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A Beginner's Journey: Exploring the Top Online Casino Game Selection at Beta777

2024.06.04 04:54 Cel-747Live A Beginner's Journey: Exploring the Top Online Casino Game Selection at Beta777

The world of online casinos beckons with a captivating allure. The promise of thrilling games, exciting bonuses, and the potential for life-changing wins ignites the imagination of many. But for a novice player, stepping into this virtual playground can feel like navigating a labyrinth. Fear not, aspiring high rollers! This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to embark on your online casino adventure at Beta777, a premier online casino. We'll guide you through the top game selections, helping you discover the perfect games to ignite your passion for online gaming.
Unveiling the Treasures of Beta777: A Look at the Game Library
Beta777 boasts a vast library of online casino games, catering to every taste and skill level. From the thrill of classic table games to the vibrant world of slots, you'll find a plethora of options to keep you entertained for hours on end. Here's a glimpse into the exciting categories that await you:
Choosing Your Path: Selecting the Perfect Game at Beta777
With so many options to choose from, selecting your first game can feel overwhelming. Here are some tips to guide you on your journey:
submitted by Cel-747Live to u/Cel-747Live [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:01 Jashon24 Mastering Card Counting in Blackjack: Hi-Lo Counting System Explained

Mastering Card Counting in Blackjack: Hi-Lo Counting System Explained


I've always been fascinated by the elegance and strategy of blackjack. Over the 29 years playing the gme, I’ve honed my skills, delving deep into the art of card counting and beyond. Among the various systems available, the Hi-Lo counting system, combined with perfect basic strategy, has proven to be a game-changer for me.
Here, I'll share the intricacies of this powerful method and how it can transform your blackjack experience.

Understanding the Basics

Blackjack Basics: Blackjack, also known as 21, is a popular casino game where the goal is to beat the dealer by having a hand value closest to 21 without exceeding it. Mastery begins with understanding the card values:
  • Number cards (2-10) are worth their face value.
  • Face cards (Jack, Queen, King) are worth 10 points each.
  • Aces can be worth either 1 or 11 points, depending on which value benefits the hand more.

Perfect Basic Strategy

Before diving into card counting, it's crucial to grasp perfect basic strategy. This strategy is a set of rules dictating the optimal way to play every hand dealt to you, minimizing the house edge. I’ve committed these strategies to memory, ensuring every move I make is statistically sound.
Key Components of Basic Strategy:
  1. Hard Hands: These are hands without an Ace counted as 11. For example, if you have a 10 and a 6, it’s a hard 16.
  2. Soft Hands: These include an Ace counted as 11. For instance, an Ace and a 6 is a soft 17.
  3. Splitting Pairs: When you have two cards of the same value, you have the option to split them into two separate hands.
Some Basic Strategy Rules:
  • Always hit on a hard 11 or less.
  • Stand on a hard 17 or higher.
  • Double down on an 11 against a dealer’s lower card.
  • Split Aces and 8s.
  • Never split 5s and 10s.

The Hi-Lo Counting Card Counting System

Card counting involves keeping track of the cards that have been dealt to gauge the proportion of high cards (10s, face cards, and Aces) to low cards (2-6) left in the deck. The Hi-Lo system is one of the most effective and widely used card counting methods.
How Hi-Lo Counting Works:
  • Assigning Values: In Hi-Lo, each card is assigned a specific value:
    • 2-6: +1
    • 7-9: 0
    • 10-Ace: -1
  • Counting Process: As cards are dealt, you keep a running count by adding or subtracting based on the card values.
  • True Count Conversion: Since most casinos use multiple decks, the running count needs to be adjusted to reflect the number of decks remaining. This is done by dividing the running count by the estimated number of decks left to be dealt. This gives you the true count.
Practical Application:
  1. Start Counting: As soon as the cards are shuffled and dealt, start counting. If a 5 is dealt, add 1 to your count. If a King is dealt, subtract 1.
  2. Adjust Your Bets: The true count helps you decide how much to bet. A higher true count indicates a higher proportion of high cards remaining, which is favorable for the player. Increase your bets when the true count is high and decrease them when it’s low.
  3. Deviate from Basic Strategy: In some situations, you’ll adjust your basic strategy based on the count. For example, if the count is very high, you might stand on a lower total than usual, expecting high cards to come.

Perfecting the Technique

Card counting demands practice and concentration. Here’s how I perfected my technique:
1. Practice, Practice, Practice: Start by practicing at home. Use a deck of cards and deal them out one by one, keeping a running count. Once comfortable, try dealing multiple hands simultaneously.
2. Time Yourself: Simulate real casino conditions by timing your practice sessions. Speed and accuracy are essential, as casinos deal cards quickly.
3. Mental Stamina: Counting for extended periods can be mentally exhausting. Practice maintaining focus for long sessions to build your stamina.
4. Avoid Detection: Casinos frown upon card counting. To avoid detection:
  • Keep your demeanor casual.
  • Vary your betting patterns slightly to avoid obvious spikes in bets.
  • Take breaks and engage in casual conversation.

Real-Life Application

One of my most memorable experiences was in a Las Vegas casino (Bellagio). Using the Hi-Lo system, I meticulously tracked the cards and adjusted my bets. The true count soared, and I knew it was time to increase my bets. I hit a blackjack twice in quick succession, netting a significant profit of over $20,000 in a couple day blackjack gambling session wagering high stakes ($100 minimum up to $5K per hand).
That trip, my dedication to mastering the Hi-Lo system and perfect basic strategy paid off handsomely.


Mastering the Hi-Lo counting system and perfect basic strategy can turn the tables in your favor. It’s a skill that requires dedication, practice, and sharp focus. By understanding and applying these techniques, you can significantly reduce the house edge and increase your chances of winning at blackjack. Remember, the key is consistency and maintaining a low profile to enjoy long-term success.


Q1: What is card counting in blackjack? A1: Card counting is a strategy used to track the ratio of high cards to low cards remaining in the deck, allowing players to make more informed betting decisions.
Q2: How does the Hi-Lo counting system work? A2: The Hi-Lo system assigns values to cards (2-6 as +1, 7-9 as 0, and 10-Ace as -1) to maintain a running count, which is then adjusted to a true count by considering the number of decks remaining.
Q3: What is perfect basic strategy? A3: Perfect basic strategy is a set of rules for playing each hand optimally based on the cards dealt, aimed at minimizing the house edge.
Q4: Why is the true count important in card counting? A4: The true count adjusts the running count to reflect the number of decks remaining, providing a more accurate measure of the card composition and aiding in better betting decisions.
Q5: Can card counting guarantee a win in blackjack? A5: While card counting improves the odds in the player’s favor, it does not guarantee a win. It’s a statistical advantage that requires discipline and practice.
Q6: Is card counting illegal? A6: Card counting is not illegal, but casinos have the right to ban players they suspect of counting cards.
Q7: How can I practice card counting? A7: Practice by dealing cards at home, keeping a running count, and simulating casino conditions to improve speed and accuracy.
Q8: What are some common mistakes in card counting? A8: Common mistakes include losing the count, miscalculating the true count, and making obvious betting patterns that attract casino attention.
Q9: How does card counting affect betting strategies? A9: Card counting informs when to increase or decrease bets based on the true count, allowing players to capitalize on favorable situations.
Q10: Can I use card counting with online blackjack? A10: Card counting is ineffective in online blackjack due to continuous shuffling mechanisms used in digital games.
Q11: How can I avoid detection while counting cards? A11: Avoid detection by maintaining a casual demeanor, varying your bets slightly, taking breaks, and not displaying obvious counting behavior.
Q12: What should I do if I’m caught counting cards? A12: If suspected of counting cards, remain calm, leave the table if asked, and avoid arguing with casino staff to prevent further issues.
submitted by Jashon24 to blackjack_21 [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 19:54 banevader7182 Me and one of my bros got into argument over some silly shit that led to personal things being said. Who’s wrong here and how should I go about this?

Be prepared yall cause this argument started over some silly stupid shit with somebody I been friends with since kids.
Aight so boom it’s this chick I met last year while I was out who happened to be a sex worker. She never told me that but it was pretty much all over her page. We talked from time to time on there but never hung out.
About a few weeks ago she hit me asking me how I been and shit. So I go on her page and see she no longer a sex worker and totally against it now. I’m telling my bro about the situation that I see on her page she not a sex worker anymore and he says to me “why you on her page for nigga you desperate”. I said nigga we already friends on social media. He said so what.
This led into an argument about who had better bitches in our lifetime and a big argument who get better women. He said he got more money than me and shit like that. I said I took you in when you was broke. So while we arguing he insults my girl mental health condition. She bi polar. He also insulted another condition she has. I lost it and told him instead of gambling in the casino in Queens so much and taking trips to Vegas you should spend that money on your kids and all your different baby mamas. I said another man raising your kids with some of your BMs. I hung up after.
He texted me a few days later saying it’s no way he getting over this because I brought up his kids and the only reason he won’t fight me cause he know my family. We argued a little in text.
Now I don’t know what to do and how to feel. He was one of my closest friends. Apart of me feel bad about the kids thing I said. Another part of me is still upset some of the shit he said , mainly bout my girl.
How should I go about this?
submitted by banevader7182 to NYStateOfMind [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 07:41 GustyHier Citi Field casino fails to secure backing from key SenatorQueens casino plans in doubt as key lawmaker declares opposition

submitted by GustyHier to igaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:19 SendingBirds Books with payback, revenge or mistreatment

I suppose this could be a subcategory of enemies to lovers, but I was wondering if anyone had specific recs for this type of enemies to lovers.
I am looking for any novels where the relationship between MC1 and MC2 deals with some kind of revenge or payback. What I am mostly interested about is that the revenge/payback plot has an actual motivation. As in: MC1 did something (ex. a prank, a bet, cheating, was cruel, killed someone in MC2's family etc.) or MC1 is connected to a negative experience for MC2 (ex. did not intervene to save MC2 when something was happening, or MC1's family is the one who did something etc.). Or MC1 simply was an absolute horrible person/or an arrogant jerk, and the book deals with MC2:
Because of this.
I just love that angsty feeling of seeing MC2 slowly realize they are falling for MC1, the human being, after just seeing MC1 as the symbol of whatever thing MC1 previously was involved with/did. For this reason I would prefer MC1 and MC2 to not have been romantically involved before, but I am okay with it.
And this revenge/mistreatment/payback plot can also be a subplot and only a part of the novel, it does not have to encompass the whole book!
Here are some examples:
{Jackdaw by Charles K. J.} Historical with magic, and this one fits greatily. MC1 is a thief who helped some criminals in the previous Magpie Lord trilogy. MC2 is a policeman who used to be MC1 lover and is now looking for MC1 for revenge after being betrayed.
{EWB by N. R. Walker} Contemporary. This perfectly fits, in my opinion, and I really enjoyed it. MC1's family was ruined by MC2's father buying their company. MC2 and his father also interferes with MC1's current work, which leads MC1 to truly despise MC2 and want revenge. MC2 loves rough sex and he decides that there is nothing better than an enemy with benefits who really hates him. MC1 decides to take it as a way to get some payback.
{The Reluctant Husband by Eliot Grayson} Regency with fantasy elements (no magic), where some men are blessed by a goddess with a tattoo and marked to be able to marry other men in exchange for a blessing. MC1 and MC2 hate each other's, and in particular MC1 really despises MC2 because of the reputation MC2 had acquired (things MC2 had actually done in the previous book).
{Hostile takeover by Lucy Lennox} Contemporary. As college students, MC1's successful future is taken away from him after a prank from MC2. Years later, MC1 has managed to become a ruthless business man and he is still seeking revenge when he purchases MC2's father company. As part of his payback he demands that MC2 becomes his personal assistant.
{Prince of Agony by Tavia Lark} Fantasy. MC1 is captured by an enemy kingdom and given as a plaything to the prince, MC2. MC2 is mainly using him to spite his own father, but treats him carelessly if not cruelly. MC1 plots revenge. There is no actual payback or revenge, as the two fall for each other's before, but half the book has MC1 biding his time for his revenge.
{The Alpha's Gamble by Eliot Grayson} Contemporary shifter omegaverse. MC1 owns a casino and when the rich arrogant alpha MC2 loses a bunch of money, MC1 decides to let him pay his debt in another unconventional way. The payback element comes from the fact that MC1 knows MC2, and in the past MC2 actually caused MC1 to lose his job, so this is all a revenge ploy for MC1.
{Captive Prince by C. S. Pacat} Fantasy but no magic. I think this book does not need an introduction! The payback/revenge is a main part of the novel, from both main characters and in at least two of the books of the trilogy.
{A Nobleman's guide to seducing a scoundrel by K. J. Charles} Historical. MC1 hires MC2 to clear a mistery regarding MC1's inheritance and lordship status. MC2 has an ulterior motive to accept the job, which later MC1 finds out. There is a short payback part of the plot where MC1 is sure MC2 seduced him just to have access to the house, and fires him and sends him away.
{Folk by Lily Mayne} Fantasy/contemporary. MC1 lives in our modern world and he is kidnapped by fae, trapped in the court of the Unseelie queen. MC2 is one of the princes, son of the Unseelie queen, often tasked to keep an eye on MC1. The payback/revenge scene happens at the end of book one, where MC1 finds out that MC2 was involved in the death of MC1's parents, even if MC1 does not know that it was very indirectly so. MC1 promises to forget MC2, and because of his powers MC1 actually forgets MC2 ever existed.
Partially fitting
{Death and the devil by L. J. Hayward} Contemporary with some futuristic elements a la James Bond. Spy and assassin. There is no real payback or revenge, but there are multiple moments where one character expects the other to act for revenge/payback.
{The Uses of Illicit Art by Wendy Palmer} Historical victorian, with magic elements. MC1 is a thief who can open an door and MC2 is a lawenforcer trying to capture. The payback/mistreatment part is a smaller part of the novel, in particular MC2 thinking MC1 was faking his own trauma to get out of some bindings, which ends up with MC2 later forcefully drugging MC1.
{The Infidelity Clause by Lisa Oliver} Pseudohistorical/fantasy. MC1 and MC2 are both prince in an arranged marriage. MC1 accepts to marry MC2 because he knows MC2 is a libertine and won't be able to not cheat, and for this reason added an advantegous rule in their contract. The payback element is mainly MC1 despising MC2's disregard for rules and propriety but it is shortlived, this book has the fastest most unsatisfying insta-love I have ever read.
Things I cannot read: mafia.
Things I would prefer not to read, but if they are not too present I am okay with: age gap, daddy kink.
As always, thank you so much!! This subreddit has given me so many amazing reads and recs!
submitted by SendingBirds to MM_RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:40 TheOneWithDoggo Let the Old Dreams Die Retold Concepts: Boys Night Out

Adam and D-Sides Boyfriend, or DS for short, were deep into a game of Super Mario Bros Wonder on the Nintendo Switch."Yeah, this game is pretty good!" Adam agreed, just as the doorbell rang. He paused the game and got up. "Hang on, I gotta see who's at the door." Boyfriend nodded, and Adam walked to the front door. Opening it, he found Owen and Oskar standing there. "I often forget you know where I live," Adam remarked. Oskar darted inside, eager to escape Owen’s company. "Hi," Owen said, following more slowly. Owen took one couch, and Oskar took another, each eyeing the other warily.

Adam broke the silence. "So, where are your girlfriends tonight?" "Busy," they both replied in unison. "Well, okay then," Adam said. "I’m playing Mario Wonder with Boyfriend. Want to join?"
"You have a boyfriend?" Oskar asked incredulously. "No, his name is Boyfriend," Adam clarified. "You’re joking," Owen said, skeptical. "Nope. Hey BF, come out here!" Adam called. DS stepped out and waved. "Beep!" "Huh, you’re right," Oskar admitted.

Just then, someone knocked on the side door. "Hold on," Adam said, heading over. He opened it to find Isaiah and Eleanor. "Hi, Adam!" Eleanor greeted cheerfully. "Hi, guys!" Adam responded. Isaiah walked in, stopping when he saw Owen and Oskar. "Oh...who are you guys?" Isaiah asked. "I’m Oskar," Oskar replied. "I’m Owen," Owen added. Eleanor followed Adam, who closed the door behind them. "So, since there are more people here than usual, any ideas on what to do tonight?" Adam asked. "Beep Bo Bap!" DS beeped. "Boys' Night Out?" Adam suggested. "Boys' Night Out?" Owen repeated, confused. "It’s basically when just the guys go out for the night and have fun!" Adam explained.

"So, basically anything?" Oskar asked. "Yeah, as long as it’s legal," Adam said. "Are you okay with it, Eleanor?" Isaiah asked. Eleanor smiled and nodded. "Yeah, don’t worry. I’ll be fine. Your sister is home, right, Adam?" "Yeah, but she was a bit snappy earlier. I wouldn’t bother her," Adam warned. "Where would we go, anyway?" Owen asked. "Beep bap!" DS suggested. "Yeah, we can go to Applebee's," Adam said. "I’m okay with that," Isaiah agreed. "Can we go to the casino afterward?" Owen asked. Everyone stared at him in confusion. "Dude, we’re all 12-14 except for BF," Adam said. "Oh right," Owen realized. "We can go to the arcade next," Isaiah suggested. "That works," Adam said. "What about after that?" Oskar asked. "We'll figure it out. Ready to go?" Adam asked. "Yeah, I’m ready," Isaiah said. Owen got up. "Let’s go." Adam, DS, and Oskar followed. "Bye, Eleanor! We'll be back in a bit!" Isaiah said. Eleanor waved as the boys left.
After a bit, they finally arrived at Applebee's. "Alright boys, welcome to Applebee's. You know what I love about this place? The culture. I usually have a burger, but sometimes I switch it up. First meal, you’re in Asia; next meal, you’re in Greece!" Adam said.

"Beep bap bo!" DS chimed in. "Exactly, I feel like I need a passport to eat here!" Adam laughed. "So what do you recommend?" Isaiah asked. "What do I recommend? Isaiah, this is Applebee's. I recommend all of it! Wait, you're from New York, right?" Adam asked. "Yeah. Why?" Isaiah asked. "Brooklyn or Queens?" Adam asked. "Manhattan," Isaiah said. "Did you not go to Applebee's before?" Adam asked. "No, not really," Isaiah said. "Well, that's fine. You’re gonna love it," Adam assured him.

After a bit, the waitress came over. Adam’s heart sank. It was Mary Lou Maloney, a familiar face to him but not to the others. "Hello, welcome to Applebee's. My name is Mary, and I'll be your server tonight," Mary Lou said.

"Beep!" DS said."Y-Yeah..." Adam stammered, clearly unsettled. Mary Lou focused on Adam. "How about we start with you, handsome?" she asked, getting close and rubbing his hair. "What would you like to drink?" "Uh, I would like a..." Adam began to say. "You want a lemonade, right?" Mary Lou suggested. "Y-Yeah, that works," Adam said, visibly uneasy. Oskar looked at Adam, puzzled by his behavior. "I’ll have water," Oskar said. "I’ll have a Pepsi," Isaiah added. "Beep bo bap!" DS said. "He said he’ll have a Coke," Adam translated. "I'll take a water too," Owen said.

Mary Lou smiled and walked away. Adam faced the ground, holding his head. "Adam, are you okay? You acted strange when the waitress came," Oskar observed. "No, no, I’m fine. Just a bit hungry, that’s all," Adam lied, unconvincingly. "Who was that? You acted like she was your mom. Oh my god, was that your mom?" Owen asked. "What? No, that's not my mom. Look at me," Adam said. "Beep bap bo, skidoo bap?" DS asked. "No, not my ex or girlfriend..." Adam said. "Then who is it?" Isaiah asked. "Well, she's... a friend of mine. Yeah, a friend. I forgot she worked here," Adam said.

Mary Lou returned with their drinks, still grinning. "I have your drinks, boys. Now, may I take your orders?" "Yeah, that would be nice," Isaiah said. Mary Lou turned towards Adam. "Hey!" she said. "...Yeah?" Adam replied. "You want a classic bacon burger, right? Well done, fries seasoned?" Mary Lou asked. Adam’s heart dropped. "Y-Yeah..." "I’ll have a chicken sandwich," Isaiah said. "How do you want that cooked?" Mary Lou asked. "Crispy," Isaiah replied. "I’m not hungry, thanks," Oskar said. "I’m not hungry either," Owen added. Owen and Oskar exchanged glances, both thinking, "What's your excuse?" "Beep bo bap do bop!" DS said. "Alright, I’ll be back in a bit!" Mary Lou said, leaving with a tune. "Not your girlfriend, eh?" DS teased. "Why are you speaking English now?" Isaiah asked.
Meanwhile, Eleanor knocked on Esther’s door, but there was no answer. "Hello?" Eleanor called, knocking again. "Go away, Adam, or I’ll stab you," Esther threatened from inside. "But... I’m not Adam," Eleanor said. Esther opened the door and looked up at Eleanor. "Who are you?" "My name is Eleanor. You’re Adam’s little sister, right?" Eleanor asked. Esther groaned and tried to close the door, but Eleanor held it open. "Hey, what are you—" Esther began to say, but Eleanor's grip was strong. The door cracked as Eleanor instinctively burst it open, then sprinted off. "What the fu—"

Back at Applebee's, Mary Lou brought the food over, still grinning. "Enjoy your food!" she said, passing it around before leaving. "Damn BF, those nachos look tasty," Adam said. BF nodded, taking a bite and giving a thumbs up. Owen and Oskar’s stomachs growled. "You sure you aren't hungry? It’s not too late to order something," Adam offered. "I'm fine," Oskar said. "Yeah, me too," Owen agreed.

After around 20 minutes of eating, the food was done. "Wow, that burger was delicious," Adam said. "Beep…." DS said. "Yeah, it was," Isaiah said. Mary Lou came back. "I hope you enjoyed your food, now who's paying?" Mary Lou asked. Everyone looked at each other. "Uh, can you give us a second?" Adam asked. She nodded and left.

"Alright, I'm fine with paying if I need to but are there any takers?" Adam asked.
"...This might work," Oskar said. He pulled out Swedish cash from his pocket. "...Oskar, that's Swedish currency. I don't think that's gonna work." Adam said. "Oh…" Oskar said. "Wait, Oskar, are you Swedish?" Isaiah asked. "Yeah, Eli too," Oskar said. "Huh, I mean I can kind of hear it in your voice," Adam said.

Mary Lou came back and leaned close behind Adam. "You know, if you can't pay, if you come in the back with me Handsome, I'll let you off free…." Mary Lou said. Adam turned red as everyone turned towards him, dazed, surprised, and confused. “Uh..Uh..” Adam begins to say, dazed and confused. “Think about it handsome. I'll be back in a bit..” Mary Lou said, kissing him on the cheek. She walked away, humming to herself. Everyone just stared at Adam. “Did…Did she just…?” Oskar began to say. “I think…?” Owen began to say. Isaiah just stared at the ground.
“Bro, I think the waitress just offered to let us go free if-” DS-Boyfriend began to say, but Adam cut him off. “Boyfriend for everyone's safety DON'T finish that sentence,” Adam said. “...Are…Are you going to say something about what just happened….?” Isaiah asked. “I would rather not…” Adam said. Everyone just stared at each other. “You know what? I'll pay. That way we can simply move on.” DS said. “Really?” Owen asked. “Dude, when a waitress offers to bang your best friend to get out of a restaurant without paying, that's when you know you gotta get the f**k out of dodge,” DS said. “Hey, nice reference,” Isaiah said. “Thanks,” replied. “How can you afford to pay?” Owen asked.

“My parents are CEOS of big companies, that's how,” DS-Boyfriend said.
“Hey Adam, can you get the waitress?” DS-Boyfriend asked. “...Why me?” Adam asked. DS-Boyfriend gave a sh*t-eating grin. “Oh you gotta be kidding me,” Adam said agitated. “Hey, don’t look at me, she’s the one into you,” DS said. Adam rolled his eyes and got up, but when he turned around, he bumped into Mary Lou, who was walking back to the table. “Oh hey! Taking my offer?” Mary Lou asked. Before anything could happen DS stepped in. “Actually he was going to get you so we can get the hell outta here,” DS said. Mary Lou looked down before nodding her head. “Alright, we can have some fun another time then.” Mary Lou suggested. Adam turned red again as DS got up from his seat and handed Adam the Money. “Here you go,” Adam said. Mary took it and smiled. “Alright, you can go! Have fun boys!” Mary Lou said with a creepy smile. The others got up from their chairs and quickly left through the door. But before Adam could Leave, Mary Lou grabbed his arm. “...This was nice. Can we do this again sometime?” She asked. Adam shrugged. “I guess so,” Adam said. Mary Lou smiled. She took off Adam’s hat and rubbed his hair. “... It's a date then, see you later…alligator.” Mary Lou said. “YO ADAM, WHAT’S THE HOLD-UP, COME ON!” DS yelled. Adam turned and left through the door.

Eleanor was sitting outside on the steps in the backyard, thinking to herself about what transpired. She didn’t know what came over herself, she didn’t even mean to get so aggressive. She was about to just get up and go take a walk down the road when she noticed a toy Rabbit sitting near the gate. It wasn’t there before. It was grey, and one of its eyelids was drooped down. It had a red vest and a blue bowtie and its eyes were purple. “Where did you come from?” Eleanor asked. The toy roared to life. “R-R-R-Ready to Rocket!” the toy belted. Eleanor gasped out of surprise and dropped the toy, causing it to stutter on one line. “Bon is here- Bon is here- Bon is here- Bon is here- Bon is-” But then the rabbit stopped, its eye slowly turning to look at something in front of it. “H-H-Hi Bon!” Eleanor looked up and saw him. A large 7 ft rabbit animatronic stood in front of the gate, but he looked…damaged. The rabbit had a white latex mask, with a cigar in his mouth and its eyes glowed a bit white as it stood there.He wore a red bowtie connected to a dickie. The torso had a large hole in it, and it was…slightly lined with blood. His vest was tattered and damaged. It had a bunch of holes in it. He had a name tag on his vest “HELLO! MY NAME IS BON.” But it was slightly ripped. His lower arms were exposed with an endoskeleton, but the fingers looked like claws. His lower legs were exposed with an endoskeleton as well. Bon wasn’t looking at her at first before his eyes slowly tilted towards her. The rabbit slowly moved its head, a creaking sound coming from it. The mouth opened, and at first, nothing came out, but then it spoke. “M-My. Name. Is. BON.” The rabbit went to walk towards Eleanor when Esther opened the side door. “Hey. Knew I’d find you out here.” Esther mentioned. Eleanor looked back, but Bon was gone. It was as if..it were an illusion. She looked down and the toy rabbit was gone as well. “Oh, hey,” Eleanor said, trying to sound as normal as she could, albeit possibly hallucinating. Esther sat next to her. “Listen, I don’t know what that was back there, but I’m not going to lie, it was kind of cool,” Esther admitted. Eleanor smiled. “My name is Eleanor, what’s yours?” Eleanor asked. “Esther,” Esther replied. It seemed like she would continue the sentence, but she left it hanging. Eleanor smiled before she asked something, following up on something she heard earlier. “...Hey, can I ask you something?” Eleanor asked. Esther nodded. “...Why do you hate your brother?” Eleanor asked. Esther frowned a bit. “It’s…not that hate him. I’ve been in other homes before this one and most of the time my brothers were…assholes.” Esther explained. “And…is Adam one?” Eleanor asked. Esther sighed. “No...Not really, he’s been nothing but nice but..I just don’t believe it. Like how could someone just be so nice? I haven’t even seen him snap in anger yet. I know it's bound to happen eventually but still.” Esther admitted. Eleanor shrugged. “Guess I understand,” Eleanor whispered. Esther got up. “Well, it was nice meeting you, I’m going to go back into my room ok?” Esther asked. Eleanor gave a thumbs-up as Esther left.

“Right so, where is the arcade?” Oskar asked. DS looked at his phone. “Uh, somewhere around…Here!” DS shouted, pointing at a building. The Building was red, with white glowing neon lights. The arcade was called “THE NEON ARCADE!” “Dude this place looks awesome,” Adam stated. “Where did you find this place?” Owen asked. “I came here with my girlfriend once, gots a sick amount of arcade machines,” DS stated. “Well what are we waiting for, Let's go have some fun!” Isaiah shouted.

The gentlemen walked into the arcade, it was literally what you expected, mostly just an arcade, but there was a play zone, food court, and…a bowling rink! Yeah, that should be about it. “Dude this looks straight out of the 80s!” Oskar shouted. “How would you know? It’s not like you were FROM the 80s!” Adam replied jokingly. Oskar just stared at him, his face serious. “...Calm down! It was a joke!” Adam said, putting his hands up. Oskar made a sigh of relief. “Good, I thought I’d need to kill ya,” Oskar said, joking back. Owen stared at Oskar, his eyes wide with fear. Oskar looked at Owen, seeing the fear in his eyes. “...What?” Oskar asked. Owen didn’t respond, as if remembering…bad times. “Owen…Owen!” Adam shouted. Owen snapped out of his trance. “Oh, sorry...Just thinking of something.” Owen admitted. “Your girlfriend?” DS chuckled. "Something like that," Owen muttered, wanting to change the subject. Adam glanced at him, concerned but deciding to let it go."Alright, let's split up and see who can get the highest score on any game!" Adam suggested, trying to lighten the mood. "Winner gets bragging rights for the rest of the night." DS chuckled. “Bet I can get the highest score,” DS spoke cockily. “You sure about that?” Owen asked. DS looked up at Owen Smugly. “Wanna bet?” DS asked. “No, I just don’t wanna see you lose it.” Owen replied. “BET.” DS stated.

The boys went to different games as the hunt was On. Adam saw this cool game called “Death by AI”, while Oskar played a game called “Ring Out”, while DS and Isaiah played Air Hockey. Owen on the other hand, didn’t exactly know what he should play. Sure, there was Miss Pacman, but he didn’t feel like playing that without Abby. That’s when he noticed a game just..sitting there in the corner. It was an arcade game from King of the Jungle Cafe. But that closed a long time ago. How did it make its way here? The game was called “ZOO ESCAPE”. It was about King Louie and his animal friends being sent to a zoo and they needed to escape. Owen looked around. No one was watching him. Why not give the old game a go? Owen walked over and placed a token in. The game rocketed to life, the familiar jingle playing out. It put a smile on his face. And so, he began to play. Despite how old the game was, it was still fun to play. He was playing for a while when he sensed someone was watching him. He at first thought it was Adam, but he realized it wasn’t. It felt off. He paused the game and saw someone leaning against the arcade machine. It was a boy. He was wearing a black teeshirt with white stripes. It had the earth on it. He had a purple and blue bracelet on one of his arms. He wore tan pants with white shoes. His brown hair went slightly over his eyes. From his face, Owen could tell he had braces and freckles. “Enjoying the game, huh?” The boy asked. Owen nodded. “Yeah, it's fun, I used to play this all the time,” Owen admitted. The boy chuckled. “I used to love playing this thing.” The boy agreed. “..I’m Owen, what's your name?” Owen asked. “Ronny, nice to meet you. ..Though, I swear we met before.” Ronny pondered. “What do you mean?” Owen asked, tilting his head. Ronny shrugged. “Nevermind, it's nothing,” Ronny said. Owen wa about to respond when he heard Adam shouting from the other end of the room. “OWEN, WE’RE ABOUT TO HEAD OUT, YOU READY TO GO?” Adam cried. “Yeah, Coming!” Owen shouted back. Owen looked back, but Ronny was gone. He looked around, but couldn’t see any trace of him.

Adam and the others gathered near the entrance, their faces glowing with excitement from the night's activities. "So, who got the highest score?" Isaiah asked, smirking as he pointed at the air hockey table, where he had just narrowly defeated DS. “AI had nothing on me,” Adam replied. Oskar chuckled, shaking his head. "Ring Out was a blast. I reached level 15, but I think you might've beaten me, Adam." "Did anyone check the scores for Owen?" Isaiah asked, looking around.
Owen shrugged, a small smile on his face. "I was just playing an old favorite, 'Zoo Escape'. Didn't check my score." "Old games for old souls," DS joked, giving Owen a friendly nudge. Owen glared at him but shook it off. "Alright, boys, let's tally up and declare a winner."

The group walked to the main score screen near the entrance. After some friendly banter and a quick check, Adam emerged as the victor with his impressive score on "Death by AI". "Bragging rights secured," Adam announced, striking a triumphant pose. "Now, what's next on the agenda?" DS pulled out his phone to check the time. "It's getting late. Maybe we should start heading back." Adam yawned. “Yeah, I agree, come on gentlemen,” Adam commanded.

The group began their walk back to Adam's house. The air was cool and refreshing, a welcome change from the bustling, neon-lit arcade.
"So, what was up with that waitress at Applebee's?" Isaiah asked, breaking the silence. "She seemed...intense." Adam stopped walking and rubbed the back of his neck, clearly still embarrassed. "Yeah, Mary Lou's...interesting. I guess she likes to mess with me." "Mess with you? Dude, she was all over you," Oskar pointed out, raising an eyebrow. "You sure there's nothing more to that story?" Adam sighed. “Look, I don’t really know, I guess she’s just…like that. I have no idea what’s going on in her head. I guess she just has a unique way of interacting with people she likes.” Adam suggested. Owen looked around. “My house is nearby here, I’m gonna head out,” Owen said. “Right, see ya man.” DS waved. Owen waved goodbye as he separated from the group. “Actually, looking around now, I think my place is around here too. I’ll see you guys later ok?” Oskar said. “Alright, see you later man,” Isaiah replied. Oskar walked away, now it was just DS, Isaiah, and Adam here. “You know what? This was fun.” DS Remarked. “Yeah, it was,” Adam responded, a bit tired. “Just a question, why did you start speaking English out of nowhere?” Isaiah asked. “...Eh, I just felt like it.”

It took them a bit, but the trio got back to Adam’s house. “Welp, that was fun boys but I’m gonna head home, see yall later!” DS shouted. Adam waved goodbye as DS walked away. “Don’t know about you, but I’m tired,” Adam said. “Same, goodnight Adam!” Isaiah replied. Adam waved as they walked into the house, Adam walked into his room, as Isaiah walked downstairs.

Isaiah got back into the apartment downstairs and closed the door behind him. He breathed a sigh of relief. Unsure why he did that. “Isaiah.” A voice called “S**t!” Isaiah yelled out of fear. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” The voice responded. Isaiah focused his eyes and noticed two eyes staring at him from the darkness, but he recognized the voice. “It's ok Mom,” Isaiah replied. “Where did you go?” Naiomi asked. “I went with Adam and some of his friends on a boy's night out. Where’s Eleanor?” Isaiah asked. “In her room waiting for you,” Naiomi responded. “Thanks,” Isaiah replied. He was about to walk into the room when his mother stopped him. “...That Adam…is he any good?” Naiomi asked. “What do you mean?” Isaiah asked. “Is he treating you right?” Naiomi asked. “Yeah, if anything he’s like a brother,” Isaiah stated. Naiomi stared before nodding. “Alright, good. Goodnight Isaiah.” Naiomi said, with a deadpan voice. “Good Night Mom,” Isaiah responded. He entered the room as Naiomi looked at the door upstairs. But she decided against going up there, she’d need an invitation after all.
submitted by TheOneWithDoggo to LetTheRightOneIn [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:31 Billy_NoMate List of every time more than 4 words fit a category

To clear up a common misconception that this is something that only happens extremely rarely, here's a list of every time more than 4 words have fit one of the categories and what number puzzle it occurred in. The first 4 words are the answers and every word after that in parenthesis are words that fit that category but were part of another group. Also, category names might not be exactly the same as the ones used.
Edit because some of the comments think I'm actually angry about Connections doing this: Some people think that I compiled this list because I'm anti-overlap when it's actually the opposite case. I actually like the overlap since I think it makes for a more interesting puzzle. I feel like every so often there's an angry comment about more than 4 words fitting a category and acting like this has never happened before so partially out of pettiness and a love of useless stats I decided to make this list to serve as proof that this has been a deliberate part of Connections since the start.

#4 Cleaning Verbs

Possible answers: DUST, MOP, SWEEP, VACUUM, (IRON)

#5 Condiments


#5 Clue Characters


#6 Shades of Blue

Possible answers: BABY, MIDNIGHT, POWDER, ROYAL, (SEA)

#6 Rappers


#9 Shirts

Possible answers: CAMI, HALTER, TANK, TEE, (POLO)

#9 Vegetables

Possible answers: BEET, CARROT, CORN, ONION, (SQUASH)

#9 Insects


#10 Countries


#10 Birds

Possible answers: CRANE, JAY, TURKEY, SWALLOW, (KIWI)

#11 Spices


#11 Terms of Endearment

Possible answers: BOO, HONEY, SUGAR, SWEETIE, (BABY)

#12 Animal Group Names

Possible answers: FLOCK, PACK, POD, SCHOOL, (PRIDE)

#12 Deadly Sins

Possible answers: ENVY, GREED, LUST, PRIDE, (SLOTH)

#13 Airlines


#13 Greek Letters

Possible answers: BETA, CHI, DELTA, IOTA, (NU)

#13 Silent G's

Possible answers: GNAT, GNAW, GNOCCHI, GNOME, (GNU)

#14 Famous Brothers

Possible answers: JONAS, MARX, WARNER, WRIGHT, (MARIO)

#14 Honda Vehicles


#15 Colors


#15 Fishing Equipment

Possible answers: LURE, REEL, ROD, TACKLE, (HOOK)

#16 Nuts


#17 Neck Accessories

Possible answers: ASCOT, BOLO, TIE, SCARF, (BOW)

#19 Disagreement


#20 Grains

Possible answers: BARLEY, OAT, RYE, SPELT, (RICE)

#20 Royal Titles

Possible answers: BARON, EARL, KING, PRINCE, (DUKE)

#23 60's Band Member


#23 Dance Fads


#25 Desserts


#25 Animals with Tusks


#26 Countries (Holland is technically a region but it's often used as an informal name for the Netherlands)


#26 Spelled with Roman Numerals

Possible answers: DILL, LIVID, MILD, MIX, (MIMIC)

#27 Body Parts

Possible answers: HEART, LIVER, LUNG, KIDNEY, (SPINE)

#28 File Extensions

Possible answers: GIF, PDF, TIFF, ZIP, (DOC)

#28 Fruits


#30 Joints

Possible answers: HIP, KNEE, SHOULDER, WRIST, (ELBOW)

#33 Boats

Possible answers: FERRY, JUNK, TUG, YACHT, (SUB)

#33 Cuts of Beef

Possible answers: FLANK, LOIN, ROUND, SHANK, (CHUCK)

#34 Smell


#34 Music Genres

Possible answers: BLUES, COUNTRY, FUNK, SOUL, (ROCK)

#35 Metals

Possible answers: IRON, LEAD, TIN, ZINC, (NICKEL)

#36 Animals


#38 Trees

Possible answers: ASH, CEDAR, MAPLE, PINE, (ELM)

#38 Land Formation


#38 Bagel Flavors


#41 Islands

Possible answers: CUBA, JAPAN, MALTA, PALAU, (FIJI), (JAVA)

#42 Punctuation Marks

Possible answers: COLON, COMMA, HYPHEN, PERIOD, (DASH)

#43 Birds


#45 Modes of Transportation

Possible answers: BOAT, CAR, PLANE, TRAIN, (SUBWAY)

#46 Cities


#46 Fashion Magazines


#46 Storms


#48 Apparitions


#49 Relatives


#49 Offbeat


#49 Fictional Ducks


#50 Imperial Measurements

Possible answers: FOOT, INCH, MILE, YARD, (QUART)

#52 Rodents

Possible answers: GERBIL, HAMSTER, RAT, VOLE, (MOUSE)

#52 Musical Instruments


#52 Complain

Possible answers: CARP, GRIPE, GROUSE, MOAN, (HARP)

#53 Animal Group Names

Possible answers: COLONY, HERD, PRIDE, SWARM, (FAMILY)

#53 AP Classes

Possible answers: BIO, CHEM, GOV, STATS, (LIT)

#54 Places for Worship


#54 Presidents


#56 Dances

Possible answers: HUSTLE, SALSA, SWING, TANGO, (TAP)

#57 Patterns


#58 Arachnids


#58 Fish

Possible answers: CHAR, EEL, PERCH, SHARK, (CATFISH)

#58 Superheroes


#59 Quantity

Possible answers: FEW, HANDFUL, SEVERAL, SOME, (PAIR)

#59 Celestial Objects

Possible answers: ASTEROID, COMET, MOON, PLANET, (SUN)

#60 Sports Venues

Possible answers: COURT, DIAMOND, FIELD, RINK, (RING)

#60 Jewelry


#62 State Abbreviations

Possible answers: CO, MA, ME, PA, (LA)

#62 Period Table Symbols

Possible answers: FE, HE, NA, NI, (CO), (PA), (LA), (TI)

#63 Slang for Zero

Possible answers: JACK, NADA, NOTHING, SQUAT, (ZIP)

#63 Exercises

Possible answers: CURL, LUNGE, PLANK, PRESS, (SQUAT), (CRUNCH)

#63 Captains


#64 Dog Names

Possible answers: FIDO, LUCKY, ROVER, SPOT, (REX)

#64 Perceive

Possible answers: CATCH, NOTICE, OBSERVE, SEE, (SPOT)

#64 Fishing Terms

Possible answers: BAIT, CHUM, FLY, SINKER, (CATCH)

#65 Energy

Possible answers: JUICE, SPIRIT, STEAM, VIGOR, (GAS), (FIRE)

#66 Time Periods


#66 Breakfast Foods


#67 Desserts

Possible answers: CAKE, COBBLER, PIE, TART, (FUDGE)

#67 Occupations


#68 Extremely

Possible answers: AWFUL, QUITE, SUPER, VERY, (REAL)

#68 Currencies

Possible answers: RAND, REAL, STERLING, WON, (POUND)

#68 _____Cake

Possible answers: CARROT, COFFEE, POUND, SPONGE, (CUP)

#69 Shoes

Possible answers: CLOG, PUMP, SLIDE, WEDGE, (MARY JANE)

#69 Slang for Marijuana

Possible answers: GRASS, HERB, MARY JANE, WEED, (BUD), (POT)

#70 Camping Supplies


#70 Insult

Possible answers: BARB, DIG, DISS, JAB, (SLIGHT)

#71 States


#72 Santa's Reindeer


#72 Seen on Valentine's Day


#73 Facial Hair


#73 Pursue

Possible answers: DOG, FOLLOW, TAIL, TRACK, (SHADOW)

#74 Failures


#75 Social Gathering


#75 Found in a Kitchen


#79 Depart Quickly

Possible answers: BOOK, BOUNCE, RUN, SPLIT, (JET)

#79 Shades of Black

Possible answers: EBONY, JET, ONYX, RAVEN, (BLACK)

#80 Influence

Possible answers: CLOUT, PULL, WEIGHT, SWAY, (IMPACT)

#81 Appetizer Unit

Possible answers: FRY, NACHO, POPPER, WING, (CHIP), (CRACKER)

#81 Response to a Correct Answer

Possible answers: BINGO, CORRECT, RIGHT, YES, (DING)

#82 Drink Vessels


#82 Woodwinds


#82 American Poets

Possible answers: BISHOP, FROST, OLDS, POUND, (STEIN)

#83 Unclothed

Possible answers: BARE, NAKED, NUDE, UNCLAD, (BUFF)

#83 Football Actions

Possible answers: FUMBLE, PUNT, SACK, SNAP, (TURNOVER)

#83 Finger Actions

Possible answers: BUFF, CLIP, FILE, POLISH, (SNAP)

#84 Female Animals

Possible answers: COW, DOE, HEN, MARE, (EWE)

#84 Pronouns

Possible answers: I, IT, THEY, WE, (YOU)

#84 Roman Numerals

Possible answers: D, L, M, V, (I)

#86 Information Displays

Possible answers: CHART, DIAGRAM, GRAPH, MAP, (PIE)

#86 Additional Benefit

Possible answers: BONUS, EXTRA, ICING, PERK, (GRAVY)

#86 Creatures in Folklore

Possible answers: GNOME, GOBLIN, OGRE, TROLL, (DRAGON)

#89 Alcohol

Possible answers: CIDER, PORT, SAKE, STOUT, (SPIRIT), (SCOTCH)

#89 Pixar Movies

Possible answers: BRAVE, CARS, COCO, UP, (SOUL)

#90 Baseball Calls

Possible answers: BALL, OUT, SAFE, STRIKE, (WALK)

#90 Fish


#91 Jungle Animals


#91 Lowest Point


#92 Halloween Decorations


#93 Animal Sounds

Possible answers: BUZZ, CLUCK, MEOW, OINK, (BARK)

#93 Inside Info

Possible answers: DIRT, DISH, SCOOP, SKINNY, (TEA)

#95 Songs that are Names


#96 Animals

Possible answers: BUFFALO, COW, GOAT, SHEEP, (HORSE)

#96 Gymnastics Apparatus

Possible answers: FLOOR, HORSE, RINGS, VAULT, (BEAM)

#97 Fairy Tale Figures


#97 "Peanuts" Characters


#98 Fruits

Possible answers: APRICOT, FIG, GRAPE, LIME, (BERRY)

#98 Luxurious


#99 Intelligent


#100 Web Browser-Related


#100 Dirty_____


#101 Bowling Terms

Possible answers: ALLEY, BALL, LANE, PIN, (SPARE)

#101 Common Merch Items

Possible answers: MUG, PEN, TEE, TOTE, (PIN)

#102 Vehicles


#102 Muppets


#103 Soda Fountain Orders (Concrete can mean a type of milkshake or frozen custard)


#104 Robust

Possible answers: FIT, HEALTHY, SOUND, STRONG, (WELL)

#104 Water Sources

Possible answers: FOUNTAIN, SPRING, TAP, WELL, (SINK)

#105 Kitchen Utensils


#106 Wedding Items

Possible answers: BOUQUET, RING, TRAIN, VEIL, (CAKE)

#106 Encase

Possible answers: CAKE, COAT, COVER, CRUST, (VEIL)

#107 Snakes

Possible answers: BOA, MAMBA, PYTHON, VIPER, (GARTER)

#108 Produced by Trees

Possible answers: ACORN, CONE, POLLEN, SAP, (GUM), (NEEDLE)

#108 Candy


#108 Target of a Scheme

Possible answers: CHUMP, FOOL, MARK, SUCKER, (SAP)

#109 Rap Subgenres

Possible answers: BOUNCE, CRUNK, DRILL, GRIME, (TRAP)

#110 Golf Clubs

Possible answers: IRON, PUTTER, WEDGE, WOOD, (CLUB)

#112 Coffee Counter Items

Possible answers: CUP, LID, STIRRER, STRAW, (STICK)

#114 Talk

Possible answers: BLATHER, CHAT, GAB, JABBER, (YAK)

#115 Christmas-Related


#116 MLB Teams

Possible answers: ANGEL, CUB, MET, RED, (NAT)

#119 Celebratory Occasion


#120 Crops


#121 Bible Books

Possible answers: ACTS, JOB, KINGS, MARK, (GENESIS)

#121 NHL Teams


#123 Conceal

Possible answers: BLOCK, COVER, HIDE, MASK, (SHIELD)

#124 "L" Cities


#124 Poetry Terms


#125 Butt

Possible answers: BOTTOM, BUNS, SEAT, TAIL, (BOOTY)

#126 Tools

Possible answers: HAMMER, FILE, LEVEL, SAW, (WRENCH)

#126 Keyboard Shortcuts

Possible answers: COPY, FIND, PRINT, SAVE, (FILE)

#127 Days of the Week


#127 Go Bad

Possible answers: ROT, SOUR, SPOIL, TURN, (FESTER)

#129 Bit of Air

Possible answers: BREEZE, DRAFT, GUST, PUFF, (PANT)

#130 Falsify

Possible answers: FABRICATE, FAKE, FIX, FORGE, (FUDGE)

#130 TV Shows


#131 Animal Homes

Possible answers: DEN, LAIR, HIVE, NEST, (WEB), (WARREN)

#131 Equitable

Possible answers: EQUAL, EVEN, FAIR, JUST, (GOOD)

#132 Tableware

Possible answers: BOWL, DISH, PLATE, SAUCER, (CROCK), (CUP)

#133 British Food

Possible answers: MASH, ROAST, SCONE, TRIFLE, (BANGER)

#133 Predicament

Possible answers: BIND, PICKLE, SCRAPE, SPOT, (JAM)

#134 Impel


#135 Compound Words


#136 Grammar Tenses


#136 The 12 Days of Christmas

Possible answers: DRUMMER, LADY, RING, SWAN, (LORD)

#137 Excellent

Possible answers: ACES, KEEN, NEATO, NIFTY, (SWELL)

#137 Bubbles

Possible answers: FOAM, FROTH, HEAD, LATHER, (BUBBLE)

#138 Metals


#139 Aesthetics

Possible answers: DRESS, LOOK, MANNER, STYLE, (TASTE)

#140 Mishmash

Possible answers: HASH, JUMBLE, MEDLEY, STEW, (LITTER)

#143 Filler Words

Possible answers: ERM, UH, UM, WELL, (LIKE), (ER)

#146 Clue Weapons


#147 Unchanging


#147 Long, Sharp Objects


#148 Musical Format

Possible answers: LP, PLATTER, VINYL, WAX, (CD)

#148 Cube-Shaped

Possible answers: BOUILLON, DIE, ICE, SUGAR, (STOCK)

#150 Equivocate


#151 Podcasts


#152 Intelligent

Possible answers: BRIGHT, QUICK, SHARP, SMART, (SAGE)

#152 Medieval Weapons

Possible answers: CLUB, MACE, SPEAR, SWORD, (AXE)

#153 Filmmaking Equipment

Possible answers: BOOM, DOLLY, LENS, TRIPOD, (GRIP)

#154 Sports Professionals

Possible answers: COACH, GM, PLAYER, SCOUT, (SUB)

#154 Car Companies

Possible answers: BMW, HONDA, JAGUAR, SUBARU, (FORD), (GM)

#156 Vocal Fanfare


#157 Magazines

Possible answers: O, OK, US, W, (EW), (SI)

#157 Yes

Possible answers: HAI, JA, SI, DA, (OK), (OUI)

#158 Animals

Possible answers: BUFFALO, DEER, FISH, MOOSE, (BULL), (STEER), (SEAL)

#160 Quick Observation


#160 Parts of a Mountain

Possible answers: CLIFF, CRAG, LEDGE, RIDGE, (BLUFF), (PEAK)

#161 _____Day


#162 Primates


#162 Fashionable

Possible answers: CHIC, HIP, HOT, IN, (VOGUE)

#164 Area Between Mountains

Possible answers: CANYON, GULCH, PASS, RAVINE, (GORGE)

#165 Food


#165 Countries


#166 Reality Shows


#168 Municipalities


#171 Parts of the Foot

Possible answers: ARCH, BALL, SOLE, TOE, (HEEL)

#171 Dog Commands

Possible answers: COME, DOWN, SIT, STAY, (HEEL)

#173 Ways to Remove Hair

Possible answers: SHAVE, THREAD, TWEEZE, WAX, (CUT)

#174 Hold Back

Possible answers: CAP, CHECK, CURB, LIMIT, (HAMPER)

#175 Excite, with "Up"

Possible answers: AMP, FIRE, HYPE, PUMP, (GAS)

#177 TV Shows


#178 Found on Sheet Music

Possible answers: CLEF, NOTE, REST, STAFF, (SCALES)

#178 Zodiac Symbols

Possible answers: BULL, CRAB, SCALES, TWINS, (VIRGIN)

#180 Absolute

Possible answers: PURE, SHEER, TOTAL, UTTER, (STARK)

#180 Express

Possible answers: AIR, SPEAK, STATE, VOICE, (UTTER)

#181 Cooking Oils

Possible answers: CORN, OLIVE, PALM, PEANUT, (RICE)

#183 Luxurious Fabrics

Possible answers: CHIFFON, SILK, SATIN, VELVET, (LACE)

#185 -ough


#189 Used to Build a Snowman

Possible answers: CARROT, COAL, SNOW, STICKS, (STONES)

#190 NYC Avenues


#191 Accessories

Possible answers: BELT, BRACELET, TIE, WATCH, (CHARM)

#199 Name Prefixes

Possible answers: GEN, MS, PROF, REV, (DR)

#200 Parts of a Car

Possible answers: BUMPER, HOOD, TIRE, TRUNK, (DASH)

#201 Single Letter Homophones

Possible answers: BEE, EX, GEE, JAY, (TEE)

#203 New Years-Related


#207 Gift-Giving Accessories

Possible answers: BOW, BOX, CARD, WRAPPING, (MESSAGE)

#210 Kinds of Exams

Possible answers: BAR, FINAL, ORAL, PHYSICAL, (EYE)

#211 Long, Skinny Objects

Possible answers: POLE, ROD, STAFF, STICK, (CLUB)

#212 Cooking Elements

Possible answers: ACID, FAT, HEAT, SALT, (PEPPER), (SMOKE)

#213 Seen at a Casino

Possible answers: CARDS, CHIPS, DICE, SLOTS, (POKER)

#213 Ways to Prepare Cheese

Possible answers: CRUMBLE, MELT, SHRED, SLICE, (GRATE)

#217 Thieve

Possible answers: PINCH, ROB, STEAL, SWIPE, (JACK)

#218 Medicine Formats

Possible answers: CAPSULE, CREAM, SYRUP, TABLET, (POD)

#221 Colors


#222 Minced Oaths

Possible answers: CURSES, DARN, RATS, SHOOT, (FUDGE), (NUTS)

#224 Contains Wax


#229 Baseball-Related

Possible answers: BALL, BASE, BAT, GLOVE, (STRIKE)

#233 Mario Power-ups


#234 _____Pit


#235 Make Shorter

Possible answers: CLIP, CUT, PARE, TRIM, (PRUNE)

#235 Muscular

Possible answers: BUILT, JACKED, RIPPED, SWOLE, (TRIM), (BUFF)

#237 Farm Fixtures

Possible answers: COOP, PEN, STABLE, STY, (RANGE)

#238 Unexciting


#239 Ecclesiastical Titles


#251 Media Attention


#254 Little Bit of Liquid

Possible answers: BEAD, GLOB, DROP, TEAR, (DRIP)

#257 Shades of Green

Possible answers: OLIVE, FOREST, LIME, MINT, (CACTUS)

#260 Ilk

Possible answers: KIND, SORT, TYPE, VARIETY, (MANNER)

#263 Propel into the Air

Possible answers: HOP, JUMP, LEAP, SPRING, (VAULT)

#266 Large Amount

Possible answers: MASS, SEA, SLEW, TON, (WAVE)

#266 Fall under Pressure

Possible answers: BUCKLE, CAVE, COLLAPSE, GIVE, (FLOP)

#268 Pop Stars


#269 Found at an Airport


#269 Ends in an Article of Clothing (A Mac is a raincoat)


#271 Food Preservation Techniques

Possible answers: CAN, CURE, DRY, FREEZE, (SPICE)

#272 Space_____


#273 Keyboard Keys


#283 Seen at a Sports Stadium


#284 Animals

Possible answers: COW, DOE, HEN, EWE, (YAK)

#284 Palindromes

Possible answers: BIB, EYE, GAG, POP, (EWE)

#285 Olympic Sports


#289 Plant Growths

Possible answers: BLOOM, BUD, SHOOT, SPROUT, (CORONA)

#290 Quarrel

Possible answers: FIGHT, ROW, SCRAP, TIFF, (WAR)

#290 Games of Chance (Poker is technically a game of skill but it's still highly associated with chance)


#291 Whale Species

Possible answers: BLUE, FIN, GRAY, RIGHT, (PILOT)

#293 Food Preservation Techniques


#296 Thrust

Possible answers: JAB, POKE, PROD, STICK, (ELBOW)

#301 _____Horse

Possible answers: CHARLEY, CRAZY, DARK, GIFT, (PRIZE)

#302 Brief Moment

Possible answers: FLASH, HEARTBEAT, JIFF, WINK, (ZIP)

#302 Dispute

Possible answers: CLASH, TANGLE, SCRAP, TIFF, (SPAT)

#303 Hair Care Items

Possible answers: BRUSH, COMB, DRYER, IRON, (OIL)

#307 Seen at the Circus

Possible answers: CLOWN, RING, TENT, TRAPEZE, (LION)

#310 Parts of a Theatre


#312 Golden_____


#315 Starting with the Same Sound


#318 Mexican Food-Related

Possible answers: CILANTRO, LIME, ONION, SALSA, (PICO), (WRAP), (MOLE)

#328 _____Sale


#329 Enjoy

Possible answers: FANCY, LOVE, RELISH, SAVOR, (LIKE)

#330 Quantity


#333 Restrict

Possible answers: CHECK, CONTAIN, CURB, LIMIT, (CAP)

#334 Things that Spin


#336 Cuts of Meat

Possible answers: CHUCK, FLANK, LOIN, ROUND, (RIB)

#339 Forthright


#342 Games


#345 Billiards-Related

Possible answers: BALL, CHALK, CUE, RACK, (POCKET)

#348 Things You can Crack

Possible answers: EGG, KNUCKLES, SMILE, WINDOW, (CORN)

#351 _____Iron

Possible answers: PUMP, STEAM, TIRE, WAFFLE, (FLAT)

#355 Things People Shake

submitted by Billy_NoMate to NYTConnections [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:04 jazziskey Trying to Find a Home Game/Start One

I'm back home for the summer in NYC and need people to play with, especially considering that the nearest casino is so far away. I'm pretty sure everyone here is aware that plans are in the works for casinos being built in Queens and somewhere else, but until that arrives, I'm looking for some action.
submitted by jazziskey to poker [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:52 Mactou Full List of active POKERRRR 2 CLUBS (June 2024)

Full List of the POKERRRR 2 CLUBS for June 2024.
Please upvote this post if you find it helpful. If your club is not on this list and you want it added for free, contact me via Telegram samfjb.
TrumpClub Code: 08VFR Agent Telegram thedonaldclub - free tournaments-only club
Let’s Poker Club: Code 01APA Agent Telegram letspmod Size 1992/2000
DarkNightPoker: Club Code BCI6J Agent Telegram darknightpokerrrr2 Size 1978/2000
Allin/FullyTilted: Code NE6RK Agent Telegram allinpok Size 1955/2000
MergerPoker: Code 7MUSG Agent Telegram pokermergeroom / jmazzjd Size 1885/2000
PremierPoker: Code C37JR Agent Telegram oldmcdonkle / gordonbombay Size 1980/2000
PokerKingzz: Code IJ0B6 Agent Telegram edinamy00 / +12529029309 Size 1938/2000
HouseofCards: Code 4KGIN Agent Lynchmob / +18165622634 Size 1864/2000
BastardsClub: Code R2V9Z Agent Telegram magellanxx / tinkerbell0223232 Size 1957/2000
RoyalRumble: Code EZ9OZ Agent Telegram anamal Size 1908/2000
ValueTown: Code 6VGNE Agent Telegram sunjooo / nan0995 / sokka60 / lustle Size 1975/2000
TheRealDeal2: Code T9K0U Agent ChrisScalf +16068021295 / RustyThompson +17048989831 Size
412HouseofPromos: Code R47QL Agent Telegram +14125198622 Size 1999/2000
FortKnox: Code AXYKP Agent +19035174046 / +14015198155 / +16065713582 Size 1814/2000
TheCallStation: Code 96BQG Agent Tabaqui Size 1943/2000
QueenSix/TPT: Code I21Q2 Agent Telegram GabeRamos Size 1829/2000
NoTightiesClub: Code NU1LN Agent Telegram JayP Size 1373/2000
AAAA: Code X77K1 Agent Telegram CUBS Size 1921/2000
RisingSun: Code OEMRM Agent Telegram RisingSC Size 1994/2000
LuckyDragon: Code I52UF Agent Telegram Jbarger11862 / Denice0712 Size 1796/2000
LuckyRiver: Code XBQND Agent 8329041319 Armando Size 1932/2000
TheRealDeal2: Code T9KOU Agent Telegram Rusty Size 1957/2000
ClubAgua: Code 2V8KB Agent 7023440307 Size 1671/2000
Chip&achair2: Code 92bsl Agent 7066713754 Size 1776/2000
SummerCamp2.0: Code EYRKF Agent 3213005285 Size 1659/2000
Poker&Sports: Code kr166 Agent 8136662550 Size 1440/2000
Euphoria2.0: Code L1CLC Agent 7657051111 Size 1497/2000
NutsPoker: Code M4TML Agent 7023440307 Size 1639/2000
TheManCave: Code PIKI6 Agent 12815948725 Size 1673/2000
PromoExpress: Code Z3ZGB Agent 8136662550 / 6062249249 Size 1318/2000
BunchofDonkeys: Code ZY7GL Agent 1 936 2003339 DK / 832 3666727 Size 1667/2000
GraudaTreasures: Code X7H0Q Agent 4245423488 Applesoup / 3237060392 Jamama Size 1661/2000
LaPokerClub: Code LV197 Agent +17142537240 Size 1944/2000
24/7Poker: Code N3KRN Agent Telegram +12568134277 Size 1931/2000
NackedAces: Code RY0XJ Agent Telegram JackD757 Size 1736/2000
WorldPokerPros: Code KV1VG Agent Telegram worldpokerpros Size 1739/2000
SmokinAcesCafe: Code 26OD0 Agent Telegram smokinacescafe Size 1134/2000
SharkTank: Code 2AT2K Size 1319/2000
FriendlyChipTradin: Code 0L986 Size 1360/2000
PokerHub: Code E7594 Agent Telegram pokerhubroom Size 1216/2000
ClubMundo: Code 1X317 Agent Telegram clubmundo Size 970/2000
Stu’sRoom: Code P1CAF Agent BigRaise Size 745/2000
4thStreet: Code 5D9OJ Agent +12170870956 Size 703/2000
TheFamilyCasino: Code K2QMN Agent 5857522807 Size 914/2000
FlipTown: Code 6BNXI Agent Telegram opportunities Size 673/2000
BBPokerClub: Code 89o89 Agent 8606707841 Size 740/2000
HAMMAHZUNION: Code PZY00 Agent Telegram alohalacadenz / Hanapaa Size 468/2000
RedditPokerrrr2: Code RVMT8 Agent Telegram LooseCannonPoker Size 417/2000
LuckyDuckAsylumClub: Code B7JTS Agent +13239010836 / Jamama +17736820865 Bigsnow Size
TheLoveofMoney: Code 3CF5F Agent +13055463758 Size 645/2000
CoolPunters!: Code EJA2I Agent Telegram Frunk Size 534/2000
Atlantis: Code QS7SY Agent Telegram Aquaman Size 598/2000
Rockstars: Code 2ZAAF Size 419/2000
PocketRockets: Code LP3LT Agent +19563175316 Size 647/2000
Poker4dummies: Code 6ZCQJ Agent 6 236 878 592 Size 591/2000
PokerRoyale: Code G75F7 Agent 956 2703127 Size 414/2000
FarNorthPokerRoom: Code Q5ZH9 Agent 190798758 Size 336/2000
28PokerClub: Agent Telegram Twenty8pokerclub / 5715698388 Size 375/2000
ThePlayersClub: Code RUDD5 Agent 740-486-2760 Size 304/2000
ReadyPlayerOne: Code 3RDLN Agent Telegram kikkoman / fizzy / lindseybae Size 305/2000
Str8Slayers: Code 443QZ Agent Telegram chipleader11 / karsonspiller Size 269/2000
HOLYBROTHER: Code PSG7C Agent Telegram holy_brother Size 219/2000
BigSlickPokerClub: Code KPYSE Size 223/2000
OFCMadness: Code DLQT9 Agent +14247772700 Size 152/2000
HighSociety: Code M2GR8 Agent Telegram agenthighsociety Size 209/2000
GoodFellasPoker: Code YTLJ3 Agent Telegram lalarata / saiansupa / agent_pokerkingsEU Size
BottomsUp: Code QJ8SO Size 131/2000
DailyDogFights: Code GH1X6 Agent Telegram pokerkingzoleg Size 100/2000
submitted by Mactou to pokerrrr2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:58 33ffsw Casino Confeshions: Share Your Wins, Losses, n' Everything In Between

Hey there, fellow high rollers and slot spinners!
Let's cut straight to the chase – we've all had those moments at the tables or in front of our screens where we've hit the jackpot and felt like kings and queens of the casino world, right? But let's be real, we've also had our fair share of gut-wrenching losses that made us question every life decision leading up to that point. 🤦‍♂️
So, gather 'round, folks! It's time to spill the beans, bare your souls, and share those epic wins, crushing losses, and all the juicy stories that happened in between. Whether you've had a legendary run on the slots, a heart-stopping moment at the blackjack table, or a hilarious mishap during a late-night poker game, we want to hear it all!
Did you hit the jackpot on your first spin and treat yourself to a fancy dinner? Or maybe you went all in and ended up eating instant noodles for a week? We're here for the highs, the lows, and everything in between. No judgment, just good ol' casino camaraderie!
So, grab a drink, take a seat, and let the tales of triumph and tragedy begin. It's time to lay it all on the table and share our wildest casino confessions!
submitted by 33ffsw to onlinecasinoca [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:10 AutoModerator Celebrate! Saturday [June 01, 2024]

Welcome to Celebrate! Saturday

This is the weekly hype thread, a place for you to share your excitement about in-game achievements, lucky drops, and upcoming projects. This is also a space for the community to celebrate you!
While the subreddit is already a positive, celebratory space, this thread is meant to be especially so. For those of you who might hesitate to post something to the subreddit, because you worry it might be too beginner, too redundant, too low-effort: it's not. Come share with us here!

(Note: this thread is not meant to replace posting directly to the subreddit. You are still welcome to do so!)

Non-exhaustive examples of things to celebrate:

  • Marrying your spouse!
  • Getting a giant crop!
  • Perfecting your farm or house design!
  • The mushroom hat! The tiger hat! The living hat!
  • Meteorites, Stone Owls, and Strange Capsules!
  • A dinosaur egg from fishing or hoeing!
  • Hooking a legendary fish!
  • Getting triple Stardrop at the casino
  • Beating Lewis at Junimo Kart!

If you want to share screenshots of your achievements, upload them to an image-sharing site like Imgur and drop a link in your comment.

This is also a thread where mods might lurk and offeaward prestige userflairs. These are animated icons that go next to your name as a way to celebrate particular achievements in the vanilla game. Note that posting in this thread doesn't guarantee you'll get the flair—you'll want to send us a modmail if you want to apply directly!
Achievement Flair
Complete the community center! A prismatic dancing Junimo
Fund all Joja Community Projects A prismatic Joja Cola
Complete the museum collection! An artifact trove busting open
Reach level 100 in Skull Cavern! A flying serpent
Complete all Monster Slayer goals! The prismatic slime
Cook every meal! The Queen of Sauce herself
Craft every item! Robin hard at work
Catch every fish! The Legend, swimming
Beat Journey of a Prairie King The King himself
Collect every hat in the game! Magic Cowboy Hat
Reach Perfection! A walking golden chicken

Get hyped!

submitted by AutoModerator to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:14 wtfwafflezor (Selling) 550 Titles Avatar 2 HD $2.25 Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse HD $1.75

Prices FIRM - CashApp/Venmo/PayPal Friends & Family
Disney/Marvel titles are split codes. Only redeem what you pay for. Thank you.
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.50
21 Jump Street (2012) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $2.50
355, The (2022) (MA/HD) $5.50
47 Ronin (2013) (MA/4K) $5.25 (iTunes/4K) $3.75 (MA/HD) $3.50
65 (2023) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $5
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $5.25
A Dog's Way Home (2019) (MA/HD) $4.25
A Hologram for the King (2016) (Vudu/HD) $5
A Man Called Otto (2022) (MA/HD) $5.75
A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4.25
A Quiet Place (2018) (Vudu/4K) $4 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $1.50
A Quiet Place Part II (2020) (Vudu/4K) $6.50
A Simple Favor (2018) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.25
Addams Family (2019) (iTunes/4K) $5.50
After (2019) (MA/HD) $5.50
Aladdin (2019) (MA/4K) $5.75 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $4.25 (GP/HD) $1.50
Alien 3 (1992) (MA/HD) $5.50
Alien Collection 1-6 (MA/HD) $17
Almost Christmas (2016) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5
Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) (MA/HD) $5
Ambulance (2022) (MA/HD) $3.75
American Assassin (2017) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.50
American Beauty (1999) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $6
Amsterdam (2022) (MA/HD) $4.75
Angel Has Fallen (2019) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5
Angel Heart (1987) (Vudu/4K) $5.75
Angry Birds Movie (2016) (MA/HD) $3.50
Annie (1982) (MA/4K) $6.25 (MA/HD) $5.50
Annie (2014) (MA/HD) $2.50
Annihilation (2018) (Vudu/HD) $2.50
Antebellum (2020) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5
Ant-Man (2015) (MA/4K) $6 (iTunes/4K) $5 (MA/HD) $4 (GP/HD) $2.25
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023) (MA/HD) $6.25
Apocalypse Now (Theatrical, Redux & Final Cut) (Vudu/4K) $6.50
Apollo 11 (2019) (MA/HD) $5.50
Apollo 13 (1995) (MA/4K) $5.75 (iTunes/4K) $5.50 (MA/HD) $4.50
As Good As It Gets (1997) (MA/4K) $6.50
Assassination Nation (2018) (MA/HD) $4.25
Assassin's Creed (2016) (MA/4K) $6 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2
Asteroid City (2023) (MA/HD) $6
Avatar: The Way of Water (2023) (MA/HD) (GP/HD) $2.25
Avengers Collection 1-4 (MA/HD) $20 (GP/HD) $7.75
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) (MA/4K) $7.75 (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $1.75
Avengers: Season 5 (1967) (Vudu/HD) $5
Baby Driver (2017) (MA/HD) $3
Babylon (2022) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $7.50
Babylon 5: The Road Home (2023) (MA/HD) $3.50
Bad Boys Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $12
Bad Guys, The (2022) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $4
Barbie (2023) (MA/HD) $5.75
Batman, The (2022) (MA/4K) $4.25
Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham (2022) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5.50
Beast (2022) (MA/HD) $5.50
Beauty and the Beast (1991) (MA/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) $4.50 (GP/HD) $2
Begin Again (2014) (Vudu/HD) $3.50
Between Worlds (2018) (Vudu/HD) $5
Beyond the Reach (2015) (Vudu/HD) $5.25
BFG, The (2016) (MA/HD) $4.75 (GP/HD) $3
Big (1988) (MA/HD) $6
Big George Foreman (2023) (MA/HD) $5.50
Big Lebowski (1998) (MA/4K) $6.75 (iTunes/4K) $6 (MA/HD) $5.50
Birdman (2014) (MA/HD) $4.50
Birds of Prey (2020) (MA/4K) $2.75 (MA/HD) $1.25
Black Adam (2022) (MA/4K) $6.50
Black Adam (2022) (MA/HD) $2.50
Black And Blue (2019) (MA/HD) $5.75
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $3.75 (GP/HD) $2.75
BlacKkKlansman (2018) (MA/HD) $5.25
Blacklight (2022) (MA/HD) $3.75
Blue Bayou (2021) (MA/HD) $6
Blue Beetle (2023) (MA/HD) $6.50
Blumhouse's The Craft: Legacy (2020) (MA/HD) $7
Bob's Burgers Movie (2022) (MA/HD) $3.25 (GP/HD) $2.75
Bolt (2008) (MA/HD) $7.25
Bond: Spectre (2015) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.25
Book Club: The Next Chapter (2023) (MA/HD) $5.25
Book Thief (2013) (MA/HD) $5.75
Booksmart (2019) (MA/HD) $5.25
Boss Baby (2017) & Family Business (2021) (MA/HD) $5.50
Boss Baby: Family Business (2021) (MA/HD) $5
Boss, The (Unrated) (2016) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $2.50
Bourne Collection 1-5 (MA/4K) $25 (iTunes/4K) $18 (MA/HD) $14
Bourne Identity (2002) (MA/4K) $5.25 (iTunes/4K) $4.50 (MA/HD) $3
Bourne Legacy (2012) (MA/4K) $5.25 (iTunes/4K) $4.50 (MA/HD) $3
Boxtrolls, The (2014) (iTunes/HD) $4.50
Brave (2012) (MA/4K) $8 (iTunes/4K) $6.25 (GP/HD) $4.50
Braveheart (1995) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $6 (Vudu/HD) $4.50
Breakthrough (2019) (MA/4K) $6
Bullet Train (2022) (MA/4K) $5 (MA/HD) $3.50
Bumblebee (2018) (Vudu/4K) $4.25 (Vudu/HD) $1.75 (iTunes/4K) $2
Calvary (2014) (MA/HD) $5
Captain America: Winter Soldier (2014) (MA/HD) $5 (GP/HD) $2.25
Captain Marvel (2019) (MA/4K) $4.75 (iTunes/4K) $4 (GP/HD) $1.75
Cars 1-3 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $15.50 (GP/HD) $9
Casino (1995) (MA/4K) $6.50
Casino Royale (2006) (Vudu/HD) $6.25
Casper (1995) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.75
Cats (2019) (MA/HD) $4.25
Celebrating Mickey (2018) (MA/HD) $5.25
Chappie (2015) (MA/HD) $3.75
Chasing Mavericks (2012) (MA/HD) $5
Child's Play (2019) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $6.50
Chronicles of Riddick (Unrated Director's Cut) (2004) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $5
Cinderella (2015) (MA/4K) $7.50 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $5.50 (GP/HD) $2.50
Cinderella III: A Twist in Time (2007) (MA/HD) $6.50 (GP/HD) $5
Clerks III (2022) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.50
Cloverfield (2008) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5
Clown (2014) (Vudu/HD) $6
Coal Miner's Daughter (1980) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.50
Cocaine Bear (2023) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $5.25
Come Play (2020) (MA/4K) $6.50
Contractor (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Conversation, The (1974) (Vudu/HD) $5
Countdown (2019) (Vudu/4K) $5.75
Courier, The (2021) (Vudu/4K) $4.75 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Creed III (2023) (Vudu/4K) $6.25 (Vudu/HD) $4
Croods (2013) & A New Age (2020) (MA/HD) $6.25
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2001) (MA/4K) $6.50
Da Vinci Code (2006) (MA/4K) $6.50
Dark Crystal (1982) (MA/4K) $6.50
Dark Waters (2019) (MA/HD) $5.75
Dawn of The Planet of The Apes (2014) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $3.75
DC League of Super-Pets (2022) (MA/4K) $7
Death on the Nile (2022) (MA/HD) $5 (GP/HD) $3.50
Dentist Collection 1-2 (1996-1998) (Vudu/HD) $5
Despicable Me Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $12
Detective Knight: Independence (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.75
Detective Knight: Redemption (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.75
Devotion (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.75
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (2012) (MA/HD) $3.75
Die Another Day (2002) (Vudu/HD) $7
Die Hard 1-5 (MA/HD) $13
Dirty Grandpa (2016) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.50 (Vudu/HD) $4.75
Doctor Strange (2016) (MA/4K) $6.50 (iTunes/4K) $4 (MA/HD) $3.50 (GP/HD) $1.75
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) (MA/HD) $2.75 (GP/HD) $2
Don't Breathe (2016) (MA/HD) $5
Downton Abbey (2019) (MA/HD) $5
Downton Abbey: A New Era (2022) (MA/HD) $3.75
Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who (2008) (MA/HD) $5.50
Dracula Untold (2014) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $2.50 (iTunes/4K) $4
Dragonheart Collection 1-5 (MA/HD) $13
Drive (2011) (MA/HD) $5
Dumb Money (2023) (MA/HD) $5.25
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) (MA/4K) $5.75 (iTunes/4K) $5 (MA/HD) $3
Easter Sunday (2022) (MA/HD) $6.75
Elemental (2023) (MA/HD) $5.75
Elvis (2022) (MA/4K) $5.75
Elysium (2013) & District 9 (2009) (MA/HD) $7.25
Encanto (2021) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) (GP/HD) $3.50
Equalizer (2014) (MA/4K) $7.50 (MA/HD) $4
Equalizer 2 (2018) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $4
Equalizer 3 (2023) (MA/HD) $5.75
Escape from L.A (1996) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.50
Escape Plan: The Extractors (2019) (Vudu/HD) $3.25
Everest (2015) (MA/4K) $6 (MA/HD) $3 (iTunes/4K) $4
Everybody Wants Some!! (2016) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) (Vudu/4K) $6.50
Evil Dead Rise (2023) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $4.75
Ex Machina (2015) (Vudu/4K) $6.25 (Vudu/HD) $3
Exorcist: Believer (2023) (MA/4K) $7.50 (MA/HD) $6.50
Expendables 1-3 (Vudu/4K) $15 (Vudu/HD) $4.75
Extreme Prejudice (1987) (Vudu/HD) $5
Fabelmans (2022) (MA/HD) $5.50
Fall (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $6
Fantasia (1940) (MA/HD) $6.50 (GP/HD) $5
Far from the Madding Crowd (2015) (MA/HD) $5.50
Fast & Furious Collection 1-10 (MA/4K) $28 1-9 (MA/HD) $10
Fast X (2023) (MA/HD) $5.50
Father Stu (2022) (MA/HD) $5.25
Fatman (2020) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.50
Fifth Element (1997) (MA/HD) $5.50
Fifty Shades of Grey 3-Movie + Unrated (MA/HD) $9
Finding Dory (2016) (MA/4K) $5.75 (iTunes/4K) $3.50 (GP/HD) $1.25
Finding Nemo (2003) (MA/4K) $6.75 (iTunes/4K) $5.25 (GP/HD) $3
Five Feet Apart (2019) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $3
Five Nights at Freddy's (2023) (MA/HD) $6.50
Flash, The (2023) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $5
Flashdance (1983) (Vudu/4K) $6
Flight (2012) (Vudu/HD) $3.25 (iTunes/HD) $3
Fox and the Hound 2, The (2006) (MA/HD) $3.75 (GP/HD) $2.75
Freaky (2020) (MA/HD) $6
Frozen 2 (2019) (MA/4K) $4.50 (MA/HD) $4 (GP/HD) $1.75
Frozen Sing-Along Edition (2014) (MA/HD) $3.50 (GP/HD) $1.50
Fruitvale Station (2014) (Vudu/HD) $3.75
Gamer (2009) (Vudu/4K) $6.25 (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.50
Garfield (2004) (MA/HD) $6.50
Gattaca (1997) (MA/4K) $6.25
Gemini Man (2019) (Vudu/4K) $5.25 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $2.25
Ghostbusters + Extended (2016) (MA/HD) $2.25
Girl with All the Gifts, The (2016) (Vudu/HD) $5
Glory (1989) (MA/4K) $6.50
Godfather Trilogy (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $14
Gone Baby Gone (2007) (Vudu/HD) $6
Good Will Hunting (1997) (Vudu/HD) $5
Gran Turismo (2023) (MA/HD) $5.50
Grease (1978), 2 (1982), Live! (2016) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $13
Great Wall (2016) (MA/HD) $2.50
Greatest Showman (2017) (MA/HD) $2
Green Book (2018) (MA/HD) $4.75
Green Knight (2021) (Vudu/4K) $5.25
Grizzly Man (2005) (Vudu/HD) $5
Groundhog Day (1993) (MA/4K) $6.50
Hacksaw Ridge (2016) (Vudu/4K) $4.25 (iTunes/4K) $3.50 (Vudu/HD) $2.25
Half Brothers (2020) (MA/HD) $5.75
Halloween (2018) (MA/4K) $6 (MA/HD) $3.75
Halloween Ends (2022) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $4.25
Halloween Kills (2021) (MA/4K) $6 (MA/HD) $4
Happy Death Day (2017) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5.50
Happy Death Day 2U (2019) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $6
Harriet (2019) (MA/HD) $4.25
Hate U Give (2018) (MA/4K) $7.50 (MA/HD) $4.50
Hell or High Water (2016) (Vudu/HD) $2.25 (iTunes/4K) $3.75
Hellboy (2019) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $4.25
Highlander (1986) (Vudu/4K) $4.50
Hocus Pocus (1993) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $4.75 (GP/HD) $2.25
Home Alone Collection 1-2 (MA/HD) $6
Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation (2018) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $5
Hotel Transylvania Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $15
House of 1,000 Corpses (2003), Devil's Rejects (2005), 3 From Hell (2019) (Vudu/HD) $6
House of Gucci (2021) (iTunes/4K) $5
House with a Clock in Its Walls (2018) (MA/4K) $5.50 (MA/HD) $3.50
How High (2001) (MA/HD) $6.50
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014) (MA/HD) $2
How to Train Your Dragon Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $7
Howard the Duck (1986) (MA/4K) $7
Hundred-Foot Journey (2014) (MA/HD) $5.50 (GP/HD) $4
Hunger Games Collection 1-4 (Vudu/HD) $5
Hunt, The (2019) (MA/HD) $5.50
I, Tonya (2017) (MA/HD) $5
Ice Age Collection 1-5 (MA/SD) $14
Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012) (MA/HD) $4.25
Ides of March (2011) (MA/HD) $5.25
Independence Day (1996) (MA/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $5.25
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023) (MA/HD) $6
Indiana Jones Collection 1-4 (Vudu/4K) $24 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $20
Inside Llewyn Davis (2013) (MA/HD) $6
Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013) (MA/HD) $6.50
Insidious: The Last Key (2018) (MA/HD) $5.50
Insidious: The Red Door (2023) (MA/HD) $5.25
Instant Family (2018) (Vudu/HD) $2 (iTunes/4K) $1.50
Interstellar (2014) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.75 (Vudu/HD) $3.75
Into the Woods (2014) (MA/HD) $4 (GP/HD) $2.25
Intruder (2019) (MA/HD) $6
Invisible Man (2020) (MA/4K) $6.25 (MA/HD) $3.75
Iron Man 1-3 (iTunes/4K) $16 (GP/HD) $7.50
Irresistible (2020) (MA/HD) $5.25
Isle of Dogs (2018) (MA/HD) $5.50
It Comes at Night (2017) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
It's a Wonderful Life (1946) (Vudu/4K) $5 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.50
Jack and Jill (2011) (MA/HD) $3.50
Jack Reacher (2012) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $7
Jackie (2016) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $4
Jaws (1975) Jaws 2 (1978) Jaws 3 (1983) Jaws: The Revenge (1987) (MA/HD) $15
Jay & Silent Bob Reboot (2019) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5
Joe (2014) (Vudu/HD) $4.75
John Wick Collection 1-3 (Vudu/4K) $16 (iTunes/4K) $14.50 (Vudu/HD) $8
John Wick: Chapter 4 (2023) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $7
Jojo Rabbit (2019) (MA/4K) $7.50
Joy (2015) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $5
Jumanji: Next Level (2019) & Welcome to the Jungle (2017) (MA/HD) $7
Jungle Book 2 (2003) (MA/HD) $6.50
Jurassic World Collection 1-5 (iTunes/4K) $17.50 (MA/HD) $8.50 1-6 (MA/HD) $11
Jurassic World: Dominion + Extended Cut (2022) (MA/HD) $3.75
Justice League: War World (2023) (MA/HD) $5.50
Kandahar (2023) (MA/4K) $7
Keeping Up with the Joneses (2016) (MA/HD) $3.50
Kick-Ass (2010) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.25
Kimi (2022) (MA/4K) $6.75
Kin (2018) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.50
King Kong (2005) (MA/4K) $5.50 (iTunes/4K) $3.75 (MA/HD) $3.50
Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV (2016) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $6.25
Knives Out (2019) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5
Knocked Up (Unrated) (2007) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.50
Kubo and the Two Strings (2016) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $5.50
Lady and the Tramp (1955) (MA/HD) $5.75 (GP/HD) $3.75
Last Full Measure (2020) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.25
Last Night in Soho (2021) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5
Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023) (MA/4K) $7.50 (MA/HD) $7
Lawrence of Arabia (Restored Version) (1962) (MA/HD) $5
Leon: The Professional (Extended Cut) (1994) (MA/4K) $6.75
Les Miserables (1998) (MA/HD) $6.75
Let Him Go (2020) (MA/HD) $5
Lightyear (2022) (MA/4K) $4.75 (MA/HD) $2.50 (GP/HD) $1.75
Lion King 2: Simba's Pride (1998) (MA/HD) $6.25
Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea (2000) (MA/HD) $6.50 (GP/HD) $5
Little Mermaid III: Ariel’s Beginning (2008) (MA/HD) $6.50 (GP/HD) $5
Logan Lucky (2017) (MA/HD) $2 (iTunes/4K) $3
Long Shot (2019) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $4.25
Lost City, The (2022) (Vudu/4K) $5.50 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5
Love Actually (2003) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $5
Lovebirds (2020) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.25
Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (2022) (MA/HD) $4.25
M3GAN + Unrated (2023) (MA/HD) $5.50
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (2012) (MA/HD) $2
Madagascar Collection 1-4 (MA/HD) $15
Magnificent Seven (2016) (Vudu/HD) $2
Maleficent (2014) (MA/4K) $5.50 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $3 (GP/HD) $1.25
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019) (MA/4K) $6 (iTunes/4K) $3.75 (GP/HD) $3.25
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (2018) (MA/4K) $6.50
Mamma Mia! The Movie (2008) & Here We Go Again (2018) (MA/HD) $6.50
Man Who Invented Christmas (2017) (MA/HD) $6
Manchester by the Sea (Vudu/HD) $5.75
Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977) (MA/HD) $6.50
Marksman, The (2021) (MA/HD) $5
Marlowe (2023) (MA/HD) $6.50
Martian - Extended Cut (2015) (MA/4K) $7.75 (MA/HD) $5.25
Mary Poppins Returns (2018) (MA/4K) $6.50 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $2
Mary Queen of Scots (2018) (MA/HD) $6
Maze Runner Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $14
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $5.75
McFarland, USA (2015) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $4.50
Meg 2: The Trench (2023) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5
Meg Collection 1-2 (MA/HD) $8
Memory (2022) (MA/HD) $4
Men (2022) (Vudu/HD) $5
Men in Black (1997) (MA/4K) $6.50
Men in Black Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $14
Menu (2022) (MA/HD) $5.50
Mickey & Friends 10 Classic Shorts - Volume 2 (2023) (MA/HD) $6.25 (GP/HD) $5
Mickey & Minnie 10 Classic Shorts - Volume 1 (2023) (MA/HD) $5.25 (GP/HD) $3.75
Midnight Meat Train (Unrated Director's Cut) (2008) (Vudu/HD) $5
Midsommar (2019) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Midway (2019) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $3.75
Mile 22 (2018) (iTunes/4K) $1.75
Mile 22 (2018) (Vudu/4K) $7
Minions: The Rise of Gru (2022) & Minions (2015) (MA/HD) $7.25
Minions: The Rise of Gru (2022) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (2015) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2
Mission: Impossible Collection 1-6 (iTunes/4K) $20 (Vudu/HD) $18
Mission: Impossible Fallout (2018) (Vudu/4K) $2.75 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $2.50
Moana (2016) (MA/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $1.75
Molly's Game (2017) (iTunes/HD) $2
Monsters, Inc. (2001) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $7
Moonfall (2022) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $4.75
Moonlight (2016) (Vudu/HD) $3.75
Moonrise Kingdom (2012) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4
Morbius (2022) (MA/4K) $5 (MA/HD) $3
Mortal Kombat Legends: Cage Match (2023) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $5.50
Motherless Brooklyn (2019) (MA/HD) $3.50
Much Ado About Nothing (2013) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Muppets Most Wanted (2014) (MA/HD) $5.75 (GP/HD) $4.25
Murder on The Orient Express (2017) (MA/HD) $2.50
My All American (2015) (MA/HD) $5 (iTunes/HD) $4
My Fair Lady (1964) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
My Girl (1991) & 2 (1994) (MA/SD) $6.50
My Little Pony: The Movie (2017) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.50
National Lampoon's Animal House (1978) (MA/HD) $5
Natural, The (1984) (MA/4K) $6
Nebraska (2013) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.25
New Mutants (2020) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $5 (GP/HD) $3
Night at the Museum 3-Movie (MA/HD) $11.50
Night Before (2015) (MA/HD) $4.50
No Hard Feelings (2023) (MA/HD) $5.25
Non-Stop (2014) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.75
Nope (2022) (MA/HD) $5
Nope (2022), Get Out (2017) & Us (2019) (MA/HD) $9
Northman (2022) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $3.75
Nun 2 (2023) (MA/HD) $6
Nutcracker and the Four Realms (2018) (MA/4K) $5.75 (MA/HD) $3
Old Man & The Gun (2018) (MA/HD) $6.50
Onward (2020) (MA/4K) $5.25 (MA/HD) $3.75 (GP/HD) $2
Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre (2023) (Vudu/4K) $7
Oppenheimer (2023) (MA/HD) $7
Ouija (2014) & Origin of Evil (2016) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $8
Outfit (2022) (MA/HD) $7
Overboard (2016) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.50
Overlord (2018) (Vudu/4K) $4.50 (Vudu/HD) $2.75 (iTunes/4K) $4
Pain & Gain (2013) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3
Passengers (2016) (MA/HD) $2.25
Paterno (2018) (iTunes/HD) $4.25 (GP/HD) $2.75
PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie (2023) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $6.50
Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010) (MA/HD) $6.75
Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012) (Vudu/HD) $1.75
Pet Sematary (1989) (Vudu/4K) $5.50 (iTunes/4K) $4 (Vudu/HD) $3.75
Peter Rabbit (2018) & 2 (2021) (MA/HD) $7
Philomena (2013) (Vudu/HD) $2
Pirate Fairy (2014) (MA/HD) $3.25
Pitch Perfect Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $11
Pixar Short Films Collection, Vol. 3 (2018) (MA/HD) $5.25 (GP/HD) $3.25
Planes (2013) (MA/HD) $2.25 (GP/HD) $1.25
Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $5
Planes: Fire & Rescue (2014) (MA/HD) $4 (GP/HD) $2
Planet of the Apes 1-3 (Newer) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $10
Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World (1998) (MA/HD) $5.50 (GP/HD) $3.25
Pope's Exorcist (2023) (MA/HD) $5.75
Predator (1987) (MA/HD) $3.50
Prey for the Devil (2022) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $6.50
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016) (MA/HD) $6
Princess and the Frog (2009) (MA/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) $5.50 (GP/HD) $3.25
Public Enemies (2009) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $6.25
Purge: Anarchy (2014) (MA/4K) $5.50 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $4.25
Puss in Boots (2011) & The Last Wish (2022) (MA/HD) $10.50
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022) (MA/HD) $6.50
Raid Collection 1-2 (MA/HD) $11.50
Ralph Breaks the Internet (2018) (MA/4K) $5 (MA/HD) $4.25 (GP/HD) $1.50
Rambo Collection 1-5 (Vudu/HD) $11
Rambo Last Blood (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $2.75
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Ratatouille (2007) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $7.50
Red (2010) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $6.25
Red Violin, The (1998) (Vudu/HD) $5
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2017) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $3
Riddick Collection 1-3 (Unrated) (MA/HD) $13.50
Ride Along 1-2 (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5
Robin Hood (2018) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $3
Rock the Kasbah (2015) (MA/HD) $6.50
Rocketman (2019) (Vudu/4K) $4.25 (iTunes/4K) $2.50 (Vudu/HD) $2.25
Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) (MA/HD) $5.25
Ron's Gone Wrong (2021) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $5.25 (GP/HD) $3.50
Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken (2023) (MA/HD) $6
Saint Maud (2020) (Vudu/HD) $5.75
Santa Clause (1994), 2 (2002), 3 (2006) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $10.50 (GP/HD) $6.50
Saw (2004) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.25
Saw Collection 1-7 (Vudu/HD) $9.75
Scarface (1983) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $5
Scary Movie 3 (2003) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4
Scary Movie Collection 1-3 (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $13.50
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $3
Scoob (2020) (MA/4K) $3
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010) (MA/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.75 (MA/HD) $5
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015) (iTunes/HD) $2.75
Scream 5 (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5
Scream 6 (2023) (Vudu/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $6
Scream Collection 1-3 (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $13.50
Searching (2018) (MA/HD) $6.50
Secret Headquarters (2022) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $5.25
Secret Life of Pets 2 (2019) (MA/HD) $5.25
Secret Life of Pets Collection 1-2 (MA/HD) $7.25
Secret Life of Pets, The (2016) (iTunes/4K) $3.50 (MA/HD) $2.75
Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013) (MA/HD) $2
Seriously Red (2022) (Vudu/HD) $6
Shang-Chi (2021) (MA/4K) $6 (MA/HD) $4.75 (GP/HD) $2.75
Shark Tale (2000) (MA/HD) $5.25
Shrek the Third (2007) (MA/HD) $6
Sicario (2015) (Vudu/4K) $5.50 (Vudu/HD) $1.75 (iTunes/4K) $3
Sick (2023) (MA/4K) $6.75
Silent Night, Deadly Night: 3-Film Collection (1989-1991) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2007) (MA/HD) $6.50
Sing 2 (2021) (MA/HD) $3.75
Sing Collection 1-2 (MA/HD) $6
Singin' in the Rain (1952) (MA/4K) $5.75
Sisters (Unrated) (2015) (MA/HD) $4 (iTunes/HD) $3.25
Sleeping Beauty (1959) (MA/HD) $3.50 (GP/HD) $2.50
Slender Man (2018) (MA/HD) $5.25
Smile (2022) (Vudu/4K) $7 (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $6
Snake Eyes (2021) (Vudu/4K) $6.75 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4
Snatched (2017) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $1
Snowpiercer (2013) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Social Network (2010) (MA/4K) $6.50
Some Kind of Wonderful (1987) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.50
Son of a Gun (2015) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022) (Vudu/4K) $6 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.50
Sound of Music (1965) (MA/HD) $5.50
Source Code (2011) (Vudu/4K) $5.50
Spell (2020) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $5
Spider-Man Collection 1-8 (MA/HD) $26
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) (MA/HD) $1.75
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) (MA/4K) $7.50 (MA/HD) $1.50
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (2018) (MA/4K) $8 (MA/HD) $5.50
Spies in Disguise (2019) (MA/HD) $3.50 (GP/HD) $2.50
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2003) (MA/HD) $4.75
Split (2017) (MA/4K) $6.25 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.75
Star Trek Collection 1-3 (Vudu/HD) $8.50 (iTunes/4K) $13.50
Strange World (2022) (MA/HD) $5 (GP/HD) $4.25
Studio 666 (2022) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $6.25
Sum of All Fears, The (2002) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.25
Super 8 (2011) (Vudu/4K) $5.50 (Vudu/HD) $3.25 (iTunes/4K) $5
Super Mario Bros Movie (2023) (MA/4K) $7.25 (MA/HD) $5.50
Superman: Red Son (2020) (MA/HD) $3.25
Survive the Night (2020) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $2.75
SW: Force Awakens (2015) (MA/4K) $5.25 (iTunes/4K) $3.50 (GP/HD) $1
SW: Last Jedi (2017) (MA/4K) $5.75 (iTunes/4K) $3.75 (GP/HD) $1
SW: Phantom Menace (1999) (MA/4K) $7.50 (GP/HD) $3.50
SW: Return of the Jedi (1983) (MA/4K) $7.25 (GP/HD) $3.50
SW: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) (iTunes/4K) $3.75 (GP/HD) $1.25
Talk to Me (2023) (Vudu/4K) $6.50
Tar (2022) (MA/HD) $5.75
Taxi Driver (1976) (MA/4K) $6.50
Ted (2012) (Unrated) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.75
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023) (Vudu/4K) $7.50 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $6.50
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) (Vudu/4K) $6.50 (Vudu/HD) $3 (iTunes/4K) $2.50
Thanksgiving (2023) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5.50
Theory Of Everything (2014) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $3.75
This Is 40 (2012) (MA/HD) $3.75
This Is The End (2013) (MA/HD) $4.50
Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $3.25 (GP/HD) $2
Thor: Ragnarok (2017) (MA/4K) $7.50 (MA/HD) $3.50 (GP/HD) $1.75
Thor: The Dark World (2013) (MA/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) $4.50 (GP/HD) $2.25
Ticket to Paradise (2022) (MA/HD) $5.75
Till (2022) (iTunes/4K) $6.50
Titanic (1997) (Vudu/4K) $6.50 (Vudu/HD) $4.75 (iTunes/4K) $6
Top Gun: Maverick (2022) (Vudu/4K) $5.50 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.25
Tower Heist (2011) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $3.75
Training Day (2001) (MA/4K) $6
Transformers 1-5 (Vudu/4K) $25 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $23
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023) (Vudu/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.75
Trolls Band Together (2023) (MA/HD) $6.25
Trolls Collection 1-2 (MA/HD) $5.75
Trolls World Tour (2020) (MA/HD) $5.25
Truth Or Dare (Unrated) (2018) (MA/HD) $5
Turning Red (2022) (MA/HD) $3.75 (GP/HD) $2.50
Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $6.75
Unbroken (2014) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.75
Uncharted (2022) (MA/4K) $5.25 (MA/HD) $3.25
Unholy, The (2021) (MA/HD) $7
Untouchables, The (1987) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.50
Up (2009) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $7.50
Upgrade (2018) (MA/HD) $7
Upside, The (2017) (iTunes/HD) $2
Van Helsing (2004) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $4.50
Venom (2018) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $3
Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $4
Victor Frankenstein (2015) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $5.50
Victoria & Abdul (2017) (MA/HD) $5.25
Violent Night (2022) (MA/HD) $5.75
Voyagers (2021) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $6.25
WALL-E (2008) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $7.50
War for the Planet of the Apes (2017) (MA/4K) $6.50 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.75
War of the Worlds (1953) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $6.50
Waves (2019) (Vudu/HD) $5.25
Way, Way Back, The (2013) (MA/HD) $4.75
Weird Science (2008) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $5.75
Whale, The (2022) (Vudu/HD) $5.75
What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012) (Vudu/HD) $2
When the Game Stands Tall (2014) (MA/HD) $4.25
Where the Crawdads Sing (2022) (MA/HD) $3.75
Whiplash (2014) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5.50
White Christmas (1954) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.50
Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance With Somebody (2022) (MA/HD) $4.75
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) (MA/4K) $6.50 (GP/HD) $4
Willow (1988) (MA/HD) $6.25 (GP/HD) $4.50
Wind River (2017) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.75
Wings (1927) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4
Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year (2002) (MA/HD) $6.25
Wizard of Lies (2017) (iTunes/HD) $4 (GP/HD) $3
Woman in Black (MA/HD) (2012) $4.75
Woman King (2022) (MA/4K) $5.75 (MA/HD) $4
Wonder Woman: Bloodlines (2019) (MA/HD) $2.75
X (2022) (Vudu/HD) $6.50
X (2022), Hereditary (2018), Witch, The (2016), Green Room (2015), It Comes at Night (2017) (Vudu/HD) $14
X2: X-Men United (2003) (MA/HD) $6
X-Men (2000) (MA/HD) $6
X-Men (2000), X2 (2003), X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) (MA/HD) $11
X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.25
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2004) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.50 Rogue Cut (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $5
X-Men: First Class (2010) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $6.50
X-Men: First Class (2010), Days of Future Past (2004), Apocalypse (2014) (MA/HD) $9.50
X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) (MA/HD) $7.50
Zombieland (2009) (MA/4K) $7.25
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2024.05.31 19:23 TheShadowOperator007 If you could rewrite any Bond film to make it better which ones would it be?

For me, it would be A View To A Kill, Quantum of Solace, Spectre and No Time To Die.
For A View To A Kill, I would rewrite it to make it close enough to the original short story and the actual movie at the same time. Include a scene where James Bond is being followed by an assassin on a motorcyle only for Bond to kill him. Maybe include it in the pre title sequence.
For Quantum of Solace, it would not involve water but instead it would take place 3 months after Casino Royale with James Bond investigating a mysterious new organization, which is Quantum, that has ties to Vesper's death leading him on a hunt. The main villains would be Mr. White, Yusef Kabira, and the henchman would be a 6'0" Brazilian MMA fighter and the countries it would take place in are Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Canada, and Russia, and Italy.
For Spectre and No Time To Die, I would not make them but instead make them completely different movies titled Risico and By Servitude To The Crown. Risico would involve James Bond investigating a drug trafficking organization in Sicily run by the newly reformed Quantum organization and By Servitude to the Crown will have James Bond uncover a plot to assassinate the British queen by the Quantum organization and in this 5th and final film, he would finally face the big bad of Quantum
submitted by TheShadowOperator007 to JamesBond [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:34 Aromatic_Security657 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 submitted by Aromatic_Security657 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 09:08 Agreeable_Income3763 The Best Deals to Save on Summer Travel

The Best Deals to Save on Summer Travel

Posted on May 30, 2024 by Andrew Larder

The Best Deals to Save on Summer Travel

Here are some of the top travel deals and free perks available this summer. (From travel pulse newsletter)

Puerto Rico Travel Deals

Travelers with their sights set on Puerto Rico can take advantage of a handful of Memorial Day offers this summer, including savings of up to 15 percent at the Fairmont El San Juan Hotel and a $500 resort credit at The St. Regis Bahia Beach Resort & Golf Club.
Additional offers include a $150 on-property resort credit with the MAKE MY STAY offer when staying four or more nights at the Doubletree by Hilton, San Juan and a free night when you book at least three at the Parguera Plaza Hotel.
Casa Costera, Isla Verde Beach is also offering up to 20 percent off on their best available rates and a 20 percent discount in Arena Medalla restaurant in Distrito T-Mobile.

US Virgin Islands Travel Deals

Another Caribbean escape that doesn’t require a passport for Americans, the U.S. Virgin Islands is dishing out the discounts this summer.
The Westin Beach Resort & Spa at Frenchman’s Reef in St. Thomas is offering 20 percent off upgraded and view rooms now through September 30, 2024. Elsewhere in St. Thomas, The Pink Palm Hotel is offering 15 percent off of any reservation with a minimum two-night stay in all room types except Petite Queen Room through Labor Day (September 2, 2024).
Travelers booking Bolongo Bay Beach Resort in St. Thomas can enjoy 15 percent off all-inclusive and room-only rates now through December 22, 2024, and Magens Hideaway is offering 10 percent off any five-night stays and 15 percent off any seven-night stays when guests book direct now through August 30, 2024.
On the island of St. Croix, The Buccaneer Beach & Golf Resort is running a fifth-night free offer now through December 20, 2024. Book directly and use code NT2024 to take advantage.

Bahamas Travel Deals

Available to book through June 19, Atlantis Paradise Island’s Summer Sale includes 25 percent savings and up to $400 resort credit on stays of four nights or more at The Coral, The Royal, The Reef and The Cove for travel through November 22, 2024. Credits increase with the length of stay:
4 nights – $100 5 nights – $150 6 nights – $200 7 nights – $250 8 nights – $300 9 nights – $350 10+ nights – $400 Meanwhile, the Aqua Dining Plan allows children aged six and under to eat for free with the purchase of an adult dining plan. What’s more, for every $100 spent on experience credits, guests will receive $115.
Experience the newly-renovated British Colonial Nassau hotel while receiving 35 percent off your stay and a one-time $50 food and beverage credit when you book by September 8, 2024, for stays from May 28, 2024, through September 9, 2024. Use promo code BCSUMMER.
Resorts World Bimini is offering a new Summer Nights Sail & Stay package with Balearia Caribbean starting at just $399.
It includes roundtrip transportation and a one- or two-night stay at the resort’s Hilton hotel. Guests can look forward to spectacular amenities including a 600-foot lagoon pool that stretches the entire length of the resort, an adults-only rooftop infinity pool with panoramic ocean views, a world-class spa, casino, multiple dining venues and a 4.5-acre private beach and lounge.
Caerula Mar Club in South Andros, Bahamas is rolling out a Sizzling Summer Special. For new bookings made through June 14, guests with three paid nights at the resort will receive an additional night free. The offer is valid for stays through August 10.

Caribbean Travel Deals

Sandals Resorts’ newest property, Sandals Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is celebrating its opening by offering air and resort credits.
Currently, travelers can receive a $750 Air Credit as well as a $250 Resort Credit on all bookings when booking flights to Sandals Saint Vincent and The Grenadines. Book by June 24, 2024, for travel now through January 31, 2025, to take advantage.
Beaches Resorts is offering travelers a free catamaran cruise plus $250 resort credit in Jamaica. The “Jamaica Jamming” sale is bookable through June 9 and valid for travel through January 31, 2025, with rates starting at $249 per person, per night.
Guests must book at least five nights to secure the free cruise. Stays of at least seven nights will earn the $250 resort credit. Beaches Negril and Beaches Ocho Rios are offering the deal using the code JJAM2024.
All-inclusive pioneer Club Med is offering 40 percent off in addition to special perks on properties from the Caribbean to Canada this summer. Book by June 25 and travel by December 20, 2024, to take advantage of the discounted stays on top of up to $300 in instant savings, free stays for kids under age four, up to $300 air credit and waived single supplement for solot travelers.

Mexico Travel Deals

Book a stay of three or more nights at JW Marriott Cancun Resort & Spa and receive two 50-minute massages at the Sens Yah spa, with Mayan-inspired treatments.
Meanwhile, Sandos Hotels & Resorts is offering a unique Summer Getaway Package at properties in Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Los Cabos. Sandos Caracol Eco Resort is offering 55 percent off accommodations while Sandos Playacar has a 50 percent off deal.
Sandos Cancun is offering guests 40 percent savings and Sandos Finisterra has rolled out a 35 percent off discount this summer. Each Summer Getaway package also includes a $125 resort credit when you use promo code RESORT24 and book by May 31 for travel through December 19, 2024.

Hawaii Travel Deals

Aqua-Aston Hospitality is inviting travelers to live the “suite life” in Hawaii this summer with 20 percent off the best available rate for a stay of three nights or more in suite accommodations for travel now through December 22, 2024.
Participating properties include Ilikai Hotel & Luxury Suites (Oahu), Aston Waikiki Beach Tower (Oahu), Aston Kaanapali Shores (Maui), Aston at The Whaler on Kaanapali Beach (Maui), Aston Kona by the Sea (Hawaii Island) and Aston Poipu Kai (Kauai). Book by June 25 to take advantage.

Florida Travel Deals

In Key West, the Southernmost Beach Resort is offering 30 percent off your room, plus a one-time $35 food and beverage credit when you book a stay by June 30. The special offer is valid for stays through September 30.
Further up the Keys, Playa Largo Resort & Spa, Autograph Collection in Key Largo is offering the Days of Playa package boasting exclusive perks such as a free room upgrade, signature Eventide drinks and souvenir shirts featuring art by a local artist.
Guests can also visit the Ocean Spa with a $50 treatment credit and enjoy 10 percent off spa retail items. The package is valid for stays from July 5, 2024, through September 30, 2024, using promo code ES7.

Scottsdale, Arizona Travel Deals

In sunny Scottsdale, travelers can score awesome deals and perks at properties like The Boulders Resort & Spa Scottsdale. For every night stayed, guests receive a complimentary round of golf with the Summer Stay & Play Golf Package in addition to a $25 food and beverage credit and unlimited access to fitness classes and spa facilities.
The offer is available through September 8, 2024.
CIVANA Wellness Resort & Spa is offering a three-night summer camp for adults. The all-inclusive retreat will feature daily activities including journaling, sunrise soul flow yoga and ecstatic dance as well as a spa treatment and complimentary meals and non-alcoholic drinks.
The package starts from $757 per night and the camp will be open on June 20-23, July 18-21 and August 15-18, 2024.
W Scottsdale will host lively pool parties all summer and guests can make the most of their stay with the Sips and Sunshine Package, which includes a cocktail kit, complimentary breakfast and 30 percent off at AWAY Spa now through September 2, 2024.
Finally, The Hermosa Inn’s Summer in Paradise Package features two welcome cocktails, refreshing poolside treats such as smoothies and frozen fruit and a $25 nightly food and beverage credit. Rates start from $230 through September 2, 2024.

Other US Travel Deals

The new Margaritaville Resort Lake Tahoe is offering up to 30 percent off when guests extend their stay. Stay three nights to save 20 percent, four nights to save 25 percent and five or more nights to earn 30 percent off.
The special Summerzcool offer is available through September 8, 2024, for travel between May 28 and September 9, 2024.
The Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C. is offering a Drive & Stay package this summer featuring complimentary overnight valet parking at a $58 per night value.
The Davenport Hotel Collection in Spokane, Washington is offering 40 percent off stays at five properties when guests book by May 31 for travel now through the end of 2024.
Participating hotels include The Historic Davenport Hotel, the family-friendly safari-themed Davenport Tower, the centrally-located Davenport Lusso, the modern Davenport Grand in Downtown Spokane and The Centennial.
Historic Banning Mills adventure resort outside of Atlanta is offering a Spring into Summer Family Escape Package for the month of May. Starting from $349, the package includes a one-night stay and Level 1 zipline canopy tours for families up to six.

Cruise Travel Deals

Celestyal Cruises has launched the “Upgrade Your Summer” sale featuring a free upgrade on new seven-night Idyllic Aegean cruises. The sale is available now through June 3 for cruises departing June 1 through August 24, 2024.
Ecoventura, which offers luxury cruises in the Galápagos, is running a flash sale in honor of World Turtle Day. Travelers who book by May 28 can save up to 20 percent on double and triple cabins on select sailings, with potential savings of up to $6,500.

Worldwide Travel Reservations

Contact me to book a stay, anywhere in the world:
Andrew Larder, FORA Travel Advisor

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Travelsummer travel, summer travel deals, The Best Deals to Save on Summer Travel, travel dealsThe Best Deals to Save on Summer Travel
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2024.05.31 06:37 J12ich FBNXT: Clash of the Champions - Booking the AEW Title from Dynasty through the end of 2024 Part III

l Part I l Part II l
At All Out, the AEW World Champion Will Ospreay completed his first successful title defense against the former champion & self proclaimed ace of All Elite Wrestling, Jon Moxley, there and by solidifying himself as the top man in the company. Coming off of one of the biggest wins of his career, Ospreay looks to build on his winning streak and ideally continue a lengthy title reign. However, Moxley wasn’t the only man gunning for Ospreay’s title, and now that Will holds the top prize, everyone else in the company will surely be gunning for him.
Road to WrestleDream
Shortly after All Out, AEW holds their annual television special, AEW: Grand Slam, live at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens, New York. Kicking off the show, a Casino Battle Royale is held to determine a new no. 1 contender for Will Ospreay’s World Championship, which is won by Swerve Strickland. Later on in the evening, in the show’s main event, Ospreay defeats “the Bastard” PAC in an AEW World Championship Eliminator match. Just after the match, Swerve Strickland rushes out to the ring and attacks Ospreay from behind, laying him out in the center of the ring and stealing the physical AEW Championship belt before being chased off by Aussie Open. Following the attack, it is announced that Ospreay will officially defend his title against Strickland at WrestleDream on October 12th in Tacoma, Washington. On Dynamite the following week, Strickland comes out to the ring along with Prince Nana, still in possession of the AEW Championship belt, to be interviewed by Tony Schiavone to explain his actions. During the interview, Swerve states the following:
“Tony, you wanna know why I attacked Will Ospreay? You wanna know why I took this title. It’s all real simple. Will Ospreay took what was rightfully mine. I’m just taking it back. You see, this title really belongs to me. I earned the right to call myself AEW World Champion when I beat Samoa Joe for it at AEW Dynasty this past April. And I’ll never forget that night. It was one of the proudest moments of my life. I had the entire crowd behind me. Chanting you deserve it. It was perfect. I thought I was going to be champion forever. I thought I was going to go on the run of a lifetime…. But then at Forbidden Door, my old friend Brian Cage fucked me over. He cost me my match against Jon Moxley and this title. The thing I damn near put my body through hell to get was just gone and I never even got a rematch for it. Moxley took off and ran away to Japan, and I remember storming into Tony Khan’s office ready to burn this company to the ground. I was so mad but TK told me to wait because he promised me I’d get another shot as soon as he got back. So I waited. I took that time off to deal with Cage and the rest of those traitors I used to run with. And fast forward to All In and I got another shot at MY title… but Will Ospreay… AEW’s new golden boy. You snuck in there and you took what was rightfully mine. You stole my property. You stole the only thing in this world that I really care about. So last week when I became number 1 contender and TK told me in one month I’d get another shot, I decided I was tired of waiting. Because real champs don’t wait. Real champs take what's theirs. So Will, if you’re watching this, just know it’s nothing personal. I’m just putting things right.”
As Swerve stops speaking, Ospreay’s music starts to blast through the arena and the Aerial Assassin appears at the top of the entrance ramp with a steel chair in hand. He charges down towards the ring and slides in, looking to take out Swerve with a headshot. Strickland ducks out of the way at the last moment, and slides out of the ring, holding on tight to the AEW Championship belt before him and Prince Nana make an escape through the crowd. As the two of them retreat, Ospreay picks up the microphone and calls them out:
“Hey Swerve, you call yourself a real champion, huh bruv? A real champion doesn’t cut and run like a damn coward when someone like me comes looking for a fight. I don’t give a shit what kind of lies you tell yourself. I won that title at All In by pinning your ass to the mat, so you’ve got no damn right to steal my title from me. Keep running around with my belt as long as you want. I promise you that one day soon, I will catch you. And when I do, I’ll kick your ass so hard, I’ll send you running back to NXT.”
In the lead up to WrestleDream, Ospreay continues to wrestle and pick up wins on a weekly basis on Dynamite and Collision, both in singles action and in trios action, teaming with Aussie Open. Swerve and Prince Nana continue to taunt Will as the weeks go on, either watching his matches from backstage or from luxury suites in the arenas. Swerve also picks up several wins in the lead up to WrestleDream, and on the go home show, he defeats Kyle Fletcher in singles action, picking up momentum heading into his official title match.
AEW: WrestleDream - 10/12/2024
Following their weeks of build up, Will Ospreay finally meets Swerve Strickland one on one in the ring to defend his AEW World Championship and hopefully end their newly formed feud quickly. For the evening’s main event, Swerve makes his entrance first, still in possession of the physical AEW Championship belt, which he displays proudly around his waist, while the champion Ospreay makes his entrance second. Once both men are in the ring and the announcer Justin Roberts makes both introductions, the referee calls for the bell for the championship match to get underway.
AEW World Championship Match: Will Ospreay © vs Swerve Strickland
A furious Ospreay charges right at Swerve to start the match, backing him up into the turnbuckle corner and stomping him down to the mat. Ospreay pulls Swerve back up to his feet and chops him across the chest several times before running across the ring, bouncing off the opposite pads and hitting Swerve with a squash against the turnbuckles. Ospreay goes to repeat the attack a second time, but before he can connect it, Swerve rolls out of the ring and regroups with Prince Nana on the outside. Ospreay waits impatiently inside the ring while the referee begins to count out Swerve. Strickland gets up to the count of 9 before re-entering the ring, but quickly rolls back out again, as the crowd reins boos down towards him. Frustrated, Ospreay bounces off the ropes and leaps over them towards Nana and Swerve on the outside of the ring. Swerve pulls Nana in front of him to take the brunt of the impact, and Ospreay takes him out. Will quickly tries to get up to his feet, but Swerve charges towards him and nails him in the head with a punt kick, dropping Ospreay down to the floor.
With the champion down, Swerve takes advantage and grabs Ospreay by the arm before irish whipping him into the steel ring steps. Will falls to the ground in pain and Swerve says on the attack, loading Ospreay up onto his shoulders and hitting him with a powerbomb through the announcer’s table before rolling him back into the ring. Back inside, Swerve stalks Ospreay and waits for him to pull himself back up to his feet before bouncing off the ropes and going to nail him with a running knee. Swerve connects with the knee and goes for the cover as Will collapses onto the mat, but the champion kicks out at 2 and the match goes on. Swerve stays on offense and climbs up onto the top ropes and Ospreay lays on the mat trying to recover. Strickland leaps off the ropes and goes to finish Ospreay off with the House Call, but Will rolls out of the way at the last moment, pops up to his feet and as Swerve turns around, Ospreay charges at him and nails him with a hidden blade.
Both men fall to the mat and slowly try to pull themselves back up to their feet. Ospreay manages to stand up first and charges towards Swerve, looking to hit him with a second hidden blade, however Swerve evades it, grabs Will from behind and takes him down with a Russian Leg Sweep. Strickland quickly pops up to his feet, bounces off the ropes and nails Will with another running knee. He sets up for a second running knee, but this one Ospreay catches, loads Swerve onto his shoulder and nails him with a Styles Clash. Ospreay goes for the cover, praying that he can finally put Swerve away, but Strickland kicks out at 2 and the match continues. Hoping to finish off Swerve once and for all, Ospreay picks him up and loads him up onto his shoulders, looking to finish him off with Storm Breaker.
Will nails it on Swerve but as the two crash down on the mat and Will goes for the cover, Darius Martin runs out from backstage and jumps up on the ring apron, distracting the referee, Bryce Remsburg. As Bryce shouts at Darius to get off the apron, turning his back on the match Dante emerges from the crowd, grabs the AEW Championship belt, slides into the ring and decks Ospreay in the back of the head with it. As Ospreay falls to the mat and Dante quicks slides out of the ring, Swerve pulls himself up to his feet and sets himself up in the corner. A dazed and confused Will Ospreay pulls himself up with the ropes before turning around and walking right into another running knee from Swerve Strickland. With the champion down, Swerve makes the cover and pins him 1-2-3!
Swerve Strickland def. Will Ospreay to win the AEW World Championship
As Swerve is handed in the AEW Championship and has his arm raised in the air in celebration, the now 2 time World Champion is joined in the ring by Dante and Darius Martin, who embrace him in victory as the medical team rush over to check on Ospreay. Swerve and Top Flight leave the ring and head back up the entrance ramp, where they are met by Prince Nana at the top, and together the 4 pose with Swerve’s newly won gold as a disgusted Will Ospreay looks on from the ring. As Swerve and Ospreay lock eyes and stare each other down from across the arena, one thing remains clear: While tonight’s match may be over, their feud is far from it.
Road to Full Gear
Following WrestleDream, Swerve Strickland is once again AEW World Champion, and now has 2 new stablemates in the form of Dante and Darius Martin from Top Flight. Swerve and Top Flight kick off their new partnership together by teaming in a trio’s match against the Dark Order on the first edition of Dynamite following WrestleDream. Following the match, Swerve cuts a promo saying that at WrestleDream, he proved that Will Ospreay was a fraud after all and that he had been the “real World Champion” the entire time. Now he has the belt and the dub to prove it, and with Top Flight by his side, there is no one to stop him from becoming the greatest AEW Champion of all time. The following week, Swerve and Top Flight team up again to defeat the Acclaimed, but after the match, Will Ospreay makes his return to Dynamite, along with back up in the form of Aussie Open, and together, the three charge the ring to attack Swerve and Top Flight. Shortly after, it is announced that Will Ospreay will receive a rematch for the AEW World Championship at Full Gear.
In the lead up to Full Gear, a trio’s match is announced for the main event of November 6th edition of Dynamite between Will Ospreay and Aussie Open against Swerve Strickland and Top Flight, with the winning team getting to decide the stipulation for their rematch. Ospreay picks up the win for his team after he scores the pinfall on Dante Martin, and announces after the match, Ospreay cuts a promo stating:
“Swerve, I know you like to run your match and talk a lot of crap, but let's get one thing straight. The only reason you beat me at WrestleDream was because of those two pricks you started running around with. So to keep things even between you and me, at Full Gear, we’re gonna have our rematch locked in a steel cage bruv!”
AEW: Full Gear - 11/23/2024
Just over 5 weeks after stealing the AEW World Championship from Will Ospreay, Swerve Strickland is now putting it back on the line against him, this time locked in a Steel Cage with AEW’s Aerial Assassin. With the cage stipulation in place to prevent either Top Flight or Aussie Open from interfering, it should be a true one on one contest between the champion and challenger. Will Ospreay makes his entrance first, followed out by the champion Swerve Strickland. Once both men are inside the cage and the door is locked, the referee calls for the bell and the match begins.
AEW World Championship Steel Cage Match: Swerve Strickland © vs Will Ospreay
Ospreay charges at Swerve to begin the match, slamming him into the turnbuckle corner where he begins nailing him with punches and knee strikes to the gut before grabbing the champ by the head, rushing forwards and throwing him face first into the side of the cage. Swerve tries to get up to his feet quickly but Ospreay grabs him from behind and hits him with a snapdragon suplex, hurling him back into the ring. Will pops up to his feet and begins beating his chest before turning around back at Swerve. Ospreay goes to grab Swerve by the head, but Strickland nails him with a low blow, before trying to roll him up into a small package. Ospreay powers out of the pin attempt, but stays on his knees in pain, and Strickland takes advantage, putting Ospreay in a headlock before running forwards and hitting him with a bulldog.
Ospreay slowly gets up to his feet and Swerve takes the opportunity to pull one of the turnbuckle pads off of the post, exposing the steel. Swerve then loads Ospreay onto his shoulders and nails Will with snake eye onto the exposed buckle, which busts open Will’s forehead. Ospreay falls to the mat and uses the ropes to pull himself up, but Swerve rushes at him and nails Ospreay with a running knee against the post. Will falls to the mat again and tries to roll away from Swerve, dazed and confused. Seeing this, the AEW Champion climbs to the top of the ring post and dives off of it, nailing Ospreay with a frog splash before going for the cover, but Ospreay kicks out at 2 and the match continues.
Looking to finish off his challenger, Swerve climbs back up to the top ropes and sets up to nail Ospreay with the House Call. However, shoots up to his feet and jumps onto the turnbuckles with Swerve, grabbing a hold of him and hitting him with a belly to belly from the top ropes, sending both men crashing down to the mat. Both men try to get up to their feet quickly and Ospreay rushes at Swervie, taking him down with a running Hidden Blade. Swerve slowly gets up to his feet and Ospreay grabs him by the head before throwing him into the cage again. Ospreay starts to show more aggression and grinds Swerve’s head against the cage walls before nailing him with elbow strikes to the back of the head. Swerve falls backwards and Ospreay grabs hold of him, loads him onto his shoulders and goes to finish him off with Storm Breaker but Swerve fights off his shoulders and lands on his feet before bouncing off the ropes before drilling Ospreay with another running knee. Will goes down and Swerve goes for the cover, but Ospreay powers out, and a frustrated champion pulls Ospreay up to his feet again before irish whipping him into the turnbuckle post.
Ospreay holds himself up against the post and Swerve turns him around before climbing up the ropes to gain leverage and begins nailing Will with punches to the head. Ospreay wakes up and grabs Swerve by the trunks, trying to run forward and nail him with a powerbomb, but Swerve holds onto the cage to prevent him. Strickland pulls off a piece of steel from the cage and smashes Will in the head with it, causing Ospreay to let go of him. Out of desperation, Swerve goes for a high risk move and contorts his body backwards, nailing Ospreay with a hurricanrana off the turnbuckle, sending him tumbling back into the ring. As Ospreay slowly gets up to his feet, Swerve charges at him and goes to drill him with a running knee, but Ospreay evades it and when Swerve turns around, Ospreay kicks him in the stomach before locking him in the double underhook and nailing him with a Tiger Driver 91. Ospreay goes for the cover 1-2-NOO! Somehow Strickland kicks out and Ospreay can’t believe it.
Out of seeming desperation, Ospreay looks up towards the sky and begins climbing up the cage as Strickland begins to pull himself up to his feet. As Ospreay ascends to the top corner of the cage, Swerve finally sends back up, and after Will briefly looks over his shoulder to check the champion’s position, Will takes a leap of faith and nails Swerve with a Moonsault from the top of the cage. Both men collapse onto the mat as the crowd goes into a frenzy, and Will hooks Swerve’s leg before making the cover 1-2-3!
Will Ospreay def. Swerve Strickland to win the AEW World Championship
As the cage is raised, the now 2-time AEW World Champion Will Ospreay has his hand raised in victory by the referee before being handed back his AEW World Championship belt, holding it in his arms for the first time since Swerve had stolen it at AEW: Grand Slam back in September. As Top Flight rush out to ringside to help Swerve backstage, Will is joined in the ring by Aussie Open to celebrate his win, and Full Gear goes off the air with the AEW World Championship back with Will Ospreay where it belongs.
Road to World’s End
Following Full Gear, Will Ospreay and Swerve Strickland have one final match for the AEW World Championship to put their feud to bed once and for all. On the December 4th edition of Dynamite, the two wrestle a 2 out of 3 falls match, with Ospreay picking up the win 2 falls to 1 after nearly 45 minutes in the ring to retain his title. After this defense, his opponent for AEW: World’s End is announced but with an added twist. With the Pay Per View fittingly titled World’s End, Tony Khan announces that after purchasing Ring of Honor in March of 2022 and running it and AEW as two separate entities, at the conclusion of 2024, he will be folding Ring of Honor into AEW and will unify all ROH championships with their AEW counterparts at World’s End. This being the case, in the main event of AEW: World’s End, Will Ospreay will defend his AEW Championship in a unification match against the reigning ROH World Champion….
Adam Cole
Following All In, where Adam Cole interfered in the main event and cost MJF his chance at regaining the AEW World Championship, Cole and MJF reignited their feud, which culminated in a Lights Out, loser leaves AEW match at WrestleDream, which MJF won. Following this lose, Adam Cole and the rest of the Undisputed Kingdom took refuge in Ring of Honor, where Cole quickly found himself in the main event scene, and thanks to his allies in the Undisputed Kingdom, was able to win the ROH World Championship for a record setting 4th time. In just a few short months after being forced to leave AEW, Adam Cole now finds himself back in the company’s main event scene with a chance to become the top champion. The only obstacle in his way is arguably the top professional wrestler in the world today, the reigning AEW World Champion, Will Ospreay.
AEW: World’s End - 12/28/2024
Main eventing AEW’s final show of the year, the Ring of Honor World Champion Adam Cole faces off against the AEW World Champion Will Ospreay in a title versus title unification match, pitting arguably two of the best professional wrestlers in the world today against each other. Cole makes his entrance first, flanked by the entirety of the Undisputed Kingdom, while Ospreay makes his entrance second, accompanied to the ring by Aussie Open. The referee, Bryce Remsberg direct everyone to the back following the ring entrances to keep the main event even, and after the ring announcer makes the introductions, the bell rings for the match to officially begin.
AEW & ROH World Championship Unification Match: Will Ospreay vs Adam Cole
The two world champions circle each other in the ring before locking up, but the larger and much more physically dominant Will Ospreay quickly gets the upper hand and pushes Cole back against the turnbuckle pads, where he begins unloading on him with punches to the stomach. Ospreay starts kicking him in the gut until Cole falls down to the mat, and Will backs off and bounces off the ropes to hit him with a running knee, but Cole rolls out of the ring to escape further punishment. Ospreay quickly follows Cole out of the ring and goes after him, but when Will goes to grab him, Cole nails him with a quick spinning back kick to the gut. As Ospreay drops down to a knee in pain, Cole grabs him by the arm and Irish Whips him against the ringside barricade. Cole lines up Ospreay as he leans up against the barricade as he runs at him and hits him with a running knee, and the AEW World Champion drops to the ground as the ROH World Champion poses over him. Cole grabs Ospreay by his hair and rolls him back into the ring before bouncing off the ropes again and nailing him with another running knee. Ospreay falls backwards onto the mat in pain and Cole goes for the cover, but Will kicks out quickly at the count of 2 and the match continues.
Cole continues to work Ospreay down, but Will fights up to his feet and retaliates against Adam. Ospreay starts nailing him with punches and elbow strikes and goes to Irish whip Cole into the turnbuckle pads. Cole stands his ground and reverses the Irish whip attempt, sending Ospreay rushing towards the pads. Will runs up the turnbuckle pads and jumps off the top, hitting a moon sault on Cole, taking him off his feet. Ospreay pops up and bounces off the ropes, hitting Cole with a running bicycle kick as Adam tries to get up to his feet. Adam rolls out of the ring to recover, but Ospreay stays on offense and bounces off the ropes, hitting Cole with a dive to the outside of the ring, and both men are down. The two slowly get up to their feet as the referee gets to the count of 9, and they both dive into the ring at the same time. They both get up to their feet and meet in the center of the ring to start trading blows with each other.
Ospreay gets the upper hand and hits Cole with multiple elbow strikes before Adam stumbles backwards into the ropes. Cole bounces off the ropes and hits Ospreay with a front kick, and Will falls backwards himself. Ospreay bounces off the ropes, ducks under a clothesline from Cole, bounces off the ropes once more from behind Adam and takes him down with a running Hidden Blade on the rebound. Ospreay nails Cole with a 2nd Hidden Blade, and follows it up with a 3rd. Finally, Ospreay loads Cole on his shoulders and goes to hit him with a Storm Breaker, but the ROH World Champion fights off his shoulders, locks him in a headlock and hits him with a brain buster.
With Ospreay down on the mat, Cole goes on to the turnbuckle ropes and prepares to hit a Panama Sunrise on Ospreay, Will shoots up to his feet quickly, runs up the turnbuckle, puts Cole in a headlock and hits him with suplex off of the top rope, sending both men crashing down to the mat. Both men slowly try to get back up to their feet, with Ospreay pulling himself up by the ropes first. Will lines up Cole and goes to nail him with one more Hidden Blade, but at the last second, Cole pulls the referee in front of him, and Ospreay take him down by mistake. The referee Remsberg rolls out of the ring in pain and as Ospreay looks on in horror, members of the Undisputed Kingdom take advantage and rush out to the ring to help their leader.
Mike Bennett and Matt Taven hit the ring first, and while Ospreay is able to fight them off, he is quickly attacked from behind and overpowered by Wardlow. Wardlow picks up Ospreay and nails him with a powerbomb and Roderick Strong runs out with several kendo sticks. He hands them to Bennett and Taven and together, the three start nailing Ospreay in the back with the sticks until Aussie Open rush out wielding steel chairs. As those three rush of the ring, Aussie Open turn around and are immediately taken out by a double clothesline from Wardlow. However, the distraction gives Ospreay enough time to recover and he charges at the big man, knocking him out of the ring with a brutal Hidden Blade. Wardlow goes tumbling out of the ring, leaving it back to just Ospreay and Cole, but as Will turns around, Adam jumps back up to his feet and rushes over to nail Ospreay with a low blow. As Will drops to his knees in pain, Cole pulls down his knee pad and bounces off the ropes before nailing him in the back of the head with a devastating running knee and going for the cover 1-2-3!!!
Adam Cole def. Will Ospreay to become Unified AEW & ROH World Champion
The Undisputed Kingdom’s music blasts through the arena as Cole is presented with both championship belts, which he proudly holds high in the air. Wardlow, Taven, Bennett and Strong all going him in the air in celebration as Ospreay rolls out of the ring and watches on in disgust, once again cheated out of his World Championship. With World’s End coming to a close, AEW’s final show of the year may be ending, but it appears this may be the start of a new feud between Will Ospreay and Adam Cole.
submitted by J12ich to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:29 AustralianChrono Chronologica's Drag Race Season 6: Episode 3- Vegas Showgays Lip Sync

Chronologica struts the runway wearing a green ankle leather strapless dress, red pearls around her neck and a blue beehive wig.
Hello world!
Welcome to Drag Race.
Lupe, Mami, are you excited for the dance challenge?
“Darling, I LOVE to dance!” Lupe shakes her chest. “Woo!”
Chronologica laughs.
Floss, are you a dancer?
“God no, my category was FACE.” Floss smirks.
What about you, Rachelle?
“Damn yes. I was body, body, body…” Rachelle winks.
For our Challenge, our racers were tasked with performing their ass of as Vegas Showgays!
And on the runway, they’ll be wearing their Casino Royale Best!
It’s TIME!
Category is… Casino Royal!
Anne Dior Kashaut arrives wrapped in a suit jacket that reflects the pattern of a casino poker table, with a mini dress made out of poker chips. She wears a long, flowing blonde wig, and stomps the stage with a fire in her eyes.
“I love this take.” Lupe whispers to Rachelle.
Mrs. Vicki Anderson spins onto the main stage in a 1920s Flapper Look, wearing a headband and fringe mini dress. Dancing around the stage doing the foxtrot, Vicki kicks her feet around with a smile, excitedly moving.
Keep on dancing… poorly!
Rachelle chuckles.
Ethan Angel-Eye enters the stage wearing an Apache Beaded warrior look- with feather and fringe, as he slowly moves through the stage, his eyes transfixed on the judges. As he arrives at the end of the stage, he tears his outfit apart- revealing a boring business suit, as he stomps off the stage serving executive male.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “This is a look for my Native class traitors, men who sell their culture to become ‘The Man’. I hope you know that selling out your communities to the white men will never fulfill you like your culture does.”
Molly Moppit jumps onto the main stage in a Poker Attendant look, dressed in a suit jacket, white shirt and flared pants, she holds a bag full of poker chips that she counts as she walks through the stage. As she makes her way to the end, Molly drops her bag- picking it up as thousands of ‘MoDollars’ pour out of her pants.
“Where’s the chips…” Floss looks around suspiciously. “They’ve gone from her hand. GET HER!”
Carly Shay Jepsen arrives straight out of a James Bond film! Wearing a suit that is probably a few centimeters too small for her, Carly holds a martini glass in her hand, and pads down her massive, non-lace front wig with a smile.
Casino… Royale indeed.
Francesca La Fataliá struts out in a deep purple silk dress, her hair spun into black buns with multiple layers of gold littered throughout it. She wears a fur coat, carrying a bunch of faux ‘Euros’ as she counts her money, walking through the stage.
“She’s spending MONEY, honey.” Lupe smiles.
Twirling onto the stage, Lady Gag arrives serving her best ‘Poker Face’- with an exact recreation of Lady Gaga’s ‘Poker Face’ music video, with the glittering mask, a black jumpsuit and studded look as she stomps the main stage.
“Gaga…” Rachelle sighs.
Niagara Halls arrives in a gold lace dress, her hair serving bundle upon bundle of scarlet red hair, as she spins onto the main stage with an excited flair, touching her expensive dress with a smirk on her face, purring around.
“Category is GOLD.” Floss snaps her fingers.
Wearing a backless aubergine purple slink dress, with a diamond end to the gown, as Shayla Moon is giving her best ‘Vesper Lynd’ dress up, wearing a short black wig as she stalks through the stage, a pistol in her hand.
“This is so good!” Lupe snaps her fingers. “Perra.”
Nakomis Lotus arrives dressed an Egyptian Queen, serving Cleopatra realness with a beaded wig and a literally Pyramid- the Luxor as her dress, she floats around the main stage with a , walking like an Egyptian.
I wonder which hotel she’s at!
Lokii steps onto the runway in a boxy slot machine costume, with the slots showcasing a triple Seven! Lokii spins down the runway, revealing that “Slut Machine” has been written just above a small hole in the back of the machine.
“Cute.” Lupe smiles.
HerShe Kiss enters the stage in a massive white, red and black Elizabethan era ballgown, with bright red hair with her face painted white like she’s the literal Queen of Hearts, as she holds a card- a Queen of Hearts with the actual version of herself.
“OFF WITH RACHELLE’S HEAD!” Floss says in a british accent.
Rachelle gasps.
Shiseido Red is a vision, her look at first glance, entirely compiled gold coin- wearing a structure that is similar to a slot machine, with coins pooling out of her head, flowing down to the ‘bottom’ of the outfit. Suddenly, the handle moves down and Shiseido hits the ‘Jackpot’- with confetti bursting from her outfit.
She’s getting lucky tonight.
Hi Racers.
Before I’ve made some decisions….
Ethan, will you be using your immunity potion tonight?
“No.” Ethan stares at Chronologica.
Francesca, will you be using your immunity potion tonight?
“Not tonight, Chronologica.” Francesca nods.
Team Francesca La Fataliá.
You all…
Are safe.
The 4 nod.
You may untuck in the Bronze Lounge with Princess Papaya Cocktails.
“Bronze?!” Niagara gasps. “Just say losers!”
Chronologica laughs.
The 4 racers enter the Bronze Lounge.
Francesca La Fataliá: “To be safe isn’t concerning. I am satisfied with this. I felt confident enough- which is why I didn’t use the immunity potion.”
“Well, I kinda HATE this.” Niagara says, picking up her drink, before sitting down on the seats in a dramatic fashion, puffing her lips out.
“Girl.” Carly laughs. “What’s going on?”
Niagara bursts into tears.
Carly, Francesca and Nakomis all look deeply confused.
“I really just- I know I fucked up, and honestly, it’s just lame, and I really do want this. My titles- I don’t have many, if we’re being honest..” Niagara starts.
“Oh, this makes sense.” Nakomis nods, whispering under her breath.
“I was focused on me planning, executing and like, like, like DELIVERING, you know?” Niagara sighs. “And I wanted to lead, and I know I VOUCHED for it, like-” Niagara rolls her eyes, looking at Francesca. “Whatever.”
“I-” Francesca starts.
“I just want to prove myself.” Niagara says, more tears beginning to fall. “I’m not ugly and weird and maybe they want that after a pretty girl like Nymphe winning-”
Carly covers her mouth in an effort to stop herself from laughing.
Carly Shay Jepsen: “GIRL, she’s so fucking FUNNY!”
“But you know what? I don’t want to be ugly. I want to be pretty and I WANT this! I want it, you know?! AHH!” Niagara cries, sobbing into a pillow.
“Niagara, you need to stop with the crying.” Francesca rips the pillow away from her face. “You did a good job this week.”
“Wait, what?” Niagara says, confused as she wipes a tear with her long, blue nails.
“I do actually believe you worked hard, and led our team to a victory, of sorts. We all performed well- and your work ethic is something that surprised me. Clearly, you want this, and we can all see it. Well certainly, I do believe that.” Francesca says. “And I’m almost always right.”
Carly smiles. “Honestly, yeah, girl. You really helped out.”
“I actually do not believe myself to be a performer.” Nakomis says. “Not to reveal my weak spots!” Nakomis jokes. “But you made us come together, and put something solid.”
“I-” Niagara smiles. “Do you guys really think so?”
“Yes.” Francesca nods. “Don’t be annoying about this again.”
Niagara smiles, before transitioning into a smirk. “God, I'm such a STAR.”
The others laugh, as Francesca rolls her eyes lovingly.
You represent the tops and bottoms of the week. Starting with…
Team Ethan.
And our leader!
Ethan stands tall.
“Hello.” Ethan nods.
“I loved you.” Lupe smiles. “What a character you are!”
“I am not a character.” Ethan says gruffly. “I am me.”
“Well…” Lupe smiles awkwardly. “You performed really well. This look, darling, it had a nice message, a good idea, and I believe you worked well.”
“I do agree-” Rachelle starts. “However, you did get outshined by others, at times.”
Ethan nods.
“Why didn’t you pick the front and center role?”
“I believed i’d stand out regardless, and I had the capability to do so.” Ethan adds.
“In this case… you let others stand out- moreover, Ms Moon.” Rachelle says.
Ethan looks annoyed.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “I’ve made a misstep. I am not pleased.”
HOWEVER… you did lead a team to a really solid performance. I think you should be proud of that?
Ethan nods.
“Agreed. This is still you work to get here, regardless- and that’s worth celebrating.” Rachelle adds.
And on that topic… Shayla Moon!
“WOW.” Floss smiles. “Tell me, then- you got a big role, opening the performance. Did you ask for the role?”
“Yes I did.” Shayla grins. “For me, it’s important to see big girls like us, showing we can do… the same things Miss Gag can do.”
Lady Gag eyes Shayla.
“What do you mean by US big girls?” Floss says, a glint in her eye.
The two chuckle.
“Baby, I am so happy you said that. And you did that. Because damn, you fucking KILLED IT!” Floss beams.
Shayla looks proudly.
And this look. It’s a great reference point, doing LITERAL casino royale. You should be proud of yourself. And you look hot.
“I know.” Shayla says, winking.
“Hiya.” HerShe stands elegantly.
You look gorgeous this week.
“Thank you.” HerShe smiles.
I really enjoyed the look, but on the main stage, you were the weakest of your group. You struggled in the choreo space- I don’t think you were actually BAD. You were just in a strong, strong group where everyone performed and ultimately, you were the weakest link in your group.
“I get that.” HerShe nods. “I do-” HerShe stops herself. “Nevermind.”
Shayla, Lady Gag and Ethan all look at HerShe.
Please HerShe, go ahead.
“I don’t think it’s appropriate.” HerShe says, frowning.
“Say it.” Ethan growls.
“I do believe Ethan’s dictatorial attitude limited my abilities. I asked for adjustments- he didn’t support that. It hindered me.” HerShe says.
“Let me make this clear.” Ethan steps forward. “HerShe failed on the basis of her abilities. I believe I am- and my team are collectively in the top. She was the weakest link- but collectively, we worked well. I lead a team to victory.”
HerShe looks uncomfortable.
“Lady Gag. Did I lead you well?” Ethan turns.
“I mean, yes-”
“Yes.” Ethan says. “Shayla?”
“...Yes.” Shayla says.
“Good. Moving onto Lady Gag critiques.” Ethan says, cutting forward.
Shayla Moon: “...Oh dear.”
HerShe looks as if she wants to close into herself.
Lady Gag.
“Hot.” Lady Gag smiles.
“You are very pretty.” Lupe starts. “And-”
“Thanks.” Gag flicks her hair.
“I wish you did something different, for this runway, though?” Lupe says. “To me, there was a lot more you could do… than Lady Gaga.”
“She’s wording it nicely, I won’t.” Rachelle starts. “I want to see more than Gaga. In fact, I need it. Your performance was good, I won’t lie. But I keep only seeing Gaga. I need Gag.”
“Well, Lady Gaga is Lady Gag.”
“If your brand is only another person, you won’t get far here.” Rachelle says, annoyed. “Show more, or go home.”
Lady Gag purses her lips.
Lady Gag: “Ok, bitch.”
Moving onto team…
“Me.” Molly puts her hand up.
“Die by the sword…” Shiseido whispers, tindering her breath.
Well, it was a shame to see, Molly.
Molly nods.
You not only struggled, but you lead a really poor performance, to be quite transparent.
“100%.” Molly says, nodding again.
The lack of dance skill was on show, and for me, you tried to cover it up with comedy…
“I tried, so hard.” Molly laughs.
“It wasn’t enough..” Rachelle frowns. “You have a FUN presence- but sometimes we don’t need to be funny- and kooky, and play up a shtick. I feel like- I know you have potential. But I need you to push yourself- and I see someone also being real here.”
“For sure.” Molly says. “I’m frustrated, but I want to be here.”
“Keep the fire. You don’t always have to be funny though, boo.” Floss looks at Molly. “Sometimes you need to just… SERVE.” Floss snaps her fingers.
“Will do just for you mama.” Molly blows a kiss.
“Hello, judges!” Anne smiles.
“First, wow- you’re gorgeous, baby!” Lupe cheers.
“Oh, Lupe- Eres una inspiración, una luz, un faro de arrastre. Gracias.” Anne says with a bright smile.
“Oh…” Lupe blushes. “Thank you. You did lovely.”
“The Spanish was off.” Shayla whispers to Lokii.
“It was charming- you were a clear highlight in the group, and yes- it is a more literal take on the runway, but wow, did you deliver it!” Lupe looks excited. “Your drag is exciting. Keep shining.”
“I plan to!” Anne grins with an excessive smile.
Shiseido looks on with pride.
“First of all, this look-” Rachelle shakes her head. “Insane levels of artistry.”
“Thank you. Not everyone can say they can do this.” Shiseido purses her lips.
“You have showcased something insane. This look is next level.” Rachelle says, looking at the outfit. “However… your dance performance was beyond poor.”
Shiseido looks at Rachelle.
“We’re not all spring chickens, and that’s okay- I see experience in your drag, clearly with your looks. But you were not good at all this week. Really- the dance was on show, and it wasn’t good. You actually looked in your head.”
“Mhm.” Shiseido says, looking displeased.
“I wanted to see so much more. But what I got- it was not great.” Rachelle sighs. “And an older queen can deliver. You don't need to move wildly. But it’s about clean, effective movements. That’s what it is.”
“Okay.” Shiseido responds.
Molly Moppit: “Red is pissed, you can tell. She’s mean mugging these judges.”
Shiseido looks straight ahead.
“Hi.” Lokii waves.
You failed to stand out. And for others here, I’ll say that’s a bad thing.
“Mhm.” Lokii nods.
But in this group, you were lucky. Because you fumbled somehow into the role of 4th worst. Or second best.
“Okay!” Lokii chuckles.
“You are cute.” Floss notes. “But, babe- I want a bit more than that. I want to be like- “Damn, yes that is the LOKII brand.” Floss looks at Lokii. “I do not know that yet.”
“Thank you.” Lokii says.
Shayla Moon: “I see Lokii is quite similar to me. But there’s a lack of confidence- experience? That’s a shame, because I think she’s cool!”
Finally, Ms Vicki A.
Vicki curtseys.
“Now, you did fail to stand out, Vicki- and then you did.” Rachelle raises an eyebrow. “You almost tripped.”
“I did, ahh!” Vicki gulps.
“I noticed.” Rachelle says, shaking her head. “Thus far, I am wanting a bit more from you. You’re cute, but I want what makes you stand out. What makes you different, Vicki?”
“I’m here to make the people smile, perform and lead with my heart.” Vicki grins.
“Okay.” Rachelle nods, holding up her notes looking slightly displeased.
Thank you, racers. Whilst we deliberate, you may untuck backstage in the Fae Lounge. Sponsored by Princess Papaya Glitter Blueberry Drinks.
The racers enter the Fae Lounge.
“WELL!” Molly yells, walking into the werkroom.
Molly Moppit: “I know the score. I heard the critiques. This is the way it goes. I fumbled the ball, and now I need to prepare.”
“As much as I’d love the screentime, I’m not talking to any of you, I’m going to go prepare for the lip sync, byeeeeeeee!” Molly utters, walking over to the mirrors.
“Oh.” HerShe nods. “Okay.”
HerShe Kiss: “I actually admire Molly. As a leader, she owned her faults. And now, no bullshit- she’s learning her words.”
The top and bottom racers all sit down, bar Molly, no one uttering a further word.
“…So, how does everyone feel?” Vicki says, trying to cut the tension. “I don’t feel amazing!”
“I don’t feel good, obviously, Vicki.” Shisedo starts. “If you can’t read the damned room. I don’t think much of us are.”
“I actually feel great.” Shayla laughs, trying to cut the tension.
“Same.” Lady Gag smirks, turning to Anne. “You also ate girl.”
“I know.” Anne smiles. “I am predicting the win.”
Shayla makes a face.
Shayla Moon: “I am not someone who believes themselves to be mean, by nature. I don’t like mean. But really, is Anne, with her generic drag and middle of the road performance, really expecting the win?” Shayla looks into the camera. “Oh my, cut that out, I sounded like a BITCH!”
“You’d deserve it, girl. You’re hot.” Gag smile.s
“I know.” Anne nods. “And honestly, the-“
“Can you both shut the fuck up?” Ethan says, annoyed.
“Who pissed in his suit?” Gag asks.
HerShe puts her hand up. “Ethan, if you-“
“HerShe, this isn’t about you. Calm down.” Ethan responds, not giving HerShe a chance to speak.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “I am damn frustrated at myself. I let Shayla outshine me. And that is what I am annoyed about.”
“I just don’t like any of this.” Shiseido shrugs. “And Molly, our leader is there, instead of apologizing for something I believe she should be, leading this team to failure-“
Shayla Moon: “I don’t get it. Molly DID own up to it. She’s now there, learning her words. Why are you complaining, Shiseido? Why aren’t YOU earning up to your own behavior?”
“It’s just ridiculous. It’s-”
Suddenly, the safe Queens enter the werkroom, as Carly cheers, holding a tray of lasagna. “What’s crackin?! Who wants MEAT?”
“….What is going on.” Shiseido raises her hands in disbelief.
“Whatever.” Shiseido stomps off, walking without a word. “I need a cigarette.”
“Let her sulk, like a child.” Anne says, before turning to whisper in Gag’s ear. “Honestly, I think Niagara has a good work ethic. She sews. Perhaps she can help us out in future? Maybe we can be friends with her? Or…” Anne says sarcastically. “Frieeeends…”
“Niagara BABE! Come sit with us!” Lady Gag waves Niagara over, as Niagara looks surprised.
Francesca raises her eyebrow as Niagara excitedly walks over.
“Is no one going to go say something…?” Carly points to the exit.
“She’s an adult.” Ethan responds.
“I don’t think I’d be any use…” Vicki frowns.
“I also need a cigarette, I’m Italian-“ Francesca says, looking at the camera. “Can I order an espresso?”
“Bitch, I’d love a coffee!!” Molly yells from the other side of the room.
Suddenly, a pit crew member walks in with a plate of deliciously appetizing Princess Papaya Espresso-Caffeinated Cocktails to Francesca’s disgust.
The racers start dividing into little groups to chat. Lady Gag, Niagara and Anne chat near the drinks.
“So, Niagara, girl.” Lady Gag smiles. “Like, you did really well.”
“I thought you’d win, actually.” Anne nods. “You lead your team like a true queen...”
“Oh…” Niagara says, surprised. “Gag, girl- like thank you, I didn’t expect this from you after week one, bitch. So to see the compliments from you-“
‘It’s SO deserved.” Anne smiles.
“I heard you sewed your own look this week too?” Lady Gag asks inquisitively.
“I did.” Niagara nods. “I do ALL my own looks, actually.” Niagara stops herself. “I thought I said that week one on stage?”
“I must’ve not been listening.” Lady Gag smiles. “But like, I’d love some tips. Maybe you could help us out?”
“You’re one of the girls.” Anne nods. “Like, one of us- the pretty dolls.”
Niagara Halls gasps. “I didn’t realize you were trans!”
“…Oh, I’m not.” Anne says.
Niagara nods in confusion.
“We can make the A.E. Girls look like weak losers if we band together.” Anne smirks. “I think.”
“…Oh, 100%.” Lady Gag leans into her seat with a smirk.
“…Werk.” Niagara nods.
Niagara Halls: “I want this WIN. And now, the opportunity to have allies? Of COURSE I’ll take it.”

“Please, dig into the Lasagna. I baked it myself.” Carly says to HerShe and Vicki, as Nakomis laughs.
“You can bake lasagna?” Nakomis utters under her breath in confusion.
“Oh, I can’t.” HerShe says with apprehension. “Too many carbs…”
“Fuck those carbs.” Carly laughs.
HerShe shakes her head.
“Now, HerShe- I must ask, are you okay?” Vicki frowns. “I know Ethan went quite tough on you..”
“Wait, what happened?” Carly asks, looking at the others.
“Did I miss a drag race herstory moment?” Nakomis frowns. “Nooooo!”
“It was just- I was trying to be open, and honest on the main stage. Ethan attacked me, verbally. At least it felt that way.” HerShe sighs. “But, I’ve heard worse. I must go forward. I must move forward.”
The others nod.
“What about you, Vicki?” HerShe asks. “I know the critiques were rough…”
“I love my drag.” Vicki smiles. “I love what I do. I love this art form. And if we struggle, that’s okay! I am still proud of myself.”
“That’s so sweet.” Nakomis looks at Vicki.
“Leading with light, always.” Vicki nods.
“I honestly do think, they’re not missing a chance for that Shisedo versus Molly Beef. You can cut that tension with a butter knife. You’ll be fine, girl.” HerShe says.
“I hope so.” Vicki nods.
HerShe Kiss: “Vicki feels like one of the REAL lights here. She’s just sweet. I want so much for her. She’s like… the one source of LIGHT here. She deserves the best.”

“You okay?” Shayla walks over to Molly, her hand on her shoulder.
“I’m okay.” Molly nods, before letting in a deep sigh. “I really do take this seriously.”
“I didn’t say youdon’t.” Shayla says.
“Like, sometimes, I get it, I’m fun- but this is my livelihood. I want this.” Molly looks at Shayla. “I need this, really.”
“You’ve got the words- give your all.” Shayla smiles. “That is all you can do.”
Molly Moppit: “I can feel myself being judged by some of these more “serious” entertainers, whatever that means, but I can’t let them dim my light. Never have, never will. I feel a fire to prove them bucktoothed clowns wrong- and even prove the judges when it comes to my performance skills! The Molly Moppit way, duh!”

Shiseido lights a cigarette, as Francesca walks outside.
“I’m not in the mood.” Shiseido says, not looking at her.
“I’m not here for you, I’m here for me.” Francesca lights her own cigarette.

The two inhale and exhale without uttering another word.

“Screw this.” Shiseido throws her cigarette.
“You’re scared.” Francesca finishes her cigarette.
“Damn right, I’m scared.” Shiseido snaps. “I’m double the age most of these bitches are-”
“Not an excuse.” Francesca responds. “As am I. I ate HerShe alive last week.”
“I wasn’t there, I wouldn’t know.” Shiseido responds, taking out another cigarette.
“Fags.” Francesca looks ahead.
“What?!” Shiseido turns to Francesca.
“Can I have one of your fags, idiot.” Francesca responds, her face giving a cheeky grin..
Shiseido rolls her eyes, before giving a half smirk, handing Francesca.
Shiseido Red: “She isn’t even british… what the fuck?”
“I don’t even know the words this week.” Shiseido says. “At all.”
“Well, how about you-”
“MAIN STAGE, RACERS!” A producer yells.
Francesca looks at Shiseido. “....Oh dear.”
Shiseido sighs sadly. “Time to face my fate.”
Welcome back, racers, I’ve made some decisions.
Shayla smiles.
This week, you danced your ass off, and Vegas is yours for the taking.
Condragulations, you are the winner of this week’s challenge.
“Ahhh!” Shayla cheers, as does most of the others.
Shayla Moon: “My first win! I promise this- it’s not my last.” Shayla winks.
Ethan readjusts himself, clearly bothered.
“Girl, I’m gagged it wasn’t you…” Anne whispers, leaning over to Lady Gag who nods.
Team Ethan, well done, you are safe.
Lady Gag: “I am fierce, mama. I am proud of myself, and that is what matters.”

You are safe.
Lokii sighs in relief.
Lokii: “That was not a fun feeling.” Lokii exhales. “Okay, I’ve survived..”
Vicki, this week, you failed to stand out. Until you did, for the wrong reasons.
Molly, this week, you lead a team… to failure.
I’m sorry my dear, you are up for elimination.
Molly nods.
Shiseido, we want a LOT more than visuals. And this week, you bombed, HARD.

You are SAFE.
Everyone gasps, looking surprised, including Shiseido herself.
“Thank you judges.” Shiseido hurries off.
That means Mrs Vicki Anderson and Molly Moppit, I’m sorry my dears, but you are up for elimination.
The time has come… for you to lip sync to your life!
**I Should Be So Lucky by Kylie Minogue starts to play**
Good luck… and don’t fuck it up!
Molly Moppit: “Well, I didn’t expect to be here so quick! But, I’m a fighter, and a hustler. I’m not going down. I’m sorry Vicki, but I’m taking this lip sync win.”
Mrs. Vicki Anderson: “I am not a dancer, but I’m an entertainer at heart and I will be giving my best. A smile on my face, a groove in my heart- let’s tango!”
Next Time!
Racers, this week, you’ll be designing your own Dungeons and Drag characters- and a fierce main stage look!
“Niaaaagarraaa…” Lady Gag smiles. “Can you help?”
“I’m not helping you, Carly.” Francesca looks at an upset Carly with a stern glaze.
“AHHHHHH!” Carly yells. “I’ve stabbed myself!”
So, HerShe, can you make your own looks?
HerShe begins to sweat.
submitted by AustralianChrono to ChronologicasDragRace [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:04 ahasick [FOR SALE] Thinning out the collection… Alternative, Indie, Electronic, Hip-Hop, Classic Rock, etc.

Prices include shipping to anywhere in the US. Let me know if you have any questions or want to see pictures. Grading is Sleeve/Media. Willing to bundle, just let me know which records you’re interested in.
Arcade Fire - The Suburbs VG+/VG+. $25 SOLD
Arlie - Wait NM/NM. $22
Bay Faction - Bay Faction VG/VG+, Slight crease on top right corner of sleeve. $35
Beach House - Bloom VG/VG+, Slight creasing and wear on sleeve but otherwise great shape. $25
Beach House - Depression Cherry VG/VG+, Letters on sleeve are a bit faded but that is to be expected given the sleeve is felt textured. $22
Beach House - Teen Dream VG+/NM. $25
Black Country, New Road - Ants From Up There VG/VG+, Slight creasing on sleeve but overall nice shape. $25
Black Country, New Road - For The First Time VG+/VG+. $22
Black Midi - Cavalcade VG/VG+, Slight crease on bottom right corner but otherwise nice shape. $18
Brockhampton - Iridescence VG/VG+, Crease on top of sleeve but otherwise nice shape. $22
Brockhampton - Saturation I (baby blue bootleg) NM/NM. $25 SOLD
Brockhampton - Saturation II (orange bootleg) NM/NM. $25 SOLD
Cage The Elephant - Melophobia NM/NM. $60
Cage The Elephant - Neon Pill M/M Sealed. SIGNED version. $65
Cage The Elephant - Tell Me I’m Pretty VG+/VG+. $25
Chief Keef - Finally Rich VG+/VG+. $45
Clams Casino - Instrumental Relics NM/NM. $45 SOLD
Daft Punk - Discovery VG+/NM. $30
Danny Brown - Quaranta NM/NM. SIGNED version. $60
Daughters - Daughters. VG/VG+. $25
Dayglow - Fuzzybrain NM/NM. $28
Earl Sweatshirt - Doris G+/VG. Some wear on the sleeve and spine but overall a decent copy. $17
Ginger Root - Rikki NM/NM. $35
JPEGMAFIA & Danny Brown - Scaring The Hoes NM/NM. $35
Kanye West - The Life Of Pablo Orange bootleg. VG+/VG+. $45
King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard - Butterfly 3000 NM/NM. $32
King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard - Fishing For Fishies VG+/VG+. Some wear on top of sleeve. $22
The Lumineers - Brightside NM/NM. $22
MGMT - Oracular Spectacular VG+/VG+. Tiny crease on top of sleeve but overall great. $24
Mystic 100s - On A Micro Diet VG+/NM. Small crease on top right of sleeve but otherwise great. $35
Nothing - Guilty Of Everything VG+/NM. $25
The Orwells - Disgraceland VG+/NM. $35
Passion Pit - Gossamer VG/VG+. Original Pressing with CD included. Creasing on bottom left of sleeve but otherwise great. $50
Pink Floyd - Animals NM/NM. $24 SOLD
Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon VG+/NM. $24 SOLD
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here NM/NM. $22 SOLD
Queens Of The Stone Age - …Like Clockwork NM/NM. $35
Queens Of The Stone Age - Songs For The Deaf VG+/NM. $35 SOLD
Soft Kill - Dead Kids R.I.P. City VG+/NM. $25
Spirit Of The Beehive - Entertainment, Death VG+/NM. Small crease on top of sleeve. $25
Spirit Of The Beehive - Hypnic Jerks NM/NM. $25
Spirit Of The Beehive - I’m So Lucky NM/NM. $22
The Strokes - Is This It VG+/VG+. $18 SOLD
Tame Impala - Currents VG+/NM. $30
Thee Oh Sees - Floating Coffin NM/NM. $22
Tropical Fuck Storm - A Laughing Death In Meatspace NM/NM. $24
Twenty One Pilots - Blurryface VG/VG+. $22
Twenty One Pilots - Trench VG+/VG+. $25
Tyler, The Creator - Wolf Boxset VG+/NM. $75 SOLD
Tyler, The Creator - Wolf NM/NM. $32
Viagra Boys - Cave World VG+/NM. $42
Viagra Boys - Street Worms NM/NM. $25
Viagra Boys - Welfare Jazz Deluxe NM/NM. $25
The Voidz - Virtue VG+/VG+. $30
submitted by ahasick to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:19 luchiieidlerz What’s your favourite city cultural style/aesthetic?

Aesthetics/Style for each city (Global Edition):
Miami (Scarface, Drug Lords, Carribean/Latin American Vibe, GTA Vice City 1980s Vibe, Tropical Palm trees)
Similar to Las Vegas (Hedonism, Casinos, Prostitutes, Drugs, Partying)
Tokyo (Anime, Technology, Video Games, Waifu/Hentai, Nintendo, Colourful)
Washington DC (CIA special agents, terrorists, military, the president, the FBI, Osama Bin Ladin, the White House)
Atlanta (Rapstars, Black American culture, Trap soundcloud rap)
London (Buckingham Palace, The Queen, 101 Dalmatians, The Big Ben, Tracksuit, Wagwan, Roadman, JD, Footasylum)
NYC (urban, yellow taxis, over populated, subways, crazy bystanders, pizza)
Dubai (Plastic Surgery, Sandy, skyscrapers, Materialism, Hot, Fake, Oil)
Every city carries its own little artsy style
submitted by luchiieidlerz to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:10 AdamFaigen Looking for a specific game

So chumba and Luckyland got rid of it, and now modo is not allowing players in Maryland... I'm looking for a social casino legal in Md that has John Hunter and the Tomb of the Scarab Queen. Ideally somewhere that has other games that chumba got rid of...
submitted by AdamFaigen to ChumbaCasino [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:44 FancyInvestment397 Top Blackjack Online Casinos

Top Blackjack Online Casinos
Our experts have tested, reviewed, and compared the top casinos where you can play online blackjack for real money. Whether you’re an experienced player, or you’re a novice looking to play “21”, we’ve got the top sites for you to play.
Check out our list of the best online blackjack casinos, see which games have the best house edge for players, and find the most secure sites to play. Review the rules, learn how to sign up at an online casino, and take advantage of great blackjack bonuses.
Top Blackjack Online Casinos

Best Online Blackjack Casinos For Real Money

There are lots of sites where you can play blackjack for real money online. Some are better than others in certain categories. Here’s our list of the top online blackjack real money sites available to players right now:
  • Best Blackjack Online Casino – Wild Casino
  • Top Live Online Blackjack – Ignition Casino
  • Great Variety Of Real Money Blackjack Titles – Bovada
  • Best Online Blackjack Bonus – BetUS
  • Best Blackjack Casino For Beginners – DuckyLuck
  • Top Crypto Blackjack Casino Site – Cafe Casino
  • Best Online Blackjack Casino For Mobile – SlotsandCasino

Best Blackjack Online Casino – Wild Casino

Wild Casino is our top-rated real money blackjack casino with a huge selection of 22 blackjack games. Games include sought-after titles like Jackpot Blackjack, Blackjack 11, and 5 Handed American Blackjack. With over 20 blackjack RNG titles, Wild Casino’s blackjack library is the most comprehensive we’ve come across. One of our favorites is Rolling Stack Blackjack, where you receive extra winnings if your first two cards are Ace-King, Suited Straight, Flush Pair, or Straight. You can take those winnings and pocket them, or you can add them to the wager you currently are playing.
Players can also compete for thousands of dollars in daily blackjack tournaments. Each day’s prize pot is either $5,000, $10,000, or $20,000. Tournaments are free to enter, with rebuys of just $5.
Wild’s live casino experience caters to players of all budgets. There are 27 live blackjack tables to join, with bet limits ranging from $5-$100 all the way to $100-$20,000. There are also 24 payment methods available and a $5,000 welcome offer to split over your first five deposits.

Top Live Online Blackjack – Ignition Casino

Ignition Casino has one of the biggest live blackjack lobbies where you can play with people online. Here, players can mingle with one another as they hit and stand. There are plenty of six-person tables available, covering the full range of bet limits. Low bets start from $5 on the Early Payout tables that carry a 99.5% RTP. Higher rollers can join tables with $10 minimum bets, up to a bet bracket of $250 to $50,000.
It’s easy to see which tables are full and where free seats are available in the Ignition Live Casino lobby. Take advantage of unlimited bet behinds if you can’t secure a seat. Ignition also has a strong range of automated blackjack games, including Double Deck, Classic, Zappit, and Perfect Pairs.

Great Variety Of Real Money Blackjack Titles – Bovada

Bovada offers nine different online blackjack real money games, along with access to a far larger live casino lobby. The site offers a great range of game types from single-deck and double-deck blackjack, to European blackjack. Intricate games like Perfect Paris and Zappit are also available with a wide bet range, so everyone can get involved.
Bovada’s blackjack software is provided by Real Time Gaming, Rival and Betsoft. They’ve become specialists in delivering secure, glitch-free casino games across the industry. New players can trigger a 100% matched welcome bonus up to $3,000 that carries the industry standard 10% contribution rate for blackjack.

Best Online Blackjack Bonus – BetUS

BetUS has an online blackjack bonus that is ideal for both experienced and new players. Get 50% matched up to $500 when you deposit using the promo code PUMPKIN50. The offer carries a 30x wagering requirement and expires after 14 days. There’s a $50 minimum deposit, with options including Mastercard, VISA, and Bitcoin. It’s extremely rare to find a casino bonus specifically tied to blackjack, which is why BetUS gets the nod here.
Taking advantage of this bonus lets you explore the BetUS blackjack lobby without risking your full budget. There are 20 blackjack games to play at BetUS, including Super 7 and 21 Burn blackjack that come with 10¢ minimum bets. Big-budget players can deal on high limit multi-hand tables and double exposure games with $50 minimum bets.

Best Blackjack Casino For Beginners – DuckyLuck

New online blackjack players can dive straight into the action on DuckyLuck’s five dedicated blackjack tables. You can start off with their standard blackjack offering and try their single-deck blackjack game to learn the ropes.
Ducky Luck RTPs for blackjack range from over 99.5% for the standard game, to 97.21% on Rolling Stack Blackjack. Each version comes with an information section, so you can learn the details of the game you’re playing. The live casino, provided by Fresh Deck Studios, gives players access to seven-seat unlimited blackjack. Beginners can trigger Ducky Luck’s 500% welcome bonus of up to $2,500 and bets contribute 10% towards the 30x wagering, but it’s nevertheless a worthwhile offer.

Top Crypto Blackjack Casino Site – Cafe Casino

Playing blackjack with crypto is growing in popularity, yet not every site offers Bitcoin, Litecoin, etc. as payment options. Cafe Casino was one of the first to dive into crypto deposits and withdrawals – and blackjack players have been reaping the rewards. Using crypto is an increasingly attractive option as players benefit from faster, free withdrawals, higher payout limits, and larger weekly bonuses.
You can get a $2,500 matched deposit on your first crypto transaction, and players can join the VIP club to access bigger and better tables. There are seven real money blackjack games to play at Cafe Casino, plus two live dealer tables. All games accept bets from accounts charged via crypto.

Best Online Blackjack Casino For Mobile – SlotsandCasino

SlotsandCasino has an optimized mobile site that accesses blackjack games within just three taps. Mobile blackjack at SlotsandCasino is glitch-free and ideal for Apple and Android screens. Navigation is simple and games load fast, even using mobile data.
The mobile site is one of the best blackjack apps we’ve come across. It is designed for easy card deposits or Bitcoin withdrawals. There’s also a High Roller Club VIP program that allows players access to higher bet limits, cashback, and a 20% reload bonus. Keep an eye out for $10,000 casino tournaments that include blackjack as a featured game.

How We Evaluate The Best Online Blackjack Casinos

Our expert online blackjack reviewers ensure every recommended site meets industry-leading standards. We only recommend sites that are safe and secure, have proven reputations, provide excellent customer service, and are mobile-compatible. We also dig deep into casino sites to find criteria that are important to blackjack players. Here’s how we evaluate the best online blackjack casinos:
  1. Blackjack Game VarietyWe assess the range of blackjack games available at every casino site we review. Some sites offer lots of games, while others provide a small, dedicated range of blackjack types.
  2. Secure Banking OptionsBlackjack sites must have a range of secure banking options, and be able to process card, e-wallet, and crypto payments. We also look for TLS encryption as standard.
  3. Live Dealer Blackjack OfferThe best online blackjack sites have fantastic live dealer sections. We look at a site’s table numbers, blackjack varieties, bet limits, and stream quality.
  4. Blackjack-Specific BonusesWe look favorably on sites that provide new and existing players with blackjack specific bonuses. Matched deposits, free chips, and tournament entries are just three types of blackjack bonuses we look for.

Best Online Blackjack Games To Win Real Money

Blackjack can be a good game to pad your bankroll as it is the game with the lowest house edge, and one of its variations (Single Deck Blackjack) has the lowest overall house edge of any casino game you can play. The lower the house edge, the better your chances of winning money.
Here are the various types of blackjack you can expect to find:

Single Deck Blackjack

The blackjack game with the lowest house edge is Single Deck Blackjack. It’s the simplest form of blackjack, and the best to play to win money. Only one deck is used in the game, so you can be sure that there are no repeating cards. The deck is shuffled on each hand. Software developer Qora offers DuckyLuck Casino players with a Single Deck Blackjack game featuring Insurance, Re-bet, and Re-bet x2 options. RTP is usually around 99.92%.

Double Deck Blackjack

Double Deck Blackjack uses two card decks per hand and generally has a lower house edge than Single Deck. Bovada’s Double Deck game requires dealers to stand on soft 17, while the max bet is $250 – ideal for those on smaller budgets. The average RTP on Double Deck Blackjack is 99.77%.

Suit ‘Em Up Blackjack

Suit Em Up Blackjack at El Royale Casino runs along the same rules as standard blackjack, but there’s a handy side bet available. Take this option and you’ll win if your first two cards are the same suit. You’ll bet a 2:1 payout for two suited cards, 5:1 for a suited pair, 10:1 for suited blackjack, and 50:1 for suited aces. The RTP is 99.63%.

Blackjack Multi-Hand

Multi-Hand Blackjack allows players to deal two or more hands in the same game. It’s perfect for those who want to quickly boost their winnings and are willing to take that risk. You can also test new strategies knowing you have back-up hands if you go bust. BetUS multi-hand blackjack offers minimum bets from just $1 and a 99.60% RTP.

Spanish 21

Spanish 21 is an alternative to standard blackjack that has a lower house edge. You can also double down any time and split aces more often. There are also no tens in Spanish 21, meaning the game is more complex. See our Blackjack vs Spanish 21 guide for more details. The average RTP is 99.60%. Play at BetUS.

Multi-Deck Blackjack

Multi-Deck Blackjack is a term for games with more than two decks. At Ignition Casino, this generally refers to its six-deck and eight-deck variants. These games make it harder for players to calculate the likelihood of cards emerging from the pack. Six-deck variants carry a 0.40% house edge, and eight-deck games 0.43%.

Perfect Pairs

Perfect Pairs has the same rules as standard blackjack but you get a bonus payout for nailing a pair. Cafe Casino’s Perfect Pairs game pays out 6:1 for a mixed pair, 12:1 for colored pair, and 25:1 for a perfect pair (same card twice). The 99.37% RTP is lower than standard blackjack in order to accommodate the pair bonuses.

Zappit Blackjack

Experienced players who know the pain of being dealt a hard 15, 16, or 17 can do something about it with Zappit Blackjack. The game lets you discard a hand on those hard deals, and start again. To even things out, if a dealer busts on 22 then your stake is pushed. Cafe Casino’s Zappit Blackjack has a 98.85% RTP.

Rolling Stack Blackjack

Rolling Stack Blackjack offers players the chance to supercharge their winnings. Place a side bet and get paid if you’re dealt Ace-King Suited, Straight Flush, Pair, or Straight. You can add your side-bet winnings to your original wager and chase even bigger rewards. Rolling Stack Blackjack RTP is lower than most blackjack games to compensate for the big win potential. DuckyLuck’s Rolling Stack Blackjack carries a 97.21% RTP.

Basic Rules Of Blackjack For Real Money

Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games to play, in part because it is also one of the easiest to learn. Anyone can pick up and learn how to play a basic game of blackjack, but it’s important to have a good grasp of the rules before you start betting money and before you start developing a strategy. We recommend starting by playing demo games until you’re up to speed. Here are the basic rules of blackjack:
  • The aim of blackjack is to make a hand with card values totaling 21, but not exceeding it
  • Card values are relative to their numbers, with Jacks, Queens, and Kings worth 10, and Aces worth either 1 or 11
  • Players bet against the dealer, who also creates a hand. Each player makes a blind bet and is and dealt two cards, facing up
  • The dealer is also dealt two cards, but only one faces up
  • You need to beat the dealer’s hand in order to win the game and secure a payout
  • When it’s your turn to play, you can choose to Hit or Stand
  • If you Hit, you receive another card. You keep hitting until you go bust or you decide to hold
  • At this stage, the dealer upturns their face-down card and plays the game. They are usually obliged to hit up to 17
  • If you stand at a higher number than the dealer, but not above 21, then you win
  • If you’re dealt Ace + either Jack, Queen, or King then you hit Blackjack and automatically win
  • If the dealer’s hand is better than yours, the dealer wins. If you both stand on the same score, your bet is pushed back

What Is The Object Of Blackjack?

The object of blackjack is to beat the dealer. You win your bet by creating a hand with higher card totals, no greater than 21. Any higher and you go bust and lose the game.
Your hand strength relates to your cards. Every time you Hit you add to your total. Keep hitting until you think you can beat the dealer and Stand.
The dealer then plays their game. Their object is to beat you by getting closest to 21. Whoever is closest wins, but, if you go bust, you lose before seeing what the dealer has.
Card Point Values in Blackjack:
  • Ace: 1 or 11 points (player’s choice)
  • Cards 2 to 10: correspond to their numerical value
  • Face Cards (King, Queen, Jack): 10 points

How To Sign Up & Play Real Money Blackjack Online

Online casinos make real money blackjack easy to play, thanks to the wide variety of games and guides. If you haven’t played before, you can follow these simple steps to get started:
  1. Find A Blackjack Site. Start by reading our trusted blackjack reviews and finding a site that meets your preferences. Look for a site that offers the right game types for you, can meet your budget, and has a great welcome offer.
  2. Click ‘Join’. When signing up, US-based players simply need to click the ‘Join’ button on a casino homepage and begin entering their details. Provide data such as your name, age, address, and phone number.
  3. Create An Account. You’ll need to create a casino account to play blackjack online. Provide your email address and create a username. Then set a secure password.
  4. Complete ID Checks. You might need to complete verification checks at your chosen blackjack site to help prevent fraud and money laundering.
  5. Make A Deposit. Once you’ve created your profile, you’ll be invited to make a deposit. Click on your preferred deposit option and complete the stages of making a payment. Remember to trigger a welcome deal here, sometimes this requires a promo code.
  6. Find Your Game. Once your account is funded, head over to the blackjack section of your casino and browse games. Remember to look for a game that suits your preferences, including min/max bet levels and RTP.
  7. Get Playing. You’re ready to start playing! Start playing blackjack for real money or test the game first in demo/free play mode.

Basic Blackjack Strategy

Nailing a good blackjack strategy is important if you hope to earn money from online blackjack. Here are a few quick tips to help you get started:
  1. Hit On Hard 12. If the dealer’s up-card is a 2 or 3, then hit on hard 12. You risk totaling 22 but are more likely to produce a winnable hand.
  2. Split Pairs Of 8s And Aces. Got a pair of 8s or Aces? Split them into two and play with two hands. They’re both valuable cards individually.
  3. Double Down On Hard 11. If you’re dealt a hard 11 then double down with an extra bet. You won’t go bust at your next card and there’s a high likelihood you’ll nail 17 or above.
  4. Avoid Insurance. Blackjack insurance is a side bet where you wager on if the dealer’s up-card is an Ace. The insurance protects you if the dealer has blackjack. Don’t bother with it, as it only pays 2:1, which is lower than the likelihood of the dealer having blackjack.
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to GamblingSites [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:33 yawningvoid28 Turner Classic Movies (U.S.) Daily Schedule for June, 2024.

(All Airtimes E.S.T.)
(1:00AM) Scott Joplin (1977/1h 36m/Biography/Jeremy Kagan)
(3:00AM) The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943/2h 43m/WaMichael Powell)
(6:00AM) The Sun Comes Up (1949/1h 33m/Drama/Richard Thorpe)
(8:00AM) MGM CARTOONS: Barnyard Babies (1935/0h 9m/Animation/Rudolf Ising)
(8:10AM) The Day of Rest (1939/0h 9m/Comedy/Basil Wrangell)
(8:20AM) Glimpses of Florida (1941/0h 9m/Documentary/James A. Fitzpatrick)
(8:30AM) The Last Ride (1944/0h 57m/Crime/D. Ross Lederman)
(9:30AM) Lincoln's Doctor's Dog (1955/0h 30m/Comedy/H.C. Potter)
(10:00AM) POPEYE: The Spinach Roadster (1936/0h 6m/Animation/Dave Fleischer)
(10:07AM) The Falcon and the Co-eds (1944/1h 8m/Mystery/William Clemens)
(11:30AM) Alaska Lifeboat (1956/0h 20m/Documentary/Herbert Morgan)
(12:00PM) The Producers (1967/1h 28m/Comedy/Mel Brooks)
(1:45PM) The Bad Seed (1956/2h 9m/HorroMervyn Le Roy)
(4:15PM) The Boy with Green Hair (1948/1h 22m/Drama/Joseph Losey)
(5:45PM) The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars And Motor Kings (1976/1h 50m/Comedy/John Badham)
(8:00PM) The Gunfighter (1950/1h 24m/Western/Henry King)
(9:45PM) Gun Crazy (1950/1h 27m/Crime/Joseph H. Lewis)
(12:00AM) Tomorrow Is Another Day (1951/1h 30m/Film-NoiFelix Feist)
(2:00AM) The Remains Of The Day (1993/2h 14m/Drama/James Ivory)
(4:30AM) Cries and Whispers (1972/1h 35m/Drama/Ingmar Bergman)
(6:15AM) The Honeymoon Killers (1969/1h 46m/Crime/Leonard Kastle)
(8:30AM) Cast a Dark Shadow (1955/1h 25m/Suspense/Lewis Gilbert)
(10:00AM) Tomorrow Is Another Day (1951/1h 30m/Film-NoiFelix Feist)
(11:45AM) A Star Is Born (1937/1h 51m/Romance/William A. Wellman)
(1:45PM) Big City (1948/1h 43m/Crime/Norman Taurog)
(3:45PM) Auntie Mame (1958/2h 23m/Comedy/Morton DaCosta)
(6:15PM) Critic's Choice (1963/1h 40m/Comedy/Don Weis)
(8:00PM) American Graffiti (1973/1h 49m/Comedy/George Lucas)
(10:00PM) Peggy Sue Got Married (1986/1h 45m/Comedy/Francis Ford Coppola)
(12:00AM) The Cossacks (1928/1h 40m/Drama/George Hill)
(2:00AM) El casado casa quiere (1950/1h 22m/Drama/Gilberto Martínez Solares)
(3:30AM) Los que volvieron (1947/1h 18m/Drama/Alejandro Galindo)
(5:00AM) Everybody's Hobby (1939/0h 54m/Comedy/William McCann)
(6:00AM) The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938/1h 42m/Adventure/Michael Curtiz)
(7:30AM) Quality Street (1937/1h 24m/Comedy/George Stevens)
(8:00AM) A Star Is Born (1954/2h 56m/Musical/George Cukor)
(9:00AM) The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938/1h 42m/Adventure/Michael Curtiz)
(10:45AM) A Star Is Born (1954/2h 56m/Musical/George Cukor)
(1:45PM) Mutiny on the Bounty (1935/2h 12m/Adventure/Frank Lloyd)
(4:00PM) Ben-Hur (1959/3h 32m/Drama/William Wyler)
(8:00PM) Out Of Africa (1985/2h 42m/Romance/Sydney Pollack)
(10:50PM) The Mission (1986/2h 5m/Drama/Roland Joffé)
(1:00AM) Johnny Belinda (1948/1h 42m/Drama/Jean Negulesco)
(2:45AM) Max Steiner: Maestro of Movie Music (2021/2h 0m/Documentary/Diana Friedberg)
(4:45AM) Koyaanisqatsi (1982/1h 27m/Documentary/Godfrey Reggio)
(6:15AM) The Casino Murder Case (1935/1h 23m/Mystery/Edwin L. Marin)
(7:45AM) Fast and Loose (1939/1h 20m/Mystery/Edwin L. Marin)
(9:15AM) No Time for Comedy (1940/1h 33m/Comedy/William Keighley)
(11:00AM) Mourning Becomes Electra (1947/2h 50m/Drama/Dudley Nichols)
(1:45PM) The Feminine Touch (1941/1h 37m/Comedy/Major W. S. Van Dyke II)
(3:30PM) The Women (1939/2h 12m/Comedy/George Cukor)
(6:00PM) The Velvet Touch (1948/1h 37m/Suspense/John Gage)
(8:00PM) Bright Eyes (1934/1h 23m/Comedy/David Butler)
(9:45PM) Moon Over Miami (1941/1h 31m/Musical/Walter Lang)
(11:30PM) The Gang’s All Here (1943/1h 43m/Musical/Busby Berkeley)
(1:30AM) Sun Valley Serenade (1941/1h 26m/Musical/H. Bruce Humberstone)
(3:15AM) Duchess of Idaho (1950/1h 38m/Musical/Robert Z. Leonard)
(5:00AM) Thrill of a Romance (1945/1h 45m/Musical/Richard Thorpe)
(7:00AM) Cat People (1942/1h 11m/HorroJacques Tourneur)
(8:15AM) The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945/1h 50m/Drama/Albert Lewin)
(10:15AM) The Scapegoat (1959/1h 32m/Suspense/Robert Hamer)
(12:00PM) Victim (1961/1h 40m/Drama/Basil Dearden)
(1:45PM) Diabolique (1955/1h 47m/Suspense/Henri-georges Clouzot)
(3:45PM) The Last Of Sheila (1973/2h 0h/Mystery/Herbert Ross)
(6:00PM) Strangers on a Train (1951/1h 36m/Suspense/Alfred Hitchcock)
(8:00PM) Stagecoach (1939/1h 36m/Western/John Ford)
(10:00PM) The Searchers (1956/1h 59m/Western/John Ford)
(2:30AM) Sergeant Rutledge (1960/1h 51m/Western/John Ford)
(4:30AM) Journey to Italy (1954/1h 24m/Drama/Roberto Rossellini)
(6:00AM) Code Name: Emerald (1985/1h 33m/WaJonathan Sanger)
(8:00AM) The Americanization of Emily (1964/1h 57m/WaArthur Hiller)
(10:00AM) George Stevens: A Filmmaker's Journey (1984/1h 50m/Documentary/George Stevens, Jr.)
(12:00PM) 36 Hours (1964/1h 55m/WaGeorge Seaton)
(5:30PM) George Stevens: D-Day to Berlin (1994/0h 50m/Documentary/George Stevens, Jr.)
(6:30PM) Overlord (1975/1h 25m/WaStuart Cooper)
(11:00PM) The Longest Day (1962/3h 0m/WaKen Annakin)
(2:15AM) Eye of the Needle (1981/1h 51/Suspense/Richard Marquand)
(4:15AM) I See A Dark Stranger (1946/1h 52m/Suspense/Frank Launder)
(6:15AM) Hamlet (1948/2h 35m/Drama/Laurence Olivier)
(9:00AM) Sherlock Jr. (1924/0h 51m/Silent/Buster Keaton)
(10:00AM) City Lights (1931/1h 27m/Silent/Charles Chaplin)
(11:45AM) Confidential Report (1955/1h 39m/Suspense/Orson Welles)
(1:45PM) Bananas (1971/1h 21m/Comedy/Woody Allen)
(3:30PM) Invitation to the Dance (1956/1h 33m/Musical/Gene Kelly)
(5:30PM) Yentl (1983/2h 14m/Musical/Barbra Streisand)
(8:00PM) Lincoln (2012/2h 29m/Drama/Steven Spielberg)
(10:45PM) In the Name of the Father (1993/2h 7m/Biography/Terry George)
(1:15AM) My Left Foot (1989/1h 43m/Biography/Jim Sheridan)
(3:15AM) My Beautiful Laundrette (1985/1h 37m/Comedy/Stephen Frears)
(5:00AM) Central Park (1932/0h 58m/Comedy/John G. Adolfi)
(6:00AM) Sunday in New York (1963/1h 45m/Comedy/Peter Tewksbury)
(8:00AM) MGM CARTOONS: The Chump Champ (1950/0h 7m/Animation/Fred “Tex” Avery)
(8:08AM) Dirt Track Racing (1957/0h 8m/Short/Heinz Scheiderbauer)
(8:17AM) In the Valley of the Rhine (1953/8m/Short/?)
(8:26AM) Alcatraz Island (1937/1h 1m/Crime/William McGann)
(9:30AM) The Silent Partner (1955/0h 26m/Comedy/George Marshall)
(10:00AM) POPEYE: I'm in the Army Now (1933/0h 6m/Animation/Dave Fleischer)
(10:08AM) The Falcon Out West (1944/1h 4m/Mystery/William Clemens)
(11:30AM) The Flag of Humanity (1940/0h 19m/Short/Jean Negulesco)
(12:00PM) In Caliente (1935/1h 24m/Musical/Lloyd Bacon)
(1:45PM) Tension at Table Rock (1956/1h 33m/Western/Charles Marquis Warren)
(3:30PM) Angel Face (1953/1h 31m/Crime/Otto Preminger)
(5:15PM) Battle Cry (1955/2h 29m/WaRaoul Walsh)
(8:00PM) A Matter of Life and Death (1947/1h 44m/Romance/Michael Powell)
(10:00PM) Wings of Desire (1987/2h 8m/Drama/Wim Wenders)
(12:15AM) No Abras Nunca Esa Puerta (Never Open That Door) (1952/1h 25m/Film-NoiCarlos Hugo Christensen)
(2:00AM) Si muero antes de Despertar (If I Should Die Before I Wake) (1952/1h 13m/Film-NoiCarlos Hugo Christensen)
(3:45AM) Platoon (1986/2h 0h/WaOliver Stone)
(6:00AM) Nancy Goes to Rio (1950/1h 39m/Musical/Robert Z. Leonard)
(7:45AM) Holiday in Mexico (1946/2h 7m/Musical/George Sidney)
(10:00AM) No Abras Nunca Esa Puerta (Never Open That Door) (1952/1h 25m/Film-NoiCarlos Hugo Christensen)
(11:45AM) Si muero antes de Despertar (If I Should Die Before I Wake) (1952/1h 13m/Film-NoiCarlos Hugo Christensen)
(1:30PM) Fanny (1961/2h 13m/Romance/Joshua Logan)
(3:45PM) Rome Adventure (1962/1h 59m/Romance/Delmer Daves)
(6:00PM) Designing Woman (1957/1h 58m/Comedy/Vincente Minnelli)
(8:00PM) The Lost Weekend (1945/1h 41m/Drama/Billy Wilder)
(10:00PM) Alias Nick Beal (1949/1h 33m/Suspense/John Farrow)
(12:00AM) Our Modern Maidens (1929/1h 15m/Comedy/Jack Conway)
(2:00AM) Coup De Grace (1976/1h 35m/Drama/Volker Schlöndorff)
(4:00AM) The Night Porter (1974/1h 55m/Drama/Liliana Cavani)
(6:00AM) The Jolson Story (1946/2h 8m/Musical/Alfred E. Green)
(8:15AM) Above and Beyond (1952/2h 2m/Drama/Melvin Frank)
(10:30AM) Buck Privates (1941/1h 24m/Comedy/Arthur Lubin)
(12:00PM) Irma La Douce (1963/2h 22m/Comedy/Billy Wilder)
(2:30PM) Days of Wine and Roses (1962/1h 57m/Drama/Blake Edwards)
(4:30PM) La Strada (1954/1h 55m/Drama/Federico Fellini)
(6:30PM) Laura (1944/1h 28m/Film-NoiOtto Preminger)
(8:00PM) Psycho (1960/1h 49m/HorroAlfred Hitchcock)
(4:45AM) The Luzhin Defence (2000/1h 46m/Adaptation/Marleen Gorris)
(6:45AM) The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938/1h 27m/Crime/Anatole Litvak)
(8:30AM) Confessions of a Nazi Spy (1939/1h 50m/Suspense/Anatole Litvak)
(10:30AM) All This, and Heaven Too (1940/2h 23m/Romance/Anatole Litvak)
(1:00PM) Out Of The Fog (1941/1h 33m/Crime/Anatole Litvak)
(2:30PM) Blues in the Night (1941/1h 28m/Drama/Anatole Litvak)
(4:00PM) The Long Night (1947/1h 37m/Crime/Anatole Litvak)
(5:45PM) The Journey (1959/2h 3m/Drama/Anatole Litvak)
(8:00PM) Blood and Sand (1941/2h 3m/Drama/Rouben Mamoulian)
(10:15PM) Forever Amber (1947/2h 20m/Drama/Otto Preminger)
(12:45AM) Broken Lance (1954/1h 36m/Western/Edward Dmytryk)
(2:30AM) Spartacus (1960/3h 2m/Drama/Stanley Kubrick)
(6:00AM) MGM Parade Show #13 (1955/0h 25m/Documentary/?)
(6:30AM) Way Back Home (1932/1h 21m/Drama/William Seiter)
(8:00AM) Street Scene (1931/1h 20m/Drama/King Vidor)
(9:30AM) Stranger on the Third Floor (1940/1h 4m/Crime/Boris Ingster)
(11:00AM) Lightning Strikes Twice (1951/1h 31m/Crime/King Vidor)
(12:45PM) The Night of the Hunter (1955/1h 33m/Suspense/Charles Laughton)
(2:30PM) Look in Any Window (1961/1h 27m/Drama/William Alland)
(4:00PM) Rear Window (1954/1h 52m/Suspense/Alfred Hitchcock)
(6:00PM) Night Watch (1973/1h 45m/Suspense/Brian G. Hutton)
(8:00PM) Topper (1937/1h 37m/Comedy/Norman Z. Mcleod)
(9:45PM) Topper Takes a Trip (1939/1h 25m/Comedy/Norman Z. Mcleod)
(11:15PM) Topper Returns (1941/1h 25m/Comedy/Roy Del Ruth)
(1:00AM) Arsene Lupin (1932/1h 24m/Comedy/Jack Conway)
(2:30AM) Arsene Lupin Returns (1938/1h 22m/Mystery/Geo. Fitzmaurice)
(3:15AM) The Bride Wore Red (1937/1h 43m/Romance/Dorothy Arzner)
(5:00AM) The Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Story (1950/0h 56m/Documentary/Herman Hoffman)
(6:00AM) The Great American Pastime (1956/1h 29m/Comedy/Herman Hoffman)
(7:30AM) Ladies' Day (1943/1h 2m/Comedy/Leslie Goodwins)
(8:45AM) Death on the Diamond (1934/1h 12m/Suspense/Edward Sedgwick)
(10:00AM) Fireman Save My Child (1932/1h 7m/Comedy/Lloyd Bacon)
(11:30AM) Alibi Ike (1935/1h 13m/Comedy/Ray Enright)
(1:00PM) Speedy (1928/1h 25m/Silent/Ted Wilde)
(2:30PM) The Babe Ruth Story (1948/1h 46m/Drama/Roy Del Ruth)
(4:30PM) The Jackie Robinson Story (1950/1h 16m/Drama/Alfred E. Green)
(6:00PM) The Stratton Story (1949/1h 46m/Drama/Sam Wood)
(10:00PM) Billy Elliot (2000/1h 51m/Comedy/Stephen Daldry)
(12:00AM) The Band's Visit (2007/1h 26m/Comedy/Eran Kolirin)
(2:00AM) Some Like It Hot (1959/2h/Comedy/Billy Wilder)
(4:15AM) An American in Paris (1951/1h 53m/Musical/Vincente Minnelli)
(6:15AM) Callaway Went Thataway (1951/1h 21m/Western/Norman Panama)
(7:45AM) Invitation (1952/1h 24m/Romance/Gottfried Reinhardt)
(9:15AM) Till the End of Time (1946/1h 45m/Drama/Edward Dmytryk)
(11:15AM) Trial (1955/1h 45m/Drama/Mark Robson)
(1:15PM) Susan Slade (1961/1h 56m/Romance/Delmer Daves)
(3:15PM) A Summer Place (1959/2h 10m/Drama/Delmer Daves)
(5:30PM) Friendly Persuasion (1956/2h 17m/Drama/William Wyler)
(8:00PM) The Chalk Garden (1964/1h 46m/Drama/Ronald Neame)
(10:15PM) Gambit (1967/1h 49m/Crime/Ronald Neame)
(12:15AM) The Odessa File (1974/2h 8m/WaRonald Neame)
(2:30AM) Tunes of Glory (1960/1h 45m/WaRonald Neame)
(4:30AM) The Seventh Sin (1957/1h 34m/Romance/Ronald Neame)
(6:15AM) Saturday's Children (1940/1h 42m/Drama/Vincent Sherman)
(8:00AM) The Discontented Canary (1934/0h 8m/Animation/Rudolf Ising)
(8:09AM) Fine Feathers (1933/8m/Short/Jules White)
(8:18AM) Cherry Blossom Time in Japan (1936/0h 8m/Short/?)
(8:27AM) Bodyguard (1948/1h 2m/Suspense/Richard O. Fleischer)
(9:30AM) The Titanic Incident (1955/0h 30m/Drama/Ted Tetzlaff)
(10:00AM) POPEYE: The Paneless Window Washer (1933/0h 6m/Animation/Dave Fleischer)
(10:07AM) The Falcon in Mexico (1944/1h 10m/Mystery/William Berke)
(11:30AM) Heart to Heart (1949/0h 21m/Documentary/Gunther Von Fritsch)
(12:00PM) On An Island With You (1948/1h 47m/Musical/Richard Thorpe)
(2:00PM) Lilies of the Field (1963/1h 34m/Comedy/Ralph Nelson)
(3:45PM) The Winning Team (1952/1h 38m/Drama/Lewis Seiler)
(5:30PM) Rio Bravo (1959/2h 21m/Western/Howard Hawks)
(8:00PM) Central Station (1998/1h 55m/Drama/Walter Salles)
(10:00PM) Fruitvale Station (2013/1h 30m/Drama/Ryan Coogler)
(12:00AM) Call Northside 777 (1948/1h 51m/Film-NoiHenry Hathaway)
(2:15AM) Vertigo (1958/2h 8m/Suspense/Alfred Hitchcock)
(4:30AM) I Confess (1953/1h 35m/Drama/Alfred Hitchcock)
(6:15AM) The Entertainer (1960/1h 44m/Drama/Tony Richardson)
(8:00AM) Edward, My Son (1949/1h 52m/Drama/George Cukor)
(10:00AM) Call Northside 777 (1948/1h 51m/Film-NoiHenry Hathaway)
(12:15PM) East of Eden (1955/1h 55m/Drama/Elia Kazan)
(2:30PM) Daughters Courageous (1939/1h 43m/Romance/Michael Curtiz)
(4:30PM) A Family Affair (1936/1h 9m/Comedy/George B. Seitz)
(5:45PM) The Courtship of Eddie's Father (1963/1h 57m/Comedy/Vincente Minnelli)
(8:00PM) Life with Father (1947/1h 58m/Comedy/Michael Curtiz)
(10:15PM) Father of the Bride (1950/1h 33m/Comedy/Vincente Minnelli)
(12:00AM) Wolf Lowry (1917/0h 50m/Western/William S. Hart)
(12:00AM) The Bad Buck of Santa Ynez (1915/0h 20m/Western/William S. Hart)
(1:45AM) The Makioka Sisters (1983/2h 20m/Drama/Kon Ichikawa)
(4:15AM) Judex (1963/1h 44m/Crime/Georges Franju)
(6:00AM) Raintree County (1957/3h 7m/Drama/Edward Dmytryk)
(9:15AM) The Mask of Dimitrios (1944/1h 35m/Mystery/Jean Negulesco)
(11:00AM) The Champ (1979/2h 2m/Drama/Franco Zeffirelli)
(1:30PM) Doctor Zhivago (1965/3h 17m/Drama/David Lean)
(5:00PM) The Great Escape (1963/2h 48m/WaJohn Sturges)
(8:00PM) In the Heat of the Night (1967/1h 49m/Mystery/Norman Jewison)
(10:00PM) Superman (1978/2h 23m/Science-Fiction//Richard Donner)
(3:30AM) Papillon (1973/2h 30m/Adventure/Franklin J. Schaffner)
(6:15AM) Sweet Adeline (1935/1h 27m/Musical/Mervyn Le Roy)
(7:45AM) Sweet Music (1935/1h 35m/Romance/Alfred E. Green)
(9:30AM) Murder, My Sweet (1944/1h 35m/Mystery/Edward Dmytryk)
(11:30AM) Seven Sweethearts (1942/1h 38m/Musical/Frank Borzage)
(1:15PM) Sweet November (1968/1h 54m/Romance/Robert Ellis Miller)
(3:15PM) Sweet Bird of Youth (1962/2h/Drama/Richard Brooks)
(5:30PM) Sweet Charity (1969/2h 29m/Musical/Bob Fosse)
(8:00PM) Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953/1h 31m/Comedy/Howard Hawks)
(10:00PM) All About Eve (1950/2h 18m/Drama/Joseph L. Mankiewicz)
(12:30AM) Laura (1944/1h 28m/Film-NoiOtto Preminger)
(2:15AM) The Graduate (1967/1h 45m/Comedy/Mike Nichols)
(4:15AM) The Prisoner of Second Avenue (1974/1h 45m/Comedy/Melvin Frank)
(6:15AM) They Live by Night (1948/1h 35m/Crime/Nicholas Ray)
(8:00AM) A Woman's Secret (1949/1h 25m/Drama/Nicholas Ray)
(9:30AM) Born to Be Bad (1950/1h 34m/Drama/Nicholas Ray)
(11:00AM) Flying Leathernecks (1951/1h 42m/WaNicholas Ray)
(12:45PM) On Dangerous Ground (1952/1h 22m/Film-NoiNicholas Ray)
(2:15PM) The Lusty Men (1952/1h 53m/Drama/Nicholas Ray)
(4:15PM) Rebel Without a Cause (1955/1h 51m/Drama/Nicholas Ray)
(6:15PM) Lightning Over Water (1980/1h 31m/Documentary/Nicholas Ray)
(8:00PM) Car Wash (1976/1h 37m/Comedy/Michael Schultz)
(12:00AM) Super Fly (1972/1h 36m/Crime/Gordon Parks, Jr.)
(1:45AM) Shaft (1971/1h 38m/Crime/Gordon Parks)
(3:30AM) Sparkle (1976/1h 38m/Drama/Sam O'steen)
(5:15AM) MGM Parade Show #13 (1955/0h 25m/Documentary/?)
(6:00AM) I'm From the City (1938/1h 5m/Western/Ben Holmes)
(7:15AM) Henry Goes Arizona (1939/1h 6m/Western/Edwin L. Marin)
(8:30AM) Way Out West (1930/1h 11m/Western/Fred Niblo)
(10:00AM) The Dude Goes West (1948/1h 26m/Comedy/Kurt Neumann)
(11:30AM) Bad Bascomb (1946.1h 52m/Western/S. Sylvan Simon)
(1:30PM) Big Jack (1949)/h 25m/Western/Richard Thorpe)
(3:00PM) Jackass Mail (1942/1h 20m/Western/Norman Z. Mcleod)
(4:30PM) Many Rivers To Cross (1955/1h 32m/Western/Roy Rowland)
(6:15PM) Dirty Dingus Magee (1970/1h 31m/Western/Burt Kennedy)
(8:00PM) Rear Window (1954/1h 52m/Suspense/Alfred Hitchcock)
(10:00PM) The Far Country (1955/1h 37m/Western/Anthony Mann)
(12:00AM) Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation (1962/1h 56m/Comedy/Henry Koster)
(2:15AM) The Spirit of St. Louis (1957/2h 18m/Drama/Billy Wilder)
(4:45AM) Malaya (1950/1h 38m/WaRichard Thorpe)
(6:30AM) It Happened on 5th Avenue (1947/1h 55m/Comedy/Roy Del Ruth)
(8:30AM) Black Gold (1947/1h 32m/Drama/Phil Karlson)
(10:15AM) The Phenix City Story (1955/1h 40m/Crime/Phil Karlson)
(12:00PM) Cyclops (1957/1h 15m/HorroBert I. Gordon)
(1:15PM) Bitter Creek (1954/1h 14m/Western/Thomas Carr)
(2:30PM) I Was an American Spy (1951/1h 25m/WaLesley Selander)
(4:00PM) Love in the Afternoon (1957/2h 10m/Romance/Billy Wilder)
(6:15PM) The Strangler (1964/1h 29m/HorroBurt Topper)
(8:00PM) Sylvia Scarlett (1935/1h 37m/Romance/George Cukor)
(9:45PM) Gay USA (1977/1h 18m/Documentary/Arthur J. Bressan)
(11:15PM) Torch Song Trilogy (1988/2h 0m/Comedy/Paul Bogart)
(1:30AM) The Queen (1968/1h 08m/Documentary/Frank Simon)
(2:45AM) The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (1972/1h 59m/Drama/Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
(5:00AM) The Blue Angel (1930/1h 44m/Drama/Josef Von Sternberg)
(7:00AM) Queen Christina (1933/1h 37m/Romance/Rouben Mamoulian)
(9:00AM) Artistic Temper (1932/0h 17m/Short/Roy Mack)
(9:30AM) Hot Cargo (1956/0h 30m/Drama/Tay Garnett)
(10:00AM) POPEYE: Organ Grinder's Swing (1937/0h 6m/Animation/Dave Fleischer)
(10:07AM) The Falcon in Hollywood (1944/1h 7m/Mystery/Gordon Douglas)
(11:30AM) King for a Day (1934/0h 21m/Comedy/Roy Mack)
(12:00PM) A Chorus Line (1985/1h 53m/Musical/Richard Attenborough)
(2:15PM) The Song of Fame (1934/0h 21m/Short/Joseph Henabery)
(2:15PM) Tip Tap Toe (1932/0h 18m/Short/Alfred J. Goulding)
(3:00PM) Kramer Vs. Kramer (1979/1h 45m/Drama/Robert Benton)
(5:00PM) Out Of Africa (1985/2h 42m/Romance/Sydney Pollack)
(8:00PM) The Go-Between (1971/1h 56m/Drama/Joseph Losey)
(10:15PM) Sunday, Bloody Sunday (1971/1h 50m/Drama/John Schlesinger)
(12:15AM) The Locket (19461h 26m/Film-NoiJohn Brahm)
(2:00AM) The Two Mrs. Carrolls (1947/1h 39m/Suspense/Peter Godfrey)
(4:00AM) Conflict (1945/1h 26m/Suspense/Curtis Bernhardt)
(6:00AM) Sinbad the Sailor (1947/1h 57m/Adventure/Richard Wallace)
(8:15AM) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1932/1h 30m/HorroRouben Mamoulian)
(10:00AM) The Locket (1946/1h 26m/Film-NoiJohn Brahm)
(11:45AM) Kind Lady (1951/1h 18m/Suspense/John Sturge)
(1:15PM) The Cobweb (1955/2h 4m/Drama/Vincente Minnelli)
(3:30PM) Butterfield 8 (1960/1h 49m/Drama/Daniel Mann)
(5:30PM) Sense and Sensibility (1995/2h 15m/Romance/Ang Lee)
(8:00PM) The Sand Pebbles (1966/3h 13m/WaRobert Wise)
(1:30AM) The Red Lily (1924/1h 21m/Silent/Fred Niblo)
(3:00AM) The Face of Another (1966/2h 1m/Drama/Hiroshi Teshigahara)
(5:15AM) Wedding in Monaco (1956/0h 31m/Documentary/Jean Masson)
(6:00AM) Tom Jones (1963/2h 11m/Comedy/Tony Richardson)
(8:15AM) Watership Down (1978/1h 32m/Adventure/Martin Rosen)
(10:00AM) The Thing from Another World (1951/1h 27m/HorroChristian Nyby)
(11:30AM) A Streetcar Named Desire (1951/2h 2m/Drama/Elia Kazan)
(1:45PM) Cool Hand Luke (1967/2h 9m/Drama/Stuart Rosenberg)
(4:00PM) Avalon (1990/2h 7m/Drama/Barry Levinson)
(6:15PM) Throw Momma From The Train (1987/1h 28m/Comedy/Danny De Vito)
(8:00PM) The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939/1h 57m/HorroWilliam Dieterle)
(10:15PM) Little Women (1994/1h 55m/Drama/Gillian Armstrong)
(12:30AM) The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964/1h 35m/Musical/Jacques Demy)
(2:15AM) A World Apart (1988/1h 53m/Drama/Chris Menges)
(4:15AM) Glengarry Glen Ross (1992/1h 40m/Drama/James Foley)
(6:00AM) Washington Story (1952/1h 21m/Romance/Robert Pirosh)
(7:30AM) Scene of the Crime (1949/1h 34m/Mystery/Roy Rowland)
:30AM) The Bride Goes Wild (1948/1h 38m/Comedy/Norman Taurog)
(11:30AM) Easy to Love (1953/1h 36m/Musical/Charles Walters)
(1:30PM) Brigadoon (1954/1h 48m/Musical/Vincente Minnelli)
(3:30PM) The Last Time I Saw Paris (1954/1h 56m/Drama/Richard Brooks)
(5:45PM) The Caine Mutiny (1954/2h 5m/Drama/Edward Dmytryk)
(8:00PM) State Fair (1933/1h 20m/Comedy/Henry King)
(10:00PM) The Model and the Marriage Broker (1951/1h 43m/Comedy/George Cukor)
(12:00AM) The Kiss of Death (1947/1h 38m/Crime/Henry Hathaway)
(2:00AM) The Great Santini (1979/1h 55m/Drama/Lewis John Carlino)
(4:00AM) The Outfit (1973/1h 42m/Crime/John Flynn)
(6:00AM) The Story of Mankind (1957/1h 40m/Fantasy/Irwin Allen)
(8:00AM) Three Strangers (1946/1h 32m/Drama/Jean Negulesco)
(9:45AM) Hotel Berlin (1945/1h 38m/Drama/Peter Godfrey)
(11:30AM) They Met In Bombay (1941/1h 26m/Drama/Clarence Brown)
(1:15PM) The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934/1h 24m/Suspense/Alfred Hitchcock)
(2:45PM) The Beast with Five Fingers (1946/1h 28m/Suspense/Robert Florey)
(4:15PM) You'll Find Out (1940/1h 37m/Musical/David Butler)
(6:00PM) M (1931/1h 39m/Suspense/Fritz Lang)
(8:00PM) Moulin Rouge (2001/2h 6m/Drama/Baz Luhrmann)
(10:30PM) The Others (2001/1h 41m/HorroAlendro Amenábar)
(12:30AM) To Die For (1995/1h 40m/Drama/Gus Van Sant)
(2:30AM) The Hotel New Hampshire (1984/1h 50m/Drama/Tony Richardson)
(4:30AM) Our Town (1940/1h 30m/Drama/Sam Wood)
(6:00AM) Dracula A.D. 1972 (1972/1h 40m/HorroAlan Gibson)
(7:45AM) The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1973/1h 28m/HorroAlan Gibson)
(9:30AM) It's Alive (1974/1h 30m/HorroLarry Cohen)
(11:15AM) From Beyond the Grave (1973/1h 37m/HorroKevin Connor)
(1:00PM) Equinox (197/1h 21m/HorroMark Thomas McGee)
(2:30PM) The Shout (1978/1h 26m/HorroJerzy Skolimowski)
(4:15PM) Wicked, Wicked (1973/1h 35m/HorroRichard Bare)
(6:00PM) AFI Life Achievement Award: 50th Anniversary Special (2023/?/Documentary/?)
(8:00PM) The 49th AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Nicole Kidman (2023/?/Documentary/?)
(11:30PM) The 49th AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Nicole Kidman (2023/?/Documentary/?)
(1:00AM) AFI Life Achievement Award: 50th Anniversary Special (2023/?/Documentary/?)
(3:00AM) VictoVictoria (1982/2h 14m/Musical/Blake Edwards)
(6:00AM) MGM Parade Show #13 (1955/0h 25m/Documentary/?)
(6:30AM) Purple Noon (1961/1h 58m/Crime/René Clément)
(8:45AM) Journey Into Fear (1942/1h 9m/Drama/Norman Foster)
(10:00AM) Looking at Lisbon (1953/0h 8m/Documentary/?)
(10:15AM) The Conspirators (1944/1h 41m/Adventure/Jean Negulesco)
(12:00 PM) To Have and Have Not (1944/1h 40m/Romance/Howard Hawks)
(1:45PM) Glimpses of Austria (1938/0h 9m/Documentary/?)
(2:00PM) The Third Man (1949/1h 33m/Suspense/Mystery/Carol Reed)
(4:00PM) Glimpses of Western Germany (1954/0h 8m/Documentary/James A. Fitzpatrick)
(4:15PM) Berlin Express (1948/1h 26m/Suspense/Jacques Tourneur)
(6:00PM) Glimpses of Morocco and Algiers (1951/0h 8m/Documentary/?)
(6:15PM) Casablanca (1942/1h 42m/Romance/Michael Curtiz)
(8:00PM) Caged (1950/1h 36m/Drama/John Cromwell)
(10:00PM) Happy Together (1997/1h 37m/Drama/Wong Kar Wai)
(12:00AM) Brokeback Mountain (2005)2h 14m/Drama/Ang Lee)
(2:30AM) Some of My Best Friends Are... (1971/1h 40m/Drama/Mervyn Nelson)
(4:30AM) Desert Hearts (1985/1h 31m/Drama/Donna Deitch)
(6:15AM) A Taste of Honey (1961/1h 40m/Drama/Tony Richardson)
(9:00AM) The Golden Equator (1956/0h 17m/Documentary/Hamilton Wright)
(9:30AM) It's Always Sunday (1956/0h 30m/Comedy/Allan Dwan)
(10:00AM) POPEYE: My Artistical Temperature (1933/0h 5m/Animation/Dave Fleischer)
(10:07AM) The Falcon In San Francisco (1945/1h 6m/Mystery/Joseph H. Lewis)
(11:30AM) Movie-Mania (1937/0h 21m/Short/Joseph Henabery)
(12:00PM) Funny Girl (1968/2h 35m/Musical/William Wyler)
(2:45PM) The Long Voyage Home (1940/1h 45m/Drama/John Ford)
(4:45PM) The Narrow Margin (1952/1h 11m/Film-NoiRichard Fleischer)
(6:15PM) The Fastest Gun Alive (1956/1h 32m/Western/Russell Rouse)
(8:00PM) Coming Home (1978/2h 8m/Drama/Hal Ashby)
(10:15PM) The Last Detail (1973/1h 45m/Drama/Hal Ashby)
(12:15AM) No Questions Asked (1951/1h 21m/Film-NoiHarold F. Kress)
(2:00AM) June Bride (1948/1h 37m/Romance/Bretaigne Windust)
(4:00AM) June Night (1940/1h 29m/Drama/Per Lindberg)
(6:00AM) Untamed Youth (1957/1h 20m/Drama/Howard W. Koch)
(7:30AM) Age 13 (1955/0h 26m/Short/Arthur Swerdloff)
(8:15AM) Jailhouse Rock (1957/1h 36m/Musical/Richard Thorpe)
(10:00AM) No Questions Asked (1951/1h 21m/Film-NoiHarold F. Kress)
(11:45AM) Come Fly with Me (1962/1h 49m/Comedy/Henry Levin)
(1:45PM) The Opposite Sex (1956/1h 57m/Musical/David Miller)
(4:00PM) Tootsie (1982/1h 56m/Comedy/Sydney Pollack)
(6:15PM) Girlfriends (1978/1h 26m/Comedy/Claudia Weill)
(10:15PM) Enemy Mine (1985/1h 52m/Science-Fiction/Wolfgang Petersen)
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