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2019.04.07 16:11 Movie Cliches

This is a list of the most annoying and common logic flaws and stereotypes found in movies. Comments, additions and suggestions welcome!

2024.05.20 04:24 mckaykay511 best charging banks for travel?

i'm flying out of louisville to LAX soon to make a cross-country drive back home, and we're gonna be spending a few days camping at the national parks. i was looking for the best and longest-lasting charging banks for me & my bf to bring along! we both will have our cell phones, and then i have a digital camera coming along, so if there's something i can use for keeping those batteries charged up, as well, that would be great!
submitted by mckaykay511 to TravelHacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:23 7th-cup-of-coffee Texas Wine

I recently went on a short business trip to Texas and I didn’t have much time outside of work to do anything fun. I did, however, have some time to stop in a wine bar and try some Texan wines. I was pleasantly surprised, because I’ve never heard of Texas wine being anything worthwhile. They reminded me of Spanish wines that I’ve had, which I really enjoyed.
I had a Grower Project Sangiovese and a McPherson red blend, and they were genuinely great. However, the general consensus seems to be that that most Texas wines are crap.
I’m considering going back for a little trip of Hill Country, because that seems to be prime Texas wine country. But the general distaste for Texas wines makes me nervous. Is Texas wine actually pretty good, or did I just happen to stumble upon two good glasses?
submitted by 7th-cup-of-coffee to wine [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:23 Global_Tear561 Giving up a decent situation and security in my 40s to try something new. Quite anxious and questioning my choice.

I have been teaching at a private high school in Japan for 8 years now. While I do not get all the bells and whistles (and my wage has peaked) it is a permanent job. Despite some complaints, it's a good job, and actually one that is not that easy to come by.
As an MA graduate, it was always my intention to try my luck at university work. I also traveled to Turkey many years ago, and thought it would be a country that I might like to work in someday. Well, I came across what looks like an paper to be a good opportunity, and have accepted a job from September at a well-known university in the country (which offers accommodation and a chunk of the salary in USD).
While there is excitement, I'm also questioning my decision. I'm at an age where I still have a bit of adventure, though security has also become more important. I worry that I might not be able to find a similar position should I want to come back to Japan. I also had to cut my current contract early by accepting this position, which I feel bad about.
Maybe this is just venting. Just trying to feel more enthused about my choice I suppose : )
submitted by Global_Tear561 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:23 Anothersadwife Feeling Angry - need some positivity

My husband (44m) and I (37f) have recently lost all of our comforts and security. And after 6 months, I’m still having waves of anger. Not towards anyone just at the disappointment I feel. We have worked very hard since we got married, 20 years this November. We finally got to a point where money was flowing and we were enjoying our best lives. Then hits December and we lost it all. My husband made a clerical error at work and they let him go on the spot. His 6 figure income, GONE, the house we lived in- we were in plans to buy from his employer, GONE! His retirement from his entire career, GONE! Because of some loophole in his contract, we had to pay taxes on his retirement. So on top of losing it all, we also have a $50k loan to pay our taxes. His employer blacklisted him in the county we lived in. So we moved halfway across the country. He is making less than half what he was before, I’ve started working full time again. We’re barely scraping by and quite frankly should file bankruptcy but I’m trying not to. And at end of the day- I’m just defeated. I’m tired, I don’t know that I can ever get back to where we were. My daughter dreams of going to college, I don’t know that I can help with that. I’m literally using credit to buy groceries. And every single day, I feel like crap. Like we’re letting our kids down. It’s so hard not to look at others and feel like this is unfair. We’ve worked just as hard and now we have nothing to show for it. We have 2 children and so we put on our best happy faces for them but inside I’m dying. I know they see it and I’m failing them. I don’t want a lecture about how ungrateful I am- I’m just hoping someone can remind me that I can be happy again. All my dreams are gone. I need some light at the end of my tunnel. I’m drowning and some days don’t see the point in continuing on, my kids keep me up but it just seems so unfair to them too.
submitted by Anothersadwife to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:22 Boogra555 TIFU - Bought a Gladiator

So to start off, I'm a Jeep guy, and have been for the last roughly 30 years. In that time, I haven't not owned a Jeep, regardless of whether it was my daily driver.
My kiddo totaled my 2018 Grand Cherokee Trailhawk last month and I've really really struggled to replace her. I know I want another Jeep, and I actually thought about going out and finding another 2018 Jeep GC Trailhawk. My two boys and I travel a ton together - concerts, zoos, outdoor stuff, and we go out West once or twice a year to Utah/Idaho/Wyoming/Montana. The Trailhawk was perfect for that - great on the highway, super stable, fast, enough punch to pass anything, but comfortable enough for my kids or my wife to take a nap in in the back at night. My kids and I have probably been to 100 concerts in that Jeep, and we had lots of really great memories in that thing. I know; it's a hunk of metal, rubber, and plastic. It's stupid to get attached to it, but I did.
So yesterday, my youngest and I were out and we decided to test drive a few Jeeps., and we ended up driving this 2020 Gladiator Sport around town for a bit with the sales guy and I liked it a lot, so I bought it. It was close to closing time, and so I went and picked it up this morning and drove it home. As soon as I got on the Interstate, I thought, "Holy cow, I'm gonna end up in the other lane if I hit another bump." I was doing 72 MPH. I'm normally a 80-95 MPH driver on the Interstate, traffic allowing. You couldn't pay me to do 85 in a Gladiator.
Is it normal for a Gladiator to feel so "floaty" and bounce around? She's got aftermarket tires and rims - maybe 31" or so. They're grippy offroad tires in almost new condition, but I had virtually the same tires on my Dodge Ram Quad Cab a few years ago and they didn't feel floaty and unstable like that. I have bumper to bumper warranty on it, or worst case, I can take it back and get something else - or even nothing at all. I work from home and the only time I really drive is to go to shows and out to the desert or mountains, but holy crap I cannot imagine driving the Gladiator across the country.
Is my expectation unrealistic? I think it probably is. I think I should just probably suck it up and buy a newer Jeep or see if I can find an older Trailhawk again. I don't know.
Thanks in advance for help, advice, mockery, or you're welcome to laugh along with me at me.
submitted by Boogra555 to JeepGladiator [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:21 HiCFlashinFruitPunch I got bored and wrote this about TPAB to send to my friends…

(The post is slightly altered because the original text was more personal and directed at my friend)
All of this is stuff you’ve already heard before so this is just my personal looks at the album, its meaning, and why it’s probably the best rap album we’ll ever see.
If you have listened to TPAB all the way through then you remember that in the final track, Mortal Man, it’s Kendrick and someone else talking. I put this together and it’s just the conversation they have so you can easily read it and see who is talking when.
This is how I interpret albums meaning: TPAB is about the issues that African Americans will face due to the neglect of the U.S. government. The idea of the butterfly is a person who has become famous, or has power. That’s why in tracks like Wesley’s Theory, the opening track, the person talking says, “When the four corners of this cocoon collide You'll slip through the cracks hopin' that you'll survive Gather your weight, take a deep look inside Are you really who they idolize? To pimp a butterfly.” A butterfly is a transformed caterpillar, so in TPAB the idea of a caterpillar is someone who the government, or really anyone for that matter, doesn’t care about. Once they become famous (transform) and have power, they are treated better or like a butterfly.
Also, fun fact about TPAB that you prob already know. The original title was going to be “To Pimp a Caterpillar.” This was because it would then abbreviate to “2PAC” instead of TPAB.
Now for the conversation:
Kendrick: “I remember you was conflicted, misusing your influence. Sometimes I did the same, abusing my power full of resentment. Found myself screaming in a hotel room. I didn’t wanna self destruct. The evils of Lucy was all around me, so I went running for answers. Until I came home, but that didn’t stop survivors guilt. Going back and forth, trying to convince myself the stripes I earned, or maybe how A-1 my foundation was. But while my loved ones were fighting a continuous war back in the dirty, I was entering a new one. A war that was based on apartheid and discrimination. Made me wanna go back to the city and tell the homies what I learned, the word was respect. Just because you wore a different gang color than mine's doesn't mean I can't respect you as a black man. Forgetting all the pain and hurt we caused each other in these streets. If I respect you, we unify and stop the enemy from killing us, but I don't know, I'm no mortal man, maybe I'm just another n*. Shit and that's all I wrote. I was gonna call it Another N** but, it ain't really a poem, I just felt like it's something you probably could relate to. Other than that, now that I finally got a chance to holla at you. I always wanted to ask you about a certain situa--, about a metaphor actually, you spoke on the ground. What you mean 'bout that, what the ground represent?”
Friend: “The ground is gonna open up and swallow the evil…”
Kendrick - “Right…”
Friend: “That's how I see it, my word is bond. I see--and the ground is the symbol for the poor people, the poor people is gonna open up this whole world and swallow up the rich people. Cause the rich people gonna be so fat, they gonna be so appetising, you know what I'm saying, wealthy, appetizing. he poor gonna be so poor and hungry, you know what I'm saying it's gonna be like... there might be some cannibalism out this mutha, they might eat the rich.”
Kendrick: “Aight so let me ask you this then, do you see yourself as somebody that's rich or somebody that made the best of their own opportunities?”
Friend: “I see myself as a natural born hustler, a true hustler in every sense of the word. I took nothin', I took the opportunities, I worked at the most menial and degrading job and built myself up so I could get it to where I owned it. I went from having somebody manage me to me hiring the person that works my management company. I changed everything I realized my destiny in a matter of five years you know what I'm saying I made myself a millionaire. I made millions for a lot of people now it's time to make millions for myself, you know what I'm saying. I made millions for the record companies, I made millions for these movie companies, now I make millions for us.”
Kendrick: “And through your different avenues of success, how would you say you managed to keep a level of sanity?”
Friend: “and by my faith in "all good things come to those that stay true. You know what I'm saying, and it was happening to me for a reason, you know what I'm saying, I was noticing, shit, I was punching the right buttons and it was happening. So it's no problem, you know I mean it's a problem but I'm not finna let them know. I'm finna go straight through.”
Kendrick: “Would you consider yourself a fighter at heart or somebody that only reacts when they back is against the wall?”
Friend: “Shit, I like to think that at every opportunity I've ever been threatened with resistance, it's been met with resistance. And not only me but it goes down my family tree. You know what I'm saying, it's in my veins to fight back.”
Kendrick: “Aight well, how long you think it take before n***** be like, we fighting a war, I'm fighting a war I can't win and I wanna lay it all down.”
Friend: “In this country a black man only have like 5 years we can exhibit maximum strength, and that's right now while you a teenager, while you still strong or while you still wanna lift weights, while you still wanna shoot back. Cause once you turn 30 it's like they take the heart and soul out of a man, out of a black man in this country. And you don't wanna fight no more. And if you don't believe me you can look around, you don't see no loud mouth 30-year old muthafuckas.”
Kendrick: “That's crazy, because me being one of your offspring of the legacy you left behind I can truly tell you that there's nothing but turmoil goin' on so I wanted to ask you what you think is the future for me and my generation today?”
Friend: “I think that n***** is tired of grabbin' shit out the stores and next time it's a riot there's gonna be, like, uh, bloodshed for real. I don't think America know that. I think American think we was just playing and it's gonna be some more playing but it ain't gonna be no playing. It's gonna be murder, you know what I'm saying, it's gonna be like Nat Turner, 1831, up in this muthafucka. You know what I'm saying, it's gonna happen.”
Kendrick: “That's crazy man. In my opinion, only hope that we kinda have left is music and vibrations, lotta people don't understand how important it is. Sometimes I be like, get behind a mic and I don't know what type of energy I'mma push out, or where it comes from. Trip me out sometimes.”
Friend: “Because the spirits, we ain't even really rappin', we just letting our dead homies tell stories for us.”
Kendrick: I wanted to read one last thing to you. It's actually something a good friend had wrote describing my world. It says: "The caterpillar is a prisoner to the streets that conceived it. Its only job is to eat or consume everything around it, in order to protect itself from this mad city. While consuming its environment the caterpillar begins to notice ways to survive. One thing it noticed is how much the world shuns him, but praises the butterfly. The butterfly represents the talent, the thoughtfulness, and the beauty within the caterpillar. But having a harsh outlook on life the caterpillar sees the butterfly as weak and figures out a way to pimp it to his own benefits. Already surrounded by this mad city the caterpillar goes to work on the cocoon which institutionalizes him. He can no longer see past his own thoughts. He's trapped. When trapped inside these walls certain ideas take roots, such as going home, and bringing back new concepts to this mad city The result? Wings begin to emerge, breaking the cycle of feeling stagnant. Finally free, the butterfly sheds light on situations that the caterpillar never considered, ending the internal struggle. Although the butterfly and caterpillar are completely different, they are one and the same. What's your perspective on that? Pac? Pac? Pac?!”
submitted by HiCFlashinFruitPunch to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:19 sunny-lemon90 How do I break into any career field within a month or two if I fail university?

Hey. I’m a university student who’s been struggling a lot the past 5+ years with my mental health and occasionally physical health as well. I’m on the tipping point for hypothyroidism so I’m having to wait before I can be medicated for it, despite having a lot of the symptoms already.
So as you can guess, options are limited, ive still applied to careers and work that would (metaphorically and literally) break my back if I worked in.
Long story short, I have no options or jobs right now lined up for when I fail university or for housing, I have been told I’m not allowed to return home anymore and it’s been radio silence with my family since this aside from sending me pictures of important documents.
I’m waiting for a response from the city council about the housing part. Speaking to the university team later about pretty much everything else.
I have been mass applying to jobs, namely basic ones like retail, cleaning (which I’ve worked in before) and even been so bold to attempt administrative or basic healthcare related roles. Ive applied to everything from domestic cleaning to literal factory work.
The two jobs I worked for were holiday accommodation cleaning (summer work) and retail cleaning (winter work). Last summer I did festival work but I legit can’t do that long term anymore and physically it fucked me up big time.
I really want to break into the careers of either transport- specifically railway either conducting/customer service or retail and basic floor work. Just some basic career to get me off the ground that’ll let me have a consistent basic income and let me have a roof over my head after my birthday.
But if I return to university, I’ll need to get into something that’ll be part time or at least nights so I don’t compromise the day. Can retail still be an option? Ive tried bakitchen work but I’ve only been interviewed once two years ago, and heard nothing from anyone since.
My cv has been looked at by a bit of a professional who’s worked with someone who looked at CVs for his job, so I have some confidence in my CV.
Any ideas how to break into these areas?? Or anything at least a little quick. I could do more volunteer work in retail as I already have 2 years of it, but I can’t afford it right now as it won’t exactly put a roof over my head, and would actively collide with any other work opportunities I’d get.
(Just a note I don’t actively have my passport or other identifying documents with me, I just have pictures. I have a prov. license)
submitted by sunny-lemon90 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:18 Insidi0usPOTATO whats everyone running for winter/wet weather tyres

summer tyres are on the wear bar and the wet weathers setting in. had the back end kick out a couple times so time for new tyres
submitted by Insidi0usPOTATO to MT07 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:18 FocusFlukeGyro Going from Normal to Extreme difficulty has been a trip but I finally got it dialed-in

TL;DR - With this new "Extreme" difficulty it was a fun journey from getting having my ass handed to me to then being able to clear an area fairly easily.
After getting pretty much untouchable when the game came out, and after having done all the main quest and significant side quest stuff, I put the game down. Coming back to the game I wanted to try changing the damage slider to the new option of Extreme (from where I had it set on Normal). I changed the gameplay difficulty to Extreme and my damage output to Extreme (meaning, my damage output is scaled back to the lowest setting). I tried taking out some Spacers in a level 75 system and got my butt kicked over and over although after persevering I did defeat them all.
So, I set out to obtain the best weapon for the job, the Revenant. I had it on previous playthroughs but not yet on this NG+. I also farmed for really good armor with good effects and modded them to increase my damage reduction somewhat.
Now, when I take on humans, robots, or aliens, I slow down time, use gravity well, and unload on them with my Revenant. Between the DOT of gravity well and of lacerate from the Revenant, and overall DPS, their health bar drops much faster now. I can now clear out a level 75 POI without being at (much) risk of dying.
Now, while doing the quest with Kaiser, where you help him complete his mission, some Terramorphs must have snuck up on me from behind me and one-shot killed me. So situational awareness is still very important.
Anyone else have interesting stories of trying out the new Extreme difficulty?
submitted by FocusFlukeGyro to Starfield [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:16 Affectionate_Fly621 Alcoholic parents?

I [F23] moved away from home to different country (australia )since i was a teenager, now i’m married with a toddler.
I was born and raised in Vietnam. I didn’t have the worst childhood, It was bad but not the worst, I was actually spoiled they gave me everything i wanted but from my memory i spent half of my childhood with a nanny. My parents would go out drinking with friends, benders, .. i would wake up upset next to my nanny knowing my parents didn’t come home the night before. When i was in pre school i had a competition out of town , when it was over i remember walking to the front to see my parents and none of them were there while the other kids were getting picked up, i stood there alone for a good 10 minutes and my teacher offered to take me home and 10 minutes later they showed up, turned out they were drinking with friends somewhere , i had to come with them and they made me sit at a separate table to wait. As a kid it felt terrible. All of my birthday parties were theirs , they would drink with friends till off their head and it was never about me. Travelling, i loved travelling, but yes of course they would also be off their head every time we traveled, and guess where i had to be? either at a separate table or in a hotel room alone. I spent most of the time staying in so i never got so see or experience and anything. Looking back it hurts my heart so much because i would never do that to my kids . Years later there was one time when i was in primary my mum forgot to pick me up from school and i had to walk home.. she was drunk and there was no apology whatsoever. When i was in year6 ( 12 years old) i was locked outside until 12am because my parents were drinking somewhere, I called them multiple times but they didn’t care so i had to ride my bike to their drinking spot, i was so angry that i threw my bike on the side of the road and my dad slapped me in the face twice in front of their friends for ‘embarrassing’ them, he then took me home and grabbed me by my hair and continued to beat me up. I don’t think i remember the exact amount of time they abused and neglected me when they were drunk
Now i have my own family in a different country, I don’t see them as often anymore but we still have a good relationship. They wanted to visit us and I tidied up the place for them, planned the week as i wanted to show them around ( they’ve never been here before) I was very excited because i missed them . On their first day here i took them out for lunch, when my family and I showed up there was 2 of their friends (who are also Vietnamese but live in Australia) sitting at the table, so there wasn’t room for us we had to sit at a seperate one. Family lunch was ruined as i expected it to be bonding time between us. My parents then decided to leave with them to go out drinking. Like on your first day here? Seriously? My toddler was so sad because she really wanted to spend with her grandparents and they knew that but they didn’t care, they wanted to prioritise drinking with friends first. I had a go at them saying that they were selfish , inconsiderate and unappreciative, and that they should’ve not put their friends first over family since we see each other once every couple years!! All of a sudden it felt like i was my younger self once again getting neglected, resenting my parents. They then got angry at me wanting to book a flight home because ‘ they don’t enjoy it here’ . I haven’t spoken to them since and apparently they’re actually leaving tomorrow. Am I wrong for being upset with the fact that they chose their friends on their first day here? I dont think they care about their kids feelings?
submitted by Affectionate_Fly621 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:16 Budget_Contest_2943 Did the Shaman try to poison Vera?

In proxy, Vera explains why he came back to New York. This might be a stupid theory, so
Vera corrupted the dominician replublic, in what other way would people try to kill him? He talks about the shaman feeding him some ‘pink powder with blood’. Vera gets notability sick from it as he said, and the Shaman did get him out of his country. Also note that the shaman ‘held the cup to his lips’ aka came in and force fed him whatever he gave him, and he told him that it ‘was time to go home’ probably thinking Vera was gonna die
I feel like this is either going to be an obvious fact or the Shaman was just supposed to be crazy, it doesn’t change the story much but its a fun theory.
submitted by Budget_Contest_2943 to MrRobot [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:16 Wormminator PSA for flashlight fans in germany - Do not buy weapon lights

Most of you already know about this, BUT: So, no matter how old you are and how much you know, you never stop learning. You can even forget things you used to know, imagine that xD
In case you are not aware: It is illegal in germany to purchase, import, or own a flashlight (or laser) which is specifically designed to be mounted to a firearm. Example in this case: The Sofirn PL09. Even if you do not own any gun, not even an airsoft gun, it is illegal for you to import or own this light. Even if you just wanted this to mount it to a workbench.
I have checked back with my local police and my lawyer today and they confirmed this.
Below are the two original law texts in german. They basically describe the function and form of the illegal item. section 4.1 section 1.2.4. There is another one that ties all this together, but I cant find it...and it doesnt matter.
I actually knew about this from a long time ago, but I forgot. So let this be a reminder or a general PSA for everyone in germany....and all other countries for that matter. Check your local laws if you want to buy something like this. Excuse my poor english, its 4 AM, its been a very long day and Im tired xD
submitted by Wormminator to flashlight [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:16 accapitalmarket Dollar falls further after higher unemployment claims, Euro pushes higher

Dollar falls further after higher unemployment claims, Euro pushes higher
Sabir Houssain
~US Unemployment Claims Rise as EURUSD Shoots Up~
US unemployment claims were 222K, up from 219K forecasted and 232K previously. As the nation's earliest data on assessing overall economic health, this is a good indicator of future results.
Meanwhile, the actual number of initial claims under state programs was 196,72, which is lower than the 199,654 claims from the same week in 2023. Seasonal factors caused many to expect a more considerable decrease in unemployment claims; however, a significant increase in claims in New York offset this amount.
Following the release, EURUSD broke out from the descending trendline to test the 1.0850 level for potential resistance. The price showed rapid bullish momentum after breaking the inside bar from the prior week and now looks likely to hit the 1.1 pivot soon.
[GBPUSD also showed US dollar weakness as the price climbed back to the ascending trendline. The 1.27 level will probably provide resistance, pushing the price back towards 1.25.]()
~Eurozone Inflation Stabilises following CPI Results~
European Final Core CPI has helped push inflation figures back towards normal target rates as it hit 2.7%. Compared to last year, annual inflation was far higher at 7%. The nations that contributed the lowest annual inflation rates were Lithuania at 0.4% and Denmark at 0.5%.
Despite most nations producing far lower rates compared to last year, Romania hit 6.2%, and Belgium reached 4.9%. Overall, inflation fell in fifteen member nations, remained stable in four and increased in eight.
After the news EURJPY rose to test new highs around 170. The price has recently found consistent support from the ascending trendline, which looks likely to hold as support along with the 165 level.
EURJPY weekly
submitted by accapitalmarket to u/accapitalmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:15 tarmakofu Avoid Delta at all costs - a trip from hell; a delta supervisor literally harassed me (I am a teenage girl that she left stranded in two different cities I don't live in), and they sent my bag to the wrong country and refused to do anything about it

TLDR: My flight was overbooked, so I was stressed about Delta not being able to get me to my destination and making me figure out a way to get there myself, as well as leaving me stranded for a night in NYC. A Delta supervisor then followed me after I was done speaking to her and walked away from her to harass me about how I should have nothing to complain about. They also sent my bag to the wrong country despite me warning them multiple times beforehand that it was mistagged and should not be going to that country at all, but they fully ignored my concerns and gave me false information until it was too late. Avoid delta at all costs.
On Thursday, May 16, 2024, I was scheduled to fly to Stockholm with a layover in JFK. I made it to JFK with no issues, four full hours before my next flight, which was DL 204 from JFK to ARN. Once the plane and gate agents had arrived, they started asking for volunteers to go on the next flight to Stockholm as they had overbooked the flight. Because I had no seat assignment, I became increasingly worried as it got closer to the scheduled departure time and the compensation amount kept going up, meaning they still needed more volunteers. Once everyone who had a seat assignment boarded, I asked the supervisor at the gate if they would be giving out any more seats. She said we would have to wait and see, to which I said “Okay, thank you.” A few minutes later, I went back to the desk to ask a different gate agent if I would get the compensation volunteers are getting if I end up not getting a seat, as pretty much everyone had boarded and I still did not have a seat. I asked her this politely from the other side of the desk she was sitting at. She refused to look up from her computer or even acknowledge that I was speaking to her, despite her clearly not being too busy to at least look at someone who is respectfully speaking to her and having heard me. I had witnessed her do this to multiple other customers who tried to politely ask her reasonable questions about the status of our flight. She refused to even look at any of us and smirked while ignoring us as if it was amusing to her. You learn when you are a toddler to look at someone when they are speaking to you and at least acknowledge their presence when they ask you a reasonable question. I calmly told her, “This is incredibly unprofessional, by the way,” at which point she started to argue with me. She claimed, “You asked my supervisor the same question and she already said she didn’t know, so I don’t have to answer you,” as the supervisor nodded in agreement. I told her, “You can still at least acknowledge when someone is speaking to you,” and walked away as I was already fed up. I had asked her a completely different question than I had asked the supervisor, and regardless, purposefully ignoring paying customers in this way is disrespectful and completely inappropriate. I was baffled as to how she acted this way in front of her supervisor and thought this was okay. But once I talked to the supervisor for longer than the 3 seconds I spent asking her that one question, it became clear to me why the gate agent acted this way.
Eventually, another gate agent told me I had been assigned a seat and that I could finally go and board the plane. Once I got down to my assigned seat, someone was already sitting there. She had volunteered earlier to give up her seat, but due to miscommunication within the team of Delta agents, she had been told to go back to her seat and that she no longer needed to volunteer. I went back to one of the agents, who I watched put me on the volunteer list without actually verbally telling me anything. I never actually said, “Yes, I want to volunteer.” I was told to go back up to the gate, so that the gate agents can help me rebook my flight. Once I got up there, I repeatedly told the agents that I needed to be in Stockholm by Saturday morning, and they reassured me each time that there were flights available for me to do so. One agent had found an itinerary for me, but then was told to go by the supervisor, as the supervisor apparently no longer needed as much help anymore since the overbooking situation had been figured out (at least in the supervisor’s eyes). As I stood at the desk trying to get someone to help me, the supervisor eventually told me to come over to her. At first, she told me there was an itinerary that she could book for me to be in Stockholm by Saturday morning. I asked her for the details, then she said that itinerary was no longer available, despite her having told me thirty seconds prior that it was. She then started helping a different customer, despite not having resolved my flight issue, and I watched her continue to help other people before returning to me. When she finally got back to me, she started barking alternate destinations at me, without giving me any time to process or look up if I would be able to get to Stockholm if I was sent to that alternate destination. She eventually said Amsterdam, and as I searched for transportation from Amsterdam to Stockholm, she told the person she was on the phone with, “I don’t know, she hasn’t responded to me,” while side-eyeing me. It had been less than a minute since she told me the alternate destination, and I had told her I needed a second to see if I would be able to make it to Stockholm with alternate transportation before giving her confirmation that I could be put on the flight to Amsterdam. Eventually, I was able to find a KLM flight that would get me to Stockholm from Amsterdam, which she was no help in helping me find. In fact, the other customers who had volunteered helped me figure this out, as they stayed with me for emotional support, even though their own situations had been figured out. As they saw that I was a stressed teenage girl that had been put in this situation, they empathized and showed me kindness, something the actual Delta employees refused to do. Once I saw that there were available seats on the KLM flight from AMS to ARN, I told the supervisor that I would take the flight to Amsterdam. Once this was confirmed, I asked if I was guaranteed a spot on this new flight, since I did not want to end up in the same situation. She told me with an aggressive tone “Once you are booked, you are guaranteed a seat.” Confused, I responded “I booked this original flight months ago, but did not get a seat on this flight.” This is when she raised her voice to yell at me, “No, you volunteered to give up your seat. If you really wanted to be on this flight, I would’ve told the other lady to get off.” I did not knowingly volunteer. I was put on the volunteer list without anyone asking me. To add on, when I saw they put me on the volunteer list, I was scared to say anything as one agent had already been argumentative with me and if I did not let them put me on the volunteer list, I would have gotten significantly less compensation and still not gotten a seat on the flight. I really had no other choice than to let them put me on the volunteer list (again, without actually asking me at any point), but the supervisor acted if I had made the decision on my own. I would’ve preferred to be on the original flight, but I never had that option. I then just replied, “Okay, thank you.” and walked away from her.
I would also like to add that throughout this entire interaction, she repeatedly told the other employees around her how much she did not want to be helping me anymore and how she just wanted to go get dinner. Further, the new flight to AMS was the following day, and she did not even attempt to help me get accommodation or transportation. As stated in Delta’s policies available on their website, if you are inconvenienced for greater than 4 hours and overnight away from your home or destination, Delta is meant to provide complimentary hotel accommodations or provide a voucher for accommodation, as well as providing transportation and vouchers for meals. I am a teenage girl that she left stranded in NYC for a night. Luckily, I knew someone in NYC that I was able to stay with, but had I not had that option, this would have been a horrible situation to put a teenage girl in. She did not care at all, and to her, rebooking my flight was good enough, despite it being the next day and to an entirely different country than my destination. Further, Delta is meant to rebook you on a flight or combination of flights to your original destination or next layover, which they did not do. I had no plans to be in Amsterdam, until Delta forced me to go there as they gave me no other viable option. Delta is also supposed to “provide notice explaining our obligations and the compensation you will receive if you are involuntarily denied boarding,” which the supervisor and gate agent(s) refused to do. I was deliberately ignored when I asked, as I described earlier.
After I had ended the conversation with the supervisor and walked away from her, the other customers/volunteers who were supporting me asked what my situation was now. I started to explain to them, “I have been put on a new flight to Amsterdam and booked a flight from Amsterdam to Stockholm, but I am still a little stressed because I don’t have an assigned seat on my new flight either. I might call Delta customer service later just to confirm that I will be able to get on this new flight.” As soon as the supervisor overheard that I may call customer service later, she stormed up to me, following me to where I was after I had walked away from her desk, to yell the following in my face: “Are you saying the customer service I provided wasn’t good enough? Are you not happy with the $7000 voucher?” I was grateful for the generous voucher, but still rightfully frustrated by the situation. I started trying to respond, telling her, “No, it’s fine, I just-” I was going to say that I was still just a little confused and stressed and wanted extra confirmation, but she cut me off. She raised her voice even further to say, “I’m not done. Let me finish.” At this point, I felt scared, as she clearly had no problem arguing with and berating customers, and I did not know how the situation may further escalate. This is when I told her, “Okay, bye,” and told her how unprofessional she was, as I walked/ran away from her as quickly as I could out of fear that she would follow me again to harass me further.
In addition to this, once the flight had left, I was also told that my bags had been taken off the plane and would be available for me to pick up at JFK’s baggage claim. When I arrived at baggage claim, they at first could not tell me where exactly my bags were, but told me to wait as they should be coming. After about 30 minutes of waiting for the bags to arrive at baggage claim, I went back to the Delta help desk at baggage claim, where they finally told me that my bags had been retagged and checked in to be put on my new flight to Amsterdam. When I tracked my bags online later that night (Thursday night), I saw that one of my bags, which was my main luggage with all of my clothes and toiletries, had been tagged to be on a KLM flight to Copenhagen after the flight to Amsterdam. I truly do not understand how or why this happened as I never had any plans to fly to Copenhagen. Once I noticed this, I called Delta customer service, as well as Delta’s baggage service department to tell them that it was tagged wrong and should not be going to Copenhagen. Both assured me that neither of my bags would go to Copenhagen and that I would be able to pick them up in Amsterdam. When I woke up Friday morning, I called again before my flight to Amsterdam to really make sure that my bag would not end up in Copenhagen. I also texted Delta’s baggage department and talked to a representative in person, who all reassured me that neither of my checked bags would end up in Copenhagen and that I would be able to pick up both of them when I land in Amsterdam. I get to Amsterdam on Saturday morning, and one of my bags comes out to baggage claim, which was the one that had been tagged properly, while my main luggage (that I warned Delta numerous times about having been mistagged) had arrived in Amsterdam but was immediately put on a plane to Copenhagen before I had even gotten to baggage claim. I was extremely frustrated because I knew this was going to happen, but Delta dismissed and ignored my concerns repeatedly until it was too late. A KLM employee was finally able to help me solve the problem Delta created by marking the bag to be delivered to my hotel in Stockholm. By Saturday night, my bag had been confirmed to have arrived in Stockholm. By Sunday afternoon, when my bag still had not been delivered to the hotel, I tried to contact Delta again, as they were still responsible for my bag, despite the KLM employee being the one that actually helped me. When I contacted them, Delta continuously made excuses saying it was probably too late to intercept the bag when I called earlier, which is why it ended up in Copenhagen, as well as saying that since the delayed baggage report was made on Saturday, they still were not in the wrong as it was only Sunday. One representative also hung up on me for saying “This is fucking ridiculous,” which it absolutely was. I understand that I probably shouldn’t have said fuck, but she kept making excuses and telling me information I knew was false, so I was entirely fed up, especially after the nightmare Delta had already put me through. To be clear, I had been calling Delta about their mistake since THURSDAY NIGHT when they still could’ve easily made sure it was tagged properly and/or intercepted the bag before it was sent to Copenhagen. Instead, they ignored me and lied to me because they were too lazy to even try to fix their mistake when they still could. My bag being sent to the wrong country was entirely preventable if Delta had actually cared to listen to me about my concerns.
Absolute worst travel experience I have EVER had. I have been taking at least 6 flights each year literally since birth and have never been treated so poorly by an airline, or any company ever for that matter. Truly don’t know how everything went so wrong and why Delta could not do a single thing right in this entire process. They continuously made things worse through their employees’ behavior and refusal to actually do something about their mistake(s).
submitted by tarmakofu to delta [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:14 Scoobidoooo This can't be normal. Please advise!

Is it just me, or do Subarus have significant reliability issues? I’m owning my first one, a 2015 Forester XT with 96k miles. I’ve had it for 3 years now. Here’s the list of what I’ve replaced, which doesn’t include what the previous owner might have done.
I didnt included popular and regular maintenance like brakes, filters, tires, bushings, backing plate, calipers.
Additionally, I’ve experienced:
Obviously, I’m forgetting something—probably 2-3 things!
This can’t be normal, can it? I’ve never had problems with cars like this in the past. I’ve owned 3 Mazdas, 1 KIA, 1 BMW, 1 Volvo, and 1 Infiniti. Let’s just say that so far, it’s been a total nightmare!
I knock on wood and hope for the best.
submitted by Scoobidoooo to subaru [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:13 Naurgul Finland will propose a law next week allowing border agents to block and push back asylum seekers trying to enter from Russia, a decision that could cause Helsinki to temporarily breach its international commitments.

Finland will propose a law next week allowing border agents to block and push back asylum seekers trying to enter from Russia, a decision that could cause Helsinki to temporarily breach its international commitments.
Finland shut its border with Russia last year to stop a growing number of arrivals from countries including Syria and Somalia, and accused Moscow of weaponising migration against it and the European Union, an assertion the Kremlin denies.
The draft law proposed by the right-wing governing coalition acknowledges that turning migrants back to Russia without processing their asylum applications would be in breach of Finland's international human rights commitments, but says its use will be temporary and limited.
Prime Minister Petteri Orpo said the proposal would go to parliament next week, where it will be submitted to the constitutional committee for review.
It will need five-sixths of votes cast in parliament to pass - the high bar required for constitutional matters - and success is not certain.
The bill would allow border authorities to turn back asylum seekers who cross from Russia, with or without using force. But it would not apply to children and disabled people, whose asylum applications Finland would continue to accept.
submitted by Naurgul to europes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:13 VedantTrivedi Immigration lawyer went AWOL for 4 months and made gross error that brought my family to financial ruin. What action to take ?

TL;DR: attorney was AWOL for 4 months. Turns out he was in the ICU but we weren’t informed by him or his team. He also made errors that have brought my family to financial ruin.
I added immigration rage cause that’s what my case is about but this seems more like malpractice on my lawyers end.
Hello. I am not in this sub usually so let me know if this post breaks any rules and I’ll make changes.
My immigration attorney made mistakes in my parents’ EAD application. He included a cheque for $500 when my entire family is in exempt status which means we don’t have to pay that fee.
My attorney is yet to receive my parents EAD receipt. He still doesn’t this was a mistake on his end and said he’s not sure why he hasn’t received a receipt.
After this fiasco he and his paralegal went AWOL and we tried doing everything to contact them. For 4 months they didn’t respond when they said that was the approximate time our EADs would take, 4-6 months to be precise.
We also tried reaching the Texas state bar to make contact with him who informed us that he is still practicing according to them but then we found out he was in the hospital in critical condition. The bar informed us that it would be his responsibility to pass the cases to someone capable while he is in Ill health. Mind you we couldn’t reach his paralegal either in this duration.
After this happens, I had to file my parents’ EADs pro se and spent $2k dollars on legal resources such as guides and software.
He still doesn’t know that we have filed a pro se application and has said he doesn’t think we deserve a refund.
As a result of this delay in EAD my parents who are skilled Indian engineer and management professionals have been eating thru our savings for 6 months after having moved here.
We are massively over leveraged and on the brink of financial ruin(I’m not exaggerating to build a case) as a result of the delays we have faced.
Please advice what I should do next. I Atleast want my fees back if not damages cause by his mistakes and gross errors.
submitted by VedantTrivedi to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:11 nairevated Suggested nerf for little prince

LP can't cast his skill for 3 seconds after its deployed.
I've always see LP being the clutch card of any matchup, Like xbow/mortar they can just cast the ability immediately and the push is gone. or any beatdown deck, they just click the ability immediately and it knocks back everything and buying time for the Tesla to cycle. With this nerf they need to preplanned it for it to work and not just a get out of jail free card for anything
submitted by nairevated to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:10 invasivelycurious I keep ending up with autistic guys?

hi, so last night i slept with this cute guy who was staying at the hotel i work at. we’re the same age and there was a very clear mutual attraction. he had been getting drunk at my bar pretty much every night of his stay, but that didn’t deter me. ANYWAY i go to his room at the end of my shift, we have a couple beers and vape some weed, and then he starts breaking out into a british accent and he’s having a hard time making eye contact at this point. he said he was joking and we ended up just doing oral, making out, cuddling, etc. then he starts FREAKING OUT and going into a tantrum about how his family is very devout catholic (i grew up catholic) and that they told him it was completely inappropriate to be gay- so i tried to calm him down and tell him my story of being raised catholic, and it works, and we go to sleep. he keeps JOLTING AWAKE and rambling on about all different kinds of nonsense and totally forgetting where he is- i stayed cause i wanted to make sure he was safe, and i also didn’t want to cause a fight if i tried to hurry out and potentially get written up for fraternizing with a guest. in the AM he was fine and i left. that’s when i realized he’s probably on the spectrum, but high functioning enough to travel solo 🤷‍♂️
the point of this is i have hooked up with so many guys who present as neurotypical and i just think their eccentricities are because they’re shy or socially awkward, and i’m very open and non-judgmental. but then when i think back on it, i notice a lot of the same behavior patterns in at least 5-10 of my past partners over the last decade and what should’ve raised a red flag for me is most of these guys have told me on the first or second date/hookup that they’re not autistic without my prompting. i don’t have an issue with guys on the spectrum, i’m just wondering why i don’t notice it until it gets to the point that i can’t tolerate their behaviors anymore? and then i feel like an asshole cause i know they’re probably desiring and wanting the same things that neurotypical guys want but it’s hard for me to accept the inappropriate laughter, misread social cues and other things that they do as a result of being on the spectrum after discovering that they are.
i keep hooking up with or dating men who present as normal at first (don’t kill me for using normal as the descriptor) but have eccentric behaviors and a majority of them have specifically told me without being asked that they aren’t autistic/on the spectrum.
submitted by invasivelycurious to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:08 VedantTrivedi [TX] [USA] Immigration attorney AWOL and made gross errors- how do I take action?

TL;DR: attorney was AWOL for 4 months. Turns out he was in the ICU but we weren’t informed by him or his team. He also made errors that have brought my family to financial ruin.
Hello. I am not in this sub usually so let me know if this post breaks any rules and I’ll make changes.
My immigration attorney made mistakes in my parents’ EAD application. He included a cheque for $500 when my entire family is in exempt status which means we don’t have to pay that fee.
My attorney is yet to receive my parents EAD receipt. He still doesn’t this was a mistake on his end and said he’s not sure why he hasn’t received a receipt.
After this fiasco he and his paralegal went AWOL and we tried doing everything to contact them. For 4 months they didn’t respond when they said that was the approximate time our EADs would take, 4-6 months to be precise.
We also tried reaching the Texas state bar to make contact with him who informed us that he is still practicing according to them but then we found out he was in the hospital in critical condition. The bar informed us that it would be his responsibility to pass the cases to someone capable while he is in Ill health. Mind you we couldn’t reach his paralegal either in this duration.
After this happens, I had to file my parents’ EADs pro se and spent $2k dollars on legal resources such as guides and software.
He still doesn’t know that we have filed a pro se application and has said he doesn’t think we deserve a refund.
As a result of this delay in EAD my parents who are skilled Indian engineer and management professionals have been eating thru our savings for 6 months after having moved here.
We are massively over leveraged and on the brink of financial ruin(I’m not exaggerating to build a case) as a result of the delays we have faced.
Please advice what I should do next. I Atleast want my fees back if not damages cause by his mistakes and gross errors.
submitted by VedantTrivedi to AskLawyers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:07 Due_Range_6041 Retarded grandparents and mother

My grandparents (especially my grandmother) are so mentally challenged (including my mother) to the point where I don’t and can’t establish a connection how it is i even come from these people. For example today an argument happened between my grandmother and I. I have been dealing with a chronic medical condition called tmjd and I’m miserable every single day of my life. Today moments ago we tried to have a conversation about it that ended in disgrace as it normally does because my grandmother has such a significant lack of comprehension it’s almost unrealistic. We try to talk and it starts out by her asking me if I’m ok. I go on in an aggressive way to tell her no. I can’t even bare the idea of talking to her anymore because she disgusts me to the point of disbelief which is the reason I aggressively tell her no. Mainly because our conversation end up no where and what she says makes no sense at all sometimes. At this point after 6 whole years of dealing with this condition and wanting to die because of it she still has the audacity to say why. I don’t even know if it’s audacity at this point or if it’s just such complete ignorance. How after 6 full years of conversation after conversation, doctors after doctors. Getting injection therapies and so forth can she be so belligerent to keep asking me why. Same thing with my mother . My grandmother is 75 now but she has been like this her whole entire life. So it’s nothing new what so ever. I got this condition when I was 22 and haven’t been the same since. I used to be a regular gym goer. I was into powerlifting and believe me I was a strongman not just your average powerlifter. I had super human strength. Could have made worlds strongest man competition easily. I was healthy as an ox. I just don’t understand at this point how they can’t tell a difference. I mean my physical appearance is even dramatically different. So back to that. So I began by asking her how she can’t tell a difference in my physical appearance and condition. She says you look like you lost weight. I’m thinking ok but I’ve obviously lost muscle I have bags under my eyes I sit in the house all day and don’t move from my bed and all you have to say is I lost weight? Then I say I used to bench press so and so weight. I say what’s that mean to you that I can’t do that anymore. She says “it means you look good” …….WTF? I’m thinking to myself like this lady has absolutely lost her fucking mind what does that even mean. How does that mean that and how does she even think that it means that. It sounded like gibberish just came out her mouth. I feel like I’m talking to a bunch of two year olds all the time. Over the course of my entire life she has always said nonsense similar to this but in other ways with other conversations. My mother as well. I just feel completely lost at this point they have made me absolutely hate them. I hate them so much that if I wasn’t in this state of condition I’d pack my things up and leave and never look back and change my contact information and all. They are all so mentally challenged that I have no idea how they made it in life. It’s absolutely astounding. My grandmother has never had a job in her life. My grandfather owns a bar and my mother runs it. But for Christ sake I just don’t know what to do anymore I’m in misery every single day of my life and I want to die. My family does not by any means make my life any easier and they help me in no way other than giving me a place to live. They don’t even know where to begin to help me even if they wanted to. I just feel like every time I talk to any of them our conversation feel child like. It’s like I’m the adult and they are the children. I just want to hold and intellectual conversation with my family but I know they are not capable of it and it’s saddening. But mainly frustrating to the point where I want to hit them. It’s not even about trying to have an intelligent conversation (because they aren’t capable) but it’s about even having a regular one which is difficult to them. It always ends up in an argument where they are saying things from emotion and not actually logical in anyway and so then it’s turns into this victim mentality situation and it’s just an absolute fucking mess. Or someone says something that’s utterly gibberish. It’s pointless to talk to them anymore and I have nobody I can speak with about it. It’s so awkward just being around these guys and not talking to them through the entire day. There’s times where my grandmother will constantly insist on talking to me me but I straight up totally ignore her. And she won’t understand that that’s what I’m doing and she’ll hold an entire conversation basically by her self but she’ll imagine she’s talking with me. I mean it’s absolutely crazy what I go through with these guys. If I want to ignore my mother she’ll turn hostile. But if I know it’s one of those days for her that’s she’s going to say some dumb ass shit I have two choices which is engage in conversation with her whether I like it or not and it still turns into an argument or ignore her which will turn into an argument. It’s a lose situation with her all the time. She’s also an alcoholic and won’t admit it. I just wish I had some help in my life but there isn’t any. I have hundreds of videos of these guys acting belligerent and senile. I just know if I ever get better I’ll always have these to reflect on and remember as to why I went my separate way and decided to never talk to any of them again. Any suggestions other than move out. Talk to a therapist or go for a walk. I also have about 8 disc herniations from a car accident. So makes it even more difficult to get out. I don’t have a job because I’m so disabled from having a constant head and the car accident. I just don’t know anymore. Trust me if I had the option to move out I would have a long time ago. I hate them so much. I mean I genuinely from the bottom of my soul hate them. Very badly hate them. I wake up in disgust. I look at them with disgust. Everything disgust me about them. And they don’t get that. They don’t even act accordingly to other emotions to towards them. If I knew someone hated me as much as I hate them I’d never try to establish a connection with them just based off of that. But they act as if they never get into an argument with each other one moment and then the other are screaming their heads off at each other. My mother does 90% of the screaming. She’s screams like a maniac. I understand everyone has yelled before in their life but when it comes to my mom she’s screaming on a regular basis. It’s made me absolutely despise her. I won’t miss a single one of them when they die. They have no respect for me or understanding that I’m going through what I’m going through. I can’t express how much I hate them. My stomach feels uneasy when I look at any of them let alone want to talk to them. My mother nonchalantly goes on with her life right after an argument and then will talk to you moments later as if it didn’t even happen. My grandmother does the same. I just want to feel better so I can move on in my life. I forget to mention my dad has never been in the picture. But from my understanding after talking to him a few times I understand exactly why he’s not apart of my life. I mean we talk over the phone. But I understand why the relationship between him and my mother never lasted. Just by what he tells me about my mom, I can relate the same experiences. Makes total sense and I swear to God, I do not blame the man.
submitted by Due_Range_6041 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:07 MajinAkuma Smoker's involvement in the abolition of the Shichibukai system

This observation doesn’t come from me, but from someone else, a troper. Smoker helped out to abolish the Shichibukai system in a couple of ways.
As you know, King Cobra and King Riku convinced the other kings during the Reverie to abolish one if Three Great Powers because of the evil plots that happened in their countries. Both of these plots were publicly revealed by Tashigi and Fujitora, with the latter revealing that Doflamingo‘s plot happened under the nose of the World Government and that it was pirates who saved the kingdom, not the Marines.
In Alabasta, after Smoker learned about Crocodile‘s plan, he sent Tashigi to Alubarna to take control of the situation and he told her to follow her own justice. Thanks to Tashigi, Luffy (after his second loss) was able to find Crocodile when he asked her for directions. She swallowed her pride to follow her justice and pointed at the location where Crocodile went. This resulted in Sir Crocodile‘s defeat, his revoked title and his arrest. However, the story about the true heroes of Alabasta was covered up and Smoker and Tashigi were forced to become the public heroes of that incident, which allowed the World Government to save face.
During the time-skip, Smoker ranted at Fujitora what really happened at Alabasta and that Smoker‘s rank wasn’t high enough to reveal the truth. Thanks to that rant, Admiral Fujitora would later gamble on Luffy‘s success against Doffy, and since Fujitora wanted to abolish the system of the Shichibukai anyway, he was all for the revelation of the truth and got the perfect opportunity.
Not only that, without Smoker‘s involvement at Punk Hazard, Luffy and Law wouldn’t have come out alive because thanks to Law stealing Smoker‘s heart, he was able to do a switcheroo which ultimately ended in Monet not being able to push the self-destruct button. Also, Smoker stealing Law‘s heart back from Vergo was also a key factor.
It shows that while even when he’s not actively involved or doesn’t do things actively, his influence managed to get rid of all the Shichibukai. Considering that the title of the Shichibukai was misused multiple times and none of them were truly loyal to the World Government, that was most likely for the best.
submitted by MajinAkuma to OnePiece [link] [comments]