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2008.04.24 18:37 git


2010.09.25 20:40 keito vj: visual jockey // video performance artists, live visuals, etc

All things video mixing from art, synthesis, music visualization. Don’t be a dick. 🤘

2010.10.02 22:28 rad_thundercat Shortcuts

This subreddit is devoted to Shortcuts. Shortcuts is an Apple app for automation on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS.

2024.06.04 21:54 TryllZ Transport node of Edge cluster member must belong to overlay transport zone of logical router ?!

Transport node of Edge cluster member must belong to overlay transport zone of logical router ?!
This is my 1st Stretched Networking setup, and I'm facing an issue between RTEP and T1 Gateway.
I'm seeing the below error
[Routing] Transport node b08d84fa-1234-4110-b4cc-fce02b1e0e52 of Edge cluster member must belong to overlay transport zone 1b3a2f36-bfd1-443e-a0f6-4de01abc963e of logical router dec562f9-2825-4047-be91-d353b2b047dd. [Routing] Transport node a7aaa288-af1e-4510-ad79-91a8d54219a5 of Edge cluster member must belong to overlay transport zone 1b3a2f36-bfd1-443e-a0f6-4de01abc963e of logical router dec562f9-2825-4047-be91-d353b2b047dd. [Routing] Transport node b08d84fa-1234-4110-b4cc-fce02b1e0e52 of Edge cluster member must belong to overlay transport zone 1b3a2f36-bfd1-443e-a0f6-4de01abc963e of logical router dec562f9-2825-4047-be91-d353b2b047dd. [Routing] Transport node a7aaa288-af1e-4510-ad79-91a8d54219a5 of Edge cluster member must belong to overlay transport zone 1b3a2f36-bfd1-443e-a0f6-4de01abc963e of logical router dec562f9-2825-4047-be91-d353b2b047dd. 
ID b08d84fa-1234-4110-b4cc-fce02b1e0e52 is of Edge Node 1
ID a7aaa288-af1e-4510-ad79-91a8d54219a5 is of Edge Node 2
ID 1b3a2f36-bfd1-443e-a0f6-4de01abc963e is of the Default NSX Tansport Zone, even though I have created my own Transport Zones, and added both of them to the Edge Node.
Edge and Host TEP are in VLAN 1160, and RTEP is in VLAN1165.
The RTEP is receiving IP from the Pool as well.
UUID VRF LR-ID Name Type 00002200-0000-0000-0000-000000000802 4 2050 REMOTE_TUNNEL_VRF RTEP_TUNNEL Interfaces (IPv6 DAD Status A-DAD_Success, F-DAD_Duplicate, T-DAD_Tentative, U-DAD_Unavailable) Interface : d6c11abe-413d-4fc7-9cfb-d62e4e470766 Ifuid : 291 Name : remote-tunnel-endpoint Fwd-mode : IPV4_ONLY Internal name : uplink-291 Mode : lif Port-type : uplink IP/Mask :;fe80::250:56ff:fe8f:33f7/64(NA) <--- IP v4 from pool MAC : 00:50:56:8f:33:f7 VLAN : 1165 Access-VLAN : untagged LS port : 67592eb3-964a-4fb3-bb91-fc5a04ed4339 Urpf-mode : PORT_CHECK DAD-mode : LOOSE RA-mode : RA_INVALID Admin : up Op_state : up Enable-mcast : False MTU : 1700 arp_proxy :;fe80::250:56ff:fe8f:33f7/64(NA) 
This error is the same on all Edge Nodes in all 3 sites which tells me something wrong in the configuration.
Any thoughts as to where the issue might be ?
submitted by TryllZ to homelab [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:53 TryllZ Transport node of Edge cluster member must belong to overlay transport zone of logical router ?!

This is my 1st Stretched Networking setup, and I'm facing an issue between RTEP and T1 Gateway.
I'm seeing the below error
[Routing] Transport node b08d84fa-1234-4110-b4cc-fce02b1e0e52 of Edge cluster member must belong to overlay transport zone 1b3a2f36-bfd1-443e-a0f6-4de01abc963e of logical router dec562f9-2825-4047-be91-d353b2b047dd. [Routing] Transport node a7aaa288-af1e-4510-ad79-91a8d54219a5 of Edge cluster member must belong to overlay transport zone 1b3a2f36-bfd1-443e-a0f6-4de01abc963e of logical router dec562f9-2825-4047-be91-d353b2b047dd. [Routing] Transport node b08d84fa-1234-4110-b4cc-fce02b1e0e52 of Edge cluster member must belong to overlay transport zone 1b3a2f36-bfd1-443e-a0f6-4de01abc963e of logical router dec562f9-2825-4047-be91-d353b2b047dd. [Routing] Transport node a7aaa288-af1e-4510-ad79-91a8d54219a5 of Edge cluster member must belong to overlay transport zone 1b3a2f36-bfd1-443e-a0f6-4de01abc963e of logical router dec562f9-2825-4047-be91-d353b2b047dd. 
ID b08d84fa-1234-4110-b4cc-fce02b1e0e52 is of Edge Node 1
ID a7aaa288-af1e-4510-ad79-91a8d54219a5 is of Edge Node 2
ID 1b3a2f36-bfd1-443e-a0f6-4de01abc963e is of the Default NSX Tansport Zone, even though I have created my own Transport Zones, and added both of them to the Edge Node.
Edge and Host TEP are in VLAN 1160, and RTEP is in VLAN1165.
The RTEP is receiving IP from the Pool as well.
UUID VRF LR-ID Name Type 00002200-0000-0000-0000-000000000802 4 2050 REMOTE_TUNNEL_VRF RTEP_TUNNEL Interfaces (IPv6 DAD Status A-DAD_Success, F-DAD_Duplicate, T-DAD_Tentative, U-DAD_Unavailable) Interface : d6c11abe-413d-4fc7-9cfb-d62e4e470766 Ifuid : 291 Name : remote-tunnel-endpoint Fwd-mode : IPV4_ONLY Internal name : uplink-291 Mode : lif Port-type : uplink IP/Mask :;fe80::250:56ff:fe8f:33f7/64(NA) <--- IP v4 from pool MAC : 00:50:56:8f:33:f7 VLAN : 1165 Access-VLAN : untagged LS port : 67592eb3-964a-4fb3-bb91-fc5a04ed4339 Urpf-mode : PORT_CHECK DAD-mode : LOOSE RA-mode : RA_INVALID Admin : up Op_state : up Enable-mcast : False MTU : 1700 arp_proxy :;fe80::250:56ff:fe8f:33f7/64(NA) 
This error is the same on all Edge Nodes in all 3 sites which tells me something wrong in the configuration.
Any thoughts as to where the issue might be ?
submitted by TryllZ to VMwareNSX [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:49 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part One: Hottest Free Agent (MGT)

Hey guys! Ape here, to give a bit of a rundown on all this. Until pretty recently, it seemed as though this match was still going ahead. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be. MGT and I finished our booking up on March 30th, and were waiting for MJE to finish theirs up before posting, so there wouldn't be too much of a gap that caused voters to not know what the fuck was going on (especially given how lengthy both bookings were planned to be). This booking took a lot out of all four of us, but I'm glad to be able to post it now, knowing full well that only Inferno is going to read it in its entirety. Thanks. Love you.
For the people who just want to ogle at us for being stupid enough to do this, here are the numbers. This booking meets the agreed upon standards of the original match - each part clears 20k characters, for a total of 701,059 characters. It's 219 pages in Google Docs and 123,683 words long, which is about two Qurans. We just really love John Cena.
As MGT is no longer on Reddit, the whole booking is going to be posted by me. He wrote the first nine parts, and I wrote the rest. If any of you beyond Inferno are mad enough to read this, I truly hope you enjoy it. I'll be putting together a TL;DR in the next few days, explaining the broad strokes of everything that occurs. However, I'll blatantly ask for upvotes here because I think it'd be really funny to drown the sub in a 26 part booking with absolutely nothing on the line. Anyway, I'll let MGT take it from here. Peace out, and I'll see y'all in P10.
I cannot believe we’re doing this. But fuck it. John Cena’s entire career, rebooked.
After signing a developmental contract with WWE and spending months honing his skills at the company's training facility, John Cena finally sees his chance at the big time. Before call ups to the main roster, the best John could hope for was building his name and reputation on OVW, moonlighting on Sunday Night Heat and Velocity. But one day in June 2002, everything changed. Backstage soaking in the environment of Smackdown, John was fascinated with the limelight. Eager to see every nook and cranny, every turn and corner of main roster life, he found himself in Guerilla, watching the live feed along with the producers. His curiosity turns to excitement and eagerness, when he sees the Olympic Gold Medalist in the ring, holding a microphone. Kurt Angle throws out an open challenge for anyone wanting to prove themselves against the Wrestling Machine. And suddenly… Cena sees his chance to make himself a star.
One Hour Later…
Cena gets dressed, ready to head home for the night. He didn’t win against Kurt… but answering the open challenge was just what he needed. A taste of what was to come. A sneak peak at the future of his burgeoning career. John shakes hands with a lot of the veterans in the locker room, the likes of Taker, Billy Gunn, and Rikishi having already taken him under their wings after seeing his heart and passion in the ring. Cena smiles as he leaves the locker room, mind set on getting inside the bus and crashing into a deep slumber. But John’s smile fades, his entire face turning to one of confusion when he’s handed an envelope by one of the producers. Walking out the door and getting hit with the sharp wind, John opens the envelope, and his heart drops…
A pink slip is held with an iron grip between his fingers. Everything he was dreaming of, slowly sinking to the depths of Hell before his very eyes. Just another young gun, sent to the dogs by Vinny Mac himself. He saw his chance, took it… and still got canned. Cena feels the cold, unforgiving wind snatch away the pink slip, sending it flying into the night sky along with his career.
July 17th, 2002
In the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, the raucous TNA Asylum buzzes with anticipation as fans eagerly await the latest weekly PPV. Tonight, the atmosphere crackles with excitement as the reigning NWA World Champion, the World's Most Dangerous Man, Ken Shamrock, is scheduled for an exclusive interview segment. The Asylum is adorned with the regal insignia of the National Wrestling Alliance and the young TNA logo as the cameras focus in on the interview area. Ken Shamrock, with the prestigious NWA World Championship draped over his shoulder, stands tall backstage for an interview with a respected wrestling journalist. Shamrock exudes an aura of dominance and confidence as he speaks about his championship reign and the legacy of the NWA World Championship. He emphasizes the importance of competition and vows to defend the title against all comers.
As the interview progresses, Shamrock drops a bombshell announcement that electrifies the audience. With a smirk, he declares an open challenge for later that night, inviting any wrestler in the locker room to step up and face him in the ring for the NWA World Championship. The declaration sends shockwaves through the arena, as fans and wrestlers alike buzz with anticipation at the prospect of witnessing an impromptu championship match.
As the night unfolds and the main event draws near, speculation runs rampant about who will answer Shamrock's open challenge. Will it be a seasoned veteran looking to reclaim past glory? Or perhaps a hungry up-and-comer seeking to make a name for themselves on the grand stage? As the arena pulses with excitement, the moment arrives. Ken Shamrock stands in the center of the ring, microphone in hand, ready to address the crowd once more. Suddenly, the arena erupts into cheers as a familiar theme hits the speakers. To the surprise of everyone in attendance, a young and determined John Cena emerges from the curtain, his eyes locked on the NWA World Championship held high by Shamrock. Half of the crowd doesn’t recognize him, while the most in the know fans slowly remember the story of a young gun challenging Kurt Angle on Smackdown and immediately being fired to the outrage of many WWE vets and officials alike. It seems as if the big corporation has dropped the ball on a young talent, and he’s decided to take his chance in the biggest way possible.
NWA World Championship: Ken Shamrock (c) vs John Cena
With a smirk of confidence, Cena steps forward to accept Shamrock's challenge, setting the stage for an unexpected clash between the seasoned champion and the rookie sensation. In a match filled with intensity and drama, Shamrock and Cena trade blows in a hard-fought battle for the NWA World Championship. Despite Shamrock's experience and tenacity, Cena showcases his raw talent and determination, refusing to back down. The building erupts with every blow, soon having everyone on the edge of their seat.
Shamrock and Cena engage in a fierce battle for the NWA World Championship. Despite Cena's raw talent and determination, Shamrock's experience and tenacity prove to be too much to overcome. Throughout the match, Shamrock demonstrates his mastery of submission holds and ground-and-pound tactics, wearing down Cena with each punishing blow. Despite Cena's valiant efforts, Shamrock refuses to stay down, fighting tooth and nail to retain his championship. In the end, after a grueling contest, Ken Shamrock emerges victorious, securing the win and solidifying his status as the undisputed NWA World Champion.
Ken Shamrock defeats John Cena to retain the NWA World Championship (14:29)
Despite losing to Shamrock, Cena's debut in TNA sparks many headlines and rumors, the young star once again proving himself against a seasoned vet. He continues to rise in TNA, consistently opening the shows throughout the summer and putting on banger matches with the likes of Sabu, Jerry Lyn, and Raven. By September, John says he might’ve stumbled the first couple times when stepping up to the plate. But he promises… next time, he won’t flinch, and he won’t hesitate to finish the job.
September 25, 2002
In the vibrant world of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, John Cena has had a great summer proving himself, and showing the world what he’s made of. The TNA Asylum has grown to love the Prototype, his humble and simple gear hiding the fact that he’s one of the industry’s leading young stars. The crowd is already buzzing with excitement when it’s announced John is slated to be in the semi main event, a big jump from being TNA’s regular opener. But they get even more buckwild when tonight's event promises an electrifying showdown between two rising stars: rookie sensation John Cena and the high-flying prodigy, AJ Styles. Both Cena and Styles have been making waves in TNA since their debuts, capturing the attention of fans and management alike with their unique styles and undeniable charisma. The big screen shows both men preparing for war. Cena shadowboxing and Styles hitting a round of push ups to get the blood flowing. It’s about to get crazy in the Asylum.
John Cena vs AJ Styles
As the Asylum fills to capacity, the atmosphere crackles with excitement. The crowd roars with anticipation as Cena's familiar theme music blares over the speakers, signaling his arrival. Dressed in his trademark gear and brimming with confidence, Cena struts to the ring, soaking in the adulation of the fans. Moments later, the arena erupts once again as AJ Styles makes his grand entrance, his aerial maneuvers and flashy attire captivating the audience. With a determined look in his eyes, Styles locks his gaze on Cena, ready to prove himself against his formidable opponent.
The match begins with a flurry of action, as Cena and Styles trade holds and counterholds, each showcasing their respective strengths and skills. The crowd is on the edge of their seats as the momentum shifts back and forth between the two rookies. In the climax of the match, Styles executes a breathtaking series of high-flying maneuvers, springboarding to knock John off his feet both inside and outside the ring. Finally getting him woozy enough, his offense culminates in his signature Styles Clash, the audience popping for the deadly finisher. With a thunderous impact, Cena crashes to the canvas, and the referee counts the pinfall.
AJ Styles defeats John Cena (15:01)
As the bell rings, signaling Styles' victory, the Center Stage Theater erupts in cheers and applause. Styles celebrates his hard-fought win, basking in the adulation of the crowd. Meanwhile, Cena lies on the mat, visibly frustrated and bitter over his defeat. The loss serves as a wake-up call for Cena, igniting a fire within him to prove himself even more and ascend to the top of the wrestling world. He picks himself up, and storms away, not satisfied with putting on a great show. He wants more. And whatever it takes to BE more, he will do it by any means necessary.
Following big loss after big loss, Cena grows frustrated with his lack of success in TNA. Determined to make a name for himself, he is on the verge of a major transformation. As he struggles to find his footing in the competitive landscape of TNA, Cena decides it’s time to make a change. One that will unlock his full potential and give him the footing he needs to cement himself as a star that’s here to stay. Cena begins to enter the Asylum every week with newfound swagger and charisma, bubbling with arrogance as he captivates the audience with his razor-sharp wit and cutting edge promos, earning the admiration of some fans while drawing the ire of others.
Cena puts his head down and begins to work, knowing a bunch of talk isn’t enough to shake things up. He goes back to opening shows back to back, tearing the house down with guys like BG James, Christopher Daniels, and K Krush. He begins to see a shift in his fortunes in TNA, finally forcing the doubts in his head to become more quiet with every passing day. Bolstered by his newfound confidence and aggression, Cena embarks on a winning streak, dominating his opponents with a combination of ruthless aggression and cunning tactics. With each victory, Cena's ego swells, and his interactions with fans and fellow wrestlers become increasingly confrontational. He revels in the mixed reception of the crowd, embracing his role as a polarizing figure in TNA.
As Cena's winning streak continues, his evolution into something more fierce becomes increasingly apparent. Gone is the affable rookie who once endeared himself to the fans; in his place stands a calculating and ruthless competitor willing to do whatever it takes to achieve victory. Cena's promos grow more abrasive and antagonistic, as he mocks his opponents and trolls the fans who once cheered him on.
November 6th, 2002
Another weekly banger of a show kicks off in the TNA Asylum. The fans are going crazy as another lineup of matches makes their excitement double and triple. Everyone is going crazy as the main event of tonight’s Asylum show is revealed… TNA X Champion AJ Styles defending his title against none other than Jerry Lynn.
In the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, the Asylum buzzes with anticipation as TNA Wrestling prepares for another thrilling night of action. Tonight's event features a highly anticipated match for the TNA X Championship, with reigning champion AJ Styles set to defend his title against the seasoned veteran Jerry Lynn.
As AJ Styles makes his way to the ring, the crowd erupts in cheers, eager to witness another exhilarating display of athleticism from the X Champion. As Styles makes his entrance, soaking in the adulation of the crowd, a man strikes with ruthless efficiency. With a sudden burst of speed, he ambushes Styles from behind, blindsiding him with a steel chair and laying waste to the X Champion with a barrage of vicious strikes. It’s John Cena, completing his descent into darkness, deciding his first victim will be the very loss that made him make the switch. The Asylum erupts into chaos as referees and security personnel rush to intervene, desperately trying to separate Cena from his helpless prey. But Cena is relentless, driven by a thirst for vengeance and a desire to make a statement at Styles' expense. After half a dozen officials and referees pour out, Cena decides he’s done enough, dropping the chair at the carcass of his unfortunate victim. Styles is already bleeding, clutching his ribs and back as Jerry Lynn watches on. But as his attacker walks off, Styles shocks the entire building by pressing forward, stumbling to the ring, dragging his title behind him. Determined to be the fighting champion he promised he would always be. Lynn looks him up and down, the referee asking AJ once, twice, three times if he’s able to compete. Styles winces and nods, and before you know it, the bell rings.
TNA X Championship: AJ Styles (c) vs Jerry Lynn
As the match gets underway, the crowd erupts with excitement as Styles and Lynn lock up in the center of the ring. Styles, known for his agility and aerial prowess, struggles to find his footing as Lynn presses the attack, targeting Styles' injured ribs with ruthless precision. Despite his best efforts, Styles is unable to shake off the effects of his injury, hampering his ability to execute his trademark high-flying maneuvers. With each passing minute, the pain becomes increasingly unbearable, threatening to derail his chances of victory.
As the match wears on, Styles fights through the pain, drawing upon every ounce of determination and resilience within him to stay in the fight. However, Lynn, sensing an opportunity to capitalize on Styles' weakened state, unleashes a relentless assault, battering Styles from pillar to post with a series of punishing holds and strikes.The crowd watches in silent anticipation as Styles valiantly attempts to mount a comeback, but his injured ribs betrays him at every turn, leaving him vulnerable to Lynn's relentless onslaught.
In the final moments of the match, Styles digs deep, summoning one last burst of energy in a desperate bid to turn the tide. With the crowd on their feet, he launches himself into the air, attempting to hit a springboard forearm! But the effort proves to be too much for Styles' battered body, and in a cruel twist of fate, his injured ribs receive a sharp kick from Lynn in mid air, sending him crashing to the canvas in a heap. Lynn drags Styles to his feet, and DROPS him with a cradle piledriver. As the referee counts the pinfall, the Asylum falls silent, overcome with a sense of heartbreak and disappointment at seeing one of their heroes fall short in his moment of need. With a heavy heart, Styles’ eyes glaze over as Lynn is declared the winner, his dreams of victory shattered by the cruel hand of fate.
Jerry Lynn defeats AJ Styles to win the TNA X Championship (20:47)
By the time order is restored, Styles lies battered and bruised in the center of the ring, his chances of competing in the scheduled match against Jerry Lynn dashed by Cena's brutal assault. In the aftermath of the title change, Cena stands tall amidst the wreckage, a malevolent grin spreading across his face as he revels in the chaos he has wrought. After delivering a nasty FU to Styles, leaving him even more broken than before, the crowd drowns Cena in boos, finally fully turning on him. But all he can do is smile. With the X Championship now in his sights, Cena's reign of terror has only just begun, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake as he asserts his dominance in TNA as the ruthless Doctor of Thuganomics.
In the fast paced world of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, the X Championship is the symbol of athleticism, innovation, and excitement. Three competitors. Jerry Lynn, AJ Styles, and the brash newcomer, Doctor of Thuganomics John Cena find themselves entangled in a bitter feud over the coveted title. After losing the title to Lynn due to Cena’s brutal attack before the match, Styles is on a mission to make someone pay. He only has eyes on regaining the gold, and claiming revenge. He returns from his injuries a month after the match, defeating Amazing Red in a clinic of a match, before calling out Lynn, and threatening Cena with the prospect of a shortened career if he thinks about involving himself again.
Jerry Lynn successfully defends his X Championship against a string of challengers while Styles is out, claiming that he’s taken the throne as the ultimate fighting champion. He cuts promos and has interviews before and after his matches, pushing the narrative that he’s been the greatest champion this company has ever seen. Eventually, Styles has had enough, and hits the scene to confront him. AJ calls Lynn a fluke champion, and says the moment they face each other again, the world will know how much bullshit he’s been spouting. Lynn slaps the taste out of AJ’s mouth, causing the young star to lose his mind, wailing on Lynn until referees come out to separate the two! Lynn laughs off the altercation, and walks off, ready to leave for the night. But in a moment of pure irony, he gets the taste slapped out of HIS mouth, causing him to drop his title. Cena pounces, throwing Lynn into his own car door and standing over him with his own title.
“Be grateful I let you have this. Because it’s coming home soon, bitch…”
Tensions are reaching a fever pitch. The Asylum is begging for this match to happen, and finally to the excitement of everyone, it’s confirmed. The X Champion Jerry Lynn defends his coveted title against the pissed off prodigy AJ Styles and the hard hitting loudmouth John Cena. Be there or die!
December 18th, 2002
In the electric atmosphere of the Asylum, the X Championship is on the line in a highly anticipated match featuring three of the promotion's most dynamic competitors: the reigning champion, Jerry Lynn, the high-flying sensation AJ Styles, and the brash newcomer, Doctor of Thuganomics John Cena. With tensions simmering between all three it’s finally time to capitalize and give the fans what they want! Footage shows Jerry Lynn being approached by an interviewer. The champ is unfazed, being a seasoned veteran with a storied history in the business. But he promises, the last thing he’s doing is underestimating the competition. Later on in the night, the two hungry young lions are seen warming up backstage, ready to take their chance to transform from challenger to champion. As the match draws near, anticipation reaches a fever pitch, with fans and wrestlers alike speculating about who will emerge victorious in this clash of titans.
TNA X Championship: Jerry Lynn (c) vs AJ Styles vs John Cena
As the bell rings, the three competitors waste no time in launching into action, trading lightning-fast strikes and high-flying maneuvers in a dizzying display of athleticism and skill. The pace of the match is relentless, with Lynn, Styles, and Cena each showcasing their bold offense, and near superhuman strengths and abilities. Throughout the match, the tide of momentum shifts back and forth, as Lynn, Styles, and Cena each come close to securing victory with near falls and close calls. The Asylum is on its feet, captivated by the breathtaking spectacle unfolding before their eyes.
In the final moments of the match, chaos ensues as Lynn delivers his signature Cradle Piledriver to Cena, leaving him dazed and vulnerable on the canvas. Lynn tries to make the pin, but STYLES OUT OF NOWHERE, SPIRAL TAP SENDS HIM CRASHING INTO BOTH MEN! THE PIN IS BROKEN! Cena rolls out while Lynn and Styles slowly climb to their feet, and go blow for blow, keeping the fans on edge as they root back and forth! Lynn attempts a Cradle Piledriver on AJ, but he escapes, wriggling through the legs and delivering a nasty forearm to the back of the head. Lynn falls forward, and Styles grabs him up, trying to set up a Styles Clash! Lynn lifts out of it, forcing AJ to fly over the top rope! Lynn falls to the mat, desperately trying to recover. He slowly regains balance, standing up and turning around, STRAIGHT INTO A SPRINGBOARD FOREARM, JESUS!
Styles, rushing as fast as he can, lifts Lynn and sets up for the Clash! It’s almost over! He hooks the arms, deathgrip with the hands, and SLAMS HIM FULL CONTACT TO THE MAT! It’s OVER! AJ flips him over, ONLY TO BE DRAGGED OUTSIDE THE RING! Cena HEADBUTTS Styles, and hits a brutal FU, sending AJ back first into the steel steps! Cena jumps onto Lynn, the referee sliding into position, and making the pin. 1… 2… 3. The Asylum erupts in disbelief as the referee declares John Cena the new X Champion. Cena's victory comes at the expense of Styles, who valiantly fought for redemption, only to be denied the championship in the closing moments.
John Cena defeats AJ Styles & Jerry Lynn to win the TNA X Championship (14:48)
As Cena celebrates his hard-fought victory, the Asylum is divided in its reaction, with some fans cheering his triumph while others voice their displeasure at the controversial ending to the match. Meanwhile, Styles and Lynn exchange a tired, knowing glance. Their mutual respect is thrown into the melting pot with anger, frustration, and the thirst for gold. On the final show of 2002, a week before Christmas no less, Cena rides off into the sunset with his head held high. Happy fucking holidays.
The year is now 2003. Despite the Christmas break and New Year’s festivities, ain’t shit to smile about when the new X Champion returns from vacation. The former Prototype emerges in the form of Doctor of Thuganomics John Cena. With the championship belt gleaming around his waist, Cena struts through the backstage corridors of the Asylum, exuding an air of arrogance and entitlement. A thick steel chain hangs around his neck with a padlock on the end, Cena tapping it with the title as he shoves producers and jabronis out of the way. An interviewer prepares for his arrival, ready to dig for some insight into the mind of the X Champion. But Cena brushes past her without a glance, flat out declining a place on the hot seat, for once not taking the opportunity to run his mouth.
Cena wastes no time in asserting his dominance, entering the Asylum to a chorus of boos. John smirks, before raising his title and turning his ballcap to the side as he joins commentary. He watches the first match of the night, staring down both competitors intensely, losing focus to verbally dunk on the commentators every once in a while. The second match goes down the same way, but by the third, Cena takes it up a notch. In the closing moments of Ron Killings vs Christopher Daniels, the Fallen Angel prepares for the deathblow. Gripping the ropes, he shoots up for the Best Moonsault Ever, only for the bell to suddenly ring out as he lands on the top rope! He looks over to see Cena obnoxiously banging the ring bell, forcing all eyes on him. Snatching a mic from the timekeeper, he announces that he’s bored, demanding this get wrapped up. Daniels yells out to him, only to get knocked off the top rope by Killings! Cena collects his title and walks off, glancing at Killings attacking Daniels on the outside ferociously.
Cena doesn’t stop there. The Doctor of Thuganomics tears down posters of the TNA roster backstage, replacing them with advertisements for his next show. Pictures of himself adorned with the X Championship line the walls, serving as a constant reminder of his supremacy. His fellow wrestlers are met with sneers and dismissive remarks, as Cena makes it clear that he considers himself untouchable. Despite this, potential challengers emerge from the ranks of TNA's rising stars. Cena takes pleasure in undermining their confidence and stoking the flames of animosity. He conducts interviews filled with insults and boasts, belittling his opponents and scoffing at their aspirations to dethrone him. Backstage altercations become a regular occurrence as Cena's arrogance rubs his fellow wrestlers the wrong way. His taunts and provocations only serve to further fuel the growing resentment towards him.
Inside the ring, Cena's tactics become increasingly nefarious as he resorts to interference and cheating to maintain his grip on the X Championship. He inserts himself into matches involving potential challengers, lurking at ringside to distract or attack them at the opportune moment. Costing Chris Sabin a #1 contender's match against Amazing Red leaves the Detroit native furious, being screwed out of an opportunity to rise up in the company. Red promises Sabin a shot if he manages to win. But that doesn’t work out. John bullies Red, throwing him around like he’s made of dust. He stumbles at times when the small upstart gives him a run for his money, but he manages to quench the flame, overpowering Red and landing an FU for the win. Despite the clean dominant win, referees still find themselves constantly on edge, wary of Cena's underhanded tactics but often powerless to prevent them. Cena exploits every loophole and bends every rule to his advantage, leaving a trail of controversy and frustration in his wake.
Despite the backlash from his peers and the disdain of the fans, Cena's reign of terror shows no signs of abating. With each passing week, he becomes more emboldened, relishing in the chaos and turmoil he creates. As TNA's X Champion, Cena's stranglehold on the title tightens, leaving incoming young rookies with no hope of having a chance at stardom. Whether through intimidation, manipulation, or outright cheating, he will stop at nothing to retain his championship and solidify his status as the most despised figure in TNA. And as long as Cena holds the X Championship, the reign of Thuganomics will continue to cast a shadow over the world of professional wrestling.
John’s ego grows with every passing day holding the strap in his iron grip. But lurking in the shadows of the Asylum is a formidable challenger, none other than the former champion, Jerry Lynn. As rumors swirl of Jerry Lynn's imminent return, anticipation reaches a fever pitch among TNA fans. Lynn, a seasoned veteran with a storied history before he even joined the company, vows to reclaim the championship he once held with pride. His words send shockwaves through the wrestling world, igniting a firestorm of speculation and excitement.
In the weeks leading up to their showdown, Cena and Lynn engage in a war of words, trading barbs and insults in backstage confrontations and fiery promos. Cena, ever the brash and arrogant champion, dismisses Lynn as a relic of the past, unworthy of sharing the ring with him. He already got his title, and embarrassed him enough to not show his face for a month. He’s the last person on Cena’s mind. But Lynn refuses to back down, vowing to teach Cena a lesson in humility and respect. As tensions escalate, the animosity between Cena and Lynn spills over into physical altercations, with backstage brawls erupting at every turn. Their clashes leave a trail of destruction in their wake, as furniture is overturned, walls are punched through, and security personnel struggle to maintain order. Meanwhile, TNA management scrambles to contain the chaos, fearing that the impending showdown between Cena and Lynn could tear the promotion apart.
February 19th, 2003
At another weekly PPV, the stage is set for a showdown of epic proportions as Cena defends his X Championship against Lynn in a highly anticipated match. The atmosphere is electric as the two competitors make their grand entrances, their eyes locked in a steely gaze of determination.
TNA X Championship: John Cena (c) vs Jerry Lynn
From the opening bell, the match is a brutal and hard-fought affair, with Cena using every trick in the book to maintain his advantage. But Lynn, fueled by years of experience and a burning desire for redemption, refuses to stay down, mounting a ferocious counterattack that leaves Cena reeling. In the climax of the match, with victory within his grasp, Lynn prepares to deliver his signature Cradle Piledriver to Cena. But before he can execute the move, Cena cunningly rakes Lynn's eyes, temporarily blinding him and leaving him vulnerable to Cena's devastating FU finisher. With Lynn incapacitated, Cena seizes the opportunity to make the cover, as the referee counts the three-count, declaring Cena the winner and still X Champion. The Asylum erupts in huge boos as Cena celebrates his tainted victory, while Lynn lies battered and defeated in the center of the ring, his dreams of reclaiming the championship shattered.
John Cena defeats Jerry Lynn to retain the TNA X Championship (13:17)
Cena laughs, placing a Timberland boot on Lynn’s chest, raising his title with pride. Stone washed jeans and his trademark padlock chain on his neck. The Champ… is here.
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:26 sm9k3y Meta Account Conversion from facebook

I know that this is an old problem, but I haven’t used my Quest 2 in some time. Back at the beginning of May I picked it back up again and went to use it, and it required me to "Convert my account to a Meta Account". Just for reference I’m an IT consultant, so let’s say I’m fairly technically adept.
Since May 7th I have
exchanged 68 emails with Meta Support, they are the single stupidest support center I have EVER contacted in my entire life, they ask for the same information over and over and over. They keep directing me to the same support article that tells me to do the same thing, which never works, ever, and I have tried probably 50 times at this point. I have wasted countless hours simply trying to convert my facebook quest account to a meta account.
I just can't understand how they can be so incredibly dumb. Can they not look at the email chain? Do they not keep a support ticket with relevant information in it? I have asked to have my case elevated to another support level. I send them screen shots of the errors, “just try again”, how daft.
I guess all the money I previously spent buying apps is just gone because I can’t access that account. If I try to convert that account it says if I continue, I will lose all my previous purchases, Support advised me to continue anyways, and even that fails, it says “Could not pull userdata from facebook account” or “Cannot Access facebook account” even if I choose to continue with just email address. They told me to try a different browser, I have tried my desktop PC, my Mac Laptop, my android phone, and my iPad.
I just cannot bring myself to give this Meta more money because they screwed up my device and disabled it because it won’t allow me to create a Meta Account with my previous purchases and refuse to support in a meaningful way, why reward bad behavior? I thought about selling my quest, but then If I sell it, someone will spend more money with Meta and they will be rewarded, I’d rather take it outside and beat it with a stick at this point.
submitted by sm9k3y to MetaQuestVR [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:11 pathofblades If this adventure does not please you, don't try to adapt it: Change it completely

Hello fellow DMs and adventurers!
I would like to share with you something that has been going through my mind. I don't want to make this a long post, so I'll try to make my points short, and there will be a TL;DR at the end.
This adventure was a big let down
Lots of people, myself included, were expecting some big Vecna adventure, with maybe:
None of this was included, so basically we are left with a really flawed adventure.
There are salvageable things in it
If you're anything like me, you also like to pull material from every D&D book, picking only what you think will be good and placing it in your own homebrew game. I did that even while playing modules. This adventure has lots of these things that can be salvaged, such as:
My conclusion
I have read many long posts helping people adjust this adventure to be better, since it sounds like it's nearly impossible to use the original material as written and have a cool, satisfying adventure. While I believe most of these tips help, I started to question why we're even trying to do that in the first place. Is it really worth working your brain into trying to make this adventure not suck? What force is driving you to stay true to the original material or premise? Wouldn't it just be better to make it your own?
I have decided that I will not try to fix Eve of Ruin, and will instead make my own Vecna adventure for my players. No, I won't try to make anyone give a damn about Kas as the real villain pulling strings. Neither will I find a way to make Vecna's ritual and secret mechanics make sense, or make him more present during this adventure layed out for us, if it was not made to work like that.
Instead, I plan on making something my players can actually enjoy. I will use the Obelisks, I will make The Spire (the literal center of the multiverse) the center of his ritual, I will add a lot more of Vecna theme to his cult, and I will make many more changes where I am in control of the adventure layout, instead of trying to Frankenstein solutions that make sense into this adventure structure which does not.
I also encourage you to do so, if you so please. Vecna: Eve of Ruin was not even remotely good enough to make me want to make it work as written, and I am pretty sure most of us can deliver something better that will not only be more fun specifically for our table, but also a better Vecna adventure in general.
The Vecna: Eve of Ruin adventure was disappointing, lacking connections to major D&D elements like the Obelisks and Planescape. While it has some redeemable features (cool art, places, and ideas), it's flawed overall. Instead of trying to fix it, I'm creating my own Vecna adventure, incorporating elements like the Obelisks and making it more enjoyable for my players. I encourage others to do the same, as the original material isn't worth salvaging.
submitted by pathofblades to VecnaEveofRuin [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:49 Coyote_Havoc Gallóglaigh: Red Right Hand (Part 3)

First Previous
"Aubrey hit 30 out of 40."
Major Stone silently nodded across the table in the sitting room turned office, arranging papers on the central table. Every sheet of paper contained the vital information of every man in the 3/13th as well as the 449th, a sea of faces and names tossed about the wooden shore to create ten stacks of one hundred men with their captains and First Sergeant on top, followed by every platoon in order. Major Stone's eyes lingered over each of them as if committing all one thousand men to memory. Every Captain and First Sergeant stood silently along the walls waiting for the decision to be made.
"They're all good boys." Jaime spoke softly.
Over the last six weeks they had all trained and studied diligently as they had on Diene, but on the topics that hadn't been covered in the short lull on that planet. Marksmanship was somehow more important now than weapons maintenance which didn't seem like a priority at the time. Battlefield Medicine was covered in depth where it had not even been covered before. Most importantly, lessons learned and experienced were shared between the 449th and 3/13th which allowed for an almost seemless integration of the men.
"Good?" Robert asked, shootings Sergeant Major a sideward glance. "Last I checked the Gallóglaigh was full of rogues and scoundrels."
"That's what you're argument is?" Hobbs chimed in.
Robert walked to where Thomas and his First Sergeant stood, lifting his chin and bringing his face close.
"When I see a hair of this face I'll correct the boys part as well." Robert chided.
Thomas blushed and looked away as First Sergeant Frank Zaragoza let out a snort. Robert looked over the Cadre assembled, every man chosen for their leadership qualities and paired to each man based on their strengths and weaknesses to balance out their capabilities. It made for a few loud arguments over the training period, but developed unique qualities among their companies as well.
Thomas and Frank, the command staff of Gael Company, had invented strategies on the fly that put everyone to shame, Robert included. Captain Hobbs and First Sergeant Rory Lockhart had incorporated air skimmers into their company, calling themselves Dullahan after the headless riders of Celtic Mythology. They were the only two companies that had completed their consolidation so far, but the other 8 were not that far behind either.
Jacob had taken notes from Thomas, and incorporated his observation abilities with First Sergeant Edmond Lock's ability to assess threats quickly. They stood the best chance of defeating Thomas and Frank with their reaction time. Derrick's ability to organize met First Sergeant Wulf Ramesy's instead ability to blend in with the terrain. Their company had already been dubbed "Nightmare" based on the use of guerilla tactics and they had considered using the hobbies in much the same way Hobbs had already chosen.
It was almost funny to think that the units had remained divided for a short time, each keeping to their particular unit and challenging the members of the other, but that evolved into games of prowess in particular fields which compelled both to further sharpen their skills to a fine honed edge. As the officers and upper enlisted became more familiar with each other they also became more comfortable. Colonel Grant became Robert, Major Stone became Larry and Sergeant Major Del Gato became comfortable being called Jamie after Hobbs admitted his first name was Cyrano. Larry and Robert had to admit that Laird MacSweeney was a shrewd judge of character for bringing together two units of dubious nature to fill the ranks of the Gallóglaigh.
"Larry," Jaime said in a gentle tone, "It's time."
That, in and of itself, created another issue however.
Against the exterior wall, displayed with pride between two windows, hung the colors of both units, crossed over each other, for each challenge levied and completed, that standard would be placed just in front of the other in a friendly side game of one-upsmanship. Larry stood up from the couch and looked at his standard, the Dark Star hanging for what would be the last time on this planet. Gothenburg hadn't given the soldiers of 3/13th a second thought, but had demanded the standard be returned. He didn't wish the neglect or apathy of Gothenburg on Rob and his men, but he would miss his short stint Commanding the men he had grown to trust with his life.
"It's fucked up," he said looking at the crest on his standard, "I've hated being in the dark star for so long and now that it's over I know I'm going to miss it."
"Kinda early to be thinking like that isn't it?" Jacob asked, picking up his company and looking through it.
"Weve been under that banner for along damn time." Captain Lucas (Luke) Kinkade replied picked through his own stack. "We know it's over at this point."
As the other stacks left the central table, every stack to the hand of their Company Commander, Jacob considered what Luke had said. Every man was a card with a thistle or a dark star on the reverse. The suit and value of the card remained, but the dark star was replaced by a thistle. The decks produced would be whole, the value of every card staying the same, but something was still lost in the shuffle.
Larry had taken the corner of his banner and held it for a time as the Captains went over his decisions. The unit had been a sacrificial pawn in the grand schemes of Gothenburg, but it had been a unit, HIS unit, and he was sad to watch it slip from his fingers; it had also been his decision, given by the Laird of Arran, and made on a belief that they all were worth more than a short life as expendable soldiers.
"Any last changes?" Robert inquired.
Silence reigned in the room for a time and Larry let the standard slip from his fingers before turning and preparing to accept what he had done. Jaime had already retrieved the canvas case and Larry prepared to furl his standard for the last time when Robert's hand reach out to block his own from retrieving the staff. A mix of anger and shock spread over Larry's face, but it was met by a knowing smile that Robert seldom wore.
"Not yet," Robert stated as he drew both standards from their place against the wall, "it wouldn't be right to retire your colors without a fight."
Robert handed the Dark Star to Jaime, still holding the canvas case, curiosity in his eyes at what Robert was after.
"One last battle, for the dark star and your men." Robert said. "It would be a shame if there was no flag for us to capture."
Larry's anger was replaced with a cocky smile. "How'd you talk Laird MacSweeney into that?"
Robert let out a chuckle before replying.
"It was Laird MacSweeney's suggestion." He replied.
Larry felt the ash pole in his hands, the dark star standard heavy on the one end. He wondered if the Laird had read Robert just as easily as he had read himself, bastard seemed to know just how to push every button in just the right way. The butt of his staff hit the floor with a solid thud and Larry faced Robert eyes on like a boxer facing his opponent.
"Too bad Gothenburg wouldn't give up the Dark Star," Larry said mockingly, "you might have made a good heathen."
Robert returned the jest in kind.
"Heathen, Convict, you make it sound like there's a difference."
submitted by Coyote_Havoc to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:21 taiyuan41 Henan part 2

Tisishen Part Continued..
I was stuck at my current work at Mao’ye. A mall in the central part of Taiyuan in Shanxi. Coal dust central China. Frequent dust storms leaving me having to wipe the window sills of dust piles collecting. Life felt dry as the air—numb. I never know what I want. Drifting like paper in a breeze.
23 and feeling empty. Left the previous English training center I working at teaching adults. Company started going bankrupt. Boss was an asshole. He was originally from Datong near to Inner Mongolia.
That boss ran the company horribly. Was a coward of a boss. He would watch the cameras and email complaints on my dress code and not talk to me in person. A coward.
When the company was nosediving I got sent an email in the middle of the day stating my job would be terminated by the end of the month. I worked in china as an American. In china most jobs are based on contracts between employees and employers. I was supposed to continue another seven months with my job. The contract was broken when they emailed me saying they could not keep me due to salary. Contracts can be broken due to performance but not due to finance issues. I had already work for them a year on another contract. The law in China states I was due to be paid a year and a half of salary. My boss was such a coward to not speak to me in person and email the letter. I marched in his office and got told to fuck myself. I talked to the labor board at the local government office. I was told was told that I that they would have to pay me a year and a half of salary for breaking my contract.
Those times were rather gray for me. Clouds were heavy like gnats flying around the face. My girlfriend at the time was a stern nurse. The girl made of paper. She stayed beside. My fortress. Put up for adoption by her family in Henan. Where her adopted mother would put her hands in scolding hot water for punishment. She marched into my boss’s office and created a storm. He refused to budge. A few days later when the labor office contacted him he was willing to keep me for the rest of my contract. The labor office said that because my job was offered back I could not be paid if I left my job, as it would be my choice at that point. Frustrating. My wife had her uncle’s boss contacted from Taiyuan to go into the office. She had some influence in the area. She threatened to look over various certificates to get the branch in trouble. My boss did not budge. I decided to just go ahead and leave this English training center for teaching adults. I went for a new company that paid more passed in the Moye mall on the other end of the city. Now I would be teaching children again like I used.
Is this all I am? A server?
It makes me think of a time right before I met the woman made of paper. Stern from her experiences. A fighter. I like fighters.
I met fighters before. Reminds me of a story. A story I hold deeply to my heart. There was a woman named Ming. I met her through surfing on WeChat nearby searching for people looking for others nearby. Older by a few years. Met and became acquainted over messages.
Christmas tree lights in my head
Perched to be exploited…
Balloon with the air let out
Hissing all the time… because it whines
The inferno in me wants me to burn
Because it feels right
Christmas trees lit are under pressure—they know if they dry up the whole building will be in flames
So you have to be festive when you decorate—and avant-garde with who you decorate with
Maximalist at heart with pleasure
Nomads tend to wander to find a better part of the steppe
With a phallus as a Swiss Army Knife,
Paddling in northern China building a trench
22 year old Midwesterner with psychosis looking for a frigate to save him from the deep end
Impulsivity a catalyst for losing everything
I don’t care if you’re married, if you have a tunnel you can help me in the trench
Two staged rocket—
Already psychotic
Be a Launchpad
So I can get even further from earth
Ripple through the galaxy like I got a mission—
Even if it’s delusional
Another N1
Get myself on disconnect in the vacuum
Even if I come down Iike napalm.
I met Ming because I needed her and she needed me-even if she was married. I was 23 and without security. MY first job that I forgot from my boss Ryan was insane at times. Working without a visa for a company was unbearable. I felt obligated to my boss at that time he promised he could solve my issue if I worked hard for him. And I did. He was a bit corrupt too and not the greatest. Always offering going to brothels with people to make deals happen, including trying with me too. I never went. I did work hard for him though. I wanted to escape my predicament and he knew all the right people to contact to fix my problems if I met my obligations. Obligations could mean being asked to go to another training center to work part time and gather their curriculum for my school.
It felt unstable not knowing when I could get arrested or taken away. Made Ming a perfect connection to come across. I needed a friend that brought stability. She was a radio broadcaster in the city. Extremely wealthy. She would take me on outings eating delicious cuisine in the city or among weekend trips to interesting places nearby. I consider her one of the greatest friends I had. Because of her it was getting to meet other connections at outings with friends at KTV and clubs in the city. Like rhizomes growing out of a tree. Sustainability. It led to more rhizomes of connections. Something I want to talk more about. But I need to move the clock a bit. To the start of this ramble.
I was working in Maoye. I was on a legal visa at this time. My colleagues were not legal. They were often Slavic. Russian, Ukraine, and other Slavic nations. We had an office in the building setup on a third floor of a large mal with various classrooms for the foreign teachers to teach in. They would generally have a Chinese teaching assistant to help them in the classrooms. I taught students from pre-k age to middle school there.
In the middle of the setup of the floor layout was a large open office. I would sit and plan lessons and grade amongst the Chinese staff and foreign teachers. One day I grep of plain clothed officers came into the facility. They were checking on teachers on the wrong visas. The Russian teachers and others often could not fluently speak English or qualify for the correct visas—they didn’t meet the right requirements for work visas and would be on other various kinds of visas. They stormed in and I remember my Russian friend hearing the commotion tore his shirt with his logo on it and threw it on the ground in a rush. He ran shirtless down a stair well nearby flinging the doors open. Fear, anger… got to fill their class schedule while they are all out hiding.
Final Taishen
I met Chang’e. Do you believe in the transplanting of thoughts? I do. Like pollen.
My thoughts can transplant and Change can do the same too.
Mania got me again. I wrote a poem when I was younger to express it.
Feeling bold and exacerbated
Maybe I am just high strung
Ricocheting off these walls like bumper cars
A sparkler burning hot and bright
Popping off like roman candles
I am not always calm, but I am high,
A kettle left on the burner and forgotten,
Watch me melt away into my ecstasy
Where I dance and scream all in one
I’ll hit peak when crisis comes.
I hadn’t been sleeping. I took a second English teaching job and was seeing attending to seeing different people besides Ming.
Ming was kind and always took me on nice dinner dates. I didn’t have to worry about expenses and felt secure.
I was back on my smartphone looking and fishing for people nearby. Chang’e came in as a breeze from Luoyang to meeting a relative in Taiyuan.
Chang’e was working for a boss in Taiyuan. She would go on the WeChat application looking for men nearby. Flirt to get them to meet her. Like moths in dark they get to the lights:
Useless as a glass door. You can peek through. Pigeon-toed. Drained an ocean to fill insecurities. Uncomfortable thoughts ricochet in me. Like an ambush. Giddy when disappointed. I build trenches amongst the tripwires of life. City feels like a tsunami. Manners like a bloated tick. Sipping the veins from any limb around me. As a stranger to a moth, a porch light pulling. Desolate in lost thoughts. Nights awake and bunkering in hotels. Soft in my voice, I hopscotch to hands—falling through like particles of sand. With enough friction to set off an atom bomb. To radiate right through me, and hollow my marrow. Amongst open nerves I can feel something, so I play with the pain. No matter how annoying.
As particles I transplanted through to her screen as we lay in our separate beds in the city. Mania makes me dumb. We flattered away. Fused as particles.
Her intent was for me to arrive at a designated location to drink and eat late into the night—11:00 p.m. With this given location I would be taken down like an elephant via poachers—that was the intent. At the location I was to be given an outrageous bill for the service and if I did not pay a group of big men would use their physical presence to get me to pay.
When I met her at the given location outside the door. I knew the tricks. I tested her. Asked if she would be willing to eat at another location.
She thought she would eat me and I thought I would eat her. My test was asking her to go to another place at the KTV nearby where I knew somebody that worked there—a karaoke location—the LED lights shining and me and her staring at the direction of them.
She hesitated and insisted on the location next to us. I said I had to go—before I left to contact if willing in the future to go to the KTV.
Where a perpetual hydrogen bomb would go off on our fused particles.
………. Final
The End
Her name was Lily. She wanted to be a princess. Or that is what she said all the time. Kind of hope she was joking. But I have the same problem. She kept talking about peaches and their rising cost. She was a host for live streaming . She was Korean but was cosmopolitan. She spent time in america going to school and aside from English she also learned to speak Japanese fluently .
She wanted to know if peaches were of a similar price back in america. Small talk is necessary or it can feel claustrophobic. Agonizing.
I was viewing and felt agony. Like so many do. I needed more and better than the life I felt.
Imagine calling 988 for a bit of help. You are isolated and all alone in your predicament. Where is the support? Why I get a robot on the line talking to me telling me to wait—where are the humans?
Alienation n the chamber of life. That is my life as Taishen.
Lily and her viewers provided a sense of community that I did not have. And it appears she was a contact with Chang’e via streaming that I did not know.
I am just Luo feeling alienated and climbing over the wall to get some needed assistance. Comfort amongst cold—sanctuary—hope. I was staying in Zhengzhou at this time. Originally from the flower city of Luoyang in Henan—a central province of China. I was working at the Foxxconn factory—where parts of the IPhone were made—largest iPhone factory based in China. I have to ear to feed my family like anyone else. I have a 7 year old daughter being watched by my mother in law in Luoyang—my wife was working in guangzhou at a factory. I never get to see my wife. I had feelings she might be in a relationship with a man in guangzhou. How can she be blamed? She has no love around. Her just like I don’t. If my wife is with another I might as well do my best to find connection. To stay afloat. Brushing gifts to a live streamer. I was even starting to pick up on new languages like Japanese, English, and Korean by doing it. My life was a trap. I must work to bring security to my wife who cannot bring security to me. To leave her would cause me to lose face and I would rather die than face that. Life can never be ordinary for me.
The days and habits of finding a sanctuary on an iPhone that I had to slave away and make amongst my unhappiness was a cruel punishment for just being me. I always am the victim. I’m unable to deceive myself to be happy. Nobody to hold me—I am a fish out of water. I feel the tension pull me like hooks trying to rip me into confetti—I am sure some would applaud at the sight of me being gone.
News and gossip of a virus running around like a plague. From Wuhan. Amusing as my former love came from there when we met in university. She left me like everyone else. I need Freon like a freezer to cook the hate off I feel inside me. I blend in my feelings of worth and self until it spatters as something abstract and abhorrent—like mold on a wall.
Aside from live stream hosts, I found an escape smoking hashish and going to the local brothel with colleagues. I ventured further and further from recognizing who I am. And the news of COVID had only made it worse. And n my hometown near Luoyang they put dirt and and tree trunks to block the roads to keep people from coming in and going out. I went along like getting stuck in thorny bushes and my calves left burnt. The factory became like a firecracker left held in hands pointing up to the sky. Like there is a thing like hope. There is none—gone like air out of a balloon. My fate was stolen away.
Security wanes no matter the solidity of the rock—just take enough rain to form a flood to erode—like banks as paper—pretty on the outside but not secure when the money is all gone.
Within the factory we were not receiving our allowances like we did before. Amongst stress of Covid and its unknowns we became like fish in a shrinking pool of water—agitated and biting each others scales. Abrasion. Friction. An unleashed turmoil to become a tsunami of emotions. Class felt like an overhead lamp causing the eyes to go red and burn.
Cases popped up like sprouting trees with rhizomes. When we wanted our own rooms we were told it was not a possibility. Healthy stuck with sick like classes mixing—a metaphor of it all—anger soar like geyser. Covid became a judicial sentence. Amongst a couple months before the banks failed and people could not get the money they put in. Large sums! And when the anger rose it set off the codes on our phones. Everyone must show their status. If one was positive for Covid their icon was red to indicate level of restriction—one must stay home regardless if the food that came from the government was fresh or if it even ever came at all. Green was good. But soon if you criticized the banking failure your code was red to keep one quit. The virus was the police—a means to shut up somebody like a baton. And the batons would come at the factory. Causes soon that political red of a dot was mixed with the green to allow infection to the healthy, which mean the baton of the government saying the worth of us—we were meant to shut up and is our part at the factory and ass caged dogs. Like the paper banks—when the money ran out the codes were sent to red to keep mouths homes while plain clothes cops beat the working class in the name of the communist party. Our party became paradoxical as the sickle and hammer—as it became more of the baton to make the money run and build the iPhones that make happy elites in Beijing who couldn’t care about zhengzhou. Like ants escaping the confines of an anthill drowning in the rain. Popping like bubbles in anguish.
Everything was blended in this world. Even Lily was not who she seemed. But I rather save that for another time.
The bubble was extended and the people left the confines of their residents on the company grounds despite orders that all must stay within due to COVID. Enough had formed for rebellion. Outside on the grounds the workers threw rocks, bottles, and metal fence at security in to shut them up. The batons came. iPhones were out to record what was happening. The image was bad and the workers were paid to leave the commotion and uprising as a means of saving face.
Heaven’s mandate was showing—the promise that all would be in order from the authority provided over all—no natural disasters—and I could smell flood water in the future. Beijing was not so efficiently coupled to Henan. And the security provided was looking like a facade—like glowing skyscrapers pointing at heaven—but in reality most of the buildings had nothing inside of them—bubbles to burst like the agitation felt at Foxconn.
Lily was a facade—Lily was actually Chang’e putting a show on iPhones, with perpetual hooks extending like a limb from the screen for men to bite on. Money like a work for hungry sparrows everywhere—a curse running through the zeitgeist of the time—and it was looking like the concrete was crumbling around the barriers to keep floodwaters out.
I want to laugh at the thought of small talk on peaches—the irrigation dug to make land fertile was looking more like the weapon to cause immense harm—there was a contagion besides COVID—the act of treating others as an end instead of ends to themselves—agency lost. It the slap of reality was going to come like a comet wiping extinct the good and the bad—as the water would come and cause the loss of life. In Shangqiu a girl of paper was abandoned by parents in poverty while some officials sent their kids to school abroad with sports cars—one of those princesses ran over someone and even thought heaven made him too perfect to face Justice. Something was wrong and scarily felt like it just begun.
submitted by taiyuan41 to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:19 taiyuan41 Napalm part 2

Tisishen Part Continued..
I was stuck at my current work at Mao’ye. A mall in the central part of Taiyuan in Shanxi. Coal dust central China. Frequent dust storms leaving me having to wipe the window sills of dust piles collecting. Life felt dry as the air—numb. I never know what I want. Drifting like paper in a breeze.
23 and feeling empty. Left the previous English training center I working at teaching adults. Company started going bankrupt. Boss was an asshole. He was originally from Datong near to Inner Mongolia.
That boss ran the company horribly. Was a coward of a boss. He would watch the cameras and email complaints on my dress code and not talk to me in person. A coward.
When the company was nosediving I got sent an email in the middle of the day stating my job would be terminated by the end of the month. I worked in china as an American. In china most jobs are based on contracts between employees and employers. I was supposed to continue another seven months with my job. The contract was broken when they emailed me saying they could not keep me due to salary. Contracts can be broken due to performance but not due to finance issues. I had already work for them a year on another contract. The law in China states I was due to be paid a year and a half of salary. My boss was such a coward to not speak to me in person and email the letter. I marched in his office and got told to fuck myself. I talked to the labor board at the local government office. I was told was told that I that they would have to pay me a year and a half of salary for breaking my contract.
Those times were rather gray for me. Clouds were heavy like gnats flying around the face. My girlfriend at the time was a stern nurse. The girl made of paper. She stayed beside. My fortress. Put up for adoption by her family in Henan. Where her adopted mother would put her hands in scolding hot water for punishment. She marched into my boss’s office and created a storm. He refused to budge. A few days later when the labor office contacted him he was willing to keep me for the rest of my contract. The labor office said that because my job was offered back I could not be paid if I left my job, as it would be my choice at that point. Frustrating. My wife had her uncle’s boss contacted from Taiyuan to go into the office. She had some influence in the area. She threatened to look over various certificates to get the branch in trouble. My boss did not budge. I decided to just go ahead and leave this English training center for teaching adults. I went for a new company that paid more passed in the Moye mall on the other end of the city. Now I would be teaching children again like I used.
Is this all I am? A server?
It makes me think of a time right before I met the woman made of paper. Stern from her experiences. A fighter. I like fighters.
I met fighters before. Reminds me of a story. A story I hold deeply to my heart. There was a woman named Ming. I met her through surfing on WeChat nearby searching for people looking for others nearby. Older by a few years. Met and became acquainted over messages.
Christmas tree lights in my head
Perched to be exploited…
Balloon with the air let out
Hissing all the time… because it whines
The inferno in me wants me to burn
Because it feels right
Christmas trees lit are under pressure—they know if they dry up the whole building will be in flames
So you have to be festive when you decorate—and avant-garde with who you decorate with
Maximalist at heart with pleasure
Nomads tend to wander to find a better part of the steppe
With a phallus as a Swiss Army Knife,
Paddling in northern China building a trench
22 year old Midwesterner with psychosis looking for a frigate to save him from the deep end
Impulsivity a catalyst for losing everything
I don’t care if you’re married, if you have a tunnel you can help me in the trench
Two staged rocket—
Already psychotic
Be a Launchpad
So I can get even further from earth
Ripple through the galaxy like I got a mission—
Even if it’s delusional
Another N1
Get myself on disconnect in the vacuum
Even if I come down Iike napalm.
I met Ming because I needed her and she needed me-even if she was married. I was 23 and without security. MY first job that I forgot from my boss Ryan was insane at times. Working without a visa for a company was unbearable. I felt obligated to my boss at that time he promised he could solve my issue if I worked hard for him. And I did. He was a bit corrupt too and not the greatest. Always offering going to brothels with people to make deals happen, including trying with me too. I never went. I did work hard for him though. I wanted to escape my predicament and he knew all the right people to contact to fix my problems if I met my obligations. Obligations could mean being asked to go to another training center to work part time and gather their curriculum for my school.
It felt unstable not knowing when I could get arrested or taken away. Made Ming a perfect connection to come across. I needed a friend that brought stability. She was a radio broadcaster in the city. Extremely wealthy. She would take me on outings eating delicious cuisine in the city or among weekend trips to interesting places nearby. I consider her one of the greatest friends I had. Because of her it was getting to meet other connections at outings with friends at KTV and clubs in the city. Like rhizomes growing out of a tree. Sustainability. It led to more rhizomes of connections. Something I want to talk more about. But I need to move the clock a bit. To the start of this ramble.
I was working in Maoye. I was on a legal visa at this time. My colleagues were not legal. They were often Slavic. Russian, Ukraine, and other Slavic nations. We had an office in the building setup on a third floor of a large mal with various classrooms for the foreign teachers to teach in. They would generally have a Chinese teaching assistant to help them in the classrooms. I taught students from pre-k age to middle school there.
In the middle of the setup of the floor layout was a large open office. I would sit and plan lessons and grade amongst the Chinese staff and foreign teachers. One day I grep of plain clothed officers came into the facility. They were checking on teachers on the wrong visas. The Russian teachers and others often could not fluently speak English or qualify for the correct visas—they didn’t meet the right requirements for work visas and would be on other various kinds of visas. They stormed in and I remember my Russian friend hearing the commotion tore his shirt with his logo on it and threw it on the ground in a rush. He ran shirtless down a stair well nearby flinging the doors open. Fear, anger… got to fill their class schedule while they are all out hiding.
Final Taishen
I met Chang’e. Do you believe in the transplanting of thoughts? I do. Like pollen.
My thoughts can transplant and Change can do the same too.
Mania got me again. I wrote a poem when I was younger to express it.
Feeling bold and exacerbated
Maybe I am just high strung
Ricocheting off these walls like bumper cars
A sparkler burning hot and bright
Popping off like roman candles
I am not always calm, but I am high,
A kettle left on the burner and forgotten,
Watch me melt away into my ecstasy
Where I dance and scream all in one
I’ll hit peak when crisis comes.
I hadn’t been sleeping. I took a second English teaching job and was seeing attending to seeing different people besides Ming.
Ming was kind and always took me on nice dinner dates. I didn’t have to worry about expenses and felt secure.
I was back on my smartphone looking and fishing for people nearby. Chang’e came in as a breeze from Luoyang to meeting a relative in Taiyuan.
Chang’e was working for a boss in Taiyuan. She would go on the WeChat application looking for men nearby. Flirt to get them to meet her. Like moths in dark they get to the lights:
Useless as a glass door. You can peek through. Pigeon-toed. Drained an ocean to fill insecurities. Uncomfortable thoughts ricochet in me. Like an ambush. Giddy when disappointed. I build trenches amongst the tripwires of life. City feels like a tsunami. Manners like a bloated tick. Sipping the veins from any limb around me. As a stranger to a moth, a porch light pulling. Desolate in lost thoughts. Nights awake and bunkering in hotels. Soft in my voice, I hopscotch to hands—falling through like particles of sand. With enough friction to set off an atom bomb. To radiate right through me, and hollow my marrow. Amongst open nerves I can feel something, so I play with the pain. No matter how annoying.
As particles I transplanted through to her screen as we lay in our separate beds in the city. Mania makes me dumb. We flattered away. Fused as particles.
Her intent was for me to arrive at a designated location to drink and eat late into the night—11:00 p.m. With this given location I would be taken down like an elephant via poachers—that was the intent. At the location I was to be given an outrageous bill for the service and if I did not pay a group of big men would use their physical presence to get me to pay.
When I met her at the given location outside the door. I knew the tricks. I tested her. Asked if she would be willing to eat at another location.
She thought she would eat me and I thought I would eat her. My test was asking her to go to another place at the KTV nearby where I knew somebody that worked there—a karaoke location—the LED lights shining and me and her staring at the direction of them.
She hesitated and insisted on the location next to us. I said I had to go—before I left to contact if willing in the future to go to the KTV.
Where a perpetual hydrogen bomb would go off on our fused particles.
………. Final
The End
Her name was Lily. She wanted to be a princess. Or that is what she said all the time. Kind of hope she was joking. But I have the same problem. She kept talking about peaches and their rising cost. She was a host for live streaming . She was Korean but was cosmopolitan. She spent time in america going to school and aside from English she also learned to speak Japanese fluently .
She wanted to know if peaches were of a similar price back in america. Small talk is necessary or it can feel claustrophobic. Agonizing.
I was viewing and felt agony. Like so many do. I needed more and better than the life I felt.
Imagine calling 988 for a bit of help. You are isolated and all alone in your predicament. Where is the support? Why I get a robot on the line talking to me telling me to wait—where are the humans?
Alienation n the chamber of life. That is my life as Taishen.
Lily and her viewers provided a sense of community that I did not have. And it appears she was a contact with Chang’e via streaming that I did not know.
I am just Luo feeling alienated and climbing over the wall to get some needed assistance. Comfort amongst cold—sanctuary—hope. I was staying in Zhengzhou at this time. Originally from the flower city of Luoyang in Henan—a central province of China. I was working at the Foxxconn factory—where parts of the IPhone were made—largest iPhone factory based in China. I have to ear to feed my family like anyone else. I have a 7 year old daughter being watched by my mother in law in Luoyang—my wife was working in guangzhou at a factory. I never get to see my wife. I had feelings she might be in a relationship with a man in guangzhou. How can she be blamed? She has no love around. Her just like I don’t. If my wife is with another I might as well do my best to find connection. To stay afloat. Brushing gifts to a live streamer. I was even starting to pick up on new languages like Japanese, English, and Korean by doing it. My life was a trap. I must work to bring security to my wife who cannot bring security to me. To leave her would cause me to lose face and I would rather die than face that. Life can never be ordinary for me.
The days and habits of finding a sanctuary on an iPhone that I had to slave away and make amongst my unhappiness was a cruel punishment for just being me. I always am the victim. I’m unable to deceive myself to be happy. Nobody to hold me—I am a fish out of water. I feel the tension pull me like hooks trying to rip me into confetti—I am sure some would applaud at the sight of me being gone.
News and gossip of a virus running around like a plague. From Wuhan. Amusing as my former love came from there when we met in university. She left me like everyone else. I need Freon like a freezer to cook the hate off I feel inside me. I blend in my feelings of worth and self until it spatters as something abstract and abhorrent—like mold on a wall.
Aside from live stream hosts, I found an escape smoking hashish and going to the local brothel with colleagues. I ventured further and further from recognizing who I am. And the news of COVID had only made it worse. And n my hometown near Luoyang they put dirt and and tree trunks to block the roads to keep people from coming in and going out. I went along like getting stuck in thorny bushes and my calves left burnt. The factory became like a firecracker left held in hands pointing up to the sky. Like there is a thing like hope. There is none—gone like air out of a balloon. My fate was stolen away.
Security wanes no matter the solidity of the rock—just take enough rain to form a flood to erode—like banks as paper—pretty on the outside but not secure when the money is all gone.
Within the factory we were not receiving our allowances like we did before. Amongst stress of Covid and its unknowns we became like fish in a shrinking pool of water—agitated and biting each others scales. Abrasion. Friction. An unleashed turmoil to become a tsunami of emotions. Class felt like an overhead lamp causing the eyes to go red and burn.
Cases popped up like sprouting trees with rhizomes. When we wanted our own rooms we were told it was not a possibility. Healthy stuck with sick like classes mixing—a metaphor of it all—anger soar like geyser. Covid became a judicial sentence. Amongst a couple months before the banks failed and people could not get the money they put in. Large sums! And when the anger rose it set off the codes on our phones. Everyone must show their status. If one was positive for Covid their icon was red to indicate level of restriction—one must stay home regardless if the food that came from the government was fresh or if it even ever came at all. Green was good. But soon if you criticized the banking failure your code was red to keep one quit. The virus was the police—a means to shut up somebody like a baton. And the batons would come at the factory. Causes soon that political red of a dot was mixed with the green to allow infection to the healthy, which mean the baton of the government saying the worth of us—we were meant to shut up and is our part at the factory and ass caged dogs. Like the paper banks—when the money ran out the codes were sent to red to keep mouths homes while plain clothes cops beat the working class in the name of the communist party. Our party became paradoxical as the sickle and hammer—as it became more of the baton to make the money run and build the iPhones that make happy elites in Beijing who couldn’t care about zhengzhou. Like ants escaping the confines of an anthill drowning in the rain. Popping like bubbles in anguish.
Everything was blended in this world. Even Lily was not who she seemed. But I rather save that for another time.
The bubble was extended and the people left the confines of their residents on the company grounds despite orders that all must stay within due to COVID. Enough had formed for rebellion. Outside on the grounds the workers threw rocks, bottles, and metal fence at security in to shut them up. The batons came. iPhones were out to record what was happening. The image was bad and the workers were paid to leave the commotion and uprising as a means of saving face.
Heaven’s mandate was showing—the promise that all would be in order from the authority provided over all—no natural disasters—and I could smell flood water in the future. Beijing was not so efficiently coupled to Henan. And the security provided was looking like a facade—like glowing skyscrapers pointing at heaven—but in reality most of the buildings had nothing inside of them—bubbles to burst like the agitation felt at Foxconn.
Lily was a facade—Lily was actually Chang’e putting a show on iPhones, with perpetual hooks extending like a limb from the screen for men to bite on. Money like a work for hungry sparrows everywhere—a curse running through the zeitgeist of the time—and it was looking like the concrete was crumbling around the barriers to keep floodwaters out.
I want to laugh at the thought of small talk on peaches—the irrigation dug to make land fertile was looking more like the weapon to cause immense harm—there was a contagion besides COVID—the act of treating others as an end instead of ends to themselves—agency lost. It the slap of reality was going to come like a comet wiping extinct the good and the bad—as the water would come and cause the loss of life. In Shangqiu a girl of paper was abandoned by parents in poverty while some officials sent their kids to school abroad with sports cars—one of those princesses ran over someone and even thought heaven made him too perfect to face Justice. Something was wrong and scarily felt like it just begun.
submitted by taiyuan41 to writers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:04 asheritess Indexing of images with text recognition?

TLDR: Is there any program that will analyze my images for text and attach what it finds to its metadata or create an external index, such that I can search by text in findefile explorer?
I'm currently using Apple's Photos to store nearly all my photos, in conjunction with periodically exporting my images from iCloud to hard drives.
I have a good degree of organization of my exported files, able to export them with dates attached. This is useful for finding photos from trips I know the dates of or walking down memory lane. I also backed up the actual Photo Libraries that the app loads back when they were manageable sizes that could be stored on my computer.
When I did work for distance learning, downloaded images, etc, the amount of images I generated skyrocketed. Since then iCloud's image recognition and character recognition abilities have become exceptional in my opinion, even processing frames of videos. However, this is not available on the desktop app.
My efficiency has increased, as on my phone I can search my indexed library going back years by date, location, subject, and text. As of late I have been delighted to see that I can also search by text for images in folders on my Mac. I want to reap these benefits on an external storage drive.
I've seen multiple image library applications with OCR capabilities. I understand that they are not able to handle such a large volume of images. I do like the convenience of scrolling through a library and am interested in hearing suggestions for these, although I have done some research myself. An issue that it poses is (in my experience) libraries doubling the amount of space my images take up by making their own copies for the library, and if I attempted to put all my photos into libraries that would take up so much space.
I wonder if an idea I have has been executed by anyone other than Apple: is there any program that will alter the metadata, or create an index independent of a library app, such that I could search by text within Finder(/file explorer)? I want to use this feature on my backup drives and have all my images processed like what my laptop is currently doing locally. Or alternatively, is there a way to use Apple's feature on an external drive?
submitted by asheritess to DataHoarder [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:58 nightwatcher-45 The GMC has been directly lobbying RCP fellows

The GMC has been directly lobbying RCP fellows submitted by nightwatcher-45 to doctorsUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:44 StuMcBill Can I create a suitable usb installer for another computer?

I’ve recently been given an old iMac, which I’m looking to wipe and get Sonoma on. I have full access to the system, and could use it to create a usb installer for Sonoma, but it would be quicker on my MBP.
Can I change the Mac identifier in OCLP settings to match the iMac and make the installer on there?
Thanks Stewart
submitted by StuMcBill to OpenCoreLegacyPatcher [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:30 MerBudd FIX "Sorry, this Adobe app is not available." - Latest hosts file as of 4th June, 2024


If you get the "Sorry, This Adobe app is not available. To continue using this Adobe app, check your internet connection, firewall or ad blocker settings." pop up on Mac, here is THE fix that works as of 4th of June 2024

(Tested with Photoshop 2024 v25.7.0, it might be different for other Adobe apps though.)

Things you'll need:

Gas Mask

Steps for getting Gas Mask:

  1. Get the Gas Mask App
Gas Mask GitHub page (click the .zip)
  • 2. In Finder, in your Downloads, double click the zip you just downloaded
  • 3. Do NOT normally open the the .app that got extracted, instead, hold the control key and left click the file, then in the context menu, click open. (If it gives you a warning, click open again, the app is safe)
If it gives you this warning, or a \"This app is from an unknown developer\" warning, click \"Open\" anyway

Now that you have Gas Mask installed, let's change the hosts file.

  1. Open Gas Mask if you closed it (should be in your Downloads if you didn't move it to somewhere else)
  2. In Gas Mask, click "Create", click "Local", and name it anything you like ("Block Adobe" is fine)
  3. In the new file, command+A everything, delete, and replace it (copy-paste) with the contents of the file you can find in either the Google Drive link or the Pastebin link (If anyone finds new URLs, please let me know and I'll add them here)
  4. Finally, in Gas Mask, at the top, click Save and then Activate (it might ask for your password)

Now, there shouldn't be any annoying message popping up! If you have any questions or any new host links, please comment below!

submitted by MerBudd to AdobeZii [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:38 ezba189 Looking for Resume Help - I am returning to work after 4 years away - Applying to data analyst roles. I provided some detail since I am attempting to transition my career a bit.

I am returning to work after 4 years as a stay at home mom. My previous roles were in data and reporting for K-12 schools I do not want to go back to that and I would like to transition to a similar but more advanced role in the private sector. A lot of the responsibilities of these roles seem to directly translate to an entry level data analyst role.
I am curious if my resume is expressing the following:
I was essentially the sole person at the K-12 districts working with the data in student information systems. I did everything from planning how registration data would be collected, troubleshoot issues within the system, perform ETL processes with the data for the purpose of state required reporting (remove duplicates. merge fields, ensure consistent formatting, adjust when errors were found on import, etc.), create and present training for end users of the student information system, and work directly with directors and treasurers to create reports and dashboards within the student information system to provide insights on district performance.
Other responsibilities I had were - creating and managing user permissions in the student information system, regular meetings with the state education departments to receive and subsequently communicate reporting changes to the district (sometimes large process changes and sometimes small formatting changes), creating custom views and pages on an individual request basis, sometimes actually editing JavaScript to update custom views developed by a programmer in the past (I was proud of myself for learning enough about web development to solve those problems that everyone else said couldn't be solved because the developer left his position years ago).
I also played a major role in multiple impactful projects, some directly relating to updating or creating new features in student information systems others leveraging my analytical skills and familiarity with student data to provide some utility to an initiative.
What I don't have is quantifiable results. I executed my responsibilities really well in my opinion.. I cared about doing a good job and I often reached beyond my job description because I genuinely had fun doing it, but I cannot see where I can quantify that work. I can list the number of student records I managed in all various ways mentioned above.. I can mention the results of the reporting that was sent to the state but they are not really achievements. For example: 90% graduation rate, 98% of teachers in the district have a masters degree or more, etc... These are my findings that are required by law to be accurate and reported to the state but they are not my achievements. My achievements are things like effectively using my technical skills in excel to solve problems within the data or designing an efficient process for collecting data that would lead to cleaner data with less problems in the future.
My most recent experience at a state university also involved working with a very large database and making changes and updates to it to solve problems experienced by faculty and staff (and sometimes students) however it did not have a lot of the analysis aspect simply because it was a larger team and my manager was doing most of the analysis there.
To Conclude:
I am providing this extended breakdown because I don't think the transition I am trying to make is super clear cut and I might be going for the wrong roles. I have found multiple listings, ~20 as of right now and my resume is getting rejected before getting to speak to anyone. The only interview I got was because I had a cousin that worked there and she gave them a referral. I was so nervous unfortunately that I did not give them the best impression possible of myself.
I would really appreciate a review of my resume - I want to know if it is communicating my experience well and IF a data analyst role is the right place to even be looking. My main goal is to have a job that will grow my existing skillset and lead to further opportunity and chances to have an impact at the place I work.
Much thanks to anyone who read all of this.
submitted by ezba189 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:36 DaveDingus Windows Update has deleted Opencore EFI

Hi guys, following on from a post I made a week or so ago:
It seems that a windows update has wiped my hackintosh EFI partition. I can still boot into opencore with the install USB as Opencore will use the EFI on the USB stick. Is there any way of creating/restoring the lost EFI partition without reinstalling Opencore and MacOS?
Opencore and Windows are on separate SSDs.
submitted by DaveDingus to hackintosh [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:03 Kctqnoah Qualified for sys admin?

Hello fellow redditors, hope all is well! Going to keep this simple, currently working as a IT systems specialist for a school district where I am essentially the system administrator. Great environment and benefits, our it team is comprised of 5 people (2 managers, 2 specialist and myself), however I feel like I’m not growing quite as much as I used to be and looking for the next step up.
In your opinion do you think my skillset would lean more towards a junior sys admin role or sys admin? I understand it can vary greatly by company however when I look at postings for open sys admin positions they tend to be asking for knowledge in a lot of technologies I do not know yet. My path in IT thus far has been doing technical enterprise support at Comcast, then help desk at the school I am currently at before being promoted to where I am now. I have learned a lot between these few positions, I am definitely a good hands on learner and adapt to technologies pretty quickly. The job I have now is great with work life balance, and I want to find a new gig that has similar benefits, but hoping to find something closer in the 75-80k range (currently 60k). Do you think this is realistic being in the northeast? What recommendations would you give to help sharpen up my skill set a bit more? For context, I did not go to schooling for IT, I have a bachelors in hospitality and tourism management
I’m posting the information from my resume from these last couple roles below, I also have experience with a few previous customer service related jobs as well (hotels, restaraunt etc). Thank you in advance for any help!
Demonstrated technical and customer service experience Help desk support and network monitoring experience Able to work in groups, collaborate in a team environment Successful working in a high tech environment, time management Adaptability to changes and evolving business/tech needs Motivated individual that takes pride in his work
Public School - IT Systems Specialist
July 2022 - Present
Provided network and application support with a variety of operating systems (Windows, Mac, ChromeOS) Utilized MDM platforms to manage device inventory and user accounts (Google Admin, JAMF, Aruba Central, Microsoft 365, Adobe Admin) Oversaw networking equipment, firewalls, servers and associated hardware/applications Evaluated network for security compliance, created and maintained privileged network access implemented applications to improve security needs (ESET EDR, Duo) Provided system administration for security cameras, VOIP phones, building card access and print management systems Monitored network to ensure optimal performance, performed routine system updates and backups
August 2021 - July 2022 (Technology Specialist)
Provided district wide technical support to staff in person and remote Deployment and support of managed devices and classroom equipment Monitored the ticketing system alerts and notifications Created technical support documentation for systems and applications Collaborated with town IT department on shared network services and projects Coordinated with outsourced vendors to support network & infrastructure
Comcast Business Service Assurance Tech 3 (Enterprise Customer Care)
October 2019 - May 2021
Provided advanced technical support for all business products and services:
Coaxial internet, metro ethernet fiber circuits Analog, VOIP (Comcast Business VoiceEdge), PRI & SIP trunking phone systems TV and ancillary products (Wifi Pro, Connection Pro, My Account portal) Maintained and exceeded metric goals (First Call Resolution, Adherence to Shift, ACW) Achieved 90%+ FCR in November of Q1 2020 Utilized multiple software systems/applications to troubleshoot and resolve any tier 1 customer care issues Verified network outages and escalated to appropriate teams to ensure timely resolution (Engineering, Field Operations, etc.) Completed customer follow ups and call backs as needed, manage multiple time sensitive issues at once Partnered with appropriate resources to ensure escalated issues are resolved in a timely manner
Experience using ticketing systems to track and resolve technical issues Competent using Windows 11/10, Mac OS Knowledge of building computers and assembling components, troubleshooting of various devices Device and user provisioning/management Application/driver configuration & installation Hardware diagnosis and repair
submitted by Kctqnoah to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:33 Current_Jellyfish_27 Market Review of AI Meeting Assistants (Organized List of 39 Tools)

Hey there,
Recently, I have been conducting market research on AI Meeting Assistants for my personal project. The objectives were to evaluate the category’s status quo and assess market potential. I was surprised by how many solutions simply copy each other and compete only in marketing copy.
I believe all these tools might be useful, and I am curious to know if you are using any of them and why. I tested some during the customer discovery and customer development phases and was surprised by the outputs they produce.
To make it easier to find something specific, the tools are grouped into categories. I have also excluded sales call-oriented solutions. Looking forward to your feedback!
Note: All listed tools have transcribe, notetaking and summarization functionalities. It’s a base.

Quality of Information Gained

  1. Kaiwa - Auto-generates agendas tailored to your goals. Assists during calls to make the most of your time. Allows combining conversational data from multiple meetings into various deliverables.
  2. Charma - Focuses only on 1v1 conversations. The cool features are: a) connects with your internal chat and automatically forms an actionable agenda based on recent chat history; b) AI writes worded feedback for a reportee based on keywords you provide.
  3. Dive - Creates an agenda during the call based on your prompt and provides well-organized post-meeting notes.
  4. Fellow - Allows collaborative agenda writing before the meeting (from scratch or using 500+ pre-built templates). Sends a detailed report if you didn’t join a meeting, with the ability to watch the recording. Lovely feature is a meeting cost.
  5. Krisp - Provides noise cancellation, so the quality of the meeting can dramatically increase (for those who conduct calls from Starbucks :))..
  6. MeetingCulture - For Microsoft 365 only. Agenda builder based on templates, voting during the call, and a pretty cool feedback score after the meeting. Feels like a massive solution with hundreds of features for enterprises rather than small teams.

Meeting Reports & Search for Information

  1. Fantom - One of the most popular notetaking tools. Based on the selected template, it automatically parses meeting conversations into a report (summary, takeaways, action items).
  2. Otter - Auto-joins your conferencing software as a bot to take and share meeting notes. A cool feature they have is advanced search functionality to find information from past meetings (e.g., ‘what are my takeaways from calls this week’). They also have a tailored solution for sales teams.
  3. Tactiq - Can generate personalized meeting recaps based on your custom template. You can write and save prompts to get insights from a collection of meetings.
  4. Notta - Converts meetings, interviews, and other conversations into searchable text, focusing on transcription use cases (supports 40+ languages). Recently, they acquired Airgram to enter new markets outside of Japan.
  5. Collato - Transforms conversational data into documents based on the selected template.
  6. ParrotAI - Offers rich-text functionality for meeting transcription. AI brainstorms ideas based on meeting notes.
  7. Laxis - AI can compose follow-up emails. You can search for specific information across all processed meetings. Features a unique integration with Cisco Webex.
  8. Sembly - ChatGPT for your meetings. Provides suggested prompts to give you ideas for what to search across meeting transcriptions.

Video Highlights

  1. Read - Provides easy access to rewatch moments related to action items.
  2. Huddle - Generates concise meeting summary videos. Has the ability to record and share your own video (similar to Loom).
  3. Rewatch - Collaborative video hub. They have a ‘Series’ feature that allows you to record and share your updates with the team without joining a meeting.
  4. tldv - Allows you to get combined meeting notes and video highlights from several conducted meetings at once. Supports 30+ languages.

Information Flow through Integrations

  1. Grain - Has integration with several platforms, allowing meeting summaries to be updated in HubSpot, Salesforce, and Productboard. Very minimalistic design.
  2. Circleback - Minimalistic design with the ability to create Zaps to automatically send summaries and notes to the desired platform.
  3. Spinach - Plenty of integrations to process your meeting notes.
  4. Nyota - Automatically creates tickets and updates agendas with action items. Has integration with Notion.
  5. Noty - Creates to-do lists after meetings with the ability to set deadlines for each task. Has a centralized dashboard for all to-do items.

Meeting Analytics

  1. Fireflies - A very comprehensive app that feels like a knowledge base for meetings. You can upload video or audio files, and they will be parsed into a report (summaries, action items). It includes a dashboard with meeting statistics such as speaking time, number of monologues or questions raised, and silence time. The app also has a mobile version.
  2. Equal Time - Valuable for companies with a D&I strategy. Auto-detects genders and notifies you if one gender is over-talking. Also provides stats on how long each person speaks and who needs to be heard more.
  3. MeetGeek - Cool statistics like sentiment, punctuality, talk rate, etc. Includes coaching functionality for sales teams.

Just Notetaking & Summaries

  1. Scribbl - Takes meeting notes and breaks them down into a digestible set of topics.
  2. Jamie - Downloadable app that joins your meeting and provides meeting notes (currently only for macOS). Has built-in meeting notifications.
  3. Cogram - Focuses on privacy. Creates a post-meeting report with a summary, bullet points, and action items.
  4. Wudpecker - Provides the ability to set a personalized structure for reports and process notes in 100+ languages.
  5. Colibri - A lightweight and simple solution that uses ChatGPT to generate summaries and action items. They offer standalone solutions for sales and legal teams.
  6. Leexi - Valuable for sales teams, as there is an in-built training program for them.
  7. Supernormal - Meeting notes based on selected templates. Notion-like design with a focus on simplicity.
  8. BlueDot - Free Google Meet extension backed by Google for Startups. It’s cool that no bots join the call, but it’s limited in functionality: provides post-meeting transcriptions and summaries.
  9. Briefly - Organizes conversational data into summaries, key insights grouped by discussion topics, and text action items. You can easily share a particular piece by email or manually copy and paste it.
  10. MetaView - Writes notes based on meeting type, grouping information into different sections. Primarily for the hiring use case.
  11. Superpowered - No bots at meetings. Downloadable app to take high-quality notes.

Video Conferencing Software

  1. Dyte - Deduces the agenda at the beginning of a call and notifies participants about it. An interesting feature is AFK Mode: if your microphone and speakers are turned off, it generates a brief text summary for you.
  2. Rumi - Provides real-time notes and summaries.
If I forgot any important assistants, please DM me or just put them in the comments. Thank you!
submitted by Current_Jellyfish_27 to startup [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:57 Think-Confusion9999 Python w/ SQLite. I'm completely lost here. VScode.

Hey guys. I'm a total beginner at Python but I am familiar w/ SQL in past jobs.
So following tutorials about this, I understand the concepts of importing the db and then connecting to and following up with the SQL commands, etc. Because I don't know any better, I am writing the code all within VScode's terminal window. Is this where it all goes in the first place? For example, passing commands to create a 'sample.db' do not even produce a .db file on my mac.
So when you say, create a table and insert values or strings and hit enter, is the resulting output of the SQL pull supposed to then show up on the Output window of vscode or the Terminal window?
And the tutorials don't even say where in the first place, they just go straight to the code. When I run the commands in Terminal w/ Python SQLite commands, when seemingly it ran successfully the Terminal then produces an "if" or "if function" line.
Anyway sorry for being such a beginner or not understanding the fundamentals here but I'm just totally lost and need some help.
Can you give me any basic guidance on my Q's? Appreciate it.
submitted by Think-Confusion9999 to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:31 Altruistic-Credit486 How to Set Up a VPN on a Mac: A Step-by-Step Guide 🛡️

Are you looking to enhance your online security and privacy on your Mac? Setting up a VPN is a great way to protect your data and keep your online activities anonymous.
Whether you're new to VPNs or just need a refresher, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of setting up a VPN on your Mac.
Why Use a VPN on Your Mac?

How to Set Up a VPN on a Mac

Here's a step-by-step guide to setting up a VPN on a Mac
1. Choose a VPN Service First, you'll need to choose a reliable VPN service. Some popular options include ExpressVPN, NordVPN, and CyberGhost.
Make sure to pick a VPN that suits your needs and budget.
2. Download and Install the VPN App Once you've chosen a VPN service, head over to their website and download the Mac version of their VPN app.
Follow the on-screen instructions to install the app on your Mac.
3. Sign In or Create an Account Open the VPN app after installation. If you already have an account, sign in with your credentials. If not, create a new account by following the sign-up process.
4. Configure the VPN Settings Most VPN apps have default settings that work well for most users. However, you can customize the settings to better suit your needs:
5. Connect to a VPN Server Now, it's time to connect to a VPN server. Most VPN apps will display a list of servers in different countries. Choose a server based on your needs:
Click the “Connect” button and wait for the connection to be established. You should see a notification once you are connected.
6. Verify Your VPN Connection It’s always a good idea to verify that your VPN connection is working correctly:
7. Enjoy Secure Browsing! You are now connected to the internet securely via your VPN. Browse, stream, and download with peace of mind knowing your connection is encrypted.
Bonus Tips:
submitted by Altruistic-Credit486 to VPNHacks [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:28 No_Director8359 The Singing Machine?

Hey everyone, have you heard the latest about The Singing Machine Company, Inc. (NASDAQ: MICS)? They just announced that their Executive Committee of the Board of Directors has authorized management to explore a range of potentially transformational corporate transactions aimed at creating immediate and sustained shareholder value.
The company is looking into expanding beyond its current consumer electronics karaoke business. They’re prioritizing disruptive software solutions, sustainability-centric technologies, and other high-impact business models. Options under consideration include reverse mergers, acquisitions, and mergers of equals. CEO Gary Atkinson mentioned that there are significant opportunities in areas like gamification of karaoke, software and subscription-based experiences, and automotive-based karaoke.
Thoughts on these guys? Any insights are appreciated.
submitted by No_Director8359 to investing_discussion [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:26 Sweet-Count2557 Fun Things to Do in Gulf Shores at Night

Fun Things to Do in Gulf Shores at Night
Fun Things to Do in Gulf Shores at Night Are you ready for an unforgettable night of fun and excitement in Gulf Shores? Well, look no further!
We've got all the best activities lined up just for you. From thrilling dolphin tours to vibrant nightlife and waterfront dining, Gulf Shores has it all.
So grab your loved ones and get ready to experience the freedom and joy of a night out in this coastal paradise. Get ready to make memories that will last a lifetime.
Let's dive into the fun together!
Key Takeaways
Cetacean Cruises offers sunset tours of the ocean, providing an opportunity to spot dolphins, stingrays, whales, and other marine life. The Wharf in Orange Beach is a family-friendly entertainment area that offers rides, theaters, a Ferris Wheel, arcade games, water activities for kids, and beautiful views on a fun train ride. The Club at Live Bait in Orange Beach is an upbeat nightclub that offers cocktails, seafood, live music, hilarious comedy skits, fantastic karaoke nights, and happy hour specials on weekends. The Hangout Gulf Shores is a family-owned restaurant and bar located right in front of the ocean, offering fresh seafood, live music, creative cocktails, and a relaxed atmosphere where you can relax around the fire pit while the kids play. 
Nighttime Dolphin and Sailing Tours
We highly recommend taking a nighttime dolphin and sailing tour in Gulf Shores for an unforgettable experience. These sunset dinner cruises offer the perfect combination of relaxation and adventure.
As you embark on your tour, you'll have the opportunity to spot various marine life, including dolphins, stingrays, and even whales if you're lucky.
Imagine sailing through the calm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, with the vibrant colors of the sunset painting the sky above you. The gentle breeze and the sound of the waves create a soothing atmosphere, making it the perfect setting for a romantic dinner. You can book a dinner in advance and enjoy a delicious meal while taking in the breathtaking views of the sunset.
During the tour, keep your camera ready to capture the magical moments when dolphins gracefully swim alongside the boat. It's truly a sight to behold and one that will leave you in awe of the beauty of nature. The experienced tour guides will provide interesting facts about the marine life you encounter, enhancing your understanding and appreciation of the ecosystem.
These nighttime dolphin and sailing tours are suitable for families, couples, or anyone looking for a unique and memorable experience. The combination of the peacefulness of the ocean, the stunning sunset, and the thrilling marine life sightings create an atmosphere of freedom and tranquility.
Exciting Entertainment at The Wharf
The Wharf offers a variety of exciting entertainment options for visitors to Gulf Shores at night. Whether you're seeking water activities or family-friendly entertainment, The Wharf has something for everyone.
Here are four reasons why The Wharf is a must-visit destination in Gulf Shores at night:
Water Activities: At The Wharf, you can indulge in a range of thrilling water activities. From paddleboarding to jet skiing, there's no shortage of aquatic adventures to enjoy. Feel the rush as you zip across the water, taking in the stunning views of the Gulf Coast under the starry night sky. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced water enthusiast, The Wharf offers exciting water activities that will leave you feeling exhilarated. Family-Friendly Entertainment: The Wharf is a fantastic destination for families seeking a fun night out. With its rides, theaters, and Ferris Wheel, there's no shortage of entertainment options to keep the whole family entertained. Kids will love the arcade and water activities available, while parents can enjoy a relaxing train ride with beautiful views. The Wharf's family-friendly atmosphere ensures that everyone can have a great time together. Live Music and Performances: The Wharf is known for its vibrant live music scene. With a variety of venues and stages, you can catch exciting performances by talented musicians and entertainers. From local acts to renowned artists, The Wharf offers a diverse range of music genres to suit every taste. So grab a drink, find a cozy spot, and let the music transport you to a world of freedom and enjoyment. Upcoming Events: The Wharf is constantly buzzing with exciting events and activities. From fireworks displays to festivals, there's always something happening at The Wharf. Make sure to check their website for upcoming events and plan your visit accordingly. Whether it's a themed party or a special performance, The Wharf's events will add an extra level of excitement to your night out in Gulf Shores. 
With its water activities, family-friendly entertainment options, live music, and upcoming events, The Wharf is the perfect destination for a fun-filled night in Gulf Shores. So gather your loved ones, embrace the freedom of the night, and create unforgettable memories at The Wharf.
Vibrant Nightlife at The Club at Live Bait
Let's dive into the vibrant nightlife at The Club at Live Bait and experience the energetic atmosphere firsthand. At The Club, you'll find a lively and exciting environment where you can let loose and have a great time. Whether you're looking to sing your heart out during karaoke nights or indulge in delicious seafood and cocktails, The Club has something for everyone.
The Club at Live Bait is known for its fantastic karaoke nights, where you can showcase your singing skills or just have a blast cheering on your friends. The stage is set, the lights are dimmed, and the energy is contagious. It's the perfect opportunity to let your inner rockstar shine.
And let's not forget about the food and drinks. The Club offers a mouthwatering selection of seafood dishes that are sure to satisfy your cravings. From fresh oysters to succulent shrimp, their menu is a seafood lover's dream. Pair your meal with one of their expertly crafted cocktails, and you've got the perfect combination for a memorable night out.
As we transition into the next section about beachfront dining and fun at The Hangout Gulf Shores, keep in mind that The Club at Live Bait is just the beginning of the exciting nightlife options in Gulf Shores. Whether you're looking for live music, comedy skits, or a vibrant atmosphere, The Club has it all. So grab your friends, put on your dancing shoes, and get ready to experience the vibrant nightlife at The Club at Live Bait.
Beachfront Dining and Fun at The Hangout Gulf Shores
For a beachfront dining and fun experience, we can't miss out on The Hangout Gulf Shores. This family-owned restaurant and bar is located right in front of the ocean, making it the perfect spot to enjoy a delicious meal while taking in the stunning views. Here are four reasons why The Hangout Gulf Shores is a must-visit destination:
Live Music Performances: The Hangout Gulf Shores is known for its lively atmosphere and live music performances. As you savor your meal, you can groove to the sounds of talented local musicians. The energetic beats and catchy tunes will create a vibrant and enjoyable dining experience for everyone. Creative Cocktails: The Hangout Gulf Shores doesn't just offer great food, but also a variety of creative cocktails. From refreshing margaritas to unique concoctions, their drink menu is sure to satisfy your cravings. Sip on your favorite cocktail as you soak up the beach vibes and let the good times roll. Beach Bonfires: After your meal, head over to the fire pit at The Hangout Gulf Shores. Relax around the warm flames, roast marshmallows, and enjoy the company of friends and family. The beach bonfires add a touch of magic to your evening, creating unforgettable memories under the starry night sky. Party Hotspot: The Hangout Gulf Shores isn't only a restaurant but also a party hotspot. It attracts both locals and tourists who are looking for a good time. With its lively atmosphere, friendly staff, and fun-loving crowd, you'll feel like you're part of an exciting celebration. 
After a fantastic evening at The Hangout Gulf Shores, get ready to take your Gulf Shores experience to new heights with scenic helicopter tours from Lost Bay Helicopters.
Scenic Helicopter Tours With Lost Bay Helicopters
Experiencing breathtaking views from above, we highly recommend taking a scenic helicopter tour with Lost Bay Helicopters. This thrilling helicopter ride experience allows you to soar through the sky and witness the beauty of Gulf Shores, Orange Beach, and nearby islands from a unique perspective. As the sun begins to set, prepare to be amazed by the stunning sunset views from the sky.
Lost Bay Helicopters, owned and operated by a veteran, offers a 30-minute helicopter ride during sunset, providing you with a truly unforgettable experience. The company also offers a skydiving package for those seeking an extra thrill. Strap in and get ready for an adventure like no other.
To give you a taste of what you can expect on a scenic helicopter tour with Lost Bay Helicopters, take a look at the table below:
Scenic Helicopter Tours With Lost Bay Helicopters
Duration 30 minutes
Departure Point Gulf Shores, AL
Highlights Sunset views,
Gulf Coast,
Nearby Islands
As you embark on this incredible journey, you'll be treated to spectacular views of the Gulf Coast's pristine beaches, shimmering waters, and picturesque landscapes. The vibrant colors of the sunset will paint the sky, creating a magical atmosphere that you won't want to miss.
Whether you're looking for a thrilling adventure or simply want to admire the beauty of the Gulf Shores from above, a scenic helicopter tour with Lost Bay Helicopters is a must-do activity. Soar through the skies, witness the breathtaking sunset views, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to explore the Gulf Coast from a whole new perspective.
Frequently Asked QuestionsAre the Nighttime Dolphin and Sailing Tours Suitable for Children?
Nighttime dolphin tours and sailing tours for kids are a fantastic way to create lasting memories. These tours offer a unique opportunity to spot dolphins, stingrays, and other marine life.
The scenic views and gorgeous sunsets make it an enchanting experience for the whole family. Kids will love the adventure of being out on the water, and parents can relax knowing that the tours are suitable and safe for children.
It's an activity that combines education, entertainment, and natural beauty, making it a must-do in Gulf Shores at night.
Is There a Minimum Age Requirement for the Scenic Helicopter Tours?
There is no minimum age requirement for the scenic helicopter tours. So, anyone can enjoy the breathtaking views of Gulf Shores, Orange Beach, and nearby islands from above.
It's an exhilarating experience that allows you to see the beauty of the Gulf Coast like never before. Whether you're seeking adventure or simply want to take in the stunning landscapes, the scenic helicopter tours are a must-do activity for everyone, regardless of age.
Can I Make Reservations for Beachfront Dining at the Hangout Gulf Shores?
Yes, you can make reservations for beachfront dining at The Hangout Gulf Shores.
Enjoy delicious fresh seafood and creative cocktails while sitting right in front of the ocean.
This family-owned restaurant and bar is a party hotspot for locals and tourists alike.
Live music sets the perfect atmosphere, and you can relax around the fire pit while the kids play.
Don't forget to try their famous Bushwacker cocktail.
Make your beachfront dining experience even more memorable by making reservations at The Hangout Gulf Shores.
Are There Any Age Restrictions for Entering the Club at Live Bait?
There are no age restrictions for entering the Club at Live Bait. It's a great place to experience the local nightlife.
For nighttime dolphin and sailing tours, they're suitable for all ages, making it a fun activity for the whole family.
The minimum age requirement for scenic helicopter tours isn't specified, so it's best to contact Lost Bay Helicopters for more information.
As for beachfront dining at The Hangout Gulf Shores, reservations are available.
Additionally, there may be an additional fee for water activities at The Wharf.
Is There an Additional Fee for the Water Activities at the Wharf?
At the Wharf, water activities may require an extra fee.
As for the nighttime dolphin and sailing tours, they're suitable for both kids and adults.
The minimum age for scenic helicopter tours isn't mentioned.
Reservations for beachfront dining at The Hangout Gulf Shores are possible, but walk-ins may also be accepted.
Regarding the club at Live Bait, there may be age restrictions, but the specific limitations aren't stated.
In Gulf Shores, the nights are filled with endless possibilities for fun and excitement. From dolphin tours to waterfront dining, lively nightclubs to scenic helicopter tours, there's something for everyone to enjoy after the sun sets.
So, come and experience the breathtaking beauty of the ocean, indulge in delicious seafood, and immerse yourself in the vibrant nightlife scene. Get ready for a night of unforgettable fun in Gulf Shores!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:21 No_Assistance_1028 Resume Critique for a Help Desk role

Resume Critique for a Help Desk role
Hey guys I needs some honest criticism on my resume and how can I improve
submitted by No_Assistance_1028 to helpdeskcareer [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:00 gbpavlov Sync Photos from DS218 to MacBook and visualize them via Photos

Hi all,
TLDR: On a MacBook Air, is there a way to visualize my photos from the NAS using the Apple Photos application?
I have an Android phone which uploads all photos and videos to the NAS via the DS Photos app. Those photos are then organized in the personal and shared space and are used by other (Android) users in PC and phones.
Recently I bought a MacBook Air and I would like to use the Apple Photos app to visualize my photos.
Here it comes the struggle - I installed the Synology Drive Client, using the On-demand sync which in Mac is creating its own folder in [personal space]/Library/Cloud Storage/my drive.
So far so good, the photos are "here". Well, apperantly not. When I try to change the library location in the Apple Photos app it says, the "Library should be moved to a folder on my Mac". Cloud Storage folder looks like "it's not" on my Mac...
Workflow resume:
1) Media is taken/received on Android phone - working fine
2) Media is uploaded to Synology via its Photos app - working fine
3) Media is synced with MacBook Air via Synology Drive Client - working fine
4) Media is visualized with Apple Photos app - not working
5) Any change in the NAS is reflected in the Apple Photos app - not tested
Current setup:
Phone: Motorola edge 30 (android)
NAS: DS218
Laptop: MacBook Air 13 M3
Thanks a lot in advance!
submitted by gbpavlov to synology [link] [comments]