Time chart in hundreths

Astrology Readings

2013.10.31 20:50 astrologyfrog Astrology Readings

A community for astrology readings! Come here if you're looking for a birth / natal or any other form of astrology reading. All signs of the zodiac are welcome! (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) Don't come here soliciting paid readings. You will be banned! We also have an irc chatroom: server is irc.snoonet.org, port is 6667 (6697 for SSL) https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.snoonet.org/psychic

2012.12.10 18:08 astrologue Ask Astrologers

A community for asking questions about your birth chart or astrology in general. When asking about yourself, INCLUDE YOUR CHART FROM ASTRO-SEEK.COM and your question must be specific, either about a planet, sign, aspect or house in your chart, or things like a transit, profection or progression, or a particular area of life. Put your question in your post title.

2012.01.13 04:52 Glitch in the Matrix

"Eye-witness event(s) that cannot be explained with critical thinking." **Please read forum rules before posting**

2024.06.01 16:13 DezyneSkills [For Hire] PowerPoint Presentation Designer - Pitch Decks, Company Profiles, Corporate Templates, and Slide Makeovers

I’m a PowerPoint presentation designer with over 6 years of work experience.
During this time, I have helped many people articulate insights and close more sales. I’d love to help you do the same. I have designed presentations for industries such as SaaS, Real Estate, Healthcare, Life Science Consulting, Mining, IT, Engineering, and Food Packaging.
I have also used Microsoft PowerPoint to create investor pitch decks and client-facing informative presentations in addition to decks for internal operations meetings within organizations.
$400 per project. This fee covers all assets, technical requests, and revisions.
Find out more about my work here:
What can I build for you?
Get in Touch
For inquiries, please send me a message here on Reddit. I usually communicate with clients through email but I’m also open to using other communication platforms.
submitted by DezyneSkills to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:13 Big-Potential4581 Seems to me someone (whale) conglomerate or what have you is laying down a serious gauntlet.

What if they're not supposed to close. Hear me out. To me, this feels like a major buyer of the 20 call options is trying to close out their inherited short position, and while doing so, it causes a few to go bankrupt by being stubborn.
I don't know about you, but if I was short positioned and I kept seeing non-stop 20 calls being bought up 5000 contracts at a time, and they kept buying the same strike price week after week then they bought 5000 more contracts at 30 I'd be nervous as fuk.
Seems to me someone (whale) conglomerate or what have you is laying down a serious gauntlet. There's bound to be someone holding those bags. (Not retail)
We're talking about some serious money moves right now. Someone is buying 500k batches of calls at a clip, and they are not hiding this fact.
They wanted the world to see it clearly or they wouldn't have been done in this fashion. *There's so many ways to hide these trades, but they didn't hide them in any way. They didn't break them up. They didn't enter multiple strikes.
*In fact, they are extremely confident that the 20 call and now the 30s will be expected to be there @ that strike plus or they wouldn't be buying 10s of millions of dollars as openly as they are.
Are the MM about to go to battle with SHF. I think so. I think this has already started. Only this time, there's one MM that understands the plan and is in 100% with that plan.
Somebody flipped, and if you can't see that, this is now a power move to at least bust up one major short position that, in turn, has a dominant domino finger ready to push this whole thing over. * This would create massive buying pressure, but right now, this is controlled ...it's staying in a channel right now that is bullish, IMHO.
Someone has a short position that is too big to fail, and now has been throwing everything they've got into closing it. Only they need a big friendly MM to back this play.
This is all speculation at this point. I'm speaking out loud, but what if the plan is to let GME run hard from 20 only to start this whole thing over at a much higher price target.
In other words, they let this run up based on the huge options contracts being bought. Along the way, they catch some of these shares by exercising, but those FTDs are gonna be high %. Continuing the buying pressure much higher.
If the stock breaks loose, they stand to make even more on those contracts selling those back and now using that cash hoard to buy more shares in the open market.
At some point in time for whomever survives, this run (kill shot implemented) some shorts will die on the vine.
The remaining monsters that are still alive would what? You guessed it, flip the strategy, and begin a new short position at a way higher price like they have in the past.
We don't have all the information at this point in time, but whoever has all those call contracts equating to 100s of millions will have to file. They will be over 5% owners of Gamestop, maybe even more than 5%.
Hopium? Maybe. But there's a lot of information lining up to support this or something very close to this IMHO.
If you have time this weekend, I recommend you go through Richard Newtons YouTube page and look through his amazing Excel sheet concerning options and swap data. It's extensive, but I agree with him. There's a repeated cycle, and now we could be in the most explosive portion of this cycle, considering all this new information concerning these massive 20 and 30 call options.
*We have never seen anything like this before. Not exactly like this. It's very similar to the Jan 2021 setup *(chart wise), but this actually looks better to me.
This is not investment advice in any way. This is my humble opinion with a little Hopium, current information, and massive data pool on swaps and option information from the past and present view.
submitted by Big-Potential4581 to GME [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:06 PsychedelicizedSoul this website is so toxic

I recently deleted all of my socials off my phone except for Reddit. I decided to keep it because I really never used Reddit before, only the occasional skim. My reasoning for deleting my other socials is because they were very toxic for me—body dysmorphia, toxic people, an unhealthy addiction to social media, you know the deal—but Reddit felt a lot more controlled in terms of what you’re shown in comparison to Instagram or Facebook.
Since I started using this website more, though, I’ve become increasingly frustrated with the general community and it actually really upsets me a lot. Personally I am mainly on music discussion subreddits, though I am in a few fandom-based subreddits as well, but I barely interact with those. But for every comment or post I see or make, there are so many goddamn people who must love oozing their own negativity and self-hatred for everyone else to see. I just had to leave a subreddit dedicated to music discussion yesterday because it’s like any time anyone tries to make a post encouraging discussion, the comments are actively working against actual discussion.
There was one post asking people to share albums they thought could be considered "universally liked." first comment I see is "there is no such thing as an album that's universally liked." (???? why are you here?????) OP responds with something like “yeah ofc I mean something as close to it as possible.” response to that: “then go to the pop charts.” huh?????? do you know where we are right now, like, are you serious????? and all the comments are calling the post “bait” and that the post was asking the impossible because there is no objective answer (when OP literally specified what you think. and my god it is NOT that serious anyway).
anyway that’s just a little anecdote about what triggered me to make this post, but I see it all. the. time. people are sooo far up their own asses and take everything way too seriously than can possibly be healthy for them lol. in the music reddit community specifically it’s just a constant dick-measuring contest. and it’s the same thing in some fandom subreddits too, i had to leave a couple a while ago for the same reasons.
I have a lot of fun on some of the subreddits, especially the ones dedicated to specific niche artists and their fanbases, but I also end up feeling miserable and upset half the time. I don’t want to delete it because the positives are nice, but it’s getting to a point where the negativity is so prevalent I can’t ignore it. I might have to delete this app too if it keeps on like this. I’m supposed to use this app for debriefing and having fun and instead I end up exhausted nearly every time I use it.
submitted by PsychedelicizedSoul to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:01 dreamed2life Utilizing Transits in Astrocartography and Relocation Astrology

Incorporating astrological transits into your decision-making process for relocation and using astrocartography can provide a dynamic and timely perspective on your choices. Here's how to effectively blend these elements:

Understanding Transits in Astrology

Transits are the movements of planets at a given time, which form aspects (angles) with the positions of planets in your natal chart. These transits can activate different areas of your life, indicated by your natal chart, and can influence your experiences, mood, and decisions.

Step 1: Analyzing Current and Upcoming Transits

  1. Identify Key Transits: Look for transits from slower-moving planets (like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) as they have long-lasting effects. For instance, Saturn transiting your 4th house might indicate a period suitable for setting up a stable home environment.
  2. Focus on Significant Aspects: Pay attention to major aspects such as conjunctions, oppositions, squares, trines, and sextiles. These aspects will highlight areas of life (represented by houses) and personal characteristics (represented by planets) that are currently under focus or undergoing change.
  3. Timing of Transits: Determine the timing of these transits to understand when specific influences will be strongest. This can help you decide the best times for relocation or significant travel.

Step 2: Integrating Transits with Relocation Astrology

  1. Relocation Chart: Generate a relocation chart for locations you're considering. This chart relocates your natal chart to a new location, altering the house placements of your natal planets.
  2. Overlay Transits: Look at how current transits interact with your relocation chart. For example, if Jupiter (expansion) transits your relocated 10th house (career), it might be an auspicious time for career growth in that location.
  3. Evaluate Changes: Assess how the change in house placements in the relocation chart under current transits might influence your experiences in the new location. For instance, a planet moving from a natal 12th house position to a relocated 1st house position could indicate a period of emerging from behind the scenes to taking on a more prominent role in life.

Step 3: Applying Astrocartography

  1. Astrocartography Lines: Review your astrocartography map to identify planetary lines running through areas of interest. Each line represents the influence of a particular planet.
  2. Transits Over Lines: Consider how current and upcoming transits interact with these planetary lines. For example, if you're experiencing a Pluto transit that aspects your natal Sun, living on or visiting a Sun line might bring profound changes to your self-identity.
  3. Weighing Planetary Influences: Determine which planetary influences align best with your goals and current life phase. For instance, a Jupiter line might be beneficial for growth and opportunity, while a Saturn line could be better for structure and stability.
Not everyone will notice natal or relocated transits straight away. And each transit is unique to each person.
submitted by dreamed2life to ProAstrocartography [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:00 AutoModerator Daily Discussion - June 01, 2024

Talk about anything, music related or not. However, pop music gossip should be discussed in the Teatime & Trending Topics threads, linked below.
Please be respectful; normal rules still apply. Any comments found breaking the rules will be removed and you will be warned or banned.

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submitted by AutoModerator to popheads [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:54 ottersinwater Charts for historical values of price, IV, greeks?

Is there a good place to view charts of time series of options prices and greeks? I'd like to better get a sense of their movements with the underlying.
I'm using Schwab in case that matters. Thanks!
submitted by ottersinwater to options [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:32 Aerie_Nightbreeze Fade out waking at night

Daughter is 5 about to turn 6 at the end of June. Day time toilet training took two tries. She appeared to be ready at 2.5 but wasn't. Around 3-3.5 she was ready and was trained in a week. (Note: she was a preemie born 6 weeks early). She also didn't really care that she was wet during daytime training but we got there.
She just finished kindergarten and we been talking to her for the past few months to prep her that once summer hits we're going to work on night time staying dry. No more pull ups. She is excited. We have a whole chart for her to track her progress. At night we limit fluids. Make her go to the bathroom 30 mins before bed then right before bed. We walked her at midnight then pushed it back to 1am.
We are still in our first week and she been dry 4 times with 3 of those in a row. Just to prepare ourselves, when or how do you fade the night time wake ups?
submitted by Aerie_Nightbreeze to pottytraining [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:27 PhilAceAston Black Sabbath : Anno Domini : Deluxe Box Set Review - Why the Tony Martin Years Were So Special

Black Sabbath : Anno Domini : Deluxe Box Set Unboxing Review
Black Sabbath Anno Domini Box Set Review – Why the Tony Martin Years Were So Special
This set spans the period from 1989 to 1995 and includes some of the most underappreciated albums in Black Sabbath’s extensive catalog.
The “Anno Domini” box set is available in both CD and vinyl formats, each celebrate this unique era of Black Sabbath.
CD Box Set Four CDs: Newly remastered versions of “Headless Cross” (1989), “Tyr” (1990), “Cross Purposes” (1994), and a remixed “Forbidden” (1995). Tour Program Replicas: Includes a miniature version of the original tour book for “Headless Cross”. Softback Book: Filled with photos, artwork, and liner notes. It features a mix of new interviews and historical insights, providing a comprehensive look at this period. – The lyrics are not included. Bonus Tracks: Cloak and Dagger (Headless Cross) What’s The Use (Cross Purposes) Loser Gets it All (Forbidden) Poster: A reproduction of a vintage Black Sabbath tour poster.
Vinyl Box Set Four CDs: Newly remastered versions of “Headless Cross” (1989), “Tyr” (1990), “Cross Purposes” (1994), and a remixed “Forbidden” (1995) Each vinyl album pressed on high-quality vinyl, complete with polylined sleeves for protection. Tour Program – Full-size replica of the original Headless Cross tour program. 60-Page Softback Book: Similar to the CD version but in a larger, vinyl-sized format – this does include the lyrics and the inner sleeve details Poster: A large, fold-out poster included.
The Albums
Each album in this box set represents a significant chapter in Black Sabbath’s history, showcasing the versatility and creativity of the band during the Tony Martin years.
Headless Cross (1989): This album marked a major comeback for Black Sabbath, featuring Tony Martin on vocals, Tony Iommi on guitar, Cozy Powell on drums, Laurence Cottle on bass, and Geoff Nicholls on keyboards. It reached #31 on the UK Albums Chart and includes powerful tracks like “Devil & Daughter” and “When Death Calls”.
Tyr (1990): A concept album heavily influenced by Norse mythology, “Tyr” featured Tony Martin, Tony Iommi, Cozy Powell, Neil Murray on bass, and Geoff Nicholls. It peaked at #24 in the UK and includes standout tracks like “Anno Mundi” and “The Sabbath Stones”.
Cross Purposes (1994): This album saw the return of Geezer Butler on bass, alongside Tony Martin, Tony Iommi, Bobby Rondinelli on drums, and Geoff Nicholls. It reached #41 in the UK and features tracks like “I Witness” and “Virtual Death”.
Forbidden (1995): Often considered a misstep at the time, this album has been newly remixed and sounds significantly improved. The lineup included Tony Martin, Tony Iommi, Neil Murray, Cozy Powell, and Geoff Nicholls. Notable tracks include “Get a Grip” and “Kiss of Death”.
While the Tony Martin era albums didn’t achieve the same commercial success as some of the earlier Sabbath releases, they have garnered a dedicated following and are celebrated for their musicianship and innovation. “Headless Cross” and “Tyr” performed well in the UK charts, reflecting their importance in the band’s discography.
Overall, the “Anno Domini” box set is a must-have for Black Sabbath fans, particularly those who appreciate the Tony Martin years. Despite a few minor quibbles, such as the absence of inner sleeves in the vinyl set and the softback book format, the quality of the music and the presentation make this a worthy addition to any collection.
The remastering work is superb, breathing new life into these albums and ensuring they sound better than ever. Whether you choose the CD or vinyl version, you’ll be treated to a fascinating period of Black Sabbath’s history.
If you’re a fan of this era or just discovering it, I highly recommend grabbing this box set while you can. The limited production means it might not be around for long, so don’t miss out on the chance to own a piece of heavy metal history.
Phil Aston
submitted by PhilAceAston to u/PhilAceAston [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:06 tonywithice [REQUEST] [STEAM] Persona 5 Royal


Hello friends of the GoG community, hope you guys/gals are having a great weekend!
Today i have a request of a beloved franchise in the JRPG department, as you can see in the title, it is the multi faceted delight that is Persona 5 Royal. I personally can't deny that it really lives up to the name of being royal, given the games aesthetic, gameplay and overall stylish presentation. (its so darn good...)

What is persona 5?

I assume most of you are familiar with the genre, it has the classic turn based combat you generally know from, say, the pokemon or final fantasy franchise. But one of the things that makes Persona stand out from its competerors, is its social aspects between the dungeons. you hang out with friends to go further into their personal story (you can also romance) complete tasks like jobs or just explore the city of Tokyo, along other activities. There is a great cast of characters that are interesting in their own way and i would love to learn about them in depth and bond a personal connection. Just on the side, i find it funny when people talk about the "post persona depression" xD it really says a lot about the awesome experience, i think. Which sparks my interest, since i love to dive deep into fictional worlds and get lost in it for a while. (i think you guys can relate :D)
The visuals of the game are off the charts awesome, if you have seen it, you know what i'm talking about. In the game you impersonate a male high school student (and phantom thieve in the fighting segments) JokeRen. You and your group fight corrupt adults to expose their crimes by... going into the metaverse, where peoples desires and thoughts take shape. That is such a cool concept!!


The game has been on my radar for a long time and i would be more than blessed to experience this masterpiece. As to my personal reasons why i can't buy it for myself, is because i've been out of funds to contribute to my favorite hobby due to being a student, so it is hard to afford such a pricy game at the moment. Thank you for reading through my request and i hope you have a great day :)
The Game: Persona 5 Royal
My Steam: tonywithice
submitted by tonywithice to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:01 AutoModerator [DAILY CONEVERSATIONS] !balance !faucet !withdraw

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submitted by AutoModerator to ConeHeads [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:54 JunaidRaza648 Building Brand with Content Marketing: More Conversions, Links And Trust

If you want to gain trust and build your brand through content, this strategy is for you.
Imagine this: you're reading an article and you see a seemingly simple comparison table or highly relevant infographics that can add value to your life.
What will be your feelings? It's like you are an authoritative website or at least, the site owners invest a lot of time and resources on the site.
It's a free tool that not only makes your reading experience easier but also helps to build trust.
Here's how it works:
  1. Ease and Trust: The charts not only brings ease to your understanding but also contribute to building trust.
  2. You are more likely to convert. So, more conversions with no extra cost.
  3. Share and Use: And guess what? You're free to share or use it in your next post. So, it can bring free links.
This is just one example of how seizing simple opportunities can lead to significant gains in trust and brand building.
I believe that, regardless of the topic, there are always opportunities out there waiting to be discovered – ones that your competitors might have overlooked.
Whether it's statistics, useful data, or anything else that adds value to user experience (UX), there's immense potential for growth.
Do you leverage this kind of opportunity?
submitted by JunaidRaza648 to SEO [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:47 that_chubby_guy I think I know what triggers my migraines.

It is sleep.
I have observed that if I sleep after like 2 AM in night ( last night I slept at 3 AM), I WILL get migraine the next day even if I get 6-8 hours of sleep. This is the only common thing I have noticed. But this situation is the majority of the pie chart. I don't know all the reasons. Even when I have good sleep schedules, I will occasionally get migraines ( like after eating pineapples sometimes). So the major reason for my migraines is sleep schedule. And no dietary changes are needed for me( my doctor told me to quit chocolates, yeast, bread and other stuff I can't remember). I can eat almost anything all the time. I can also eat pineapples but on some occasions they cause migraines.
Do you guys have some similiar triggers or experiences?
submitted by that_chubby_guy to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:31 georgecscott_2022 Provocative Insights: Fifi's Call to Accept Price Hikes in Japan

Fifi, a celebrity, made a live appearance on "Dot Connect," broadcasted on Kansai TV, where she made a provocative statement about the recent surge in prices, saying, "Get used to it!"
"I might be disliked for saying this..." she hesitated before presenting a flip chart with the words, "Get used to price hikes!!" She continued, "Everything in Japan is too cheap, frankly speaking. The quality is exceptionally high, yet the prices are low. Even foreigners are surprised. When my mom arrives in Japan, the first thing she does is have a bowl of beef bowl, but she always says, 'It's too cheap for this quality.'"
"Japan has been talking about 'escaping deflation' for a long time, but when prices go up, people get upset. Then, wages won't increase anytime soon! People need to get used to some degree of price hikes. We need to endure this until our wages increase. That's what I believe," she added, comparing Japan to overseas.
submitted by georgecscott_2022 to JapanNow [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:27 karatespacetiger June Recovery Challenge Day 1 Check In

Hello and welcome to Day 1 of the June Recovery Challenge, how are you?
Wishing you peace and all the success today and all month long, good luck everyone! :)

Today's check in:

Think of a scale from zero to 100 of how important it is for you to be in recovery. You can use the following chart as a guide:
Where are you on this scale?
What led you to choose the number you did, as opposed to a higher or lower number?

If you're just joining us today for the first time, here is some info about what we do here! :)

What the Recovery Challenge posts are:
What they are not:
If you're new to recovery or it's been a while, here are some "getting ready" posts, in case they might be helpful for you to set yourself up for success this month!
I have about 3 months' worth of daily material that I am rotating through for these posts so whenever someone joins, if they stick around for three months or so they will see pretty much everything I have to offer :)
**I believe in respecting individuals' autonomy over their body and recovery path, and I do not believe in nor am I qualified to be telling people what they should or shouldn't do regarding body size! That said, I try to keep the recovery challenges as a weight-neutral space because while some may be on a weight-loss journey (and it's everyone's individual choice to make), many (if not most) people in ED recovery either need or want to accept their bodies as they are regardless of current size, and so I try to keep the space as free of "thinner is better" messaging as possible.

if you have a slip and want to turn it into a recovery learning opportunity, here are some questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZhdjmzEVA6UTCNAEU53xn9LuN8TOfLbl/edit
(you don't have to post your answers if you don't want to, but I do recommend writing or typing them out somewhere)
Copy/paste the following text into your comment to get a reminder from Reddit:
When you get your reminder, look here for a link to the next day's post :)
submitted by karatespacetiger to BingeEatingDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:17 blownawayx2 Venting about feeling alone…

As somebody who lives with an incurable lymphoma (and has now for 8 years, having gone through 3 failed treatments already, the fourth now, a clinical trial with a median effective rate of 18 months, where I am now), my life has been so tremendously affected by lymphoma but it seems like nobody gets it.
Add COVID into things and how so many of our lives were impacted by that, and now the aftermath of pretending like there’s this pulmonary/cardiovascular disease out there that doesn’t exist, and I’m just tired.
I’m a dad, husband, son and brother. The sole breadwinner in my family in a high pressure job that now, and for the last four years, works from home. When I’m around crowds of people, I usually get sick, so I pick and choose moments when I’ll do that.
Thanksgiving gave me a “cold” for a month. My niece’s birthday in January, sick for another month. I then got something in March (tested COVID negative but had major body pain, particularly the lower back) and was sick for weeks. Took the kids to Disney in April so they could experience some normalcy (BTW- they’re 9 and 11 and don’t know that I have “cancer” because that equals dying to them) and then had a “cold” for weeks thereafter and now have shingles for the last 3 weeks. My parents are boomer Trumpers. My siblings “don’t want to make their lives more difficult” so avoid being emotionally honest with them about anything, effectively making me their emotional scapegoat for my living with cancer and being a detriment to all.
It’s such a f-ing drain emotionally. My condition, Waldenstrom’s, is one that’s “highly treatable” but typically affects people 65 and older. I’m now 48 and this has been the most mentally and physically taxing experience of my life, but the biggest part of it is that nobody (except for my wonderful wife) truly understands.
I feel like I constantly have to explain why I WFH, why I need people to be honest about whether they have “colds” or “allergies” and would prefer not to be around people who don’t know/don’t care. Why my focus is on ME and MY family and not my parents, siblings, anybody else.
I don’t trust anybody more than I trust myself any more but am tired of having to battle everybody and everything. I don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel… to me, it’s a black cloud in the distance that inevitably ends in sadness and heartbreak for me, my wife and my kids.
My biggest breakdown came when my doctor wrote “Stage IV lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma” in my chart after two failed years of chemo and as I was sobbing said to me “but that’s what this is.” My response “but you never spelled it out like that.” Seeing those words changed something in me.
I’ve had therapists/seen psychiatrists. At one time I was diagnosed with depression secondary to anxiety (delayed onset as the result of the diagnosis they called it) because when asked the question “do you see this coming to an end,” I answered “no. There is no end to this.”
Beyond a cure, I KNOW I am not wrong. I’m also not particularly hopeless in the sense that I see the world as terrible. I don’t. The world can be wonderful. I love my wife and kids. But…
What am I missing about my reality that everybody seems to think I’m getting things wrong and I feel the need to constantly defend myself?
I feel like I’m being gaslit to the ultimate degree about how I SHOULD feel. About my dysfunctional family dynamics. About the end game for my health.
Treatment options ARE running out. Chemo DOES f-ck me up. My immune system DOES function poorly.
I’d have to be the eternal Pollyanna optimist to think this is all going to end well for me and, I know I’m not that.
Just venting. Nobody gets it. Nobody beyond my wife. But, I also don’t want her to have to be on this train until it crashes into the ground, which it will eventually. Sooner? Later? Who knows. Just sucks to feel like a lemon. I thought life would get better in my 40s. But at 48, living with this black cloud truly blows.
submitted by blownawayx2 to lymphoma [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:57 ApprehensiveEvent196 the era

Typical of Secret was one of Hooker’s first releases, the Punk’s Not Dead album by The Exploited – deliberately designed to distance itself from the less musically bilious ‘new wave’ that had followed directly on from punk and to re-establish what the band and its followers saw as original punk’s aggressive, uncompromising stance, musically and imagewise. Released in March 1981, Punk’s Not Dead went to Number One in the UK independent charts and would eventually become the biggest-selling independently released album of the year. It was not a fluke. Hooker recalls, ‘We then had nine chart albums out of nine releases – things like The Exploited, the 4-Skins, Chron Gen, Infa Riot…all sorts of things.’ Released at a time – the summer of 1981 – when the UK was undergoing an almost nightly series of anti-government inner-city riots, suddenly the ‘very hardcore punk’ that Secret specialised in ‘was big news. Literally, everything that we put out went straight in the charts.’ Looking back now, he attributes this instant success to a mixture of spotting a gap in the market and ‘just really liking that stuff. It was the era and it was exciting and fun.’ And in terms of running your own label, ‘an absolutely fantastic learningcurve’.
Could you explain the use of article in the bolded phrase, as opposed an era? Why use "THE" here?
submitted by ApprehensiveEvent196 to ENGLISH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:57 HHHRobot Daily Discussion Thread 06/01/2024

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2024.06.01 13:50 Anarianiro May was... something. What June has in store for me? What should i prepare for positively and negatively?

May was... something. What June has in store for me? What should i prepare for positively and negatively? submitted by Anarianiro to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:40 Lucky-Program7456 Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK

Unlocking the Secrets of Love Marriage: Expert Guidance from the Best Astrologer in the UK

Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK Love is in the air, and for many, it’s the most magical and transformative experience of life. But what happens when the spark of romance fades, and the reality of everyday life sets in? The journey to a successful and fulfilling marriage is not always easy, and the road to happiness can be fraught with challenges.
As the saying goes, “opposites attract,” but what happens when the differences in personalities, values, and lifestyles become a source of tension rather than excitement? Astrology has long been revered as a tool for understanding the intricacies of human relationships, and with the guidance of the best astrologer in the UK, we can unlock the secrets of love and marriage. In this post, we’ll delve into the mysteries of the universe and explore the expert insights that can help you navigate the twists and turns of your relationship, and find the path to a lifelong bond of love and commitment.

Understanding the role of astrology in love and marriage

As the ancient art of astrology continues to fascinate and captivate us, it’s no surprise that many of us turn to the stars for guidance on matters of the heart. In the realm of love and marriage, astrology can be a powerful tool for understanding the intricate dynamics of relationships and uncovering the secrets to a harmonious and fulfilling union. From the moment we meet our soulmate to the moment we exchange our vows, astrology can provide us with valuable insights into the energies that shape our love lives.
As the best astrologer in the UK, I have spent years honing my expertise in the complexities of astrology and its applications in the realm of love and marriage. Through my work, I have witnessed firsthand the profound impact that astrology can have on our relationships, from the subtle nuances of planetary alignments to the profound shifts that can occur when we align our energies with the cosmos. Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK
In this blog post, we will delve into the role of astrology in love and marriage, exploring the ways in which the stars can guide us towards a more fulfilling and loving relationship. From the astrological signs that are most compatible with one another to the powerful energies that can shape our emotional responses, we will uncover the secrets of astrology and its role in unlocking the mysteries of love and marriage. Whether you’re seeking guidance on finding your soulmate or navigating the complexities of your current relationship, this post will provide you with the expert insights you need to unlock the secrets of love and marriage.

Expert guidance on the dos and don’ts of a successful marriage

As the best astrologer in the UK, I’ve had the privilege of working with countless couples who are seeking to strengthen their bond and navigate the challenges that come with building a lifelong partnership. And, trust me, the journey to a successful marriage is not without its obstacles. In fact, it’s often the little things that can make or break a relationship. This is why I’ve dedicated this section to sharing my expert guidance on the dos and don’ts of a successful marriage.
From the importance of effective communication and conflict resolution, to the subtle yet powerful ways that astrological influences can shape our relationships, I’ll be sharing my insider knowledge to help you build a stronger, more loving bond with your partner. Whether you’re still in the early stages of your romance or you’ve been married for many years, these tips and insights will provide you with the tools you need to navigate the ups and downs of married life with confidence and wisdom. Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK
One of the most critical aspects of a successful marriage is learning to communicate effectively with your partner. This doesn’t just mean talking about the big things, but also being mindful of the little things that can make a big difference. As an astrologer, I’ve seen how the positions of the planets can influence our communication styles, and how understanding these influences can help us to better navigate our relationships. In this section, I’ll be sharing my expert guidance on how to use astrological insights to improve your communication and build a stronger, more loving bond with your partner.

Top 5 astrology signs that make perfect partners

As one of the most renowned astrologers in the UK, I’ve had the privilege of delving into the intricacies of the zodiac and uncovering the secrets of love and relationships. When it comes to determining the perfect partner, astrology can be a powerful tool in predicting compatibility and harmonious matches. In this section, we’ll be exploring the top 5 astrology signs that make perfect partners, and what qualities they bring to the table.
First up, we have the patient and gentle Taurus, who is known for their unwavering commitment and loyalty. Their practical nature and love of stability make them a perfect match for those who value security and long-term relationships. Next, we have the charismatic and adventurous Leo, who brings a spark of excitement and passion to their partnerships. Their natural leadership qualities and confident demeanor make them a magnet for those who crave attention and admiration. Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK
The empathetic and sensitive Cancer, with their nurturing nature and strong emotional intelligence, are often drawn to partners who share their compassionate and caring qualities. Their strong family ties and desire for a sense of belonging make them an ideal match for those who value close relationships and a sense of community. The intelligent and analytical Virgo, with their attention to detail and love of problem-solving, are often attracted to partners who share their analytical mind and love of learning.
Last but not least, we have the free-spirited and creative Pisces, who bring a touch of magic and imagination to their relationships. Their compassion and understanding nature make them a perfect match for those who value empathy and emotional support. Whether it’s their romantic nature, their adventurous spirit, or their ability to connect on a deep emotional level, these five signs have the potential to make for unforgettable and fulfilling partners.
In this section, we’ll delve deeper into the characteristics of each sign and explore the unique qualities that make them perfect partners. Whether you’re a hopeless romantic or simply looking for a deeper understanding of the zodiac, you’ll find valuable insights and expert guidance in this section. So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets of love and marriage, from the best astrologer in the UK.

The importance of compatibility in a marriage

As the best astrologer in the UK, I’ve had the privilege of helping countless couples navigate the complexities of love and marriage. One of the most crucial factors that can make or break a relationship is compatibility. When two individuals are compatible, they share a deep understanding of each other’s needs, desires, and values, which creates a strong foundation for a lifelong bond. On the other hand, when couples are not compatible, they may struggle to communicate effectively, leading to conflicts and misunderstandings.
In astrology, compatibility is measured by the planetary positions of the couple, particularly the Sun, Moon, and Venus. When these planets are in harmony, it’s a sign that the couple is destined for a happy and fulfilling marriage. For instance, when the Sun is in a harmonious aspect with the partner’s Venus, it indicates a strong sense of love and affection, which is essential for building a strong and lasting relationship. Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK
Moreover, an astrologer can also analyze the couple’s birth charts to identify potential areas of conflict and suggest ways to overcome them. By understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses, couples can work together to build a stronger and more resilient relationship. As the best astrologer in the UK, I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of compatibility in marriage. By embracing the unique energies and vibrations that each partner brings to the table, couples can create a love marriage that is not only fulfilling but also long-lasting.

How to identify your soulmate using astrological signs

As the ancient art of astrology reveals the mysteries of the universe, the quest to find one’s soulmate has become a profound and intriguing topic. The stars have a way of whispering secrets about our destiny, and in this realm, the identification of our soulmate is a crucial piece of the puzzle. But, how do we decipher the celestial language to uncover the identity of our eternal companion?
In this section, we will delve into the world of astrological signs, where the zodiac wheel holds the key to unlocking the secrets of love and marriage. As we explore the intricacies of each sign, we will discover how the positions of the planets and the position of the sun at the time of our birth have a profound impact on our compatibility with others. Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK
From the fiery passion of the Leo to the intuitive nature of the Scorpio, each sign brings its unique set of characteristics and traits to the table. By understanding the astrological signs of our potential soulmates, we can gain valuable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and ultimate compatibility with us.
As the best astrologer in the UK, I will guide you through the process of identifying your soulmate using astrological signs, providing you with a deeper understanding of the cosmic connections that can bring us together. Whether you’re seeking love, seeking guidance, or simply seeking to understand the mysteries of the universe, this section will reveal the secrets of love and marriage that will change your life forever.

The impact of planetary positions on love and marriage

As the planets continue to dance across the celestial sky, their intricate positions can have a profound impact on our most intimate and meaningful relationships. The ancient art of astrology has long recognized the subtle yet powerful influence of planetary alignments on the human experience, particularly when it comes to love and marriage. From the passionate allure of Venus to the fiery intensity of Mars, each planet plays a unique role in shaping our romantic journeys.
In this critical phase of our lives, the positions of the planets can either amplify our love and commitment or create challenges that test our relationships. For instance, a Jupiter-Moon conjunction can bring an influx of emotional support and nourishment, while a Saturn-Neptune opposition can lead to feelings of uncertainty and frustration. The intricate web of planetary relationships can also reveal hidden patterns and tendencies that may be driving our choices and behaviors in the pursuit of love and marriage. Love Marriage Problem Solution in UK
By understanding the astrological map that governs our lives, we can gain valuable insights into the dynamics of our relationships, allowing us to make more informed decisions and navigate the complexities of love and marriage with greater ease and confidence. As the best astrologer in the UK, I have spent years studying the ancient art of astrology and have developed a deep understanding of its profound impact on our personal and romantic lives. In this blog post, I will share my expert guidance on how to unlock the secrets of love and marriage, and provide you with the tools and knowledge to create a fulfilling and lasting relationship.
submitted by Lucky-Program7456 to u/Lucky-Program7456 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:40 samacora Official - Weekend Free Chat Thread

Good Morning Patriots
Free place to chat and a good place to discuss whatever you like with other sub users

2024 Opponents Set.


Patriots front office tracker


Meet New England’s 2024 Rookie Class.

Patriots updated depth chart


New England Patriots News Catchup Links - OTA observations: Solid day for young rookies; QB throwdown

submitted by samacora to Patriots [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:30 gamefidelio Crypto Research: Global Liquidity vs Crypto Prices Correlation $BTC $ETH

Crypto Research: Global Liquidity vs Crypto Prices Correlation $BTC $ETH
Many are scratching heads why Altcoins 2024 season is still not here 🤔
When Crypto Wealth ?
We had Bitcoin price reach ATH in March, SEC approving Ethereum Spot ETFs - yet altcoins are still under performing 📉
Thx to Raoul Pal for his charts and inspiration for my research 🔍
Looking Oct to Dec 2023 all 3 charts in pic showing us that US M2 money supply, FED liquidity and Global M2 rate of change increased (and were highly correlated with prices of both Bitcoin and Ethereum).
Since both crypto currencies represent over 75% of crypto market cap, where these two go - most altcoins follow.
Time to go for the bullseye 🎯
Let's focus to find biggest 1 month change in rate of US M2 money supply 💥
From Mar to Apr 2024 we had the strongest rate of change in money supply (in last 12 months).
Is it a coincidence or a high correlation that on Mar 14th 2024, Bitcoin printed ATH ✍️
Like it or not, prices of most altcoins and crypto startups will start going higher and reach new ATH, when liquidity will be increased.
For liquidity to be increased, key factors that need to happen are interest rate cut oand new money printing.
And this is why US Presidential Election is this year key factor affecting crypto markets and price of altcoins.
Waiting now interest rate cut either in Jun or Sep 2024 - once this happens, we can expect altcoins to start moving higher.
submitted by gamefidelio to ChainROI [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:28 deeptechsharing Beatport Top 100 Downloads June 2024

Title: Beatport Top 100 Downloads June 2024 Genre: House, Deep House, Tech House, Techno (Peak Time / Driving), Melodic House & Techno, Minimal / Deep Tech, Nu Disco / Disco, Funky / Groove / Jackin’ House, Dance / Electro Pop, Bass House, Progressive House, Drum & Bass, Trance Release Date: 2024-06-01
DOWNLOAD in 320kbps / FLAC: https://sharing-db.club/djs-chart/483886_beatport-top-100-downloads-june-2024/
Tracklist: 1. Layton Giordani, Anyma (ofc), Loofy – Last Night (Anyma x Layton Giordani Extended Remix) (5:14) 2. Sem Jacobs, Tagmann – Blue Berries (Extended Mix) (6:17) 3. Jennifer Lopez, FISHER (OZ) – Waiting For Tonight (Extended Mix) (4:50) 4. John Summit, HAYLA – Shiver (Cassian Extended Remix) (5:04) 5. Sean Paul, Odd Mob – Get Busy (Odd Mob Extended Club Mix) (3:41) 6. John Summit, Sub Focus, Julia Church – Go Back (Original Mix) (3:40) 7. Mr. Belt & Wezol – It’s Not Right But It’s Okay (Extended) (4:01) 8. ANOTR, Leven Kali, Erik Bandt – How You Feel (Original Mix) (6:01) 9. UNKLE, &ME, Keinemusik – Only You (&ME Remix) (8:34) 10. The Chemical Brothers, ARTBAT – Hey Boy Hey Girl (ARTBAT Extended Mix) (5:25) 11. Chris Lake, Nathan Nicholson, Sammy Virji – Summertime Blues (Extended Mix) (5:29) 12. Skrillex, Hamdi, Taichu, OFFAIAH – Push (feat. OFFAIAH) (3:05) 13. Maz (BR), VXSION – Amana (Original Mix) (7:04) 14. PAWSA – PICK UP THE PHONE (feat. Nate Dogg) (Extended Mix) (5:59) 15. Disclosure, Eliza Doolittle – You & Me (Rivo Extended Mix) (6:02) 16. Robbie Doherty – Work It (Original Mix) (5:44) 17. Raffaella Carra, Agatino Romero, Jaxomy – Pedro (Extended Mix) (3:30) 18. Trace, Liquid Rose – Bitch, Don’t Kill My Vibe (Extended Mix) (6:02) 19. RAFFA GUIDO – Famax (Original Mix) (5:35) 20. Loofy – Last Night (Extended Mix) (6:04) 21. Max Styler – Lights Out (Extended Mix) (5:31) 22. Sharam – PATT (Party All The Time) (Adam Beyer, Layton Giordani & Green Velvet Remix) (5:47) 23. Martin Ikin – Hustlin’ (Extended Mix) (4:49) 24. David Morales, Wh0, Sam Frandisco, Steve Martano – Needin’ U (Extended Mix) (6:11) 25. The Outfield, Diplo – Your Love (Diplo Remix) (2:35) 26. Mau P – On Again – Sharing-DB.club (Original Mix) (6:46) 27. Wuki, Trace (UZ) – Shake It (Extended Mix) (5:11) 28. Chris Lake, Gotye, Kimbra, Sante Sansone, FISHER (OZ) – Somebody (2024) (Extended Mix) (4:15) 29. House of Prayers, Maxim & Matte – All Night (Crazibiza Remix) (6:09) 30. Layton Giordani – New Generation (Space 92 Remix) (5:41) 31. Skrillex, Ahadadream, Priya Ragu, contra (US) – TAKA (Extended Mix) (3:26) 32. Ghostbusterz – Long Train Running (Original Mix) (4:40) 33. Maz (BR), Antdot – Run (Extended Version) (7:30) 34. &ME, Rampa, Adam Port, Keinemusik, Alan Dixon, Arabic Piano – Thandaza (feat. Alan Dixon, Arabic Piano) (Original Mix) (7:04) 35. Clüb De Combat – House Anthem (Original Mix) (7:41) 36. Yvvan Back, Afterman – Who’s That Girl (JL & Afterman Mix) (5:20) 37. Adam Ten – Magic Circus (Original Mix) (5:00) 38. Massano – Talking (Extended Mix) (5:22) 39. DNMO, Wolfy Lights, Blooom – Bombalaya (Blooom Remix) (4:08) 40. TWENTY SIX, Tayson Kryss – Buscando Money (HUGEL & Jesús Fernández Extended Remix) (5:27) 41. MAXI MERAKI, Samm (BE) – Everybody Get Up (Original Mix) (8:24) 42. Bob Marley & The Wailers, Fisher – Jamming (FISHER Rework) (3:21) 43. CASSIMM, Mahalia Fontaine – Say Yeah (Extended Mix) (5:47) 44. Disclosure – She’s Gone, Dance On (Extended Mix) (5:55) 45. Space Motion – Baiana (Original Mix) (6:04) 46. The Temper Trap – Sweet Disposition (John Summit & Silver Panda Extended Remix) (5:44) 47. Barry Can’t Swim – Kimbara (Extended Mix) (4:25) 48. Maz (BR), Antdot, Letícia Fialho – Corpo e Canção (Original Mix) (6:21) 49. War – Low Rider (Kyle Watson Remix) (5:25) 50. Sasha, Super Flu – Astra (Sasha’s Daydream Mix) (7:45) 51. RUZE – Everybody (Original Mix) (4:33) 52. Eli Brown – Trick Daddy (Extended Mix) (5:07) 53. Zamna Soundsystem, ROZYO, Armonica – Summertime Sadness feat. Blu (Original Mix) (5:31) 54. Wakyin, Carlos Vives – Beso (Fruta Fresca) (Extended Mix) (6:31) 55. Argy, Baset – Sierra (Extended Version) (4:11) 56. Gorgon City – One New Change (Extended Mix) (6:50) 57. Riko Dan, K Motionz, ArrDee – Heavyweight (Extended Mix) (3:00) 58. Jay Lumen – Bang To The Beat (Extended Mix) (5:56) 59. Freenzy Music, Marian (BR) – Pakit Ban (Original Mix) (6:00) 60. AYYBO – All We Need (Deep Inside) (Original Mix) (5:17) 61. John Summit – EAT THE BASS (Extended Mix) (4:35) 62. David Penn, OFFAIAH – Satisfied (Extended Mix) (5:16) 63. &ME, Black Coffee, Keinemusik – The Rapture Pt.III (Original Mix) (8:02) 64. Jamie xx, Honey Dijon – Baddy On The Floor (Original Mix) (3:42) 65. Eli Brown – I Got Money (Extended Mix) (5:14) 66. Tony Romera, Crusy – The Unknown (Extended Mix) (5:30) 67. AYYBO – RIZZ (Extended Mix) (5:18) 68. Rosalie, James Mac, VALL – The Boy Is Mine feat. Rosalie (Club Mix) (6:16) 69. ACRAZE, Don Toliver – Bandit (Extended Club Mix) (4:11) 70. Hot Since 82, Ron Carroll – Preach (feat. Ron Carroll) (Extended Mix) (8:23) 71. Martin Ikin – In The Streets (Extended Mix) (5:08) 72. Doche – Pick Up The Pieces (Extended Mix) (5:09) 73. Diffrent – A Little Closer (Extended) (5:18) 74. Max Styler – Follow Me (Original Mix) (5:11) 75. nari, Steve Tosi – S.O.S (Original Mix) (4:29) 76. Estiva – Fine Day (Extended Mix) (7:00) 77. Moeaike – Bo Bom (Alan Dixon Remix) (5:39) 78. Yann Muller, DE SOFFER – Mas Que Nada (Extended Mix) (4:15) 79. Chris Avantgarde, Kevin de Vries – Killa (Original Mix) (5:34) 80. YOUniverse (IT), Beltran (BR) – Still Pushin’ (Original Mix) (5:56) 81. Liva K – The Drill (Original Mix) (6:59) 82. Joshwa – Get Stupid (Extended Mix) (5:27) 83. Zerb, Sofiya Nzau – Mwaki (Extended Mix) (4:32) 84. W&W, Raffaella Carra, Agatino Romero, Jaxomy – Pedro (W&W Remix – Extended) (3:30) 85. Sidney Charles – Space Bass (Original Mix) (6:09) 86. Adriatique, Eynka – Beyond Us (Extended Hatshepsut Version, Alex Wann remix) (6:03) 87. Julian Jordan – I DON’T KNOW (Extended Mix) (3:52) 88. Layton Giordani, Eli Brown, OFFAIAH – When I Push (Original Mix) (5:22) 89. Sasha, Super Flu – Astra (Extended) (5:58) 90. Da Hool, Maddix, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Kiki Solvej – Meet Her At The Love Parade (Instrumental Mix) (5:40) 91. Buogo – Rave It (Original Mix) (6:01) 92. Malone, Nacho Scoppa – On Yo Head (Original Mix) (6:03) 93. Sub Focus, Julia Church, John Summit – Go Back feat. Julia Church (D&B VIP) (3:29) 94. Tiesto, Prophecy – My City (Original Mix) (3:18) 95. HoneyLuv, Roland Clark – This Is My Life (Bontan Extended Mix) (5:37) 96. Sugar Hill – I Love You So ((Extended mix)) (5:10) 97. Christian (IT) – Ain’t Nobody 2024 (Original Mix) (4:51) 98. Alex Stein – The Chant (Original Mix) (6:06) 99. James Hype – Wild (Extended Mix) (5:40) 100. Rova – Eyes On Me (Original Mix) (3:43)
submitted by deeptechsharing to deeptech_house [link] [comments]
