Performing autocorrelation matlab

The GNU Octave Subreddit

2012.09.26 11:45 The GNU Octave Subreddit

Subreddit for discussing topics and questions related to GNU Octave. Now back open for business!

2024.06.01 07:08 hooperman909 ATS friendly or not?

Please tell me if the resumes here are ats friendly or not? Any additional critique will be greatly appreciated!
submitted by hooperman909 to Resume [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:18 goof_balloof Back by unpopular nondemand, I have made some of the edits you all suggested. Which resume do you like better, resume 1, or resume A? Further Edits?

Back by unpopular nondemand, I have made some of the edits you all suggested. Which resume do you like better, resume 1, or resume A? Further Edits? submitted by goof_balloof to rfelectronics [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:59 Suspicious_State_318 New Grad Looking to Enhance Resume

submitted by Suspicious_State_318 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:06 JoblessLoser2435 We're at 8 months now. Still no interviews.

We're at 8 months now. Still no interviews.
Been looking for data science/software engineering roles for about 8 months now. Feeling pretty helpless and my contract is expiring at my current job in a month. Could I please get some feedback on my resume? Maybe some tips that have helped you guys in similar positions?
If you're a recruiter, save me.
submitted by JoblessLoser2435 to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:53 nn_4 Resume review for MSAT/PD roles

Resume review for MSAT/PD roles
Hi y'all! I am a recent master's graduate (ivy league if that helps) and looking to get into MSAT/PD. I have been applying to jobs in pharma/medtech for a while now and was hoping to get my resume reviewed to see if its good/what needs to be changed to increase the chances of getting callbacks.
FYI - this is a generic version, hence the two pages. I usually tailor the resume according to the posting requirements and it fits in one page. I know the market it bad and its hurting my chances of getting callbacks (I'm an international student on visa), so just want to keep my resume in order as I can't afford to screw up anywhere. Any advice/suggestions is greatly appreciated. TIA
submitted by nn_4 to biotech [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:24 CFDMoFo How to appropriately filter noisy dynamic tensile test data?

How to appropriately filter noisy dynamic tensile test data?
Hello there, I performed some dynamic tensile tests in the strain rate range of 80/s to 700/s on polymer specimens and am now in the process of cleaning the data. I assume that the oscillations stem from the impact exciting the impactor, sample bracket and load cell (+mount) assembly, and that the oscillation frequency therefore is near identical across all files. My question now is how to appropriately filter the results, since I know barely anything about filtering and signal processing. Trying the different algorithms of the data cleaner tool in Matlab, the Savitzky-Golay filter seems to produce "nice" results. But how can I determine adequate settings for the filter or if it's the right choice at all? I have a set of 200 samples at different speeds and ductility levels, therefore it would be best that the settings work for all the files since I need to process them in batch. Two such signal examples are shown below. Thanks!
submitted by CFDMoFo to engineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 09:21 erika_baker Top 7 Websites for Electrical Engineering Assignment Help

Are you a student navigating the complex terrain of electrical engineering assignments? In the digital age, seeking assistance online has become an indispensable resource for academic success. To aid you in your quest for excellence, we delve deeper into the top 7 websites specifically tailored to cater to the needs of electrical engineering students. Let’s embark on a journey to uncover the intricacies of each platform and equip you with the knowledge to make informed choices for your academic pursuits.
  1. With a laser focus on MATLAB assignments, this website boasts a team of seasoned professionals well-versed in electrical engineering intricacies. From signal processing to circuit analysis, their electrical engineering assignment helpers offer bespoke solutions tailored to your assignment requirements.
  2. Embark on a collaborative journey with tutors who are not just proficient in MATLAB but also adept at simplifying complex concepts in electrical engineering. Their commitment to student success is evident in the comprehensive support they provide round the clock.
  3. Tailored assistance awaits you on this platform, where MATLAB prowess meets a deep understanding of electrical engineering principles. Dive into a pool of resources curated to enhance your learning experience and elevate your academic performance.
  4. Casting a wider net, this platform offers assistance across a spectrum of subjects, including electrical engineering. Their team of experts combines academic prowess with practical insights to deliver assignments that meet the highest standards of excellence.
  5. Reddit: Beyond conventional websites, Reddit serves as a dynamic hub where students congregate to seek and share knowledge. Engage with vibrant communities like ElectricalEngineering and tap into a wealth of collective wisdom from peers and professionals alike.
  6. Unlock the full potential of your assignments with personalized guidance from experienced tutors. From theory to practical applications, their comprehensive approach ensures that every aspect of your assignment is meticulously addressed.
  7. Quora: Delve into the depths of electrical engineering quandaries on Quora, where a diverse community of experts and enthusiasts awaits. Harness the power of collaborative learning as you seek answers and insights to propel your academic journey forward.
Choosing the right website for your assignment necessitates a discerning approach. Evaluate factors such as the website's specialization, tutor expertise, user feedback, and pricing structure. Consider whether the platform aligns with your learning style and academic objectives to maximize the benefits of online assistance.
In conclusion, these premier websites offer a beacon of hope for electrical engineering students grappling with assignments. By leveraging their expertise and resources, you can illuminate your path to academic excellence and emerge triumphant in your endeavors. So, seize the opportunity to harness the collective wisdom of these platforms and illuminate your journey in electrical engineering!
submitted by erika_baker to Matlabstudies [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:27 ExpressTherage7 [Student] Mechanical Engineering Internship Search - Updated my resume, any recommendations?

[Student] Mechanical Engineering Internship Search - Updated my resume, any recommendations?
Hello, I've read the wiki and tried to follow it as much as I could since after 50 odd applications I received no response. With that said, is there anything I could improve on my resumes? I've consulted some friends as well as one that is directly involved in hiring Engineers and I've heard mixed opinions. Which leaves me wondering, is an objective section necessary If I'm a student? And should I even include my old job experience as it isn't relevant to any future engineering work. I've heard the argument that it should be removed and others that say it's good as it shows I'm capable of actually working.
submitted by ExpressTherage7 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:34 Own_Cat_1293 [0 YOE] MechE with intern and project experience looking for a resume review and feedback

[0 YOE] MechE with intern and project experience looking for a resume review and feedback
Hi all,
Undergraduate student here looking for a resume review of my resume. I feel its okay but feels a bit long in my opinion, but i'm not sure how to shorten it without losing detail. I've had decent success with a previous iteration but this iteration I added in more interesting projects and spruced up the bullet points a bit. I'm trying to land an intern role or coop role with a tech company and hopefully this iteration is good enough to make it. Any tips or insights are appreciated, thanks!!!
submitted by Own_Cat_1293 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:04 Gr8Space825 [0 YoE] Entry Level Aerospace Engineering New Grad Struggling to get Interviews. Looking for feedback on my resume.

[0 YoE] Entry Level Aerospace Engineering New Grad Struggling to get Interviews. Looking for feedback on my resume.
Hi everyone, I am a recent aerospace engineering graduate trying to find an entry level position. I am looking for some feedback on my resume. I am looking for an entry level position mainly in Aerospace Propulsion but any other aerospace role will work as well. I was able to land a couple of internships while at school but am still having issues hearing back from companies that I have applied to over the last couple of months. Any help on what I should change/remove/add would be awesome thank you!
Thanks again for any help!
submitted by Gr8Space825 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:19 hB_57 Please, roast my resume

Over 100+ jobs applied to and sadly no callbacks!!! any feedback no matter how harsh or nice it is is well needed!!!! i randomly named some info and labeled it "XYZ" for privacy reasons. mostly focused on applying to Machine learning Engineer, anything related to ML and DL, and Data Analyst entry level roles.
submitted by hB_57 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:25 ContemplativeOctopus Exploring options for engineering school. USA $500-1000

Total budget (in local currency) and country of purchase. Please do not use USD unless purchasing in the US:
-either ~$500 USD for minimum functionality (ms office), or possibly up to $1000-1200 for something CAD capable-
Are you open to refurbs/used?
-No, used laptop motherboard just died on me. Unless you have a very convincing reason.-
How would you prioritize form factor (ultrabook, 2-in-1, etc.), build quality, performance, and battery life?
-build quality/reliability 1st, performance 2nd, weight 3rd, battery 4th-
How important is weight and thinness to you?
-not very, anything modern under 1" thick and 10 lbs is probably fine-
Do you have a preferred screen size? If indifferent, put N/A.
Are you doing any CAD/video editing/photo editing/gaming? List which programs/games you desire to run.
-for cheaper option no. Nothing but excel, coding, Matlab. For pricier option I would be running solid works, or whatever CAD program is used in class.-
If you're gaming, do you have certain games you want to play? At what settings and FPS do you want?
Any specific requirements such as good keyboard, reliable build quality, touch-screen, finger-print reader, optical drive or good input devices (keyboard/touchpad)?
-no, tbh fewer features better-
Leave any finishing thoughts here that you may feel are necessary and beneficial to the discussion.
submitted by ContemplativeOctopus to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:05 therealmunchies Laptop - Another Engineering Masters Student (ECE)

I have a desktop at home (R9 5900X, 3080, 32 GB DDR4, 4 TB+ SSD) and would only really need a laptop to complete coursework when I'm traveling as I'm a working professional and going to school part time. I don't expect to play any games on this laptop, but I would enjoy a laptop with similar performance as my desktop.
I don't need the laptop to do any extreme, heavy lifting. Just something that will efficiently get me by until I return home as I most likely won't even touch the laptop unless I head out.
Total budget (in local currency) and country of purchase. Please do not use USD unless purchasing in the US:
Are you open to refurbs/used?
How would you prioritize form factor (ultrabook, 2-in-1, etc.), build quality, performance, and battery life?
  1. Performance
  2. Build Quality
  3. Form factor
  4. Battery Life
How important is weight and thinness to you?
Do you have a preferred screen size? If indifferent, put N/A.
Are you doing any CAD/video editing/photo editing/gaming? List which programs/games you desire to run.
What laptops have you already considered?
submitted by therealmunchies to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 11:04 erika_baker Maximizing Efficiency and Performance: Filter Design Optimization Techniques

In the realm of signal processing, filter design stands as a fundamental task, shaping the quality and efficiency of various systems. However, achieving optimal filter designs requires a nuanced understanding of techniques that balance efficiency, performance, and complexity. In this article, we explore the best practices and optimization techniques for filter design, offering insights tailored to MATLAB users seeking help with filter design assignments.

Understanding Filter Design Optimization

Filter design optimization aims to enhance the efficiency and performance of filters while minimizing complexity. It involves a strategic approach to parameter selection, algorithmic implementation, and trade-off considerations. By leveraging optimization techniques, engineers can tailor filters to meet specific requirements with precision.

Techniques for Efficiency Enhancement

Efficiency is paramount in filter design, particularly in real-time applications or resource-constrained environments. MATLAB offers a plethora of tools and algorithms to optimize filter efficiency:

Maximizing Performance Metrics

Performance metrics such as passband ripple, stopband attenuation, and transition width play a crucial role in filter design. MATLAB provides powerful optimization tools to maximize these metrics:

Minimizing Design Complexity

Complex filter designs can pose implementation challenges and computational overhead. MATLAB facilitates the reduction of design complexity through various means:


Filter design optimization is a multifaceted endeavor that demands a deep understanding of signal processing principles, optimization techniques, and MATLAB capabilities. By embracing best practices and leveraging MATLAB's robust toolset, engineers can craft filters that exhibit superior efficiency, performance, and scalability. For students seeking help with filter design assignments, mastering these optimization techniques is essential for academic success and professional growth.
For expert assistance with filter design assignments and optimization challenges, visit Our team of seasoned professionals is dedicated to helping you unlock the full potential of filter design in MATLAB.
submitted by erika_baker to Matlabstudies [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:28 goof_balloof Hello, please roast my resume and send me home crying. I'm mostly targeting Bay area jobs, there's one out there right now from a recruiter that looks particularly intriguing

Hello, please roast my resume and send me home crying. I'm mostly targeting Bay area jobs, there's one out there right now from a recruiter that looks particularly intriguing submitted by goof_balloof to ElectricalEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:20 goof_balloof Hello, please roast my resume and send me home crying. I'm mostly targeting Bay area jobs, there's one out there right now from a recruiter that looks particularly intriguing

Hello, please roast my resume and send me home crying. I'm mostly targeting Bay area jobs, there's one out there right now from a recruiter that looks particularly intriguing submitted by goof_balloof to rfelectronics [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:08 bjbrandon1 Struggling to find a job. Been trying for over a year. Any Advice?

submitted by bjbrandon1 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 18:51 External-Feeling-424 Feedback on my resume as a physics/math double major

Feedback on my resume as a physics/math double major
Is there anything I should add or subtract from my resume? Does It look strong for job applications?
submitted by External-Feeling-424 to ResumeExperts [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 18:50 External-Feeling-424 Any feedback on my resume is greatly appreciated

Any feedback like what to add/subtract and if my resume is strong enough for jobs in my fields will be greatly appreciated. I’m about to start applying for jobs so I wanted to make sure.
submitted by External-Feeling-424 to Resume [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 18:30 Embarrassed-Handle-6 [0 YoE] New Grad Seeking Entry-Level Opportunities in Mechanical Engineering (any opportunities) Post #3

[0 YoE] New Grad Seeking Entry-Level Opportunities in Mechanical Engineering (any opportunities) Post #3
Hi everyone, this is my third iteration of my resume posted so far. Post #1 Post #2
I just recently graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and unfortunately could not land an internship during my 4 years. Any help on what i should change/add/remove would be awesome thank you!
submitted by Embarrassed-Handle-6 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:01 fark13 Domain Architect - Data & Analytics - Brooks Running - United states

Domain Architect - Data & Analytics - Brooks Running - United states
Who We Are:
At Brooks, we believe a run can change a day, a life, the world. Everyone who works here is a key part of our obsession to make the best running gear on the planet. We want our business — which also happens to be our passion — to be a place where everyone feels welcome and comfortable being themselves. Our company culture defines us, bonds us together, and drives our success. We live this culture daily through our brand values: Runner First, Word is Bond, Champion Heart, There is no “I” in Run, and Keep Moving. This means we always solve for the runner, do what we say we will, give it our all, are generous with our humanity, and find a way to keep moving every day, because joy is kinetic.
Are you ready to help create something extraordinary?
Your Job:
The Enterprise Data & Analytics department is currently seeking an experienced Domain Architect that spans the entirety of our cloud-native data and analytics platform. This is an exciting opportunity to join a dynamic, growing team aimed at shaping the future of Brooks by enabling our people to make better, faster, data driven decisions. You have passion for data, analytics, and how things work. You get excited about technology and sweat the details. You embrace the challenges and dive-in when things get sticky. You bring positive energy, collaboration, and intention to your work; you take pride in quality. As the Data & Analytics Domain Architect, you will own the over-arching technology architecture for all solutions that make up our platform – both now (data integration tools to cloud PaaS services and Business Intelligence solutions) and in the future (AI / machine learning), you will know how everything ties together and ultimately how the platform delivers data and insights to our thirsty consumers. You will engage daily with the entirety of the Enterprise Data & Analytics team (Data Engineering, Business Intelligence, Data Science, Product Management Owners, and even Data Management and Governance) to understand the work and facilitate complete solutions. You will partner with peer architects across IT and communicate the touchpoints, integrations, processes and timings between the Data & Analytics Platform and other systems.
NOTE: This is a Seattle-based role
 Your Responsibilities: 
  • In alignment with the enterprise IT framework, develop data & analytics architecture patterns, guiding principles, best practices, processes, and standards and communicate those to the appropriate teams
  • Document the analytical data, information, integration, and system architectures – conceptual, logical, physical
  • Create and manage current/target state, architecture decisions, common framework, and components
  • Lead the efforts to develop and maintain the architecture quality (performance, security, availability, and flexibility)
  • Set an architecture direction that is aligned with business and IT strategy and goals
  • Maintain, evolve, iterate the application portfolio (application lifecycles and investment disposition) for applications in conjunction with IT and Enterprise Architecture leadership
  • Advise on tool selection, new design patterns, scoping and estimation, remediation of technical debt, and identifying risks and issues
  • Execute proof of concepts to validate tool / solution fit and participate in all vendor evaluations
  • Collaborate with the broader architecture community to ensure solutions align with the target architectures, roadmaps, standards, and principles
  • Define the solution architectures for highly complex projects
  • Review and approve all solution architectures to ensure alignment with domain architecture
  • Guide data pipeline and database design using modern data engineering tools and techniques
  • Deep dive into the technical challenges and issues that data platform teams face (analysis, mitigation, and solution remediation)
  • Balance capabilities of technical solution with ongoing costs for maintenance, support, and enhancement; evaluate the total cost of ownership
  • Lead efforts to develop and maintain the architectural assets for the functional or discipline domain; assets include architecture models, documentation, integration specifications, all in alignment with enterprise architecture standards
  • Set an architecture direction and roadmap for the domain that is aligned with the business and IT goals and enterprise architecture principles
  • Accountable for ensuring all solution architectures are presented for review by the Architecture Review Board (in partnership with solution architect, where applicable)
  • Participate as an accountable member of the Architecture Review Board to ensure architecture quality and compliance
  • Ensures architecture standards and principals are adhered to in the specific domain
  • Guide technology teams and solutions architects in the domain, ensuring solutions are implemented to standards
  • Mentor solution architects on domain-specific architectural assets and skills
  • Continuously develop cross-functional area or discipline knowledge and skills
  • Clearly communicate at the appropriate level of detail to stakeholders, data platform customers, technical team members, and business partners
  • Mentor solution architects
  • Demonstrate innovation and initiative – always look at improving our products and processes while also displaying a willingness to dive into the details and help wherever necessary
  • Maintain awareness of new technologies, approaches, challenges, etc. in the space of Data, Business Intelligence, and AI / Machine Learning
  • Represent Enterprise Architecture by advocating and sharing knowledge with others in IT and across the broader organization
  • Partner with business stakeholders to obtain expert-level knowledge of business objectives, initiatives, and roadmaps and identify viable technology solutions to deliver upon business strategies
  • Bring a positive Run Happy energy and work with the team to deliver the best possible solutions
  • Other responsibilities as required
Qualifications: - Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, MIS, or related field preferred - 10+ years professional experience in data warehousing, data modeling / analysis, and data architecture concepts and techniques - Deep understanding of data platform architecture and cloud data solutions; Snowflake Data Platform required - Expert knowledge of SQL (T-SQL, MSSQL, TSQL and NoSQL) including programmability features and techniques - Expert knowledge of data management, data integration, and database development techniques - Expert knowledge of scripting languages such as Python, R, MATLAB; Python preferred. - Awareness of data protection laws and regulations, globally - Excellent communication (written and verbal) skills, specific ability to break down technical topics into non-technical audiences - Effective problem-solver, with extraordinary analytical skills and attention to detail - Experience with ETL (e.g., Alteryx, KNIME, DBT, Airflow) and business intelligence tools (e.g., Tableau, Power BI) - Actively work to learn new skills to stay current with changing technologies and industry trends - Ability to work collaboratively within a larger team and across all levels of the organization - Ability to multi-task and manage multiple priorities concurrently - Exposure to data science technologies and capabilities - Embraces and lives Brooks values!
submitted by fark13 to sports_jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 12:41 nite_cxd Studying mechatronics but cannot understand anything

Hello, first of all, if I type something wrong or that is against the community guide, I am sorry.
I am a junior electric and electronics major, and now I am studying for my mechatronics finals, but I cannot understand anything about PID controllers, schematics, or anything else. Normally it is not a mandatory class for electricians but I wanted to learn how I get better in mechatronics and stuff, I successfully completed labs, and I also created a working 3 axis servo actuated gimbal as a project, but here in the finals I do not know anything from lectures, and I have zero experience in the simulink.
I have some questions to solve as an exercise for the finals but I haven't used Simulink before, I had some experience in Matlab but absolutely not in Simulink.
Here is question I got from lecturer.
-Question 1: Construct a DC motor model with a gear. Implement cascaded control structure, in which the inner loop regulates current and the outer loop regulates angular position. (A simple block diagram may be given)
-Question 2: Download data1.txt from LMS (That data set is on our university system). This file contains system identification data, where the 1st column is time, the 2nd column is input (chirp signal), the third column is output. Using the system identification toolbox, obtain a transfer function that fits more than 90% to the identification data.
-Question 3a: Design a PD controller for the model identified in Question 2. Calculate PD gains for 10% overshoot and 4 s of settling time. The input is a unit step.
-Question 3b: Design a PID controller for the model identified in Question 2. Use Ziegler-Nichols method to tune the gains. The input is a unit step.
-Question 3c: Compare the controller performance using a common scope. Comment on the individual controller performances.
-Question 4: Download data2.txt from LMS. This file contains torque and angular velocity data for a DC motor system, where the 1st column is time, the 2nd column is angular velocity, the third column is torque. We would like to pick a harmonic drive with reduction rate of 30:1
Calculate average angular velocity and average torque values. Based on this calculations, pick a Harmonic drive that has the minimum weight.
In Question 2 it says to download some data set but I just want to learn what I should do and how to do it.
If there is someone who can help me to understand these questions and what my goal must be I would really appreciate it. Also if there is a youtube channel for these topics to learn I would like to receive advice.
submitted by nite_cxd to study [link] [comments]