Pharmacy in unmc


2008.07.01 22:41 Pharmacy

A subreddit for pharmacists, pharmacy students, techs, and anyone else in the pharmaceutical industry.

2012.10.02 13:38 Swtrbl555 Technicians, Pharmacists and other related professions

Pharmacy work requires its own special laws and regulations and with it comes so many wonderful problems. How many times do you find yourself saying any of these: - Your insurance sets the price - That is your medical card, not your prescription card - Your prescription is expired ... Yes even though you still have refills If so this is the place to be!

2016.01.12 23:09 A place for pharmacy technicians to discuss their job

**THIS IS NOT AN APPROPRIATE SUB FOR PATIENT QUESTIONS. PLEASE VISIT YOUR LOCAL PHARMACY OR DIRECT YOUR QUESTIONS TO AskDocs** A subreddit for Pharmacy Technicians of all stripes to talk about their work, answer questions for each other, and share information about working in the pharmacy.

2024.03.22 14:49 Something_fishsticks Finally, I thought I'd join. This post is long, so buckle your seat belts

Heya, im new to this sub and finally thought I'd post about my situation. Sorry if this is kinda venty. This is gonna basically be the timeline of my situation.
So, just before my 21st birthday, I was officially diagnosed with chronic c3 glomerulonephritis. Apparently, it's been going on for my whole life, and no doctor caught it till now. Both my kidneys are affected, and my kidney function was at 15% when I was first diagnosed, but now I'm down to 11%, so I'll be starting dialysis here soon.
I had a PD catheter placed on Jan 11th, but it stopped working in late February. Turns out it got coiled in the top of my pelvis, and I had to go into the hospital to get it straightened out. That was not the case, however, and skipping over all the other shenanigans that happened that day, I got a brand new PD catheter placed on March 4th.
I contacted the Mayo Clinic, and after they did my insurance review, they rejected my transplant application since my insurance wouldn't cover it, and I would have to pay in full. My next choice was UNMC, and they said that I dont fit the criteria for transplant since I am overweight and I need to lose about 50lbs before I am even eligible. Thats not a problem for me, im totally okay with loosing weight and I've already lost about 15lbs since then, but it just sucks that Im not even going to be a consideration for transplant because of my weight.
A couple of days ago, I went to my renal doctor, and it turned out my insurance denied an injection he prescribed because I didn't meet the criteria to get the injection. I guess my iorn was too low and so I have to get iorn injections once a week to try and rapidly get my levels up so I can get the injection that my doctor prescribed.
Now, with all the meds I take, it comes out to be about $105 each pharmacy visit. I've had to move back in with my dad, and that's not a bad thing, but it just makes me feel like I can't do anything on my own. He's a great support system, and so is my boyfriend. still have these terrible thoughts of me being a burden to them. I know my condition is just going to get worse, and dialysis and transplant are only going to prolong the inevitable. I've done some research and talked to my doctor, and the transplant most likely won't even fix anything and will just kill the new kidney(s) I would get. Sometimes, I feel it would be better if I just didn't do dialysis and just let nature take its course. It pisses me off that right when my life is finally starting to turn out. I just get gut punched and pushed back to square 0. Doctors, family, and everyone around me say to keep fighting since im still young and I have my whole life ahead of me. But, if this is going to be my life, then I would like a refund.
Sorry for the long venty post, but I found this sub and thought "hopefully someone will understand my frustrations." Thank you to anyone who read this whole thing.
submitted by Something_fishsticks to kidneydisease [link] [comments]

2024.03.11 16:38 geekymama Any luck finding Mounjaro in stock (for Type 2 Diabetic)?

UPDATE: Thank you everyone for your tips. I was able to get at least a 7.5mg dose from Amazon Pharmacy.
Type 2 diabetic here in need of 10mg Mounjaro. So far I've tried Walgreens and the UNMC pharmacies. Has anyone else had any lucky finding a pharmacy with any in stock?
submitted by geekymama to Omaha [link] [comments]

2021.10.23 20:56 peterhinchey How Bad of a Candidate am I?

I've been in undergrad for 5 years out of highschool, I'm 22, taking prerequisites. I'm applying to UNMC Pharmacy and I just recently got my GPA over 3.0 I have two prerequisites left I've ochem II lab and a biochem course. I have done some undergraduate programs that help and one program was actually in High-school at UNMC Pharmacy the other was at U of I Pharmacy over one summer. I have been a technician for 2.5 years between a LTC pharmacy and a retail Pharmacy. Since UNMC didnt require the PCAT I didn't study for it when I took it and I got in the 25th percentile. Im taking it again, January 5th. How should I study? Does my situation seem bleak? Should I stop if I don't get in?
I really am passionate for it.
View Poll
submitted by peterhinchey to PrePharmacy [link] [comments]

2020.09.14 20:42 pharmlove Trans Community Question, please.

Hi Sibs!
May I ask a question about how y'all feel about cis friends trying to help normalize pronouns in professional settings? I am a pharmacy student in the Midwest where I personally feel that the LGBTQIA community is extremely underrepresented. I saw on an email from someone in a different state that they had pronouns written in their email signature. I thought "what a stellar idea!" But before doing it, I'd like to check with the Trans Community to see what y'all think and how y'all feel about it. Email signature example:
Me Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate Class of 20__ Class officer status Club affiliation Pronouns she her hers
Please let me know what y'all think. I would never want to make you beautiful humans angry so please tell me if it pisses y'all off or if it's a good idea!!
Thanks in advance!!
submitted by pharmlove to trans [link] [comments]

2020.06.10 23:04 nmellowyello1212 Need PharmD Application Advice!!

I need advice on wether or not to graduate this summer or prolong my graduation to increase my cumulative GPA which is at 2.886 right now. (Note: Science/Math GPA ~3.3)
A little background: I’m currently a 5th year senior with a major in Global Studies and minor in Arabic. I was originally Pre-med my freshman and sophomore year but did poorly those first 2 years (cumulative GPA 2.6) because I struggled with undiagnosed ADHD and depression which made me switch to Global Studies. My lowest grades contributing to my low cumulative GPA were in Global Studies or GenEd classes that are irrelevant to pharmacy. However, I still managed to pass my 2 General Chem and 2 Biology courses with Cs and Bs.
My Junior year I decided to pursue the prepharmacy track for my remaining time and my grades improved dramatically and I got an A in both Ochem 1 and Ochem 2, A in Human Physiology, A in Statistics, B- and B+ in Physics 1 and 2, B in Calculus, and C in Biochem. The only prepharm class I have left is Anatomy.
I maintained around a 3.5 every semester since Jr year. But my cumulative is STILL only at 2.88 while my prepharmacy GPA is around 3.3. The in-state PharmD program (UNMC) I want to apply to does not have a minimum GPA requirement but at least a 3.0 is preferred. I’m planning on taking the PCAT in 2 months and have been studying a lot so I think I can do pretty well. I have experience in scientific research but none in pharmacy yet bc the Coronavirus has made it hard to find a job. I also have good recommendations that will write on my behalf: my Ochem professor, a pharmacist, and the PostDoc Researcher I worked under in my my undergrad.
I need advice on wether or not to complete my undergrad in Global Studies this summer with a 2.886 cumulative GPA and 3.3 Science/Math GPA and work on other aspects of my candidate profile. Or would it be best to delay graduating to raise my cumulative by taking or retaking any classes.
submitted by nmellowyello1212 to PrePharmacy [link] [comments]

2018.12.03 22:15 AppleGeniusBar Having huge problems with United Healthcare and need to ask to see if we'e taking the right steps

Thank you for taking the time to take a look at this. This problem has become fairly extensive over this last year, and my wife and I are looking for any advice or thoughts as to what more we should be doing. I will try to give as much helpful information here as possible and can expand where needed. I apologize in advance for the length of this and any formatting errors.

Actors: Myself (24); Wife (28); United Healthcare (Student Resources) (referred to hereafter as UHCSR); University of Nebraska-Lincoln (referred to hereafter as UNL); University of Nebraska-Omaha (referred to hereafter as UNO); Relation Insurance Services (referred to hereafter as RIS).
Setting: Nebraska, 2018.
Backstory: While backstory is not often necessary, I believe that it is important for the context of the issues at hand. My wife and I have been together a few years now. I am a PhD candidate at UNL and have been since moving to Nebraska in 2016. As a graduate student, I am automatically enrolled in the student insurance plan with the option to opt out each semester, and this plan is covered almost fully by my assistantship in my department. I did not accept the insurance my first year (during the 2016-17 school year) because I had a different policy of my own. At this time, the university offered Blue Cross Blue Shield to its students, which is whom my own policy had already belonged to. During the summer of 2017, UNL switched the insurance provider for students from BCBS to UHCSR. I chose to opt into the insurance the next school year (2017-18) because of the benefits it provided to students, specifically covering visits to UNMC clinics with no co-pay and reduced pharmaceutical costs by using the university pharmacy.
My wife had received a Master's degree from UNO in May of 2015, and with a weak job market, returned to UNO in the Fall of 2016 to pursue a teaching certificate. Unfortunately, her credits from her Bachelor's degree did not transfer and those from her Master's were unable to be used towards the new undergraduate degree, meaning that she was set to be there for a while. While there, she also enrolled in the student insurance plan offered to UNO students, at first with BCBS and then with UHCSR when UNO made the switch (during the same summer as UNL). It is important to note here that she has pre-existing conditions, including anxiety disorder and an auto-immune disease that require a monthly chemo injection plus a plethora of other medications, including an immunosuppressant. The switch to UHCSR was quite complicated as they were much more stringent about this, resulting in a long process of approving the medications for coverage and the doctor visits that went with that. (As additional information that may be useful, my wife now works part time as a librarian and is now working on an MLIS online from a university out-of-state.)
In January of 2018 (this past January), my wife dropped out of UNO. The education program she was in was not very accepting of her autoimmune disease and put an increased amount of pressure on her, leading her to need to step away to take care of her own mental and physical health. However, because she dropped her courses within the first 30 days of the semester, she lost her eligibility to be enrolled in the student insurance plan. She was told this by representatives from UHCSR, and was told that her policy had officially been cancelled. This made sense as it was the policy guidelines and we did not question this further at the time.
In turn, we enrolled her as a dependent on my UHCSR policy (the payment going out on January 30). As graduate students, we are able to enroll dependents onto our plan, including partners and children, and simply have to cover the cost of insurance each semester (this may be true for undergraduate plans as well, but I am not sure about this). We again had a nightmare of UHCSR needing to re-approve her medications and visits in addition to the new visits for mental health, but eventually everything did get approved and things seemed to returned to normal.
Problem 1: The first major problem arose during the summer of 2018. Our joint coverage through UHCSR for the spring/summer term expired at the beginning of August, at which point we needed to re-enroll for the Fall semester. In late July, I went to the website for us to renew the policy only to discover that my wife was unable to be re-enrolled. To our surprise, she no longer even appeared online under my coverage.
Figuring that we were likely dealing with a bigger issue, I first called the UHCSR representative at UNL. Unfortunately she was out of the office and not responding, so I called the UHCSR customer service. I explained that we were trying to re-enroll my wife so that we would not have to go through the full re-approval process for her medications again (since her chemo injection was scheduled for the next week) but could not see how to do that since she wasn't appearing on my plan online. The representative was perplexed as well and after some research, told me that my wife was never even enrolled to my plan and they did not have any record of her being there. Fortunately, we do have the receipt of payment as well as proof of payment from bank account statements and were able to prove that we did indeed pay for her coverage as a dependent. However, UHCSR continued to tell us there was nothing we could do since she was never added. Instead, we were told to contact RIS who was contracted to handle enrollment for the university and would have been the ones who failed to enroll her to UHCSR, meaning that UHCSR could not be at fault and if there was an error, it would be on the part of RIS. They told us if she were to be covered, we would need to provide them with a Certificate of Credible Coverage from RIS.
We contacted RIS and they gave us a similar story passing blame back to UHCSR. However, they were willing to be more helpful and do what they could to assist us. They provided us with the Certificate of Credible Coverage showing my wife had indeed been added as a dependent to my policy and said that they had sent this to UHCSR at the time of enrollment as well again during this discussion to show they had done their job and to try to help resolve the issue.
A follow-up conversation with a UHCSR customer service representative said that they had never received these documents, that there was no way for them to be able to receive them any longer, and that there was nothing more that they could do to help us.
I was able to get in contact with the UHCSR university representative in the following days who clearly saw something going on but wasn't sure what had happened. She told us that she could see that we had indeed enrolled my wife as a dependent on my policy, but for some reason she never was formally added to the policy. Instead, UHCSR had been continuing to process claims under her prior student insurance policy from UNO that she had been rightly told she no longer had. This did not make much sense to us or her since my wife was only using the insurance card they had sent for her which had our policy number on. We contacted some of the providers, and they told us that they had submitted all of the correct information they had been given, but UHCSR had been changing this information for each claim to her prior insurance policy which she no longer was to have. The university representative had us forward her the paperwork she needed to start with, which included receipts of payment for enrollment in both her UNO policy and her enrollment as my dependent, plus the Certificate of Credible Coverage. She seemed genuinely sorry about the whole situation and said that she was going to get this taken care of for us, and that she would contact us once they were able to figure everything out.
In the meantime, we were to enroll my wife again as a dependent so we could make sure that she could receive the treatment she needed. Unfortunately, because this was not a renewal, we again had to grow through the full re-approval process for her treatments which took even longer than the prior occasions, so much so that it was actually months before she could receive her injections and medications she needs to keep relatively healthy. As a result of this, she has had a significant increase in health issues in the past several months requiring even more doctor's visits and mental health strain, setting her overall health back significantly.
Admittedly, we should have kept pressing at the time for answers, but with our individual health issues this fall, her re-starting graduate school online and my own program beginning again with additional responsibilities, we did not and had not received updates like we had expected.
Problem 2: Beginning in October, we began to notice that some of my wife's treatments were not being covered by UHCSR. We looked at the explanation of benefits online and saw that UHCSR were not covering her visits until her medical records were sent to UHCSR for review. So, we contacted her providers and asked them to send all of her records to UHCSR. As time progressed, we continued to receive the same notices even though we had sent the records requested. Our providers had been incredibly helpful and had been trying to figure this out for us, but we reached a point in mid-November where they said that the issue had become to large for them and that they weren't sure what was going on as UHCSR had rejected all of the files sent. One provider actually told us that they were confused as to what was happening since UHCSR was not outright rejecting the claims, but were instead accepting them and not distributing the money.
I called the UHCSR university representative line that same week in the days prior to Thanksgiving to try to figure out what was going on, as well as to touch base on Problem 1. In response to Problem 1, she admitted to me that she had simply forgotten to do it and tried to apologize repeatedly for this error. She said that she would begin immediately to work on that again and asked for me to re-send the documents to her, and that she would need to speak to her superiors who were already gone for the Thanksgiving holiday. As for Problem 2, she too was confused as to what was happening. She told me again that we needed to send records, and I explained that we did and that they were rejected. She then told me I needed to update my wife's profile online to show that she did not have any other insurances. I was confused by this since I did this exact task several months ago as well for both myself and my wife, but now it showed that hers was incomplete again.
Last week in a follow-up call, the representative told me that this is what was holding up the coverage, and that with that done, she had submitted all of the claims to be re-processed and that all but one claim would be covered (we know what this one claim is and did not expect it to be covered, so this was accurate to us). She told me that the time for re-processing the claims would be approximately 10 business days at most, and that she would continue to work on Problem 1 to try to resolve that for us. Interestingly, she had wanted my wife to give UHCSR permission for me to speak on her behalf on her online account. However, she does not have an online account since her policy is through me and she shows up on my account, plus we were baffled as to why she would need to give permission when she is my dependent on the account. It turns out that the representative had meant her prior account from her UNO policy, which no longer even allowed my wife to login. I told the representative this, who was surprised and said that she'd take care of it for me. I tried to ask what that meant, but could not get an answer.
Approximately 48 hours later, we began to receive calls from my wife's providers that the claims had again been rejected and that we would need to begin making payments to continue receiving treatment.
At this point, we don't really know what to do next. We have contacted an attorney and will be meeting for a consultation this Friday, but we're not even sure if there's even anything going on that would require legal services. So, what more should we be doing? Do I need to start reaching out somewhere else? Are we just misunderstanding how insurance services work and are just going to have to figure this out? We would really appreciate any advice you could offer.
submitted by AppleGeniusBar to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2017.09.08 21:16 tuannguyen1600 Chances into a good rank pharmacy schools

Hi all, First of all, I want to say good luck to all who are applying this cycle and upcoming cycles. I am new to this sub and just realize my passion in pharmacy. I hope if you all could evaluate my stats and advice me to whether or not I should attend this cycle application or have wait until the next one. Like I said, I realize my dream late and hope to accomplish as much as I could from here until January 2018 for submission (too late?). Here are my stat:
University: University of Nebraska-Lincoln (graduated in December 2015) cGPA: 3.393 (striving for a 3.44 since I'm going back for Fall class for 2-3 prerequisites) sGPA: 3.359 (I know... is bad... if everything goes well I should be able to get 3.40) Degrees: Biochemistry and Biological System Engineering w/ emphasis in biomedical engineering (I know... this is partly the reason for my low GPA) PCAT: Have not yet taken the PCAT yet. (I hope you guys could tell me what score I should aim for with 1-2 months left to study)- Currently using Kaplan prep and Dr. Collins 2017
PCAT NOV 9 2017 Scores: Chemistry - 98 Biology - 85 (I hate genetics...) Reading - 46 (yeah I'm not a native speaker) Math - 67 (I ran out of time) Composite - 84
Research Experience Volunteer in a research lab at University of Houston (Biooptic) Summer 2017
Volunteer: Observation Unit in a hospital this Summer 2017 (yeah... I just start)
Teaching Assistant High level engineer course (3xx level) Biology I
Reason for my low GPA in which I can address Take too much courses in one semester once (22 credits) Take too much courses in summer (13 credits) Take high level chemistry courses for chemistry major :( (Ochem I and II got C+)
Got at least 3.7-3.8 GPA on all my courses last 2 years on colleges
Again, thanks for taking your time. I hope to get pharmacy shadow and more volunteer experiences with the time I have left for this cycle. Please let me know if it is possible to apply this cycle. Here are my top 4 schools so far:
Creighton (not really my ideal place to go to since the school is so expensive)
UT Austin
Again Thanks Guys
submitted by tuannguyen1600 to PrePharmacy [link] [comments]

2017.05.21 03:15 links234 Omaha Events for the Week of May 21st

I'm trying to keep this a regularly occurring thing and will edit/update it as needed but, be warned, it is a lot of work to generate this. So if I don't get it out some weeks just know that I didn't find the time for it.

Omaha events for the week of May 7th

Saturday, May 20

Event Time Location Info
Basic Adult Primal Defense 9 AM 88 Tactical, 15350 Shepard St
Great Strides - Cystic Fibrosis Walk 9:30 AM Aksarben Village, 1920 S 67th St
Spring Garden Volunteer Day 10 AM Big Garden, 5602 Read St
Deer Park Family Fun Day 2017 10 AM Vinton Street Business District
Sculpture Dance 11 AM Union for Contemporary Art, 2423 N 24th St
Hypertension 13 11 AM Hotel RL, 3321 S 72nd St Smash Bros. Tournament,
2nd Annual Omaha Food Truck Rodeo Part 1 11 AM Reverb Lounge, 6121 Military Ave All day event
Populist Party Foundational Meeting 12 PM Omaha Public Library, 215 S 15th St Start a new political party!
The Artist Jam 12 PM Krypton Comics, 2819 S 125th Ave, Ste 261
Destiny Organized Play Tournament 12 PM Sparta Games, 3352 N 108th St Star Wars game tournament
Veg Speed Date Omaha 4 PM WineStyles, 1006 S 74th Plz
MOXIE 6 PM Omaha Performing Arts, 1200 Douglas St
Kurt Crandall w/The Confessors 7 PM Bogie’s Bar & Grill, 14334 U St
The Beat Seekers "Battle Cry For A Declaration" CD Release Party 8 PM Lookout Lounge, 320 S 72nd St $10
The Dear Hunter w/ Fontenelle 8:30 PM Slowdown, 729 N 14th St $23
More Than Blood W/ Black Sky Burning, From The Arc, Those Guys 9 PM Waiting Room Lounge, 6212 Maple St $7
Elevate Dance Party 9 PM Bar 415, 415 S 13th St
Sinners N Saints 9 PM Chrome Lounge, 8552 Park Dr
Sleeping Jesus // Ojai // Josh Watson 9 PM Barley Street Tavern, 2735 N 62nd St $5, 21+
Druids, Montee Men, Jump the Tiger 9 PM O’Leaver’s, 1322 S Saddlecreek Rd
Maiden Voyage w/ Silence Is Madness 9 PM Shamrocks, 5338 N 103rd S
Benson Soul Society 9 PM Reverb Lounge, 6121 Military Ave 21+
Grass Bandit w/ Earthbound & Down and Ben Balmer 9:30 PM The Down Under Lounge, 3530 Leavenworth St 21+

Sunday, May 21

Event Time Location Info
Omaha Farmers Market 9 AM Aksarben Village, 1920 S 67th St
NE Concealed Carry Certification 9:30 AM Scheels, 17202 Davenport St
Midtown Crossing Car Show 10 AM Turner Park, 3110 Farnam St
West Omaha PubCrawl 10:30 AM Original Draught House, 12411 W Center Rd
Get to know Omaha's new Imam! 12 PM First United Methodist Church, 7020 Cass St
Maiden Voyage Poker Run XV 12 PM Dillon Brothers, 3840 N 174th Ave
The Green Spot Meet & Greet 1 PM Green Spot, 1110 S 71st St, Ste K
American Vignettes 2 PM Joslyn Art Museum, 2200 Dodge St
Pints and Paws Pub Crawl 2 PM Infusion Brewing Company, 6115 Maple St
Juke Butter 6 PM Love’s Jazz & Art Center, 2510 N 24th St
Bleachers w/ Flor 8 PM Slowdown, 729 N 14th St
Ballyhoo! with The Holdup & Darenots 8 PM Waiting Room Lounge, 6212 Maple St $15
Mr. Gay Omaha Contest 9 PM The Max, 1417 Jackson St

Monday, May 22

Event Time Location Info
Extremism in America 10 AM Jewish Community Center, 333 S 132nd St
18th Annual Millard Rotary Golf Scramble 11 AM Oak Hills Country Club, 12325 Golfing Green Dr
Children's Charity Golf Classic 11 AM Champions Run, 13800 Eagle Run Dr
Life Size Beer Pong Tournament 6 PM Infusion Brewing Company, 6271 S 118th St $10/team
Using Coupons for Savings 7 PM South Omaha Public Library, 2808 Q St
Romero w/ Silence is Madness 8 PM Dr Jack’s Drinkery, 3012 N 102nd St $7
Stand Up Comedy w/ Zach Pugh (L.A.) 9 PM Lookout Lounge, 320 S 72nd St $5

Tuesday, May 23

Event Time Location Info
History and Appreciation of Antiques: Soft Paste Porcelain 9:30 AM Douglas County Historical Society, 5730 N 30th St, #11B
Outdoor Bootcamp 5:30 PM Lewis and Clark Landing, 345 Riverfront Dr
Populace Gathering 6:30 PM Elmwood Park, 808 S 60th St Local SCA
Leav/e/arth, Words Like Daggers 7 PM Lookout Lounge, 320 S 72nd St $10
Omaha Gives! Kickoff Concert featuring Frontier Strings 7 PM Omaha Conservatory of Music, 7023 Cass St
Yoga for Well-Being 7:30 PM Omaha Public Library, 13214 Westwood Ln Bring a yoga mat
Andrew Bailie 8 PM Reverb Lounge, 6121 Military Ave $10
Art Angels: Mint Wad Willy, Wrong Pets, Uh Oh, Dead Bob Ross 8 PM Burke’s Pub, 6117 Maple St Part of Omaha Gives
Against the Grain / Cordial Spew / Beryllium Takeover / Nautilus 8 PM Dr Jack’s Drinkery, 3012 N 102nd St $7
Softball Game 8:30 PM Kelley Softball Fields, 124th & Fort St
Lung ~ Crybaby ~ The Natural States 9 PM O’Leaver’s, 1322 S Saddlecreek Rd $5, 21+

Wednesday, May 24

Event Time Location Info
Omaha Gives Events All day Across the metro area
Memorial Day Flag Project 9 AM Westlawn-Hillcrest Cemetary, 58th & Center
Food Pantry Boxing Night 6 PM Benson Baptist Food Pantry, 6319 Maple St
Boss' Daughter, Wolves x4, Liar Wire, Bummertown 7 PM Lookout Lounge, 320 S 72nd St $7
Collaborative Screening: Citizen Jane: Battle for the City 7 PM Film Streams, 1340 Mike Fahey St
PWP's 12th Anniversary Spectacular 7 PM Waiting Room Lounge, 6212 Maple St Pro-wrestling
The 402 Presents: Blues Ed Concert 7 PM (402) Arts Collective, 6051 Maple St
Annual Spring Concert of the Heartlight Choir and Why Arts? 7 PM Midtown Crossing
HeartMath with Penny Kowal 7 PM Tomato Tomato, 2634 S 156th Cir $25
SoMo: The Answers Tour with Axcess at Sokol Auditorium 8 PM Sokol Auditorium and Underground, 2234 S 13th St $26
Cool Ghouls (BurgeEmpty Cellar) / Those Far Out Arrows 9 PM Brothers Lounge, 3812 Farnam St $5, 21+
A Low Dough Weekly Comedy Show 9 PM Dr Jack’s Drinkery, 3012 N 102nd St $3, 18+

Thursday, May 25

Event Time Location Info
Bike Night with Banjo Loco 1 PM Dr Jack’s Drinkery, 3012 N 102nd St 21+
Millennials: Own Your Business! 1 PM FranNet of the Heartland, 12020 Shamrock Plz, Ste 105
Outdoor Bootcamp 5:30 PM Lewis and Clark Landing, 345 Riverfront Dr
Big East Tournament Day 1 5:30 PM TD Ameritrade Park Baseball
Activist Happy Hour 5:30 PM Pageturners Lounge, 5004 Dodge St
Chris Antonik 6 PM Chrome Lounge, 8552 Park Dr
Hometown Heroes Event - Salute to Summer Festival 6 PM 8116 Parkview Blvd, La Vista
Basic Active Killer Response 6 PM 88 Tactical, 15350 Shepard St
DCDP Central Committee Meeting 7 PM CWA Hall 1920 S 44th St Douglas County Democratic Party Meeting
Omaha Improv Fest 7 PM Backline, 1618 Harney St
May Pedal Happy Potluck! 7 PM Omaha Bicycle Co, 6015 Maple St
Skyloft Concert 7 PM (402) Arts Collective, 6051 Maple St $8
Superman's Hero 7 PM OutrSpaces, 528 S 24th St $5
Nic Dean 7:30 PM Funny Bone, 168th & Dodge
Karaoke 8 PM Reverb Lounge, 6121 Military Ave 21+
Vox Combo, Vernon John, Pat Gehrman 9 PM The Down Under Lounge, 3530 Leavenworth St
Mic Check Showcase 6 10 PM Waiting Room Lounge, 6212 Maple St $12

Friday, May 26

Event Time Location Info
9th Annual Memorial Day Commemoration 2PM VA Hospital, 4101 Woolworth Ave
La Vista Salute to Summer Festival 2 PM La Vista Central Park
Gifford Park Neighborhood Market 5 PM 33rd & California
Loessfest 6:30 PM Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge
Big East Tournament Day 2 5:30 PM TD Ameritrade Park Baseball
Turner Park Night Market 6 PM Midtown Crossing @ Turner Park
Memorial Day Kubat Pharmacy Omaha Adult Open 6 PM Koch Tennis Center, 12440 W Maple Rd Tennis tournament
Dynasty Combat Sports: The Warriors Tribute 6:30 PM Ralston Arena
Star Trek: Attack Wing – Drive 6:30 PM Game Shoppe, 4014 N 144th St Tournament, $5
Live Music Series feat. Darryl White and Singer Deborah Brown 7 PM Love’s Jazz & Art Center, 2510 N 24th St $20
Dirty Dancing Night 7 PM Omaha Ballroom, 5038 S 153rd St
Nic Dean 7:30 PM Funny Bone, 168th & Dodge
Magic: The Gathering Tournament 7:30 PM Game Shoppe, 4014 N 144th St $8 entry fee
Disney's Beauty and the Beast 7:30 PM Omaha Community Playhouse, 6915 Cass St
Gottberg 7:30 PM Bogie’s Bar & Grill, 14334 U st
Midnight MURPH 7:30 PM Crossfit Viral, 3604 N 165th St
Country Road Revival 8 PM Cheeseburger In Paradise, 17304 Davenport St, Ste 100
Kill It with Fire / the Superbytes /Eighth Day Broken/ Stately Wayne Manor 8:30 PM Dr Jack’s Drinkery, 3012 N 102nd St $5, 18+
Venaculas 9 PM Lookout Lounge, 320 S 72nd St $0.89
American Dischord / HeatWaves / The Ramparts 9 PM Sydney, 5918 Maple St $5, 21+American Dischord / HeatWaves / The Ramparts
Eckophonic 9 PM Waiting Room Lounge, 6212 Maple St $8
Reality Something // Dirt House // The Morbs 9 PM Barley Street Tavern, 2735 N 62nd St $5, 21+
Joystick 9 PM Ozone Lounge, 7220 F St
Robby Wicks Band with Time Giants 9 PM Reverb Lounge, 6121 Military Ave $7
Rock and Roll Suicide performing ”Are We Not Men?" 9 PM Slowdown, 729 N 14th St $5
Sucettes / BIB / Lazy Wranglers 9 PM Brothers Lounge, 3812 Farnam St $5
Satellite Junction ~ Weird-Air ~ 9:30 PM O’Leaver’s, 1322 S Saddlecreek Rd $5, 21+
Dicey Riley 9:30 PM Dubliner Pub, 1205 Harney St $3

Saturday, May 27

Event Time Location Info
TOTC Kayak Bass Series 5:30 AM Cunningham Lake $20 entry
2017 Annual Walk Against Distracted Driving 8 AM Zorinsky Lake
3rd Annual 5k Walk/Run for Bladder Cancer Awareness 8 AM Chalco Hills Recreation Area
Buffett Cancer Center Open House 9 AM Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center, UNMC
Omaha Farmers Market 8 AM Old Market
19th Annual Remembrance Walk 9 AM Millers Landing, 151 Freedom Park Rd
May Food Pantry Day! 9 AM Benson Baptist Food Pantry, 6319 Maple St
Soles for Haiti- Shoe Drive! 9 AM Accepted Christian Church, 14633 Industrial Rd
Star Wars Destiny Store Championship 10 AM Game Shoppe, 4014 N 144th St $15 entry fee
Meet and Greet with our DOGS 11 AM Long Dog, Fat Cat. 16909 Burke St, Bay 126
Food Truck Extravaganza 12 PM Infusion Brewing Company, 6271 S 118th St
Pug Meet & Greet 12 PM Nature Dog, 13366 W Maple Rd
Summer Reading Program Kick-Off 1 PM Omaha Public Libraries across the metro
Interactive Performance/Drumming - Youth Focused 1 PM Benson Branch Library, 6015 Binney St
Golf Tourney/ Customer Appreciation / Casino Fundraiser 1 PM Johnny Goodman Golf Course, 6111 S 99th St
Ramadan: The holy month. 2 PM Islamic Center of Omaha, 3511 N 73rd St
Memorial Day Massive Block Party 4:30 PM Downtown Benson
Omaha Improv Fest 2017 6 PM Dubliner Pub, 1205 Harney St
Vibes Summer Concert Series 6:30 PM Village Pointe Shopping Center
Schools Out Water Balloon Fight! 6:30 PM Deer Park BYOBalloon
The Dollar Brawler 7 PM Lookout Lounge, 320 S 72nd St $1
Argentine Tango: Dancing and Social with Viviana and Gustavo 7 PM Hotel RL, 3321 S 72nd St
SunSets Music Series 7 PM Fun-Plex, 7003 Q St $10, 21+
Matt Hackett 7 PM Burrito Envy & Tequila Bar, 6113 Maple St
Omaha Improv Fest 7:30 PM Bourbon Saloon, 311 S 15th St
Seether 7:30 PM Sokol Auditorium and Underground, 2234 S 13th St
Nic Dean 7:30 PM Funny Bone, 168th & Dodge
Toke (NC stoner metal) / Bonghammer / Blackseer / Modern Color 9 PM Dr Jack’s Drinkery, 3012 N 102nd St $8, 18+
Trivia Night! 9 PM Julio’s, 2820 S 123rd Ct
Linoma Mashers 9 PM Growler USA, 16274 Evans Plz
The Ramparts // Layden & the Lion // Chaos Revolution Theory 9 PM Barley Street Tavern, 2735 N 62nd St $5, 21+
Nebraska Left Coalition Presents Hardcore/Hip Hop Against Fashys 9:30 PM O’Leaver’s, 1322 S Saddlecreek Rd $5, 21+
Dicey Riley 9:30 PM Dubliner Pub, 1205 Harney St $3

Sunday, May 28

Event Time Location Info
Omaha Farmers Market 9 AM Aksarben Village, 1920 S 67th St
Memorial Day Weekend Ukulele Mass 10 AM Urban Abbey, 1026 Jackson St
Memorial Weekend to Remember 11 AM Zorinsky Lake Park $7
Meet & Greet with Little White Dog Rescue! 1 PM Green Spot, 1110 S 71st St, Ste K
Lindy in the Park 1 PM Stinson Park
Drag Queen BINGO 1 PM FLIXX Lounge & Cabaret, 1015 S 10th St
Magical May Mysterium Match 1 PM Spielbound, 3229 Harney St
Julie Baker Presents Rhythm 'N Broadway 4 PM Living Stage, 3321 72nd St
80s Party 5 PM Fox & Hound, 506 N 120th St
Big East Tournament Day 4 5:30 PM TD Ameritrade Park Baseball
Jon Langford (Mekons, Waco Brothers) ~ The Electroliners 6 PM O’Leaver’s, 1322 S Saddlecreek Rd $5, 21+
Whalers Skate 6:15 PM Motto McLean Ice Arena, 5015 S 45th St
Kyle Harvey CD Release with Brad Hoshaw & Justin Lamoureux 7 PM The Down Under Lounge, 3530 Leavenworth St
Magnolia (Julianne Moore: Selected Work) 7 PM Film Streams, 1340 Mike Fahey St
Nic Dean 7:30 PM Funny Bone, 168th & Dodge
Divas Night w/The Ed Archibald Trio 7:30 PM Omaha Lounge, 1505 Farnam St
The Bloody Lips / Buggy Lewis & TRG / The Tiananmen Squares 8 PM Dr Jack’s Drinkery, 3012 N 102nd St $7, 18+
La Arrolladora, Los Huracanes Del Norte, Noel Torres, Revancha 8:30 PM Ralston Arena
2017 Memorial Day Concert Party 9 PM REHAB Lounge & Nightclub, 2615 S 120th St
International night 10 PM Rhythmz Lounge, 10841 Q st 21+
submitted by links234 to Omaha [link] [comments]

2012.09.30 22:36 Jebediah378 Help out a friend who needs some college help?

Hey there, I'm having some questions over choosing a college plan. Would you guys reccommend choosing a pharmacy path? I'm planning on majoring in Neuroscience or Chemistry at University of Nebraska at Omaha, and then transferring to the UNMC college of pharmacy after that? I'm extremely new to all of this, and really just want some help. I'm extremely interested on how the brain works and how different substances can affect it. Sorry if I sound noobish, I really just want some advice on going into this awesome field!
submitted by Jebediah378 to pharmacology [link] [comments]