warzone. I expected the attack to come at any moment.
The hallway to the left had some doors. I sprinted forward as quietly as I could with Timmy close by my side. I read the first door: To Medical Ward.
“Ugh, no,” I whispered, going to the second one. I heard light footsteps behind me. Turning, I saw a creature from a nightmare sneaking up on us in the bloody glow of the emergency lights.
Its skin was black and shiny like that of a centipede’s. In its general form, it reminded me of a hairless werewolf. It towered over us, its eyes like bone-white cataracts, its claws as long and sharp as a dagger. And yet, its face seemed almost reptilian. It had two small nose holes like a snake and a jaw that unhinged and dropped far below its head. I saw rows of blood-soaked fangs. It gave off a low, gurgling growl that emanated from its chest.
With a rush of adrenaline and a sense of mortal terror, I pushed through the second door without reading the sign on the front. Timmy was right behind me. I heard him scream as he fell into me.
I found myself in a prison dormitory, and we weren’t alone. As I hit the ground, I saw a white face peering out at me from behind the bunk bed. The man hiding there saw the abomination behind us and got up, screaming and running away.
The creature growled, giving chase. In two powerful bounds, it had rushed across the dormitory and grabbed the man by the neck. I looked back at Timmy, seeing him groaning on the ground. Blood poured from deep cuts on his back. I grabbed him, pulling him up.
“Let’s go, let’s go, no time to…” I said when I was cut off by the sound of a neck snapping. I looked back, seeing the creature had twisted the man’s head around in a circle. It raised the limp body to its massive mouth and severed the head in a single powerful bite.
“Get me out of here, man, please,” Timmy whispered as I pulled him back out into the hallway. I looked over, seeing another werewolf creature bounding down the hallway, chasing a man in a prison jumpsuit. I had no choice.
I pulled Timmy toward the door labeled “Medical Ward”. With a creak of rusted hinges, it opened. We went inside to hide.
“Maybe there’s something in here we can use to bandage you up,” I said to Timmy, pulling him down the short hallway toward a room filled with single beds. I didn’t know why the rules said to avoid this place. It looked totally empty. Against the back wall, I saw a glass cabinet filled with bandages, rubbing alcohol, band-aids and other various first aid supplies. I ran toward it. Timmy limped along after me, still groaning.
“Goddamn, I think those claws went down to the bone,” he said.
“It’s gonna be OK,” I said as I pulled out some antiseptic and bandages, adding, “It could’ve been a lot worse.” The universe would immediately prove me right. I heard a slight giggling from under one of the beds. Timmy and I both froze.
Two rotted hands reached out, dragging the mutilated body of a little girl behind them. She had patches of garish, black stitches running across her face, hands and arms. Dark, clotted blood dripped from the sites. She wore a gore-smeared hospital gown and had no eyes. I looked into the empty sockets. They stared back at me like two black holes spinning in the void.
As she rose, her giggles became full-blown laughter, a hysterical gurgling like the laugh of a dying person. Then she ran at me. I saw the silver gleam of a scalpel in her little hand.
“No!” I screamed, raising my hands to protect myself. The scalpel came down, slicing across my palm. It cut deeply. A cold, burning pain ran up my arm. I repressed the urge to scream.
At that moment, the red emergency lights flicked off. Bright, fluorescent lights popped on, flickering and strobing in rapid succession. Timmy ran forward, tackling the undead girl. But I saw more small hands reaching out from under the beds, hands filled with sores and squirming larvae. I could see the bones of their hands through necrotic patches eaten into their flesh.
I ran for Timmy, grabbing him and hauling him up.
“Time to go! Now!” I screamed, pulling him forward as more undead boys and girls rose up, all with sharp knives and surgical instruments grasped in their little hands. I felt a sudden pain in my leg. Looking down, I saw a knife sticking out of my thigh. The empty eye sockets of a little boy’s face stared up at me, grinning like a skull.
I collapsed on the ground as we were surrounded. I prayed to God then, knowing we would die. I prayed that he would forgive me for all my mistakes, because I was on a fast-track to the afterlife and would be seeing him in a few seconds. With a sharp cry of pain, I yanked the knife out of my leg, turning it on my attacker.
Then a gunshot rang out. The head of the nearest girl exploded in a shower of bone fragments and dead maggots. I looked up, seeing Shea standing at the door, his pistol raised.
“Come on!” he screamed. “Come on, you idiots! Let’s go! Now!” Timmy and I didn’t need any more encouragement. As Shea continued to blow apart the nearest of the undead abominations, we limped and scrambled towards him. My leg gave a shriek of pain with every step.
We got out of the medical ward, battered and bruised but still alive.
“Why’d you come back, Shea?” I asked through pained breaths. Shea gave me a frantic look.
“When I got back out to the car, the driver was dead. His throat was… ripped out or something, I don’t know. I grabbed his keys and came back for you two. I don’t know where we are, but I’m getting you out of here,” he explained. I looked at him in amazement. I had never thought in a million years Shea would risk his life to save some scumbag inmates.
“So what’s the plan?” Timmy asked, sweating heavily, his eyes wild and pained. “How are we getting out of here without dying?” Shea shrugged.
“The door locked behind us when we came in,” I said. “Unless we can break it down and get back to the car…” We passed by buttons labeled “Emergency Dispatch” under glowing red emergency signs. I wondered if we could get help somehow through them.
“Halt!” someone cried from behind us. I looked back, seeing a man in a black correctional officers uniform. He ran toward us, his hand on the radio hanging from his belt. But something immediately seemed off about the figure.
As he got closer, I realized why. He had no face. His entire head was just smooth, white skin, without hair or any signs of features. He spoke again, and the voice seemed to come from all around his body.
“You must report to the medical ward,” the strange figure said. “We do not allow injured people in the hallways.”
“No, we’re fine,” Shea said, grinning. “See, buddy? I work for the DOC too.” He pointed at the identification clipped to his breast pocket. The figure raised his radio to his lips.
“We have resistance near Dormitory One,” the fake CO said into his radio before any of us could stop him. Shea ran forward, knocking the radio from his hand. The CO instantly straightened up and whipped out his pistol, pointing it at Shea’s torso. He fired, and I saw Shea’s chest explode in a blossoming flower of blood.
“No, dammit!” Timmy said, running forward. I saw a silver gleam in his hand, and I realized he had taken one of the scalpels from the undead Shea had killed in the Medical Ward. As the fake CO spun to point the pistol at Timmy, Timmy ran into him, stabbing the scalpel deeply into the CO’s neck.
They fell together with Timmy on top of the fake CO. His body weight drove the scalpel deeper into the white, featureless skin. Blood the color of soot spurted from the wound. The gun went off, the bullet missing Timmy entirely and smashing into the ceiling. The CO’s gurgling death gasps seem to come from all around his body. I grabbed Timmy.
“Get the guns!” I said. “They’re both dead. We need the guns.” He nodded, grabbing the CO’s gun and taking an extra magazine from his belt. I did the same with Shea’s gun and magazine. I pressed the button labeled “Emergency Dispatch” as more faceless men appeared far off down the corridor. Then we fled as fast as we could from that hallway, but, seeing as we were both in pretty bad shape, it wasn’t very fast.
At that point, I was just glad to be alive, though.
We wandered around the prison, avoiding the faceless COs whenever we saw them patrolling the hallways. They would radio to each other, their voices always surrounding their bodies rather than coming from their heads, which I found extremely eerie and unsettling. A couple times, I saw men in black SWAT suits with automatic rifles gunning down the fake COs. I wondered if this was the “Emergency Dispatch”. Timmy and I avoided them as well, and we gave a wide berth anytime we heard gunfire.
We passed cells with mummified corpses hanging from the ceiling. We passed dormitories where the victims of the strange, werewolf-like creatures littered the floors, rotting and stinking like roadkill. Occasionally, I would catch a glimpse of another survivor, a pale face peeking out from some hiding spot, but Timmy and I kept pushing forward, looking for a way out.
We were in a sprawling gymnasium, sitting down and resting for a few minutes, when we encountered the Warden.
We heard a demonic roar from the hallway, a mixing of many strange, inhuman tongues. As Timmy and I sat up quickly, a decapitated body flew into the gym, and a creature from Hell followed after it. The body smacked into the concrete wall with a soft, fleshy whack.
The Warden stood ten feet tall. He had on a black correctional officers uniform and a leather visor cap. His face looked like it had no flesh. A thick layer of bone covered it with two reptilian eyes peering out from behind slitted pupils. He hissed, a forked tongue shooting out of his gaping maw. His fingers looked like sharp daggers of bone. A smell like old leather and blood rose from his body.
“Shoot it!” I screamed, raising the pistol and firing at its head. The first shot blew off its visor cap, revealing the hairless, reptilian skull underneath. But the bullet only gouged the top of its skull. It ran at us with powerful, bounding steps, covering the distance in moments.
Timmy and I fired as fast as we could as it got within a few feet of us. It bounded into Timmy like a freight train hitting a car. Timmy’s body went flying and smashed against the back wall with the sound of bones shattering. I slammed another magazine in the pistol as the Warden turned to me.
We had hit it, I saw. One of its eyes had exploded in a shower of gore and vitreous fluid, and its head was bleeding badly. I raised the gun, aiming for the same eye and firing.
The Warden smacked his hand against his face as if he had forgotten something, falling to the floor. I ran forward, putting the pistol point-blank against his ruined eye before emptying the clip. By the end, he wasn’t moving anymore.
“Oh, God,” I said, walking over to Timmy. I saw his shattered legs, his broken spine and his snapped ribs. He coughed up blood. “I’m sorry, Timmy. I really am.” His head might have nodded slightly as he died, giving a final death gasp before falling still.
I found a ring of keys on the Warden’s body. In excitement, I ran downstairs and tried the locked door. It worked.
I went to the van, pulling out the dead driver and starting it. After smashing through the garage door, I drove it through the gate. It did catastrophic damage to the prison van, but it got me far enough away before the engine gave out.
I don’t know what kind of prison that was, but I hope I never see that hellscape again.
submitted by CIAHerpes to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 04:11 CIAHerpes I was taken to a prison run by demons. We were greeted by a list of rules.

I've been in and out of prisons and jails ever since I was 17. I thought I had seen it all- Aryan Brotherhood members stabbing guards, gang wars, escapes and torture. I saw many things that still give me nightmares to this day.
"MacDonald, 402202," the guard barked out. I jumped up, the thin mattress under me exhaling a whiff of stale air. I looked through the bars, seeing Correctional Officer Shea. CO Shea was a morbidly obese man with a penchant for being loud and lazy. I had seen a member of the Bloods punch him straight in the nose before, a scene I still remembered with some humor. Shea had crumpled like wet paper on the floor, screaming and crying as more COs ran over and tackled the inmate.
"Yeah?" I asked. Shea handed me a sheet of paper. He regarded me with his gray, colorless eyes.
"Congratulations, you're being transferred. Pack your shit. This is your last day at Springfield Correctional Center."
You might think I would be happy to get a transfer. SCC was, after all, a shithole. The food was terrible and always cold, the place always smelled like bleach and chemicals, and at night it got so cold with only my flimsy sheet that I regularly woke up shivering. The building was nearly a century old, and the fact that it still functioned at all was a miracle in itself.
But, to be honest, I was not thrilled about the transfer. I had made friends here and knew the lay of the land. I didn't have to worry about getting jumped or stabbed to death in the showers. As the old adage goes, it's better the devil you know than the one you don't.
I was led out of my cell the next evening with all the worldly possessions I owned, which fit neatly into a clear trash bag with room to spare. I owned some prison clothes, toothpaste, a toothbrush, deodorant, a Bible, a pair of sandals and a radio. I felt the unbearable lightness of my existence reflected in that bag as it smacked rhythmically against my leg.
"Good luck, friend Josh!" a rather insane acquaintance of mine named Alvin called out from his cell as I passed down the bleak, concrete hallway.
"Take care man. I hope we meet again on the outside," I said, waving, knowing I would almost certainly never see any of these people again. Hell, I hadn't even seen my family in over five years. None of them came to visit me anymore. No one wrote me letters or put money in my commissary account or sent me books to read.
"Well, we're all born alone, and we all die alone," I thought to myself as CO Shea walked by my side. He was breathing heavily, as if he had just finished running a marathon. I looked over at his face, seeing the burst capillaries on his nose from years of hard drinking and the squint of his little, piggy eyes. There was a slight gleam of intelligence and slyness behind that ugly mug, though.
"Well, amigo," Shea said in his slow, plodding way, "I got assigned to go with you. I'll be your ride along buddy. You excited or what?" I smiled faintly at him
"There are worse people than you here, Shea," I said. "Far worse."
I got on the prison bus in my bright-orange jumpsuit. To my surprise, I saw the back was nearly empty. There was only one other prisoner in the back. Shea sat with us to monitor us. We were also handcuffed and anklecuffed. A chain ran down and connected the two.
I looked over at the other prisoner, a black guy with a shaved head. I think he also shaved his eyebrows. I mean, I literally didn't see a single hair on his head besides eyelashes, which he apparently hadn't found a way to shave… yet.
"Sup," he said. I nodded.
"Sup." We sat there in awkward silence as Shea plopped down hard on the bench between us. It groaned like a confused old man.
"So what do you know about this place, Shea?" I asked. He sucked down half a bottle of Coke and then heaved a deep sigh.
"I don't know much about it, to be frank," he admitted sheepishly. "It is apparently brand-new, though. They asked us to send a couple people who met... certain criteria."
"What does that mean?" the black guy asked. Shea gave him a serious look.
"Come on, Timmy, you know what I mean. Hardened criminals. People with long records who tour prisons like some people tour French beaches." I scoffed.
"There are far worse people than me in prison," I said.
"Well, they asked for no murderers or gang bangers too. I don't know why, but maybe it is some new government program. They apparently call it an 'experimental prison’.”
“What about me?” Timmy asked. Shea apparently knew what he meant.
“You’re not a murderer, Timmy,” Shea said, his lips forming the faintest twitch of a smile. “You never…”
“Well, there was that time my girlfriend got me to drop some acid with her. She went and killed her parents. Then we hit the road,” Timmy said fondly, his eyes rising as if he were looking at a hovering angel in the far-off distance.
“You were never convicted of any accessory charges, so it doesn’t count,” Shea retorted.
“Oh, it counts,” Timmy drawled in his slow, plodding way. “It counts. Everything in life counts. If I’ve learned anything in the last 36 years, it’s that you can never truly escape anything you’ve done- good or bad.”
I couldn't see much from the prison van. There was a small, shatterproof window in the swinging back doors, but it only gave a fleeting view of what was behind us. I noticed the dark forests stretching out to the horizon over rolling hills.
We drove for a few hours. The three of us bullshitted, talking about everything from sports to politics to the recent spate of fatal stabbings at SCC.
I felt the van stop. I looked out the back window, seeing more endless trees. I didn’t see a single house or car on the road we had taken.
“This place is a ghost town,” I said. Shea nodded.
“Yeah, it’s dead as Frank Sinatra ‘round here,” Shea said, wheezing out a high-pitched laugh at his own joke. “This area used to be big for coal mining, but as it dried up and people lost their jobs, they moved away. You know, my grandfather was a coal miner.”
“Good place to build a prison, huh?” Timmy asked. “If there is no one around…” We were cut off by a clanging alarm up ahead. I heard something large moving, probably the gate opening. Then we were inside.
I saw the guard towers and rolls of razor wire for a brief moment as the van pulled into an open garage. The darkness immediately blanketed us. The garage door slowly rolled shut behind us. Shea jumped up.
“Let’s get you boys inside so I can take off your handcuffs and everything,” he said, motioning for us to follow. He pulled out a flashlight from his belt, guiding us through the pitch black. The dim light sent shadows racing across the room like groping tentacles. I caught glimpses of strange objects in the darkness. They looked like medieval torture devices.
“What is this place?” I whispered. My voice echoed far too loudly off the cold concrete floor and walls. “Those look like torture devices on that table, Shea. I think those bloody things are thumbscrews and that might be a pear of anguish…” I pointed to the pear-shaped object with three, wicked blades whose points came together sitting on a dusty shelf. The ornate handle had springs connected to it. The object could be forced into any human orifice and, when the springs were engaged, it would open like a flower inside the person’s body, ripping their flesh apart and enlarging that orifice to a bloody, gaping hole.
“How do you know so much about this?” Shea asked, giving me a strange look. He narrowed his little piggy eyes. He continued to fumble with the flashlight, peering around for a door to exit the garage. I looked back at the car and saw the driver just sitting there, his entire body as lifeless and still as a mannequin.
“I’ve read a few books…” I said as Timmy interrupted us.
“I see a little red light glowing under that door,” Timmy said. Shea focused his flashlight on the spot. Across the room, I noticed what Timmy was pointing at. It was an ancient-looking black door. The wood had started to crack and splinter down the middle. Engraved in silver on the front, it said, “Entrance to Northfrost Penitentiary.”
“Hello?” Shea called toward the door as the three of us moved forward, the steel chains giving my steps a clinking rhythm.
Shea reached the antique crystal doorknob. Timmy and I stood next to a dust-covered brazen bull, its bronze mouth wide open as if it were silently roaring at us. As Shea pulled open the door, crimson light flooded into the garage.
Tinted black glass covered the back wall. A speaker button sat next to the window. I looked to my right, seeing a massive sign sprawled across the wall there. It read:
The COs without faces don’t work here and we don’t know who they are. If you see one, press one of the buttons labeled “Emergency Dispatch” that are scattered around the complex.
When the red emergency lights come on, hide until they shut off.
Do not go into the medical ward for any reason.
The warden roams the prison every night at 3:33 AM looking for human meat. Don’t let him catch you.
“What is this, a goddamned joke?” Timmy asked, his dark face forming into a scowl.
“Uhh, well…” Shea rubbed the back of his neck, looking like an obese little boy who lost his parents. “I’ve never been here before, but this is all pretty unusual, I’ll admit.” A buzzing came from the back of the room, and suddenly a garish, echoing intercom turned on.
“Please remove their chains and direct them through the door on the left,” a female robotic voice said calmly in a tone as cool as lemonade on a hot day. “Your transfer will then be complete.” Shea sighed in relief.
“Good,” he grunted. “This place gives me the creeps.”
“Bro, you can’t leave us here,” Timmy protested. “What the fuck is this place? Where is everyone? Why is there a room filled with bloody, ancient torture devices next to the garage?” Shea put up his hands.
“I’m sorry, son, but I have orders. I’m just a messenger here. I was told to transfer you here, and that’s what I’ve done.” He fumbled around his belt for his keyring. He came over and unlocked the handcuffs and anklecuffs from both of us. I stretched, rubbing my wrists. I was glad to be out of those suffocating restraints.
“Thanks for everything, then,” I said, picking up my extremely light garbage bag of possessions and heading for the door on the left. Timmy reluctantly followed behind. A sign on this door read: “To General Population.”
But when we got to the other side and it slammed shut behind us, I found a hallway filled with more red emergency lights streaming down. An involuntary shiver ran down through my body. I remembered those absurd rules someone had put up. What had it said about red lights? My mind raced for a few moments, then the answer popped up. It said to hide.
A man shrieked up ahead, his voice riddled with agony and terror. The hallway split to the right and left, and I couldn’t see anyone. Timmy and I stopped.
“Dude, screw this,” Timmy said, turning and running back toward the door we had come through. He tried pulling it open, but it was firmly locked.
The scream came again, louder and closer, but this time it was cut off suddenly. I heard someone gurgling like a man with a slit throat trying to breathe. And then everything went deathly silent again.
The gray, concrete floor of the hallway had arrows pointing forward on it. There were no doors here. There was nowhere to hide that I could see. Timmy and I reluctantly went forward. As we got to the intersection, we saw the dead body of a man in a brown khaki uniform.
His sightless eyes remained open. They stared up at the ceiling, glassy and still filled with horror. Deep gouge marks bit deeply into the flesh on his back and arms and chest. His throat had been cut or bit open as well. A spreading puddle of blood encircled his body.
I saw a dark blur at the end of the hallway on the right. It looked like little more than a shadow. I whispered to Timmy, pointing. We decided to go left immediately. My heart was pounding at this point. I felt like a soldier walking through the no-man’s land of a warzone. I expected the attack to come at any moment.
The hallway to the left had some doors. I sprinted forward as quietly as I could with Timmy close by my side. I read the first door: To Medical Ward.
“Ugh, no,” I whispered, going to the second one. I heard light footsteps behind me. Turning, I saw a creature from a nightmare sneaking up on us in the bloody glow of the emergency lights.
Its skin was black and shiny like that of a centipede’s. In its general form, it reminded me of a hairless werewolf. It towered over us, its eyes like bone-white cataracts, its claws as long and sharp as a dagger. And yet, its face seemed almost reptilian. It had two small nose holes like a snake and a jaw that unhinged and dropped far below its head. I saw rows of blood-soaked fangs. It gave off a low, gurgling growl that emanated from its chest.
With a rush of adrenaline and a sense of mortal terror, I pushed through the second door without reading the sign on the front. Timmy was right behind me. I heard him scream as he fell into me.
I found myself in a prison dormitory, and we weren’t alone. As I hit the ground, I saw a white face peering out at me from behind the bunk bed. The man hiding there saw the abomination behind us and got up, screaming and running away.
The creature growled, giving chase. In two powerful bounds, it had rushed across the dormitory and grabbed the man by the neck. I looked back at Timmy, seeing him groaning on the ground. Blood poured from deep cuts on his back. I grabbed him, pulling him up.
“Let’s go, let’s go, no time to…” I said when I was cut off by the sound of a neck snapping. I looked back, seeing the creature had twisted the man’s head around in a circle. It raised the limp body to its massive mouth and severed the head in a single powerful bite.
“Get me out of here, man, please,” Timmy whispered as I pulled him back out into the hallway. I looked over, seeing another werewolf creature bounding down the hallway, chasing a man in a prison jumpsuit. I had no choice.
I pulled Timmy toward the door labeled “Medical Ward”. With a creak of rusted hinges, it opened. We went inside to hide.
“Maybe there’s something in here we can use to bandage you up,” I said to Timmy, pulling him down the short hallway toward a room filled with single beds. I didn’t know why the rules said to avoid this place. It looked totally empty. Against the back wall, I saw a glass cabinet filled with bandages, rubbing alcohol, band-aids and other various first aid supplies. I ran toward it. Timmy limped along after me, still groaning.
“Goddamn, I think those claws went down to the bone,” he said.
“It’s gonna be OK,” I said as I pulled out some antiseptic and bandages, adding, “It could’ve been a lot worse.” The universe would immediately prove me right. I heard a slight giggling from under one of the beds. Timmy and I both froze.
Two rotted hands reached out, dragging the mutilated body of a little girl behind them. She had patches of garish, black stitches running across her face, hands and arms. Dark, clotted blood dripped from the sites. She wore a gore-smeared hospital gown and had no eyes. I looked into the empty sockets. They stared back at me like two black holes spinning in the void.
As she rose, her giggles became full-blown laughter, a hysterical gurgling like the laugh of a dying person. Then she ran at me. I saw the silver gleam of a scalpel in her little hand.
“No!” I screamed, raising my hands to protect myself. The scalpel came down, slicing across my palm. It cut deeply. A cold, burning pain ran up my arm. I repressed the urge to scream.
At that moment, the red emergency lights flicked off. Bright, fluorescent lights popped on, flickering and strobing in rapid succession. Timmy ran forward, tackling the undead girl. But I saw more small hands reaching out from under the beds, hands filled with sores and squirming larvae. I could see the bones of their hands through necrotic patches eaten into their flesh.
I ran for Timmy, grabbing him and hauling him up.
“Time to go! Now!” I screamed, pulling him forward as more undead boys and girls rose up, all with sharp knives and surgical instruments grasped in their little hands. I felt a sudden pain in my leg. Looking down, I saw a knife sticking out of my thigh. The empty eye sockets of a little boy’s face stared up at me, grinning like a skull.
I collapsed on the ground as we were surrounded. I prayed to God then, knowing we would die. I prayed that he would forgive me for all my mistakes, because I was on a fast-track to the afterlife and would be seeing him in a few seconds. With a sharp cry of pain, I yanked the knife out of my leg, turning it on my attacker.
Then a gunshot rang out. The head of the nearest girl exploded in a shower of bone fragments and dead maggots. I looked up, seeing Shea standing at the door, his pistol raised.
“Come on!” he screamed. “Come on, you idiots! Let’s go! Now!” Timmy and I didn’t need any more encouragement. As Shea continued to blow apart the nearest of the undead abominations, we limped and scrambled towards him. My leg gave a shriek of pain with every step.
We got out of the medical ward, battered and bruised but still alive.
“Why’d you come back, Shea?” I asked through pained breaths. Shea gave me a frantic look.
“When I got back out to the car, the driver was dead. His throat was… ripped out or something, I don’t know. I grabbed his keys and came back for you two. I don’t know where we are, but I’m getting you out of here,” he explained. I looked at him in amazement. I had never thought in a million years Shea would risk his life to save some scumbag inmates.
“So what’s the plan?” Timmy asked, sweating heavily, his eyes wild and pained. “How are we getting out of here without dying?” Shea shrugged.
“The door locked behind us when we came in,” I said. “Unless we can break it down and get back to the car…” We passed by buttons labeled “Emergency Dispatch” under glowing red emergency signs. I wondered if we could get help somehow through them.
“Halt!” someone cried from behind us. I looked back, seeing a man in a black correctional officers uniform. He ran toward us, his hand on the radio hanging from his belt. But something immediately seemed off about the figure.
As he got closer, I realized why. He had no face. His entire head was just smooth, white skin, without hair or any signs of features. He spoke again, and the voice seemed to come from all around his body.
“You must report to the medical ward,” the strange figure said. “We do not allow injured people in the hallways.”
“No, we’re fine,” Shea said, grinning. “See, buddy? I work for the DOC too.” He pointed at the identification clipped to his breast pocket. The figure raised his radio to his lips.
“We have resistance near Dormitory One,” the fake CO said into his radio before any of us could stop him. Shea ran forward, knocking the radio from his hand. The CO instantly straightened up and whipped out his pistol, pointing it at Shea’s torso. He fired, and I saw Shea’s chest explode in a blossoming flower of blood.
“No, dammit!” Timmy said, running forward. I saw a silver gleam in his hand, and I realized he had taken one of the scalpels from the undead Shea had killed in the Medical Ward. As the fake CO spun to point the pistol at Timmy, Timmy ran into him, stabbing the scalpel deeply into the CO’s neck.
They fell together with Timmy on top of the fake CO. His body weight drove the scalpel deeper into the white, featureless skin. Blood the color of soot spurted from the wound. The gun went off, the bullet missing Timmy entirely and smashing into the ceiling. The CO’s gurgling death gasps seem to come from all around his body. I grabbed Timmy.
“Get the guns!” I said. “They’re both dead. We need the guns.” He nodded, grabbing the CO’s gun and taking an extra magazine from his belt. I did the same with Shea’s gun and magazine. I pressed the button labeled “Emergency Dispatch” as more faceless men appeared far off down the corridor. Then we fled as fast as we could from that hallway, but, seeing as we were both in pretty bad shape, it wasn’t very fast.
At that point, I was just glad to be alive, though.
We wandered around the prison, avoiding the faceless COs whenever we saw them patrolling the hallways. They would radio to each other, their voices always surrounding their bodies rather than coming from their heads, which I found extremely eerie and unsettling. A couple times, I saw men in black SWAT suits with automatic rifles gunning down the fake COs. I wondered if this was the “Emergency Dispatch”. Timmy and I avoided them as well, and we gave a wide berth anytime we heard gunfire.
We passed cells with mummified corpses hanging from the ceiling. We passed dormitories where the victims of the strange, werewolf-like creatures littered the floors, rotting and stinking like roadkill. Occasionally, I would catch a glimpse of another survivor, a pale face peeking out from some hiding spot, but Timmy and I kept pushing forward, looking for a way out.
We were in a sprawling gymnasium, sitting down and resting for a few minutes, when we encountered the Warden.
We heard a demonic roar from the hallway, a mixing of many strange, inhuman tongues. As Timmy and I sat up quickly, a decapitated body flew into the gym, and a creature from Hell followed after it. The body smacked into the concrete wall with a soft, fleshy whack.
The Warden stood ten feet tall. He had on a black correctional officers uniform and a leather visor cap. His face looked like it had no flesh. A thick layer of bone covered it with two reptilian eyes peering out from behind slitted pupils. He hissed, a forked tongue shooting out of his gaping maw. His fingers looked like sharp daggers of bone. A smell like old leather and blood rose from his body.
“Shoot it!” I screamed, raising the pistol and firing at its head. The first shot blew off its visor cap, revealing the hairless, reptilian skull underneath. But the bullet only gouged the top of its skull. It ran at us with powerful, bounding steps, covering the distance in moments.
Timmy and I fired as fast as we could as it got within a few feet of us. It bounded into Timmy like a freight train hitting a car. Timmy’s body went flying and smashed against the back wall with the sound of bones shattering. I slammed another magazine in the pistol as the Warden turned to me.
We had hit it, I saw. One of its eyes had exploded in a shower of gore and vitreous fluid, and its head was bleeding badly. I raised the gun, aiming for the same eye and firing.
The Warden smacked his hand against his face as if he had forgotten something, falling to the floor. I ran forward, putting the pistol point-blank against his ruined eye before emptying the clip. By the end, he wasn’t moving anymore.
“Oh, God,” I said, walking over to Timmy. I saw his shattered legs, his broken spine and his snapped ribs. He coughed up blood. “I’m sorry, Timmy. I really am.” His head might have nodded slightly as he died, giving a final death gasp before falling still.
I found a ring of keys on the Warden’s body. In excitement, I ran downstairs and tried the locked door. It worked.
I went to the van, pulling out the dead driver and starting it. After smashing through the garage door, I drove it through the gate. It did catastrophic damage to the prison van, but it got me far enough away before the engine gave out.
I don’t know what kind of prison that was, but I hope I never see that hellscape again.
submitted by CIAHerpes to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 15:45 Millennial-Pigeon My boyfriend got heavily harassed by his friend's girlfriend, but it gets worse.

[ For obvious reasons I’ve used fake names. ]
I (F, 31) and my boyfriend Ryan (M, 29) are part of a group of friends who reside in different parts of the country, but make it a point to meet at least once a year.
Ryan and I live in the South of our country.
The second couple, Dan and Ella, live in the capital.
Then there is Lucas, who resides in the North.
Ryan and Dan have always been close friends, having grown up as neighbors. About 11 years ago, they befriended Lucas, establishing a strong and enduring relationship. They bonded over their shared interest in video games, D&D and role-play games in general; they frequently talked over Discord and played a few D&D campaigns together.
In 2021 Lucas met Mary, and they started dating. He invited all of us over to get to know Mary, so that December we all gathered at Lucas's - we had a habit of sleeping over every time we came over since we were all traveling from different cities.
We spent about a week there: Mary was lovely, very kind and warm. She loved cooking for everyone and she showered everyone with affection. For instance, every day she liked to hug everyone good morning. I love hugs, so I never thought anything of it.
Mary also liked to make quite a lot of sex-related jokes. Nothing against it, I do it too. But jokes like “So… When’s the orgy?”, while funny the first time, made everyone uncomfortable when repeated almost every day.
Ryan was also acting differently that week. He’s always been very affectionate, even in public, but he was particularly loving (almost clingy) during our stay, and was always by my side. I didn't really notice it right away since I thought he was just being shy.
On the 31st, we planned to celebrate the new year by playing some board games, having drinks, and then heading to the beach to watch the midnight fireworks.
Mary's sister, Anna, also joined us with her boyfriend to spend a couple days at Lucas’.
We all drank but Mary was the only one getting tipsy - weird, since Ella and Dan are occasional drinkers and they were still sober. About thirty minutes before midnight, Mary appeared noticeably "drunk". We decided to get ready to go out, with everyone taking their turn in the bathroom. Ryan was the last one. While everyone gathered at the front door, I was still getting dressed in our room while Ryan was in the bathroom.
When I came out I saw Mary bent over the bathroom door, peering through the keyhole, laughing, while Anna was whispering to her to stop and to look away. I glanced toward the front door and noticed that everyone else was gathered at the door except Ryan.
I was in shock, so I stood there, frozen. I didn't know what to say.
Also, as I said, Ryan is very shy. If he were aware something like this was happening outside the door, he would’ve been mortified.
While I was still processing all of this, staring at Mary, Anna noticed me and pulled Mary away from the door. Mary then turned to me and, still laughing, said: “I saw your boyfriend’s penis”.
Seeing that I wasn’t laughing with her (AND WHY WOULD I), she shifted from laughter to tears in a fraction of a second. Mary and Anna both started apologizing. Mary kept repeating that this wouldn’t happen again. All I could mutter was: “...I should hope so. Were you planning on doing it again?”.
Anna asked me not to mention this to anyone since Mary was too drunk to think straight, and I said “I won’t tell for now or Ryan will be devastated”.
Luckily Ryan didn’t seem to notice because he came out of the bathroom in a good mood, ready to go. I didn’t tell him right away.
I tried to get ready but I was so in shock I came out of the bathroom too late, so we ended up staying in.
That night, when we went to bed, Ryan told me that he had the impression he was being spied on while in the bathroom. I hesitated a second, unsure about what to tell him since he caught me off guard. Sensing my hesitation, he pressed for an answer, so I had to tell him. He was so mortified that for the rest of the week, every time he went to the bathroom he locked the door, closed the window shutters, turned off the lights and blocked the keyhole with a t-shirt.
I began to notice things during the rest of our stay. Mary’s morning hugs were a tiny bit longer with Ryan. Mary was always invading Ryan’s personal space, which is why he always came by my side and showed me so much affection in front of everyone. I later discovered she was always molesting Ryan, giving him kisses on his neck, nibbling him, pinching or groping him, and it always happened when I wasn’t looking or when I wasn’t right there.
Mary also said some stuff that sounded pretty shady. For example one day she randomly opened Google Maps and handed her phone to Ryan, asking him to show her where he lives. When Ryan showed her his building on street view, she got her phone back and put it in her pocket again. When I asked her "Don't you want to know where I live? Or where Dan and Ella live?" she looked like she wasn't expecting me to say that.
We ended up overstaying for a couple of days, so we had to use their washing machine. Mary offered to load it, but I helped her unload and fold everything the next day. While we were folding and talking, she took one of Ryan’s t-shirts, buried her face in it, took a long sniff and moaned, right in front of me. Then she said: “Ryan’s clothes smell so good, even after being washed…”
I figured she was talking about his fabric softener’s scent still lingering after being washed with her products, so it completely went over my head at the time. Also, I thought that there could be no way Mary would actually do something else in front of me, especially not while sober. So I didn’t say anything and moved on with our conversation.
Days later, when I brought up that sentence with Ryan, he told me he had caught Mary sniffing his underwear while loading the dirty clothes in the washing machine.
I can’t even imagine what he must have felt like. The more I heard or noticed things, the less I knew what to do or if I could even react at all.
You might wonder where Lucas was all those times. He missed the bathroom incident and both of the clothing episodes, but he was there for the general harassment happening during the day, and he never said a word. We’re still not sure whether he noticed and chose not to say anything, or if he simply didn’t notice at all. This uncertainty stems from some random remarks Lucas made on a few occasions.
For example, there was a time when Ryan walked into Lucas and Mary making out in their room, and Lucas jokingly remarked: “Oh, no, Ryan’s here…”, playfully insinuating that Ryan was some sort of romantic rival.
A lot happened that week, but Lucas was so happy with Mary that Ryan chose not to tell him for the time being. Ryan also wanted to avoid creating tensions between him and Lucas, so we only confided in Ella and Dan. They were shocked and disgusted, but they agreed to keep it quiet.
Lucas invited us again the next summer and so we went again. This time I was extremely vigilant about Mary’s whereabouts at all times. I tried to stay close to Ryan as much as possible and subtly kept an eye on the door whenever he used the bathroom.
We went to the beach a few times. Mary made unsolicited comments about Dan’s and Ryan’s physiques. She compared Dan and Ryan, saying that “Dan has no booty”, while describing Ryan’s as “perfectly round and plump”. “Our boyfriends have great asses”, she said to me one morning during our walk to the beach, while we were walking behind Lucas and Ryan. I responded with an awkward “I don’t know about Lucas. I don’t look at him like that, to be honest”.
The trip was more or less fine otherwise, except the usual daily orgy proposal and her constant attempts to be alone with Ryan.
We also played a quick D&D one-shot campaign, and she turned out to be an extremely negative, disruptive, problematic player, but I might share more about that in another post.
We concluded the trip peacefully.
Between the following September and October, Ryan and Dan received a message from Lucas, urgently asking for a call. When they called him, they found Lucas crying desperately, revealing that Mary had cheated on him.
Apparently, Mary cheated on him with some guy from her band named Sam (Mary sings).
Lucas saw some incriminating message notifications on her phone that day and immediately confronted her. She said all kinds of horrible things to Lucas, blaming him for not supporting her enough (I think she referred to Lucas not giving her enough likes on her socials), claiming Sam was her soulmate, and asserting she had her reasons to cheat. She convinced Lucas it was his fault she cheated on him.
That was what Lucas said to Ryan and Dan that night. And while he was bawling his eyes out, desperate, he also told them that Mary was in the next room, talking on the phone with Sam.
A few days later Lucas was set on the idea that what happened was entirely his fault and that since Mary was “very regretful”, he forgave her and insisted that we had to do the same.
[ Note: by “we” I mean everyone except myself. Lucas never treated me as part of the group. He simply accepted my presence because Ryan wanted me there. But whenever he initiated anything with the group I was never invited. At the time, he was DMing an entire D&D campaign with everyone else but me, despite my having been in the group since 2016. So from now on I’ll refer to the three people he always talked to - Ryan, Ella and Dan - as RED. They always updated me every time something happened so that's how I know these next parts. ]
At this point RED already wanted nothing to do with Mary, given what they knew and also knowing what a horrible person Mary had been to Lucas. In an attempt to manipulate them, Mary orchestrated a Discord call where Lucas was supposed to be alone, but when RED joined Mary was there as well.
Mary tried to play the victim, beginning by saying some cringe-worthy statements like “Call me a whore, I deserve it…” and, seeing it wasn’t working, she shifted back to blaming Lucas.
Dan and Ella were firm on their opinion of Mary, so Lucas called them narrow-minded because they “could not understand them”.
The call was overall painfully awkward.
I just want to make a little note about the state of Lucas and Mary’s relationship up to this point. Mary and Lucas were living together at Lucas’ apartment, along with their two cats. Having saved for years, Lucas had accumulated a decent sum of money in his bank account, so he had a nice stable environment to offer.
Mary was still a student. According to Lucas, she struggled to concentrate on her studies, attempting to pass the same exam for the last two years and failing numerous times. “You have to understand”, said Lucas, “she cannot concentrate enough. Too many distractions at home. She has to take a bus to get to the library, so she prefers to study at home”.
Mary wasn't employed and had no intention of working at the time.
Back to the story.
The subsequent months were insane. RED constantly got into calls with Lucas, in tears, telling them the new horrible thing Mary did to him that week. Here’s a little list of the most heinous acts Mary committed:
You’d think this could be enough to break any man. Not our Lucas. He was in love.
December arrived, marking the time to organize the yearly group reunion.
Lucas was insistent on having Mary invited to Dan and Ella’s house. We chose the place particularly to avoid seeing Mary. But Mary wanted so much to “repair” her relationship with us, so she instructed Lucas to call RED.
The call was supposed to be between RED and Lucas only. But while Mary wasn't logged inside the call, she was there, beside Lucas. She was listening the whole time and telling Lucas exactly what to say. RED noticed by the way Lucas was speaking, so out of character, with noticeable pauses before each sentence.
The gist of it was that Mary wanted to spend New Year’s Eve with us because she enjoyed spending time with us. Flattery wasn’t working so she told Lucas to say: “Why is it so important to you guys? Why do you care if she did what she did? It’s my relationship, you guys don’t have a say in it”.
That made their (and mine) decision even simpler. Lucas had to come alone or not come at all. Also RED asked that Mary at least apologize before even considering meeting her again sometime in the future.
Meanwhile Dan encouraged Ryan to open up to Lucas about the harassment. Ryan agreed, so Dan called Lucas and explained everything.
Lucas didn’t seem very receptive to the idea of Mary harassing Ryan for some reason (cheating yes, bullying of course, but anything else seemed implausible, apparently). He decided to confront Mary that night and find out. Mary, of course, denied everything. Her reasoning shifted from “I don’t remember” to “I was too drunk and lost control” to “I don’t even like Ryan”. He believed her.
After that, Mary reached out to RED creating a new group chat, in which she basically said she was sorry, she was devastated to find out RED thought of her that way, and that she had no memory of any harassment or weird behavior towards Ryan. She cooked up a bunch of excuses and justifications for her actions while also denying said actions. No sincerity in those words whatsoever, we could all tell (of course RED updated me and shared the entire conversation with me). Dan and Ella responded but Ryan kept to himself.
When we all met for the last week of the year at Ella and Dan’s place, Lucas came alone. We all managed to give him some input without having it being utterly poisoned by Mary’s gaslighting. It was almost as if he was hearing our words for the first time.
I also had the chance to talk to Lucas about everything, finally.
He heard me out, patiently listening to my version of the facts (pre-Sam) and looked shocked as I recounted the bathroom incident from my perspective.
Over the course of the next few days, we had extensive conversations with Lucas, and he ultimately reached the decision to end his relationship with Mary once he returned home.
So when Lucas came back Mary was waiting for him at his house. He ended the relationship on the spot.
Mary put on a whole show: she cried, she begged, she put on their song and sang along. Lucas stuck to his decision.
For a month. They were back together by the first week of February.
During that month apart from Lucas, Mary started a serious relationship with Sam. And that was when we learned a little bit more about him. Lucas told us that Sam was in his forties - nothing wrong with that per se. He was divorced with a kid in first grade and he had a bit of a reputation with Mary’s family.
Sam had known Mary's family for years. They also knew why Sam and his ex wife split up - apparently he beat her. So understandably, Mary’s family was opposed to Mary getting with Sam.
We know very little about what is true and what is not but I tend to believe the ex-wife personally.
Some red flags were uncovered during that month. First, he became very jealous. He didn’t want Mary to have anything to do with Lucas (great, good riddance) as he believed Lucas was trying his best to “lure her back into his arms”. I don't know if that was true, but from what Lucas was telling us he had no intention of "disrupting their relationship" at that time.
One night, Mary came out as bisexual to Sam and he didn’t like it. After dinner they apparently went a little wild in bed and Mary called Lucas to tell him Sam hit her during the act.
Of course Lucas told her to come back immediately (and good on him, in my opinion).
Of course Mary had lied again. A week or so after coming back to Lucas, Mary told Lucas it was only a light slap; she and Sam used to moderately smack each other in bed, and that time Sam hit her a little stronger than usual and she got scared. I sincerely hope she didn’t change version just to reassure Lucas, but who knows with her.
In February Lucas and Mary were back together. Lucas wrote on our group chat (I was finally included yay), that he hoped we would all understand and accept his decision. We told him we still didn’t like Mary and would not attend anything if she was there. Lucas expressed he was hurt and the group chat fell silent for a month.
We all gave Lucas some space since he also told us he needed time to think.
There was a little pregnancy scare after a while: Mary was late and she decided that even if it was Sam’s, she would raise the baby with Lucas “because she loved him more”. Of course Lucas was overjoyed at that prospect. When it turned out it was a false alarm, Lucas told me he was “pretty disappointed Mary wasn’t really pregnant”.
Lucas wrote again in March. He was disappointed in the lack of interest we showed for his life lately, asking why nobody wrote anything - even though he was the one telling us he needed space. Lucas wrote a long message, in which he once again said that he believed Mary and that what Mary did to Ryan “wasn’t so bad after all”. Lucas also said that he didn’t understand why we were being so hateful about Mary.
Lucas then proceeded to discuss in length with Ryan and Dan that Mary’s actions were only driven by innocence and clumsiness rather than depravity.
For example, she wasn’t spying on Ryan. She was just trying to check if someone was in the bathroom since she noticed light coming from the keyhole.
This led to a big discussion, where I repeated once again what I clearly saw. Ryan was just hurt and decided then and there that Lucas was no longer his friend.
Months later, Lucas wrote again in the group chat. He said he wanted to give us a call to state once and for all what we wanted to do with this friendship. Dan ended up being the only one calling Lucas to give him a chance to explain.
Lucas told Dan he was hurt and confused about the whole situation and, when the topic came up, Lucas went ahead to describe yet another version of what happened in front of that bathroom door two years prior.
The new bathroom incident 3.0 was now involving Mary and Anna both at the door, without me. Mary, still drunk, was “checking if anyone was inside” by looking through the keyhole, and while she was doing so she regained clarity enough to come running to my room (where I still was, apparently) and tell me, out of the purity of her heart, what she had done.
Of course, Lucas believed her, even though it was a whole new story. I can’t even imagine what she told him to justify her other actions. I don’t really care at this point. I just want nothing to do with both of them. And Ryan feels the same way.
Lucas also sent a fake apology message to Dan and Ella (the usual “I’m sorry BUT…” kind). Nothing for me or Ryan though.
All Ryan wanted was Lucas’ sincere apologies. He went as far as telling Lucas directly. Ryan didn’t even receive a fake apology like Dan or Ella. Dan is trying to mend back the scraps of this friendship, but I think it’s too late. Lucas is trying to get Ryan on a call to “resolve this conflict”, but he is still justifying everything Mary did to him and to Ryan. Nothing we could say can change his view at this point.
If anyone was wondering, I’m still not even in the picture in Lucas’ apology plan. I don’t want any apology, since even a sincere one would not erase all that happened. I could not trust Lucas or Mary ever again.
That’s all for now. It was a very weird couple of years.
I’m sorry for the length of this story. It was very tiring to piece it up together, remembering everything, organizing facts and stories, asking everyone to fill in my blanks where I didn’t have all the facts. Also translating everything and checking each paragraph for errors with the help of ChatGPT took a lot of time.
There might be another update since Lucas and Mary are still together, but honestly, I hope not.
submitted by Millennial-Pigeon to Truthoffmychest [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 08:23 Angel-quinn666 Creepy nightmares

Literally cried like a child when I woke up
So can anyone help me understand/ interpret this nightmare I had. So it starts off with me back in high school (I'm currently 23), so it's the end of the day and there's 2 busses leaving to take students home, but i'm thinking "my mom is supposed to fetch me, so I'll wait for her" (this was the reality when I was in high-school). So I go to the parking spot in front of the school and I don't see her or her I text her, she says she'll be late and I'll have to wait. So as I'm waiting I get this creepy vibe all of the sudden, I'm alone in this school, most kids left...definitely an eerie vibe. So I'm in the school assembly room and someone locks all the doors,locking me in. Eventually I get out. My mom still making excuses and still not showing up, then I find a bunch of random kids and they're the kind your parents don't want you being friends with. But I didn't wanna be alone anymore. So I stick around. Turns out this one guy Literally locks other students up in tiny rooms and tortures them. He almost does the same with me but somehow I convinced him not to. He does start getting extremely touchy though, to the point where it's basically assault. I run away and another bus comes to pick up kids. But again I have Faith my mom is coming or already here. The bus leaves. I go to the parking lot she's not there. So at this point I decide I'm gonna Uber home. I get into my Uber and at first everything is okay, i send my mom a voice note saying I'm on my way home, and I read some more of her excuses. I'm exhausted at this point and just glad to be going home. But of course all of the sudden I get a creepy vibe from the Uber guy, he literally takes a charging cable and starts strangling me, as he's strangling me and I'm trying to kick the windows out he starts groping/ assaulting me. I wake up still feeling anxious and scared and I literally start crying like a child.
submitted by Angel-quinn666 to DreamInterpretation [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 05:25 calicocoffeecatcafe I need someone to talk to about the past two years…

I’m worried about getting fired because I’m a competent and responsible preschool teacher who worries about the safety of the students I care for. My boss has a vendetta against me and used my medical history (adhd) against me when I was first hired. Today two children were discussing stabbing each other on the bus. I listened in and the argument evolved into calling each other’s mothers so that the mothers could slap each other…
Anyway, the thing that worries me is that the child who stabbed the other with a pencil, has stabbed plenty of other things in our classroom. They bites and punches and kicks other children and has groped teachers and other female students. Now this child mentioned THIS MORNING, that they had a knife at home… so of course I told the lead teacher and together we wrote an email to tell their parents.
I ran it by the school’s principal to make sure it was worded correctly and they told us to call my boss and have her make phone calls…
When we called her she told us to downplay the situation to parents and said “boys will be boys…” “they were probably playing cops and robbers”…
I have more to say but I’m so incredibly angry and upset about not being listened to or taken seriously. I don’t want to get stabbed. What should I do.
submitted by calicocoffeecatcafe to Teachers [link] [comments]