Rude quotess

I Want to change my life.

2021.07.27 17:38 Perikolo13 I Want to change my life.

Hi, I'm a 21 yo man from Spain, so sorry if this have some bad english use.
I have what I think is anxiety and deoression. Why I say that I think? Because I Can't afford a medic or therapist, and all this thanks to my parents.
I never finished the equivalent to 12th grade two years ago due to bad grades in a few subjects, mainly Spain History, Art Story and Philosophy. The main problem I have with that three was how I need to memorize text, and let's say I wasn't good at it, why?. Well maybe when you threat your son with quotess like "I'm going to cut your throat if you don't approve" and taking away possessions that's go things, that plus the fact the professor for the two History subjects was an asshole who wants you to copy perfectly the text in the book, what is fucking stupid, you don't learn anything that way, you are just memorizing a stupid text you go to forgot about in a hour before the exam.
So I don't finish my studies, I can't search for a job or goes to university, but apart of that, I don't have a preference, there's nothing I got interested, and when something seems interested I discard it, why? Parents again.
For years and years I was treated as the useless of the family, they never ask me anything because they think I was going to do it wrong but when they do is just 2 seconds of "Oh, you don't know how to do this thing, you're useless", yeah, because, what are you going to do? FUCKING TEACH ME ABOUT IT?, nah, that's stupid.
Also the facts they want me to have a driver's license and call me useless again for not having one, the thing is, a don't want to have a driver's license right now, just the thought of have the responsability of driving in highway or, what my father wants, trucks, FUCKING TRUCKS, I got ansious over driving a car imagine with a truck.
I hate how they treat me like an idiot or someone with zero value just because I'm their son and younger than them. I can't have a normal discussion with them, that the main motive for why I don't talk this with them, they see every problem I have as a stupid thing, I say to them about how I have problems memorizing and "Oh, study more", I few months my body starts to hurt in a few parts like the chest and stomach, so a got worried, I also have headaches to time to time and trouble breathing, so I told my mother about this, she first say that anxiety but instead of worry if I have any trouble she just say if I got angry playing games....Yeah, of course I got angry at the videogames I play because, you know, that stupid tomato growing in my farm in Stardew Valley, those Ace Attorney trials or Picross really make me angry, and even better, since that conversation one month ago I still waiting for that medic visit.
I want to leaave the house, but I don't have money, searching a job here is almost impossible since everything near me literally is "I want a WOMAN, and just a WOMAN to clean my house" or "We search young people with 50 years of experience".
I have this girl I talk with by Whatsapp, I like her a lot, she one of the few things that make me happy, she seems to have some kind of low autism (she say to me, don't want to be rude or anything) so she is a bit slow for things, it's hard for her to understand some things sometimes but that made me want to protect her, hell, I want to protect here even before knowing about that, I know she is trying to learn how to be indepedant from her parents so she can leave her house too but, well, she leaves in the other side of the countries, where the prize for renting a house is the double that where I leave, I don't want her to be stressful about this, but without a good paid job, I can't do anything.
I want a job that don't consume my entire day, that give me time to enjoy my apartment, planning what to cook, cleaning and other things, all without people screaming at me everytime.
submitted by Perikolo13 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]