Letter of reinstatement template to nursing school

Nursing for nurses and by nurses for the care of all.

2009.10.18 21:53 davedavedavedavedave Nursing for nurses and by nurses for the care of all.


2012.12.09 12:39 Baconated_Kayos Student Nurse: tips, advice, and support

Practically anything and everything related to nursing school.

2017.01.22 00:23 donotblockthebox Political Compass Memes

Political Compass Memes

2024.06.02 17:56 GirlImp How do you know which specialty is right for you?

Hi! I’m a mother baby/post partum nurse with a year of experience and I’ve been thinking of trying to cross train Labor and Delivery or even just apply to an L&D position.
I got my first 6 months of experience at an LDRP (labor delivery recovery and postpartum) and I felt very stressed the entire time when laboring a patient. I found mother baby care to be more relaxed because of the lowered level of acuity. So I switched to a mother baby position and been doing that for about 6 months.
The only thing is I’ve been considering lately trying to train in labor and delivery again. I feel like as a new grad straight out of school I was overwhelmed but was able to get my feet under me while working mother baby. I also had untreated adhd and started adhd medication at my second job and it feels like an entirely different experience working.
So now that I feel a little more confident as a nurse and have my adhd treated, I thought labor and delivery might be something i want to try again. im just very scared of jumping back into it only to drown again.
just wanted some outside opinions and how others discovered if a high acuity specialty was for them or if it just wasnt meant to be?
submitted by GirlImp to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:52 SterlingServices Damn! Heidi Wilke Taylor passed away May 23, 2024 at age 49. Fuck cancer.

Damn! Heidi Wilke Taylor passed away May 23, 2024 at age 49. Radiant with kindness and embracing of the eccentric, Heidi-Ho’s passionate drive to care for others spoke to her sincere selfless nature in all aspects of her life. That drive was so motivating that she changed careers and enrolled in nursing school in 2018 … just in time for COVID. She became an operating room nurse with an elite team here in Charlotte, NC.
Heidi was known as “Slippy” to her namesake trivia team of 15 years, as well as to countless pool players. Her eponymous line of billiards products were emblazoned with her goofiest face, an accidental candid shot so terribly unflattering that there was only one thing to do: share it with the world!
A testament to Heidi’s love of helping others, she was an organ donor. However, like so many plans she had for the future, that was suddenly derailed as a result of cancer. (Fuck cancer!) Struck down in her prime, Heidi’s diagnosis in September of 2022 of stage IV intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma came a day after running 18 miles, as she was training for her next marathon. However, she was able to posthumously “enroll” at the Congdon School of Health Sciences at High Point University, where she’ll help teach a new crop of healthcare workers. Her family encourages those who knew Heidi to become organ- or whole-body donors in her memory.
It should be noted that the family has had another, and more recent, loss. Heidi’s mother, Betty Lutz Wilke, died peacefully May 27, 2024.
As you know first-hand, everyone who met Heidi loved her and her infectious laugh. To celebrate Heidi — and the mutual fortune we all shared by knowing her — you are invited to “HeidiFest” at her house on June 23, 2024. In lieu of “thoughts and prayers,” we’d appreciate it if you joined us to enjoy “stories and smiles.” Please come meet Heidi’s family, and get to know Heidi from different perspectives. That being said, Heidi would never want you to feel like you have to do anything, so suit yourself! Go find all of the details at HeidiFest.org.
In honor of such a wonderful person, we have launched the Heidi Wilke Taylor Nursing Scholarship Fund, a not-for-profit corporation organized in the State of North Carolina. In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to the Fund or helping to launch it in other ways so we can help fix the nursing shortage, get potential students the tools they need, and fund other creative initiatives that Heidi would want to support. The overall goal is to continue, and to amplify, all of the kindness and goodness that Heidi has brought to the world, at such a scale appropriate for this unique, special person. To participate through donation or action, please visit HeidiFest.org.
There are so many people, hundreds in fact, to thank for all the care, love, support, generosity, kindness, and help we’ve received since September of 2022. There’s no way to list them all here (you’ll get to meet a bunch of ‘em at HeidiFest!). Still, we must thank all of Heidi’s friends with “Run For Your Life” who absolutely knocked it out of the park early on with their amazing kindness and generosity, setting the tone for everything that came afterwards. Heidi’s coworkers at Sanger Heart and Vascular Institute immeasurably showed their love and support for one of their newest teammates. Heidi’s former officemates at Sterling have kept the wheels on the wagon, allowing her spouse unlimited ability to spend time with her. Thank you, Heidi’s teachers at CPCC, for facing the instructional challenges during COVID, allowing Heidi to pursue her discovered-late-in-life dream of becoming a nurse. Frankly not very many family, friends, and neighbors knew of Heidi’s condition; she did not want to burden anyone with the knowledge unnecessarily. If you are just now learning, you now also know why, and thank you. All of the healthcare workers involved in Heidi’s care (lab techs, phlebotomists, sonographers, radiographers, and so on) deserve recognition and have our appreciation.
Thank you, Heidi’s doctors, for dedicating your lives, with great sacrifice, for the benefit of all your patients. Those letters before and after your name were earned, as was the right to be listed here by name. At both Atrium Health and Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Heidi had direct care from Drs. Corso, Crane, Fountzilas, Hagen, Haggstrom, Iannitti, Kennard, Krishnamurthy, Nannapaneni, Puzanov, Rodman, Simpson, Tango, and Wynne, plus countless others behind the scenes.
Truly deserving of special recognition, of course, are the nurses and supporters who provided healthcare to Heidi. The known names of “Heidi’s Heroes” are Allison, Bethany, Caitlyn, Carleen, Carolyn, Faith, Genna, Jessica, Kathy, Kayla, Kenya, Kristen, La, La’Terra, Marioly, Marissa, Michelle, Rachel, Sarah, Sophie, Vicky, and Whitney.
To learn more about Heidi, HeidiFest, the Heidi Wilke Taylor Nursing Scholarship Fund, or to get updates on upcoming events, go to HeidiFest.org. Or don’t; Heidi wouldn’t want to tell you what to do!
submitted by SterlingServices to obituaries [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:52 Nice-Engineering-489 [URGENT] [REPLY ASAP] UWindsor or Brock

I applied to multiple out of province schools but am still waiting to receive offers as many of those universities send out offers in July and August. I have to choose an offer in Ontario and am stuck between Brock and Windsor. I'm worried my social life will take a hit, so ideally I want to go somewhere where I can maintain a social life. By this I mean school spirit, parties, things to do outside of school, etc. The deadline is Monday June 3rd and tonight is Sunday June 2nd, so I'm need of advice ASAP. Nursing is pretty similar no matter where you go in Ontario, but Brock doesn't offer first year clinical whereas UWindsor does. If I go to Windsor my tuition will be covered by the Learn and Stay grant in Ontario but if I go to Brock I will have to pay it out of pocket. Brock is a little bigger in population compare to Windsor, but please please let me know as soon as possible what your takes are on this. Lmk if as Windsor students you think Windsor is better or Brock.
submitted by Nice-Engineering-489 to UWindsor [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:50 NoOnesKing I’m still waiting

This is pathetic and I know. I know moving on is what I should do. I don’t need to be told that.
But I miss her. I do. I know she doesn’t care about me anymore. I know she’s with rebound man still, even almost a year later.
But I miss her. I’ve done everything you’re supposed to do to move on. I’ve blocked her and removed her. I’ve deleted pictures. I’ve written the letters you aren’t supposed to send. I’ve been to therapy. I’ve focused on hobbies and working out and school and work. I’ve tried to switch my thoughts when they go to her. I’ve tried to give it time. I’ve tried to sit in the grief. Ive tried thinking of her negatively to write off the situation. I’ve tried meeting other people.
I always come back to this point where I want her to come back. I just love her, even despite all the bad shit. I’ve definitely grown. Definitely taken steps back too. And I’m sure the same can be said of her. And I really think things would be different if she did come back.
I just find myself missing her. Not the idea of her. Not having someone to talk to. Her. I miss her laugh. I miss the way she would talk to me. I miss how she would insist she didn’t have a favorite color but it was clearly green. I miss the way she wouldn’t judge my stupid jokes. I miss the way she would cuddle me, with her hand on my stomach and her nose buried in my chest. I miss all the silly stupid jokes she’d make trying to get a rise out of me. I miss her passion for being outdoors and good stories. I miss listening to music with her and her big goofy smile when I told her I liked a song she picked or vice versa. I miss how she’d reach over and put her hand on my knee while we were driving.
I miss falling asleep on the phone with her and leaving her little texts to wake up to.
I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I’m just sitting here and waiting for something to change. I feel so stupid. I just feel like if she were single I could try again. I know it’s not healthy and I know I shouldn’t be feeling this way - but you can’t help how you feel. I’m still trying the things I’ve mentioned. I’m still trying to move on - I’d love nothing more than peace especially given the hypocrisies and toxic parts of the relationship.
But I really miss her. She was so much more than I think I’d realized.
I just feel so dumb. I don’t know what I’m looking for in this post honestly. I guess an outlet.
I just wish she’d come back.
submitted by NoOnesKing to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:47 Nice-Engineering-489 [URGENT] [REPLY ASAP] Brock Nursing or UWindsor Nursing

I applied to multiple out of province schools but am still waiting to receive offers as many of those universities send out offers in July and August. I have to choose an offer in Ontario and am stuck between Brock and Windsor. I'm worried my social life will take a hit, so ideally I want to go somewhere where I can maintain a social life. By this I mean school spirit, parties, things to do outside of school, etc. The deadline is Monday June 3rd and tonight is Sunday June 2nd, so I'm need of advice ASAP. Nursing is pretty similar no matter where you go in Ontario, but Brock doesn't offer first year clinical whereas UWindsor does. If I go to Windsor my tuition will be covered by the Learn and Stay grant in Ontario but if I go to Brock I will have to pay it out of pocket. Brock is a little bigger in population compare to Windsor, but please please let me know as soon as possible what your takes are on this. Lmk if as Brock students you think Brock is better or UWindsor.
submitted by Nice-Engineering-489 to brocku [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:45 Dryadz1 Don't give up: Possible to get a job in industry with little to no experience. I recently got one.

I've read a lot of posts about people saying their pay is low ($13 /h really?) and the doom and gloom about job applications.
I was there, and had asked on this sub for advice too...
I have a B.Sc. in Biochem from a decade and a half ago. I didn't get my first job until 2022, which was $24 /h, and I stayed 4.5 months. Moved to an HCOL, high population state in the east coast.
I secured another job as a QC chemist at a pharmaceutical a month after my move. $23/h. I was terminated from there for making a mistake after 3 months.
I started mass applying via indeed, but had to take a high school job at a medical lab (so irrelevant, industry-wise) for financial upkeep. That lasted 3 months.
I got on unemployment and kept applying. Stayed unemployed for an entire year, sent in 200+ indeed apps. Recruiters gave up on me, lol.
Started doubting my worth... Then I went on reddit and found: https://www.reddit.com/jobs/comments/7y8k6p/im_an_exrecruiter_for_some_of_the_top_companies/
He's right. It dawned on me that the FIRST PERSON to see your resume and make an initial decision on passing you over or not is AN IDIOT / not a science person... it's a company recruiter / talent acquisition person who, at most, holds a psychology degree, or at worst, holds a marketing degree.
I followed his post to the letter (my resume was 4 pages with all my research and achievements... and i cut it down to 1 dumbed down resume for dummies) and suddenly... I'm landing 5 on-site interviews in 2 weeks... blah blah. Like a month or two later, I received two offers, one for $21, the other for $26.
I've taken the $26 and will start work on the 17th.
My takeaways:
  1. a STEM degree is so valuable, you can keep it stagnant for 10.5 years and still find work
  2. Science and job hunting are two extremely different fields even when you're applying to a science jobs. You need to learn the game (if you're living in a competitive state/location).
  3. I've seen so many B.S. job postings... ICP experience + hplc experience... paying $18 per hour? LOL? Other $18 / h positions KF-titration experience... all turning me down :P. (but i've never seen a friggin sub-18 per hour position on indeed)...
The point is, you get lulled into thinking "if the low paying ones aren't hiring me, then what i worth!?" But that's simply not true. Pay =/= hireability. Just keep applying. Don't take any of these b.s. job postings. The science majors who desperately apply to them are caught in the mouse trap.
  1. If you're in a unique circumstance, like mine, where you've been out of school for awhile, REMOVE all dates (except employment dates). Remove irrelevant employment experience too if it makes you look bad.
It's bad manners to ask a candidate education dates, as it's seen as a red flag. I've noticed most interviewers are nice and aren't out to sniff out red flags as long as you don't present any (gaps). It's a very "don't show, we won't ask about it" thing.
Anyway, I hope this post helps someone!
submitted by Dryadz1 to labrats [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:43 ComplexSignificant76 Pediatric enlarged spleen. Seems to be no urgent condition causing it?

My daughter is 10 years old and 73 pounds. Here is what happened.
This happened last Wednesday. I work at her school and then nurse called my room asking if I had Motrin because she was having some pain on her left side. I came down to then nurse and realized she was in a lot of pain by looking at her face and her cry and wasn’t going to just give her Motrin and we needed to go to the pediatrician. I called and they said be here in 20 minutes. So off we went. She couldn’t even walk. We had to use a wheel chair.
They screened her urine and ran some blood work all was normal. They sent us to the ER.
ER did blood work and abdominal ultrasound. Blood work normal and ultrasound found a slightly enlarged spleen. He mentioned the causes and since her blood work is normal and her pain went away that we could follow up with the Pediatrician. The pediatrician ordered another abdomen ultrasound. So a week from her first one in the ER, we had a second one.
It was the same. The same results and same size. No pain anymore since that day. Abdomen exam felt normal when doctor was banging listening to certain sounds and feelings. Couldn’t feel the spleen.
The plan from here is to repeat the scan in 8-12 weeks. If the spleen does get bigger we will be going to a hematologist/oncologist. He said they work together in the same building here at the hospital near us.
She has no other symptoms of anything serious causing this. Normal active 10 year old, eats alot, plays sports and ballet, active with her friends. Sleeps normal. No fevers. Hasn’t been sick since September in the beginning of school with a cold.
He mentioned it’s possible this was an incidental finding and she could have larger spleen than normal and that’s all there is to it. But we’ll be checking to rule everything out. I believe her normal for her age was 11.15 and hers was 13.25.
Is this normal procedure and should we ask for anything further while we wait for the next scan.
submitted by ComplexSignificant76 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:39 No_Scientist_2476 What should I give a science teacher?

Hey everyone. I'm a rising senior this year and I plan to gift my AP Biology teacher something near the end of my senior year. I am a boss at 3D design and would like to print something for him as I'm not exactly the best at writing letters. Just a gift to express my gratitude for him taking time out of his busy schedule to help me answer my questions after school and writing rec letters. For the science teachers out there, what would be a good 3d object that I could design that he would enjoy?
submitted by No_Scientist_2476 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:37 mimajneb A surpresa do Google+

No final de 2012 inscrevi-me inscrevi-me no meu primeiro curso online organizado pela Google in Education. Inicialmente estava céptico em relação ao que podia aprender num curso online. Mas qualquer dúvida que existisse, ficou aniquilada poucos minutos depois da inscrição. Recebi um mail que continha a informação horária das aulas e um resumo alargado do seu conteúdo. A primeira surpresa, surge quando encontro no mail que vou ser avaliado duas vezes durante o curso e no final, se tiver uma aprovação positiva, recebo um certificado. O primeiro dia de aulas começou com uma pequena avaliação que serve para ver o estado em que nos encontramos. Depois é nos apresentado o professor e a totalidade dos conteúdos programáticos. E é neste momento, em que olho para o meu professor, que tenho a minha segunda surpresa. Sem dar conta tenho alguém a falar directamente comigo, e, compreendo a verdadeira força do Google Plus. Criei uma ligação entre a minha conta, Google Plus, o curso que estou a tirar e todas as ferramentas que o Google disponibiliza. Assim, durante as semanas seguintes usei o Google Plus como nunca pensei ser possível.
Entre aulas, discussões, foruns e avaliações fiz o meu primeiro curso online onde aprendi a ser um "Power Searcher".
E o que é ser um "Power Searcher"?
Um "Power Searcher" é alguém que sabe fazer uma pesquisa no Google. Este é o momento em que tu dizes:
Qualquer um sabe fazer uma pesquisa no Google. É verdade, qualquer um com acesso a um computador consegue fazer uma pesquisa, mas, também é verdade que qualquer um com acesso a papel e caneta sabe escrever?
Um "Power Searcher" é como um detective da internet, uma bibliotecária se o preferirem, é alguém, que sabe encontrar respostas a perguntas que inicialmente parecem impossíveis de responder. Aprendes a usar as ferramentas que o Google actualmente disponibiliza de uma forma única, construtiva e muitas vezes, surpreendente.
Agora que acabei o curso, sei que num futuro próximo, terei que ensinar o meu filho a ser um "Power Searcher", não o fazer, seria semelhante a pensar que aprender a ler é menos importante. Pergunto-me até que ponto não devia ser obrigatório para todos os estudantes, independente da idade e área de estudo.
Isto para não falar nos jornalistas actuais, espero vivamente que não pensem que podem continuar a exercer actividade sem conhecer a força de um motor de pesquisa quando bem utilizado. Se ainda restarem dúvidas sobre o potencial deste curso, então faço um pequeno desafio às vossas capacidades de pesquisa.
Se por algum motivo até conseguires responder à primeira pergunta, então sabes que o autor do trabalho era um treinador olímpico. Quero agora saber de onde é que ele assistiu à competição do atleta que treinou?
Estas duas perguntas fazem parte do exame final. E é aqui que surge a minha terceira grande surpresa. Antes deste curso era-me totalmente impossível responder de forma acertada a qualquer uma das perguntas. Mas no dia do exame fui capaz de responder com uma facilidade estranha e até assustadora.
Muitos outros exemplos como este fazem parte do curso em que aprendes a ser um "Power Searcher".
Em Outubro de 2012 aprendi a ser um "Power Searcher" e no início de Janeiro de 2013 passei a ser um "Advanced Power Searcher". O curso começa com um desafio muito simples. Depois relembramos alguns dos processos de pesquisa e podemos assistir à forma como o Dan Russell, o nosso professor, encontra as respostas. A partir deste ponto são apresentadas as datas de entrega dos 12 desafios, divididos em três categorias: 4 (E) easy, 6 (M) medium e 2 (H) hard.
Os desafios são os seguintes:
I was asked recently to find reputable sources for the following statement: “During the glory days of radio, it was illegal to mimic the voice of the US president.” Was there actually a law prohibiting that? Or was just a White House policy and not a legal issue. Was it law or policy?
I remember reading an article about scientists who found fossils of pairs of turtles mating. I want to read the original announcement of the discovery in a scholarly publication. What is the web address (URL) for the original article abstract?
You are in the city that is home to the House of Light and a museum in a converted school featuring paintings from the far-away Forest of Honey. What traditional festival might you be visiting?
The article that introduced the most humongous "Humongous Fungus" has been cited by a mycoforester who recommended using what parasite to cure the infestation?
Salman Khan asks: "I recently estimated a current-day equivalent cost for a family to buy a block-print book before the invention of the Gutenberg press." (1) To what contemporary item was the cost of a book compared? (2) Can you find other sources that back up or contradict the calculation in this book?
The picture was taken at a stop along the fall-to-spring route of a particular vehicle. That photo, and the two below (b and c), were taken in the same county, from a vehicle as it traveled. (1) What is the name of the vehicle that the pictures were taken from? (2) What job does this vehicle do for most of the year, excluding the summer months? (3) All the images are in the same county. If you travel north to south and visit each of these locations in order, in what order would you arrive at the sites? (For example, would you go A, B, C?)
At the world's fair for which this building was constructed, a composer heard a full orchestra playing a traditional form of music from an island that was once home to the Sunda Kingdom. In later years, he composed many pieces inspired by elements of this musical form. (1) Who was this composer? (2) What is the name of this style of music? (3) From what current-day country does it originate? (4) Find an example of this traditional form of music you can hear. (5) Find a musical score by this composer of an early 20th century piece that is heavily influenced by this music. (6) What is the library closest to you that has the score?
A climate graph showing average temperature and precipitation for a major city.
Across the top are three cities. Research the climate for each city and decide which city fits the graph. What is the Köppen climate type for the city that fits the graph, as expressed in letter symbols? Which of the city choices has a climate influenced by the southeast trade winds? Make a similar graph for a city or region near you. Using Creative Commons, pre-approve sharing in any way you choose. Then, share the graph in a social network of your choice.
In the mid-1800’s literate people in the United States and elsewhere often carried a notebook with them to copy down passages of text or quotations that were particularly valuable or interesting to them. This notebook had a very particular name. What was this kind of notebook called?
Although best known for other works, this doctor ran as a parliamentary candidate for the Liberal Unionists. He also compared seals to slugs while working on a whaling ship. Later in life, he sent an open letter to the newspaper decrying the "greatest crime ever committed." (1) What book did he write on the subject of this "great crime"? (2) What is the closest library to you that has a print copy of this book?
You were hiking in the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve and saw this feather on the ground.
You sketched it out so you could identify it later. To what kind of bird did it belong?
Suggest a new World Heritage site in your country. What are the criteria for becoming a World Heritage site? What are the existing locations near you? Identify three strong reasons that qualify the location you selected to become a World Heritage site.
submitted by mimajneb to u/mimajneb [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:35 Far-Ad-9679 Dates (not days) for automations?

I'm trying to create a date condition range for activating "summer break" mode helper. Can't figure it out.
I have certain automations that during the school year I use but I don't want to trigger during the kids summer break. (Ie light routine to catch the bus, waking up super early, etc).
Right now these automations are triggered at particular times on certain days of the week. I know the UI allows you to pick days of the week to run an automation (Monday and Wednesday or weekends or whatever), but I don't see a way to activate a date range as a condition.
Although it may be possible with a template, I'm not good with yaml or jinga yet so I want to avoid templates as conditions in my scripts and automations. I also know I may be able to search for keywords in calendar entries on my linked Google calendar but haven't been successful there either. I've also seen the schedule helper under the "helpers" section but that doesn't appear to help for selecting a date range.
I imagine it would be possible to have a toggle that will simply activate during preset date ranges (possiblity that these date ranges could be updated through a drop down date picker on the dashboard or within the UI) to be able to select the start date and end date for summer break.
Similarly for other automations I would like to be able to designate set dates as holidays so special light scene automations occur on those particular days.
submitted by Far-Ad-9679 to homeassistant [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:31 andanteforte Trying to work at beside with no acute/inpatient experience

I have been a nurse for 1.5 years. I graduated my nursing school in May of 2022 and I went straight to outpatient after passing my NCLEX. Due personal circumstances, I could not work inpatient but I now have to leisure to work in any type of setting and I want to work as a bedside nurse to grow my knowledge as a nurse. However, all transitional programs I am seeing require applicants to have no working experience as RN and l have graduated within a year and I cannot find anything that allows for a nurse with no inpatient experience to apply to work inpatient. How can I go about this problem? I do not think I am looking at the right places. I have been also thinking about applying as a staff I nurse and asking them to train me. I am also looking for a job in the bay area so it is even more competitive to get hired without any inpatient experience. Any advice is welcomed :)
submitted by andanteforte to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:30 Kitchen_Fig_7624 Are the prerequisite courses a good indicator for how you’ll do in nursing school?

Hi y’all! I’m older and considering nursing as a second career. I’ll start the biology and A&P prerequisite courses this fall. I’m wondering whether my studies/grades in those classes would have any correlation with how difficult I would find nursing school to be?
I’m no dummy (have an advanced degree in a non-medical field, 7 years of schooling post high school, but that was when I was in my 20s). I am just north of 50 and would be working FT while attending nursing school PT. My peeps think I can do it but I’m having a bit of doubt. Thanks for any input you might have!
submitted by Kitchen_Fig_7624 to StudentNurse [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:28 Think-Illustrator-99 Extenuating circumstance form…HELP!!

Hey guys soo…. Two of my required coures for my program I have in private school, ngl Ive been to focus on my day school and work and I've kinda neglected them.
For my program I have to all my marks in by like July 12th
I dont think im gonna be able to finish it by then without compromising my mark.
I'm thinking that in this extenuating circumstances letter I just tell em about a sob story,
But I need a letter of support from my private school teacher, what do I tell her to write... Helppp!!!
submitted by Think-Illustrator-99 to OntarioGrade12s [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:14 Tr1angulum Am I “competitive” enough to apply for T50 schools?

I’m a rising senior (class of 2025). I’ve got a school list, but as the start of application season draws near, I’m anxious that I’m not good enough for my top choice schools. I’m sure my view is skewed because of things I’ve seen online, as well as pressures within my own life to be “perfect.”
I want to major in Neuroscience and go down the traditional pre-med path. I know I don’t need to go to a “top” school. That’s not really what I’m worried about. That said, most of the schools I really like that also have incredible research opportunities, great professors, smaller (in general) classes, and good pre-med programs, tend to be higher on the list.
Should I put less emphasis/hope on my top choice schools based on my stats as of now? Am I giving myself false hope or am I “good enough?”
Side note: also concerned about letters of recommendation. My last two months of junior year were crazy, in and out of the building for testing and track meets. Totally forgot to ask my teachers. I know who I would ask, but is it too late to talk to them in August??
Schools: (Reaches) Rice, Emory, Northwestern, UCSD, (Targets) UT Austin, Baylor, Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USD, (Safeties) CU Boulder, Texas A&M
Quick rundown of my stats (as of the end of my junior year)
UW GPA: 4.0
W GPA: 4.4
Class Rank: 3/450 (Top 1%)
Coursework: 7 IBs (full IBDP), 8 APs
SAT: 1490 (770RW, 720M) retaking this in August
ACT: taking this in a week. not sure what I should aim for — really stressed out!!
Varsity XC
Varsity Track
DECA (State Finalist)
NHS (President)
Selective Hospital Volunteer Program (Summer 2023, 66 hours)
Piano (Been playing for 10 years)
AP/IB scores for this year are not out yet (also terrified about this haha). Last year, I got:
5- AP Gov, 5- AP Macro, 5- AP World
Any guidance would be appreciated. This all came so suddenly!
submitted by Tr1angulum to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:07 BrilliantAny5860 Struggling

I have childhood traumas. One was from my maternal family where your figure (meat sac) was constantly compared with others in your generation.
As a UK size 8 at 16 I was told I was "the fat one of my generation" and "there's always one fat one". I wasn't. But I felt huge. And it had been constantly said for years before this.
There was also a period of time between 16 to 18 as I tried to navigate school but was homeless with no money. I Sofa surfed my way through it.
My first, but brief marriage was to an alcoholic and domestic violence man. I never experienced sex without violence during this period. I also had a carving knife to my throat, ended up in hospital needing an operation and losing a baby due to a particular savage attack. That's when I begged to move in with my mum and I did.
I'm not going to talk about my childhood SA. But that's also a factor.
My father was a SA and caused my mum so much stress and upset I'm surprised she coped as well as she did. At times her behaviour was horrendous but now I get it.
So when I met my PA I was infatuated. He shared all my values. He was genuinely affectionate. He cared. Put me first. Had eyes only for me.
I disclosed my trauma. I needed him to KNOW I needed to be the only woman.
Fast forward 33 years and I find our he's been using porn for the last 23 years or more of our relationship.
He also did so much more than simply porn. But porn was the snowball that led to other addictions and years of integrity abuse.
He told me recently when asked what was it about them. He used the same searches and had a specific type. In his words they were: Younger, had flawless skin, more energetic, tighter ass, firmer boobs.
I asked him because for 9 months I had every aspect of me physically on this list. I needed to reduce it for my own sanity.
Naturally once you know the list it hits harder. Not that it didn't hit hard previously but there was always the what ifs because of the unknowns.
I have been devastated by all of his actions.
I tried explaining that I was (being generous) a 6/10 and they were a 10/10.
I reiterated something he knew. I needed to feel desired by him, only him to counter act my body issues from childhood. It was the only thing that made any difference.
His therapist described looking at the 10/10 women as dreaming of having an expensive sport car. That you wouldn't want it in real life. I hate this because we all know if a man came into millions he'd buy one of those expensive sports cars.
So now I'm lower on his sexual arousal template. But he had turned his back on porn and all other fixations to focus only on me.
But he's watched 100,000s of porn videos. 1,000s of thirst traps etc. All who had better bodies, all who gave him his sexual desire to M to O. Not me.
But that's okay because he didn't want them in real life. That's what I'm told. But it's not how I feel at all.
I lived through abuse while he did this. I lived through 5 years of no sex while he did this.
I am struggling to accept being 2nd place. Really struggling. To the point of panic attacks last night.
He tried to tell me I won overall as he loved me. But you have to compare like for like nor add in addition points to get you out of the dog house.
He tried to complement me by saying things like I had sexier knees. Wow. Never had such a complement like that low before.
He tried to make a move last night. First few minutes I was OK. Then the feeling of being 2nd hit me. And I knew deplep down I've never accepted 2nd place.
I appreciate there's always going to be more beautiful women and men. I do not consider myself to be the most beautiful.
But you don't need to look at their curves and M to O for 23 years though.
So I feel gross. I hate how my body feels. I hate how it looks. But most of all I hate how he made me 2nd by feeding his PA for so long.
He's never been 2nd. I committed to him.
But I am, always will be and it burns my soul and broke my heart.
I dont know if a person can recover from feeling like this. I dont know if I'd survive if he ever slipped up.
We are both in therapy.
What do I do? How do I continue in this relationship. Is it possible?
submitted by BrilliantAny5860 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:06 opus52 Is it normal to say 'I hope you are well' at the beginning of formal written communication?

For a formal letter (not business, but still to a respected figure), would it be natural to start with some French equivalent of 'I hope you are well?' Whenever I write it, it always feels very English to me and sounds awkward in French. The templates in French I have seen online tend to get straight to the point without much preamble.
Thank you in advance.
submitted by opus52 to French [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:04 loserlous i left job corps after 4 months of being there, here’s why.

for starters i’d like to say the program itself is really easy i’ve gotten my GED in two months and 20% of my trade done (could’ve been more but i needed my HSD or GED to progress)
the food is what you make of it some days it’s 9/10 others it’s 3/10
deep cleanings was every monday after dinner which was pretty average
i was an early bird so waking up at 6 wasn’t really a problem for me.
teachers and some staff were nice
that’s all the good i can say and now for the BAD
i scored a 4 and 3 in tabe scores so they automatically put me in HSD classes and not GED which i’ve stated in the beginning i go talk to someone who just put me down for 5 minutes saying my tabe scores were low so i don’t qualify. i ignored his comments and moved in silent talking to people higher up than him managing to get into GED class and passing all my test first time with minimal studying.
there was weekly assemblies that everyone needed to attend and they’d talk about vapes, smoking , drugs etc etc
all three of my roommates vaped and tried to get me to start too.
the nurse that over ran health and wellness had to be the meanest person you’ll ever meet especially when you’re sick or hurt.
having to deal with smelly roommates all three didn’t shower but one was chubbier and would bathe once a day then goes out sweating and comes back smelling like onions
majority of staff don’t care i had the person who was in charged of the assembly for the vapes personal number and i’d text them pictures and concrete evidence of my roommates smoking explaining how it was taking a toll on my mental health they said they’d take care of it and the next day they gave that very roommate LED lights who kept it bright all the time so i had to now deal with headaches and the smell of weed pens😂
i tried two more times and waited and waited but nothing was done until finally i broke and said i wanted to resign and they took me to 4 different people who all made me feel stupid for “quitting and giving up when i haven’t even tried to make a change” i told them i reached out i did everything the assembly told me to do, I said it was too much but no one listened until it was too late and they begged me to stay and was willing to do anything and that made me more sure i wanted to leave because why try to help now not back then??
now here’s my tip on how i survived as long as i could
desk fan please please please buy an eyemask. don’t get into a habit of sharing your snacks. don’t become friends with everyone i know everyone says this but for the love of god don’t get into a relationship and if you do keep it a secret. jobcorps students treat relationship as top news of the school it’s like middle school all over again. don’t be afraid to go to your counselor or someone in charge if something is bothering you. i was quiet so naturally i was treated like i wasn’t even there so if you want to navigate life under the radar there be quiet , stay inside (majority of the drama happens at the gym)
even though i didn’t finish my trade i was happy to obtain my GED if you have any questions DMs are open
submitted by loserlous to jobcorps [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:58 tsunadayee young woman with literally no experience, is there hope for me?

hi guys <3
i’m a 23f who has never talked to anyone romantically before, never been on a date before, never kissed anyone before, never been in a relationship before, never had sex before, etc etc. i graduated college and i’ve been a nurse for a little bit and am at a point in my life where i would appreciate having a significant other, but seriously feel like i’m destined to die alone (genuinely)
for context: growing up i faced a lot of bullying and dehumanizing comments related to my skin color, and for a majority of my life, i felt like romance was not something i deserved to experience and that it would never be written in the stars for me. i had abysmal self confidence and self worth, and it wasn’t until i was about 19/20 years old when i realized that i was actually attractive. i’ve navigated a majority of my life thinking i was vile and horrid, so i never did anything like download dating apps, go out to try to meet people, make an instagram and post, try to talk to guys, etc. luckily once i started college, i started doing a lot of self actualization and self healing, saw a psychiatrist and got medicated, saw a dietician for my ed, grinded through nursing school, passed my nclex, and got my big girl job. however, throughout college i was so engulfed in studying and getting good grades that I never took initiative to try to meet people, and i was also a commuter which made things even worse. also in nursing school, almost my entire class was comprised of young women so i honestly didn’t really have that many options to choose from, especially because we were all in the same classes together with the same people. this is the first time in my life where i haven’t been distracted by school, and i’m constantly reminded of my loneliness and how chronically single i am.
now i’m 23 years old, and i truly have no idea where to start. i downloaded hinge for like 3 days and it wasn’t the greatest experience lol. a majority of the men on there were looking for “something casual” or “trying to figure out my dating goals” or I didn’t find them attractive or they had ridiculous red flags on their profile. i live in the south and whenever i go out and see attractive people, it’s like everyone is either already in a relationship or married. and people are always like “focus on yourself, love yourself, focus on hobbies, it’ll come when you least expect it!!!”, i go hiking, i color, i play video games, i go shopping, i go to different coffee shops, etc. and i’m tired of doing everything alone because that’s what i’ve been doing my entire life. i don’t drink so i don’t go to bars, and almost all of the bars in my city are college bars so there’s a lot of teenagers/early 20-something undergrads there. i’m at a point where i truly have no idea what to do, and i’m starting to question my self worth again and can’t help but ask what’s wrong with me and why it is that i have yet to find even one semi-normal person that likes me romantically and that i like romantically. i can’t help but feel like i’m doomed and truly unloveable. idek if the location is maybe the issue and that i just need to change cities/states. motor mouth session over, i would appreciate any advice!! <33
submitted by tsunadayee to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:52 Ok-Slice3566 Am I the ahole for hating my sister

Hi I’m Li 14 (f) and my sister Dia is 17. It all started in December, my sister asked me and my mom if we could got to our schools rival basketball game, of course me being happy that my sister wanted to hang out with said yes. Little did I know that was a big mistake. During the game me and my sister got separated and she snuck off and left the building so I was alone with a lot of people that I didn’t know. I have extreme social anxiety and I have to calm myself down in big crowds. During that time my sister was hanging out with her foolish friends and got Sa’d. After that there was a shooting that we were caught in the middle of. Thankfully me and her got out because I observed the crowd and noticed that the police were not calm and were putting on vest. Fast forward to January my sister got raped. She snuck out again and I was the one that had to tell my mom. And my mom is really sensitive. But when I told her the only thing that she was talking about was different ways to beat Dia and the scary thing was that she would actually do it, si I begged her to be optimistic about why she might have snuck out. I told my mom to wait to call the police until 9 a.m. During that time I went to what I knew best which was going mute and not talking, crying, and cleaning. I didn’t have thoughts, ideas, it was like there was a black hole inside of me. When I felt like the time was right it told my mom to go outside, and there was a police officer driving past and my mom flagged him down, when the police officer was in the house, I heard crying but when I saw my mom it was her fake cry, not her real one, it made me feel disgusted, and like she only wanted the attention. There was only one person that I knew she could be at but we were on bad terms, and that was my dad. He was the first person that I called, after one ring he answered, and I asked where is she to him crying and sounding defeated, he told me to calm down then we need to talk and that she is okay and it would be best if we meet up. So we all meet up at my great aunts house. I saw my dad for the first time in over a year, and although it wasn’t on the best terms, I still wanted to run up to him and cry, but I didn’t because it wasn’t about me it was about Dia. She told me, my dad, my mom, and my great aunt that she was raped and threatened. My dad being the protective guy that he is said that we should go and talk to the police and got to the hospital to confirm that she was sa’d. We stayed in the hospital for about 10-12 hours taking shifts, because there could only be 2 people back there at a time. My mom and stepmom talked to each other for the first time, and I hung out with my dad and younger sister Ayah. The process took a long time, but it was confirmed that she was raped. After we left the hospital, we went back to our moms house and started packing to stay with our dad until everything was situated. When I got done putting the last suitcase in the trunk, my mom leaned down at the window at 11:50 p.m. and said “ I hope y’all are up and ready for school” after she said that I started crying, like what did she not get by her daughter was raped, it’s not something that goes away in a few hours. I lost so much respect for her after that. And for the next couple of months we were living with our dad full time until the case was figured out. During that time me and Dia would make jokes on our moms mental and physical abuse. One day our stepmom overheard me and asked what we were talking about, and if everything was okay at my moms house, and me and Dia saying yes, because she had normalized the abuse for years. But my stepmom told my dad and they had a talk on abuse and how it wasn’t normal. My dad and stepmom then contacted their lawyer and told him what happened. Then my sister Dia said that we should write letters on how the abuse was carried out, and why. And I agreed that it should be fine, but it wasn’t, during the time of her writing her letters, she would stay up trying to perfect them, she started sleeping in my room because she felt scared, and me being comforting, said yes, but that would be my biggest mistake inviting her in my personal space. One night she climbed up my stairs on my bunk bed and held my hands and stared into my eyes at like 3 in the morning and that scared the heck out of me. I’m not one to have any fears but whenever she came near me she scared me so much as if she was possessed and I can feel when something isn’t right but that’s were she got me. Every time me and her were alone she would say something that made no sense, and I felt like I was going crazy until she left to go to the bathroom and it was me, my stepmom and my dad, I had a panic attack and told them how she was acting, and at first they thought I was jealous, because she was getting all of the attention, but I don’t blame them for thinking that way. That night when they all went to sleep, Dia cried at my doorway where I couldn’t see her face, but there was light behind her, she said “I’m the sacrifice” and then left out of the room and went down to the second floor. I was so scared that night because I thought she was going to be harmed, or do the harming. It didn’t take me that long to fall asleep but I told me too long to wake up. All I could hear was my dad calling my name and I eventually got up. I unlocked my door, I walked out to my sisters outside my room. My little sister playing with cards, cards that I had never seen. And Dia looking menacingly in the corner of her room. My stepmom had jury duty that day and my dad was going to take her. As soon as they left my sister had two phones in her hand, and started talking about how we’re Dominican, mind you we are African American and Indigenous, and my little sister is mixed with African American and Haitian, so I was so confused and I looked at my phone for the time and Dia tried to take it say that the wasn’t real and that everything was fake the she started yelling. And attacked me, I was on the edge of my lower bunk, and my litter sister was right next to me. I put her in the corner of my room, to protect her because I thought I was going to have to fight Dia physically, which I’m 5”2, 115 pounds and I’m buff, and do weightlifting and know mixed martial arts, so I kinda of could hold my own, but she didn’t know her strength, she’s smaller than me, but it felt like I was trying to fight a leopard. But my dad ended up calling me and telling me to bring my little sister down to the car because they didn’t have a good feeling, and by the time he took her in the car Dia was acting as crazy as the joker. And apparently she called the police with my mom and made it seem like there was child abuse going on at my dads house but honestly it was the complete opposite, I’ve never felt a sense of normalcy in years. We went down to the first floor and the police were at the front door, they asked specifically for all the women in the house, because there was an incomplete call and they said it was a women’s voice. The only person that I thought of was my sister Dia because she was the only one with the house phones in her hands. And the police asked if everything was okay and she turned to my stepmom and said she needs to leave and said a lot of bad stuff, but in conclusion, she assaulted two police officers, recorded like she wasn’t acting completely insane, and she also lied and said that me and her were kidnapped and that she’s 18 and I’m 16, which I talked to the police separately and told them that she had been through a lot, and that we were not kidnapped and that we came here on our own terms, and that I’m 14 and she’s 16. The police were very nice and understanding. Because we are black in a mainly white neighborhood my dad begged them to please have mercy on her and I’ve never seen him cry like he did that day, it broke me mentally and cause my trust issues to go up. That day was long a traumatizing because I get really scared when people are yelling at me are shouting. My stepmom and dad fought so hard for my sister and me and now they have major trust issues with everyone, I feel really bad for them because Dia has put our younger sister on the line of possibly being adopted because of her false lies, she also lied and said that I was doing heavy drugs and I had to take a drug test in front on my dad and stepmom which was humiliating and I degraded my name and I felt like I didn’t have purpose on this earth because of my sister Dia. We had court and the judge said that I had to go back with my mom, hi to therapy, and that I wouldn’t be able to see my dad until the next weekend, I took a walk during the court case and I was apparently wanted by 50 different sheriffs, they found me and I was really confused, I gave my dad and stepmom one last hug that day and cried profusely, I saw about three other sheriffs crying as well. My mom made two walk me to her car, and made it seem like I was a prisoner just missing the chains and jumpsuit. I ended up talking to one of the sheriffs and he gave me some good advice to keep my head up and keep going, so that’s what I did and I talked to him about possibly getting myself emancipated, which I don’t really want. I went in the car with my sister and she was yelling a crying the entire time I was in the car and scared the absolute crap out of me. That next Friday I packed my clothes and stuff that I wanted to go to my dad’s house, and my sister started coming at me with words and I tried to take my water bottle back from her and she kicked me in my stomach and told me to start crying but I didn’t and I pushed her back off of me, I’m self defense and I got so mad at the fact that I couldn’t really fight her, so I let out every word that would hurt someone and I never cussed that much in my life but I didn’t notice how much I was cussing until I heard my Nana at the bottom of the stairs, my sister went downstairs and laughed at me, and then she went into the living room where I sleep every night and she took my Beats, phone charger, and epi pen and hid them throughout the house. She’s had so many episodes that I feel like I’m going crazy, I have multiple videos of her episodes out of self defense. My mom told me that I couldn’t text or call my dad, so I snuck and called him to inform him of what has been happening, I believe that it’s child endangerment if my mom leaves me alone with my sister. She honestly does stuff or says stuff when my mom leaves me alone with her. She was jealous of me and tried to attack me, she even threw a full candle at my head because she thought I was the cause of all of the false and childish decisions she made. She still has episodes a lot, and I want to live with my dad. She put such a negative effect on their lives, and now we all have to go to court because of her lies. She even knows who raped her and she protects them with her whole life and lies for them, and she lied about my dad trying to kidnap us, she ruined her relationship with a lot of people and all for what? Just to fit in, it’s really sad how much people change their lives for other peoples judgment. Today is my birthday and I’m at my dads house. I really don’t want to go over to my mom’s house. I really need advice. I just want a better and more peaceful life.
submitted by Ok-Slice3566 to hatek_hadbek [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:52 Iceler69 The Conflict Between Us: Winterjou Chapter 1

The Conflict Between Us: Winterjou Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Kinkajou POV(Royal Pavilion/Rainforest Kingdom 12:00 pm June 30th)
Kinkajou was hopping through the trees hastily. She had received a message from a fellow rainwing requesting her presence at the newly constructed Raining Pavillion.
Kinkajou was quite annoyed that a fellow rainwing dared to wake her up during her sun time. However, the messenger insisted that it was urgent. And Kinkajou knew better than to disobey Glory's orders. So she casually made her way through the trees like an orangutan.
When she arrived at the Pavillion she noticed the large line of RainWings and Nightwings on the rainforest floor in front of the pavilion. Since Glory requested her presence immediately she skipped the line and directly flew up to the Pavillion.
Queen Glory was sitting on her Rich mahogany throne wearing her signature flower crown.
"Ah Kinkajou you got here sooner than I thought you would," Glory said.
"Your majesty," Kinkajou said, as she bowed formally in front of the Rainwing Queen.
"Quit the formal talk Kinkajou, we've been friends long enough for you to stop bowing," Glory said, as she stood up and walked over to Kinkajou.
Kinkajou laughed and quickly turned out of her bow and walked forward to greet her royal friend.
"So, what can I do for you?" Kinkajou asked the Queen.
"Kinkajou, I have an assignment for you." Glory said.
Kinkajou's eyes lit up. "Of course, what can I do for you?" Kinkajou asked.
Glory sighed and flicked her tail. "I need you to go undercover at the newly constructed Jade Mountain Academy." Glory said.
Kinkajou looked at Glory with interest. Undercover? Why on earth would she need me to do that? Pyrriah's at peace, plus I don't think the other tribes would appreciate a spy at the very controversial multi-tribal school. Kinkajou thought.
"Your Majesty, your request is very odd. I do not understand why you would need me to go undercover there?" Kinkajou asked.
Even though Kinkajou and Glory were good friends, she knew if she was going to question her Queen she had to be as respectful as possible.
Glory started to walk away from Kinkajou. Kinkajou also started walking, so that the Queen and Kinkajou were walking side by side.
"You probably already know that five dragonets from every tribe will be attending the Academy." Glory paused then continued. "I'm concerned about the beef between the Nightwings and Icewings." Glory said, jumping right to the point.
Kinkajou looked with interest. "Beef? What kind of beef?" Kinkajou asked.
Glory sighed. "The feudal kind, the nightwings and icewings have a very bad rivalry between them. I don't know all of the details, but I know it goes back thousands of years." Glory explained.
Kinkajous eyes widened. "Thousands of years?! How can 2 tribes hold a grudge against each other for that long?!" Kinkajou asked, shocked.
Glory sighed. "I don't know, however I've been told the two tribes have always had a 'kill on sight' mindset, so I'm very concerned how they will act around each other." Glory said.
Kinkajou took a deep breath. "So why do you need me to go undercover there? If this is between the Nightwings and Icewings, why does a Rainwing need to go undercover there? " Kinkajou asked.
Glory tilted her head. "Did you forget that I'm also the Queen of the Nightwings?" Glory asked, surprised.
Kinkajou squeaked in surprise. "I actually did for a second there." Kinkajou admitted.
"Well since I'm Queen of the nightwings, it's my priority to keep them safe. And because you have experience with going undercover. That's why I've assigned you to go undercover at the Academy." Glory explained.
Kinkajou sighed. "So what do I do there? Send you letters every week, saying everything is good and dandy?" Kinkajou asked, dipping into sarcasm, at the end of her sentence.
Glory laughed. "Well, yes and keep a special eye on two specific targets." Glory said.
Kinkajou tilted her head. "What targets?" Kinkajou asked, curious.
Glory had a serious look on her face. "About a week ago, I received confirmation that two Icewing Royal members will be attending the academy. At first I thought they were sending members of their royalty to show that they are committed to the school and the overall peace of Pyrrhia. However, then I found out that one of the Royal members they were sending was Princess Icicle." Glory explained.
Kinkajou listened with interest. "So why is This Princess Icicle so Important?" Kinkajou asked.
Glory glared at Kinkajou, telling her to take this seriously.
Kinkajou nodded, understanding Glory's message.
"Princess Icicle was the royal responsible for the invasion of Mudsdale, and the mass execution of Mudsdale." Glory said dimly.
Kinkajou's eyes widened in horror.
"When the Icewings invaded the town of Mudsdale. The Mudwings fought hard to protect the town, but they were ultimately driven out by the Icewings. However, it didn't stop there, a lot of the local townspeople aided the Mudwing soldiers in fighting off the Icewings. Once the Mudwing army was driven back... Icicle ordered a mass execution of the entire town of Mudsdale. Over a hundred innocent lives were lost, due to her ruthlessness." Glory explained.
"And she's my age!?" Kinkajou asked, horrified.
Glory nodded. "Princess Icicle is only a teenager." Glory said.
Kinkajou took a breath. "What about the other Royal?" Kinkajou asked.
Glory relaxed. "The other Royal is Prince Winter, Icicle's brother. From what I've been told he has no military record and is not an extreme threat. However, don't underestimate him, he is still a threat due to his relationship with his sister." Glory said.
Kinkajou rolled her wing joints. Great so I'm going undercover to spy on a psychopath and her brother. What could go wrong? Kinkajou thought to herself.
"Anything else I need to know?" Kinkajou asked.
Glory stopped walking, Kinkajou stopped as well.
"Nothing else, information wise. I just need you to write to me every week, to inform me of your status. You will also have access to military backup, just send a letter regarding it and my troops will be there in 5 hours tops." Glory said.
Kinkajou grinned mischievously.
Glory saw Kinkajous grin and sighed. "Yes, you can do your little behavioral cover." Glory groaned.
Kinkajou looked elated."Thank you!" Kinkajou said, before she hugged the Queen.
When Kinkajou goes undercover, she always acts in a very childish manner to throw off her targets. Since most dragons haven't been around RainWings much, most would assume that this is normal RainWing behavior.
Glory sighed. "I'm regretting this already." Glory groaned.
Kinkajou laughed. "Oh come on, has my act ever failed?" Kinkajou asked jokingly.
"No, but it makes us RainWings look like absolute idiots." Glory groaned.
Kinkajou smirked. "That's the idea, they never expect me to be a spy. They always assume the quiet ones are the spies." Kinkajou said.
Glory sighed. "Just don't blow your cover and I won't have a problem." Glory said.
Kinkajou stood at attention and gave a playful solute.
Glory rolled her eyes. "You will leave in two days tops, I've already informed the Dragonets of Destiny not to interfere." Glory said.
That surprised Kinkajou. "Wait, you told them that I was going undercover? What did they say?" Kinkajou asked, curious.
"Starflight and Clay understood and thought it was a good idea. Sunny disapproved of it, and I had to fight with Tsunami about it; However, in the end I managed to convince her." Glory said, before walking to her throne and sitting down.
Kinkajou walked in front of the throne to face Glory.
The throne was made of dried woven vines. The woven vines were a light brown color, indicating that they were dried and dead. The exterior of the throne was decorated with many different types of flowers.
Glory sighed, as she squirmed in order to get comfortable on her throne. "You are dismissed Kinkajou." Glory said.
Kinkajou bowed to the Queen. She then walked to the edge of the Pavillion before jumping off into a glide to the rainforest floor.
A few RainWings stared at Kinkajou, as she walked at a normal pace, through the Rainforest floor.
Kinkajou sighed. Why do I have a feeling that this mission will go very wrong, Kinkajou thought to herself.
Kinkajou POV (Jade Mountain Academy 7:00 am July 1st)
Kinkajou was flying in the crisp, chilly morning winds as she flew through the Rocky, and jagged cliffs that made up the Jade Mountain Range. Kinkajou was flying with nine other dragonets, four RainWings and five nightwings. They had been flying for a couple of hours, so they were exhausted. 
"How much further?" A Nightwing groaned. The Nightwing's altitude dropped a little.
Kinkajou turned her head to him. "We are about five minutes away. I know you're tired Bigtail." Kinkajou said.
"You have no idea." Bigtail said, as he recovered his altitude.
Kinkajou and the other Dragonets flew for a few more minutes before they came across the biggest mountain they'd seen so far.
"That must be Jade Mountain." Coconut said, eyeing the mountain in awe.
Kinkajou looked at Coconut with amusement. "Wow really? I didn't notice the giant mountain in front of me." Kinkajou said, sarcastically.
Coconut rolled his eyes. "Don't get cocky, just because you're close to the Queen, doesn't give you the right to talk down to the rest of us." Coconut said.
Kinkajou growled at him. "I'm not being cocky, and stop saying that I am." Kinkajou said, glaring at the male Rainwing.
Coconut rolled his eyes as he flew away from Kinkajou.
Kinkajou saw a bright light coming from a cave somewhat halfway up Jade Mountain. She could also see dragons flying in and out of the cave mouth.
"Guys, land there!" Kinkajou yelled to the other dragonets.
The other dragonets heard her call and slowed their speed so they could land in the cave.
Kinkajou also lowered her speed, and descended gracefully onto the cold rocky cave floor.
There were dragons from all the different tribes here. However, there were no Icewings present.
There are no Icewings here yet. Should I be concerned? Kinkajou asked herself, as she walked through the crowd of dragons.
She saw 2 Nightwings with emerald eyes talking to each other. One of them was considerably larger than the other. They also both looked female, mother and daughter perhaps. Kinkajou knew better than to start a conversation that didn't need to be started. So she just continued to walk into the cave mouth.
Kinkajou spotted a familiar Nightwing handing out scrolls to students. The Nightwing looked at Kinkajou, before her eyes narrowed at her. 
It was clear to Kinkajou that she was aware of her current situation.
"Hello Kinkajou." Fatespeaker said awkwardly.
Now it was definitely clear that Fatespeaker knew that she was here to spy for Glory.
Here goes nothing. Kinkajou thought to herself, before giggling like a child.
"Hello! Fatespeaker it's so good to see you again!" Kinkajou said elated.
Fatespeaker laughed. "It's good to see you too, Kinkajou." Fatespeaker said.
Kinkajou laughed. "Were you trying to rhyme there?" Kinkajou asked jokingly.
Fatespeaker laughed. "I didn't realize I did until you told me." Fatespeaker said.
Fatespeaker handed Kinkajou a scroll. Kinkajou opened the scroll, then tilted her head. She then looked up at Fatespeaker with a confused look. "What's this for?" Kinkajou asked, holding the scroll out to her.
Fatespeaker smiled. "It's a map of the whole academy. I circled your winglets cave, so you could find it, take any bed you want." Fatespeaker said.
Kinkajou looked down. "I'm sorry but I can't read well." Kinkajou said, slightly ashamed.
Fatespeaker looked shocked. "What, really? I thought you could read becuase you are a sp- '' Fatespeaker said before Kinkajou used her tail to cover Fatespeaker's mouth.
Kinkajou hugged Fatespeaker with her wings suddenly, causing the Nightwing to squeak. "You almost blew my cover, you baboon." Kinkajou whispered into Fatespeakers ear.
Fatespeaker whined. "I'm sorry," Fatespeaker whispered softly.
"Just please don't let it happen again." Kinkajou whispered before breaking the hug.
Kinkajou faked a laugh. "It's great to see you, Fatespeaker. I hope we can talk again some time." Kinkajou said, trying to cover herself.
Fatespeaker faked a smile. "You too Kinkajou." Fatespeaker said, although less enthusiastic.
Kinkajou walked away from Fatespeaker. She unrolled the scroll, Fatespeaker gave her and tried to interrupt it. Ok, so I have to take a left here, pass by 4 caves and then my cave will be the fifth on the right. Kinkajou thought to herself.
The cave halls were expertly hallowed out so it could accommodate multiple dragons walking side by side. There were torches hanging from the topside of the walls.
Kinkajou walked by a cave mouth that led to an extremely large room with at least a dozen dragons in it. There was a sign, right outside the cave mouth probably telling what this spacious room was.
Kinkajou tried her best to interpret the sign. Goat space? Chicken dungeon? Food center? Oh prey center?! Kinkajou thought to herself.
Kinkajou decided to take a detour and walked into the prey center. She saw many different carcasses of animals and tons of dragons eating said carcasses. However the thing that really caught her eye was the group of Icewings huddled in the corner talking to each other.
Kinkajou looked at Icewings. Icewings! Perfect, one of my targets is bound to be in that group of freezing bodies, should I try and talk to them, or should I keep my distance, they may find it suspicious if a lone Rainwing is staring at them the entire time... I'll just go talk to them, what's the worst that could happen? Kinkajou thought to herself.
Kinkajou approached the group Icewings. A few of them noticed her approach and glared at her.
"Hello! I've never seen Icewings before you guys are so sparkly! Tell me what you guys eat to get that sparkly." Kinkajou said in her elated tone.
By now all of the Icewings were glaring at Kinkajou. Well, they sure have lovely eyes. Kinkajou thought to herself.
One of the Icewings stepped forward and growled at Kinkajou. "Get lost Rainwing!" An Icewing male shouted.
Kinkajou walked closer. "I don't mean any trouble, I simply want to know more about you guys, I've read a lot story's about Icewings, I'm just fascinated, nothing more." Kinkajou said.
Kinkajou continued to walk closer until the male Icewings tackled her to the ground.
"I warned you Rainwing. Now leave before I show you how cool my claws are." The Icewing said.
Kinkajou squeaked. "I don't w-want any trouble sir... I-I was just curious, was it really n-necessary to t-t-tackle me to the ground?" Kinkajou asked, pretending to be scared.
Another Icewing walked over to Kinkajou and the male Icewing on top of her. "Changbai, cease and desist, get off of the Rainwing at once." Another male Icewing called.
The Icewing on top of her turned his head to face the other Icewing. "I don't take orders from you Winter." Changbai said.
Winter as in Prince Winter?! He's my other target. Well I found one, now where's the other? Kinkajou thought to herself.
Another Icewing stepped forward. "You're right, he's not, but I Am. Now get off of the Rainwing." A female Icewing shouted.
Changbai grumbled. "As you wish, princess." Changbai said, as he got off of Kinkajou.
Kinkajou felt the weight of the Icewing recede as he got off of her.
Kinkajou stood up and stretched her wings. "Thank you, so much your majesty!" Kinkajou said, wagging her tail like a hatchling.
Icicle growled. "I didn't do it for you, now keep your voice down before I rip out your vocal cords." Icicle snarled.
Kinkajou nodded fearfully. "Right, sorry I get very carried away sometimes." Kinkajou said.
Icicle rolled her eyes as she turned away from Kinkajou. While turning Icicle hit Kinkajou in the face with her sharp tail. Creating a small cut.
Kinkajou squeaked. "Ow, could you please be careful with your tail, that thing is quite dangerous, it just cut my face." Kinkajou said, rubbing the small amounts of blood off of the wound.
Icicle growled and turned back to Kinkajou with a glare. "You don't tell me what to do Rainwing, now be quiet before I cut off one of your wings." Icicle said.
Kinkajou turned her scales to a dark blue, and began to fake cry. "I-I just wanted, to know more about y-you guys that's it." Kinkajou said, forcing the tears to roll down her face.
Kinkajou hoped that the Icewings would view her as weak, that would give her extra cover from being discovered.
All of the Icewings except Prince Winter looked with disgust. "Is she crying? Are you seriously that pathetic?" A female Icewing asked.
Icicle growled and stepped closer to Kinkajou. "Well, if you want to know something about us, let's start with this. Crying is seen as a sign of weakness in the Ice Kingdom. Icewings also don't associate themselves with inferior tribes such as yourself. Take that into consideration, or don't, I couldn't care less." Icicle said, as she flicked her tail indicating for the other Icewings to follow her.
Winter looked at Kinkajou before turning around and following Icicle.
Kinkajou simply just watched them as they walked out of the prey center. Well, that could not have gone any worse. Kinkajou thought.
Read more here
submitted by Iceler69 to WingsOfFire [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:47 agape5165153 Christianity is Objectively True

Christianity is Objectively True
Christianity isn’t based on any abstract belief system. It’s based entirely on historical events which took place. If Jesus existed, did mighty miracles, was crucified, and rose again on the third day in glory, this would mean His message is one of truth and authority. If someone came with the power to override the laws of nature you would believe what they tell you regarding how the universe works. So the question is did these events really take place or is it just some fairytale?
The first thing to do would be to examine the documents in question. The primary documents proposed comprise of the New Testament, which consist of the four gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (the first 3 were written before 70 AD, John was written around 70 AD). Then there is Acts (early church history), the epistles (letters detailing instruction to early churches), and revelation (a book of prophecy).
The first 4 gospels are all written with the express purpose of being eyewitness accounts, written either by direct apostles of Christ or those who knew the apostles. All four of these are what you generally would expect with these sorts of accounts. There are slight contradictions (as expected), however they all combine together to create the same detailed message. At the same time they consistently get an impressive amount of historical and geographical details correct for the time, showing they were written early as they wouldn’t have been able to google the info. Conveniently, they get so many details right that the gospel accounts fit into history like a jigsaw puzzle piece. What this tells us is that the writers were concerned with the utmost accuracy in their recording of events. Sources outside the bible exist commenting on early Christianity, and none of them deny that Christ existed. Rather than deny He did any miracles (as the evidence was overwhelming) they instead only slandered Him (ref. the Talmud, Julian the Apostate). Rather than present His dead body, they falsely claim His disciples stole it.
If we check other historical sources such as Josephus, we can fill in omissions of information in stories reported by the gospel. Matthew’s gospel writes that Joseph was afraid to return somewhere because of Archeleus. We know from other writings outside the bible that Archeleus existed and was very bloodthirsty. This is just one example out of many.
The writers of the gospels also were thoroughly convinced that they had witnessed and interacted with the Risen Christ, as their lives show they spent the rest of their days going and preaching the gospel to the Jews and foreign nations. They would often be beat up, flogged and punished severely for this, which would make no sense at all if they were making it all up. It would have been easier for them to just remain in their ordinary lives, with their families, rather than be ousted from their home country for being “criminals”. At the very least some of them died for their confession. They cared very deeply about accuracy (as referenced before), but now we can see they were thoroughly convinced of their experience. Their writings are not that of mad people, since mad people rarely ever work together for long periods of time. Yet we see complex philosophical concepts in the New Testament which would be impossible for mentally insane people to make. This demonstrates the absurdity of claiming they stole His body.
Aside from personal miracles I’ve experienced (you can see my testimony on my profile), the God of the bible actually challenged every so-called god to do what only He has ever done. That is, to foretell the future with incredible accuracy. He said of Himself that He reveals the end from the beginning.
Firstly, is Christ Himself. During His time on earth in Israel, as part of the Old Covenant, they required a temple in order to fulfil the ceremonial law. This temple was absolutely huge and very beautiful. The gates were so large that they required 20 men to open and close, and at night they were bolted with iron. Christ foretold of its destruction, saying:
Luke 21:5-6 5 Then, as some spoke of the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and donations, He said, 6 “These things which you see—the days will come in which not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down.”
Luke 21:20-24 20 “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. 21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her. 22 For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. 23 But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! For there will be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people. 24 And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
And we know from history, approximately 40 years after the crucifixion of Christ, the second temple was totally destroyed by the Romans, who killed many of the Jews with the sword, taking them captive into their own nations.
Historians such as Josephus (a Jew who fought for Rome during this siege), and Tacitus (a pagan Roman govenor), and the Talmud all wrote of this event which took place. All of these sources state that miraculous omens took place in the second temple before its destruction, such as the gates of the temple (which require 20 people to open and close), opening by themselves at night, voices telling things to people in the temple, amongst other things. What is striking is the Talmud (which is a collection of Jewish rabbinic writings) says that these signs appeared after 30 AD (matching the crucifixion of Christ). The Talmud also mentioned how each year the Jews would celebrate the day of atonement, in which a scapegoat would be sacrificed for the sins of the nations would lead to a crimson thread miraculously turning white, showing the sins of the nation had been forgiven. After around 30 AD this never happened again, which fulfils what the prophet Jeremiah foretold, saying God would create a new covenant.
Christ has been written of many many many years before He was even born. Psalm 22, is quoted by Jesus when He is on the cross, saying “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”. If one then turns to it, and reads through it, we can see crucifixion being described. It was written by King David around 1000 BC, whereas the earliest records we have of crucifixion is 600 BC. King David was never crucified in his life. And yet, halfway through the psalm it begins to speak of all the foreign nations turning to worship the God of the Jews, which has come to pass after His crucifixion. The chances of this actually taking place are very small, yet it has happened, defying all odds.
Isaiah 52 and 53 prophesy Christ dying for the sins of the world, and rising again, justifying many in very strong detail. To quote a small section of it: He is despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows well acquainted with grief. We hid, as it were, our faces from Him. He is despised and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows. Yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement for our peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed.
Genesis 22 shows the LORD, who had just promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars of the sky, then commands him to slay his son, Isaac. Therefore Abraham reasoned within himself that Isaac would be raised from the dead, as God could not fail to fulfil His promise. Isaac carried the wood up the mountain, just as Christ carried His cross. Abraham was very old at this stage, so Isaac could have easily resisted him and fled, yet it seems he wilfully gave his life, fearing God, just as Christ did the same. And then the place was called "the LORD will provide", after the event.
Daniel 7 shows that the Exalted Messiah, the Son of Man would come with clouds. Christ gave Himself the title. Interestingly the Son of Man is to receive worship from all nations. The Aramaic word used is pelakh which is used exclusively of deities. This gives the Son of Man the status of God, being distinct from the Ancient of Days.
God even foretold the destruction of Tyre (which used to be a trade hub for the whole world) in really really strong detail.
I could give more examples, but suffice to say. I’ve looked at a lot of the criticism the bible gets, and it still stands. So with all this being said, even though I am 100% sure He is real, good and Lord of all (cos I know Him), to an outsider there is compelling evidence that the Messiah of the Jews and Saviour of the world is Jesus Christ.
Good sources: Mike Winger (YouTube) Testify (YouTube - he recommends books) InspiringPhilosophy (personally I disagree with some of his videos but good on this subject) https://www.equip.org/articles/the-jewish-talmud-and-its-use-for-christian-apologetics/
submitted by agape5165153 to Christians [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:46 tonyyummy3 The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky Free Audiobook and Review

"The Perks of Being a Wallflower" is a coming-of-age novel by Stephen Chbosky. It's written as a series of letters from the protagonist, Charlie, to an anonymous recipient. The story revolves around Charlie's experiences navigating high school life, friendships, love, and dealing with traumatic events from his past. The book has received widespread acclaim for its poignant portrayal of adolescence, tackling themes of mental health, identity, and the complexities of growing up. Many readers praise its authenticity and emotional depth, though some critics have noted its darker themes may not be suitable for all audiences. Overall, it's considered a modern classic in young adult literature, resonating with readers of all ages.
Listen for free at link in sidebar
submitted by tonyyummy3 to audiobook12z [link] [comments]
