Clavamox for dosage kitten

Ratio of Clavamox powder to Water

2024.05.26 23:13 Orl-Guardians-fan Ratio of Clavamox powder to Water

* Species: Feline
* Age: 18 days
* Sex/Neuter status: Female /not neutered
* Breed: SIC
* Body weight: 5.35 oz
* History: Healthy bottle feeder
* Clinical signs: oral ulcerations resulting in bleeding after bottle feeding
* Duration: 2 days
* Your general location: Florida, USA
I regularly foster neonatal kittens. Since they are so tiny and need small dosages, I have a partial bottle of Clavamox powder. I need to know the powder to H2O ratio. Everything I'm finding assumes it is a full bottle.
The baby was diagnosed via my description and photo passed thru several levels of shelter employees to CEO who reached out to their vet. (Holiday weekend vet not open)
I need to know Clavamox powder to water ratio = ?
submitted by Orl-Guardians-fan to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 07:01 smoremacaroons Am I now safe from rabies?

Good Day!
About 12 hours ago, I was bitten by my pup on the finger, at 12 AM, it was small like a knife or a paper cut. It bled but I cleaned it right away with water and alcohol.
My pup was born inside of our house, is almost 5 months old, has not gone outside of our house and came in contact with other dogs or animals. He was recently dewormed 2 weeks ago, (and only got dewormed again and his first shot of anti-rabies just earlier, about 3 hours ago). He’s very normal and healthy, spoiled even as he stays indoors.
However when he bit me he still didn’t have any anti-rabies shot. I was quickly brought to the hospital at around 12:30 AM or so, it’s a hospital nearby.
It was a category 3 animal bite because it bled yes and the nurses followed the protocol treatment, making it day 0.
I took these shots in 4 of my limbs;
  1. Anti-Rabies shot
  2. Erig Vaccine with proper dosage based on my weight.
  3. Two Tetanus Shots
I will be coming back once a week for for more anti-rabies shots then will come back in 6 months for another shot (I forgot what type it was, was it a booster?)
I got back home around 2 AM.
All that I ask now is if you believe that I will not likely get rabies now that I was treated as fast a possible? I’m just very anxious and I am terrified of the symptoms.
I actually almost contracted rabies again before, it was a decade ago, I was around 9 or 10 years old. I was scratched by an actual stray kitten I picked up, it clunged on my wrists too hard and slid its claws down. The wound was bleeding so much I still remembered it vividly.
I was brought to the nearest Animal Bite center I had to take 10 shots, once a week, I of course don’t remember what kinds of shots they were. I didn’t take rabies before seriously as a kid since I was innocent and unaware of how lethal it was, all I knew is that I had to visit the doctor once a week for those shots. I couldn’t believe I went through a much terrible wound before as a kid, unlike the one I got earlier, a small bite from a pup.
Am I completely safe now?
submitted by smoremacaroons to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:27 coffeeismymuse Does anyone know where I can get multiple cats spayed and neutered for low-cost in Toronto, ON?

Some back story: There are currently 12 cats and 5 kittens that are not spayed or neutered at one of my friend's house. I have so far been able to find a home for 2 kittens and I posted ads on Kijiji for the other kittens. I buy their wet food, dry food, and litter, but the problem is they don't take care of them and it would be impossible for me to visit them every single day. I can't afford to keep buying their necessities because it gets so expensive sometimes.
They had a really bad flea infestation recently. All the cats had scratches and open wounds. The cats developed allergies to fleas. I couldn't stand them being hurt so I saved up for the flea treatment (I don't have a job right now as I am a student) and bought each cat over 8 weeks a 2-month dosage of Advantage. It cost close to $500. So far they are doing really good. Almost all of their scabs and wounds are gone, probably because they don't scratch themselves anymore. I have not been able to get them spayed or neutered at all because it is just ridiculously too much even with low cost. I reached out to the humane society and I almost got an appointment for one of the mama cats but it was too late and she gave birth. I have not been able to reach them again. I am trying to find a place where I can either get all the males neutered or all females spayed. I am trying to give away as many kittens as possible but for now, I need help or resources where I can do more for these cats. Thank you
submitted by coffeeismymuse to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:52 SublimelyCommon 4 week old Kitten 4.5 oz, severely underweight.

4 week old Kitten 4.5 oz, severely underweight.
My gf and I have recently acquired a (at the time 1 week old) kitten who is now 4 weeks old and is still only 4.5 oz.
She works at an animal hospital and the kitten was dropped off by a man who said he was cleaning his garage and found the kitten, he doesn't know where any of the other kittens were / are, nor where the mom is.
The plan is to help nurse her until she is old and healthy enough to find a good home for her. The Kitt has been very energetic and vocal, was examined at the hospital and checked for any worms/parasites, and we were given supplies to help nurse her.
Despite following the feeding dosage given to us by the vet the kitten at about 3 weeks stalled in growing. She has remained the same weight for almost 2 and a half weeks now.
Yesterday we found her unresponsive body outside her crate, cold and limp with no heart beat. While rushing her to the ER we gave her CPR and she was resuscitated there. Thankfully she has no sign of any brain damage or impairment of any kind.
Vet said her body temp dropped and her body used her glucose to try to regulate her temp until it gave out and her heart stopped.
Other than some moderate issues with regulating her body temp after her discharge from the ER she has maintained a healthy body temp.
Now the vet is saying to double her dose of food to try to help her grow since she is severely underweight. I'm worried for her but I guess the only thing we can do now is keep her warm and full and hope she can start putting on weight.
Does anyone have any advice? Other than her weight she appears healthy and energetic, I'm just not sure there is much else I can do. She was checked at the animal hospital and there are no apparent issues / complications with her health beyond her weight.
If anyone else has been in a similar situation let me know, I thank you in advance.
submitted by SublimelyCommon to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 14:43 Jyndaru Question about kitten's nightmares and cat tree safety

Last night, my 3.5 month old kitten Freyja and I were cuddled up in bed falling asleep. I felt her paws twitching, which isn't out of the norm. But then she suddenly launched herself off the bed and landed on my nightstand, knocking things off in her panicked state, then finally hid under the bed. The launching part would've been kinda humorous if I hadn't felt so bad for her. I also have awful nightmares so I know how scary it can be. But luckily she didn't get hurt and was just a bit scared until I coaxed her back out.
Tonight she was laying up on the cat tree, on the very top level which is almost 6 feet up, and she started to fall asleep. I remembered her nightmare and got anxious. I've seen a cat break his leg from a fall at that height. Would she even land on her feet if it happened mid-nap? So I got her down and moved her to the bedroom.
Do y'all think this is something I need to worry about? Should I stop her from sleeping up that high? I'm hoping it was just a one-off, but she does seem to dream and twitch in her sleep a lot.
I also want to mention that she's currently on antibiotics (clavamox) for a fever she had last week. (She's doing much better now!) Does anyone know if antibiotics can cause nightmares in cats? I'm planning to ask the vet at her follow-up this week but figured I'd also ask here out of curiosity.
Thanks in advance!
ETA: Kitten tax
submitted by Jyndaru to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:06 I_eat_leadpaint Is it normal for a mom to kill her 4 week old kitten?

Hello Vets. I’m currently fostering a mama cat, we’re unsure of her age but she’s a calico short hair, and she had five kittens. She feeds her babies and cares for them, but when she’s not doing that she spends as much time away from them as possible. We got them a little over a week ago, we’ve been feeding mama tons, good wet food, and kitten food and she has managed to put on some weight while caring for her babies. Her babies have been sick for the past week, one with a bad eye infection. we’ve been giving them terramycin and clavamox twice a day. They were doing a lot better than they were when we first got them.
During the night last night, the mama killed her runt. A four week old calico that unlike the others, didn’t have obvious issues with her eyes or signs of sickness. But still she was the one who her mom killed. She was killed in a way that looked really painful, and her head had been torn off and her organs were spread out. I know it was her mama because they’re in a big cage where nothing else can get to them and her siblings aren’t capable of that.
We separated them from their mom, but I wanted to know whether the mom’s behavior is normal. I could find information about how moms do often kill their babies but I couldn’t find much on wether the way our mama cat did it is common, or if it’s common for it to happen that late. She didn’t eat her baby, but she did it in front of her other kittens and left it all out for them in their little kitten bed.
My last question is do you think her other babies are scared or traumatized? I feel sick to my stomach.
submitted by I_eat_leadpaint to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 03:30 Anxious-Ad-1770 HELP: Foster gave 10x recommended dose of meds to 3.5 week old bottle babies

A fellow foster at the shelter I volunteer at was prescribed 0.1 mL of doxycycline for each of her 3.5 week old bottle baby kittens because they had URI symptoms. She emailed the shelter tonight saying that she had read the label incorrectly and accidentally administered 1.0 mL of doxy to each of them instead of 0.1 mL, so 10 times the recommended dosage. The shelter is now closed so none of us are able to get in touch with the vet techs to see what the next steps are.
I am assuming nothing can really be done now that the medicine has been in their systems for a few hours, but are there any signs of major decline to look out for? Is it possible they could pass away from this or will it mostly be a diarrhea/upset stomach situation? Thank you so much!
submitted by Anxious-Ad-1770 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:45 Affectionate-Yak7192 Deworming in kittens with pot bellies

Hello everyone!
I am from India and on March 21st, 2024, I adopted twin kittens, male and female, Ezra and Lola. I am a first-time cat parent.
Species: Cat
Age: 2.5 months
Sex/Neuter status: 1 male, 1 female - unsterilised
Breed: Persian x Short-haired tabby
Body weight: Both around 3.3lbs
History: Worm infestation at the age of 2 weeks - dewormed once at around 2 weeks, once at around 6 weeks and recently at 10 weeks
Clinical signs: Malnourished - ribs and shoulder blades sharply visible with soft, compressible pot bellies
The kittens are otherwise extremely active and playful and highly energetic. No abnormalities in feces or urine. No extreme hunger. No other symptoms.
Duration: 2.5 months
General Location: Hyderabad, India
Lola's pic
I was told that before they came to me, they were infected with worms and Lola was affected more severely.
Lola is the picture of a kitten affected with worms - malnourished with a pot belly. Ezra is also malnourished with a mild pot belly, but he appears healthier than Lola.
My questions are as follows:
  1. They were dewormed once at 2 weeks before they came to me, and I got them dewormed again at 4 weeks in March. Then, yesterday, I got them dewormed again. Is that schedule okay?
  2. The dewormer that was given in my presence at the clinic in March - Ezra swallowed it easily, but for Lola they gave me the pill and asked me to mix it in her food, which I did and the deworming was successful.
But yesterday, there was another vet assistant who dissolved the tablet in water and forcefully injected it into my kittens' mouths and they spat it out once I put them in the carrier. I am not sure the deworming was successful.
I am going to another vet, because Lola looks severely malnourished and they didn't even sound any alarm bells and they seemed too distracted.
Do I start a new deworming schedule with the new vet? And what should the schedule be, if I am starting over?
3) Deworming is a preventative measure, but if my kittens already have worms in their bellies, should the dosage be higher? I am worried because I read too many posts about kittens dying after deworming.
4) How long will it take for the pot bellies to reduce? Lola's pot belly is the same since she came to me 4 weeks back. Both Ezra and Lola weight around 3.3lbs
5) I have been feeding them Sheba adult cat food because that is the only thing that they will touch, but from tomorrow onwards, I will stand my ground and give them kitten food - chicken loaf in gravy. I will give them every three hours, and remove it after 1 hour if they do not eat. That might coax them into eating.
My vet told me that it is okay to give the adult cat food but now I do not trust him anymore. He did not give me any advice at all.
I am also planning on giving them boiled chicken with turmeric (Google and the vet assistant as well suggested this) as a protein supplement to build their bodies faster.
Also, small carrot slices that they will eat in my presence and maybe a banana slice if they like it.
What do you think of the plan?
Please advice.
submitted by Affectionate-Yak7192 to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:44 Affectionate-Yak7192 Deworming in kittens with pot bellies

Hello everyone!
I am from India and on March 21st, 2024, I adopted twin kittens, male and female, Ezra and Lola. I am a first-time cat parent.
Species: Cat
Age: 2.5 months
Sex/Neuter status: 1 male, 1 female - unsterilised
Breed: Persian x Short-haired tabby
Body weight: Both around 3.3lbs
History: Worm infestation at the age of 2 weeks - dewormed once at around 2 weeks, once at around 6 weeks and recently at 10 weeks
Clinical signs: Malnourished - ribs and shoulder blades sharply visible with soft, compressible pot bellies
The kittens are otherwise extremely active and playful and highly energetic. No abnormalities in feces or urine. No extreme hunger. No other symptoms.
Duration: 2.5 months
General Location: Hyderabad, India
Lola's pic
I was told that before they came to me, they were infected with worms and Lola was affected more severely.
Lola is the picture of a kitten affected with worms - malnourished with a pot belly. Ezra is also malnourished with a mild pot belly, but he appears healthier than Lola.
My questions are as follows:
  1. They were dewormed once at 2 weeks before they came to me, and I got them dewormed again at 4 weeks in March. Then, yesterday, I got them dewormed again. Is that schedule okay?
  2. The dewormer that was given in my presence at the clinic in March - Ezra swallowed it easily, but for Lola they gave me the pill and asked me to mix it in her food, which I did and the deworming was successful.
But yesterday, there was another vet assistant who dissolved the tablet in water and forcefully injected it into my kittens' mouths and they spat it out once I put them in the carrier. I am not sure the deworming was successful.
I am going to another vet, because Lola looks severely malnourished and they didn't even sound any alarm bells and they seemed too distracted.
Do I start a new deworming schedule with the new vet? And what should the schedule be, if I am starting over?
3) Deworming is a preventative measure, but if my kittens already have worms in their bellies, should the dosage be higher? I am worried because I read too many posts about kittens dying after deworming.
4) How long will it take for the pot bellies to reduce? Lola's pot belly is the same since she came to me 4 weeks back. Both Ezra and Lola weight around 3.3lbs
5) I have been feeding them Sheba adult cat food because that is the only thing that they will touch, but from tomorrow onwards, I will stand my ground and give them kitten food - chicken loaf in gravy. I will give them every three hours, and remove it after 1 hour if they do not eat. That might coax them into eating.
My vet told me that it is okay to give the adult cat food but now I do not trust him anymore. He did not give me any advice at all.
I am also planning on giving them boiled chicken with turmeric (Google and the vet assistant as well suggested this) as a protein supplement to build their bodies faster.
Also, small carrot slices that they will eat in my presence and maybe a banana slice if they like it.
What do you think of the plan?
Please advice.
submitted by Affectionate-Yak7192 to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:18 Affectionate-Yak7192 Deworming in kittens with pot bellies

Hello everyone!
I am from India and on March 21st, 2024, I adopted twin kittens, male and female, Ezra and Lola. I am a first-time cat parent.
Species: Cat
Age: 2.5 months
Sex/Neuter status: 1 male, 1 female - unsterilised
Breed: Persian x Short-haired tabby
Body weight: Both around 3.3lbs
History: Worm infestation at the age of 2 weeks - dewormed once at around 2 weeks, once at around 6 weeks and recently at 10 weeks
Clinical signs: Malnourished - ribs and shoulder blades sharply visible with soft, compressible pot bellies
The kittens are otherwise extremely active and playful and highly energetic. No abnormalities in feces or urine. No extreme hunger. No other symptoms.
Duration: 2.5 months
General Location: Hyderabad, India
Lola's pic
I was told that before they came to me, they were infected with worms and Lola was affected more severely.
Lola is the picture of a kitten affected with worms - malnourished with a pot belly. Ezra is also malnourished with a mild pot belly, but he appears healthier than Lola.
My questions are as follows:
  1. They were dewormed once at 2 weeks before they came to me, and I got them dewormed again at 4 weeks in March. Then, yesterday, I got them dewormed again. Is that schedule okay?
  2. The dewormer that was given in my presence at the clinic in March - Ezra swallowed it easily, but for Lola they gave me the pill and asked me to mix it in her food, which I did and the deworming was successful.
But yesterday, there was another vet assistant who dissolved the tablet in water and forcefully injected it into my kittens' mouths and they spat it out once I put them in the carrier. I am not sure the deworming was successful.
I am going to another vet, because Lola looks severely malnourished and they didn't even sound any alarm bells and they seemed too distracted.
Do I start a new deworming schedule with the new vet? And what should the schedule be, if I am starting over?
3) Deworming is a preventative measure, but if my kittens already have worms in their bellies, should the dosage be higher? I am worried because I read too many posts about kittens dying after deworming.
4) How long will it take for the pot bellies to reduce? Lola's pot belly is the same since she came to me 4 weeks back. Both Ezra and Lola weight around 3.3lbs
5) I have been feeding them Sheba adult cat food because that is the only thing that they will touch, but from tomorrow onwards, I will stand my ground and give them kitten food - chicken loaf in gravy. I will give them every three hours, and remove it after 1 hour if they do not eat. That might coax them into eating.
My vet told me that it is okay to give the adult cat food but now I do not trust him anymore. He did not give me any advice at all.
I am also planning on giving them boiled chicken with turmeric (Google and the vet assistant as well suggested this) as a protein supplement to build their bodies faster.
Also, small carrot slices that they will eat in my presence and maybe a banana slice if they like it.
What do you think of the plan?
Please advice.
submitted by Affectionate-Yak7192 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 20:23 RyuichiSakuma13 Jinbei Update: Medical Issues

Jinbei Update: Medical Issues
I thought that everyone would like an update on Jinbei. The pics are from a couple of weeks ago to a couple of days ago.
After a second trip to the emergency vet because he aspirated (breathed in) milk on April 9th, he was hospitalized in the ICU overnight. He was placed on oxygen and we were given take-home antibiotics for him.
The vet who took care of him also said that "he's too young to tell for sure, but he might have cerebellar hypoplasia, (wobbly cat syndrome,) in which part of his brain didn't develop properly", so his balance and coordination is off.
Jinbei's lungs responded well to the antibiotic, but for some reason he began alligator rolling, so we took him to our regular vet. She explained that his brain now "couldn't tell which way is up, so he's trying to overcompensate by rolling,"or "it could be vestibular syndrome," so she put him on steroids. She actually consulted with a vet neurologist as to what dose to put him on since he was so young.
I ended up using a needle and syringe to give him one drop of his steroid every 12 hours. Jinbei stopped alligator rolling, but he still had a tendency to lean to one side or another. Our vet had also recommended that we "hold his head straight on his body for five minutes after feeding him," which we did.
Once he started walking, at first he had a tendency to go in circles. We kept giving him the steroids, and he began to be able to walk straighter and sit up. His head went to a more natural position and he looked more like a normal kitten. The only thing that was a bit different was his left eye, which his vet said was Horner's syndrome.
Right now, the vet is trying to figure out the correct steroid dosage for Jinbei. We're currently on every other day now, but his head tilt is back. I'm wondering if the diagnosis of vestribular syndrome is correct. We'll have to take him back to his vet to find out.
In the meantime, we are spoiling four and a half week old Jinbei with toys, our other two cats are adjusting to the new presence in the house and Jinbei is being a cute little "milk balloon," eating, growing and playing, both inside and out of his pen.
submitted by RyuichiSakuma13 to CatDistributionSystem [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 04:14 Western_Ad3600 FUO 3 yr old

3yr old neutered male FelV positive since around 3 months old Approx 10 lbs.
Last Friday evening, I thought his eyes looked glassy so I took his temp (rectally) and it was 106.2. Gave 0.3 metacam, 22.7mg baytril and proceeded to the ED. Temp came down to 104. Labs were unremarkable other than slightly elevated neutrophils. Advised to keep on metacam and baytril and d/c.
Fever continued to spike to 105s over the weekend but responded to NSAIDs. Took him in Monday to primary for additional check. He sounded wheezy so they did a chest x ray, gave an nsaid injection and added Clavamox.
Yesterday, I presented back to the primary vet for additional labs and a fecal. RBC and hgb was slightly low but she believes it was due to the time it took to withdraw the blood using a tiny needle. Gave him a dexamethasone injection thinking his immune system is in overdrive. His lungs sounded clear.
Today, his temp was 106.5. Gave his daily metacam. Down to 104.7
He is eating/drinking normal. Maybe a little more drinking but nothing excessive. Using the bathroom normal. He did have some diarrhea but with two antibiotics, I suspect that is normal. He does not appear lethargic. She was booping another cat in the face and chasing the kitten earlier. He has no URI symptoms. Not straining in the litter box. The only thing I can maybe think he is doing that’s different is grooming more.
I have horrible anxiety and always think worst case scenario and panic myself into a spiral. It’s mostly fear of the unknown. Vet mentioned FIP as a differential but said usually they feel crappy. No fluid seen on the x ray. No masses or abnormalities felt during abdominal palpation.
I have 11 other cats. One goes out under the car port on occasion but the rest including him are strictly indoors. I have not introduced any new animals since last summer. I have not handled any other cats in months.
I feel like we are missing something maybe uncommon. Could it be fungal ? Could antivirals be beneficial ? What would you recommend as next steps diagnostically? Is his leukemia just taking his body extra long to get a handle on it ? How worried should I be? I have his labs and x rays but idk that I’m able to upload. Thank you in advance. I need best and worst case scenario and out of the box thinking.
submitted by Western_Ad3600 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 03:11 megandood My girl is overly clingy and vocal after spay

My cat, Auburn (1.5 y/o), was spayed yesterday and I picked her up yesterday around 4:30pm. Last night she was running, screaming, and just completely spazzing out for a lack of a better word. I gave her anxiety meds and she finally calmed down a little. I tried shutting her in the bathroom, but she kept screaming and throwing herself at the door and jumping at the doorknob (I could hear it jingling). Last night was very stressful for both of us to say the least.
She was a feral kitten and normally hides 23 hours a day, and maybe she wants some pets the remaining hour. She sometimes will swat and hiss if I move too fast. Overall, she is a bitch but she’s my bitch and I refuse to give up on her.
Today, she’s not freaking out by running around or jumping, but she just won’t stop meowing and trying to cuddle. She was never vocal. Or a big cuddle bug. She keeps head-butting my face, laying up against me, then getting up and trying to smush even closer to me. I guess normally I wouldn’t be worried but this is so unlike her. I’ve just been holding her all day and talking to her while she meows.
She has pain meds, two anxiety meds, and an anti-inflammatory. Her incision already looks much better today. I’m just worried… is this normal? How can I make her more comfortable?? I was given permission by the hospital to slightly increase the frequency of the pain meds, but not the dosage.
submitted by megandood to cats [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 19:04 FarHighway5405 Neonatal kitten FHV

A stray in our neighborhood that we have interacted with and fed for a while gave birth to premature kittens. Two remain, and theyve grown to be 2 1/2 weeks old. Both have FHV and have now been prescribed clavamox but one started fading. Apprx 2 days ago at roughly 3pm i had not observed the kitten eat at all. Very concerning. I am not able to watch 24/7 but it had many of the symptoms of fks (fading kitten syndrome) where it would breath from its mouth after short pauses and a heavy huff. Randomly, it would cry out in pain is how i perceived its whine to be after long durations of silence or being asleep. It would also randomly cry like this when waking up suddenly and walking around and falling over like something was neurologically wrong. It was devastating to witness and albeit it all, i administered karo syrup and did tidbits of syringe feeding kmr milk and then went to bed and placed him with his mom in case he passed so he could be with his family. My other family member took over for me overnight and force fed him tidbits of kmr as well. Today i woke up and saw him still alive to my surprise and so i administered .05 ml of clavamox and after he got a bitter taste he immediately went to search and latched onto his mother for the first time in two days. He weighs .225 and his brother weighs .294 lbs. i was surprised and it led me to want to know…
Is it possible for him to pull through after not eating for (presumably — i could not witness him eat at all times for i am often not home, but when i was he refused for 7+ hours) a day? We forced him to eat by syringe droplets of kmr and stimulating his mouth to get him to swallow and “waking” him up. It wasnt much, but anything we could get in we tried. And yeah… so he is latching again after 2 days and veryyyy… long durations of refusing to eat. Articles say survival is unlikely beyond like 4 hours of not eating. Anyone had a kitten pull through fhv like this?
submitted by FarHighway5405 to kittens [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 03:11 geekz3r0 Potential overdose prescription clavamox

I'm hoping to get some input on a recent issue we've had with our 6 month old rottweiler pup and a recent vet experience.
Our little girl has had a vaginosis issue, I was told not an uncommon thing. Our vet prescribed Clavamox - 1.5 375mg pills twice daily. For the record, our girl is just shy of 65 pounds.
A couple days later, we noticed that her appetite was off, and she was panting a lot, even in the air conditioned home. We figured that the meds might be having a mild affect, so weren't overly concerned. On the third night, we noticed her panting much more heavily, and decided to call the vet the following day.
The following morning, she vomitted twice upon getting up, and had trouble standing. My wife immediately took her in to the vet. They said that she might be having an allergic reaction. They took blood tests, which came back with results that indicated a liver issue, evidently. I'm no vet, but the tests of concern seemed to be ("normal" values in parenthesis):
There were a couple other results that were nearing the "high" mark, but those were the alarming ones.
The vet suggested the following possibilities:
They prescribed NEW meds (one for liver health and another supposedly less reactive antibiotic), and sent us home. By now she was standing on her own, but not happy by a long shot.
I did a little research of my own (scary words these days), but it seems that the probability of allergic response to Clavamox is very low, and the symptoms didn't seem to line up with what we saw...specifically the liver toxicity. On the other hand, clavamox overdose seemed to fit quite well, although I had trouble determining what was considered a true overdose.
From what I read, the recommended dosage for a dog at 65 lbs is 400 mg twice daily. Her 1.5 pill prescription had her at 562.5 twice daily!
Am I reading too much into this? Would that level of "overdose" cause the reaction we've seen, and more importantly, the liver reaction?
For the record, I am absolutely not ruling out that she might've gotten hold of some food or plant product that could harm her. We've had dogs for years, however, and before getting her I even removed any remotely toxic plants from our backyard. As for finding food that was bad for her, it's possible, but she's still a pup, so we have eyes on her a LOT, so not super likely.
I'd love the input of a veterinary professional or anyone with similar experiences.
Thank you!
submitted by geekz3r0 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 01:44 Alarmed-Ad-6240 Clindamycin hack

My little kitten was recently given a prescription for almost a month of liquid clindamycin 2x per day.
As you may, it has a very strong and awful taste. The first time I gave it, my kitty gagged and threw it up immediately.
I was afraid of him associating me with the yucky taste & hurting our relationship (probably dramatic, but that’s where my mind went), so I came up with a little hack that made administering much easier!
Here’s what I do: equal parts water and prescribed dosage mixed with Purina Proplan Calming Care probiotic powder (about 1/3 of the packet per serving)
It seems to have masked the taste enough that he actually enjoys sitting in my lap while I squeeze the syringe into his mouth!
Just wanted to share with others who could possibly use this trick!
submitted by Alarmed-Ad-6240 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 23:58 DD854 UTI / AKI - advice needed

Hi all,
Hoping someone can offer some insight or advice for my cat’s ongoing kidney / bladder issue. My concern is since his urine is still reddish on and off (even with subQ fluids) that he still has kidney infection or something else…. Are there any additional tests we should be running? Stones, crystals, and cancer have all been ruled out. Most recent bloodwork attached.
Patient : 17 year old neutered male Siamese cat. I’ve had him since he was 8 weeks old. No prior urinary or bladder issues. He has IBD and is on 0.5mg of prednisolone. Also receives weekly B12 injections.
Background: NOVEMBER 25th, 2023 - pet sitter noticed red urine. He was taken to emergency vet. - Urine analysis confirmed bacteria present. - No blockage - Urine was NOT cultured. I regret this immensely. - X-ray showed no crystals, stones, or masses. - Prescribed Clavamox 2x/day for 5 days
DECEMBER 10th, 2023 (follow up appt) - urine analysis showed no bacteria - Bloodwork was standard / unremarkable
DECEMBER 28th, 2023 - small amount of blood in litter box - Urine analysis confirmed bacteria present - No blockage - 10-14 day antibiotic injection
JANUARY 12th, 2024 - urine extremely bloody - Urine analysis inclusive @ appt due to amount of blood - Urine cultured: NOTHING grew - Prescribed clavamox & acepromazine (to relax urethra)
JANUARY 20th, 2024 started urine supplements - pet well being urinary liquid - Fera bladder support powder (D-mannose)
JANUARY 23rd, 2024 - Urine analysis showed bacteria detected - Cultured bacteria: NOTHING grew - Ultrasound: no stones or cancerous masses BUT did find an “accessory or baby” bladder cyst attached to bladder
FEBRUARY 13th, 2024: - no change in cyst size - Urine analysis: said bacteria “suspected” at time of collection - High red blood cell count. - Cultured urine sample: negative bacteria
His only clinical symptom is the reddish urine. Appetite and drinking is fine. Not crying out in pain while urinating, no small amounts, no straining, etc.
Vet suspects the cyst like accessory bladder could be cause of the recurring UTI/cystisis episodes but due to Clint’s age we decide to forgo surgery as he doesn’t appear to be in pain. We also don’t proceed with additional antibiotics given the negative culture.
Late February 2024 - mid March 2024 - Clint’s urine turns clear with a couple days here and there of it being reddish - Looking back at this time I realize his appetite started to wane but attributed it to his dislike of steroid liquid and supplements in his food. His bowel movements also weren’t as frequent
March 21st, 2024: - Doesn’t eat for pet sitter for 48 hours and vomitted white foam - Admitted to emergency vet for 48 hours of IV fluids, Clavamox, anti-nausea and appetite stimulant given - Kidney levels slowly come down every 24 hours - I do NOT remember exact values but creatine was in the 7-9 range
March 23rd, 2024: transferred to primary vet and given daily subQ fluids along with previous mentions meds. - ultrasound showed no kidney stones
March 27th, 2024: kidney levels stable and coming down
April 4th, 2024: - reddish urine returned (last antibiotic dosage 48 hours prior)
April 16th, 2024: - kidney levels almost like nothing happened - Vet advised to reduce subQ fluids to 2-3x/week (100mL) - He goes back in 2 weeks for another urine analysis and to re-check values
His vet thinks his crashing episode was due to an AKI caused from an infection - probably from the ongoing urinary issues.
submitted by DD854 to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 22:58 DD854 UTI / AKI - advice needed

UTI / AKI - advice needed
Hi all,
Hoping someone can offer some insight or advice for my cat’s ongoing kidney / bladder issues and how to confirm if he has a kidney infection or something else.
Patient : 17 year old neutered male Siamese cat. I’ve had him since he was 8 weeks old. No prior urinary or bladder issues. He has IBD and is on 0.5mg of prednisolone. Also receives weekly B12 injections.
Background: NOVEMBER 25th, 2023 - while out of town pet sitter noticed red urine. He was taken to emergency vet. - Urine analysis confirmed bacteria present. - No blockage - Urine was NOT cultured. - X-ray showed no crystals, stones, or masses. - Prescribed Clavamox 2x/day for 5 days
DECEMBER 10th, 2023 (follow up appt) - urine analysis showed no bacteria - Bloodwork was standard / unremarkable
DECEMBER 28th, 2023 - small amount of blood in litter box - Urine analysis confirmed bacteria present - No blockage - 10-14 day antibiotic injection
JANUARY 12th, 2024 - urine extremely bloody - Urine analysis inclusive @ appt due to amount of blood - Urine cultured: NOTHING grew - Prescribed clavamox & acepromazine (to relax urethra)
JANUARY 20th, 2024 started urine supplements - pet well being urinary liquid - Fera bladder support powder (D-mannose)
JANUARY 23rd, 2024 - Urine analysis showed bacteria detected - Cultured bacteria: NOTHING grew - Ultrasound: no stones or cancerous masses BUT did find an “accessory or baby” bladder cyst attached to bladder
FEBRUARY 13th, 2024: - no change in cyst size - Urine analysis: said bacteria “suspected” at time of collection - High red blood cell count. - Cultured urine sample: negative bacteria
His only clinical symptom is the reddish urine. Appetite and drinking is fine. Not crying out in pain while urinating, no small amounts, no straining, etc.
Vet suspects the cyst like accessory bladder could be cause of the recurring UTI/cystisis episodes but due to Clint’s age we decide to forgo surgery as he doesn’t appear to be in pain.
Late February 2024 - mid March 2024 - Clint’s urine miraculously turns clear with a couple days here and there of it being reddish - Looking back at this time I realize his appetite started to wane but attributed it to his dislike of steroid liquid and supplements in his food. His bowel movements also weren’t as frequent
March 21st, 2024: - Doesn’t eat for pet sitter for 48 hours and vomitted white foam - Admitted to emergency vet for 48 hours of IV fluids, Clavamox, anti-nausea and appetite stimulant given - Kidney levels slowly come down every 24 hours - I do NOT remember exact values but creatine was in the 7-9 range
March 23rd, 2024: transferred to primary vet and given daily subQ fluids along with previous mentions meds. - ultrasound showed no kidney stones
March 27th, 2024: kidney levels stable and coming down
  • Switched to renal diet
  • daily subQ (100 mL) at home
  • Fortiflora probiotic
April 4th, 2024: - reddish urine returned (last antibiotic dosage 48 hours prior)
April 16th, 2024: - kidney levels almost like nothing happened - Vet advised to reduce subQ fluids to 2-3x/week (100mL) - He goes back in a month to re-check values
His vet thinks his crashing episode was due to an AKI caused from an infection - probably from the ongoing urinary issues. My concern is since his urine is still reddish on and off (even with subQ fluids) that he still has an ONGOING kidney infection or something else…. Are there any additional tests we should be running? Stones, crystals, and cancer have all been ruled out. At this point, I want to put him on a long course of antibiotics but the vet seemed reluctant.
I posted on the FB group but wanted to post here as well. Thank you!!!
submitted by DD854 to RenalCats [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 18:44 Hot_Cut_7617 My 5mo kitten still not improving - Day 6

My 5mo kitten still not improving - Day 6
Hi, I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong or if we just need to be more patient while the meds work? Trying not to stress myself out 😫 Ozzy is our 5 month old Maine Coon and he has been diagnosed with Wet FIP. We are heartbroken but still hopeful. We are in the UK, so took him to the Paragon animal hospital in Wakefield. He was so thin and poorly (yes, I’m kicking myself for not noticing sooner but it really happened SO FAST) that he was admitted for four days for an IV infusion and then started on the tablets (half a tablet, twice a day). He’s home, but his poor belly is still massive and he’s struggling to get around normally. His third eyelid/membrane is also more visible lately. He’s eating slightly more, but has no energy. his breathing rate is about 40/min but the vet said this was okay - 45 warrants a phone call/appointment. After reading so many posts where improvements were seen so quickly, I’m worried that maybe his dosage needs to be higher, that he needs to go back to the hospital, or that there are some possible neuro symptoms, but I’m also not confident enough to challenge/question the vet on the treatment. Does anyone have experience with wet FIP in kittens that are taking the GS-441524 tablets? Any reassurance or advice appreciated. I love this little guy so much and I’m so scared to lose him 🥺 *photo is pre-FIP 🐾
submitted by Hot_Cut_7617 to cureFIP [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 19:59 Alkshinaynay Symptoms of Giardia/ coccidia but negative fecal

So I’m hoping a vet can chime in, and maybe this post will be helpful to others.
I have two kittens that are showing symptoms of Giardia/ coccidia, rapid weight loss (skinny and bones suddenly), no appetite, foul diarreah, a day of vomiting with the other symptoms following it. It seems they puke first and the rest of the symptoms start after 12 hours of little pukes.
As soon as I noticed the puking and weight loss I did a 3 day Toltrazuril treatment. Usually this works pretty well for coccidia/ Giardia, but it did not seem to do much. Sent in a fecal, completely negative.
Fast forward three days after initial symptoms, I now have them on metronidazole for the runs, probiotics, panacur, and high calorie paste as well as subcu fluids since they’re not eating or drinking.
Nothing seemed to be working for the coccidia protocol drugs. I started syringe feeding because they were almost a full lb less than they were days ago. Then after the negative fecal I thought - perhaps this really is not coccidia or Giardia, maybe it’s some sort of bacterial infection of the gut. By this time they had been on metro for five days, panacur for three, done with Toltrazuril and still were not getting better.
So I changed the meds. Metro and clavamox. Overnight, they were better. Two days later, eating, drinking, playing and NORMAL STOOL!
I wish I had done a pcr to know exactly what bacteria is doing this. If anyone has an idea of what bacteria would cause these symptoms and how to eliminate from the environment that would be great. I usually use ammonia and water to clean as that kills coccidia, but if this is not coccidia/ Giardia I’m concerned ammonia is not the right chemical to clean with.
submitted by Alkshinaynay to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 06:17 Away-Error6818 Ringworm of the Scalp on infant

My daughter is 7 months old and has ringworm on her scalp. We know for sure this is the case because we were watching for it after the new kitten at Grandma's had it. It is the type of ringworm that glows under UV light (look it up for more info), and we're able to confirm it because hers is glowing green as well.
So in just preliminary research I saw that it can be a lot harder to get rid of ringworm on the scalp and that most people are given oral antifungal medication that you have to take for up to 4 months! I was not feeling good about this and the PA we saw agreed because he wouldn't even know what dosage to give her (his words) and said to just try a prescription strength topical cream. I was happy with this and have been doing it for about a week. In hindsight I know he did not know what he was talking about.
The spot itself has gotten better, but I decided to look at it under the UV lamp again and it looked like it had way more dots and I freaked out and did hours of research. There isn't much out there but I was able to come across this medical journal (linked) that talks about the rare instances of it in infants. And it says that the infection of the fungus will not go away on its own because the fungus literally goes into the hair follicles in your scalp and even the hair shafts (that info is collected across multiple corners of the internet).
I want to throw up.
I don't want my 7 month old to take antifungal medicine that you literally can't take with liver disease because it can be harsh on your liver. That scares me. But I also want to make sure that we stop this fungus.
What would you do?
submitted by Away-Error6818 to moderatelygranolamoms [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 02:49 Administrative_Cow20 Week old? Kitten help

Week old? Kitten help
Hello, I have a 170 gram (6 ounce) kitten with suspected cellulitis in his hind feet.
(Neighbor found him abandoned by mom, screaming on her porch. She kept him warm, but was feeding him breast milk (!) and not often enough. For those reasons, I offered to take him)
I’m guessing he’s about a week old because his eyes are closed, umbilical is dry, and he responds strongly to sound. He may also be developing a respiratory infection.
I have KMR, unflavored Pedialyte, started him on Clavamox, he’s urinated, doesn’t seem too dehydrated, but won’t eat. Heating pad under his blankets and he’s mobile enough to choose where he wants to sleep.
He won’t eat, not from a bottle, syringe, a cotton swab, he doesn’t want it. Will suck in my hands though.
Please share any hints, tips, web resources, anything! I’ve raised dozens of babies in my life, rabbits, possums, plenty of kittens, but never a kitten this small. And never a singleton.
submitted by Administrative_Cow20 to FosterAnimals [link] [comments]