Fatal accidents photos

A collection of the best freak accidents out there.

2013.05.13 21:22 excessivetoker A collection of the best freak accidents out there.

A subreddit dedicated to some of the weirdest fatal/nonfatal accidents.

2008.12.19 02:53 Taking you higher

Everything related to elevators and escalators.

2013.03.05 21:13 cypressgreen The last images ever taken.

Postings here are the last known photographs or videos of a person. Also, the last picture taken by a person just before their death is acceptable. Pictures of people only please! You may additional context in comments.

2024.06.04 19:26 SpaceborneKillr Just found out I’m a father of 3.5 yr old but she was adopted out at birth need help!

As of Monday I found out by accident that I am most likely the father of a 3.5 year old. Basically I was scrolling through old FB messages to delete them. Notice the ex had unblocked me. I got nosey saw the child on her cover photo was like holy shit she looks like my son messaged her to ask questions. She was immediately hostile to me. The bio mother did not want me to find out. And she tried to keep her name and state location away from me. She was super freaked out about me saying I want to get a DNA test get lawyered up (which I am doing right now without her knowledge). After realizing that I was able to roughly locate my daughter and figure out her name she immediately became very nice to me. By Maryland law she was required to notify me of her intent to put her up for adoption. She never bothered to.
I remembered her talking wanting to be a paid surrogate for a long time. (Speculation incoming) I wonder if she was paid to give the baby up. (Which in this case would be illegal and human trafficking) Which is why she didn’t want me to know the girls name, where she was located and just didn’t even want me to know in the first place. (I found out pretty quickly where she was with 5 mins of OSINT search. Again speculation not accusing but I need to do relevant discovery to make sure that isn’t the case.
Any advice is welcome. I want my daughter if confirmed she is mine. What parent wouldn’t. I will get the DNA test. But she looks exactly like my oldest son when he was her age. He in fact mistook her pic as being him. So I am of belief she is likely mine. And trying to make all necessary steps to get her. Though best outcome if the adoptive parents are innocent in any wrongdoing is to do something like co-parent.
submitted by SpaceborneKillr to Adoption [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:33 lanjiolover An LTA enforcement officer died in the line of duty on June 4 while chasing an errant motorcyclist on the SLE.

An LTA enforcement officer died in the line of duty on June 4 while chasing an errant motorcyclist on the SLE.
An LTA enforcement officer died in the line of duty on June 4 while chasing an errant motorcyclist on the SLE. https://str.sg/kymf
submitted by lanjiolover to singaporehappenings [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:18 Big_Yesterday_5185 LTA officer passed on

LTA officer passed on
Saw a video of an LTA officer chasing an errant motorcyclist and getting into an accident. In ensuring our roads bring us home safely, our officer will never get to go home to his friends and families again.
It is so disheartening to see some comments laughing or cheering the accident. I know, we all hate it when we receive summons from LTA. We hate it when it feels like we are being targeted because they have KPIs to meet. We also hate it when it seems like LTA does nothing to errant road users.
Today, this young officer has exchanged his life to make Singapore's road safer. Instead of laughing and criticising, perhaps let us appreciate the efforts of this young man (and all the officers giving their best out there). It is not easy going about your job knowing you are being heavily scrutinised by keyboard warriors who will criticise you regardless of what you do.
To our young officer, thank you for making our roads safer. To his family and friends, may you find comforts in these difficult times. To all road users, may we play our part by driving safely and responsibly.
Rest easy, officer.
submitted by Big_Yesterday_5185 to singapore [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:08 Enlightened_3 Contact with galactic races and spirit

Contact with galactic races and spirit
I’ve been a therapist since 2002- In 2011 One of my clients was going through a really hard time with a break up . 20min into the session I felt this overwhelming presence of LOVE beaming through every cell of my being and then there was an instant download into my mind (telepathic communication) :"I am a family member that has passed away and I am here to love and support him-" so I asked him, do you have any family relatives that have passed away... There was silence for a minute and then he said yeah my dad- In that moment I was shown that we never stop existing and that we are truly magnificent beings! Shortly after that experience with my client, I started getting telepathic communication telling me to take a photo of the sky. I was driving and was told telepathically to take a photo of the sky. I didn't see or hear anything- You look at the photo and there are tons of crafts in the photo! Another time I was walking at the park and again was told to take a photo-And this boomerang-looking craft is in the photo 2012-2016 After that intense experience, I went looking for answers as to what that love was that beamed through my entire body! And I came across a few channelers and was just thinking how amazing it would be to fly in a craft with them. Well two nights later I went to sleep and I found myself in this oval room with three very tall beings! I was sitting on this seating that goes all around this oval room.. and I was looking into space and I saw this huge explosion then this mothership just appeared!!! Biggest thing I've ever seen! I got goosebumps on my arms and went to look down and rub them and boom! I was back in my bed. Knowing I was just on a craft with three human ET beings! Years later I learned that i's called Astral Travel. Feb 2017 I was driving home late one night and was fidgeting with my radio when I heard in my head ACCIDENT ACCIDENT - I looked up at the road and I was reaching an intersection and there was a car stopped in my entire lane. I knew I was gonna T bone this guy and I slammed on my brakes and turned my wheel over to the side and our tires maybe touched! That was my proof that we have spirit guides with us 24-7- June 16th, 2017 1:41am Imagine being woken up by a cymbal tone in your inner ear and when you open your eyes, you see this being standing in your bathroom doorway- The first thing my mind said was: "Your eyes are playing tricks on you, you aren't really seeing this being". Then she moves slightly forward and then I know that she's real and in that moment she backs further into the bathroom and out comes this huge sphere transparent with static electricity on both sides of it. It floats right up to the side of my bed and then it shapeshifts into a smaller object then elongates and flies slowly and silently through my ceiling I know the logical mind wants to explain it away- Because it’s so far from anything we thought possible. My own mind tried explaining it away and she was right in front of me! I got up immediately and typed up what i just witnessed -
submitted by Enlightened_3 to Experiencers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:04 BaZiAdvisor Quickstart Feng Shui: Trigrams and Flying Stars

Quickstart Feng Shui: Trigrams and Flying Stars

What is the significance of each trigram's attributes when associated with Flying Stars?

In Feng Shui, Flying Stars represent a complex energy system that impacts the Qi (energy) within a building or area. These stars, numbered from 1 to 9, are linked to specific directions in the space. All but the 5th star are associated with a trigram because, in the Bagua After Birth, the 5th star corresponds to the Central Palace, which is linked to Earth.
Each section of the Bagua grid corresponds to a direction and carries a particular Flying Star. These stars aren't stationary; they move according to specific rules, hence the name "Flying Stars". Their movement influences the energy flow in the space, affecting various aspects of occupants' lives such as health, wealth, relationships, and overall well-being. To see more, read our article on BaZi Advisor Blog.

4 Green - Associated trigram ☴ Xun

  • General attribute: neutral star
  • Corresponding element: Wood
  • Positive attributes: it's the star of knowledge and learning, success through knowledge (front star 4); it's also the star of sexuality (back star 4); beauty/success in book sales or film scripts; success in music, composition, or performance; it's equivalent to the "Eating God" in BaZi; promotes quality relationships between people
  • Negative attributes: problems in interpersonal relationships, scandals, adultery, excessive flirting; hypocrisy, exhibitionism, deviant sexual behaviors; buttock and hip injuries

9 Purple - Associated trigram ☲ Li

  • General attribute: neutral stagood during period 8
  • Corresponding element: Fire
  • Positive attributes: job promotion, happy events, good news, popularity, radiance; beauty, elegance, glory, passion, expressiveness, clarity; It's the "star of future wealth"; It's equivalent to the "Hurting Officer" in BaZi.
  • Negative attributes: boastfulness, sadness, dissatisfaction, misunderstandings, lies; Eye problems, heart issues; Decline in career, inability to communicate effectively; Fire risk

2 Black - Associated trigram ☷ Kun

  • General attribute: negative star
  • Corresponding element: Earth
  • Positive attributes: if manifested, it aids in the quick recovery from chronic illnesses (but could happen that another appears)
  • Negative attributes: major digestive problems, stomach diseases, frequent illnesses, contagious diseases, decreased immunity, repeated spontaneous abortion (especially in the combination 2-1), infectious diseases; pessimism, major depression, suicide, decreased willpower, vitality, and self-confidence; disasters, earthquakes, landslides

3 Jade - Associated trigram ☳ Zhen

  • General attribute: negative star (or, due to its active qualities, often considered positive for athletes, fighters, bullies, criminals, police officers, and military personnel)
  • Corresponding element: Wood / (Earth)
  • Positive attributes: calculated risks, success through direct personal involvement, communication, and leadership skills
  • Negative attributes: foot injuries, nervousness, liver diseases; aggressiveness, conflicts, fights, misunderstandings, quarrels; gossip, negative rumors, blackmail, lawsuits, robberies, thefts, muggings; loss of money through lawsuits, loss of friends due to quarrels

5 Yellow

  • General attribute: negative star (the most unfavorable star)
  • Corresponding element: Earth
  • Positive attributes: when manifested, it can generate patriotic spirit, charisma, and great persuasive power.
  • Negative attributes: blockages, bankruptcy, misfortunes, bad luck, catastrophes, disasters, serious illnesses, eccentricity, revenge, crime, abuse, rape, fatal accidents

7 Red - Associated trigram ☱ Dui

  • General attribute: negative star
  • Corresponding element: Metal
  • Positive attributes: communication skills, ability to make money through speech and discourse, metaphysical abilities
  • Negative attributes: brings sexually transmitted diseases, mouth ulcers, mouth wounds, canker sores, surgeries; rape, robberies, muggings, hostages (someone takes you hostage, but also takes advantage of you a bit); bites, knife cuts, murder; mouth surgeries, dental, genital surgeries

8 White - Associated trigram ☶ Gen

  • General attribute: positive star
  • Corresponding element: Earth
  • Positive attributes: wealth, prosperity, peace, harmony, gentleness; it's the main star of wealth, prosperity, gains, and riches
  • Negative attributes: it manifests very rarely and when it does, it affects children up to 12 years old, especially boys; mild but long-lasting health issues; problems with the spine, introversion, excessive impatience

1 White - Associated trigram ☵ Kan

  • General attribute: positive star Corresponding element: Water (Yin and Yang)
  • Corresponding element: Water
  • Positive attributes: the star of nobility, fame, and reputation; governs emotions, feelings, thoughts, and wisdom; also considered the star of academic knowledge
  • Negative attributes: arise from the fact that the Kan trigram corresponds to the concept of "darkness": ignorance, emotional problems, emotional instability, dropping out of school; mental issues, depression, insomnia, foolishness; kidney problems, diarrhea, blood issues; obstacles or dangers in sea voyages; reputation damage; exacerbation of sexual desire

6 White - Associated trigram ☰ Qian

  • General attribute: positive star
  • Corresponding element: Metal
  • Positive attributes: authority, power, influence, nobility, respect, communication, career success (the 6-1 combination is the most powerful combination indicating advancement or great success in the workplace)
  • Negative attributes: loneliness, selfishness, dogma, family rifts, loss of reputation, layoffs, diminished feelings towards a specific person; migraines or head injuries, violent death
submitted by BaZiAdvisor to baziadvisor [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:41 Outside-Resource686 my first car 2017 rolla

my first car 2017 rolla
got in an accident in step moms 08 rolla without a single scratch on me. i’m sticking with the corollas after that one. i made another post here with the accident photos (check profile for that). step mom was a traitor and bought a 2019 CRV the same day but i have my rolla and i’m so happy with it (yes i got it from carmax, yes i’m taking the interest rates up the ass for now)
submitted by Outside-Resource686 to COROLLA [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:21 Lost_Release_6648 Total loss in Oregon & excessive fees

Hello, needing advice as my insurance adjuster is saying I’m responsible for “excessive fees that the shop has charged. For example, photos, blueprint, and corp fees for the shop. The shop called and told me that the insurance adjuster usually pays these for other people. My storage fees were lower than the allotted amount even but it still seems like my own company is trying to screw me over. The adjuster even tried to say it was my job to talk the shop down in fees. Isn’t that his job?
I need some advice on how to fight back and ask them to pay for these fees. And no! My insurance never said I had to take it to a specific shop. Oregon law prohibits an insurer from requiring you to use a certain repair shop. Can you threaten or take legal action?? I’m not sure if that’s wise here but open to ideas.
Thanks in advance for your help.
submitted by Lost_Release_6648 to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:56 Little_BlueBirdy “Vanishing Threads”

“Vanishing Threads”
This is not a photo of my accident it’s horrible.
In the dimly lit corridors of my past, there exists a peculiar chapter—a tale of evanescence and resilience. It’s a story that once unfolded on the digital canvas of Reddit, where usernames danced like fireflies in the night. Perhaps you remember, or perhaps it’s buried beneath the avalanche of countless other narratives. But let me take you back to those days when I was a wanderer, a phantom slipping through the cracks of cyberspace.
When life’s tempests howled at my door, I had a peculiar coping mechanism: I’d vanish. Disappear. Like a magician’s rabbit, I’d slip away into the folds of reality, leaving behind nothing but a faint echo. My reasons were simple: running was my safety valve, my release. You see, my early life was a canvas splattered with darkness. My father, a staggering drinker, would return home, his breath a volatile mix of alcohol and rage. He’d unleash his fury upon my mother, and I—barely nine years old—would step between them, a fragile shield against the storm.
One fateful night, my father’s wrath shifted. He turned his gaze upon me, eyes aflame with malice. My little mind, fueled by desperation, whispered that I was protecting Mom. But the blows rained down, and I crumpled like a paper boat in a tempest. When he’d had his fill, he’d walk away, laughter trailing behind him. I’d pick myself up, wipe away the blood, and escape through my bedroom window.
Those nights, I’d vanish—into the woods, into the city’s labyrinthine alleys. Days blurred into nights, and I became a ghost, untethered from the pain.
Fast-forward to late last December, when I embarked on a different kind of hi journey. No longer fleeing, I was on a mission—an odyssey across state lines. My destination? Answers. A fellow Redditor held the key, and I crossed the California-Arizona border, chasing whispers through desert winds. But fate, that capricious weaver, had other plans. A truck ran a red light, and our worlds collided. The impact left me dazed, my memories fractured like shards of glass.
People speculated—I’d blame the subreddit, they said. But I knew better. No witchcraft, no paranormal forces—just the mundane chaos of existence.
Recently, a close friend relayed a curious rumor. Someone from that subreddit claimed I’d blamed a moderator’s sorcery for the accident. I chuckled. Witchcraft? No, my beliefs tread the solid ground of reason. I’d publicly stated that my mishap bore no connection to the subreddit I once cherished. Yet, memory is a fickle beast. The echoes of truth fade, while rumors thrive. No one remembers my defense, my adamant denial. But that’s the way of things, isn’t it? We’re all whispers in the digital wind, easily lost amidst the cacophony.
And so, here I stand—almost six months later—rooted. No more vanishing acts. Why? Because my cherished mentor reached out, a lifeline across the void. Because this subreddit—the home I never had—embraced me. Here, I’ve grown, not in years but in resilience. The pixels on my screen hold camaraderie, acceptance, and the warmth of belonging. So, to everyone here, and especially to my mentor, I raise a virtual toast. Thank you—for reminding me that sometimes, the greatest magic lies in staying put, in weaving threads instead of unraveling them
submitted by Little_BlueBirdy to StrikeAtPsyche [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:42 BlooJay_ My insurance tells me im supposed to call other persons insurance, is this true?

About two weeks ago I got into a car accident where the other car ran the red light and hit mine.
I filed the claim with my insurance and they then assigned an agent to me.
I sent the photos and video to my agent and she placed me at 0% fault for the accident. She then tells me I have to call the other insurance to start a claim with them.
This is my first accident so im not to sure on how the process works. My mom told me that my insurance is the one that is supposed to call up on my behalf, so I sent a message to my agent asking if she can call for me which she said she would.
Next day she gives me the claim number and email for the agent on the other insurance. Few days later I sent a message asking what the update was, no response.
I decided to call up the other insurance and ask if they had any updates, to which the lady responded “We actually have nothing on this claim”
I was confused but made the assumption that my agent didn’t sent photos, the video or any detail, so I just did it myself. Lady then says that they will send an appraiser to see the car, so I gave here the tow shop the car is in and my number so they can update me. I gave her this information before she even asked for any of it.
I made that call Friday and now it’s Tuesday, I’ve gotten nothing back.
Yesterday I sent a message to my agent asking if there was an update and letting her know that it’s been too long of a time for a conclusion to have not been made yet.
No response, I don’t even get the automated message from my insurance when I send her messages anymore.
I called the number that was in the text message to get a hold of her and was connected to someone else on my insurance that told me that I’m supposed to call the other insurance company, and that they can’t get in touch with my agent because the agent doesn’t work directly under their system.
I have no idea where to go or what to do from here.
submitted by BlooJay_ to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:41 duycaudien VinFast from the perspective of a Vietnamese.

I am Vietnamese, from the homeland of VinFast. As you may know, VinFast has opened its first 4 dealerships in your country. As a Vietnamese, of course, I want a domestic brand to succeed, but their products must truly be good and ensure user safety. There are some issues I would like to raise about VinFast through news channels inside and outside the country:
  1. A blogger named Sonnie Tran, when analyzing debts and unclear aspects of VinFast's deals, was arrested by the police and interrogated for 35 hours, had personal belongings confiscated, and later harassed by the police. He is currently seeking asylum abroad.
  2. It's not difficult to find images of VinFast's faults in Vietnam, especially on social media platforms like X, Reddit. Social media platforms with high usage in Vietnam like Facebook, TikTok, or popular forums those images have been removed within a short time. In Vietnam, some TikTok channels pointing out Vingroup's wrongdoings have no "follow" capability. Articles from mainstream channels reporting on faulty VinFast cars are deleted within a few hours of posting.
  3. VinFast's financial situation is really not good, financial reports show that they owe billions of dollars. Their stocks on the Nasdaq exchange have lost about 80-90% of their real value since their first listing. There have been large fluctuations in a short period (recently). Many investment websites have raised suspicions and advised against investing in this stock.
  4. Most details on VinFast cars are supplied from China. Some suppliers have no experience in producing those parts before. When they exported 999 cars to the US, there was a large recall due to software errors. The website of the US NHTSA has many reports of ADAS system failures causing the car to veer out of its lane. One of those errors is suspected to have caused a fatal accident involving a family of four in the US.
  5. The supporting industry in Vietnam is not really developed. While the automotive industry needs a lot of support from it, VinFast is producing electric models very quickly according to the industry's criteria. Many reviews show that manufacturing at VinFast is rushed in time and budget, leading to skipping safety checks before bringing them to the market.
You may call me an anti-fan and a self-deprecating person. That's okay, it's not related to the truth I've stated above.
some of the sources:
submitted by duycaudien to Gulong [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:37 Bronald_Shmuck My (F20) ex (M21) will not leave me alone even though I am dating someone else what can I do?

Hello, as the title says my ex is persistently not leaving me alone.
We had a messy unhappy relationship but he was my first relationship and first everything so I was learning boundaries and did not leave as I thought it was love.
When we were together he had several friends in the village who would tell my ex my whereabouts and who I was with, many arguments occurred when his friends told him I was with "older men" who were my dad and my brothers. I constantly had to have my location available to him and had to send photo proof of who I was with. We finally broke up when I found out he cheated due to him getting an std - luckily it was just an antibiotic clear-up job but I felt humiliated. He cheated with several people including girls I worked with so there was no coming back from that.
We had minimal contact for months but lived a few houses apart so would walk past him and his family regularly on dog walks. Just after my birthday, he came round to finally drop off my things (this was 5 months after breaking up) and say happy birthday. He let himself in the front door as I was comfortable with this and knew he was coming round to drop my things off, I was busy getting ready for work so could not sit by the door. I always felt safe around him and despite the situation, we ended things on fairly good terms - I was just over it and did not want to waste energy on him anymore, I was off to bigger and better things.
Not to go into details but that day he assaulted me claiming it was the "best sex we ever had" and I was left with heavy bruising on my neck and body as well as a bloody lip. Shortly after this, he got tearful saying he would lose his girlfriend as "we" cheated on her together. I was in shock so tried to comfort him but was quite quiet and still. He left and I did not allow him into my house again making sure the door was always locked if I was home alone.
A few months passed and was still filtering my stuff back to me slowly never bringing everything at once and dropping off one board game one week and a t-shirt another, always happy to talk to me and find time to see me when doing so.
I have started seeing someone new who is very kind and patient with me as well as very protective especially due to this ex and what had happened. My ex is aware I am seeing him and sees us together walking around our village. I have my ex blocked on all socials, blocked his number, blocked his family as he tried contacting me "casually" through them, I do not walk to the shops or around the village anymore on my own as he constantly tries to talk to me like everything is okay or I feel I am being watched by "his scouts", he has even viewed my profile many times on LinkedIn. My ex is sending Amazon parcels to my address claiming it's an accident as he forgot to change the address since we broke up. He has even come to find me claiming there was a hurt animal to which I quickly came to help to not see an animal where he said there was - naïve of me to believe him I know but he knew it would get me to run in when anything is hurt (I am a medical student and work at a vets, very much a hook line and sinker situation).
My very new boyfriend (23M) is very patient about this whole situation but also believes I am not doing enough to get him to stop and get the idea that I am not interested. I am kind of at my wits end for the situation as I want to be left alone and am scared of my ex. (He is double my weight, and double my height and has proved he can hurt me a lot and hold me down where I am truly defenceless).
I have since moved from the village but my ex has always found a way to contact me, such as checking where I used to live and knocking and dropping stuff off to my parents, using new socials and numbers which I constantly block and ignore. Is there anything I can do to truly move on with my life and get him to leave me alone so it does not damage my new relationship or my mental health?
submitted by Bronald_Shmuck to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:20 AdmiralStone96230-A MURDER DRONES: Fall of Earth -Chapter XVI: Revelations and Rematches- (Pt. 2)

Wade walked in front of his teammates as they all walked down the short hallway, checking for any hiding hostiles as they slowly scouted the next area of the laboratory. At his side, Tina held her pistol low as she kept her guard up, bracing for an imminent attack while walking alongside Wade. Aiming her rifle, Vasquez looked across the hall, not lowering it even when she saw no hostiles ahead. Duncan kept a grenade in one hand and a kinetic pistol in the other, preparing to throw the former in order to scare out potential ambushers.
The entrance outside the tower was, surprisingly, not as heavily guarded as presumed, only being protected by several human and drone defenders, along with only two sentinels.. After clearing the entrance bay, the group came across three elevators at the other end of the large room. Despite asking J for help, she stated that the facility was highly secretive with it's layout, only allowing those stationed at the tower to know where was where around the place.
Taking a gamble, as well as being extremely eager to end Halloway's life sooner than later, Wade and F's team chose the middle one, which brought them up close to the top of the tower. Disembarking the elevator, the group hoped to find important information related to the Solver Project within the rooms on this floor, but first they had to ensure the area was secure before beginning their data raid.
As Wade and F kept their weapons trained ahead of themselves, Kelly walked right behind the two drones, holding her fancy-looking toolkit at her side with one hand and a kinetic pistol in the other. Looking to the doors at the sides of the hall, Wade saw that the hall branched into a few smaller paths on each side, leading to a door at the end of each one.
Raising a hand to stop the groups advance, Wade commented on the side doors. "Guys? You think we should check these rooms? Maybe there could be something here for us to snag."
F nodded in agreement before pointing at the door to her right. "You check that one. Be wary of our team, you and I are their main lifeline here."
"Don't worry F, we'll do just fine. Go see what these eggheads are hiding." Kurtis replied to the warrior drone, F glancing to him before nodding in understanding.
The two disassembly drones walked to the two doors between the assault team, Wade keeping his shotgun at the ready as he glanced at the door. It looked to be a simple slide door, having no control panel to enter a code on. Assuming it was probably minor items and the like, Wade sighed as the door opened, revealing an even less interesting sight. Against the wall was a large, box shaped device of some sort, cyan blue LED lines wrapping the sides of it. Noticing the electrical box at the wall to his right, Wade deduced it was some kind of power generator.
Shutting the door, Wade brought his dissatisfied gaze to his friends. "Seems to be just some kind of power generator, nothing special."
"Same here." F replied as she shut her own door, having found a similar object within the room as she continued speaking. "I'm thinking we just stumbled upon some sort of energy complex, we should probably head back and continue upward."
"Yes, maybe we should..." Alvaro replied in partial Spanish, moving forward past the team as he spotted something sticking out slightly down at one of the door halls ahead. Getting close, he saw it appeared to be the foot of a worker drone, certainly hiding from the approaching raid team. Quietly, the soldier snuck up on the drone before swiping around the corner wall, grabbing onto the cowering drone by their arm as they began to panic. Holding his gun to the drone's head, Alvaro shushed the terrified bot as they began to beg for mercy.
"Please! Don't hurt me, I'm just a maintenance drone!" The male drone pleaded in hushed fear as Alvaro replied to him.
"Oh, don't worry, I ain't gonna bop ya." Pulling the drone over to the team, Wade and F walked back to the group as they witnessed the hiding servant of the Administrator.
The drone gasped in terror upon seeing Wade's form. "Agh! D-Disassembly drones?! Two of 'em?!"
Tina scoffed at the drone's fear as she conferred with the drone. "Oh please, don't judge by his looks. My dear Wade's a sweetie bear, you'll be fine."
Wade nodded as he grew a comforting smile, which changed to a stern face as he spoke to the cowering drone. "Yeah, I'm not gonna hurt you... IF you tell us what this place is."
"We're here looking for data on the Solver Project before heading to the Administrator's Lab to detain her and her overseers. Can you tell us where to go?" F explained as the drone seemed to take a calming breath, eased by the mostly friendly lot he was facing.
"Okay, okay uh, yeah. There's an archive past this door over here." The drone stated as he led the team to the door at the end of the hall, Wade and F keeping watch for potential sneak attacks as the drone glanced at the control panel. "I think it's one of the higher level ones, unless you got a really good hacker or an acceptable ID, we're not getting in."
Kelly chuckled in amusement as she replied to the slave drone's challenge. "Well, must be our lucky day. I've taken a hand at picks like these." Getting down on one knee, Kelly opened her toolbox as she began to start her hacking attempt. "Just keep my behind from getting scorched."
"No problem, Kelly." Wade acknowledged with a nod as he held his shotgun up, F doing the same with her weapon as the two kept watch for hostiles.
After what couldn't have been more than a minute of pulling screws, screen tapping, and beeps of affirmation, the control panel finally yielded to the assault team's request to enter.
Once she re-attached the panel to its slot, Kelly held her hand over it while looking to her teammates. "Alright, I got the locks off. Gimme the word and I'll open her right up."
"Good to hear that, Kelly. On my mark." Wade replied before holding his shotgun at the ready, F holding her own laser cannon steady after him as she glanced to her team. Motioning her head back, F signaled her team to stand clear.
While they did so, Tina walked behind Wade with a sly smirk. "Wade, mind if I mount up?"
Wade returned the expression as he nodded, Tina climbing onto his back before pulling out her own pistol in preparation for combat. Looking to Kelly, he nodded to her, the technician pressing her hand against the panel before the doors opened.
Flying into the room ahead of F, Wade made a brief sweep of the room as he fired at the closest target. The large room consisted of several tall metal shelves, reaching up to the ceiling. Against the shelves were heightened walkways, which could be accessed by sloped sections of the floor between the doors. The height of the wall paths went up only by a few feet, the ceiling being, by Wade's guess, perhaps over almost two dozen feet. Finally, a large glass window occupied the wall opposite to the hallway, the light outside shining into the huge room.
As for enemies, Wade took a shot at one of several worker drone guards, who took aim at him as he gunned down their comrade in a visceral pool of oil. Along with the slave drones, Wade saw a single sentinel in the middle of the room, the robo-saur screeching at them as it began to sprint at the two killer drones. Tina covered Wade's flank with several shots of hot blue energy, hitting three of the hostile workers as they fell to the floor, visors glowing with red caution symbols before flickering out. Swapping out for a sub-machine gun, Wade gunned down the remaining four workers as F held off the sentinel, her laser slicing off the beast's tail as it tried to boot-loop her.
Seeing the light fail to work on the disassembly drone, the dino-bot roared again, only to scramble wildly as Wade mounted it, trying to pull off the same move he did at the factory. Readying a chainsaw, Wade cut at the sentinel's neck, sparks and oil spraying everywhere before the head snapped off from the attack. Flapping his wings, Wade hovered in the air once more as the corpse of the sentinel collapsed to the floor, more oil spilling out as the body lay still.
"Splendid kill, I'd say!" Duncan stated in admiration as he and the other troops walked in, each scanning the room as Wade and F flew back down to Kelly.
Walking alongside the technician, Wade swapped for a sword as he spoke to Kelly. "Okay, where do you think we should start?"
"Good question. Hey, worker buddy, ya know where we can get our intel?" Kelly asked the slave drone as he looked to her attentively.
"Uh, I think there should be two control stations we can access over here. Follow me!" The drone answered, pointing ahead to the middle of the room before beginning to jog over there. Flying ahead of the drone, Wade and F hovered above the center area while they looked around, holding their guns down as they spotted no hostile forces nearby. Once the group approached them, the two guardian drones set down on the opposite end of one of the large consoles while the maintenance drone examined it.
The consoles were of a circular shape, four built-in computers docked on rectangular arms sticking out around the machine. looking at it, Wade glanced to Kelly as he asked the servant drone. "You think Kelly here will have to crack these open?"
The drone nodded in affirmation as the woman in question came over, kneeling while setting down her toolkit. "Just like before, give me some cover and we'll be outta here in a pinch."
Raising a hand, Nathan spoke up on their efforts. "You think we should spread out? Maybe take positions behind those big wall shelves?"
Wade looked to the archive's entrance, debating on the idea before coming to a decision. "Sure, some of us can take position there. I'd like at least a few around Kel, though. We can't lose her."
"Gotcha, Wade. I'll help with close cover." Nathan replied as he held his gun firm at the entrance, Tina hopping off of Wade's back before walking up to the table. Kurtis, Gerard, and a few other troopers began moving towards the wall slopes leading up to the walkways at the sides of the room.
"Um, Kelly? Do you think we can look through this computer while you're working?" Tina asked her human friend as she gave a nod of approval.
"Sure, just lemme crack the locks off first. Just a bit longer now..." Standing together, Wade and Tina watched as Kelly did her work, the table's monitors flickering out for a few moments before coming back on. Glancing to the drone couple, Kelly spoke to them further. "Alright, dig in all you'd like. I'm gonna get this download started."
Nodding to the technician, Wade observed the screen with Tina, the former putting his hands onto the keyboard section as he pondered where to start their curious browsing trip. Scanning through countless folders, Wade saw the names of a select few relating to the Solver Project. "INSTALLATION 0XLV426, Plat-Binary System; INSTALLATION RSCH012, Copper System (Defunct); INSTALLATION 01NU26I, Proxima System"
Tina put a hand close to her mouth as she looked at the files Wade was hovering the mouse over. "Proxima, Plat-Binary... They have MORE installations in other systems!"
Wade sighed in frustration as he examined the names carefully. "Great, so she's probably gonna run for these hideouts later on."
Kelly raised a finger to counter Wade's worrisome assumption. "I don't think so, our ships outside should be jamming whatever signals they try to send out. So unless they scrambled some kind of fancy thingamajig in these labs, that Admin-gal ain't got a place to hide but here."
"I hope so." Wade replied as he continued looking over the data folders for a moment longer, Tina putting a hand on his own before she spoke to him.
"That one says 'defunct', open that one." Wade fulfilled his lover's request as he clicked on the desired file, several more appearing in place of the hundreds of folders previously onscreen not a second ago. Looking through the titles of each file, Wade clicked on the first one, intent on discovering more about what Halloway and his people were doing on that ill-fated colony.
Several lines of text filled the screen, the two lover drones reading through it as Nathan turned to join in their search. "STATUS REPORT 120547; Date: Sept. 27, 3044; INSTALLATION No: RSCH012; Planet: Copper 9, Copper System; The research team lead by Dr. Ridley on the 9th exoplanet of the Copper system has successfully commenced operations on the new facility there. They are charged with working to understand the 'virus' as they call it, curious of its capabilities and how to keep it under their control. Due to the... sensitivity of the Solver, and its danger to those that dare challenge it, I shall begin monitoring this team closely to ensure they do not antagonize it."
Exiting out of the file, Wade selected another. "STATUS REPORT 129402; Date: Jan. 04, 3046; INSTALLATION No: RSCH012; Planet: Copper 9, Copper System; Recent reports from the team at the laboratory, now christened 'Cabin Fever' by the very... quirky scientists there, have proven my long presumed suspicions correct: They are attempting to find a way to tame the Solver. The lab has several worker drones used in their experiments, corrupted with the Solver string that inhabits my own being. I will bring forth my concerns with the 'virus', and convince Dr. Ridley to take immense care in her duties whilst developing her 'cure'."
Wade gasped silently as he read through the report, Tina wrapping her arm around Wade's as he exited the second file. Scrolling down a little, Wade clicked one more file before reading it, his and Tina's faces reeling in quiet horror as they read Cyn's commentary.
"STATUS REPORT 133017; Date: Mar. 12, 3047; INSTALLATION No: RSCH012; Planet: Copper 9, Copper System; The worst has befallen the colony of Copper 9. Due to the inept care demonstrated by Dr. Ridley, the recent-and final-experiment of the Cabin Fever facility has resulted in the partial collapse of the exoplanet's core. Such destruction has completely purged the colony of all organic life, while surprisingly leaving most artificial life, such as the worker drones, intact. Due to the immense danger the experimental drones present to not just Copper 9, but all other worlds, they cannot be allowed to persist. I shall prepare a... materials team for transport to the colony to begin recovery efforts."
Staring at the report, Wade and Tina took in this horrific truth Cyn had hidden all these years with mournful expressions, Nathan looking over the screen further as he broke the silence. "So, the Copper 9 incident, the core collapse... It was their fault?"
"It would seem so." Vasquez said aloud as she joined the three drones, already observing the report about the colony's core implosion as she continued. "Official reports from just about every news source claimed that it was due to improper mining precautions, but, from all the craziest mining accidents I've seen... Copper 9 is quite the outlier for how extreme it was."
Tina took a deep breath as she steadied her mind over the files she and Wade had just read. "And yet, this 'Solver' thing.... they still kept it in service? After the loss of an entire colony?!" Glaring at the computer, Tina finished her furious spew. "This is ludicrous. Even if things have stayed calm up to this point, how do we know such a fuse won't spark again? Earth, Proxima, Plat-Binary... There's so many people that could be threatened by whatever this virus is!"
Wade nodded as he shared Tina's sentiment. "I've got a really bad feeling about this whole thing, we should get our data and then haul our asses to that lab upstairs!"
"Agreed. Fixer drone, you know the way there?" F asked the slave drone below her, who had been hearing in on the discussion about the lost colony as he answered the friendly murder drone.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I think I did some work up there. You should be able to reach it at the top floor back at th-"
"Hostiles!" F stated, alerting both her targets and teammates as Wade, Tina and Nathan turned to see the arriving foes. The maintenance drone cowered next to Kelly as his vision was locked on the defense squad: In front of five disassembly drones was a single human male, holding what looked like an assault rifle in his arms, as well as bearing a small sidearm at his right hip. Wade growled in low fury as he saw Hawk and his cohorts, the disassembly squad he was awoken with back at the factory: E, D, H, L and an... uncomfortably familiar face, particularly to Wade and Tina.
"So, that's the evil double you were telling me about?" W asked his superior, Darren nodding lightly as he and the drone squad stared down at the intruding assault team.
"You!" Wade growled as he readied a shotgun, the five corporate guards holding their own weapons at the ready as Darren gave a confident smirk of triumph at him.
"Yes, Mr. Carter. Good to see you made it out of that place, if only you weren't still in league with those terrorists next to you." The team coordinator replied to Wade's angry face, Tina seeming to cower behind his back as she took care to dig into her pocket without being caught.
"I don't think so, they're not the ones who got people killed with all this kerfuffle in the past few days." F retorted with a lighter glare at Hawk as he sighed in understanding.
In the midst of the chatter, Tina slid out her smartcomm, tapping a button to lower the volume of the device's speakers before tapping the screen a few times, trying to call her sister. It was a crazy idea, but with how desperate she and her friends now were, there wasn't much else they could do.
After almost nearing the end of the call duration, the vibrating ceased as the call went through. "Jasmine? Are you there?" Tina whispered behind Wade's wings.
"Yeah sis, is everything alright in there?" Jasmine replied, taking notice of her sister's quiet demeanor.
"Was, we're in a really bad pickle at the moment. In the higher area of the tower, back side, near one of the external windows. Is there anyway you can get us some help in here?" Then, glancing in the direction of the new arrivals, Tina whispered further. "We've got DDs!"
Jasmine was silent for a second, but quickly gave her reassurance as she seemed to think of an idea. "Hang in there, Tina. I'll have them brought to you quick. Jasmine out." With that, the call ended, prompting Tina to return her device to its pocket.
Raising his arm accusingly at Hawk, Wade spoke to his trapper. "AND it's because of you and your boss that Tina and I are in this mess! You and your pet G got my brother killed!"
Shaking his head, Darren responded to the former worker drone. "Well, Mr. Carter, I must admit one thing: Your 'brother' was a very caring man. Clearly with how devoted he was to you." Then, with a sigh, Hawk returned his words to the matter before him. "But, again, his loss won't be in vain. Not for us. Now, I'm only gonna ask this one last time: Stand down, come back with us... Or you can deal with your former squad-mates until they cut you down."
In stubborn defiance, Wade slowly shook his head to the team leader. "I'd rather die as who I am than help you and that Cyn bitch hide the truth in this place."
Raising an eyebrow in slight surprise, Darren acknowledged Wade's answer. "So, you looked into the Administrator's files?" Shaking his head again, Hawk spoke once more. "...Then you really can't be allowed to leave here."
Taking Hawk's motioning head to his sight, W took aim at Wade with a missile launcher, firing a single rocket at the former worker drone before it was stopped by F, who grabbed it with her claws before swinging it back at Darren's team with immense force. Seeing the speeding projectile of death approaching rapidly, E got in front of Darren, taking the hit with her wings and a grunt. The room quickly fell into disarray as several hails of bullets and energy bolts came from the sides of the room, D and L shielding themselves from the attacks as Darren gave his orders to them.
"D, L, clear out the room, the rest of you, deal with the traitors first!" The killer drones complied without words as the two began to sweep the upper walkways, firing their own sub-machine guns down the long walkway as several human and drone troopers cried out from fatal strikes. E and H flew at F, the hardened soldier roaring furiously as she clashed her newly formed blades with her opponents', keeping them away from Kelly as she continued tinkering with the computer during its download.
As for W, he came after Wade, Tina pulling out her pistol while Wade held his fresh swords against his clone's. Wade grit his teeth as he pushed back W, the two clashing swords for a long moment in constant attempts to cut each other down. As he clashed one sword with both of W's, Wade readied his shotgun with his free hand, W trying to copy the same attack before Tina shot at his face with her pistol. As W shut his eyes from the shocking strike at his form, Wade shot at W, blasting a chunk of the disassembly drone's side off before he fired again, this time shooting the chest where the core was.
As W fell to the ground, seemingly dead, Wade looked to F, who was struggling to hold off her two opponents as they began to overpower her. Flying over, Wade shot at H with his weapon, blasting the murder drone right in the head as he fell to the floor. With only one enemy to worry about, F focused her efforts onto E. "Wade, help the troopers! I've got the others here!"
Wade obeyed somewhat reluctantly as he flew over to his left, heading to where L was occupied before taking aim at the murder drone. L was just finishing off one of three pairs of troopers hiding behind the large shelfs against the walkways when he was struck by a hot beam of energy, grunting as he looked up to see Wade aiming at him with his laser cannon. Deciding to deal with the bigger threat first, L flew at Wade, who swiftly readied a pair of swords before blocking L's claw hands in a deadlock. Intent on buying her boyfriend another chance to strike easily, Tina took aim with her pistol, firing at L's face again as he backed off, keeping a distance from Wade as he tried to avoid another quick death.
Gerard positioned himself into a crouch as he held his weapon at D, who had just cut down the troops at the second pair of shelves on the right end of the room. As she flew at him and his drone ally, Gerard shot at D with his rifle, the drone blocking most of the bullets with her sword as she cut down the worker drone ahead of Gerard. Falling back, D pounced on him, stabbing the ground with her sword arm before swinging her tail down on the man. Dodging the nanite tank by just inches, Gerard spat at D, spraying her face with his mouth fluids.
"EEK!" D cried out in grossed out shock as she got off of Gerard, who grabbed his assault rifle to continue striking at D. The disassembly drone made a quick recovery, however, blocking the shots with her wing before she yelled at him in frustration. "You're nasty! I'm gonna get you!"
Pursuing their opponent, Wade flew back into the center area after L, trying to continue their fight before spotting D preparing to attack Gerard. Leaving L to flee away from him, Wade shot at D with his laser gun, the beam scorching her right on her behind as she cried out again. The disassembly drone seemed to grow tired of the assault as she broke off, trying to hide herself under her wings while moving back slowly.
Wade swapped his laser gun out for a sword, intent on putting D down for good before his attention was drawn away by Tina. "Wade, watch out!"
He was too late as he was slashed at by W, who had recovered from Wade's vicious attack before continuing to fight him. Wade cried out in pain as his arm was sliced off, then felt the cool air in his robo-lungs leave him as he was kicked back against the wall where he came after L at. Not a second after hitting the wall, W flew at him, impaling both Wade and Tina against the wall as they both gasped from the pain, the latter coughing up oil from the quick stab into her chest.
W laughed sinisterly as he looked to the couple with a toothy grin. "Well, the boss was right. You are a rough blemish to scratch off." Stabbing Wade's other arm with his nanite tail, W's wide smile shrunk as he continued speaking to the two drones. "Well, that's a real shame. You and your friend there would've made quite the drones for the Division."
Coughing up more black drone blood from her mouth, Tina croaked out to her and Wade's opponent. "I-If, If you're going to kill us... At least take us both out together. It's h-how we, prefer it."
W seemed to give a sympathetic nod as he responded to the pilot drone. "Ah, yeah. I should. You've both at least earned that much." He laughed lightly as he thought on the idea, then stopped as he eyed Tina, recognizing something he shouldn't have. "Come to think of it, you sound familiar, Miss."
The three drones' gaze was snatched by the loud sound of glass breaking, Wade, Tina and W seeing the large window at the end of the archive broken into many shards. From outside, three more new arrivals flew into the room: a trio of female disassembly drones, all with blades and guns deployed as the middle one spoke out amongst her team. "K, M, let's give these people a hand!"
"Okay!" Said one of the drones, the other not saying a word as they all moved to the sides of the room.
Looking back to the distracted W, Wade struck his face with his tail, the clone's visor cracking from the attack as he yelped in agony. Without any hesitation, Wade readied a claw hand before grabbing W, pulling him close before biting into his neck. Seeing her partner's clone trying to perform a similar attack, Tina grabbed onto the approaching nanite tank, keeping it from hitting her darling's head as he fed off his evil double.
Once he was finished, Wade threw the weakened W to the floor, the injured drone crawling back as Wade's damaged arm regenerated. As Wade readied a shotgun, W gazed at him and Tina, gazing at the latter as he seemed to remember one of his locked memories of this girl. "...Wait, aren't you... do I know yo-"
"You are NOT my boyfriend!" Tina answered angrily, W looking on in shock as Wade took aim. Wade's clone was put down with a few blasts of buckshot, ripping the body and core of W into scrap.
As W met his demise, F, now having put Nathan to her back, was busy holding off E and H, the latter having recovered from his injury as the three clashed blades. Hovering over the two data consoles in another locking of swords, F glanced between the two as one of the new arrivals from outside flew at H, trying to strike him down with her own swords. The attack took one of H's arms off, the murder drone backing off of F as he tried to defend himself against the newcomer. Now only having to deal with E, F kept her guarding sword up against her rival, readying a sub-machine gun with her other hand as she prepared to shoot.
E grinned mischievously as she taunted her enemy. "Heh, you're serving under the army, I see? They're pathetic compared to us, traitor."
Nathan growled as he held out one of his pistols, shooting at the arrogant drone as she backed off of his crush. Smirking at her partner as well as at her decision to follow Wade's example, F fired her sub-machine gun at the exposed E as she replied to her fellow murder drone. "Let me and Mr. Nathan here show you who's the pathetic one, scraphead!"
Before she could continue her fight with E, a flurry of bullets flew at F, the warrior drone blocking it with her wings before seeing who shot at her. Taking notice of Darren's position, F continued shielding herself while preparing a rocket launcher. In a tense blur, F shot at Hawk, the man just barely avoiding death as he was knocked back against the wall, seemingly unconscious. With Darren taken out of the fight, F continued striking her blades with E's, intent on snuffing out this troublemaker out for good.
With the tide of the battle turned, Wade took a moment to take some of his mouth saliva, holding it out to Tina. "Tina, here." The drone girl took the silver goop without a word before putting it onto her wounded chest, her damaged body and clothing repairing quickly thanks to the liquid nanites. Picking up his severed arm, Wade held it up for Tina as well. "Oil?"
"Thanks, hun." Tina replied as she drank up the dripping oil from the limb. Once it was empty, Wade tossed the arm before looking to the damaged window, L and one of the friendly disassembly drones fighting one another.
Flying at L, Wade readied a pair of claw hands as he slashed at L's tail, cutting the nanite tank off as it fell to the floor. Grabbing onto L, Wade punched through his chest, the partially connected bio-mechanical core in his claws before he crushed it with violent ease.
"N-Not agai-" Was all L could utter as he was finally slain by his rival from the factory not a day before.
Hearing a cry of pain from near the lab computers, Wade and Tina looked to see E, F, Nathan, H, and another disassembly drone going at each other in a blur of slashes and stabs. Seeing Wade flying over to her, E broke off from F, attempting to strike Wade's two claws with her one active sword arm, the other having been severed by F during their duel. E's efforts to terminate Wade were immediately in vain as she was quickly stabbed in the chest by Wade, choking from the pain as she prepared for her end.
Having recovered from her shameful stumbling with the human trooper behind the shelves, D prepared to attack once more, but stopped as she saw her comrade being struck down by one of the traitors, the one with the drone rider at his back. "E! Hold on, I'll save you!" She declared before preparing a pair of scythes, trying to imitate her leader as she spun at Wade and his prey.
"D, you imbeci-" E cursed aloud as she was thrown at D by Wade, her body being cut up into several pieces before her team-killing comrade ceased spinning.
Taking notice of her careless attack, D gasped in horror, putting a fresh hand to her mouth as Wade pounced on her. The poor drone squealed in terror as Wade quickly ripped her core out, D's eyes flickering out as her killer tossed her body to the floor.
Looking to D's core, Wade almost debated sparing it of his wrath before deciding against it. Crushing the core, Wade spoke to Tina at his flank. "Man, that one didn't feel so good to kill."
"I see." Tina sympathized, but stopped as she and Wade spotted H flying at them, one of the new ally drones pursuing after him as Wade readied a pair of blades.
Striking H's swords, Wade spoke to his allies. "Keep watch on Kelly there, I've got this one!" The chasing drone and the others heeded Wade's order as they backed off, Wade and H clashing blades in a fierce duel.
In their fighting, the two neared the large window space at the end of the lab as Wade gained the advantage. Once Wade entered another deadlock, Tina fired at H's head, distracting him just long enough for Wade to bite into the drone. H howled in pain as Wade drained him of most of his oil, the feeding lasting several seconds before Wade finally felt satisfied. Feeling H's body beginning to heat up, Wade tossed H's smoking body out the window, part of the still unshattered glass breaking off from the impact as the drone fell. H screamed in perilous agony as he fell down the building, his overheating problem climaxing as he exploded in a ball of fire.
Stepping over the damaged ledge, Wade and Tina watched as they saw the fate of their foe, the former smirking in satisfaction as he glanced to one of the nearby drone allies. "You all okay?"
"Yes sir." The drone replied, Kurtis giving a thumbs-up next to him as the two confirmed their status to Wade.
Observing the assisting disassembly drones, Wade glanced to Tina. "How did they find us so fast?"
"I called Jasmine, love. To be honest, I didn't think they'd get here in time." Tina answered her boyfriend as he looked to her with a grateful smile.
Looking back to F, Wade flew over to his ally, Nathan dismounting her as Tina raised an eyebrow at the military duo. "F? Nathan? Did you two-"
"Yeah. Yeah, we did." F said with a blushing smile, glancing to the smiling Nathan as she continued. "We uh, thought we'd take some notes from you both."
Looking down to Kelly, who was thankfully unharmed, Wade spoke to her as well. "Kel? You good?"
"Oh, I'm fine, Wade. F and Nate here made a great lil' duo." The technician answered as she and her friends laughed at the relief of victory.
In the quieting aura of peace, Darren woke up lazily as he tried to regain his composure. As his vision cleared, he spotted Wade and his team talking to Kelly, not at all noticing him having awoken. Taking hold of his sidearm, Hawk shot at Kelly, only for his attempt on her life to fail as Wade quickly blocked the shot with his wing.
Glaring at the team coordinator, Wade spoke aloud. "Leave him be, he's mine!" Walking towards him, Wade blocked all the shots Darren took at him with his wing, keeping his guard up until he reached the man. Readying a sword, Wade sliced off Hawk's armed hand before picking him up by the neck with his free one, then impaling the corporate agent with his nanite tail while growling at him in contained fury.
Darren grunted in frustrated pain as he looked into Wade's angry eyes with a similar expression. "I'll... be damned, Mr. Carter, I didn't think fortune would favor you and your lot here."
"Well, it sure as hell won't favor you today!" Wade retorted, swapping his sword for a hand as Darren coughed up a bit of blood from his injury.
"You really learned to be so much like us from him, haven't you? Sure seems like it. Even with lights for eyes, I ca-an still see pain in them. Tired, hateful agony. Is that what you feel?"
Wade lowered his gaze for only a short moment, taking in the slightly derogatory comments from Hawk before responding to the man. "...Yeah, I am in pain. So much pain." Then, as he raised his arm he continued in his growing rage. "Why don't I show you a bit of how much pain I'm in?!" At that instance, Wade roared at Darren as he dug his hand into the man's face, gouging his eyes out as he joined Wade in the screaming. The former worker drone kept at Hawk's head as he gripped onto it, his yelling growing in intensity as he tore off the squad leader's head in a bloody mess, part of his spine still latched on to the limb.
F, Nathan, Kelly and the other soldiers watched on with looks of shock, fear, and bewilderment as Wade took his bloody vengeance, Tina putting a hand to her mouth as she watched her love throw Hawk's head while letting go of his body. As Hawk's body fell to the floor, Wade took in heavy breaths from the immense effort he exhausted upon his nemesis before looking to Tina, embarrassment and shame swiftly overcoming him as he realized he was being watched by her. Looking down, Wade spoke to his love apologetically. "I'm... so sorry you had to see that."
Tina shook her head in an odd attempt to comfort Wade on his feelings over what he just did. "Oh no, no. It's fine." Turning her gaze to the grotesque sight of Darren's head, she regained her sympathy over Wade. "Besides, after what you told me about him... I'd say he deserves it for what you endured."
"Yeah. Besides, something tells me if it were Ron in your position... he would've done something similar." Despite the gruesome air she stood in, F let out a morbid chuckle as she continued. "I can believe it too, he tried choking J when he woke up back at your place."
Wade seemed to join in on F's laughter, Gerard giving a more hearty one as he spoke up on the matter. "Can't say I disagree. Call me twisted, but I think it's only... human of you, Wade."
"Thanks, Gerard." Wade said with a small smile, which slowly shifted into a stern frown as he spoke to his team. "I may have been a bit rash with Hawk here, but Halloway better be counting his stars in that office of his. He'll be lucky if he doesn't get worse for what he did."
"Indeed." Tina added before looking to Kelly, the technician taking a small data card out of the hacked console before putting it into one of the slots in her toolkit. "Kelly? Are we good to go, or is there still more to do?"
Holding onto her supplies, Kelly stood up as she helped the formerly scared maintenance drone up as well. "I'd say so, I've got the data chip right in here." Looking around, the technician spoke to her allies standing with her. "I might need some escort there."
"Don't mention it, Kelly. Wade, can you take a chunk of the team here with you? Nathan and I will bring this intel back to the ship outside." F asked as Wade nodded in affirmation.
"Sure thing. Tina and I will be back before you know it." F returned the nod as she looked to the soldiers, all of them having come out of their hiding areas as they listened in on the next step of their plan.
"Alright, Kurtis, Gerard, Duncan, Carlos, I want you two to stick with us. And you," F stopped as she looked to the repair drone, who returned the gaze as he listened to the disassembly drone attentively. "You may wanna come with us, it's gonna be a nasty night if you stay here."
The drone nodded in eager agreement, smiling at the friendly murder drone as he gave his feelings on the idea. "S-Sure thing, you guys could use a repair drone, right?"
F nodded in agreement as she and some of the other soldiers made way for the door, Nathan and Kelly walking alongside her as she spoke once more to Wade. "See you back at the ship Wade, and one more thing: Give Halloway the Carter treatment for us, okay?"
"Will do, F." Wade replied with a salute and a smirk, Tina doing the same behind her boyfriend as their allies departed.
Then, hearing a beep from her pocket, Tina pulled out her smartcomm, answering her sister's call. "Yes?"
"Looks like things have calmed down now, you alright, Tina?" Jasmine asked as Tina replied warmly.
"Oh, yes. Our friends here made this intel job much easier." Glancing to the friendly murder drones, Tina nodded in silent appreciation as they returned the gesture, turning to fly back outside as the pilot drone listened to the small device.
"Glad to hear it, I've got some wounded onboard that I'm taking to the base. I'll see you there after this whole rodeo is over."
Tina chuckled pleasantly as she replied once more to her sister. "I see, well, I wish you the safety of the stars over you and your team on the way back. See you tonight, love."
"You too, say hi to Wade for me. Jasmine out." With that, the Fowleys' call ceased again, leaving Tina, Wade and their remaining team members to themselves as they contemplated their next move.
Walking over to the drone couple, Vasquez spoke to the two while holding her rifle firm. "Well, looks like you're in charge now, Mr. Carter. Where do we go?"
Glancing back to the entrance leading to the elevator, then up to the ceiling, Wade nodded lightly as he made his decision.
"We go to Halloway."
submitted by AdmiralStone96230-A to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:55 Intelligent-Topic599 Tired

To start off for context I’m a 19m in University. I really don’t mean to sound like a douche but I would consider myself above average in looks, physique, iq, sports etc (This is a throwaway account no photos.) I’ve been lonely lately and looking for a gf because it’s been quite a while. My first and last “serious”relationship was back in middle school And ended after she passed in an accident. I’m not the type to throw myself at women because I have seen my closest friends ruined and/or become villains after a breakup. Coupled with the fact that I do have social anxiety despite being well known in my community for various reasons. The thing is, people don’t see that and only get to see how I portray myself in social interactions and think I’m living the dream lifestyle. I’m good at keeping my composure and acting like everything’s okay but Deep inside everything scares me. I’m very social and tend to be the center of attention in group settings or even interpersonally with professors, parents, virtually anyone I come across. Point is…. I will find a way to make them laugh or bring a smile to their face it’s what brings me genuine joy. I’ve even become notoriously known as a “class clown” at this point it’s who I am on the outside. The story changes when I get home. I completely shut down and have zero motivation or ambition to do anything or talk to anyone. I talk to so many people that they automatically assume I’m busy so nobody ever really checks up on me unless I reach out first with my own parents included. I’ve even went ghost for months with very little to no outreach besides Duolingo and my cousin. As life goes on, every year I tell myself it’s going to be different. I need to get this off my chest because it’s been eating at me for a while. I’m a virgin and I haven’t even kissed anyone yet.(nobody ever believes me, even been called a manipulator) On the surface, it might seem like I have it all together—people tell me I’m good looking but most of the time it’s other dudes (no diddy) and the bold girls who ever do show love are too young for me. It feels like nobody is genuinely interested in me; it feels like they either despise me secretly via social cues or gossiping which I pick up on via good friends or are only interested in my status. People poke fun at me all the time, and it seems like they think it's okay because hey it’s just “anon” and to make it worse I always laugh along to not seem butthurt but the more I laugh the more they take it too far. To cope, I've started making fun of myself first, trying to beat them to the punch. I let it slide because I feel the need to take the higher road and avoid hurting anyone's feelings. I bite my tongue a lot, seeing it as a virtue, even though it can be really tough. Whenever a friend of mine is interested in a girl I find pretty, I’ll be the wingman and abandon my feelings for her because I’d rather see my bro win. Sadly, I don’t think they will ever reciprocate those actions for me. Any romantic mention of a woman that leaves my mouth is immediately clowned. Sometimes I do feel the compulsion to crash out.
In my community, I’m too well-known, and that’s part of the problem. It feels like I can’t form real relationships because people already have this preconceived notion of who I am. It’s got to the point people who I don’t even know or have ever met will be waiting for me to make a joke or something when I talk cause they They see the exterior and my reputation, but they don’t see the real me. My last “situationship” really opened my eyes. I thought it was going somewhere, but it turned out she was only interested in me because of my status and how well-known I am. (Found out through a friend saw texts on her phone) It hurt to realize that she didn’t care about who I am as a person, only what I could represent for her. I feel so lonely. I wish I could just meet someone who likes me for me, not for the image or the status. It’s frustrating to receive attention but never feel like it’s genuine. Men and women alike throw themselves at me to be affiliated just to clout chase but never really care about me as a person. I just want to experience real connection and intimacy,ill even take a genuine hug but it feels like an impossible dream right now. I’m not looking for sympathy; I just want others who might feel the same way to know they’re not alone. Keep bettering yourself, and don’t give up on finding someone who values you for who you truly are. Thanks for listening.
submitted by Intelligent-Topic599 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 12:56 sarahmaryam947 Understanding CTPL Insurance: A Guide for Filipino Drivers

CTPL Insurance

Car accidents can happen unexpectedly, and as responsible drivers, it is important to be prepared for any untoward incidents. One way to protect yourself and others on the road is by having a Compulsory Third Party Liability (CTPL) insurance.

What is CTPL Insurance?

CTPL insurance is a type of car insurance mandated by law in the Philippines. It is designed to provide financial protection to victims of car accidents caused by the insured vehicle. The insurance covers the medical expenses and compensation for damages caused to third parties involved in the accident.

Why is CTPL Insurance necessary?

Having CTPL insurance is a legal requirement for all vehicle owners in the Philippines. It ensures that victims of car accidents caused by insured vehicles are financially compensated for their injuries or damages. It also protects drivers from potential legal consequences and expensive lawsuits.

Who is covered by CTPL Insurance?

CTPL Insurance covers the following individuals:
  1. The registered owner of the vehicle
  2. Authorized drivers of the insured vehicle
  3. Passengers of the insured vehicle
  4. Pedestrians or other individuals involved in the accident

What does CTPL Insurance cover?

CTPL Insurance provides coverage for the following:

  1. Bodily Injury Liability: This covers the medical expenses and compensation injuries sustained by the victims involved in the accident.
  2. Death Benefit: In the unfortunate event of a fatality, CTPL Insurance provides a death benefit to the legal beneficiaries of the deceased victim.
  3. Property Damage: CTPL Insurance also covers the compensation for damages caused to the property of third parties involved in the accident.

What is not covered by CTPL Insurance?

While CTPL Insurance provides essential coverage, it is important to note that it does not cover:
  1. Loss or damage to the insured vehicle: CTPL Insurance does not cover any damage to the insured vehicle or its accessories.
  2. Personal injuries or damages to the insured driver: CTPL Insurance only covers injuries or damages to third parties involved in the accident.
  3. Non-owned or non-registered vehicles: CTPL Insurance only covers accidents involving the insured vehicle. It does not cover accidents where the insured driver is driving someone else's vehicle or is a passenger in a non-owned vehicle.

How to avail CTPL Insurance?

CTPL Insurance can be availed through various insurance companies and accredited insurance agents. As a vehicle owner, it is essential to choose a reputable and reliable insurance provider.
To avail CTPL Insurance, you will need the following documents:
  1. Certificate of Registration (CR) or Official Receipt (OR) of the vehicle
  2. Valid identification cards (ID) of the vehicle owner and authorized drivers
  3. Proof of payment for the insurance premium


CTPL Insurance is a mandatory requirement for all vehicle owners in the Philippines. It provides financial protection to victims of car accidents caused by insured vehicles. As responsible drivers, it is important to understand the coverage and benefits of CTPL Insurance and ensure compliance with the law. By having CTPL Insurance, you are not only protecting yourself and your vehicle but also fulfilling your legal obligations as a driver on the road. Oona CTPL Insurance keeps you protected against accidents that cause injury, or worse, death to another person.
submitted by sarahmaryam947 to carInsuranceFilipino [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 12:54 AcidErr0r Accident and other driver fled

salam I had a car accident, the other driver fled, I have photos of the car, I filed a complaint with the police, now the case is in court. but it's been a year since I dont got a response from them, knowing that I was able to find out who owned the car and so did they advice please
submitted by AcidErr0r to Morocco [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 12:15 ReddElectric Thermal Bypass & External Transmission cooler for 6l80??

Thermal Bypass & External Transmission cooler for 6l80??
Currently have the "Superior Solutions Thermal Bypass Build Kit" for my 6l80 and runs great, 140s average and 179 at most pushing it in great heat.. well i recently had a family member buy a camper thats around 7k dry and 8k fully loaded and according to people my trucks specs will definitely be able to tow it although ofc a 2500 would be nicer.. But anyhow i had gotten my 18 5.3 way before thinking about towing big. My question is to keep my transmission cooler and prevent any chance of my fluid burning or even worse damaging my 6speed, could i run this external cooler along side my thermal bypass?? would i be okay in Nothern Virginia Winters or would it do more harm when it starts to get cold? Thanks
submitted by ReddElectric to Silverado [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:21 Hot_Bandicoot_3839 Is it possible to restore shift deleted files in Windows 10/11

 Is it possible to restore shift deleted files in Windows 10/11
Overview: Accidentally deleting documents from your PC may be annoying. However, if Shift Deleted files in Windows take place, you can locate comfort in the know-how that your files may not absolutely disappear. Your documents, irrespective of their area, are prone to deletion.

Find the Variations Between Shift and Normal Delete.

  • Normal Delete: Users can delete records generally by using the delete button. Pressing the delete button will move users’ statistics to the recycle bin. In this situation, to get better permanently deleted documents, you could open the recycle bin, proper-click to your deleted files, after which hit the restore option. These movements will result in the restoration of your document.
  • Shift-Deleted Data: No manual approach can recover completely deleted files from a PC after pressing shift delete. Users have one option to repair deleted files in Windows eleven and 10. The difficult force healing software has some simple steps.

Motives behind recovering deleted files on Windows

More reasons to restore deleted files:
  1. Remove by accident deleted documents with Shift Delete to avoid the recycle bin.
  2. Important is the restoration of commercial enterprise documents, photos, and movies.
  3. Deleted files allow current tasks to be postponed and call for either recovery or restart.
  4. Retrieving original files increases accuracy and saves time.
  5. Eliminating important records or the safety key could be costly.
In Windows 10 and 11, you can restore deleted Shift files without the need for any program.

How to Retrieve Deleted Files in Windows 10/11 Recycle Bin

Selecting a file and pressing the Delete key on your keyboard sends it to the recycle bin. Only files that have been deleted can be recovered from the recycle bin.
How to retrieve erased files from Windows 10 and Windows 11 recycle bin:
  • Swiping to the right will open the trash can.
  • From the menu, choose "Open" to view the deleted files.
  • To recover the file, check the box next to its name.
  • Right-click on a file and choose "Restore" to restore it.
Note: This method will be most effective if you positioned the deleted documents within the recycle bin first. So, in case you used shift deletion to delete the files, you may use this kind of strategy.

Command prompts can manually recover completely deleted files.

Here, we can provide an explanation for in element the steps for the use of Command Prompt to recover permanently deleted documents:
  • Press "Window + X" or right-click on the start menu to launch the Command Prompt as Administrator.
  • Type "chkdsk" into the CMD and push Enter to identify the drive.
  • Searching for the drive letter on the computer—such as local disks C, D, and E—will help one find the deleted data.
  • Now enter the command below substituting the drive that fits your computer for X.
X: /f /r, chkdsk
  • Files can be located with /f and erased files can be restored with /r.
  • Click Enter to carry out the directive.
  • Should the drive be in use, the CMD will seek for a system restart.
  • Type Y to grant permission; then, hit Enter to be sure.
  • Restart your device to help with recovery.
  • The CHKDSK operation will begin upon computer restarts, shown by the CMD.
  • The procedure takes time based on the drive's capacity and file count.
  • CMD will provide file summary and details when the operation is over.
  • Every recovered file will be kept in the "Found.000" or a such folder located in the disk's root directory.
  • Go around every folder looking for any deleted files.
If the CHKDSK command does now not get better Shift deleted documents in Windows, you can use the subsequent approach:

With System Restore, you may undo the shifting of deleted documents.

Here we will provide an explanation for the special steps to apply System Restore to recover deleted files on your device.
  1. Open the System Restore Wizard via clicking the “Windows R” key to open the Run conversation box.
  2. Type “rstrui.Exe” and press the Enter button to initiate the System Restore Wizard.
  3. Choose a Restore Point in your tool and click on the “Next” button.
  4. Following that, your device will display a list of available repair points.
  5. Choose a restore component that corresponds to the moment your documents vanished. Additionally, restore the maximum latest documents, which have a better chance of improving your deleted files.
  6. Confirm your recovery by way of clicking the “Finish” button.
  7. Wait for the machine to repair and whole the method. Furthermore, the process is time-ingesting, depending on the size of your gadgets.
  8. After the machine restore is whole, restart the tool and look for the documents you deleted.
  9. Your deleted documents will seem of their actual region if the repair is a success.
  10. This manner is not a guaranteed method for improving deleted documents because its achievement depends on a variety of things.

Manually restoring shift-deleted documents has drawbacks.

Manual strategies to get better deleted documents have more than one obstacles:
  1. Shift-deleted documents are complicated to get better, and new statistics can overwrite them; therefore, they have got a low success price.
  2. It requires technical understanding of the guide method of retrieving deleted files, which becomes a completely time-ingesting method.
  3. File corruption or partial healing may additionally get rid of metadata.
  4. Manual techniques might not guide record history and backups.
  5. Misusing techniques can cause more information loss.

Master Insight recovers laptop shift-deleted files.

When it comes to the excellent shift deleted file recuperation software program, we would like to suggest the BLR hard drive data recovery tool to recover deleted files from external hard drives. The most essential aspect about this device is that it has a powerful and high-quality information restoration device that can deep test your computer’s tough force to discover and get better all your statistics deleted by Shift Delete or files not inside the recycle bin. This device can recover pc hard force statistics without technical troubles. This tool recovers Word, Excel, PPT, HTML, emails, PPTX, snap shots, song, motion pictures, and greater. The excellent element about this device is its simple person interface.

Final Words

To conquer the shift, deleted facts lose difficulty, usually keep an up to date backup of your critical documents. In this write-up, we've mentioned the way to get better Shift Deleted files in Windows. The aforementioned utility can assist customers in resolving records loss problems.
Also Read : Recovering Data from a Dead Hard Drive
submitted by Hot_Bandicoot_3839 to datarevivalsquad [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 10:08 ThrowRA-advice11111 My (30M) wife (26F) started acting weird and I am not sure how to approach it. Should I just ask?

I have started having a bad feeling that my wife is hiding something but I do not know how to approach it.
For context my wife recently started a new office job which is an hour away and since then some things changed:
  1. She bought many new good looking outfits for work specifically (she does not go out with it when we go out) - she mentioned, that everyone in office is fashionable and she wants to be as well, but then some time later when she goes for the night out with her colleagues for a team building I asked for a photo of her team having good time like most people do in team buildings - but says that all her colleagues are older people who do not like pictures and are all very reserved so no one takes any pictures. This point by itself is not a bid deal, but it adds up with other points.
  2. All her previous work, every day she would come back home and talk about what happened and the gossips non stop. With this job - silence. When i ask how was her day it's one word answers - good/fine - and then change of topic.
  3. Every week she comes home later and later. At first she would be home by 5:50pm, then 6:20pm, now around 7pm. I don't think she can do much within half an hour - hour, but if I ask what happened or whether she missed the train - she gets very defensive.
  4. She started wearing make-up. Never in her life she has done it and suddenly she is putting and trying new stuff, even if her skin reacts negatively to it (she has eczema and make up makes her skin very itchy). She just muscles up, scratches her face off in her sleep and the next day puts the same make up again.
  5. Very little sex. We used to have sex 3-4 times a week, when she is stressed out from work (old work) it would only happen at weekends, but now she does not want to have sex at all unless I am very persistent and I'm tired of being rejected or begging to have sex... I brought this point up the previous day and her reasoning was that she wants to focus on her career now and don't want to get pregnant by accident.
  6. She has also started complaining about the smallest things, e.g. if I clean the house, do the laundry but leave unwashed cup in living room all the good deed will be forgotten.
  7. Started occasionally forgetting to wear her wedding ring to work.
All this started driving me crazy and I want to think I am over thinking it. Should I bring it up and talk through it or this would be the start of the argument and I should look for a different approach?
submitted by ThrowRA-advice11111 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:54 tlrnsibesnick 240604 ENHYPEN - Fatal Trouble (240530 Special Stage Performance Photos) @ Mnet M Countdown

240604 ENHYPEN - Fatal Trouble (240530 Special Stage Performance Photos) @ Mnet M Countdown submitted by tlrnsibesnick to enhypen [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 07:06 TheGoldenLeaper On The Future of Magic Leap, Inc. These are some rumors that I am hearing

  1. I asked about The Fiber Scanning display and told my source how excited I was when I first heard about Magic Leap, Inc. in 2012/13/whatever year it was. I mentioned that I remembered seeing a photo of a baby elephant floating in a child's palm in an outdoor setting, and a whale flying through an elementary school gymnasium floor, making splashes and everyone cheered. I thought it was too good to be true, and I was never more excited than I had ever been at the prospect of this idea.
  2. Maybe a new controller form factor.
  3. They need higher FOV and better cameras. Real-time dynamic occlusion, etc. "It's all being worked on." This sounds like what I heard from Omar Khan when he said they plan to double the FoV from ML2 to ML3, once again, in his Bloomberg video interview.
  4. They keep getting more Saudi money, and the Saudis said they are here long term. They know that the future is consumer AR. My source also claimed that every time they seem to run out of money, they get more, and seemed to express that he doesn't understand why everyone seems to not worry about it, even so. "There is something weird about it, like we almost don’t care." ("Because we aim to get bought?? I can’t explain it like we don’t care about money") I think this is possibly best explained that Magic Leap employee/employer morale is high, they want this to work, and they want True XR. But it also seems like there is a steady flow of income, again this is just my train of thought, but regardless of what most people are hearing, Almost as if the flow of money was surprising to them, or at least to my source, as it seemed weird to this person to say the least. This is good news to me. I told my source that I heard some rumors from an entirely different source, that there were going to be layoffs and that the Saudi money was going to stop flowing in, but I heard everything to the contrary from my source today. I'm still unable to verify/corroborate this rumor which was from an entirely different source, but I still think the source that told me that the money would stop flowing in is at least a credible source, (which is bad) because they told me about the Magic Leap x Google partnership would be announced the following morning, which it was. Everything he said happened. (Again this is NOT the same person, but I would still like to express that I trust them both, I just think maybe things look different to different teams. I don't know, maybe it's a morale kind of thing where the people on different teams view the situation differently than each other. Or maybe something had changed, or maybe one of them is just wrong.) But whatever the case, the reply was: "Whenever you wrote it, I talked with some others and their nervous since you’ve been right They’re So the Saudi money and layoffs are news to us." I feel like I need to find out if it's true now.
  5. When asked about the $1 TN IPO that Rony touted in 2013 on his AMA, I was greeted with as reply such that described that they just aren't selling as many as they should, but also that Apple selling selling 200K AVPs is a 'slap in their face'.
  6. I asked about the possibility of a pivot to consumer hardware by ML3, and I was told that if anything, my source was expecting that the company would sell FB or Google for like $5 Billion
  7. I mentioned that I imagined that ML3 would be mid-2025, and was told that this is the plan for something they called "Magic Leap 2.5". This makes me think that this might be a 'once every device iteration kind of thing, but also matches the rumor I heard just before ML1 launched about an "ML1 S," which I was told would be something akin to having a Siri, hence the S, so something driven by Artificial Intelligence. Maybe even something like HCAI/something like Mica?
  8. ML 2.5 = XREAL, Google wants something akin to AVP and 'just placing content'. This device is destined for a 2025 release according to what I heard.
  9. They are looking into different capabilities, Not everyone needs full spatial.
  10. Okay, this one irked me a bit. There is no way to keep the ML1 from becoming paperweight/becoming a brick. — "There is not, and they won’t do it. Magic Leap employees tried for internal and they won't do it They want to move on." I speculate that they were unhappy with the turn-out of ML1, probably the optics. I expressed to my source that I thought that ML1 image quality was supposed to change computing all at once. I told them that I didn't know what happened. But apparently, ML1's visual clarity is garbage compared to ML2. Legit night and day.
  11. I asked about Dr. Grordbort's Invaders games for future ML devices — My source answered that Meta at least buys studios for top content. And that they work on the best team in all of AR and can't show shit. But Magic Leap at least still has valuable IP, even by comparison, Magic Leap's IP is vastly more valuable. (Remember the article from 'The Financial Times')
  12. Here's one of the big ones: Magic Leap is also looking to licence/permit both their IP to big tech companies like Apple/Meta/whatever as well as their display tech, and hardware. (Effectively making them The AMD/Intel of XR) This part excites me a lot!
  13. This next tidbit might confirm some of what you've already heard: ML2 is sooooo much better than ML1, in terms of visual clarity. (My source hasn't turned on their ML1 since he was hired by the company. The difference is night and day.) This might also help to explain the decision to brick the ML1 devices, akin to something like moving forward and trying to forget what I'm guessing is considered an accident by many. — This is easier confirmed(?) by an older rumor I heard that when the original 90 employees who worked at the company when ML1 was going to come out, those same employees shouted at the investors, saying that it wasn't ready and they needed more time. The result of ML1 on August 8th, 2018, after an ultimatum to release the 'unfinished' product.
  14. Magic Leap 3 is 2028-2030, but with Magic Leap 2.5 (or whatever it's going to be called) being slated for 2025, at least as far as one of my sources can agree, and Magic Leap 3 slated for 3 - 5 years out, I at least confirmed that there are at least 1,100+ employees currently and that if I "wanted a marketing job, good luck. They've been, and will just say no to everything." I think this is my fault, because I do more free marketing that they don't need anyone to do it. I think this is smart. That's everything I know/heard so far, at the time of this post.
submitted by TheGoldenLeaper to magicleap [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 06:25 syntheticFLOPS Dangerous Mechanic Stories

I just want to bring some awareness to professionals letting other professionals slide despite knowing what they're doing is dangerous.
KLNA had a fatal accident last year with N3KV having rusted out aileron cables that broke in-flight. Catching and correcting or reporting unsafe or pencil whipping A&Ps and IAs could have caught this. What are some close calls or horror stories have you had or been witness to?
-Signed a mechanic, pilot, and aerospace engineering student.
submitted by syntheticFLOPS to aviationmaintenance [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:41 Electronic_Term7617 Trying to make the best out of an ignorant situation

Trying to make the best out of an ignorant situation
I'll try to summerize this up as best I can ,
My daughter's grandfather on her mother's side is childish , and always wants to have the biggest most expensive gift when it comes to her birthdays if they see someone got her attention with an amazing gift theyll go spend even more money, especially if said gifts were from the grandmother, as theyre divorced. like children trying to one up eachother.
so long story short they decided this year to get my 9 year old daughter an entire axolotl and axolotl setup which they raised in a tote until it got bigger then showed up at my house 3 days ago with no warning the axolotl and a huge aquarium with a filter and water cooler, and this all is now my responsibility
it's a decent setup, but they just dropped the poor guy right into the tank shortly after conditioning the water, they said it was fine cause the water is clean, but ive had aquariums and I know it's the worst thing to do!
He's obviously a bit stressed, ive been getting him to eat frozen bloodworms , he's very sluggish but he is alive , I tried to get him to eat an earth worm but it startled him because I had it with tongs and was trying to bring it down in front of him and instead it dropped on accident and landed on his tail and he ran for hiding 🤦‍♂️
The grandparents were feeding it freezedried shrimp and bloodworm and occasionally some strange small worm I forgot the name of, but he's in a bit tank and floating freezedried food doesn't work anymore,
so I'm waiting on soft pellets and he's eating the bloodworms although very slowly, then he just hangs out in his food bowl.
I feel bad about him being launched into a new environment , with no tank prep for nitrogen cycles at all..luckily they bought a really nice water cooling syst3m so the tank is at a consistant 64 degrees (F) right now, I have read up on all I can and he seems okay given the situation ..but is there anything else I can do to help insure his well being ? He's got places to hide and currently a glass bottom , no sand or rocks , just occasional big rocks and fake plants, I just worry I'm missing something . I'm waiting on ph strips to come in the mail,
Is there a water conditioner you guys would recommend? They used your typical petco conditioner but I'd like to think there's a better option .
Anyway I know this is a lot of words sorry , I just would love any advice anyone has, the situation fell on me suddenly but he's still a beautiful little guy id hate to see him suffer if he doesn't have to ,
I've seen lots of internet information but it's often more helpful to hear it directly from seasoned axolotl owners
The picture above is his tank setup currently, he's hiding in the cave right now , I'll get a good photo when he decides to say hello 😗
submitted by Electronic_Term7617 to axolotls [link] [comments]
