Unblock yahoo messenger

sorry about my grammar

2019.02.07 06:30 siouxsie_siouxv2 sorry about my grammar

memes and fakery for fans of the other sub

2018.08.08 02:57 Hight3chLowlif3 Home for all the internets before youtube and facebook, memes before they were called memes

Anything mid 2k interwebs.

2012.10.02 03:47 Chachoregard One On One Roleplaying

Tired of waiting for a post in a Forum RP? Why not create a One on One Roleplay. Usually involves another person who's willing to roleplay.

2024.05.31 23:25 hartingpetch 10 Privacy Tools You Should Be Using for Basic Digital Privacy and Security

Our digital privacy is getting attacked from all sides. Advertising/tracking networks that surveil and collect our browsing history, internet service providers that can legally record everything we do online and sell the data to third parties, data broker websites that compile and resell our data, government mass surveillance efforts... and the list goes on.
So here is a list I created of basic digital privacy tools to consider using in the current landscape.

1. Secure and Private Browser

  1. Firefox - Firefox can provide high levels of privacy and security, but this requires that you customize some features.
  2. LibreWolf - A popular fork of Firefox that was customized to provide more security and privacy.
  3. Brave - A Chromium browser that provides high levels of privacy without additional setup. It blocks intrusive ads and trackers and also protect against browser fingerprinting.
  4. Tor browser - An iteration of Firefox that uses the highly secure Tor network.
  5. Ungoogled Chromium - A minimal version of Chromium browser that provides a high degree of privacy.

2. Password Manager

You should be using strong, unique passwords for all accounts. To manage and create strong password, a good password manager is crucial. A few options:
  1. Bitwarden - An open-source password manager with solid security and a user-friendly interface. (Free and premium versions)
  2. 1Password - A manager with high-end security and many additional features. It has excellent cross-platform support.
  3. KeePassXC - A locally hosted password manager that is highly customizable and provides an impressive degree of control. (Free and open source)
  4. Proton Pass - Newer open source password manager from the makers of Proton Mail and Proton VPN. (Free and premium version)
  5. NordPass - NordPass is created by the same service that made NordVPN. It is a highly secure and intuitive password manager that has successfully completed third-party audits.
  6. Dashlane - A premium password manager with many features.
Note: LastPass is a popular password manager, but it has suffered from at least 3 different security breaches.

3. VPN (Virtual Private Network)

By using a good VPN, you can quickly regain your privacy, protect multiple devices on your network, and access restricted online content. It is crucial to use a VPN if you want to prevent third parties from logging your online activities, such as your ISP logging your browsing activity.
Opinions vary widely on VPNs - but there is an easy way to narrow down your choices. Only go with a no-logs VPN that has passed independent privacy and security audits.
  1. NordVPN - Passed 4 no-logs audits performed by Deloitte and and PWC, plus infrastructure security audits performed by Cure53 and Versprite.
  2. Surfshark - Passed a no-logs audits performed by Deloitte, as well as security audits performed by Cure53.
  3. Mullvad - Passed a no-logs audit by Assured Security Consultants and infrastructure security audit by Radically Open Security.
  4. Proton VPN - Passed a no-logs audit by Securitum.
  5. ExpressVPN - Passed 3 no-logs audits performed by KPMG and PWC, as well as security audits performed by Cure53.

4. Ad, Tracker, and Malware Blockers

Premium ad blockers are also essential for your security and privacy. Blocking advertisements (and the ad/tracking networks) is crucial as these networks collect your browsing data and profiling you for targeted ads. Ad networks can also be used to deliver malware.
Here are some different ways you can block ads, trackers, and more on your devices:
  1. Ad Blocker Extensions - Browser extensions like uBlock Origin are a great start.
  2. VPN Ad-blockers - All of the audited VPNs listed above integrate ad-blocking tools into their VPN clients/apps. This is usually done via filtering DNS requests.
  3. Dedicated Ad-blocker Apps - Dedicated apps, such as AdGuard, can also be quite effective.
  4. Router Ad-blockers - There are multiple ways to set up an ad blocker directly on your router. The most popular include loading custom filter lists or using ad-blocking DNS.
  5. Pi-hole - Pi-hole is a network-wide ad blocker that works similarly to a DNS server. This option is most commonly used on Raspberry Pi devices that are connected to the router. However, there are other ways to set up Pi-hole.

5. Private Search Engines

Most popular search engines, such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo, are data collection tools for advertising companies. Consider using an alternative that respects your privacy:
  1. Searx - An open-source metasearch engine that doesn't track or monitor users. It can be combined with Tor to provide more anonymity.
  2. DuckDuckGo - A popular US-based private search engine.
  3. SwissCows - A private search engine that utilizes secure Swiss infrastructure.
  4. Qwant - A French metasearch engine that includes storage and safe search.
  5. MetaGer - A German-based open-source metasearch engine. It is completely free to use and is equipped with many useful widgets and plugins.
  6. Mojeek - A search engine with its own crawler and index that operates from the UK.
  7. YaCy - An open-source and decentralized peer-to-peer search engine

6. Private Email

Popular email providers like Gmail and Outlook don't have your best interests at heart when it comes to user privacy. Consider some alternatives
  1. Proton Mail - Reputable Swiss email provider with zero-access encryption.
  2. StartMail - Secure and private email service with burner aliases and E2E encryption.
  3. Mailfence - Customizable and highly secure email provider with SSL/TLS encryption.
  4. Tuta Mail - Provides E2E encryption at an affordable price.
  5. Mailbox.org - Budget German email provider.
  6. Posteo - Affordable anonymous email.
  7. Runbox - Private email from Norway with SSL/TLS encryption.
  8. Soverin - Ad-free private email with aliases.

7. Encrypted Messaging Apps

Looking for a more secure and private alternative to WhatsApp and regular SMS text messages? Consider these.
  1. Signal - A popular open-source messenger that uses the high-end TextSecure protocol. It is also completely free and easy to use.
  2. Session - A decentralized messenger that operates on a blockchain network to ensure that messages are not stored on centralized servers, enhancing user anonymity and data protection.
  3. Threema - An open-source messenger made in Switzerland that uses asymmetric EEC-based encryption. This is a paid alternative, but the lifetime license is very affordable (~$3).

8. Private Operating System

Based on your threat model, you might want to consider switching to a free, open-source Linux OS. There are various versions to choose from, depending on your needs:

9. Antivirus

There are many antivirus tools on the market today. Opinions vary. ClanAV is a free open-source antivirus engine for detecting trojans, viruses, malware & other malicious threats.

10. Data Removal Tools

While there are various ways to lessen or delete your digital footprint, some prefer a more active approach. This is where data removal tools come into play. Here are three good options:
  1. Incogni - An effective and affordable data removal tool with a user-friendly interface. Made by the creators of the popular Surfshark VPN.
  2. DeleteMe - A popular service filled with experts who regularly remove personal information from broker sites and search engines.
  3. Optery - A tool that thoroughly removes any personal information from various databases.
And that's all guys. By using these tools, you can quickly and effectively regain your privacy and take security to the next level.
submitted by hartingpetch to DigitalPrivacy [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:36 CreepyTruck6266 A terrorist's Quran

A terrorist's Quran
Verse 9:29 states:
Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah [1] and His Messenger [2] have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture – [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.
Tafsir Al-Jalalayn of verse 9.29 says:
Fight those who do not believe in God, nor in the Last Day, for, otherwise, they would have believed in the Prophet (s), and who do not forbid what God and His Messenger have forbidden, such as wine, nor do they practise the religion of truth, the firm one, the one that abrogated other religions, namely, the religion of Islam — from among of those who (min, ‘from’, explains [the previous] alladhīna, ‘those who’) have been given the Scripture, namely, the Jews and the Christians, until they pay the jizya tribute, the annual tax imposed them, readily (‘an yadin is a circumstantial qualifier, meaning, ‘compliantly’, or ‘by their own hands’, not delegating it [to others to pay]), being subdued, [being made] submissive and compliant to the authority of Islam.
This makes old-school Islam a religious militant-political party at perpetual war with non-Muslims, driven by an abrogation-expansionist framework (Naskh), which according to Islamists cancels earlier peaceful verses of the Quran to make sense of the self-contradictory passages from the times when Muhammad and his army were small and weak. And chapter 9 was the last which includes this verse.
Islamists use Taqiyya or deception to advance their agenda of undermining secularism either through violent means or by cowardly shunning jihad and embracing democracy like the Muslim Brotherhood. Since the failure of violent means because of debilitating Western military responses, they have become increasingly furtive in advancing their agenda. A prominent example being the OIC coming together to legislate a global blasphemy law in the UN. They smile at your face but the mirror of truth strips naked the demon. How many Muslims are actually Islamists? Well, they conducted so many protests openly calling for the destruction of Israel but I had seen none for the sake of Charlie Hebdo. On the contrary, they came out with posters proclaiming “Je suis Muslim” to sympathise with the terrorists and make a mockery of our mourning which we collectively expressed with “Je suis Charlie”. Do you really think they will stand by your side at their Caliph’s call? Fools, they don’t acknowledge the brotherhood of man or blood or soil. They are only loyal to their fellow faithfuls. Know them before it’s too late for they surely know our ignorance. O Crusaders, rally our troops, the time has come. I feel suffocated with Hizb ut-Tahrir marching amok our streets. If we tolerant everything, we stand for nothing. By calling people Islamophobic and silencing them, our enemies have effectively brought in their Sharia blasphemy law. They have struck upon our eyes and blinded us. We are being silently herded into a gorge, yet unaware of our doom. While our soldiers fight to uphold our freedoms and keep us safe from external aggression, this cancer is allowed to freely grow in our midst.
We can see how those who recite this verse with their hearts are a clear threat, along with their Sharia-ordained death penalties for righteous resistance, apostasy, blasphemy (also interpreted as akin to apostasy), etc. Other things made unlawful (Haram) can be found in Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi's book, The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam. If there is no Islamic government to enforce Sharia with the ministry for the “Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice”, then the society will do its job. Have you been oblivious to the terror attack on Salman Rushdie and the many Bangladeshi atheists who were killed for blasphemy? Remain ever vigilant to the establishment of Sharia governed enclaves in our western societies. They are early warning signs towards an Islamic state.
Those individuals, parties, or states that do not observe these prohibitions or Sharia (derived from the Quran [1] and Sunnah [2], where the latter comes from the Hadiths documenting the actions of the Messenger) are lawful targets through this inciting verse. Islamists have a global ambition to establish a uniquely blended religious-political totalitarian caliphate governed by Sharia law where non-Muslims are subjected to a secondary status (Dhimmi) and made to pay Jizya.
The reformers throw three main arguments to challenge Islamists. These have been staunchly refuted by them using the two Sahih (authentic) Hadiths (Sahih Muslim and Sahih al-Bukhari), which are fully accepted by Sunni Islamists.
  1. Fight means to fight intellectually.
Response: It's worth noting that the verb Qaatilu, literally meaning 'fight' is also employed in Sahih Muslim 1731a, b, within the context of an Islamic jihad military campaign (ghazwa) commanded by Muhammad. Here, its usage heavily conveys a 'physical fight' against adversaries. Furthermore, it's noteworthy that this verb is closely related to the noun Qatl, referring to a 'murder'. If the intent were for an 'intellectual fight', Allah would say Jadil, meaning argue/debate. This is used in 16:125, so Allah was not unfamiliar with it, and since the Quran is the speech of Allah, it would be reasonable to expect that Allah would be prudent and select the precise word for his intentions rather than let everybody misinterpret it for centuries.
  1. It was revealed during the Tabuk expedition in a defensive context against Ghassanid (Byzantine vassal) aggression as alluded to in Sahih al-Bukhari 2468/Sahih al-Bukhari 2948, and only applicable in times of war as with the pagans polytheists in 9:13/9:36 and the People of the Book in 33:26.
Response: What have all these wars have to do with a fighting commandment for not forbidding that which Allah has mandated. This verse is proof that our lord wanted us to enforce Sharia and extract Jizya from all religions based on a book whether at peace or war.
Reformer response: Trust me brother, it was only for the war.
Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes – from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly. ~ Quran 60:8
And if they incline to peace, then incline to it [also] and rely upon Allah. Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing. ~ Quran 8:61
Fight in the cause of Allah ˹only˺ against those who wage war against you, but do not exceed the limits. Allah does not like transgressors. ~Quran 2:190
And what is [the matter] with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and [for] the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, “Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper?” ~ Quran 4:75
Islamist: Many of the People of the Scripture wish they could turn you back to disbelief after you have believed, out of envy from themselves [even] after the truth has become clear to them. So pardon and overlook until Allah delivers His command. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent. ~ Quran 2:109
  1. Jizya is collected only temporarily as war reparations and is not discriminatory.
Response: Absolutely no evidence. Jizya is to last until the coming of Jesus Christ as stated in Sahih al-Bukhari 2476, and it bans non-Muslims from armed service as per Sahih al-Bukhari 3052.
On apostasy and blasphemy: Verse 2:256 and 18:29 does not call for any action on those who turn away from Islam. There is no punishment for blasphemy in the Quran as in verse 6:108, and 4:140 tells to run away.
Islamist: All this has been abrogated with 9:29 and Allah’s command to make unlawful that which has been made unlawful by “his Messenger”, including apostasy and blasphemy, as documented in the Hadiths. To reconcile it with the Quran, freedom of religion is allowed but only before entering the fold of Islam.
Muslim children are not afforded any freedom in religion and are to be raised Muslim as per verse 30:30/Sahih Muslim 2659a.
The Ahmadiyya are like you who innovate, forego Jihad, don’t make apostasy and blasphemy unlawful and so, we kill them for takfir, just like I killed the hypocrite Salmaan Taseer for speaking out against Pakistan’s blasphemy law. Thank you for coming to my shrine, Ghazi Mumtaz Qadri’s shrine and listening to my inner being.
Verse 9:29 is then further bolstered by verse 9:123, which states:
O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness. And know that Allah is with the righteous.
Ibn Kathir, for this verse, explains that:
Allah commands the believers to fight the disbelievers, the closest in area to the Islamic state, then the farthest. This is why the Messenger of Allah started fighting the idolators in the Arabian Peninsula. When he finished with them and Allah gave him control over Makkah, Al-Madinah, At-Ta’if, Yemen, Yamamah, Hajr, Khaybar, Hadramawt and other Arab provinces, and the various Arab tribes entered Islam in large crowds, he then started fighting the People of the Scriptures. He began preparations to fight the Romans who were the closest in area to the Arabian Peninsula, and as such, had the most right to be called to Islam, especially since they were from the People of the Scriptures. The Prophet marched until he reached Tabuk and went back because of the extreme hardship, little rain and little supplies. This battle occurred on the ninth year after his Hijrah. In the tenth year, the Messenger of Allah was busy with the Farewell Hajj. The Messenger died eighty-one days after he returned from that Hajj, Allah chose him for what He had prepared for him ﴿in Paradise﴾. After his death, his executor, friend, and Khalifah, Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, became the leader. At that time, the religion came under attack and would have been defeated, if it had not been for the fact that Allah gave the religion firmness through Abu Bakr, who established its basis and made its foundations firm. He brought those who strayed from the religion back to it, and made those who reverted from Islam return. He took the Zakah from the evil people who did not want to pay it, and explained the truth to those who were unaware of it. On behalf of the Prophet , Abu Bakr delivered what he was entrusted with. Then, he started preparing the Islamic armies to fight the Roman cross worshippers, and the Persian fire worshippers. By the blessing of his mission, Allah opened the lands for him and brought down Caesar and Kisra and those who obeyed them among the servants. Abu Bakr spent their treasures in the cause of Allah, just as the Messenger of Allah had foretold would happen. This mission continued after Abu Bakr at the hands of he whom Abu Bakr chose to be his successor, Al-Faruq, the Martyr of the Mihrab, Abu Hafs, `Umar bin Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him. With `Umar, Allah humiliated the disbelievers, suppressed the tyrants and hypocrites, and opened the eastern and western parts of the world. The treasures of various countries were brought to `Umar from near and far provinces, and he divided them according to the legitimate and accepted method. `Umar then died as a martyr after he lived a praise worthy life. Then, the Companions among the Muhajirin and Ansar agreed to chose after `Umar, `Uthman bin `Affan, Leader of the faithful and Martyr of the House, may Allah be pleased with him. During `Uthman’s reign, Islam wore its widest garment and Allah’s unequivocal proof was established in various parts of the world over the necks of the servants. Islam appeared in the eastern and western parts of the world and Allah’s Word was elevated and His religion apparent. The pure religion reached its deepest aims against Allah’s enemies, and whenever Muslims overcame an Ummah, they moved to the next one, and then the next one, crushing the tyranical evil doers.
  1. The Islamist insurgents threatening west Africa - ft article
  2. The use of force under Islamic law - Niaz Shah research article
  3. Among the Mosques - Ed Husain book
  1. Syria: Jihad Squadrons - Investigations et Enquêtes documentary
Latest on Islamofascism:
  1. Jihad Watch - Robert Spencer
  2. Persecution Tracker - Ex-Muslims of North America
Note: To the radical followers of the Salaf ("true" Islamists) who have embraced Salafi jihadism, there are no mountains in the sky used to store hail which Allah uses to strike people, as per verse 24:43. And, neither does the Sun ever set or rise no matter how far one travels, as per verses 18:85-90. After reading verses 4:11-12, I have to conclude that Allah never took math classes. How stupid is it to believe that God sits on a throne, which is carried by 8 angels extending over the heavens and Earth and that he can fold the heavens into his right hand. Evildoers, stop sharia totalitarianism (here and here, every Taliban ban in there has its basis in the Quran and Hadith corpus, if ye will look), promoting gender inequality, flouting our inheritance laws established through democratic processes with the help of Sharia courts and accepting the marriage of little girls to older men. This earth is only a pit stop for you retards who choose God above sense to make laws and nations sink into poverty which befalls upon both Muslims and non-Muslims.
Islam clouds children with all-consuming fear and dehumanising hate to the extent that they wish death (“qatalahumul laah/may Allah kill them”) upon Jews and Christians. This verse, 9:30, comes right after to contextualize 9:29. Free the children from this evil deity, from his laws, let them love, think and act freely, unobstructed, without the fear of God’s retribution. There is a dire need of a religion of love to be ingrained in our children by means of a collective education system because all the freedoms that we enjoy today have their basis in love, in Christ’s love. Religion is everything. It sets the bedrock values of our civilisation. It is said that changing religion is like changing worlds. This is why Muhammad bin Qasim is said to be the first Pakistani.
Moral pressure from the West keeps the Islamic world in check but we should not be forever hopeful of this status quo. Iran was once free and then suddenly, the Velayat-e faqih. Afghanistan was once free and then suddenly, the Taliban. Pakistan was once free and then suddenly, the Nizam-e-Mustafa. India was once free under ex-Muslim emperor Akbar’s Sulh-i-Kul policy and then suddenly, the Fatawa ‘Alamgiri. Even to this day and age, Muslim states don’t understand equality, the idea of fostering a sense of belonging for all and have Islam designated as the one supreme official religion to remind minorities of their dhimmitude and also because Islam is both state and religion. The Quran actually sounds much like al-Qaeda’s letter to the American people; here and there claiming to be victims and acting in self-defence while at the same time wanting to establish Sharia law over the globe through jihad.
Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem
submitted by CreepyTruck6266 to nonscienceIslam [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 17:54 RealisticArtichoke57 Dad, I don't know what to do

Well Dad, I did it again. I not only gave into self destructive behaviors that I know I shouldn't have done and could've stopped.. and now I am not doing well.
I agreed to be off after my job texted me for three days. I didn't feel ready to go to work. I am AFRAID of going into work, or outside anywhere. I worry I won't even have a job anymore, even though it was shitty pay.
I asked Grandma for money for a plan for therapy.. and Mom was asking why I needed it. I hate asking them for ANY financial help because I know it will be held over my head.
I thought I could go to sleep and go to work the next day and power thru to next week appointment.. but I couldn't. I was up all night trying to talk to someone what happend... And I didn't get a reply until 4am. Mom was the only one there after my abusive relationship and I lost all my friends. She held it over my head saying that she " Is all you have".
I recently tried to gain closure with a friend who I felt was being distant. So when I asked them.. it felt very distant. I told her sorry I bothered you. And then she seemed njcr about it. Even asking my sibling how to interpret it. She tells me " She is saying she has moved on". I started panicking and my abandonment issues rises despite knowing she unfriended me after I reactivated my F.B the year before. So then after a while I block her.. then unblocked her ans tried to restrict her on messenger. Then she blocked me.. and I went into a panic to find all the ways to feel it was a technical error or not... It's not. She started changing her posts to be "Friend Only". I know for a fact she would probably make jokes about at my expense how I'm a psycho, etc. Probably like all my other exfriends. Happier, healthier than w/o me. And I can't handle it. I feel like if I didn't ask her I wouldnt be going through this. So many things I never said and say the wrong things. And I was cut of in the span of a few months in a bad relationship( when it didn't start that way). So in the end my abuser not only left me but had a support system. Even before I was toxic. Even after the relationship I was toxic and trying to heal and start a new life... But I still couldn't make new friends, or have roommates.. I barely scrapped by financially even with help from Grandma and Uncle.
I know my mom and siblings keep asking what's wrong. But I keep telling them I don't feel well. It will be soon my sibling's birthday month. I remember and kept being reminded of it. My mom basically told me ( and her boyfriend because we are always paired together with this sort of thing), that it's sibling's Birth monthAnd there shouldn't be any incidents. I thought about maybe attending the siblings Bday dinner and then leaving in a Uber to go back to the house. ( That would be if I was able to work until I was off in the 2nd). But mom insisted and scolded me that " Oh you shouldn't even go then. I don't want to hear from the family of ' Why they have to take an Uber, why couldn't they come with us- Is my Uber here yet?". Even just a few moments before they walked out to get something. I could hear Mom saying " It's always the same old thing. Nobody wants to work they just wanna lay in bed all day"
I don't know what to do w/o inconveniening them. I don't know if anything will work. I think it's too late for me to move on and change. I am once again trapped in a toxic household... Maybe we all ( except my sibling) deserve to be here.
submitted by RealisticArtichoke57 to DadForAMinute [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 22:30 blndmrbl AITA for wanting my boyfriend's female friend to unblock me or get lost?

BF's female friend has me blocked online
My (33f) boyfriend (41m) has a female friend (40-ish f) that he has been friends with for quite a few years through an online game they both play, we'll call her Janet. They have never met in person.
According to him, after his divorce they kind of started an online romantic relationship. He tried to end it in a nice way but she kept walking all over his boundaries.
After he and I started officially dating and added each other on social media he warned me that she was a "big fan" of his. Once she realized that there was another woman commenting on his posts, etc, she basically cyber stalked me. Joining groups I was in, finding my other social media accounts, etc. So I reached out and asked her what was up. We had a brief conversation where she realized I was dating my bf and I realized that she thought he and her were dating. She ended up blocking me.
My bf and I had a long talk about that and it seemed to have been resolved at that point.
Later, Janet decided that she valued her friendship with my bf enough that she could respect his boundaries about only being friends.
About a year later I was feeling uncomfortable about her having me blocked so I asked my bf to have her unblock me. She claimed to not remember that she had me blcoed but she complied.
About a month after she unblocked me it came to light that my bf was having an emotional affair with someone else. We broke up for around 2 months but are back together and in therapy to work through it.
The issue is now, that Janet has blocked me again. I brought it up to my bf that she has done so and that it is disrespectful of our relationship for her to have me blocked. It looks to me like she doesn't want me to see how she is responding to his online activities. He has asked her to unblock me again. It has now been 4 days and she still has not unblocked me.
I really don't feel comfortable with this situation and I feel that the consequencefor the boundary violation should be that she is cut off entirely. I am planning on bringing it up in our next therapy session which is in about 2 weeks. I will not see my bf in person for about a week and a half. I feel that if I ask to see their communication, which is through Facebook messenger and discord, that he will let me but I really don't want to go down that path if I can avoid it. He has given me his Facebook log in before but I have not ever used it.
TL/DR: Boyfriend with a history of emotional affairs has a female friend with a history of boundary violations who has blocked me online and won't unblock me.
submitted by blndmrbl to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:35 blndmrbl BF's female friend has me blocked online

My (33f) boyfriend (41m) has a female friend (40-ish f) that he has been friends with for quite a few years through an online game they both play, we'll call her Janet. They have never met in person.
According to him, after his divorce they kind of started an online romantic relationship. He tried to end it in a nice way but she kept walking all over his boundaries.
After he and I started officially dating and added each other on social media he warned me that she was a "big fan" of his. Once she realized that there was another woman commenting on his posts, etc, she basically cyber stalked me. Joining groups I was in, finding my other social media accounts, etc. So I reached out and asked her what was up. We had a brief conversation where she realized I was dating my bf and I realized that she thought he and her were dating. She ended up blocking me.
My bf and I had a long talk about that and it seemed to have been resolved at that point.
Later, Janet decided that she valued her friendship with my bf enough that she could respect his boundaries about only being friends.
About a year later I was feeling uncomfortable about her having me blocked so I asked my bf to have her unblock me. She claimed to not remember that she had me blcoed but she complied.
About a month after she unblocked me it came to light that my bf was having an emotional affair with someone else. We broke up for around 2 months but are back together and in therapy to work through it.
The issue is now, that Janet has blocked me again. I brought it up to my bf that she has done so and that it is disrespectful of our relationship for her to have me blocked. It looks to me like she doesn't want me to see how she is responding to his online activities. He has asked her to unblock me again. It has now been 4 days and she still has not unblocked me.
I really don't feel comfortable with this situation and I feel that the consequencefor the boundary violation should be that she is cut off entirely. I am planning on bringing it up in our next therapy session which is in about 2 weeks. I will not see my bf in person for about a week and a half. I feel that if I ask to see their communication, which is through Facebook messenger and discord, that he will let me but I really don't want to go down that path if I can avoid it. He has given me his Facebook log in before but I have not ever used it.
Does anyone have any advice?
TL/DR: Boyfriend with a history of emotional affairs has a female friend with a history of boundary violations who has blocked me online and won't unblock me. What do I do?
submitted by blndmrbl to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 19:20 Away-Hold My first real girlfriend broke up with me and I'm surprised with how much it affected me.

Sorry for any mistakes, but I'm not an English speaker + having a mental breakdown right now.
We've been together for 21 months. This relationship was really rough around the edges. We were falling out quite a lot and I used to say some hurtful stuff. Also lately we stopped going on dates because we got consumed by our college lives. I was actually thinking of ending the whole thing myself, yet I had my doubts. I didn't hate her and I had a slight glimmer of hope that we would be OK. Plus, she had lots of exams recently and I didn't want to her to fail them because of me.
The thing is, I always considered her as the more emotional and romantic one. Love letters, cute photos, pretty gifts, etc. I was CERTAIN she would be devastated if I ended this relationship. Color me surprised, because a few days ago she texted me saying she lost her feelings for me and she wants "a break".
At first I took it the way you would expect from reading this post - alright then, didn't work out, whatever. We stopped texting. However as the days progressed I began feeling an overhelming state of emptiness inside. I started staying up till 3 AM thinking about her. I remembered all our bike rides, meals in restaurants, cuddling on her bed. I still feel the beautiful smell of her hair. I realised I took it all for granted. I even cried today, something I normally would never do.
So I finally texted her. She immediately changed the Messenger layout from hearts to some Minecraft shit and began talking like an old friend. I decided to open up about my feelings. I told her that I still love her, that the experience had hurt me quite a lot and I desperately need to block her or else I would go mad. She agreed.
However, she also told me that she is "finally happy again" and she "won't cry no more". Little stuff but it got to me. I began feeling jealousy - how could she feel comfortable, yet I sit here alone and suffer? And I did something I regret significantly - I unblocked her and attacked her.
After a short exchange of insults we blocked each other again, yet I wasn't feeling better. In fact, I felt like an asshole with what I did. Moreover I found out that a mutual friend of ours did the right thing and got on her side, blocking me as well. I feel like a shit person, which I probably am after such a mean act. I've been crying all day. Goddamn, I still love her. As toxic as we sometimes got she was still my whole world.
With that out of the way, here is my story. I don't know why I post it, I guess I have nothing better to do. Maybe sharing the experience will make me feel better about myself? I don't know.
For anyone who cares, feel free to share your thoughts. If anybody was in a similar situation and wants to talk I would greatly appreciate it.
submitted by Away-Hold to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:26 jcomylosaurus Is he worth meeting MY Son?

15 years ago, it was my first day of training at a BPO along Ayala Ave. I was late that time so when I went inside the traing room, all of them are looking at me and it's really embarassing. I saw this guy, chinito and moreno and there's no other seat available aside sa tabi nya. Since I have no choice, I have to seat beside him. Pasimple ako sumusulyap sa kanya. He's cute, makapal kilay, matangos ilong, medyo dark ang lips and I was thinking, Ah! Smoker to. But he smell good. Parang fresh from the shower ang scent.
I can say i'm an ambivert. "Tahimik lang sa umpisa". But he is an introvert. I can tell it kahit one week pa lang ang training namen kasi he only talks to me using his notebook. Yes, we "talk" pero sulat sa notebook ang means of communication namen. I'm a funny girl kaya siguro ako ang trip lang nya kausap sa wave namen. Maybe he's being careful din coz he has a girlfriend that time. Different account but same company.
So long story short, naging close kame. Then one night, break namen, he asked me na samahan sya magyosi sa labas. Since crush ko sya, I said, "okay". He then confessed to me that he likes me. I was shocked not because he confessed his feelings. I was shocked because he asked me if we can be in a relationship since he felt din na I like him. I know it's mali pero nanaig ang pagiging malandi and I said YES.
Months passed and we're happy. I introduced him to my friends and family. Then, I found out I was pregrant. I thought delayed lang because of PCOS but we consulted with an OB Gyne and it really is positive. He cried and told me na he's not yet ready to be a father. I was devastated but I accepted it because I love him. He was still in a relationship with his original girlfriend that time and everytime magkakasalubong kame, it really hurts! Fuckin hurts!
He then told me his plans of working in Singapore. Dami nyang plans. Good thing is kasama "daw" kame ng anak nya sa plano nya. He wants to work there para makapag ipon for our future. I was so happy that time. He also told me na he broke up with his girlfriend.
First few months, we're okay. Although may Facebook na that time, he prefers daw na we communicate via email na lang kasi di pa daw sya nakakabili ng phone and naniwala naman ako. But I was wrong.
I don't know but maybe women's intuition. I know something is not right. I can feel it. Then I stalked his "ex girlfriend's" account and that's when I saw his picture... with his girlfriend... in Singapore... and they looked happy. Bakat din ang cellphone sa bulsa ng pants nya. That's when I realized everything.. na kaya pala gusto nya via email lang kame mag contact kasi constant din ang pagpunta ng girlfriend nya sa SG. Na siguro kaya ayaw nya ibigay un phone number kasi he knows na I will call or text him all the time. I don't care if mahal ang magagastos sa call and text. I was so mad that I sent him an email and asking him to choose between me and his girlfriend. My emotions were high that time and nakapag salita ako ng masasakit sa kanya. I even cursed him. He replied and told me to give him time to think. I said okay. 3 days passed and he said mag log in sa google chat so we can talk. He did not answer my question kung sino mas matimbang. But I won't forget what he told me. Na "Pag nagtanong na yun bata kung nasaan ako, ang sabihin mo patay na ako". He then logged out after that. At never na nagparamdam at all.
My son is already 13 years old and I can say we are doing okay. We are surviving with the help of my parents kahit walang sustento ang sperm donor nya. I can buy him things na gusto nya. We go on vacation once in a while, we eat sa mga gusto nya kainan. And my mama heart is happy as long as we are together. By the way, I also found out that my ex got married in 2017 with a different girl.
Last year, I received a random message sa messenger asking how I was doing. The name seems off so I blocked it right away. Malay ko ba kung ang kasunod na message is mangungutang. Then 2 weeks ago, my brother videocalled me and asked me when was the last time na nakausap ko ang Ex ko. I told him, sobrang tagal na. He fowarded me screenshots of messages from my ex. Asking my brother kung kamusta na kame ng anak ko. I froze, grabe kabog ng dibdib ko. Bigla ako napaisip, ano meron? Bat nagmemessage to? Akala ko ba patay na sya? Bat nabuhay?
Then I suddenly remembered, this is the same account who messaged me last year na nablock ko agad. I unblocked him and replied to his message. "Ano gusto mo pag usapan?" He replied after 2 days and just said na he wants to know kamusta na kame. And I was like, WHY??? BAKET KELANGAN MO MALAMAN KUNG KAMUSTA NA KAME? I have so many questions pero I tried so hard na maging civil ang usapan namen. Kaso he triggers me. Na the way he talks to me is parang kasalanan ko lahat ng nangyari. Gusto ko sya murahin. Gusto ko sabihin na hindi sya biktima. Kung meron mang biktima dito, yun anak ko yun.
We talked for almost 5 hours and most of our conversation that time is puro sumbatan. I can't help it. He left me, he broke me and he married someone else kahit nag promise sya kay Mama na he'll be back. And his purpose for reaching out is because he wants to meet my Son. He wants his family to meet him. But why now? Why is that no one from his family tried reaching out to me? It's been 13 years. I was crying because it pains me. Bumalik lahat ng galit, ng sakit, ng trauma. He left me kasi duwag sya. I loved him... I cared for him... Pero puro sakit sa damdamin ang kapalit. Now I'm confused if he is worth meeting my son. Our son. I know he has the right, because he is the biological father. But it's also my right to protect my Son kung sakali na iwan sya ulit. Ayoko maranasan nya un sakit na naransan ko nun iniwan ako ng Ama nya. Pero ayoko din alisin ang karapatan ng anak ko na makilala nya ang tatay nya....
submitted by jcomylosaurus to pinoy [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:29 jcomylosaurus Is he worth meeting MY Son?

15 years ago, it was my first day of training at a BPO along Ayala Ave. I was late that time so when I went inside the traing room, all of them are looking at me and it's really embarassing. I saw this guy, chinito and moreno and there's no other seat available aside sa tabi nya. Since I have no choice, I have to seat beside him. Pasimple ako sumusulyap sa kanya. He's cute, makapal kilay, matangos ilong, pa mysterious ang type, medyo dark ang lips and I was thinking, Ah! Smoker to. But he smell good. Parang fresh from the shower ang scent.
I can say i'm an ambivert. "Tahimik lang sa umpisa". But he is an introvert. I can tell it kahit one week pa lang ang training namen kasi he only talks to me using his notebook. Yes, we "talk" pero sulat sa notebook ang means of communication namen. I'm a funny girl kaya siguro ako ang trip lang nya kausap sa wave namen. Maybe he's being careful din coz he has a girlfriend that time. Different account but same company.
So long story short, naging close kame. Then one night, break namen, he asked me na samahan sya magyosi sa labas. Since crush ko sya, I said, "okay". He confessed to me that he likes me. I was shocked not because he confessed his feelings. I was shocked because he asked me if we can be in a relationship since he felt din na I like him. I know it's mali pero nanaig ang pagiging malandi and I said YES.
Months passed and we're happy. I introduced him to my friends and family. Then, I found out I was pregrant. I thought delayed lang because of PCOS but we consulted with an OB Gyne and it really is positive. He cried and told me na he's not yet ready to be a father. I was devastated but I accepted it because I love him. He was still in a relationship with his original girlfriend that time and everytime magkakasalubong kame, it really hurts! Fuckin hurts!
He then told me his plans of working in Singapore. Dami nyang plans. Good thing is kasama "daw" kame ng anak nya sa plano nya. He wants to work there para makapag ipon for our future. I was so happy that time. He also told me na he broke up with his girlfriend.
First few months, we're okay. Although may Facebook na that time, he prefers daw na we communicate via email na lang kasi di pa daw sya nakakabili ng phone and naniwala naman ako. But I was wrong.
I don't know but maybe women's intuition. I know something is not right. I can feel it. Then I stalked his "ex girlfriend's" account and that's when I saw his picture... with his girlfriend... in Singapore... and they looked happy. Bakat din ang cellphone sa bulsa ng pants nya. That's when I realized everything.. na kaya pala gusto nya via email lang kame mag contact kasi constant din ang pagpunta ng girlfriend nya sa SG. Na siguro kaya ayaw nya ibigay un phone number kasi he knows na I will call or text him all the time. I don't care if mahal ang magagastos sa call and text. I was so mad that I sent him an email and asking him to choose between me and his girlfriend. My emotions were high that time and nakapag salita ako ng masasakit sa kanya. I even cursed him. He replied and told me to give him time to think. I said okay. 3 days passed and he said mag log in sa google chat so we can talk. He did not answer my question kung sino mas matimbang. But I won't forget what he told me. Na "Pag nagtanong na yun bata kung nasaan ako, ang sabihin mo patay na ako". He then logged out after that. At never na nagparamdam at all.
My son is already 13 years old and I can say we are doing okay. We are surviving with the help of my parents kahit walang sustento ang sperm donor nya. I can buy him things na gusto nya. We go on vacation once in a while, we eat sa mga gusto nya kainan. And my mama heart is happy as long as we are together. By the way, I also found out that my ex got married in 2017 with a different girl.
Last year, I received a random message sa messenger asking how I was doing. The name seems off so I blocked it right away. Malay ko ba kung ang kasunod na message is mangungutang. Then 2 weeks ago, my brother videocalled me and asked me when was the last time na nakausap ko ang Ex ko. I told him, sobrang tagal na. He fowarded me screenshots of messages from my ex. Asking my brother kung kamusta na kame ng anak ko. I froze, grabe kabog ng dibdib ko. Bigla ako napaisip, ano meron? Bat nagmemessage to? Akala ko ba patay na sya? Bat nabuhay?
Then I suddenly remembered, this is the same account who messaged me last year na nablock ko agad. I unblocked him and replied to his message. "Ano gusto mo pag usapan?" He replied after 2 days and just said na he wants to know kamusta na kame. And I was like, WHY??? BAKET KELANGAN MO MALAMAN KUNG KAMUSTA NA KAME? I have so many questions pero I tried so hard na maging civil ang usapan namen. Kaso he triggers me. Na the way he talks to me is parang kasalanan ko lahat ng nangyari. Gusto ko sya murahin. Gusto ko sabihin na hindi sya biktima. Kung meron mang biktima dito, yun anak ko yun.
We talked for almost 5 hours and most of our conversation that time is puro sumbatan. I can't help it. He left me, he broke me and he married someone else kahit nag promise sya kay Mama na he'll be back. And his purpose for reaching out is because he wants to meet my Son. He wants his family to meet him. But why now? Why is that no one from his family tried reaching out to me? It's been 13 years. I was crying because it pains me. Bumalik lahat ng galit, ng sakit, ng trauma. He left me kasi duwag sya. I loved him... I cared for him... Pero puro sakit sa damdamin ang kapalit. Now I'm confused if he is worth meeting my son. Our son. I know he has the right, because he is the biological father. But it's also my right to protect my Son kung sakali na iwan sya ulit. Ayoko maranasan nya un sakit na naransan ko nun iniwan ako ng Ama nya. Pero ayoko din alisin ang karapatan ng anak ko na makilala nya ang tatay nya....
submitted by jcomylosaurus to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:58 scoobandshaggy I can’t make sense of it

They don’t want to reconcile but they keep blocking and unblocking me on Facebook. blocked everywhere else except messenger and Facebook but yet over this past month or two they keep unblocking and reblocking? I don’t even use Facebook or go on there like literally had to relog in to look at their profile(I know) so what could possibly be a reason for someone doing this? What does blocking and unblocking an account do exactly?
submitted by scoobandshaggy to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 10:29 Aggravating-Lie9329 U r on these social sites ?????............?

U r on these social sites ?????............?
submitted by Aggravating-Lie9329 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 16:59 Natural_Feature_8907 INFP-T in love with INFP-T

I've (45f) known him (44m) since around 2012 for sure. He was on my Yahoo messenger and neither of us can remember how he got there. We talked off and on via IM for years (going long periods of time without talking). I always thought he was nice - it made me feel good to talk to him.
In October 2023, he asked me out. We live many hours apart so we talked some more on IM. I had him take 16 personalities and he came up the same as me!
We found out we have some of the same favorite childhood movies and stuff. The Secret of NIMH, The Dark Crystal, Warriors of the Wind (he loves all Miyazaki films, I've only seen parts of other ones) and so on. I already knew he loved dogs possibly even more than I do. He never has an unkind word to say about anyone. I got down about an argument with my dad and he said, "I'm sure everything comes from a place of love." He will listen to me about anything I want to talk about. He lets me pick food, always. And if I choose something he's (possibly) not very excited about, he finds something to eat and we always have a great time.
May 23, I decided I love him. I started crying and felt so happy at the same time.
When we go on an adventure to the zoo, aquarium or a museum, he always wants to see everything. This is not my thing, but I try my best to do the marathon with a smile for him. I love rubbing his back. I love his dog.
I can't possibly be as good and kind as he is. If I'm lucky, he'll let me hang around so I can at least try to be that way to him.
I just wanted to share.
submitted by Natural_Feature_8907 to infp [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 15:00 Ecstatic_Ad_6897 Welcome my NEW MEMBERS, to REAL Supernatural Encounters!!! & Thank you for joining!!🙂

Thank you all for joining this Awesome Sub where you can post and share ALL things supernatural and paranormal!!🙂
My name's Anthony and I'm one of the Modz for my subreddit SupernaturalEncouners as I also have and run a show and channel called "Real Supernatural Encounters" where I bring on Eyewitnesss that have any type of REAL Supernatural, paranormal, cryptid, Alien, near death experiences, missing 411, and anything strange and or unusual types of stories, Encounters, and Experiences they have and tell them on my show! And I post my videos on here regularly! If you have any type of supernatural story and would like to be on the show you can message me, post your stories on here for me to look over and or send me a brief summary of your stories through messenger or my email at [Realsne_stories@yahoo.com](mailto:Realsne_stories@yahoo.com) Shows are privately recorded on zoom with me and you can have the choice to be on or off video as I can still record you telling your stories while being Anonomous when we record your episode! As far as this subreddit goes, you can post anything you want that you think is supernatural, paranormal, Alien, cryptid, bear death experiences, demons, Angels, missing 411, topography change, and anything unexplained and strange! I don't really have any restrictions, and if you have questions it doesn't hurt to ask so don't be afraid to. For those who would like to be part of the shows facebook group page and YouTube channel I'll post the links as alot of the times the shows will be posted one or the other before reddit. Thank you for joining this subreddit and being apart of the RSE family!! Happy posting my friends!!
Here's my fb group! Come join!
Here's my YouTube channel! Come subscribe!
Here's my channels TikTok:
submitted by Ecstatic_Ad_6897 to SupernaturalEncouners [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 20:22 Less_Picture5124 Girlfriend has openly accepted a rls with another in front of me, on facebook and demands i swallow it to prove my love is real

Me and my Girlfriend have been together for 4 years. And she is the best thing that has ever happened to me, I love her so much. But what has happened has hurt me. And I dont know what to do.
I need some advice from anyone that can help and anyone who is willing to help.
Let me go into more detail about what has happened.
I wont be using real names here for personal reasons. I dont really trust putting your personal information out there. So please bare with me.
Let me start from the beginning.
Firstly, I should point out that I am a Lesbian. OKay, let me begin.
I am a 26 year old Female and you can call me Lilly. And my Girlfriend is a 36 year old Female you can call her Lizzy. We have been together for 4 years. It was not only ago that we celebrated our 52nd monthsary and her Birthday. We met over Facebook starting out as friends before i asked her to date me. And she said yes. And things went from there. We both fell deeply in love with each other and along the way we found that each other are not 100% perfect. But no one in this world is. And i love her for all she is both her good points and her flaws. To me she is the perfect woman who i love dearly.
Now, She lives in Indonesia while I live in the UK. So we have a good fair distance between us. But we video call and voice call a lot. Also we have whatsapp, Line, Twitter, Messenger and Facebook to keep fully in contact with each other. And when she sleeps im always telling her everything i do because otherwise she worries that i could be doing something behind her back. I understand her worries because she has been hurt in the past. And so i tell her happily. But as we have gotten deeper and deeper into our rls over the years i have come to notice some things that at first seemed like something i could brush past me but im not so sure anymore...
When it comes to talking about things. I love to talk. Sometimes i love talking so much you can not shut me up. I love talking about anything and everything. Music, art, the weather, animals, politics, future plans, dreams, ambitions, hopes, ect.. Like any normal person i would imagine. But i have come to notice that she doesnt... When i attempt to talk to her about these kinds of things she will accuse me of being boring. And when i ask her things to learn even more about her or get her view on things, she says i ask to many questions. And that i can not come up with a 'topic' to talk about. And admit, i have even tried looking on google for anything to talk about. Topics of all kinds and they all come in questions... Im always trying to make things different and more fun for her. Trying to find different things to talk about or even mostly, i have tried talking about our future together. Because we both said we want to get married and grow old together. So much that I have even gotten a ring and i am waiting to get her over to the UK so i can ask her to marry me.
And i am not the kind of person that thinks of Marriage easily. She is the first person i have been with that I have wanted to marry. And that says something because to impress me to make me want to marry someone is not easy.
So i have noticed that when talking with her, unless it is things she likes and things she is interested in she refuses to talk about it. At all.
And that puts me in a tight spot when it comes to talking about things with her because all the things she likes we have spoken about them more than once. And to constantly go on and on about the same stuff, is boring to me. But i try and make it fun and new even if it is the same stuff. But then she turns around and accuses me of being boring. But if i try and speak about things i like ? Then all hell breaks lose.
And that is not all i have noticed.
She is a fan of Super Junior. And is a fangirl of Wonkyu. Siwon and Kyu. Which I admit since she introduced me too them, (not personally) i have become a fan of them too. But i also have my own people i am a fan off.
David Bowie, Prince, Michael Jackson, Feddy Mercury, Whitney Huston and a ffew more.
And normally that is okay. right ? But no. She is allowed to follow on twitter those she likes, but im not allowed and i can only follow those she likes. because if i do follow others? She accuses me of cheating on her and cheating on Wonkyu. Which i dont understand at all.
Heck i am not even allowed to have a friend on my phone without her accusing me of cheating on her... I had this friend lets call her Daisy. And my friend has this problem which i wont go into and she calls herself by different names and she liked being called sweet sarah. So that is how i had her name on my phone unless she said to call her something different. but when she found out, she blew up at me accusing me of cheating on her behind her back. And when i tried to explain she wouldnt listen. Not only that... She hates straight things. Anything to do with being straight.
Straight stories,
straight pictures. Anything like that. She hates it. Now, she is a roleplayer on facebook and i am too. Which was how we met. 4 years ago. And i found this picture with some info under it. It was a straight picture. But I wasnt focused on that. What I was focused on was the Info under it. So i took an ss of it. But when she saw it? She blew up at me accusing me of being straight. When im not. I know who i am and i know my own sexuality. I do not get turned on by men what so ever. I am only turned on by women. I am a lesbian and that is a fact.
But because of that one picture. She has not only accused me of being straight. She has done something worse. There is this person called Seb on facebook who knew her before me. And has accused me many times of stealing her from him. But I never understood that. And you hear me right, HE. Because according to him they were in a rls when i asked her out. But she never told me this and if she was in a rls with them, why did she say yes to me? and why date me for 4 years? and yes, a HE, Even thought she is a lesbian too and hates straight things. And because of this person and her running to him each time we had a problem or fight, (while i had no one to go to and no one in my corner) I have left at leasr three or four times because of it. Because she always ran to him then told me she didnt want to lose me or that she loves me and she only did that to make me jealous. I brush it off many times and stayed with her. Even thought it made me feel like there was a third person in the Rls many times. And i had told her this.
And on the 9th of March 2024 she finally blocked him. And promised me that no matter what she would never go back to him or run to him or anything like that because she knew how it hurt me. Because he is always trying to break us up.
And today?
All because of a picture on my phone, that she didnt like, not only has she unblocked him. She has gone to him. Put a rls with him on facebook. And do you know what she has said to me ?
I have to swallow it for one week.
And if i can swallow it, my love for her is real and big and i deserve her. But if i leave? she calls me weak and says my love for her is not real. And it hurts... to see her in a rls with another and i have to swallow seeing her say she loves them?
This is why i really need advice. I don't know what to do... if i leave she will say i am weak and that my love is fake and not real... and that if my love is real i should be able to swallow it and accept it and prove to her that my love is real.
But if i leave? I know for a fact she will start ringing me, texting me. Demanding that i come back online and that if i dont she will die and that she can't breathe and things like that....
it is a horrible feeling because i love this woman so much... but to see her doing this.. i dont know if i can swallow it... I dont even know if i should.
Should I swallow it or leave like i have done before ? And if anyone would like more detail please message me privately and i will gladly tell you more details.
( And I have posted this on my profile too. I didn't know you could post it on here for advice so I'm posting it here too .)
submitted by Less_Picture5124 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 19:46 Less_Picture5124 Girlfriend has openly accepting a rls with another in front of me, on facebook and demands i swallow it to prove my love is real

Me and my Girlfriend have been together for 4 years. And she is the best thing that has ever happened to me, I love her so much. But what has happened has hurt me. And I dont know what to do.
I need some advice from anyone that can help and anyone who is willing to help.
Let me go into more detail about what has happened.
I wont be using real names here for personal reasons. I dont really trust putting your personal information out there. So please bare with me.
Let me start from the beginning.
Firstly, I should point out that I am a Lesbian. OKay, let me begin.
I am a 26 year old Female and you can call me Lilly. And my Girlfriend is a 36 year old Female you can call her Lizzy. We have been together for 4 years. It was not only ago that we celebrated our 52nd monthsary and her Birthday. We met over Facebook starting out as friends before i asked her to date me. And she said yes. And things went from there. We both fell deeply in love with each other and along the way we found that each other are not 100% perfect. But no one in this world is. And i love her for all she is both her good points and her flaws. To me she is the perfect woman who i love dearly.
Now, She lives in Indonesia while I live in the UK. So we have a good fair distance between us. But we video call and voice call a lot. Also we have whatsapp, Line, Twitter, Messenger and Facebook to keep fully in contact with each other. And when she sleeps im always telling her everything i do because otherwise she worries that i could be doing something behind her back. I understand her worries because she has been hurt in the past. And so i tell her happily. But as we have gotten deeper and deeper into our rls over the years i have come to notice some things that at first seemed like something i could brush past me but im not so sure anymore...
When it comes to talking about things. I love to talk. Sometimes i love talking so much you can not shut me up. I love talking about anything and everything. Music, art, the weather, animals, politics, future plans, dreams, ambitions, hopes, ect.. Like any normal person i would imagine. But i have come to notice that she doesnt... When i attempt to talk to her about these kinds of things she will accuse me of being boring. And when i ask her things to learn even more about her or get her view on things, she says i ask to many questions. And that i can not come up with a 'topic' to talk about. And admit, i have even tried looking on google for anything to talk about. Topics of all kinds and they all come in questions... Im always trying to make things different and more fun for her. Trying to find different things to talk about or even mostly, i have tried talking about our future together. Because we both said we want to get married and grow old together. So much that I have even gotten a ring and i am waiting to get her over to the UK so i can ask her to marry me.
And i am not the kind of person that thinks of Marriage easily. She is the first person i have been with that I have wanted to marry. And that says something because to impress me to make me want to marry someone is not easy.
So i have noticed that when talking with her, unless it is things she likes and things she is interested in she refuses to talk about it. At all.
And that puts me in a tight spot when it comes to talking about things with her because all the things she likes we have spoken about them more than once. And to constantly go on and on about the same stuff, is boring to me. But i try and make it fun and new even if it is the same stuff. But then she turns around and accuses me of being boring. But if i try and speak about things i like ? Then all hell breaks lose.
And that is not all i have noticed.
She is a fan of Super Junior. And is a fangirl of Wonkyu. Siwon and Kyu. Which I admit since she introduced me too them, (not personally) i have become a fan of them too. But i also have my own people i am a fan off.
David Bowie, Prince, Michael Jackson, Feddy Mercury, Whitney Huston and a ffew more.
And normally that is okay. right ? But no. She is allowed to follow on twitter those she likes, but im not allowed and i can only follow those she likes. because if i do follow others? She accuses me of cheating on her and cheating on Wonkyu. Which i dont understand at all.
Heck i am not even allowed to have a friend on my phone without her accusing me of cheating on her... I had this friend lets call her Daisy. And my friend has this problem which i wont go into and she calls herself by different names and she liked being called sweet sarah. So that is how i had her name on my phone unless she said to call her something different. but when she found out, she blew up at me accusing me of cheating on her behind her back. And when i tried to explain she wouldnt listen. Not only that... She hates straight things. Anything to do with being straight.
Straight stories,
straight pictures. Anything like that. She hates it. Now, she is a roleplayer on facebook and i am too. Which was how we met. 4 years ago. And i found this picture with some info under it. It was a straight picture. But I wasnt focused on that. What I was focused on was the Info under it. So i took an ss of it. But when she saw it? She blew up at me accusing me of being straight. When im not. I know who i am and i know my own sexuality. I do not get turned on by men what so ever. I am only turned on by women. I am a lesbian and that is a fact.
But because of that one picture. She has not only accused me of being straight. She has done something worse. There is this person called Seb on facebook who knew her before me. And has accused me many times of stealing her from him. But I never understood that. And you hear me right, HE. Because according to him they were in a rls when i asked her out. But she never told me this and if she was in a rls with them, why did she say yes to me? and why date me for 4 years? and yes, a HE, Even thought she is a lesbian too and hates straight things. And because of this person and her running to him each time we had a problem or fight, (while i had no one to go to and no one in my corner) I have left at leasr three or four times because of it. Because she always ran to him then told me she didnt want to lose me or that she loves me and she only did that to make me jealous. I brush it off many times and stayed with her. Even thought it made me feel like there was a third person in the Rls many times. And i had told her this.
And on the 9th of March 2024 she finally blocked him. And promised me that no matter what she would never go back to him or run to him or anything like that because she knew how it hurt me. Because he is always trying to break us up.
And today?
All because of a picture on my phone, that she didnt like, not only has she unblocked him. She has gone to him. Put a rls with him on facebook. And do you know what she has said to me ?
I have to swallow it for one week.
And if i can swallow it, my love for her is real and big and i deserve her. But if i leave? she calls me weak and says my love for her is not real. And it hurts... to see her in a rls with another and i have to swallow seeing her say she loves them?
This is why i really need advice. I don't know what to do... if i leave she will say i am weak and that my love is fake and not real... and that if my love is real i should be able to swallow it and accept it and prove to her that my love is real.
But if i leave? I know for a fact she will start ringing me, texting me. Demanding that i come back online and that if i dont she will die and that she can't breathe and things like that....
it is a horrible feeling because i love this woman so much... but to see her doing this.. i dont know if i can swallow it... I dont even know if i should.
Should I swallow it or leave like i have done before ? And if anyone would like more detail please message me privately and i will gladly tell you more details.
submitted by Less_Picture5124 to u/Less_Picture5124 [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 14:20 therealminival my windows 10 setup (1809+Revert8Plus)

my windows 10 setup (1809+Revert8Plus) submitted by therealminival to FrutigerAero [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 16:43 hellenkellersdiary Boomer feels entitled to my time and effort to remove logs from his yard..

Boomer feels entitled to my time and effort to remove logs from his yard..
Dude posted an ad on marketplace for free firewood..10 chords of split white oak. Message him to come check it out and show up the next day, along with other people. 10 chords was actually about 2.5 and the other people took 2 of them, I got very little. He had several piles of logs cut down to length by the tree trimming company. He asked the others if they were interested and all said no, bc unsplit wood has no value, the value comes from the labor of splitting the wood. I agreed I would come by with my axe, split it and haul it off as he wanted to "clean up my property". So I get wood that I split, and he gets clutter removed that he physically can't deal with.. eventually, he pops off on me when I am not removing it fast enough.. the following ensues..
submitted by hellenkellersdiary to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 20:18 bc_csi_001 checkingimage

checkingimage submitted by bc_csi_001 to brightcloudcsi_public [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:11 pointless_patty Anyone miss the pre-Jio internet world?

At the risk of sounding a snob - this one is for the early users of the internet.
Mostly kids that started using Alliance Broadbands/BSNL Internet in 2000s and had Orkut accounts that we carefully hid from parents.
I miss those internet days. Honestly my whole college life was on Facebook - IG was just starting then and it wasn't a big thing then. We had Yahoo MessengeGtalk for chatting, YouTube for music and Torrents that downloaded overnight.
Pre-2016, Internet was expensive - which meant it was also restrictive. I get that with the jio revolution opportunities opened up, but so did trolls and creepy comments.
For us internet used to be cool place to hang out after school/college - but lately all I see on social media is toxicity, judgement and abuse. It's gotten to the point of me deleting all social media apps except Reddit on my phone.
I miss the chill times where internet was kind and forgiving. Anyone else feels the same?
submitted by pointless_patty to kolkata [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 07:42 Current_Fox6455 My brother and sister in law have been avoiding and ignoring my wife and we dont know why.

This all happened over a year ago they started avoiding my wife, we all lived in my parents basement, because the housing market sky rocketed after covid. My wife and I moved out into a downstairs apartment when we first got married but had major issues with landlords so with my parents (and siblings permission) moved into my parents mother in law apartment in the basement. Then my brother got married 3 years after my wife and I, and his wife moved in as well. For some additional background, we all lived together during both my wifes and SILs pregnancies with 2nd kids.
My wife had an extremely difficult pregnancy, unable to stay awake, unable to eat, and nearly passing out if she was up working too long. Our 1st child (1m) started showing signs of autism during her pregnancy as well. Because of this she needed help a lot. My brother and SIL were both unemployed and stayed upstairs with their son(1m) majority of the time while me, my parents and siblings were at work and school. They basically only came downstairs to sleep for the most part. We would stay downstairs. However when my wife would need help she would go upstairs and ask if she could get help for a bit. They would say okay, but a few minutes later would go downstairs without saying anything. Since the upstairs wasnt baby proofed and had a lot of breakables, she would take my son back downstairs as it was easier to take care of him there. Then brother and SIL would go back upstairs. Nothing was ever said to either of us directly about any issues.
My parents mentioned a few issues about the kitchen downstairs that brother and SIL had mentioned to them about needing more space, which we fixed (even though they never used it since as mentioned before they only ever spent their time upstairs but when they did use it would leave it a mess and not even clean our dishes or cookware they used). Fast forward after both babies were born, my brother and SIL moved in with SILs mom in another state.
Since theyve moved out, my wife and I left the LDS church, but everyone else are still members. My wife had made some posts on social media about some things she did not agree with that the church was doing. Many people were offended and took it the wrong way. she made a new post apoligizing and explaining better what she had meant by her posts as well as fixed her original ones. My brother and his BIL (brother in law) started mocking and attacking her on that post when she apologized. They demanded to know that since she didnt believe in the church anymore, what she did believe, she obliged and explained it to them. All they did was laugh at her and say that what she said isnt a belief. (Mind you they've already started to avoid and ignore her before this happened. This was the first contact she received in months) She ended up blocking them because of the constant harrasment. (I saw every comment between the 3 of them, i was right next to her on my phone reading the comments as they popped up).
A few weeks later my brother and his wife came to visit and decided they wanted to talk to just me about whats been going on, when we sat down they said they were hurt by her comments she made on her post but wouldnt stand for or say her own beliefs but was attacking them along with their own beleifs. When i told them i watched it all unfold live and screenshot every comment they went quiet. When i asked them what they were really upset with her about, they said they've been constantly hurt by how shes treated them and has acted around them (would not give examples or tell me what shes done) and dont want to be around her for awhile, i asked if we could all sit down and talk and even tell her what shes done so she could work on that and make sure it doesnt happen again. They said they would talk and let me know, instead they packed up and left a little later without saying anything.
The next time they came to visit they were very friendly to both of us talking and interacting with us. We both thought things were better so we asked if they wanted to do a gamenight or go on a double date while they were here visiting, they said maybe, because they had alot going on. The next day i was helping my dad on his car and my brother came out to help as well, as soon as my dad walked away for a bit, my brother talked to me saying theyre still uspet and hurt with my wife and want her to respect their boundaries that they set with her last time they came. But didnt say that last night because of how tired they were, I got up and told him they needed to talk to her about this and tell her the boundaries they placed because neither of us knew aside from space from her and not me because im not gonna be the messenger. He said they would talk to her. My wife ended up texting them both asking what they were upset about with her the next morning, my SIL replies saying theyve already talked to her and have expressed the problems they have with her as well as the boundaries they had placed with her but she wont respect them. We then said we dont remember them telling us exactly what she had done but did ask for a reminder because we really dont remember talking to them about boundaries or the problems they had with her except for what they told me last time they were here but didnt think a reminder would be to much to ask for so she can work on that so it wont happen again. SIL replied saying we're gaslighting them and they arent going to get into the whole "he said she said" long story short we agreed on them staying upstairs while we stayed downstairs until they left. I then texted my brother saying i was furious and hurt because of whats going on, I told him we dont know what she did because they wont tell us, i then told him that I feel like i am going to have to choose between them or my wife, i ended up setting my own boundaries with them both until they were ready to talk to us about whats going on. Saying i dont want anything to do with them because im hurt by all of this. My brother accepted my boundaries and we left it at that.
The next time they came over my wife picked up extra shifts to make sure she wasnt around as much, my parents also told us my brother and SIL were staying in the new trailer my parents just got. So we werent worried about seeing them as much. My brother ended up breaking my boundaries by coming downstairs and talking to my wife acting like nothing had happened when i specifically told him to stay away unless he was ready to work things out. He then asked me to go for a ride with him, my dad and our BIL on the Dirtbikes, i said no because my wife had to work soon so i needed to be home for our kids. The next day i had a meeting for work, i was gone for about 2 hours and in that time my wife needed some help with the kids so she texted my mom asking if she could bring them up for an hour to get a little bit of a break. My mom said yes when she got upstairs she saw my brother and his kids playing she didnt think anything of it because of what happened the day before, apparantly my SIL came in the room saw my wife and got mad.
My wife went downstairs as she didnt feel welcome after that. (Come to find out my parents ended up staying in their new trailer and let my brother and SIL stay in their room to make it easier for nap time for their kids but never told us) then went to work. later that day i was helping my dad, my brother came over gave me a hug saying he loves and misses me. Told him i loved him too then they left. Once they left my dad came and told me that my SIL was mad my wife went upstairs violating their boundaries so she told my brother that shes taking the kids and going home, but he could stay if he wanted to. (They live 3 hours away and only drove 1 vehicle down) so he went home as well.
I called my brother the next day and told him that him and I needed to talk without either of our wives around. He agreed and stepped out of their house. I will admit I shouldve started the conversation off better and i did apoligize for it later that day, but i told him that i didnt know what to do anymore and that this has been going on far enough. Then i told him that his wifes reason for going home early was pathetic, he then snapped and accused me of talking bad about his wife then goes off on how my wife has hurt them to many times and she hasnt respected their boundaries theyve placed. We ended up yelling for a little bit until he hung up, i then texted him telling him that his wife and him owe both of us an explanation because we dont deserve how theyve been treating my wife and I. I also called him out for not respecting my own personal boundaries that i set with him then told him that both him and his wife need to grow up and until then need to leave us alone his wife then replied saying i was gaslighting them and being unfair. At this point i blocked them both on facebook and had blocked his wifes number (left my brothers number unblocked incase of emergencies or if they were ready to work things out).
Come thanksgiving this last year my wife and i werent even gonna go because they were gonna be there. My mom however was hoping to have all of her kids and their spouses and kids as well. So we went but kept our distance from them. We noticed my brother sat on the couch while the rest of us were at the table, my wife and mom were also in the middle of a conversation and my SIL kept inserting herself into the middle of it while trying to push my wife out, then after dinner my wife went to the bathroom my son decided he wanted a certain snack and when i told him no he got upset, while i was trying to calm him down and talk to him my SIL stepped in between us and started talking to him instead. I snapped and announced it was time for us to go, grabbed my kids and waited for my wife in the car. My parents came out with my wife asking what happened. I told them and then we left. We saw eachother one more time since then and didnt say or look at eachother since then. Im honestly lost on what to do. I really wish we could hear their side of the story so we could make more sense of what my wife and I did. My brother used to be my best friend but now we dont even talk. Last thing i said to him was im done being the one who apoligizes all the time but never recieves one. Did I go to far on this? My parents raised us to pick our battles and learn to let things go, I have left some parts out of other issues/problems that have happened between all of us. Any advice on what to do would be great.
submitted by Current_Fox6455 to familydrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:24 WolfMoon1373 Crazy Entitled Religious DNA- Donator (Dad) Sends My Mom Insane Email after 10 years of practically no contact

Strap in, it's a long one. TL;DR at the end and I have a question at the end for the good folks of Reddit.
As a set up to this crazy email my dad/DNA-Donor, I'll give a brief background of what he's like/how growing up was like. Long version is here. My father and mother were always religious. Fundamentalist Christian, the extreme ones, that hate Harry Potter and Fantasy things because 'they come from the Devil!'. Couldn't listen to radio, watch most things on tv, and science was wrong. My 'dad' was the pick and chose type of christian, whereas he was always right and god said so. He doesn't agree with divorce, says that's not what god says you can do, so when my mom left him, it wasn't real, and once she is 'right with God, she would go back to him (my dad)'. So you know, just a little bit of an ego.
A quick way to describe his parenting style aside from extreme christian, it would be that he wanted the picture perfect family without any of the work of making it so, and to be the best christian helper at the church we went to. But we (the kids) never saw him, and he didn't help with our food, power, or rent situations. We had to move SO much because we couldn't afford staying in the place we were at.
After my mom left him, she converted to being a Christian Jew (yes, it is odd). But by then, I was done with religion. It didn't make sense, it could be changed far too easily, and if every religion said they were the one true religion, then no matter what, everyone is wrong and we're all doomed. So I've been non-religious since turning 18 (34 now) as soon as I could no longer be forced to go to churches or reading bibles. I've since learned that I'm bi-sexual and A-gendered (don't care what gender I am/what/how I am called), and since Christians don't typically like that, I've not bothered telling my 'dad' about it. I know he will go on a rant and rampage and rage at me, my mom, and my brothers. I haven't seen my dna-donor in over 9/10? years. And he would literally just show up for a day or so, take us out to eat and try to connect with us briefly, and then leave again. (We live in the USA and he's from Canada). He can sort of see what we are doing on facebook, and what little bits we're willing to tell him directly, but we've not bothered trying to keep the communication lines open. He sent emails to my mom at the end of march (only recently discovered) concerning myself, my younger brother (32M), and youngest brother (26M, AFAB). And it's the craziest thing I've read in a long time. Here is the direct thing, names changed/altered to keep privacy.
[Dearest (my mom):
Where to start... Well, I guess asking for news might be a good start. I’ve looked at the FB page for her store, and I know she is slowly recovering from the robbery. Has she shared anything with you recently about how it’s been affecting her? Has she visited you lately? Does she visit on a regular basis? How well do (middle brother) and (youngest brother) get along with her?
Now, to the “meat” of this email... As I mentioned for (middle brother) , I know that OP made a profession of faith at Abundant Live Assembly, in probably 97 or 98. Has she kept up with the faith? I know that the first time I visited you in Virginia, she was pretty into the whole Messianic Jewish stuff, even showing her friend and I, at the meal after the service, how she had tassels tied to the corners of her jeans, because of it.
But I get the feeling she is not currently living for God... I can’t pinpoint anything precise for that subjective statement. However, I do know that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34, Luke 6:45)... and the way she swears does concern me... I first became aware of it one time I was visiting and we went to watch a movie. She was one or two rows ahead of us, and you threw a few kernels of popcorn at her, and she called you a “fuckhead!” I didn’t say anything at the time, as I didn’t want to start an argument, and I didn’t want you to think I was questioning your parenting skills, or anything like that... Then she spent a few years with no contact. I even found her on Yahoo Messenger, and asked her a question I had for her. She answered the question, then told me to not try to contact her again.
It was only at your mother’s funerals that we spoke again. At that time, she warned me to not be surprised to hear her swear, as she apparently swears a lot, but would try to tone it down for the day (it almost sounded like she was bothered by it, and maybe embarrassed that I would find out, but maybe I was imagining things...) Anyway, she told me how when she plays online RPGs, the Elf language consists of swearing a lot, and people were amazed at how “fluent” she was in the language...
So of course, I am concerned about her spiritual well-being... Do you know anything about where she stands with God?
Another thing she told me, that day, was that she had wanted to write me a letter, as she had “issues with the way we raised her...” So she took down my email address, to send it to me later. (She later lost that email, but took the time to look me up on Facebook, which was an unexpected surprise... I guess she really did want to renew our ties, to a certain degree...) In the end, she never sent me anything like what she mentioned, so I don’t know what her feelings are on the subject. Did she ever mention anything to you, about “the way we raised her” ? Do you have any idea what that might have been about?
One more concern I have about her, is whether something happened, whether spiritually or physically, at the school she was going to when you guys were still in Montreal. At the end of the 2001-2002 school year, she had been saying that if they said she had not learned enough French, she wanted to continue learning. Yet when she went to school the following fall, she came back, during the very first week, wanting nothing more to do with French, and couldn’t wait for you guys to leave for the States. Whereas she had asked me for help with homework in the previous school year, now that she was at a new school (a high-school) and (middle brother) was still in the old school (an elementary school), she didn’t want my help, and barely put in any effort on her homework at all. She also didn’t seem to like her new (male, this time) teacher. So I’ve always wondered if something happened at that new school, whether in the physical or spiritual realm. Has she ever spoken to you about that? Do you have any idea what might have changed her outlook that radically in just a few days at her new school? I’m worried that if something happened in the spiritual realm, and it has never been dealt with, it may still be affecting her today, on an unconscious level. Any idea?
That’s all I can think of, for now. Thank you for your time.
Love always,]
The whole '97/'98 proclamation thing: I was 8. An 8 year old who had just seen 'A Thief in the Night' series about the end times and the rapture (scared the shit out of me). The 2001-2002 thing was me discovering that I was depressed and dissociating. I hated being in a city where you HAD to learn the language and if you didn't, you were looked down on and scorned. Also, there was nothing for us to do as we couldn't go out, nothing to watch (extreme Christians remember), and no one around our ages to hang out with where we lived. I didn't want to live there, and by the time the second year of being there, I was tired of the whole thing. I stopped doing homework, and technically failed 7th grade because literally every aspect of it was in french, even the art, gym, and math.
I stopped trying to talk with him and reconnect with dna-donor when I realized he didn't think women should be allowed to divorce their spouses. Even if the man was abusive or it was to help her, because 'they should work it out together' instead. And when I realized that, I realized that I did not want to associate with someone who would allow another person to be abused and hurt if their god said so.
So my question, do I respond to the email with a full list of what has happened and how I've changed? If I do, this will 200% mean that he will try and 'convert' me back, rant at my mom, rant at me, and be 1,000% more annoying. But it would be SO satisfying.
TL;DR: Crazy Fundamentalist Christian Father worried that I (Bi-sexual A-gender atheist) isn't with God and wants to know what has been going on after not doing anything like that for 10+ years. Should I tell him straight up or not bother as he would never change?
Also, the emails he sent about my brothers are just as bad. Though I only know what they are by paraphrasing from my mom. If this isn't meant to be here, please let me know.
submitted by WolfMoon1373 to entitledparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:00 Ecstatic_Ad_6897 Welcome my NEW MEMBERS, to REAL Supernatural Encounters!!! & Thank you for joining!!🙂

Thank you all for joining this Awesome Sub where you can post and share ALL things supernatural and paranormal!!🙂
My name's Anthony and I'm one of the Modz for my subreddit SupernaturalEncouners as I also have and run a show and channel called "Real Supernatural Encounters" where I bring on Eyewitnesss that have any type of REAL Supernatural, paranormal, cryptid, Alien, near death experiences, missing 411, and anything strange and or unusual types of stories, Encounters, and Experiences they have and tell them on my show! And I post my videos on here regularly! If you have any type of supernatural story and would like to be on the show you can message me, post your stories on here for me to look over and or send me a brief summary of your stories through messenger or my email at [Realsne_stories@yahoo.com](mailto:Realsne_stories@yahoo.com) Shows are privately recorded on zoom with me and you can have the choice to be on or off video as I can still record you telling your stories while being Anonomous when we record your episode! As far as this subreddit goes, you can post anything you want that you think is supernatural, paranormal, Alien, cryptid, bear death experiences, demons, Angels, missing 411, topography change, and anything unexplained and strange! I don't really have any restrictions, and if you have questions it doesn't hurt to ask so don't be afraid to. For those who would like to be part of the shows facebook group page and YouTube channel I'll post the links as alot of the times the shows will be posted one or the other before reddit. Thank you for joining this subreddit and being apart of the RSE family!! Happy posting my friends!!
Here's my fb group! Come join!
Here's my YouTube channel! Come subscribe!
Here's my channels TikTok:
submitted by Ecstatic_Ad_6897 to SupernaturalEncouners [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:33 ixehad What are the best google alternative search engines in 2024?

Hey everyone!
I know a lot of us are feeling a bit iffy about Google's new AI overviews in search results. It’s definitely a big change, and not everyone is loving it. If you’re like me and thinking it might be time to explore other options, you’re in luck! we’ve put together a list of some top-notch Google alternatives that might just become your new go-to search engine. Let’s dive in and find something that works better for us!

1. Bing

Bing is one of the top unblocked search engine and the best Google alternative. According to Similarweb, Bing is one of the most visited american search engine. It is owned and operated by Microsoft. First launched in 2009 as a replacement for live search, and since then, it has been a popular search engine with millions of people using it around the globe.
Bing is designed to assist users in finding a wide range of information on the web. This includes everything from images and articles to maps and videos. In general, Bing is great for searching for broadly available information on the internet, such as details about a specific topic or person.
In 2023, Microsoft Introduced an AI-powered Bing chat bot (Co-pilot) in the search engine that can provide more personalized results for users.
Read more How to Use Bing AI?

Features of Bing

2. Yahoo

Yahoo is a web search engine founded in 1994. It is one of the prominent and earliest search engines that provide users with a great search engine experience.
Yahoo is a web services company that offers a variety of products and services, including search, news, finance, sports, and entertainment.

Features of Yahoo

3. DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo is one of the best search engines you can use instead of any leading search engines for privacy. Its prime appeal is to give you search privacy. It does not track or collect user data and aims to protect users' online privacy.

Features of DuckDuckGo

Related Read: Best AI Search Engines
There are more... read the full article from here- https://dorik.com/blog/alternative-search-engines
submitted by ixehad to Dorik_newsletter [link] [comments]
