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Where to Buy x in Winnipeg

2014.10.07 08:25 kochier Where to Buy x in Winnipeg

Where to buy "x" in Winnipeg. Looking for the best place in town to find whatever it is you are looking for? Then this is the sub-reddit for you! You can post handy buying guides for places you find have the best version of product "x", or you can simply post a question asking where you can find "x" in Winnipeg. This is not a buy and sell forum, just a general "What's the best store in Winnipeg to go to" forum.

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2011.08.25 03:32 Petrarch1603 Buy it for life: Durable, Quality, Practical

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2024.02.07 16:30 HintOfDisney Migraines ans cannabis?

I know there's alot of posts about this, so sorry to add another...but I'm to the point where I'm considering trying cannabis to help with my migraines. I've tried almost everything (150mg of Topamax to the point where I have having memory loss, propranolol, 2 different brands of the monthly shots, botox, triptans for treatment, diet change, Lexapro, cymbalta, etc) and nothing haCymbalta,
For those that have tried cannabis and found success, what type did you use or found that helped you the most? I'm a complete noob when it comes go buying this so any help is recommended. I am also going to talk to the employees at the dispensary and see what they recommend. What helped you more...edibles or vapes?
For those that it didn't help, what ones did you try?
Edit: I got some that the dispensary recommended. An elderberry gummy and some mints. First off, someone should have warned me how the inside of this place looked cause I was so confused and even the guy said "oh first time?" Gee....thanks Took half a gummy so far (5mg thc) and so far other then a maybe a weird skin feeling (which I also get from sumatriptan) I feel ok
submitted by HintOfDisney to migraine [link] [comments]

2023.10.21 20:42 simmyceleb Desperate for answers. (LONG)

Hi all, I’m Courtney! New here but have looked at this thread on multiple occasions and debated sharing. Decided now is the time, so I’m looking for any and all advice as I’m really desperate to make some progress with my issues. Buckle up and prepare for an actual book…
March 3, 2020. (Yep, the exact day it all started) Actually a week or two before the pandemic blew everything up. Was 28 YO at the time. I work in a production/warehouse setting, training employees on equipment. In the last week of their training my job was essentially to monitor and record notes on their progress. That day was a normal day, until around 4pm when I experienced a completely out of the blue (and also my first-ever) episode of vertigo. It lasted almost 15 minutes. I had to grab onto a nearby desk, sit down, and close my eyes until it passed. I work 12 hr shifts, 7am-7pm, and the rest of that day was miserable to say the least. Even after the vertigo passed, I felt… off.
In the following days, I start experiencing what, to me, felt like tension headache and migraine symptoms. Pain/pressure behind my eyes, headache as if a rubber band was on my head across my forehead and temples, no double vision but definitely had trouble reading. In addition to that, I began experiencing EXTREME balance issues, I could only describe that at the time as feeling drunk. Walking a straight line seemed next to impossible. I had to be holding onto something to walk. If I was in enclosed area (office space with cubicles, hallway where I could use the walls as a “guide”) this would help a little. Overall, I always felt like I would fall, although to this day I’ve never fallen. Shorter episodes of vertigo started to occur daily, in addition to the other symptoms. Very visual environments seem to exasperate these symptoms, for example being in a large open space (like my workplace, unfortunately), in a car, or in a grocery store. Standing and walking made things worse 100% of the time, only after a few minutes of doing so. I had to leave work 2-3 hrs into my shifts over the next 2 days bc it was that debilitating, and it didn’t seem like it was getting better or going away with OTC migraine meds/pain relievers. I stopped driving when this started because being in the car would almost always throw me into dizzy spells/episodes of vertigo. I didn’t have a family doctor at the time, so around day 3 I headed to urgent care.
As far as history with migraines, there’s not much of it for me. When I was 12-13 I would get a rare intense migraine that would end in vomiting from pressure-associated nausea, but when I say rare I mean that maybe occurred a handful of times. I explained to the dr that I had never experienced something like this aside from a migraine, and never this long-lasting. Got the classic migraine shot in the butt (toradol? Not sure) and was sent on my way. That did absolutely nothing.
Day 4 I go back to urgent care and re-explain my symptoms, this time telling them the shot I received yesterday did nothing. They send an order for a CT scan over to the hospital. CT scan came back normal. Labs come back normal. I’m given a “migraine cocktail” through IV, which does nothing, and I’m sent home feeling the same as I did walking in.
Already long story short(er), I have not felt right from that day in March of 2020. My symptoms would ebb and flow, at some point ringing and popping in both ears was added into the mix, but as of May-June of this year my symptoms have been at their worst severity every single day to the point of this being incapacitating. I have since established a primary care physician and seen specialists including neurology and ENT. I also started fmla at work in July hoping to buy some time to get answers but I have gotten nowhere so far. I’m missing work every week. I’ve acquired horrible anxiety from this, secondary to the stress this has caused, and am now being treated for that. But now I’m at a point where drs just don’t listen, or they try to tell me this is ALL anxiety. I am at a loss. I know that’s not true, although I do acknowledge it may make things seem worse…
Up to this point, I’ve had a CT scan, months of vestibular PT (was told there not BPPV, as exercises such as Epley maneuver do not help), multiple labs (even tested for Lyme), an MRI, an EKG, most recently a balance study including hearing tests, vHIT/VNG/calorics testing, have some testing (not sure what) scheduled for my eyes on 10/31, and have tried multiple medications (not all at the same time, obviously, some were tried for months at a time without success so was then weaned off) such as Meclizine, topamax, diazepam, and lorezapam, currently only taking klonopin to treat my anxiety, but nothing has EVER helped my symptoms. All tests yield normal results, the only exception being my white blood cell count which is just a tad over the normal amount each time bloodwork is done. (Nothing is ever explored or mentioned further with that?) My neurologist was the one who referred me to an ENT. But at my most recent ENT appt they told me it’s not my ears, to see neurology again. 🤦‍♀️ The most common possible diagnosis doctors give me is vestibular migraine. But nothing formal as of now. On paper, I’m healthy. In reality, I can’t function.
Thoughts? Advice? I’ve done my own research and just read about something called PPPD that sounds like it may apply to me? Ugh. I’m really not sure what to do. Calling to schedule with neuro on Monday but I’m expecting that to be scheduled a few months out. Any help is appreciated in the meantime. 💕
EDIT/ UPDATE 11/9/23: For anyone experiencing anything similar to what I described here, PLEASE take the advice given to me below in the comment by garbagedaybestday and look into seeing a specialist with knowledge of BVD. I was finally diagnosed with this today, thanks to her. After being fitted with trial prism glasses I immediately felt immense relief! Normal eye drs miss this, and many have no knowledge of it, so be sure to check out the resources she provides in her posts. I truly believe that if not for me posting on Reddit and following her advice, I would still be running in circles with specialist telling me I’m crazy. Best of luck to everyone 💕
submitted by simmyceleb to Dizziness [link] [comments]

2023.02.23 03:21 charbravo Daily Chronic Headache - Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia or TMJ?

I’ve had a dull localized headache since December of 2022 and it has been extremely debilitating. I’m not sure if it’s Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia or TMJ and I’m hoping someone can help me out on here.
I also want to preface this by saying I’ve had a history of tension headaches. I’m a 24 year old female and I started having consistent headaches during high school and college, probably due to stress and anxiety. These tension headaches were mainly located on my forehead but I could keep them under control with Excedrin, Tylenol or Advil. However this new dull localized pain that I'm experiencing is nothing like a regular tension headache. The pain is dull and pressure like. It’s not severe, I can still talk, move, eat etc. It’s just very present. Leading up to this, I would sometimes get ringing in my ears/a pressure feeling in my ears especially when I was doing cardio. The pain is usually always on the right side of my face but I have felt it on my left side especially when I’m having day where my pain level is a lot higher. I also don't get electric shock pains, shooting or stabbing pains like your normal TN.

On December 13th 2022, I woke up with a dull headache on the right side of my face. The pain was located in between the area that is next to the inner corner of my right eye and side of my nose. I took Tylenol that day which didn’t reduce the pain at all. I then took Aleeve and again no relief. I initially thought I was having a bad headache day and figured it would go away once I woke up the next morning. Unfortunately, the pain was there the next day and it started to get worse. It wasn’t responding to any of my usual medications like Tylenol or Advil, and the pain would get worse when I was standing up or walking. Once I laid down on my bed or couch (completely horizontal) within 20 minutes, I would be pain free. Of course, I made an appointment with my primary doctor a few days later and she told me I was just having a "bad migraine." She prescribed me 50mg of Sumatriptan, 800mg of Ibuprofen, and 650mg of Acetaminophen. I took this combo for over a week and nothing - not even a little bit of relief. The pain was just as bad, if not worse.
About a week and a half after visiting my doctor, I decided to make an appointment with a neurologist in Tijuana, Mexico. I live in San Diego so it’s about a 25 minute drive. I described my symptoms to the neurologist: dull pain next to my right eye that gets worse when I stand and walk but goes away once I lay down. The neurologist ended up diagnosing me with Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia. (I also want to note that the neurologist ordered an MRI which came back perfectly normal).
I started taking the medication the neurologist prescribed me which was was Meloxicam to reduce the inflammation and Topiramate (Topamax) to treat the Neuralgia. About a week later, I still wasn’t feeling any better in terms of pain so I made another appointment with this same neurologist. He ended up switching me to Duloxetine (Cymbalta) and we kept to Topiramate. I took these two for a couple of weeks but I noticed that the Topiramate was making me EXTREMELY lethargic. So much so that I couldn’t concentrate at work (I work from home) and at times I felt like it was making my pain even worse. Instead of having the headache just on the right side of my face, it would move to my left side then my temples and jaw/teeth started to hurt as well. I ended up going off of the Topiramate and just kept the Duloxetine 2x a day, morning and night. Ive been taking only the Duloxetine for a few weeks now and it has been helping however the headache is still there and has not gone away completely. As you can imagine, this has vastly reduced my quality of life. (Note: I also talked to ANOTHER neurologist, through my insurance, and they also said they think it’s Atypical Neuralgia as well).
I then started to wonder if my problem wasn’t Atypical Neuralgia but possibly TMJ as some of the symptoms seem to overlap. So I made an appointment with a TMJ specialist in my area. Again I described my symptoms during my first appointment and the doctor immediately said it wasn't Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia. They conduced a few scans during the appointment and the diagnosis, according to them, was Capsulitis of the TMJ, Cervical and Facial Mitosis and Temporal Tendonitis. The treatment for this doesn’t include any medication, just Flonase spray before bed, breathe right strips and a mouth guard that was custom made for me. I’ve been using the breathe right strips and the Flonase for a few weeks now and just started wearing the guard a few nights ago. So far I haven’t seen any improvement. I know it may be too early to tell.
I now have two very different diagnoses: TMJ and Atypical TN. And it's quite frustrating because my neurologists say it's not TMJ and my TMJ specialist says it's not Atypical TN.

At this point, I don’t really know what to do or who to talk to. I just want my life back. Im tired of sitting at home and not being able to go out to the store to buy milk because the pain gets worse when I’m standing up.
I have noticed however that the pain is A LOT worse when I wake up in the morning and tends to subside a bit as I go throughout my day, as long as I’m not stressed out. If I do have a particularly stressful day at work, the pain will get significantly worse. I have to basically numb my brain and do breathing exercises all day to avoid any stress and anxiety as much as I possibly can. Working from home has been a huge help in this, I would not be able to handle an office job right now.
If anyone has experienced anything similar to this or knows of someone who has, I would really appreciate your help. Based on my symptoms, I'm uncertain whether it’s Atypical Neuralgia or TMJ or possibly something else?
Update 4/11/2023: the pain has actually gotten a lot better since I posted this almost 2 months ago. I’ve been wearing my custom mouth guard every night and using Flonase + a nasal dilator. The pain is no longer constant but comes and goes. Some days I will actually be pain free with the exception of a couple random “shock” like pains that last 3 seconds. I noticed that a big trigger for me is food, specifically sweets, spicy food and possibly dairy. Another big trigger is of course stress as I previously mentioned. I’m also still on Cymbalta 2x a day and I take two 650mg acetaminophen tablets only on days when my pain is a lot more intense and its making it difficult to get through the work day. This is very interesting as my pain was not responding to acetaminophen when it first started in December but it seems to be now. Also the weather seems to be warming up a bit which I think is helping as well.
submitted by charbravo to bruxism [link] [comments]

2023.02.20 00:00 charbravo Localized headache - Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia or TMJ?

I’ve had a dull localized headache since December of 2022 and it has been extremely debilitating. I’m not sure if it’s Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia or TMJ and I’m hoping someone can help me out on here.
I also want to preface this by saying I’ve had a history of tension headaches. I’m a 24 year old female and I started having consistent headaches during high school and college, probably due to stress and anxiety. These tension headaches were mainly located on my forehead but I could keep them under control with Excedrin, Tylenol or Advil. However this new dull localized pain that I'm experiencing is nothing like a regular tension headache. The pain is dull and pressure like. It’s not severe, I can still talk, move, eat etc. It’s just very present. Leading up to this, I would sometimes get ringing in my ears/a pressure feeling in my ears especially when I was doing cardio. The pain is usually always on the right side of my face but I have felt it on my left side especially when I’m having day where my pain level is a lot higher. I also don't get electric shock pains, shooting or stabbing pains like your normal TN.

On December 13th 2022, I woke up with a dull headache on the right side of my face. The pain was located in between the area that is next to the inner corner of my right eye and side of my nose. I took Tylenol that day which didn’t reduce the pain at all. I then took Aleeve and again no relief. I initially thought I was having a bad headache day and figured it would go away once I woke up the next morning. Unfortunately, the pain was there the next day and it started to get worse. It wasn’t responding to any of my usual medications like Tylenol or Advil, and the pain would get worse when I was standing up or walking. Once I laid down on my bed or couch (completely horizontal) within 20 minutes, I would be pain free. Of course, I made an appointment with my primary doctor a few days later and she told me I was just having a "bad migraine." She prescribed me 50mg of Sumatriptan, 800mg of Ibuprofen, and 650mg of Acetaminophen. I took this combo for over a week and nothing - not even a little bit of relief. The pain was just as bad, if not worse.
About a week and a half after visiting my doctor, I decided to make an appointment with a neurologist in Tijuana, Mexico. I live in San Diego so it’s about a 25 minute drive. I described my symptoms to the neurologist: dull pain next to my right eye that gets worse when I stand and walk but goes away once I lay down. The neurologist ended up diagnosing me with Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia. (I also want to note that the neurologist ordered an MRI which came back perfectly normal).
I started taking the medication the neurologist prescribed me which was was Meloxicam to reduce the inflammation and Topiramate (Topamax) to treat the Neuralgia. About a week later, I still wasn’t feeling any better in terms of pain so I made another appointment with this same neurologist. He ended up switching me to Duloxetine (Cymbalta) and we kept to Topiramate. I took these two for a couple of weeks but I noticed that the Topiramate was making me EXTREMELY lethargic. So much so that I couldn’t concentrate at work (I work from home) and at times I felt like it was making my pain even worse. Instead of having the headache just on the right side of my face, it would move to my left side then my temples and jaw/teeth started to hurt as well. I ended up going off of the Topiramate and just kept the Duloxetine 2x a day, morning and night. Ive been taking only the Duloxetine for a few weeks now and it has been helping however the headache is still there and has not gone away completely. As you can imagine, this has vastly reduced my quality of life. (Note: I also talked to ANOTHER neurologist, through my insurance, and they also said they think it’s Atypical Neuralgia as well).
I then started to wonder if my problem wasn’t Atypical Neuralgia but possibly TMJ as some of the symptoms seem to overlap. Out of frustration, I made an appointment with a TMJ specialist in my area. Again I described my symptoms during my first appointment and the doctor said it wasn't Atypical Neuralgia. They conduced a few scans during the appointment and the diagnosis, according to them, was Capsulitis of the TMJ, Cervical and Facial Mitosis and Temporal Tendonitis. The treatment for this doesn’t include any medication, just Flonase spray before bed, breathe right strips and a mouth guard that was custom made for me. I’ve been using the breathe right strips and the Flonase for a few weeks now and just started wearing the guard a few nights ago. So far I haven’t seen any improvement. I know it may be too early to tell.
I have noticed however that the pain is A LOT worse when I wake up in the morning and tends to subside a bit as I go throughout my day, as long as I’m not stressed out. If I do have a particularly stressful day at work, the pain will get significantly worse. I have to basically numb my brain and do breathing exercises all day to avoid any stress and anxiety as much as I possibly can. Working from home has been a huge help in this, I would not be able to handle an office job right now.

At this point, I don’t really know what to do or who to talk to. I just want my life back. Im tired of sitting at home and not being able to go out to the store to buy milk because the pain gets worse when I’m standing up.
If anyone has experienced anything similar to this or knows of someone who has, I would really appreciate your help. Based on my symptoms, I'm uncertain whether it’s Atypical Neuralgia or TMJ or possibly something else?
Update 4/11/2023: the pain has actually gotten a lot better since I posted this almost 2 months ago. I’ve been wearing my custom mouth guard every night and using Flonase + a nasal dilator. The pain is no longer constant but comes and goes. Some days I will actually be pain free with the exception of a couple random “shock” like pains that last 3 seconds. I noticed that a big trigger for me is food, specifically sweets, spicy food and possibly dairy. Another big trigger is of course stress as I previously mentioned. I’m also still on Cymbalta 2x a day and I take two 650mg acetaminophen tablets only on days when my pain is a lot more intense and its making it difficult to get through the work day. This is very interesting as my pain was not responding to acetaminophen when it first started in December but it seems to be now. Also the weather seems to be warming up a bit which I think is helping as well.
submitted by charbravo to TMJ [link] [comments]

2023.02.19 23:58 charbravo Localized Headache - Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia or TMJ?

I’ve had a dull localized headache since December of 2022 and it has been extremely debilitating. I’m not sure if it’s Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia or TMJ and I’m hoping someone can help me out on here.
I also want to preface this by saying I’ve had a history of tension headaches. I’m a 24 year old female and I started having consistent headaches during high school and college, probably due to stress and anxiety. These tension headaches were mainly located on my forehead but I could keep them under control with Excedrin, Tylenol or Advil. However this new dull localized pain that I'm experiencing is nothing like a regular tension headache. The pain is dull and pressure like. It’s not severe, I can still talk, move, eat etc. It’s just very present. Leading up to this, I would sometimes get ringing in my ears/a pressure feeling in my ears especially when I was doing cardio. The pain is usually always on the right side of my face but I have felt it on my left side especially when I’m having day where my pain level is a lot higher. I also don't get electric shock pains, shooting or stabbing pains like your normal TN.

On December 13th 2022, I woke up with a dull headache on the right side of my face. The pain was located in between the area that is next to the inner corner of my right eye and side of my nose. I took Tylenol that day which didn’t reduce the pain at all. I then took Aleeve and again no relief. I initially thought I was having a bad headache day and figured it would go away once I woke up the next morning. Unfortunately, the pain was there the next day and it started to get worse. It wasn’t responding to any of my usual medications like Tylenol or Advil, and the pain would get worse when I was standing up or walking. Once I laid down on my bed or couch (completely horizontal) within 20 minutes, I would be pain free. Of course, I made an appointment with my primary doctor a few days later and she told me I was just having a "bad migraine." She prescribed me 50mg of Sumatriptan, 800mg of Ibuprofen, and 650mg of Acetaminophen. I took this combo for over a week and nothing - not even a little bit of relief. The pain was just as bad, if not worse.
About a week and a half after visiting my doctor, I decided to make an appointment with a neurologist in Tijuana, Mexico. I live in San Diego so it’s about a 25 minute drive. I described my symptoms to the neurologist: dull pain next to my right eye that gets worse when I stand and walk but goes away once I lay down. The neurologist ended up diagnosing me with Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia. (I also want to note that the neurologist ordered an MRI which came back perfectly normal).
I started taking the medication the neurologist prescribed me which was was Meloxicam to reduce the inflammation and Topiramate (Topamax) to treat the Neuralgia. About a week later, I still wasn’t feeling any better in terms of pain so I made another appointment with this same neurologist. He ended up switching me to Duloxetine (Cymbalta) and we kept to Topiramate. I took these two for a couple of weeks but I noticed that the Topiramate was making me EXTREMELY lethargic. So much so that I couldn’t concentrate at work (I work from home) and at times I felt like it was making my pain even worse. Instead of having the headache just on the right side of my face, it would move to my left side then my temples and jaw/teeth started to hurt as well. I ended up going off of the Topiramate and just kept the Duloxetine 2x a day, morning and night. Ive been taking only the Duloxetine for a few weeks now and it has been helping however the headache is still there and has not gone away completely. As you can imagine, this has vastly reduced my quality of life. (Note: I also talked to ANOTHER neurologist, through my insurance, and they also said they think it’s Atypical Neuralgia as well).
I then started to wonder if my problem wasn’t Atypical Neuralgia but possibly TMJ as some of the symptoms seem to overlap. Out of frustration, I made an appointment with a TMJ specialist in my area. Again I described my symptoms during my first appointment and the doctor said it wasn't Atypical Neuralgia. They conduced a few scans during the appointment and the diagnosis, according to them, was Capsulitis of the TMJ, Cervical and Facial Mitosis and Temporal Tendonitis. The treatment for this doesn’t include any medication, just Flonase spray before bed, breathe right strips and a mouth guard that was custom made for me. I’ve been using the breathe right strips and the Flonase for a few weeks now and just started wearing the guard a few nights ago. So far I haven’t seen any improvement. I know it may be too early to tell.
I have noticed however that the pain is A LOT worse when I wake up in the morning and tends to subside a bit as I go throughout my day, as long as I’m not stressed out. If I do have a particularly stressful day at work, the pain will get significantly worse. I have to basically numb my brain and do breathing exercises all day to avoid any stress and anxiety as much as I possibly can. Working from home has been a huge help in this, I would not be able to handle an office job right now.

At this point, I don’t really know what to do or who to talk to. I just want my life back. Im tired of sitting at home and not being able to go out to the store to buy milk because the pain gets worse when I’m standing up.
If anyone has experienced anything similar to this or knows of someone who has, I would really appreciate your help. Based on my symptoms, I'm uncertain whether it’s Atypical Neuralgia or TMJ or possibly something else?
Update 4/11/2023: the pain has actually gotten a lot better since I posted this almost 2 months ago. I’ve been wearing my custom mouth guard every night and using Flonase + a nasal dilator. The pain is no longer constant but comes and goes. Some days I will actually be pain free with the exception of a couple random “shock” like pains that last 3 seconds. I noticed that a big trigger for me is food, specifically sweets, spicy food and possibly dairy. Another big trigger is of course stress as I previously mentioned. I’m also still on Cymbalta 2x a day and I take two 650mg acetaminophen tablets only on days when my pain is a lot more intense and its making it difficult to get through the work day. This is very interesting as my pain was not responding to acetaminophen when it first started in December but it seems to be now. Also the weather seems to be warming up a bit which I think is helping as well.
submitted by charbravo to TrigeminalNeuralgia [link] [comments]

2022.12.03 19:08 ElaborateRoost My treatment experience at 6 months

I’ve recently rejoined this sub and wanted to take the opportunity to be open about my experience for anyone who hasn’t yet decided what’s next for them. I’ve been treated by a psychiatrist for the last six months and have seen tremendous improvement.
Back story: I was a chubby kid and a very emotional eater to cope with tension at home. I was on diets as early as middle school, back when Atkins really took off. The first time I lost weight successfully was after a serious bout with mono my first term of college when I dropped ~30lbs within a few months because I was too sick to eat. The weight stayed off for a few years until I got my first real job and was dealing with the stress of flunking out of college and trying to afford my bills. In my mid-20’s I changed jobs and was motivated enough to check in with my doctor to see what they could do about my near-daily migraines and the answer was Topamax. Now that my stress had decreased and my migraines were under control, I decided to take advantage of my employer’s weight loss benefit and join a local diet center. I was able to lose a ton of weight and figured that my outlook had changed since I was feeling better and wouldn’t find out that Topamax is a commonly prescribed BED treatment until earlier this year, after being on it for 5 years. Anyway, I got really into fitness and decided to drop a little weight for a breast reduction in 2021 which turned out to miraculous cure to the migraines I’d had for 20 years, which also meant that I quit Topamax and that’s when things started spinning out of control. I was packing on weight like crazy and working out constantly, then binging almost every day.
Realization: In early 2022 I realized that I had BED and found myself in a shame spiral and seriously depressed state which spilled over into my job. I talked with my therapist about my realization and they weren’t much help, so I decided to ask my OB/GYN at my annual visit in May. At first she simplified my concern and I was brave enough to counter, but left without a solution. She messaged me later and apologized, then asked if I’d like her to send a referral somewhere, which I took her up on.
In May 2022 I requested to be placed on the wait list at a local psychiatry practice that a friend as visiting and had my OB/GYN send a referral to bolster my case.
Diagnosis: let’s be real, I 100% knew that I had BED by the time I was evaluated. I had a two hour evaluation with a psychiatrist where we talked about every aspect of my life and I left the appointment with a diagnosis of BED and ADHD, and a prescription for Vyvanse 30mg. I waited until the weekend to start taking it and shortly after taking it on a Saturday morning I found myself in in tears because not only had my insatiable hunger gone away, my critical inner monologue was turned off which meant that I was able to actually get chores done because I wasn’t actively talking myself out of them. I promised my psych that I’d eat 3 meals a day, which I did.
About a month into treatment I started seeing a dietician to help back myself out of a restriction mindset. We agreed on basic rules, like how often I needed to eat and what needed to be on my plate at every meal (protein, a carb, and produce). I used the Recovery Record app to log my meals and my emotions which was a huge help in identifying times when I’m more vulnerable and why. After several months of taking off restrictions that I’d made arbitrarily, “off limits” foods have lost all their appeal! There were weeks where my homework was to to eat out, buy something premade, eat snacks, or eat candy, and now all of them have lost their stigma. At time of writing this, I’ve had a bowl of Hershey kisses on my table for two weeks that’s about halfway gone because I know I can have them whenever I want. I also have a candy dish on my desk at work that I’ve taken from only a few times because I don’t constantly feel like I’m missing out. One of my biggest takeaways in this process was that I need to make a point to eat with others, so I’ve had a diner date with friends and family at least once a week for the last five months. Today I’m learning how to move my body for fun and in a way that feels good instead of moving to compensate for eating. We’re not ready to start losing weight yet, but I know that when the time comes the method is to add more good and filling items to my plate instead of restricting. The absolute hardest part of this has been trusting the process and not stepping in trying to lose weight too soon, which has been majorly helped with Vyvanse turning off my inner critic that convinced me that my body was something that needed hyper-focus.
I broke up with my therapist this fall for a few reasons; first that they weren’t well versed in eating disorder and second because my focus had shifted to my eating disorder instead of the interpersonal issues we’d been discussing for the last year and a half. My psych was able to recommend a stellar therapist that specialized in EDs and it’s b been a dreamy two month together. It’s not all eating disorders all the time but she’s helping me to uncover where my triggers lie.
All of this is my personal experience only and I’m not a doctor. The intent of this post is to share what’s worked for me and not by any means to brag. Take from this only what works for you and feel free to ask me anything! Wishing everyone well in diagnosis and recovery, and lease know that it gets better.
submitted by ElaborateRoost to BingeEatingDisorder [link] [comments]

2022.09.27 04:25 ellijustice I thought I was doing better and...

Some areas of my life have been going good. Others, not so good. Not too long ago, my PTSD was acting up. My therapist had suspected I had PTSD for a while, but I wasn't formally diagnosed until last week. My psychiatrist increased my topamax dosage to address my PTSD symptoms, and now I have some relief from that.
But, alas, the PTSD symptoms had caused me to get less adequate sleep. Because of that, I was starting to experience manic-like symptoms. I was talking a mile a minute, I had the racing thoughts going on, and I had a decreased need for sleep. Thankfully though, that started to go away once the PTSD stuff was addressed.
I've been working on my trauma in therapy, and it's like I've had a lot of insights about myself and life in general just hit me all at once. My therapist calls this the "reintegration process." Whatever it is, I think it's driving my friends and family crazy. It's hard for me to sit down and have a casual conversation with them. I keep wanting to talk about this deep stuff that most people would prefer not to think about too hard.
So anyway, the reintegration process left me feeling optimistic overall. I felt I was well on my way to a path of enlightenment, and I truly believed that there could be a way to live with my bipolar and have a functional life. However, I got a reality check today.
My mom decided to host a women's prayer meeting at the church this evening. The pastor announced it at the end of the service on Sunday, and my mom told a bunch of people about it before the service started. I wasn't at church on Sunday, but my mom claims several women said they were going to come. My mom had a doctor's appointment, so she left the house before I did. I made it at the church just barely on time. No one was there but me and my mom.
"No one's going to come," my mom said.
I encouraged her to give everyone a few minutes, as I had barely made it on time myself. She and I waited for thirty minutes, and not another soul came to that prayer meeting.
This pissed my mom off, but she decided to shrug it off and get some grocery shopping done while she was out. I went with her. While we were grocery shopping, she bitched about the prices. I couldn't blame her, the prices of everything has gone up. Once we were done shopping, my mom got into the car, and I loaded the groceries into the trunk. I accidentally dropped and spilled a two liter bottle sprite that she had just bought. She was fuming over that, but she just marched back into the car without saying much of anything to me.
Then, she went to the gas station to full up the car. She paid with a check, and she presented her ID and the check to the cashier. For some reason, the cashier told her that her ID was declined? I was sitting in the car while that happened, but my mom said she told him off. For one, she told him ID's don't get "declined"--it's either real or it's fake. Two, she went through a long process to even get her ID, and it was definitely real (that's a story for a different day). Then, she told the dude she'd get her gas somewhere else and that they needed to find someone else to do his job. Finally, she was able to get the gas.
Then, we went to the pharmacy, because my mom needed to pick up some medicine. There were two cars in front us, but that didn't piss my mom off too bad. The pharmacist greeted us at the window, and my mom gave the lady her name and date of birth. The lady was gone for several minutes. My mom started to complain that the pharmacy was wasting the gas she just bought. The pharmacist returned and told her it'd be a few minutes and that she would have to wait inside. That pissed my mom off. She said, "They only want you to go inside so that you'll buy their stuff!"
We went to Dunkin Donuts and got some coffee. Then, we went to Cook Out so that my mom could get something to eat. The lady who took my mom's order at Cook Out really pissed her off. My mom ordered a meal, and the meal came with a drink. The lady asked my mom what she wanted to drink, and my mom told the lady several times she didn't want a drink. Then, when my mom pulled up to the window, she asked again! By the time she pulled out of the parking lot, she was furious. It was the cumulation of this whole day.
We finally got home, and I got caught in the crossfire of her rage. I'll admit it, I've been slacking on the house work due to my recent PTSD and bipolar stuff. However, she ended up outright calling me lazy. That was unnecessary. Then, we were talking about something else, and my step dad was saying that I have selective hearing, too.
The worst part, is that me and my mom were talking in the kitchen. I don't remember the context, but she was talking about how she hopes I can live a normal life someday. I told her what my plans were. I said I was going to apply to the factory close to our house and start part time, continue fixing my brain, figure out what I want to do career-wise since what I had intended to do is no longer an option, and then go back to school and do that thing. She just looked at me and said, "You'll end up on disability."
I know my mom loves me. There's no question about it. And I know she'd go above and beyond to make sure my needs were met. But, it's official. I have finally done it. I have driven her crazy with the bipolar talk. I think this was in the works, but her being mad and me not helping around the house as much lately just made it all explode. I already made her mad when I asked her to cosign for the car, and then got myself in a position where I was struggling to pay for it. But now, she sees this recurring trend of me never really getting better.
Maybe my abusive ex-boyfriend was right. Maybe I'll never get better.
submitted by ellijustice to bipolar [link] [comments]

2022.05.02 21:30 Bubzoluck [23 min read] Our Most Lacking Resource is Listening - History, Chemistry, and Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder w/

[23 min read] Our Most Lacking Resource is Listening - History, Chemistry, and Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder w/
Welcome back to SAR! Ahh May—the grass is coming back, the birds are yelling in the morning, and it's Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month! Oh what a coincidence, that’s our topic for today! This week we also feature Alex (u/smokeytaboo477), a 24 year old American diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and major depressive disorder. I came into contact with Alex through this SAR blog and we got to chatting about his journey through mental health and finding care. Alex’s story is representative of other young patients who desperately need help while juggling lack of resources and lack of listening. Today we will look at his story as it augments our understanding of the history of BPD and one example of how mental health is treated.
Disclaimer: this post is not designed to be medical advice. It is merely a look at the chemistry of medications and their general effect on the body. Each person responds differently to antidepressant therapy. Please talk to your doctor about starting, stopping, or changing medical treatment.

Stuck in the Middle of Neurotic and Psychotic

“To my friends and family on the outside at the time, everything seemed “normal”. I was bubbly and appeared to be in a good mood, but I became very good at hiding my emotions and I learned how to manipulate certain situations and people. For those who don’t know, one symptom of BPD is intense emotions and unstable/rapid emotional shifts that happen from moment to moment at a time. I was never taught how to cope with strong emotions, so I began cutting myself at around the age of 13. I became very good at hiding my inner turmoil from everyone. “

Example of 1930s Mental Health Practices
Our story begins in a dimly lit room; a young woman lays uncomfortably on a leather sofa while an old man with wiry white hair scribbles on his notepad. She has just explained her childhood and the man has hummed and murmured under his breath the entire time. She lays still, uncomfortably waiting for the next line of berating questions that delve into each part of her psyche and being. The psychiatrist underlines a word twice at the bottom of the page and flips the pad closed. “I'm sorry Madam, but your diagnosis is unclear. You are on the border of one or another diagnosis. Your mind is incredibly unclear. I cannot help you.” She leaves, feeling more helpless than before.
  • The history of borderline personality disorder is quite modern compared to other disorders. Depression was first cataloged in the early 1600s (although you could claim the Greeks did it first), obsessive compulsive disorder was characterized in 1834, and schizophrenia by the end of the 1800s. Borderline personality disorder still sat uncharacterized.
    • Up till the 20th century, most psychiatrists and physicians believed mental illness to be organic in nature—they were caused by the deterioration of a part of the brain resulting in a psychological change. It was Freud who popularized psychoanalysis and the belief that mental health might be psychological in nature first. As such, patients fell into two categories: neurotic or able to be analyzed and psychotic unable to be analyzed.

Adolph Stern 1879-1958
  • Adolph Stern, a Hungarian-American psychiatrist was enraptured by the ideas set forth by Freud. In 1915 he became a member of the American Psychoanalytic Association and by 1920 was psychoanalyzed by Freud himself. With Freud’s health deteriorating by the beginning of WW2, it was Stern and other notable psychiatrists that picked up the psychoanalysis torch.
    • Now as a bit of an aside, there is a tendency to believe that psychoanalysis was creepy, weird, and overall a pseudoscience. While Freud may have been, psychoanalysis was the gateway needed to open up psychology to a more scientific and less superstitious practice. Through Carl Jung and Erik Erikson, psychoanalysis transformed into its modern counterpart cognitive-behavioral theory which was expanded over the course of the late 20th century. I wish I could go through each detail but unfortunately I am entirely underqualified (psychologists hit me up!).
  • Practicing out of New York, Stern was diligent at looking at old pathologies in the new view of psychoanalysis. When speaking to the New York Psychoanalytic Society in 1927, Stern characterized a group of patients who “fit frankly neither into the psychotic (non-analyzable) nor into the psychoneurotic group (analyzable)” and coined the term borderline.
So what is this mystery disease? Borderline personality disorder is part of Cluster B personality disorders. This cluster is dubbed the antisocial personality cluster and is characterized by behavioral traits that are generally outside of cultural norms. BPD can present in many different ways, but is generally identified by a few distinct symptoms:
  • Impulsivity (e.g. risky behaviors, substance abuse, promiscuity)
  • Suicidaility (about 70% of BPD patients attempt suicide, 10% complete it)
  • Heightened affectivity (increased response to emotions like happiness, stress, sadness, etc.)
  • Anger
  • Brief psychotic episodes (disconnect from reality with or without delusions)
  • Intolerable aloneness often culminating in fears of abandonment
  • Close relationships marked by idealization or devaluation.
“Just before being diagnosed with BPD, I was hospitalized. My mother found out I was cutting myself and she forced me to show her where I had been self harming (at this point I was doing it on my thighs to be more secretive) and she immediately took me to the ER. I was admitted to the psychiatric ward and put on Zoloft [Sertraline], a few months later I was diagnosed with BPD by an outpatient psychiatrist and put on Lamictal [Lamotrigine]. I was told to “make sure I was in therapy” but he never specified the type- so I just went to a standard CBT therapist. For those who don’t know, Dialectical behavioral therapy is the “gold standard” for borderline personality disorder but the psychiatrist did not specify that. I wish I was in DBT at this time.
Moving forward, I wasn't feeling better. I was still throwing up everything I ate (which my parents didn’t know about until later on- I was very good at hiding all of it). I was taking medication, going to weekly therapy, but I just didn’t feel better. I began to smoke a lot of weed to cope, along with cutting myself, throwing up whatever I ate, binge drinking, and it just got worse. Not to mention, both of my siblings and both of my parents are addicts.”
Otto Kernberg b. 9/10/1928
Adolph Stern pulled back the curtains on BPD but didn’t ascribe to it being a distinct condition in itself. Almost three decades after Stern’s talk introducing borderline into the psychiatric lexicon, Otto Kernnberg took a swing at defining the untreatable patients. Kernberg made waves in the psychiatry world with his theory on ego psychology—changing it from a Freudian model to a more modern perspective. He used psychoanalytic psychotherapy to focus on listening to the patient and using their words to modify the treatment. In a sense, he listened first, listened some more, and then made a decision.
  • In 1967 Kernberg released a paper defining the boundaries between neurotic and psychotic patients and firmly defined the criteria that established borderline personality organization. He used Stern’s cluster of symptoms and behavioral traits to develop the beginnings of a diagnosis.
    • This work was expanded by Roy Grinker the following year with the release of a case series on a few BPD patients. This long term study of a few patients integrated the idea that BPD often overlaps with other conditions, not excludes them. We now identify other comorbid conditions associated with BPD like eating disorders, self-harm, and substance use disorders. In fact, the extent of comorbidity is so great, that having a patient with pure BPD is almost unheard of.
“In January of 2016 when my parents divorced (I was about 17-18 at the time), I found a primary care physician who was oblivious. She prescribed me everything I wanted- I didn’t/don’t have an abuse problem with z-drugs/benzos, but I LOVED adderall. I manipulated her into prescribing it for me. I “faked” an ADHD diagnosis. Every month I asked her to increase the dose. I ended up on the maximum dose. It may seem stupid to have an adderall prescription and use crystal meth at the same time, but I don’t care. There was just something about adderall. I don’t know how my doctor didn’t see the warning signs. I was rapidly losing more and more weight. I was skeletal at this point.
I complained about anxiety, so she put me on ativan. I genuinely knew nothing about benzos. I didn’t care. I was in a very bad place at the time. I decided to ask her to keep me on adderall 60mg per day (which was gone in days, every month felt like Christmas morning when I got it filled. When I ran out I’d use meth or just buy adderall from a girl I knew), klonopin 2mg 2x per day (did not abuse it- it just countered the anxiety and panic attacks from the speed), and lamotrigine which didn't do anything anyways.”

  • In Kernberg’s paper, he famously defined BPD as a “good-mother bad-mother dichotomy first experienced in infancy” that resulted in a “split, tearing the world in two.” As a result, Kernberg viewed BPD patients as a “matter of extremes: Hero and Villain, savior and persecutor, victim and torturer. A relationship of chaos as well as cognitive, emotional, and behavioral instability.” Geez Otto, keep it light.
    • Despite providing little actual evidence in his paper, Kernberg banged on the psychoanalysis drum the loudest. His ideas were repeated constantly and would remain influential in the understanding of BPD. Since the disorder is more common in women, Kernberg pitched the idea that this was a gendered disease reviving the Victorian practice of female hysteria.
“Over the next few years, EVERYTHING got worse- not just with my own mental health, but my family life. I was hospitalized again after a really bad explosive argument with my family- I tried to impulsively down my bottle of lamotrigine and 911 was called. The hospital was useless. My eating disorder got so bad that I had a grand mal seizure in the middle of my high school class room. I began to use methamphetamines/adderall(amphetamine salts) to lose even more weight. I stopped taking my medication. My therapist moved, so I stopped seeing a therapist. My parents divorced in January of 2016 and when I thought I had already reached rock bottom, well, I found out rock bottom had a basement. I won't go into all of the details of that year, but it was a very, very, very dark year for me and my family.”

Okay we lied, mental health is actually biological in nature

“Fall of 2016. I was depressed, severely suicidal, addicted to speed, dependent on benzodiazepines, unstable, and I was literally dying from an eating disorder. I saw a therapist for a few months and she went to a seminar and she found an eating disorder program in my state that will take my insurance. That therapist/admissions persons/insurance agent who fought for me to be admitted SAVED my life. Honestly, I did not want to go to treatment. I wanted my ED and drugs to kill me. But I needed to leave the abusive environment that I was in. I had nowhere else to go, so I went to rehab 9 hours away.
With the success of psychoanalysis during and after WW2 (especially when treating PTSD associated with the war), you would be hard pressed to find a single psychiatrist who didn’t believe in the merits of psychoanalysis. After all, we saw the greatest works of Carl Jung on personality (which later gave rise to the Myers-Briggs personality test), Hermann Rorschach (the psychiatrist not the DC supervillain), and Erik Erikson (who defined the extremely famous theory of life stages and development). The 1950s and 60s was full of introspection (and LSD), so investigating the mind was extremely groovy. Well, until the 70s came knocking.
  • It was Stern that first defined the criteria for borderline personality disorder but he mischaracterized it as a catchall term for those who couldn’t fit into other established disorders. To Stern, these patients sat on the border of truly sick and healthy and most patients were thought of as atypical presentations of anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, depression, or schizophrenia. This foundation of “untreatable” would persist for decades impacting treatment of those who needed it most.
“Finding a new psychiatric practitioner was tricky. I have been turned away from others, but I kept looking on Psychology Today. I called several, and off the bat I just ask “Hi, do you guys treat borderline personality disorder?” If not, move on to the next. Some practitioners just refuse to treat personality disorders- my guess is the stigma, and people with personality disorders are (hate to say it but it's true) “difficult” to treat.”
  • The medical community was turned on its head in the 1950s with the discovery of receptors that bound to common neurotransmitters in the brain. Likewise the development of antidepressants and discovery of antidepressants that target those specific neurotransmitters revolutionized the idea of mental health. Again.
    • By the beginning of the 1970s, the world was embracing the race to discover the biologic basis of the brain. The invention of CT scanning changed the game completely as doctors could see the brain working while the patient was alive and without their skull removed.

John Gunderson 1948-2019
  • This new perspective of BPD as biological changed the inciting factor of BPD from Freudian in nature to a more modern concept. Now seen as a result of one's upbringing or trauma (nurture) or genetics (nature), psychology was changing its view on many of the most solidified disorders. This change in thinking was pushed firmly by John Gunderson throughout the early 1970s culminating in ground breaking BPD research in 1975. It is Gunderson’s data that was integrated into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1980 as part of the third edition. [If you are interested in learning from Gunderson, he has a great series on youtube about BPD.]
    • Since Gunderson’s paper, a number of different subsequent studies have been done to further characterize the biological nature of the “untreatable disease:”
      • Twin studies suggest that the heritability factor for BPD is 0.69—suggesting that if one twin is diagnosed with BPD, the other twin has a ~70% chance to also be diagnosed. This suggests a strong inheritable genetic factor to BPD, especially the impulsive aggression and mood dysregulation symptoms. It should be noted that the chance to develop BPD if a first order relative has BPD (father, mother, non-twin sibling) is around 23-30% while the chance to develop it without a familial history is around 10%.
      • Psychosocial factors of BPD also play a major role in the development and progression of the disease. A history of substance misuse in the family home can precipitate BPD in susceptible individuals. Likewise, childhood sources of trauma such as neglect or physical/sexual/emotional abuse can all occur in high rates among those diagnosed with BPD. Few studies however point to how the features of the environment specifically create a vulnerability to BPD. For right now we can only classify connections, not causes.
“The talk I had with my prescriber was not easy. I needed her to fill out paperwork/”recommendation” for insurance basically saying I medically need this treatment. needed to be honest with the doctor prescribing adderall. I told her: “look.. I have an eating disorder, I have been abusing the adderall this whole time. Can you please fill out the paperwork required so I can get help?”. She was not happy at all, but she did it. Looking back, I am one brave motherfucker.”

Treating the (formally) Untreatable

“While I was in rehab, the psychiatrist said something that threw me off. He said: “You don’t abuse people. You don’t manipulate people. You behave, so you don’t have borderline personality disorder. You have bipolar disorder. I'm gonna start you on seroquel (Quetiapine).”. I didn’t know what the hell seroquel was. This was my first ever antipsychotic medication, and from this point on, a series of medications were tried over the course of the next 5 years. While I was in the facility, I was diagnosed with bipolar 1 disorder with mixed features, generalized anxiety, and ADHD (a serious ADHD diagnosis? Who knew?) And obviously my eating disorder: Anorexia Nervosa purging type.”
Since then, I have tried different medications. Several antipsychotics, I experienced this lovely side effect called: akathisia. For me, akathisia was this severe sense of restlessness that I could not control. I felt like I was crawling out of my skin. I could not physically stop moving, I couldn’t stop pacing. I would walk back and forth for hours. I experienced akathisia on low doses of Geodon (Ziprasidone) and Vraylar (Cariprazine). Low dose Latuda (Lurasidone) was activating and I didn’t like how I felt on it. Rexulti (Brexipiprazole) actually helped my depressive symptoms but stopped working for a year and caused me to gain 40 pounds with no change in appetite or activity. I can go on and on, I have tried about 20+ medications to help manage my conditions. They all just didn’t work and I got really bad side effects. But don’t let my experience scare you.”
Alright, chemistry time! When we look at treating the so-called ‘serious mental illnesses’ like BPD, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder, the path is not as clear. Often the answer is not where to begin but will it work? For patients, the road to finding a drug therapy that works for them is a myriad of trial and error, and feelings of failure are rampant among this population. Sometimes it can take up to a dozen medications before finding the one that solves the issue, that’s not the fault of the patient but an example of how each brain is different. Generally, about 10% of BPD patients will be prescribed an antipsychotic, 27% a mood stabilizer, 35% an anxiolytic, and 61% an antidepressant. Often the prescribed drug is continued in an attempt to prevent stress-related symptoms but if there is, another drug class is added. About 75% of BPD patients are polypharmacy.
Mood stabilizers are a group of drugs that are used to treat symptoms of mania or depression and bring ‘calmness’ to the brain. This is a pharmacological class of drugs, not a chemical class as they are made up drugs from anticonvulsants (such as for epilepsy, oh look another post), antipsychotics, and lithium. As such, the structures of these drugs vary but we do see their relative effects to be similar—hence pharmacological not chemical class.

Iminostillbene vs Carbamazepine vs Oxcarbazepine
  • Our first drug is Carbamazepine (Tegretol). This antiseizure medication was developed in 1968 as an improvement of Phenytoin, an hydantoin. Carbamazepine needs to be titrated up to its effective anti-seizure dose (800-1600mg) on a slow weekly schedule. This slow weekly increase of 200 mg showed a mood stabilizing effect (lower highs and higher lows) which prompted researchers to investigate its usefulness in mood disorders (like bipolar disorder). They found that lower doses of carbamazepine actually improved mood symptoms and so the extended release of the drug was marketed as a mood stabilizer in 2004.

Metabolism of Carbamazepine and Oxcarbazepine
  • Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal) is the 10-keto version of carbamazepine. Unlike carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine shows significantly less auto-inducing of its own metabolism, and so a smaller dose of medication can be given. Also, oxcarbazepine levels do not need to be monitored as closely in new patients or those undergoing intense antibiotic regimens. Oxcarbazepine is used off label for bipolar disorder and BPD.
  • Carbamazepine is used for its ability to improve impulsivity and can be extremely useful in younger patients who naturally show more proclivity towards risky behavior. This can be why it is also used in the treatment of substance use disorder, especially cocaine. Unfortunately it can lead to a worsening in depressive symptoms which may result in an increase in suicidal thinking in non-suicidal patients.

  • Topiramate (Topamax) is among my top 5 drug structures. Any organic chemistry student will have flashbacks to furiously studying hemiacetals, acetals, and sugars. My question for them is: what kind of structure is topiramate? If you said a sulfamate-substituted monosaccharide derived from fructose then good on you! (easy amirite?) Topiramate was approved in 1996 for partial and tonic-clonic seizures. Later, it was found to be useful in a myriad of behavioral and mood disorders like augmenting alcohol dependence, binge eating disorder, bipolar disorder, bulimia nervosa, and BPD. It is also indicated for obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus due to its side effects of loss of appetite and weight loss.
    • Due to sulfamate moiety, topiramate is excreted 80% unchanged by the kidneys. This means that most of the drug is not even processed in the liver, making it a great option for patients with heavy drug therapies or liver dysfunction. This does require good kidney function to be maintained and so older patients who may develop renal insufficiency should be closely.
    • Topiramate has demonstrated teratogenicity or that it affects fetal development. As such, females of reproductive age are advised to be on oral contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Even though Topiramate does not undergo much liver metabolism, it does affect the liver’s processing of other drugs. Notably, it affects the Cytochrome P450 enzymes CYP2C19 and CYP3A4. Oral contraceptives are metabolized through CYP3A4 making them less effective. As such, patient taking this drug while using oral contraceptives should use a secondary form of backup (like condoms).
    • Topiramate’s usefulness comes from its effect on strong emotions like anger, sadness, and anxiety. Patients report an increase in interpersonal relationships though, which helps with integration in social settings which probably is the reported increase in quality of life.

  • Next up on our list is Lamotrigine (Lamictal) is a 5-phenyl-1,2,4-triazine derivative originally indicated for adult partial seizures and adjunctly to patients with a rare form seizure disorder called Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Uniquely, Lamotrigine requires a very slow up-titration schedule with most dose increases happening once every two weeks. This is done to avoid precipitating a life threatening immune condition called Steven-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN). These adverse events are a life-threatening skin rash that can cause large portions of the skin to become ulcerated. That being said, lamotrigine is a safe medication that when used correctly can be life saver for many patients.
    • Lamotrigine combines the benefits of Topiramate and Carbamazepine. It has a benefit on strong emotions like anxiety and anger while also improving impulsivity.
“I eventually found a psychiatric nurse practitioner who specifically said they treat trauma and personality disorder, along with mood and anxiety disorders. She is now my current prescriber and she is amazing. We found a medication combination that works wonders: Lithium Carbonate and Pregabalin (Lyrica). I'm also on other as needed medications: Hydroxyzine, Clonidine: both PRN for anxiety/sleep. She is also the only doctor who is willing to do the Ashton Manual: Because I’ve had issues tapering off of Klonopin itself, we are currently cross tapering from Klonopin (clonazepam) to valium (diazepam), and will eventually taper off. Besides occasional cannabis use, I have stayed clean from everything else.”
  • Lithium carbonate (Eskalith, Lithobid) is a unique drug because it is actually not a drug! Well… not in the traditional sense. Lithium is an ion, not a organic chemical like most other drugs. We think that Lithium works by reducing neuron excitability and increasing inhibitory neuronal processes, thus stabilizing brain activity. Likewise, as an ion similar to sodium, it regularly enters the cell and affects intracellular secondary messaging.

Therapeutic Index vs Lithium Toxicity Symptoms
  • Lithium is titrated to a certain blood level of 0.6-1.2 milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L). This range is called the therapeutic index/window or the blood concentration range needed to show the desired effect. In this case, lithium improves emotional instability and brings a person back to ‘normal’ quicker than without it. Below the range, patients see a sub-therapeutic effect—in this case the return of the BPD symptoms. Above the therapeutic range, the person would see lithium toxicity. It should be noted that a person can see “chronic toxicity” or side effects even at therapeutic levels.
  • As an ion, Lithium is not metabolized by the liver at all like other drugs. Instead, it is completely handled by the kidneys. As such, ensuring kidney function is key for preventing acute lithium toxicity. As such, patients who show rapid renal decompensation could present seizures, heart attacks, delirium, coma, or death. Lithium is thus considered a narrow therapeutic index drug since the range is very small and the potential effects are so dangerous.
“Lithium has been the main game changer. My level ranges between 0.2-0.3, so it’s “sub-therapeutic” and my doctor has seen this in practice. The typical “effective” range is 0.5-0.8, but this low level has made a significant difference in my emotional lability, rage outbursts, depressive symptoms, and some of my emotional reactivity. I feel like I can actually utilize the skills I’m supposed to use. Side note: Not saying medication is a cure, but my medication regimen has made a HUGE difference compared to before taking it.”

The gold standard is NOT drug therapy

When discussing mental health, treatment should not be a discussion of drugs or therapy. Studies have shown therapy alone to be superior to medications alone and a synergistic effect when the two are combined in an intentional way. As such, drugs and therapy are instances where 1 + 1 = 5.
“When I was hospitalized for my 4th time, the psychiatric practitioner told me I was bipolar and that I was having a mixed episode, but I was told by a weekend doctor (during the weekends there's a different psychiatric nurse practitioner than during the week) and he went over my symptoms and told me “you don’t have bipolar disorder. You have borderline personality disorder. You really need DBT. I knew it. It always confused me because when you read literature on bipolar, episodes of mania last for several days at a time- I didn’t have that. My moods/emotions are highly changeable and can be extremely reactive, but they never last for several days in a row. I meet the full diagnostic criteria for BPD- every single symptom. While I was in treatment, my family moved across the country. So when I completed treatment, I didn’t return back to my hometown. I didn’t have the connections I did to get drugs. Anytime I would bring up misdiagnosis, they would blow me off so I felt kind of hopeless. I didn’t know how to find DBT. DBT is not readily available in my area.”
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy vs Dialectical Behavioral Therapy General DBT Treatment Timeline
  • For many the use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is key for understanding how our thoughts and emotions dictate our behaviors and vice versa. CBT gives individuals the ability to recognize maladaptive thoughts and gives them tools for better thought patterns, perceptions, and behavioral goals.
  • For personality disorders like BPD, cognitive behavioral therapy is not the best approach. These individuals struggle to regulate the emotion before it generates into a thought (hence the high prevalence of impulsivity). As such, these individuals benefit from a more specific kind of CBT, called Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT).
    • DBT relies on using mindfulness skills to help regulate emotions, tolerate distress, and improve relationships. DBT helps teach individuals how to live with discomfort and accept the way things are rather than reacting to the discomfort in unhelpful ways.
“I moved to a nearby city, and because of the clinic’s policy they don't treat people in the county I’m living in. Damn. I’m scared. I’ve tried a benzo taper before, who is willing to keep me on it? How do I find a good therapist? What should I do? I called at least 10 places. Most either didn’t get back to me, didn’t accept BPD patients for whatever reason even though it’s on their profile, OR they don't take my insurance. I left a message for one who takes my insurance. I was just done. I was ready to give up.

Marsh M. Linehan
  • The origin of DBT is incredibly interesting. In 1950, a 17 year old girl was locked in a seclusion room at the Institute of Living in Hartford, Connecticut. She was admitted for being suicidal and formally diagnosed with schizophrenia. Early treatment notes labeled her the “most disturbed patient on the ward” and was subjected to electroconvulsive therapy. One year later, Linehan left the Institute of Living and attended Loyola University, Chicago in 1968. She would graduate cum laude with a BS in psychology, an MA in 1970, and finally her PhD in 1971 after studying social and experimental personality psychology. She is diagnosed with BPD.
    • Through her work, Linehan developed two important concepts related to personality disorders. Taking inspiration from Eastern meditation and zen, she described how people must learn to accept the way the world is to achieve a meaningful and happy life as well as how change is needed for growth and happiness. She culminated these teachings in dialectical behavioral therapy and started treating BPD, eating disorders, and substance abuse disorders with DBT.

Article describing Lineham's approach
  • Linehan faced immense pushback from the psychiatric community—when she debuted DBT in 1991, behaviorism was on the rise. She used her research on suicide and sociological phenomena to dismantle Kernberg and his theories that were developed with little evidence. Her DBT model showed higher rates of recovery than using traditional CBT and patients felt validated and empowered.
  • Linehan was awarded the Career Achievement Award from the American Psychological Association in 2005 and The Outstanding Educator Award from the New England Educational institute in 2004.

DBT being used on Eastern Immigrants who struggle with CBT, a more western practice
“About a week later in November or so, I got a call back from the last person I called and left a message for. She takes my insurance, specializes in BPD, and is accepting patients. Weekly appointments, it was perfect. I am not exaggerating when I say this therapist was the most thorough therapist I have ever seen. She wanted every detail about my childhood, my symptoms, and just everything about me. It was a very intricate process. I told her about my previous bipolar diagnosis and she pulled out her handy DSM-5 (I think it’s hilarious when professionals just whip a DSM out) and went over the criteria for bipolar disorder. She ruled out bipolar because of my exact reasoning: My episodes DO NOT last for days and days and days, like a bipolar person would. She diagnosed me with everything at the beginning of this “short novel”. She is my current therapist and I am currently learning DBT.”

“Always advocate for yourself and what you believe in”

"For anyone reading going through anything similar to my story, there’s a few things I would like to share. Some things that I wish I knew back when I was 14.
First, psychiatric medication is serious business. It’s not something to be scared of IF it’s prescribed for the right reasons. ALWAYS DO YOUR RESEARCH. Do not let 1 side effect scare you, but it’s good to be educated on what you are putting in your body, what you may experience as a result (side effect), hell, now when I’m prescribed something I spend hours researching the medication. Reviews from Reddit experiences. But again, if you’re prescribed an antidepressant for example, and you read 1 horror story, don’t let that deter you from taking it. Don’t let MY experience with the meds I stated earlier scare you. Some have wonderful success with Geodon for example, and that’s great! It just was not for me. I will say, It’s almost never recommended to take benzodiazepines long term. Strictly as needed is okay, but even then there's better alternatives for panic attacks, like clonidine (in my opinion). [Side note: When you google something for research, pull information from websites that end in .org, .gov, .edu, or from verified organizations such as WebMD, MayoClinic, NAMI, etc.]
Second, they always say “listen to your doctor”- which is true- but if something sounds off, or even if you just want a second opinion, I recommend getting a consult from another physician just to see what they say, OR do your research on what they say. For example, when that psychiatrist in the rehab center said “You don’t abuse people. You don’t manipulate people. You behave, so you don’t have borderline personality disorder. You have bipolar disorder. I'm gonna start you on seroquel.” I should have said something. I didn’t know what I know now about BPD. ALWAYS ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF AND WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN. Plenty of doctors refuse to diagnose personality disorders, and would rather diagnose bipolar and prescribe an expensive brand name antipsychotic so they can have some kickback from the pharmaceutical industries. I have experienced this, being on all of these expensive brand name antipsychotics and it's disgusting. If it works, great!! Bottom line: Do your research. Just because someone with an expensive piece of paper is telling you something does not mean you have to listen to it OR that it’s true.
I hope this reaches someone in time of need and helps in some way. My inbox is always open for any questions or just someone to talk to :)"
And that’s our story! Hopefully this provides some insight into borderline personality disorder and you learned something new. Huge thank you to u/smokeytaboo477 for sharing his story. Want to read more? Go to the table of contents!
Likewise, check out our subreddit: SAR_Med_Chem Come check us out and ask questions about the creation of drugs, their chemistry, and their function in the body! Have a drug you’d like to see? Curious about a disease state? Let me know!
Foye’s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry
Pharmacotherapy of Borderline Personality Disorder, Rex William Cowdry
"Expert on Mental Illness Reveals Her Own Fight". The New York Times. 23 June 2011.,by%20way%20of%20compensatory%20changes.
submitted by Bubzoluck to SAR_Med_Chem [link] [comments]

2022.03.25 02:24 mydadcan_seethis 4 years. 3 LP’s. 2 neuro-ophthalmologist exams. Finally an answer.

There are some strong people on this sub. I’m so thankful to have found it.
Y’all I felt crazy for the last 4 years. Feeling like a bobble head, hearing fluid scrunch around in my head, extreme nausea, vision loss, ungodly pain to the point of drooling - having to explain this to the multiple nurses and PA’s and having them look at you like you just ran tf out of the psych ward.
Male neurologist? They said migraine - put me on multiple meds that ended me up in the ER. Why? BECAUSE THIS ISNT A FREAKING MIGRAINE.
Finally found an incredible team of women neurologists/ neuro ophthalmologist/ endocrinologists who just happen to be studying this disease at a local university. (I did not know this beforehand.. my GP sent me to a neuro ophthalmologist - and the rest is history)
I am currently on my titration of my third medication to try and get it under control (tried Acetazolamide (horrible joint pain) and Methazolamide (meh - was still having a ton of symptoms) and now I’m on topamax). I’m experiencing some vision loss so trying to take this shit by the horns. My BMI is well within normal range, but still working with a dietitian and endocrinologist to see if I can further my success.
I took a look at the NORAD page the optho doc sent to me - it reads like my diary ( who knew an opening pressure of 21-23 wasn’t normal … 🙄) I just am so thankful to have a name for it.
I just wanna let you all know. You are strong fucking warriors and I am proud of all of you to be continuing to do your life when I know there have been days where you just wanna give up and buy a guillotine.
Have a fantastic night my friends!
submitted by mydadcan_seethis to iih [link] [comments]

2022.01.11 20:58 malealcervello Tried to kill myself a month ago, failed, can't stop thinking about trying again

So, here it goes.
In 2020 I was living my best life. Had a shared apartment in a city I loved, I graduated with full honors in my Bachelors' degree, in Comics and Illustration , had a fulfilling sex life and I was working in a fast food restaurant, barely making ends meet but happy overall. I have been struggling with BPD since 2015 but I was managing it well thanks to the psychiatric services in my area (European, free of charge services cuz I couldn't afford a private one).
Then I started to have widespread pain, starting from the legs and going all the way up to my neck. Imagine a pain so strong you cannot walk, brush your teeth or comb your hair. It was like someone was skinning my limbs all the time.
Got diagnosed with fibromyalgia; which is extremely painful and incurable.
Tried to kill myself, overdosing on paracetamol. Got forcibly brought to a psychiatric ward, then to a long term facility for a total of two months. Got back up with some hope, even if that meant moving back with my parents in a town I hate due to trauma. I had some prospects, at least to be able to find a cure and find a new job that was not so hard on my body.
Now, a year later, I work in a call center, extremely stressing and partially unpaid (internship sucks), with no warranties about my future apart for the 6 months I was able to negotiate. Tried every pill imaginable to reduce pain and give me back my freedom, just gained and gained weight going from barely 62kg to 73kg in a matter of months - don't know how many pounds, sorry. Had to buy a used car in order to go to work, and now every month I owe 100€ to a person, with 500€ as my overall wage - this is if I work every day without sick leaves or permits. Got really depressed because all my life was left in the town I studied in, all my friends, my social circle, my hobbies, everything. Can't draw anymore due to pain and extremely low self esteem, while I see my college mates getting published to major companies. No love, no sex - nor the will to have it -, nothing. Just a big ball of nothing. Spent a lot of euros on laser therapy, which proved uneffective. Got covid in july, waited four months to be able to get vaccinated, then got covid again two days away from my vaccine.
Tried again to kill myself, this time tried overdosing on Topamax, was stopped by one of my friends calling an ambulance. Was brought to a psych ward, discovered I tested positive again, got 18 days in an isolation room where I couldn't communicate with anyone, fresh from my suicide attempt. One of my coworker died during this time, car crash, he was only 23; I wasnt able to go to his funeral. I wish I could give him my life, I wish I was in his place instead, he was so lively and bubbly, why couldn't that be me in his place? Healed, then sent back to the regular psych ward, it did not go well. Stood there for a week, than faked my way to being discharged (saying that I was ok while in fact I still wanted to kms).
Went back to work. Was paid 84€ for last month work. Not enough to even buy gas for my car in order to commute to work. I feel useless, hopeless, surrounded by successfull people. Went ahead to see my psychiatrist yesterday, who doesn't give a shit about me and just like to toy around with meds, it did not help. Went today to see my psychologist, she literally told me she doesn't know how to help me.
I have lost everything. I cannot bear this any longer but if I survive my next attempt I cannot afford another 84€ paycheck. I am a broken brain in a broken body. I have no hope, no hobbies, no aspirations, nothing, living in the shadow of the girl I used to be. I just want the pain to be over, I just want to have someone to say that they'll miss me if I die. I never went on a proper date (except forced sex dates), never been loved. I want to end it all. I want the pain to be over, I want to draw again without feeling my bones burning but even then - it will never be enough. It is never enough.
submitted by malealcervello to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2021.11.01 13:41 queefersutherland1 This post is very rich [in episodes], bitch!: This week in Real Housewives History: November 1st-7th!

This post is very rich [in episodes], bitch!: This week in Real Housewives History: November 1st-7th!
33 F R E A K I N EPISODES! Please note I am limited to 20 photos, so I'm gonna be picky! So many premieres! Get ready, let's go!
RHOA, S3E5, 2010
Nene has completed her plastic surgery and is healed, so the first thing she does for her newly reduced chest is to go bra shopping with Cynthia! I love this scene because Nene is just so fun, and she dances in front of the mirror and pumps her chest, and it's a good giggle!
Kandi starts Kandi coated nights (I still hear it in my head all the time!), to help her through a year without sex, allowing her to talk about it when she's not having it. Kim talks about not being a cheater while a guest, as it was big poppa who was married. Kandi cries to her mom during a later scene, as she struggles with the fact A.J passed, as does her daughter, and she feels quite emotional that Riley doesn't have a father figure in her life.
Sheree's short-lived love interest, Tiy-E, invited her over for a vegetarian meal and cookies. She is shocked that she is asked to cut strawberries because the only thing she's used to doing is collecting and carrying bones. Oh, and he puts cookie dough on his finger and then forces her to eat it off, and I hate myself for remembering that fact on my own.
Apollo and Phaedra do a maternity shoot, where they suck on pickles, and she thinks it's the photoshoot of the year. Her taste is so questionable.
The women get together for mother's day, and spend the meal outside discussing sex, and putting pop rocks in your vag, and Phaedra recommends normal or powdered sugar, and Nene, cringing like me, says "I would never put kool-aid, canned yams, a peppermint candy, pancake syrup, you know, none of those things in my vajayjay. That's crazy."
Phaedra has no idea when her due date is, saying the baby is only 5 months when it actually is about 7-7 1/2 months, and the baby needs to come early. Everyone is like... you don't know your due date? And everyone is like... oh, your mom is a preacher and you got pregnant before the wedding and are trying to hide it - GOT IT!
Peter randomly comes in, Apollo drops off a Gucci diaper bag (ok...), and then Peter tells Nene she is having relationship issues because she has a dead bedroom (I accidentally wrote bathroom, I'm writing this baked, and how funny would that be!) Cynthia gives him the eyes that say "get the fuck out of here", so he leaves, and Mama Joyce, with the only helpful thing she has ever said, tells the ladies not to waste or give up 20 years for a man who doesn't make you happy. She did it, and she regrets it immensely. She and Nene hug, and then Nene, who's crying, throws a napkin over her face to hide her tears. I miss when she used to be emotionally open to the housewives and the viewers. I'm watching the S11 Reunions now during my rewatch and she's just so distant, but she was going through A LOT.
She thinks these are \"artistic.\"
Everyones like... you cant give birth at six/seven months girl.
RHOM, S2E9, 2012
Lea is planning her big gala, and even though she is having trouble with some of the housewives, she still extends them invitations and doesn't want drama. Lea, after speaking to Adrianna who said she didn't want to go, checks on her dog Leroy. He is not okay. I cry every time I see this scene, and ugh, writing about it breaks my heart! She picks him up, he can't hold himself up, and she cries and her husband takes him to the vet immediately. I'm crying now, writing this! The gala happens regardless, with Adrianna and Alexia in attendance, and Adrianna does want to cause trouble. With all the other women there, she makes sure to be offensive to Joanna since their fight last week. She sits at Joe Francis' table, and after Joanna cries from the confrontation with Joe, Adrianna calls her a "super whore, not a supermodel!" Nothing much more happens, but Karent is called disrespectful, and not boring, fame-hungry, annoying, and a constant teeth flasher like I would call her. Ugh, one of my most hated housewives e v e r.
RHOC, S10E22. 2015 REUNION PT.3
Vicki admits to the women and Andy that she did cover for Brooks during the season, but it was because she did believe him until recently before the reunion was taped. Brianna says her mom is in a "state of shock" to describe Vicki's calm demeanour over how much Brooks has fucked up her life. Maybe she took a Xanax and calmed down, or ate some bread, and calmed down a little. I don't know. In the "epic" part of the reunion, it is noted that Vicki knew of previous times Brooks has pretended to have cancer, but she believed this time was different. LMAO. Man, it shows that someone can make so much money and be book smart, but their common sense is little to none.
Tamra mentions that Vicki actually left Donn to take care of Brooks, who at that time said he had pancreatic cancer, but it actually was just pancreatitis. This man sure exaggerates. Vicki, when asked about all this, just shrugs and says she was duped.
The women wonder what Brooks has on Vicki to make her be so passive about the whole thing, and she admits she fabricated some of his medical issues to get some compassion from the ladies. Shannon is mad that the ladies got a lot of fo shit for asking for his medical records, but Vicki could and it wasn't an issue. But Shannon - you weren't his girlfriend or "caretaker" - what did he owe you?! And then she's also mad about Vicki telling Rhonda, Vicki's SIL, about her and David's issues.
TW: Domestic Abuse Brianna is like... well, Brooks was emotionally and verbally abusive to my mom sooooo he probably was physical too. He took her away from friends and family, manipulated/threatened/invoked fear into her. Brianna says Brooks once shook Vicki so hard her head was flopping back and forth basically and was worried about what was going on behind closed doors if that's what happens outside of them. The women update where they are at that point, which is unforgiving of Vicki, and Vicki is just happy she is not with Brooks anymore!
RHONJ, S8E5, 2017
Teresa, Joe and Melissa's restaurant is opening soon, and they are setting up the decor, and Teresa is mad that Melissa is in a lot of the photos. She tells Melissa she is only a Gorga by marriage, and if Joe divorced her, she's "not going to be a Gorga anymore." Well, someone seems bitter. Gia, during a shopping trip with Teresa, tells her mom that she thinks that they aren't disciplined, and thinks the issue is that Teresa is worried the girls will hate/resent her for it.
Later, Tre, Joe and Melissa bring the kids together, and Teresa actually apologizes for being so mean to Melissa but says it's due to Melissa criticising her parenting and her acting out because of it. Holy shit - Teresa was so mature this episode! And then Melissa is like, fuck that apology, you ARE too lenient with the kids! Way to squash a one in a million moment, MELISSA!
The restaurant - Gorga's Homemade Pasta and Pizza - is doing a tasting night, and Melissa invited everyone. Nono makes a comment about Margaret being "blond on the top" and she responds "blond all over!" Why? Anyways, the women move on and start talking about Dolores' situation. They talk about how she brought Frank, her ex into her home, and how weird it is, and then discuss how Danielle is misunderstood, to which Siggy replies she is the most misunderstood in the group! Siggy and Dolores are approached by Margaret and Siggy. Siggy says Margaret's line of clothing is made in China, Marge attacks Dolores' implants and Siggy's extensions, and Danielle attacks Dolores about David and Melissa is standing there wondering how people can be unhappy when there is pasta being passed around - ugh, I want fettuccine now.
RHOP, S5E14, 2020
Robyn is telling Karen and Gizelle that her tax issues are real, and they both kind of reluctantly agree to model for Robyn's new line, Embellished hats due to the financial bomb she just dropped on them. Karen then imitates Wendy's "slithering" walk, and talks about how Wendy isn't actually a doctor, no matter how many degrees!
Later, at a party, Wendy says she's not one to brag about her degrees or how many she has, and the editors could just not wait to add in the footage of her mentioning them throughout the season. Karen responds that she was blessed with the spirit of being an entrepreneur, which is funny seeing them fight over single and three-wick candles now!
In the last couple minutes of the episode, Candiace freaks out about Monique counter-suing her for assault.
RHOA, S6E1, 2013
Porsha is getting divorced, and by the same divorce attorney everyone sees on this franchise! Porsha has moved out, and her mother talks about how he only saw Porsha once during her weeklong stay in the hospital after a miscarriage, and that she did nothing wrong but he was the "WRONG DAMN ONE!"
Phaedra comes back with a new baby, Dylan, who we see her call "Michael Jackson" in a scene of the birth due to his lightness. She says Ayden's a great brother, and editors show him being anything but, and she tells us that raising kids is "working like a Hebrew slave."
Cynthia throws a party for her new Bailey Agency business, and Nene and Kenya refuse to get along, to the point the Keny grabs her ear to make sure she can hear her and then tells her to go to hell.
This man should be given a \"friend of\" status, his connections listed as everyone he's represented on this show.
RHOM, S3E13, 2013
The women head to Vegas for Joanna's bachelorette party just before her wedding, as Adriana's wedding has already taken place. They go to the Palms - Adrienne must be pissing her pants! - and they swim topless in their balcony pool.
Lisa notes she is not in a good mood and she's fighting with Lenny, so she is here to get blasted. Lisa is also weirded out that Lea doesn't seem to be enjoying herself, but understandably she's with a bunch of younger women who are getting naked and drunk, while she is feeling like "the only adult on spring break."
The ladies later have a party dress with strippers included, and Lea gets targeted by the two men in g-strings. There's a pole on the bus and Adriana and Lisa can't help themselves but go on it! Adriana then puts her face in Joanna's boobs and gives Lisa a lapdance, and I'm here left wondering how they didn't renew for a season four, when if this happened in BH or OC that shit would be renewed for three seasons immediately.
Joanna makes a comment about how Lisa is good on the pole, and if Lenny leaves her because their marriage is on the rocks, that she could get a job to support herself. Lisa planned this party! Why are you doing this to her, Joanna? The ladies are drunk as hell, Lisa storms off, and the wedding is tomorrow, which they aired the next episode the next day.
RHOA, S12E1, 2019
I'm on the last reunion of S11 of my rewatch as a write this, so this is just prepping me for my continuation of the series. I smoke a little too much weed, so I kind of watch every season with new eyes until my brain's function kicks in and I remember the storylines again so it'll be fun to see what I'm getting into!
We see Kenya laying around in bed in full haimakeup, dressed well, while she waits for her new baby to wake up. She tells us that Brooklyn doesn't fuss or cry, and she's the only "turn-up queen in the house." Kenya is upset at her husband though, Marc, who actually got her kicked off for a season due to their secret wedding, who is spending time in New York for business. Weird he wouldn't want to spend time with his child, but I don't know.
We now move on to Porsha, who is raising two-month-old PJ alone, as Dennis has been kicked out after she found out he cheated on her during her pregnancy.
Kandi and Todd are having a child through a surrogate (we saw their decision making last season, and she announced during the reunion they were a week out from implantation), and because Ace is thinking that they are buying a baby from a store, they plan on bringing him to the next appointment.
Eva is pregnant again, and looking for a home, and everyone is wondering where she is getting the money because of the rumours last season Marlo was spreading of her being broke.
We see Cynthia and Mike talking about their schedules and when they can get engaged, and she's already posted what ring and a dress she wants on Instagram.
We then turn back to Porsha, who isn't going out or feeling herself, and she cries to Lauren, her sister, about how sad she feels and how she isn't herself. We then see that Dennis was "using drugs and engaging in bestiality" WTF - and then see a clip of Porsha in a dog onesie and Dennis liking it. IF I HAVE TO SUFFER, YOU GUYS HAVE TO TOO! THIS IS A RULE FOR WEEKLY HOUSEWIVES HISTORY!
Kandi, Cynthia and Eva, having dinner together got approached by someone who was said to have had an affair with Dennis. With the name Sincerity, we can only believe her when she says it did not happen. They decide not to tell Porsha but tell Kenya. Messy Kenya is like - imma tell her! So she does, and the women fill in some information that Kenya is missing, and Porsha is like well, thanks for telling me, but she didn't feel better, obviously, just embarrassed.
I just love the barbie theme!
RHOA, S1E5, 2008
Sheree and Lisa decide to pole dance together. After that, DeShawn goes to a vineyard to celebrate her birthday with Lisa, Nene and their husbands, and Nene talks poorly about Sheree and sings about how bad Kim is at singing. I love this scene in the limo! Sheree and Kim connect over the fact they are fighting with Nene, which doesn't get better when Kim and Nene go out shopping and bump heads. Nene launches a charity, the Twisted Hearts Foundation, and Kim keeps working on her musical career.
RHOBH, S1E4, 2010
When Kennedy just wanted a regular kid's birthday, she had to deal with Taylor throwing herself a party under the guise of being for her kid! Her party included cascading roses into rose tea-kettles - which is amazing for an adult party, but a kid would not give a single shit, for sure! Taylor spent $60,000 on the party and was focused mostly on a photoshoot while Kennedy got taken care of by a nanny. During the party, a band sings about Kennedy is "beautiful just like her mom", which tells us this party is only It's important to note that all the kids at the party went home with a Barbie diamond necklace, even though a) her kid probably won't remember it, b) money problem only haunt the Armstrongs. Russell gets Kennedy a dog even though she said they shouldn't get one, and she argues about it wearing a ridiculous hat.
Kyle is throwing Portia a party, complete with a french fry station, ducklings, and homemade peanut butter sandwiches. I wonder if you could call a bakery and order those, you'd probably be laughed at and hung up on.
Max, Lisa's son, was at boarding school and made. surprise appearance at her birthday lunch, and she was just so excited!
Camille heads to Hawaii to chill out and say she has 30% more on her plate than the other housewives, and while in a hot tub with her friends Deirdre and Carl they just can't stop telling her how hot, smart, amazing, beautiful, generous, and god-like she is, obviously being paid by Kelsey.
Can you pass me the scones? Oh, these ones? That Taylor's toe touched?
RHOA, S5E1, 2012
The season premiere begins with Nene talking about how both her life and career are booming with her new move.
Kandi is happy with Todd, who was foretold from a bone reader in Africa (if I remember correctly), and they have been dating for a year. We are now meeting him due to filming, but the two are in love and he and Kandi discuss having kids since they both have daughters from previous relationships. I love the two together, fuck what mama Joyce says!
Kim and Kroy are discussing KJ's first birthday, and also are worried about getting kicked out of their house since they are renting. They had the house appraised when they wanted to buy, and the appraisal was for a million dollars less than the owners wanted, so they want to move and not buy an overpriced house.
Phaedra is learning about mortuary sciences and wants to visit a veterinarian about pet funerals, and talks about how pets are kids to people (as a childfree couple by choice, my fiance and I treat our cats like kids!), and asks for her to recommend her for pet services.
Cynthia is worried about Noelle being homeschooled, and she is the only one against it in her family. Kenya is introduced through lunch with Miss Lawrence, and she talks about how she is engaged in her job, but she wants to have a husband and settle down. She later is seen at the Bailey Agency, talking about coochie cracks and criticising every woman who walked in basically, until one of Cynthia's employees told her off.
Kim goes to Kandi's and talks about how she had to lock her doors on the way there, and Kandi says the mayor is actually around the corner. But, as someone getting kicked out of her house, Kim shouldn't be talking about neighbourhoods.
Another premiere done!
This throwaway scene of Nene and Ryan Murphy kills me every time. She tries to call Tyler Perry twice, and each time the number she has is disconnected and Ryan laughs so hard!
RHOM, S3E14, 2013
We are continuing last night's episode with the finale, and we didn't have to wait a week, only a day!
The women were way too drunk the night before Joanna's wedding, and they all wake up to realize they missed their flight. They have to be in San Diego for the rehearsal dinner that night, and there are no more flights. They have to take a rental car and frantically begin driving.
Romain is in S.D and getting ready for the rehearsal dinner, and when he is told that Joanna won't be on time he is very upset. They do end up making it on time though, despite some doubts, and Joanna is excited to see Marta but is also upset about her lack of help planning the wedding. Joanna pulls her aside and wants to talk about the distance between them, and Marta says she won't expect too much from Joanna when she gets married herself (man, this woman seems depressed), and that she accepts Romaine into the family.
Everyone has their husband there but Lisa and Alexia, so they decide to be each other's dates. But, something sweet happens and Peter, Alexia's son, shows up because he didn't want her to be alone - how nice! Alexia says she sees the old Peter and not the new, angry one, and she's so happy.
The wedding happens, Romain is too emotional to read his own vows and has the priest do it, and Joanna reads hers, and they have the wedding they dreamed of.
The reunion is next week. I'll write about it if there's anything special!
I wonder if Joanna still stands behind this dress choice.
RHOBH, S4E1, 2013
And onto another premiere! Featuring a segue into Vanderpump rules!
We begin focused on Gigi, Yolanda's daughter who is now modelling. After Yolanda talks about how important it is to diet, we move on to Brandi.
Brandi met a real estate broker last season at Kyle's white party, and she is in love. She talks about his gap tooth, he showed her a mediocre house and told her she only had one day to make a decision.
We then see Lisa, who is practicing for DWTS on camera and that's about it.
Kyle is choosing some ugly clothing for Kyle by Alene Too, and she talked about how she wanted everything for herself - as it's probably like half mumus. The representative for the chamber of commerce shows up and tells Kyle that she is invited to be a member of the chamber of commerce, which she says yes to and plans a party around.
This party, of course, needs to be catered and waited by the staff of SUR, Lisa's restaurant, Sexy Unique Restaurant. Kyle and Lisa talk about it, Mauricio comes in, and Lisa makes a joke about Portia being the "younger woman" that Mauricio was out and about with according to magazines. This joke is not welcomed.
Kim is seen with Kingsley, her dog who ruined her home and won't let her make a bed.
Carlton and Joyce arrive with their husbands, and Carlton isn't a fan of Joyce's husband already as he talks about once being naked, which she says in a confessional makes her think of his "parts flapping" and again, I reiterate that if I suffer, you suffer.
Brandi is in the kitchen with Ken, and here comes Scheana, who we know by previous media stories was involved in one of many extramarital affairs Eddie Cibrian, Brandi's husband had. She asks what's wrong with Scheana's grey tooth, and Sheana says it was knocked out and Brandi's like that sucks, while on the inside she feels fireworks.
The SURvers talks minutes long about the housewives to get us introduced to them, and it's very soon we see VPR in our weekly rotation, bravo fans!
Just loved when the cast of VPR was the alleyway sitting, chain-smoking, bit-part playing opposite to the lifestyle porn on HW.
RHOA, S11E1, 2018
Porsha is looking at engagement rings, which you can see from earlier this week and next season that things go left. But, what should have been the first clue is that she previously went to that jewellery store with Kordell, and got their ring there - so obviously this is good luck! /s We see that Dennis is a Hukkah lounge owner, but also the hot dog "boss of Atlanta", so there is no budget as he sold "like 2,000 hotdogs this week."
Cynthia shows up with a wine glass full of frozen grapes and a little wine to a facetime with her new boyfriend, Will.
We see Nene, and she's dealing with Gregg and his stage 3 colon cancer, and during that, she's still running Swagg Boutique. She's opening a store in Miami, and Porsha invited the ladies to come along.
Kandi accepts the Golden Note award along with her bandmates of Xscape, and after that Riley tells her mom that she shouldn't have more kids because she doesn't have enough time for the ones she has.
Porsha and Dennis head to Miami, where Porsha expects a proposal.
RHOC, S15E4, 2020
Braunwyn, after leaving the party that Gina accused of her being a drunk (after getting sober), goes to the driveway and asks the "lemonade boy" to find her husband. While she's crying in the front yard, Sean is yelling at Gina about how rude and inappropriate she is. Gina comes out and says she feels bad Braunwyn is crying, but when Sean texted her about Braunwynn being passed out and a winky face after they told her they had threesomes, she felt uncomfortable. The women feel Braunwyn is using her sobriety as an excuse, and it allows her to make herself the victim in any situation.
RHOC, S5E1, 2009
Jeana Keough is suffering from empty nest syndrome with Shane and Kara gone, and only having Colton around. She thinks they'll have to downsize from 9000 sq. feet to 5000 sq. feet, but worries that she won't even be able to sell the home. She's lost 2/3 of her income due to the crashing real estate market, and things are hard for her.
Tamra is throwing a "wrap party" for her daughter's class, and it goes well until one of Tamra's friends makes a joke about tea-bagging. Simon snaps about it and we are supposed to understand his work is going poorly as well, like Jeana, and the rich of the OC are suffering along with the general public during this time of recession.
Gretchen is back, and she's got a new boyfriend - Slade! He helped her through Jeff's death and they ended up falling in love.
Lynn Curtin is back too, and trying hard to make her jewellery - cuffs - a success as her husband's work has also slowed down due to the economy.
Vicki and Donn are working on their marriage since they both realized they had empty love tanks, and are getting along better now. Vicki and Tamra go out to lunch, and Vicki lets her know that she and Jeana are not talking because Jeana asked for a loan, and Vicki declined.
Lynn invites Tamra to a cuff party at the St. Regis, though Gretchen would be there as well. Lynn is also planning on getting some plastic surgery, with money they don't have, so... this episode is pretty stressful! Tamra thinks that Gretchen cheated on Jeff, and rumours were out that he paid her to spend his final days with him - so sad! At the cuff party, Vicki doesn't want to wear Lynn's designs and says they have a "biker look." Tamra says Gretchen preys on old men, and she tells Tamra to "shut the fuck up."
We meet Alexis next week!
I miss when we could see her pores. Remember her pores?
RHOA, S2E15, 2009
Reunion pt.2 - not very dramatic.
RHOBH, S3E1, 2012
Lisa Vanderpump just moved into a new, bigger better home, and the first wife invited for a tour is Brandi! She is amazed at the beauty of it, the warmness, and is also very excited to see Ken as they always joke about being a couple. It's weird, but it makes Brandi comfortable so I guess that could be why he goes along with it.
Lisa has a Villa Blanca anniversary coming up, so she invited all the housewives except for Adrienne because she believed Lisa sold stories last year. Taylor calls Adrienne, and during a dinner with Paul, gets asked about dress shopping for the occasion and realizes she wasn't invited to the event.
Kim had Kathy over to help her daughter choose a prom dress, and Kyle arrives making things awkward.
We now meet new housewife Yolanda, who did you know was married to composesongwriter David Foster?! We also learn he writes her love notes instead of buying her jewellery. Ugh, I hate him, he's just so smug.
Portia wants to call the guests invited to her party, so we get a really cute, sweet scene where her tiny little infant voice is asking everyone to come to her party. Lisa is called, puts it on speakerphone, and basically Brandi, by being there, is asked to be invited too, which means maybe the group will make up a little!
Taylor and Adrienne get together to shop, and we see Taylor is still dealing with Russell's unexpected death last year, and the two talk about that and then Adrienne talks about not being invited. The party happens, and Yolanda is not into Brandi's sexual jokes. Kim is sober and having fun, but she and Kyle tiff a bit when Kyle thinks she should be at Portia's party - she's her aunt! Yolanda introduces herself to the ladies and mentions Brandi said that she has had sex with everyone in Beverly Hills. This just gives the ladies more ammo, and you can tell they love this gossip.
Adrienne sends a large floral arrangement, which Lisa doesn't really appreciate, as she thought it was to steal attention, and Kyle and Kim don't resolve their conflict.
How much did this cost her?!?!
RHOA, S10E1, 2017
Cynthia is throwing a 50th birthday party for herself as the first event of the season, and there are two things to note: 1) this is months after her actual birthday took place, and 2) she wants everyone dressed up in different variations of her for a 50 Shades of Cynthia party.
Nene is back and she arrives at Lake Bailey, and we hear that Kenya had eloped and we talk about the blogs! Not the only time they get mentioned this season. Nene wants to see a marriage certificate, and Cynthia is like, well you can ask her, she's on her way over! They do a toast, eat some grapes, and nothing gets answered. Kenya refuses to give his name and only refers to him as "baby", and the ring is the only proof as no family was there and they did it before taping so no footage either. Her dad does later congratulate her and it seems he means it. Kenya also says that Nene, despite cutting off half of her nose (plastic surgery), she's still nosey, and Nene is like, this is weird shit.
The 50th birthday party begins, and everyone comes dressed as different Cynthia eras, but the winner of the night is Kandi with a look from a photo shoot where her hair was curled with coke cans. She serenades Cynthia with a Marilyn Monroe version of happy birthday. Porsha confronts Nene about saying she should be fired on WWHL, Nene said she never used the word fired, and nothing is solved!
End of the tenth premiere!
RHOC, S13E16, 2018
Vicki gets a jaw lift, and Steve tells her she's not a guinea pig and she needs to stop nipping and tucking herself. Especially since she has an inner ear tumour and numerous surgeries for it, that she didn't tell her plastic surgeon about - WTF.
Shannon is doing an eyelid tuck, which sounds like so painful I just can't.
Emily and Shane go to therapy to discuss their remaining embryos and her desire to use them and his desire not to, and he's dressed like he's going for a walk, not to a therapy session. Emily is heartbroken and crying, having had many miscarriages and losing twins at four months gestation. She got mementos from the hospital but has never opened the box, and the therapist encourages her to do so. She does, and she feels some relief, but still doesn't know how to go forward with the embryos.
RHOC, S14E14, 2019
Nothing of note!
RHOC, S3E1, 2007
Vicki gives Brianna a new car, which initially sounds exciting, and then you realize Vicki has her on the hook for the monthly payments, as she made the downpayment without asking and gave it to her with strings attached. I hate Vicki for this.
Lauri is planning her wedding with George, the man with riches to bring her out of her rags!
Tammy and her daughters lost Lou, and since he gave them money and helped out, and since it was a shock and he had no will, his wife got everything and refuses to talk to their family.
Tamra is introduced as a self-appointed hottest housewife, and there's so much this season that will happen!
RHOA, S4E1, 2011
Kim is pregnant and moving into a McMansion with Kroy and her daughters, and Nene is struggling to kick Bryce out, who is now past his three-month deadline to move out and has crashed his truck recently to the episode. She wants to show her buying him a $14,000 dollar car in cash, trying to take away from the fact that she and Gregg are having marriage troubles!
Sheree goes to see Miss Lawrence and talk about how shady Nene is being with her.
Nene and Sheree meet at a wine bar to discuss that Nene went behind her back - WITH TYRONE - to undermine her for a media appearance. Nene calls someone, and Sheree calls Tyrone, and the two women just yell over each other into their cellphones getting absolutely nowhere. Now for an iconic moment: Nene says she's done! Done! She's a very rich bitch! Sheree tells her to fix her teeth, and runs after her leaving the restaurant yelling "Repo'd!"
RHONJ, S7E17, 2016
Nothing noteworthy.
RHOA, S9E1, 2016
Kandi and Todd are potty training Ace early, and it's working for them so that's so cool!
Sheree is putting the finishing touches on Chateau Sheree after so long, but she says a rush job is Kenya's house, and she refuses to do that.
Cynthia is going to divorce Peter, and she says that shit got real. She calls him to ask him about the prenup, and he says he's with his girlfriend, the new girlfriend being his club. All she wants is the house, which is in her name anyways, so it will be a cut-and-dry divorce.
Phaedra says that she has filed for divorce, talking to Porsha about it, and she receives an invite to Kenya's party, saying make sure you "plus one is hot, and not a THOT". Obviously, Kenya was referring to Porsha, and Phaedra invites her anyway.
Anyways, Kenya has her housewarming party and it's hotter than a Floridian tit crease, and all the housewives are complaining, especially Sheree. Kenya says it's been a long, hard road to get the house done and she can't imagine what waiting five years would feel like, setting Sheree off. Sheree says, nuh uhh, summer, spring, September, it's only been four years since ground was broken, and that her master suite is the size of Kenya's whole house.
We see that Phaedra and Porsha arrive after dark, and noting that the party started in June at like 3 p.m, they were really late. Kenya is upstairs with Kandi at that point for an untaped conversation, and when they come downstairs Sheree is doing her woo-hoo, shoulder shimmy happy dance about Porsha being there, knowing there is drama to come. And to be continued next week!
RHOC, S12E18, 2017
The episode continues in Iceland from last week, and the night after Vicki came home from the hospital and the ladies either fought or made up in the hotel room, depending on the fight. Peggy admits to having a recording of the women to Lydia, saying she heard Aspen crying and went to check it out and heard the women in the other room and recorded them, and criticised Meghan's parenting.
At dinner with the Viking entertainers, Peggy pulls out her phone and tells her that she knows her baby was crying for ten minutes. Once Peggy admitted to recording the ladies, Kelly is upset and tells her "if you throw a bomb, I'll throw a nuke", and walks away from the conflict.
Meghan says they are training her to self-soothe, so they have to leave her be when she's trying to sleep. Tamra and Shannon are like wtf Peggy, leave her alone, and Peggy backtracks and says she wasn't trying to be critical.
I hate peggy.
RHOD, S4E10, 2019
Last week LeeAnne was worried her mom wasn't at the wedding, but we see this episode she made it just in time to sit down before it started. Rich, during his vows, tells LeeAnne that they both came from the island of misfit toys, and they fixed each other up (not sure how well, LeeAnne is a firecracker). He also mentions that he'll never be bored because of being with her, he gets to be married to basically five women at once due to all her moods, which people laugh at. LeeAnne says she didn't feel love or accepted until he came along, and the officiant mentions something about innocence in Rich's eyes, and he says "Eye!"
Her mom can't get in for a photo as everything going on at the reception is carnival-themed and busy.
D'Andra is home with Jeremy, and they have a seafood cook-off to see who wins. It's a filler scene, but it's still fun and I think they're a funny, normal couple.
Stephanie's husband Travis, who is the living handsome Shrek, I swear, needs to go to Thailand for his dad who is working there. Stephanie decides to ask the other housewives if they want to make it a trip, and a cast trip is formed!
RHONJ, S10E1, 2019
Joe Guidice has completed his prison sentence and is two days away from transfer to an ICE facility. He is facing deportation as he never applied to be a US citizen, and he'll have to go back to Italy. Teresa and Joe are still together, but as Dolores puts it, Tre really isn't "so crazy in love with Joe right now."
Gia is going away to Rutgers in the fall, so to keep her coming home, Teresa is building a pool in the backyard and enlists the help of a local pool guy, Tony, with who she went to high school and briefly dated at one point. Storyline!
We see Frankie Jr. and his good looks getting him far, as he now is a model and has done covers for some romance models - RHONJ's own Fabio! Even though Dolores told us that she would have her own place last season, she is still living with Frank Sr. and still dating David. David finally makes his appearance on the show and looks like he's being held at gunpoint off camera.
Jennifer is throwing a patient appreciation party for Bill's clients, and all the women are invited, but Jackie is unsure if she should go. She tells Margaret and Melissa over drinks that she saw Teresa's Instagram stories making fun of her, saying "define stalker", with an imitated voice. Jackie says she was cyberbullied, and they turn their sights on the Teresa cheating rumours. Jackie attends the party anyway, Jennifer yells at her for smirking, and then chases her around the party telling her she's a comedian!
Teresa gets a call by the end of the episode from Joe and he is at the ICE facility and absolutely hating it there.
RHOA, S3E6, 2010
For some reason, an episode aired early and not a week after, but only six days. There must have been a special episode on the next day or something.
Kim is not impressed by Kandi's new song she wrote for her "A ring didn't mean a thing", and is unimpressed by Miss Lawrence's singing, even though he is much better than her.
Cynthia meets up with Leon, and they watch Noelle play at the park. Am I the only one who has seen these episodes a million times and just realize Noelle is Leon backwards with the extra le? Mind blown lol.
Phaedra meets with Latavia, the original fourth member of Destiny's Child, and they talk about upcoming things and how Phaedra could represent her.
Kim is holding a garage sale in the middle of a fucking strip mall parking lot, and Phaedra, Nene and Cynthia show up and go into a burger joint while the garage sale is happening so Kim's dad can take way lower prices on anything that he sells. No one believes Phaedra is actually expecting when she says she is and thinks she's lying.
Nene has Bryce meet Peter during a dinner, to give him a kick in the butt to start working, and Peter talks about how he worked at McDonald's and worked multiple jobs in college. Great job Peter, he should be so proud! Cynthia tells Nene Gregg looks good, and Nene, because she is upset with Gregg, takes offence to this and just keeps getting drunker and drunker. Gregg goes downstairs while a wasted Nene talks to Peter and Cynthia about communication, and alludes to cheating in their marriage.
RHOBH, S2E10, 2011
Important to note is Kim's medications talked about on this episode:
Trazadone - SARI antidepressant, treats anxiety and insomnia.
Lexipro - SSRI antidepresent. Paired with Trazadone, it is a treatment for newly sober addicts such as Kim.
Topamax - mood stabilizeanti-convulsant. Can be paired with anti-depressants to keep moods from cycling. Usually prescribed for detoxing addicts, and can treat multiple issues.
These are noted as medication Kim has been taking during a night of beauty at Paul's office for all the women. She tells him what she's taking which, paired all together makes her seem drunk and/or very out of it, which he tells her in an exasperated way. Then, he goes ahead and plumps her lips up anyways.
With that out of the way, we have Kim moving in with her new boyfriend, Ken Blumenfeld. There is and was quite a lot of speculation from people that he was from AA with her, and I believe that to be true, their relationship is too dependent and volatile to be stable.
Kyle meets Ken, and immediately runs out to the balcony to cry because she is worried about her sister and she doesn't know him, and it seems she doesn't realize how lonely her sister really is. It's hard for Kyle to see past her perfect husband and family to other people's inner feelings. She says it's because Kim will be so far away, but it's just that she didn't like being in the dark about it.
She looks like Anna Faris in \"Just Friends\" when she eats the toothpaste.
RHOC, S11E19, 2016 REUNION PT. 1
RHOD, S3E13, 2018
Girls in Coppenhagen.
RHONJ, S9E1, 2018
Marge Sr. gets a vaginal rejuvenation, which I think is the fourth/fifth one I've written about in the last couple of months.
submitted by queefersutherland1 to BravoRealHousewives [link] [comments]

2021.07.26 07:55 what-a-doric I'm having what I think are seizures again but my Neurologist doesn't think so- won't do an EEG and gave me back my driver's license?? Is this okay?

Smoker, no drugs or drinking
4mg risperidone, 8mg perampanel, 200mg topamax (2x a day), 200mg sertraline, 20mg abilify (Bipolar and TL Epilepsy) Starting metformin 500mg in a few days (for weightloss not for diabetes), 25mcg/1000IU Vitamin D (slight vitamin D deficiency)
For the past 6 months, almost every day I've been having these 'episodes' where my brain and spine feel like they're fuzzy and my hands and feet go numb and get pins and needles and I find it hard to walk and talk (I still can but its hard). I can still remember everything that happens unlike my previous history of seizures. It lasts for a couple of minutes and sometimes its hard to breathe (like I have to remember). The thing is that they feel like seizures to me, but they are different than what I've previously had.
I went and saw my neurologist and he said that they're most likely 'migranious events.' I don't buy it. Is it right for me to want to make sure that these aren't seizures? The past 6 months my memory has gotten terrible, to the point of like it was when I was having seizures every day and then got diagnosed with epilepsy. The neuro said I should start driving again, I for one don't feel comfortable having a license let alone driving a car again. Should I go to someone else? My GP thinks they're seizures but they aren't a specialist.
please help
submitted by what-a-doric to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2020.04.20 17:25 mandradon Chronic migraines and weather triggers... a followup question about CGRPs and

I know many of you have weather as a trigger for your headaches, how in the heck do you deal with it? I live in Florida and the constant rainstorms and temperature shifts over this winter have been driving me insane.
Author's note: this story is going to be a bit rambly right now, I can't think of a good way to put all the info together at the moment.
My migraines have slowly been getting more frequent my entire life. Had my first one when I was about 18, but at that age I didn't even know what it was and the headache intensity was very low (I thought it was just a really bad case of dehydration because I was outside and hadn't been drinking a lot of water), but I lost vision in one eye and felt pretty nauseous. As I got older I tended to get one to two migraines per year, but when I hit my early 30s they started to increase in frequency, and mid 30s they started to be monthly. When I turned 35 they became weekly, and at 36 they hit what I think is chronic, so I decided to finally go to the doctor. My intensity still isn't that bad (or I'm just used to it). Thankfully my nausea is never bad enough to where I throw up, and the headache intensity is always to the point where I can mostly power through, though I get very grumpy.
I mostly know my triggers now, but a bit one is big shifts in barometric pressure, and I don't know what I can do about this. Sometimes I feel like a human barometer.
To sort of make matters worse, I'm on a 200mg (I'm a big guy, 220lbs) of Trokendi (I was on 200 of straight topamax but it had some pretty bad side effects, the trokendi has seemingly helped most of those but the intermittent numb hands). I tried Aimovig, but it didn't do much buy stop up my digestion. I too ajovy for two moths. The second month was great, I only had like 5 headaches that were of an intensity of 5 or more (down from like 16). It was amazing, but when I injected it my lips were a bit numb, my throat was scratchy and I was itchy all over for about a week. I called my neruo like an hour after the shot (I took some benadryl) and the reaction I got from the office was "we've never had anyone say that before." I also said I wasn't sure if I should take it again at the next appointment, the neruo seemed like no one told him about the reaction (this was like a week ago). I also told him that during the month I felt great. He left me with just the trokendi for the next 4 months, but I don't think the trokendi is working as well... but since the halflife of the ajovy has passed it's been nonstop raining here in Florida. Does anyone know what the allergic reaction looks like to one of the antiCGRPs, and if you have a reaction to one, you'll have it to the others? It seems like Ajovy did something good, but I'm nervous about taking emgality. There's another part of me that just wants to take the damn thing because it worked and maybe a bit of itching will be worth it... but I know allergic reactions just get worse the more you expose yourself to it.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
submitted by mandradon to migraine [link] [comments]

2020.03.21 17:05 Jmlevick After 20+ years with migraine, turmeric and ginger cured me! (whole story)

Note: I think this will be a somewhat long post, so, (if you wish) skip to the *Treatment Plan** portion of the post for reading more about the actual dosages and method instead of listening to my personal story.*

My story

I'm a 28 yo. male from Mexico who started having migraines at age 7, and such migraines only got worse and worse over the years. At first, (when I was a kid) my parents only gave me painkillers. No real treatment. I started being somewhat treated at age 13/14 via elimination diet, and at age(s) 17-20 I actually started more specific treatments (allopathic, homeopathic, and everything in between); I'll try to draft a picture of the treatments I've got across time below:
Age(s) ~13-14:
My first sorta treatment, elimination diet. By doctor's recommendation I stopped eating anything that was high in histamine, and other migraine triggers. I kept this diet for most of my life, so:
And... many other things. It's easier to say that my diet used to be comprised of mainly fresh meats and vegetables, some grains and fruits too, and... that's it.
Although elimination diet did help, it was never a cure, so, other treatments came later.
Age(s) ~17-19:
Over this period of time I tried to go with homeopathic treatment. It is hard to say if it worked or not, mainly because getting the meds was hard and thus, I never followed up on such treatment after the first batch of meds. I did notice an improvement, (and got a "reason" for my migraines, check this out: homeopath said that because of the divorce of my parents I started feeling like an adult very early on and that weight of resposibility had me sick with the headaches... Who knows?); anyways... It is hard to tell if this was placebo effect or not because I did not follow up on the treatment. Besides this, I just kept "treating" my migraine episodes with over the counter medicine (like excedrin or ketorolac).
Age(s) ~20-27:
I started going to the neuro at this point. I had studies done on me and well, as many migraines out there, mine was idiopathic (no obvious causes), so... trial and error treatments started:
First, we started with an antidepressant: Anapsique (Amitriptyline), then added in some anticonvulsants: topamax (Topiramane), then switched to only topamax, we regulated the doses, we reverted to just amitriptyline, you know the drill... These treatments and changes did work, (for 6 months or so) before needing revisions. Being honest, I never felt "cured" while going to the neuro at this time; So I tried with another neuro at age 26. It is worth mentioning that in this timeframe, I also experimented with electric therapy and chiropractic adjustments (which included physiotherapy and massages) for little to no avail in the headache department (However chiro adjustments did help with my back problems! haha);
Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah, At age 26 I started seeing another neurologist and after having the usual array of studies done on me again (such as a contrasted tomography, an electroencephalogram, some broad bloodwork and a MRI) I got the same diagnosis (idiopathic migraine) and we switched treatments. First, he experimented with sibelium (Flunarizine) and then switched to Epival (Valproic Acid); He also gave me Trental (Pentoxifylline) and, (as with previous treatments) these did work for a certain amount of time no longer than 3-6 months before needing to do some adjustments which, in turn, also lasted for a couple of months to then fail again... However this neuro was not stubborn at all and he gave me one rule: If something works after three months we keep doing it, if not, we regulate doses and if it fails again, then we switch to another thing, this openness was what gave me hope, and I trusted him.
Last thing we tried was the valproic acid which did seemed to work after a couple of dosage adjustments, but it started having strong side effects on me (brain fog and confusion, like, badly); So we switched to a "on/off" strategy. (I'd take the valproic acid every other day). Suddenly at this point in time I was severely in pain, my migraines lasted for about 72 hours, they were very intense and it was rare that I lasted more than a day or two without a headache. I even needed to go to a psychologist to deal with my pain, because I was also having panic attacks (which in turn brought with them palpitations, blood pressure spikes and depression).
I was pretty desperate, so I started asking to other doctors that also saw me at that time about possible treatments for migraine. One of them, (gastroenterologist) told me to take ergotamine but, after consulting with the neuro, he told me that ergotamine was a very old treatment and it had more side effects than actual successes. He ensured me that the only treatment path was a prophylactic one (not one centered on the crisis episodes) and we needed to try and test a full array of meds before finding the right one, but over time we would find it... However, at this point, I was REALLY desperate! and although I trusted him, I also started to look on my own for a cure:
First thing I found out about that seemed very promising was CBD. However, here in Mexico legislation is not very clear and I decided not to risk it. Instead, I'd go to California to get some medical marijuana card, buy and test the CBD treatment over there, (or at least, that was the plan). Fortunately, there was an upcoming event I needed to go for work at SFO, so I booked my flight, my hotel, and that was it. However, a month or so before the travel, I found this post (shout-out to engineerFWSWHW) at this precise subreddit (/migraine):
So that got me curious. I did some research and a bottle of turmeric supplement with 60 capsules was just shy of $4 USD here at Mexico, so... why not? I mean, Turmeric did not seem to have any ill side effects and/or interactions with any other things and it was easily available for me, so... I bought it. I ordered it on a thursday or so and it arrived on a monday (timeframe in which I had more time to read about it); So it arrived and I was having a nasty migraine episode at that moment. I was working (and powering through the episode) when it arrived. I read the label on the bottle and took one (250mg) capsule accordingly. I was pretty skeptic about this, and did not think much about it, However to my surprise, after ~45 minutes or so, the headache started to diminish, which hooked me... So then, I just kept taking it, and reading about it and also reading about other natural remedies (that was how I learnt about ginger also, which helped me complement my treatment!) and the rest is history...
However let's not get ahead of ourselves: I did fly to California for the event I mentioned above and did get one medical marijuana consultation and a card/license. They recommended me to go and try with CBD oil and other CBD supplements, however I never did. Turmeric (and ginger) were working so flawlessly that I did not feel the need of trying anything else! Having the card was good tho, (in case I ever needed it); Just as a side note: another drug I wanted to test was Aimovig, but fortunately never had to either.
So well, I get back to Mexico and talk to my neuro about this, about my new findings, about the great results I was achieving with turmeric and by that time, also with ginger (remember that up to this point, I was still taking the valproic acid every other day); So he was really curious about this. He instructed me to take the turmeric every other day also, instead of daily (so, on the day I did not take the acid, I would take the turmeric) and then report back to him afterwards... So, some time passes (a month or so) and I'm still getting awesome results. However, on the days I take the valproic acid, mental fog takes over me. Neuro takes note of this and helps me draft a new treatment plan to actually assess the effectiveness of turmeric (plan detailed below), and he also opens me a new appointment in 3 months. Not many days later, valproic acid runs out, and I do not buy it again. I just kept going with turmeric and ginger according to a new treatment plan. Three months in, and turmeric also runs out. I stop taking everything then. Even the turmeric. I did not buy it again either; However, at this point I still have a lot of ginger caps, so I keep taking those whenever needed (see below for the treatment plan); But seriously, a year has passed and over the course of this passed year (after those three months in which I took the turmeric) I have only had 6 headaches, 3 of which I would classify as migraines (albeit 2 of them were really tame ones) and just 1 of those 3, I would label as "a crisis" which lasted for more than two days before (in that case ginger) saved me again.
Let's talk more about that one:
One day, in mid November 2019 I woke up with a little headache. I took 200mg ibuprofen and try to forget about it, but it never went away. Actually it got a bit worse... so I took another 200mg ibuprofen in the afternoon. By night, headache is a full blown migraine, so I take 400mg ibuprofen and go to sleep, hoping to sleep it off, it did not happen. I wake up and take 300mg tiaprofenic acid. 8 hours later, the headache is still there and not getting better. By this point, I need to lay down away from light, away from sound, away from everything and everyone. I use a cold pad, and take (again) 300mg tiaprofenic acid. By night, headache is still there. This is day two. Another 300mg tiaprofenic acid then; Let's sleep it off (did migraine came back? I worry) I wake up the next day and the headache is still there. As many of you might already know, taking more NSAIDs at this point (3rd day) is a bad idea because they can make things worse instead of helping at that point. So I take my phone and fire up the Rappi app (home delivery service) I ask the rappi guy to go and buy some ginger capsules at supernaturista. He complies and not long after breakfast is finished, I have my tablets at hand... So I take 500mg ginger and 30 minutes later the headache really starts to wear off. That day I had to go and speak at a meetup in the afternoon, so I took 250mg ginger again 8 hours later (just before the talk!) which made the migraine and its symptoms completely go away at that point. I get home and 8 hours later after the last take, I take one last 250mg ginger (for 1 gram total that day); Next day, no migraine. However, I keep taking 500mg ginger every morning for a week as a cautionary measure (as per the treatment plan you'll read about below); And that's it. That's my only migraine crisis in a whole year. I still keep ginger capsules handy to this day, even tho I did not keep taking turmeric after the first three months (more on that on the FAQ below).

Treatment plan

After many years in pain, I found a cure in turmeric and ginger, this is the treatment plan I followed:

Extra information

Safety indications

Please verify that you're taking only pure ginger and turmeric for your treatment. Many sellers and brands have these supplements but they add vitamins, black pepper or combine them both. What I'm recommending according to my experience is to take the pure supplements (pure turmeric, pure ginger) with nothing added to them. Now, these are just supplements (not "medications" per se) and their use is responsibility of those who recommend and use them. Please keep in mind that even though they're natural (both things are just roots); You'll have to suspend the treatment if:
You find some sensibility to such supplements (allergies for example); And (in the case of ginger) consult with your physician before taking it if you have some underlying cardiovascular condition(s).
Try to not exceed a recommended maximum daily intake of 1 Gram of any of the supplements (turmeric, ginger) in the course of a day.

Monitoring and variations

Y'all know that with migraines, most of the treatments rely on experimentation. Regulating doses, adding some other medications, etc. Well, here you can do the same, and I'll tell you how:
Test the treatment as stated above for up to three months non-stop, follow the instructions religiously to the letter. Why? well,
Because if you find out that you're getting better one month in, it is possible that it is just a placebo effect. 3 months is the minimum therapeutic window to see if something is actually working or not. If after three months you are:
Getting better (and better)
Well, just keep following the treatment verbatim
Getting somewhat better, (but not in a very tangible way)
Then you can do some variations on the treatment. Such variations are:
  1. Start increasing your turmeric intake: Up to 1 Gram a day. Wait for three months and observe your results; If needed, switch to the next variation.
  2. Start using turmeric mixed with black pepper: This particular supplement is very famous, this is because turmeric has almost no absorption on its own (bioavailavility is close to 4% or so); Black pepper can increase such bioavailavility up to 10x. Again, wait for three months and observe your results... Word of caution for black pepper enhanced supplements: As black pepper accelerate absorption of compounds in the body, it can disrupt the therapeutic properties/behavior of some meds (and other supplements), so make sure you take your black pepper + turmeric supplement with at least 2 hours buffer before or after taking any other supplement and/or medication.
Not getting better (at all)
If this is your case three months in, try with the variations... If those do not work, then this treatment is not for you and sadly, you'll need to look elsewhere. Such is life. Migraine can have many reasons to be there. This will help some, but maybe not others.


Did you do anything else besides what you've described here?
Not really. I used to follow an elimination diet before this particular treatment, but 3 months into the treatment, I just ditched it altogether along with my previous medication (you can read more about that above); If one thing changed is that, once I could get my life back thanks to this treatment I started working out. Also I do not feel the need to carry meds with me before leaving the house anymore.
Did you consult with a doctor before starting this treatment?
Yes! I did consult with my neuro and he was open to the possibility so, he instructed me on how to draft a therapeutic plan for these supplements, which is what I've outlined above. I'm still pending going back to him with the results (I was supposed to get back to him three months in to discuss the results, but a year has passed and I just haven't had the need, I'm just that fine! hahaha); However I promise I'll go with him and make an update to this post once the Coronavirus/COVID19 pandemic passes.
How many people has your advice helped?
Until now, I've recommended this to ~10 people, I think. Most of them with migraine but also with other chronic pain conditions and two of them with Anxiety related issues (as it turns out according to my experience and what I read later, turmeric can help with these type of issues too, However, I haven't investigated very deeply on this particular front); As far as I know (because of the feedback I've got over time) this treatment has resulted very effective (even "miraculous") for almost all of the people I've talked to, except for one person from which I do not have specific feedback as of now.
Where do you buy the supplements?
Here in Mexico, we have these retail stores called Supernaturista. They also sell online. I buy from them; On other countries I find GNC to be a reliable source for getting the supplements, but it is very, very expensive (even 10x as expensive for the same supplements as other options); I'd recommend you to try and get the supplements from any local store (or maybe Amazon) before going to GNC.
Any other recommendations?
Yes. Once you start getting better, or get better althogether, try to start working out, maybe do cardio only at first. Excercise is great for releasing endorphins and all that good stuff, but go easy on yourself. Also, "Cao Sao Vang" (Golden Star Balm) is a great ointment for getting a massage when you're in any kind of pain. Look for it online!
How do I know I'm getting better?
You'll know, trust me. However, an objective way to tackle this question is to keep a migraine diary. Every time you get a migraine write down the date, the intensity, the duration and... take note of how many time has passed since the last episode. You'll start to see that migraines start spacing out, and getting less and less severe over time, also their duration should be reduced.
How did you know you were getting better?
As I said above, one notices it. However in my case, the specific point in time where I said "I'm cured" is when I noticed that I could eat anything and do anything without having to worry about a migraine. I mean, I just started to see less and less headaches in my calendar and those which were there were really mild and short, so... That gave me the courage to start eating just about everything without restrictions. I also stopped needing to be wary of my exposure to the sun or the time I passed in front of a screen, or the amount of caffeine I consumed... I started working out, I started traveling, I started going out without meds, I mean... It's just that one day migraine stopped being a main concern in my life.
Do you keep taking the treatment?
As I already mentioned above (or I think I already did), I just took the treatment verbatim for the first three months. Then I just stopped and... found out I was cured (virtually no migraines); I passed from migraines almost every day and needing psychological help to deal with my pain to practically having a normal life (even the psychologist told me at one point that I did not need to go anymore until new problems arose!); And I've been fine for a year or so now... However, a week or so ago I sustained a moderate neck injury that had me in a lot of pain and also gave me some headaches, so I replenished my gingeturmeric stash and (although I've already got over the injury) I plan to restart my turmeric treatment this time for a longer period of time in order to see if a prolonged treatment yields better results this ongoing year in comparison to those I've got over this past year.
Recommended reading?
I've read a lot over the past year on these supplements! (From the most dubious "mom blog" to scientific texts); however, my favorite resource is MigraineKey, take a look:
And well, I think that should cover it, (sorry for the wall of text!) I'll answer any other questions in the comments below.
Thanks, and I hope you all get better too!
submitted by Jmlevick to migraine [link] [comments]

2020.01.09 12:59 psychedelicsweets Bipolar 'In the Middle' -- What?? (crossposted in r/bipolar)

Hey y'all! 22F, I'm a newbie to BipolarReddit posting-wise, but I've been lurking for a while.
I wanted to ask for y'all's opinion on something. I'm confused.
I know that you guys don't diagnose here, and I want to respect that. But, I was wondering, for people who are BP1 or BP2, can y'all shed some light on my experiences? I'm wondering where I fall on the spectrum. I know it shouldn't matter, and at the end of the day we're treating symptoms and it's what meds work for you, and a lot of the meds are the same, but there are some ways that Big Pharma aligns things (i.e Lamictal and Latuda aligning more w/BP2, etc.), and it's been driving me CRAZY not knowing. My personality is the type for surety.
I'll warn y'all, it's about to get long. Please bear with me. I completely understand if you don't.

Well, here goes:
I'm currently in the middle of a depressive episode. A fairly bad one, since early November. Lots of stuff happened in school, and it started at the same time as that; I ended up getting ousted, and that really sunk me into my current depression that I'm just barely starting to lift out of. Couldn't work at all, showering was hard, the whole works. Now I'm meeting with friends more, it's so much easier to spruce up, interested in being healthy, read 170 pages today when I couldn't read 10 last week (and the days after). Things are looking up. Yeah, it's 3:46AM, but normally I'm in bed by 11, up by 7.

That's me now. Background on me:

About a couple yrs (or, nearing 2 yr mark) ago, while in Cali, I was going through a really bad mixed episode where I cut off all my hair. Shaved the shit bald. Idk why. It didn't even feel like a big deal until I realized later. I had chem lecture (I was an 'older' undergrad), and during the beginning of class, I left my seat and went to a nearby dorm's bathroom cuz I wanted to call my brother. For some reason, I just couldn't call him, and I jumped into the shower instead for like 10 minutes. It was like...I had to cool off. I felt like crying, but I was still so 'excited' somehow. Keep in mind, ALL OF MY CLOTHES ARE ON. I stopped the shower when I kinda realized what was happening, ran to my classroom, barged in the middle of lecture sopping wet, dripping everywhere, and took my shit and left. The look of horror on my prof's (and classmates') face(s) still stays w/me to this day, lmaoo. I should've been hospitalized then, but no one thought I needed it. The 'important' people, I guess, didn't notice. My off-campus therapist at the time was nervous I was veering into psychosis, so she told me to get checked out at school. They saw me, said I was prolly dissociating a bit, and said to be more active and get into clubs more, engage w/people. I left school early the next week. FUCK that, something was wrong w/me, lol. Wouldn't be my first run-in w/veering into dark territory either, but was the first. You know that scene in Silver Linings Playbook where Bradley Cooper's character went bezerk in the night when he couldn't find his wedding video, and his parents had to calm him down? I completely forgot I used to do that, but that was literally me and my mom. I'd lose my earphones or find only 1 sock (literally the BIGGEST trigger in the world for me) and throw my whole room around, screaming, upset, saying "Why does this always happen to me?!" and she'd have to calm me down or say, "I have some socks for you!" or "Borrow my earphones!" Lol, and then I'd say "No, I want MINE! That's the POINT!" but I'd eventually take em. I always thought that was just cuz I was persnickety. That also hasn't happened in a few years; it aligned w/my 'anger' phases. Those times when I would trash my room throwing everything everywhere or anything around me over nothing or was super angry for no reason, try to instigate sh*t w/people, would stomp the grounds agitated, was angry at EVERYTHING...I didn't even realize, again, that wasn't normal. But, I now realize how not normal it kinda was.

Back when it was just diagnosed as depression and they had me hopped up on anti-depressants, I didn't go 'manic' (elated) but I was always SUPER angry. Like, once, I called my other bro, saying 'I'm angry at the sun, my drapes, my clothes, every fucking thing!!' I'd stomp my campus raging w/a squash racket. I'd stand adjacent to a flagpole, in the middle of campus, in the middle of a blizzard, just wishing to feel the cold while crying. I'd trash my room, throwing things everywhere like it was nothing. Those antidepressants either made me really angry or just sleep a LOT. I wonder if that could be a form of mania? When they gave me something when I was hospitalized, I was manic-elated-productive. Is it possible for manias to 'switch' like that, like from anger to elated over time? Or maybe, it's just a med rxn. Or, med-induced mania? I'm not sure. Besides one ill-informed blip, I haven't been on anti-depressants since. Also have done things like going out in Blizzard Juno just for ice cream at Walgreens, just for kicks. I just needed that ice cream at that time, and being out in nearly subzero weather in a light cable-knit sweater and no boots was thrilling for me. Just now realizing....that really ain't normal, lol. Like, I knew it might not have been normal, but like, that sh*t ain't quirky, thats dangerous. It feels weird because I don't get the BPI thing now in a way, since I still don't feel like I experience it as 'hard' in some ways as a lot of people do. Like, I don't get hypersexual (just scanning for erotic shit online more, and just can't stop that, like it's compulsive for me to search for it -considering I'm damn near asexual, Idk if that's 'my' version?), I'm not much of a spender either. I mean, I overspend, 'within' my means, lmaoo. It's never occurred to me to all of a sudden book a trip to Cabo, or max out all my credit cards. I don't even have a credit card. I would easily spend hundreds of dollars on hair and beauty products, random keychain shit, small stuff like that. And concerts! I once spent $100 on a $20 concert somehow. I still don't know how that happened.

I don't have super grandiose notions of myself (only feeling like 'wow, I'm so gifted and talented and creative, I have so many ideas, why is no one else on my level/I'm gonna change the world!!!' thing when I normally have low self-esteem --no thinking I'm Einstein or the next Iron Man or anything). I did run away a lot in high school, and once went on a train and rode it through the night then came home; my family took me to the hospital cuz they were shook, nothing came of it, but I don’t know why I left and did that in the first place. W/all the crazies and predators on a NYC train, and the way I was dressed, and the season it was, it was a ridic thing to do, but I thought nothing of it. Thought maybe it was an ADHD thing to have that impulse and go do that. At college, at times, I felt so energetic; one December, I made up 2ish/2+ months of work in 2 1/2 weeks; I used coffee in the beginning, but not much after. I was on Vyvanse for ADHD, but came off it cuz I felt like I had energy for days and I had no idea where this energy came from, I didn’t need sleep, I took a couple naps but it was crazy. I barely hung w/friends, but when I did, I was a crazy bit of social...I barely ate then, and towards the end, I was talking out loud to myself, making chicken quack noises at loud volume...I only remember that I had a phone call w/my bro where I was acting really strange and talking really fast and animated and he said I need to rest, he can't understand anything I'm saying. I almost felt crazy, but I just thought I was undergoing mental exhaustion. That can happen w/hypomania too, right? I feel like the bigger thing is the psychosis element, I guess. My hypomanias and more intense episodes have gotten a lot less subtle this yr, despite being medicated. (Or trying, lol)

Last yr, I had an experience of what I now realize was dysphoric mania. While working, all of a sudden I developed a shit ton of anxiety. Like, crippling anxiety and paranoia. I'd produce millions of ways to cut a bish that stepped to me or tried me, cuz outta all those people on the train, at least 5 people would try it, right? I'd be hallucinating on my commute. Imagining people there, w/really specific characteristics/dress styles, having an entire discussion that didn't exist. Then, I'd blink my eyes, and they'd be gone. And I'd blink, and they'd be back again. TRIPPY ass shit. Again, no drugs involved. I quit my job. I just couldn't take it. I felt so uncomfortable, again wasn't sleeping, and was getting a flight of thoughts but it wasn't ideas, it was all this discomfort and anxiety, and things ZOOMING. I've had severe anxiety as a teen, but it was nothing like this. Before I started that job (the one I quit like a month or 2 later, like I said lol), I had a manic episode right after a depressive one, which was right after a hypomanic one, and it got so bad, I called my bro again crying w/a shit ton of energy (for some reason, that's a pattern lol) screaming outside my apartment building, and I started smashing glass beer bottles against the building garage. Anything I could find, smashed, glass everywhere. I needed to release all that energy somehow, I guess. Issa miracle I didn't hurt myself more than I did, esp surrounded by all, if ya get what I mean. That 'state' lasted a week and a half, then I crashed, was HEAVY for a few days, and started work lol.

I was hospitalized May 2018 for a serious mixed episode. I don't wanna get into too many details for fear of triggering, but let's just say, I knew that that was IT for me, life was done. My hospitalization was for venturing into psychotic elements too (delusions, some hallucinating -auditory, etc.) I still remember when I was hospitalized, they gave me strong doses of lithium and haldol and seroquel and all that jazz, and my mania broke thru it still even. I was having delusions that I shouldn't take the meds they were giving me, that they were trying to kill me w/em. Then, when sleeping, I had bad paranoid dreams, where again someone was telling me and coaching me on not taking the meds, cuz they were gonna kill me. I was so lucid, I just said that aloud when they asked if I'd felt anything weird, stupid me lmaoo. I was running around my room in circles, skipping in the halls, pacing, I couldn't read any books or anything even on a screen. Had too much energy to watch tv. I would laugh uncontrollably. Then, they laid the final coffin (I forget which med it was, but it completely FINISHED me), and I just came the f**k down. Dazed and confused the rest of the hospital stay. Took a good week and a half to start to get to normal. This past summer, I had a milder hypomanic episode, where I wasn't sleeping, was writing poetry every 3 mins (some real bangers! amongst the unintelligibles lol, most of that ish ain't make sense). Was obsessed w/FB marketplace and my body would wake me up (from the lil 2, 3 hrs sleep I got) to just search prices for bikes. Made impulse buys on this pink lil number and some ratty rollerskates, lol. But, I literally couldn't function w/o searching thru marketplace, I truly was obsessed, planning the next deal, conversing w/people. I'd twitch w/o my phone. I was gonna go 2.5 hrs one way outta my way for a bike cuz i thought it was essential. I'm realizing obsessions are one of my hypo/manic symptoms. I was hospitalized May 2018 for a serious mixed episode. I don't wanna get into details for fear of triggering, but let's just say, I knew that that was IT for me, life was done. Again, hospitalization was for venturing into psychotic elements too (delusions, some hallucinating -auditory, etc.), but still got BP II. Theres so much conflict in what practitioners judge as BP I vs. II, and what qualifies or disqualifies as one vs the other. It's so frustrating.

And, that's why I'm coming to y'all. I wonder, if anyone can resonate with my experiences, and which diagnosis your psych team gave y'all. I know, one person's upper limits of hypomania can be another's lower limits of mania, and we're not all the same, but it annoys me how all my diagnoses are all over the place. First doc says BP2, psychologist who's seen me over 5 years thinks BP1, psychiatrist at home says I'm 'in the middle' -- what the hell is that?? -- psychologist at school thinks BP1, psychiatrist at school thinks BP1.

This past October (2019), I had a manic episode that landed me in the hospital (or, my school really wanted me hospitalized, and I wasn't in a state to disagree or agree, somehow I landed there), but the mania came on really quickly -- if it is that? And not hypomania? I was spinning around, talking so fast I was speaking gibberish, I sent cryptic messages to friends (one friend texted me back, calling my brother for me -- she somehow pried my bro's number from me), was bouncing off the walls and doing track exercises, I couldn't eat ANYTHING couldn't finish any dinner, was pacing, was talking and bringing in everything in my surroundings into my convos and rhyming and shit. I sent my dean an email in the midst of this, and she wanted me to get help ASAP. Thing is, it came on as quick as it left -- I felt it in the day, and then after a day or 2 I calmed down. Is that still mania, if it was severe enough to get me hospitalized but didn't last long at all? Or hypomania?

Also -- a note on the hypersexuality: I've experienced this a lot more. I'm normally quite asexual in my behavior and 'urges' in that I'm not turned on by sex at all (and don't have it), but lately, I've had times where I've looked for sex in hypo/manias and had questionable hookups. Nothing out of the ordinary (besides a day where I hooked up with 2 people in the same day), pretty tame on the college side of things honestly, but VERY out of my usual. During one hypomanic episode when found out a good friend passed away, that's when I downloaded both Tinder and Bumble and started matching and chatting with everyone in site. Things I'd NEVER do. Things like that.

On Saturday, I had a moment where I went shopping w/my mom at the mall, and she took 3 hours. Normally, I'm VERY patient with all of this, but this time, I was so frustrated my mom was taking so long at the mall, I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, I would've made a scene and it was really really hard to restrain myself, I even felt tears coming out....I felt irrationally angry and exasperated, but it came out of nowhere, like a certain threshold had passed while waiting -- was very suddent and then went away as soon as she came. I was debating texting her and leaving too, very strongly. I was able to hold everything in, thank GOODNESS, but it was 8/10, bursting-out-of-my-skin energy.

Meds: I'm on 'em' or really one, Abilify 20 mg. My doc is changing that since the depression hasn't lifted, and it's changing to Geodon (sp?) 40 mg (to start), with Topamax, I think? I forget the mg on Topamax, I still need to get them filled, he just set it to change this past Tuesday. Abilify worked for me, pulling me out of depression this past summer (my mood just LIFTED man), but it's basically a sugar pill this fall and winter.
So......thank you so much to ANYONE who read all that! I'd really love people's thoughts on the whole Bipolar 'in the middle' thing (what does that mean?), or if my experiences resonate with people who are BP1 or BP2. And anything else really, this is my intro post to the community, so I guess I came out with a bang (if it gets posted). Sorry about that. I've found once I've started to type this, I couldn't really stop. I really wanted to lay it allll out it seems, lol.
Side note-- I posted this in bipolar too, but since I literally just made this account, I didn't know if it also made sense to post here.

I know, one person's upper limits of hypomania can be another's lower limits of mania, and we're not all the same, but it annoys me how all my diagnoses are all over the place. First doc says BP2, psychologist who's seen me over 5 years thinks BP1, psychiatrist at home says I'm 'in the middle' -- what the hell is that?? -- psychologist at school thinks BP1, psychiatrist at school thinks BP1. Thoughts?
Side note-- I posted this in bipolar too, but since I literally just made this account, I didn't know if it also made sense to post here.
submitted by psychedelicsweets to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2020.01.09 10:23 psychedelicsweets Bipolar 'In the Middle' -- What??

Hey y'all! 22F, I'm a newbie to bipolar posting-wise, but I've been lurking for a while.
I wanted to ask for y'all's opinion on something. I'm confused.
I know that you guys don't diagnose here, and I want to respect that. But, I was wondering, for people who are BP1 or BP2, can y'all shed some light on my experiences? I'm wondering where I fall on the spectrum. I know it shouldn't matter, and at the end of the day we're treating symptoms and it's what meds work for you, and a lot of the meds are the same, but there are some ways that Big Pharma aligns things (i.e Lamictal and Latuda aligning more w/BP2, etc.), and it's been driving me CRAZY not knowing. My personality is the type for surety.
I'll warn y'all, it's about to get long. Please bear with me. I completely understand if you don't.

Well, here goes:
I'm currently in the middle of a depressive episode. A fairly bad one, since early November. Lots of stuff happened in school, and it started at the same time as that; I ended up getting ousted, and that really sunk me into my current depression that I'm just barely starting to lift out of. Couldn't work at all, showering was hard, the whole works. Now I'm meeting with friends more, it's so much easier to spruce up, interested in being healthy, read 170 pages today when I couldn't read 10 last week (and the days after). Things are looking up. Yeah, it's 3:46AM, but normally I'm in bed by 11, up by 7.

That's me now. Background on me:

About a couple yrs (or, nearing 2 yr mark) ago, while in Cali, I was going through a really bad mixed episode where I cut off all my hair. Shaved the shit bald. Idk why. It didn't even feel like a big deal until I realized later. I had chem lecture (I was an 'older' undergrad), and during the beginning of class, I left my seat and went to a nearby dorm's bathroom cuz I wanted to call my brother. For some reason, I just couldn't call him, and I jumped into the shower instead for like 10 minutes. It was like...I had to cool off. I felt like crying, but I was still so 'excited' somehow. Keep in mind, ALL OF MY CLOTHES ARE ON. I stopped the shower when I kinda realized what was happening, ran to my classroom, barged in the middle of lecture sopping wet, dripping everywhere, and took my shit and left. The look of horror on my prof's (and classmates') face(s) still stays w/me to this day, lmaoo. I should've been hospitalized then, but no one thought I needed it. The 'important' people, I guess, didn't notice. My off-campus therapist at the time was nervous I was veering into psychosis, so she told me to get checked out at school. They saw me, said I was prolly dissociating a bit, and said to be more active and get into clubs more, engage w/people. I left school early the next week. FUCK that, something was wrong w/me, lol. Wouldn't be my first run-in w/veering into dark territory either, but was the first. You know that scene in Silver Linings Playbook where Bradley Cooper's character went bezerk in the night when he couldn't find his wedding video, and his parents had to calm him down? I completely forgot I used to do that, but that was literally me and my mom. I'd lose my earphones or find only 1 sock (literally the BIGGEST trigger in the world for me) and throw my whole room around, screaming, upset, saying "Why does this always happen to me?!" and she'd have to calm me down or say, "I have some socks for you!" or "Borrow my earphones!" Lol, and then I'd say "No, I want MINE! That's the POINT!" but I'd eventually take em. I always thought that was just cuz I was persnickety. That also hasn't happened in a few years; it aligned w/my 'anger' phases. Those times when I would trash my room throwing everything everywhere or anything around me over nothing or was super angry for no reason, try to instigate sh*t w/people, would stomp the grounds agitated, was angry at EVERYTHING...I didn't even realize, again, that wasn't normal. But, I now realize how not normal it kinda was.

Back when it was just diagnosed as depression and they had me hopped up on anti-depressants, I didn't go 'manic' (elated) but I was always SUPER angry. Like, once, I called my other bro, saying 'I'm angry at the sun, my drapes, my clothes, every fucking thing!!' I'd stomp my campus raging w/a squash racket. I'd stand adjacent to a flagpole, in the middle of campus, in the middle of a blizzard, just wishing to feel the cold while crying. I'd trash my room, throwing things everywhere like it was nothing. Those antidepressants either made me really angry or just sleep a LOT. I wonder if that could be a form of mania? When they gave me something when I was hospitalized, I was manic-elated-productive. Is it possible for manias to 'switch' like that, like from anger to elated over time? Or maybe, it's just a med rxn. Or, med-induced mania? I'm not sure. Besides one ill-informed blip, I haven't been on anti-depressants since. Also have done things like going out in Blizzard Juno just for ice cream at Walgreens, just for kicks. I just needed that ice cream at that time, and being out in nearly subzero weather in a light cable-knit sweater and no boots was thrilling for me. Just now realizing....that really ain't normal, lol. Like, I knew it might not have been normal, but like, that sh*t ain't quirky, thats dangerous. It feels weird because I don't get the BPI thing now in a way, since I still don't feel like I experience it as 'hard' in some ways as a lot of people do. Like, I don't get hypersexual (just scanning for erotic shit online more, and just can't stop that, like it's compulsive for me to search for it -considering I'm damn near asexual, Idk if that's 'my' version?), I'm not much of a spender either. I mean, I overspend, 'within' my means, lmaoo. It's never occurred to me to all of a sudden book a trip to Cabo, or max out all my credit cards. I don't even have a credit card. I would easily spend hundreds of dollars on hair and beauty products, random keychain shit, small stuff like that. And concerts! I once spent $100 on a $20 concert somehow. I still don't know how that happened.

I don't have super grandiose notions of myself (only feeling like 'wow, I'm so gifted and talented and creative, I have so many ideas, why is no one else on my level/I'm gonna change the world!!!' thing when I normally have low self-esteem --no thinking I'm Einstein or the next Iron Man or anything). I did run away a lot in high school, and once went on a train and rode it through the night then came home; my family took me to the hospital cuz they were shook, nothing came of it, but I don’t know why I left and did that in the first place. W/all the crazies and predators on a NYC train, and the way I was dressed, and the season it was, it was a ridic thing to do, but I thought nothing of it. Thought maybe it was an ADHD thing to have that impulse and go do that. At college, at times, I felt so energetic; one December, I made up 2ish/2+ months of work in 2 1/2 weeks; I used coffee in the beginning, but not much after. I was on Vyvanse for ADHD, but came off it cuz I felt like I had energy for days and I had no idea where this energy came from, I didn’t need sleep, I took a couple naps but it was crazy. I barely hung w/friends, but when I did, I was a crazy bit of social...I barely ate then, and towards the end, I was talking out loud to myself, making chicken quack noises at loud volume...I only remember that I had a phone call w/my bro where I was acting really strange and talking really fast and animated and he said I need to rest, he can't understand anything I'm saying. I almost felt crazy, but I just thought I was undergoing mental exhaustion. That can happen w/hypomania too, right? I feel like the bigger thing is the psychosis element, I guess. My hypomanias and more intense episodes have gotten a lot less subtle this yr, despite being medicated. (Or trying, lol)
Last yr, I had an experience of what I now realize was dysphoric mania. While working, all of a sudden I developed a shit ton of anxiety. Like, crippling anxiety and paranoia. I'd produce millions of ways to cut a bish that stepped to me or tried me, cuz outta all those people on the train, at least 5 people would try it, right? I'd be hallucinating on my commute. Imagining people there, w/really specific characteristics/dress styles, having an entire discussion that didn't exist. Then, I'd blink my eyes, and they'd be gone. And I'd blink, and they'd be back again. TRIPPY ass shit. Again, no drugs involved. I quit my job. I just couldn't take it. I felt so uncomfortable, again wasn't sleeping, and was getting a flight of thoughts but it wasn't ideas, it was all this discomfort and anxiety, and things ZOOMING. I've had severe anxiety as a teen, but it was nothing like this. Before I started that job (the one I quit like a month or 2 later, like I said lol), I had a manic episode right after a depressive one, which was right after a hypomanic one, and it got so bad, I called my bro again crying w/a shit ton of energy (for some reason, that's a pattern lol) screaming outside my apartment building, and I started smashing glass beer bottles against the building garage. Anything I could find, smashed, glass everywhere. I needed to release all that energy somehow, I guess. Issa miracle I didn't hurt myself more than I did, esp surrounded by all, if ya get what I mean. That 'state' lasted a week and a half, then I crashed, was HEAVY for a few days, and started work lol.

I was hospitalized May 2018 for a serious mixed episode. I don't wanna get into too many details for fear of triggering, but let's just say, I knew that that was IT for me, life was done. My hospitalization was for venturing into psychotic elements too (delusions, some hallucinating -auditory, etc.) I still remember when I was hospitalized, they gave me strong doses of lithium and haldol and seroquel and all that jazz, and my mania broke thru it still even. I was having delusions that I shouldn't take the meds they were giving me, that they were trying to kill me w/em. Then, when sleeping, I had bad paranoid dreams, where again someone was telling me and coaching me on not taking the meds, cuz they were gonna kill me. I was so lucid, I just said that aloud when they asked if I'd felt anything weird, stupid me lmaoo. I was running around my room in circles, skipping in the halls, pacing, I couldn't read any books or anything even on a screen. Had too much energy to watch tv. I would laugh uncontrollably. Then, they laid the final coffin (I forget which med it was, but it completely FINISHED me), and I just came the f**k down. Dazed and confused the rest of the hospital stay. Took a good week and a half to start to get to normal. This past summer, I had a milder hypomanic episode, where I wasn't sleeping, was writing poetry every 3 mins (some real bangers! amongst the unintelligibles lol, most of that ish ain't make sense). Was obsessed w/FB marketplace and my body would wake me up (from the lil 2, 3 hrs sleep I got) to just search prices for bikes. Made impulse buys on this pink lil number and some ratty rollerskates, lol. But, I literally couldn't function w/o searching thru marketplace, I truly was obsessed, planning the next deal, conversing w/people. I'd twitch w/o my phone. I was gonna go 2.5 hrs one way outta my way for a bike cuz i thought it was essential. I'm realizing obsessions are one of my hypo/manic symptoms. I was hospitalized May 2018 for a serious mixed episode. I don't wanna get into details for fear of triggering, but let's just say, I knew that that was IT for me, life was done. Again, hospitalization was for venturing into psychotic elements too (delusions, some hallucinating -auditory, etc.), but still got BP II. Theres so much conflict in what practitioners judge as BP I vs. II, and what qualifies or disqualifies as one vs the other. It's so frustrating.

And, that's why I'm coming to y'all. I wonder, if anyone can resonate with my experiences, and which diagnosis your psych team gave y'all. I know, one person's upper limits of hypomania can be another's lower limits of mania, and we're not all the same, but it annoys me how all my diagnoses are all over the place. First doc says BP2, psychologist who's seen me over 5 years thinks BP1, psychiatrist at home says I'm 'in the middle' -- what the hell is that?? -- psychologist at school thinks BP1, psychiatrist at school thinks BP1.

This past October (2019), I had a manic episode that landed me in the hospital (or, my school really wanted me hospitalized, and I wasn't in a state to disagree or agree, somehow I landed there), but the mania came on really quickly -- if it is that? And not hypomania? I was spinning around, talking so fast I was speaking gibberish, I sent cryptic messages to friends (one friend texted me back, calling my brother for me -- she somehow pried my bro's number from me), was bouncing off the walls and doing track exercises, I couldn't eat ANYTHING couldn't finish any dinner, was pacing, was talking and bringing in everything in my surroundings into my convos and rhyming and shit. I sent my dean an email in the midst of this, and she wanted me to get help ASAP. Thing is, it came on as quick as it left -- I felt it in the day, and then after a day or 2 I calmed down. Is that still mania, if it was severe enough to get me hospitalized but didn't last long at all? Or hypomania?

Also -- a note on the hypersexuality: I've experienced this a lot more. I'm normally quite asexual in my behavior and 'urges' in that I'm not turned on by sex at all (and don't have it), but lately, I've had times where I've looked for sex in hypo/manias and had questionable hookups. Nothing out of the ordinary (besides a day where I hooked up with 2 people in the same day), pretty tame on the college side of things honestly, but VERY out of my usual. During one hypomanic episode when found out a good friend passed away, that's when I downloaded both Tinder and Bumble and started matching and chatting with everyone in site. Things I'd NEVER do. Things like that.

On Saturday, I had a moment where I went shopping w/my mom at the mall, and she took 3 hours. Normally, I'm VERY patient with all of this, but this time, I was so frustrated my mom was taking so long at the mall, I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, I would've made a scene and it was really really hard to restrain myself, I even felt tears coming out....I felt irrationally angry and exasperated, but it came out of nowhere, like a certain threshold had passed while waiting -- was very suddent and then went away as soon as she came. I was debating texting her and leaving too, very strongly. I was able to hold everything in, thank GOODNESS, but it was 8/10, bursting-out-of-my-skin energy.

Meds: I'm on 'em' or really one, Abilify 20 mg. My doc is changing that since the depression hasn't lifted, and it's changing to Geodon (sp?) 40 mg (to start), with Topamax, I think? I forget the mg on Topamax, I still need to get them filled, he just set it to change this past Tuesday. Abilify worked for me, pulling me out of depression this past summer (my mood just LIFTED man), but it's basically a sugar pill this fall and winter.

So......thank you so much to ANYONE who read all that! I'd really love people's thoughts on the whole Bipolar 'in the middle' thing (what does that mean?), or if my experiences resonate with people who are BP1 or BP2. And anything else really, this is my intro post to the community, so I guess I came out with a bang (if it gets posted). Sorry about that. I've found once I've started to type this, I couldn't really stop. I really wanted to lay it allll out it seems, lol.

I know, one person's upper limits of hypomania can be another's lower limits of mania, and we're not all the same, but it annoys me how all my diagnoses are all over the place. First doc says BP2, psychologist who's seen me over 5 years thinks BP1, psychiatrist at home says I'm 'in the middle' -- what the hell is that?? -- psychologist at school thinks BP1, psychiatrist at school thinks BP1. Thoughts?
submitted by psychedelicsweets to bipolar [link] [comments]

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2019.08.22 13:12 Seligirl Back again

I fell again with the death of my mom and the things that transpired with her estate. My brother was her Trustee and Executor and basically stole most of the estate, including the house, meant to be my security. I have been very afraid, trying to reframe my life and future yet again. My brothers are both gone now, one dead and this one I will never speak to. On Sunday, my cousin had a massive heart attack in his 60s. I have got to stop drinking. I had so much luck earlier this year on topamax, which I was put on for bipolar and to help me quit I was down to a couple of glasses of wine a day, sometimes none, and also lost weight, but since the closing of the estate and the loss of the house, I have gotten bad again and started buying whiskey. I am really scared. I don't want to die. I want to be alive for my daughters. I need to figure out the future and just be happy and go forward. I have been thinking a little lately that now that my mom and my brother are out of my life, most of the people who hurt me so much are gone. It only makes sense that life should get exponentially better. If I can stop being afraid of finances and just accept that uncertainty is part of life. But it is so hard. I took care of Mom around the clock for so many years. I did not do it for money, but I knew that all the work I was losing, all the money I wasn't saving, would be made up when she passed. To have it lost is a huge shock. And to have a husband who is too mentally ill to help me in any real way..... it is a lot to deal with. I am scared. But I lie in bed and feel where my liver seems swollen and it is overwhelming.... is it? What have I done? Is it too late? Or am I imagining it? So much time has passed. Time is running out. "I will quit soon" is no longer an option. My daughters..... I have to stop. Can I still live a long life? Can I still live to be a grandmother? Can I still be who I was meant to be? Or have I ruined everything? Thanks for listening.
submitted by Seligirl to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2019.08.22 12:51 ursulabielski I'm back and must stop

I fell again with the death of my mom and the things that transpired with her estate. My brother was her Trustee and Executor and basically stole most of the estate, including the house, meant to be my security. I have been very afraid, trying to reframe my life and future yet again. My brothers are both gone now, one dead and this one I will never speak to. On Sunday, my cousin had a massive heart attack in his 60s. I have got to stop drinking. I had so much luck earlier this year on topamax, which I was put on for bipolar and to help me quit I was down to a couple of glasses of wine a day, sometimes none, and also lost weight, but since the closing of the estate and the loss of the house, I have gotten bad again and started buying whiskey. I am really scared. I don't want to die. I want to be alive for my daughters. I need to figure out the future and just be happy and go forward. I have been thinking a little lately that now that my mom and my brother are out of my life, most of the people who hurt me so much are gone. It only makes sense that life should get exponentially better. If I can stop being afraid of finances and just accept that uncertainty is part of life. But it is so hard. I took care of Mom around the clock for so many years. I did not do it for money, but I knew that all the work I was losing, all the money I wasn't saving, would be made up when she passed. To have it lost is a huge shock. And to have a husband who is too mentally ill to help me in any real way..... it is a lot to deal with. I am scared. But I lie in bed and feel where my liver seems swollen and it is overwhelming.... is it? What have I done? Is it too late? Or am I imagining it? So much time has passed. Time is running out. "I will quit soon" is no longer an option. My daughters..... I have to stop. Can I still live a long life? Can I still live to be a grandmother? Can I still be who I was meant to be? Or have I ruined everything? Thanks for listening.
submitted by ursulabielski to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2019.08.21 07:57 ichigo_wildblossom [Depression trigger?][Discussion starter][Can't put enought flair]sranting post about some of my experiences

So about a year ago, I was given a bipolar diagnosis. Prior to this I hadn't been on any medication for 16 years and had an Asperger's and PMDD diagnosis. Not sure about the Asperger's one as I took several quizzes online that all say I don't have it. I also know that Aspergers, Bipolar, and PMDD have overlapping symptoms and the year I first started taking medications was the same year I started my period.
I have a huge list of medications I can't take. For example, 25 mgs of lamictal is enough to give me the life threatening rash and make my lymph nodes swell up. And Topamax made me gain 15 lbs in a month, messed up my period, gave me severe headaches, caused me to have chest pains, made me pace nonstop, I didn't sleep for 5 days(if I did fall asleep I would have a night terror and wake up instantly with my heart racing), and caused me to feel very nausous. Also after switching from Topamax to Geodon I had memory issues for months. Now this is important because normally I have a photographic memory. It goes back to 5 years old and I can remember whole conversations and scenes and layouts of rooms. I never once studied in school. Not even in college. I just had to see it once and I knew it. Everyone knew my tests would always get a 100 or close to it so they would all try to sit near me in high school whenever there was a test. I was in the most advanced classes possible always and it was still easy(I was in all honors and AP classes in high school). I graduated from college with a 3.91 GPA. I have a bachelor's of science in Game Programming. Anyways I don't like Geodon either because it makes me feel floaty and light headed.
I never wanted to be on medication at all. I just wanted to be left alone. I didn't and still don't want to be a guinea pig. I felt like all of my prior diagnoses were just based off of stuff my dad said. I never got to talk to doctors myself. Also, this is important because my dad is physically and emotionally abusive. He literally tried to make everyone think I was crazy so that nobody would believe me when I talked about how he abused me. I never got to talk to the doctors myself. He was always there.
Oh about the medication thing. I left home when I was 19. I moved 1200 miles away from my family(never went back and never will).
Anyways I'm tired let's get to the point.
I was fine with no medication for 6 years. Then this is what happened. My fiance who lives in Australia(I'm in the USA) still lives with his parents. He told them about me. So then they decided it was a great idea to hold him, hostage, go thru his computer, read all of our messages, tell me using his discord account that they had called the police and not to contact him again(I'm like lol he is fucken 20 years old bitch, police don't give a fuck), and change the password to his computer. So then the only way he can message me his from his 3DS. After a couple weeks of this I say fuck this shit, I'm coming to Australia.
At this point, I didn't even have a passport. Another mutual friend of ours said they wanted to come with. The flew from New York to San Jose to meet me. I figured out how to get a passport, expedite said passport, then went and bought a new phone(mine couldn't get an international travel pass with Verizon for some reason, get someone to watch my cat, buy a plane ticket, and hop a plane all in 6 days.
Anyways I get there and I become hostage number 2. We had to call the cops. I get chased in a car by a crazy lady. I get death threats from a crazy uncle. I got my fiance a new phone and let him borrow my Nintendo Switch and some games. And then I left him at a hotel with instructions on how to go about getting a passport since I had to go back to work and because of Australia's laws and needing to replace all identification items besides a learner's permit it was gonna take him longer to get one than it took me(I literally had a passport in 24 hours).
While in Australia my fiance and I were having multiple panic attacks a day(Prior to this I had had maybe 2 in my entire life. So we went to a doctor and they gave us Valpam(I don't remember the dosage), which is apparently another brand of Valiums or Diazepam. Anyways I took one. Yup. I have side effects to everything. I got really really tired maybe 30 minutes after taking it. And whenever I would saw asleep I would have night terrors. Then I would wake up with my hear racing and I would look all around like I was seeing things. I also started sweating everywhere. It was so bad I considered going to the hosptial but we decided not to since google said it only stays in your system for 4-6 hours and a emergency room visit probably would have cost me 30 grand or something in a foreign country where my insurance isn't valid.
Soooo ya I went thru a lot of shit. Did I mention as I was boarding the plane my fiance was kidnapped from his hotel by the crazy uncle. These people also hacked my computer, defamed me on social media, wrote e-mails to my work, and committed bank fraud. They also stole the phone I got my fiance, some other stuff I got him, and my nintendo switch, game, and my motherfucken credit card.
Anyways after getting back to the USA, I was having more panic attacks and I knew this guy threatening to kill me knew where I lived. All of my cards were fucked so I effectively had 0 dollars(had them all closed or they were locked due to fraud). Well, all I had was a 50 the mutual friend had given me. First I tried to go to the police but they were closed so then I got a taxi to the hospital. I now live in California. All of my family is in Virginia. I live by myself and have no friends. I did not want to be home alone with a guy possibly on a plane already headed to kill me.
Anyways they gave me a Valium. This was before I knew Valpam and Valium were the same thing. It must have been a lower dose or something than what they gave me in Australia because I was fine with it. It didn't even make me tired really. I only took like a 2.5 hour nap after taking it. And I should have slept thru the night but ya. The ER was full and they didn't have any regular beds for me so I was in a recliner.
So they ended up transferring me to a mental hospital. And I was pissed that they put me on an involuntary 72 hour hold because I mentioned they guy threatening to kill me so they put down that I am unable to provide for my own food and shelter. I'm just like bitch how the fuck is it involuntary if I took myself to a damn hospital. And then that hospital made me mad because I had a yeast infection and they refused to listen to me when I told them I had one. My mom had flown in so she could visit me and stuff so I made her look at it and fucken yell at them about it. I've had yeast infections before but these motherfuckers didn't care about any of my physical symptoms. Na just let me die from a motherfucken untreated yeast infection. Good job guys. Yes it's rare to die from a yeast infection but it could of happened. I most certainly would have at least ended up with fever. And then what do they do? They give me an ointment that says right on it take for 7 days. They only let me have it for 3. And I know I'm in a hospital that is fully capable of giving me the pill that cures it in 1 day. But na guys. Just let her suffer. They also refused to believe me when I listed off medications I can't take because of allergies and/or side effects. They wouldn't let me get my medical records to prove it to them. And it took me a week to convince them I can't have fucken Lithium. They wanted to give me zyprexa and lithium. Best combination ever for me. Do you know what that does to me? Makes me super irrationally hungry(zyprexa) and super fucken nauseous(lithium). Na I think I will pass. I ended up on depakote and zyprexa. I was there for 2 weeks because they didn't believe shit I said. I got the medical records too and they tried to claim I was delusional about the whole bank fraud issue(funny cuz my bank gave me my money back, I had a card being used in California while I was in Australia( a new card that I didn't even know the number of and that was in my mailbox) and they claimed I was delusional about my life being threatened and that basically everything I said was a delusion. Yaaaaaa....the fact my fiance and the mutual friend were also threatened and witnessed me being threatened proved it wasn't a delusion. Anyways the hospital tried to claim I was manic but I'm not so sure about that. I have a tendency to speak fast when I have a lot to say(Two of my sisters and one of my aunts does this too) and I will repeat myself if I feel like you aren't listening. I was just really stressed the fuck out.
Pretty sure this whole Austrailia incident has given me PTSD.
Now on to the next part of my long ranting post.
Now with bipolar, they talk about depression and mania. Well, I've experienced depression but I always have a reason. Being stuck with my dad made me depressed. People breaking up with me made me depressed. My dad ruining all of my relationships, not letting me have friends, taking away my internet, and fucking not even letting me walk across the street to go the library as a teenager made me depressed. I wasn't allowed to do shit. I couldn't even go outside. If I tried him or his friend who he often let stay with us would stop me. I too was a hostage. Also this shit in Austrailia has made me depressed even though it was almost a year ago I am still depressed about it. Like crying for hours depressed. Like crying at work when I take nobody is watching, crying in restaurants, crying on the streets, crying at home. Just crying for hours. My fiance is essentially a hostage again and still has no computer and for almost a year the only time I hear from his when his therapist that he sees every two weeks calls me. I tried to get him to press charges or at least get a restraining order while I was there. He declined to press charges but did make a police report but then stupidly decides to throw away his chance to get a restraining order because he is too deathly afraid of his crazy fucken uncle.
I think about this situation in Australia non-stop. I tried the police in Australia but they don't want to help me at all and told me to talk to the police here. The police here say talk to the police in Australia. I'm pretty certain Austrailia knew what they would say and just didn't want to help me. I've also tried the FBI but they completely ignore me(yes cyber crimes and bank fraud are their concern but I guess they don't care since I'm not a celebrity, politician, or some other famous person). I tried to get a lawyer in Australia soon after it happened. But they eventually stopped talking to me. I'm currently trying to find a lawyer again. At this point, I could sue for defamation, harassment, emotional distress, theft, and invasion of privacy. I don't know the uncle's name or address. My fiance refuses to give it to me. I tried a private detective but he tried to claim I don't have enough information. I've also done a bunch of research and found I might be able to sue my fiance's mother and his uncle jointly, serve her and list him a John Doe defendant, and then serve her with an interrogatory statement to force her to tell me his name and address.
If worse comes to worst and I can't get a lawyer in time I might be able to file it myself online but am not entirely sure. I'm smart but I'm not a lawyer and would definitely like one.
Anyways I did a lot of reading about bipolar. Apparently, obsessions are also a common thing. I play games nonstop and have things I think about non stop. I have things that I absolutely have to do. Things that I absoulutely have to have. If I don't work towards progressing something I feel I need to do or getting something I feel I have then I can't function. But even then I'm staying up later than I should doing things(Like trying to beat the new raid in an MMO) or researching something. I'm always tired even when I do get 7 hours of sleep. I feel like if I don't get 10 hours then I'm tired. I also read that multitasking is a common thing. I'm pretty much always doing at least two things. Right now as I write this I am playing a game on my phone as well. At work today I was talking to my fiance, talking to my mom, playing a game on my phone, and researching a technical issue all at the same time. I always have at least a 100 chrome tabs open as well.
I am also very determined. If I say I'm going to do something I fucken do it. I figure it out and I get it done. Nobody believed I was actually going to go to Australia but I fucken did it.
I have had issues with sleep for a very long time. As long as I can remember. I used to stay up to 5 am even though I had be up at 7 am the next day for school. I used to take medicine to sleep but I eventually started falling asleep without it so the doctor took me off of it. Even now though it usually takes me like 1-2 hours to fall asleep.
Oh and I also learned a new term recently. Pathologic love. An article I read described it as Have you ever been so in love with or obsessed about someone that nothing else mattered to you, you felt you could not live without this person, felt bad when away from this person, and tried to monitor his/her activities? I feel like this description fits me to a tee. The article claims this is common for people with bipolar, especially woman. Do other people on this subreddit feel like this?
Welp here is my giant rant. I really should be asleep or trying to get sleep... I didn't fall asleep until 1:30 am last night and then woke up at 8 am... it is presently 11 pm. If you read it all the way to the end thanks for reading my giant long rant. Most people don't like reading my walls of text. Feel free to comment below with thoughts, questions, comments, whatever.
submitted by ichigo_wildblossom to bipolar [link] [comments]

2019.05.20 21:49 TheClumsyFox For those of you taking CBD oil or have tried it, I have some questions for you.

Debating on trying it as nothing is helping with my migraines. Not my 175mg topamax, 20mg cymbalta, magnesium, nerve block...nothing. I'm starting to experience memory problems from my topamax too and I'm not liking it at all.
So here are my questions Did you neurologist recommend it or what were their thoughts on it? Where did you buy it from? Did it/is it helping at all? How often were you getting headaches/migraines before and how often you getting them now? Is it worth it?
I'm so on the fence cause of the price but I'll end up paying anything too if it truly helps. My sister wants me to try a chiropractor but I hate the sound of cracking bones and I dont really trust them. I'm going to call my neurologist in a minute or two but wanted your feedback as well. Thanks a bunches <3
submitted by TheClumsyFox to migraine [link] [comments]

2018.11.01 14:13 pizzaparitymick I’m going to need brain surgery within the next two months. Please share or donate to my gofundme me please.

For the last few months my eyes have been bothering me with flashes of lights and in July I began having migraines. Starting in October I began having eye pains and saw my eye doctor. He did a physical exam and said my eyes were fine and did a neurological peripheral test and said both eyes failed and sent me to a neurologist.
During these last few months I’ve been back and forth in the hospital for migraines and for my eye pains and it’s just been getting worse and worse. I had CT scans of my head on 10/6/18 and 10/21/18 (the 21st was after lumbar puncture because of continued headache). All came back good as far as the hospitals were concerned.
I saw the neurologist on 10/16/18 and he cane in and said “I looked at your whole history from Novant and there’s something wrong with you and the only thing I can think to make sure is to do a spinal tap”
He did the spinal tap and my opening pressure was 60 mmHg, where it should be between 8-20 mmHg. He drained a ton of spinal fluid to relieve pressure from my spine and head.
He diagnosed me with Pseudotumor Cerebri or also known as Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension. It’s where I have excess pressure built up in my skull because my body isn’t regulating Cerebral Spinal Fluid Production.
The current course of action is to take Topamax to try and reduce production of my CSF and by the end of this month to see a Neurosurgeon so I can have Brain Surgery to have a shunt put in my brain to regulate csf pressure so it can save my eye sight and other functions of my body. I’m truly scared and in need of as much help as I have no insurance, my local medical groups will not work out with me any financial assistance because I owe so much money and I do not qualify for Medicaid/disability or anything from the affordable care act. I have no options other than this. We won’t know the true cost of the surgery just yet but online sources have said upwards of 20-50k dollars. Right now I just need money to afford going to the neurologist, the neurosurgeon and to buy all my medicines. Please share this or donate. I’m in desperate need of help. gofundme
submitted by pizzaparitymick to Assistance [link] [comments]