Good moring qoutes

Dragon Ball Z Motivation

2014.06.04 04:18 DaMan123456 Dragon Ball Z Motivation


2024.06.05 02:40 PerfectAge2332 16/F wants like an older/mature friend/mentor to learn how to dress/be more edgy/alternative, help?

Hi, so me and my parents recently moved to somewhere where i don't really know people so been kinda lonely, so I thought maybe lets post on Reddit.. So my idea is, I'm like trying to like change my style a bit, from plain/boring to more alternative/edgy. I've always been the boring plain good girl type and i wanna change. Anyone here that is alternative or likes alternative girls that wants to be friends and idk help maybe with ideas and stuff to help change me? Like I wanna have more of a screw the world screw my parents attitude and style..and I’m looking for a long term friend not just a random chat!
Please be mature and not shy because i'm shy enough for 2 :P I'm looking more for like someone that knows how to lead a conversation, more like a friend/mentor type of person, that is really honest? there's so many sweet people on here that just want to be overly postive and suck up haha and tell you to just be yourself and stuff..while I just want to change and find someome that can like guide/direct me with it..
Please tell me your age and something about my post, i'll talk to anyone just wanna know if people have actually read my post before they reply haha..
submitted by PerfectAge2332 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:40 Emotional-Celery4484 cant remember the last time someone said they were proud of me

besides my dad when i went back to college and we gave our relationship (at the expense of my health) a chance.
my mom has always had high standards so she never gives me validation or acknowledges me more than 5 secs.
got into a 400 level art class which is a curatorship. f pre-reqs lol. pretty happy since it applies to one of my career longterm goals creating art afterschool programs for highschool kids.
i also read 237 pages of an introductory criminal justice book. 330 pages in total. it was easy, 75% is explaining the variables affecting justice such as race, socioeconomic status, etc. gets really good after. lightwork since my family was in maw enforcement and currently in medicine.
plus i've moved forward with a hearing against a teacher for sexual harassment, this experience helped me submit a report against my dad whose abusive. first time i had the chance back in 2021 i still lived with him, and i didnt want to get him in trouble because well...he was my dad. and i didnt understand the gravity of the situation. was on meds, and blamed myself not knowing my reality.
my two friends are busy with their lives. One of them is dating a guy now, happy for them. the other moved.
and im here sharing the good news of my progress because it feels good to let it out. im proud of myself, like every time i see my car (even if its not the model i wanted) i find it amazing that i bought it with my sweat and literal tears. i've broken the cycle of generational trauma plaguing my family.
im a great girl. it sucks sometimes when i share my interests and life and im alone in the excitement. i love when people share me their day and good news even if i dont understand it.
but its fine, no one else will understand but me how far i've come. i made it till may, i held on till may like i promised years ago to my best friend when we spoke our truths. our traumas and abuse. i shared myself completely with him, and he did the same with me.
it feels great to have so many good news. that i did so much and that there are people out there helping me lil by lil even though i need a lot of fucking help lol. but i made it this far, i never thought i would see past 18.
so i'll tell myself: im proud of you. keep going.
submitted by Emotional-Celery4484 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:39 Zylphy Headphones for PC Gaming

Hey everyone!
My current cheap pc headphones are starting to die out and I'm looking to invest in a good pair of headphones for my everyday needs!
I primarily use my PC for video games. Usual games I play are MMOs, RPGs and Action games such as FFXIV, ESO, Monster Hunter, Elden Ring, Destiny 2, Witcher 3 and Fallout. I enjoy more immersion with music and the environment more than knowing exactly where the enemy is.
My budget is around $500. Also please let me know any good AMPs that would be needed :)
Thank you!
submitted by Zylphy to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:39 Ill-Dinner-6532 My husband was fired on his day off.

I’m looking for any advice. Do we let it go? Or fight it. Here’s the story.
My husband (35m) has been a long haul driver for 8 years, unfortunately doesn’t work for the best company and does not have any benefits. Hes been applying all year long to a few fuel companies, bec he’s looking for a set schedule ,more family time , and health benefits. We’ve been praying for this opportunity. Hes a hard worker and driving rigs is his passion. Fast forward, he finally received an opportunity and we couldn’t be happier. His training was for 30 days. During those 30 days he had the same trainer. This is where it started, with the trainer. His trainer (50m) since the first day started giving him weird vibes. We live in a small town that has a lot of gang activity. He asked my husband if he bangs? Umm what?? No he does not!! I thought that was unprofessional. The next day , he proceeds to ask my husband what Gangsters does he know from our town???? Again unprofessional. Everyday more and more unprofessional . He told my husband why was he wearing true religion jeans ? Why does he dress the way he does. He told my husband he doesn’t see him being a worker for this company that he should go back to long haul. Meanwhile , this man never took lunch so my husband shared his lunch with him practically everyday. I even packed extra snacks and sodas for them. By the second week my husband was doing everything in his own with the trainer supervising. On another occasion , he was trying to have my husband take an exam but it’s an exam you take after the 30days. When my husband told him no, he called my husband out to the side of the fence because he wanted to fist fight!!!!! During the training he yelled at my husband like if he was a kid multiple times, but again my husband wouldn’t say anything back because he doesn’t want to complain or seem like the new guy can’t take it. This continued on the full 30 days and we would stress out. But the thought of having this amazing job is what kept us pushing. My toddler and I even met this man one time when I took them some pastries during work. So day 29 in training comes it’s a Sunday , the manager texts my husband to come in to the office before work the next day. He hands Him a paper stating he has been discharged. My husband is shocked and begs for an explanation. The manager states he can’t say why he’s been fired! I know for a fact that it was the trainer that had something to do with it!!!!! I cried my eyes off! How can someone be so evil and take this opportunity from my husband. I know my husband has some fault for not speaking up and filing a complaint. The day this happened my husband called his trainer and asked if he had any idea why? His response : nope but good luck!
submitted by Ill-Dinner-6532 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:39 Charming_Plastic_491 Tips to review for CVL320 Final Exam (Saber Moradi) Spring 2024

Tips to review for CVL320 Final Exam (Saber Moradi) Spring 2024
My CVL320 Final Exam is on April 27, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. There will be six questions. Honestly, Professor Moradi is good, but the course is challenging. And I cannot guarantee that the marks of my five quizzes will be high. My friend told me that the final exam was brutally hard. Most people fail; the rest get a D as their final mark.
I heard a rumour that in Fall 2023, Moradi's CVL320 Final Exam Questions were similar to or the same as those in the textbook, and I wonder if it is true. Thus, could you guys let me know if Moradi's CVL320 Final Exam Questions were similar to or the same as those in the textbook?
Besides, I want to review and study before the CVL320 Final Exam. Please let me know which chapters will be on the CVL320 Final Exam.
All Chapters in CVL320
More importantly, could you guys give me some tips or strategies so that I can effectively speed up my review for Moradi's CVL320 Final Exam?
submitted by Charming_Plastic_491 to TorontoMetU [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:38 WizarDProdigy Losing A Half Of Me - Day 34

Some days are just kind of peaceful. Eating well and exercising in order to prepare for this week. The Final Shape DLC comes out soon. I'll allow it to consume me for two weeks and then get on that horse even better than before. I ate good today with some yogurt, bacon,and breakfast sausage. I wanted to get an apple in but forgot. For dinner I made carne asada tacos with some lettuce and pickled peppers. I absolutely loved it but ate too much. I got way too excited and will not be doing that anytime soon. I had a root beer with dinner as my dessert. It was an amazing dinner and I'm happy I made it. I just need to self control it a bit more next time. I've been doing real well with that lately. Just need to keep at it.
I really did not want to walk today. Not even the slightest. But I got my big butt up and I did it. And you know what? I hated it at first but then felt really good at the end. It's okay not to want to do something. It's okay to decide not to do it. But try to. Try to get off your feet. Try to take those few steps and then a few more. I'm proud of myself for doing it. I'm proud that I got off my feet and walked for 40 minutes plus. My body doesn't always agree but my mind does. Work hard now so the future is easier.
I cleaned up and got my room close to being finalized. It looks a lot more spacious and nice now. It's not perfect and needs to be touched up a bit. But I'll do that in between doing other things. It will get there until I'm fully happy. Right now a smile with it will do. My goal for tomorrow is to just be happy playing the DLC for my game. Have fun with my friend playing it and have a good day. Try to clean up during our breaks and do the little things. I can't wait and have been waiting for the end of this dark and light saga.
SBIST was my coworkers inviting me out to brunch in the coming week. It sounds like it could be a lot of fun and I can't wait. People actually inviting me to stuff always just feels so nice and heartwarming. I know it's a simple thing but it makes me feel whole. I've been doing this whole lonely thing for a long time and it makes me realize how much I long for connection. I've been looking more into beeping ideas and jewelry making classes to maybe fill that gap. The future is bright.
I say goodbye to the conjurers of the ghosts and the guardians. May I take out the Witness tomorrow and have a blast while doing it. What will be in store for me and my pursuit? May it bring it a satisfying conclusion to what I seek.
submitted by WizarDProdigy to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:38 yShadowStorm Server hop for first of darkness

This is a good idea? I saw on wiki that u can find first of darkness doing server hop and getting the chests of Haunted Castle, i killed more than 20 Sea Beasts and nothing
submitted by yShadowStorm to bloxfruits [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:38 jtc7274 Port in from AT&T issue

Yesterday I set up an account with US Mobile to port in from AT&T where we had an account since we first got cell phones. I have been reading comments on here for several weeks before I attempted the change. I had our transfer pin from AT&T and our phones are both unlocked. I did my line first and it went through in about 15 minutes. However when I did my husband's line it appeared to be stuck in porting. He got a text from AT&T to confirm he wanted to change and replied. Still nothing. I started a chat with US Mobile and was told there was a hold by AT&T and I had to call them. I did and was told all was good and they should resubmit the port request. I chatted again but then I was told there is a port restriction on the number and I would have to call AT&T. I called again and was told by AT&T I had to call the Port Activation Center number. I did that early this afternoon and basically that seemed like they were probably just jerking us around. I don't really know but I was told restriction was not on the line and to ask US Mobile to resubmit. I started another chat with US Mobile and I just feel like I do not get the whole story. AT&T has now cut off the line and closed the account and I was told via chat with US Mobile rep it would take 24 - 48 hours. I don't understand that since the line has been released and mine only took 15 minutes. I tried to call just a little bit ago and got a guy I could not understand at all because there was so much background noise I heard virtually nothing he said and he said something like could he call me and I said ok and then he hung up. Well, if he was calling my husband's number it does not take calls because he has no service. So I did not get a call. I am happy so far with my service but feel like this is off to a bad start. I have now read a lot of other posts about porting in issues and I wish I had seen them before I switched because I might have been more prepared or not done it. Not sure if we just wait now or what because chatting and calling seems to get me nowhere.
submitted by jtc7274 to USMobile [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:38 PebbleLavender An argument on buying bettas from large pet stores

So, I noticed another post about this subject and decided to make my argument here. I am on my alt, for the record- don’t bother upvoting or downvoting. I want to offer my opinion EXCLUSIVELY about the practice in terms of large pet stores. By that, I mean chains- Petsmart, Petco, etc. LFS’s may have different rules and costs and whatnot.
1- Why do we all think we have such a large sway over what these stores do?
We are a small margin of people who own bettas and an even smaller margin of people who buy them. I’d say probably less than 10% of betta owners have even seen this sub. The stores aren’t catering to us in the slightest, seeing as inadequate betta kits sit right beside the bettas. We are clearly not a huge target market- I can stand in the lobby of my Petco the entire day and watch and talk to the people looking at bettas, and nearly every single time they have never heard of this sub or proper betta care. They are also probably 95% of the people buying fish there. Keep in mind I live in a city with several large aquarium clubs. The margins are probably even worse in less fish-oriented places.
And to add to this- boycotting requires a LOT of combined action to work. Not just by this sub- by nearly everyone buying fish from that store. And then it needs to be so many people that the profits become so low that stocking the betta shelf becomes more expensive than it is profitable to the store for them to buy bettas…which leads to the next point, and arguably a more important one.
2- Bettas have got to be very, very cheap to stock on a shelf.
Depending on how closely you’ve watched the shelves, you might have noticed this- ever see how few bettas actually make it out of the store? If I had to guess, a very liberal estimate of mine is that maybe 4 get out of my local Petco in a week. The rest appear to, well…die. The same betta stays on the shelf for about a month, then I come in and it’s on its side, dead. Either that or there’s an empty cubby and the fish that was ailing yesterday is missing. 4 out of a shelf of probably 20 bettas in a week. This is of course excluding people randomly buying 20 bettas for a birthday party or whatever- I have high doubts that happens a lot.
Those are not good numbers, right?
So, then the profit of selling one betta must outweigh the cost of buying 20-40 bettas for the shelf. Meaning, the 20-40 bettas are dirt cheap. Look at the costs of other types of fish, too- each individual fish is cheap, and probably even cheaper to get for the store. If I had to guess, the cost of buying a betta as a pet store is less than a dollar. Probably .25-.50 cents. The cheapest betta in my petsmart is 5$, all the way up to the 25$ ones. A profit margin of at least 4 dollars a fish- enough to cover between 8-16 more fish if it all goes back to the bettas.
Thus, putting that and my first point together…bettas are not going to stop being sold. Even if every single one of us stopped buying them. They’re extremely lucrative for the store, only a few need to be sold to cover the entire cost of that shelf…and, of course, we’re a tiny fraction of the people actually buying the fish.
So, in conclusion…
If you actually want to make a difference, instead of just quietly stopping buying them, lobby your local lawmakers and the store to stop selling bettas. Get the word out to everyone, not just this sub, to stop buying them. And, of course, actually stop yourself- but more importantly, STOP OTHERS. A difference is made when many people boycott something, not when you quietly do it on one subreddit.
And, on a smaller note, I really hate the moral superiority thing some people seem to have going about not buying the bettas. The fact that you didn’t buy one or that someone else did ultimately matters very little in the grand scheme of profits. Stop acting like the subreddit will save all the bettas by quietly boycotting them- you need widespread change for that, not just one small group of Reddit people. I would like nothing more than to stop the fish from being sold, but can I do that by whining at someone who brought one? No. You can implement change by actually lobbying the people in power, the lawmakers and stores, not a little cluster of Reddit people.
Either that, or accept that change is stupid hard to implement and buy the damn fish. Don’t steal it, also- that actually makes people trying to stop the fish being sold look worse. Plus, it’s very, very illegal, which…I hope I don’t have to explain why you don’t want to break the law.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. For the record, this is all I need to say- I’m not going to follow this closely from here. Don’t expect me to argue in the comments with you. I’ve made my statement already.
submitted by PebbleLavender to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:37 Arsnal New cooler needed for an old PC

Hello friends!
I have a PC that I got on the cheap from a friend and it’s -quite- old, but was running great except for graphic performance and the odd shutdown. I recently upgraded the GPU and Case, specs below.
Now with the smaller new case and the radiator not fitting so well, I’m experiencing more CPU shutdowns and higher temps while the GPU is doing amazing. Case itself is cool as a cucumber though.
Specs: ASUS Sabertooth FX990 R2.0 FX-8350 CPU 8 core w/ 16 GB RAM Unknown Corsair water cooler from 2012-2013 360mm - too large for my fans so had to be installed under them.
RTX4060 - brand new Musetex NN8 case - brand new
So i’m looking to replace my cooler preferably with something 240mm under 100$. I’m totally not opposed to air coolers either, I just want to be budget friendly based on the age of most of my components (saving for that upcoming CPU and MLB upgrade)
TLDR; need a cheap but good cooler, air or 240mm, for a 12yr old CPU.
submitted by Arsnal to watercooling [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:37 JumpingDisc Listen to him. You might need it.

Listen to him. You might need it. submitted by JumpingDisc to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:37 HasdrubalsBlowingGum Name Meanings

I've seen a lot of these on the sub at one time or another, and I thought it'd be cool to put them all in one place and crowdsource any that I'm missing. (FYI, my interest is mostly in Greece/Rome, so a lot of the references to other cultures/mythologies go over my head.)
Lykos: Lykos means "wolf" in Ancient Greek. So "sic hunt lupus" is pretty literal for Darrow.
Barca: The Barca family were perhaps the greatest enemies of Rome in its entire history. Hannibal Barca (crossing the Alps with elephants guy) is the most famous, but his father Hamilcar and brothers Hasdrubal and Mago were also huge pains in the ass. (And for me, they have to go down as having some of the coolest names in all ancient history.)
Telemanus: The family name of Ajax, the enormous Greek warrior who fought at Troy. Ajax and Diomedes were considered the greatest warriors in the Greek army after Achilles. Checks out.
Augustus: The chosen name of the first Roman emperor, Octavian Augustus. Augustus wasn't a family name, but rather a title picked specifically by Octavian to fit his political needs. (He needed something fancy, but not too-kinglike.) It can be translated variously as "magnificent" or "venerated" or "revered."
Julii: One of the ancient Patrician families of Rome. The most famous member of the Julii clan, of course, is Julius Caesar, the dictator who brought the Roman Republic to its end. Their family claimed descent from the goddess Venus.
Fabii: Another of the ancient Roman Patrician families. They claimed descent from Hercules. Early in Rome's history, their entire family line was nearly wiped out when 306 Fabii males died in the same battle. The sole male survivor had been too young to go to war. Probably the most famous Fabii is Fabius Verrucosus, the first Roman general to have any success fighting Hannibal Barca. (And by "fighting" I mean "running away and avoiding pitched battle at all costs.") The strategy allowed Rome to recover from some serious losses but made Fabius incredibly unpopular. Some of the ancient sources describe him as a cautious and submissive child who grew into a lion-esque defender of the Republic.
Bellona: The Roman goddess of war. She was famous for her battle bloodlust, but I don't know if there's a more specific connection.
Raa: Ra was the sun god of ancient Egypt, but that’s all I got.
Grimmus, Valii-Rath, and Lune: I couldn't find anything for these. (The first person to comment, "Actually, Lune means moon in Latin" is a pixie.)
Darrow: This is obviously a deeply symbolic etymological reference to the Gaelic word for "oak tree," which is itself a nod to the troubles of the Irish working class and a foreshadowing of Darrow's wisdom and strength of char...Oh. PB said he just wrote a bunch of words on a whiteboard? And then he mashed them together until he found one that sounded cool? Gotcha. No, totally, that works too.
Diomedes: This is one of my favorites. Besides Achilles, Diomedes was the greatest Greek warrior in the Trojan War. The account of Dares the Phrygian describes him as "brave, dignified, and austere." Hm. So there's a brave, dignified, austere warrior who is the second-most deadly fighter of his faction behind only a rage-filled madman. Where have I heard that one before?
Atlas: The Titan who was forced to hold up the sky. Ironically, I think this is basically how the Fear Knight sees himself -- burdened with brutal but essential purpose.
Octavia: The female version of Octavian, which was the given name of the first Roman emperor.
Orion: A literal hunter in the stars. Pretty blunt, but that feels on brand for her.
Lysander: There are a couple Lysanders, but the most famous is the Spartan king who defeated the Athenians and ended the Peloponnesian War. Unlike many of the other Spartans, who were relatively isolationist and conservative, Lysander wanted to replace the Athenian empire with a Spartan version. There are some other interesting parallels, most notably that several of Lysander's victories over the Athenians were the result of scheming, surprise, and betrayal, rather than outright war. Weirdly, none of the ancient historians mention that he was a backstabbing little asshole.
Cassius: The internet says that the name means either "helmeted warrior" or "hollow/pointless," so I'm not sure if there's anything there. The most famous Cassius is Gaius Cassius Longinus, who is notable for his instigating role in the assassination of Julius Caesar.
Nero: Famously fiddled while Rome burned. (Pixie number one: "Actually, it was a lyre, since the fiddle wasn't invented yet." Pixie #2: "Actually, actually, he was more into acting than music, and his initial crisis response to the fire was pretty good.") Whatever. (Though for real, the historiography behind Nero's reputation is super interesting. Turns out that burning a bunch of Christian monks is not a good long-term PR strategy.)
Romulus: Killed his brother in order to found a city/empire in his preferred location. I was so sure this name would pay off and it just never did. A reminder to take all this with several grains of salt.
Virginia/Sevro/Adrius/Ragnar: I think these are also in the "they just sound cool" category. I guess you can start making anagrams and finding etymological connections, but it all seems like a stretch to me.
Other prominent names that just seemed like too much of a stretch: Faran, Arcos, Victra, Regulus Colloway, Votum, Falthe, Flavinius, Dido, Tactus, Roque. I'm curious if someone sees direct ties for any of these. (I accidentally went into full Pepe Silvia mode here, so if you find yourself reading about 12th-century Italian noblemen or the etymology of "saffron," you've gone too far.)
And there are really cool histories for Cipio, Cicero, Electra, Niobe, and a few others, but they didn't feel like big enough characters to include.
submitted by HasdrubalsBlowingGum to redrising [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:37 AsleepCriticism211 Help, I need a new main

So I've been playing Pyra/mythre for a while now and have gotten pretty good at it being able to stand up to some level 9 NPC's. But it's recently come to my attention that I don't really play anything else, I am a fan of the heavier hitters such as Prya because I feel like I get more damage per hit and I’m usually pretty good at not getting knocked off and needing to recover.
Since I don't really play anyone else and they are a dlc character I struggle when at my friends and family's houses that don't have them.
Is there any non-dlc characters that people would recommend I try out? And if so, how should I play them as I’m sure they are different than what I’m used to.
Thank you all in advance!
TLDR: I need a non dlc player similar to pyra to start playing so I’m not Trash.
Edit: forgot to add that I’m not Trying to go professional or anything, just want to be able to impress cousins and friends.
submitted by AsleepCriticism211 to SmashBrosUltimate [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:37 1CVN What to do... Using pucks, hot water , pucks seem to disolve quick

I have lowered the puck thing (I think its a hayward, fits 7-8 pucks maybe... set to 1/4 still 2.5 ppm chlorine each day for now... Im thinking the setting closer to 1 may be for early in the season to shock the pool and in the hot sunny days too...
Consuming more than a puck a day with a 30000gallon pool (or so... 18x38, 10 foot deep on one tier and 4 foot deep on the other tier)...
I've been adding baking soda because I heard pucks are acidic. About 1 box a puck but now the alcalinity is getting to a good level.. should I use soda ash to raise the PH instead and maybe Bleach/liquid chlorine instead of pucks ?
submitted by 1CVN to swimmingpools [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 PaTrIcK5230 Why does everybody leave after one game in quickplay/Elite smash?

Whether I’m playing in elite smash or at 7 million GSP, win or loss, people never rematch. It’s like more than 80% of the time people leave after the first game; even with good connection and a close back and forth game people still leave after the first game.
I understand leaving if the game if it is extremely one sided, or because lag, but I’ll win extremely close games sometimes with great connection against opponents that immediately leave. If I were them I’d be begging for a rematch.
With the exception of a bad connection, I always give people at least a best of 3. The majority of the time it’s not even out of principle; I just want to replay my opponent, whether I won or lost, to see if I can overcome any struggle I had the first game.
submitted by PaTrIcK5230 to smashbros [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 No_Button_3100 Buckle up...AITAH bridesmaid edition

Important background: I moved across country 2.5 years ago I'm not married or ever plan to get married I've invited her to my birthdays for years and she never can come I went to her big birthday 1 year ago(across the country), which is also when she got engaged
A year ago my roommate from college asked me to be her bridesmaid and I was so happy and so excited for her I said yes. Things were running along well, and the plans for her Bachelorette really kicked off beginning of this year. It was going to be in June (I had already booked a 15 day trip through Italy for May). I was all in.
Student loan forgiveness got canceled and my rent got increased and I had this Italy trip with a non refundable flight hanging over me.
First the MOH told the bride, without discussing with the rest of the BMs that despite her wanting to help with the costs-- they absolutely would not allow her to pay a dime. When the MOH messaged us about the air bnb cost, I was at work. It was going to be over $400 per person (I think there were 9 of us?). Before getting everyone's thumbs up that they could afford it...the place got booked. Quite a few people were taken aback and stressed about the cost (but noone except for me voiced the concerns in the group). So I asked what the costs for all the activities were going to be so I could budget if I was going to be able to do it or not. The MOH got defensive and were like we aren't going to know that for awhile. Okay... so I went to the bride.
Going to the bride I said hey I'm nervous about how I'm going to be able to financially swing the wedding and the Bachelorette (both on the other side of the country) but I really wanted to go to the wedding stress free. She agreed and was SOOOO understanding of me backing out of the Bach party. So I went to the MOH separately and told them I was going to be backing out of the Bach party, I have the brides blessing, everything was good. This was 5 months ago.
Feb 1 I got a promotion and a raise, and immediately went to my friend and said hey I want to help with the cost of the Bach if only a little bit and sent the MOH $250 so they had some extra cash for drinks or food or whatever April I decided I could not afford my trip to Italy and needed to cancel because student loans were gonna murder me. April/May I fought and fought the airline to refund me my non-refundable flight to Italy.
I decided I wanted to go back home for a weekend to visit my friends on the other side of the country and reached out to the bride saying "hey I'm planning to come home and can come the weekend of your Bach if you think it's cool for me to join for 1 day of the 3 day event" she said no, it would be best for me to just come on my own time. Say no more. I can do that.
2 weeks ago my friend from my new home was like "let's go see Taylor swift in sweden" the flight, hotel, and tickets are gonna be less than 1500. I recently won the war with the airline from my canceled Italy trip so I said absolutely and 2 days later was on a flight. And the bride had already told me she didn't want me at the Bach this late in the game. I thought it was a non issue for me to spend this money to see Taylor.
This past weekend I had that trip back home where the bride said "no don't come for the Bach, come on your own time". On this trip I discovered that for months the entire bridal party has been nit picking what I spend my money on (my trip to Italy was a big topic...which if you read above I canceled but didn't announce this to the world as it's not the world's business), and painting me as this awful person and awful friend and I'm so evil. Huh?? The bride I thought was fine....
So leaving that trip I messaged the bride and was like hey I feel like we need to talk because I've heard you're actually upset with me and I didn't realize and I want to talk about how to move forward.
She messages me back saying "I don't want to have that conversation, I don't want this drama and negativity leading up to my special day with my fiance, consider yourself uninvited and unburdened"
I was SHOCKED because up until this weekend I thought everything was fine because she has been telling me everything is fine. I'm not being negative or causing drama because ive actually been under the assumption there was no issue? But her response to me was friendship ruining and ending. So I replied and said I'm sorry I just wanted to have an open conversation like adults but I have no choice but to respect your choice and please have the MOH send me my money back (the 250 i gave).
Then her bestfriend messaged me on Facebook calling me an awful person, selfish, and I screwed "the one person who tolerates you" (which is funny because I have plenty of people in my life that love and enrich it.) And that I wasn't going to get my money back.
I'm sorry that I can't budget to spend $3k on my friend this year who hasn't spent a dime on me in...ever. and especially the last 3 years. Like she's so ungrateful for the $2k I was more than willing to spend for the actual wedding?? Like it's a "come to the Bachelorette too or don't be my friend anymore...but I'm gonna pretend with you that I'm okay with you not attending but then gonna bad mouth you to my friends"
Someone please...AITA?
submitted by No_Button_3100 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 TheHumposaurus I finally started after two months. My first impression!
Okay, so around two months ago I posted a question here with what kind of game this was. I was intrigued, it got on sale and I instantly bought it (with all the DLC so fingers crossed for me!). Booted it up and my pc is having a rough rough time (anyone got some tips to smoothing it out for me without compromising much?).
First impressions: Sorry, but I hate how the cutscenes are handled and during the opening/tutorial sequence there are a lot of timejumps with stuff that I wanted to see! Missed opportunity. I'm not a good gamer, so I had some trouble learning the basic controls and how to attack and dodge (died to those two guards lmao) but got it down eventually. When I entered the outside world, that's when beauty happens. I can look past those timejumps with weird cutscenes because god, this game is gorgeous. I've only entered base camp just now but I'm so excited to explore more and find out how to get a banshee. I also got jumpscared by a plant that bounces me up way high, 10/10 would recommend that bouncy castle. Thanks for recommending it all and please, if you respond, don't spoil stuff for me! I love being surprised in the game :)
submitted by TheHumposaurus to FrontiersOfPandora [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 Dreamy-A Will Jade be the best slot for any Blade team

I was thinking in the recent updates it was hard playing Blade in the endgame content and i noticed I barley use him anymore even though I have him with a really good build, E1 and with Sparkle. So, I want to know if his combination with Jade outperforms his current team and if she will make him more viable option to use. If that happens I will get her for him hopefully.
submitted by Dreamy-A to BladeMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 6shellfromhell9 Anyone else reading Mage Again and wondering why its not a top comic??

Like the title says- its incredible! And it doesn't have that many readers for how beautiful the art and story are! Also, the chapters are pretty long! It's honestly so freaking good idk why its not more popular.
Lk, the only sort of downside to me is all the side stories (because after a while you just want to continue the MCs story) but I can't even hate on the side stories too much since they all connect to the plot super well and are so beautiful.
Is anyone else reading this?? If not, there's lk 100 chapters already and its still going.
Those who are- whos your fav character?
submitted by 6shellfromhell9 to webtoons [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 Lawandglam Funniest divorce ever…

So today I went to file my dissolution, for a man that left me six years ago and was just too lazy to do anything about it, for the second time. My ex needed to stop at Staples, because he didn't print his paperwork or have a clue what he was doing in all honesty. The first time I had printed all the paperwork and we did them together, plus mine was written in advance both times, but the first time he was stubborn about who initiated the divorce, and it got kicked back. Now we had to file again.
He had been putting this off for almost a year, telling me to gather all the paperwork, knowing I'm a full time student who works hard to maintain a 4.0 now that I've escaped toxic, and don't have the time to bang him, school, and be an activist. Suddenly I get a text, here is the paperwork. Can you file Monday or Tuesday? I said whichever was more convenient. When we stopped at Staples he made a joke that his gf would see his location and wonder why he was at a Costco so long (Staples is nextdoor). I asked how she would know where he was. He has location turned on 24/7. Tried to pass it off as something he was doing to make sure she was safe. Of course that's a load of you know what.
Not to mention his phone is going off constantly and all day he's saying how this has to get done and not be kicked back. So many times it was comical. Finally after we file the paperwork I ask "so, you've been repeating how this has to be done today, no being kicked back all day. What did she threaten you with?" He said no he was just forgetful. Sorry pal, I've been chasing you for this divorce since 3 months after you left. I had to threaten to report you to the IRS the first time. You've never had your location tracker on, nor has she called and texted this much. I also notice him dash ahead to snap a photo to send her as soon as we got out of the courtroom.
Now, why are we getting divorced? He was a prolific cheater, and I kept trying to leave him. He would threaten violence if I did. Luckily I fell deathly ill, and he moved out while I was hospitalized.How did we get married? Ultimatum I thought he would run from over his cheating that ended up being a big game of chicken to him.
I spent years in therapy, and now I am with a good guy I plan to spend the rest of my life with, and he says he feels the same about me. My ex has hit on me on every dating app on the planet, and is now being location tracked and called/texted 24/7. So, think he got caught and got the ultimatum, again? If so, don't blame her. I've left out the severe mind games he plays that really screw a woman up. I know what she feels like, but damn, I never location tracked. That's time to leave status. What would you say to her in case she sees this?
I'd say, run for the hills, and think about how much more therapeutic this was than all the years I spent doing it. It's also hilarious, as she got him by knowingly having sex with him for years, despite the fact he was married, not trying to divorce. I'm not going to say once a cheater, always a cheater. That's easily disproven. I will say if they cheat on you once, they will do it again.
submitted by Lawandglam to ToxicRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 Waste-Ad-6151 Full face?

I’m kinda curious if my fuller coverage makeup is considered full face?
It’s concealer on my under eyes, blemishes, a bit on my forehead for redness but a good amount on my cheeks for redness. Blush, eyeliner, mascara, highlighter on inner corners and lipstick & gloss. Maybe a bit of brow gel but very little if any.
What would you all consider this? To me I never considered this a full face, but a moderate look, since it’s not foundation, lashes, contour, eyeshadow or bronzer but then again it is a good amount of products. Was just curious, especially as I’m examining how my confidence relates to makeup and trying to go makeup free more often.
submitted by Waste-Ad-6151 to Makeup [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 SalinorTV Theology of the 41st Millenium

In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, God is made in Man’s image. That is the thesis of evil in the setting.
What is Man’s image but sin? Evil, without relent. When someone kills another in great anger in 40K, he feeds the part of God that reflects his hatred. Likewise when another commits infidelity with their partner, the part of God that shares in their sensuality, pleasure and pride in the act becomes slightly more defined. Thus, a dark pantheon is born out of cruelty.
In Christianity, Man is made in the perfect, flawless likeness of God, but that image has been perverted and corrupted. Despite this, Christians have hope because ultimately, God’s goodness undergirds creation and all existence beyond. There is no such comfort in Warhammer 40,000, as what lay beyond reality is but a reflection of its own ugly iniquity.
Every noble act, be it a small gesture of kindness, to a selfless sacrifice is thus made all the more poignant. The light shines the brightest in the deepest dark.
It is also worth it to note that the Horus Heresy plot line which undergirds the setting is essentially a beat for beat retelling of the War in Heaven- (no, not that one)- in Genesis. Horus’ fall from grace is an obvious allegory for Lucifer’s.
I’d also like to add a bold prediction for the arc of the series toward end times. I will admit this is heavily biased by my Christian faith. I believe that the story will involve the Emperor becoming a triune God. This is what I mean- I believe that the Emperor as he is on the Golden throne is The Father. The part of the Emperor’s soul that he jettisoned into the warp is the Holy Spirit. Finally, the ‘Star Child’ that is to be born is The Son. Furthermore, the line: “I wait for you, and I forgive you” leads me to believe a redemption for Horus (as well as his fallen brothers) is all but guaranteed down the line. What is interesting about this is in Christianity, The Son redeems fallen humanity back unto himself.
Peak fiction copies the greatest story all of time. The Lord of The Rings did it, and Warhammer 40,000 should continue to do it too!
submitted by SalinorTV to HorusGalaxy [link] [comments]