Virtual haircut for mene

Nostalgia's Siren Song (Classic Cataclysm)

2024.06.04 16:57 Madison--b Nostalgia's Siren Song (Classic Cataclysm)

I'm immediately taken back at the login screen every day back to a time where life was much more simple. 14 years old, playing sick to stay home from school to grind Blackened Dragonscale in Twilight Highlands for 8 hours straight in my room. Listening to the same songs on Pandora on an hour loop, engaging in wPvP at any moment. My life's soundtrack was Stone Temple Pilots, Bush, and the WoW ambient music.
It felt like nothing else really mattered back then except for gearing up a new character or grinding mats to sell on the AH. I think that simplicity of my life back then probably contributes to my fondness of this expansion. It's a mix of actual enjoyment, nostalgia, and how I used Cataclysm to escape life as a kid. No bills, no 9-5, didn't have to worry about the economy, etc. I just had to ensure my mom kept paying for my WoW and I did well enough in school to keep my PC. Haha...
It all came back like riding a bike, too. Sure... my knees were a little more wobbly than when I was 14... Maybe it took me a little longer to actually get back up on the bike, but once I did, it was all muscle memory from there. The same incredibly satisfying feeling of bursting someone down on my frost mage was still there... just waiting for me, like a best friend from highschool that I haven't seen in a decade. That same feeling - "I could escape into this..." in a brief moment of ignorance. Things don't work that way anymore... We're adults. We have things to do, people to support, and so on. As tempting as it would be to fall back into the charm of this old "best friend's" embrace, I know that I can't.
The more I play, the more it feels like I never left. Its all so natural to me again. I know the quest objectives without looking, I know the placement of all of the mailboxes, the vendors, my keybinds, my skill trees, boss mechanics, and so on. Cataclysm still has the ability to take me back to my childhood in a sense, but the more I played, I started to feel two things missing that I knew I could ever have back in the same way I did as a kid.
For one, the people. Having spent essentially my entire life during Cataclysm deep in this world with no meaningful time in the real world, I made a lot of online friends. We would do arenas together, wPvP, FTA, battlegrounds, and even just stay up until 6am talking in Ventrillo/TeamSpeak about meaningless peripheral things in real life while we just sat on the fence in Goldshire. Discussing life outside of my virtual life, my blissfully ignorant aspirations, the "problems" I thought I had as a teenager, and the various things that drove me. The community of my server allowed me to form meaningful relationships with people that I will probably never experience again in an online game. When Cataclysm ended, so did all of these long established friendships. The main thing we bonded over was leaving, and we really had nothing to hold us there. As MoP came out, we each left, one by one, until our guild permanently reached 1 member online... then 0.
Second, Cataclysm's nostalgic appeal is a siren's song. The pull of Cataclysm, apart from its pure enjoyment, is nostalgia. It's a deep and powerful reminder of how simple life used to be in my little teenage bubble. Every mundane problem I had in my life usually involved WoW in some way. I didn't have to pay bills, I didn't have to go get an oil change, I didn't have to go get a haircut or a suit for work. I had to farm leather, or reach 2200 in 2s, I had to shower and clean my room during Tuesday downtime, etc. My life revolved around this game so much that I didn't really have "real problems". There's an irrational subconscious appeal that part of me still clings on to. It's an old feeling that I forgot about, but it creeps up on me sometimes... While I'm playing this 14 year old game, my other problems become peripheral. Out of focus, out of mind, and I can feel like I don't have problems again. This isn't healthy, but it hasn't become a problem. Yet. I am going to continue to enjoy this game for as long as I can. I didn't truly appreciate it as a kid, but I didn't truly appreciate most things at 14. I hope I can moderate better than I did as a kid, but still find a form of satisfaction in gearing up my character, PvPing, and reliving all of those hobbies I had as a kid in healthier way.
I hope all of you grown 14 year old's are having an amazing time, but don't fall too deep into this nostalgia.
I hope all of you grown 14 year old's can find that same sense of community that's been missing from gaming for far too long.
I hope all of you grown 14 year old's can be taken back to a better time, if only temporarily.
I hope all of you grown 14 year old's have big happy families. That you made something of yourself beyond what you thought was possible in your youthful innocent aspirations. I hope you have found meaning in life outside of videogames, and I hope each of you can take great enjoyment one last time with some of the best content to ever grace the gaming world.
submitted by Madison--b to wow [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:44 feuer_stern How to deal with excessive perfectionism?

I have come to the conclusion that it's perfectionism crippling my health. After reading about it often develops as a trauma response, for example due to abusive parents. My parents were extremely narcisstic and emotionally unavaible. They saw me as their perfect child. Even when I tried to disappoint them they still saw me as perfect. Can you believe that? I tried failing just to get a reaction and they wouldn't even let me fail.
So, at some point, I tried being perfect forever. I tried chosing the perfect major. Perfect friends. Perfect voice. Perfect laptop. Perfect monitor. Perfect username. Perfect profile pic. Perfect wallpaper. Perfect clothing. Perfect haircut. Perfect music streaming service. Everything has to be perfect. Perfect learning method, perfect seating in lecture halls, perfect furniture arrangement, perfect mattress. This would lead to OCD behaviour of rearranging furniture, changing wallpapers, changing monitors, laptops, living locations, majors, and lots more back and forth.
It is clear this has developed as a trauma response, especially towards my father. There is no inner self I am desperately trying to find. But I can't let go of it. I tried so many times. It often ends like this: I try to be "unperfect" and destroy everything around me, virtually, and real. Throwing my entire apartment inventar away and buying the same thing again but "better". Changing living locations. Installing Linux, knowing it's worse for my use case. Using an inferior browser. Using a wallpaper not being perfect, but defining "me". Using non standard clothing. I literally wiped all my data and reinstalled various operating systems on my laptop, computers etc. both in an attempt to be perfect and unperfect. Do you know the definition of insanity? I hope you do, because that's certainly it.
But after doing all these things, I come to the realizations that these things don't represent me either because I didn't try being unperfect because I wanted to, but because it felt like an obsession.
And now I am in a point where I am frozen and unable to do anything. I look at my monitor, my browser, the operating system, and instantly this obsession arises of changing to Firefox. Changing to Linux. Changing the wallpaper. Changing all my social media usernames, my profile picture. Nothing triggers me more than seeing "my" profile picture, "my" username. I reached a point where my own name written somewhere triggers me because it defines "me". But the points is that I tried literally everything, every furniture arrangement, every laptop, every monitor, every mattress, every chair, that I *know* that these things are not the problem.
But then what is the problem? My perfectionism. It hides a deeper problem of me not having any own identity whatsoever. At least over time I idenfitied one thing that *I* really like: Music. Because nothing about music is perfect or unperfect. It just is But that's the only thing so far and it's my only anchor point so far. On the outside I made progress and e.g. talk to other people like a normal human being, being able to stop buying things in my perfectionism.
But the more I appear mentally sane on the outside, the more empty I feel. The more I connect with other people, talk with them, go outside, the more devastated I feel when I am alone. It feels like my fragile self gets overwritten the moment I interact with other people (I like interacting with other people). Thus it feels like I can either chose between isolating and maintaining a self and socialising and being even more empty than before.
Again the problem is perfectionism. I try to be perfect around others, too, which is probably one of the problem. I want to make others feel great, all the time. Like I did when I was living with my parents. I didn't want to feel them bad because they would abuse me.
But how to deal with perfectionism? How do you know what you want is really what you want and not an artifact of perfectionism?
submitted by feuer_stern to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:43 feuer_stern How to deal with excessive perfectionism?

I have come to the conclusion that it's perfectionism crippling my health. After reading about it often develops as a trauma response, for example due to abusive parents. My parents were extremely narcisstic and emotionally unavaible. They saw me as their perfect child. Even when I tried to disappoint them they still saw me as perfect. Can you believe that? I tried failing just to get a reaction and they wouldn't even let me fail.
So, at some point, I tried being perfect forever. I tried chosing the perfect major. Perfect friends. Perfect voice. Perfect laptop. Perfect monitor. Perfect username. Perfect profile pic. Perfect wallpaper. Perfect clothing. Perfect haircut. Perfect music streaming service. Everything has to be perfect. Perfect learning method, perfect seating in lecture halls, perfect furniture arrangement, perfect mattress.
It is clear this has developed as a trauma response, especially towards my father. There is no inner self I am desperately trying to find. But I can't let go of it. I tried so many times. It often ends like this: I try to be "unperfect" and destroy everything around me, virtually, and real. Throwing my entire apartment inventar away and buying the same thing again but "better". Changing living locations. Installing Linux, knowing it's worse for my use case. Using an inferior browser. Using a wallpaper not being perfect, but defining "me". Using non standard clothing. I literally wiped all my data and reinstalled various operating systems on my laptop, computers etc. both in an attempt to be perfect and unperfect. Do you know the definition of insanity? I hope you do, because that's certainly it.
But after doing all these things, I come to the realizations that these things don't represent me either because I didn't try being unperfect because I wanted to, but because it felt like an obsession.
And now I am in a point where I am frozen and unable to do anything. I look at my monitor, my browser, the operating system, and instantly this obsession arises of changing to Firefox. Changing to Linux. Changing the wallpaper. Changing all my social media usernames, my profile picture. Nothing triggers me more than seeing "my" profile picture, "my" username. I reached a point where my own name written somewhere triggers me because it defines "me". But the points is that I tried literally everything, every furniture arrangement, every laptop, every monitor, every mattress, every chair, that I *know* that these things are not the problem.
But then what is the problem? My perfectionism. It hides a deeper problem of me not having any own identity whatsoever. At least over time I idenfitied one thing that *I* really like: Music. Because nothing about music is perfect or unperfect. It just is But that's the only thing so far and it's my only anchor point so far. On the outside I made progress and e.g. talk to other people like a normal human being, being able to stop buying things in my perfectionism.
But the more I appear mentally sane on the outside, the more empty I feel. The more I connect with other people, talk with them, go outside, the more devastated I feel when I am alone. It feels like my fragile self gets overwritten the moment I interact with other people (I like interacting with other people). Thus it feels like I can either chose between isolating and maintaining a self and socialising and being even more empty than before.
Again the problem is perfectionism. I try to be perfect around others, too, which is probably one of the problem. I want to make others feel great, all the time. Like I did when I was living with my parents. I didn't want to feel them bad because they would abuse me.
But how to deal with perfectionism? How do you know what you want is really what you want and not an artifact of perfectionism?
submitted by feuer_stern to perfectionism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:41 feuer_stern How do you deal with excessive perfectionism?

I have come to the conclusion that it's perfectionism crippling my health. After reading about it often develops as a trauma response, for example due to abusive parents. My parents were extremely narcisstic and emotionally unavaible. They saw me as their perfect child. Even when I tried to disappoint them they still saw me as perfect. Can you believe that? I tried failing just to get a reaction and they wouldn't even let me fail.
So, at some point, I tried being perfect forever. I tried chosing the perfect major. Perfect friends. Perfect voice. Perfect laptop. Perfect monitor. Perfect username. Perfect profile pic. Perfect wallpaper. Perfect clothing. Perfect haircut. Perfect music streaming service. Everything has to be perfect. Perfect learning method, perfect seating in lecture halls, perfect furniture arrangement, perfect mattress.
It is clear this has developed as a trauma response, especially towards my father. There is no inner self I am desperately trying to find. But I can't let go of it. I tried so many times. It often ends like this: I try to be "unperfect" and destroy everything around me, virtually, and real. Throwing my entire apartment inventar away and buying the same thing again but "better". Changing living locations. Installing Linux, knowing it's worse for my use case. Using an inferior browser. Using a wallpaper not being perfect, but defining "me". Using non standard clothing. I literally wiped all my data and reinstalled various operating systems on my laptop, computers etc. both in an attempt to be perfect and unperfect. Do you know the definition of insanity? I hope you do, because that's certainly it.
But after doing all these things, I come to the realizations that these things don't represent me either because I didn't try being unperfect because I wanted to, but because it felt like an obsession.
And now I am in a point where I am frozen and unable to do anything. I look at my monitor, my browser, the operating system, and instantly this obsession arises of changing to Firefox. Changing to Linux. Changing the wallpaper. Changing all my social media usernames, my profile picture. Nothing triggers me more than seeing "my" profile picture, "my" username. I reached a point where my own name written somewhere triggers me because it defines "me". But the points is that I tried literally everything, every furniture arrangement, every laptop, every monitor, every mattress, every chair, that I *know* that these things are not the problem.
But then what is the problem? My perfectionism. It hides a deeper problem of me not having any own identity whatsoever. At least over time I idenfitied one thing that *I* really like: Music. Because nothing about music is perfect or unperfect. It just is But that's the only thing so far and it's my only anchor point so far. On the outside I made progress and e.g. talk to other people like a normal human being, being able to stop buying things in my perfectionism.
But the more I appear mentally sane on the outside, the more empty I feel. The more I connect with other people, talk with them, go outside, the more devastated I feel when I am alone. It feels like my fragile self gets overwritten the moment I interact with other people (I like interacting with other people). Thus it feels like I can either chose between isolating and maintaining a self and socialising and being even more empty than before.
Again the problem is perfectionism. I try to be perfect around others, too, which is probably one of the problem. I want to make others feel great, all the time. Like I did when I was living with my parents. I didn't want to feel them bad because they would abuse me.
But how to deal with perfectionism? How do you know what you want is really what you want and not an artifact of perfectionism?
submitted by feuer_stern to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:38 feuer_stern How do you deal with excessive ADHD?

I have come to the conclusion that it's perfectionism crippling my health. After reading about it often develops as a trauma response, for example due to abusive parents. My parents were extremely narcisstic and emotionally unavaible. They saw me as their perfect child. Even when I tried to disappoint them they still saw me as perfect. Can you believe that? I tried failing just to get a reaction and they wouldn't even let me fail.
So, at some point, I tried being perfect forever. I tried chosing the perfect major. Perfect friends. Perfect voice. Perfect laptop. Perfect monitor. Perfect username. Perfect profile pic. Perfect wallpaper. Perfect clothing. Perfect haircut. Perfect music streaming service. Everything has to be perfect. Perfect learning method, perfect seating in lecture halls, perfect furniture arrangement, perfect mattress.
It is clear this has developed as a trauma response, especially towards my father. There is no inner self I am desperately trying to find. But I can't let go of it. I tried so many times. It often ends like this: I try to be "unperfect" and destroy everything around me, virtually. Installing Linux, knowing it's worse for my use case. Using an inferior browser. Using a wallpaper not being perfect, but defining "me". Using non standard clothing. I literally wiped all my data and reinstalled various operating systems on my laptop, computers etc. both in an attempt to be perfect and unperfect. Do you know the definition of insanity? I hope you do, because that's certainly it.
But after doing all these things, I come to the realizations that these things don't represent me either because I didn't try being unperfect because I wanted to, but because it felt like an obsession.
And now I am in a point where I am frozen and unable to do anything. I look at my monitor, my browser, the operating system, and instantly this obsession arises of changing to Firefox. Changing to Linux. Changing the wallpaper. Changing all my social media usernames, my profile picture. Nothing triggers me more than seeing "my" profile picture, "my" username. I reached a point where my own name written somewhere triggers me because it defines "me". But the points is that I tried literally everything, every furniture arrangement, every laptop, every monitor, every mattress, every chair, that I *know* that these things are not the problem.
But then what is the problem? My perfectionism. It hides a deeper problem of me not having any own identity whatsoever. At least over time I idenfitied one thing that *I* really like: Music. Because nothing about music is perfect or unperfect. It just is But that's the only thing so far and it's my only anchor point so far. On the outside I made progress and e.g. talk to other people like a normal human being, being able to stop buying things in my perfectionism.
But the more I appear mentally sane on the outside, the more empty I feel. The more I connect with other people, talk with them, go outside, the more devastated I feel when I am alone. It feels like my fragile self gets overwritten the moment I interact with other people (I like interacting with other people). Thus it feels like I can either chose between isolating and maintaining a self and socialising and being even more empty than before.
Again the problem is perfectionism. I try to be perfect around others, too, which is probably one of the problem. I want to make others feel great, all the time. Like I did when I was living with my parents. I didn't want to feel them bad because they would abuse me.
But how to deal with perfectionism? How do you know what you want is really what you want and not an artifact of perfectionism?
submitted by feuer_stern to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 01:23 Lyricalhairinc The Ultimate Guide to Men's Hair Systems: A New Lease on Your Hairstyle

Introduction: In today's world, men are becoming increasingly aware of their appearance and grooming habits. One aspect that significantly impacts a man's overall look is his hairstyle. For those experiencing hair loss or thinning, a men's hair system can provide a solution that restores confidence and style. In this blog post, we will explore everything you need to know about men's hair systems, from choosing the right one to maintaining it for long-lasting results.
Understanding Men's Hair Systems: A men's hair system, also known as a hairpiece or toupee, is a non-surgical solution designed to cover areas of hair loss on the scalp. These systems consist of a base material with hair attached to mimic natural hair growth. The base can be made from various materials like lace, polyurethane, or a combination, while the hair can be synthetic or human.
Choosing the Right Hair System: When selecting a men's hair system, consider factors such as the size of the area you want to cover, your lifestyle, and your budget. It's essential to find a balance between comfort, durability, and aesthetics. Consult with a professional who can help you choose a hair system that matches your existing hair color, texture, and density for a seamless blend.
Customization and Fitting: To achieve a natural look, customization is key. A well-fitted hair system should align perfectly with your scalp contours and be virtually undetectable. Professionals use measurements and impressions of your scalp to create a custom hair system tailored to your needs. Additionally, they can style the hair to match your preferred haircut and parting.
Maintenance and Care: Proper care ensures the longevity and quality of your hair system. Regular cleaning with specialized products prevents buildup and maintains the integrity of the base material. Use gentle, sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners specifically designed for hair systems. Avoid exposing your hairpiece to excessive heat, which can damage both the base and hair.
Styling Tips: Once your hair system is in place, styling becomes crucial to maintain its natural appearance. Use high-quality styling products suitable for your hair type and avoid heavy creams or oils that could weigh down the hair or damage the base. Experiment with different hairstyles to find what suits you best, and always consult with your stylist for expert advice.
Conclusion: Men's hair systems offer an effective and versatile solution for those dealing with hair loss. By understanding the options available, investing in proper fitting and maintenance, and embracing new styling possibilities, you can enjoy a renewed sense of confidence and a fresh take on your hairstyle. Remember, the key to a successful hair system experience lies in working closely with professionals who understand your unique needs and preferences.
To learn more about our products, please visit our website. For more orders and inquiries, please click this link.
submitted by Lyricalhairinc to LyricalHair_Toupee [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 15:08 hilbrengrid Boyfriend (24M) got upset that I (26F) set up a haircut appointment for him at a hair salon, why did he get so upset?

TLDR is organized as the section titles for your convenience!
We have been together for 8-9 months.
[TLDR 1: I set up a haircut appointment for boyfriend and he said okay three times before the day of the haircut and never said no]
I found a very good hair salon and I really liked their cleanliness and how skilled the hair stylists were.
I decided that I want my boyfriend to also get a men's haircut there since he usually always struggles with his hair in the morning because his current barber cuts his hair asymmetrically.
He works a blue collar job where he only gets one day off of the week and works with a majority of older men, so I wanted to treat him to a self-care day with a haircut and a shampoo-conditioning head massage where he can just relax.
When I told him that I set up a haircut for him a week before the appointment, his first reaction was "Whaaaat? Oh geez." and then he said "thanks babe, I guess I could make the time to go for the appointment."
Two days before the appointment the salon called to confirm the appointment, and when I asked him again "Do you still want to go to the haircut appointment two days from now or do you want to just go to your regular barber?" he said "No, I'll just go to your place."
[TLDR 2: Boyfriend is confused why he is going to the salon that I am recommending if I don't even have a specific style in mind for him. He gets even more upset when we arrive at the salon.]
The night before the appointment my boyfriend started asking me what specifically I have in mind for his new hair style, and when I told him I was just going to ask for a hairstyle that is easy to get-up-and-go in the morning and fix the top part to be more symmetrical, he got a little upset and confused that I didn't have a specific hair style in mind for him.
The day of the appointment, in the morning we were planning out our day and we decided to go grocery shopping and then hiking together, and I suggested that we can skip the haircut since he seemed uncomfortable with going to a new barber.
He happily said "Okay!" and we finished our grocery shopping.
When we got back to the car, I noticed that we were just 10 minutes away from the hair salon anyways and the hair appointment was 20 minutes away. So I asked if we could just go to the haircut appointment.
But then my boyfriend's mood went bad very fast from there on our drive to the hair salon, to the point where by the time we were parked in front of the salon he was huffing and puffing and complaining that I set up an appointment he never asked for.
[TLDR 3: Boyfriend meets hairstylist. Haircut comes out great and he gets a head massage and shampoo treatment from stylist. He gets very upset that I paid for his haircut in front of the cashier and hairstylist, which is the first time he got upset that I paid for something for us. Then leaves a cash tip for stylist.]
When we got into the salon, he was able to keep a straight face and was polite to the staff. When we met the hairstylist, who was around our age, she greeted us and offered me a seat right next to my boyfriend and began asking me about my hair goals for him and asked my boyfriend about himself.
She complimented that he has amazing hair and when he answered her question about what he's doing this weekend by saying he can't do anything because he works six days a week, she said she's in the same boat and that she works all weekday too.
She kept initiating conversation with him and he got to a point where he came out of his shell and started asking her questions too.
When she was done she took him to the back to do the shampoo and conditioning treatment.
The haircut came out amazing.
After that, she walked us up to the front to the cash register.
My boyfriend started to take out his wallet but I got in front of him and covered the cost for him instead, because I felt bad that he felt like I dragged him to an appointment he didn't want.
He then took out some cash and asked the cashier how he could tip the stylist, and the cashier said it's an envelope system where the customer writes their name and the stylist's name on the envelope.
He immediately began writing his name down and then I saw him pause because he couldn't remember the stylist's name.
I took the pen and wrote the name down for him, and he took the envelope from my hand and folded the envelope and put it in the tip box.
When we left the salon and got in the car, he wouldn't say a single word to me.
It took 15 minutes of dead silence for him to finally open up and say
"When you see me taking my wallet out, please don't get all giddy next to me and make a big deal out of covering for me. If I already have my wallet out ready and you want to use your card instead, you can just virtually send by an app instead of making a big deal"
I was shocked because during the 8 months we've been together, he has never once expressed any kind of anger at all when I covered for us at restaurants or grocery stores or at shopping malls and did the little fight over who gets to cover the check. He was usually kind of smitten about it.
I said I'm shocked and asked why he didn't tell me this before,
and he said he always felt upset when I did that but that today he was already really upset and me cutting him off to pay for him made him even more upset.
I apologized and he apologized and we were off to go hiking.
[TLDR 4: Boyfriend "jokes" that hairstylist was kissing him and that she was all over him when they were in the shampoo and conditioning room. Brings up hairstylist's first name that I wrote down for him on the tip envelope and keeps "joking" about how intimate the massage was. When I warn him to stop and set a boundary, he apologizes and explains why he was making those jokes.]
By the time we were almost there, I warmed up to him and said "the haircut came out so amazing though! Don't you think?"
He started laughing and said "yeah, especially when she took me to the backroom and started to kiss me and get all up on me like muah muah muah muah!" and then I told him to stop BSing and he laughed even more and said "Oh what was her name again? Oh! Be-a-tri-ce? Right?"
I got so angry that I stopped talking to him and told him to turn the car around.
He looked surprised and said "I'm so sorry" and we were both silent from then on.
He then explained that this was the first time he's ever been to a salon where the majority of the people were all women. He asked how I would feel getting a haircut at a men's barber shop.
He said he never experienced a hairstylist massaging his head and washing his hair for him before.
He said he felt guilty about even just going to a backroom with the hairstylist where I can't see, and that it made him nervous and really uncomfortable and he wanted to be able to talk with me about it openly but didn't know how to do so without making it too serious.
The hike diffused the situation a little and we ended up coming back safely.
[TLDR 5: He apologizes, I put my anger on hold since I'm not sure if I brought this whole situation on to myself by taking him to a salon he never asked for, but I still have a huge doubt on whether he even actually respects me.]
When we got back I told him how serious his "joking" is and that paired with how he got upset at me for paying for him at the salon, it makes me think he is much more occupied with what the hairstylist who he met for one day thinks of him than what I think of him when he throws a temper tantrum at me after a haircut that was meant to be a gift for him from me.
He kept saying he doesn't know why he thought the joke was funny and that he was wrong for it.
The only thing putting me on pause is the guilt I feel about maybe I should have never taken him to the salon in the first place.
What do you think?
submitted by hilbrengrid to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 19:57 JC_Ksaw1 Guide to all things at the Battery Atlanta

I was surprised to see that there wasn't a specific reddit feed dedicated to the Battery Atlanta, so here are my thoughts as of May 23rd, 2024 as a thirty-something, single, male, Braves fan who has been to the Battery many times since it opened. Welcome all.
First, the Battery Atlanta is a clean, safe place for all to enjoy before/after Braves games as well as on non game days. Although your experiences may be different than mine, I can't imagine anyone not liking something about it.
NOTE: There a few places not listed that I just haven't been to yet (the boxing gym, the nail solon, the yoga place, the corporate offices, etc.) Also, some hotels are not considered part of the Battery but are walkable and nice enough (Doubletree, Hampton Inn).
submitted by JC_Ksaw1 to BatteryATL [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:23 Kindly-Passion-2976 Virtual hair cut

Hi all, I’m looking for a virtual haircut, any information (like who do it) and experience about it?
submitted by Kindly-Passion-2976 to curlyhair [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:31 Toteldejesus How octogenarian Cecile Guidote-Alvarez rushed to the beauty salon to tackle West Philippine Sea

On a rainy Saturday afternoon not so long ago when internet connection was fluctuating in most homes, the 80-year-old Cecile Guidote-Alvarez, widow of the late Senator Heherson Alvarez, carrying a mini iPad, hurriedly alighted from a three-wheeled pedicab Toktok and stormed her way into a popular coffee shop in a mall in Manila.

A senior citizen in panic mode, she told the stunned baristas she’s looking for a Wi-Fi connection because she was about to interview retired Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonio Carpio via Zoom.
The coffee shop, a known world brand, has Wi-Fi exclusive to its employees, so the old lady was told to try other establishments. She went from one coffee shop to another only to be told the same, until a kind stranger led her to a well-known beauty salon with a free internet connection.
The lady salon attendant was very accommodating to the octogenarian, even typing the password on her IPad. Of course, she needed to avail herself of their salon services. Initially, she opted for a haircut, but since she needed to talk and hear clearly who she was talking to, she settled for a foot spa with pedicure.
“They lowered the volume of the piped-in music, and since there were less customers because it’s been raining all day, I was able to do my interview,” Guidote-Alvarez said.
For the next half-an-hour, the hair dressers and manicurists working with their scissors, nail clippers and cuticle removers on their customers’ hair and fingernails, listened to Carpio and Guidote-Alvarez discussed how Filipino fishermen and the Philippine Navy ships helplessly negotiate their ways in Scarborough Shoal amid the territorial disputes in the West Philippine Sea.
“They were all very nice to me. I was able to finish my interview, with newly pedicured nails,” she told The Diarist.
For those who’ve worked with Guidote-Alvarez, her steadfast, almost stubborn, nature to accomplish a task, is nothing out of the ordinary. She would improvise, find alternatives, call up friends and former students, wake them up from sleep, just to get things done.
But now, in her 80s, legally blind and nearly deaf, she has mellowed down.
Cecile Alvarez with her mentors, National Artist for Literature Alejandro Roces, Jr and Fr. James Reuter. SJ
In her twilight years, Guidote-Alvarez has been solely hosting the 57-year-old Radyo Balintataw on DZRH, one of the oldest radio stations in the Philippines, where she tackles a wide range of topics, from climate change, women’s health, theater, culture, dance, to current issues, apart from playing old recordings of classic radio plays she produced and directed, dating back to the late ‘80s.
She shared with how she started and continues to host one of the longest running advocacy programs on AM Radio.
Theater on TV
After founding the Philippine Educational Theater Association (PETA) on April 7, 1967, or exactly 57 years ago, Guidote-Alvarez thought of the need to expose PETA’s members to television, so she started conceptualizing Balintataw, which in Filipino means the pupil of the eye, but in a larger context has something to do with having wild imagination, or what you might see if you have a third eye.
“I designed Balintataw as a bridge between cinema and the stage, where the youth being trained in theater skills can have a ready-made laboratory experience linked with the film and entertainment industry that would likewise have a natural on-the-job training and orientation regarding the theatrical discipline of working with a literary script, whether dramatic or comic—not the regular improvised script done on taping or copycat scripts from foreign themes,” Guidote-Alvarez wrote in her yet-to-be published Memoir of a Freedom Fighter’s Wife.
“A primary goal when I conceived PETA was to initiate and sustain artistic expression that draws meaning and power from the lives of the people, and sharing the literary gems with a greater number of audiences through a Broadcast Theater-Film Program with Balintataw on Channel 5,” she added.
“No matter how little the pay, at least it provided our local writers with a little honorarium. I sought permission for award-winning pieces of the Palanca Playwriting contest to be fleshed out to reach the masses. The much-awarded playwright Bert Florentino served as our literary manager, assisted by Mauro Avena. Eventually, Isagani Cruz took over when Bert left for the US,” she wrote.
“Writers need exposure and encouragement through a regular TV performance that will give them a sense of achievement and inspire them to keep on writing with some kind of honorarium. I was glad Lupita Aquino (now Kashiwahara) agreed to be TV director and Robert Arevalo as TV host.
She got members of the PETA Kalinangan Ensemble to serve as stage directors. “This is to undertake preliminary preparation with a rehearsal with the actors for character development and memorization and preliminary staging,” she wrote.
Five months after PETA was founded, Balintataw TV premiered on Channel 5 on Aug. 19, 1967, coinciding with the Buwan ng Wika birthdate of President Manuel Luis Quezon.
The first play, whose title escapes her now, featured Armida Siguion-Reyna and Maria Eva “Chingbee” Kalaw. She employed photo journalist and award-winning photographedocumentarist/cinematographer, Romy Vitug, to work with her in filming outdoor scenes for Balintataw.
In the pre-Martial Law Balintataw, among those initiated into television were Lino Brocka, Elwood Perez, Nick Lizaso, Maryo delos Reyes, Mario O’Hara, Joey Gosiengfiao, Behn Cervantes, and Frank Rivera.
Among the stage actors who crossed over to television were Lily Gamboa, Angie Ferro, Lorlie Villanueva, Jonee Gamboa, Joy Soler, Sherry Lara, Gardy Labad, Noel Trinidad.
Like with PETA, Guidote-Alvarez directed and managed Balintataw for five years. Because of Martial Law, she and husband Heherson went on exile in the US to escape a military shoot-to-kill order on Heherson, who was tagged as a subversive.
Post-Martial Law
Internationally acclaimed auteur Lav Diaz mentioned in several interviews how he learned writing radio and TV scripts in Balintataw.
This happened in the late 1980s, when the Alvarez couple returned from exile.
Despite its absence on the air in the Martial Law years, Balintataw was honored by Star Awards as among the 20 unforgettable outstanding broadcast programs in the Philippines.
“This encouraged me to consider reviving Balintataw on TV. Another blessing was a FAMAS award for having an important role in the development of cinema recognizing Balintataw as a bridge for synergizing cinema with the stage, providing a pathway of entry of our PETA artists into film and for movie stars to consider enriching their experience by acting on the legitimate stage,” Guidote-Alvarez wrote.
Though she didn’t return to PETA anymore because it had been surviving well and had its own set of officers led by Brocka, she just tapped some of its members for the return of Balintataw.
For 14 years, the Alvarez couple lived in the US as political exiles, shown here during a Ninoy Aquino Movement meeting. Cecile revived Radyo Balintataw upon their return in the late 1980s.
Channel 4 stint
“I arranged to revive TV Balintataw on Channel 4 in 1989. We began with a drama about a rebel returnee, title escapes me now, but I clearly remember it was written by Lualhati Bautista and directed by Maryo de los Reyes. We also had a good story series on the hazing of Lenny Villa, an Aquila Legis Frat neophyte,” she wrote.
At the time, Heherson had been elected senator after having served as Agrarian Reform Minister and eventually Cabinet Secretary during the first year of the Cory Aquino Administration.
“We were able to unravel the deadly hazing process from a fellow neophyte who broke the code of silence as we revealed graphically, acted the cruel process used. I had Jose Mari Avellana direct it. This presentation won all the awards. Lav Diaz was training with us and he started writing teleplays. We also had Nora Aunor in an adaptation of Bert Florentino’s The World Is An Apple, adapted by Frank Rivera, and I had Nick Lizaso direct.”
Emmy Awards
Balintataw TV was selected as one of five soaps for social change recognized by Emmy Awards. The Philippines was one of five countries cited, with Mexico, India, Brazil and Kenya.
“The nomination was made possible by the wonderful support from David Poindexter. It was a supreme honor for our country to be recognized in the Emmy Awards, to be cited among the five Third World countries using soap opera for social change.”
Poindexter was a Methodist minister and TV producer who founded the Population Communications International.
Surviving on radio
“In spite of the cry about how television can be deadening the minds of the people with copied themes with an eternal favorite love triangle story, there was really no funding for Balintataw,” she wrote.
“Sponsors would go naturally to the commercial stations where big stars were paid highly for the starring role. Balintataw may have substance but we could not afford payment of bankable stars,” she added.
“Financial stress forced me to drop TV and remain on radio because I didn’t want to kill Balintataw per se just because we didn’t have funds.”
Creative classroom
“We have focused on Balintataw as a creative classroom on the air. I was able to talk to Fred J. Elizalde of DZRH and the president of the network, Mr. Jun Nicdao,” she wrote.
In the ‘80s, the HIV/AIDS became a global epidemic and in the Philippines, the general populace was still clueless on how to deal with it.
“In order to get funding, the first series I did was about the explosive news regarding AIDS in Asia. I got the DOH Secretary at the time, Dr. Juan Flavier, to act as himself, providing the data. It was easier to start off with an AIDS radio serial.
They did a minimum of 13 episodes to raise awareness about the disease.
“From then on, some of our television scripts we transformed into a radio version. DZRH provided us with our initial production staff, so we used some from the network and some of its resident artists and drama talents. Our time slots were changing but always coming after the long-running horror drama, Gabi ng Lagim.
“We worked on the themes of overseas workers, the drug problem, corruption, aside from portraying contemporary and literary classics serving as social commentaries,” she wrote.
Women playwrights
“We dramatized the works of noted women writers and playwrights like Estrella Alfon, Genoveva Edroza Matute and Marilou Jacob, who is distinguished in being a founding president of Women’s Playwright International.
“Apart from our PETA staple of writers, we involved young, upcoming and budding university and community theater groups.
“We also had a lot of foreign plays, where we could feature theater festivals beyond borders. We could do Shakespeare, we could do Euripides but also the current playwrights in the Arab region we translated in our language.
“We brought in Chinese contemporary plays, Malaysian, Indonesian and from other women writers from ASEAN member countries.”
Virtual history book
“The significance of Balintataw is portrayed as a virtual history book on audio as it unveiled events in the country. Radio is fresh, instant and up-to date,” she added.
When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, Balintataw became Guidote-Alvarez’s outlet and therapy. Having lost her husband on the second month of the pandemic, a widow cocooned at home, she began hosting it six days a week, learning how to use an iPad and interviewing via Zoom.
The word “Balintataw” has been associated with her name.
Visual artist and editorial cartoonist Benjie Lontoc in casual meeting told us how in his younger days, when AM Radio was a national past-time, he was surprised to hear a Filipino adaptation of No Exit by Jean Paul-Sarte. This was when radio was airing soap, fantasy adventures targeting housewives and children.
Another was the airing of Larawan as a radio play in the 1990s, with Guidote-Alvarez as the voice of Candida Marasigan.
Leopoldo Salcedo (left) as Manolo in a confrontation scene with Dante Rivero as Tony Javier in PETA’s 1968 ‘Larawan’ directed by Cecile Guidote-Alvarez. (Photo from PETA archives)
In the 1960s, she directed Larawan, the first Filipino adaptation of Joaquin’s A Portrait of the Artist as Filipino for PETA’s second season. It ran from December 1968 to January 1969 at the Raha Sulayman Theater at Fort Santiago in Intramural. In the cast were Rita Gomez (Candida), Lolita Rodriguez (Paula), Leopoldo Salcedo (Don Manolo) and Dante Rivero (Tony Javier).
Guidote-Alvarez has a funny recollection of the radio play. It was Nick Joaquin himself who told her years ago how his pedicurist suddenly started a conversation about Larawan.
Joaquin was relaxing on the barber’s chair having a post-haircut pedicure and foot spa when the lady pedicurist asked him how the story would end. Joaquin was stunned because he didn’t want to be known in the barber shop as Nick Joaquin the famous National Artist for Literature, but just a regular customer.
“He told me he almost fell out from the chair. He was a very private person and the pedicurist recognized him as the playwright,” Guidote-Alvarez, laughing, told
When she was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2000, she was given only three years to live. It’s been more than two decades since then. She has also conquered COVID-19 twice.
Over and beyond her work in theater and various advocacies, Guidote-Alvarez is among the few surviving practitioners of AM Radio broadcasting.
The beauty salon incident wasn’t a first for the octogenarian radio host. She occasionally went back there to interview guests and record her shows whenever Wi-Fi connections in her home fluctuated.
Despite all setbacks, man-made or otherwise, the steadfast Cecile Guidote-Alvarez’s voice continues to be heard in this mass media platform in an era that knows mainly Spotify. As Joaquin wrote, “to remember and to sing, that is her vocation.”
(Except Saturday, Radyo Balintataw airs daily on DZRH 666 Khz AM radio after ‘Gabi ng Lagim’, and live streamed on Some episodes have been uploaded on YouTube.)
submitted by Toteldejesus to u/Toteldejesus [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:57 Famous-Pepper5165 Is GDP PPP a good metric?

People like to point out that GDP, in nominal terms, is not a good way of comparing economies, and GDP PPP is better at taking into account price differences.
People give the Haircut example: How a haircut in India costs way less than a haircut in Denmark, even though the end product is the same: a new hairstyle.
But I see a flaw in this analogy. Within the SAME country, there may exist 2 different Hair Saloons who do the job for very different prices: One which does the job in some back-alley in a shack, and the other in a premium mall with good airconditioning and bg music and stuff.
When calculating GDP, it would be reasonable to expect that the premium saloon would add more to the bottom line of a country's GDP, BUT WAIT, for the purpose of this comparison, doesn’t the hair saloon in Denmark get to call itself a "premium" saloon by virtue of the fact that the society that encloses it is a developed one, and how the customers get to breathe clean air while being worked on, how they have functioning legal recourse if the barber ends up hurting them, and how they can be assured that the employees of the establishment are being paid a decent wage, and kinda also the fact that Denmark is, on average, a more desirable place to live in than India, and the customers of the Danish Saloon are virtually paying the extra costs as a kind of fee for getting to live in such a desirable place to live. (No offense to people of India) The saloons in India, on the other hand, provide them with none of that. This "extra" value being provided to the customer is a very tangible good, but proponents of GDP PPP ignore all this and apparently equate the value of the product - a "Haircut" - being produced in either economy because, according to them, at the end of the day, it's the same old "Haircut".
What do you think about this? Is GDP PPP an honest metric or does it just expand to Please Pretend we're not Poor.
submitted by Famous-Pepper5165 to AskEconomics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:47 Lunara_Misakiaro AITA for breaking up my LDR?

Names have been altered/changed
So I (24,f) was in an LDR with my ex Sam (33,m) and upfront he was a nice guy, a really sweet guy. He made me always laugh and feel loved and I would always let him know that I would cherish every single minute that we were on a call.
My reason why I had to break up with Sam, was because of 3 events that happened during our relationship that went in weird way. Atleast my friends thought it that way.
So event 1:
I was out with my mom. Went to the hairsalon and got a new haircut and afterwards went with my mom to an asian vegetarian restaurant. We met up with my Mom´s knitting friends and waited for another friend to come. She was apparently the reason why they wanted to met in the first place. That friend.... She told mom and her knitting friends in the groupchat, that they had, that she would be late.... like 15 minutes...
She was everything but 15 minutes late. She was late for an whole hour...
We ordered some appetizers and drinks and started without her. Who would have known that hell was about to break loose. My Mom´s knitting friend eventually came..... but not alone......
Her Husband to whom my Mom´s knitting friend is 17 years married to, tagged along while the knitting circle upfront told her to not let him come with her.
A lot went from there on. When I stood up to change seats, sitting besides my mom, that husband grabbed my neck in a hold like a momma cat would hold her kitten. It was a very thight grip and I couldn´t release myself from him. Mom "kindly" had to ask him to let go of me. That husband lateron did stuff like asking about my phone, what games I play, what my sex-life was, how many men I did it with and asked how much earned.
I barely answered that husband any question and if anything he smelled bad.... really bad... beyond that I would almost say that a bag of plastic trash smelled better then him. (And I certainly do not mean it in a mean way. I just cannot imagine anything worse then that smell)
Now here is the thing. I went on discord and on the toilette calling Sam. He hung up on me and said he was out with friends. I told him that it was an emergency and that I needed his emotional support. The call lasted only 10 min. He told me he is sorry but he cannot listen to me rn and that I should call him in the evening. He was out with friends.
I understood that and said okay and would call him in the evening. I messaged to my male friend Alpii (26,m) who was instantly there for me as well as Elliana (24,f) and supported me emotionally as well as virtually, to not have to talk to this husband.
Later that same day, in the evening I called Sam again and explained what happened to me. In the most really dead pan voice Sam apologized to me and said he cannot see anything wrong with what happened to me and again hung up on me.
I told my best friend Suviana (29,f) about and she was pissed off, by how he reacted. It took me and Suviana 2 weeks to make him aware that what happened to me was something where I needed him and he wasn´t there for me.
Now 2 and 3 event were in one call that we had about 3 weeks before I broke up with him.
I had my days and am clinical diagnosed with pms. I told him that my cramps would really hurt and that I would go get a warm water bottle. Sam let a bomb loose.
Sam said that the pain of a kick in the groin is similar painful as having a period and it left me stunned. I tried explaining to him that period pain is for each woman each differently painful and instantly got dismissed by him. Sam then told me how he would see "US" in the future and said while I should work in home office, take care of "our" children and stand in the kitchen all day long, something inside me just ripped.
I instantly realized thats not how I would´ve like to live in a relationship, let alone in a marriage. 3 weeks after that call I told Sam that I would want to break up with him. He was of course shocked but I told him my reasons as of why. The whole week he bombarded me with messages and even went as far as wanting to come over. He never gave me a chance to really reply to his messages and it went as far as giving him an ultimatum that I usually wouldn´t pull.
I wanted to know if IWBTA for breaking up with him because of what happened
submitted by Lunara_Misakiaro to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 01:45 Leg0wner96 Hairdresser ruined my appearance and my job interview is next week

For past few weeks I have finally found a job that fits for me perfectly. It's call center, basically I try to please and help costumers unhappy with service. Before I start talking about today's hair disaster, I must emphasize my confidence in my qualifications for the position. I got all the skills my employer seeks, further more I was recommended by employee for my linguistic skills. I am very confident in my abilities and till today I was convinced I'm practically employed. Now I'm doubting my chances becouse of butcherd nightmare of a haircut I received. Same hairdresser, sake hairstyle like before. Soft mullet with v bangs. Unsuspectingly my head sides are bold now. My characteristic v shaped bangs are so short, I look like megamind. Thankfully i got a litle bit of hair to cover baldness. I also color my scalp so my face shape don't look like megamind anymore. In other words I can pull this of in public. Hell, people complement me on my haircut. However I don't feel professional and I wouldn't hire someone who looks like me. My friends are trying to convince me I have a chance to pull off the unfortunate haircut by confidence in my skills. I need a bit of more opinions. What do you think? Can pure skill and confidence outshine unprofessional appearence ? Or meybe my guts are right and I shouldn't bother showing to the interview? Ps: I forgot to mention, my job interview happens virtually. At least i have some control over the way interviewer precves me
submitted by Leg0wner96 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 22:54 Lyricalhairinc Enhance Your Style with a French Lace Toupee for Men?
In the world of men's grooming and style, a French lace toupee stands out as a versatile and sophisticated option for those looking to enhance their appearance. Whether you are dealing with hair loss or simply seeking a new look, a French lace toupee offers a natural and seamless solution. Let's delve into the details of why a French lace toupee is a game-changer in the realm of men's hairpieces.
What is a French Lace Toupee: A French lace toupee is a type of hairpiece made with a delicate and finely crafted French lace base. This lace base mimics the appearance of a natural scalp, creating a realistic and undetectable hairline. The fine craftsmanship of the French lace provides a lightweight and breathable feel, ensuring comfort even with prolonged wear. Additionally, the lace material allows for easy customization, making it effortless to achieve a perfect fit and style.
Benefits of a French Lace Toupee: 1. Realistic Appearance: The sheer and seamless French lace base blends effortlessly with your skin, creating a natural-looking hairline that is virtually indistinguishable from real hair. 2. Comfort and Breathability: The lightweight and breathable nature of the French lace base ensures a comfortable wearing experience, even in warmer climates or during physical activities. 3. Customization Options: French lace toupees offer versatility in terms of styling, allowing you to part your hair in multiple directions and achieve various hair textures for a personalized look. 4. Durability: Despite its delicate appearance, French lace toupees are durable and long-lasting when properly cared for, making them a worthwhile investment in your grooming routine.
Styling Tips for French Lace Toupees: 1. Choose a hair color and texture that closely matches your natural hair for a seamless blend. 2. Trim and style the toupee to suit your desired haircut and look. 3. Use quality hair products and styling tools to maintain the appearance and shape of your toupee. 4. Follow a regular cleaning and maintenance routine to keep your French lace toupee in top condition.
In conclusion, a French lace toupee for men offers a stylish, natural, and versatile solution for those looking to enhance their appearance and boost their confidence. With its realistic look, comfortable feel, and customization options, a French lace toupee is a valuable addition to any man's grooming arsenal. Embrace the transformative power of a French lace toupee and elevate your style to new heights.
To learn more about our products, please visit our website. For more orders and inquiries, please click this link.
submitted by Lyricalhairinc to LyricalHair_Toupee [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 11:13 Previous-Shower-6785 BGMgirl Hair: How Long Is 14 Inch Hair

BGMgirl Hair: How Long Is 14 Inch Hair

What Does A 14 inch Wig Looks
A 14-inch wig is a medium to lengthy period wig, lengthy to the shoulder, drawing close 35 cm, ideal for the ones girls who need a medium-period bob or messy haircut.
Bob wig is one of the maximum unique haircuts withinside the hair world. The conspicuous function of this wig is that there's a instantly line both barely above the shoulder or a piece off the shoulder.
Bob wigs usually are available in 4 lengths, eight inches, 10 inches, 12 inches, and 14 inches. 14-inch wigs are the maximum famous amongst bob wigs. eight or 10-inch wigs are taken into consideration to be quick bob wigs, even as 12 or 14-inch wigs are taken into consideration to be lengthy bob wigs.

How To Measure Wig Length Correctly?

Step1: Place your lace wig at the model head and use the T pins to stable it.
Step2: Take a gentle degree tape. Put one stop of the measuring tape on the crown of the model`s head.
Step3: Start measuring the wig period.
For Straight Wig: When you degree a instantly lace wig, maintain the measuring tape to begin from the crown of your wig and stroll right all the way down to the stop of the longest hair strands. Record the result.
For Wavy/Curly Wig: When measuring a wavy or curly wig, similar to the instantly wig. Start from the crown of the wig, draw close one stop of the tape degree via way of means of your hand, and hold it fixed. The subsequent step is the point, use your different hand to stretch your curly or wavy wig to straighten, take a look at the measuring tape on the stop of the hair and report the measurement.
To assist you virtually inform the period distinction among distinct hair textures, right here we put together a wig period chart to manual you for a fast find-out.

Why Should You Choose A 14 inch Wig?

  1. Easy to clean and take care of
For 14-inch wigs, they require much less washing and maintenance. As all of us know, the longer the wig is, the less complicated it's miles to get grimy considering the fact that you could observe greater styling merchandise to the hair. But normal washing and keeping are sufficient for a 14-inch wig. It is simple to attend to and might final longer.
  1. Not smooth to get tangled
One factor we might also additionally choose a 14-inch wig is that they may be now no longer smooth to get tangled. Unlike lengthy-period wigs, 14-inch wigs are best lengthy to the shoulder, even below a fierce wind, it's miles tough to get tangled. Even if the hair turns into a bit bit messy, you could use your hand lightly circulate the knots to keep away from greater tangles easily.
  1. Affordable
It is not unusualplace that the longer the hair is, the greater high-priced the fee will be. Human hair wigs are the maximum natural-searching wigs withinside the world, however the fee isn't so pleasant for people.
submitted by Previous-Shower-6785 to u/Previous-Shower-6785 [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 22:00 Kahzgul [Near As I Can Tell...] Padawan Obi-wan Kit Reveal-wan!

[Near As I Can Tell...] Padawan Obi-wan Kit Reveal-wan!
I'm writing this kit reveal analysis from deep inside a protest encampment near a college campus I will not name out of an abundance of caution for the safety and well being of the other 40-something neckbeards camped out in solidarity. As I stand against the tyranny of Jar Jar Binks and his vile cadre of Gungan apologists, I am deeply moved by how many young people are also here chanting and singing on the campus proper (we're not allowed on - something about students only and what the fuck are we doing with all those lightsabers). I can't make out their words, but I can tell there is great enthusiasm among young people for the removal of Jar Jar. One of my fellow basement-dwellers flew a drone over and we didn't see a single pro-Jar Jar sign or banner or t-shirt or anything. So I assume we're like 100% united in this.
It's a wonderful feeling!
Further buoying my mood is the tremendous success that the Helldivers 2 community recently had, pushing back against the tyranny of mandatory account linking and other horrors that our community literally tolerates on the daily because we want those free reward boxes. Like, I'm sorry, but how fucking stupid is Sony for not just saying "we'll give you like 1 super credit or medal every day for free, forever, if you link your account to PSN?" It would cost them virtually nothing and people would have been throwing their panties at the screen trying to get the signups to happen more quickly.
I don't actually know how panties work, is what I'm saying.
And finally, there's the incredible news that the game I made an entire fake subreddit for in order to further mock EA and their insane pre-order nonsense has finally launched! I haven't played it yet, and the subreddit I made is still totally banned "for impersonation" because EA can't take a fucking April Fool's joke, but I chuckle to myself all the time at the thought that some actual EA employee is trying to make a subreddit for the game and finding it's already been made and banned. Or like, someone actually bought it and was all "i don't know how to beat the whatsit at the end of zone beeblebop" and tries to go to the game sub to look it up but OH SHIT THE GAME IS FUCKING BANNED. Amazing. It truly is an own-goal by EA that exists probably only in my mind.
Don't ruin this for me. I'm in a tent surrounded by dudes who've never seen a boob and bathed even less. IT'S ALL I HAVE.
Anyway, Obi-wan is here. Padaobiwan. Still too awkward to be a cool nickname. Pobiwan. Now it sounds like a star wars themed po' boy shop, which - you know - I'm kind of okay with. Pobiwan it is!
CATEGORIES: Attacker, Galactic Republic, Jedi
Okay, come the fuck on CG. Jedi??? HE'S A PADAWAN! The entire fucking point of the existence of padawans is THEY AREN'T JEDI YET. Holy shit. Do you even Star Wars, bro? At this point I would not at all be surprised if CG went back and gave Jedi Knight Anakin the rank of Master. We've jumped the shark here, people.
BASIC: Practiced Aggression
Final Text:
Deal Physical damage and inflict Potency Down on target enemy for 1 turn. If that enemy has 50% or more Health, Padawan Obi-Wan gains 20% Turn Meter and Foresight for 1 turn. Deal 5% more damage (stacking, max 50%) for each stack of Heal Over Time Padawan Obi-Wan has.
If there was an ally Master Qui-Gon at the start of battle: If target enemy has less than 50% Health, Padawan Obi-Wan gains Defense Penetration Up and Offense Up for 1 turn.
Just what we need: An ability where we have to keep track of how much health the enemy unit has. I guaranfuckingtee that there will be like a billion posts asking why Pobiwan isn't getting his bonus turn meter when attacking a low hp enemy. Don't be that guy. understand that this bonus only happens when the health bar is green. Yellow or red and your bonus is dead. You feel me?
SPECIAL 1: Redirected Blast (CD: 3)
Final Text:
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and Daze them for 2 turns. If this attack critically hits, remove 100% Turn Meter from target enemy and Padawan Obi-Wan gains 100 Speed for 2 turns.
This attack can't be evaded.
This is kind of insane. First, they buried the lede: you can't evade this. Amazing. Then it applies my favorite debuff, daze, AND it can remove all tm plus boost your speed massively? I'll be stacking crit chance sets on crit chance sets for Pobiwan fo' sho'! Gotta get them speed gains yo!
Why am I talking like this?
I feel like being surrounded by nerds is destroying my ability to think rationally. I feel a deep desire to be "cooler" than they are. I'm wearing several gold chains.
SPECIAL 2: Sweeping Assault (CD: 3)
Final Text:
Deal Physical damage and inflict Defense Down for 2 turns on all enemies, then if there is an active ally Queen Amidala, deal damage again.
Galactic Republic Jedi allies gain Critical Chance Up and Offense Up for 2 turns.
Kudos to CG for keeping all of these abilities short and sweet. This is a big fat buff to everyone and an AoE plus a decent debuff... I love it. Everything about this kit is so good. Unfortunately, I also just noticed the artwork, and it means I'm going to be staring at Pobiwan's pathetic excuse for a pony tail whenever I use him. This is almost as bad as a mullet, you guys. His hair looks like it was styled by a 60 year old gray-haired ice cream salesman from Ojai, California who wears Hawaiian t-shirts, puts avocado on everything, and loooooves the Grateful Dead. Not that there's anything wrong with any of that (don't @ me, u/egnards) but you know the type!
Seriously is Padawan hair just like that because of that thing where the new guy gets hazed by the older guys on the team and the jedi all sit around thinking "what's the dumbest fucking thing these kids' hair could possibly look like?" I mean, I've considered it, too. If my kid got lost it would be way easier to say "he has a haircut that makes him look like someone who peaked in 1974 got high on peyote and gave him a braid and a ponytail" than to actually remember what he was wearing (it's hard to remember things when you're high on peyote, I... uh... I've heard).
UNIQUE 1: Nobility in Restraint (Zeta, Omicron)
Final Text:
At the start of battle, Padawan Obi-Wan gains 25% Critical Chance for each other Galactic Republic ally and if there is an ally Master Qui-Gon and Queen Amidala, Padawan Obi-Wan gains Discipline until the end of battle which can't be copied, dispelled, or resisted.
Padawan Obi-Wan has +5% Critical Chance (stacking, max 50%) for each stack of Heal Over Time on him and +5% Critical Damage (stacking, max 50%) for each stack of Protection Over Time on him.
If there is an ally Master Qui-Gon, whenever he uses an ability, Padawan Obi-Wan assists dealing 40% less damage. The first time Master Qui-Gon is defeated, Padawan Obi-Wan takes a bonus turn and gains 5% Offense for each Relic Amplifier level Master Qui-Gon had for 4 turns.
If there is an active Handmaiden Decoy, Padawan Obi-Wan grants her 50% Defense. If Padawan Obi-Wan is active, whenever another ally is critically hit, they gain Defense Up for 1 turn and Padawan Obi-Wan gains Critical Damage Up for 1 turn.
Discipline: Attacks can't be countered; whenever this character gains a stack of Protection Over Time they also gain a stack of Heal Over Time for 2 turns; this character's attacks ignore Protection
While in Conquests: Allies gain 10% Max Health and Max Protection and 30 Speed. Allies gain an additional 10% Max Health and Max Protection for each Relic Amplifier level Padawan Obi-Wan has. Cut the Offense of Sith enemies in half until the end of battle.
Padawan Obi-Wan has a 50% chance to take a bonus turn whenever an enemy ends their turn. When Padawan Obi-Wan starts this bonus turn, allies recover 75% Health, gain 75% Offense for 2 turns, and enemies are inflicted with Buff Immunity and Healing Immunity for 2 turns, which can't be resisted.
If Padawan Obi-Wan's Stamina is 50% or greater: Whenever an ally uses a Special ability, they inflict Accuracy Down, Critical Chance Down, Critical Damage Down, Defense Down, Evasion Down, Offense Down, Potency Down, Speed Down, Stagger, and Tenacity Down on target enemy for 2 turns, which can't be evaded.
Oh my fucking god. I JUST said how much I appreciated the brevity of these abilities! Like, CG, can you FUCKING NOT for like ONE GODDAMN CHARACTER??? Holy shit. CG looked at this ability, slapped its hood, and thought "we can fit so many goddamn paragraphs in this fucking thing."
Okay, so Pobiwan gains a shitload of crit chance, meaning you don't need to mod him for crit chance. Crit damage it is! He also assists MQG (where did the J go? No one knows), and he gets a little mini-bane bonus when MQG dies (IMO this could be insane if they made it apply to oQGJ as well, but CG hates interesting team comps now so pffft to us, I guess).
And Pobiwan gets bonuses in conquests. This a goddamn omicron ability? OF COURSE IT FUCKING IS. Don't read any of that; no one is ever going to get that omicron.
Okay maybe I lied. This omicron basically makes winning guaranteed, and also applies a metric fuckton of debuffs which you just fucking know the next conquest series will require. Accuracy Down, Critical Chance Down, Critical Damage Down, Defense Down, Evasion Down, Offense Down, Potency Down, Speed Down, Stagger, and Tenacity Down? Oh yeah, CG is gonna lean HARD into those. Watch for my conquest guide where I explain that you could instead use like 19 other characters to do what this one little asshole does with that omicron you really didn't want to spend.
Yeah, I'm almost certainly buying this thing. Fuck.
I'm so annoyed I forgot to wrap up my "pretending to be cool" / living in a tent with other nerds jokes. Can't be assed now; this sheezy just got REAL you know? For real for real. AND WHAT IS THAT GODDAMN SMELL HOLY SHI- Oh. It's me. I heard diapers were trending and did no further research before just buying like a bazillion of them.
Here's an index of my stuff.
Here's a link to Egnard's discord where you can see my stuff linked in a different way and also I've started roasting people's rosters because I get bored and I'm an asshole.
Here's a fun quote completely out of context:

It's the uranium.
submitted by Kahzgul to SWGalaxyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 11:01 P0rcelain_Puppetress Dos, Year 3 - What made you care the most about your village?

Scroll down to "Discussion Prompt" if you are not interested in my adventures!

Hunter's Log

Top-bottom, left-right Warm Season Cold Season Breeding Season
Day 1 Completed 'Hunt the Boar King!' request (Bulldrome) Ran out of item box space; Did some management. Hunted Cephadrome to collect materials. Got a haircut from a hairdressing felyne (pretty rad), then hunted 2nd Daimyo (for gluehoppers)
(Night) Talked to villagers & hunted Velocidrome - -
Day 2 Hunted Yian Kut-Ku Upgraded some gear, checked bulletin board, then accepted urgent Daimyo quest Hunted Iodrome. Then Iodrome. Then Iodrome. efficiency.
(Night) Hunted Celocidrome & Bulldrome - Found a maka pot in a bone pile! Hunted Cephadrome Attempted a Plesioth hunt and failed... Forgot I could end via subquest.
Day 3 Did some mining & hunted Bulldrome - -
(Night) Mining & gathering mushrooms Accepted Rival Hunter's Blue Yian Kut-Ku hunt Gathered frogs


I have now played for 30 hours! I think it is worth noting that I have formed the habit of gathering on every quest now. If I do not have anything in particular I need, I usually just gather potion ingredients.
The weapon I have attained in multiplayer last week (Viper's Bite) kills everything very fast. I am selling a lot of monster parts in this stage of the game, and when I hunt a lot of monsters I am usually picking them for the bounty or the small monsters that would spawn because of them.
The villagers will sometimes make requests that are either difficult or impossible to complete in your current season. I think the game might want me to store those items so I can deliver the request later, though I have not succeeded at this yet.
In my Hunter's Log, I mention that I completed an urgent Daimyo Hermitaur quest. That is the inspiration for this week's prompt.

Discussion Prompt: What made you care the most about your village?

There will be no poll today, as this is a more open-ended question. I have had a lot of experiences in Monster Hunter. Some were awe-inspiring, some had me freaking out and panicking, and others brought tears to my eyes.
Never has a Monster Hunter game in any generation made me care as much about the singleplayer village like Monster Hunter 2 just did. If you do not care about spoilers, please read on:
The Village Chief needed to talk to me. He said that there was a caravan with goods to improve the tavern that was stuck and in trouble because of a nearby Daimyo Hermitaur. This is a pretty standard trope in Monster Hunter in the modern day. However, I think it's important that the game had already set improving the tavern as one of my goals since the beginning. This was something that me and the village chief had been working towards for a while now, and something that I had forgotten about. Accepting the quest, the chief explains urgent quests to me and does a brief pep-talk. I then go off and hunt the Daimyo Hermitaur in the desert. I did not find it particularly hard, but some other players have found it very difficult. So, that is probably worth noting too.
When I came back, the game showed me a panning cutscene of the new tavern, with everyone standing around in it. I talked to the chief and he said that everyone wanted to thank me for everything I've done. He then gives me... A single sunrise herb. One. I will be frank, I scoffed. Sunrise herbs are very easy for the player to acquire at this stage in the game, so this is a measly reward. It felt pretty thankless, for having spent 30 hours on this game already. I chatted around for a bit and then ran off to the guest house the chief let me stay in...
...He was standing next to my item box. I had not seen anyone inside my house yet, so this was jarring. I talked to him. He offered to eat dinner with me and reassures me that I wouldn't have to pay any zenny or offer any ingredients or anything. We both sit down at the table. The felynes bring out two meals and we eat. He then tells me that the tavern girl (the quest receptionist) made the meal I just ate. He says that everyone has come a long way and that the villagers really do their best.
He leaves, and I am left alone in my house. It starts to dawn on me. Collecting sunrise herbs in the jungle is *my* job because it's *dangerous*. That herb might have been genuinely difficult for a non-hunter to acquire. The way the chief talked about it made it sound like it was a gift from everybody - As if they all pitched in to give it to me.
No crazy cinematics. No special animations. Even so, this game somehow managed to activate mother instincts in me.
I care about these people now, and I want to protect them.
The only other time I felt this way was with Moga Village after fighting Ceadeus, and that was after the fact. Nothing bad has even happened yet and I feel responsible for the lives and careers of a bunch of virtual characters, in a game which is memed that no one plays it for the story.
You can't just do this to me! WHAT??!!
What was the moment that made you care the most about the village, town, or settlement the most, out of any monster hunter game you have played?
Please share your experiences!
submitted by P0rcelain_Puppetress to MonsterHunter [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 17:17 vakr001 Trip Report 4/14 - 4/19

Our family just finished five days at WDW, and it was our first time taking our 15-month-old daughter with us. We knew that she wouldn't remember the trip, but it was more for us to get her used to traveling and to take photos to show her when we go again in the future. We were aware that this trip would be different because we had a toddler with us. Normally, we would power through the entire day at the parks. However, we weren't prepared for the heat, which was slightly different than our previous visit in August (no humidity). Epcot was the worst, and we had to take multiple trips to the baby centers, which would take 15-30 minutes each time. Additionally, we spent some time in lines to meet characters including Moana, Peter Pan, Asha, Chip and Dale, and Baloo. Finally, this trip was too short as we are used to staying for 7+ days and trying to fit everything into four park days made it stressful.
Sunday 4/14 - Checked into the Boardwalk. This was my first time staying at a deluxe villa, and it was one of the refurbished ones which was gorgeous. They must have recently opened it as it still had a faint smell of paint (barely noticed it). We had our first dinner at The Ale & Compass, which was good. We ended the night walking the Boardwalk and saw the Epcot fireworks.
Monday 4/15- Woke up early to get early entry to Animal Kingdom. We instantly hit the safari as we knew everyone would be going to Pandora. Afterward, we went on N'avi River Adventure and made our way to the Triceratop Spin. We walked back around and ate lunch at Tiffins, which was spectacular. We left for the day as we met up with family who came to visit at the hotel. We ate at Amare for dinner, which was the worst meal of the trip. The octopus was extremely hard, the dips were bland, and overall it was disappointing. After dinner, we had reservations for Beaches and Cream for ice cream, which is always great. We walked back to the Boardwalk and called it a night.
Tuesday 4/16- Woke up early to catch breakfast at Cape May Cafe. This character breakfast was delicious and empty! We had all the characters come by within 30 minutes. Highly recommend it. Afterwards, we went to Epcot. We hit The Land, Nemo, and Mexico before having lunch at the San Angel Inn. The food was delicious. However, our little one started to get fussy due to the heat. We hit Remy and went back to the hotel to cool off. Our visiting family left, and we hit Epcot again around 6:30. We tried Nine Dragons (my wife wanted to try this ever since 2016). Her duck fried rice was okay, but the tofu and veggies were microwaved. We then walked the showcase and went back to the hotel.
Wednesday 4/16- Woke up early to buy Genie+ and grab LL. I got us into the virtual queue for Tron, but we were in group 69. We decided to buy an individual LL at 10 AM (glad we did as our group didn't get called until 3:30). I grabbed a Peter Pan LL for 1 PM. We arrived at Magic Kingdom at 9:15 and took our little girl to the Harmony Barber Shop for her first haircut. This was an amazing experience, and she loved every minute of it. It was worth the $35 tip! We then went on Pirates and walked our way over to Tron for our LL. This ride was awesome. I'm not a huge roller coaster guy, but had so much fun on it. My wife was glad we didn't eat any breakfast! After Tron, we grabbed lunch at one of the quick services (forgot), and then went on Under The Sea, The Haunted Mansion, Peter Pan, and grabbed an LL for Thunder Mountain. By this time, the parade had started, and we loved to go shopping during that time (the stores were empty). After shopping, we went for an early dinner at The Crystal Palace, which was good. We then called it a night so our little one could sleep.
Thursday 4/17 - Woke up early again to buy Genie+ and get an LL for Slinky Dog, although it was unavailable at 7 AM. I refreshed it a few more times, and it still said unavailable, which was odd. Instead, we grabbed a Mickey Railway LL for 10 AM. I'm so glad we did because Slinky Dog was down! We got to the park, and it kept saying "Temporarily Closed." We went on Mickey Railway and checked on Slinky...still closed. We grabbed an LL for Toy Story Mania for 11 AM. We walked over to the Toy Story area rode Alien Swirling Saucers, and then jumped on Toy Story Mania. We checked on Slinky...still closed. We went over to the Star Wars part and grabbed quick service at Docking Bay 7. Once we were leaving, I checked Slinky one more time, and it no longer said "Temporarily Closed." It was blank. We rushed over there and got on the line. The wait quickly ballooned to 90 minutes, but we only waited 30. While online, I snagged an LL for Slinky at 2:30, so by the time we were done riding it the first time, we were able to jump right back on! After that, we left to go swimming at the hotel. We returned to Hollywood Studios for dinner at Roundup Rodeo BBQ. I don't understand the hate for this restaurant. It was well worth it. Once done, we did a bit more shopping and called it a night.
The last night was always sad, but this trip was not easy. We know that now and are preparing for the next one. Once again, I find myself looking at DVC resales.
submitted by vakr001 to WaltDisneyWorld [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 00:30 Bep_1 Squad Up - How I accidentally became an alien war hero 4/?

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Squad Up - How I accidentally became an alien war hero
Kious and I said simultaneously, his voice louder than mine, clearly showing that he was not aware of his captain's plan. The rest of the crew's expressions also showed that they had not been privy to it.
What was his plan?
Oh, right. Recruit a scrawny kid to fight an intergalactic war alongside big furry aliens against mindless bugs that threaten the very universe. It's no biggie. It qualifies as a small summer job at most.
Fucking not!
Me? A soldier, albeit a virtual one. No, I wasnt cut out for war or any kind of fighting for that matter, well, real fighting. To be honest, I was pretty good in the competitive gaming scene. Basically, all of my free time since middle school had been dedicated to games and improving in them. In most competitive VR fps, I was highly ranked, not the top, but near it.
Many of the people I know today I met through my skills in games. Most of my closest friends, including my sister, were all adept at competitive games, all having slightly different skill sets, with me, in particular, being good at movement shooters. We had a solid squad that always played together on the weekends, but as we grew out of it as we got older, and by the time college hit, we all drifted away from games. It was never a viable career path for me to consider. I needed a more surefire future, so much for that now.
“You want me?” I asked, perplexed. The captain gave me a slightly confused look,
“With the skill you just showed, you could be an entire unit's worth of men as a single mech.” I thought about it for a second; that performance was around what I was used to seeing in higher-level players, but these guys had no frame of reference for any of it.
“Is this the first time you have seen a human play a VR game? Well, I guess not a game, but it is close enough to what we have on earth right now, except way more sophisticated.”
“Yes, this is the first time. The purpose of this exchange was to learn things just like this.”
Oh yeah, they really are learning everything about humans for the first time, duh.
“So you think I would be a valuable asset in assisting in your war, so much so that I could be my own unit?” If this is going where I think it's going, earth might have a big problem ahead. If the galaxy new of our fighting potential, we could be targeted by opposing parties that want to get us out of the war before we can even get in.
“Yes, we would be ecstatic to hire you into our military unit, Bee.” Lucious took my hand in his paw and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
“Captain, I do have to inform you of something before we continue.” I looked around at the others in the room with a deeply serious expression. Rosi and Zedd straightened out while Lucious looked worried. Radi and Kious stayed stone-faced and unmoving.
“Yes?” The captain inquired
“Well, to put it bluntly, a lot of humans are about as skilled as me in ‘battle’ or, in our case, VR games. Personally, I am in the top one percent of skill in these games, but that one percent still holds millions of people.” The captain's eyes went wide at this realization while the other's mouth hung slightly agape. Radi, however, had a thoughtful look on his face. We stood there in silence for a moment as they took in the gravity of what I was saying.
“We need to keep this between us,” Radi’s voice broke through the stunned silence. “If word got out of the human's proficiency in a war of this type, we could have a serious problem.”
The captain took a deep breath and nodded, “If the Sheddri were to get word of this, they would attack Earth in full force, no doubt. The power that you say these humans hold en mass would be feared by all, driving the other united species to cut Earth out of the galactic system. If humans were to be left alone and rise to our technological level, they could take all of us over easily.”
The weight of that realization was heavy in the air, and everyone lapsed into silence as they considered the next course of action.
“I don't think it's feasible to arm every able human with these mechs either,” Radi addressed the captain, “If we started to prepare them for battle, even if it was just an exchange of technology, the information would no doubt find a way out before they are prepared, and the Sheddri would launch all their forces at once. Even if the cost were great, they would recognize the risk of letting the humans prepare. Even if we had all the alliance members help defend, which is wholly implausible for many reasons, including many that would end up siding with the Sheddri in fear of humans taking them over. They would become united under a common enemy. We wouldn't be able to protect them. We must keep this a secret from as many people as we can.”
I looked around the room as the atmosphere became much darker. The realization that this really could change the universe, and quickly at that, had set in for all of us. I squirmed in my seat, uncomfortable at the connotations being brought to light. Was I going to be silenced or imprisoned? Would they take my word that I wouldn't talk? Would they kill me? My face grew darker as I mulled it over.
The captain, as if sensing my thoughts, looked at me, “Bee, I promise we will protect you and all the humans the best we can, but we need to be extremely careful from now on. I would still like to hire you, more so now, with the new information, and create a plan of action that is the best for all of us.”
I nodded, a weight lifting off of me. Still, one question weighed on my mind: “Can you even hire me? I mean, I have friends on earth and school to go to, and though I wouldn't mind getting out of that. Still, is it even legal?” The captain's mouth quirked up into a knowing smirk.
“Well, as of yesterday, the legal forms and final discussions just went through. With the success of the cultural exchange program, we have been given the green light to take on humans in a long-term manner. This includes being able to hire humans to Orani ships to work.” His face shifted to a stone-faced seriousness. “The real question is, are you okay with leaving your obligations and connections on Earth behind?”
I opened my mouth to respond, but nothing came out. Would I be okay with it? I mean, this is basically a dream come true for me, a way to use my skills that had been an afterthought throughout my life, albeit in a more gruesome way. My friends came to mind. I haven't talked to many in a long time. To be honest, I don't think anyone would care if I was gone—well, apart from my sister.
“I know this is a massive decision. Take your time with it. In the meantime, we should come up with a plan for how to proceed in this war now.” The captain turned to Radi, but before he could start speaking again, I interrupted.
“I want to…” I looked down at my hands, trying to think what to say,
“But?” Rosi inquired
“But, I don't think I can just leave. Well, I can. I'm not super worried about that. To be honest, earth hasn't been kind to me. But leaving my sister and friends is what's holding me back. A job like this is a dream for me. A way I can use a skill I thought useless in real life up until now and actually do good with it is a tantalizing idea. The weight of it is a little daunting, but I like you guys and want to help.”
“Ooh! Ooh! Captain, I have an idea,” Rosi shot forward, planting both paws on the desk, making the metal table quake from the force. “If it can work it solves all our problems, keeping a low profile, turning the tides of the war, and Bee keeping his connections.”
We all looked at her expectantly. This seemingly fix-all idea she had cooked up couldn't possibly work, could it?
“I'm listening,” the captain said, turning to face Rosi in his chair and lacing his paws together on his stomach.
“Okay, so basically, we hire all of Bees' friends and his sister–if they are okay with it–create secret divisions comprised of humans and Orani or just a wholly human unit, ask some bigshots, and work your high-status rank to sway the higher-ups into keeping on the down low. Train up these humans, and bam! War is won. No one is the wiser.”
Radi opened his mouth to argue, then closed it and hummed in agreement. “You know that could actually work.” He conceded.
The captain nodded along, now deep in thought. My own eyes were wide in disbelief. All of my friends and sister, if they agree, all on a spaceship together fighting bugs in an interstellar war? Honestly, this is all of our dreams come true, too good to be true.
After a moment of silence, I added, “You know, I think most of em would actually agree to this.”
“Haha! See, told ya! Have I got the best plans or what?” Rosi’s booming voice bounced around the small room as she fist-bumped the air in victory.
“Okay.” The captain took a deep breath. Let me get all of the logistics together, make some calls, and pull some favors. I have a high enough standing with the council that I could convince them. If I showed them the video of today's mission, I'm sure they would take it seriously. Radi, get in contact with the Ministry of Defense. Use this number.” Luicos took out his holo pad and sent Radi a string of numbers, “It's a personal line to the head of the ministry. Old friend.” he explained.
Radi grabbed his holo pad and checked that he had received the message. He then stood up, saluting, “On it, Cap.” Then, in seconds, he rushed out the door and down the hall.
“Wait, wait, wait, slow down,” pleaded, “We don't know if any of my friends would even want to do this, though the odds are in our favor. What if none of them show up? Shouldn't we wait until I can hear from them about what their decisions are?”
“As Captian, I am willing to take that risk. Time is of the essence, and the sooner I can get the political gears turning, the better. I have confidence in the estimates of your friend's interests. Even if they don't come, we would still have you.” He gave me a measuring gaze, waiting for my response.
Was I really going to do this? Just leave Earth, the only place I've ever known, to go into the stars with aliens we had just met, to fight an intergalactic war that I had just learned of? I looked the captain in the eyes, staring into the inky black pools that pierced through me.
“Scheißdreck. Let's do it.”
Dream Team + Vera Group Chat :
(Me): Hey yalls long time no talk
(Me): I got some news yalls r gonna wanna hear
(Me): sry if this mssg is overriding yalls systems, space cat technology lol
(Me): Its super important so they made me use the fancy mssg system to make sure yalls got it
(Sali): Bro it literally came up on my TV how the hell did you do that
(Sali): But U know im here for anythin
(Me): LMAO sry didnt know itd do that
(Sali): All g whats up
(Me): lets wait for every one
(Sali): Kk
(Gene): Wow its been a hot minute, what u planin Bee?
(Sali): its only been like two years
(Tobi): Im here
(Gene): two years is long sali ur just an cranky old woman so time goes by slower
(Sali): love you too gene (watch your back)
(Gene): <3
(Vera): what do you need младший брат? Do you need another player for GGO?
(Sali): VERA! Its been too long!
(Vera): Good talking to you Sali, I would very much like to catch up
(Sali): Fs fs, after Bee’s super secret space cat plan is revealed
(Sali): Seriously u got way to lucky to get to go up there
(Me): Dont worry yalls might get ur chance ;)
(Vera): I would like to see you Bee if I can, I will come if available
(Tobi): Uhm, Bee, whats this about?
(Me): Sali get Johns ass in here so I can explain
(Sali): Alerady on it
(Sali): shoulda gotten here quicker lol
(John): fuck you
(Sali): <3
(Gene): Ok whats this about Bee, ur killin me here
(Me): ok ok
(Me): So when up here for the exchange program I kinda of snuck into one of their state of the art gaming setups, its like the newest model of ACG VR but wayyyyy better
(Me): dont say anything till i finish all this btw
(Gene): alr
(Me): …
(Gene): mb
(Me): Ok so, im under a contract and i cant really say details until yalls are on board the ship
(Me): IF yalls r down for it
(Me): so basically they want to study how humans play games n stuff, apparently I fuckin crushed their baseline for what is good in their eyes, like fuckin astorimnically better comapred to them
(Me): It was kinda sad ngl
(Me): SO they invited alls yalls to come up to their ship for an interview where they can give the details n stuff, They want to run some expriemnts and maybe even hire for full time jobs if it goes well, ik this is super sudden but they want to do this asap and they told me i get first dibs on ppl to ask
(Sali): how tf did u manage this
(Gene): Im in
(Sali): that was quick
(Sali): u still got nothin to do?
(Gene): its fukin space cats, video games, AND maybe a carrer path? how could i say no. and no i got nothin to do
(Tobi): I dont know, those space ships look scary
(Gene): Com’on Tobes its SPACE, once in a life time chance here!
(Sali): Lemme check on some stuff, u caught me at a good time 4 this tho tbh im takin a year break from all the bs of my job
(Tobi): But I cant just drop all my things and go to space
(Gene): Tobi. Ik for a fact that u got nothin goin on
(Me): the interview will only take 2 days, yalls can be back home at the end of the second day, so u can get all the info when up here then go back if u cant or dont want to do it
(Tobi): Its still scary…
(Vera): Bee I will go. I would very much like to see you
(Vera): Tobi, you live near me da? I can go with you if you are scared
(Me): cant wait sis, exitcted to see u <3
(Tobi): really? That would be awesome Vera, I do want to do this but im super nervous about the whole leaving earth thing
(Vera): da it is no problem
(Me): U got this tobes! Vera wont let anythin happen to u
(Tobi): Thank you Vera, ill pm you details then
(Tobi): Actually Bee what are the details?
(Me): dang yalls were even quicker to say yes than i thought
(John): I should be good for two days at least if its soon
(Me): can yalls be ready in two days?
(John): well shit that is soon lol, im free
(Vera): Da
(Gene): Ye
(Tobi): Okay, Vera ill pm you
(Sali): okay im back n read everythin im good for two days from now
(Me): Alr lets do this
(Me): Heres the info :
Holy shit, this was actually happening. I'm standing in front of the airlock, waiting for my best friends to board a spaceship to maybe fight an alien war. Well, they don't know that part yet, and to be honest, I don't know how they are gonna take it. Gene will be fine. He's probably more hyped for this than I am. Sali will be okay, too. Vera and John are the wildcards. Tobi is the one I'm most hesitant about. I know he is not good with new places, and this might be way too much for him. Well, I guess we'll see.
The Oranis have made a welcome party for them. Everyone from the ‘interrogation room’ is here, waiting behind me, ready to meet them and give a tour. “The first of the shuttles is arriving in thirty seconds,” Radi announced
I took a deep, calming breath. I was extremely nervous. I hadn't seen everyone in so long, and to be meeting back up in an alien spaceship was surreal. I just hope they take the news well. I'd really like some familiar faces throughout whatever came next.
The boarding room was just a part of the main body of the ship; the room, about half the size of a football field and two stories high, was filled with equipment, storage, ships, tech, and anything and everything they could want or need. It was daunting, the sleet gray walls and rafters, the area bustling with countless Oranis all towering over me.
Still, this was nothing compared to the interview I had to sit through with the head of the Orani Ministry of Defense (OMD), an old battle-scarred warrior who had seen his fair share of battles, from the face-to-face battles with real blood to the battles now with oil spilled for blood. His fur was a light gray, dotted with white showing his age. Even through the holo screen, his piercing gaze had torn into me.
Transmission Log_01:
(OMD): So Lucious, this is the one that will save the galaxy?
(Lucious): Yes Alfrit, this here is Bee, the one piloting the ROMS unit in the video we sent you.
(Bee): Uh, y-yes, sir, that was me.
(OMD): Well, certainly impressive. How much military training did you say he had, Lucious?
(Lucious): Zero Sir.
(OMD): Zero?
(Bee): Y-yes, sir.
(OMD): Well then, how did he outperform all of our most highly trained men if he had no military training?
(Lucious): Not only that sir, this was his first time using our technology to pilot the ROMS.
(OMD): Where the hell did you find him, Lucious?
(Lucious): Haha! Well, he actually found us in a way. He snuck in, took over a system, and did what no one had done yet: win against the Sheddri.
(OMD): Yes, he did do that.
(Lucious): So, have you thought about my proposal?
(OMD): Yes, I have. The video was more than compelling enough for me, and knowing you, you wouldn't ask for any favors without good reasoning behind it. However, some of the others aren't as convinced as I am. This could break some big industries and cause alot of unwanted attention and harm if it got out.
(OMD): Long story short, Lucious, we need results, definite ones. The only way to do that is through actions. The best actions are the ones we see with our own eyes.
(Lucious): So you are saying a demonstration is in order?
(OMD): Yes, I think that's fair, don't you?
(Lucious): Quite. What do you have in mind?
(OMD): We have been using new training methods that haven't been released yet, a better way to harness Oranis to fight using the ROMS, I want a battle to see who is better. To see who we should fund and support.
(Bee): Like, PvP–er–person vs person comabt?
(OMD): Yes you could say that, a squad of your people versus a squad of mine. We will see if your skills are the real deal after all. To be honest, I don't have faith in my men. After seeing that footage, I don't doubt you will win. Still, these other geezers need a good kick in the face to believe anything. So, Bee, do you think you and your crew can do that?
(Bee): Without a doubt, we will wipe the floor with them…Sir
(OMD): Haha! I like your confidence! Well, in a week's time, why don't we have a friendly spar between comrades to hone our skills, eh?
(OMD): See you then, good luck.
End of Log_01
So that's how it ended up being a 6v6 PvP match: some random humans against the best-trained Oranis in ROMS combat. By the time we got everyone’s okay’s to come up, we would only have three days to prepare—well, more like two. After they all arrive, there are a lot of formalities before they can roam freely. Even with higher-level clearance, there is a lot to be done when you first enter space.
To be honest, I wasnt worried. I've known my friends for years, and I am positive they'll take to it quickly. I'm more worried that they won't want to do what comes after proving ourselves. Well, time will tell.
The captain is keeping the five of them in the dark about the true intentions of this trip until after the mock battle is over. No need to worry them about it before we even know if they'll be a part of the mission. So here we are, just getting my old party back together to play some high-stakes games once again. Oddly nostalgic, even with the extreme jump in technology comparatively to what we are used to.
While I was ruminating, the shuttle had finished the docking sequence, and the first of them arrived. The doors hissed open a contingent of Oranis that manned the shuttle came out and addressed the workers, behind them, a small woman with darker-toned skin emerged with a radiant smile on her face. Her brunette hair was tied in a half-up rope braid that let her long hair flow without it obscuring her face.
“Bee!” Sami yelled while dashing over to me. She wore an oversized, well-worn queen t-shirt with tight-fitting blue jeans. With a bone-crushing hug, she lifted my 5’8” ass off the ground, her 5’5” ass somehow strong enough to do so easily.
“Uy! Kamusta! So good to see you again!” She set me down on the floor and stepped back to look me over. She has always been a bit overbearing and eager, but I was extremely happy to see her again.
“Hallo, I'm doing good. It is so good to see you again, even if it is in strange circumstances.” I gestured to the imposing Orani entourage I had behind me. “How was the trip up?”
“Diyos ko, it was amazing!” She exuberantly told me all about her escapades on the way up, including trying to get one of the Oranis to let her pet them. I suspect shell get her wish one way or another soon.
Before I could introduce her to the captain another shuttle arrived, this one containing two of my favorite people ever. Vera and Tobi, It was a jarring sight to see them next to one another. Tobi, a caucasian man with a wiry thin form, around my height but I swear he was half my weight. He had on a simple blue button-up shirt and black slacks. He meekly hid behind the towering frame of Vera. She is my big sis, and I mean that literally, in age and height. A towering Russian woman with a Viking-style haircut, the sides shaved short, and a high ponytail braid that ran to her shoulders. It was easy for Tobi to hide behind her 6’8” frame, rivaling the Oranis in her imposing stature. She was well endowed and had rippling muscles that threatened to break through her thick leather jacket and dark blue tank top underneath. Her legs were no less intimidating. They were treetrunks, though I would never say that to her. The black jeans ripped at the knees, and ankle-high leather boots finished off her intimidating outfit.
I swear I could feel one of the Orani soldiers tense behind me when she stepped into view. Before she could even step onto the ship, I ran up to her. The intimidating scowl that she always wore washed away when she spotted me, replaced by a loving smile.
“Bratishka!” Vera’s loud voice bellowed through the room, her arms catching me in the air as I jumped into them. A crushing bear hug met me as I collided with her. The air in my body squeezed out just like it always did when I hugged her. It gave me a nostalgic feeling, a warm reminder of when we were kids.
“Sis,” the words coming out strained as I tried to get air in
“Izvini, I am just happy to see you.
“You too, you look good. How's the shop going? Are you going to be okay away from it?”
“Da, it is fine. Kim has it covered. Very hard worker, that one.”
“Im glad, means I get to see you.” I gave her one last squeeze and pulled away. Looking past her I saw Tobi glancing around warily and moved to give him a hug, too.
“How was the trip Tobes?” I asked after hugging him
“Uh, it was okay,” his voice wavered, “It was intimidating getting on, but Vera was there, so I was okay.”
“Thank you for coming. I know this is way outside your comfort zone.”
“Well, to be honest, I want to try and do things I normally wouldn't do, and having you all here with me helps a lot. So I'm giving it a shot,” he said with a nod, his voice becoming more confident as he spoke. I gave him a side hug and maneuvered him over to our little group.
“We might as well wait until the last two get here to do introductions,” I addressed the group as we walked up and got nods of agreement but I could see on Rosi’s face she had a question. Ten bucks, it’s about my sis.
“So that's your sister?” Rosi inquired.
Knew it.
Vera looked at me with an amused look. We had gotten this question countless times before, “Yeah, she is,” I explained to the Orani group. “No, she's not my biological sister, but my sister nonetheless. My parents died when I was young, and I got sent off to an orphanage. Vera and I arrived at the same time. I was around six at the time, and she was 16. I was an emotional mess, as you can guess when I got there. I didn't really understand what was happening at that age, ya know?” As always, I got some pitying looks, I really don't remember my parents or anything around that time, so I'm not too sad about it. “It's all in the past, and I'm totally fine, well, because of Vera. She took care of me as her little brother, and she's always been there for me. I wouldn't trade her for the world; we became inseparable once we got to the orphanage, and she was the one who introduced me to gaming. When she turned eighteen, she had gotten enough money saved up from working mechanic jobs to get me out of the orphanage and officially adopt me. She worked her ass off and got a free ride to college, and I worked where I could, but she refused to let me as much as she could. She got a degree in mechanical engineering and got a kick-ass job that could support both of us. She got me into college, and now I'm here. It's been a while since I've seen her because I started college, and she was opening her new shop, so it's awesome seeing her again. I love her more than words can describe.” I looked over fondly to Vera, I don't know where I would be without her. She saved my life in a way.
“I love you too, Bee.” She smiled motherly and hugged me from the side.
The Orani group looked at both of us with a sort of shocked awe. Rosi stepped forward and put both paws on Veras’ shoulders. “You both should have never gone through that, im glad that you persevered and came out on the other end better. I cant believe your society would just abandon you both like that. You had no support while in the orphanage?” She seemed angry at this realization.
“No, we didn't,” I said. It's just how it works here. The orphanage can only take so many kids, and there's not enough money to go around. We had to make our own ends meet and grow up at the same time. Unfortunately, it happens a lot.”
Vera looked taken aback at Rosi’s anger at our situation. I was better than anyone at reading my sister, and her cold, stony gazes gave little away but I could tell she was a little embarrassed at Rosi’s words.
“Ah, thank you…” Vera indicted at Rosi, probing for her name
“Thank you, Rosi. I am grateful for your anger on our behalf. We both got dealt bad cards but made the most out of them. For Bee, I would do it all over again.” She gave Rosi a sincere smile, and Rosi took her paws off her shoulders but stayed a bit closer to Vera than normal. It was probably strange for Vera not to be the tallest one in the crowd. She always towered over others and looked highly intimidating. I know its probably a breath of fresh air for her after people avoided her all her life because of her stature.
A cough broke the silence, and we all turned around to look at the source.
“Gage!” I said, surprised. We must not have heard him come in. I guess my story was more captivating than I thought. Gage stood there with a broad smile on his face, his curly brown hair all over the place. He was around six feet tall and wore a dark red sweater and black sweatpants; his skin was a shade darker than mine. His family, being from Mexico, got their disposition and stature from them.
“Los amigos! What am I, chopped liver over here? How hurtful.” His shit-eating grin showed he wasnt actually mad. “Good to see you, mejor amigo.” He gave me a hardy slap on the shoulder when he reached me, then pulled me in for a good hug.
“Ja, ja, I love you too.” I laughed and gave him a light punch on the shoulder. He looked around at the group.
“John's not here yet? Of course, he's the last one here again. Why am I not surprised?” He said the last part under his breath, but we all heard him. My little group all chuckled in a knowing fashion, while the Oranis looked curious but didn't pry.
We waited a few more minutes, and an awkward silence rose as we waited for our last member to start the introductions. The doors opened behind us once again. John walked out a bit disheveled, his hair once a clean fade now jostled at the edges. He wore a loose-fitting Metallica shirt and black jeans, his dark skin glistening with a small sheen of sweat as if he had run to get to the shuttle.
“Sorry, I'm late!” He shouted as he stepped through the doors to meet us, “slept in a bit” he gave a meek smile.
“Really? It's 9 pm. And for this? How did you sleep in? This is one of those times where you get there extra early just in case.” I scolded him, and he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.
“It is quite alright.” Lucious’s voice cut through the air, “We are in no rush today. We will get you all settled in, and our meetings will commence tomorrow, so there is no need to fret.” His voice was calm but authoritative.
“Oh good,” John said, relieved.
“Why don't we start the introductions?” I said, bringing everyone's attention to me.
The next couple of minutes were spent meeting each other as the Oranis introduced themselves to my friends. Tobi stood close to Vera the whole time but seemed less nervous by the end of it. Zedd stuck close by me, seemingly standing guard for what I didn't know. Everything went smoothly, and we were told where our rooms would be. We had a hall for our little posse, and our luggage was taken from us and brought to the rooms while we where given a little tour and introduction like I got when I first arrived. A basic explanation of where everything could be found, mess hall, bathrooms, entertainment rooms, restricted areas, viewing platforms, sleeping quarters, and more. The tour lasted around two hours, and by the end, we were beat.
The Oranis were fairly quiet throughout, but Rosi always seemed to be right next to Vera whenever I looked over. Zedd was my second shadow throughout the whole thing, and his presence was actually comforting, like a big fluffy wall. I wondered why he had singled me out as one that needed closer protection, but I could sense that he might be a bit uncomfortable himself around these new humans, and maybe he was using me as a place of peace among us. Kinda cute that the big, burly alien had some social anxiety. Don't we all, big guy? It was endearing and made me like him even more.
“Ah chinga, this place is massive. I mean, I knew it was a big spaceship n’ all, but still.” Gene’s voice had a childlike awe that Sali and Tobi reciprocated.
“I'm glad you like it; depending on how tomorrow goes, you all could be given a chance to live here for a while.” The captain spoke over his shoulder as we marched to our rooms.
“Bee wasnt joking about that then,” Sali murmured.
“Why would I? I know this could be a dream come true for y'all. I would never lead you on like that.” my tone was somewhat bitter at the accusation.
“You know, I didn't mean it like that. It was just a ‘too good to be true’ kinda thing.”
“Yeah, I get that, it's fine.” I conceded, “I'm just happy that I will get to experience it with you all. I know how capable each one of you is, and I am certain you will pass their test tomorrow.”
“Wait, test? What test?” John said nervously
“Ah, well I guess this would be a good time to explain to all of you then. We should go somewhere private. Let's use one of the empty quarters here,” Luciois said while motioning to a door at the end of the hall.
“Oh god, I'm shit at tests. Bee, why didn't you warn me!” John Wisper yelled the last part toward me.
“I promise you all will ace it. Its less of a test and more a show of skill, and I know you all have the skills for it from what I've seen.” I reassured my group as we entered the room.
After everyone had filled in, Radi shut the door and stood guard by it. My friends made a semicircle around the captain, with Vera, Kious, and Zedd to the sides of us. The captain cleared his throat and began explaining.
“Tomorrow, you all will be using our state-of-the-art Remote Operated Mechanical Suits, or ROMS systems, to fight against a battalion of Orani defense soldiers as a learning exersice on human ‘games.’ I have been told that they are extremely similar by Bee.. We will start bright and early tomorrow and give you all the basics of how to work the units. Then, you will each have a one-on-one dual against an Orani soldier. Depending on the outcome of all your matches combined, we will have a proposal for you all to consider. There is no use worrying, though, as from what I've seen and heard from Bee, I trust this will be easy for you all.” The captain's mouth curled up into an evil grin. “I'm excited to see the look on Alfrits face tomorrow.”
The captain was putting alot of trust in my one-time performance and the recommendations of my friends. It was kind of daunting, to be honest. He trusted my skills after only one performance, but I suspected he wasnt one second guess himself. I looked at my friends and saw a multitude of reactions. Vera and Gene were unfazed and Sali and John looked curious, while Tobi looked a bit scared.
Tobi slowly raised his hand. “Uhm, sir, you said they were remote, and Bee told us it was similar to a VR game we have back on Earth. Are we piloting real suits, or is it all digital?”
“The ROMS units are all real. They are stationed on many planets throughout our sector and beyond. They are the main fighting force of many militaries and are very versatile. The main draw is that they are remote, so in battle, we don't lose any lives, just resources.”
“So we are fighting against real soldiers?” Gene interjected
“Yes, they are some of the best we have.” the captain replied
“What is the reason for this?” Vera asked, breaking out of her stoic silence.
The captain sighed and leaned forward onto his elbows, “I promise you will get your answers to that, but we need to know if you all are to be trusted with this information. So I ask for you to trust me as captain of this ship.” he looked to each of us with a measuring look waiting for our response.
“I promise you all it will be worth it, even if it is just to use the ROMS once. It's a crazy cool experience, and I know you all are going to want more of it after.” I turned to look at my friends. “I'm already in it for the long run. I promised the captain that either way. I would love it if you all could join me, but I understand if this is too much too soon. But at least give tomorrow a chance and then see how you feel after.”
“I was in since you said spaceship in the texts, im not backing out now.” Gene laid back in his chair his voice even and sincere.
“I'm in, too. This seems like fun, especially since we got our group back together for it.” John added.
“Fuck it. I got nothin' better to do while I'm on leave.” Sali sighed but a devilish grin showed me she was as excited for this as I was.
“I will do it too, Bee. I would like to watch over you while you are here, and before you say anything, I also want you to do this for me. I am interested in their technology and would like to study it some if I can.” Vera looked at me with a stern glare, she guessed that I would have told her not to do it if it was just to look after me.
“I'll do it, too. With everyone here, I think I'll be okay.” Tobi added, his voice stronger than I thought it would be.
Gene stood up and slapped a hand to Tobi’s back, “Attaboy Tobes! I'm glad you're here with us.” He gave Tobi a wide grin.
I let out a breath, relieved that they at least agreed to go tomorrow. I'm not sure how they will take the whole war savior effort, but I can only hope that the giant mechs are enticing enough.
We all gave our okays and got divided up into our rooms, saying quick goodbyes as we prepared to go to sleep. It was a long day, and we all needed the rest for tomorrow. I stayed up staring at the sleek gray silence, thinking to myself how the hell it got to this. I wasnt complaining by any means. In fact, I was ecstatic. Getting all of my old friends back together and playing like we used to was a pipe dream before this, but now it was happening. With a lot higher stakes involved but it was happening nonetheless. With nervous energy about what tomorrow brought, I drifted off to sleep, excited about the prospects of our future.
OP: Sorry this one took so long to get out mid terms are kicking my ass ;_;, this chapter was character focused again and we met new ones, so it was kinda expostion-y only but needed info. Next time there will be cool mech 1v1s so don't worry >:) next time on total drama island
submitted by Bep_1 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 21:46 InKaceiForget What are some interesting, full on CHAOTIC, quality of life features you wish were added to our favorite game? Here's a list of mine! (Picture for visibility)

What are some interesting, full on CHAOTIC, quality of life features you wish were added to our favorite game? Here's a list of mine! (Picture for visibility)
Deaf/Mute sims that use Sim Sign Language to interact with other sims: All verbal/hearing sims understand sim sign language, and can communicate with nonverbal/non hearing sims using sim sign language.
Smokey the Bear: If a fire of any kind happens on the lot Smokey the Bear appears on the lot, and approaches with an interaction stating "Only you can prevent fires." Then leaves. His business is concluded. He made his point, and his disappointment clear.
Amicable Breakups and Divorce: I want the ability to breakup with another sim and go our separate ways without completely going scorched earth on them, and tarnishing their reputation around town.
It would be nice if the option "Can we talk..." was available that prompts a breakup or divorce conversation with another sim at any time regardless of how well the relationship seems to be doing.
You can choose different ways to breakup. Some mature and considerate while others might be petty or borderline harsh.
Of course their will be some negative moodlets because that conversation won't be easy for either sim, but sometimes relationships run their course and it's okay to have "the talk".
Sims can part as acquaintances who once had history together, but now they're on to pursuing other things in life.
Going off to college? A different career path that finds them in another area entirely? Maybe they can't agree on whether or not they want kids. Or maybe they just wanted to finally pursue their dream of being a circus clown without a marriage holding them back.
They will be demoted to acquaintances, and have "ex boyfriend/girlfriend/partnewife/husband" put into their history.
After breaking up your sim may randomly get a moodlet that says "Should I call my ex? Maybe I should call my ex." from 11pm-2am *Your sim can also be awkwardly woken up with a random call at late/early hours from their ex. *
Who knows? Maybe the grass isn't always greener on the other side. They could eventually rekindle an old flame or realize why they broke up in the first place.
Hair Salon: There's a hair salon in town that can cut and color your sims hair in various fun ways to showcase your sims style and personality.
  • Bad breakup? Your sim is more likely to receive a "I should really get bangs." Moodlet or will want to get a daring haircut or color to go with their new single status. *
However, there is ALWAYS the risk that the stylist can accidentally screw up the haircut or color... Doesn't happen often, but when it does it is less than ideal. * Your sim puts on a paper bag out of embarrassment, and receives a sad emotional moodlet for a duration of time.
THERAPY: If your sim is dealing with grief of losing another sim or witnessing and untimely death, going through a bad breakup, divorcing, school/work life is hard to cope with and they need to process, OR they have some less than ideal traits or qualities about them that you want to eventually change so they can become a new and overall improved sim (Example: You no longer want them to be a klepto or cruel natured to other sims. Etc. )
It would be great if we had the option to have our sims leave the lot to attend therapy appointments or to click on the computer and see a virtual therapist on a weekly sim-time basis.
  • They can receive a "tough love" moodlet because their therapist gave them some hard "truth pills" to swallow. *
By going to therapy your sims develope coping skills and new buffs to deal with events that happen around them in a more regulated and mature way.
  • It would also be really neat if our sims obtained a journal from attending their first therapy session which they could write in for their mental health. Your sim could use it between therapy sessions to increase their emotional processing and regulation skill set. Which when completed means they're more equipped to handle chaotic or upsetting events that happen around them. Acquiring a new trait!
Cookout/block party: Your sims can host a cookout or block party for the neighborhood to expand their relationships, and get to know their neighbors better.
Any sims that arrive will bring a food dish to contribute to the cookout/party. Some of those contributions quality will be better than others. Your sim will hopefully luck out and avoid any less than ideal contributions of food from that sim neighbor who isn't the best cook... you don't want to risk your sim being stuck in the bathroom the next day with food poisoning.
Dog Walker: Give me a sim to hire who will love to take my pups on walks so my sims can focus on more pressing matters. Like getting abducted by aliens or going to work. Whatever happens to be in the cards for them that day. I'm not judging.
Online Dating Profiles: Your sim can set up an online dating profile!
Your physical search in the sim world wasn't working out so now your sim wants to put themselves out there from the comfort of home.
You get to look at other sims dating profiles where it shows you a picture of what they look like, and only a few minor details about that sim.
In order to know more about another sim and potentially find love you have to set up a date through your dating profile to officially meet them and discover more about them, and whether or not you're compatible.
Do they have kids? Animals? A jilted ex?
Be careful though! Not everyone is who they say they are, and you might find yourself face-to-face with someone completely different than who they said they were online, someone who is actually married, or maybe they used a picture from way more than a few years ago.
May the odds be ever in your favor...
submitted by InKaceiForget to Sims4 [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 17:57 MO_drps_knwldg Advice to an adult virgin

This advice can be applied to virtually any guy who feels like he’s starting from ground zero in his dating life, like guys who are coming out of long-term relationships, where it can feel like starting over.
  1. Stay away from any porn whatsoever and limit masturbation. Unfortunately, porn is the only exposure a lot young guys have ever had to sexuality, and it’s likely a significant contributor to severe awkwardness around women. Porn is a constructed fantasy, and it sets unrealistic expectation of what arouses women, and what to expect from sex. It’s also highly demotivating. Porn is a (destructive) safety net for guys; if you don’t have real sex, there’s always a release. If you take away that release, you’ll be motivated to actually go out there and make things happen. To start, try to go for two weeks without porn and masturbation, and see if you’re not motivated—or if you fear rejection as much.
  2. Treat dating solely as an experiment to hook up and improve your social skills. For now— forget finding a girlfriend, forget any type of commitment. Your only objective right now is to hook up, gain confidence, and build social skills. The relationship stuff will come. You WILL be a better boyfriend with more sexual and dating experience under your belt. You’ll also have confidence that you can attract other women, so you won’t be needy when you meet a girl who has promise as something more.
  3. Get good photos and hit the apps hard. This can’t be reiterated enough. Pay a few hundred bucks from a reviewed photographer to get some great dating app photos—for God’s sake, don’t use selfies you took under a dim bulb in your closet. The upfront investment in good photos is well worth it if you are serious about improving your dating life. Don’t just sign up for Tinder, also use Bumble and Hinge. Remember, at this point dating is nothing more than an experiment to hook up and improve social skills. Of all the apps, in my experience it was easiest to get dates from Hinge. Don’t overlook it for dating opportunities and just focus on Tinder. Use all your resources.
  4. Don’t make your virginity a big issue in your mind. If you go on dates, don’t make having sex at the forefront of your mind. Yes, hooking up is an objective, but don’t be desperate or thirsty about it. Women can sense desperation. Every date you go on is a win because you are exercising your social skills. Be relaxed, have fun. Remove the pressure. This won’t be your only opportunity, trust me.
Don’t bring up the fact that you’re a virgin on dates, or if you’re about to hook up. It’s not dirty secret that you need to reveal to her. If she asks, put a positive spin on it. Say that before you hadn’t put yourself out there much, but you’ve decided to change that. It’s only a big deal or a source of shame if you make it one.
  1. Put yourself in social situations where you can interact with attractive women so the intimidation factor is taken away. Pick an activity that you’re genuinely interested in that typically involves attendance with beautiful women—yoga and dance classes come to mind. Don’t come with the intention of even flirting. Just talk to them as human beings and friends—be the chill guy who is good at the activity and wants to learn. You will demonstrate value, and see that attractive women aren’t to be feared or treated differently. This is also a great opportunity to build your social network—having attractive women that can vouch for you to their friends will build your base of opportunity.
  2. Maximize your fitness, grooming, and fashion. Perhaps this should have been #1, but so many guys miss out on opportunities because they’re lazy with maintaining their personal appearance—or are afraid to take risks with their personal style. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone with your fashion. Do some research on Youtube or Reddit forums on examples of style that would make you feel confident. If you have a stylish friend, get their advice. Wear clothes that fit well, get a fresh pair sneakers, a fragrance, regular haircuts, and work out at least three times a week.
Looks aren’t the answer to everything in dating, but maximizing your looks will lead to far more opportunities. It will be on you to make sure your confidence and social skills are on par with your looks, if you want to see real change.
Full article on topic:
submitted by MO_drps_knwldg to datingadviceformen [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 17:55 MO_drps_knwldg Advice to an adult virgin

This advice can be applied to virtually any guy who feels like he’s starting from ground zero in his dating life, like guys who are coming out of long-term relationships, where it can feel like starting over.
  1. Stay away from any porn whatsoever and limit masturbation. Unfortunately, porn is the only exposure a lot young guys have ever had to sexuality, and it’s likely a significant contributor to severe awkwardness around women. Porn is a constructed fantasy, and it sets unrealistic expectation of what arouses women, and what to expect from sex. It’s also highly demotivating. Porn is a (destructive) safety net for guys; if you don’t have real sex, there’s always a release. If you take away that release, you’ll be motivated to actually go out there and make things happen. To start, try to go for two weeks without porn and masturbation, and see if you’re not motivated—or if you fear rejection as much.
  2. Treat dating solely as an experiment to hook up and improve your social skills. For now— forget finding a girlfriend, forget any type of commitment. Your only objective right now is to hook up, gain confidence, and build social skills. The relationship stuff will come. You WILL be a better boyfriend with more sexual and dating experience under your belt. You’ll also have confidence that you can attract other women, so you won’t be needy when you meet a girl who has promise as something more.
  3. Get good photos and hit the apps hard. This can’t be reiterated enough. Pay a few hundred bucks from a reviewed photographer to get some great dating app photos—for God’s sake, don’t use selfies you took under a dim bulb in your closet. The upfront investment in good photos is well worth it if you are serious about improving your dating life. Don’t just sign up for Tinder, also use Bumble and Hinge. Remember, at this point dating is nothing more than an experiment to hook up and improve social skills. Of all the apps, in my experience it was easiest to get dates from Hinge. Don’t overlook it for dating opportunities and just focus on Tinder. Use all your resources.
  4. Don’t make your virginity a big issue in your mind. If you go on dates, don’t make having sex at the forefront of your mind. Yes, hooking up is an objective, but don’t be desperate or thirsty about it. Women can sense desperation. Every date you go on is a win because you are exercising your social skills. Be relaxed, have fun. Remove the pressure. This won’t be your only opportunity, trust me.
Don’t bring up the fact that you’re a virgin on dates, or if you’re about to hook up. It’s not dirty secret that you need to reveal to her. If she asks, put a positive spin on it. Say that before you hadn’t put yourself out there much, but you’ve decided to change that. It’s only a big deal or a source of shame if you make it one.
  1. Put yourself in social situations where you can interact with attractive women so the intimidation factor is taken away. Pick an activity that you’re genuinely interested in that typically involves attendance with beautiful women—yoga and dance classes come to mind. Don’t come with the intention of even flirting. Just talk to them as human beings and friends—be the chill guy who is good at the activity and wants to learn. You will demonstrate value, and see that attractive women aren’t to be feared or treated differently. This is also a great opportunity to build your social network—having attractive women that can vouch for you to their friends will build your base of opportunity.
  2. Maximize your fitness, grooming, and fashion. Perhaps this should have been #1, but so many guys miss out on opportunities because they’re lazy with maintaining their personal appearance—or are afraid to take risks with their personal style. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone with your fashion. Do some research on Youtube or Reddit forums on examples of style that would make you feel confident. If you have a stylish friend, get their advice. Wear clothes that fit well, get a fresh pair sneakers, a fragrance, regular haircuts, and work out at least three times a week.
Looks aren’t the answer to everything in dating, but maximizing your looks will lead to far more opportunities. It will be on you to make sure your confidence and social skills are on par with your looks, if you want to see real change.
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