Metoprolol and lisinopril together

Burning Sensation?

2024.05.29 02:28 ExtensionSelect778 Burning Sensation?

One week ago I woke up with burning pain up my right leg to my hip. It has since spread to both legs all the way up to my chest. It feels like a severe sunburn yet no rash, no physical signs that anything is wrong. Additionally, the widespread tingling and pins and needles l've had for a few years has gotten worse... and my arms randomly become useless (I'll try to grab something or move my arm and nothing..)... amongst other unexplainable symptoms; the weakness doesn't last but happens often and lasts for a few minutes. l've made an appt with my neurologist but it isn't until late August. Does anyone know what could be going on?? Does anything help this? The burning is so painful. Thanks in advance!
Age: 34
Sex: F
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 160lbs
Race: Wh
Current medications: Lisinopril, Metoprolol, Aspirin, Montelukast, Bupropion
submitted by ExtensionSelect778 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 04:13 List_Legal Anyone here take topamax for migraines? How is it with Wellbutrin!

Any advice on timing these things together? I take Wellbutrin as soon as I wake up and that works great but I’m also recommended to take topamax in the morning. Well they said I could do it morning or night but didn’t ask when I took the Wellbutrin so I don’t think they were considering that.
I know I obviously should follow doctor advice but sometimes you all are more helpful! Doc also said I could take metoprolol and Wellbutrin at the same time and that didn’t go too well (as one of you guys mentioned on a post I made 😂).
Any insight on the combo is appreciated 🙏
submitted by List_Legal to Wellbutrin_Bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 18:03 xzRe56 WEEK 1 KIT 2: REVIEW

I completed my first week on Kit 2 yesterday and, as so many of the posts on here have been helpful for me in my "Hims journey," I thought I'd reflect on my week and offer tips that I've found helpful. I'll try to keep this up weekly. Feel free to let me know your thoughts and experiences.



For Week 1, Kit 2 contains the following medications:
a) Naltrexone (14 mg 1/2 tab per day)
b) Metformin XR (750 mg 1x per morning with food)
c) Bupropion XL (150 mg 1x per day)


On Day 1, I did something that really helped later on, looking back on it. Before beginning the program, I had read horror stories on this sub-Reddit about people's interactions with these medications, so I decided to take each by itself on the first day in order to isolate their effects on me.
NALTREXONE: I took the half tab of Naltrexone first thing in the morning and went about my routine: doing daily puzzles, completing Duolingo exercises, trying some brain games and, of course, browsing Reddit. At about the two hour point, I began to feel fuzzy-headed (a dull cloudiness in the brain that reminded me of just waking up in the morning, or of being mildly stoned). I also felt a bit tingly around my hands and face, with a slight but not debilitating nausea. Luckily, I am retired, so I lay down and took a short 20- or 30-minute nap, from which I awoke feeling refreshed and ready for the day.
METFORMIN XL: Many Reddit users reported having difficulty with Metformin, specifically with diarrhea issues if they didn't take it with food (which HIMS definitely advises). On Day 1, I took Metformin after a decent-sized lunch, about four hours after the Naltrexone. As it turned out, I had no side effects whatsoever with this drug. Had I not taken this separately from the Naltrexone, I would not have known which of the two affected me, or would have thought they both negatively affected me.
BUPROPION XL: I administered this medication about four hours after the Metformin, with just water, and felt no symptoms whatsoever.
WATER: I found drinking plenty of water to be an important part of the program. HIMS conveniently provides a water bottle to help with this. Drink at least two bottles per day!


After the initial "discovery" phase on Day 1, I decided for the remainder of the first week to administer Naltrexone and Metformin together in the morning with sufficient food: generally yogurt and fruit, a protein bar and milk, a protein shake, or egg and toast. I never experienced diarrhea, but the effects of the Naltrexone remained, curiously decreasing in intensity as the week progressed, I would then take the Bupropion at some point after noon, generally around 2:00 pm. Again, I experienced no effects from this medication.


At the end of Week 1, had lost 6.7 lbs. I honestly was surprised, because I didn't really feel any different. I'm sure a lot of it was water, but I'll take it. I noticed at times this week that I felt quite euphoric, happy and generally positive. I tend to be a "let it flow" kind of guy, but this was next level. (For example, yesterday I stood in line at the County Assessor's Office for over an hour and wasn't phased by the wait or off-put by the experience. I just queued up as though I were an Englishmen and endured the wait and was even cheerful to the person who eventually assisted me). I've read from several on here that this program robs you of your sex drive, love for food and drink, exercise drive (if there is such a thing) and joie de vivre, which I found to be partially true and partially false (for me).
Sex drive? Well, I'm 68 and gay, so what can I say? In our community, 68 is ancient and you're something of an invisible entity. My husband tends to have a much less prominent libido than me, but I found that this program kind of evened us out. I definitely felt less inclined towards (or interested in) porn or even sexual fantasizing: it just wasn't that important. Not that, when the moment presented itself, I couldn't perform; it was just that I had a blasé attitude about sex, in general, something that I've NEVER experienced. It might have been off-putting if I were 25, but I'm not. Ha! (Interestingly, I found that other potential addictive areas of my personality, such as doom-scrolling through political posts on Twitter, weren't even enticing. It's not that I don't care; I just realize that I can't control anything beyond voting and donating to my candidate/party of choice. My angry edges are warm and fuzzier now).
Food and drink? I've never been a foodie per se, but I like staple, carby, comfort foods. I grew up in the Southwest and Mexican/Tex-Mex has always been my favorite food -- the spicier the better. I found I still craved Mexican food, but that I could only eat a few chips and maybe one taco before I felt completely full. Later, I discovered that only fajitas without the chips and tortillas satisfied me. Curiously, I felt ambivalent to spice. Where I live, Mexican food is quite bland (I always ask for the special salsa they have in the kitchen, for the workers, because it's more authentic). Usually, I'm scrambling to find enough spicy things to add (jalapeños, etc.) to make it palatable, but with the meds cocktail I could take or leave salsa. It's not that spicy foods revolted me, as some have written on here. I just really didn't care one way or the other. This program definitely has curbed my appetite for carbs: I didn't have French fries this week, for example, and I used to have fries with every meal. Bread (which never interested me much anyway) didn't even look appetizing. Beer? No way. I've been to three Cubs games this week (I live nearby, and can walk) and have had no beers, no hotdogs, no popcorn or peanuts. The only alcohol that has been even remotely palatable are hard seltzers, and then only a couple. White wine is meh; red wine is yuck. I can't explain it, but there is a noticeable lessening of interest in food or drink altogether. You eat for sustenance, not pleasure. You drink water for hydration and to help the kidneys, and nothing else is satisfying -- plus you're always full from water. It's a win-win, I guess. Someone on here advised to always eat something lean, green and raw with every meal -- great advice! Another said that if you look down on your plate and nothing even looks appetizing, at least eat the protein (you'll crave protein anyway) and leave the rest. Put your fork down: the meds are working. Again, great advice! I find that I am sleeping better and worrying less. I still enjoy a couple THC edibles in the evening, with a hard seltzer, and I'm out like a lamp. It used to take two bottles of wine and a ball peen hammer!
Exercise? Huh? Of course, like most of us, I have never been a regular gym rat. I tend to avoid it like the plague (Mark Twain said, and I concur, that every time he felt the urge to exercise he lay down and let it pass). That's me. However, I plan to work more activity into my routine, including working out. I think it's important as you lose weight to hit the dumbbells to tighten the flabby skin that will remain when we are all at zero body fat like good Roman gods and goddesses -- ha! Yesterday (another baseball game) I was surprised to find that I'd walked 11,000 steps! I probably didn't walk 11,000 steps last month! I was amazed. I plan to walk more as the program continues. I also find I have more energy to do chores around the house, with less fuss and drama. I believe I'm altogether a better human being, which feeds into the joie de vivre that I'm feeling. I hope this part of the program will remain with me for the rest of my life.
I hope some of this has helped. My advice is to take the pills separately on your Day 1 so you know for sure which drugs interact with you -- and how. Drink plenty of water, try to exercise and go about your day knowing that all is well, the pounds will come off and you will be a better person at the end. So far, I'm very satisfied and excited to see where this journey takes me.
More next week. Cheers!
submitted by xzRe56 to HimsWeightloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:43 pharmtutor_ NAPLEX Daily Question 5/20/24

NAPLEX Daily Question 5/20/24
A 78-year-old female presents to the emergency department with complaints of nausea, vomiting, and visual disturbances, including seeing halos around lights. She also reports feeling dizzy and having palpitations. Her past medical history includes heart failure, atrial fibrillation, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease (stage 3).
Her current medications are as follows:
  • Digoxin 0.125 mg daily
  • Furosemide 40 mg daily
  • Lisinopril 20 mg daily
  • Metoprolol succinate 50 mg daily
  • Spironolactone 25 mg daily
  • Warfarin 5 mg daily
  • Potassium chloride 20 mEq daily
  • Multivitamin daily
Which of the following medications is most likely causing the patient's symptoms?
View Poll
submitted by pharmtutor_ to NAPLEX_Prep [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:42 Apprehensive_Lab2590 What is there to do about highly variable blood pressure?

I'm 24 and male and the last few years since the pandemic I've had blood pressure issues where often it's very high but sometimes it dips lower, my doctor has tried giving me different levels of metoprolol and lisinopril over the years but they've largely been ineffective at keeping it down even at the higher amounts but they do make me drop very low at sometimes. He's been having me not take medicine for a few months now and I still have the same problems with it spiking most day and then occasionally dropping and I'm not sure if there's anything to do about that.
submitted by Apprehensive_Lab2590 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:25 classyfish Switched from Amlodipine to Lisinopril/hydrochlorithiazide

Was on Amlodipine 5mg and Metoprolol ER succinctness 50 mg for about 4 years and my dr wanted my blood pressure lower after a visit and we switched almodipine to Lisinopril/hydrochlorithiazide (I forget the dose) and went down to 25mg for metoprolol. Been on it for about a little over a month and I think it’s making me anxious, has anyone else had this experience. I thought I was anxious because of medical things which is pretty normal for me when doing new things or going to the dr but it’s been pretty bad and near constant. Feeling a little shakey when I’m anxious but when I measure BP it’s good.
Part of me thinks I might be dehydrating off the diabetic or possibly having electrolyte loss that is resulting in it, I’m going to do a walk in tomorrow and see if I can talk to my dr but I’d like to know what other peoples experiences are, thank you.
submitted by classyfish to hypertension [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:09 IDreamInNeon Chest Tightness/Lightheadedness, Not Cardiac, Need Guidance

Hi everyone! 40F, 5'7" 450 lbs, White. I have MS and mild hypertension. I also have depression and general anxiety. I am losing weight, but slowly since mental health is a bitch. I have been under the care of both a PCP and cardiologist but neither have been able to help my current issues. I will give a brief rundown of the past few months because it has been a whirlwind and a mess to figure out what is causing what. TL;DR of current symptoms: Chest and neck tightness, as if what wearing a corset may feel like; chest soreness; lightheadedness.
I'm currently taking Ocrevus for my MS (last dose given 4/8), I have a Nexplanon birth control implant, Zyrtec 10mg SID, and I am usually on Wellbutrin XL 300mg SID and Buspar 10mg BID but I have been messing with the dosages for these over the past two weeks or so, currently haven't taken either in about 5 days. I'm trying to figure out if my issues are side effects of either of these.
Back in December, I was prescribed Lisinopril 20mg SID for BP by my PCP. My blood pressure was generally around 140/90ish, sometimes up to 150s/90s, but never higher than that. A few weeks into the Lisinopril, I started feeling my pulse more generally in my body, as well as in my ear when wearing headphones, and my anxiety went through the roof. I was having some neck strain/pain and lightheadedness. I saw my PCP one month into it and her asst took my blood pressure immediately after I broke down crying from thinking my high BP was going to kill me; I already wanted to go to the ER once the week before but didn't. My BP was of course high when she took it, I was just crying. My PCP, instead of waiting and retaking my BP, DOUBLED my Lisinopril to 40mg SID. My anxiety was so bad that I just listened to her and thought the higher dose couldn't hurt. We also increased my Wellbutrin from 150mg to 300mg at this visit, because my depression had been getting worse the past couple months before, unrelated to the Lisinopril, but in case of a side effect issue, I wanted to mention it.
Very quickly, I started having a lot more of the neck strain and started having short, sharp almost pinching-like pains in my chest, not in one specific spot. My anxiety was so bad at this point that I wanted to go to the ER at least 5-6 times within a two week period after she doubled the dose. I went to see a cardiologist on my own because I was so sure I was in heart failure and dying. Right before my appt with cardio, I finally found out, through online research, that Lisinopril is KNOWN to make anxiety worse for people who already have it. My EKG was normal, and my cardio agreed to go back down to 20mg of Lisinopril and scheduled an echo just to be safe, especially with my weight. Echo was normal. I was still having a lot of side effects from the Lisinopril so I tapered off it right before my follow-up visit with cardio, and he said we should just leave off any BP meds for now because it was likely just my weight and overall not a huge concern. This was early March.
I finally felt like I was getting back to normal and all of the issues went away once I stopped the Lisinopril, including my anxiety going back down to being totally manageable with the Buspar. I still did get the neck strain, but didn't seem as bad, but that could 100% be posture-related, as I have a computer job working from home.
A few weeks ago, the chest tightness and lightheadedness came back, though I don't think the chest tightness like this was really an issue back in Jan/Feb, I just don't remember to be honest. I saw my cardiologist again last week, EKG was still normal. He thinks it may just be anxiety. He put in an order for me to get a PET scan stress test, I haven't scheduled it yet. He also gave me an Rx for metoprolol when I asked about maybe trying a beta blocker in case it IS anxiety causing it all, but I wasn't feeling anxious mentally when this happens. I filled the Rx but haven't taken it yet because I'm afraid of more side effects and trying to make sure other meds aren't causing it first. These symptoms are unrelated to physical activity, as they usually happen/are most noticeable when I am just sitting at my desk. The last couple days, the sharp pinching pains have returned, not only in my chest, but also in my neck last night. These last barely a second and only happen a couple times in a short period, then nothing for awhile.
As I mentioned, I'm taking a break from the Buspar and Wellbutrin right now to see if it's from side effects from those, but so far no real changed. The tightness may be less? but hard to guage. I have a really hard time dealing with this on top of anxiety; this started up before messing with my meds so I really don't know how much anxiety would be causing it without anxious thoughts. The tightness has been happening daily for about a week now, it wasn't quite daily for a week or two before that. It lasts for hours at a time, but I don't wake up with it, and it doesn't last all day.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I don't even know what kind of doctor I should see about it, as cardio isn't really helping and I have decided not to return to my PCP (I found another to try, just haven't scheduled yet).
submitted by IDreamInNeon to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 16:19 Global_Connection128 What the fuck is wrong with me

I think there’s something wrong with me. I don’t know what it is. Ive been seeing different psychiatrists since I was 7yo. My first psychiatrist diagnosed me with major depressive disorder and anxiety. I like to believe ive gotten better and it magically went away. Ive been put on all kinds of medications you name it, nothing has ever worked. I got seriously addicted to a bunch of shit for a few years but ive been sober for 1 now. I got diagnosed with adhd two years ago as well as bpd. I dont believe any of those things. There have been so many cases of people getting misdiagnosed and put on the wrong medications. I do think I have adhd but honestly I cant remember that far back into my childhood to know if this is the way I always was. I know for a fact I have ocd, my mom, her dad, my dad, they all have it. It affects every single aspect of my life. Im writing this at 6:55am, havent slept in 2 days. I have exams this week and im too exhausted to take in any more information studying but never tired enough to actually fucking sleep. I am so tired I just wanna cry. Multiple therapists have ghosted me and the ones that didnt are honestly complete bullshit and just make me fall deeper into my belief that therapy is a scam. My previous therapist wanted to talk to me about me possibly being bipolar before she ghosted me. I dont know wtf is wrong me. For the past idk almost year I have been convinced im on the spectrum. I dont want to self diagnose but I cant afford to see a psychiatrist right now and the last one I finally was able to get an appointment with that ACTUALLY accepted my insurance was a complete condescending dick. I cant even get my adhd medication anymore. I have a huge sensory processing disorder that makes me feel like a freak and makes my day to day so damn hard. Im left with having to put together the pieces with all my symptoms by myself but every single article or person tells me I have every possible mental illness. I am so confused and dont know what to do. Some days I refuse to believe there is anything wrong with me and other days I start to remember why I started seeking help in the first place. I honestly find it so cringe saying “oh i have ocd” or “yeah my sensory issues blah blah blah…” but I honestly just wish I knew exactly what it is with me, maybe Id get some kind of relief knowing. I just want to go to sleep and cant no matter what I try. Ive had tachycardia since I was little and it always got brushed off as anxiety (I definitely have some form of social anxiety but I think its related to my ocd) and after finding out that im a recovering addict every doctor I have seen has said shit like “youre probably on coke right now” or “youre doing drugs arent you”. Like no asshole my resting heart rate is 120 and it always has been. Im in a constant state of fight or flight. I finally got metoprolol this year and holy shit I never thought id feel this way. After being on so many different meds for anxiety that did nothing (except xans lol) this was the one thing that actually helped me. The first time i took my metoprolol i fucking cried happy tears. Anyways this is my first post on reddit so i guess that should kind of put in perspective how fed up I am with my daily life. Honestly idk what the point of this post even is but im just so tired. My days blur together. If i do fall asleep I wake up at like 2-3pm my day is fucked. I cant go to sleep earlier no matter what i do or take knowing i have to wake up early for school or work. Ive been reading about delayed sleep phase and it sounds like me rn but no one gives any solutions. I just want to be normal and feel like a normal person, ready to accomplish things daily.
submitted by Global_Connection128 to helpme [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 16:14 Global_Connection128 What the fuck is wrong with me

I think there’s something wrong with me. I don’t know what it is. Ive been seeing different psychiatrists since I was 7yo. My first psychiatrist diagnosed me with major depressive disorder and anxiety. I like to believe ive gotten better and it magically went away. Ive been put on all kinds of medications you name it, nothing has ever worked. I got seriously addicted to a bunch of shit for a few years but ive been sober for 1 now. I got diagnosed with adhd two years ago as well as bpd. I dont believe any of those things. There have been so many cases of people getting misdiagnosed and put on the wrong medications. I do think I have adhd but honestly I cant remember that far back into my childhood to know if this is the way I always was. I know for a fact I have ocd, my mom, her dad, my dad, they all have it. It affects every single aspect of my life. Im writing this at 6:55am, havent slept in 2 days. I have exams this week and im too exhausted to take in any more information studying but never tired enough to actually fucking sleep. I am so tired I just wanna cry. Multiple therapists have ghosted me and the ones that didnt are honestly complete bullshit and just make me fall deeper into my belief that therapy is a scam. My previous therapist wanted to talk to me about me possibly being bipolar before she ghosted me. I dont know wtf is wrong me. For the past idk almost year I have been convinced im on the spectrum. I dont want to self diagnose but I cant afford to see a psychiatrist right now and the last one I finally was able to get an appointment with that ACTUALLY accepted my insurance was a complete condescending dick. I cant even get my adhd medication anymore. I have a huge sensory processing disorder that makes me feel like a freak and makes my day to day so damn hard. Im left with having to put together the pieces with all my symptoms by myself but every single article or person tells me I have every possible mental illness. I am so confused and dont know what to do. Some days I refuse to believe there is anything wrong with me and other days I start to remember why I started seeking help in the first place. I honestly find it so cringe saying “oh i have ocd” or “yeah my sensory issues blah blah blah…” but I honestly just wish I knew exactly what it is with me, maybe Id get some kind of relief knowing. I just want to go to sleep and cant no matter what I try. Ive had tachycardia since I was little and it always got brushed off as anxiety (I definitely have some form of social anxiety but I think its related to my ocd) and after finding out that im a recovering addict every doctor I have seen has said shit like “youre probably on coke right now” or “youre doing drugs arent you”. Like no asshole my resting heart rate is 120 and it always has been. Im in a constant state of fight or flight. I finally got metoprolol this year and holy shit I never thought id feel this way. After being on so many different meds for anxiety that did nothing (except xans lol) this was the one thing that actually helped me. The first time i took my metoprolol i fucking cried happy tears. Anyways this is my first post on reddit so i guess that should kind of put in perspective how fed up I am with my daily life. Honestly idk what the point of this post even is but im just so tired. My days blur together. If i do fall asleep I wake up at like 2-3pm my day is fucked. I cant go to sleep earlier no matter what i do or take knowing i have to wake up early for school or work. Ive been reading about delayed sleep phase and it sounds like me rn but no one gives any solutions. I just want to be normal and feel like a normal person, ready to accomplish things daily.
submitted by Global_Connection128 to u/Global_Connection128 [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 13:44 stephaniesmith45 Since going low carb my BP is about 125/75. Dr is raising my Lisinopril from 5 to 10 mg. Will that drop it too low?

49 female. I am on that and 25 mg of Metoprolol (12.5 in morning and 12.5 at night). The Metoprolol didn’t work at all by itself but adding in the 5 mg of Lisinopril brought it from 160/90 to around 135/85. When I am stressed though especially at the dr it can go up to 150/90.
submitted by stephaniesmith45 to bloodpressure [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 02:04 Joe_anonymo Always had high BP readings on machines-manually it’s fine

I was wondering if any of you have this experience. I have had high BP almost my whole life (I’m almost 30). Throughout my 20s I’ve participated in powerlifting and at one point was extremely fit (both cardiovascular and strength). As time went on I got into more sedentary jobs and eventually my bodyfat started creeping up. Anyway I got told I’d die before 30 if I didn’t get on meds. I took Lisinopril and experienced very scary vision blurring. To this day I have pretty bad floaters and I think that’s what it’s from. So I started taking metoprolol, and it made me feel so ridiculously calm, I liked it. Now I am off of it, I lost 60 pounds, and am pretty fit with lower bodyfat. I noticed though that my BP is the same. About always 140/90 on the machines, and when taken manually, with a larger cuff (I’m 6’5 and 230, was 290 before), the doctor always counts it as around 115/70 or so. I’m convinced they are lying to me or something. All machines say I’m 140/90 and I just don’t know what to do. I currently do not take any medication and wish I never did, but have had my BP taken several places and manually it is always normal; machine it is always high.
submitted by Joe_anonymo to hypertension [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 02:49 anonsoldier My RVOT Journey: RVOT, PVCs, Iraq War Veteran, Anxiety, Ablation.

TLDR: I have RVOT and as a result I have PVCs and am undergoing a ventricular ablation on Thursday. Wish me luck.
Important demographical information:
Age: 39
Height: 6'2
Weight: 320
Race: Caucasian
Military History: Yes, Iraq War
Cardiological Medical History: 2013 stress test clean, 2013 ultrasound clean
Comorbid conditions: High blood pressure (controlled with lisinopril)
high cholesterol (controlled with astorvastin) - I have been offered by my provider to stop taking this and I have declined because there generally are no side effects and it's only one more pill.
Feel free to ask for any additional demographical information as you wish. I'm pretty open.
Long Story Do Read, if you want to.
Several years ago I went to my provider because my fit bit was detecting random heart rate spikes while I was sleeping. Spikes which shot up to anywhere from 130-160 bpm and I was asleep. Similar spikes would occur during the day but usually they were in the 110-140 range. I asked for a halter monitor and I was diagnosed with benign PVC's. Upon knowing what was going on I felt a little better but whenever I got PVC’s they caused me anxiety, which as most of us know causes more PVCs. I also developed a bounding heart rate, where I can hear every single heartbeat. I went through multiple rounds of wearing a halter monitor and everything kept came back within norms every time I wore one, so it was just benign PVC's along with a bounding heart rate and that was it.
Around August of this year I was engaged in heavy physical activity, and when I stopped that activity felt very light headed and nearly passed out. My heart was flopping like crazy and my anxiety was through the roof. I went to my provider and asked for another stress test. The provider approved the stress test which I had a few months later in November.
My stress test in November during Veterans Day week, and that was when things went wild. I went through the stress test and everything was fine until the recovery phase. As my heart was slowing down and returning to normal it went into sustained ventricular tachycardia (SVT) for 43 seconds.
Folks always ask what it feels like and the best way I can describe it is that it feels like the first bullet time scene from the movie The Matrix. There is a noise you hear a booooooow and everything feels like it slows down, you can't feel your heart beating anymore, and you can't hear it beating. If your still conscious everything feels slow. One of the nurses that was caring for me speculated that f probably feels like everything slows down is because when you go into SVT your body DUMPS adrenaline to keep you alive.
Continuing on, when my heart started SVT I shouted, "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS!". The staff immediately went on alert and the cardiology clinic went crazy. My room went from two nurses to ten nurses, four attendings, and two cardiologists. The nurses prepared me to get electrically cardioverted with a defibrillator. I was two seconds away from being electrically cardioverted when my heart went into rhythm with the Vagal Maneuver (, something I had done repeatedly in the past. I actually learned that if I slam a diet Pepsi, it will force me to belch, which is a fast and easy way to do the same thing the vagal maneuver does.
I was then informed that I would be staying in the hospital for the next several days, including Veterans Day, and I would be getting an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) in the next few days. At that time the cardiologists felt that I had Left Bundle Branch Block (LBB). Over the next few days a whirlwind of changes happened where they decided that I didn't need an ICD that day, but would need one in the future as my heart was generally stabilized with metoprolol. I also found out what it feels like when my heart goes into non-sustained ventricular tachycardia, which my heart did randomly. I was eventually sent home with a heart monitor and a 100mg twice daily script for metoprolol.
I took the 100mg twice daily script for about a week before I reached out to my provider to reduce my dosage to 50mg. I could not function on 100mg twice per day. I would have to take a nap for thirty minutes to an hour two hours after taking my meds in order to work. I was lucky that I had flexible work which permitted me to do that but still, it was not fun. My provider agreed and reduced the dosage to 50mg twice daily and up to 75mg or 100mg if my heart got floppy floppy.
In December I had a follow up to talk about the ICD vs Ablation decision. At that time the cardiologists agreed that an ICD was necessary. I went home and was feeling pretty crappy but accepted that I would be getting an implant. I got a call a little after Christmas from the cardiology department saying that one of the cardiologists had spent his Christmas break looking over my rhythms and had changed his mind. Instead of an ICD he was recommending an ablation.
I have had to take the 100mg or 75 mg of metoprolol about six or seven times a month to get my heart normalized and less floppy floppy but beyond that I have been able to carry on. I have had to take breaks more often too because I have gotten light headed more frequently.
Anyway, my procedure is this Thursday, wish me luck. I am lucky that one of the cardiologists that were in the room when I had my stress test will be performing the procedure. He's a cardio "god" according to my local community, and the cardiology community in the Midwest. I have called around to several places about him and they all sing his praises. He has been performing ablations for longer than I've been alive. I'm fairly confident that I'm in good hands. One of the things his residents told me when I was inpatient that is slightly relevant is that they're seeing more people like me, Iraq War veterans, who are coming into the VA with RVOT or other rhythm issues.
If you have questions feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer. I plan on posting as much as I can about the procedure this weekend.
submitted by anonsoldier to PVCs [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 05:32 mrssugar13 Propranolol and Lorazepam

Does anyone know if you can take these two together? I just started taking the propranolol yesterday and did AMAZING but then this afternoon I had an adrenaline dump out of nowhere and I'm still feeling shaky. Normally I take the lorazepam when they get really bad but that was when I was on metoprolol. I'll ask my cardiologist obviously, just wanted to know what everyone else thinks since he won't be available until tomorrow. Thank you!
submitted by mrssugar13 to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 18:31 CodyRogersGB Do I need to take potassium with indapamide?

43M 6'1" 380lbs, caucasian, no smoking, drinking or drugs. Have AFIB, CHF, kidney stones. Taking metoprolol, lisinopril, Xarelto, duloxetine, allopurinol and fish oil.
My urologist I've been seeing due to kidney stones prescribed me indapamide a few months ago, which I understand is a diuretic. I had previously been on furosemide and 20 meq of potassium chloride after an AFIB / CHF episode back in 2018.
My question is, which was never really explained to me, whether I need to be taking potassium with the indapamide like I did with furosemide. I'm seeing mixed messages on various websites about that. I'm concerned I may have a potassium deficiency now because of the indapamide due to some fatigue, muscle cramps / spasms and constipation I'm experiencing.
submitted by CodyRogersGB to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 22:46 BakerChick570 Reacting to something on my husband??

Help, something is making me react to my husband. We use all the same products already. And have lived together for a decade without issue. Main issues are tongue burning and tongue swelling, along with lots of congestion . Could I be reacting to some meds he’s taking or food he’s eaten? I don’t really have food triggers only environmental triggers. I’m on 2 Zyrtecs and 2 h2 blockers per day. He does take lisinopril, which I see can cause tongue swelling in people who take it, but not sure if I could even be that sensitive.
submitted by BakerChick570 to MCAS [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 15:56 Consistent_Use_3504 Restarting prozac after serotonin syndrome 8 years ago

Hello, I'm going to try to make this short
2015, was on Prozac (20mg) for 2 years, really helped. However, I was stupid and did LSD and doctors had me on Prozac, trazodone and xanax. For 3 months I felt great, but then I started getting seizures at night. Assuming I was taking too many medications together.
Til 2019 I was taking trazodone but stopped as it felt unneeded in my life.
Pandemic happened, lots of health anxiety stirred up, doctors started me on gabapentin in 2020/2021 (can't remember much).
Recently now in 2024 my panic attacks and impending doom is coming back full force, not sure why, recently moved into my first apartment? Anyways. Doctors wants to try prozac again at 5mg
My question: I'm terrified of having serotonin syndrome again, or whatever it was.
  1. Is it okay to take gabapentin and prozac at the same time?
  2. Will I be more likely to get serotinin syndrome again Even just on these meds because I have had it in the past?
Medications I'm on now: gabapentin 600mg, lisinopril, testosterone
Thank you!
submitted by Consistent_Use_3504 to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 04:03 badass_flavored 22M will I ever find a medication I can tolerate

I feel pretty depressed and hopeless. I’m only 22 I have no idea why my body is like this but I lived a normal life with very elevated BP for who knows how long but since it was seen to be 180/100 in urgent care a few months back they put me on amlodipine, went to the hospital twice for that, completely ruined my mental state, panic attacks, nearly passing out lots of bad things then lisinopril, made it hard for me to breathe and almost passing out, then metoprolol, had random BP spikes up in the 190s/100s, went to the ER for that stopped taking that then they give me HCTZ and losartan, yesterday the same thing happened hard to breathe and tingling hands and everything.
Without meds my bp is 155/85 ish
Lisinopril and losartan seemed the most effective they worked great for about 3 days my BP can get down to about 130/65 then this difficulty breathing starts to happen
I feel extremely hopeless right now because I need to have my BP controlled in order to keep my job, which sucks because I need to save as much as I can to get my fiancée here to the US from overseas. Not to mention I really don’t want to live my whole life
So we tried calcium channel blocker, ACE inhibitor, beta blocker, ARB and the only thing it seems I can tolerate so far is the diuretic. Is there anything else to try? I’m terrified to try any more of the same class of drugs because the side effects are so severe and took away months of my life now that I can’t get back.
Trying to get this figured out is a nightmare because I’m a truck driver and I can’t keep being in some random part of the country and needing to call an ambulance and being alone It’s so hard to schedule a doctor appointment on the road I am surprised I haven’t been fired from my job yet because some crisis keeps happening that makes me late for my deliveries.
I’m so depressed and this is one of the hardest things I’ve experienced in my life and I just wanna know .. has anyone else experienced something similar or am I just an alien??? The doctors I speak to say they never heard of my side effects before or they try to say it’s just anxiety.
I have not had any real investigations or tests done aside from at the hospital where they’ve done a chest xray, and ct scan on my chest and head and it’s normal. it’s just been trying random medication. I’m only 22 why is this happening to me. I think I have to say goodbye to my trucking career.
I am scared to try anything else and I am afraid I won’t be able to buy an engagement ring for my fiancée, I’m gonna lose my job, I’m just devastated
What other medications should I try?? I don’t want to give up but I am running out of will to keep trying. It’s like beating a dead horse. I need advice
submitted by badass_flavored to hypertension [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 18:25 Flaky_Key3363 having problems with blood pressure medication

I need to get my blood pressure down because I am losing kidney function (EGFR around 40). My doctor prescribed me clonidine patches because, according to the literature, it virtually eliminates side effects. I'd like to hear about other people's experiences with clonidine patches.
I'm sure some of you are wondering why I don't use normal blood pressure control medications. Simple, side effects are too severe.
Losarten, lisinopril, metoprolol, and loop diuretics all cause serious problems with cognition, sense of direction, and knowing where I am in relation to other things, such as my car in a parking lot or destinations in nearby towns. Most of these drugs also take away my ability to get a lungful. I feel like I'm struggling to breathe doubly so when I try to exercise (simple walking).
Here is a funny story about metoprolol; it's so fogged my judgment and my ability to breathe that I went for a hike in the Negev desert at noontime, in June, two months after a heart attack and almost drowned while crossing some deep puddles in a narrow canyon. My kidney Dr. uses that story is an example to her student doctors of how side effects can have negative consequences. She says the story is chilling; for me, it is sad.
I am at roughly the six-month mark taking diltiazem. (180 mg at bedtime) . I take it at bedtime because it seems to minimize the side effects (aggravating ADHD with memory, focus, and initiating tasks) as compared to taking it in the morning. At the same time, it gives me horrible nightmares at times. Taking it at bedtime lets me sleep through most of those side effects, but I can't sleep longer than six hours and always fall asleep at 2 p.m. and 8 PM. The one good thing about diltiazem is that it makes breathing easier, and I don't get a burning sensation in my chest when I exercise. But still, I have a hard time being aware of time (like now when I should be working) and remembering where my car is in the parking lot, and sometimes the nightmares haunt me for hours.
advice, and stories, are all welcome as I work at getting my BP down
submitted by Flaky_Key3363 to bloodpressure [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 06:06 jeepvair Double dose vitamin?

M28, 240, disabled and pretty sedentary. Generally I only ever eat supper. I do take a generic Walgreens mens multivatamin as well as about 300mg of magnesium citrate. I also take Prozac, metoprolol, lisinopril, and have several non unions. As a result of my poor diet I was wondering if it’d be a good idea to take 2 vitamins daily rather than 1 or if that’s a no no. I’m sure I’m deficient in a bunch but and uninsured so blood work isn’t happening. I try to avoid eating through the day as whenever I do my heart rate tends to increase and I just don’t feel well.
submitted by jeepvair to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 00:03 Gullible_Match8914 Weight Gain - suspected POTS

I am worried. I had surgery a few months back and began having sinus tachycardia when walking just from one room to another. It’s been almost 3 months. My heart rate is all over the place, spiking into the 140s when I go from laying to standing.
ER doctor prescribed Metoprolol for suspected POTS. All bloodwork & scans were normal.
At first I didn’t take it twice a day because I was making a diary of my symptoms for when I see the cardiologist. But, now, I’ve been taking 25 mg twice a day. I’ve gained 12 pounds in the 2 weeks since I began taking it regularly.
Every day I wake up and I’m 1-2 lbs more. I’ve already been struggling with my weight. I’m worried about how much I’m going to gain. I don’t know what to do. None of my clothes are fitting me. My stomach is severely bloated.
I see my PCP this week, but the cardiologist appointment is still months away. I can’t gain any more weight. This is so unhealthy. I’m now borderline obese.
Any advice? What do I do? I’m starting to think I need to just stop eating all together, as I only eat 3 small meals a day as is. And, I’ve been more active the past few weeks too because I was just cleared by my surgeon. Why am I gaining at such a fast pace? It’s so frustrating.
The beta blocker is helping the suspected POTS symptoms… but, if it wears off before I wake up in the morning my heart rate goes berserk again.
submitted by Gullible_Match8914 to Metoprolol [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 05:57 BlkCardi Is this AST level something to worry about?

My husband is a 46 y/o male, 5’4”, 170 lbs. History of congestive heart failure due to hypertension. Diagnosed 2021, and has been stable since then with medication compliance and reduced sodium intake. EF 64%, no symptoms, and all labs have been normal UNTIL today. He has a follow up with his cardiologist on Tuesday, so got labs drawn today and we saw the results in the portal.
AST 38 ALT 21
ALT was within normal limits. AST was 1 point out of the reference range (5-37).
He DOES drink beer regularly. Probably 2-4 beers 4-5 nights per week.
Medications include: lisinopril, amlodipine, metoprolol, furosemide, atorvastatin
This will be a long weekend. We will be worried about it until his appointment on Tuesday, so I wanted to check here to see if this is something we should even be stressing over.
submitted by BlkCardi to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 23:14 benlyn Worrying myself to death

Anybody on here work construction?
I got diagnosed with cardio myopathy and 2 moderate regurgitating heart valves at the age of 42 in August my ef I believe is in the high 40s I was put on 40 MG of lisinipril once a day 25 MG of metoprolol twice a day and atarvistatin once a day. At the time my weight was 220 I'm 5'9" since then I've lost down to 180. Through the winter everything seemed fine aside from some tiredness and chest pain from time to time but a couple of months ago I started passing out I didn't know if it was from diet or my blood pressure being low so I cut my dosage in half on the lisinipril and began eating more since then I've been able to cut out the lisinipril all together and my blood pressure has been slightly below normal but it seems the hotter the days get the more faint I feel it's constant dizziness blurred vision and my tounge has gotten numb any idea? I've always been a hard worker but I'm wandering if I'm going to be able to get through the summer months like this?
submitted by benlyn to Heartfailure [link] [comments]