Good facebook album name

Name That Song: For identifying and locating songs/artists/albums/genres

2011.09.14 22:59 geekgirlpartier Name That Song: For identifying and locating songs/artists/albums/genres

A subreddit for identifying a song/artist/album/genre, or locating a song/album in a legal way. May contain NSFW content. Please read the rules before posting. Thank you and good luck :)

2018.03.08 06:05 jlopez24 Juice WRLD

A subreddit dedicated to the late rapper Juice WRLD (Jarad Anthony Higgins). Dec. 2nd, 1998 - Dec. 8th, 2019.

2014.05.01 04:42 HexagonHobbes Lofi HipHop

The Largest Lo-Fi HipHop Community on the Internet. A Place to share, talk, and listen to Lo-Fi HipHop Do you produce music? Join the community Discord: If you want to share your own music/art, READ THE RULES BEFORE POSTING

2024.05.11 20:54 Ravioli4u What's SHE Up To Now Day 2296? Mental Growth Options And Subscription Box Strategies!

What's SHE Up To Now Day 2296? Mental Growth Options And Subscription Box Strategies! Drop in to get the real scoop--the good, the bad, the ugly, the truth (well my truth anyway). #shareyourexperience #mentalgrowthoptions #subscriptionboxstrategies
submitted by Ravioli4u to growannualchallenge [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:53 WingOk9021 How to deal with a work crush when married

TL;DR : i'm happily married but my husband is almost always grumpy and I have a crush on a coworker ive never talked to just because of his kind demeanor
Hi everyone, I (29F) am married (6 years) and have a work crush. I never talked to him and we don't even know our names or anything (even surface level) about each other. However, since I started working at this new place (8mo ago) I don't know why, we naturally always say hi to each other from day one ?
I know he has a crush on me too cuz he always goes out of his way (in the most obvious way) to catch my attention and tbh, a woman can always tell.
He's not physically my type (he's my height and i'm a really short woman and he's super skinny) but I'll give it to him, he has a stunning face
But here's the thing: I'm aware that i'm attracted to him cuz I'm drawn to his genuinely nice demeanor, he's always smiling, get along with everyone and looks always relaxed, whereas my husband is 80% of the time grumpy as hell and has anger issues (he's NOT abusive). I feel extremely guilty cuz I love my husband (33M) to death, he is a really good man and loves me so much and I know his bad mood comes from working two jobs to pay for my PhD and being always stressed and tired. But sometimes when my husband hurts my feelings (ex: rejecting me when I try to talk to him after work or nagging/snapping about everything to the point I don't feel comfortable speaking my mind), I catch myself daydreaming how it couldve been being in a relationship with my work crush. We always had our up and downs with my husband but he's currently working on his temper and constantly uplifting me and appologizing for his past behavior. But other than that, I can't imagine my life without him, he's soooo good to me.
I'm scared that my co-worker may have false hopes because of my unintentional reactions to him (I have the biggest smile when we greet each others and other unintentional body language changes). Moreover, since we even never spoken beyond basic greetings, I can't even let him know that nothing gonna happen. I'm also a pathological people pleaser and I avoid interacting with him at all cost just so he doesnt try anything cuz I don't wanna hurt his feelings by rejecting him but I also can't keep entertaining his hopes.
How do I deal with this psychological mess ?
submitted by WingOk9021 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:53 Ravioli4u What's SHE Up To Now Day 2296? Mental Growth Options And Subscription Box Strategies!

What's SHE Up To Now Day 2296? Mental Growth Options And Subscription Box Strategies! Drop in to get the real scoop--the good, the bad, the ugly, the truth (well my truth anyway). #shareyourexperience #mentalgrowthoptions #subscriptionboxstrategies
submitted by Ravioli4u to supersizeyourbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:52 Ravioli4u What's SHE Up To Now Day 2296? Mental Growth Options And Subscription Box Strategies!

What's SHE Up To Now Day 2296? Mental Growth Options And Subscription Box Strategies! Drop in to get the real scoop--the good, the bad, the ugly, the truth (well my truth anyway). #shareyourexperience #mentalgrowthoptions #subscriptionboxstrategies
submitted by Ravioli4u to u/Ravioli4u [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:52 Ljotunn Test

Reddit is a pretty big place, but unfortunately not always easily navigable for newcomers. Hopefully this resource guide I put together will help people find the most appropriate or alternative subreddits for their concerns

Kidney Disease Subreddits

/CKD is basically /kidneydisease, but smaller. They are both intended to be a support community for people who are diagnosed with kidney disease.
/chronickidneydisease is more or less a moderator posting articles from their blog.
/dialysis and /transplant can be pretty scary steps for people. These are both great places for sharing knowledge and experiences. Give /transplantmemes a browse too, because sometimes we just need a laugh.
/renaldiet, /renalrecipes, and /askrenaldietician are all dead subreddits. I was really hoping at least the recipes subreddit would do well because I’m a terrible cook and meal planner. Nutrition is so specific to each of us, it’s difficult to make a diet and recipe sub for all of us.
I cannot recommend /kidney_match at all. So many brand new accounts offering up a kidney. Or the same person messaging many people for a long period trying to give away a kidney to anyone that will accept it, but for some reason can’t just go to their local hospital or transplant center instead. I think we all know there is no shortage of recipients. I know we all want and need one, but try to use good judgement.
/nephrology exists, but please don’t post there with personal your inquiries. It’s more of an academic and career community which can be interesting for some.

Condition-specific communities

Other Kidney-related Subreddits

There are several non-kidney disease subreddits where questions and concerns may better be suited. On occasion, however, there may be some overlap.
/kidney is kind of the Wild West of kidney subreddits, but you can post just about anything and everything you want about kidneys or kidney-adjacent topics.
/acutekidneyinjury covers a lot of AKI and ARF management, treatment, and research. While reduced kidney function did not occur in the same manner as chronic kidney disease, AKI can still result in dialysis and end-stage renal failure.
If you just have to post a picture of your urine and test strips online, then /foamyurine is the place for you. Actual lab results are few and far between here, but it’s rife with speculation as well as some science-based advice. Redditors, stop studying the tea leaves, get a proper /urinalysis, and clean your toilets while waiting for the results.
/kidneystones and /kidneystonesurvivors is pretty straight forward for all the stone makers out there.
/utis and /CUTI are similarly straight forward subreddits. People can sometimes panic with adverse labs while dealing with a UTI, but continue testing with your doctor.
Does your back hurt, but all your labs and doctor say you are fine? You might actually just have /backpain. Learn about /stretching and /posture. Pain isn’t always associated with kidney disease, and very unlikely in the earlier stages.
/weightlossadvice, /diet, and /hydrohomies are great subreddits to hopefully guide others to a healthier lifestyle. Sometimes people self-diagnose themselves as having kidney disease, or get overly concerned about kidney disease, by comparing their labs to charts for people who have kidney disease. Obesity and dehydration can be large factors in labs.
If your post is asking something like, My back hurts, do I have kidney disease?, Should I be concerned? about a single set of lab results with no context or while symptomatic of something unrelated to kidney disease, or My urine is (name any shade of) yellow, thoughts?, then /askdocs, /diagnoseme, and /medical_advice are probably what you are looking for. People are generally willing to help and answer questions, but it’s also important to take into consideration that asking people with kidney disease to explain your healthy lab results to you can sometimes not be well received. It should go without saying, but your primary care doctor, nephrologist, or whoever ordered your labs, should be your point of contact for their interpretation as they should know your medical history better than we do.
Lastly, /healthanxiety is a real thing people struggle with. There are support communities and professionals to help out.

Kidney Organizations

American Kidney Fund
IgA Nephropathy Foundation
Kidney Foundation of Canada
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
National Kidney Foundation


Adult eGFR Calculator
Pediatric 2021 CKiD U25 calculator eGFR calculator
Davita Diet & Nutrition
Drugbank Online - Nephrotoxic Agents This includes all drugs with the potential to generate kidney damage and to reduce renal function. Disclaimer: consult with your provider.


American Journal of Kidney Diseases
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
Critical Care Reviews - Renal
National Library of Medicine - Pub Med
Nephrology Journal Club - NephJC on X
The New England Journal of Medicine - Chronic Kidney Disease
submitted by Ljotunn to u/Ljotunn [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:51 Ludo_guy Flip klomor

Hello guys! Filip here, and welcome back to another video where today we're gonna be playing Dragonball Z final stand. And in this video - wait let me just close the office door; ok, so in, so in this video I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to try to get level 100, and, yeah level up as much as possible and guys if you have any uh good tactics on leveling up in uh game, uh put them in the description, oh wait there's no des - I'm gonna change my mode; to like, I choose what videos are family-friendly cause my descriptions turned off right now cause I changed my fam - my game; my status to, family-friendly, right now. Ok I'll just change that later, in the video so that y - comment section will be back. Guess I'm gonna use bone crush; don't really play this game that much because my - my - the mouse was hidden, and I didn't play it, k so let's change the mode. Let me just go here, click on my YouTube channel, YouTube studio, I don't need to learn more, and then go to, settings, umm... No wait it's changed so that I'm gonna; ohhh I think I didn't save it... ok never mind. We - guys what do you think of my um, bongo cat? Oh there's this guy again. Yeah you better run. Hehe! Haaa, idiot! Hehe! Ok so, let's buy, a, melee attack. I'm gonna buy one of my favourites if I can find it; meteor crash, level 70, ok. I need a couple of more, thing levels, and I've got da - and I've got meteor crash which is one of my favourites. Ka, I'm gonna use my kanayo-wayo-wave, and attack this little goon. Ah shoot; I can't you - really use any key right now, cause, uh; cause I changed - I turned off the music because I don't know if it's copyrighted, and I don't want to be copyright claimed, on, on this video cause, cause I just really don't. C'mon. Ok, killed him, k I need to recharge; gonna, check. Oooo, there's someone REALLY powerful over there. I think that's what that ball means. Cause this, is call - ; cause if you watch the Dragonball series you'd know that this can ping into where there's, where there's um, people. Cause it's es - cause everybody has a different amount of key; and, I think that bigger the - ball thingy, like this, is, that means the bigger the key there is I think. And I don't really want to go fighting super powerful people. K lemme use booone CRUSH! Okay. Okay he's just using it on me :(. Ughhh that dee-head. Cause there's this glitch that when you kill - when you - when you kill a player, and then you use Dragon throw on them - you can - you can heal them. And the glitch is actually reeeally good, you can use it in situations like let's say you're fighting Beerus. And you need to - and you need to gay - quickly revive your friends, you can just Dragon throw them, to health. It sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't, but, it mostly works, it's really good as well. I'm trying to get level 100 so then I can, so then I can go to space and, fight Freeza, who, who, and if you fight Freeza, you get, you get a MILLION XP. But that, but what, I played the game on like a different account that would just give you like 20 levels I beli - I - I ca- I can't really remember, I remember used to giving you 20 levels, but, and then later my account got hacked, I believe, cause I couldn't... go on it anymore. And then, I had to; I had to make this account, the RageTego account. Just to mark it - nuh nuh, just to, not to mark it my; um, clan, just - just cause um; JUST cause I needed an, account name for my new account and, RageTego was the perfect one. Cause..... Plus guys I'm gonna sss - I'm gonna use like; um... I'm gonna use, like this eh - really cool editor, which I've never used before. It's called Lightworks, it's basically the, Premiere Pro, of free version, like, thingy. Annnd, I had troubles, with um, getting the right file type, on - onto m - onto... I had just troubles with um, putting the video on there; and, the; and the earliest CSGO, in Roblox, video which I promised I would do more but then my account got hacked and you know - what happened then. Because I already told you, um. And then I had to start all over again I - I had no more skins, I got a really rare skin for the; M4-A1, S, which is my - which is my favourite gun. Right next to, the, um, I can't remember. I can't really remember all the gun names because how can you, remember, gun games? From a game you haven't played in a while, cause your parents hid your mouse, and you can't play, or your controller. Ok. Ok enough talking. Wooah, woah calm down! Calm down sir! Ok I've got one more evil, m - m; margin, may, m - may, and w - what... whatever, to kill. I'm gonna call them pink and blue people, or mustard people, because they can be, cause they can be yellow... Oh there's the mustard man. Hey! That guy's a jerk! Just b - because people have higher levels, they think that they can literally beat up ANYONE, so they're gonna act like jerks, so moral of the story, don't; I mean not sorry, the moral of this um, thingy... game. Never hang out with people who are stronger than you, they can beat you up, in a - in a matter of seconds. This guy's got kayo-ken, he's human. I think I've - we - yeah, I've only went up one level. Ehhhh! Eh stop being a jerk! STOP! STOP BEING SUCH A JERK! I'LL GET YOU WHEN I GET TO LEVEL ugh, 800, or something! Ok, lemme, my - lemme me, ugh, level up my melee resistance so that Beerus will be way easier when I - when I get to him. I can give you a random quest, you want one yeah? Um; save blues, evil Saiyans, Android 17s NOPE I'm not doing Android 17s. Earth is for humans, okay. I have to fight, no I'm not fighting those guys again! No, hell no! Um... Fi - Fe - Five evil Saiyans, let's see. Super Saiyans, na. I'm not gonna do super SaI - evil super Saiyans, yet, cause they're; POWERFUL. So for that I'm gonna do just Saiyans; cause when I get Robux, I'm gonna buy; the, God of destruction move set, whatever this is. The... Not buying it now, but I'm just... Yeah bum; buying this, this, and times two XP. So that then I can - get more XP, I might even buy, um, the M... Just to get - just to get more powerful, but for now I don't need to. This guy's nearly ha - up their game. Wait, lemme just change my character. Caramel super... Torn G... G you up, porn... Real bork.. Ok I can't find it. Came-o-mayo him. I need to charge. Ah, shoot. I do really need to buy the original Goku gear. So; so also guys um follow me on Twitch, at PISSGAMER, where I'm gonna make a... text. Um, gonna name it sub. K... On the pink font... Comic sans... Ok and it's gonna r -... YouTu... on YouTu, B... At le... Ug... Plays... Oom plays... And... and... L... Ont... Twitch... At... PI, - PI double S, GAMER... Ok - oh shoot it's massive! Have to do this... and this... Gonna... Bring it, down... n - n - Down... Along... And then a - and then it should work. So guys please sub; and follow; if you see aaa, - ok where am I; if you see a, account, that has a diamond as it's logo a - in - I made it back then, when I, used to be a super-realistic DANTDM fan. But not anymore (kinda). Ok so let's; check the shop. Oh this guy's a level 92 and he's got super Saiyan 3. How? Look for the; Goku top. Oh wait is that... is that it? No. I know that when a - when a; a thing has, 50 players or something, they ca - they are allowed - there's a Dragonball here. Wait guys, um, I'm gonna check how you can get Dragonballs, soo, stay tuned for a little bit. Guys I'm just gonna fly around, watch the video, and, train a little bit, I'm gonna pause the recording, soo; see ya! So guys, I tried um, looking for, ways to level up, I also got bored so I watched uh, how I can, get Dragonballs, cause I know, that you can get them, in the game, and then wish for, getting more XP and Zenny. So let's just kill those, evil Saiyans. but first let's just have a look in the shop again, let's see. Hmm. I might take out Scouter. Character... Halo... And the Picalar capable of the blue... and then the blue Scouter and then... The Scouter's actually really useful when you're fighting against... (Oh my.) Woah. They're over a million. For the right help. Help me level up. Pls. These guys! Eh I'm going to so - someone who's less of a jerk. Oo this guy. Twenty four - twenty four hun... So when - so basically when you're fighting so - wait, I'm just going to tell you guys something. So when you're fighting someone, you, - the - key to winning against them, is um... Having a Scouter, and als, - having a Scouter with you, putting on the Scouter and seeing their power level, and then trying to a - and then trying to adjust to their - to your enemy's power level. These are, player - players? Who these guys are? Wait... GG hay, he forgot it's lunch day... Sure... Here's lunch. Oh. Start a new game, redo character, no. I have no idea how to level up quickly; I'm gonna have a look at more YouTube videos, sooo, please stand by. So guys, um, yeah I've been, - I've been grinding for a little bit, cause I've got nothing else to do. Sorry I did it off-camera. And sorry if this video's a little bit too short, than my usual ones. K let's just finish this, and... Let's just finish this, and then I'll end the video. Shh!! Sorry guys, my mum is in the room, she's... annoying as always. Crap. Kay. Plus guys how do you like my, um... thing? Bongo cat! Thank you, thank you. Thank you ma man. Got 7 more Sible breads, to kill. So lemme just... Woah. K so, let's buy... Oh I can't. I need eight thousand for that. K. Trying to get level, eight ay - eighty for now, so I can then, - so I that then, I can go, - so then I can buy um... Full Saiyan. Full-power Super Saiyan. So that then I can, - I can have a second form, cause; cause it's actually not worth it, buying, ascended Super Saiyan, because he gets replaced by Super Saiyan two, so it's not really worth it. This one's more worth it; eh - you transform at full HP and full key to go Super Saiyan full-power. There's also this. Makes you invincible to an attack for a short period; there's ultra-instinct transform where a low k - health and key. This one; Kayo Ken Ten Super Saiyan blue, hold... hold X and then press H... This one is just press H to transform... These are the same. These guys so powerful. Those guys by the way I used to have Super Saiyan 3, on my original account - this one. I was a - I was - I was a - level 260 I had um; I had 10,000 Zenny and I was um grinding Beerus to get more Zenny. And then... You know what happened. Aah, shoot, oh no wait. Can I? Oh. I know why I got knocked out. Cause the guy; is just too powerful for me. So can't wait to edit this on my new editor. I had to change it to an MOV file, cause the MOV files are the only file types that work. And yeah. Yeah let's just kill four more S, - Sabijarets, as a, Subordiread. K. Oh why why why? Gottem. Gotta kill this dude. Ok killed him - now we have to kill this guy. Gonna buy myself some Sensei beans after this. K, I'm gonna do this, then I'm gonna Came-o-mayo him, and do that. I really want to do those; cla, - I wanna - GG. Ok gottem. Wooah. I need to, - recharge, this guy is gonna to fire in fro - for me - for now. So I can recharge. Nice one mate. So then, stats. One more level - ohhh, I was t - I was too low, that's why. Spirit-breaking cannon... Turret, bombs, swords... Pyramid slash... Emperor's age, creating a blade and a shield in front, - of you. And that's only 400 Zenny and I need level 250. I should've bought that! Power impact... Gorde slicer... Super death beam, holy wrath... Final came... Final shine supernova... Big bang Came-o-mayo, Warp Came-o-mayo, Final flash... I can actually - ohh no, I can't - I was about to say I could actually buy Final flash. I'm gonna, - kill this guy. When I said this guy, I don't mean the guy who's helping me, I mean the... Z... Zabij, bre - bread do, whatever. So wolverbread. O. Ok I think I gottem. Hallo. K... K guys let's go buy some Sensei beans... Or should I buy the... You know what guys? I'm gonna leave Paul, in uh, description. And you guys are, - I'm gonna leave the Paul in the I - icon. And you guys get to vote which one I - I should buy. K, so, guys, this was an, - a wonderful experience -
submitted by Ludo_guy to seniorcitzensoldies [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:51 ItsUnique71 name me an album and I'll tell you my 3 favorite tracks and my least favorite track from that album

name me an album and I'll tell you my 3 favorite tracks and my least favorite track from that album submitted by ItsUnique71 to Topster [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:51 MiphaGrace Samuel Sherman Omaha 2001: Still Missing?

Backstory: in Omaha Nebraska on July 19th 2001, Sherman left the house he was staying at for a job interview in the downtown area, which he went to. He never returned to the house he had been staying at in the 3600 block of Bedford Ave.
He is still listed as missing in the Omaha CrimeStopper website. However, a WebSluth/Reddit User claimed to have "found" Sherman alive via Facebook a few years ago, and allegedly the Omaha police confirmed this to that redditor.
I came across this whole mess during my research into the Jason Jolkowsky disappearance. Sherman's name came up in a coincidence connection due to disappearance occuring in similar areas of town roughly a month apart.
Based on my research, I have serious doubts on the validity of the claim by the person who allegedly found Sherman alive, and I don't know who to discuss it with.
The "finder" describes a brief account of how they found Sherman. However, when I tried to do the exact method, I could not replicate it as presented. When I finally did find the FB account that the Finder believed to be Sherman, too many inconsistencies arose.
1) name isn't the same. Finder said this was due to the missing person report using the wrong name. Sherman is a middle name and not a last name.
2) The FB profile mentions events from 2001, but there's nothing hinting at being in Omaha to find work at all, or even suggested they were even here. When the Finder contacted FB person, he never said he was ever in Omaha.
3) the locations which the FB profile lists around 2001, a city worked in and a highschool graduated from class of 2001, are in a different state 5 hours away from Omaha.
4) while the birth date does match, Samuel Sherman was reported to be 19 when he went missing from Omaha. However, the birthday is 03/18/1982. That means that Sherman was not 19 in 2001, he was 18, unless someone got the birth date wrong. If this is the case, the FB person doesn't match.
5) physical appearance. Sherman's missing person report says he has blonde hair and blue eyes. The person found on FB has dark hair and brown/hazel eyes.
6) The FB person says they had "been found within days" by the OPD Cold Case dept after his parents made some type of police inquiry while in his 20s. This is in no way verifiable.
7) The OPD crimestopper site updated Sherman's entry to reflect current age, which would be 31. I highly doubt that if OPD found the FB person "in days" in his 20s, someone would update the crimestopper entry when Sherman was in his 30s.
Everything screams that the person found on FB is not, in fact, the same Samuel Sherman who was reported missing in Omaha. No one could find anything on him, even pictures. No news outlets reported on Sherman, no family or friends made statements. Sherman is still missing and deserves to have someone voice it. I don't know how to do that.
Sherman's entry in the crimstopper site.
submitted by MiphaGrace to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:50 Substantial-Ad1151 My april fools group shuffle AU (part 3/7)

My april fools group shuffle AU (part 3/7)
First part for context (read the first paragraph):
Now onto the first OC group. For the L/n stand-in I decided to focus on the school part rather than the friendship part the first official shuffle focused on. So I decided to choose the characters that would dislike the SCHOOL Sekai the most: Kanade, Mafuyu, An (I had to add a frown because I couldn't find a frowning sprite with her uniform, and Akito (When I searched up Akito in a school uniform I found that picture so in the story when he got teleported in there's no male uniforms because all of L/n goes to a girl's school so he was forced to wear it and is incredibly pissed off but he then hides it when he sees Kanade and Mafuyu to keep his "nice guy" act). (Mizuki's going to be in the next group and also for the OC groups I'm going to do my best to make sure every character gets into a unit they haven't experienced before unlike the official group shuffles where characters like Ichika, Akito and Emu never even left their original group).
For the name I thought of something overly dramatic like School SURVIVORS, which is going to fit the song I chose for them: Lost One's Weeping. (I personally believe that the voice actors should be able to re-do a song or cover if they feel like they could do better) I think that both Ruriko and Yuki could do a good Lost One's Weeping cover if they were given another chance but unfortunately they aren't so instead we got these 4 to do a good Sekai cover. If you're thinking Tomori or Tanabe won't be able to pull it off, go listen to them sing Composing the future/ Kuyamu Kaite Mirai when they yell the lyric: "Ah, was it just a mistake... To even be born AT ALL!", they can go hard but it isn't noticed that much. For Mafuyu you can just listen to the second half of the full niigo cover and here's a link for Kanade singing that line specifically :
For interactions it would be nice to see some more Mafuyu+Akito interaction, Akito would definitely try even harder to keep his "nice guy act" since both Kanade and Mafuyu are there while also being extremely pissed of from the situation and An teasing him about his uniform. And I'd like to see An interacting with Kanade, I'd imagine it would be like a mix of Minori+Kanade and Shiho+An where Kanade would be a lot more quieter but also play music while An would be a lot more talkative and singing.
submitted by Substantial-Ad1151 to ProjectSekai [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:50 avidrunner84 Heztner Level 1 - NodeJS Hosting and Email

This price seems too good to be true: 2 euros per month, and you get a free .com domain name too?
Would anyone happen to know if NodeJS can be installed on this? Or is that only available to VPS packages?
Also, would setting up a business email on this hosting plan with Hetzner mail server be a poor choice compared to Google Business Email or Microsoft 365 Business Email? Google and Microsoft both charge $7/month per user for business email (15GB per account), and here Hetzner is offering up to 100 email accounts. (10GB for everything tho, including server storage)
If using Hetzner for mail hosting, is there a good chance it could end up in spam or weird "flagged as spam" warning for the user viewing the email on their end? Or does Hetzner have this covered with trusted email certificate and MX
submitted by avidrunner84 to hetzner [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:49 Writteninsanity You Broke Your Parents Strangest Rule, Instead of Getting Grounded, the Threw You a Sword and Said “Good Luck.”

My father had always been the kind of man who patted you on the back instead of saying I love you. The kind of man who'd said 'interesting' when he'd accidentally put a screwdriver through his hand. The kind of man that, on their wedding day, told my mother she 'looked very nice.'
He saw me walk into the room and screamed. "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!"
I stopped in the doorway as he threw his copy of automotive magazine across the room and slapped his hands down on the couch cushions. After a second, he pinched his nose and I heard him swear over and over and over.
I'd come to the living room to apologize for breaking his 'house rule', but this was not the reaction I'd expected.
My mom was the polar opposite of my father, they'd been attracted like magnets. She was the kind of woman who texted hearts 37 times an afternoon. The kind of woman who said nothing on her wedding day because she was busy blubbering. The kind of woman who...
Actually her pain tolerance was shockingly like my father's. Fancy that. Though she'd still cried when she found out swans could be gay, so the point still stood.
My mother rushed into the room skidding along the hardwood in a panic, asking what was wrong. Then she saw me in the opposite doorway. She stopped. Went silent. Then pale.
Dad was inconsolable. Mom needed no consoling.
"What's going on?" I asked. Neither parent answered but I knew what they were going to say anyway so I spoke up for myself. "I know you guys didn't want me to do this, but it's just for the concert and I really made sure I cleaned the shower and--"
"She's your daughter," my Dad finally said.
"I think this comes from you," Mom spat.
"The fuck?" I asked.
"You knew the rules young lady," Mom said. Since when did she take charge in discipline? "And look what you did anyway."
"I dyed my hair red Mom, I can have it out in like a week if it's that big a problem."
"Fire truck red and she thinks she can just undo this," Dad sighed.
"I physically can, like right now but it'd fuck up my hair." Then, after a second, I turned to him, "What the hell is going on? I came out to you like a month ago and and you just asked me if I still wanted to watch the baseball." I walked into the room. Dad still hadn't looked up. "Now it's this?"
"We didn't have a house rule against you liking girls," my Mom said. "Why would we?"
"Woulda made more sense then this stupid rule about dying hai Would you prefer I'd gotten a tattoo?"
"Clearly!" My Dad raised his voice. I jumped. Still wasn't used to that.
"Pause. Family meeting." I said. "Can I grab the Talking Penguin?" The Talking Penguin was a little statute we'd kept in the front hallway. If you were holding it, it was your turn to speak. It'd gotten us through ages 12-14.
My mom took a second, not because it looked like she needed one, but almost just because she was used to it. "I can explain, you don't need the penguin. Herold can you grab her kit?"
"My poor little girl," my Dad sighed. I raised an eyebrow as he pushed past me toward their bedroom.
"What's going on Mom?"
My mother sighed, still eerily calm on the Janet scale. She took my Dad's place on the couch and patted for me to sit down. "How do I explain this?"
I almost had snark for that, but I bit it down.
"Honey, we have a genetic condition in the family. It's called Main Character Syndrome. It used to be useful, but now it's just... well it's just asking for bad things to happen."
"Like we're shitty and self centered?" I asked.
"No, like this." My dad was back in the room, dour again, and carrying a sword that I could have used as a snowboard. "You're going to need this honey."
"What the hell?" I asked. I turned to Mom, she was nodding sagely.
"You have an odd hair colour now honey, you're the main character. We're just waiting for the quest now."
"What quest?" I asked.
"We don't know, but you're a teenager so it will probably start with me and your mother getting killed by someone," my Dad sighed. "I knew what I was getting into when I married into this family. Love you both."
"What?" I asked.
"How many stories do you read where the parents are in the picture?" Mom asked. "We raised you as a reader."
"I'm not just letting you die!" I yelled back.
"Shouldn't have dyed your hair red," my Dad answered, like that made any sense, before throwing me the sword.
"You're. Not. Killing. My. DAD!" I screamed in time with each strike, it helped me get more umph if I channeled emotion into my slashes. That was one of the many things I'd found out over the past days, and all of them had been useful. The mysterious stranger that'd approached the house fell backward, mostly because he was in pieces. I spat on the body and took a moment to catch my breath. Once I had air back in my lungs, I wiped some of the viscera off my face with the back of my hand. I was getting way too used to being covered in blood. Never thought that would be a habit.
I prodded the man's divided arm with my toes. Still. Limp. Warm. Finally seemed like he was staying down.
I spun the sword my Dad'd thrown me in the living room earlier this week. Mom'd told me to give her a name so I'd called her Olivia Rodrigo. Mom told me I needed a less copyrighted name so we dropped the Olivia. There were so many rules to being the main character. A million little things that were supposed to help me on my quest. Things to make me stronger. Things that made no sense in a world with Facebook and Snapchat, but Mom'd explained that the Main Character Syndrome came from a time when swords were normal so....
That had been most of my past week. I killed things. Mom explained things. I rolled my eyes. Rinse. Repeat. Stain the shower with red hair dye.
I pulled out my phone, and texted my Mom, telling her that we were all clear outside but just when her three dots popped up I heard a squelch behind me.
"Oh my god, Bruh. Give up already!" I sighed as I pulled Olivia Rodrigo out of the lawn. "Just take the L."
The man that had stood up several times despite dismemberment was staggering back to his feet as he reassembled himself. The first time he'd walked up, he'd explained that he was going to kill my parents so that I could start my quest. The next four times, I hadn't given him time for an explanation before beginning operation limb removal. I took half a step back and shook some of the blood off my shoes.
"Why do you resist your quest?" the man asked, his voice was rasping and broken, probably because he was still stitching his lungs back together.
"I don't know. Maybe because you're trying to kill my parents?"
"Fate will not be denied."
"Fate can suck my dick," I snapped. I lunged with Rodrigo, cutting through the air. I'd gotten fast in the past days, but the man managed to side step my blade as he twisted his spine back into place.
"You cannot continue to deny it."
"Dude, you're the one who keeps having to rebuild yourself," I pointed out, "I'm crushing this 'denying fate' thing."
"You know not the forces with which you meddle."
"YoU kNow NOt tHe ForCES wiTh WhIch YOu MeDDle," I mocked.
Then a sound behind me. The door opening. Mom.
"I thought you said you were done."
"I thought I was." I protested. The man went to make a move and I kept my sword pointed at him.
"Did you crush his head last time?"
"Ew. No?"
"You have to do that or he keeps coming back," my Mom explained. I checked over my shoulder. The man kept trying to find a way around the sword to get to my Mom.
"Hailey. You'll be late for dinner. Dad will clean up."
"Fine." I slashed without giving the man a verbal warning this time and I caught his throat, then turned my Rodrigo to the broad side and held it up over my head. "In my slay era I guess."
The splatter looked more like watermelon than I was comfortable with. Watermelon with skull in it at least.
submitted by Writteninsanity to JacksonWrites [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:49 WingOk9021 How to deal with a work crush when married?

TL;DR : i'm happily married but my husband is almost always grumpy and I have a crush on a coworker ive never talked to just because of his kind demeanor
Hi everyone, I (29F) am married (6 years) and have a work crush. I never talked to him and we don't even know our names or anything (even surface level) about each other. However, since I started working at this new place (8mo ago) I don't know why, we naturally always say hi to each other from day one ?
I know he has a crush on me too cuz he always goes out of his way (in the most obvious way) to catch my attention and tbh, a woman can always tell.
He's not physically my type (he's my height and i'm a really short woman and he's super skinny) but I'll give it to him, he has a stunning face
But here's the thing: I'm aware that i'm attracted to him cuz I'm drawn to his genuinely nice demeanor, he's always smiling, get along with everyone and looks always relaxed, whereas my husband is 80% of the time grumpy as hell and has anger issues (he's NOT abusive). I feel extremely guilty cuz I love my husband (33M) to death, he is a really good man and loves me so much and I know his bad mood comes from working two jobs to pay for my PhD and being always stressed and tired. But sometimes when my husband hurts my feelings (ex: rejecting me when I try to talk to him after work or nagging/snapping about everything to the point I don't feel comfortable speaking my mind), I catch myself daydreaming how it couldve been being in a relationship with my work crush. We always had our up and downs with my husband but he's currently working on his temper and constantly uplifting me and appologizing for his past behavior. But other than that, I can't imagine my life without him, he's soooo good to me.
I'm scared that my co-worker may have false hopes because of my unintentional reactions to him (I have the biggest smile when we greet each others and other unintentional body language changes). Moreover, since we even never spoken beyond basic greetings, I can't even let him know that nothing gonna happen. I'm also a pathological people pleaser and I avoid interacting with him at all cost just so he doesnt try anything cuz I don't wanna hurt his feelings by rejecting him but I also can't keep entertaining his hopes.
How do I deal with this psychological mess ?
submitted by WingOk9021 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:49 SafeAd8723 What a helpful fellow

What a helpful fellow submitted by SafeAd8723 to anxietymemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:49 MuffMagician Here's the one book you should study if you want to become significantly better at writing fiction.

I'm a Californian who has been seriously interested in books, reading, and writing since the 2nd grade.
I've been following writing for over 13 years now, trying to help young authors whenever possible. One question frequently repeated here is: how can I improve as a writer? "Read more" is the common answer, but read what? Is there one book that an aspiring author can read and get it all?
Yes, there is. The name of that book is Eye of the Needle by Welsh author Ken Follett.
Do not watch the movie adaption of the book as a "cheat code" substitute.
Do not search Wikipedia for the book and read its plot summary.
Do not read users' reviews on Amazon.
Do not look up the rationales for the various awards the book won.
Do yourself an immense favor: borrow or buy the book, set aside some time, and read it in good faith. Read it in a virgin way, without spoiling too much, and just enjoy it as you go. Then study the work over time.
Eye of the Needle is an amazing combination of drama, action, horror, romance, mystery, history, brutality, reality, dialogue, description, and suspense.
Having read hundreds of books in my lifetime I keep coming back to the same five favorites, with Eye of the Needle being the best book of the five to learn the craft of writing from. I hope it helps you too.
submitted by MuffMagician to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:49 Trashiest_Rat Amazing vintage haul at local record store!

Amazing vintage haul at local record store!
Found some serious grails in this lot! There are 17 records for around 70$. I was going in to find 70s disco, 60s psychedelic, and 80’s anything especially because they are really hard for me to find. I only collect vintage and mostly 70s yacht rock. I’m going to list them in order of the pics
Starting with the most impressive that need no introduction. The ones with green dots were 10$ each and all are culturally significant albums. Color by numbers- Culture club, born to run- Bruce Springsteen, Stay hungry- twisted sister, Aja- steely Dan, and Saturday night fever - various artists but mostly Bee Gees . All massive songs and essential albums for their respective bands.
The blue dot ones were 5$ each. Poems, prayers and promises- John Denver, has the songs country roads on it so it was a must. Greatest hits- Cat stevens, got it mostly for wild world. Both really folksy artists from the 60s-70s with critical acclaim.
The rest were 10 for 10$. They are also the ones I know least about so bear with me. We will go from ones I’m most excited about to least.
Starting with Stephen stills self titled debut album he’s more well known for the band Crosby, Stills, Nash, and young but this album has most of his solo hits. Boz Scaggs- Hits! Goofy ass picture of him in his purple 80s jacket. Boz Scaggs is known for ledo shuffle and lowdown. Both of these artists along with Johnny winter later on are your favorite artist’s favorite artists. Themselves having minimal mainstream success but being hugely influential.
Live- johnny winter and, it’s mostly a cover album. You might know his brother Edgar more. Covers of jumping Jack flash, johnny be Goode, they are all played fast and rough (in a good way). It’s a live record but it sounds perfect. No audience sound no playback. England Dan and John ford Coley are 70s one hit wonders but personally a favorite of mine. They are classically trained musicians, but they don’t have many records. Standard 70s soft rock.
The rest I got because it made the other records cheaper so I’m not sure about them but I’ll give you a synopsis.
Kōgun is a Japanese jazz album but I just really loved the art.
Rufus, Chaka, and master jam is an album Chaka khan released with her old band right before going solo. It’s funk. Mostly I got it because again I liked the art and Chaka khan is a great singer.
Bubblegum, lemonade, and something for mama- Mama Cass. Cass is know for the band Mama and the papas. This is a solo album and apparently has most of her hits on it.
Greatest hits vol 2- Jay and the Americans. A bad from the 60s I got for the song Monday monday.
Petunia Clark and C. Fields I really know nothing about because they are a gift for the person I came with.
Sorry this was so long but with 17 records it was a lot of go through lol.
submitted by Trashiest_Rat to vinyl [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:48 Adorable_Name_1565 How reliable are these Telugu sites? They are reporting that Kareena is being considered for Salaar 2 opposite Prabhas. No Bollywood portal has reported on this!

How reliable are these Telugu sites? They are reporting that Kareena is being considered for Salaar 2 opposite Prabhas. No Bollywood portal has reported on this! submitted by Adorable_Name_1565 to BollyBlindsNGossip [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:48 eddiekins [UK] [H] GMK Chaos Theory Kits, GMK Olivia No.3 Kits, KAT Space Dust Kits [W] PayPal

I am slowly quitting the hobby and thus selling a lot of GMK others I won't use for less than the prices I paid! Additionally I'm also open to a deal pricing if you purchase multiples.
Postage not included, willing to ship worldwide (estimated ~£10 to Europe, ~£20 to North America). Pay via PayPal Goods & Services, in £ GBP.
Name Description Price (£ GBP)
GMK Chaos Theory Order Base Sealed, brand new in box. £115
GMK Chaos Theory International/NorDeUK (Branches) Sealed, brand new in box. £50
GMK Chaos Theory Novelties (Stochasm) Sealed, brand new in box. £50
GMK Chaos Theory Alt Mods (Oscillations) Sealed, brand new in box. £45
GMK Chaos Theory Spacebars (Fractal) Sealed, brand new in box. £30
🎁 GMK Chaos Theory Bundle All the Chaos Theory kits with a discount. This is more convenient for me and honestly my preference. £250
GMK Olivia No.3 Extension Sealed, brand new in box. £45
GMK Olivia No.3 Spacebars Sealed, brand new in box. £25
🎁 GMK Olivia No.3 Bundle All the Olivia No.3 kits with a discount, same story as above. £60
KAT Space Dust Encounter Sealed, brand new in box. £10
KAT Space Dust Planets Sealed, brand new in box. £10
You can contact me via Reddit PM here, I don't always see Chats but I'll try to keep an eye on them.
submitted by eddiekins to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:47 Mental_Drop this show is a masterpiece

(yapfest coming up) i’m 19 working a dead end job getting paid close to nothing i had a falling out with my parents and all my relationships gone to shit but still this show hits harder than it ever did before even when i was a young reckless emotional and idiotic teenager the show didn’t feel as real as it did but now that i’m in a similar situation to Mordecai and Rigby i can relate to it on a whole other level i personally think the main focus of regular show is living a regular life moving on from a heartbreak, coming to terms with your flaws, and recognizing who you are thats the true essence of regular show it lives up to its name its a regular show with things that everybody goes through its so fucking good the characters always felt like they were forever going to be stuck in that park but later all they all find new things to love and appreciate regular show is so human in nature even with all the world ending threats that happen because of Mordecai and Rigby or anyone else its always leading back to their own flaws its something everyone goes through everyone goes through their own problems but we always get through it one way or another and thats what makes regular show so human
submitted by Mental_Drop to regularshow [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:46 b2yee Help?

I was at my choir concert and a guy in a different school was behind me him and his friends. His fat friend( Not trying to body shame or nun) was laughing at me and making jokes about me. His friend next to him was so fine and he had 2 friends on his left and one had black long curly hair and his other friend kinda looked like this guy I'm talking about but he had glasses and a bit more volume in his hair. the guy I'm taking about he had kinda a red brunet to his hair and he is an Edgar without glasses and he is Mexican. This guy everytime his friends would say something about me or to me and I would look at him he would give me the slightest smile a smile that was warm and make me feel like everything was gonna be okay. I was so nervous the whole time and this kids smile was so sweet he was a really beautiful guy and his smile made everything feel alright. He started taking to me and then we all kept getting in trouble for talking because their was other schools preforming and we weren't supposed to be taking to anyone then he said "Do you got a phone?" I responded with "Yes" he asked me " Do you got snap?" I responded with" Yes" he asked " Can I get your snap?" I was nervous and shocked so I responded with" Uhh umm no sorry" and I felt so bad because I wanted his snap and I couldn't get it. The he walked away without me knowing when I turned around to talk to him and apologize to him and ask if he still wanted my snap he wasn't there anymore I thought to myself okay he just went to the restroom he will be back soon then he never came back and I thought that I ruined it all and thought he had left then when all the schools got on the stage to sing " Count On Me" by Bruno Mars then I seen him I'm not sure if he was looking for me or if he just didn't gaf because he didn't look in my direction not once and I was even more upset and felt like a horrible person. When we made eye contact he was the first one to break it and I felt even worse. Then we finished then I went over to find him and I couldn't find him anywhere I had thought that he moved seats because of me because he didn't take rejection very well and becasue of that he isn't want to see me but I felt bad and I wanted his snap really bad but I couldn't have it. I never found out his name he just found out mine and I felt terrible for not finding his name out because I would be able to possibly find out his snap if I found out his name. Its 2 days later and he's all I think about I want to find him I hope fate will bring us together again, I hope he will take choir next year so I can find him and get his snap. Needless to say I looked like I was homless and I was a nervous reck so I feel like if he liked me or even if he didn't that he would like me when I'm having bad days good days, when I'm a reck, when I'm high, when I'm at my darkest and brightes. If I could find him and talk to him I would get his snap and I would want him throught his darkest and brightes, when he's a reck, when he's high, when he's having bad or good days I would want him though it all. 
Yall please let me know what to do because I want to find this man. I'm still stressing about it and all I can is picture his face in my head but I don't know his name or his snap and I can't talk to him without any of that enless fate brings us back together. Please help me .
submitted by b2yee to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:46 Average_Texarican14 How to get pulled up to youth national team?

Recently my friend just got pulled up to the u-16 Philippines national team. He’s pretty good, great landmark for him. I’ve always been thinking about getting on the Puerto Rican national team but he plays for a big name club so he has more connections, while I play for a smaller team. Obviously bigger name means nothing, we’ve played them 5 times and won every game, I am far better then him too haha. Obviously I know, I have to get scouted. But why would a little island scout come to a game in Texas right? I’ve known some of the Puerto Rican youth players and they are ok but I’m there level or better. I really have no knowledge of this stuff. Sorry I know it’s kinda out there but any help? Should I contact them some way? And how to?
submitted by Average_Texarican14 to ussoccer [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:46 bandstojam I was kicked out of the bridal party and disinvited from the wedding for talking smack about the bride. AITA?

I, 24 F at the time, met a girl in college 25 F at the time. I did not like her because I felt she was incredibly rude and a crappy friend to her friends. We were in the same friend group so I tolerated her, but never pursued a friendship.
Fast forward a few years and we both moved to the same city after college. We became friends out of necessity. For about a year, we hung out consistently. I then moved abroad and we kept up occasionally. She got engaged during this time, as well as asked me to be her bridesmaid. When going through a tough time abroad, she said she would love to FaceTime every week because I needed a friend. She never once picked up the phone for months after that. I had a traumatic event happen and she didn’t even pick up for that, just texted me back that she was busy (after I texted what happened). I had already started to mentally separate myself from her as a friend because she has proven to not be reliable.
I moved back to the states and back to the same city. She was a complete bridezilla. Barking orders of things I had to do, pickup, buy, etc in the months leading up to the wedding. She sent me on mini road trips for her without even a thank you. I even did a photoshoot for free for her in her dress without a single thank you. (I had been photographing weddings for a few years a at this point). She bought cute robes on amazon for the bridal party to wear and they did not come in plus sizes. She said “it’s not my fault you’re fat. You’ll need to find someone to make it for you and pay the costs yourself” At her bachelorette trip, she treated all of us college friends like dirt. She completely ignored us and refused to spend any time with us. She just wanted to be with her new friends. We all felt so uncomfortable on that trip that at one point I asked her if she would even ride in an Uber with us as we spent money to be here and celebrate her, but we haven’t been able to talk to her at all. She refused.
I had already come to the conclusion about 2 months prior to the wedding that I wasn’t going to continue being friends with the bride and I only was going to stay in the wedding because I made a commitment and I didn’t want to stress her out for her big day.
Days before her wedding her college best friend arrived in town and was staying with me since I had an extra bedroom. At this point, she and I are closer than she is with the bride. I talked to her about my issues with the bride because we are also friends, and she has been at the receiving end of the brides nastiness for years, more than anyone else. We talked, related to each other, and I felt much more at peace because I wasn’t alone in being treated so terribly by someone.
2 days before the wedding, our visiting friend went to hangout with the bride. That night she tells me she’s on her way back to my place. Next thing I know, the bride’s Fiance barges into my apartment instead of my friend. I quickly covered my half naked body and he then began to tell me how our mutual friend told the bride everything I said. I am no longer in the bridal party, and disinvited from the wedding.
I thanked him because I truly didn’t want to be there and you could tell he was surprised by my reaction of gratitude. He left and the wedding went on and she replaced me with her sister in the bridal party.
In the weeks after the wedding, I tried contacting the bride as she had a bunch of my stuff from when I was abroad. Things I let her use (printer, bags, furniture). She tried to steal most of it claiming it was hers. The printer was the funniest one. She said she received the exact same printer as a wedding gift and the printer was hers. I told her she still had my printer and I want it back. She refused to admit that she had my printer.
Eventually she gave in and said I could have the printer that she received as a gift and dropped it off on someone’s front porch for me to get and blocked me. I got the printer and as soon as I turned it on, it said my name and email. Obviously my printer.
She showed me her true colors when we were in college and I knew she wasn’t a good person. We became friends out of necessity and loneliness. She treated me the same way she treated all of her friends. Like shit. AITA for talking smack about her to our mutual friend? Truthfully, it’s 6 years later and I still don’t regret it. It got me out of a wedding I didn’t want to be apart of. She was a bridezilla who was bossy, ungrateful, and a body shamer.
submitted by bandstojam to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:45 Diligent-Park-3996 Can a woman in my neighborhood give out my child’s name, school, and address online?

Throwaway account.
There is a woman in my neighborhood slandering my child and my family and giving out his name, school, and likely our address to anyone on Facebook that asks. They’re using a closed case and creating fear and hatred against us in our community.
We feel unsafe in our home and have had people drive by our house very late at night.
Can she legally be giving out this information?
What if someone harms my family because they believe these slanderous lies? What if they show up at my child’s school?
submitted by Diligent-Park-3996 to legaladvice [link] [comments]