Slot machine free games


2018.12.19 14:09 rhiyo GameUpscale

A subreddit mainly about improving games using machine learning techniques. From time to time we deviate which is fine. Please no simple trailer upscales and similar. Look at the wiki in the link section for tutorials, models and more.

2021.07.05 09:01 SpacexRanger11 ATIG

INFORMATION AND DD FOR $ATIG (ATLANTIS GAMING CORPORATION) Atlantis Internet Group Corp. creates and develops casino games in the United States and internationally. It offers various gaming products, including online casino games, casino management software, central server systems, and slot machine software, as well as develops gaming networks and land based casinos. Atlantis Internet Group Corp. was founded in 2000 and is based in Las Vegas, Nevada.

2013.12.17 02:11 That_Guy_In_Retail lotterywins: pics and discussion about the lottery and winners

This sub is dedicated to those that want to show off their winnings to the world! Post pics of your scratch offs, winning draws, or even slot machine big wins. Feel free to discuss the old and new games as well as what you plan to with the winnings.

2024.06.05 07:52 Kanetsugu21 Gold Bullion "Rush" Question from a N00b

The news section in game says it should be increased to 800 from 400 but the gold press machine is still only actually loaded with 400. Am I missing something? Do I get the other 400 elsewhere? Is the event even started yet? Where do I go to learn this info? In game "news" was just one sentence and there's a surprising lack of info about this on the interwebz when I googled it.
Any help would be appreciated, that 400 is the difference between me getting plans for a shiny new SS jetpack today and I neeeeeed it
submitted by Kanetsugu21 to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:51 GingerelliKat Help my headset isnt working

Hi so I have a Steelseries Arctis Nova Pro Wireless headset with the gamedac. Im having a problem with no sound. When i try to google my problem I cant find anything hence the post.
When my pc volume mode is selected to "Steelseries sonar - gaming" i cant hear any sound. computer shows it having sound. and the headset makes sound if i click buttons on it, but the actually computer sound wont go to the headset. But if I switch to "Headphones (2- Arctis Nova Pro Wireless)" Then i do have sound, but it is no longer in sonar mode so i lose the capabilities of chatmix and mic.
The problem started after I restarted my pc. It was working fine before i restarted. I have had this problem before though and I got it to go away by randomly switching around which slot the usb was plugged into on the back of the pc until it decided to work. And i noticed how it only worked if the gamedac displayed the sonar icon. And another time I couldnt get it to work i opened the sonar app and that fixed it.
But now neither of those things are fixing it and there is nothing on google to help.
Any ideas anyone? Please?
Also id like to add that my pc is very old and doesnt work the greatest. also windows 10.
submitted by GingerelliKat to steelseries [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:49 RatedRPG-YT Just Beat Armored Core 2 - Levels Way Harder Than The Bosses Themselves

I just beat armored core 2. First PlayStation 2 game. I've played in a very long time. That said, it was quite the upgrade after having just played all three PS1 armored core games back to back.
Visuals a definite upgrade what with the enhanced draw distance and way better textures. Combat did feel slower in ac2 compared to the PS1 games though in my opinion. I found in those games battles would be over a lot quicker whether because damage from weapons was higher or whatever.
Maine critiques first:
1.weapons felt a lot weaker in this game. Missiles and arm weapons felt nice but actual handheld weapons. All felt very meh. Never found a rifle, shotgun or any kind of hand weapon that I was actually impressed by. Even the thousand round machine gun felt very weak to me.
  1. This game felt harder if for no other reason than because enemies would melt through my AP pretty quickly. Combat may be slower, but sometimes there were so many enemies on screen shooting that my frame rate would dip pretty badly. (Playing on original PS2 hardware) I think there needed to be some rebalancing either in the damage that enemies dish out or the number of enemies just shoved into corridors because most of the time the actual AC boss fights were kind of a joke compared to just the process of getting to them.
  2. More of a personal preference but I thought that the weapon sound effects were kind of off in this game compared to the first generation. Obviously with the improved graphics chips the sounds themselves were better but I thought that the effect noises in the first game lined up better with the weapons.
  3. My biggest criticism is going to be variety. There was just a lot less to play around with in terms of parts in this game compared to the full roster in master of Arena. Bit of a step back but not a deal-breaker
  1. From soft games are never super detailed with the plot but I like the idea of the big boss Zanzibar land thing they were going for with Klein. Of course they threw that out at the very last moment so we have no idea what he was actually planning to do other than try to be some sort of overlord at the end.
  2. I did not like a lot of the R weapons but the weapons I did like I really liked. My favorite weapons were probably the bazooka arms which became my main weapon and I could usually murderize most bosses in just about four or five shots. The chain guns as well ended up being a constant companion on my shoulder. Of course In order to have chain guns, bazooka arms and missiles at all time. I was pretty much locked into a tread legs built the entire game.
  3. Extension parts are pretty fun and added some extra customization to the game that I really appreciated.
  4. The arena was very challenging in this game and forced me to actually get good because they removed the cheese option of an arena with low ceilings like in the first generation šŸ˜…
Overall, I really like the improvements made in ac2. I think I probably still liked master of Arena better, but the overall improvements to combat and general visuals I thought was really good and I cannot wait to see what else they had in AC2 another age. As well, I can't wait to see what other parts they add since there was a scaling back in this generation it seems.
submitted by RatedRPG-YT to armoredcore [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:48 FelMaloney Is multiclassing way too popular?

"My ally sorcerer just one-shot-killed a mob if goblins with a fireball, but I'm still a Paladin 4/Hexblade 1 saving up on a handful of spell slots doing a portion of that damage, what's wrong with me?" "I can't believe we've gone a full game without combat just investogatinf/escaping/exploring, I built this character for one thing only: cast spikes and move my enemies through those spikes."
For an optional rule in 5e, multiclassing sure has become a staple. Even first-time players come into 5e already with a multiclass in mind. There's an arguable fallacy going around that any multiclass is better that any straight class. Obviously, a lot of front-loaded classes are far more rewarding to dip that just going on the lackluster level-by-level progression of some classes. But players forget that "a 3 level dip" may take up a year in any long-term campaign. So multiclassing is supported by one-shot culture and optimising YouTube channels, which are usually built in a vacuum. One-shots give you a number of character levels to do what you want with, and you want to test this out. You're also more familiar with low-class features and spells, so it feels more challenging to play a warlock 10 than to effectively alternate between a paladin 5 and a warlock 5ms features. There's also the tendency to maximize certain characteristics like, say, speed or forced movement. This means sacrificing options that make a character more well-rounded for a chance to maximize one particular feature (min-maxing, anyone?). We all like gimmicks and making a unique character, but thinking multiclassing is the only way is the wrong mindset. Single-class progression is seldom recognized until it's too late and you've already mukticlassed out of boredom. What are your thoughts?
submitted by FelMaloney to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:47 erutan_of_selur Machine Chaos Tayou Turbo R/F

This is a deck I've been slowly cooking for awhile, I'm a pretty casual YGO player at this point, I don't like the link era or the eternal Setpember of the rocket fuel link format with going first decks and going second decks. I am a believe that GOAT isn't solved yet, despite the meta existing where it's at. In any case, Here is the breakdown of the deck:
Chaos Machine Tayou Turbo. Word Salad I know. This deck is a hybrid control/combo deck. It has absolutely insane turn 1 potential and can make a series of incredibly strong uncontested plays that sack your opponent harder than Duo Can.
BLS X1- Premier boss monster of the format naturally shows up in a chaos deck. On top of it's innate features BLS in this deck is a massively extended combo that can facilitate an absolute blowout against your opponent. Once you Trunade to clear the field to land BLS, you can banish your opponents monster, metamorphosis into Gatling Dragon and generate further advantage with coin flips to further your damage output. Gatling dragon is a great extended option here because you can tailor your turn to how successful it's effect resolution is. If BLS banishes their only monster, you can follow gatling dragon up with limiter removal for the 5600 kill shot.
Chaos Sorc x2 Chaos Sorc is underwhelming but required. It's as amazing as it would be in pretty much any other deck, but it doesn't have massive synergies. You play it because it's a special summon.
Dekoichi X3- Dekoichi makes Book of Tayou into a Jar of greed, and when you Tayou it up it dodges on-summon trap cards. We run 3 limiter removal, and because of our chaos package Dekoichi is good fodder for busting up your opponent's board with a limiter removal. If you are playing against a control matchup, you can slow down and just play Dekoichi like normal and especially to bait the NOC. But if you're one card away from developing your line then Tayou is the play.
Fusilier X3 This card is the shit. Easily one of the best combo cards in GOAT. Dark and Machine, great target for Graceful Charity. Fusilier is the swiss army knife of the deck and gives it the most control options. When combined with Metamorphosis, you can toolbox out Last Warrior from another Planet, Labrynth Tank and King Dragun. Labrynth tank is a machine, and so if you're a few life points shy of game it makes limiter removal more live than if you just double a wimpy Fusilier to 28, instead getting a 48 limiter removal killshot. Usually though, I use him to slow the game down with Last Warrior. A turn 1 Last Warrior is aa good way to choke out your opponent. It hard counters Reasoning Gate Game 1, it hard counters Scapegoat and it makes it incredibly tough to answer if your opponent is on a low or no monster count. King Dragun is pesky and crashes with monarchs and has it's edge case uses but usually Last Warrior. In addition to all of it's applications with Metamorphosis, it has incredibly synergy with any of your discard outlets, it's a live target to banish and if you have it in grave it's a big bungus to Premature burial into a trunade and maybe pull back 2 which brings us back to more kill shots with limiter removal.
X-Head cannon X3- The Garnet of the deck, under Limiter removal it gets to a respectable 3600, it's usually the secondary target for Premat if you have trunade to synergize with it.
Mof X3 - Mof is the core of the draw engine, Mof makes it so that you can convert Book of Tayou into any spell in your graveyard, but especially the two trinity pieces. It can also get you the damage on board you need with of course limiter removal. The big thing is Tayou lets you quickly use mof to build your hand and grave yard to thread the line. You can of course play it slow, but this deck wants to win quickly. Also gets you to Thousnd Eyes Restrict, the second control element of the deck. When combined with last Warrior from another planet you have functionally 6 cards that lead you to a control point where you can slow the game down and then choke your opponent out if you need to.
Morphing Jar X1 Cyber Jar X1
The Jars are the secondary Draw engine of the deck and facilitate Soft FTKs. Because we run a 17 monster count, Cyber Jar is usually draw power more so than busting up the board. But even then, Setting Cyber Jar and flipping it with Tayou can build your board into a lethal threat. By going into Dekoichis and Head Cannons oftentimes hitting 2 of any permutation enables game from limiter removal on your next turn. A turn 1 soft kill with Morphing jar in particular might look like you setting 4 cards to the field and then slapping Tayou down to force it to flip. If this happens on turn 1 your opponent starts the game off at a -2 to a -4. It does carry a slight disadvantage if you build their chaos graveyard, but they also have to assess a fat fucking back row that you got to build turn 1. Additionally, you can take smaller advantages with morphing jar because a lot of monsters are simply additional combo enablers in grave anyway. Tossing a head cannon to go +3 and then drawing into BLS is a common tactic.
Trinity-nuff said.
Card Destruction- This is great to follow up cyber jar with. Often times you do get some dead duplicates in hand, so card destruction lets you go digging to assemble your combo. Sometimes you also just need a discard outlet.
Limiter Removal x3- Limiter Removal in this deck is insane. A lot of times you can just win out of nowhere, Giant Trunade at 3 makes the minuses you take from it not so bad, and it's further hedged with premature burial. Bring mack a Fusilier go in for 5600, get over BLS, or if you wanna channel your Inner Zane Truesdale drop double limiter removal on Fusilier and go for the 10k big bungus kill move.
Book of Tayou- The card text is an inaccuracy this card reads: Replace the effect of this card with the effect of one of your face down monsters and flip it to attack mode. It's the MOST slept on card in the format if you are running any kind of flip package. It enables you to dodge on summon effects, it enables you to summon under Last Warrior from another planet and develop tempo, it makes your jars much, much better. It also functions as a Piecing attack that might be the difference between game or not. Very versatile card, generates massive plusses sooner an again on turn 1 virtually uncontested.
Giant Trunade- I don't play storm. This is a meta call but people don't like to negate Trunade in the same way they don't like to negate Pot of Greed or Graceful, it does very seldom happen but Very Seldom We max out on trunade because we just need our opponent's spell cards. The deck also isn't terribly concerned with card advantage in the same sense other decks are. You sort of just explode into a large hand and then discard what you don't need and keep what you do need. Also has synergy with our two equip spells, more so premature burial. This builds a graveyard recursion engine that also bounces your opponent's back row. Being able to resolve premature burial 4+ times in a game is quite strong.
Snatch Steal- sometimes you need to create an out with Metamorphosis. Grabbing your opponent's BLS is just as good as summoning your own in this case.
Premature Burial- Monster reborn with recursion, throw your monsters carelessly into the graveyard for graceful chairty and summon them back to set up a fat board.
Metamorpohosis- the deck's flexibility. You have numerous options, The big two being Last Warrior and TES with niche applications for the others.
Nobleman of crossout- I hate dealing with flip effects and I love to swat my opponent's mof. This card is probably one of the more flexible cards, and can probably live in the sideboard. But, you really want to dial up the choke out by denying your opponent any advantage generation with Nobleman of Crossout.
Cold Wave X2- This is an OTK deck, the deck is also cramped and tight on ratios. So we run 2. with Trunade this is a pretty strong lockdown package and if you have it an trunade you can force your opponent's Solemn Judgement out Also, Cold Wave and Limiter removal have a weird synergy where you can activate your cold wave and then run it up to chain 2 with limiter removal which makes it more difficult to respond to but also sets up your kill.
Ring of DestructionX1 I'm going to suck limiter removal off one last time here, Ring of Destruction is already one of the best cards in the format. Paired with limiter removal though, You can build gigantic nukes to fling at your opponent if your life points can weather the explosion. Following up your already massive gatling dragon combo with a ring of destruction is basically a quick double tap. But also, it forces your opponent to either side out their ring or risk their ring killing them but not you, limiter removal makes ring of destruction very dangerous, you can force a draw if the right monster is out but Limiter removal is a soft counter and a big punish to ring of destruction, needless to say if you chain limiter removal to your opponent's ring of destruction you can cause it to blow up in their face. Or like I said, force the draw.
Solemn Judgement X1 - Sometimes you just need to no button your opponent, it's our flexibility for jank/spice strategies. Probably throw 2 more in the side deck.
As for the rate and fix, given what I have laid out I'd be curious to know of any insights or side-deck options I may not have considered. The deck doesn't have a lot of wiggle room, even the side deck option are limited because the deck runs such a tightly fixed strategy. As I wrote this, I may actually board out NoC and run Upstart goblin and side in NoC if they're on a flip strategy. but yeah anything else I'd love to hear about.
submitted by erutan_of_selur to Goat_Format [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:47 RogerMiller90 SSF2 Speed settings?

In the Super Nintendo version of ā€žSuper Street Fighter II: The New Challengersā€œ, you can adjust the speed from 0-3 turbo stars with the DPad in the start menu. Is there any speed adjustment for the Arcade version as well?
I havenā€˜t found anything in the dip switch settings or a possibility corresponding to the SNES version, but at least wanted to ask. Or is the Arcade version simply stuck with the comparatively very slow speed from ā€žThe World Warriorā€œ?
Thanks for clarification.
For an additional question: Iā€˜ve read in mostly quite old posts, that the Turbo games (Hyper Fighting and SSF2T) run faster on all emulators than on the original arcade machines. Is this still true today and by how much are they running faster?
submitted by RogerMiller90 to MAME [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:45 Rainehhhh Question

Hi guys! I played webkinz ages ago when I was still little (in 2011) and I remember there was this huge problem of cars just getting stuck and me not being able to get them back. Is that still a problem? Are you able to recover new ones? I'm very curious it's been so long šŸ˜­
Also I haven't played in like 5 years or more so if anyone wants to tell me cool random facts about how the game is now feel more than free to!
submitted by Rainehhhh to Webkinz [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:43 shaal Tipping point...

Who the hell came up with a quiz game based upon a coin pusher. First time watching free to air tv since parents died and I'm pleased to see the quality of tv game shows has improved over the last 6 year ... Totally riveting tv!!!!
Truly what utter garbage .
submitted by shaal to Adelaide [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:43 galaxyqueenarts Character sheet commission page

Character sheet commission page
Character sheet commission page comes as follows full body, profile views, expressions and so forth
No furry and no weird stuff you will be declined if that is what you are trying to get and no ā€œfree artā€ also you know the drill
Four slots for each participant and each character sheet will be around $25 because how much time and work it takes for me to make this thank you!
submitted by galaxyqueenarts to u/galaxyqueenarts [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:43 cold_waterfal Use my code and Iā€™ll use yours

Iā€™m so close to winning my first free gifts. Use my code first and Iā€™ll use yours. I still have all my temu game clicks available. Thank you!
submitted by cold_waterfal to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:41 Brave_Committee16 Is there anything fun to do at VIT - AP ?!

I was researching about vit-ap but couldn't find much details so can you guys help me and tell me what other things you could do besides studying at VIT-AP. Do they have gym facilities if they do then what it's like(is it some high tech good machines gym or just a normal with 2 sets of treadmill and few weights) or do they charge students for using gym as well ? If yes then how much. Do they have any sports facilities like cricket, badminton, volleyball, basketball etc. If u r a student there then please tell me what you guys do in free time. Do u guys have night outs or clubbing with your friends, I guess not ! Sorry for asking. What indoor games they have. Restaurants, canteens, library what thing do they have as entertainment for students ?
submitted by Brave_Committee16 to u/Brave_Committee16 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:40 CaoilfhionnFlailing CGA advice for laptop

Hi all,
I'm fairly sure I have a good claim but just wanted to see if anyone had any advice or had been in a similar situation.
I bought a laptop in 2021 ($2500, discounted from $3000) advertised as a gaming laptop.
I have a screenshot of the full page from the website when I bought it, so I have that in my favour.
Here's the issue. It overheats something awful and when I tried to play games as simple as Stardew Valley or Minecraft (unmodded) it would heat up to the point that it burns my fingers and will just shut down.
After 2 years, the wifi card would disconnect and would have to be shut down until fully cooled to maybe reconnect when rebooted.
I took it back, they repaired it. I asked for an replacement or refund because I had a gaming laptop that I couldn't play games on but they wouldn't let me.
I have not played any video games on this thing since I got it back, but within 6 months, the wifi issue is back. Same deal, it just disconnects and there is nothing I can do short of a shutdown that will get it back online.
It's worth mentioning that it takes 3+ shutdowns to get the wifi card to register again.
I've taken it back to the store, they are again refusing a refund or replacement under the CGA but offering to look at it out of "goodwill".
I have a $2500 gaming machine that can't play games without shutting down, and overheats itself into disconnecting the wifi card from using a bloody browser. In no sense of the term is that fit for purpose.
I know that the expected lifespan of a laptop is considered 5 years, more if it's higher priced - which this was. The CGA also takes into account whether or not a person would purchase an item with those defects, which I absolutely would not have.
How would or have you approached this?
submitted by CaoilfhionnFlailing to newzealand [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:40 Brave_Committee16 Is there anything fun to do in VIT - AP

I was researching about vit-ap but couldn't find much details so can you guys help me and tell me what other things you could do besides studying at VIT-AP. Do they have gym facilities if they do then what it's like(is it some high tech good machines gym or just a normal with 2 sets of treadmill and few weights) or do they charge students for using gym as well ? If yes then how much. Do they have any sports facilities like cricket, badminton, volleyball, basketball etc. If u r a student there then please tell me what you guys do in free time. Do u guys have night outs or clubbing with your friends, I guess not ! Sorry for asking. What indoor games they have. Restaurants, canteens, library what thing do they have as entertainment for students ?
submitted by Brave_Committee16 to vitap [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:40 Pristine_Primary9553 2k24 MyCareer: Grind, ???, Grind more?

I haven't extensively played 2k since the 2018 edition, and 2k24 popped up for free on Playstation Plus. I was looking forward to trying out MyPlayer, building him up over the course of a season, etc. I don't know what I was expecting. Gone are the days of playing a few college games, running some drills, simulating the draft, earning your spot on the lineup, post-game interviews, locker room decisions, etc. MyCareer now appears to be a bloated, ugly, painful grindfest. The weird "hub" area, quests, VC, and enough menus and systems and challenges and rewards to induce a migraine. Not to mention, I played for probably four hours, and bumped by overall up from a 60 to a 61. Unless I'm doing something wrong, I think I've gotten my fill of this game. So so glad I didn't spend any real money on this one.
submitted by Pristine_Primary9553 to NBA2k [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:40 PurnoChow Please hlp me choose a laptop.

Hello there. I am looking forward to buy a new laptop in $700 range. I have found 2 excellent laptops in my area for that range, both used. One of them is a precision 5540 4k with T1000 gpu, 32 gigs of ram and 1TB storage. The other is a Victus 16 with 3050ti, 8gb ram and 512 gigs of storage. Which one do you think I should take? Should I take the victus 16? Is the 3050Ti really worth missing out on an extra 24gb ram and 512gn storage? I don't play games too much, but when I do, I wanna have a good experience. Mostly, I'm gonna do some editing and stuff, some coding (I'm a student still) and play games in my free time. Please help me decide between these two. And tell me which one you would take as well, if you were in my shoes.
submitted by PurnoChow to computers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:40 mattysauro Surprised no one is talking about this yet.

Surprised no one is talking about this yet.
PC is a platform Iā€™m completely happy being all digital on so I donā€™t have any skin in this game, but paying up for a USB stick in a pretty box feelsā€¦ a little pointless right?
Itā€™s not like these are proprietary discs or cartridges, after allā€¦
submitted by mattysauro to LimitedPrintGames [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:39 AxiDave [PC][2007-2011] Car suspension simulator (on Ubuntu)

Platform(s): PC (Specifically Ubuntu around ver 9-12)
Genre: Simulator (Tech-Demo?)
Estimated year of release: Late 2000s, but maybe early 2010s
Graphics/art style: Very basic 3D. Think of the default cube of the Unity editor. Very plain, all the blocks were just one color. Not even a skybox, just a generic gray background.
Notable characters: No characters whatsoever. The vehicle was not even a full car, it was just a flat rectangle with wheels and suspension.
Notable gameplay mechanics: The simulation of the wheels and suspension seemed realistic. It was a hard game, you had to navigate trough narrow tracks full of obstacles. If you screw up, you just fall off the edge, and respawn in the beginning.
Other details: I might not remember all the details correctly as I was young. The game was completely free and I downloaded it from the Ubuntu "Store". I'm not sure if it was available on Windows.
submitted by AxiDave to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:38 Potential_Meet65 So I'm debating on the Dark Gifts...

My players are getting very close to tackling the Amber Temple and I'm looking for good ways to run the Dark Gifts that are offered. Now I understand that there is already a TON of Dark Gifts already offered and mentioned in the book and various expansions and homebrew content, but I'm trying to run my game a little differently.
For context: In my game the vestiges in the temple aren't random dark entities that were sealed there, and are more like fingers of the more obscure "Dark Powers" that are binding Barovia to make it what it is. It's the temple and my changes to the Green Seeds/stones from the book (that act as the "forest, mountain, and River spirits of Harkotha") that make Barovia a demiplane of Dread, and destruction of them will unbind Barovia and erase it along with everyone who's a part of it. Meaning Strahd, and anyone who is cursed by the dark powers like Ireena, and anyone who accepts a Dark Gift. The idea being when they get to the conclusion, they have to choose to escape Barovia and allow Strahd to return, Destroy Barovia along with anyone bound to it, or take over Barovia as the new cursed Dark Lord. My current setup at the temple has a special encounter for each Player to "fully realize themselves" (gaining their 10th level) while being offered deals from the various sarcophagi on the way.
As an example of the idea I have currently, I'm thinking of offering them access to almost ANY spell they want that will scale with their chosen ability score, BUT instead of using a spell slot it uses their soul. Mechanically it'll cost a level of exhaustion for each level of the spell cast. Exhaustion in my game being a -1 to every d20 roll per level of exhaustion up to 10 which kills you. I want the party to be able to make deals and powers that are thematically relevant to the characters and fun for the players to come up with crazy last resorts. I'm open to just using the regular dark gifts as presented but they just lack a feeling of connection or relevance to the story and game with how events have played out thus far.
submitted by Potential_Meet65 to CurseofStrahd [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:37 Alternative_Poet7351 21m looking for some online friends

I'm on here looking for some people who want to find a long term friend to chat and game with. No ghosters, please. I mainly play single player games but recently started playing League and returned to Overwatch. If we do play League at some point, just bear in mind Iā€™m pretty bad at it lol, so please be patient with me. I also like watching anime and reading manga.
I mainly just want to focus on getting to know you better, we can talk about anything really so long as itā€™s not a weird uncomfortable topic, things should work out. Would rather use discord to chat after some time on here and am also a femboy btw so if you wanna game with a femboy feel free to reach out, we can talk and game together. Maybe even share some pics of my outfits and talk about clothes too
submitted by Alternative_Poet7351 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:37 dumbshitter Worried I ruined my life because of dissociative symptoms

So I am 29M who has been experiencing pretty bad brain fog and fatigue for the past 4 years, starting right before the pandemic. My symptoms started when I was feeling really stressed out about a major life decision (whether or not to leave my job/not having any social life and constantly spending all my free time on my phone) and was clenching my jaw a lot to keep from crying in public on a flight back from a trip with some friends from college. Immediately after the flight I started experiencing a lot of confusion and difficulty doing basic tasks all while having no energy. I started having spasms around my jaw/neck/roof of mouth as well as some acidic/liquid sensations in the center of my head, as well as sounds that sound like some liquid being forced through a sinus. I went to the doctor and they said it was probably just anxiety, but I refused to believe them because of the physical symptoms. Flash forward 4 years and I have been living with my parents without a job the whole time. I am beginning to accept that the physical symptoms are likely psychogenic, but acceptance hasn't really improved them at all. In addition I recently started having vision changes (my vision looking like its on an old crt tv) and a few infrequent auditory hallucinations, like maybe 3 short ones (music sounding like its being played on an old radio). I am really worried about going fully crazy and having more hallucinations, but I haven't found anything that helps improve my focus or fatigue so I'm not sure how I'm supposed to go back to work, besides just trying it and seeing what happens. Physical exercise makes the psychogenic symptoms worse to where I'll feel even more drained of energy than normal if I push it too hard. The tension in my jaw, neck, and shoulders hasn't gone down at all and is really related to my cognitive symptoms. I have a couple irl friends and a few out of state friends that I play video games with. Would appreciate any advice on how to get out of this hole. I don't need to be super successful I just would like to be able to support myself financially, have a few friends (and possibly a gf), and be able to enjoy my hobbies.
submitted by dumbshitter to Dissociation [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:36 SoftwareEffective412 (COMMENTā¬‡ļø) videos slut Amateur toy favorite MILF more POV OnlyFans Blowjob Samanthabxby Furries Pussy addict Bads Ass Amateur Tits

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submitted by SoftwareEffective412 to melt_strum2786157 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:36 shandromand Writing Prompt Wednesday #397, 6/5 - Dog Day Sunrise

Greetings, Huntsmen, Huntresses, and gender neutral Hunters! Welcome to another week of writing prompts! If you are new here, this is a community-driven weekly event, and the purpose is primarily to generate creativity and have fun while doing so (whether you are a 100% real-meat person or not, we don't judge).

What will be involved Special Note for Spoilers!:

Each week, three RWBY-related topics will be posted (subject to ties and special events!). Participants can write a short piece of fiction or dialogue based on that prompt. When writing, the suggestion is to aim for 1k-3k words, however, this is not a requirement. There is no goal - this is not a popularity contest - just write and have fun! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :)
Reminder that the spoiler embargo for Volume 9 and the Justice League movie has been lifted! You are all now free to make posts about the two without needing to spoiler tag it.

Rules (gore, NSFW, spoilers etc.)

The rules are the same as the sub's posting guidelines. Nobody here wants to see your story taken down, so please refer to them before contributing! If someone chooses to ignore these rules, the post will be removed.

Additional information

Pre-writing is welcome! /rwbyprompts is a sub with writing as a focus - there you will find an archive of all the threads as well as a somewhat fleshed-out wiki with odds and ends. :) A detailed spreadsheet of WPW things is here! Keep in mind that this houses a lot of the old prompts, but it also has links and things like early participation to previous WPW threads. We're trying this whole week-to-week thing in the face of the bajillion prompts we had built up. Some will be cycled back in, but if they don't win the second time around, they'll get moved to the retired tab. I don't keep it up to date as often as I'd like, but if you want a refresh, just let me know down in the pinned comment and I'll find some time to true it up. ;)
Find us on Discord at The Qrow's Nest! The permanent invite has been deleted due to Discord bot shenanigans, so dm shand if you want an invite!

The Prompts!:

  • Pyrrha Nikos was once a nobody.
  • Jaune and Pyrrha find themselves in a single hotel room for the night. There is only one bed.
  • Penny's rescue dog causes chaos at the family dinner party.
Optional prompts that must be combined with one or more of the above:
  • The avalanche scene from Disney's Mulan (1998), but Mulan is Jaune and Shan Yu is Cinder.
  • "And that's why mosquitoes don't bite me."
  • An AU where Weiss is a terrible singer.
  • Ironwood gains a Tsar nuke.
  • Upon arriving Atlas, Ruby bumps into Penny - only, she isn't the Penny she knew.
  • Team RWBY and JNPR decided to plan for a Halloween party at Beacon Academy. Hilarity ensues.
  • The Most Awkward Date in Remnant's History.
  • Jaune takes up a side-gig as a matchmaker and to everyone's surprise, he's [really] good at it.
  • Weiss Schnee, but she has the powers and abilities of Wonder Woman from DC.
  • The Red trailer, but written in the style of your favorite author.
  • RWBYJNPR + Qrow at Haven, Yang eats Weissā€™s leftovers and the blame game ensues.
  • RWBY characters meet people voiced by the same voice actor from other RT shows (E.G. Ruby, Kimball, Hilda and Space Kid).
  • Blake wasn't just a member of the White Fang, she was their version of a pop Idol with a multitude of endorsements, merchandise, etc.

Next Week's Poll:

The Poll!

Previously, on Writing Prompt Wednesday:

As experiments go, I must confess this was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I don't know about you guys, but I went through several books and nothing clicked.
The thread
The Prompts:
  • - Pick a fiction book off of your shelf, go to the 8th page, use the 8th sentence to kick off your story.
Alternate-Secondary Prompts:

Upcoming Events:

New Year, new events! And now we have the quarter of spring leading into summer and the 4th of July FFA, I hope you all had a great holiday if you celebrated one!

Important Stuff and Things!

I have managed to rescue /RWBYFanfiction from an untimely demise! If you would like to share your fanfic or make recommendations, head on over there! I know that I've said something special was coming for this, but Ruby on Rails is hard and not cheap to operate. The fanfiction indexer that I was trying to set up just isn't working and probably needs someone with more experience in RoR programming/design. I haven't completely put it to bed, but it might be a while before I can circle back to it. In the meantime, the fanfic sub has actually had a decent amount of postings - head on over and say hi! :)
No matter how bad things may get, words will always have meaning. Now get out there and write something, but most importantly, have fun! :)
submitted by shandromand to RWBY [link] [comments]