Sickle cell scholarships 2011

CRP levels

2024.06.01 11:49 volvic6 CRP levels

Does having sickle cell cause a higher c-reactive protein level? I'm interested to know what crp level other people with sickle cell have.
My last blood test had a crp of 3 and the one before that 8. Does hydroxyurea cause a higher crp level becuase when I had I crp of 8 that was 2 weeks after i stopped hydroxyurea?
submitted by volvic6 to Sicklecell [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:25 Serenity1423 A person who thinks their sickle cell disease is one of the Hebrew curses

A person who thinks their sickle cell disease is one of the Hebrew curses submitted by Serenity1423 to religiousfruitcake [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:17 DislikesSand Debunking The Codex

original doc:


This is an article refuting the scales of Dragon Ball that the site known as has, as well as the validity of its tiering system and judgement.
Our goal is to turn this website and its maker into a laughing stock.


Asa believes that science is the fundamental explanation of everything. This is scientism. Scientism is wrong.
Since the very foundation of knowledge of this wiki is based on lies, it serves to prove that all of its statements are lies. A false theory can only produce true results in the real world, a false theory can produce only false results in the world of imagination.

Motivated Reasoning

One of us tried to talk to Asa. However, he would not change his mind no matter what, despite the many scans that refuted him.
Being a follower of the supremely illogical belief known as scientism, he likely has a lot of experience in using mental gymnastics to keep his beliefs secure.

Dragon Ball

Quick Clarification on Canon

The original manga is canon. The original and Z anime are canon. Super is canon (anime and manga). GT is canon. Movies are not canon.

Debunking Island Level

Above Island Level Feats

But Frieza Can’t Survive a Planet Bust!

  1. He did, you moron.
  2. According to the codex

Debunking sub-FTL

Debunking Shitty Standards
To start off, as our Tiering System & Attack Potency system, base our standards off real life and thus assume a verse for the most part follows our real life laws of physics in order to give them statistics, we also follow that the verse follows relativity. As we allow gravity to exist, a concept directly connected to relativity and time. Thus with this baseline established, achieving speeds faster then the speed of light is impossible as that requires infinite energy, and faster then light speeds are impossible as the faster you travel through space, the slower you travel through time.
Already starting off with appeal to reality. And don’t you fucking strawman me by saying ‘oooo then we can’t calculate planet busting!!!’. Fuck you. We use real life to guide character feats and understand what they are. We do not use real life to limit a character. We can use real life physics and geometry to figure out that a character who smashes through planets while traveling across the milky way in seconds is massively FTL and bare minimum continental. We do not use real life physics to say ‘actually that never happened’.
As explained above, space travel granting Faster Than Light is not an allowed idea due to the existence of time dilation, but also with the existence of "apparent" or "effective" FTL which proposes an area of space-time is distorted to temporarily allow faster then light travel"Apparent" or "effective" FTL,[1][2][3][4].
  1. There are several space travel feats in DB and other works
  2. Spaceships in DB travel FTL. That is how they work. How? They go really fast. That’s that. Fuck relativity.
  1. Give me one statement that implies FTL travel in DB works like this. No using real life physics or your fanfiction. One. One concrete statement that time dilation is the reason why. Do not use steven universe. Use Dragon Ball.

Solar Flare is Light Generated by Ki

Light. Generated by Ki. Light in Dragon Ball is faster than it is in real life.
‘But science!’
  1. Fuck your scientism
  2. Fuck real world science. This is fiction. Light can be faster than IRL light if the author wants it to be.

Many FTL feats

Original DB


Whis/Other Characters

Viz is not reliable

Example #1 = Galaxy level Moro
Moro is actually a universal or even multiversal threat

No Ki Control

First off, here’s some scans.
Secondly, let’s list how many series would be nerfed from this.
  1. Fate
  2. Persona
  3. Saint Seiya
  4. Destiny
  5. The Elder Scrolls
  6. Pokemon
  7. Digimon
  8. Almost every fiction
If you’re happy with this, go fuck yourself.

Debunking No Resistances

Murphy’s Debunk of the Dragon Ball Explanation Page

Debunk of Moon Level ‘Outlier’
Thegiver: This also can’t be argued ki control since Roshi literally admitted he went overboard and such, mind you there’s still pieces of the castle left in tact after the feat, so if this was the true moon busting kamehameha he would’ve atomized the castle pieces, unless we’re going to say the moon is smaller than that.
Murphy: This argument doesn't work, Roshi is simply saying he didn't control himself completely not that he didn't control himself at all, you can control yourself to a certain extent yet still miscalculate without going all out.
Thegiver: We also know that this isn't a casual feat because one, Roshi went to MAX power. Now contrary to popular belief, MAX Power Roshi isn't a form that Roshi controls, it's literally in the name. It's Roshi at his maximum power, just like 100% Final Form Frieza isn't a form. Now we also know with the kamehameha that Roshi is using is directly explained by Yamcha to be using ALL of his dormant power and condensing it into a single blast
Murphy: Yamcha is simply explaining the nature of the Kamehameha to his knowledge he's not describing what Roshi is doing specifically
Thegiver: This also goes against the VERY NAME of the attack, which is the MAX POWER Kamehameha:
Murph: Nominal Fallacy + Name doesn't exist in the Manga or Canon Guides
Thegiver: So let's talk about Piccolo destroying the moon. Dragon Ball Z Kakarot directly states they straight up retconned Piccolo's moon feat with him "creates an illusion in which the moon only appears to be destroyed.
Murphy: not everything in Kakarot is Canon it only incorporates Canon Elements and doesn't override the Main Story in which he very blatantly destroyed it
Thegiver: So an interesting thing to note is that first and foremost, Piccolo did this with a charged energy blast, which in the same saga and in an early fight, it's noted that charged energy blast are greatly above the users power level: So this would mean the attack wouldn't even physically scale to Piccolo, it'd be a tier with a charged blast.
Murphy: Piccolo doesn't even charge up the Attack in the Manga
Murphy: he has a lot of stuff here which is just explained by Attack Potency ≠ Destructive Capacity like Raditz's Ki Blast & Vegeta's Final Flash (edited)
Murphy: Vegeta notes with a charged galick gun he's going to destroy the planet: So one of the biggest issues I always, always had with this scene was one major thing. Vegeta can't breate in space. He also would not be able to survive this explosion if the likes of Frieza and SSJ Goku wouldn't have survived Namek's explosion, don't even get me started on how inverse square law and how far they are from the explosion since they're fighting in the sky would massively lower the energy they're actually tanking. Vegeta also notes in the statement if Goku moves out of the way the planet would get destroyed, so if Goku stood there and took it the planet wouldn't have been destroyed. So what makes far more sense is Vegeta was going to shoot a blast that hits the core, or he was baiting Goku to let himself get hit by the blast by threatening the entire planet would be gone if he dodged it. Vegeta himself has a saiyan pod he would've likely used too to just leave if the core was detonated, he already had everything he needed from Earth on top of this, so he would have no reason to stay.
Murphy:Vegeta was not thinking about surviving at that point, his pride is very clearly hurt and according to his words he cannot accept losing to Goku, him blowing up the Planet, not thinking about his survival, makes perfect sense, but nothing suggests that he's going to destroy its core, he literally says he's going to blow it to bits which suggests immediate destruction.
Thegiver:Cell's kamehameha was going to destroy the earth and Goku notes since Cell knew he was going to jump and Goku responds "You're not that stupid" implying Cell would've died to the blast too:
Murphy:Cell literally says in the same link he would've destroyed the planet without batting an eye he just wants to have fun
Thegiver:Goku's kamehameha was going to destroy the earth and Cell cannot tank this blast, needing to regenerate:
Murphy: Earth blowing up would simply be a side effect of Goku's Kamehameha it doesn't mean that's its full extent
Thegiver: Semi-Perfect Cell explosion was consistently noted it was going to destroy the planet and Gohan and it straight up killed Goku:
Murphy: same thing although here Cell is saying if Gohan kills him everyone dies because they can't breathe in space
submitted by DislikesSand to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:40 Cupideree Would getting a tattoo effect my sickle cell?

Hello everyone,
Was wondering if anyone has gotten a tattoo with sickle cell and did it impact you at all? I imagine the process is painful but I mean overall, would it have any effect on my overall health or have any future complications? The tat was going to be a half moon (to represent sickle cell) was going to be super small and probably above my knee.
submitted by Cupideree to Sicklecell [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:15 BreadHeadTV Questions you would like answered about the Crispr gene therapy Bone Marrow Transplant process?

Hi, Fellow warriors. Im not new to this page been here for some years in the background learning about other peoples experiences, but this is my first post on here. I really want your questions, concerns and misconceptions you might have about the Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) procedure?
Let me introduce myself. Imma 30yr old male who has type SS sickle cell. I live in California, the Bay Area to be exact. Before i got the crispr Bone marrow Transplant (BMT), i was literally in and out the hospital every month to month and a half for anywhere from 10-17 days on average. My longest stay in the hospital i think was around 28 days. It got really bad to the point where i had plenty of near death experiences in the icu, plus everyone working in the hospital knew my name.
I recently went through with the Crispr gene therapy BMT procedure and recorded the whole process. From the before stage where your getting prepped for the therapy to the chemotherapy stage, the implanting stage and the very slow recovery stage.
My goal is to make a documentary and with it, I want to shine a light on sickle cell and its effects. I also want give perspective on this little known procedure that might be a “cure” or at least can be the difference between life and death for so many in the sickle cell community. I want to show the good, bad, and ugly also the positive and negative effects of the crispr gene therapy BMT. I want people who do have sickle cell to be aware and open minded to the possibility of what this procedure can do. Also explain the risk you’re taking if you go down this route of the crispr gene therapy BMT. I want people who don’t have sickle cell to be able to learn about sickle cell in a first person perspective and educate healthcare workers, family members and friends to understand us warriors better and the things we go through.
I NEED YOUR HELP Im coming to the community to get support and i need your input on any ideas for my documentary. I REALLY need all the questions, comments, concerns, myths and other stuff you want answered and can think of. This will help me with my documentary tremendously. Also, leave any questions or concerns you have for the doctors who make this treatment possible. Thank you.
submitted by BreadHeadTV to Sicklecell [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:37 EditorAfraid8948 chronic pain

ok this is my weird story i was diagnosed with SC they recently did 2 hemoglobin electrophoresis test my last hemoglobin electrophoresis showed 39.8 hemoglobin S A2 3.2 hemoglobin F 1.2 the doctor in the emergency room and urgent care said i was probably misdiagnosed but i have been admitted multiple times for a vaso occlusive crisis my hemoglobin used to be really low now its somewhat normal or way to high, my retic count when im in pain they still check it and it be very high but they don't know why my RDW and my retic count is high when i go in for having chronic pain i been having pain daily and can't get treated for it because theyre saying i have SA i went to my hematologist he said when we are born with sickle cell hemoglobin F level is abornormal he said some people grow out of it some dont and im the case i didn't grow out of it he also said i have the S i been having throbbing sharp pains. i was told people with SCT usually dont have a high retic count that's why they cant tell when they're sickling he ordered another hemgobin electrophoresis i showed him my recent ones he says its sickle cell the urgent care and hospital has me as a drug seeker when the urgent care only did the hemoglobin electrophoresis once to see if the S was even present same with the hospital so now i have to stay in excruciating pain idk what else to do in this situation im confused and in chronic pain daily and cant even get no help medically its sad man i was going to the hospital and urgent care often because i never had a hematologist until recently and NO I HAVE NOT HAD ANY BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS lately in the pass yes recently no
submitted by EditorAfraid8948 to Sicklecell [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:24 Gale_of_Waterdeep he sure does drive a hard bargain

he sure does drive a hard bargain submitted by Gale_of_Waterdeep to okbuddybaldur [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:50 ShroXi Can I donate Plasma with Sickle Cell?

I am a person with an active trait of the Sickle Cell gene. I was thinking about donating Plasma since I know that a blood donation would probably out of the question. I was wondering if I am eligible to donate Plasma or if my Sickle Cell disease somehow interferes with that? Would be really grateful for a response
submitted by ShroXi to Blooddonors [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:05 ohhhh-bo FULL LOST ALEX G LIVE FROM 2011 FOUND

recently, as someone who’s been archiving and historizing all the pieces of alex on the internet i can find, i reached out to an old drummer for alex named zack reinhardt (he told me he’d like his name out here, please go check him and his music out! the hundred acre woods is his band)
he told me he had a file from one of alex’s band practice sessions on his computer. he sent me clips of each song and told me that he will send the files to me once he gets time and can export it. the set list of this show is shown above.
now, i do not yet have the files from this show but once i get them i will upload them asap. this is very exciting however, because not only is this the first documented time of him playing come back, but this is also in pretty decent quality and is actually before his first solo show ever! he’d only performed with the skin cells before this!
this band session was from fall 2011, with: alex on guitar and vocals sam on bass zach kuntz (skin cells album cover guy): guitar zack reinhardt: drums and backup vocals
p.s PLEASE do not message him and ask when the files are being sent, he’ll get there when he can :)
submitted by ohhhh-bo to sandyalexg [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:04 ChickFilaFries33 NSI Package (Medical Questions)

Hello all,
I am resorting to asking this question on Reddit because it seems that none of my medical providers nor those handling the packages can answer. I emailed those in charge of NSI packages and have not heard back; every time I call my doctor’s office I get ping ponged back and forth through transfer calls. For the Newborn sickle cell blood result, the paper that I have is one used by NCAA athletes that simply states “no indication of disease or trait”. In the example package, however, it displays an entire lab with a bunch of values and it states that it is an appropriate example. Mine doesn’t have that. When I was on the phone with the newborn screening lady, she said she had been receiving lots of calls regarding this and they weren’t entirely sure what to provide. Is anyone else/has anyone been through this and have any insight? I am just nervous to send in my package with the newborn paperwork I have because it does not match the example, and I am worried they will not let me participate because of this difference. I apologize if this post comes off as a bit rude, I’m just slightly irritated because I’ve been trying to send in this packet for weeks now and the deadline of postmark by June 14 is approaching.
submitted by ChickFilaFries33 to NROTC [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:49 anonymous-shad0w Longer Transfer Gap to Adult Care Increases Inpatient Encounters in Sickle Cell Disease

submitted by anonymous-shad0w to IndustrialPharmacy [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:11 Win-Equal Rate my little gaming collection.

Rate my little gaming collection. submitted by Win-Equal to gamecollecting [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:13 OkTemporary3437 Batista's 2010 run REBOOKED

Although I believe many people will disagree with this, but Batista's 2010 run sucked. Probably because he won the WWE Championship in the laziest way possible, and only had one title defence, lost 3 consecutive matches to John Cena, and then quit. His 2009 heel turn was promising, but in 2010, he wasn't good. I will say this: I love Batista. He's one of my most favorite wrestlers of all time, but he was not supposed to lose 3 times in one year to a man wearing jorts. So, I will rewrite Dave's story, atleast how I would have liked to see Dave's story in 2010.
2010: I would keep the detail of Dave getting eliminated by John Cena from the Royal Rumble, as it sets up the rivalry perfectly. Next night on Raw, Batista says he has been screwed, and that he is worthy enough to compete for the WWE Championship at Elimination Chamber. Triple H comes out and tells Dave that he can't demand stuff because he wants it, instead he has to earn it. To qualify for the Elimination Chamber, Dave must defeat Triple H in a one-on-one match in the main event of RAW. Dave beats Hunter clean, and qualifies for the Chamber. In this story, Dave enters last, and at that point, Cena already eliminated everyone, so the final 2 competitors are Batista and John Cena. Batista pins Cena and wins the WWE Championship. Vince McMahon comes out and congratulates Batista for winning the championship. Then, Vince turns his attention to Cena, and tells him that he can earn his title shot at WrestleMania 26 by defeating Batista next night on RAW. Instead of Batista intentionally DQ-ing himself right after the match begun, Cena and Dave face each other in a solid main event, and Cena overcomes the Animal. The time has come for WrestleMania, Dave and Cena go at it, and Cena comes out on top. Next night on RAW, Batista announces he will be using his rematch clause at Extreme Rules, and will defeat Cena. John then comes out and starts roasting Batista, and at that point, Dave snaps and starts beating the hell out of the champ. He brutalizes him with a steel chair, gets a table from under the ring, powerbombs Cena through it, then grabs the WWE championship as he poses with it for the camera. I believe this is a good way to set up a good rematch, with Dave being seen as a legitimate threat, and gives us a good Face vs Heel match. The match ends in a controversial way, as Batista hits Cena with a steel chair, and the referee doesn't react, and when Dave goes for the pin, the referee does a quick count. Dave stands victoriously as he gets showered with boos. Next night on RAW, it was revealed that it was all schemed by Vince McMahon, as he ordered the ref to do a quick count, and under any circumstances not disqualify any competitors. Cena demands a rematch, as he feels like he has been screwed, and Batista agrees to face Cena. The match happens at Over the Limit, where Cena beats Batista. After his loss, Dave goes on a different path. He starts getting attacked by Nexus, and this leads to an epic bout: Evolution vs. Nexus. Batista, Triple H and Randy Orton put aside their differences and face a shared enemy, but in the end, they come up short. Then, at SummerSlam, Team WWE vs. Team Nexus happens, and in this universe, Team Nexus wins. Batista decides to take a short break, until 2011.
As Dave's story didn't go too well in 2010, how would he go in 2011? Much better. He goes to SmackDown, and faces Mark Henry in his Hall of Pain era. Now, beating Mark Henry back in the day was... meh. But beating Mark Henry in 2011? Seemed impossible, and the crowd would go crazy. Batista shows off his strength as he lifts up Henry, and slams him down with a Batista Bomb, and the crowd goes crazy! Batista defeats Henry at TLC and becomes the new World Heavyweight Champion. He defeats Henry again, and at the Royal Rumble in 2012, he faces Big Show for the title. As both men lay down on the floor, Daniel Bryan comes out running to the ring, and cashes in his MITB contract! Bryan pins Big Show to become the new World Heavyweight Championship. And, instead of Sheamus facing Bryan, he gets replaced by Batista. At WrestleMania 28, Dave squashes Bryan, because this would again cause Bryan to go batshit and go into his Team Hell No part, plus, Dave is again champion. Night after WrestleMania, Brock Lesnar returns, and instead of facing Cena at Extreme Rules, guess who he faces. That's right, he faces Fandango- no he doesn't. He faces Dave for the World Championship, but Batista beats Lesnar. Dave loses the World Heavyweight Championship to Alberto Del Rio, with some help with Ricardo Rodriguez. Batista gets his rematch, but gets embarrased by Del Rio, as he defeats Dave.
Dave's story doesn't end here, as he is back for Round 3, baby! He goes to RAW once again, and faces newly crowned champion, Cena for the belt. In this story, HHH was already a corrupt Authority figure, so he helps Batista win the WWE Championship. Batista defends the title against Cena and Orton on multiple occasions, and comes out victorious both times. This leads us to the Yes Movement. Remember Daniel Bryan, how he lost to Batista at WM28? Well... he wasn't too happy about that, and challenged Dave for a match for the title at SummerSlam 2013. Triple H told Dave that it wasn't a good idea to face Bryan, but Dave got too cocky and accepted the match. He was so cocky, in fact, that he put HHH as the special guest referee. During the match, HHH seemed to turn on Batista, and Bryan won the match. But, it was all a trap. Out comes Randy Orton with Evolution's theme song, and cashes in on Bryan. Orton wins, and becomes new WWE Champion. Dave, Orton and HHH stand victoriously in the ring, as Evolution is reformed. Bryan gets his rematch at Hell in a Cell against Orton, but Batista gets added into the match too. Dave and Orton brutally beat Bryan, as Orton pins Bryan with the help of Batista. It seems that Evolution was unstoppable, but, something happened. Dave started getting jealous of Randy, even almost costing him a match against Cena. HHH tries to stop it, but at Royal Rumble 2014, Batista and Randy Orton go one-on-one. Orton beats Batista, and Batista quits Evolution. He then faces Brock Lesnar at Elimination Chamber, and loses, then faces him again at WM30, and loses again. Dave announces that he will be leaving WWE for a short while, so he can work on Guardians of the Galaxy. And... that's about it. I will also write another Batista story, but that part comes later.
submitted by OkTemporary3437 to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:31 dBonesLH Spring Sci-Fi Reviews!

Hi Sci-Fi fans! I am back with a few more reviews. I bounce around primarily between SF, horror and Fantasy so if you like those genres you can find some of those reviews on my profile as well. Let’s get to it!

Lowest reviewed to highest.

Devastation of Baal by Guy Haley

Basic Outline- Leviathan has come to Baal! The tyranid swarm is staging a full scale assault on the birthplace of Sanguinius. Can Dante and the Blood Angels save their home?

Thoughts- I have been on a bit of a 40K kick between reading the books, lore and playing Rogue Trader on PS5. Dante (review below) really cemented to me how good a space marine focused 40K book can be if the author manages to tell a human story despite the inhuman personality of many of its characters. Haley doesn’t succeed as well here. The story tries to encompass the entirely of the battle for Baal and its two moons but as a result takes on too many POV’s many of which feel unnecessary and are too infrequent to really become attached to the characters. I honestly feel like if Haley had stuck to maybe three (the water seller and his son, Seth and Dante) the book would have felt more intimate and personal in a similar way to Dante. I had heard the critique that Haley’s depiction of the tyranid perspective was flawed and poorly drawn and I have to agree. It just felt repetitive every time being like it doesn’t care about itself, it is just a blood cell etc. We get it I understand the concept can we move on? The unfortunate thing is I can see the great book that is hiding in here which is demonstrated in the last 25 pages or so once we focus on the climax with Dante and the repercussions following the battle for Baal. Haley is at his best when he focuses on individual character stories and I hope as I continue onto Darkness of the Blood he gets back to it (although I am going to take a little break from 40K novels for a while).

Rating-3/5 stars. Some good moments sprinkled into a story that is too crowded with POV’s which feel unnecessary or repetitive.

Hominids by Robert J. Sawyer

Basic Outline- Ponter Boddit is a Neanderthal physicist who is accidentally transported to our parallel earth. Mary Vaughan is the biologist sent to investigate if he is a hoax or the genuine article. They must reconcile our many cultural and historical differences as well as investigate if they can return Ponter home.

Thoughts- Prior to picking this up for myself I had read a few people’s opinions on the writing of Sawyer and a lot of them were fairly negative. Many harped on his tendencies to over describe situations and unfortunately talk about how this series goes completely off the rails by the end. Obviously, this is the first book so I have not gotten into that and despite worrying about where it might go I have to say I enjoyed it quite a bit. I am a sucker for “first contact” books and I think despite this being a parallel worlds first contact instead of an alien contact I think it qualifies. As to Mr. Saywer’s writing style I found it to be guilty of the occasional diversion from what might be considered the main thrust of the story but it gave colour to the world and reminded me of people’s randomly flying associations they make internally he is just putting them onto the page. I enjoyed the characters and as a Canadian found it charming to have the setting be so familiar to me (taking place in Ontario). The world and culture of the Neanderthals was fun to explore and compare even though at times it can be a little too idyllic. There were some elements that were negative from our cultural perspective but on the whole our humans per usual come off looking worse than the neanderthals. Which I don’t actually mind since you know what we do to the world hasn’t been exemplary. There were some aspects of the story which dragged a little (aspects of the trial regarding Ponter’s disappearance) but mostly I flew through it. A couple of moments felt a little farfetched (governments not taking a heavier hand with the area/discovery and scientists overlooking a giant obvious concern for any first contact scenario) but as I said it was an enjoyable read and I am looking forward to seeing where it goes next despite worries about the rest of the trilogy due to readers’ complaints.

Rating-4/5 stars. A great start and an interesting/different take on a first contact story. Good neanderthal world building with Canadian flair.

Dante by Guy Haley
Basic Outline- Chapter Master of one of the greatest Space Marine legions is Dante a mysterious and powerful figure to the Imperium of Man. Before his over millennia long rise to prominence he was just a poor boy scraping to survive on a desert moon. Witness the humble beginnings of a legend and the start of one of his greatest trials.

Thoughts- This book really surprised me. I have now read a handful of 40K novels and while some have been quite enjoyable (the Eisenhorn trilogy) many have been varying degrees of boring bolter porn to downright shoddily written dreck. For a space marine book in particular to humanize their main character in such a successful way was great. Going back and forth between young Luis trying to survive his dream of becoming a Blood Angel (the better half of the book by far) and fifteen hundred year old Dante making decisions which impact billions of lives was a great contrast and really intriguing to span the gap between who he was and who he became. Some of the moments were heartbreaking including a noble sacrifice in the later stages of the book which was quite touching and one moment where you really feel the impact of the length of time upon even these mighty immortal warriors. I think this has set a new standard for me as far as 40K novels go, it had some great action, excellent character exploration and incorporates the amazing setting that is 40K quite well. I am excited to read on into the rest of the omnibus and take on Devastation of Baal.

Rating-4/5 stars. A surprisingly human take on the immortal godlike beings that are the Adeptus Astartes. Maybe not the perfect start to enter this immense world but if you are interested in Space Marines in particular you could do much worse.

The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula Le Guin

Basic Outline- Genly Ai travels to the desolate frozen world of Winter to invite the locals to join the rest of the worlds of humanity. However, there are large obstacles to his goal, a growing conflict between the nations on Winter and the cultural and physical differences between the genderless natives and the rest of mankind.

Thoughts- I have to admit that I had lofty expectations for this novel especially after posting my previous review of The Dispossessed and saying I enjoyed it immensely to which several people commented that this book was even better. As I started this smaller book (approximately 300 pages) after about a third I was if not struggling starting to wonder when the greatness would occur. I did not have as much of an attachment to Genly in the same way as Shevek from The Dispossessed as he seemed even more naïve and coarse when he should be coming at least as a trained ambassador even if he had never actually done one of these missions before. The book picked up in the next hundred pages once the POV of Estraven is introduced (the Prime Minister of one of the nations on Winter) but by then I was thinking how is Le Guin going to wrap this up in a satisfying way with only one hundred pages left? And with the last hundred I go goddamn Le Guin you did it again! I was invested, emotional and happy with where we ended. This book was obviously hugely influential in dealing with gender roles, sexuality and critiquing our own relationships between men and women and this was all in the sixties long before such conversations were commonplace. It very much took too long from my perspective to get going both from a story perspective and from a thematic perspective (the real conversations about gender and Earth’s backward way of thinking of them really don’t take off until the last hundred pages) which is my biggest problem with this novel. Perhaps for others this is fine but I felt for me The Dispossessed was paced better. The last third of this novel is excellent combining the best of adventure, survival and emotional storytelling. I just sort of wish this was parceled out a little more throughout the narrative. Le Guin is clearly a master and now after reading two of her seminal novels I am eager to continue to read her bibliography.

Rating-4/5 stars. Le Guin continues to reinforce her reputation as truly one of the Sci-Fi greats. It meanders a bit too much for the first two thirds before delivering a fantastic ending.
The Martian by Andy Weir
Basic Outline- Mark Watney is left stranded on Mars after a catastrophic storm on the surface. What follows is a desperate struggle for survival with all the elements of Robinson Crusoe but you know on Mars with a wise ass.

Thoughts- This book breached what I would consider the “normie” or casual reader sphere when it was released in 2011. Even during that time frame when I wasn’t reading much fiction, I heard of it and wanted to pick it up before seeing the Ridley Scott film. That didn’t happen and I ended up loving the movie and it became in my opinion, one of Scott’s best films. I am here to reinforce the thoughts of many people and say the book is just as good (barring one element I will get to later). Weir writes such likable and relatable characters especially Watney who is endearing and hilarious throughout the book with his gallows humour. You really root for him because he does the work, he keeps it light even in the darkest moments and is constantly tested. The tertiary characters are well drawn and feel real from the exhausted Bruce to the cantankerous Mitch or devasted commander Lewis. I have seen the film a dozen times and even while reading I was getting chills and was worried for Watney as he makes his journey and goes through roadblock after roadblock. That is writing that should be lauded when I am barreling through the book, hanging on every word and I know the outcome. There are some elements that differ from the film, I particularly enjoyed an extremely dark conversation concerning Johanssen which was in the book and missing from the film which was blackly hilarious. Also some parts of Watney’s final trip to the Ares 4 site was cut from the movie and was a nice little final F U to watch him try and solve even more problems. I will say and many people have mentioned it elsewhere the book does sort of just end, whereas Scott’s excellent adaption gives a more proper and satisfying conclusion.

Rating-4.5/5 stars. I was shocked that I enjoyed this book as much as I did considering I have watched the film so much and it was adapted fairly closely. Excellent character work and suspenseful writing make this one of the best survival stories I have ever read.

Thanks so much for reading if you made it!!

If you want to read my previous SF reviews I will post the links here:
Books reviewed include: Sons of Sanguinius Omnibus, Hereticus, A Memory Called Empire & A Desolation Called Peace, Ancillary Justice and A Fire Upon the Deep.
Books reviewed include: All Systems Red, Ancillary Sword, Stories of Your Life and Others, The Dispossessed and The Mountain in the Sea.
[Potential Options Upcoming books:]()

Owned- Metro 20233 by Glukhovsky, Dante, Darkness in the Blood & Astorath: Angel of Mercy by Haley, The Word for World is Forest by Le Guin, The Windup Girl by Bacigalupi.

Wishlist- The Praxis by Willams, Children of Time by Tchaikovsky, Jurassic Park by Crichton, Ancillary Mercy by Leckie.
submitted by dBonesLH to printSF [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:05 new2thisNov2021 Anybody else have genetic diseases they never knew they had till too late?

I just read an article about chronic disease or illness fakers. I am thoroughly disgusted that even more people are more ignorant than I thought possible beyond my immediate family.
Right before the age of 40 I passed out waiting for a table at a nice restaurant, slowly drinking a beer. Luckily I had not been a heavy, medium, or even light drinker for almost 10 years. All I really had physically wrong with me at that time was testosterone therapy, come shoulder surgeries, and chronic,sometimes horrible pain. Oh, I was also told I had a great, really great bronze California tan.
After that incident right before age 40 I had every test I could have done to explain what happened. Witnesses said, im 6'3 195+ lbs, I just turned white, became instantly soaking wet, and fell straight backwards like a 2x4.
After all the tests were completed I discovered my Iron(its really called ferratin) was at a level of 3,900 (normal safe levels are 50 to 200 roughly. I was given a genetic test for hemachromatosis, which is pretty common, and not a super big deal when treated early. In fact, anyone with hemachromatosis cam firmly state that we people,all people, black, while, whatever are related. Black people have a genetic disease called sickle cell disease. If not treated and allowed to run rampart sickle cell turns into hemachromatosis. Nuff said.
The main treatment for hemachromatosis is bloodletting, the amount of blood you need to get out of your body and how much at a time and how often is usually dictated by the level of your ferritin in your blood at time of diagnosis. Most people, fortunately, get detected and treated by 700 to 1500 level of Ferratin. The body is basically killing itself, "rusting away" to say at levels if 1,000 plus of ferritin.
Now five leads later, testosterone implants every 3 months or so, bloodletting (phlebotomy) treatment 4 times a year now ( I started giving over 550 grams of blood 2 times a week for 4 months, and then once a week 4 or 5 months, and so on and on. I have had a pretty extensive cervical neck surgery, cages, holes drilled in arthritic areas and nerve openings opened up, both hips totally replaced, a knee replacement on left knee coming up soon, always a pain in my ass,, literally,, lol. There's other things, I have to get liver biopsies every year, heart tests performed every year, no alcohol, low Vtamin C diet, no more liver and onions, and reduced use of cast iron and other high iron cooking and eating utensils.
Thing is,, if you see me just see me, you'll see a big, strong, agile, balanced man. But what you dont see is how hard it is for me to just get up and drink a cup of coffee some mornings, or how bad both legs ache, hurt, throb, and sometimes especially feel totally exhausted 2 hours after I wake up. Or a serious neck, nerve issue that I just keep massaging and turning my head.
I don't take opiates, except after surgeries, I can't take much Tylenol or ibuprofen and related. Mostly ice pack/machine, heat pads, hot hot bath soaks, stretching (carefully), keeping moving, and pushing myself everyday or at least 6 days a week harder than the day before.
I have half siblings, 17+ years older than me, with bone spurs, maybe knee replacement, obesity related issues, lack of movement/ exercise issues, and on and on.
I'd happily trade places with them, but keep my age, and very few people I imagine get what I'm about to say next . I decided after the first 6 months of diagnosis I was going to "break and fall apart before I rusted and rotted away".
Do you get that? Understand ? I am happy, no I get exited and thrilled inside when I see people with obvious issues, obesity, laziness, bad diet, drinking, etc struggle, not do, or unwilling to do things they should do, much less want to do to make this life more,, make this life better for themselves. I say F' u all those ignorant dumb lazy scared people that say things, think things, act differently when they interact with you, not knowing you closely and really knowing you, when they see this person that looks, moves, and does lots of physical things better than they can,, and they think your faking or putting on or playing poor pity party me,,, no screw you guys,, try, literally walking 10,000 or more steps in my shoes each day and more, yet sometimes not able to even crawl or move for 2 or 3 hours after 4 or 5 or less some days just living life.
Anyone else have similar stories ? Or experiences? I still can't get over the fact that had a been a normal,, or whatever you call a person who drinks a six pack a week, alcoholic drinker I would definitely for sure have had cirrhosis or liver cancer by now for sure and probably be dead. Anyway,, let me know thanks.
submitted by new2thisNov2021 to hiddengeneticdiseases [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:27 Asleep-Section1248 Found out that my husband and I are both Alpha thalassemia silent carriers

I feel a lot better today and that is why I waited before making this post. Growing up in a less developed country, I was told I had sickle cell trait, AS. This meant that I had to be mindful to not reproduce with someone who has the trait or the disease. I had a couple friends who had sickle cell, some died before we even made it out of high school while the others were constantly sick. So this has always been one of my biggest fear. After relocating to the U.S. I was surprised I was able to join the military with no issues. Then later on in my career, I retested due to sometimes feeling tiredness (I pass my PT test usually with a 90) I was told I didn’t have sickle cell trait but I had something called alpha thalassemia and hemoglobin c, which is kind of close. I didn’t think too much of this. After conceiving, I made it a point to let them know what I had and I would like screening done for my partner. They literally dismissed me because when the Natera test results came in, I didn’t see that test included, so I asked again, then they finally decided to listen to me. Come to find out my partner is also a silent carrier. I was in shambles yesterday and didn’t know how to feel. I have been doing a lot of self research which has been yielding conflicting results. I even reached out to some ladies on social media who posted about it. One in particular told me that her and her partner are silent carriers as well but this meant that their baby would either be a silent carrier, have the trait or not have it all, her baby ended up not having it at all. I already scheduled a consultation for June 6 but I don’t know if I can make it till then without more reassuring information.
I’ll appreciate any knowledge. Thank you!
submitted by Asleep-Section1248 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:38 new2thisNov2021 Anybody else have genetic diseases they never knew they had till too late?

I just read an article about chronic disease or illness fakers. I am thoroughly disgusted that even more people are more ignorant than I thought possible beyond my immediate family.
Right before the age of 40 I passed out waiting for a table at a nice restaurant, slowly drinking a beer. Luckily I had not been a heavy, medium, or even light drinker for almost 10 years. All I really had physically wrong with me at that time was testosterone therapy, come shoulder surgeries, and chronic,sometimes horrible pain. Oh, I was also told I had a great, really great bronze California tan.
After that incident right before age 40 I had every test I could have done to explain what happened. Witnesses said, im 6'3 195+ lbs, I just turned white, became instantly soaking wet, and fell straight backwards like a 2x4.
After all the tests were completed I discovered my Iron(its really called ferratin) was at a level of 3,900 (normal safe levels are 50 to 200 roughly. I was given a genetic test for hemachromatosis, which is pretty common, and not a super big deal when treated early. In fact, anyone with hemachromatosis cam firmly state that we people,all people, black, while, whatever are related. Black people have a genetic disease called sickle cell disease. If not treated and allowed to run rampart sickle cell turns into hemachromatosis. Nuff said.
The main treatment for hemachromatosis is bloodletting, the amount of blood you need to get out of your body and how much at a time and how often is usually dictated by the level of your ferritin in your blood at time of diagnosis. Most people, fortunately, get detected and treated by 700 to 1500 level of Ferratin. The body is basically killing itself, "rusting away" to say at levels if 1,000 plus of ferritin.
Now five leads later, testosterone implants every 3 months or so, bloodletting (phlebotomy) treatment 4 times a year now ( I started giving over 550 grams of blood 2 times a week for 4 months, and then once a week 4 or 5 months, and so on and on. I have had a pretty extensive cervical neck surgery, cages, holes drilled in arthritic areas and nerve openings opened up, both hips totally replaced, a knee replacement on left knee coming up soon, always a pain in my ass,, literally,, lol. There's other things, I have to get liver biopsies every year, heart tests performed every year, no alcohol, low Vtamin C diet, no more liver and onions, and reduced use of cast iron and other high iron cooking and eating utensils.
Thing is,, if you see me just see me, you'll see a big, strong, agile, balanced man. But what you dont see is how hard it is for me to just get up and drink a cup of coffee some mornings, or how bad both legs ache, hurt, throb, and sometimes especially feel totally exhausted 2 hours after I wake up. Or a serious neck, nerve issue that I just keep massaging and turning my head.
I don't take opiates, except after surgeries, I can't take much Tylenol or ibuprofen and related. Mostly ice pack/machine, heat pads, hot hot bath soaks, stretching (carefully), keeping moving, and pushing myself everyday or at least 6 days a week harder than the day before.
I have half siblings, 17+ years older than me, with bone spurs, maybe knee replacement, obesity related issues, lack of movement/ exercise issues, and on and on.
I'd happily trade places with them, but keep my age, and very few people I imagine get what I'm about to say next . I decided after the first 6 months of diagnosis I was going to "break and fall apart before I rusted and rotted away".
Do you get that? Understand ? I am happy, no I get exited and thrilled inside when I see people with obvious issues, obesity, laziness, bad diet, drinking, etc struggle, not do, or unwilling to do things they should do, much less want to do to make this life more,, make this life better for themselves. I say F' u all those ignorant dumb lazy scared people that say things, think things, act differently when they interact with you, not knowing you closely and really knowing you, when they see this person that looks, moves, and does lots of physical things better than they can,, and they think your faking or putting on or playing poor pity party me,,, no screw you guys,, try, literally walking 10,000 or more steps in my shoes each day and more, yet sometimes not able to even crawl or move for 2 or 3 hours after 4 or 5 or less some days just living life.
Anyone else have similar stories ? Or experiences? I still can't get over the fact that had a been a normal,, or whatever you call a person who drinks a six pack a week, alcoholic drinker I would definitely for sure have had cirrhosis or liver cancer by now for sure and probably be dead. Anyway,, let me know thanks.
submitted by new2thisNov2021 to hiddengeneticdiseases [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:37 drswarupkrroy Understanding Glaucoma Risk Factors

Understanding Glaucoma Risk Factors
From minor to major, most people may have experienced eye problems at a certain point in time. Some eye concerns can go away on their own but some require medical guidance from a renowned eye specialist. One such condition that needs urgent diagnosis and treatment to avoid the complications of permanent vision loss is glaucoma. This is a life-threatening eye disorder with no noticeable symptoms and this is why it is important to contact the best glaucoma specialist in SiliguriFrom minor to major, most people may have experienced eye problems at a certain point in time. Some eye concerns can go away on their own but some require medical guidance from a renowned eye specialist. One such condition that needs urgent diagnosis and treatment to avoid the complications of permanent vision loss is glaucoma. This is a life-threatening eye disorder with no noticeable symptoms and this is why it is important to contact the best glaucoma specialist in Siliguri to detect this condition at an early stage.
In most cases, you start experiencing symptoms of glaucoma when the disease has progressed to an advanced stage. Some such symptoms include blind spots in side vision, eye redness, halo around lights, near-sightedness, and severe eye pain. One of the main measures that you can take to prevent glaucoma is to schedule regular eye examinations to check for any abnormal signs. Herein, you need to know the risk factors associated with glaucoma so that you can evaluate your risk levels.

Types Of Glaucoma With Varied Symptoms And Risk Factors

Before knowing about the probable risk factors, it is pivotal for you to understand the various types of glaucoma. This is because the risk factors, symptoms, and causes of the disorder also vary based on its type. Some common types of glaucoma include-
  • Acute angle-closure glaucoma: This type of glaucoma is mainly caused due to a bulging iris that blocks fluid drainage in the eyes. Acute angle-closed glaucoma may progress gradually or develop suddenly.
  • Open-angle glaucoma: It is important to visit a glaucoma clinic in Siliguri immediately if you are suffering from open-angle glaucoma. This glaucoma doesn’t showcase any symptoms and can be caused due to improper functioning of the drainage system.
  • Pigmentary glaucoma: Slow or blocked fluid drainage due to tiny pigment granules can be considered the main reason for Pigmentary glaucoma. Increased intraocular pressure can also be experienced due to this issue.
  • Normal-tension glaucoma: Severe damage in the optic nerve is the main reason for developing normal-tension glaucoma. Underlying conditions damaging blood circulation can also develop this condition.
  • Glaucoma among children: Underlying medical conditions, blocked drainage systems, and eye injury are some of the factors that can cause glaucoma in children. This condition is mostly developed during the first years of life.

Common Risk Factors Associated With Glaucoma

  1. Underlying medical conditions
One of the main risk factors for developing glaucoma is underlying medical conditions. Some such conditions include high blood pressure, diabetes, sickle cell anemia, and migraines. You must know that diabetes is associated with diabetic retinopathy and in this condition, the blood vessels of the retina get damaged hugely.
This significant eye damage can become a major risk behind the development of glaucoma. Additionally, high fibronectin in the eyes is also noticed among diabetic patients which can block the drainage system of your eyes and cause glaucoma. Herein, glaucoma progression is also seen speedier among patients suffering from high or low blood pressure.
  1. High intraocular pressure
Elevated eye or intraocular pressure (IOP) is determined to be a contributing risk factor for all types of glaucoma except normal-tension glaucoma. Any imbalance in the drainage or production of fluid in the eyes can be considered the main reason behind high IOP.
In most cases, you don’t experience any symptoms of high IOP but it can be detected by your doctor during routine eye check-ups. Herein, tonometry is the main test conducted during the examination that can measure the blood pressure of your eyes where pupil dilation can also be done to check for any damage in the optic nerve.
  1. Family history
If you have a family history of glaucoma then you have higher risks of developing open-angled, close-angled, and childhood glaucoma. Both juvenile and infantile glaucoma have a strong connection with a positive family history.
You must know that if your first child is suffering from glaucoma then the chances of the next baby being born with the same disorder is higher. Herein, narrow drainage angle and small eyes are some of the inherited traits that can be responsible for the development of glaucoma. You need to increase the frequency of regular eye examinations if you are exposed to this risk factor.
  1. Eye injury
Significant eye injuries can be regarded as the main risk factor behind most cases of secondary open-angle glaucoma. You may develop glaucoma either immediately after the injury or it can develop after many years. Any penetrating or blunt injuries caused by sharp objects blows in the head, or sport-related injuries can damage the angle structures while increasing IOP.
Herein, the injuries are associated with various other mechanisms such as inflammation and hyphema that can further cause glaucoma. It is important to attend regular appointments and evaluate the risks of glaucoma continuously after a traumatic eye injury.
  1. Excessive steroid usage
Usage of steroids such as corticosteroids can be a contributing risk factor for glaucoma. If you’re using steroids for a longer period then you have a higher chance of developing steroid-induced glaucoma, which is a form of secondary open-angle glaucoma.
Herein, steroids are used for treating various ocular, allergic, immunologic, and inflammatory diseases but you must never take it without supervision as it can have various side effects such as increased eye pressure. You must know that experiencing high IOP for a long time is the main reason for glaucoma development.
  1. Advanced age
Older age is another risk factor for most types of glaucoma including primary open-angle and closed-angle glaucoma. People who are above 60 years old are six times more likely to develop glaucoma as compared to younger adults. Herein, the increased chances of underlying conditions and eye problems can be the main factors behind the association of age and glaucoma.
Additionally, the weakening of eye fluid pathways and vulnerability of the optic nerve towards significant damage can contribute to glaucoma progression. This is why it is always advised to schedule annual eye appointments with the best glaucoma specialist in Siliguri to prevent this life-threatening disorder.
  1. Ethnicity
Along with all the mentioned risk factors, ethnicity is another important factor that can interfere with the severity and risk of glaucoma development. It is pivotal to know that African Americans have a higher risk of suffering from glaucoma due to changes in eye characteristics such as larger optic nerves and thin corneas.
These structural changes can make it more prone for this ethnic group to experience rapid glaucoma progression and permanent blindness. Just like African Americans, Hispanics, Caucasians, and Asians also have a high risk of suffering from glaucoma.
  1. Poor eyesight
Open-angle glaucoma is the most common and multifactorial form of the disorder. We all know that high IOP is regarded as the main risk factor for this condition but in some cases, people with poor eyesight can also suffer from this type of glaucoma.
If you have myopia or near-sightedness then you have increased chances of developing various ocular complications such as macular degeneration, cataracts, and retinal detachment. These complications can further increase the chances of glaucoma development. Similarly, farsightedness can also lead to glaucoma to some extent.
  1. Thin corneas
Another possible risk of glaucoma is thin corneas. You must know that the thickness of the cornea is important for you, where the thinner of the cornea is directly associated with the risk levels of glaucoma.
Most people who have thin corneas are more prone to experience rapid progression of the disease and have higher chances of suffering from severe visual field loss. Additionally, the main side-effect of this risk factor is that people with thin corneas also have high IOP which is considered another cause of glaucoma.
  1. Narrow drainage angles
If you have narrow drainage angles in the eyes then you have a higher likelihood of suffering from closed-angle glaucoma. Narrow drainage angles are a major risk factor for glaucoma as they can lead to various ocular problems such as the closure of the drainage system, blocked fluid flow, and pupillary blockage.
Narrow or closed-angle glaucoma can increase eye pressure and further lead to permanent vision loss. It is important to detect the signs of this glaucoma for early diagnosis. Some noticeable signs of this condition can be blurred vision, sudden eye pain, dilated pupils, and red eyes.
Vision loss associated with glaucoma cannot be repaired. This is why early diagnosis and intervention with the assistance of a renowned glaucoma specialist in Siliguri is the key to preserving your eyesight. Maintain underlying health issues, schedule regular eye exams, and protect your eyes from injury to reduce the risks of developing this severe eye disorder.
to detect this condition at an early stage.
In most cases, you start experiencing symptoms of glaucoma when the disease has progressed to an advanced stage. Some such symptoms include blind spots in side vision, eye redness, halo around lights, near-sightedness, and severe eye pain. One of the main measures that you can take to prevent glaucoma is to schedule regular eye examinations to check for any abnormal signs. Herein, you need to know the risk factors associated with glaucoma so that you can evaluate your risk levels.

Types Of Glaucoma With Varied Symptoms And Risk Factors

Before knowing about the probable risk factors, it is pivotal for you to understand the various types of glaucoma. This is because the risk factors, symptoms, and causes of the disorder also vary based on its type. Some common types of glaucoma include-
  • Acute angle-closure glaucoma: This type of glaucoma is mainly caused due to a bulging iris that blocks fluid drainage in the eyes. Acute angle-closed glaucoma may progress gradually or develop suddenly.
  • Open-angle glaucoma: It is important to visit a glaucoma clinic in Siliguri immediately if you are suffering from open-angle glaucoma. This glaucoma doesn’t showcase any symptoms and can be caused due to improper functioning of the drainage system.
  • Pigmentary glaucoma: Slow or blocked fluid drainage due to tiny pigment granules can be considered the main reason for Pigmentary glaucoma. Increased intraocular pressure can also be experienced due to this issue.
  • Normal-tension glaucoma: Severe damage in the optic nerve is the main reason for developing normal-tension glaucoma. Underlying conditions damaging blood circulation can also develop this condition.
  • Glaucoma among children: Underlying medical conditions, blocked drainage systems, and eye injury are some of the factors that can cause glaucoma in children. This condition is mostly developed during the first years of life.

Common Risk Factors Associated With Glaucoma

  1. Underlying medical conditions
One of the main risk factors for developing glaucoma is underlying medical conditions. Some such conditions include high blood pressure, diabetes, sickle cell anemia, and migraines. You must know that diabetes is associated with diabetic retinopathy and in this condition, the blood vessels of the retina get damaged hugely.
This significant eye damage can become a major risk behind the development of glaucoma. Additionally, high fibronectin in the eyes is also noticed among diabetic patients which can block the drainage system of your eyes and cause glaucoma. Herein, glaucoma progression is also seen speedier among patients suffering from high or low blood pressure.
  1. High intraocular pressure
Elevated eye or intraocular pressure (IOP) is determined to be a contributing risk factor for all types of glaucoma except normal-tension glaucoma. Any imbalance in the drainage or production of fluid in the eyes can be considered the main reason behind high IOP.
In most cases, you don’t experience any symptoms of high IOP but it can be detected by your doctor during routine eye check-ups. Herein, tonometry is the main test conducted during the examination that can measure the blood pressure of your eyes where pupil dilation can also be done to check for any damage in the optic nerve.
  1. Family history
If you have a family history of glaucoma then you have higher risks of developing open-angled, close-angled, and childhood glaucoma. Both juvenile and infantile glaucoma have a strong connection with a positive family history.
You must know that if your first child is suffering from glaucoma then the chances of the next baby being born with the same disorder is higher. Herein, narrow drainage angle and small eyes are some of the inherited traits that can be responsible for the development of glaucoma. You need to increase the frequency of regular eye examinations if you are exposed to this risk factor.
  1. Eye injury
Significant eye injuries can be regarded as the main risk factor behind most cases of secondary open-angle glaucoma. You may develop glaucoma either immediately after the injury or it can develop after many years. Any penetrating or blunt injuries caused by sharp objects blows in the head, or sport-related injuries can damage the angle structures while increasing IOP.
Herein, the injuries are associated with various other mechanisms such as inflammation and hyphema that can further cause glaucoma. It is important to attend regular appointments and evaluate the risks of glaucoma continuously after a traumatic eye injury.
  1. Excessive steroid usage
Usage of steroids such as corticosteroids can be a contributing risk factor for glaucoma. If you’re using steroids for a longer period then you have a higher chance of developing steroid-induced glaucoma, which is a form of secondary open-angle glaucoma.
Herein, steroids are used for treating various ocular, allergic, immunologic, and inflammatory diseases but you must never take it without supervision as it can have various side effects such as increased eye pressure. You must know that experiencing high IOP for a long time is the main reason for glaucoma development.
  1. Advanced age
Older age is another risk factor for most types of glaucoma including primary open-angle and closed-angle glaucoma. People who are above 60 years old are six times more likely to develop glaucoma as compared to younger adults. Herein, the increased chances of underlying conditions and eye problems can be the main factors behind the association of age and glaucoma.
Additionally, the weakening of eye fluid pathways and vulnerability of the optic nerve towards significant damage can contribute to glaucoma progression. This is why it is always advised to schedule annual eye appointments with the best glaucoma specialist in Siliguri to prevent this life-threatening disorder.
  1. Ethnicity
Along with all the mentioned risk factors, ethnicity is another important factor that can interfere with the severity and risk of glaucoma development. It is pivotal to know that African Americans have a higher risk of suffering from glaucoma due to changes in eye characteristics such as larger optic nerves and thin corneas.
These structural changes can make it more prone for this ethnic group to experience rapid glaucoma progression and permanent blindness. Just like African Americans, Hispanics, Caucasians, and Asians also have a high risk of suffering from glaucoma.
  1. Poor eyesight
Open-angle glaucoma is the most common and multifactorial form of the disorder. We all know that high IOP is regarded as the main risk factor for this condition but in some cases, people with poor eyesight can also suffer from this type of glaucoma.
If you have myopia or near-sightedness then you have increased chances of developing various ocular complications such as macular degeneration, cataracts, and retinal detachment. These complications can further increase the chances of glaucoma development. Similarly, farsightedness can also lead to glaucoma to some extent.
  1. Thin corneas
Another possible risk of glaucoma is thin corneas. You must know that the thickness of the cornea is important for you, where the thinner of the cornea is directly associated with the risk levels of glaucoma.
Most people who have thin corneas are more prone to experience rapid progression of the disease and have higher chances of suffering from severe visual field loss. Additionally, the main side-effect of this risk factor is that people with thin corneas also have high IOP which is considered another cause of glaucoma.
  1. Narrow drainage angles
If you have narrow drainage angles in the eyes then you have a higher likelihood of suffering from closed-angle glaucoma. Narrow drainage angles are a major risk factor for glaucoma as they can lead to various ocular problems such as the closure of the drainage system, blocked fluid flow, and pupillary blockage.
Narrow or closed-angle glaucoma can increase eye pressure and further lead to permanent vision loss. It is important to detect the signs of this glaucoma for early diagnosis. Some noticeable signs of this condition can be blurred vision, sudden eye pain, dilated pupils, and red eyes.
Vision loss associated with glaucoma cannot be repaired. This is why early diagnosis and intervention with the assistance of a renowned glaucoma specialist in Siliguri is the key to preserving your eyesight. Maintain underlying health issues, schedule regular eye exams, and protect your eyes from injury to reduce the risks of developing this severe eye disorder.
submitted by drswarupkrroy to u/drswarupkrroy [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:03 namesrfun 18M how do I find my sickle cell anemia tests from when I was a baby?

The short of it is that I recently turned 18, my parents do not have records of it, and I need a copy of the sickle cell anemia test I was most likely given as a newborn. Who should I call/visit to get a copy? It can't be a doctor noting that I don't have it, the government wants an actual copy of lab results and supposedly all babies, at least those in the last 20 or so years like me, have one done. I'm the US, Maryland and was born at St. Joseph's hospital in Baltimore if that's relevant. And since automod is being mean to me, i am 5 foot 5, white, 125 lbs. and otherwise fine. (Small rant: why would have to get a Dodmerb qualification that could clearly tell if i have sickle cell or not, but then they turn around and demand proof? Making me jump through hoops smh)
submitted by namesrfun to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:01 biotechKOL Are these the last days of bluebird bio?

Replacing their CFO is like moving around the deck chairs on the Titanic. I do not foresee an angel investor coming in to buy bluebird bio (BLUE). This company is deeply flawed. The stock price has been under a $1 for the better part of 3 months, the securities fraud class action lawsuit grows by the day, their cash runway is running out and they continue to incur significant manufacturing issues for all 3 of their commercial therapies - less than 70% success rate.
Their recently launched sickle cell product, Lyfgenia, not only costs $900k more than Vertex’s Casgevy, but they will have difficulty meeting their revenue targets due to lack of patients and quality issues at their NJ manufacturing site.
Bye, bye bluebird.
submitted by biotechKOL to biotech_stocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:31 themaxedgamer DebunkThis: Recent case control studies from Sweden and France supports causal connection between cell phone use/RF use and cancer.

Hopefully this will be the last RF topic for now esp. when I posted about this topic a couple of days ago already (thanks for those who contributed to it). I will also include my personal debunks in relation to this topic
A 2018 metastudy came out and made this claim in referencing the recent case studies from Sweden and France about their studies showing an association/alleged causation between cell phone use and brain tumors/cancer.
recent case-control studies from Sweden and France corroborate findings of earlier studies in providing support for making a causal connection between cell phone use and brain cancer, as well as acoustic neuroma, also called Vestibular Schwannoma
So no this is a straight causation claim, not a correlation this time. I imagine there will be post hoc and texas sharpshooter fallacies galore but anyway...
Apparently these are the studies they were referring to from what I can search for inside the metastudy (due to them being kinda vague on what studies they were talking about).
Meta analysis referencing a French study from Cardis (full article )
Cardis et al. (2011) evaluated the absorbed radiation dose from cellphones and the risk of glioma and meningioma in five countriescontributing to the Interphone study (Australia, Canada, France, Israel, New Zealand). Analyses included 553 glioma and 676 meningioma cases and 1762 and 1911 controls, respectively. Employing radiological records, information on phone type, network properties, con- dition of use and tumor location, they estimated and analyzed absorbed radiation dose as total cumulative specific energy (TCSE), also known as Specific Absorption (SA) in Joules per kilogram of tissue. The authors state “~16% of brain volume received 50% of the total absorbed en- ergy.” Table 3 summarizes the results for glioma. All Specific Absorp-tion (SA) results (J/kg) indicate total energy absorbed by the brain tumor. The highest exposures during 735 + total hours of reported use or 3123.9 J/kg 3 or 7 years prior to diagnosis, resulted in statistically significant increases of risk, with evidence of increasing risk with in- creasing dose.
Reference to the Coureau study in France (full article)
Coureau et al. (2014) reported on a French national study of mobile phone use and brain tumors (glioma and meningioma) between 2004 and 2006. Out of the subjects defined as eligible, 95% of cases and 61% of controls were contacted, and a total of 596 (73%) cases and 1192 (45%) controls were finally included in the study. Participation rate was 66% for glioma and 75% for meningioma cases. This resulted in a total of 253 gliomas, 194 meningiomas and 892 matched controls se- lected from the local electoral rolls being analyzed. The meningioma results can be found in the next section. This study defined heavy users as those with ≥ 896 h of use. The risk of glioma for heavy users was OR = 2.54, 95% CI = 1.19–5.41. There was a marginal increase in risk with increasing hours of use (ptrend =0.07). A small number of urban users showed a significant 8-fold increased risk for brain tumors ex- cluding temporal or frontal lobes (OR 8.2. 1.37–49.07).
Them Referencing a few of the many Hardell studies (will just link 3 for now and full links of their other studies will be linked but without references to make it short***)*** made in sweden (1st quote Full article)
Hardell et al. (2013b) reported on the risk from RFR of brain cancers diagnosed in Sweden between 2007 and 2009. Of the cases with a malignant brain tumor, 87% (n = 593) participated, and 85% (n = 1368) of controls in the whole study answered the questionnaire. Table 4 shows the risk of brain cancer for various phone types with a reference value (OR = 1.0) for no use of a mobile or cordless phone, or use for ≤ 1 years or ≤ 39 h of cumulative use. The odds ratios were higher in some of the short term follow up groups than the longer perhaps because few people have 25 years of extensive cell phone use, in part because they are not old enough.
2nd ref full article
Hardell and Carlberg (2015) conducted a pooled analysis of gliomas from 1997 to 2004 and 2007–2009 with > 25 years and for > 1486 h of use, by wireless phone types. In total, 1498 (89%) cases and 3530 (87%) controls were included in the analysis. Glioma risk by years or hours of use by phone types is shown in Table 8 and in Table 9. They reported increased risk with increasing latency since first use. For example, the OR for tumors in the temporal lobe with latency of > 25 years was 4.2 (95% CI 1.9–9.1), while the OR for analogue phone use was 4.8 (95% CI 2.5–9.1).
3rd ref talking about Hardell concluding causality via Hill criteria full article
Hardell and Carlberg (2013) concluded that the Bradford Hill criteria for causality have now been fulfilled.
More full articles by Hardell studies on this topic (2012, 2013, 2013a, 2013b, 2015 (not the same as ref). TBH you prob won't need to view this if you already debunked 3 of their sources above
Personal debunking
1. For the Hardell studies which IMO seems the most credible thing out of this whole entire thing but however it heavily relies on a questionnaire (that does eliminate confound variables or a lot of it) and is built around that (even if consistent/reliable, isn't meant to prove causation aka validate that claim). And a few studies out of the many their studies I looked at that was referenced didn't account for the eliminated confound variables from the questionnaire during and after the study aka follow up NOR DEMONSTRATE THAT.
Not only that the confound variables were not objectively found and only based on subjective accounts aka the questionnaire. For correlation, it works but for causal inference/causation, it doesn't.
2. Coreau faces a similar issue above
2. Cardis I believe didn't account for confound variables or much at all.
Are these studies important? yes but to say that prove causation is kind of a dumb thing to say.
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