Gaia about box code

Sneakerheads Unite!

2009.01.21 20:01 Sneakerheads Unite!

A subreddit for sneaker lovers.

2016.04.03 14:41 Combinatorilliance Assembling pictures

Game about writing assembly code to pass the graphics tests.

2013.12.14 20:58 /r/Instantregret


2024.06.04 20:19 NaiveOpening7376 Is this height for an oven outlet the *new* code requirement?

I have a pretty new induction range on order and being shipped. While it's on its way, my handyman is installing a new outlet since we're moving the oven location from the previous layout. The box is about 2 feet above the floor.
He says that code requires the outlet to be a certain height off the floor to reduce risk of water pooling up and causing a shock hazard.
But all the oven diagrams I look at make it look like the outlet needs to be only a few inches off the ground so that the oven can be flush with the wall while the outlet sits in a recessed area at the bottom of the stove.
My question is: Is my handyman correct? does the 220v outlet need to be that high off the ground? This is in the USA if that matters for codes and whatnot.
submitted by NaiveOpening7376 to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:04 SustainablyAnxious Restitution for property damage

Starting from the beginning, my partner and I own a house in Hamilton, ON. A good friend (at the time), let’s call him Rob, was in need of a place to stay, having had a few bad rental situations over the few years prior, we offered our empty, newly renovated basement. Rob moved in October 2022 on a month to month lease.
Frankly, this was a mistake and Rob’s constant mental health and financial issues became a huge problem. I’ve added more background in the comments.
April 2023’s rent went unpaid for 14 days. May 2023’s rent was paid a couple days late, whatever. Come June though, no rent. We had given Rob an ultimatum after the April unpaid rent incident: either seek mental health support and pay the rent on time or find another place to stay (our mental health was suffering at this point).
After a week of no rent in June and being unable to discuss the issue with Rob as he continued to come and go at 3am and refused to respond to texts, calls and knocks on his door. Finally, we decided enough is enough. After constant neglect for his dog, leaving her with us for hours and days on end, we advised Rob that should he leave his dog with us even once more, we would be calling animal control. At the same time, we decided the ultimatum was no longer worth it, and asked Rob to find another place to live.
At this point it’s June 8th and we’ve had zero response from Rob, nor any indication that he’d be leaving our house or paying rent. We feared he’d squat indefinitely. The one thing he seemed to take seriously was the threat of our calling animal control. That night at 3am, like he’d been doing for the last 2 months, Rob packed his little Honda civic up with boxes and boxes of Lego and toys, and one garbage bag of clothes. He then stuffed his poor dog into the back seat with literally no space left due to all the toys he needed so badly. All of this is captured on our ring cameras, and as we’d advised him we’d be ending the rental arrangement (should he not comply with the ultimatum) more than a month prior, we decided to change the codes to the doors and sent him a message identifying that he is no longer welcome and he can reach out to set up a date to pick the rest of his stuff up. Queue the temporary sigh of relief.
The relief was short lived. Come Sunday night, and of course at 3am, Rob starts banging loudly on the front door. I mean LOUDLY. We wake up to this and check the cameras, confirming it was Rob trying to get back into our house. We barely had time to react before he began ripping our front garden to shred. We had paid $600 the year prior to plant a more mature magnolia tree in our front yard and had just recently planted 9 rose bushes (which took an entire week as our front lawn is filled with stones and digging was nearly impossible). One by one, Rob ripped out our rose bushes and walked over the train tracks at the end of our street to toss them. Between each bush, he proceeded to bang loudly on our front door as if his behaviour would suddenly knock some sense into us and force us to allow him in. We were terrified, staring out our front window and watching the cameras as Rob absolutely demolished our front garden. It’s worth noting that Rob had a gun in a safe in the basement, and we were truly concerned about what might happen should he make it inside. We called the police and told them as much, and waited for them to arrive while watching the chaos unfold. At the same time, neighbours were messaging us asking what was happening and sharing in our disbelief. After all the roses were destroyed, he went to pull out the magnolia. He had a hard time clearly, because he paused to dig around in his trunk for gloves to get a better grip. Eventually he was able to remove the tree, which was never seen again. He also got into the back yard and tossed all of our planters and garden fences into the neighbours yards, more chaos.
Nearing the end of this awful experience, Rob gets back into his car and nearly closes his door to leave, but pauses. He gets back out, walks up to the front porch, picks up a giant rock we had pulled out of the ground to plant the roses (at least 1.5ft long rock, very heavy) and walks it to the backyard. At the same time, the police arrive. As we are coming down the stairs to talk to the police, we hear an intense crash of shattering glass and noise. Rob had thrown the rock through our back patio door.
In the end, he didn’t make it inside before getting arrested and taken away. Unfortunately, he was gone only an hour before they brought him back and let him go.
In all, we calculated about 4K in damages which were submitted as a request for restitution. At the time we did not think pressing charges of our own would be necessary as the police said they would press their own charges and our restitution request would be included. This was June 2023. We’re now June 2024 and his court appearance just to set a trial date has been delayed 3 times by a couple months each, so we’re now over 6 months delayed in simply setting a trial date. The police refuse to provide any further information. The courthouse cannot provide any information. What on earth do we do with this? We feel completely abandoned by the legal system.
Should we submit this to small claims? Is that even allowed if there is a restitution form still floating around relating to his case? It really feels like it’s going nowhere and we aren’t able to do anything about it. I am disappointed Rob is able to do all this and gets to move on with his life without a single consequence for his actions, meanwhile we were left to pick up the literal pieces of his destruction to our property and house.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Edit: move in date
submitted by SustainablyAnxious to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:49 Neither_Snow4190 Italian landlord threatened to contact debt collectors while keeping my deposit money, Italy

Italian landlord threatened to contact debt collectors while keeping my deposit money
Hello everyone, I’m currently a uni student in Turin and I have some issues with my old landlord. I rented a 1-room studio from Oct23 till mid May on a Transitional lease (Uso transitorio) and deposited €560. I moved out 3 months before the end of the contract (I’ve noticed her, 2 months before according to the contract, through Whatsapp message) and I accepted that the deposit money would be used to pay off the contract termination fees and the utilities bills.
But now I got a message from the landlord that I have to pay the gas & light bills until March-April which is more than €400 and would contact debt collectors if I don’t pay the amount. I asked if the deposit money can pay-off the total bills but she said that bills for May wont arrive until Aug,Sept so I have to pay the previous bills before it arrives. I’m willing to pay €100-200 extra but not €400-500 like she’s asking.
And the house given to me was terrible, construction workers outside loudly working 24/7, boiler sometimes not pumping out hot water and the landlord sometimes even show up to my house unannounced to check on the light box.
Anyone knows what to do in my situation? As a foreign students who know nothing about Italian laws (tried to read Civil Code on renting but got nothing) or the language, what should I do? Thank you for any advice!
submitted by Neither_Snow4190 to LegalAdviceEurope [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:12 handsomejackcrackden Network of scammers uncovered, info inside

Using my alt because I recently fell for this scam and feel somewhat foolish as a result. A few people here have posted stories involving friend requests from people with this profile picture who proceed to advertise a case opening website. From someone who fell for this scam, here's a summary of how it goes:
  1. Go onto site, link Steam account (to my knowledge this does not give them your login info, just a numeric identifier, like how similar (and, more importantly, legitimate) websites operate.
  2. Use the promo code you were given, receive site credit, unbox items.
  3. Get really good item, e.g. a knife, go to your site inventory to claim your items.
  4. Receive error, something like "You must deposit $20 of items to proceed. You have deposited $0"
  5. Deposit $20 worth of items, receive another error. "You must deposit $20 of items to proceed. You have deposited $19.51", turns out the mystery "fee" taken by the site isn't taken into account when depositing.
  6. Deposit some small items to make up the difference, maybe a few stickers.
  7. Another error, "You must deposit at least $10 of items".
  8. Deposit $10 of items, go to claim your item, ANOTHER error: "You must deposit $20 of items to proceed. You have deposited $19.93"
  9. Talk to support/whoever added you, call them scammers.
  10. Get response, they'll send you a trade request with your items as soon as the trade hold expires.
  11. Trade hold expires, message about the trade request.
  12. "Refunding is a manual process, it can take up to three days". Reasonable enough, wait three days.
  13. Message again three days later, communication ceases.
These scammers all share the same profile picture, workshop showcase and info box. They tend to have an account level of around 30, and are each members of the Fnatic, Navi and CSGO Lounge groups. Some, but not all, can be found in the Indiegala and Fanatical groups. A few of these accounts can be found with the following Google search: "sunny30"
I couldn't find the person who added me, but I'm sure there's another, more efficient way to find more of these accounts. Hope that I've been able to shine a light on this ring and that I've been able to help others understand how exactly this scam works. Thank you for your time.
submitted by handsomejackcrackden to SteamScams [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:54 Psychics4U_net Who invented angel numbers? Original research!

Who invented angel numbers? The truth is that no one really knows. It is speculated that Pythagoras was the first to invented angel numbers even if he didn’t referred it to a specific term. In addition there are many other people or phenomena that found or helped to develop the concept of angel numbers.
For more angel number interpretations, check out our vibrant subreddit:

In recent year angel numbers has become a well know divination tool which help to guide us through our personal journey. Yet, no one has took the time to create an original research and try to answer the question “who invented angel number?”

In this guide I will try to answer the question from the dawn of civilization through mathematicians like Pythagoras and John Dee. We will explore together the unknown world of psychic mediums, numerology and astrology. Furthermore we will investigate the connection of angel numbers to the holy bible, book writers, the internet and even lottery tickets.

The ancient man invented angel numbers

In ancient times angel numbers were a medium to predict the future. For example the Egyptians could foresee when theNileriver will flood the land and the Babylonian civilization used to document the phases of the moon with engraved symbols that were representing sophisticate numerical system. The evidences have been found inside of remote caves at the wild nature ofMesopotamia. They invented the perfect method to predict astronomy events such as eclipses and star movement in the sky. In that period it was associated with the divine and referred as sacred numbers rather than angel numbers.

In Greek there were small group of people who conclude that everything we see on earth and the far distant stars in the sky is operated by numbers. They associated numbers with psychic powers, they used to label rituals, spell casting, alchemy and ceremonial objects with angel numbers. Dark magic numbers were 13 and 6 and good numbers were 10 or 12.

Although every culture or civilization interprets angel number in a different way, there are some worldwide common meanings. For instant the number 3 is usually a good omen, there are many myth and legends in which this number magically appears: Norse gods, Greek deities and even Christianity trinity with the father, son and the Holy Spirit. This angel number suggest balance, it is the middle between right and left and it is also about creation, birth and pregnancy.

When people started to see these numbers at the sacred texts and religious practices, they though that if they encounter them during the daily life, it must be a message from an angel or any other spirit they believe in.

Therefore we can almost be sure that the ancient man or woman has invented angel numbers, even if back than it wasn’t called “angel numbers” but sacred or divine numbers. Unfortunately we can’t know who exactly he or she is as there is no clear documentation from that era in the history of human kind.

Is Pythagoras the one who invented angel numbers?

Pythagoras was one of the most famous philosophers and mathematicians of all times. Basically he is the first mathematician and thanks to him we know a lot about this topic. All the others who came after his time were building theories based on his findings.
There are many evidences of his work with number, so we can try to find a link between his wonderful work and the contemporary angel numbers phenomena.

At the basic core of his theory, he suggested that numbers are not random, there is an order or a reason why they appear like that in nature. Furthermore he didn’t explained them by what some might considered as boring and complicated equation, but with symbols and pictures which we all can understand and identified with. He used to draw dots, circles, squares and stars, so from the moment people saw the pictures, they understood that behind every object or living creature there is a sequence of numbers.

When we are taking this concept one step further we discover that every interaction is also represented by numbers. So if we see the numbers we might be able to predict the event. For example the length of the waves at the beach, the velocity of the wind, the hours of day and night and so on.

Combining this explanation with the old and common notion that god or other spirits are ruling the world, we perceive it as angel numbers, meaning the universe is sending us a sign that something is going to happen. We need to decrypt the code in order to know what exactly is coming. But more important we have to know how to interact with the future occurrence. Many people developed hopes for good luck and happiness, while other might felt fear and sadness. In this gap of worrying about the future psychics has entered to the situation and tried to give their assistance.

Psychics interpreted these numbers according to the knowledge they had back than, which is more likely to be from personal experiences and other cases they have seen before. For example if a person catches 9 fishes in the river he will be very wealthy. Why? Because the food will last for few days to all the family. As times goes by they developed this connection of cause and effect, not by mathematics calculations nonetheless by spirituality.

Numerology invented the first form of angel numbers

If we take a closer look at all kind of divination methods like tarot reading, runes stone casting, astrology, crystal ball, mediumship and etc, we can see that numerology is the closer one to the invention of angel numbers. This is because the main principle behind the specific kind of psychic reading is the symbolism of numbers.

The spiritual concept of numerology is base on the notion that everything in the world has a vibration and it is symbolized by unique number or sequence of digits. In scientific words, everything around us has a frequency and we actually able to hear or record it with digital equipment.

Numerologist claim to predict the future, check compatibility between lovers, disclose important dates in the future and lucky numbers. For them, everything happen from a reason, nothing is left by chance and it can be predicted accurately if you’ll just give them your name and birth date. So basically this believes is like astrology because your birthday date was already determined and so is your first name.

However in angel number the concept is completely different, it doesn’t matter what happened in your past as the angels are sending you messages related to the present and the near future. With angel number reading you have more options because it doesn’t depended on past action. Therefore even if angel numbers invented from numerology it was later developed in a different way.

Here is a good example: let’s say you were born with life path number5. Anumerologist will tell you that you have the following personally traits: you can adapt quickly to changes, you like to live on your own terms and have some characteristics of leader. Furthermore the luckiest days of the month for you are: 5, 9, 14, 18, 23 and 27.

However when angels are sending you messages from the spiritual world, there is no importance to when you were born or what are your personality traits. They connect you because there are certain things you must do if you want good outcomes. Additionally angels warn us from danger and sometimes guide us to accomplish our life’s mission, whether we know it or not. Nothing is predetermined and your destiny might shift rapidly, if you will only be aware of the sacred signs.

Angel numbers invented by book writers

It wasn’t until the early 2000s until books about angel numbers has been published and read by millions of people around the world. Back than book writers were the first people who actually called this phenomenon by its name “angel numbers”.

After reading many of them I discovered some common topics which addressing angel numbers and can shed light on the process of inventing them as a heavenly concept.

First at foremost it is very practical, in most case it is written like a dream dictionary chart, you have an index of numbers, usually a big list from 0 to 100 or even up to 1000. Each one of them has a short interpretation of the meaning and sometimes an advice concerning what you should do when you keep seeing this number.

Secondly there are chapters dealing with “meaningful numbers” or “important sequences” that you shouldn’t miss. It usually described repeated numbers like 555, 777, 1313 and etc. these are not regular numbers because they repeat themselves. The propose of the repetition is to grab your attention, to shift your mind from the daily tasks and focus on the spiritual sign that is coming right towards you. This is a life time opportunity that will not come back any time soon. The messages of the angels behind these sequences are crucial.

So if book writers invented angel numbers than they are focusing more on repeated numbers, which according to them, have a greater symbolism than the others. It’s explained as a combination between numerology and searching for spiritual signs and guidance.

Everything that happens to us during life can be interpreted as a sign from the divine, however in these books the scope is only about numbers. For example you have lost all hope that a certain situation will be solved. But suddenly you see the number 555 on car plates, price tickets, clocks, screens and phone numbers, than it is a note from the angels that everything is going to be just fine. So meanwhile keep on positive mood and expect for good fortune.

The same concept works when the angels want to warn you about bad paths or roads that crossing your destiny. Certain numbers are warning signs encourage us to redirect ourselves into a different thinking, behaviour or places.

After angel numbers invented they amplified by the internet

In today’s world we are surrounded by digital electronics. Almost every item have a screen that is giving us information whether in pictures, videos, audio, text and of course numbers. More and more people encounter these angel numbers on a daily basis and as a pattern seeking creature we start to wonder what is the meaning behind it.

After a while a major circumstance has occur and we associated it with the number we seen repeatedly before. In the past people were sharing the information with each other only when they met or talk in the phone. However in the internet era everything is wide open and we can share and learn about angel numbers and their meanings.

There are many Facebook groups where people are sharing their number related stories and coincidences, community forums, blogs at tweets all discussing the phenomena. However Google and other search engines are the reason why many people who don’t know about it are discovering this psychic approach.

When we type anything in the search box we usually are getting related search suggestions. So if we are looking for a street address, phone numbers or bus schedule we are also getting related keywords for the specific number. One of them is usually mention the term “angel numbers”. Therefore people who didn’t knew about it are now interested because they think that the number they search for hold a bigger meaning for them.

This is the reason why people might think that the internet or special computer algorithm invented angel numbers, although it is not true. Furthermore there isn’t much information on the internet for the query “who invented angel number?”, not to mention history references. Hence it looks like a new phenomenon that was created in the digital age, but the origin is dated back to the ancient time of human civilization.
Did angel numbers invented in the biblical times?

There are many stories about angels in the holy bible and numbers appears there as well. So it will be very wise to ask the question “Did angel numbers invented in the biblical times?”

According to the bible, God send sign in many forms like messengers, people, animals, angels and paranormal events. However there is no explicit reference to a number as a code but as a part of the prophecy. So the number itself is not the sign, it is just a small part of the message although sometimes it is very critical.

Numbers are very common in the bible book. Did you know that 20% of the words are actually numbers? It is a clue for the importance of numbers in creating the world and operating it according to precise principle. So numbers are part of greater plan the universe or the spirits have for us. It will be only logical to conclude that we can interact with the world on a spiritual way by deciphering the meaning of angel numbers, although the direct evidence is still missing.

Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Saraqael, Raguel, and Remiel are considered to be the 7 main angels or as they are calledArchangel. If god wants to send messages to people on earth than these seven spiritual beings will deliver it. Yet there is no specific message that includes just a number which need to be interpreted alone. But research shows that there were almost half a million other kind of angels. Because we don’t have documentation on every one of them, it could be possible to assume that some of them interacted with people on earth by sending coded numbers.

According to numerology we can assign a number to each angel’s name from the bible and therefore know what he wants to tell us. For an example Gabriel is a guardian angel who is usually delivers news about compassion. So if you are getting numbers that means empathy like 7, 67 and 3349 they have been sent by him.

Are angel numbers astrology?

Did astrologer invented angel numbers? No. although astrology uses numbers it usually limit it to dates and hours. Even though there are few calculation to do it still doesn’t says anything about the symbolism of numbers, only about zodiac signs.

It also doesn’t talk about angels. The predicted events don’t necessarily have cause and effects of angel, it can be other beings and the energies of the cosmos from out of space. In that manner astrology is more resemble to numerology than angel numbers.

However the date of our birthday might be connected not only to zodiac sign, but also to the angel numbers phenomena, because we can calculate a number which ultimately signifies our path in life. According to astrology, the day and time we have born was set by the universe as a part of bigger plan. We are carrying this plan or mission inside of us and with every interaction we can either get closer to achieve it, or go to the other way and do the complete opposite, which distance us far away from being fulfilled and enlightened.

In order to keep on walking at right track we should listen to astrology prediction – daily, weekly, months and yearly. Because the stars and planets are moving in the sky and influencing on our future.

Another connection between numerology and astrology is that in numerology there are 9 base numbers. These digits are the core foundations of all the bigger numbers` interpretation following from 10 to infinity. The same as with Vedic astrology, there are nine celestial bodies in our solar system. They suppose to connect us to the universe in metaphysical and mysterious way. The planets are: the moon, the sun, mercury, mars, venus, Jupiter, Saturn, southern lunar and northern lunar.

Nevertheless, the connection of angel numbers to astrology is very weak and can’t be linked directly, but through numerology - the psychic method we discussed earlier in this research article.

Who invented angel numbers? Was it John Dee?

John Dee was a mathematician who spends lots of time practicing psychic methods in order to predict the future. He used astrology, occultism and alchemy as well. The scientific community refer him more as a magician and less as a mathematician, especially because of his story about how he communicated with angels.

He claimed that Adam from the Garden of Eden story talked to angels and was able to understand them, but not by words and sentences of some ancient language. On the contrary, it was done by special codes which are similar or actually numbers.

John Dee believed that with numbers we can decode the mystery of the universe and tried to replicate the exact way Adam could talk to angels. In order to do so, he paired up with Edward Kelly, a well known medium who channelled spirits and lost soul through a mirror.

The plan was that Kelly will record the codes he hear or see from the angels through the mirror or the crystal ball andDeewill try to translate the code to English. Together they thought to be the ultimate combination between science and spirituality. Maybe in this way they will finally bring higher knowledge to the human kind.

In the end they wrote few books, all of them are about conversations with angels, it called “Enochian language” or “angelic dictionary” and it also include numbers among the sacred symbols from the divine. Kelly claimed he had talk with famous Archangels from the bible like Urial, Raphael, Gabriel and Michael. According to the book there was one more additional angel who called “Madimi”, it looked like a creature with golden hair and red clothing.

This is the only evident by far which directly correlate numbers with angel language. Not just an omen, but also as a mean of communication. So if the story is true, it is very possible that numbers are actual codes like any other symbols, letters and words.

Who invented angel numbers? Psychic mediums?

Psychic mediums claim to be able to contact angels and spirits. How exactly it is done and do they get message in numbers as well? Is it possible that psychic medium invented angel numbers?

According to Wikipedia’s definition, mediums are contacting dead souls. These spirits were a live in our world but after the death or a person they moved to another world. So mediums usually don’t contact angels directly, just in rare cases. However the souls usually have information about the angel so they act as messengers between the angel and the psychic person.

This form on divination become very popular in the 19th century, it that specific century people could contact spirits without the need of a medium because of the invention of the Ouija board. The board is usually made of wood and it contain the words “yes” and “no”, letters and numbers from zero to nine.

If you would like to summon lost souls or angels than there is also a small Planchette. It has light weight and when you touch it gently the angels suppose to move it across the board. In the end it lands over specific letters and numbers which are part of the divine message. Therefore if the Ouija board has numbers, it is more likely that angels are contacting us via numbers as well and not only by words or mysterious symbols.

Another way to summon angels is by letting them to take over the body of the medium and speak directly. This practice considered very dangerous because the spirit might be a demon who pretend to be an angel and will never leave the possessed body.

Through history psychic mediums did mentioned numbers as part or future prophecies, but never referred to specific digits as a code. Most of the information they gained was through whispering words or just feelings vibrations and energies around them.

Did angel numbers invented because of the lottery?

Many people around the world are participating in lottery games and purchasing lots of tickets everyday. Winning the lottery is one of the most desirable dreams of almost any person, because the prizes are usually very substantial. In order to win money you have to have luck and guess the right numbers.

Picking up numbers is done in many ways and methods but we normally tend to look at familiar numbers like birthday dates, zip codes and phone numbers. However when we don’t know what to do in this situation or any other situation, we usually tend to seek guidance from the universe. Angel numbers is a method of paying close attention to numbers we encounter during out daily routine in order to guess them on the lottery ticket.

The assumption is that the angels will send you the right digits and will help you to win. Many people believe in the specific method and hope it will aid to manifest the dream. The more games they play the more they start to believe in the concept of angel numbers.

However these people are missing the basic point because angel numbers works differently. The numbers are just symbols so they are representing events, feelings and specific action taking. They don’t represent merely themselves. For an example if you are getting angel number 57 it doesn’t mean “number57”, it means you should be more creative and find a spiritual road to enlightenment.

So although the lottery had contributed great amount of awareness to angel numbers phenomena, it didn’t originated it just because people want lucky numbers from the universe. In fact it actually has a wrong meaning because the numbers are symbols of something else. Therefore people might get the wrong idea of the concept of angel number.

They usually have good meaning and represent love, growth, wealth peace, protection, friendship and sometimes pregnancy. Still they might be bad warnings and predict sadness, weeping, envy, renegade and battle.

Who invented angel numbers? Conclusion!

Numbers has a huge role in our life and especially in the spiritual world. While trying to answer the question “who invented angel numbers” we went through a long journey, just to find out we can not conclude for sure who was the one to invent angel numbers. So to this point it will remain a mystery.
submitted by Psychics4U_net to AngelNumbersMeanings [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:53 Lerouxed My Bad Experiences With Revivo

Since this has now become an issue for me, I would like to share this somewhere. Out of the 4 pairs of Revivo shoes that I have now ordered, 2 of them have been incorrect. I'd also like to preface by saying I don't expect that this is a usual issue, but it has happened to me twice so I feel I needed to say something. Also for reference, I live in the U.S.
Since I have been in the process of replacing many of my old shoes with barefoot alternatives, I sought out Revivo as a more sustainable and ethical source of shoes. The first pair I bought were the Ra III in "excellent" condition, which arrived fine with no issues.
The second pair I ordered was some Geo Court III's in "great" condition, and this was the first issue. I ordered a pair in the Bracken color (a dark brown) and received a pair in the Obsidian color (black). Something about the code for one ending in "01" and the other in "10" so it was a small warehouse error. Ultimately, the black color was close enough to dark brown, so I just kept them after sending an email to let them know about the issue. They seemed to be in better shape than what I would consider "great" condition; the only issue with them at all was maybe a slight creasing, so I'm wondering if maybe they sent me an "excellent" pair or something.
Now that it's almost summer, I decided a few weeks ago to get two more pairs. I wanted a casual/around the house shoe, so I got the Sensus in great condition, which arrived just fine. Small cracking in the leather inside the shoes by the heels, but that is about what I expected with a "great" condition shoe.
The second issue was with the pair of Geo Racer II in "great" condition that I ordered in the Sea Green color. They sent me the totally wrong shoes. What arrived was a pair of Geo Racer Knits, but in the BOX for a Geo Racer II. About two weeks ago I contacted them and let them know about the issue. They sent back an email saying that they would waive the return label fee so that I could send back the incorrect product, and that they would "expedite the shipping of the correct product" (which I am guessing they don't even have, because what I received was the wrong shoes in the right box, so I suspect that their inventory of 1 pair of Geo Racer II's in Sea Green in my size was based on the box, not the actual shoes inside).
I wasn't happy about having to spend my time shipping back these shoes to fix their mistake, but I had no other choice. 11 days ago, I went to my local shipping center and mailed the shoes back. According to the shipping company tracker, they arrived 7 days ago. I did not receive any confirmation email that they had arrived, nor any notification that new shoes were being shipped. I have not yet received any refund either. I sent them another email earlier today asking about my returned shoes, and I have not yet received a reply.
Needless to say, I am frustrated. Do better, Vivo.
submitted by Lerouxed to vivobarefoot [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:50 DramaticHampster AITA for cutting off contact with my sister after she tried to sabotage my wedding?

For context I am (29) and my sister is (26)
This basically all started when my sister Ashley was diagnosed with severe autism and ADHD at around the age of 2. It was normal, just a lot of temper tantrums, but at the age of 5, she finally learned that she can do anything she wants without a consequences. Whenever I had something she didn’t have, my parents would always either get her the same thing or I had to give her it, I always tried to argue back, but my parents always said I was being unfair, and to be nice to my sister because of her condition. In some occasions she would even run into my room and brag about if mom was taking her to the store or got a new toy that I didn’t have.
I was pretty fed up with this, I decided to save up allowance money on a lock for my door so I could get some privacy. After my sister tried one of her attempts to barge into my room realizing she couldn’t open it, she started to complain to my parents about it. I tried explaining to my parents how she can’t keep barging into my room. My parents argued back saying, how I’m being selfish and how I should just let her do it because of her condition. I couldn’t win against them and I had to remove the lock.
Fast forward a few months, I just turned 9, I wanted to go to a local arcade with all my friends, but of course, my sister was complaining about how she couldn’t choose where my party was. But thankfully my parents didn’t let her choose. When we get to the arcade, it was all fine, until we went back into the party room, I was horrified, apparently my parents left my sister in the room for a few minutes to go get me and my friends, and when we came back, the cake was all over floor, most of the presents were torn open or destroyed. I was trying to hold back my tears, while my sister had a big grin on her face, my dad had to bring her home. However, like all things she did, she got away with it. My mom was telling me, “she can’t help it, it wasn’t her fault, the only thing you can do right now is to deal with it.” I broke down into tears after hearing what she said, and stormed out of the room.
Fast forward a few weeks, I have barely been talking to my parents, ever chance I got, I would avoid them. Thankfully my parents let me install the lock back on my door after Ashley went into my room while I was changing. Ever since Ashley got into 1st grade, she has constantly been asking for help with her homework, and by help, I mean playing games while I have to do it. My parents are always busy during work so they force me to help her. One day, Ashley’s teacher decided to assign her class a project. The project was to make your favorite fast food restaurant from cereal boxes. She decided not to do anything until the last day before it was due. Like usual, I had to help her again, I was panicking because it was like 9:00 and my bedtime was 10:00. I was asking her what her favorite fast food place was. She didn’t respond until 30 minutes went by and she said you choose. I was about to scream, I chose the easiest one to make which was Mc. Donald’s. 50 minutes go by, I finished the project, but what she did made me almost want to kill her, she decided to throw it across the room and stomp on it. My parents went to check to see all the noise and my sister is on the floor pretending to cry saying how I broke it and how I want her to fail. I was shocked, my parents sided with her again, even before I got to argue back, I was grounded for weeks, I felt like I wanted to kill myself, however I couldn’t do it.
Fast forward until I was 17, my sister just turned 14, and she decided to bring her friend home, I thought nothing of it, she had friends over all the time, but this time was different, I went to the bathroom for like 5 minutes, when I got out, my room was trashed, bed sheets all over the place, pillows in every corner, lamp knocked over, they even threw my computer on the floor. (If you were wondering, yes I still had the lock, but they pick locked it), apparently her friend was good at pick locking locks. My parents were on vacation when I called them to tell them about it, they just told me I was lying and to stop trying to get my sister in trouble all the time. I decided I needed to move far away, I spent all Junior and Senior year working hard to get a good scholarship.
Fast forward a year later, I had my graduation my parents and grandparents were all there except for my sister, my parents came up with the excuse of how she was sick and she couldn’t go, but they used that excuse so many times that I couldn’t even care anymore. Graduation was really fun me and my friends hosted an after party at my house, my sister was no where in sight, my parents said she was “sick”, but she wasn’t even at home, or so I thought, probably an hour later we went to my room to hang out, only to see my sister with her friends eating all over my bed, I saw crushed up chips all over the floor, I had enough, when my parent saw this, they were furious, grounded my sister for a full month, and her friends were never allowed over, I was glad, but more glad to get away from here.
Fast forward a few months, I said my goodbyes to my parents and I headed to a college out of the country. My sister was crying when I left, mainly because I couldn’t do her school work for her anymore. She had to repeat 10th grade again after she failed her finals after being caught cheating on her phone. My parents were furious about this, I don’t know if she got punished or not from this, since it wasn’t spoken about much.
Fast forward a few weeks, college was great so far, me and this girl, Mikayla share a dorm, we became really great friends, we hung out, and ate dinner together almost every night. I had majored as an IT Specialist, going to class everyday, I sit next to my future Husband Steven, it was almost love at first sight, I was a bit nervous to ask him out on the first day, h but on the second day, I had the courage to ask him out, he said he would love to, and he thought I was pretty cute. Happiness filled my eyes and I hugged him without thinking, I thought I made a big mistake, but by my surprise, he was fine with it.
Fast forward 3 years later, me and Steven finally graduated from college and got job offers at an office, after a while of us saving money, we bought a lovely 2 bed 1 bath house about 15 minutes from our office. It had been a while since I checked up on my parents, I started a FaceTime call with them, we both have been telling each other what has been going on in our lives, she started to mention how Ashley just graduated from high school and how she would love for you to come visit again. We didn’t mind taking a vacation. After we got off the plane, I saw my parents waiting for me, but not Ashley. Apparently Ashley still lives with them, and doesn’t have any plans on going to college. My parents were fine with it and supported her decision. We all decided to go out for dinner the same night it was going good until Ashley started to flirt with Steven, which made him a bit uncomfortable, I don’t really remember what he said, but I think he said no thanks or I’m not interested. Ashley was a bit embarrassed, but she had another idea, she decided to scoot her chair closer to him, which prompted him to push her away, making him a bit pissed off, she then decided to lean on him saying how she is so much better than I, and how she is prettier. This got him pissed off so much that he just left the restaurant.
Fast forward 8 years, me and Steven are about to have our wedding, we had low contact with my parents and sister, but we still invited them, I thought my sister would have grown up by now. We had our wedding at this nice hotel. On the wedding day, everything was looking beautiful, everyone was there except my sister, my parents said “she was running late”, that was until she came in the door with a full on wedding dress, I was shocked, to see her do that, when I called her out on it, she just said how she should just be able to wear it, and how it costed so much. I went off on her, I told her that I had sent out a dress code multiple times, and how if you would have read the texts I sent, this wouldn’t have happened. She started to cry and my parents started to defend her saying, how she could just take the dress off and it will be fine, I thought it would be ok.
Fast forward to where I was walking down the carpet, Ashley was sitting with her arms crossed, I didn’t mind it, as me and Steven said our “I do’s”, my sister jumped up and said, “BOO, WHEN ARE WE GOING TO GET THE CAKE!”, everyone in the room was staring at her. My parents who were sitting next to her looked really embarrassed. My parents tried to get her out of the room, when she ran out of their arms and went right for the cake. The cake was all over the ground, and I see her just eating it. Security had to escort her out, I was holding back my tears, as she just ruined my whole wedding in front of me.
After the wedding, I decided to block Ashley from every site, and I decided to post about how she ruined my wedding.
I’m starting to feel guilty, was blocking her the right thing to do?
Edit: It’s been about an hour since I posted this, I have seen some of your comments, me and Steven decided to redo the wedding. We would have the wedding to July 1st. I’m thankful for all the support, and I’ll keep you guys updated!
submitted by DramaticHampster to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:42 lykwydchykyn WTS: Daring DIY devices for developing devastating dins

Back again, ready to do some deals. Summer's on and I need to fund some heliophilic hijinks.
This post is mostly for people interested in buying, but I love a trade too! If you're interested in trading see my latest post in /letstradepedals. I post there every other week, usually on Tuesday. I got non-DIY stuff in the trade post, too.
What I got for sale is hand-built stuff that I made, mostly relatively unique or heavily tweaked designs built on vero or point to point. Many are housed in upcycled tins, a few in hammond boxes. I've also got small practice amps built inside whatevers that you can crank up and enjoy at low volumes. They all run on standard 9v pedal power.
PRICES DON'T INCLUDE SHIPPING -- I ship USPS priority using, so expect shipping to be between $5 and $15 depending on how close you are to Tennessee. Would prefer to not deal with international shipping, but if you want it bad enough to pay for it, I'm game.
I accept Paypal or Venmo.
MOBILE USERS: There are 4 columns in the table below: Name, Price, Links, and Notes. If you don't see all 4, scroll over or ask for more info.
Name Price Links Notes
Bazz Me Fuss You #1 $90 PIC DEMO A bazz-fussified perversion of the Escobedo push-me-pull-you, featuring controls for octave and volume. This is the first unit I've built using my own custom PCB. Housed in a painted 125B with top jacks.
Space Fuzz $80 PIC DEMO This is a Hollis crash sync fuzz that I souped up with an LFO to modulate the filtesync frequency. Really wild flangery/phasey type gated fuzz sound. At the right settings you can get some octave-down effects as well. Housed in a ~3.5 inch square game tin reinforced with recycled plastic. Pretty pleased with this build.
SwirlFuzz $75 PIC DEMO Modulated octave fuzz prototype. It's an octave fuzz, but you can switch on an LFO to modulate the octave amount. Controls for Rate, Depth, Gain, and Volume, plus switches for waveshape and mode (Normal/Octave/Modulated). In a circular tin reinforced with recycled plastic.
Big Green Fuzz for Attractive Bass Players $75 PIC Demo Like my bazz-me-fuss-you circuit, but with a big muff tone stack, a clean blend, and optional clippers for more compression. Housed in a big round tin reinforced with recycled plastic and designed specifically for attractive bass players. Unattractive ones may not really gel with this.
Creature from the planet Chyowngg $65 PIC Demo Prototype of a unique fuzz I've been developing that I call the Chyowngg fuzz. It's a 2-stage octaver that gives a bright synthy tone with a distinctive envelope (hence the name). You can toggle each stage from octave to non-octave mode for a variety of interesting timbres. Also has a tone control, but the tone control is before the octave stages so it results in interesting behaviors depending on the switch settings. It's in a tin meant to be painted like an alien, though some say it looks more like a triceratops.
Dirt Cake $65 PIC DEMO A filthy, filthy fuzz based loosely on the Harmonic Percolator, but with a different approach to gain control and a pot to adjust the amount of diode clipping (compression). Controls are for clipping compression, volume, and gain. Built point-to-point and housed in a tin reinforced with recycled plastic.
Baller Fuzz $60 PIC DEMO Another Bazz-Me-Fuss-You build with an added BMP-style tone control. In a slightly beaten-up heart-shaped basketball tin. Y'all ready for this?
Dumbo's Bazzrite Fussrite $40 PIC Demo A bazz-fussified mosrite fuzzrite circuit I cobbled together in point-to-point wiring style. Housed in a little Dumbo puzzle tin with GLITTER! Controls are for balance (kind of tone-cum-gain) and volume.
Drives, Distortions, and Boosts
Name Price Links Notes
Bronze Drive $85 PIC Demo This is a point-to-point, transistor based overdrive I designed based loosely on the Davisson Easy Drive. Good for low-gain crunchy tones and plenty of output volume on tap if you want it for a boost. Tone circuit is like a BMP stack but with a mid hump instead of a mid cut. Housed in a painted 125B with top jacks.
Copper ZenerMorph Drive $65 PIC Demo This is an experiment in zener diode clipping. Nice crispy drive that gets beefier as you turn up the gain, lots of good edge-of-breakup tones to be had. Housed in a decorated tin reinforced with some plastic.
GOOST $65 PIC A simple JFET boost vaguely based on the Runoffgroove Fetzer valve. Switch toggles bass cut for a treble-boosting sound. Point-to-point build housed in a small tin reinforced with recycled plastic.
B is for Beast $55 PIC DEMO This fun little drive/boost consists of two cascading MOSFET gain stages with optional clipping in between. It goes from clean and loud to massive wall-of-gain distortion nicely. Controls for gain, clipping, and volume. In a small heart-shaped tin about 4in by 4in.
Shining Hope Drive $40 PIC Demo Differential mirroring drive, gives a kind of overdriven-mixer-channel distortion. Controls for gain, tone, and volume. Housed in a star-shaped Christmas tin.
Green Sparkler Boost $35 PIC Just an Escobedo Duende JFET boost built point-to-point in a sparkly little round tin. Gives a little gain and a bit of warmth to the tone.
Name Tier Links Notes
Quack like a penguin $70 PIC DEMO Third build of the Chykka Wakka, a WIP all-transistor envelope filter. This one is built on vero, and features controls for Q, Range, and Attack, as well as toggles for Voicing and envelope smoothing. Housed in a smallish penguin tin reinforced with recycled plastic.
Gift of Chykka Wakka $65 PIC DEMO First build of an all-transistor envelope filter I designed. Built point-to-point style and housed in a little giftbox tin reinforced with recycled plastic. Controls for Q and Sweep, switch toggles envelope smoothing.
Vortex of Funk $65 PIC DEMO Second build of the Chykka-Wakka circuit, this one features attack, Q, and range controls. Built point-to-point and housed in a painted tin.
BZZZ BOOP BEEP $50 PIC DEMO A basic square wave oscillator on a momentary switch. Can go from bzzz to boop to beep with a sweep of the big knob. Also has tone and volume controls, and a 3-way switch for different decay amounts. Use it to simulate a spring door stopper or dying cow. Or bleep your foul-mouthed frontman. Or mess with the sound guy. Or send Morse code to the bar. I dunno. Housed in a painted tin reinforced with recycled plastic.
Little Amps
Name Price Links Description
Ample iMank $65 PICS DEMO This is a Runoffgroove Ruby Amplifier built into this old multimedia speaker enclosure designed to look like an old iMac. Glows blue when you turn it on. It runs from a standard 9v pedal power. It's not terribly loud, nor terribly clean, but if you dig the classic mac vibe it might be fun. Controls for gain and volume, and a power switch on the back.
Nosy Amp $75 PICS DEMO Another solid-state amp based on the Ruby amplifier, housed in a repurposed bookshelf speaker. This one actually has pretty decent volume, even on 9V (can run on 12V as well for more), and can stay clean while getting loud enough for a quiet jam with friends.
That's all for now. Got some wacky stuff on the bench right now, so stay tuned...
submitted by lykwydchykyn to Gear4Sale [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:46 Haunting-Set-2784 Medical office/billing help - ordered supplies without my consent

I have a disabled child w/incontinence issues. Around his 4th birthday his ped offered to try and get him diapers covered by insurance. A medical supply company called me and quickly brushed me off when they found out he didn't have Medicare. He has the Katie Beckett waiver but its not like Medicare at all. Anyways, that medical care supply told us that our insurance didn't cover incontinence supply. As he got closer to 5 I inquired to insurance "why?" To which they told me that they didn't necessarily know why that they had no previous denial claims (the previous company never tried) but that the only way to know if they did or didn't for sure was to have the pediatrician send a pre- authorization with a cpt code to them to deny or approve the claim.
Which brings me to my dilemma.
I sent my ped a message on the portal requesting a pre-authorization be sent to insurance for diapers due to incontinence. He forwarded that to his offices referral nurse who handles all claims like that. She called me. Tells me, "we don't do pre-authorizations. Your insurance is lying to you. That is not how it's done." I tell her "listen, he will likely be in diapers for a long time, it would be nice to have this covered but if not, ok. I am simply requesting that a pre-authorization be sent per insurance." She replied "In my 35 years of being a nurse it's NEVER been done that way. We order the diapers, you get them!" I told her I didn't want to be stuck with a large bill of diapers since I was sure medical supply diapers are way more expensive than store bought diapers. She said "don't worry about that." I pushed back that I wanted a pre-authorization done and she snootily gets off the phone.
2 weeks later I get a call that there are diapers accidentally delivered to the peds office...I get to the office when I can (it's not super close, def out of the way from my regular travel). The box was shipped in my son's name. And it's been opened (important to note).
We don't use them. Because I know. I know what's going to happen... Do you see where this is going?
The diapers aren't covered.
92 diapers for $160 bucks.
We didn't ask for these. I have records of me in writing requesting that a pre-authorization be sent for these damn diapers and this arrogant nurse said NOPE.
SO REALLY, is that really how it's done? Is it really normal to just order these and stick parents with potentially upwards of $200 diaper bills that won't get them halfway through the month? Or are pre-authorizations normal? Because I can't fathom that this is normal.
And more importantly, WHAT DO I DO? Because I don't think this is on me... Not to mention... The diapers are opened and unreturnable thanks to the pediatricians office.
submitted by Haunting-Set-2784 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:20 Pristine-Spring-4724 WordPress patterns and page templates

WordPress Patterns and Page Templates

Key Takeaways

Unleash the power of WordPress with Gutenberg patterns and page templates, the cornerstone of creating visually appealing and high-performing websites. Whether you’re crafting an engaging homepage or optimizing for speed, these tools offer unparalleled flexibility and ease of use.

What are WordPress Patterns and How Do They Differ from Page Templates?

WordPress patterns are pre-designed layouts of blocks that you can insert into your content to create complex layouts quickly. Page templates, on the other hand, are predesigned page layouts that include all necessary elements for a specific type of page. Patterns offer modular design elements, whereas templates provide a comprehensive framework for entire pages.
Creating an engaging website is made simpler with WordPress’s Gutenberg editor, leveraging its rich library of block patterns and comprehensive page templates. These tools empower both novices and seasoned web designers to construct professional, consistent websites with ease. By integrating WordPress patterns and templates, along with optimizing for performance and engaging content presentation, you can significantly enhance the user experience and effectiveness of your WordPress site.

Table of Contents

  1. What is WordPress?
  2. Understanding WordPress Patterns
  3. Using WordPress Templates
  4. Optimizing Page Template Performance
  5. Samples You Can Try
  6. Types of Gutenberg Patterns
  7. Frequently Asked Questions

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a leading content management system (CMS) that simplifies web design for many users. With features like patterns and templates, WordPress makes creating a website accessible and efficient.

Understanding WordPress Patterns

WordPress patterns are predefined designs that form the basic structure of your website. These can be customized to create unique web pages. Patterns can be created manually within a post or page in the WordPress dashboard and inserted using the block inserter.

Steps to Create Patterns:

  1. Select Type: Choose the type of pattern you want to create, such as a header, footer, or hero section.
  2. Place Blocks: Begin placing blocks onto the page and customize them to your preferences.
  3. Save Pattern: Once customized, save it as its own block or group of blocks for future reuse.
  4. Use Pattern: Drag and drop the pattern into place from your library of saved patterns.

Using WordPress Templates

WordPress page templates are predesigned layouts for specific types of pages, such as an about, contact, or product page. These templates include sections for headers, footers, images, text boxes, and more.

Steps to Use Templates:

  1. Select Template: In the editor’s sidebar menu, choose the ‘Page Templates’ option.
  2. Customize: Select a template and fill out all sections until the page is ready for publishing.
  3. Publish: Publish your newly customized layout.

Optimizing Page Template Performance

To ensure optimal performance, follow these best practices:

Samples You Can Try

Create a Home Page Template with a Prominently Featured "About Us" Section

  1. Design Layout: Determine sections such as sliders, call-to-action buttons, and menus.
  2. Place "About Us" Section: Position it prominently to highlight your brand.
  3. Structure Content: Emphasize core values, history, and team members with visuals.
  4. Link Elements: Ensure all elements link to relevant internal or external pages.
  5. Test and Optimize: Make sure the design works across different devices and browsers.

A Blog Template with a Sidebar Featuring Related Content

  1. Main Template Structure: Decide on the content types and overall layout.
  2. Sidebar Design: Include popular posts, recent posts, and categories.
  3. Plugins/Widgets: Use “Related Posts” or custom solutions to display related content.
  4. Test Functionality: Ensure content displays correctly across devices and browsers.

Types of Gutenberg Patterns

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I add a new pattern to my WordPress site?

Navigate to the ‘Patterns’ tab in the Gutenberg editor. Browse and select from various options available in the directory. Click to add the desired pattern to your page or post.

Does using Gutenberg patterns affect my site’s privacy policy?

Using Gutenberg patterns does not directly affect your site’s privacy policy. Ensure that any external content or links included align with your privacy policy guidelines.

Where can I find patterns that match my theme’s style?

In the Gutenberg editor, go to the ‘Patterns’ tab and use the search function to find patterns that complement your theme’s aesthetic. Some themes also offer custom collections.

How do developers contribute to the Gutenberg directory?

Developers can create and submit patterns to the directory using provided tools to build and preview them before submission.

Are there examples of how patterns can enhance my website’s layout?

Yes, our blog features multiple examples showcasing how different patterns can enhance your site’s layout and functionality.

Can I follow Gutenberg pattern updates on Twitter?

Absolutely! Follow our official Twitter account for updates, new releases, and tips for Gutenberg users and developers.

Is there a way to preview a pattern before applying it?

Yes, selecting a pattern from the ‘Patterns’ tab in Gutenberg shows a preview, allowing you to see how it will look in your post or page before applying it.

Can I customize the background of a Gutenberg pattern?

Many patterns allow customization, including changing the background. Select the pattern and use the block settings to modify colors, images, or other background elements.

How do I apply and modify blocks within a pattern?

After adding a pattern to your page, click on individual blocks within the pattern to modify them. Customize, move, or delete blocks as needed.

How do blocks and patterns work together in Gutenberg?

Patterns in Gutenberg are collections of blocks arranged in a specific layout. Add them to your page and then customize individual blocks within the pattern.

What should I name my custom pattern for easy identification?

Give your custom pattern a unique and descriptive name to make it easier to find and reuse on your WordPress site.

Where can I find more information and support for using Gutenberg patterns?

Visit the support forums for detailed information, community discussions, and answers to common questions.

Can I leave comments or feedback on specific Gutenberg patterns?

While the directory might not have a direct mechanism for comments, you can often leave feedback in related forums or on blog posts where these patterns are discussed.

Additional Resources

Official WordPress Website: WordPress Codex: WordPress Theme Directory: MaxiBlocks: YouTube Channel: MaxiBlocks YouTube GitHub: MaxiBlocks GitHub
submitted by Pristine-Spring-4724 to Website_builders [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:58 SnickerDoodleDood Since everyone else is doing it...

Since everyone else is doing it...
Here is my collection, and what I think of it so far. Akuma has been my ace for as long as I've had her. She lives up to her dream demon moniker in stomping Parallel Rifts, Master Holodecks, and prize fights up to 30.
Battle has quickly become her partner in crime for how easy is to use and how well she crushes anything that a scaling fire combo variant may struggle with.
Currently all my keys Diamond keys are going to The Pokemon Gy Leader since I want a strong support that's also strong Rift defender, and a third axis to a fire/wategra..air core.
I know that Shantae and AudreII are both strong, chase variant, but since I haven't got any resources to spare for them, for now I haven't bothered touching them at all.
Where I've made most of my mistakes is with my holds. Soo many wasted coanopy coins. First gold Private Dick? Trash. Never should have spent a penny. First MF Claw and Order? Looks cool, but also trash. Even for the MF only master missions silver Purrfect Dark was better. Night terror? I'm ambivalent. I haven't fully booking her out, and now I'm not sure if I can want to because the more I think about the more I think of as just a straight up worse Vaporwave Vixen. On the other hand Im not that keen to build a Vixen from scratch either. Millia Rage, and I liked her as a silver Triple Threat Annie have both extremely mid
At least Curl Scout Wulfsbane, and Surgeon General have all been absolute Chads for me. I plan on evolving all three as soon as I have the fodder. I furthermore believe that even Wrestler X and Lethal Weapon were sound investments as they were critical content I would have otherwise struggled with.
Finally for my silvers, my two big regrets are investing heavily into Chameleon Twist, and Nearly Departed. If I could go back in time and make them Souls Sister and Gang Green I would. Oh, and I upgraded many strong bronze variants before I knew I needed those bronzes for Master missions. Rippies. Meanwhile, Cold Stones, Beat Box, Golden Gunner, Inkling, and Purrfect Dark all fall like literally cheat codes to use with how melted vegan nacho cheesy they are. The only reasons why they're not all gold or higher yet is I'm not sure If I should still be harvesting silver keys with them, and dontif it's worth it to keep them around for master level stars full completionism.
So what do you guys think? Good progress so far? Is there are any secret tech I've been neglecting? Perhaps it's also worth noting that I have 157 relics sitting around unopened still. I just don't have any room for them right now, and don't want to spend any theonite on more vault space until I've saved up 5k for the final progress offer.
submitted by SnickerDoodleDood to SkullGirlsMobile [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:49 reckless_pandemonium Giveaway - Pokérus-infected Axew, qty at time of post: 45

I'm halfway through the story in my first playthrough of Pokemon Sword and Nurse Joy just randomly told me-
"Oh... It looks like your Pokémon may be infected with the Pokérus. Little is known about the Pokérus, except that it is a microscopic life-form that attaches itself to Pokémon. While infected, Pokémon are said to grow exceptionally well."
I vaguely remembered hearing about Pokérus a long time ago but couldn't recall the details so I did some research. I won't go too deep into it here but this is the gist of it:
1.Pokémon that are infected by it receive double the usual amount of EV's
2.Upon contraction of the virus, pokémon are contagious for anywhere between 1 and 4 days. (based on the Switch's internal clock)
3.After contagious period, pokemon will continue to recieve double EV's indefinitely (unless EV's are full obviously) and there are no negative effects at all.
4.Infected pokemon will remain indefinitely contagious if kept in PC Box or Pokemon Home.
  1. At midnight on Switch's internal clock, if infected Pokemon is in your party, there is a (1 in 4?) chance it will cease being contagious and can never be contagious again. (It will have the Pokérus virus forever after contracting it)
  2. According to Bulbapedia, the chance of a wild Pokémon having the virus and spreading it to your active pokemon when knocking it out or catching it is 1 in 24,567!
There are a couple of ways to spread it to your other pokemon, but this post is already long enough so I'll skip that part. It's all over the interwebz already. The first thing I did after researching was to immediately spread it to a few pokemon and store them safely in my Boxes and sent one to Pokemon Home. Next I decided that this needs to be shared so I decided that I would take the opportunity to do some egg shunting and started trying my luck with hunting Axew with the Masuda method. I'm currently somewhere around 50 eggs deep and infecting them all. If you want one, I'll send an infected Axew to anyone, first come, first served until they are gone.
I'd prefer to Link Trade in Sw/Sh, but I can trade it over through Home if you need. As far as I can tell online, the contagious state will freeze and keep indefinitely in Home, but I haven't tested it yet. I'm going to continue with this shunt for a while so if demand exceeds supply I'll do what I can to make more.
Since this is a giveaway, you can trade me anything you want for the Axew! I'm only at 124/400 on my Sword base game dex so I need pretty much everything XD, especially Shield exclusives! If you want one, reply with a Link Code and I'll get to you ASAP! Thanks for participating!
submitted by reckless_pandemonium to PokemonSwordAndShield [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:20 AdmiralStone96230-A MURDER DRONES: Fall of Earth -Chapter XVI: Revelations and Rematches- (Pt. 2)

Wade walked in front of his teammates as they all walked down the short hallway, checking for any hiding hostiles as they slowly scouted the next area of the laboratory. At his side, Tina held her pistol low as she kept her guard up, bracing for an imminent attack while walking alongside Wade. Aiming her rifle, Vasquez looked across the hall, not lowering it even when she saw no hostiles ahead. Duncan kept a grenade in one hand and a kinetic pistol in the other, preparing to throw the former in order to scare out potential ambushers.
The entrance outside the tower was, surprisingly, not as heavily guarded as presumed, only being protected by several human and drone defenders, along with only two sentinels.. After clearing the entrance bay, the group came across three elevators at the other end of the large room. Despite asking J for help, she stated that the facility was highly secretive with it's layout, only allowing those stationed at the tower to know where was where around the place.
Taking a gamble, as well as being extremely eager to end Halloway's life sooner than later, Wade and F's team chose the middle one, which brought them up close to the top of the tower. Disembarking the elevator, the group hoped to find important information related to the Solver Project within the rooms on this floor, but first they had to ensure the area was secure before beginning their data raid.
As Wade and F kept their weapons trained ahead of themselves, Kelly walked right behind the two drones, holding her fancy-looking toolkit at her side with one hand and a kinetic pistol in the other. Looking to the doors at the sides of the hall, Wade saw that the hall branched into a few smaller paths on each side, leading to a door at the end of each one.
Raising a hand to stop the groups advance, Wade commented on the side doors. "Guys? You think we should check these rooms? Maybe there could be something here for us to snag."
F nodded in agreement before pointing at the door to her right. "You check that one. Be wary of our team, you and I are their main lifeline here."
"Don't worry F, we'll do just fine. Go see what these eggheads are hiding." Kurtis replied to the warrior drone, F glancing to him before nodding in understanding.
The two disassembly drones walked to the two doors between the assault team, Wade keeping his shotgun at the ready as he glanced at the door. It looked to be a simple slide door, having no control panel to enter a code on. Assuming it was probably minor items and the like, Wade sighed as the door opened, revealing an even less interesting sight. Against the wall was a large, box shaped device of some sort, cyan blue LED lines wrapping the sides of it. Noticing the electrical box at the wall to his right, Wade deduced it was some kind of power generator.
Shutting the door, Wade brought his dissatisfied gaze to his friends. "Seems to be just some kind of power generator, nothing special."
"Same here." F replied as she shut her own door, having found a similar object within the room as she continued speaking. "I'm thinking we just stumbled upon some sort of energy complex, we should probably head back and continue upward."
"Yes, maybe we should..." Alvaro replied in partial Spanish, moving forward past the team as he spotted something sticking out slightly down at one of the door halls ahead. Getting close, he saw it appeared to be the foot of a worker drone, certainly hiding from the approaching raid team. Quietly, the soldier snuck up on the drone before swiping around the corner wall, grabbing onto the cowering drone by their arm as they began to panic. Holding his gun to the drone's head, Alvaro shushed the terrified bot as they began to beg for mercy.
"Please! Don't hurt me, I'm just a maintenance drone!" The male drone pleaded in hushed fear as Alvaro replied to him.
"Oh, don't worry, I ain't gonna bop ya." Pulling the drone over to the team, Wade and F walked back to the group as they witnessed the hiding servant of the Administrator.
The drone gasped in terror upon seeing Wade's form. "Agh! D-Disassembly drones?! Two of 'em?!"
Tina scoffed at the drone's fear as she conferred with the drone. "Oh please, don't judge by his looks. My dear Wade's a sweetie bear, you'll be fine."
Wade nodded as he grew a comforting smile, which changed to a stern face as he spoke to the cowering drone. "Yeah, I'm not gonna hurt you... IF you tell us what this place is."
"We're here looking for data on the Solver Project before heading to the Administrator's Lab to detain her and her overseers. Can you tell us where to go?" F explained as the drone seemed to take a calming breath, eased by the mostly friendly lot he was facing.
"Okay, okay uh, yeah. There's an archive past this door over here." The drone stated as he led the team to the door at the end of the hall, Wade and F keeping watch for potential sneak attacks as the drone glanced at the control panel. "I think it's one of the higher level ones, unless you got a really good hacker or an acceptable ID, we're not getting in."
Kelly chuckled in amusement as she replied to the slave drone's challenge. "Well, must be our lucky day. I've taken a hand at picks like these." Getting down on one knee, Kelly opened her toolbox as she began to start her hacking attempt. "Just keep my behind from getting scorched."
"No problem, Kelly." Wade acknowledged with a nod as he held his shotgun up, F doing the same with her weapon as the two kept watch for hostiles.
After what couldn't have been more than a minute of pulling screws, screen tapping, and beeps of affirmation, the control panel finally yielded to the assault team's request to enter.
Once she re-attached the panel to its slot, Kelly held her hand over it while looking to her teammates. "Alright, I got the locks off. Gimme the word and I'll open her right up."
"Good to hear that, Kelly. On my mark." Wade replied before holding his shotgun at the ready, F holding her own laser cannon steady after him as she glanced to her team. Motioning her head back, F signaled her team to stand clear.
While they did so, Tina walked behind Wade with a sly smirk. "Wade, mind if I mount up?"
Wade returned the expression as he nodded, Tina climbing onto his back before pulling out her own pistol in preparation for combat. Looking to Kelly, he nodded to her, the technician pressing her hand against the panel before the doors opened.
Flying into the room ahead of F, Wade made a brief sweep of the room as he fired at the closest target. The large room consisted of several tall metal shelves, reaching up to the ceiling. Against the shelves were heightened walkways, which could be accessed by sloped sections of the floor between the doors. The height of the wall paths went up only by a few feet, the ceiling being, by Wade's guess, perhaps over almost two dozen feet. Finally, a large glass window occupied the wall opposite to the hallway, the light outside shining into the huge room.
As for enemies, Wade took a shot at one of several worker drone guards, who took aim at him as he gunned down their comrade in a visceral pool of oil. Along with the slave drones, Wade saw a single sentinel in the middle of the room, the robo-saur screeching at them as it began to sprint at the two killer drones. Tina covered Wade's flank with several shots of hot blue energy, hitting three of the hostile workers as they fell to the floor, visors glowing with red caution symbols before flickering out. Swapping out for a sub-machine gun, Wade gunned down the remaining four workers as F held off the sentinel, her laser slicing off the beast's tail as it tried to boot-loop her.
Seeing the light fail to work on the disassembly drone, the dino-bot roared again, only to scramble wildly as Wade mounted it, trying to pull off the same move he did at the factory. Readying a chainsaw, Wade cut at the sentinel's neck, sparks and oil spraying everywhere before the head snapped off from the attack. Flapping his wings, Wade hovered in the air once more as the corpse of the sentinel collapsed to the floor, more oil spilling out as the body lay still.
"Splendid kill, I'd say!" Duncan stated in admiration as he and the other troops walked in, each scanning the room as Wade and F flew back down to Kelly.
Walking alongside the technician, Wade swapped for a sword as he spoke to Kelly. "Okay, where do you think we should start?"
"Good question. Hey, worker buddy, ya know where we can get our intel?" Kelly asked the slave drone as he looked to her attentively.
"Uh, I think there should be two control stations we can access over here. Follow me!" The drone answered, pointing ahead to the middle of the room before beginning to jog over there. Flying ahead of the drone, Wade and F hovered above the center area while they looked around, holding their guns down as they spotted no hostile forces nearby. Once the group approached them, the two guardian drones set down on the opposite end of one of the large consoles while the maintenance drone examined it.
The consoles were of a circular shape, four built-in computers docked on rectangular arms sticking out around the machine. looking at it, Wade glanced to Kelly as he asked the servant drone. "You think Kelly here will have to crack these open?"
The drone nodded in affirmation as the woman in question came over, kneeling while setting down her toolkit. "Just like before, give me some cover and we'll be outta here in a pinch."
Raising a hand, Nathan spoke up on their efforts. "You think we should spread out? Maybe take positions behind those big wall shelves?"
Wade looked to the archive's entrance, debating on the idea before coming to a decision. "Sure, some of us can take position there. I'd like at least a few around Kel, though. We can't lose her."
"Gotcha, Wade. I'll help with close cover." Nathan replied as he held his gun firm at the entrance, Tina hopping off of Wade's back before walking up to the table. Kurtis, Gerard, and a few other troopers began moving towards the wall slopes leading up to the walkways at the sides of the room.
"Um, Kelly? Do you think we can look through this computer while you're working?" Tina asked her human friend as she gave a nod of approval.
"Sure, just lemme crack the locks off first. Just a bit longer now..." Standing together, Wade and Tina watched as Kelly did her work, the table's monitors flickering out for a few moments before coming back on. Glancing to the drone couple, Kelly spoke to them further. "Alright, dig in all you'd like. I'm gonna get this download started."
Nodding to the technician, Wade observed the screen with Tina, the former putting his hands onto the keyboard section as he pondered where to start their curious browsing trip. Scanning through countless folders, Wade saw the names of a select few relating to the Solver Project. "INSTALLATION 0XLV426, Plat-Binary System; INSTALLATION RSCH012, Copper System (Defunct); INSTALLATION 01NU26I, Proxima System"
Tina put a hand close to her mouth as she looked at the files Wade was hovering the mouse over. "Proxima, Plat-Binary... They have MORE installations in other systems!"
Wade sighed in frustration as he examined the names carefully. "Great, so she's probably gonna run for these hideouts later on."
Kelly raised a finger to counter Wade's worrisome assumption. "I don't think so, our ships outside should be jamming whatever signals they try to send out. So unless they scrambled some kind of fancy thingamajig in these labs, that Admin-gal ain't got a place to hide but here."
"I hope so." Wade replied as he continued looking over the data folders for a moment longer, Tina putting a hand on his own before she spoke to him.
"That one says 'defunct', open that one." Wade fulfilled his lover's request as he clicked on the desired file, several more appearing in place of the hundreds of folders previously onscreen not a second ago. Looking through the titles of each file, Wade clicked on the first one, intent on discovering more about what Halloway and his people were doing on that ill-fated colony.
Several lines of text filled the screen, the two lover drones reading through it as Nathan turned to join in their search. "STATUS REPORT 120547; Date: Sept. 27, 3044; INSTALLATION No: RSCH012; Planet: Copper 9, Copper System; The research team lead by Dr. Ridley on the 9th exoplanet of the Copper system has successfully commenced operations on the new facility there. They are charged with working to understand the 'virus' as they call it, curious of its capabilities and how to keep it under their control. Due to the... sensitivity of the Solver, and its danger to those that dare challenge it, I shall begin monitoring this team closely to ensure they do not antagonize it."
Exiting out of the file, Wade selected another. "STATUS REPORT 129402; Date: Jan. 04, 3046; INSTALLATION No: RSCH012; Planet: Copper 9, Copper System; Recent reports from the team at the laboratory, now christened 'Cabin Fever' by the very... quirky scientists there, have proven my long presumed suspicions correct: They are attempting to find a way to tame the Solver. The lab has several worker drones used in their experiments, corrupted with the Solver string that inhabits my own being. I will bring forth my concerns with the 'virus', and convince Dr. Ridley to take immense care in her duties whilst developing her 'cure'."
Wade gasped silently as he read through the report, Tina wrapping her arm around Wade's as he exited the second file. Scrolling down a little, Wade clicked one more file before reading it, his and Tina's faces reeling in quiet horror as they read Cyn's commentary.
"STATUS REPORT 133017; Date: Mar. 12, 3047; INSTALLATION No: RSCH012; Planet: Copper 9, Copper System; The worst has befallen the colony of Copper 9. Due to the inept care demonstrated by Dr. Ridley, the recent-and final-experiment of the Cabin Fever facility has resulted in the partial collapse of the exoplanet's core. Such destruction has completely purged the colony of all organic life, while surprisingly leaving most artificial life, such as the worker drones, intact. Due to the immense danger the experimental drones present to not just Copper 9, but all other worlds, they cannot be allowed to persist. I shall prepare a... materials team for transport to the colony to begin recovery efforts."
Staring at the report, Wade and Tina took in this horrific truth Cyn had hidden all these years with mournful expressions, Nathan looking over the screen further as he broke the silence. "So, the Copper 9 incident, the core collapse... It was their fault?"
"It would seem so." Vasquez said aloud as she joined the three drones, already observing the report about the colony's core implosion as she continued. "Official reports from just about every news source claimed that it was due to improper mining precautions, but, from all the craziest mining accidents I've seen... Copper 9 is quite the outlier for how extreme it was."
Tina took a deep breath as she steadied her mind over the files she and Wade had just read. "And yet, this 'Solver' thing.... they still kept it in service? After the loss of an entire colony?!" Glaring at the computer, Tina finished her furious spew. "This is ludicrous. Even if things have stayed calm up to this point, how do we know such a fuse won't spark again? Earth, Proxima, Plat-Binary... There's so many people that could be threatened by whatever this virus is!"
Wade nodded as he shared Tina's sentiment. "I've got a really bad feeling about this whole thing, we should get our data and then haul our asses to that lab upstairs!"
"Agreed. Fixer drone, you know the way there?" F asked the slave drone below her, who had been hearing in on the discussion about the lost colony as he answered the friendly murder drone.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I think I did some work up there. You should be able to reach it at the top floor back at th-"
"Hostiles!" F stated, alerting both her targets and teammates as Wade, Tina and Nathan turned to see the arriving foes. The maintenance drone cowered next to Kelly as his vision was locked on the defense squad: In front of five disassembly drones was a single human male, holding what looked like an assault rifle in his arms, as well as bearing a small sidearm at his right hip. Wade growled in low fury as he saw Hawk and his cohorts, the disassembly squad he was awoken with back at the factory: E, D, H, L and an... uncomfortably familiar face, particularly to Wade and Tina.
"So, that's the evil double you were telling me about?" W asked his superior, Darren nodding lightly as he and the drone squad stared down at the intruding assault team.
"You!" Wade growled as he readied a shotgun, the five corporate guards holding their own weapons at the ready as Darren gave a confident smirk of triumph at him.
"Yes, Mr. Carter. Good to see you made it out of that place, if only you weren't still in league with those terrorists next to you." The team coordinator replied to Wade's angry face, Tina seeming to cower behind his back as she took care to dig into her pocket without being caught.
"I don't think so, they're not the ones who got people killed with all this kerfuffle in the past few days." F retorted with a lighter glare at Hawk as he sighed in understanding.
In the midst of the chatter, Tina slid out her smartcomm, tapping a button to lower the volume of the device's speakers before tapping the screen a few times, trying to call her sister. It was a crazy idea, but with how desperate she and her friends now were, there wasn't much else they could do.
After almost nearing the end of the call duration, the vibrating ceased as the call went through. "Jasmine? Are you there?" Tina whispered behind Wade's wings.
"Yeah sis, is everything alright in there?" Jasmine replied, taking notice of her sister's quiet demeanor.
"Was, we're in a really bad pickle at the moment. In the higher area of the tower, back side, near one of the external windows. Is there anyway you can get us some help in here?" Then, glancing in the direction of the new arrivals, Tina whispered further. "We've got DDs!"
Jasmine was silent for a second, but quickly gave her reassurance as she seemed to think of an idea. "Hang in there, Tina. I'll have them brought to you quick. Jasmine out." With that, the call ended, prompting Tina to return her device to its pocket.
Raising his arm accusingly at Hawk, Wade spoke to his trapper. "AND it's because of you and your boss that Tina and I are in this mess! You and your pet G got my brother killed!"
Shaking his head, Darren responded to the former worker drone. "Well, Mr. Carter, I must admit one thing: Your 'brother' was a very caring man. Clearly with how devoted he was to you." Then, with a sigh, Hawk returned his words to the matter before him. "But, again, his loss won't be in vain. Not for us. Now, I'm only gonna ask this one last time: Stand down, come back with us... Or you can deal with your former squad-mates until they cut you down."
In stubborn defiance, Wade slowly shook his head to the team leader. "I'd rather die as who I am than help you and that Cyn bitch hide the truth in this place."
Raising an eyebrow in slight surprise, Darren acknowledged Wade's answer. "So, you looked into the Administrator's files?" Shaking his head again, Hawk spoke once more. "...Then you really can't be allowed to leave here."
Taking Hawk's motioning head to his sight, W took aim at Wade with a missile launcher, firing a single rocket at the former worker drone before it was stopped by F, who grabbed it with her claws before swinging it back at Darren's team with immense force. Seeing the speeding projectile of death approaching rapidly, E got in front of Darren, taking the hit with her wings and a grunt. The room quickly fell into disarray as several hails of bullets and energy bolts came from the sides of the room, D and L shielding themselves from the attacks as Darren gave his orders to them.
"D, L, clear out the room, the rest of you, deal with the traitors first!" The killer drones complied without words as the two began to sweep the upper walkways, firing their own sub-machine guns down the long walkway as several human and drone troopers cried out from fatal strikes. E and H flew at F, the hardened soldier roaring furiously as she clashed her newly formed blades with her opponents', keeping them away from Kelly as she continued tinkering with the computer during its download.
As for W, he came after Wade, Tina pulling out her pistol while Wade held his fresh swords against his clone's. Wade grit his teeth as he pushed back W, the two clashing swords for a long moment in constant attempts to cut each other down. As he clashed one sword with both of W's, Wade readied his shotgun with his free hand, W trying to copy the same attack before Tina shot at his face with her pistol. As W shut his eyes from the shocking strike at his form, Wade shot at W, blasting a chunk of the disassembly drone's side off before he fired again, this time shooting the chest where the core was.
As W fell to the ground, seemingly dead, Wade looked to F, who was struggling to hold off her two opponents as they began to overpower her. Flying over, Wade shot at H with his weapon, blasting the murder drone right in the head as he fell to the floor. With only one enemy to worry about, F focused her efforts onto E. "Wade, help the troopers! I've got the others here!"
Wade obeyed somewhat reluctantly as he flew over to his left, heading to where L was occupied before taking aim at the murder drone. L was just finishing off one of three pairs of troopers hiding behind the large shelfs against the walkways when he was struck by a hot beam of energy, grunting as he looked up to see Wade aiming at him with his laser cannon. Deciding to deal with the bigger threat first, L flew at Wade, who swiftly readied a pair of swords before blocking L's claw hands in a deadlock. Intent on buying her boyfriend another chance to strike easily, Tina took aim with her pistol, firing at L's face again as he backed off, keeping a distance from Wade as he tried to avoid another quick death.
Gerard positioned himself into a crouch as he held his weapon at D, who had just cut down the troops at the second pair of shelves on the right end of the room. As she flew at him and his drone ally, Gerard shot at D with his rifle, the drone blocking most of the bullets with her sword as she cut down the worker drone ahead of Gerard. Falling back, D pounced on him, stabbing the ground with her sword arm before swinging her tail down on the man. Dodging the nanite tank by just inches, Gerard spat at D, spraying her face with his mouth fluids.
"EEK!" D cried out in grossed out shock as she got off of Gerard, who grabbed his assault rifle to continue striking at D. The disassembly drone made a quick recovery, however, blocking the shots with her wing before she yelled at him in frustration. "You're nasty! I'm gonna get you!"
Pursuing their opponent, Wade flew back into the center area after L, trying to continue their fight before spotting D preparing to attack Gerard. Leaving L to flee away from him, Wade shot at D with his laser gun, the beam scorching her right on her behind as she cried out again. The disassembly drone seemed to grow tired of the assault as she broke off, trying to hide herself under her wings while moving back slowly.
Wade swapped his laser gun out for a sword, intent on putting D down for good before his attention was drawn away by Tina. "Wade, watch out!"
He was too late as he was slashed at by W, who had recovered from Wade's vicious attack before continuing to fight him. Wade cried out in pain as his arm was sliced off, then felt the cool air in his robo-lungs leave him as he was kicked back against the wall where he came after L at. Not a second after hitting the wall, W flew at him, impaling both Wade and Tina against the wall as they both gasped from the pain, the latter coughing up oil from the quick stab into her chest.
W laughed sinisterly as he looked to the couple with a toothy grin. "Well, the boss was right. You are a rough blemish to scratch off." Stabbing Wade's other arm with his nanite tail, W's wide smile shrunk as he continued speaking to the two drones. "Well, that's a real shame. You and your friend there would've made quite the drones for the Division."
Coughing up more black drone blood from her mouth, Tina croaked out to her and Wade's opponent. "I-If, If you're going to kill us... At least take us both out together. It's h-how we, prefer it."
W seemed to give a sympathetic nod as he responded to the pilot drone. "Ah, yeah. I should. You've both at least earned that much." He laughed lightly as he thought on the idea, then stopped as he eyed Tina, recognizing something he shouldn't have. "Come to think of it, you sound familiar, Miss."
The three drones' gaze was snatched by the loud sound of glass breaking, Wade, Tina and W seeing the large window at the end of the archive broken into many shards. From outside, three more new arrivals flew into the room: a trio of female disassembly drones, all with blades and guns deployed as the middle one spoke out amongst her team. "K, M, let's give these people a hand!"
"Okay!" Said one of the drones, the other not saying a word as they all moved to the sides of the room.
Looking back to the distracted W, Wade struck his face with his tail, the clone's visor cracking from the attack as he yelped in agony. Without any hesitation, Wade readied a claw hand before grabbing W, pulling him close before biting into his neck. Seeing her partner's clone trying to perform a similar attack, Tina grabbed onto the approaching nanite tank, keeping it from hitting her darling's head as he fed off his evil double.
Once he was finished, Wade threw the weakened W to the floor, the injured drone crawling back as Wade's damaged arm regenerated. As Wade readied a shotgun, W gazed at him and Tina, gazing at the latter as he seemed to remember one of his locked memories of this girl. "...Wait, aren't you... do I know yo-"
"You are NOT my boyfriend!" Tina answered angrily, W looking on in shock as Wade took aim. Wade's clone was put down with a few blasts of buckshot, ripping the body and core of W into scrap.
As W met his demise, F, now having put Nathan to her back, was busy holding off E and H, the latter having recovered from his injury as the three clashed blades. Hovering over the two data consoles in another locking of swords, F glanced between the two as one of the new arrivals from outside flew at H, trying to strike him down with her own swords. The attack took one of H's arms off, the murder drone backing off of F as he tried to defend himself against the newcomer. Now only having to deal with E, F kept her guarding sword up against her rival, readying a sub-machine gun with her other hand as she prepared to shoot.
E grinned mischievously as she taunted her enemy. "Heh, you're serving under the army, I see? They're pathetic compared to us, traitor."
Nathan growled as he held out one of his pistols, shooting at the arrogant drone as she backed off of his crush. Smirking at her partner as well as at her decision to follow Wade's example, F fired her sub-machine gun at the exposed E as she replied to her fellow murder drone. "Let me and Mr. Nathan here show you who's the pathetic one, scraphead!"
Before she could continue her fight with E, a flurry of bullets flew at F, the warrior drone blocking it with her wings before seeing who shot at her. Taking notice of Darren's position, F continued shielding herself while preparing a rocket launcher. In a tense blur, F shot at Hawk, the man just barely avoiding death as he was knocked back against the wall, seemingly unconscious. With Darren taken out of the fight, F continued striking her blades with E's, intent on snuffing out this troublemaker out for good.
With the tide of the battle turned, Wade took a moment to take some of his mouth saliva, holding it out to Tina. "Tina, here." The drone girl took the silver goop without a word before putting it onto her wounded chest, her damaged body and clothing repairing quickly thanks to the liquid nanites. Picking up his severed arm, Wade held it up for Tina as well. "Oil?"
"Thanks, hun." Tina replied as she drank up the dripping oil from the limb. Once it was empty, Wade tossed the arm before looking to the damaged window, L and one of the friendly disassembly drones fighting one another.
Flying at L, Wade readied a pair of claw hands as he slashed at L's tail, cutting the nanite tank off as it fell to the floor. Grabbing onto L, Wade punched through his chest, the partially connected bio-mechanical core in his claws before he crushed it with violent ease.
"N-Not agai-" Was all L could utter as he was finally slain by his rival from the factory not a day before.
Hearing a cry of pain from near the lab computers, Wade and Tina looked to see E, F, Nathan, H, and another disassembly drone going at each other in a blur of slashes and stabs. Seeing Wade flying over to her, E broke off from F, attempting to strike Wade's two claws with her one active sword arm, the other having been severed by F during their duel. E's efforts to terminate Wade were immediately in vain as she was quickly stabbed in the chest by Wade, choking from the pain as she prepared for her end.
Having recovered from her shameful stumbling with the human trooper behind the shelves, D prepared to attack once more, but stopped as she saw her comrade being struck down by one of the traitors, the one with the drone rider at his back. "E! Hold on, I'll save you!" She declared before preparing a pair of scythes, trying to imitate her leader as she spun at Wade and his prey.
"D, you imbeci-" E cursed aloud as she was thrown at D by Wade, her body being cut up into several pieces before her team-killing comrade ceased spinning.
Taking notice of her careless attack, D gasped in horror, putting a fresh hand to her mouth as Wade pounced on her. The poor drone squealed in terror as Wade quickly ripped her core out, D's eyes flickering out as her killer tossed her body to the floor.
Looking to D's core, Wade almost debated sparing it of his wrath before deciding against it. Crushing the core, Wade spoke to Tina at his flank. "Man, that one didn't feel so good to kill."
"I see." Tina sympathized, but stopped as she and Wade spotted H flying at them, one of the new ally drones pursuing after him as Wade readied a pair of blades.
Striking H's swords, Wade spoke to his allies. "Keep watch on Kelly there, I've got this one!" The chasing drone and the others heeded Wade's order as they backed off, Wade and H clashing blades in a fierce duel.
In their fighting, the two neared the large window space at the end of the lab as Wade gained the advantage. Once Wade entered another deadlock, Tina fired at H's head, distracting him just long enough for Wade to bite into the drone. H howled in pain as Wade drained him of most of his oil, the feeding lasting several seconds before Wade finally felt satisfied. Feeling H's body beginning to heat up, Wade tossed H's smoking body out the window, part of the still unshattered glass breaking off from the impact as the drone fell. H screamed in perilous agony as he fell down the building, his overheating problem climaxing as he exploded in a ball of fire.
Stepping over the damaged ledge, Wade and Tina watched as they saw the fate of their foe, the former smirking in satisfaction as he glanced to one of the nearby drone allies. "You all okay?"
"Yes sir." The drone replied, Kurtis giving a thumbs-up next to him as the two confirmed their status to Wade.
Observing the assisting disassembly drones, Wade glanced to Tina. "How did they find us so fast?"
"I called Jasmine, love. To be honest, I didn't think they'd get here in time." Tina answered her boyfriend as he looked to her with a grateful smile.
Looking back to F, Wade flew over to his ally, Nathan dismounting her as Tina raised an eyebrow at the military duo. "F? Nathan? Did you two-"
"Yeah. Yeah, we did." F said with a blushing smile, glancing to the smiling Nathan as she continued. "We uh, thought we'd take some notes from you both."
Looking down to Kelly, who was thankfully unharmed, Wade spoke to her as well. "Kel? You good?"
"Oh, I'm fine, Wade. F and Nate here made a great lil' duo." The technician answered as she and her friends laughed at the relief of victory.
In the quieting aura of peace, Darren woke up lazily as he tried to regain his composure. As his vision cleared, he spotted Wade and his team talking to Kelly, not at all noticing him having awoken. Taking hold of his sidearm, Hawk shot at Kelly, only for his attempt on her life to fail as Wade quickly blocked the shot with his wing.
Glaring at the team coordinator, Wade spoke aloud. "Leave him be, he's mine!" Walking towards him, Wade blocked all the shots Darren took at him with his wing, keeping his guard up until he reached the man. Readying a sword, Wade sliced off Hawk's armed hand before picking him up by the neck with his free one, then impaling the corporate agent with his nanite tail while growling at him in contained fury.
Darren grunted in frustrated pain as he looked into Wade's angry eyes with a similar expression. "I'll... be damned, Mr. Carter, I didn't think fortune would favor you and your lot here."
"Well, it sure as hell won't favor you today!" Wade retorted, swapping his sword for a hand as Darren coughed up a bit of blood from his injury.
"You really learned to be so much like us from him, haven't you? Sure seems like it. Even with lights for eyes, I ca-an still see pain in them. Tired, hateful agony. Is that what you feel?"
Wade lowered his gaze for only a short moment, taking in the slightly derogatory comments from Hawk before responding to the man. "...Yeah, I am in pain. So much pain." Then, as he raised his arm he continued in his growing rage. "Why don't I show you a bit of how much pain I'm in?!" At that instance, Wade roared at Darren as he dug his hand into the man's face, gouging his eyes out as he joined Wade in the screaming. The former worker drone kept at Hawk's head as he gripped onto it, his yelling growing in intensity as he tore off the squad leader's head in a bloody mess, part of his spine still latched on to the limb.
F, Nathan, Kelly and the other soldiers watched on with looks of shock, fear, and bewilderment as Wade took his bloody vengeance, Tina putting a hand to her mouth as she watched her love throw Hawk's head while letting go of his body. As Hawk's body fell to the floor, Wade took in heavy breaths from the immense effort he exhausted upon his nemesis before looking to Tina, embarrassment and shame swiftly overcoming him as he realized he was being watched by her. Looking down, Wade spoke to his love apologetically. "I'm... so sorry you had to see that."
Tina shook her head in an odd attempt to comfort Wade on his feelings over what he just did. "Oh no, no. It's fine." Turning her gaze to the grotesque sight of Darren's head, she regained her sympathy over Wade. "Besides, after what you told me about him... I'd say he deserves it for what you endured."
"Yeah. Besides, something tells me if it were Ron in your position... he would've done something similar." Despite the gruesome air she stood in, F let out a morbid chuckle as she continued. "I can believe it too, he tried choking J when he woke up back at your place."
Wade seemed to join in on F's laughter, Gerard giving a more hearty one as he spoke up on the matter. "Can't say I disagree. Call me twisted, but I think it's only... human of you, Wade."
"Thanks, Gerard." Wade said with a small smile, which slowly shifted into a stern frown as he spoke to his team. "I may have been a bit rash with Hawk here, but Halloway better be counting his stars in that office of his. He'll be lucky if he doesn't get worse for what he did."
"Indeed." Tina added before looking to Kelly, the technician taking a small data card out of the hacked console before putting it into one of the slots in her toolkit. "Kelly? Are we good to go, or is there still more to do?"
Holding onto her supplies, Kelly stood up as she helped the formerly scared maintenance drone up as well. "I'd say so, I've got the data chip right in here." Looking around, the technician spoke to her allies standing with her. "I might need some escort there."
"Don't mention it, Kelly. Wade, can you take a chunk of the team here with you? Nathan and I will bring this intel back to the ship outside." F asked as Wade nodded in affirmation.
"Sure thing. Tina and I will be back before you know it." F returned the nod as she looked to the soldiers, all of them having come out of their hiding areas as they listened in on the next step of their plan.
"Alright, Kurtis, Gerard, Duncan, Carlos, I want you two to stick with us. And you," F stopped as she looked to the repair drone, who returned the gaze as he listened to the disassembly drone attentively. "You may wanna come with us, it's gonna be a nasty night if you stay here."
The drone nodded in eager agreement, smiling at the friendly murder drone as he gave his feelings on the idea. "S-Sure thing, you guys could use a repair drone, right?"
F nodded in agreement as she and some of the other soldiers made way for the door, Nathan and Kelly walking alongside her as she spoke once more to Wade. "See you back at the ship Wade, and one more thing: Give Halloway the Carter treatment for us, okay?"
"Will do, F." Wade replied with a salute and a smirk, Tina doing the same behind her boyfriend as their allies departed.
Then, hearing a beep from her pocket, Tina pulled out her smartcomm, answering her sister's call. "Yes?"
"Looks like things have calmed down now, you alright, Tina?" Jasmine asked as Tina replied warmly.
"Oh, yes. Our friends here made this intel job much easier." Glancing to the friendly murder drones, Tina nodded in silent appreciation as they returned the gesture, turning to fly back outside as the pilot drone listened to the small device.
"Glad to hear it, I've got some wounded onboard that I'm taking to the base. I'll see you there after this whole rodeo is over."
Tina chuckled pleasantly as she replied once more to her sister. "I see, well, I wish you the safety of the stars over you and your team on the way back. See you tonight, love."
"You too, say hi to Wade for me. Jasmine out." With that, the Fowleys' call ceased again, leaving Tina, Wade and their remaining team members to themselves as they contemplated their next move.
Walking over to the drone couple, Vasquez spoke to the two while holding her rifle firm. "Well, looks like you're in charge now, Mr. Carter. Where do we go?"
Glancing back to the entrance leading to the elevator, then up to the ceiling, Wade nodded lightly as he made his decision.
"We go to Halloway."
submitted by AdmiralStone96230-A to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:00 terko_msu Space-Themed Escape Room for a Birthday Party!

Space-Themed Escape Room for a Birthday Party!
Beep-beep, adventurers! Recently, I asked for puzzle ideas for a space-themed escape room I was putting together for my friend's birthday. Thanks so much to everyone who helped out! I didn’t have much time for this one, but with your ideas, I managed to pull it off. Here's what I ended up doing:
The First Clue: Wearing an alien mask, I approached my friend and handed him a letter. The letter was short and written in an alien language (a simple letter-to-letter cipher). It said: "Earthman! Look behind the trashcan." At the top of the letter were several logos: two related to his work and one representing Earth. These logos were familiar to him and had titles (like on the picture) that could be used as the key to decipher the letter.
Earth \"logo\" with a title
Behind the Trashcan: He found a bigger letter explaining that an alien ship was about to invade Earth. To save the planet, he had to find and steal a device that was transmitting solar system navigation data to the aliens.
Planetary Alignment Puzzle: The letter also had a clue: "Find the sun, planetary alignment reveals what is hidden." The picture of the sun was on the top of a locked box. Each guest at the party had a badge with the gravitational acceleration of a planet in the solar system. Putting the guests in the correct order unlocked the box (which I could open with a remote I had in my pocket). Inside the box was a petri dish with iron fillings and a cardboard.
Revealing the Digits: Placing the dish in the right spot revealed the digits needed to open a combination lock on another box. Inside this box was a bath bomb and a letter instructing him to put this "alien planet mineral" into acid.
Bath Bomb Clue: We had green-dyed water labeled "DANGER" for the bath bomb. After dropping it in, a key was revealed inside.
Morse Code Puzzle: The key activated a pre-recorded Morse code message, which he had to decipher to get another combination for a lock.
Finding the Agents: Inside the box locked with this combination was a letter telling him to find alien agents and tell them the code phrase "Give it to me." The only info he had was the code phrase and the codenames of the agents: Aphrodite, Zeus, and Poseidon. He had to find the guests with the gravitational acceleration values corresponding to Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune.
Constructing the Rocket: After telling the agents the code phrase, they gave him a part of an alien spaceship model. He had to construct a rocket using his astrophysics knowledge (quick note: they have an inside joke at work: drawing dicks and calling them rockets). He had to assemble the parts on a magnetic platform to construct the spaceship. Amazon's Blue Origin rocket was a good enough reference to 3D print the model. :)
Final Box: Once the model was assembled, we secretly turned on a beeper hidden in another room. Using the sound, he found another box containing a letter with coordinates: 05h59m, +54°; 3h2m, +04°; 01h28m, −43°. These are the coordinates of stars, marked by delta, alpha, gamma on a constellation map I put on the wall in advance. Using the order of the Greek alphabet letters, he was able to open the final box. Inside was a sphere-shaped lamp with a picture of the solar system.
we happy?
Conclusions? I suck at making bath bombs. Mine almost turned into bath bomb sand, and I had to use a container to avoid revealing the key before pouring it into the water.
submitted by terko_msu to Constructedadventures [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:52 Us3ful1di0t Needing some hints at 83,5 %

Hey everyon ! I absolutely love Lorelei and the Laser Eyes but now I'm stuck. Some things stay unresolved for a long time and other new discoveries just confuse me. If some of you can give me a little push (not the complete solution please) I would be so glad.
So, here's where I stand :
- all puzzles box opened and the 9 visions from it / same for the VHS but no idea of where to use the L/R pattern,
- can't find any clue for the code of the maze center gate (gamma / xi / phi) and stuck on the Quizz Club (at the question about a Minotaur). Same goes for the 16 digits of the orangerie keypad and the moon journal.
However, I think that are probably the few last puzzles of the game. My focus now is more on :
- one 3 number lockpad on west side of 3rd floor where's the map show a printer,
- computer disk 1 safe, the one with "strange buttons",
- the astronomical clock with 1798 / 1807 / 1924 / 1932 (the last two should be the birth year of Lorenzo and Lorelei ?),
- all the shit with game(cube) consoles, bug reports and printer's passwords.
I missed something obviously. Please help me ^^
submitted by Us3ful1di0t to LoreleiAndLaserEyes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:01 Pristine-Spring-4724 WordPress block templates

Introduction to Website Design with WordPress Core Block Templates and MaxiBlocks

Website design with WordPress block templates and MaxiBlocks involves leveraging the MaxiBlocks plugin, a powerful WordPress page builder and template library. MaxiBlocks offers a vast collection of ready-made templates, block patterns, and SVG icons, allowing users to create responsive and fast-loading webpages. The plugin is designed to work seamlessly with the Gutenberg editor and is compatible with the majority of WordPress themes, enabling easy integration into existing websites. With over 2,000 patterns, 164 page templates, and 14,000 SVG icons, MaxiBlocks provides a wide range of options for website creation, making it a versatile and user-friendly solution for website design.

What Are Block Templates?

Block templates are pre-built collections of blocks used to define default initial states within the WordPress Gutenberg editor. They can have predefined attributes, placeholder content, and can be static or dynamic. These templates differ from template files (e.g., index.php, page.php, single.php) and work the same way with both classic and block themes, according to the WordPress template hierarchy. Block templates offer several advantages:
To use block templates with MaxiBlocks, install the plugin on your WordPress website. Once installed, you can directly access the library from the Gutenberg editor and explore a wide variety of templated layouts.

Installing MaxiBlocks

Installing MaxiBlocks is straightforward:
  1. Navigate to the 'Plugins' section in your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Click 'Add New' and search for 'MaxiBlocks'.
  3. Click 'Install Now' and then 'Activate' once the installation is complete.

Exploring the Features of MaxiBlocks

MaxiBlocks comes packed with features designed to make website creation as easy as possible. Here are some key features:

Tips to Get Started

  1. Start with a Plan: Have a clear idea of what you want to achieve before building your website.
  2. Experiment: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different templated layout block options.
  3. Customize: Use MaxiBlocks’ customization options to make your website truly unique.

Advantages of Using MaxiBlocks

Using block pattern templates in MaxiBlocks offers several advantages:

Customizing a Pattern Template with Style Cards

MaxiBlocks enables further site customization through design cards, allowing changes to colors, fonts, links, and hover effects. Applying a style card gives your website an instant makeover, providing it with a unique brand identity.

Unleash Your Creativity with the Best Page Builder for Free WordPress

What Are Style Cards?

Style cards allow you to quickly customize your web pages by changing colours, fonts, links, and hover effects. With over 100 style card variations available, you can easily match your brand identity or desired aesthetic. Modify style cards to your preference and save them as your own.

Add Interactivity and User-Friendliness to Your Block Theme

Interactivity in web design enhances user experience by allowing the web page to respond to user actions, such as clicks or mouse movements.

Flexbox Controls

Flexbox (Flexible Box Layout) is a CSS layout model in MaxiBlocks that allows you to design a flexible, responsive layout structure. With Flexbox controls, you can precisely align and stack contents inside a container, ensuring your website is optimized for all screen sizes.


Breakpoints in responsive web design enable a website to respond and optimize for various device widths. MaxiBlocks offers six breakpoints for 4K, laptop, tablet, and mobile devices, ensuring a consistent application of custom styles across different screen sizes.

Incorporate SVG Icons and Shapes into Your WordPress Block Templating

Incorporating SVG icons and shapes can improve your design while enhancing user experience.

SVG Icons and Shapes

MaxiBlocks offers an extensive library of 14,000 free SVG icons and shapes, which can be resized without compromising quality or file size. Their customizable nature allows for real-time modifications to colours, lines, and fills, simplifying personalization.

Creating Unique Visuals with SVG Shapes

SVG shapes can be directly placed and updated within your code, serving as backgrounds, section dividers, and decorative elements. Layer and combine SVGs, or animate them to bring a dynamic, interactive flair to your design.

Using SVG Icons Effectively

MaxiBlocks offers a wide variety of SVG icons to elevate your website's user experience. Customize icons directly within the MaxiBlocks editor to add visual appeal, benefit navigation, or provide decorative elements.

How MaxiBlocks Boosts Workflow with Fast, Customizable Web Templates

MaxiBlocks’ template library and intuitive interface significantly enhance your workflow, making it easier to create visually appealing and responsive websites quickly.

FAQ’s About Templating

Widgets are small elements that perform specific functions on your site, such as recent posts, search bars, and custom HTML. They can be added and configured through the ‘Appearance’ > ‘Widgets’ section in the WordPress dashboard.
submitted by Pristine-Spring-4724 to Website_builders [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:54 ZebraDirect4162 Better app for RGBW-IC controllers (eg SP530e)

Hi guys,
I have little hope to really find what I am after, as I have searched the web quite a bit. But you never know, maybe theres a secret hidden here on Reddit 😉
I am using a SP530e with 2x5m SK6812 on my RV and am semi happy with the results. The app BANLANX is ok somehow and the strip itself is quite good, but the app is limiting its possibilities a lot!
I cannot make use of white LEDs in segments. I can use dimmable solid white and readymade white dynamic effects. But no DIY possibilities for white LEDs at all. Which is a bummer. RGB is nice, occasionally, but often too much of a chinese / gaming style (dont get me wrong, no offense).
I dont want the whole 10m strip light up in white, but only maybe 2m (in this case over the door..)
2nd, the DIY section is a bit awkward.. but well, it CAN be done. Unfortunately, there is no way of saving DIYs at all... who on earth designs something like this, not adding a simple safe of DIY#1, #2 ...
Thats what I really hate about those kind of app: they are developed, they do some things more or less badly, and then they are stopped being developed half way.
Anyways, sorry for the rant, my question:
Is there any other app, better then Banlanx, to control the mentionend device?
Or which way would be a workaround, maybe using a Raspberry Pi Zero or alike? I am not a coder myself, I can understand code to a degree and might be able to make some changes, but some out-of-the-box thing would be way better..
Thanks a lot in advance 😊
submitted by ZebraDirect4162 to led [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:37 canitzp Check out Battery Box, a new Mini-Mod for Minecraft 1.20.1 (Forge) and 1.20.4/1.20.6 (NeoForge)

Check out Battery Box, a new Mini-Mod for Minecraft 1.20.1 (Forge) and 1.20.4/1.20.6 (NeoForge)

Battery Box


Version Modloader Support-Status
1.20.6 NeoForge
1.20.4 NeoForge
1.20.1 Forge


Battery box is a "Mini-Mod" that does one simple thing, it adds a block that can hold a battery! Pairs perfectly with Just A Battery, but should work with other mod's battery cells as well!
Mod coding by canitzp Assets and Idea by Jadan1213


Using the Battery box is simple, just connect it in-line between an RF power source and whatever you're powering. You can insert a battery by holding the item and right clicking on the block, shift right clicking will remove the item.
The rate of power flow into and out of the battery is regulated based on the RF transfer rate of the battery, and the pipes/energy cables you're connecting to it. You can hook up the Battery box from any side of the block.
This is great if your power usage temporarily exceeds your power generation capabilities, as the Battery box will provide the power your devices need and recharge when excess power is available.
The block will provide visual feedback of its charge level both with color, and with lighting. The higher the battery charge, the brighter the light!
Battery boxes can share their battery's charge with adjacent blocks, even other Battery boxes! How fast that energy is transferred/leveled out will depend on the battery's max transfer speed.
While this will allow you to chain multiple Battery boxes together, Keep in mind, that energy will only flow into, and out of, a connected Battery box. If no battery is present in the connected Battery box, no energy will flow!
As a bonus, You can use a battery box to charge items too! These items however will not provide power to connected devices. They can only be charged.
Battery box is great for prividing extra power to hungry devices and storage systems when needed!
Tested to work with
Just a battery Thermal series Flux capacitor
Powah! batteries & Energy cells Mekanism energy tablet
If you experience any issues or incompatabilities, please open an Issue!


GitHub (Source and Issues):
submitted by canitzp to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:30 9182763498761234 Report: Switched from Fedora 40 to Tumbleweed

Hey there,
Yesterday, I moved from Fedora 40 to OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. I'm writing this post to report on my experience as someone who has been using Linux for about 10 years now, with my first two years on Ubuntu/Linux Mint and the rest of the shared by Fedora and Arch, which I both love.
First off, why did I switch? There are a couple of reasons. I switched from Arch (which I still dearly love) to Fedora a couple of months ago since I couldn't be bothered by fearing system updates breaking something. I've used Fedora in the past for a couple of years and had a good experience back then. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get hibernation working on Fedora. A somewhat convoluted procedure is involved, but I never got rid of some SELinux permission errors. I know that hibernation is (also by Fedora devs) discouraged due to unintended side effects with certain system states after hibernation. Still, for me hibernation is essential: I usually use suspend-then-hibernate with a delay of 3 hours, so when I suspend during my work day I have the benefits of suspend sleep with minimal battery drain and nearly instant wake-ups. After a delay of 3 hours, which means I left the device overnight / over the weekend, the device completely shuts off, and I can rest assured that suspend doesn't drain my battery empty, which often happens to some degree. Lastly, I have never touched OpenSUSE Tumbleweed before, as it always fell "under my radar" for unknown reasons. I've seen people post on Reddit about TW and how it is a good mix of up-to-date software similar to Arch due to its rolling release system and stability similar to Fedora due to multiple reasons, plus the big benefit of an out-of-the-box BTRFS snapshot emergency system.
Pros: - The cute gecko - Hibernation worked out of the box. I selected the "enlarge SWAP to RAM size for hibernation" option during the installation process. - Codes are just an opi codecs command away. - Automatic setup of BTRFS snapshots and the option to boot into a read-only snapshot. - While I'm used to manually configuring my system, YaST looks like a good overview of system configurations, which I may use when I'm too lazy to configure it by hand. - From what I've read on the official forum and here on Reddit, the community looks helpful and pleasant to chat with. - Apart from the hiccups listed below, everything else worked without issues!
Cons/Hiccups: 1. (RESOLVED) I'm usually using greetd as my displaymanagegreeter. In Fedora/Arch, a simple systemctl disable gdm && systemctl enable greetd was sufficient to switch the displaymanagegreeter. I was surprised to learn that TW is different, and I have yet to figure out how to enable greetd. I found out, that update-alternatives --config default-displaymanager is supposed to configure the displaymanager, but this doesn't offer me an option for greetd (I see gdm, console, xdm). Does anyone know how to get greetd on that list? 2. Somehow, the installation left my previous Fedora bootloader alive? After I installed TW, the laptop always booted into my previous bootloader with Fedora entries as the only option. Selecting one tried to start Fedora, but it was just stuck on the loading screen. I had to exit grub via the commandline which then brought me to the new TW bootloader with all TW entries and the OpenSUSE theme. A simple rm /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/ fixed this for me but I didn't quite know if this works upfront. This also never happened to me on any other distribution installation. During the TW installation, I also didn't select any special options for the partitioning, simply "guided partitioning," which allowed to increase swap size for hibernation with the check. Everything else was default. 3. I did my first zypper dup this morning, and Neovim broke, simply giving me the message nvim: error while loading shared libraries: /uslib64/lua/5.1/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory suggesting the lpeg-lua library is missing. Unfortunately, a simple zypper install lua-lpeg installs version 5.4 of the library, while nvim needs 5.1, so a more specific zypper install lua51-lpeg was necessary. After this, all was fine again. While this took me only a few minutes and the fact that snapshots would have saved me anyway, I was suprised that the system already broke on my first update after reading that TW was supposed to be insanely stable. I know, the "stability" also comes from the fact that we can simply rollback to the pre-update state and wait for the next snapshot, and maybe I just had an unfortunate timing with my first dup, but I was suprised nonetheless. 4. Default configuration files seem to be missing. E.g. I wanted to set up the suspend-then-hibernate delay in /etc/systemd/sleep.conf and the lid-switch action in /etc/systemd/logind.conf. On Fedora/Arch, these files already exist with a short description and all possible configurations commented out. They didn't exist on TW in the first place, which confused me. Are they at a different place in TW? man sleep.conf.d told me about a couple of paths systemd-sleep.conf searched for configurations (/etc/systemd/sleep.conf,/etc/systemd/sleep.conf.d/*.conf,/run/systemd/sleep.conf.d/*.conf,/uslib/systemd/sleep.conf.d/*.conf), but none of them exist in TW. Same goes for other configuration files. Is this intended? 5. YaST doesn't work as a GUI application in Sway. When starting (from rofi, e.g.), I'm prompted for the password, and then nothing happens. It works in the terminal via /bin/yast2, though, so good enough, I guess. 6. Distrobox initially didn't work. On Fedora I used Distrobox to gain access to a couple of small AUR packages. On TW, I can't use sudo in the container as it tells me $USER is not in the sudoers file. Manually entering the container via docker exec -it ... got me root permissions, allowing me to modify /etc/sudoers appropriately.
While the list above looks long, I expected a certain amount of initial friction, so these small things are manageable. I am really happy with the system state and look forward to staying on TW for a long time.
Lastly, I wanted to thank the developers and all contributors who make all of this possible in the first place! You are amazing :-)
Edit: #1 was resolved with the help of instructions from systemctl disable display-manager && systemctl enable greetd and an additional systemctl edit greetd.service adding
``` [Unit]
[Service] Type=idle ```
such that systemd message don't overlay tuigreet.
submitted by 9182763498761234 to openSUSE [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:52 PinwheelStudio How to do cell based culling using quadtree in Unity C# - Part 1

How to do cell based culling using quadtree in Unity C# - Part 1
Original blog post:
In graphics programming, "frustum culling" is about determining whether an object is inside or intersect with the camera's view frustum.
In the ~last post~, we've discuss about an efficient and precise "AABB vs. Frustum Planes" algorithm. However, it's not quite a good choice to iterate over each object and do the test.
Is there a better way? Let's find out!

The problem

In this post, we will solve the culling problem where:
  • There are lots of objects scatter around the scene within a reasonable boundaries and the number of them is known ahead of time.
  • Those objects barely move.
For example:
  • Tree culling for terrain object, as implemented in ~Polaris~ 3.
  • Stop calculating something very expensive offscreen.

The solution: cell based culling

We propose a divide & conquer algorithm, where a quadtree will be used to arrange nearby instances into "cells", their visibility state will be decided mostly by that cell.
Overall, the processing steps are:
  • At initialization time, we create a quadtree of "cells" fits into a predefined world boundaries. The quadtree remains unchanged during the app lifetime since those objects barely move, then we put the objects into their containing cell.
  • At update time, we perform AABB vs. Frustum Planes test on the quadtree, this happen pretty quickly since children cells can inherit state from their parent (children cells for sure will be culled if the parent cell is culled, etc.). In some cases, we need to do the test on an individual object.

Example project

You can download the example project we use in this post using ~this link~.

About quadtree

Quadtree is a tree data structure where each node has exactly 0 or 4 children.
For culling problem, we use a quadtree of bounding boxes. The root node encapsulates the entire scene then recursively subdivide into 4 smaller boxes at each depth level.
We are processing 3D scene, why don't use use Octree instead?
That makes sense! An octree, where each node has 8 children, is more suitable for 3D data in general. However, if you don't mind the Y-axis, this can be consider as a 2D-like problem. Let's keep it simple!
A quadtree can be expressed in 2 ways:
  • Nodes and pointers.
  • Or, flatten to a 1D array. We prefer this way because we can easily make our code compatible with Jobs system later (multi-threading). The drawback is memory consumtion.
To store a quadtree in an array, we iterate through each depth level, and put all nodes at that depth next to each other in the array, see the images:
Cell based culling: Quadtree as nodes and pointers
Cell based culling: Quadtree as 1D array
To make things clear, we define:
  • Depth: The number of "layer" in the tree, starting from 1 (the root node)
  • Depth Index/Layer: The index of depth layer, starting from 0

Calculate the array length

Try drawing a quadtree on paper, you can see that the number of nodes is:
Can you guess the formula? Not so hard:
L(di) = L(di-1) + 4^di
In code, we can calculate this with a simple loop:
public static int GetTreeLengthAtDepthIndex(int depthIndex) { float count = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= depthIndex; ++i) { count += Mathf.Pow(4, i); } return (int)count; } 

Calculate the number of sibling nodes

Siblings are node at the same depth. Take a look again at the Increment column of the table above, we can clearly see that the number of siblings at depth index di is 4^di.
public static int GetSiblingCountAtDepthIndex(int depthIndex) { return (int)Mathf.Pow(4,depthIndex); } 

Precalculate array length and sibling count

Since the array length and sibling count is unchanged at each depth, we can precalculate them, and limit the maximum depth of your quadtree as follow:
public struct QuadTree { private static readonly int[] TREE_LENGTH = { 1, 5, 21, 85, 341, 1365, 5461, 21845 }; private static readonly int[] SIBS_COUNT = { 1, 4, 16, 64, 256, 1024, 4096, 16384 }; public const int MAX_DEPTH = 8; public static int GetTreeLengthAtDepthIndex(int depthIndex) { return TREE_LENGTH[depthIndex]; } public static int GetSiblingCountAtDepthIndex(int depthIndex) { return SIBS_COUNT[depthIndex]; } } 

Calculate elements indices

Sometimes we want to jump to the first node at a depth level, the picture below demostrate a quadtree array with indices:
Cell based culling: Quadtree array with indices
Since the nodes at each depth level are places next to each other in the array, the first-node-index-at-a-depth-level is the array-length-of-previous-depth-level:
public static int GetFirstIndexAtDepthIndex(int depthIndex) { if (depthIndex == 0) return 0; else return GetTreeLengthAtDepthIndex(depthIndex - 1); } 
To retrieve the depth index of a node, simply look for the greatest number that less than the element index in the TREE_LENGTH array:
public static int GetDepthIndex(int nodeIndex) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if (nodeIndex < GetTreeLengthAtDepthIndex(i)) return i; } return -1; } 
We also need to access the children nodes from the parent, that can be query by getting the first node index of the next layer, then add to the "local index" of the node in the current layer multiply by 4, demostrated in this animation:
Cell based culling: Get first child index in the quadtree
Cell based culling: Get first child index in the quadtree
public static int GetFirstChildIndexOf(int nodeIndex) { int depthIndex = GetDepthIndex(nodeIndex); int firstIndexAtDepthIndex = GetFirstIndexAtDepthIndex(depthIndex); int offset = nodeIndex - firstIndexAtDepthIndex; int firstIndexAtNextDepthIndex = GetFirstIndexAtDepthIndex(depthIndex + 1); return firstIndexAtNextDepthIndex + offset * 4; } 
How about other children nodes?
It's easy, just add 1, 2 or 3 to the first child index, since they're next to each other in the array.

Initialize a quadtree of cells

Let's create a attach a new component to a game object in the scene, we will call it CellBasedCulling_Demo.
We'll define a field for limiting the scene size (levelSize), assign a small value first like (100,10,100) so we can move around quickly.
To make it simple, we make the quadtree depth a constant, in this example, 6.
We use Bounds struct to reprensent cells in the quadtree.
We also declare an array for storing cell cull results.
public class CellBasedCulling_Demo : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Level")] public Vector3 levelSize = new Vector3(100, 10, 100); private const int QUAD_TREE_DEPTH = 6; private Bounds[] quadTree; private byte[] quadTreeCullResults; } 
At startup, we create and recursively split the tree to the defined depth:
public class CellBasedCulling_Demo : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Level")] public Vector3 levelSize = new Vector3(100, 10, 100); private const int QUAD_TREE_DEPTH = 6; private Bounds[] quadTree; private byte[] quadTreeCullResults; private void Start() { InitQuadTree(); } private void InitQuadTree() { int treeLength = QuadTree.GetTreeLengthAtDepthIndex(QUAD_TREE_DEPTH - 1); quadTree = new Bounds[treeLength]; quadTreeCullResults = new byte[treeLength]; quadTree[0] = new Bounds() { center = transform.position + levelSize * 0.5f, size = levelSize }; for (int di = 0; di < QUAD_TREE_DEPTH; ++di) { int startIndex = QuadTree.GetFirstIndexAtDepthIndex(di); int siblingCount = QuadTree.GetSiblingCountAtDepthIndex(di); for (int si = 0; si < siblingCount; ++si) { int i = startIndex + si; int firstChildIndex = QuadTree.GetFirstChildIndexOf(i); if (firstChildIndex >= quadTree.Length) return; Bounds cell = quadTree[i]; Vector3 min = cell.min; Vector3 max = cell.max; Vector3 center =; Vector3 size = cell.size; Vector3 halfSize = new Vector3(size.x * 0.5f, size.y, size.z * 0.5f); Bounds bottomLeftCell = new Bounds(new Vector3((min.x + center.x) * 0.5f, center.y, (min.z + center.z) * 0.5f), halfSize); Bounds topLeftCell = new Bounds(new Vector3((min.x + center.x) * 0.5f, center.y, (center.z + max.z) * 0.5f), halfSize); Bounds topRightCell = new Bounds(new Vector3((center.x + max.x) * 0.5f, center.y, (center.z + max.z) * 0.5f), halfSize); Bounds bottomRightCell = new Bounds(new Vector3((center.x + max.x) * 0.5f, center.y, (min.z + center.z) * 0.5f), halfSize); quadTree[firstChildIndex + 0] = bottomLeftCell; quadTree[firstChildIndex + 1] = topLeftCell; quadTree[firstChildIndex + 2] = topRightCell; quadTree[firstChildIndex + 3] = bottomRightCell; } } } } 
First, we need to create a Bounds[] array with the the length returned from our GetTreeLengthAtDepthIndex() function.
Before recursively splitting the tree, we must assign value to the first node (the root, which encapsulate the entire scene defined by levelSize).
At each depth level, we iterate through every sibling nodes, split them into 4 and write to their children.
The splitting stop once we've reach a leaf node, whose first child index is outside of the array.
Let's add some Gizmos so we can see it in the scene:
public class CellBasedCulling_Demo : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Level")] public Vector3 levelSize = new Vector3(100, 10, 100); private const int QUAD_TREE_DEPTH = 6; [Header("Visualization")] [Range(0f, QUAD_TREE_DEPTH - 1)] public int visualizeCellsAtDepthIndex; private void OnDrawGizmos() { if (quadTree == null quadTree.Length == 0) return; int startIndex = QuadTree.GetFirstIndexAtDepthIndex(visualizeCellsAtDepthIndex); int count = QuadTree.GetSiblingCountAtDepthIndex(visualizeCellsAtDepthIndex); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { Gizmos.color = Color.yellow; Bounds b = quadTree[startIndex + i]; Gizmos.DrawWireCube(, b.size); } } } 
Back to the editor, enter Play mode and adjust the slider:
Cell based culling: Visualize the quadtree in Scene View

Spawn some objects

Let's spawn some game objects within the levelSize defined before:
public class CellBasedCulling_Demo : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Spawning")] public GameObject prefab; public int instanceCount; private GameObject[] instances; private int[] instanceCellIndices; private byte[] instanceCullResults; ... private void Start() { InitQuadTree(); InitInstances(); } ... private void InitInstances() { if (prefab == null) return; instances = new GameObject[instanceCount]; Random.InitState(0); for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; ++i) { GameObject g = Instantiate(prefab); g.transform.parent = this.transform; g.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(Random.value * levelSize.x, Random.value * levelSize.y, Random.value * levelSize.z); g.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; g.transform.localScale =; g.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; instances[i] = g; } instanceCellIndices = new int[instanceCount]; for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; ++i) { GameObject g = instances[i]; int cellIndex = CalculateCellIndex(g.transform.position); instanceCellIndices[i] = cellIndex; } instanceCullResults = new byte[instanceCount]; } private int CalculateCellIndex(Vector3 worldPos) { int currentCellIndex = 0; int currentDepthIndex = 0; while (currentDepthIndex < QUAD_TREE_DEPTH - 1) { int firstChildIndex = QuadTree.GetFirstChildIndexOf(currentCellIndex); if (quadTree[firstChildIndex + 0].Contains(worldPos)) { currentCellIndex = firstChildIndex + 0; } else if (quadTree[firstChildIndex + 1].Contains(worldPos)) { currentCellIndex = firstChildIndex + 1; } else if (quadTree[firstChildIndex + 2].Contains(worldPos)) { currentCellIndex = firstChildIndex + 2; } else if (quadTree[firstChildIndex + 3].Contains(worldPos)) { currentCellIndex = firstChildIndex + 3; } else { break; } currentDepthIndex += 1; } return currentCellIndex; } } 
It's just a very basic object spawning code, where you clone a prefab assigned via the Inspector. We store the spawned instances in an array for later.
After spawning an instance, we need to pre-calculate its leaf cell index so we can quickly get its culling state in each loop. Starting from the root cell, we look for which one from the 4 children cells that contains the object world position and repeat until we reach the leaf cell.
We also declare and initialize an array for storing instance cull results, just for later.
Back to the editor and enter Play mode, remember to assign a prefab & set the instance count:
Cell based culling: Spawn instances inside the level bounds
To verify that we've calculated the correct cell indicies, let's add some visualization. We will draw a cyan box at the instance position and the cell it belongs to, using instance index:
public class CellBasedCulling_Demo : MonoBehaviour { ... [Header("Visualization")] [Range(0f, QUAD_TREE_DEPTH - 1)] public int visualizeCellsAtDepthIndex; public int visualizeCellAtInstanceIndex; ... private void OnDrawGizmos() { if (quadTree == null quadTree.Length == 0) return; ... if (visualizeCellAtInstanceIndex >= 0 && visualizeCellAtInstanceIndex < instanceCount) { int cellIndex = instanceCellIndices[visualizeCellAtInstanceIndex]; Bounds b = quadTree[cellIndex]; Gizmos.color = Color.cyan; Gizmos.DrawWireCube(, b.size); GameObject instance = instances[visualizeCellAtInstanceIndex]; Gizmos.DrawWireCube(instance.transform.position, instance.transform.lossyScale * 1.1f); } } } 
You should see this when entering Play mode:
Cell based culling: Visualize instance's cell index in Scene View
What if my game objects can move?
It depends on your game rule, you will need a way to calculate their leaf cell index on the fly.

Cull the quadtree

The culling should happen every frame, Update() is somewhat perfect place to do this. You can also do this in the camera's culling event.
First we need to calculate the camera's frustum planes:
public class CellBasedCulling_Demo : MonoBehaviour { ... private Plane[] frustum = new Plane[6]; ... private void Update() { SetView(Camera.main); } private void SetView(Camera cam) { GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes(cam, frustum); } } 
Then, we traverse through all nodes in the tree, starting from the root, and perform AABB vs. Frustum Planes tests:
public class CellBasedCulling_Demo : MonoBehaviour { ... private void Update() { SetView(Camera.main); CullCells(); } private void CullCells() { Bounds cell0 = quadTree[0]; quadTreeCullResults[0] = TestFrustumAABB(frustum, ref cell0); for (int di = 0; di < QUAD_TREE_DEPTH; ++di) { int startIndex = QuadTree.GetFirstIndexAtDepthIndex(di); int siblingCount = QuadTree.GetSiblingCountAtDepthIndex(di); for (int si = 0; si < siblingCount; ++si) { int i = startIndex + si; int firstChildIndex = QuadTree.GetFirstChildIndexOf(i); if (firstChildIndex >= quadTree.Length) return; byte selfCullResult = quadTreeCullResults[i]; if (selfCullResult == CullFlags.CULLED) { quadTreeCullResults[firstChildIndex + 0] = CullFlags.CULLED; quadTreeCullResults[firstChildIndex + 1] = CullFlags.CULLED; quadTreeCullResults[firstChildIndex + 2] = CullFlags.CULLED; quadTreeCullResults[firstChildIndex + 3] = CullFlags.CULLED; } else if (selfCullResult == CullFlags.VISIBLE) { quadTreeCullResults[firstChildIndex + 0] = CullFlags.VISIBLE; quadTreeCullResults[firstChildIndex + 1] = CullFlags.VISIBLE; quadTreeCullResults[firstChildIndex + 2] = CullFlags.VISIBLE; quadTreeCullResults[firstChildIndex + 3] = CullFlags.VISIBLE; } else { quadTreeCullResults[firstChildIndex + 0] = TestFrustumAABB(frustum, ref quadTree[firstChildIndex + 0]); quadTreeCullResults[firstChildIndex + 1] = TestFrustumAABB(frustum, ref quadTree[firstChildIndex + 1]); quadTreeCullResults[firstChildIndex + 2] = TestFrustumAABB(frustum, ref quadTree[firstChildIndex + 2]); quadTreeCullResults[firstChildIndex + 3] = TestFrustumAABB(frustum, ref quadTree[firstChildIndex + 3]); } } } } private byte TestFrustumAABB(Plane[] frustum, ref Bounds b) { return CullUtils.TestFrustumAABB(ref frustum[0], ref frustum[1], ref frustum[2], ref frustum[3], ref frustum[4], ref frustum[5], ref b); } } 
You can see that we're not performing tests on every nodes, because children node can inherit culling state from their parent if:
  • The parent is fully VISIBLE
  • The parent is CULLED
That makes sense, since children nodes are fully encapsulated by their parent.
The remaining case is that the parent node is PARTIALLY_VISIBLE, we need to do the test on each children nodes to determine their actual state.
What is that CullUtils.TestFrustumAABB() function?
In the ~last post~ about frustum culling, we wrote that function which determine the visiblity state of a bounding box: VISIBLE, PARTIALLY_VISIBLE or CULLED.
Let's visualize that:
public class CellBasedCulling_Demo : MonoBehaviour { private void OnDrawGizmos() { if (quadTree == null quadTree.Length == 0) return; int startIndex = QuadTree.GetFirstIndexAtDepthIndex(visualizeCellsAtDepthIndex); int count = QuadTree.GetSiblingCountAtDepthIndex(visualizeCellsAtDepthIndex); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { byte cullResult = quadTreeCullResults[startIndex + i]; Gizmos.color = cullResult == CullFlags.VISIBLE ? : cullResult == CullFlags.PARTIALLY_VISIBLE ? Color.yellow :; //Gizmos.color = Color.yellow; Bounds b = quadTree[startIndex + i]; Gizmos.DrawWireCube(, b.size); } ... } } 
Cell based culling: Visualize cell culling in Scene View

Cull the instances

After culling the quadtree, it's quite simple to cull the instances. Simply iterate through each instance:
  • If the containing cell is VISIBLE or CULLED, then the instance culling state will inherit from that.
  • If the containing cell is PARTIALLY_VISIBLE, then you can perform an additional test on the instance bounding box (or just assume that it is visible anyway depending on your app).

public class CellBasedCulling_Demo : MonoBehaviour { ... private void Update() { SetView(Camera.main); CullCells(); CullInstances(); } ... private void CullInstances() { for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; ++i) { GameObject g = instances[i]; int cellIndex = instanceCellIndices[i]; byte cellCullResult = quadTreeCullResults[cellIndex]; byte instanceCullResult = cellCullResult; if (cellCullResult == CullFlags.PARTIALLY_VISIBLE) { Bounds b = new Bounds(g.transform.position, g.transform.lossyScale); instanceCullResult = TestFrustumAABB(frustum, ref b); } else { instanceCullResult = cellCullResult; } instanceCullResults[i] = instanceCullResult; g.SetActive(instanceCullResult != CullFlags.CULLED); } } } 
In this example, we use the instance positon and scale as its bounding box, and deactivate the game object if it's culled.
Cell based culling: Objects were deactivated when out of view frustum

Analyze our cell based culling technique

The main purpose of our cell based culling technique is to reduce the amount of AABB vs. Frustum Planes test performed. There is performance benefit when we have the number of tests less than the number of instances. But does it?
Let's add a counter to the TestPlaneAABB() function:
public class CellBasedCulling_Demo : MonoBehaviour { ... private void Update() { aabbTestInvocationCount = 0; ... } ... public int aabbTestInvocationCount = 0; private byte TestFrustumAABB(Plane[] frustum, ref Bounds b) { aabbTestInvocationCount += 1; return CullUtils.TestFrustumAABB(ref frustum[0], ref frustum[1], ref frustum[2], ref frustum[3], ref frustum[4], ref frustum[5], ref b); } } 
Now it will record how many times the function was call each frame and display the number in the Inspector.
In the best case, we only have 1 test occur, where the quadtree's root node is fully visible or culled:
Cell based culling: Only 1 test when the root node is fully visible
Cell based culling: Only 1 test when the root node is culled
On an average case, we have a few tests happened but the number of them usually less than the instance count:
Cell based culling: On average case, number of tests is less than instance count
However, in the worst case, where all the leaf nodes are partially visible (e.g: cells dimension is rarely encapsulated by the view frustum, such as very tall cells, etc), the number of test is instanceCount + quadTree.Length:
Cell based culling: In worst case, number of tests surpasses the number of instances
In our low poly terrain tool ~Polaris~ 3, the tree renderer does a further optimization step that shrink those cells to just encapsulate their content, so the cell dimension is as small as possible or even stripped away from the tree if it has no tree. That way, the worst case is less likely to happen.
Cell based culling: Polaris 3 shrinks the cells for optimization
Polaris is a complete toolset for low poly creation in Unity, it provide everything you need from optimized mesh generation, blaze fast foliage rendering, painting, spline, stamping & utilities. Learn more here.

Wrap up

In this post we've learned about quadtree and how to use it to perform efficient scene culling. But it's not everything yet. In the next post, we will turn the implementation into a multithreaded one using Jobs.
Stay tuned!
submitted by PinwheelStudio to Unity3D [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 07:28 MechanicalDogtrot Looking for access control for package closet in a condo.

We've got a closet that sits under the stairs of our condo complex and are looking to secure it with some sort of access control. Residents currently get in to the complex with an RFID tag (readers look like HID) and delivery people have a code that they punch into the call box. Would love to be able to follow the same access pattern for closet. What are some good products for this?
Also thinking about upgrading video cameras and call box in the next year or two, in case that is something to also consider.
submitted by MechanicalDogtrot to accesscontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 06:31 clownbaby42 Can a district administrator or local league president mandate what documents are required for the All Star Tournament Binder?

So this is my 3rd time coaching an All Star team this year and my local league has awful about communication with the coaches and parents about what documents are required in our binders. And apparently if I ask them a question about which forms are needed, or for example questions about proof of residency, then it means I am challenging them on what they know or questioning their competency.
So I come here asking for guidance for a few things:
  1. Does a local league board member, or District admin have the authority to mandate what is and is not required in the all star binder?
2.) Here is what the district is saying is required in our binder for each player:
The following pieces of documentation need to be inside the book at the time of verification, and throughout the tournament season:

The following items, while may be included by the league in the Tournament Eligibility Affidavit book, they are not required and shall not be required by District Administrators, Tournament Directors, or staff.

Please note that while original birth certificates must be verified by each District Administrator prior to the start of tournament play, copies of birth certificates are NOT carried with each player’s information. However, any player utilizing a statement in lieu of for proof of age must have the statement and supporting documents within the Affidavit Book.
Additionally, based on certain conditions or exemption listed in the tournament rules or local (city, county, state) requirements, some of the following information may be necessary to be carried in the Affidavit Book.
Each team’s eligibility book is to be returned by the Manager to the League President at the completion of that year’s Tournament. The forms and documents are kept on file by the league because many can be used to establish the eligibility of players who are selected to a tournament team in a future season(s).
I wanted to get clarification on the request for code of conduct, as well as the instructions to provide only 2 documents for proof of residency. I asked why does the form say you must provide 3, one from each group, but our board is telling our coaches to only collect 2 but was not given a straight answer, only that "every form i gave you is a requirement, and this is what the district has told us"
I also asked about the Volunteer form for coaches, when it says on the little league website specifically, that form is not required and cannot be requested by district admins nor tournament directors. but still they refused to answer me.
so please if anyone with experience is out there and can guide me in the right direction on what is actually required and what is not necessary, or even how i should proceed moving forward, i would greatly appreciate it.
submitted by clownbaby42 to LittleLeague [link] [comments]