Atelvia copay card

I just want to know my benefit options!

2024.06.04 15:36 LittlestEcho I just want to know my benefit options!

My work currently has open enrollment. We're currently under my husband's insurance through his work but they informed him last year that they're no longer offering HMO benefits after December this year. Just HSA. Which is such BS! my husband is type 1 diabetic. He needs insulin and HSA won't cover anything script wise until he reaches the 3k out of pocket costs. His work is only offering 1.5k in HSA savings plus "1k in gift cards" as an incentive to switch to the HSA plan. Aka. We're so royally F-ed. We'll be dead broke or he'll just be sick or worse in about 2 months because insulin is so expensive.
Anyway. We're in open enrollment and the company gave us benefit guides to help us chose between 2 HMO plans or an HSA plan. It does not include a list of drugs or what they consider to be generic, preferred brand name, and non preferred. I have spent the last hour trying to call the insurance company to get this info to see where his scripts lie in the coverage. But because it's open enrollment I don't have a group ID number.
I tried asking HR for this info but their only response was "everything you need to know is in the benefits summary!" Uh no it's really not. In the "Employee benefits guide" it shows all the copay between generic, preferred Brand, and non preferred brand in all the options BUT in the benefits summary of coverage in each of the 3 options it says explicitly that NONE of these are covered in the insurance packages (which wtf?)
I only have half info and most of it I had to Google myself. Found the insurance's Prescription Drug Guide, which lists his scripts as "preferred generic" which, if that's true means only a $25 copay for each script! But! The summary of benefits still has that nagging bologna about not covering any scripts and I just need to know. I'm so frustrated. I got transferred 10 times through insurance because everyone is all like "oh we can't help you you need BLANK department "
I just need a more in depth explanation of benefits! And HR is doing eff all to assist. They're LITERALLY the point of contact for benefits info. I keep checking my email with them and they're not responding. At the very least provide me with whom to call.i even sent them the snapshots of the differences between the guide and summaries to get clarification and like I got nothing.
Sorry I just needed to rant. Enrollment ends on the 7th. And even if we stick with his insurance until December, we'll be without insurance for at least 6 months before open enrollment at my work again.
submitted by LittlestEcho to diabetes_t1 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 06:06 Acklza Overpaid hospital. What should I do?

In the past month this happened to me in the following order: got an MRI, went to about 4 doctor's appointments, taken to the ER with an ambulance, got spine surgery, went to other additional doctors appointments. All of these things were approved by my health insurance.
My insurance out of pocket maximum is 6,600. When I went to the ER, two days prior to my surgery, I paid a $400 copayment. The day before my surgery I was charged 6,600, which I immediately paid; I urgently needed surgery and I was in extreme pain so I did not even thought about it and put the payment on my credit card.
I am now being billed by the hospital another $600 for the MRI, and another $97 bucks for the appointments. Today I received the ambulance bill for about $3k which when you think about it, it is really stupid that a 10-minute ambulance ride can cost that much. Up to this point I have already paid $7,000. Please note that my out of pocket maximum is $6,600.
I called the hospital and tried to explain the situation to their billing department and I was mistreated and yelled at. I was treated like if I was a criminal.
I called my insurance company to find out what the hell is going on and they said that they still have not processed the surgery claim so they are not even able to see it in their system.
What should I do with all of these bills that I am still receiving, even after already paying my out of pocket maximum?
I don't want to pay these bills and then have to ask the hospital to refund me the overpaid amount, given how bad they have treated me when I called their billing department. It speaks very bad of them.
The insurance company is UHC and the hospital name is RUSH here in Chicago.
I would really appreciate your advice!
submitted by Acklza to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:03 hero_of_crafts Doc swapped me to the generic but I’m getting CVS calls about name brand

My doctor switched me to Hyrimoz back when CVS required the switch. My job and insurance have changed, and I’m now with Epiphany for my prescription insurance. I thought I had everything set up for getting the Hyrimoz shipped. I’ve been without my meds for over 3 months, haven’t ever actually injected Hyrimoz, waiting for the new insurance to kick in. But now CVS is showing a prescription called in by my doctor for name brand Humira again for the same day as the Hyrimoz prescription. Last I heard, the pharmacy was working with my doctor and insurance on the PA order. I don’t understand what is going on, but I know I can’t afford to shell out the $5k Abbvie demands of me because they tell me I exhausted the lifetime copay card and don’t qualify for any assistance programs. Anyone had a similar issue come up with this forced switch?
submitted by hero_of_crafts to Humira [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:52 moonpie1776 Can you reapply for the 24 month Ozempic Savings Card?

I’ve been taking Ozempic for 13 months and only paying $25 a month using my insurance and the Ozempic Savings Card. I’m concerned what happens in 11 months when the 24 months runs out. Can you reapply for the coupon or you stuck paying your full copay? Anyone have experience with this? TIA. 😊
submitted by moonpie1776 to Ozempic [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 02:43 careerthrowawayy23 Unsure if filing is the right choice. Drowning in minimum payments and can't afford medical treatments.

Hello all. My husband and I (29/28) are currently sitting at around $18k in credit card debt. We are lower income earners and only bring in about $4900 a month combined. After expenses every month we have about $1200 left over. We currently rent a house and had my sister be added to the lease and move in to help with some of the rent, just so we could to make our minimum payment.
The min payments eat up about $900 of the $1200 and we are left with a small buffer of $300. We've had to drain our emergency fund twice now due to medical expenses for ourselves and our dogs. I need to seek treatment for chronic illnesses I am dealing with and the copays are eating up that $300. My husband and I desperately need to go to the dentist and get work done but we simply can't afford it with only having $300 leftover. My husband cannot afford his therapy copays right now either and is suffering because of it.
We are both currently in school full time to better our financial situation in the future, but for now it just feels like we are drowning. We are down to sharing one car because the transmission went out in our 2nd car and it's $4k for a repair. Getting second jobs to tackle this debt feels impossible while balancing working full time, school, and still keeping up with chores and our pets.
We are worried filing will make it extremely difficult to find somewhere to rent once our lease is up (they are selling next April ) and ruin our chances of buying our first home within the next few years. My credit is sitting around a 650 currently and my husband's is a 693. Will filing also tank our scores significantly? We've tried applying for balance transfer cards but can't get approved for anything larger than $2k. Any suggestions on a course of action? Thanks in advance!!
submitted by careerthrowawayy23 to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:14 MittensToeBeans Coupon question- $25 to $550 copay

The first time I filled my prescription my copay was only $25. I had signed up for the savings card but, if I remember correctly, when I went to the pharmacy they said that they had already applied the manufacturer coupon. Every refill since has been $550. The first time this happened I was having issues with my PA so I chalked it up to that. Today the pharmacy tech explained that my insurance only covered $250, and the savings card brought my cost down to $550. I looked at my claim on the insurance website and that was also the case for my first fill. Any idea why there is such a discrepancy in my cost? Reading the info on the Zep website it looks like $550 is the correct cost with my insurance, but that $25 was nice!
submitted by MittensToeBeans to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:16 GiversBot /u/princessKitchenTroll [COMPLETED] was deleted from /r/borrow on 2024-06-01 (t3_b5r3wr up 1894.07 days, LONGTAIL, ACCOUNT DELETE/SHADOWBAN)

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Mother entered heart failure this week and I am currently responsible for handling the situation. This was unexpected as she is young and has completely blown through my savings until payday. I need to cover several things that cannot wait as well as doctor visit copays so I’m in a desperate situation as I will be maxing out my cards for appointments today. Willing to add to interest if not enough.
Can provide any info needed gladly thank you
Edit: am willing to do a slightly smaller loan if needed I am desperate thank you
submitted by GiversBot to borrowdeletes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:13 donna503 Insurance + CoPay …?

I’m confused.
I have private insurance and got my first pen (2mg/3ml) with doctor prescription in April. Unfortunately, my deductible is super high so I have a big copay.
In April, I got a text from my pharmacy at Costco saying the pen was ready for me and my expected copay was $924.61. I went to get it and showed my savings card and got $300 off (based on a “2-month supply”) so I paid $624.61 out of pocket.
I have moved onto the 0.50 dose and have one last dose left and asked my doctor for a refill. She put it in. I assumed it’d cost the exact same.
I just checked my Costco pharmacy app and it’s showing the same 2mg/3ml refill with the copay being $1,192.92 - what?? I would also use the same savings card to get $300 off so hypothetically it’d end up being $892.92 but that is almost $270 MORE than last time.
I’ll try to go to the pharmacy to ask tomorrow but since I can’t get a response from the doctor over the weekend I wanted to rant/ ask for advice here.
Another thing I’m confused about is how they determine a 1,2,or 3 month supply when applying the savings card when in reality my pen is technically giving me 6 weeks worth AKA 1.5 months?
Any ideas??
**UPDATE* I checked in with my pharmacy and they said the price I see of $1,192.92 is the “cash price” aka if you don’t have insurance. My prescription was still being processed and once the prescription is ready for pick up, the copay should go down to the $924.61 I got last time (plus I’ll use the $300 coupon from savings card)
Glad this is the case but wow how frustrating.
submitted by donna503 to Ozempic [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:04 Chexmix15 Emgality Savings Issue - other options?

I’ve made some posts here in the past about my husband as a CH sufferer. He was officially diagnosed with CH in May of last year and was prescribed emgality (100mg x 3) each month in June or July. Given how expensive the injections are, Emgality provides a manufacturer’s coupon that could lower the price to $0. The medication without the savings card is $1600 after insurance. Card was working perfectly and today we now have a copay of $90 because we reached the maximum of $4900 for the year. I’m so frustrated that the savings card says it can cover up to a year but also limits at $4900 as if their medication isn’t $1600 a month.
Emgality has helped my husband have fewer episodes, but hasn’t put him into remission yet. Are there other options? At this point my husband is chronic, but I would love to see him go into remission.
P. S. Sorry for the long post. I’m just so frustrated trying to advocate for my spouse and it feels like people diminish his pain because they don’t understand.
submitted by Chexmix15 to clusterheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:11 Puzzleheaded_Sun3913 Vent - Specialty Pharmacy Customer Service

My Stelara injection, which is sent to my home via specialty pharmacy, has now been delayed a week in delivery due to back-and-forth with representatives about multiple issues.
First, it was delayed because of an issue with my copay assistance. Admittedly, this is my fault for not thoroughly looking into the new electronic card they gave me. I assumed that the electronic card was a “more convenient” version of the same physical card they gave me, so I didn’t think my information would change. Nope! My physical card (which I only used for one injection) is now obsolete. Fine, I’ll use the electronic one. Except that I don’t have the member ID from my initial paperwork (I moved between states and have no idea what got kept and what got tossed in the craziness). Called, got my member ID, got the electronic information. At this point, the billing department for the pharmacy was closed, so I had to call back the next day.
Called the pharmacy the next day and got my new info in the system. Except now, the representative is saying the charge won’t go through. Hang up, call copay assistance. Figured out the issue (error on the pharmacy end) and called the pharmacy back. Finally got all of my billing to clear after a half hour of back and forth. (So I thought.) Made sure to ask the representative to make sure my order would be processed and shipped that day, since the billing had cleared. Representative assured me that it would automatically go through.
The next morning, I was still getting text updates that my order was delayed and had not shipped yet. Called the pharmacy again. My order had not yet been released from the billing department, but the rep. got it cleared and had it ready to ship on Thursday to get delivered today (Friday). Except that I work out of town and would be away from my house from 7am-10:30pm, and with a morning delivery in my region, it would be sitting out in the sun for 12+ hours (which is no bueno for a refrigerated injection). I asked if a Saturday delivery was an option instead, as I will be home all day tomorrow. Rep. checked and assured me that it could absolutely be delivered on Saturday. Perfect!
Just got a call (15 minutes before the end of the business day) that my region doesn’t have Saturday deliveries available. “The representative yesterday checked to make sure that I could get my medications delivered on Saturday in my region; has that changed?” I asked. I was told that maybe the representative didn’t actually check the delivery availability, and just told me they did. Awesome! No Sunday or Monday shipments, so now my medication is getting delivered on Tuesday, which is 6 days after it was supposed to be delivered.
I wish these representatives had more awareness that these medications they’re dealing with are imperative to people’s quality of life. I can’t help but wonder if they called so close to the end of the business day on Friday so it’s too late for me to try to speak with a higher-up about why this was allowed to happen. I hate to be so cynical, but I’m so tired of the back-and-forth just to get my medication that should be the same every time.
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Sun3913 to UlcerativeColitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:51 forifyoudontseeit How much money should I REALLY be spending as a 19 year old with no financial responsibilities

Hi everyone! I am soon to be 20 and want to get myself set up for my future but what I’ve realized is I am fundamentally bad with money and probably a shopaholic
I am super fortunate in that my parents pay for my college, healthcare, any necessities I could need/want and sometimes clothes and food (going out to eat) as well
The problem I’ve encountered is I just don’t know how to save/how much to be saving/etc because I haven’t ever had to worry about it
I started working summers the second I turned 16 but even with the money I earned I had trouble budgeting it because all I ever spend money on is things I DONT NEED. I am always taking out large sums of money I’ve made in cash so I can put it somewhere and not spend it.
There are many things I could ask about but what I’m mostly curious is how much should I be spending in a week as someone whose only purchases are going out to eat, hanging out with friends, and clothes.
I’m not proud of my habits but I want to change them and use the foundation my parents have given me to become financially literate because anything else would feel like a waste with all the work they’ve done to give me this life
I work odd jobs when I’m not in school and when I am in school I make about $100/week as a course assistant, I try to save half of what I earn and invest some of it. However I don’t actively have a job, and I’m mostly going to take classes over the summer and do a little tutoring on the side. All budgeting advice talks about paying bills first but without bills to pay I struggle to figure out a plan for myself in terms of spending. I am absolutely a perfectionist and have struggled because I have a very all or nothing mentality that isn’t sustainable and leads to me blowing through money or not even hanging out at all in an attempt to be frugal
My “income” right now comes from leftover money from being a course assistant and a sleep study I did and am waiting to receive about $1200. I’m planning to put $800 away (half of it will go to savings and the other half for living during the school year)
I’m trying to teach myself to be financially independent by making myself responsible for everyday things I may need (toothpaste, deodorant, medical copays) and while my parents will be paying for my rent over the school year I intend to cover all other expenses myself in hopes that I can learn by doing. I am also planning to open up a credit card and Roth IRA when I turn twenty.
I was like hey maybe $40/week is reasonable to spend on snacks and excursions with friends but I honestly have no idea and it feels a little embarrassing to ask
submitted by forifyoudontseeit to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:32 ka-nini Help with water shutoff/ Living in unsanitary conditions

A bit of a back story: I have 4 chronic illnesses and had to quit working because of them. I had filed for disability in the meantime. My wife was laid off unexpectedly 5 months later. We lost 2 of our 3 cars and our house. We had to move in with family and have been there since (just under 2 years). My wife did start working again but it was less than she was making before and not enough to support us. In May of last year, I had a brain stent placed and it cleared up enough of my neurological symptoms for me to return to a WFH desk job. However, work is hard to come by nowadays. I landed a contract role last October that lasted two months. After that I had several interviews but no job offers until the company I work for last year reached out and offered me a full time role. In the meantime, we have fallen well behind on bills. We pay all utilities at this family members house, plus our car note and insurance, health insurance (which is pretty high due to the level of insurance I need), plus a decent penny throughout the month for doctors (I have 6 specialists), prescriptions, and testing copays.
Also, the family we’re staying with has a geriatric dog that can no longer hold his bowels or bladder. They don’t clean up after him. They also have trash piling up everywhere. I’ve previously rented a rug doctor and spent countless weekends and days cleaning despite pain and other symptoms for them to just not pick up after themselves and it returns to how it was. My wife and I now mostly stay in the back of the house which is thankfully much more sanitary. There’s still issues here too. There’s mold in the vents and a huge hole in the bathtub tile that they won’t do anything about. It’s also become absolutely infested with rats. We can hear them all day and (especially) night in the attic. They also are running around the front of the house. I see at least 3 rats a day; we can’t have any food in the pantry at all and there are TONS of droppings everywhere. We had started cooking on a hot plate in one of the bedrooms. The family member won’t do anything about them. I’ve set traps and put out bait but it’s not enough to get rid of them. I’ve also seen a few German roaches though there doesn’t seem to be an infestation of them. I can send pics to prove the condition of the house if requested.
On to the current issue: we have a water shutoff for $321. The family member we’re staying with can’t help as it’s the first and all their check is going to rent. I only just received my second check and my wife and I are still catching up with everything. Also, we’re moving out of this house next month. I would like to wait until we’re more stable but the house situation has become unbearable. It’s truly a health risk at this point so we need to get out. We have the money for the deposit and will be paying prorated rent for half of next month. However we don’t have enough for our other bills and food, too
Basically, we’ve worked out extension or deferred payment plans with most of our bills (still trying to figure out the car note) and even figured out which ones can just be late until next check (storage and credit cards) but are still short. At this point, paying the deposit ($2100) to move is non-optional; we cannot stay in this house. I can send pics to prove the condition of the house if requested. I think if we can get assistance with the water bill, we can at least afford to pay the worked out prices for the others (we can figure out the car note later) and get enough food to last until we get paid again.
Sorry for the essay. I’ve never posted on one of these groups before today so this is new to me and I’m not entirely sure how it works but if someone would be willing to help us out with the $321 water shutoff, I’d be extremely grateful.
Edit: someone helped out with $100 towards it. So just $221 left to find.
Thank you again stranger!
Edit 2: A couple people suggested creating a GoFundMe so I did just get that set up. Again, anything is appreciated.
submitted by ka-nini to Assistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:11 Metallica93 So, how do different providers charge my H.R.A. (e.g., Cigna primary insurance/H.R.A. with V.S.P. vision)?

At my last company, I had an H.S.A. (which I rather miss) with a physical card, but the new employer's H.R.A. doesn't come with one.
My first doctor visit felt simple enough: Cigna insurance. Cigna H.R.A. I just walked out because I assume everything's done on the back end via Social Security Number. I just checked my account a few days later to see how much it was (but I did find it weird I wasn't given any receipts or anything and had to find out via the H.R.A. account how much the visit actually cost; I apparently paid $147.52 to check my ear and hand checked with zero cost breakdown?).
(edit: I did find the "Claims" section on Cigna; I guess I'm just used to paying $20 copays for therapy and not $150 at the nearest immediate care)
But while my dental is also Cigna, vision is V.S.P. I know V.S.P. doesn't dish out physical cards (I'm also assuming things are checked via Social Security Number), but do I just skedaddle once I get my eyes tested and new lenses? Does V.S.P. work with Cigna and know I have an H.R.A. to charge everything to?
submitted by Metallica93 to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:32 CG-A201216 Excuse me?!?

Excuse me?!?
I was told my insurance approved to cover? How is it still this high for one month.
submitted by CG-A201216 to weightwatchers [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 20:10 Dicecatt Boomers at the doctor, Cash is King!

Boomer couple at the check in desk at doctor's. Big sign says "Copay due at time of service" and lists the methods of payments accepted which are numerous, but clearly states no cash is accepted in large bold letters.
Boomer man tries to pay with $100 bill. Employee explains they don't accept cash, as they don't have change, and points to the sign.
Boomer loudly: "Well when did this start?" Worker: "At least a year ago." Boomer: "well what if I told you this is the only way I could pay? I'd bet you'd take it then!" Har Har. Worker: "I still can't take it, and we still don't have change."
The wife starts quietly begging him to just pay with a card. He grudgingly pulls one out and lectures "Cash is king, young lady!" (lady in question was absolutely gen x).
As they were walking away he yells over his shoulder "And we couldn't hear the phone number on your reminder message, you need to slow down! Had to listen to the answering machine 3 times!"
submitted by Dicecatt to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:38 Future_Yam5638 Bankruptcy or Default?

31TF here, unemployed and not looking for work due to mental health issues. I haven't had steady employment in about a year due to my disabilities, before that I was relatively financially stable, working full time. I was only making about 35K, but managing paycheck to paycheck. Only brought in about half that amount over last year as I only worked about 6 months total, if that. I was working with my state's vocational rehabilitation program for folks with disabilities to find better work opportunities (some college, no degree) than retail, but put that on pause to work on my mental health as I couldn't hold down a job. I quit the most recent job about 3 months ago and have been living off the money I got from insurance when my car was totaled. The newer car was worth more than I owed so I pocketed 10K. My initial plan was to buy a cash car, but that never came to fruition.
I'm renting, been in the same apartment (low-income restricted, but can't get Section 8) for 7 or 8 years now after a period of homelessness. I didn't renew my 12 month lease given my situation, and have been month-to-month months since March. Rent is just shy of $1000/month, including water and trash. I have to give 30 days notice to move out, which would be tomorrow, though rent is prorated if it wasn't exactly at the start of the month. I've basically given up on working for now, filed for SSDI in February, but I figure it'll be at least another 10 months to hear back on that, if I even get approved. Even if I do I don't think I could live on my own off it. I have about 5 of the 10K left, so 2 months worth. I have about 30K in debt, all credit cards. No student loans, some minor bills is collections that I don't respond to or pay on, and that haven't appeared on credit. Car note was paid after the total loss.
Briefly looked into bankruptcy process, but as I understand I'd need a lawyer, which costs money I don't have, so wondering if defaulting is the better option. I've looked into stuff like EBT, but until I'm below their asset limit, I can't get assistance, even with no income. I have an ACA plan with a subsidy for health insurance for all my psychiatry, therapy, HRT visits, medications from when I was working before work insurance kicked in. I haven't updated my income because I'd lose the subsidy, so I'm assuming I'll pay the difference at text time next year, plus penalties.
As for housing, none of my friends can take me in, my extended conservative wealthy family won't. The only option I have is to move back in with my parents, which they've begrudgingly offered, but they're abusive and I was homeless for a year when the kicked me out years back. I looked into shelters or other housing options,but all the shelters in my city are Christian and wouldn't house me as a lesbian trans woman. I went back in the closet in order to stay in a men's shelter when I was homeless,and I can't go through that again.
As for my mental health, I feel like I've tried everything to get my life back on track, different medications for the last year or so, been doing Spravato for treatment resistant depression for 8-10 weeks with little to show. In outpatient therapy twice a week, which helps a bit. My therapist recommended I enroll in an IOP, but even with insurance it would be about $1500 for 8 weeks or so. I might even consider inpatient at this point, but I can't afford it.
I'm at a complete loss as to how to handle things. Stop paying my debt and utilities? Even if I move in my my parents I'd still have my insurance premiums and copays, phone service bill, probably other stuff I'm forgetting. How would I rent in the near future if I default and wreck my credit? I've been in the same apartment almost a decade so I can't imagine I'll be able to find a 1br with some utilities for under $1,000 again. My credit is mid 700's as I've never missed a payment, but that'll tank when I stop paying. Nobody in my life would co-sign on a lease if/when I get things together. What options do I have, if any?
TL;DR 0 income, $2500 expenses, 30K credit card debt
submitted by Future_Yam5638 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 21:47 the_strangling_fruit I feel dumb

I’m at my doctor’s appointment in the waiting room and I checked in on the kiosk thingy. Then the front desk girl asked for my ID and insurance cards which I gave to her. Then she gave them back and told me my copay.
So I gave her my mom’s credit card since that’s what I’m supposed to use when I go to the doctor. She put into the card reader and didn’t accept it so she tried to swipe it, but that didn’t work either. She asked if I had another card, and I had to try really hard not to burst into tears. I gave her my debit card. Then my phone dinged letting me know that I have less than a hundred dollars left in my account.
I know it’s just a small thing. And that it’s not the end of the world that this whole interaction didn’t go as I expected it, but my dumb brain feels really upset and worked up over it. And now I’m silently crying in the waiting room chair squishing my taco pusheen.
Update: I feel much better now. I got diagnosed with POTS too. I kinda figured I had it but nice to have it actually confirmed. I plan on watching some anime once I get home.
submitted by the_strangling_fruit to SpicyAutism [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 18:31 BZBTeacherMom How did you get savings on the savings card?

I got notice from the pharmacy that my Wegovy had been filled and the copay was $741. I contacted Wegovy and got a savings card but when they put it through, it brought the cost to $1041. If that’s the cost, I will just stick with the compounded version- but I’m really disappointed that I finally got approved but can’t spend that much a month on medicine. What did any of you do to reduce your costs?
submitted by BZBTeacherMom to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:31 Vast_Advice_5102 Understanding the Insurance Verification Process: A Guide for Patients

Understanding the Insurance Verification Process: A Guide for Patients
Navigating the healthcare system can be challenging, especially when it comes to understanding how your insurance works. One critical aspect of this is insurance verification, a process that ensures your insurance coverage is active and determines what services are covered under your policy. This guide aims to help you understand the insurance verification process, what information you need to provide, what to expect, and how to handle common issues that might arise.

What is Insurance Verification?
Insurance verification is the process of confirming a patient's insurance coverage with their insurance company before healthcare services are provided. This process helps healthcare providers determine if the services they offer will be covered by the patient's insurance plan and what the patient's financial responsibilities might be.

Information You Need to Provide
To facilitate a smooth insurance verification process, you'll need to provide accurate and up-to-date information. Here’s a list of what you typically need:

Insurance Card: Provide your insurance card, which contains essential information such as your policy number, group number, and the insurance company’s contact details.
Personal Identification: Your full name, date of birth, and contact information.
Employer Information: If your insurance is provided through your employer, you may need to provide your employer's name and contact details.
Policyholder Information: If the policy is not in your name, you will need the policyholder’s name, date of birth, and other relevant information.
Secondary Insurance: If you have secondary insurance, provide the details of that policy as well.
What to Expect During the Verification Process
Once you’ve provided the necessary information, here's what happens during the insurance verification process:

Submission of Information: The healthcare provider submits your insurance information to the insurance company, usually through an automated system or by phone.
Coverage Confirmation: The insurance company confirms whether your coverage is active and what services are covered under your policy.
Benefit Details: The provider will receive details about your benefits, including copayments, deductibles, and coverage limits.
Authorization Requirements: Some services may require prior authorization. If so, your provider will handle the authorization process, but it might require additional time.
Patient Responsibility: The provider will inform you of any out-of-pocket costs you might be responsible for, such as copays or deductibles.
Common Issues and How to Handle Them
Insurance verification can sometimes encounter issues. Here are common problems and how to address them:

Incorrect Information: If there are errors in the information provided (e.g., incorrect policy number or name spelling), it can delay the verification process.

Solution: Double-check all the information you provide to ensure accuracy. Contact your insurance company to correct any mistakes.
Coverage Lapses: If your insurance coverage has lapsed or is inactive, your services may not be covered.

Solution: Regularly check your insurance status and ensure your premiums are up to date. If coverage has lapsed, contact your insurance company to reinstate it if possible.
Authorization Delays: Some services require prior authorization, which can take time to obtain.

Solution: Schedule appointments well in advance when possible and ask your provider about any required authorizations during the initial scheduling.
Coverage Denials: Sometimes, specific services are not covered by your insurance plan.

Solution: Review your insurance policy to understand what is and isn’t covered. If a service is denied, you can appeal the decision with your insurance company or discuss alternative treatments with your healthcare provider.
Tips for a Smooth Verification Process
Keep Records: Maintain copies of your insurance card and any correspondence with your insurance company.
Update Information: Notify your healthcare provider and insurance company promptly if there are any changes to your insurance coverage or personal details.
Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask your healthcare provider or insurance company for clarification on any aspect of your coverage or the verification process.
Plan Ahead: Whenever possible, provide your insurance information before your appointment to allow ample time for verification.
Understanding the insurance verification process can help you navigate your healthcare experience more effectively. By knowing what information to provide, what to expect, and how to handle common issues, you can ensure that your insurance coverage is accurately verified, minimizing unexpected costs and delays. Remember, proactive communication with both your healthcare provider and insurance company is key to a smooth and stress-free experience.
submitted by Vast_Advice_5102 to u/Vast_Advice_5102 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:19 Illustrious_City_420 I'm just tired.

Raising two kids, 50/50 custody of one. 100% of the other. Making ~1190 every two weeks. Dropped out of school to get a second job hopefully soon but this sucks. I have to make at least another $800 a month. So now I'll be working 730am-430pm Monday through Friday, and then 530pm-1130pm Friday night and whatever they have available on Saturday, hopefully a longer shift so i can get at least 20 hours a week. So I'll have one day off a week to spend time with them.
My mom was watching my kids every Friday night but she doesn't want to anymore so I'm paying my niece to watch them Friday/Saturday so I can work.
But I already know with the increase in income, they'll decrease my child care help. They already took away all of my food stamps and increased my copay for daycare, even though my "low income" place is 50% of my income. My ex owes over 2k in child support now, and hasn't made a payment since February but they still include it in my income because it's still "active".
Most of my credit card debt is because of him, 1800 on a Firestone card to fix his car, i got it down to 1300 but i havent been able to make a payment and now the minimum payment is like 400. The rest is from trying to cover all the bills while he hasn't been paying. He also has the car that I cosigned on that he hasn't made a payment on since August so my credit is crap.
I've been sitting here planning out bills, and as long as I can make $800 a month at the second job, without any decrease in child care help, I could be out of debt in 5 months and actually start saving. But this is my youngest's last summer before she starts school and they're literally never going to see me except for a couple hours a night.
The only "non necessity" I pay for is youtube premium because I use it for music, and my kids of course. I could cancel it but it still won't help us come close to breaking even. I don't do anything besides work and come home and hang out with the kids. We have a dog and two cats, but a friend has been covering their needs while I try to recoup.
I'm so sorry for the long rant, but I am frustrated.
submitted by Illustrious_City_420 to singlemoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:45 Thankful-Happy44 Why was my 3 month script was so cheap?! I was too nervous to ask the pharmacist.

Hi all! I was on Mounjaro for almost 2 years with the savings card that provided a one month supply for $25. My insurance didn't cover it as I wasn't diabetic.
I was able to get a PA approved for Zepbound. I downloaded the savings card. My insurance copay is $30 and the coupon would bring it to $25.
My Dr sent in a 3 month script to Walmart. I didn't get them my savings card info and my total was $24.99 for a total of 3 boxes. I was too shocked to ask any questions.
Anyways, my insurance shows $90 as my copay under claims, but I only paid $24.99. Does anyone know what happened?
submitted by Thankful-Happy44 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:15 Creative-Camel440 Medfinder for the win!....but

Medfinder was able to locate the 7.5 Zepbound for me today. I called the pharmacy (Walgreens) immediately after I received the text. The tech informed me that they had it and asked if I had a script with them. I told her it was with Walmart and would have to be transferred. She then told me that she would initiate the transfer but it would take 24 hours to complete, and if another script for 7.5 came in before the transfer was complete I would be SOL. I asked her to proceed with the transfer, and the prescription showed on my Walgreens app within an hour. Finally, I received the text that it was ready and headed to pick it up. During checkout, I asked to have the savings card applied to bring my copay down to $25. I was told I couldn't apply the savings card since my insurance covered some of the cost. They would only apply the coupon if my insurance did not cover the meds. This is my first bad experience with Walgreens. The Walgreens near my home is helpful and applies the coupon with my insurance. My copay is only $60, so I paid without the coupon.
submitted by Creative-Camel440 to Zepbound [link] [comments]