Social work autobiographical statement sample tips

Cyber Fraud: Understanding, Preventing, and Responding to Online Scams

2024.05.17 12:20 pixelsimg- Cyber Fraud: Understanding, Preventing, and Responding to Online Scams

Cyber Fraud: Understanding, Preventing, and Responding to Online Scams
In today's interconnected world, the internet has transformed the way we live, work, and interact. However, with the convenience and opportunities it brings, there's also a rise in cyber fraud – deceptive practices carried out online to unlawfully obtain money, personal information, or other valuables from unsuspecting individuals. Understanding cyber fraud, its various forms, and how to protect oneself is crucial in safeguarding against financial loss and identity theft.
What is Cyber Fraud?
Cyber fraud refers to any fraudulent activity carried out using electronic communication or information technology. Perpetrators of cyber fraud, often referred to as cybercriminals, exploit vulnerabilities in technology and human behavior to deceive and defraud individuals, businesses, or organizations. Cyber fraud can take many forms, including:
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  1. Phishing: This involves sending deceptive emails or messages that appear to be from reputable sources, tricking recipients into revealing sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, or social security numbers.
  2. Identity Theft: Cybercriminals steal personal information, such as name, address, and financial details, to impersonate individuals or commit fraudulent activities in their name.
  3. Online Scams: These scams come in various forms, such as lottery scams, romance scams, investment scams, and fake job offers, where victims are persuaded to send money or provide personal information under false pretenses.
  4. Malware Attacks: Malicious software, such as viruses, ransomware, and spyware, is used to infect devices and steal sensitive information, disrupt operations, or extort money from victims.
Preventing Cyber Fraud
Preventing cyber fraud requires a combination of vigilance, awareness, and proactive measures. Here are some essential tips to protect yourself from falling victim to online scams:
  1. Be Skeptical: Exercise caution when receiving unsolicited emails, messages, or phone calls, especially if they request sensitive information or offer deals that seem too good to be true.
  2. Verify Identities: Before disclosing personal information or making financial transactions online, verify the legitimacy of the website, company, or individual you're dealing with. Look for secure websites with HTTPS encryption and check for contact information and reviews.
  3. Use Strong Passwords: Create unique, complex passwords for each online account and enable multi-factor authentication whenever possible to add an extra layer of security.
  4. Keep Software Updated: Regularly update your operating system, antivirus software, and other applications to patch security vulnerabilities and protect against malware attacks.
  5. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the latest cyber threats and scams by reading reputable sources, such as cybersecurity blogs, government advisories, and news articles.
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Responding to Cyber Fraud
If you suspect you've fallen victim to cyber fraud, take immediate action to mitigate the damage and report the incident to the relevant authorities. Here's what you can do:
  1. Contact Your Financial Institution: Inform your bank or credit card company immediately to report any unauthorized transactions and request a freeze on your accounts if necessary.
  2. Report the Fraud: File a complaint with the appropriate authorities, such as the police, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), or the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), providing as much detail and evidence as possible.
  3. Monitor Your Accounts: Regularly monitor your bank statements, credit reports, and online accounts for any suspicious activity, and report any unauthorized transactions or changes immediately.
  4. Update Security Measures: Change passwords, update security settings, and install antivirus software to prevent further unauthorized access to your devices and accounts.
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In conclusion, cyber fraud poses a significant threat to individuals and businesses alike, requiring proactive measures to prevent and respond effectively. By staying informed, exercising caution, and implementing robust security practices, you can reduce the risk of falling victim to online scams and protect yourself from financial loss and identity theft in the digital age.
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2024.05.17 12:18 Revolutionary-Sky758 Effective Means of Boosting Your College Grades: study Smarter, Not Harder

As a college student, academic success is a top priority. College can be both exhilarating and challenging, with juggling coursework, social activities, and perhaps a part-time job feeling overwhelming at times. However, achieving high grades is attainable with the right strategies and mindset. Here are some effective ways to excel academically.

1. Time Management is Key

One of the most critical aspects of succeeding in college is managing your time efficiently. Here are a few tips to help you stay on top of your schedule:

2. Active Participation in Classes

Attending classes regularly and actively participating can significantly impact your understanding and retention of the material. Here’s how you can make the most out of your classes:

3. Effective Study Techniques

Studying smarter, not harder, is crucial. Here are some study techniques that can enhance your learning:

4. Utilize Campus Resources

Many colleges offer resources that can aid your academic performance. Make sure to take advantage of them:

5. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Your physical and mental well-being directly impact your academic performance. Here are some tips to stay healthy:

6. Stay Motivated and Set Goals

Setting clear, achievable goals can keep you motivated throughout the semester. Here’s how to stay on track:

7. Test Preparation Strategies

Ace those exams with effective preparation:

8. Collaborate with Peers

Study groups can be beneficial:


By incorporating these strategies into your college routine, you can improve your academic performance and ensure your grades soar. Remember, success in college is not just about intelligence but also about adopting effective habits and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. In addition, you can also join our community at 911papers_homworkhelp for more tips or need help, and also to connect with other students who share similar academic experiences.
submitted by Revolutionary-Sky758 to 911papers_homworkhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:10 VAISHAK_C_P How Can We Increase My Shopify Sales?

How Can We Increase My Shopify Sales?

How Can We Increase Shopify Sales?
Running an online store on Shopify can be an exciting venture, but it often comes with the challenge of driving sales. Whether you’re just starting or looking to boost your existing store’s performance, there are several effective strategies you can implement to increase your Shopify sales. Let’s dive into some practical tips and tricks that can help you attract more visitors, convert them into customers, and encourage repeat business.

1. Optimize Your Store for SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for increasing your store’s visibility on search engines like Google. Here are some SEO practices to consider:
  • Keyword Research: Identify and use relevant keywords in your product titles, descriptions, and meta tags.
  • Optimized Images: Use high-quality images with descriptive file names and alt texts.
  • Blogging: Create valuable content related to your products to attract organic traffic.
  • Backlinks: Get backlinks from reputable websites to improve your search engine ranking.

2. Enhance Product Descriptions and Images

Your product descriptions and images are often the first things potential customers notice. Make sure they’re compelling and informative:
  • Detailed Descriptions: Highlight the benefits and features of your products. Use bullet points for readability.
  • High-Quality Images: Use clear, high-resolution images from multiple angles. Consider adding product videos to give a better sense of the item.
Checkout Shopify’s mobile friendly responsive themes

3. Leverage Social Media Marketing

Social media is a powerful tool for driving traffic to your Shopify store:
  • Engage with Your Audience: Post regularly on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Engage with your followers by responding to comments and messages.
  • Paid Ads: Use targeted ads to reach potential customers. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow you to target users based on demographics, interests, and behavior.
  • Influencer Collaborations: Partner with influencers who can promote your products to their followers.

4. Offer Discounts and Promotions

Everyone loves a good deal. Offering discounts and promotions can entice visitors to make a purchase:
  • Seasonal Sales: Run sales during holidays and special occasions.
  • Discount Codes: Provide discount codes for first-time buyers or for customers who refer others.
  • Bundles and Upsells: Offer product bundles at a discounted price or suggest related products during the checkout process.

5. Utilize Email Marketing

Email marketing is an effective way to keep your customers informed and engaged:
  • Build an Email List: Collect email addresses through sign-up forms on your website.
  • Regular Newsletters: Send out newsletters with updates, promotions, and special offers.
  • Personalized Emails: Use customer data to send personalized recommendations and targeted offers.

6. Improve Your Website’s User Experience (UX)

A smooth and enjoyable shopping experience can significantly impact your sales:
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure your store is fully optimized for mobile devices.
  • Fast Loading Times: Optimize your website to load quickly, as slow pages can deter potential customers.
  • Easy Navigation: Make it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for with a clear and intuitive navigation structure.

7. Showcase Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Social proof can build trust and influence buying decisions:
  • Encourage Reviews: Ask satisfied customers to leave reviews on your product pages.
  • Display Testimonials: Highlight positive testimonials on your homepage and product pages.
  • Respond to Feedback: Engage with customers who leave reviews, thanking them for positive feedback and addressing any concerns.
Read More on Mobile-First Strategy: What it is & How to Make it Work for You

8. Use Shopify Apps to Enhance Functionality

Shopify offers a variety of apps to help you manage and grow your store:
  • Abandoned Cart Recovery: Use apps to remind customers about items left in their cart.
  • Upsell and Cross-Sell: Apps can suggest additional products to customers based on their browsing and purchase history.
  • Analytics: Track your store’s performance with analytics apps to make data-driven decisions.

9. Implement a Customer Loyalty Program

Reward your customers for their loyalty to encourage repeat purchases:
  • Points System: Allow customers to earn points for purchases, which can be redeemed for discounts or freebies.
  • Referral Programs: Reward customers who refer others to your store.
  • Exclusive Offers: Provide special deals and early access to new products for loyal customers.

10. Build a Mobile App for Your Store

With the increasing use of mobile devices for shopping, having a dedicated mobile app can enhance your customers’ experience and boost sales. The 60min app is a fantastic tool for creating a mobile app for your Shopify store without any coding. It allows you to offer a seamless mobile shopping experience, push notifications, and personalized content to keep your customers engaged.
Read More on The Importance of Mobile Optimization for your Business


Increasing your Shopify sales involves a combination of optimizing your store, engaging with your audience, and leveraging tools and technologies to enhance the shopping experience. By implementing these strategies, you can drive more traffic to your store, convert visitors into customers, and encourage repeat business. Remember, consistency and continuous improvement are key to long-term success. Whether you’re just starting or looking to take your store to the next level, these tips can help you achieve your sales goals. Happy selling!
Discover the power of 60 Min app for your Shopify store. It’s about creating a shopping experience that’s smooth and engaging, especially on mobile. Check out 60 Min app today for a transformative step in your online retail journey!
submitted by VAISHAK_C_P to u/VAISHAK_C_P [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:53 webmarketinginfo How Many Hours in a Week?

How Many Hours in a Week?
Have you ever found yourself wondering, "how many hours in a week?" Well, you're not alone. Many people often lose track of time and struggle to calculate the exact number of hours in a week. In this article, we will dive into the details of how many hours make up a week, why it's important to know this information, and some interesting facts about time management. So, let's get started!
Understanding the Concept of Time
Time is a fascinating concept that governs our lives in more ways than we realize. It helps us organize our daily activities, schedule appointments, and plan events. Understanding the measurement of time, such as hours, minutes, and seconds, is essential for effective time management and productivity.
How Many Hours in a Day?
Before we calculate the total hours in a week, let's break it down into smaller units. There are 24 hours in a day, which is further divided into two 12-hour segments – AM and PM. This division helps us differentiate between day and night and keeps us on track with our schedules.
How Many Days in a Week?
Now, let's move on to the total number of days in a week. There are seven days in a week – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Each day offers us the opportunity to accomplish our goals, spend time with loved ones, and engage in activities that bring us joy and fulfillment.
Calculating the Total Hours in a Week
To determine how many hours in a week, we need to consider the following:
  • There are 24 hours in a day
  • There are seven days in a week
  • By multiplying the number of hours in a day by the number of days in a week, we can calculate the total number of hours in a week:
  • 24 hours/day x 7 days/week = 168 hours/week
So, there you have it – there are 168 hours in a week! This knowledge can help you better plan your week, allocate time for work, rest, and leisure, and make the most of each hour.
Time Management Tips and Tricks
Now that you know how many hours are in a week, it's essential to utilize your time effectively. Here are some time management tips and tricks to help you make the most of your 168 hours:
  1. Create a weekly schedule: Plan out your week in advance, including work commitments, personal tasks, and leisure activities.
  2. Prioritize your tasks: Identify the most important tasks and focus on completing them first.
  3. Use time blocking: Allocate specific time blocks for different activities to stay organized and productive.
  4. Take breaks: Remember to take short breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge.
  5. Eliminate distractions: Minimize distractions such as social media, emails, and notifications to stay focused.
  6. By following these time management strategies, you can maximize your productivity, reduce stress, and achieve a better work-life balance.
In conclusion, knowing how many hours are in a week is a valuable piece of information that can help you manage your time efficiently and make the most of each day. By understanding the concept of time, calculating the total hours in a week, and implementing effective time management techniques, you can enhance your productivity and overall well-being. So, seize the day and make every hour count! Check our article about it by visiting our website.
submitted by webmarketinginfo to u/webmarketinginfo [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:47 TinyLagoonStudios Are you part of the remote working community?

Without a doubt, one of the largest shifts within the working world over recent years has been the move from office-based teams to workforces that predominantly work from home. The benefits to businesses financially, coupled with the wonderful positive impacts on the environment, have people across the country adopting a remote or hybrid way of work life, and many have been left wondering; why didn’t we do this before?
Tiny Lagoon Studios was actually born as a fully remote creative solutions agency, with an HQ based in The Cotswolds in the UK. This way of working allows us to do our jobs from anywhere in the country, or even the world, and enables us to focus on what’s really important: doing good work with good people and to be on the ground in the territories we work in. Removing the commute from the equation is just a bonus, meaning less stress and more time for ourselves and our work (also our doggies).
Of course, remote working can have its downsides too, and isolation from your team and from the general buzz of an office can prove challenging. While many people relish a quiet place to work and get things done, others bounce off the vibe of a busy office environment. We’ve learned over the years that there are some measures you can put in place to help build and maintain a genuine sense of connection with your team.
Here are our top 3 tips for making remote working a success:
  1. Ensure you have an efficient platform for quick communication throughout the day. Our preferred choice is Slack so we can bounce ideas off of team members on a worldwide scale in real time.
  2. Try to arrange regular meet-ups for collaborative thinking and team bonding. In the last few months, our UK team have travelled to London, Birmingham and back to our HQ location in The Cotswolds.
  3. Encourage open and frequent communication between team members. Monday team meetings are a favourite here at Tiny Lagoon Studios, while our weekly 1-1's give us space to chat about anything on our minds.
At Tiny Lagoon, our extended team is dotted all over the globe and our various cultural backgrounds mean we're able to provide local knowledge and insight for our clients in multiple key markets. As a Tiny Lagoon team member who is based in but not native to the UK, one of the huge benefits to remote working is the opportunity and the flexibility to occasionally travel back to Spain to work remotely. There is nothing like catching up with people in your home country and immersing yourself in a familiar but constantly changing atmosphere. And that is important on both a personal and a professional level.
Languages and cultures are alive, and as experts in the fields of localisation and culturalisation, it is crucial to stay in touch with the latest changes and developments in the countries we work with. From evolution in the political landscape to details like new expressions, trending topics or popular products, the best people to share insights and learn from are the locals. After immersing myself back into my local culture, I get to head back to the UK armed with a re-ignited connection to Spain, ready to use my newfound knowledge in my work.
We truly are a global family. We work and communicate daily with our colleagues in other parts of the world, as close as France or Italy and as far as the United States, Brazil or Indonesia. Thanks to remote working, we have the flexibility to do so from the comfort of our own homes, meaning geographic distance and differing time zones are never an issue.
We absolutely love the benefits of remote working. Do you?
To find out more about all things localisation and culturalisation at Tiny Lagoon Studios, or about our working from home culture, follow our socials or get in touch via LinkedIn.
submitted by TinyLagoonStudios to u/TinyLagoonStudios [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:46 Educational-Guard549 Instant Sociology Exam Help At Affordable Rates! - Chat Now

Sociology is the learning of human society, how people behave, and the complicated ways individuals and groups interact with each other. It looks at how things like culture, social class, race, gender, and institutions shape our lives and experiences. Grasping sociology can be tricky, as it covers a wide range of ideas, theories, and viewpoints.
That's why our sociology exam support service is here to help you out. Our team is made up of tutors who really know their stuff when it comes to this subject. They don't just know the material—they also deeply understand exam tactics and ways to help you prepare effectively.
Whether you need something explained in simpler terms, guidance on good study methods, or practice with mock exams, our tutors provide one-on-one assistance tailored just for you.
We keep our rates affordable so you can get quality tutoring whenever you need it. Just chat with us, and an experienced sociology tutor will be ready to explain complex concepts, share valuable tips, and work with you until you feel fully prepared for your exam.
Don't let sociology exams stress you out—let us help you master the material and face your tests with confidence.

How Does Our Sociology Exam Help Is Students Friendly?

Our services are made to meet students’ needs, meaning that accessing the help you need is simple and convenient. It’s not easy to juggle between academics, personal life, and extra-curricular activities. Because of this, we have made our tutoring service flexible in a number of student-friendly ways:
With our friendly approach to learners, we guarantee you quality results in your sociology exams with an enjoyable process facilitated by convenience, personalization, and no stress at all.

Top Benefits Of Our Sociology Exam Help

Maximize your chances of success in sociology exams with our comprehensive and student-friendly sociology exam help service that offers a wide range of benefits.
Top Benefits:
Don't let sociology exams overwhelm you – leverage the expertise of our tutors and unlock your full potential with our tailored, accessible, and effective exam help service.

Detailed Guidance On Different Sociology Subtopics!

Sociology is a huge and confusing subject, covering many different smaller topics that examine how people act, hang out with each other, and how society works. Our amazing tutors know a ton about all these topics, so they can give you detailed help made just for you.
Maybe you're having trouble understanding old sociology ideas, trying to wrap your head around new views, or looking at specific areas like rich vs. poor groups, behavior that's seen as bad, or different cultures—our tutors are super ready to explain things clearly and provide helpful analysis.
Here are some key sociology smaller topics our tutors can guide you through:
At our tutoring service, we believe that no calculus topic should hold you back from school success. Our experts have mastered these confusing areas through years of experience and a genuine love for the subject.
They are committed to breaking down complex ideas into easy, easy-to-get pieces, using visuals, real-world examples, and personalized explanations to ensure you develop a rock-solid understanding.

Get Our Online Sociology Exam Help And Get A+ Grades!

There’s nothing impossible about scoring astonishingly fabulous marks in your sociology exams through our online tutoring service! Examinations can make students constantly worried and tensed, but with our help, you will be able to face them confidently and well-prepared.
Our super-excellent team of Sociology tutors is determined to ensure that you excel academically. They have a good grasp of the different concepts, theories, and research methodologies associated with sociology, hence offering you accurate and comprehensive support on these issues.
The benefits of using our online sociology exam help are:
Do not be limited by examination stress in terms of your academic achievements. Take advantage of our online sociology exam help and see the difference it will make on your exam results. With our assistance, you will be well on track to top grades, thereby setting the scene for success in your education path.
submitted by Educational-Guard549 to u/Educational-Guard549 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:17 Kukusho Cat asthma treatment routine

Hello there!
I have a 4 year old cat who was recently diagnosed with cat asthma, he started having coughing attacks around last year, they were once a month or two so I did not pay much attention to it, I cleaned my house more often, I do not smoke or use paint/other chemicals at home.
Gradually the episodes got more frequent and my vet suggested an antibiotic & antiparasite treatment, but he did not get better. Last week he started to have attacks every 2-3h, so I took him to the vet for a full check up.
Diagnosis: cat asthma, first 2 weeks oral steroids, then inhaler for like, 2 takes every 12h.
I work from home and at the moment I have flatmates, but I will be living alone soon.
I would do anything for my cat, but thinking about the future makes me anxious, having to give him the inhaler in the morning (6-8AM) then again at night... What if I can't one day? Or I go out? I am not the most social human out there, but still.
And holidays? This cat is very special and anti-social, he's friendly and cuddly with me but no one else.
Fellow owners of cats with asthma, how do you deal with this on a daily basis? I guess skipping one dose is not terrible every now and then, but I am worried about vacations if the person looking after the cat can't give him the inhaler dose for several days.
I know I am getting ahead of myself, I am still on the oral steroid treatment phase.
Any advice, experiences or tips are welcome! Thank you!
submitted by Kukusho to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:17 chifusumu [offer] virtual assistant...

Hey. I'm Mark, a highly qualified virtual assistant looking for work. I have experience in;
  1. Research
  2. Writing (Creative Writing, YT Scripts... and more)
  3. Graphic Design
  4. Social Media Management
  5. Video Editing
  6. Organization
And more...
Here is a link to some of my previous works.
Work Samples (Resume, Research & Writing Experience, Logos, and Social Media Posters)
Video Editing Experience (My YouTube Channel)
Let me know if you need my services. You can reach me at:
Discord: .ToxicChief
Telegram: @ chifusumu
Email: [](
I charge a fair price of 4 USD/hr. We can explore other payment plans for tasks where hourly rates don't apply. Looking forward to hearing from you :)
submitted by chifusumu to slavelabour [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:12 iamnotatroll666 If you are lonely / in need for new friends

We have this post on weekly basis. It could be this is actually a daily post.
I feel you, I have met even Londoners (born and bred here) complaining that after Uni their friend’s circle got weird and they also struggle to meet people.
I have also seen posts offering resources (like /LondonSocialClub).
Here is a different perspective on what has worked for me as an immigrant (with a very visible ethnicity) living here for 5+ years, that somehow has overcame the loneliness feeling.
To get in touch with any city, but specifically London, you need to understand its demography and its map. London is cleverly designed and divided on Boroughs. Each Borough has its very unique vibe and resources.
Depending on what type of building you live in, you will also have a “State” or the usual neighbours on left/right/backyard sides of your place. This may seem a very silly comment but you should start with the basics.
Start with the basics.
Do you know your neighbours? Not by name, but have you said hi? Do you know is there is an old lady or a disabled individual that may benefit from your help? Perhaps a single mum?
Do you know who administers your state? Where is your council’s town hall? Have you checked if they have activities?
Something very unique about London (my opinion of course) is how each Borough / Building is a micro cosmos itself and if you do not make efforts to understand it, you are out.
My very first exercise to improve this was opening Google Maps and literally walking 10 mins around my block and checking each specific business, even if I would never purchase from them.
Then, if you like coffee - just as an example - go support your local shop. Your local pub. Your local grocery shop. Yes you can grab Starbucks or Tescos too, but that corner shop around your block? Go there. Start a chat. They will recognise your face at some point and ask questions, where are you from? why are you in London?
The quick chats with your local shop owners will add well-being to your mental health, I swear.
This - dear /London, is how you start to feel in connection of your little community and then - to make friends. To feel like you belong somewhere.
Other key places to meet your local community.
1) Churches - London opened arms to many faiths, go reconnect with it even if you stopped going for years, they will always be happy to receive you back
2) Public libraries - they have reliable Wifi, books, DVDs and sometimes local events, check for book clubs.
3) Town Halls and local Museums - usually Boroughs have activities for all ages and some old buildings restored as museums with workshops / exhibits. Sign up for their newsletters.
4) Volunteer work - incredible way to meet people and helping.
5) Pubs with shows and quiz nights. I swear you can go there and have 1 pint only (pro tip, order Lucky Saint if you don’t like alcohol) and stay there for hours. Don’t go to random pubs. Search the ones that offer live shows or quizzes about things you like. Example- if you like drag queens, go to a drag queen quiz night. Many groups will be delighted to make space for an additional player.
6) This requires budget but - memberships of any sort. Gym, museums, Barbican, social clubs. If you go frequently to a place, it is the same logic over and over, people recognise you or of you recognise someone, saying “hello” is 100% socially acceptable.
All of the advice above requires effort. Of course. But how would you expect to fit in without any efforts?!
Adulthood is tricky because now you cannot rely on school to make friends and suddenly the “work culture” (that was always dodgy) got worse than ever after the pandemic.
London has so much to offer if you are keen on understanding its dynamics. There is no recipe for success here but hope the advice above helps someone!
submitted by iamnotatroll666 to london [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:53 Rotmgmoddy Tower Defense Mission requires more polishing; Buggy and not worthwhile

Hi all, slapping a TL;DR here in case my essay below is too long: Chance of mission to fail due to gamebreaking glitch, coupled with issues of unfairness and reward vs time, make tower defense missions a chore to play through
To start off, I don't hate the concept of a tower defense mission. When a mission is running smoothly without glitches on a bug planet, that's where this mission shines in terms of fun and engagement...the most, at least. Unfortunately in several other cases, this is far from reality and the mission has several glaring problems that make this a frustrating experience.
1) Inconsistency/Complete halting of rocket launches [Glitch] The mission features 8 rockets that launch over time that serve as a progress indicator to how far into the defense mission you are in. You would think that the rocket launches are tied to the mission timer or an internal clock, but it is widely inconsistent for some odd reason. I've had missions that have ended with 12 minutes on the clock, and missions that have ended with 3 minutes left.
If the inconsistencies weren't bad enough, there's a glitch that tends to happen when someone leaves midway that causes the rockets to stop launching, causing essentially an inevitable mission fail. The problem is, you would have no idea if this was actually happening, because I've had times where the mission eventually resumed after 3 minutes of silence, and times where it never resumes at all. This glitch is really what kills the experience for me
2) Gates are one-shotted by chargers and tanks [Gameplay] It just seems a bit weird that gates are a core mechanic in this mission, and yet as soon as even a single charger or tank executes an attack on the gate, it falls apart in one-shot. Meanwhile gates can hold off for a relatively long time against anything weaker than these 2, so why is there such a massive sharp dip in durability past the chargers and hulks? I understand a bile titan or factory strider accomplishing this, but these are the only 2 exceptions because they are large units. You might as well remove gates altogether if they are instantly going to be destroyed by the first charger or tank to touch them.
3) Severe lackluster of rewards vs time [Gameplay] I get it, we play to have fun, but I think a good majority of us also play to get some form of reward for our hard work too, and frankly speaking, defense missions don't accomplish that at all. Their XP payout is simply the worst in the game, and there is nothing to collect; Samples, Super Credits, etc.. You reach the result screen and it just feels so...anticlimatic after you've busted out all your guns for 10 - 20 minutes just to see less than 500xp earned on your screen.
4) Clear Unfairness against Bots [Gameplay] As mentioned in my intro statement, this mission shines the most on a bug planet because it feels like it was made for it. Unfortunately, similar to the evacuation mission, it just feels like the mission was copy-pasted into the bot planets with no consideration to the very much different threats and circumstances to play against. You've probably heard of sufficient horror stories in regards to this; Bots dropping on the landing zone which is right next to the generators, factory striders sniping the generators from across the map, the skillset specification of stealth for bots not being considered and being expected to fight them head on just like bugs...just to name a few.
Anyways these are probably the 4 main issues I have with this mission type, so much so that I genuinely despise this mission and hate to see it on my campaign because it's just not fun to deal with a buggy mission that seems so....primitive oddly enough. Definitely needs more work done on it, I wouldn't mind if it disappeared for a few months just to polish it further, because it feels like a beta-test mission.
submitted by Rotmgmoddy to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:52 sinomaltanews No one left behind
As the leader of the Malta Catholic Democratic Party, I would like to address the concerns raised in the recent article titled “No One Left Behind.” Our party stands firmly on the principles of social justice, community solidarity, and the common good, which are deeply rooted in our Catholic values.
Statement on ‘No One Left Behind’: The Malta Catholic Democratic Party is committed to ensuring that every member of our society is treated with dignity and respect. The issues highlighted in the “No One Left Behind” article resonate deeply with our core beliefs. We believe that it is our moral obligation to create a society where the vulnerable are protected, and opportunities for growth and development are accessible to all.
We recognize the challenges that come with achieving this goal, especially in the face of economic pressures and social change. However, we are dedicated to working tirelessly to bridge the gaps in our social fabric that leave some behind. Our policies are designed to promote inclusivity, provide support to those in need, and foster a community spirit that uplifts every individual.
The Malta Catholic Democratic Party calls upon all stakeholders, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and the private sector, to collaborate in creating a comprehensive strategy that addresses the root causes of social exclusion. We must work together to ensure that no one is left behind in our pursuit of progress.
In line with our commitment to democratic dialogue and responsible governance, we invite the public to engage in constructive conversations about how we can collectively improve the well-being of our nation. It is only through open communication and shared responsibility that we can build a Malta that reflects our values and aspirations.
In faith and service, [Your Name] Leader, Malta Catholic Democratic Party
This statement reflects our party’s dedication to the principles of Catholic social teaching and our resolve to advocate for policies that honor the inherent worth of every person. We stand in solidarity with those who are marginalized and commit to being a voice for the voiceless in our community.
submitted by sinomaltanews to MCDP [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:46 SE_Ranking Starting an SEO agency: Hard-Won Secrets for Success

We recently spoke with Anthony Barone, Co-Founder & Managing Director of StudioHawk UK, about the challenges of launching and running an SEO agency. Anthony shared his journey from being an SEO outsider to becoming the Head of the UK Headquarters for an Australian digital SEO agency. Throughout our conversation, we explored the challenges, opportunities, and strategies of starting and running an SEO agency in a competitive market.
In this article, we will draw from Anthony’s direct personal experience to provide key tips for starting an SEO agency. We’ll also cover some major pitfalls to watch out for.
Key tips for starting an SEO business:
The first steps to starting an SEO company
Starting an SEO agency goes beyond understanding SEO. It’s also about understanding the market, identifying competitors (and how you differ), and building partnerships. Anthony took these exact steps when launching his SEO agency in the UK. He believes everyone should apply them when setting up an SEO business.
Network to build a client base and partnerships
Start your SEO agency with networking. Become more active in the community and build relationships to find your first few clients. Join networking groups, attend business meetups and events, and start booking introductory calls with potential prospects.
Define your competitors
Research major players in your market, including competing agencies and potential partners.
Since the SEO field’s barrier to entry is pretty low, your chances of finding a mix of large agencies and smaller firms are high. Identify the ones you can emulate. Note their operations, capabilities, client portfolios, and how they position themselves.
You should also closely analyze the market you’re entering. When Anthony expanded his agency to the UK, he discovered one of the most competitive and knowledgeable markets, and the competition there wasn’t just limited to other agencies. The UK is home to many reputable brands and adept in-house teams. This means you need to know your stuff and prove your expertise. Anything less and you won’t have the opportunity to speak with or win the business of bigger companies.
Excelling in competitive landscapes like SEO necessitates brushing up on your field, your goal, and the value you bring, and devising a standout SEO strategy that resonates with your client’s business goals.
Differentiate your agency
StudioHawk initially set itself apart by skipping the traditional account manager middleman. The company instructed its SEO specialists to work directly with clients, providing expertise straight from the source.
There are also many other ways to stand out:
There are many opportunities to differentiate your agency according to its unique strengths and philosophies. In StudioHawk’s case, Anthony capitalized on his proven track record from Australia and embraced the Aussie way of doing things. So, use any assets and value-added services that set your agency apart.
Map out your ideal client
Here is why StudioHawk made the strategic decision to focus on the small-to-medium enterprise (SME) market (when launching in the UK):
Anthony’s team impressed SMEs by keeping things simple and transparent. They focused on clearly communicating their service and its effect on the client’s business goals and revenue targets.
Hiring and training new talents
Build your agency’s SEO team with candidates who align with your company culture and match your core values. Don’t just focus on technical skills. SEO expertise is an important skill but can be taught without much friction. Training culturally incompatible employees to have the right mindset and attitude is much harder.
Be patient and discerning. Consider the candidate’s energy and soft skills during the SEO interview process. Integrating candidates into your team is easier if they mesh with your philosophy and vibe.
Developing clear frameworks
Provide hands-on training and set clear systems and frameworks for your team. People need to be told what to do, what their job is, how to do it, and why they are doing it. Lack of structure leads to inconsistency, low-value work, and misalignment with client expectations.
Craft clear job descriptions with set responsibilities, metrics, and each role’s expected outputs. Your overall order of operations can be as loose or hardline as desired, but create a guidebook, rules, and criteria around it. Resources like these help new hires understand their role and responsibilities.
Always stay on top of SEO
Clients value experts, so you must constantly grow by following new trends and updates, and learning from industry leaders.
Make ongoing education and collaboration part of your core values. Here is how Anthony’s team implemented this:
The bottom line? Engage with the broader SEO community. Don’t work in isolation.
Share wins and lessons
Share knowledge internally. Learn from your colleagues through:
This allows team members to improve and learn from one another continually.
Adapt to search evolution
SEO is going to get harder. With EEAT, SGE, and algorithm updates, SEO professionals who want to make a bigger splash must work harder to improve their content and quality.
For example, SGE is already altering the SERP landscape. Its AI-powered responses include links to Quora and Reddit. This means you should consider socials as additional traffic channels. SGE snippets vary across industries, especially in ecommerce, indicating the need to create exceptional product descriptions and pages. Ads are also occupying more space.
A lot is going on. You must watch these shifts carefully while integrating your business into the overall marketing ecosystem.
Pitfalls to avoid when starting and running an SEO agency
  1. Don’t focus on things outside your control
Don’t compare yourself to others or set unrealistic goals. There will always be people smarter or better than you. Rather than dwelling on the unreachable, focus on factors you can control; the number of meetings you hold, the quality of your team’s work, developing efficient systems and processes, and so on.
You can always control your motivation and discipline. Your “why” for being in this business is also within your scope of influence.
  1. Remember your ‘Why’
Zero in on your core reason for starting your SEO business if you haven’t already. Not establishing a “why” prevents you from seeing the bigger picture.
Maybe your “why” revolves around creating the best agency out there. It could also be a less lofty goal, like designing a lifestyle business that helps you spend more time with your family. Whatever your core purpose is, identify it and reference it constantly.
Reconnect with your initial inspiration for starting your business. Then, focus on improving operations and steadily working towards your goals.
  1. Don’t blame clients if they quit
Take responsibility and learn from client churn. Losing a client can hurt, but blaming the client won’t do you any favors. There is always a lesson to be extracted from the situation, so take accountability.
Put yourself in the client’s shoes. Try to understand why they parted ways with you. Was there a failure in communication or reporting? Did they fail to see the value? Did the client need more meetings to stay informed and involved?
Conduct NPS (Net Promoter Score) or feedback surveys regularly. This can help you consistently improve and understand what your clients did and didn’t like.
  1. Know your numbers
Launching an agency is exciting, and cooperating with clients is a key aspect of the business. But it’s your business at the end of the day, and you need to run it that way. If you want your agency to operate for a long time and be successful, learn how to master its financial and operational aspects.
Wrapping up
Starting an SEO agency and running it successfully requires strategic planning, continuous learning, effective team management, and commitment to high-quality work. Thankfully, these are all aspects you can control. Focus on these elements to build a solid foundation for success.
submitted by SE_Ranking to SEO [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:32 sinomaltanews US military says first aid delivered to Gaza via temporary pier
As the leader of the Malta Catholic Democratic Party, I would issue the following statement regarding the recent developments in Gaza:
Official Statement on Humanitarian Aid Delivery to Gaza
The Malta Catholic Democratic Party commends the efforts of the US military and international community in establishing a temporary pier to deliver humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. The recent initiative to facilitate the flow of essential supplies via maritime routes is a beacon of hope amidst the ongoing conflict.
We recognize the critical importance of this aid as a lifeline for the countless innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. The delivery of aid through this temporary pier, as reported by various news outlets123, is a testament to the collective resolve to address the dire humanitarian situation.
However, we must also acknowledge that this is but a temporary solution to a complex crisis. While the pier allows for the delivery of approximately 90 to 150 truckloads of aid per day45, it is clear that the needs of the Gazan population far exceed this capacity. Prior to the conflict, over 500 truckloads of aid were required daily to sustain the population4.
The Malta Catholic Democratic Party urges all parties involved to seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict and to ensure the safe and unhindered passage of humanitarian aid. We call upon the Israeli government to ease restrictions on land crossings and to work collaboratively with international agencies to prevent a further escalation of the humanitarian crisis.
In solidarity with the people of Gaza, we pledge our support for continued humanitarian efforts and pray for a swift end to the suffering. May this temporary pier serve not only as a conduit for aid but also as a symbol of the enduring human spirit and the possibility of peace.
We stand with the international community in advocating for the dignity and well-being of every human being, regardless of the challenges we face. It is our moral duty to provide assistance and to uphold the values of compassion and humanity in these trying times.
The Malta Catholic Democratic Party remains committed to these principles and will continue to monitor the situation closely, offering our support in any way we can.
1: “First Aid Delivered To Gaza Via Temporary Pier Made By US Military” 2: “First aid shipment delivered via temporary pier to Gaza, says US military” 3: “US Military Says First Aid Delivered To Gaza Via Temporary Pier” 4: “What to know about how much the aid from a US pier project will help Gaza” 5: “Aid starts flowing into Gaza Strip across temporary floating pier U.S.”
submitted by sinomaltanews to MCDP [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:03 UsualSet8535 Free Quick Response Code Generator: How to Create Custom Codes

Free Quick Response Code Generator: How to Create Custom Codes

What is a Quick Response (QR) Code?

A Quick Response (QR) code is a type of matrix barcode, also known as a two-dimensional barcode, initially developed in 1994 for the automotive industry in Japan. A QR code comprises black squares arranged in a square grid on a white background. It can be scanned by an imaging device like a camera and decoded using Reed–Solomon error correction until the image can be accurately interpreted. The Free QR Code Generator Online can contain various data, such as text, URL, or other types of information.

Barcodes vs. QR Codes


Barcodes are one-dimensional and consist of parallel lines of varying widths. They can only store information horizontally and typically hold about 20 characters. Barcodes are widely used in retail for product identification and inventory management.

QR Codes

QR codes are two-dimensional, allowing them to store information horizontally and vertically. This design enables QR codes to hold much more data than traditional barcodes—up to 7,089 characters. QR codes can also encode various types of information, such as URLs, text, contact information, and more, making them more versatile than traditional barcodes.

How Do I Create a Quick Response Code?

Creating a QR code is straightforward with the right tools. Here's a step-by-step guide to generating a QR code using a free QR code generator with logo:
  1. Choose a QR Code Generator: Select a reliable and free QR code generator like QRcodebrew.
  2. Select the QR Code Type: Decide what information you want your Social Media QR Code to contain (URL, text, contact details, WiFi credentials, etc.).
  3. Enter the Information: Input the necessary information into the generator.
  4. Customize the QR Code: Customize your QR code's design. Many generators offer options to change the colour, add a logo, or adjust the shape of the code.
  5. Generate the QR Code: Click the generate button to create your QR code.
  6. Download and Use: Download the QR code in your desired format (PNG, SVG, etc.) and use it on your promotional materials, products, or other applications.

Kinds of Custom QR Codes You Can Explore

Custom QR codes can be tailored to fit various needs and aesthetics. Here are a few types you can explore:
  1. Website URL QR Codes: Direct users to a specific website.
  2. Contact Information QR Codes: Share a vCard or straightforward contact details.
  3. Email QR Codes: Create a pre-filled email template for users to send.
  4. Text QR Codes: Display a short message or information.
  5. SMS QR Codes: Pre-fill a text message.
  6. WiFi QR Codes: Share WiFi credentials to allow easy connection.
  7. App Store QR Codes: Direct users to download an app from Google Play or the Apple App Store.
  8. Social Media QR Codes: Link to social media profiles or specific posts.
  9. Event QR Codes: Share event details and allow users to add them to their calendars.
  10. Product QR Codes: Provide additional product information or promotional offers.

Why QRcodebrew is the Best Quick Response Code Generator

User-Friendly Interface

QRcodebrew offers a straightforward and intuitive interface, making it easy for anyone to generate QR codes without technical knowledge.

Customization Options

With QRcodebrew, you can customize your QR codes extensively. You can change colours, add logos, and select different patterns and shapes to make your QR code unique and brand-aligned.

High-Quality Codes

QR codes generated by QRcodebrew are high-resolution. The text can be downloaded in various formats suitable for your needs, including digital and print use.

Free and Accessible

QRcodebrew provides its services for free, making it accessible for small businesses and individuals who want to create professional-quality QR codes without incurring costs.

Robust Error Correction

QRcodebrew uses advanced error correction techniques, ensuring that your QR codes remain scannable even if they are slightly damaged or obscured.

Versatile Applications

Whether you need a QR code for marketing, product information, or QR Code for Personal Use, QRcodebrew caters to many applications, making it a versatile tool for all your QR code needs.

Real-Life Businesses Flaunting Their QR Codes


KitKat has integrated QR codes into their packaging creating an interactive experience for their consumers. Customers can access various content such as games, promotions, and brand information by scanning the QR code on a KitKat wrapper. This not only engages the consumers but also strengthens brand loyalty.


PepsiCo uses QR codes in its marketing campaigns to offer a more immersive experience. For instance, it has included QR codes on its beverage packaging that link to exclusive content, promotional offers, and contests. This strategy has been effective in increasing consumer engagement and driving sales.

Japan Post Holdings

Japan Post Holdings has implemented QR codes to improve customer service and streamline operations. QR codes are used on parcels and letters to provide tracking information. By scanning the QR code, customers can instantly access more information. Get updates on their shipment status, enhancing transparency and customer satisfaction.

QR Code Best Practices to Keep in Mind

When creating and using QR codes, following best practices to ensure their effectiveness is essential. And user-friendly. Here are some tips:
  1. Ensure Scannability: Make sure the QR code is printed in high resolution and is not distorted. The minimum size for a QR code should be 2 x 2 cm.
  2. Add a Call to Action: Encourage users to scan the QR code by adding a clear call to action, such as "Scan to win" or "Scan for more info."
  3. Test the QR Code: Before distributing your QR code, test it with multiple devices and readers to ensure it works correctly.
  4. Provide a Backup URL: If users cannot scan the QR code, provide a backup URL or alternative means to access the information.
  5. Track Performance: Use QR codes that allow tracking so you can measure the effectiveness of your QR code campaigns.
  6. Keep it Simple: Avoid overcrowding your QR code with too much data. More straightforward QR codes are more accessible to scan.
  7. Maintain Contrast: Ensure enough contrast between the Ensure that the QR code has a contrasting background to make it easy to scan.
  8. Optimize for Mobile: Since most QR codes are scanned using mobile devices, ensure the landing pages are mobile-friendly.
  9. Update Content: If you use dynamic QR codes, ensure the content they link to is regularly updated and relevant.

Long Live the Scan: The Enduring Power of QR Codes

Despite being invented in the 1990s, QR codes are relevant and robust tools for various applications. Their versatility and ease of use have ensured their longevity. Here are a few reasons why QR codes remain indispensable:

Contactless Solutions

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of contactless solutions. QR codes have enabled touchless transactions, digital menus, contactless payments, and virtual event registrations.

Enhanced Consumer Engagement

Brands use QR codes to create interactive and engaging experiences for consumers. By linking to videos, augmented reality experiences, and social media, QR codes help brands connect with their audience meaningfully.

Cost-Effective Marketing

QR codes provide a cost-effective method for businesses to distribute information, launch promotions, and monitor campaign performance. You can save money on printed materials by using digital alternatives. They can be updated dynamically, making them a versatile marketing tool.

Streamlined Operations

In logistics, healthcare, and manufacturing industries, QR codes streamline operations by providing quick access to information. They help in tracking inventory, managing assets, and improving overall efficiency.

Eco-Friendly Alternative

QR codes reduce the need for paper-based information dissemination. Businesses can use QR codes to reduce printed materials, contributing to environmental sustainability.

Global Adoption

The widespread adoption of smartphones has made QR codes accessible to a global audience. As smartphone penetration increases, the use of QR codes is expected to grow further.


Creating custom QR codes has always been challenging, thanks to free QR code generators like QRcodebrew. By understanding the differences between barcodes and QR codes, knowing how to generate them, exploring various types of custom QR codes, and following best practices, you can effectively leverage QR codes for your business or personal use. QR codes are a versatile, cost-effective, and enduring tool that continues to drive engagement and streamline processes across various industries. Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, QR codes offer endless possibilities to connect with your audience and enhance their experience.


What is a QR code?

A QR code is a two-dimensional barcode that can store a large amount of data, such as URLs, contact information, and text, and can be scanned using a smartphone or QR code reader.

How do I create a QR code with QRcodebrew?

To create a QR code with QRcodebrew, select the type of QR code, enter the required information, customize the design, and click generate. Then, download the QR code in your preferred format.

What types of custom QR codes can I make?

You can create various QR codes, including URL, contact information, email, text, SMS, WiFi, app store, social media, event, and product QR codes.

Why is QRcodebrew a good choice for generating QR codes?

QRcodebrew offers an easy-to-use interface, extensive customization options, high-quality codes, free access, robust error correction, and versatile applications.

What are some best practices for using QR codes?

Ensure scannability, add a call to action, test the QR code, provide a backup URL, track performance, keep it simple, maintain contrast, optimize for mobile, and update content regularly.
What is a Quick Response (QR) Code?
A Quick Response (QR) code is a type of matrix barcode, also known as a two-dimensional barcode, initially developed in 1994 for the automotive industry in Japan. A QR code comprises black squares arranged in a square grid on a white background. It can be scanned by an imaging device like a camera and decoded using Reed–Solomon error correction until the image can be accurately interpreted. The Free QR Code Generator Online can contain various data, such as text, URL, or other types of information.

How Do I Create a Quick Response Code?

Creating a QR code is straightforward with the right tools. Here's a step-by-step guide to generating a QR code using a free QR code generator with logo:
  1. Choose a QR Code Generator: Select a reliable and free QR code generator like QRcodebrew.
  2. Select the QR Code Type: Decide what information you want your Social Media QR Code to contain (URL, text, contact details, WiFi credentials, etc.).
  3. Enter the Information: Input the necessary information into the generator.
  4. Customize the QR Code: Customize your QR code's design. Many generators offer options to change the colour, add a logo, or adjust the shape of the code.
  5. Generate the QR Code: Click the generate button to create your QR code.
  6. Download and Use: Download the QR code in your desired format (PNG, SVG, etc.) and use it on your promotional materials, products, or other applications.

Kinds of Custom QR Codes You Can Explore

Custom QR codes can be tailored to fit various needs and aesthetics. Here are a few types you can explore:
  1. Website URL QR Codes: Direct users to a specific website.
  2. Contact Information QR Codes: Share a vCard or straightforward contact details.
  3. Email QR Codes: Create a pre-filled email template for users to send.
  4. Text QR Codes: Display a short message or information.
  5. SMS QR Codes: Pre-fill a text message.
  6. WiFi QR Codes: Share WiFi credentials to allow easy connection.
  7. App Store QR Codes: Direct users to download an app from Google Play or the Apple App Store.
  8. Social Media QR Codes: Link to social media profiles or specific posts.
  9. Event QR Codes: Share event details and allow users to add them to their calendars.
  10. Product QR Codes: Provide additional product information or promotional offers.
submitted by UsualSet8535 to u/UsualSet8535 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:59 sinomaltanews Editorial: Engaging young people in politics
As the leader of the Malta Catholic Democratic Party, I would like to address the concerns raised in the recent editorial published by the Times of Malta regarding the disengagement of young people from political life1.
The Malta Catholic Democratic Party acknowledges the findings of various international studies and the most recent Eurobarometer survey, which highlight a troubling trend of disengagement among our youth in the political process1. It is a matter of great concern that nearly one in three young Maltese under 30 are hesitant to participate in the upcoming European Parliament elections1.
We believe that the heart of democracy lies in the active participation of its citizens, especially the younger generation who are the future leaders of our nation. The issues raised, such as climate change, socio-economic inequality, and the need for a more responsive government, resonate deeply with our party’s values and mission1.
Our party is committed to bridging the gap between policymakers and young citizens. We understand that while our country enjoys full employment, this does not automatically translate into political engagement or satisfaction with the democratic process1. We must listen to the voices of our youth, understand their concerns, and act upon them.
We are inspired by the 45% of young Maltese who have taken action to change society over the past year1. This shows that our youth are not apathetic but are seeking alternative avenues to express their political will and make a difference.
The Malta Catholic Democratic Party is dedicated to creating platforms for dialogue and action where young people can meaningfully contribute to policy debates and the democratic process. We will work tirelessly to ensure that the concerns of young people are not only heard but are also at the forefront of our political agenda.
We call upon all young Maltese to join us in this endeavor to strengthen our democracy and shape a future that aligns with our shared values and aspirations.
Together, we can build a Malta that truly reflects the hopes and dreams of its youngest citizens.
End of Statement
It is crucial for political parties to not only recognize the issues but also to take concrete steps towards involving young people in the political discourse, ensuring their voices are heard and their concerns addressed. The Malta Catholic Democratic Party stands ready to lead by example in this regard.
submitted by sinomaltanews to MCDP [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:54 dabigraphics [FOR HIRE] Branding, Document, Merch, Packaging, and SocMed Designs!

Looking for a graphic designer? Here at Dabi Graphics, I specialize in the following:
1. Branding or Visual Identity • Different kinds of Logos • Established Color Palette • Best-fitting Fonts • Supporting Brand Icons 2. Document Designs • Business Cards • Document Templates • Slide Decks 3. Merchandise Designs • Tote Bags • Shirts • Lanyards • Pins • Product Packaging 4. Social Media Graphics • Story Posters • Carousels/Posts • Banners • E-mail Hero Images My services cost from 35-100 USD per project excluding possible commercial use/rights charges. I also offer Branding, Document, Merch, Packaging, and Social Bundles which cost 10 USD less!
For more details about me, my sample works, client reviews, pricing breakdowns, and FAQs, please check out my website! I'm glad to be of service of you!
submitted by dabigraphics to DesignJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:50 Scared_Fix_1552 Random Thought Bubble

26 y/o Persian-American male (out of two younger sisters) - I sometimes feel like my brain is a lvl. 45 Pokémon in my party (of other organs? IDK), and because I don't have any 'gym badges' under my belt (aka a college degree that I've shamed myself for ever since, in a familial structure founded upon my Father immigrating here from Iran at 17 due to an ongoing war, learning English, and earning his Doctorate degree at UT Austin in Mathematics by 24/25 y/o + Mother whom also immigrated here from the same area & around the same time which has been working as a laboratory scientist within a highly established Hospital in TX), I wake up each day with ~75-80% chance of it totally steering me off course with regards to productivity in any/all facets of my life; further, I find that it has oftentimes made a decision for me prior to any kind of a chance I should/would have had otherwise at deductively/rationally responding with an actual expression of what 'I' want and/or think is best, making it that much more difficult to break my current insomnia(-l?), burn out, depression, and productivity paralysis - all in which I've been experiencing this past year. For example: my mom telling me we have to go somewhere I don't want to in the morning, my replying 'consciously', usually in agreement in an attempt to avoid further arguments/conflicts, trading authenticity for emotional convenience, be it for better or for worse, only then for my 5Head brain to do what it likely does best (at least with regards to consistency) ala subconsciously 5Head'ing the situation in the background like an antivirus program would after downloading a sketchy Switch emulator onto one's hard drive, it's way of 'resolving' it's self proclaimed virus by having me stay up all night to where there's no way I can go after all, trading my misery for a more preferable, oftentimes comfortable solution as well as rebellion, especially towards those whom I feel can't look past their own selves when offering advice/ideas, which is one thing, but also forcing said solutions onto those concerned, be it due to frustration, which I can't blame them for given my like-mindedness towards my own self and scenario. Slightly more context in that I've always been told I'm super smart, 'could' be one of my best students if... (you know the rest ✌️🙂‍↕️), blah blah blah, but have genuinely been able to achieve things I seriously haven't heard of a single other person accomplishing especially with regards to my passions and career choices, tend to for whatever peculiar reason attract highly successful and oftentimes famous individuals i.e. content creators, musicians, general artists - weirdly/oftentimes VERY well known ones - into my life on both friendly and romantic levels (ironically, seeming to have had a strange ability to attract the upper eschalon of high functioning individuals from not much interesting initial interaction(s) from my perspective, in OR out of schooling, admittedly enough, always hoping I would become one myself, likely as a coping strategy/defense mechanism/compensatory coalition with respect to my lackluster grades/overall effort in highschool despite taking and consequently passing every advanced course possible in relation to my corresponding grade level i.e. AP Calculus in Senior yeaAP English/Government/History, you get the idea, and which was the case from 6th grade onwards, even getting into Health Careers HS upon making an exceptional grade on the entrance exam, along with pure luck I suppose, which, again, pretty prestigious or should have been if I cared, to which I basically had to provide my parents one of my first ultimatums of what would be many: 'I'm gonna get all zeroes if you don't let me go to designated Public HS', likely because it didn't resonate with me at the time - part of me regrets it looking back tbh - and/or I didn't feel like I deserved it/belonged there either) just off my personality alone, which is a lot more humble and sweet than the tonality of this passage provides, often times declared by sources external to that of my own, however believable or on the contrary at face-value. What's crazier is how empty I feel on the inside in spite of everything I've accomplished with regards to, well, again, all facets of my life. Ex: Getting fired at my Banking job last year after the initiation of the divorce for inconsistent attendance, which is fair enough, then getting a new job later at the start of July only to get promoted off my performance by the end of the month, which, for better or for worse, has generally been my same song and dance with regards to my numerous occupations likely due to my need for validation/even 'consolidation' for not having it in me to pursue a Bachelor's degree, only to then go on leave for, frankly, no longer 'having it in me' despite my undying (and disgusting) desire to still push and/or power through in an effort, forevermore, to - not even emotionally amymore but physiologically, at this point - cope with this seemingly snowballing shit-storm of a situation that is and has been 'life' as I know it to be (admittedly/notably, taking the break DID feel good as I haven't really prioritized my own wellbeing like that before) but however eventual/inevitable, got fired for repeatedly giving a date for my return each time my manager reached out to check in on my well-being, only for my first ever and repeated semblance of a panic attack arising in spite of wanting to will myself, tooth and nail, out the house each of those individual instances, ultimately preventing me from following through with my now broken promises to aforementioned ex-manager - all part of this fuck-headed prophecy. :) In an effort to wrap this very real, very frustrating fool's fairytale up, it's important to note I've been jobless ever since that day, locked in my room, still more productive in many important aspects barring perhaps socially, but I'm in huge debt, especially since I had to fire my divorce attorney last year around August for having a 30% response/hit rate for anything that wasn't the bill - I wish I was wrong - though, I was hired at a coffee shop back in February as my mom thought (and still thinks/pushes this notion) that my problem is 'I need to get out there and into the world', welp, I listened albeit after weeks of conflict/disagreements/yelling (which actions in of themselves make me feel terrible since I once took great pride in being the family peacekeeper (and from a reasonably young age too, unfortunately enough) like any good son whom in which values their own mother's reasonable enough hypothesis would, except for, well, that job too, eventually and inevitably (in my mind) 'I' ending up quitting due to - long story short - unruly junior managers and their annoyingly asinine egos'.
Wrapping up, between going through a divorce with my wife, having been forced to live back with my forever faulty family, namely, with regards to my stubborn mother and father (however much I love them to pieces, to which I feel I express well enough, consistently enough, though at the same time think is fair holding back a bit affectionately given the frequency and intensity of my current circumstances, frankly). Thankfully, I have been able to maintain my well above average athleticism/physique (my words, sure, though genuinely intended with as little ego as possible, in fact more often than not mentioned by someone other than myself, and consistently so at that ever since the 10th grade when I initially started lifting/getting into Nutrition) through daily weighted pushups of 55 lbs in a sturdy backpack, along with my self taught singing voice (worded that way to emphasize I had to basically fight my mom and dad on investing time/energy into that back during HS as well, only to, like my fitness discipline, attaining a very high level on my own and in spite of the needless and unnecessary friction provided by family), along with, and perhaps most importantly, keeping up with my mental and spiritual literacies through many renowned online University lectures, free programs, videos by Dr. K-ing himself, etc. - all to say I'm at a point, currently, where this once 'Superman' persona that I suppose never existed in the capacity seems way closer to that of a depressed, worn down Clark Kent than ever before...
(P.S. To my 🧠: Thank you, sincerely, for giving me the courage/chutzpah to finally deliberately declassify, denote, and deliver this deconstruction of my mind, however flawed, over the internet. Further, it's imperative that I mention my confirmed diagnoses of ADHD/Borderline/Childhood & Family Trauma, along with a pending/potential Bipolar disorder as the metaphorically 'maniacal' cherry on top. I'm seeing a psychologist ATM and am prescribed Adderall which helps me tremendously, both with regards to mood and my ADHD symptoms. I've been taking medication for over 2 years now. Random but relevant side note: my insomnia started after the initiation of the divorce and again, I've basically slept once every other night throughout this whole duration)
(P.P.S. Forgive me for any inconsistencies/poor grammaseemingly unfinished statements and/or scenarios. I've had a couple hours of sleep the past 30ish hours, which has, give or take, been the case since June of last year.
(P.P.P.S. Crazy to acknowledge that I intended on sharing the first few sentences of this post when 'I' made the decision to write out this random Reddit post - I wonder, however hesitantly, what notable 'tomfoolery' my brain has planned as the potential outcome to this output and a half.)
(P.P.P.P.S. That's not even the full story LuL. Though I must mention I appreciate anyone bored/mad/strong-willed enough to muster their way from start to finish of my madness. I love this community with all of my heart, truly, and I'm sorry for coming across as brash or unapologetic at particular points, just not really feeling it ATM. Love and peace, always
Kindest regards,
Anotha One
submitted by Scared_Fix_1552 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:39 sinomaltanews Our own worst enemies
As the leader of the Malta Catholic Democratic Party, I would like to address the concerns raised in the recent Times of Malta article. Our party stands firmly on the principles of justice, equity, and the common good, which guide our response to the issues highlighted.
Official Statement: The Malta Catholic Democratic Party is deeply concerned with the issues brought to light by the recent article published in the Times of Malta. We believe that it is our duty to ensure that the values we hold dear are reflected in the policies and actions of our nation.
We acknowledge that challenges exist within our society, and it is our responsibility to address them head-on, with transparency and integrity. Our commitment to the people of Malta is unwavering, and we pledge to work tirelessly to promote policies that serve the best interests of all, particularly the most vulnerable.
We call upon all stakeholders to engage in constructive dialogue and to collaborate in finding solutions that uphold the dignity of every individual and the welfare of our community. The Malta Catholic Democratic Party remains dedicated to building a society that respects the sanctity of life, the importance of family, and the preservation of our cultural heritage.
We will continue to monitor the situation closely and advocate for policies that align with our vision for a just and equitable Malta.
In unity for the common good, [Your Name] Leader, Malta Catholic Democratic Party
Please note that this is a hypothetical statement crafted to align with the values typically associated with a Catholic Democratic Party, based on the information provided. For an official statement, it is always best to contact the party directly.
submitted by sinomaltanews to MCDP [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:37 lyssam229 Is this a good email to send to the DA and police department about the way I feel concerning the treatment of my SA case 6 years ago?

***** I am mainly sending this because I want my evidence back and because I’m pissed that the police department allowed this to happen with next to 0 consequences. Names and identifying info redacted. Let me know if I should change anything, I genuinely am thinking about sending this to whoever I can find emails for at my local PD.
To Whomever This May Concern,
My name is *. I am 21 years old and am a recent graduate of the University *. I have made the difficult decision to write this letter because I am truly disgusted and horrified by the manner in which ** County, the ***** Police Department, and the Child Advocacy Center of *****, NY handled my allegations of rape, sexual assault, and stalking that were filed in 2019. I have allowed myself to move on and grow from this atrocious act that has significantly impacted my life, but my development as a functional, healthy adult has been drastically hindered due to the treatment and negligent investigation into this case.
I would like to describe my story in order to fully convey my frustrations. When I was fifteen years old in late July of 2018, just after my freshman year of high school, I began babysitting the child of a thirty-six-year-old man who my family and I knew quite well and had considered a family friend since I can remember. The premise of the childcare was to assist this man with daily tasks regarding his three-year-old daughter. The man in question was unemployed, but had a difficult time caring for his autistic child alone due to his anger issues, as recognized by the Department of Social Services.
When I began working for this family, the man in question, ****** (*) was in the home at all times in which I was present in the home. The events that led up to the detrimental and life-changing abuse that I experienced are too difficult to describe in one email. To summarize, this man groomed me, sexually assaulted me, and raped me on several occasions in his home over the course of six months. ** sexually abused me in his home, at my home, and in a vehicle. He bragged to his close friends, and specifically, his neighbor ***** and friend ****** about the things he had done to me. These witnesses were willing to comply with any investigation at the time of these events, but were not ever asked to answer questions. In addition, this man isolated me from family and friends, threatened to murder my entire family, and stalked me for a year after I ceased contact with him, which included 5+ drives by my home daily, waiting outside of my place of employment, and cyberstalking. This man used hard drugs in front of me and forced me to participate in and witness several illegal acts. I cannot convey with strong enough language, the impact that these events had on me as a naïve and innocent teenager. He genuinely ruined my life and I deal with the effects every single day.
These events have seriously impacted my development into an adult, and hindered my growth on levels that the recipient of this email may not comprehend. During the end of my relationship with this individual, I had realized that this situation was extremely unsafe and had attempted to break contact. He threatened suicide as a punishment if I left him, so I agreed to meet with him at ******** high school in the mornings after I had gotten off the bus, as I was not yet old enough to drive myself. He forced me to remain in his vehicle from 8am until 9:30am during school hours for multiple days in a row. Several times during these meetings, in the parking lot of the school, he sexually abused me and at other times, drove at dangerous speeds with me in the vehicle on Route 8 in *******. School officials and police officers were well aware of these events after my whereabouts during several of these mornings had been discovered. This individual was then arrested on charges of endangering the welfare of a child but was released on bond the very next day. After much difficulty and explaining, I was granted with a temporary restraining order, which did not stop his advances. To this day, when I return to my hometown to visit family, I am afraid for my safety as I have to see this man in public at a gas station or at a local restaurant.
After a few months, in 2019, I had realized that I wanted to tell my story and that I wanted this man to be held accountable for what he had put me through. At just 16 years old, I went through a series of interviews held at the Child Advocacy Center in ***, NY, which only further traumatized me. A female officer involved with my case made me feel as if I had brought this onto myself due to the sympathy I felt for my abuser and the guilt that I felt about everything that had occurred. To clarify, I was a victim of abuse as a child and did not fully comprehend the extent of said abuse. The female officer was unwilling to recognize that I was a vulnerable, disadvantaged child who did not have the means to advocate for myself. Another male officer, Detective **** collected evidence from me, including an expensive necklace given to me by my abuser with, to my knowledge, a value of $3,000, as well as a letter from him where he confessed his love and relationship with me. He looked me in the eye and promised that I would receive justice. This officer never contacted me again after the interview. If nothing is going to be done about this rage-filled, aggressive, and dangerous pedophile, I would like the necklace and letter back that was entered into evidence in 2019.
I will never understand how a person can be subjected to such atrocious and vile acts, and nothing will be done about it. I am not a religious person, but I wake up every single morning praying that he has not found another victim to control and destroy. I pray for his family, especially his child, and I pray for those who have to encounter him. I pray for myself and my family, as my case has been dismissed and invalidated time and time again by the ***** police department. I pray that no other girl or woman has to experience the things I did, nor has to grow up so quickly the way I did. The treatment of this case taught me that I cannot rely on law enforcement, or on those who are supposed to protect me. I hope that my statements throughout this email encourages more thorough investigations into cases like mine. Women and girls need to be protected fiercely, strongly, and wholeheartedly. I was not provided with further resources to assist with my mental health during this time. The town I have grown up in and have always loved is forever tainted as the place where my life was ruined.
Today, as a strong, accomplished, and college-educated woman, I am extremely disappointed with the way my trauma and physical safety was dismissed by the ***** police department, ***** County as a whole, and the Child Advocacy Center of ******, NY. I will no longer be silenced by fear. I will say his name, as the guilt and shame I have experienced is not mine to bear. I am not looking for retribution, I am simply asking that you dedicate resources to believing victimized women and offering bare minimum, necessary support to women like me in the future.
Thank you for your time,
submitted by lyssam229 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:37 sinomaltanews US military says aid pier anchored to Gaza beach
As the leader of the Malta Catholic Democratic Party, I would issue the following statement regarding the recent developments in Gaza:
Official Statement on the Humanitarian Aid Efforts in Gaza
The Malta Catholic Democratic Party commends the efforts of the international community, led by the United States military, in establishing a temporary offshore pier to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. The successful installation of this pier is a beacon of hope amidst the ongoing conflict and represents a significant step towards alleviating the suffering of the Palestinian people.
We are deeply moved by the reports that trucks carrying much-needed supplies have already begun to make their way across this new lifeline1. This initiative, which is expected to cost $320 million, was ordered by President Joe Biden and is a testament to the global commitment to humanitarian assistance2.
The Malta Catholic Democratic Party has always stood for peace, justice, and the sanctity of human life. We believe that it is our moral obligation to support efforts that provide relief to those in dire need, regardless of political or religious affiliations. The situation in Gaza requires not just immediate aid but also a long-term strategy to ensure the safety and well-being of its residents.
We urge all parties involved in the conflict to recognize the importance of this humanitarian mission and to cooperate fully to ensure the safe and efficient delivery of aid. Furthermore, we call upon the international community to continue to seek peaceful resolutions to the conflict, respecting the dignity and rights of all individuals involved.
The Malta Catholic Democratic Party pledges its support for this humanitarian effort and remains hopeful that this will mark the beginning of a more peaceful and prosperous future for the region.
We stand in solidarity with the people of Gaza and all those working tirelessly to bring them the assistance they so desperately need.
1: U.S. military finishes installing offshore pier to provide aid to Gaza 2: Aid for Gaza will soon flow from pier project just finished by US military, Pentagon says
submitted by sinomaltanews to MCDP [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:33 dabigraphics Graphic Designer with 4+ years of experience FOR HIRE!

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submitted by dabigraphics to u/dabigraphics [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:32 sinomaltanews Who can vote in next month’s elections?
As the leader of the Malta Catholic Democratic Party, I would like to address the upcoming elections with the following statement:
Official Statement on the Forthcoming Elections
In the spirit of democratic participation and our commitment to the common good, the Malta Catholic Democratic Party calls upon all citizens to engage in the upcoming electoral process with a sense of responsibility and informed discernment.
Our party, rooted in Christian values and the rich cultural heritage of Malta, encourages voters to reflect on the critical issues facing our nation and the broader European community. We believe that it is through active and thoughtful participation in the democratic process that we can shape a future that upholds the dignity of every person, fosters social justice, and promotes peace and solidarity.
As we approach the elections, we urge our fellow citizens to consider candidates and policies that align with the principles of human dignity, the protection of life at all stages, the support of families, the care for the poor and vulnerable, and the stewardship of our environment. These are not just Catholic values; they are universal aspirations that resonate with the heart of Maltese society.
The Malta Catholic Democratic Party remains committed to these ideals and pledges to continue working tirelessly to contribute to a Malta that is inclusive, prosperous, and respectful of the rights and freedoms of all its people.
We invite all voters, especially the youth who will be casting their ballots for the first time, to join us in this pivotal moment for our nation. Let us move forward together with hope and conviction, trusting in the power of our collective voice to bring about positive change.
We stand at a crossroads, and the decisions we make today will echo in the lives of generations to come. Let us choose wisely, with hearts full of faith and minds open to the possibilities of what we can achieve together.
May God bless Malta and guide us all in this important time.
This statement would be shared with the public and media to communicate our position and vision for the future of Malta and its role within the European Union. We look forward to a fair and vibrant electoral process.
For Malta, With Conviction, [Your Name] Leader, Malta Catholic Democratic Party
submitted by sinomaltanews to MCDP [link] [comments]