Batman symbol html text


2009.07.01 08:37 sliackymartin Infographics


2015.01.10 02:39 Occult Conspiracy

A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key.

2024.06.05 06:16 adabaste919 How to generate .htaccess file for URL redirection?

Generating a .htaccess file for URL redirection is a common task for managing website traffic and ensuring visitors reach the desired content. This file, placed in the root directory of your website, allows you to implement rules for redirecting URLs efficiently.
To create a .htaccess file for URL redirection, you can use online tools like Here’s a step-by-step guide:
  1. Access the Tool: Visit, which offers an intuitive interface for generating .htaccess files.
  2. Choose Redirection Type: Select the type of redirection you need. Common types include 301 (permanent) and 302 (temporary) redirects. Permanent redirects are used when a page has been moved to a new URL indefinitely, while temporary redirects are for pages that might return to their original URL.
  3. Input URL Details: Enter the old URL that you want to redirect and the new URL where you want the traffic to go. This ensures that any request to the old URL is seamlessly directed to the new one.
  4. Generate the Code: The tool will generate the appropriate .htaccess code based on your inputs. This code typically looks like this for a 301 redirect:bashCopy codeRedirect 301 /old-page.html
  5. Create or Edit .htaccess File: If you don’t have an .htaccess file, create a new text file and name it .htaccess. If you already have one, open it for editing.
  6. Paste the Code: Copy the generated code from and paste it into your .htaccess file.
  7. Upload the File: Save the .htaccess file and upload it to the root directory of your website using an FTP client or your hosting provider’s file manager.
Using simplifies the process of generating the .htaccess file for URL redirection, making it accessible even for those with limited technical expertise. This approach ensures your redirections are set up correctly, enhancing user experience and maintaining SEO rankings.
submitted by adabaste919 to whichseotools [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:12 AtlasSniperman That time I got repremanded(story, experience)

I can't help myself.
Pen to paper as it were.
In another time, another frame of reality, perhaps I am haunched over a desk; quill in hand and page before me.
But here and now it is a notepad document. Text on my screen that I cannot help but watch appear. I am in control, I know it, but my hands are moving to the keys I do not see, typing words I know not what to expect. So here I find myself, on a journey into the ink as it is. Where I shall find myself I cannot say.
I lift my lantern, have I a lantern? Here I do, I must, for I lift it now to inspect the walls around me. A small chamber, old, very old. Is it stone? yes, but I cannot tell what kind. It is not the walls of a cave, there are pieces; panels cut rectangular and hewn in place. It is not brick and mortar as there is no mortar and the pieces are far far too large. Sandstone is rough, perhaps porous? But not this. Nor is it cool or warm to the touch. I touch the wall lit by the orange light of my lantern and all I feel is the hard surface, as if I touch an edge that bears not the concept of temperature or texture, a panel alien and perfect yet not even what could be called smooth.
Enough of the wall itself, about the room I spy; it is a basic place, no wider than three strides at its length and two at width. One door leads out, the wall opposite the door bearing a mark, a symbol I have never seen before yet know well; A crow, head? full? I cannot tell, I am here but not here. The crow is inside a circle that is itself a hole amid a gear. This particular variant is akin to the symbol I use to mark my creative works but it is not *my* symbol; the one I made myself. Familiar, and in reference to that mark yes, but not the same.
The door. A thin wooden door bearing no handle but a plate of stone? metal? the strange wall material on one side of it. The panel is rectangular, perfectly sized for my hand to rest against, placed at the natural height for me to reach out and; push.
The door swings open and the light of the lantern floods out beyond. I don't remember pushing the door, I had intended to, but that would need the hand that holds aloft my light. The light that spreads out into the dark hallway beyond. Whatever makes the walls marrs the floor as well. The only difference being the new walls beyond. I look into a chamber with so much to note and only so far the light will reach. Three paces from the door begin the bookshelves, cases twice my height made of wood and filled with ancient tomes, many dusted and faded from- I keep expecting the word centuries to come next but it refused. The dusty and faded tomes are ancient yes, but only by their decades. The true walls of this place rise to my hips and then slant back toward the room I exited, stairs on either side of my door ascending to the floor above and themselves nestled between other doors inset on either side of my own.
It is a cold, dark, and silent place. A place with not even the howling wind, but the cold is comforting, a chilling peace that brings a misty breath I'd not enjoyed since childhood. And so, by the orange light of my lantern I begin along the passage between shelves, the aisle of memories; forgotten but dear. At the junction of the aisle I find myself almost crossing a street, an alley between rows of bookshelves, decorated in the middle by writing desks of days gone by, scattered with leaflets; tiny single pages that flitter in an absent breeze from table to table back and forth. I abandon the row I found myself from, I need not even mark which it was. If I wish to return, I will know the way. I turn into the alley and set out.
The sound of creaking boards echoes overhead, and the occassional thump of something dropping to the ground. Each aisle I pass has a different length, some only one bookcase deep, no more than two good strides necessary to plumb its depths, while others bear a foreboding and intense darkness, a gravity of absence that can only come from a great ways. What grabs my attention however are the books. Not the books on the shelves mind but those about the floor. The books on the writing desks and scattered about the alley. The further I go the more there are, the more broken and jumbled the aisles become, filled with litter of those who do not care.
Of me.
I didn't care.
And so I drop the index card I carry.
How long did I have it here? How can I know.
And I kneel in an aisle.
The lantern is laid down before me and I reach out for the books. Step one is to at least put them on the right shelves. To get those left in the alley back into the right neighbourhoods before I can properly arrange them.
A thousand books donated. Ten Thousand.
All scattered haphazardly.
Some are in their right halls.
But duplicates unnecessary. Added, Given, simply because it was the act that mattered. The act of donating the book was more important than where the book sat, that the book was even needed.
And now they rub against each other. Grinding cover of one to the pages of others. Shifting like a dune under my footsteps and it is truly my fault, my basic, ignorant fault.
So I find myself at this writing desk.
The little page that flittered to in front of me contains the words as they have come thus far, and when it flitters to the me behind me he will continue from the words I leave.
I am sorry for what I did here.
The good deed was not but half. An empty gesture lest it be finished.
So when I put down my quill.
When I send off this text document.
I will stand from my writing desk and pick up a few more books.
To file them away properly.
submitted by AtlasSniperman to Kemetic [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:04 sandbaggingblue Survey Form Help

I've completed the Survey Form assessment on Free Code Camp, but I wanted to make a more visually appealing and responsive design. For whatever reason the "Quality of Service" and "How did you hear about us?" labels and inputs aren't displaying the way I'd like (as can be seen in the Price section). Where have I gone wrong?
I'd love to hear any other feedback too! :)
    Lawn Mowing Survey    

How was your experience?

Fill out for a REWARD!

Primary Information
Primary Information
Quality of Service
How long was your service?
Feedback Advertising
How did you hear about us?
body { background-color: #a86b32; color: white; } h1, p, label { text-align: center; } form { max-width:800px; min-width: 200px; margin: 0 auto; } fieldset { display: flex; flex-flow: wrap; border: solid black 3px; justify-content: space-evenly; gap: auto; } legend { text-align: center; } .primary { border: none; display: grid; width: 200px; } .primary > input, select { width: 200px; } textarea { width: 100%; max-width: 500px; height: 60px; } button { margin: 0 auto; width: 200px; height: 50px; background: linear-gradient(45deg, yellow 0 50%, green 50% 100%); color: black; font-weight: bold; border: 5px solid black; cursor: pointer; } .button { border: none; } 
submitted by sandbaggingblue to webdev [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:46 coldking2024 i'm worried BG&E 2...will turn into skull & bones ;=; 😔 😔😔😔😔😔,shockingly%20young%20age%20of%2040.%22
With a few of the creator's gone as well as Michel Ancel leaving or retiring & one of the creators dying Emile Morel, & the many many multiple changes & delays time and time again.... i worry what the final product will look like, it seems ubisoft was or is more focused on the new AC game, star wars outlaws, as well as the new avatar game... but with SOOO many changes ongoing behind the curtain @ ubisoft, it seems like greedy executives could turn it into something that Ancel never originally wanted or visioned... or into a multiplayer helter-skelter mess, if most of the crew have gone or are mostly a skeleton crew, how far in development could the game be? do they still want to create a prequel story tying in new story beats from the first game, is the ship customizable feature still going to be in it...? many many questions that are still not clear or present from ubisoft or whoever is in charge, ...How much game design talent or knowledge does the new creative lead have? has he been brought up to speed on the blueprints or concept arts? Who do we play as? Will the world be open world or linear? nothing is said.... which horribly concerns me.... if they scrap this game too much to the point where no one notices it or even recognizes it things could take a bad turn, Could it be a Duke nukem disaster.. scenario? or a blandly designed online game where you hunt, or use boring RPG or shooting mechanics? pvp sessions or bland character missions, filling gaps from what was originally created making it steer off the beaten path. Ubisoft has cancelled games before, yet not mentioned BGE2 once since last e3 event. it saddens me & breaks my heart but i sense a shift change in ubisoft's hands. I could be wrong if it does finally come out but worried <3 ❤️
All these things worry me... Tom Henderson tweeted saying development was complicated, which raises a few flags? all in all we will see, it sucks that we wont know & in the end ubisoft sadly has the final word on if it will even come out or get cancelled.
submitted by coldking2024 to beyondgoodandevil [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:32 BOfficeStats Domestic BOT Presale Tracking (June 4). Thursday Previews: Bad Boys ($4.54M/$4.59M EA+THU), The Watchers ($1.18M), Inside Out 2 ($8.03M), A Quiet Place: Day One ($3.87M) and Deadpool and Wolverine ($28.50M). LotR re-releases each targeting $4M+ 1st days.

BoxOfficeTheory Presale Tracking
USA Showtimes As of May 31
Presales Data (Google Sheets Link)
BoxOfficeReport Previews
Quorum Update (June 3)
Bad Boys: Ride or Die Average Thursday / EA+Thursday comp: $4.54M/$4.59M
The Watchers Average Thursday Comp: $1.18M
The Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Re-Releases (June 8-10)
Inside Out 2 Average Thursday Comp using TheFlatLannister's Florida comp: $8.03M
The Bikeriders
A Quiet Place: Day One Average Thursday Comp: $3.87M
Deadpool and Wolverine Average Thursday Comp using TheFlatLannister's Dune2+GOTG3 comp: $28.50M
Despicable Me 4
Domestic Calendar Dates (last updated May 23):
Presale Tracking Posts:
May 11
May 14
May 16
May 18
May 21
May 23
May 25
May 28
May 30
June 1
Note: I have removed most tracking data that has not been updated for 2 weeks. I think there is value in keeping data for a week or two but at a certain point they start to lose their value and should not be treated the same as more recent tracking data.
submitted by BOfficeStats to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:40 adulting4kids The Fool's Journey- Writing Through Tarot- Major Arcana

As a Tarot Card Reader, my writing is often affected by the cards that I encounter. I was excited to learn the story behind the Major Arcana, and if you are interested in exploring more, start with these promotions questions that are based on those 22 cards and their themes.
I will post more, and I am also interested in a variety of spiritual traditions, religious texts and themes, as well as discussing these aspects of writing in genres that I am exploring.
As I stated, this group is only bound by whatever it's members want. If this isn't something you want to explore, simply scroll on by :)
  1. Journey of the Fool: How can embracing unpredictability, like the Fool in the tarot, lead to unexpected personal growth?
  2. Magician's Mastery: In what ways can we tap into our inner magician to manifest positive changes and opportunities in our lives?
  3. High Priestess Wisdom: How can the intuition of the High Priestess guide us in making decisions aligned with our higher selves?
  4. Emperor's Authority: Reflect on instances where embracing structure and authority, akin to the Emperor, has fostered personal growth and resilience.
  5. Chariot's Triumph: How can the Chariot's victorious journey inspire us to navigate life's challenges with determination and grace?
  6. Strength Within: Explore moments in your life where inner strength has emerged, taming challenges and fostering personal development.
  7. Wheel of Fortune's Spin: Reflect on the cyclical nature of life. How has understanding the Wheel of Fortune influenced your perspective on ups and downs?
  8. Justice Served: In what ways can embodying the principles of justice lead to personal growth and harmony in relationships?
  9. Hanged Man's Perspective: Share an experience where embracing a different perspective, like the Hanged Man, brought unexpected insights and personal growth.
  10. Death's Embrace: How has embracing transformation and letting go, akin to Death, paved the way for renewal and personal evolution?
  11. Temperance Alchemy: Reflect on times when finding balance, like Temperance, has been a catalyst for spiritual and emotional growth.
  12. Devil's Dilemma: Explore how confronting personal demons and temptations, similar to the Devil's dilemma, can lead to profound inner transformations.
  13. Tower's Revelation: Share an experience where the Tower's upheaval shattered illusions, paving the way for profound personal insights and growth.
  14. Starlit Path: How has following the guidance of the Star brought hope, inspiration, and spiritual growth into your life?
  15. Moonlit Shadows: Reflect on navigating the unknown, as symbolized by the Moon. How has embracing uncertainty contributed to your personal development?
  16. Sunshine Blessings: Explore the positive impact of basking in the warmth of the Sun's energy on your overall well-being and personal growth.
  17. Judgment Day: Reflect on moments of self-awareness and reflection, similar to the Judgment card, leading to transformative spiritual growth.
  18. Worldly Perspectives: How has understanding the interconnectedness of all things, represented by the World card, influenced your spiritual journey?
  19. Tarot Archetypes Explored: Reflect on the archetypal themes present in tarot and how connecting with them has deepened your understanding of yourself and others.
  20. Fool's Wisdom: Share a moment where embracing the Fool's journey into the unknown has led to valuable insights and personal growth.
  21. Magician's Magic: How can harnessing the magic within, similar to the Magician, empower us to create positive change in our lives?
  22. High Priestess' Veil: Reflect on times when tapping into your intuitive wisdom, like the High Priestess, has guided you on your spiritual path.
  23. Empress' Embrace: Explore the nurturing aspects of the Empress. How has cultivating abundance and creativity led to emotional and spiritual growth?
  24. Emperor's Legacy: Reflect on how establishing structure and a lasting legacy, similar to the Emperor, has contributed to your personal development.
  25. Hierophant's Teachings: Share experiences where seeking wisdom from spiritual teachings, like the Hierophant, has provided guidance and growth.
  26. Lovers' Harmony: How has experiencing deep connections and harmonious relationships, akin to the Lovers, impacted your emotional and spiritual well-being?
  27. Chariot's Conquest: Reflect on moments where conquering challenges, like the Chariot, has empowered personal growth and resilience.
  28. Strength Personified: Explore instances where tapping into your inner strength, akin to taming the lion, has led to personal triumphs and growth.
  29. Hermit's Wisdom: Share experiences of seeking solitude and introspection, similar to the Hermit, and how it has contributed to personal insight and growth.
  30. Wheel of Fortune's Spin: Reflect on the cyclical nature of life and how understanding the ebb and flow has influenced your perspective and personal development.
  31. Justice Prevails: In what ways has embodying principles of fairness and justice led to personal growth and harmony in your relationships?
  32. Hanged Man's Reflection: Share moments where surrendering to a different perspective, akin to the Hanged Man, brought unexpected insights and personal growth.
  33. Death's Doorway: Explore experiences where embracing transformation and letting go, similar to Death, paved the way for renewal and profound personal evolution.
  34. Temperance Alchemy: Reflect on times when finding balance, like Temperance, has been a catalyst for spiritual and emotional growth.
  35. Devil's Dilemma: Explore how confronting personal demons and temptations, similar to the Devil's dilemma, can lead to profound inner transformations.
  36. Tower's Revelation: Share an experience where the Tower's upheaval shattered illusions, paving the way for profound personal insights and growth.
  37. Starlit Path: How has following the guidance of the Star brought hope, inspiration, and spiritual growth into your life?
  38. Moonlit Mysteries: Reflect on navigating the unknown, as symbolized by the Moon. How has embracing uncertainty contributed to your personal development?
  39. Sunlit Blessings: Explore the positive impact of basking in the warmth of the Sun's energy on your overall well-being and personal growth.
  40. Judgment Day: Reflect on moments of self-awareness and reflection, similar to the Judgment card, leading to transformative spiritual growth.
  41. Worldly Wonders: How has understanding the interconnectedness of all things, represented by the World card, influenced your spiritual journey?
  42. Tarot Tales: Share personal stories of how engaging with tarot archetypes and narratives has deepened your self-awareness and personal growth.
  43. Magician's Mastery: Reflect on moments where harnessing your innate abilities, like the Magician, has empowered you to overcome challenges and manifest positive changes.
  44. High Priestess' Veil: Explore the wisdom gained through intuitive insights, similar to the High Priestess, and how it has guided you on your spiritual path.
  45. Empress of Creation: Share experiences of cultivating abundance and creativity, akin to the Empress, and how it has contributed to emotional and spiritual growth.
  46. Emperor's Dominion: Reflect on the impact of establishing structure and a lasting legacy, similar to the Emperor, on your personal development.
  47. Hierophant's Teachings: Share insights gained from seeking wisdom through spiritual teachings, like the Hierophant, and how it has influenced your personal growth.
  48. Lovers' Union: Explore the impact of deep connections and harmonious relationships, akin to the Lovers, on your emotional and spiritual well-being.
  49. Chariot's Triumph: Reflect on moments where conquering challenges, like the Chariot, has empowered personal growth and resilience.
  50. Strength Within: Share instances where tapping into your inner strength, akin to taming the lion, has led to personal triumphs
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:37 vivian2112 Possible cure for T2D

Stem cell treatment at Shanghai Chenzhen Hospital, patient goes 33 months without antidiabetic drugs...,insulin%20for%2033%20months%2C%20Shanghai%20Changzheng%20Hospital
submitted by vivian2112 to diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:32 box-of-sourballs Emilie in Fontaine - General Question and Discussion Megathread

Please use this thread for discussion of leaks, or if you have a simple question that can be easily answered or you have an off-topic question or discussion point e.g. "When does X come out?" or "will X character be a good dps?" instead of making a separate post. Also, before posting please read the posting guidelines. All other various off-topic discussions are allowed here.
Please mention the subject of your spoiler tagged comment as this can be more helpful for people to engage with your comment, as follows:
[4.7 Archon Quest spoilers] >!spoiler tagged text here!<
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submitted by box-of-sourballs to Genshin_Impact_Leaks [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:21 EagleWhiskers Extracting PDF from PCAP File (Wireshark)

Hi! I'm very new to the world of cybersecurity, and I've been trying to teach myself through resources found online. One of the modules I'm working on has an exercise where I must extract and view a PDF from a PCAP file, utilizing Wireshark.
I've watched a tutorial on YouTube for doing the actual extraction of a PDF, but that tutorial showed a neat little packet with content labeled very explicitly ".pdf"
For my PCAP file, I've attached an image of what appears when I go to export HTTP objects. Nothing blatantly labeled as a PDF, but I suspect the "text/html" files are what I'm looking for.
Is that correct? And if so, how do I go about exporting these as a viewable PDF? Or am I just going about this entirely the wrong way?
submitted by EagleWhiskers to cybersecurity_help [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:19 DiamondCoal The only way to permanently defeat the terminids is genetic degradation

Incoming message from Super Earth Scientist [Redacted] to ministry of defense
Fundamentally the problem with all insecticide is that it can never be 100% effective. Because of that, the population of any organic creature will have some immunity which will cause the specific insecticide to become redundant . This is why any termicide will always fail and give out; because as long as a single Terminid survives, the immunity will spread down it's genetic path. In germs this process creates Superbugs, ironic I know, but it is a fundamental problem with any insecticide, antibacterial or antivirus.
However I suspect that the ministry of science, ministry of intelligence and the SEAF all know this. The failure of the first system is not actually because the Terminids received this immunity but because the termicide somehow sped up their repopulation rate at an unnatural level. This is why the SEAF are okay with greenlighting termicide 2.0, because as long as the termicide doesn't result in any other unforeseen mutation (like faster reproduction speeds) it can work as a temporary solution.

How do we solve this problem permanently?

I want to share with you the method we used to cull the mosquito population. Introduce genetically modified Terminids into the population that slow down their reproduction levels.
Sadly though because Element 710 is the fundamental fuel for our FTL ships this trait must eventually be removed at the end of the second galactic war. We need the oil E-710 to constantly flow. So I suggest introducing genetically modified Terminids that get scared and run away from humans. We can do this by slightly increasing the Terminids intelligence at the end of the war so when they see a human they know it means death.
This is a foolproof plan that I can see no problems with in the future.
-Best, Dr. [Redacted]
submitted by DiamondCoal to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:11 4990 Cancer Screening and Prevention (Part 1)

Cancer Screening Part 1: Introduction and Overview of Common Cancers
Cancer refers to uncontrolled division of cells with the capacity for local invasion and distant spread (metastasis). Mutations develop in the DNA of normal cells allowing them to evade immune system surveillance, establish their own blood supply, breakaway from neighboring cells (niche), invade into lymph nodes and larger arteries, and ultimately metastasize throughout the body leading to the organism's death.
Cancer is the second leading cause of mortality in the developed world. The main causes of cancer death varies by gender with lung, colon, breast (women), prostate (men), and pancreas leading the pack. Together, they account for about 50% of cancer mortality. Stomach, liver, ovary (women), uterine (women), melanoma, brain tumors, leukemias, lymphomas, and multiple myeloma are also important but less common causes of cancer mortality. The biggest risk factor for cancer is age. See this representative graph for colon cancer mortality by age: 9/100,000 deaths in the 45-49 group versus 100/100,000 in the 80+ group. That's a 10x increase in risk over 40 years. This is true for many cancers. The simple reality is that as we get older, more mutations develop in our aging cells, which can ultimately lead to cancer.
Genetics are another major risk factor for cancer. For example, having a BRCA mutation, common in the Ashkenazi Jewish population, confers a 45% to 85% for developing breast cancer in a women's lifetime, along with a 10% to 46% chance of ovarian cancer. This compares to a 13% percent and ~1% risk respectively for a women who does not have BRCA (or other high risk genetic mutation(s)). A family history of one or more cancers, especially in 1st or 2nd degree relatives, can clue a clinician into the possibility of a genetic syndrome that greatly increases a patient's risk for cancer in their lifetime, necessitating more frequent and detailed screening.
The American Cancer Society offers cancer screening guidelines by age. These represent evidence based best practices at the population level for patients at average risk. To me, they represent a jumping off point. I start with a comprehensive family history (see example here). For patients with a family history highly suggestive of a genetic cancer syndrome, I refer for formal genetic testing. For average risk patients without a family history, I offer consumer grade genome sequencing that specifically reports out on the most common cancer genes (see page 11 of sample report). Any mutations discovered are followed up with confirmatory, clinical grade testing. This will offer me a baseline for an individual patient, which together with medical history, lifestyle, risk tolerance, and other factors will determine intensity and modalities of screening.
In part 2, we will discuss colon cancer, a major cause of cancer mortality in both men and women that is increasingly being diagnosed in young adults.
submitted by 4990 to healthylongevity [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:57 Aggravating_Pen948 My wife (F48) has been cheating on me (M41) while neglecting our three children - waiting to file for divorce but scared I won't get my children

Hi all, I (M41) just need to tell someone about this. I don't have anyone near me, and I feel like if I write it all out, then maybe it can clear my head. This will be long, but I am putting it out there because maybe if I get it written, then it will make sense to me.
So, I married my wife (F48), let’s call her May, in March of 2008. We met at a party through a mutual friend. She had graduated from a community college working as a paralegal, and I was finishing grad school for Biomechanical engineering. We hit it off right away, and within a few months, we decided to officially start dating.
May was great. She was pretty, smart, kind, and would give the shirt off her back if that meant that someone else would be warm. She has one sister that is important to this entire thing, I will call her Jane (F43). Jane and May were not very close throughout their childhood, but they became closer as they grew older.
When May and I had dated for a year, there was a conflict with her landlord and she had 30 days to leave her apartment. I obviously did not want her to be homeless, so we decided to move in together. Things were great. One thing I admired is how simple May wanted our life. Things were early, but we were seriously dating. We talked about kids, about moving to a different part of the country, what we wanted in life, and it was like we both checked off all the boxes.
When I finished my graduate degree, I proposed to May and she said yes. At this point, we had been dating for close to four years. Both our families were thrilled, and we ended up having a small wedding, saving most of our funds for the future. My parents paid for half the wedding, I only have one brother who remains unmarried but with a spouse so they wanted us to have an actual wedding. It was really fun, and it was one of the best days in my life.
After our wedding, we decided that we wanted to have kids. Additionally, I got a job with a big company which forced us to move about 14 hours away from where we met. This was very hard on May because she really loved her family, and she was used to having them right there when she needed them. However, we had talked about this prior to getting married, and if the right opportunity presented itself, then we would take it. And this was that opportunity.
So, we moved down to a southern city in the US with a great school district and relatively moderate housing prices. That is why we didn’t have such an extravagant wedding because we put a down payment down on a house. It was weird having a house and this huge job, but May and I took it in stride.
One thing about my work is that I am required to go on business trips. At first, it was for one to two days a week. However, as I progressed my way through the ladder, it soon became five day trips. From Monday morning to Friday evening. I felt bad because I knew it was difficult on May to have her husband away for so long, but I made sure we had constant contact, and when I got back, I wanted to make sure that I gave her all the dedication she deserved. Plus, the pay was really good for this job. I knew that if I could stick it out for a few years, we would have enough money to start looking into having kids.
Well, things changed when May called me multiple times when I was at the airport, getting ready to drive back home after my work week. It was odd because she would typically only call once or twice, but she then texted me frantically telling me that she needed me home asap.
I asked her what was wrong, but she said to get there when I could. I flew out of the airport, and what was typically an hour drive was closer to thirty minutes. My heart was beating so badly out of my chest, and I was worried that something bad had happened.
When I got back home, I flew through the door and it was completely dark. I started screaming for May but it was completely quiet for a few seconds. Until the lights came on and May was holding a cake with a simple plus symbol on it. I looked at her and was confused.
“What is this?” I asked, and then it dawned on me. I asked her if she was pregnant and she said yes. We hugged, cried, and were so happy to finally be parents. We hadn’t been trying but we also wouldn’t mind if we had children.
From then the next four years were an absolute whirlwind. We had three beautiful daughters, each one being about 18 months apart from one another. Things started to become crazy, with having little children and my work continuing to pick up. I tried my best to be attentive and lessen my work load to help care for my children. What I did was make it so my trips were actually in town so I didn’t have to travel. I would start early in the day, helping May wake the kids, getting them ready, and before I would leave, I would ensure that they were packed, ready for preschool, and good to go. I would then come back in the evening, around 600 to have a home cooked meal and spend time with my daughters before bed.
As the years progressed and my daughters got older, my work required me to increase my business trip days, and it was now every week that I was away Monday to Friday night. I would keep in constant contact with my kids, talking to them everyday. On the weekends, I would make sure that we would have either an activity with just the girls and I so May could get a break or all of us so we can have family bonding.
The girls became more independent, and May was thinking of going back to school to get a certification in real estate, but we always held off on the idea until the girls were in their early teens. I encouraged May to go for it, but she also said that it was too much work with the girls, and being a full time mom would make it difficult to get her certification. I didn’t argue with her on it because what she was saying was absolutely true; being a full time mom was incredibly difficult, and maybe when the girls were teenagers or pre-teens, then May could get the certification.
One evening, when the girls were in bed and May and I were in our room, she brought up the idea of moving. I was kind of surprised because I thought we both liked it where we were. Our girls grew up here, they had all their friends, all their interests, and they found this city as home. But May said that she was starting to feel suffocated and that this change would be the chance she could get to get her certification. She said it would be like a renewal. I told her that this would make my travel schedule even longer. Where we were was right near a major airport hub, so traveling was easy. But when I asked her where, she said she already knew where she wanted to be. It was right on the east coast, she said she found this house she liked, and maybe we could tour it on our next vacation to this area, in about two weeks.
I was kind of surprised about how much in depth she already knew where to go and it was apparent she had been thinking about this for awhile. I wanted to agree with her, but my thoughts were about our girls. Would it be fair for them to just suddenly uproot our lives and go to this place where they would have no friends or connections?
Two weeks later, we went on vacation. The girls were enrolled in tennis academy sessions, as all of them were very dedicated and loved the sport. We had some free time and decided to go check out the place that May had looked at. Again, I was hesitant, but when we went to the area, May fell in love. Seeing her so happy made me wonder if moving was the right idea. I mean, we had vacationed at this place twice a year for eight odd years.
May then grabbed my hands and looked at me saying that this was where she wanted to live. I told her that the houses were far out of our price range considering we have three almost pre teen girls that have to get to college, but she said she knew a house that would be right in our budget. It had been on the market for eight months and was heavily discounted. There also was an open house the next day, so we went there, and May just about was head over heels for this house.
And within two months, we had completely uprooted our lives and left. I thought we should have waited until the school year ended, but May was insistent to leave. We had talked to our girls, and they were fine with it. Though my youngest Lilly (F14) seemed to be taking the move really hard. I noticed it first at how quiet she was; she said she was fine with moving, but I could see how difficult it was for her moving to a new school with only a couple weeks left to go.
I sat down and talked with Lilly and she admitted that she said it was fine to move, but she felt like May had forced her to say yes. I told her that what she was telling me wasn’t okay, and that I understand her feelings and will talk to May about it. However, Lilly said to not tell her because it would upset May. Respecting Lilly's wishes, I didn’t tell May, but there was something in my heart telling me that something was wrong.
The school year ended and the girls were enrolled in a full time tennis program within our neighborhood. Everything was right there. We lived in a gated community with a huge tennis center, multiple pools, and right outside was a name grocery store. The girls were in biking vicinity for everything, and it felt like everything was going great.
However, I noticed that Lilly and our middle Daughter Abby (F12) were starting to become more distant from May and I. We assumed it was because they were pre-teens and liked their freedom. May then said that she wanted to get certification, and I told her to go for it and that I would support her. Also, the girls were most independent, plus the classes were in the evening, so May would still be there for our girls when she left (around 7pm) and got back when they were sleeping (around 11pm). I didn’t like the idea of leaving our girls alone for so long, but the area was very safe, and the girls had a neighbor right next door if anything happened.
Things were going well until one weekend, when I was home in the afternoon making lunch, Lilly got back home and didn’t say hi to me. She had tears in her eyes and she went to her room, locking her door.
I was majorly concerned and went to Lilly’s door and knocked on it, asking her what was wrong. But she just told me to leave her alone. I told her that if she wanted anything, she could go to my bedroom.
After a few moments of silence, Lilly unlocked her door and it was apparent she had been crying. She looked around and asked if Mom was there, and I said no, that she was studying at the library (her certification licensing exam was coming up).
Lilly wiped her tears and hugged me just crying. My heart ached and I just hugged her back, not knowing what to do. Only then did I really notice how small she had gotten. Lilly was always a bit bigger in size despite doing lots of activities and eating regular and healthy meals. This summer, I noticed she had lost weight, but now I was seeing just how much weight she had lost. It had me concerned but I wasn’t sure what to say.
I asked Lilly what was wrong but when we released she just shook her head, said thank you, and closed the door. I was absolutely confused, unsure if this was just pre teen emotions or if something was really wrong. My first instinct was to call May and ask her what to do, but I wanted to honor Lilly’s wishes and so I didn’t call May.
However, I soon became curious and went to our garage where there were medical documents sorted away. I went ahead and pulled out Lilly’s annual physical documents and noticed how drastically her weight had gone down. At 12 she was 5’3 and 130 lbs and then at 14 she was 5’4 and 110 lbs. I knew something was really wrong, and something just didn’t feel right.
As I was putting documents away, my mind kept running. I went to the fridge and curiously checked the groceries we had in there. We had groceries, but I noticed that the stuff we had was entirely new. Obviously, with a family of five we had a lot of groceries, but everything was completely new, from the day before. I pushed it out of my mind, but I made a mental note about it.
Over the next few weekends, I noticed that Lilly became more withdrawn and our other girls were acting out more. They were still younger, but the tantrums were almost daily. It wasn’t just tantrums, they were screaming matches and lots of slamming doors and hitting things. This hadn’t happened until recently, and I noticed that Lilly often had to break up the fights and would manage to calm down her sisters better than May or I.
Suddenly, a few months ago, one morning, our youngest, June (F10) , woke up in agonizing pain and we were going to take her to the hospital. But May insisted that she will go with June, and I will stay home with our other two daughters so that when they got up, we could go to the ER and they wouldn’t be panicked.
I helped June to the car, and May drove off hurriedly. I went back indoors before I noticed that May had left her phone. This sounds like a bad movie, doesn’t it?
We had an open phone policy, and I was gonna look away before I saw a notification pop up. It was from her sister.
At first I was going to walk away, but I checked the message and my whole world changed. Her sister had been warning May to stop the affair because if I found out, it would ruin everything. Of course I was confused, what just happened?
Inclined, I scrolled back and looked in horror to see that May was admitting to her sister that she missed being with who we will call Derrick and that he made her feel so much like a woman when they were together. Messages said that she couldn’t wait for her library meetings with him and that she knew it was wrong, but she started to fall in love with him.
Hurriedly, I went out other messages and looked for Derrick, but there was no contact. I looked into a search bar and typed Derrick and low and behold, under a different alias named Jenny, there were nudes, sexting, and plans to meet up almost every evening of the week when I was away on business trips.
I was so disgusted and I didn't know what to do. But logically I needed to ensure I had this contact, so I wrote down the number and information and put the message screen back to her sister.
Suddenly, this life I had thought I was leading was crumbling down. An affair… for how long? Was it just him? Was it sexual? Emotional? Have my girls seen him?
So many questions running through my mind, and behind the anger, I felt blame. If I had spent more time with May, then she wouldn’t have to chase another man.
After twenty minutes, I woke up the girls and we all went to the ER. On the way, I got a call from the hospital asking if I was June’s father and I said yes, and it turned out she had acute appendicitis and was in surgery.
I didn’t relay this to my girls who were already sleepy, and we just rode in silence with my thoughts and this whole thing. I couldn’t be mad at the moment, I had to be there for June.
Thankfully, June was okay and was allowed to go home after three days. I took off from work for the week and spent as much time with my girls as possible. May had her exam coming up and she would say goodbye to me every night at 630. She wanted to kiss me goodbye, but it was always painful when I knew that she kissed “derrick” with those same lips every night.
On Thursday, when she left, Lilly came out of her room and came to my room. She was tired and looked like she had been crying. I asked her what was wrong and she admitted to me that she had seen Derrick before in our house. She said him by name. Lilly had been thinking of telling me for some time but was always so scared. However, she was sick of it. Not just that, oh no there was so much I was missing.
What Lilly said to me was heart aching. She admitted to me that ever since she was five, she had to play mom. May apparently locked herself in her room all day and either slept or ate. There were periods where Lilly wouldn’t see May for up to three days at a time. Food would get so low that Lilly would have to make three to four trips to the grocery store and back on her bike just to get a decent amount of groceries. She had been learning to cook but wasn’t very good at it.
Additionally, she felt like her mom never liked her. She said she had tried to talk to May on various occasions about depression symptoms, but her mom always said that what she was feeling was normal. Then, Lilly said she was worried about her weight to May, and May said that Lilly wasn’t at her “ideal” body weight yet and she needed to continue restricting meals.
Yes. You heard that right. She was telling Lilly to have one meal a day that being lunch. Lilly had tennis for six hours a day, biked close to 10 miles, swam for two hours, and then had to watch over her siblings.
I was sick. I wanted to throw things, I wanted to scream at May, I wanted to divorce her and sue her and everything was so red.
Lilly said she hadn’t told me because she was scared to. And god, everything now was making sense. I told Lilly that this would be last time that May anything like that to her, and that if she wanted, I could put her into counseling to talk about her feelings.
She begged me to not say anything or do anything or else it would ruin the family. She said that she would ruin the family. But I told her that this has gone too far. I told her I loved her and that I would make sure that she couldn’t be hurt anymore. She asked me to promise her, and I did.
It was when May got back that I wanted to tell her that I knew everything, but I decided to wait until the next day when the girls were gone.Well, the day came and when the girls were gone I confronted May about the cheating. She denied it at first, saying that I was being ridiculous and that she would never cheat on me. However, I had prepared for this. I had messaged her sister prior to our discussion and her sister had admitted to me that she couldn’t hide this any longer. I also had her “boyfriend’s number” written down.
When I asked May about the number, she denied it. But when I asked if I could put the phone number in the search bar for her phone, she hesitated greatly before giving her phone to me. I put in the number and the messages came up.
Suddenly, May was crying, begging me to not leave her and that I was everything to her. She would end the affair, that it was only because I was gone so much and she had to take care of the children. I then screamed at her asking her about the days she locked herself in her room. Where the girls had to ask friends for rides to their schools (two of them didn't have buses) because she couldn’t get out of bed.
I asked her why she didn’t get Lilly consoling, why Lilly had to be the mom that she wasn't.
May was crying and said that if I left her, she would take her life. To say I was surprised would be an understatement. May suddenly went to the kitchen and grabbed a large knife, putting it to her throat and threatening to take her life right then and there.
I pleaded for her to put the knife away, but she said she would only do that if I forgave her. She said she would stop the affair and be a better mother, but I had to forgive her to do so.
I said I forgave her and then she cried into my shirt saying thank you.
This was two weeks ago.
Now, I am not sure what to do. I have started looking into divorce attorneys and alternate places to go with my girls. My business schedule is so busy that it will be incredibly difficult for me to get remote work, but I have emailed my boss explaining my situation.
The issue I am having is that all our family is over sixteen hours away. I haven’t told my parents, I haven’t told anyone. Besides Reddit now.
I want to divorce May and take my daughters. I have found a cheap two bedroom condo that is on sale; I sent out an email asking the landlord how much it would be to move in as soon as possible.
I can’t mess with our accounts at the moment or else May will become suspicious. It’s so difficult having to do this because May has reminded me that I forgave her and that we should move on for the sake of the girls.
She apparently broke it off with Derrick but I think she’s with him. I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. I hope to update when my boss gets back to me.
Sorry if this was a rant/ramble. I have no one to share this with in real life, and I feel like my world is falling apart. I am home right now taking a few remote days so I can watch over my daughter.
I don’t know what it is like being a single dad; I will have to fight tooth and nail to make sure that I even get my girls. May can easily concoct a story saying that I was abusive and that she should have the girls because I am often away on work and am not willing to co-parent with her.
I don’t know. Thanks for listening.
submitted by Aggravating_Pen948 to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:44 dignifiedmustache Elon's move to help Trump, who once asked Georgia officials to "find 11,780 votes", "prevent voter fraud" according to the WSJ, is the most cynical example yet of ultra-rich men going all-in on oligarchy

According to this Wall Street Journal report from May, Elon Musk talked with Trump about investing in a "data-driven" project to "prevent voter fraud". (Elon Musk is reportedly speaking with Trump several times per month.)
When it comes to election integrity, why would anyone pick Trump as their partner?
Checking Elon's X feed gives us a clue. Elon habitually works against election integrity and must think Trump is on the same page. You will see a bunch of Elon-boosted election-related conspiracies. You will see normalization of political violence through conspiracies. He has repeatedly gutted disinformation research teams at X, including half of its election integrity staff in September 2023. He even removed the ability to report election misinformation on the site. As someone who has worked in tech for over a decade, I cannot recall any tech leader (much less one as high-profile as Musk) who has attacked election integrity like Musk.
Since Elon has a lot to say about "voter fraud". Let's talk about actual election fraud.
“All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have,” Trump said. “Because we won the state.” Listen for yourself to Trump try to intimidate Georgia's Secretary of State Raffensperger into finding votes.
Elon's buddy Trump is an all-star of attempted election fraud. Here are some highlights of his broad effort to steal the 2020 election:
If Elon actually cared about election integrity, why would he partner with this man on the issue ^? 🤔
As craven as it sounds, with Trump and Elon, it's because likes attract.
Like Trump, Musk employs the Orwellian tactic of shouting about problems that they are making worse.
Like Trump, Elon is exposed to a very wide array of lawsuits, many through Tesla business dealings, that have the potential for jail time. And he has an outward disdain for the country's criminal justice system. It's fair to say that Elon, like Trump, is interested in "winning" elections to bend the system to change their courtroom fate.
If Elon actually cared about election integrity, he would be doing anything he could to keep Trump from returning to power. He is doing the opposite.
Unsurprising? We still need to care deeply about Musk's exceedingly cynical move. Not just because Elon is one of the richest people in the world, behind X, Tesla, SpaceX, xAI, and other major tech ventures, but because he's part of a broader trend of Silicon Valley elite moving hard to the right, like fellow Paypal alumnus David Sacks, who is hosting Trump fundraisers these days. We also need to care because we live in a post-Citizens United world, where infinite money can funnel into politics. We must care because your political positions cease to matter when election fraud is allowed to happen and its perpetrators prevail.
If election fraud perpetrators prevail, then everything is reduced to mob-style corruption, all the way down.
Beyond Elon
So many leaders of the US tech scene (people who point the money canons), not only look past Trump's election fraud entirely, but eagerly support Mr. "Find 11,780 votes". Take for example this Sequoia partner who, in his recent $300K donation announcement for Trump: 1) reduces Trump's 2020 sins to only "election denialism" (ignoring any of Trump's actions) and 2) when it comes to actual election fraud, only talks about Georgia's District Attorney, not what Trump is actually accused of.
Take this other Sequoia partner, who left Trump over January 6 Capitol riots, but then, in his recent post announcing support for Trump in 2024 - doesn't even mention why he abandoned him in the first place?! Not exactly a profile in courage. Across the industry, we are seeing people (who stand to make more money under Trump), purposefully ignore the what he did (a lot of) in the wake of the 2020 election.
I never thought of Sequoia as a particularly politcal VC firm, but I guess Trump support is what's "in" right now for ultra-rich Paypal mafia types, and staying politically aligned with Musk helps deal flow (Sequoia has participated in many Elon fundraises).
Gulp. Are these people too ashamed to mention Trump's 2020 election stealing when they announce their support for him, or are they intellectually dishonest, or both?
Ten years ago I was pretty optimistic about tech upstarts and their potential to change the world. But when the spoils of tech's monetization are wielded by men such as Musk, seemingly hell bent on doing anything to attain more power - including rallying behind election fraud people for government: I'm not as optimistic.
Tech leaders like Elon are marching the rest of us into a tech-fueled autocracy.
Feel free to crosspost or copy the text of this post however you see fit.
Quick thoughts on the movement to muzzle tech workers:
There is this growing hypocrisy of tech leaders' own increasing political activism despite an industry-wide *no politics in the workplace* crackdown they initiated (started in 2020 by Brian Armstrong's Mission Focused Company statement).
Take David Sacks, who was among the supporters of Armstrong's statement[1 , 2] but is now also ultra political. It looks like what was actually meant by people like him was: we are done with politics in the workplace if we are not aligned.
No one seems to have called them out on this yet.
To those of you who are in a "no politics in the workplace" workplace, where do you draw the line? Like, if you are somewhere where you are asked to shut up and not think about the big picture, while a growing number of influential tech leaders (who may either own or fund your company) are raising money and spreading conspiracies for Mr. "find 11,780" votes: when do you decide to talk in the workplace about it?
submitted by dignifiedmustache to antifox [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:15 lovevideogames32 I keep disconnecting from overwatch servers mid game

Im trying to learn this game on pc, im an xbox player btw, and as im playing everyone is floating threw the walls and i get the disconnection symbol, it then kicks me out, then back in, then onto the main screem with the "lost connection from game server" text. i have no idea how to fix. I've watched plenty of different videos, tried restarting everything, pc, game, router, I've made sure my firewall isn't blocking anything. I've played the game through the app, i disconnected, I've installed it on steam, i keep disconnecting. I've completely ran out if ideas and i thought that maybe someone here would have any insite
submitted by lovevideogames32 to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:12 No-Intern-1243 Local Handyman/Basement finishing

Local Handyman/Basement finishing
Here’s some pictures of our work and you can see some of our reviews and service awards here:
We do everything big and small with a preference for basement finishing and custom Van build outs! Feel free to text, call, or pm if you want an estimate or even just advice on a project your DIYing we are happy to help with anything 913-320-5499
submitted by No-Intern-1243 to Olathe [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:04 PuzzleheadedThroat84 Can someone review my translation??
Above I translated a text into Sanskrit, and I am wondering if my translation is grammatically correct. Could someone please review it for me?
submitted by PuzzleheadedThroat84 to sanskrit [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:34 MediumNo5907 Changing Chord symbol from M7 to -7

Hey I am playing around with the trial version of Guitar Pro 8 and i am putting in the chord symbols for some music. I am using the AMJazzText font and for minor chords it uses the “M7” notation. However I want to use “-7”. So instead of “CM7” it says “C-7”. Does anyone know how to do this? It seems like it should be easy, but I haven’t figured it out. Thanks!
submitted by MediumNo5907 to GuitarPro [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:24 torturedpoet0419 Taylor The Gladiator - Are You Not Entertained?

Taylor The Gladiator - Are You Not Entertained?
This is my first full fledged post on the sub. I apologize in advance for any formatting issues, the sheer length, any inaccurate takes, or if I’m potentially reaching. Constructive criticism is welcome (please be gentle though). I also humbly ask my elder Gaylors for their input on any Gaylore I may have missed weaving into this theory. I truly am a Baby Gaylor - having fallen down the rabbit hole before TTPD came out. I have devoured the posts on this sub as if I was starving. In some ways, I was. I now fully believe that she is laying the path to coming out. How this analysis ties into that story is beyond my knowledge; if anyone has great theories, I will happily add (with credit of course).
Disclaimer: I am not an expert in Roman history, so if I have any facts incorrect, please let me know. Additionally, in discussing gladiators, it cannot be done without a large caveat. Many gladiators were prisoners of war, criminals, or slaves. For the purpose of this analysis, I am exclusively focusing on those that chose to enter the arena under their own free will. I am not well-versed enough on this topic to speak to the experience of those that were prisoners of war, criminals, or slaves. I can only imagine they had a vastly different experience than their free-person counterparts that was instead characterized by horrid treatment and conditions that resulted in a death they did not choose.

On with the show - Please enjoy!

In the Times Person of the Year article, Taylor quotes the line “Are you not entertained?” from the 2000 film Gladiator. From the about section on Google regarding the film: “Set in Roman times, the story of a once-powerful general forced to become a common gladiator. The emperor's son is enraged when he is passed over as heir in favour of his father's favourite general. He kills his father and arranges the murder of the general's family, and the general is sold into slavery to be trained as a gladiator - but his subsequent popularity in the arena threatens the throne.”
The main character, Maximus (played by Russell Crow) makes that specific line at the end of a gladiatorial game. However, the full quote states: Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained? Is that not why you are here?” Source
Entertainment is why the spectators are there.
From the Times POTY article: I included more than what was just surrounding the use of “are you not entertained” because I think it ties into several of the theories I’ve read on this sub regarding the religious imagery, the performance art, and the use of drug metaphors.
“This is the proudest and happiest I’ve ever felt, and the most creatively fulfilled and free I’ve ever been,” Swift tells me. “Ultimately, we can convolute it all we want, or try to overcomplicate it, but there’s only one question.” Here, she adopts a booming voice. “Are you not entertained?”’ A few months before I sit with Swift in New York, on a summer night in Santa Clara, Calif., which has been temporarily renamed Swiftie Clara in her honor, I am in a stadium with nearly 70,000 other people having a religious experience. The crowd is rapturous and Swift beatific as she gazes out at us, all high on the same drug. Her fans are singularly passionate, not just in the venue but also online, as they analyze clues, hints, and secret messages in everything from her choreography to her costumes—some deliberately planted, others not. (“Taylor Swift fans are the modern-day equivalent of those cults who would consistently have inaccurate rapture predictions like once a month,” as one viral tweet noted.)”
Comparing the concert as a religious experience, is likely extremely accurate. I have not had the privilege of seeing Taylor in concert (yet), but I have been to other concerts where there is a high from being in the crowd. It feels more spiritual to me than any church service I’ve been to previously (not knocking church - just not for me). Like a church (or a cult) the audience is captured by the person speaking, performing, and absorbing the shared experience around them. If you’ve ever been in an amazing crowd, you can attest to it being an euphoric and intoxicating experience - AKA a drug. Again, the spectators (this time the crowd at Taylor’s shows) are there for the entertainment.... I'll show you every version of yourself tonight. "Put narcotics into all of my songs. And that's why, you're still singing along."

Origins of the Gladiator

This led me to start diving into the history of gladiators. The origins of the gladiator are subject to debate. Some believe they originated as part of the Etruscan Society as early as 1st century BC. Ancient Roman historian, Livy, believed the first games were held by Campanians in 310 BC as a victory celebration against their defeat of the Samnites.
One thing is agreed upon though, is that gladiatorial games began as....funeral rites. Source. Where have we seen funerals and death?
We gather here, weeping in a sunlit room... My Tears Ricochet Eras Tour
Zombie Taylor LWYMMD Music Video
Taylor at Her Own Funeral Anti-Hero Music Video
Why would anyone volunteer to potentially fight to the death? Money. Fame. Glory.
Successful gladiators were the movie stars of the first century – so famous that free men queued to take their chances in the arena...... The games were so popular that successful gladiators could become extremely rich and very famous. Source.
But did they fight to the death? Yes, but only between 10 and 20% of gladiators died during matches (Source). Gladiators were valuable. They trained for months in specialized schools. This was funded by sponsors or wealthy investors. They were an investment (looking at you Scott Swift).
Sponsors of private gladiatorial games had to front the expense of hosting the events. However, it was very effective in being used for self-promotion and provided exciting entertainment for their clients and potential voters. It became a business, a status symbol.
So if the gladiators didn’t fight to the death, what happened? How did you determine who won? The fighting progressed until one of them surrendered. Surrendering was done by laying down their weapons and holding up a single finger.
Taylor at QuestLove's Uno Party 2023. Note: the single finger and what appears to be pink wine.
Taylor isn't pointing here (far right), but there is a lot of pointing going on. Taylor is also reaching for white wine now. Wine theory?

Cool, but gladiators were men, right? Not exclusively.

"While sparse, evidence exists in art, laws and written accounts that women did participate in the brutal sport during the late Roman Republic and early Roman Empire, fighting each other fiercely with weapons for entertainment. But they didn’t fight nearly to the same degree as men did—and did so mostly as novelty acts." Source.
Roman marble carving depicting two female gladiators battling with swords and shields Found in present day Turkey
Female gladiators in ancient Rome are referred to as gladiatrix in modern usage; in ancient texts they were referred to as ludia (female performers in a ludi, a festival or entertainment).
An excerpt regarding women's time in Rome:
Women in ancient Rome did not have a lot of freedom and they were defined by their relationship with men. Brian K. Harvey, scholar, writes: Unlike men's virtues, women were praised for their home and married life. Their virtues included sexual fidelity (castitas), a sense of decency (pudicitia), love for her husband (caritas), marital concord (concordia), devotion to family (pietas), fertility (fecunditas), beauty (pulchritude), cheerfulness (hilaritas), and happiness (laetitia)…As exemplified by the power of the paterfamilias [husband or father, head of the house], Rome was a patriarchal society. Source.
And you were tossing me the car keys, "Fuck the Patriarchy;" that 1950s shit they want from me; I'm having his baby.... no I'm not.
Small Tangent: There are poems by Sulpicia (1st century BCE) who is believed to have been a female poet of the time. Her poems tell a love-story arc that can be found translated here. I do think an analysis of her work in comparison to Taylor's would be interesting. There are similar themes in them. However, this post is long enough already.
Back to the main event: how were gladiators trained?
Female gladiators were most likely trained by their fathers or in private lessons with a lanista. Wooden swords were used in training by both men and women following the revolt of the gladiator Spartacus (73-71 BCE) who had used the iron weapons of his school to launch the insurrection. Men and women were trained in different types of combat and there were four types of gladiator: The Myrmillo (Murmillo) had a helmet (with a fish crest), oblong shield and sword. The Retiarius (who usually fought a Myrmillo): lightly armed with a net and trident or dagger. The Samnite had a sword, visored helmet, and oblong shield. The Thracian (Thrax): armed with a curved blade (a sica) and round shield. Source.
Taylor has referenced combat, war, and daggers throughout her discography. More on this later.
However, women were not welcome in this space and were criticized by satirists and historians. A few excerpts below:
In his Satires, Roman satirist Juvenal (1st/2nd century CE) wrote: “What sense of shame can be found in a woman wearing a helmet, who shuns femininity and loves brute force...If an auction is held of your wife's effects, how proud you will be of her belt and arm-pads and plumes, and her half-length left-leg shin-guard! Or, if instead, she prefers a different form of combat how pleased you will be when the girl of your heart sells off her greaves! Hear her grunt while she practices thrusts as shown by the trainer, wilting under the weight of the helmet.” Historian Cassius Dio (155 - 235 CE) wrote: “There was another exhibition that was at once most disgraceful and most shocking, when men and women not only of the equestrian but even of the senatorial order appeared as performers in the orchestra, in the Circus, and in the [Colosseum], like those who are held in lowest esteem. Some of them played the flute and danced in pantomimes or acted in tragedies and comedies or sang to the lyre; they drove horses, killed wild beasts and fought as gladiators.” Source
I think it's interesting the idea of female gladiators preferring a different type of combat. Combat, I'm ready for combat, I say I don't want that, but what if I do? Furthermore, the idea of the Circus, Colosseum, and the orchestra all being forms of entertainment I think speak to
"I was tame, I was gentle, 'til the (Your - OG lyrics) circus life made me mean. Don't you worry folks we took out all her teeth." Is this further commentary how the circus (media/entertainment industry), the orchestra (the music), and the gladiator (Taylor Swift™) are all interconnected?
Battle: 17 uses
“Flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur.” The Great War, Midnights “And every day is like a battle.” New Romantics, 1989 “The battle’s in your hands now” The Story of Us, Speak Now “And the battle was long, it’s the fight of our lives.” Change, Fearless
Weapons: 5 uses
“Memories feel like weapons.” Would’ve, Could’ve Should’ve, Midnights “When did all our lessons start to look like weapons.” happiness, evermore “And swords and weapons that you use against me.” Mean, Speak Now
Armor: 3 uses
“You come around and the armor falls.” State of Grace, Red “But I would lay my armor down.” The Story of Us, Speak Now
Dagger: 3 uses (Thanks u/Kai_the_Fox for the additions!)
“Threw out our cloaks and our daggers because it’s morning now.” Daylight, Lover "Took this dagger in me and removed it." tolerate it, evermore "One less temptress, one less dagger to sharpen." The Albatross, The Tortured Poets Department
Swords: 2 uses
“And swords and weapons that you use against me.” Mean, Speak Now “In backyards, winning battles with our wooden swords.” Eyes Open, Not released (note: this reminds me of the fact that they had to switch to wooden post Spartacus rebellion)
War: 21 uses
“Flesh and blood amongst war machines.” Clara Bow, The Tortured Poets Department "If we survived the Great War.” The Great War, Midnights “There’s no morning glory, it was war, it wasn’t fair.” The Great War, Midnights “So yeah, it’s a war. It’s the goddamn fight of my life.” ivy, evermore “Like the war of words I shouted in my sleep.” long story short, evermore “No more tug of war. Now I just know there’s more.” long story short, evermore “Hung my head as I lost the war.” Clean, 1989 “Why they lost their minds and fought the wars” You Are In Love, 1989 “Left yourself in your war path.” Innocent, Speak Now “And you were headed off to fight in the war.” Timeless, Speak Now “Everyday now they’re talking war and I know this time is like it’s never been before.” Can I Go With You, Unreleased “Looks like we’re going to war.” Let’s Go (Battle), unreleased “The war outside our door keeps raging on.” Safe & Sound, The Hunger Games

So tying it all together, aka TL;DR

Gladiators were used as a source of entertainment for the wealthy. Initially the gladiatorial games began as funeral rites; however, it evolved into a tool to be used by the elite to gain favor amongst each other and to garner support. Free men (and women) voluntarily chose to enter the games because if they were successful, they were the celebrities of the time, gaining money and fame. Evidence exists of women participating in the games, and they were met with heavy criticism for their participation. Lastly, gladiators did not always die in the games, but instead they would surrender by laying their weapons down and holding up a single finger. Taylor has referenced war, battles, swords, armor, and weapons throughout her entire discography.
I think we are continuing to see the duality of Taylor. Taylor Swift, the authentic person, has been fighting with Taylor Swift™. Only one of them can come out victorious. I think Taylor Swift™ is surrendering now, holding up a single finger in her final battle.
submitted by torturedpoet0419 to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:59 DarthNixilis Where can you get pdfs of sets?

I'm trying to find a place to get text only, no symbols (so WUBRG, not the mana symbols). It's proving much harder to find than I remember it being to find them.
submitted by DarthNixilis to magicTCG [link] [comments]


VANCOUVER, BC , June 4, 2024 /CNW/ - The following issues have been halted by CIRO
Company: Eskay Mining Corp.
TSX-Venture Symbol: ESK
All Issues: Yes
Reason: Pending News
Halt Time (ET): 12:54 PM
CIRO can make a decision to impose a temporary suspension (halt) of trading in a security of a publicly-listed company. Trading halts are implemented to ensure a fair and orderly market. CIRO is the national self-regulatory organization which oversees all investment dealers and trading activity on debt and equity marketplaces in Canada
SOURCE Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) – Halts/Resumptions

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VANCOUVER, BC , June 4, 2024 /CNW/ - Trading resumes in:
Company: Eskay Mining Corp.
TSX-Venture Symbol: ESK
All Issues: Yes
Resumption (ET): 3:30 PM
CIRO can make a decision to impose a temporary suspension (halt) of trading in a security of a publicly-listed company. Trading halts are implemented to ensure a fair and orderly market. CIRO is the national self-regulatory organization which oversees all investment dealers and trading activity on debt and equity marketplaces in Canada
SOURCE Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) – Halts/Resumptions

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2024.06.05 01:47 notburneddown why won't it let me access my own Python flask application?

So here's what I'm trying to do with Heroku in terminal:
(venv) greg@greg-IdeaPad-5-15ARE05:~/Documents/Python/python_for_web$ sudo heroku open --app app [sudo] password for greg: › Warning: heroku update available from 7.60.1 to 8.11.5. ▸ Invalid credentials provided. › Warning: heroku update available from 7.60.1 to 8.11.5. heroku: Press any key to open up the browser to login or q to exit: Opening browser to TY.g2gDbQAAAA0xNDYuNzAuMTczLjg3bgYA-Beh5Y8BYgABUYA.a01O2abCwxkAVLJlUu7D3nyspdbmvAjFgdzW3uyKpxY heroku: Waiting for login... ⣟ ^C (venv) greg@greg-IdeaPad-5-15ARE05:~/Documents/Python/python_for_web$ sudo heroku open --app app › Warning: heroku update available from 7.60.1 to 8.11.5. ▸ Invalid credentials provided. › Warning: heroku update available from 7.60.1 to 8.11.5. heroku: Press any key to open up the browser to login or q to exit: Opening browser to TY.g2gDbQAAAA0xNDYuNzAuMTczLjg3bgYAcIGh5Y8BYgABUYA.BuRPs6wAWmdPhkHDiXFgk-OK_GpPFUW3lhaGFIfZFW8 Logging in... done Logged in as ▸ You do not have access to the app app. 
I am trying to get this code to work I have several web pages. Here's the script:
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for import os app = Flask(__name__) app.config['SEND_FILE_MAC_AGE_DEFAULT'] = 0 @app.route('/') def home(): techs = ['HTML', 'CSS', 'Flask', 'Python'] name = '30 Days of Python Programming' return render_template('home.html', techs=techs, name=name, title='Home') @app.route('/about') def about(): name = '30 Days of Python Programming' return render_template('about.html', name=name, title='About Us') @app.route('/result') def result(): return render_template('result.html') @app.route('/post', methods= ['GET', 'POST']) def post(): name='Text Analyzer' if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('post.html', name = name, title = name) if request.method == 'POST': content = request.form['content'] print(content) return redirect(url_for('result')) if __name__ == '__main__': port = int(os.environ.get("PORT", 5000)), host='', port=port) 
Why isn't my code working? It should let me access my application. I'm confused. Is the name "app" taken?
submitted by notburneddown to learnpython [link] [comments]