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Gun Accessories for Sale

2018.03.21 23:24 CannibalVegan Gun Accessories for Sale

MODERATORS WILL NOT ASK FOR YOUR ACCOUNT INFO FOR ANY REASON. USE COMMON SENSE. This subreddit is dedicated to the legal sale of firearm related accessories and add-ons that are not banned by Reddit Policy. It was created after the Feb 2018 unannounced rule change and subsequent blanket ban of innocent gun-specific communities.

2008.09.20 03:33 thepiratebay

/thepiratebay is currently private in protest of Reddit's API changes. Please read the following post for more info:

2008.11.22 00:38 Netflix

Unofficial Netflix discussion, and all things Netflix related! (Mods are not Netflix employees, but employees occasionally post here).

2024.06.02 20:20 OodlesPoodlesDoodles Recommendations for a new playthrough?

So I've played through the original, done a 50-ish% prior playthrough of TZA before (made the mistake of playing through trial mode to get shiny stuff early in the game, so I lost the drive to finish and then abandoned the playthrough). Needless to say, I won't be making that mistake again. The one rule I plan to adopt for certain in this upcoming playthrough is no trial mode until I'm at the final save point. I'll probably even finish to a new game+ file before starting trial mode from the prior save.
I've got a few thoughts on ways to go for a new TZA game file (PS5 using PS4 disc if that makes any difference). If any of you have experience with these aspects, I'd really appreciate your feedback.
First, I'm considering two possible primary approaches to playthrough:
1) Split Party: I would dedicate three of the PCs to be my overpowered party. They would do "all the things" that a basic playthrough doesn't do (farming/hunts/optional areas), while the other three would be my storyline party, including all non-optional bosses. Ideally, I would hope that I can keep that party at a good level where the battles are challenging.
2) IZJS/-like Rules: Here I would limit my party members to one job, and may or may not allow myself to use a board reset to switch jobs.
From there it's more of a matter of different resources/types of resources than "the good old days". Some of the resources posted by the greats of yore, such as Split Infinity still hold relevance, but, especially where there are differences between original and TZA releases, and seemingly also between different platform releases of TZA (my understanding is there are differences for new game+, and I haven't explored this extensively, but maybe also bazaar recipes?), it's a bit frustrating to know who to go to for what. Other than maybe trying to obtain the game breaker weapons/shield just to say I did, I hope to completely avoid YouTube or similar.
I suppose I can just check out information from random sources along the way, but surely there's got to be some place I can go to for relevant information through one source for most of the information needs? I'm also hoping that there's some great resource I have yet to find that one of you all can recommend to me for bazaar tracking. There are lists out there, but I would like to prioritize by earliest attainable in game (not that I'll get every recipe at that exact point, but it sure would save a lot of time compared to what I've done before) and also track what's been done and has yet to be done. I suppose if nobody's done it, I could create a nifty Google Sheet for that purpose, but if someone's already done something that accomplishes these purposes, there's no point in replicating the work.
Along a similar line, if you're familiar with a resource that lists everything you can get through steals and drops by area or zone. Of course, three zones in particular (and somewhat another) would need either prior playthrough experience or special notes information due to game stage access limitations, but it'd still be a very useful resource (especially if I were to get to the point where I could try new game-).
Anyway, I believe those would be the big ticket items. Thanks to anyone who has some good feedback to share!
submitted by OodlesPoodlesDoodles to FinalFantasyXII [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:19 Alarmed-Size-3104 Rock bottom (I hope)

Ive been an every day drinker for 6 years, but sarting around the holidays my drinking took a dark turn. Nothing really precipitated this change but drinking, which was once an after work activity, began to invade other areas of life. Starting off with "well it's been a rough day, I'll just grab a tall boy" and graduating to drinking before during and after work.
I saw my marriage falling apart so I started therapy. Things would get better for a bit then inevitably get worse. I finally entered a 3 day detox weekend before last. They pumped me full of benzos and hydroxyzine and released me. I was high as a kite, hopped in my car and of course the first thing I did was grab a beer.
I don't remember much of the rest of the day. I apparently ran over something, damaging the front end of my car and also took off my side mirror on a mailbox or sign of sone sort i presume. The cops were called multiple times to my house. They encouraged me to go to bed the first time. The second time I'd left to grab another beer I guess? When I returned to my house the cops pulled me out of my car and I was charged with dwi. First offense so I was released on a signature bond.
I would think that would be the end for me. The sign to stop. However as my friend once told me, "Rock bottom has a basement". Court date was set for 2 days later. I got there at 9, saw that I wasn't set to appear until 130pm. Not knowing what to do with myself, I did what I always do. I went and got some beer. I felt very nervous about court so also took a hydroxyzine for anxiety I'd been given at detox. Apparently these mix very poorly with alcohol.
Upon arriving back at court the bailiff immediately could tell I was shit faced, I was held in contempt of court and stuck in county jail for 24 hours. My wife is on the verge of being done but has hired me a lawyer. I need my license for my job so I'm worried about my career as well. New court date is set for tomorrow.
Since I left county jail at 3pm on Friday I have had 0 to drink. I'm having to find new ways to deal with stress and wow it's been hard. I have the image of that orange jump suit to remember where that can of beer leads. I had 24 hours to sit and think about what is important in life and I can't say alcohol made the list. If you've read this far, thanks for taking the time. I just felt like it would be cathartic to tell my story. IWNDWYT.
submitted by Alarmed-Size-3104 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:18 ByerN Results after a week of testing Reddit Ads for my indie game.

Before Steam Next Fest in June, I decided to test Reddit Ads as a supplement to promotional efforts for my game. You can check out my thoughts below.


Here is a full infographic with the results (positive imho):
I aligned charts from different sources so it should be easier to see what is going on.


It was not easy to gather correct numbers, so take them with a grain of salt (like a 10% error margin) - UTMs are not very helpful as they do not take a lot of users into account when calculating wishlists from UTM clicks - but their proportions are somehow correct compared to real WLs. Also, I had one of the most impactful influencer YT videos released in the middle of my ad campaign (a very good one), so I had to take into account some proportions from other stats and average WL behavior from the previous period (like average "organic" WL Baseline).
(If you see any issues/errors in my calculations - let me know!)


It looks like ~0.25Euro for 1WL for me (maybe closer to ~0.3Euro in a pessimistic scenario - hard to say what the real stats are). I like it.


The game is Node Farm. Here is my ad:
As you can see - it is just a post with my trailer + comment with more details (as an ad - it redirects to the Steam page on click). The same one I use to post on genre-specific subreddits when I make some important updates.

Comment section

I decided to enable the comment section (we live once they say) and it was a good decision - I am not sure if I got any negative response.
After a few days, I realized that I could stick my comment - it was there from the beginning but started to be less visible when more comments came up.
I added there a link to my Discord server. In these few days of the campaign (+YT video) +100 users joined my Discord server and a lot of great people shared their valuable feedback/suggestions or just talked with me/other players. Now my server has 300+ users, is active and I like people there.

Ad Configuration

There is nothing special about it. I mostly used guidelines found in the wild. The most important thing for me was targeting subreddits of similar games. After a day, I checked which one had the worst CTR (below 0.6-0.7%), removed it from the list, and tried a new one. Every time I wanted to get rid of a "too narrow audience" warning (it makes ads more expensive).

Other thoughts

I think that correct targeting and a catchy trailer are the 2 most important things for ad performance. I used the same trailer that already got positive feedback in my previous posts. It is not at a professional level, but it is simple enough to get an idea of what this game is about after a few seconds.
I hope you liked my analysis. Let me know what you think in the comments!
submitted by ByerN to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:18 PeaceSergio [H] (30+ knives/gloves) ★ Butterfly Knife Lore 0.104 [W] 15888 rmb or offers around that value

★ Butterfly Knife Lore 0.104 b/o 15888 rmb
and more items, knives/gloves
I have more items in my inventory ( which are not listed, don't be shy to send an offer because all of them up to trade! :D
I am always looking for downgrades/upgrades as I said above I have lot of playskins so if you wanna downgrade/upgrade you can choose between them or if you just like some of them you can always send an offer for them!
You can also add me on Steam but I can not promise you I am gonna accept you, so if you send an offer and then add me most likely I am gonna accept you or counter your offer!
All my Buyouts for the listed items are in rmb, obviously looking for any items for mines buyout just because of the rules.
Trade Link
submitted by PeaceSergio to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:18 Alex_The_Android How to validate Cognito issued token in API Management policy?

Hello everyone! I am quite new to Azure, and especially APIM. I am trying to set it up so that when accessing a particular endpoint, there is an inbound policy that validates a Bearer token issues from Cognito. If it is successfully validated, then the request can be passed to a backend (like a function).
I currently have this setup:
     {{signing-key-1}} {{signing-key-2}}   {{cognito-client-id}}   https://cognito-idp.{{aws-region}}{{cognito-user-pool-id}}     
I am using named values for those references, which are retrieved from the Azure Key Vault. Also, the keys are retrieved from the /.well-known/jwks.json endpoint provided by my particualar Cognito user pool. When I access that endpoint, I see a list of two objects with various properties, kid being one of them.
The thing is that it is quite difficult debugging what the problem is, because I keep getting a 401 Unauthorized error code, with the message "Invalid JWT". Any ideas on how to solve this?
submitted by Alex_The_Android to AZURE [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:17 BigFatRusski New HDDs running +8° acceptable?

So I swapped my 2 bay synology drives from WD red to WD101EDBZ, an upgrade of 2tb on raid1. My WD red was running at cool 37°, new drive is at 45°. This is the newer model EDBZ, and not helium filled. Also, my nas warned me that this model drive is not on compatibility list… message received and ignored. I’ve had very good experience with Red drives, is +8° still considered reliable long run? I usually swap drives every 2-3 years.
submitted by BigFatRusski to DataHoarder [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:16 SinsOfAKiller Anyone have a Selvala, Heart of the Wilds eldrazi Tribal list?

Been wanting a make a Eldrazi tribal deck that isn’t one of the new ones coming in mh3. So if anyone has some lists or suggestions please let me know.
I have been wanting one for a long time but haven’t gotten around to making it. With all the new cards I have been looking into making one.
Would love to know what people think is good and can go in the deck.
submitted by SinsOfAKiller to EDH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:15 Canis_Aries My Lists: Caleb

Since the new season is underway in my country I thought I'd reveal how I think the new cast could apply to the various lists I've posted. I know I probably should do this after the next season as we technically haven't seen the full scope of what they are but I'm impatient. The reason I'm doing it one at a time is because I don't think anyone would notice if I went back and edited the old lists.
In case you’re wondering it goes Animal, Historical Figure, Dog Breed, Alternative Actor, Lana Del Rey song, Killers song, Gabrielle Aplin song, Edward Sharpe Song, Foxes Song, Florence + Machine song, Bad Suns song, True Crime, Cooking, Zoo/Aquarium, Masked Singer, Mythological character (I’ve pretty much used up all the good Greek myth characters so I’m expanding with other mythologies)
We begin with our second smoldering hunk.
Andean Condor- It has one of the largest wingspans of any bird, befitting such a massively muscular character
Jack Johnson- An early heavyweight boxing champion, perfect for his size.
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog- It’s a dog well known for its strength
Daniel Curtis Lee- He’s come a long way from just being known as Cookie. Plus I think his voice would reflect a younger generation, just like this cast in general.
Prize Fighter- The perfect song to get all pepped up and bombastic
Summer Bummer- It’s low-fi vibes and A$AP Rocky vocals just seem perfect for Caleb.
Run For Cover- There’s a gravitas to this song that I just think he would greatly appreciate.
Patience- He had to have patience to soldier on through his second go around.
Drumming Song- The constant percussion does seem to echo a form of strength, and strength is one of Caleb’s most defining characteristics.
Warrior- Once again, playing up the strength angle.
Is totally uninterested- Really doesn’t see the point in hearing how so many random nobodies died.
Cooks only at the most basic level- With that physique you need to moderate what you eat. Nothing frivolous or fancy or fried.
Elephants/Rhinos/Hippos- Specifically it would be the elephants, he‘s loved them since he was a kid. Hell he loves every animal with great strength.
Gargoyle- I think his big imposing figure and surprisingly soft voice is a good fit for him.
Aiwel- A great hero in Sudanese mythology, their Hercules.
submitted by Canis_Aries to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:15 GC51320 Following Product Design tutorial and option is not present in program

I'm brand new to learning fusion 360. It seems unanimous that the Product Design YT channel is an excellent no-fluff starting point. I however have run in to an issue. On the Day 1 task of the toy block, after adding the circle and attempting to use mesh to multiply the object, he shows and instructs to select "Directions" which does not show up on my program. I am using the free personal program, so I'm unsure if this is the issue or some other change has been made. Can anyone point me in the right direction to achieve this next step?
I tried to upload a photo to show that the menu still only lists Type/Object Type/Objects/Axes/Compute Type after selecting the object and choosing extrude but it will not upload.
submitted by GC51320 to Fusion360 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:15 AutoModerator ::Weekly Victory/Success Thread::

An ADHD impacted relationship often requires a lot of hard work, endurance and trial and error. Maybe you have agreed on a new "to-do list" and it works, a new medication or therapy is working as intended, or the laundry has been done in a timely manner etc. Here is where we celebrate the victories, no matter how small.
submitted by AutoModerator to ADHD_partners [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:14 nik0nguy601 [NM] 75274 Tie Fighter Pilot Helmet - 154 Spots at $2 ea.

Item Name/Set Number(s): [NM] 75274 Tie Fighter Pilot Helmet
Lego Price: $308 ($278 + $30 shipping)
Shipping: $30 (incl. insurance) via UPS Ground 15” x 9” x 6” 6lbs from 07974 to 98229
Raffle Total/Spots: 154 spots @ $2 each
Price justification? BE
Call spots? Yes
Spot limit per person? No
Duration of spot limit? N/A
Location (Country): USA
Will ship international? Yes, Canada only. Winner from Canada or outside the Continental U.S. (e.g. Hawaii, Alaska, APO, etc.) will cover any additional shipping fees/duties over $30
Description: Brand new and sealed, box has some minor creases & shelf wear
Payment required w/in 15 minutes of raffle filling.

Cash App Info: Will Post CA when 75% Full

Tip BlobAndHisBoy
Number of vacant slots: 143
Number of unpaid users: 3
Number of unpaid slots: 11
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BlobAndHisBoy.
3 therontheteej
6 ssj3dvp11
31 ssj3dvp11
43 BigDeezyWeezy
72 BigDeezyWeezy
76 BigDeezyWeezy
91 ssj3dvp11
99 ssj3dvp11
101 ssj3dvp11
112 ssj3dvp11
131 BigDeezyWeezy

submitted by nik0nguy601 to lego_raffles [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:14 XanXic [Guide] Looney Tunes character specific playlists


Hey all, so my family are big fans of watching Looney Tunes. I wanted a way within Plex to better identify which character is in which episode. I myself am a big Wile E. Coyote fan and prefer watching those episodes over others.
I would've preferred just having collections for each of the characters but Plex doesn't allow episode based collections afaik. The only way to do so is playlists. So then I searched high and low for a way to automatically make a playlist or if someone had made a list somewhere. Didn't exist.


So I did the arduous task of collecting every Looney Tunes episode a particular character appeared in into a Trakt list. Took literally hours lol. It was also hard because various sources I used don't have the same formats or criteria for appearances so it was a bit of a mess.,asc
They can all be found under my username. I hit all the main characters and even some minor ones. I will admit it gets a bit fuzzy around the mid 70's. At that point a lot of the Looney Tunes episodes are a collection of clips old episodes, so saying it has an appearance from Yosemite Sam is bit murky since it's not 'new' that episode might just have a clip from an old episode. So some wiki's list it, some don't, I personally don't consider clip collection episodes as ones worth including so if I could tell that's what it was I wouldn't. But if I'm missing some obvious 'new' appearances let me know I can adjust.

Config Yaml:

So the best way to use these is to make a playlist yaml and call it in your config. That way it makes it for you and you can send it to your other users. Here's how I have mine setup so you can just set it up the same way I have mine if you'd like. So I have all this in a TV-LooneyTunes.yml Obviously adjust the library attribute and poster locations accordingly.
templates: looney: test: true minimum_items: 1 libraries: TV Shows Kids sync_mode: sync build_collection: false sync_to_users: all summary: <> collection_order: release playlists: Looney Tunes Bugs Bunny: template: { name: looney, summary: Episodes from the original Looney Tunes cartoon starring Bugs Bunny} trakt_list: file_poster: config/posters/LT/LT_Bugs.jpg Looney Tunes Daffy Duck: template: { name: looney, summary: Episodes from the original Looney Tunes cartoon starring Daffy Duck} trakt_list: file_poster: config/posters/LT/LT_Daffy.jpg Looney Tunes Elmer Fudd: template: { name: looney, summary: Episodes from the original Looney Tunes cartoon starring Elmer Fudd} trakt_list: file_poster: config/posters/LT/LT_Elmer.jpg Looney Tunes Foghorn Leghorn: template: { name: looney, summary: Episodes from the original Looney Tunes cartoon starring Foghorn Leghorn} trakt_list: file_poster: config/posters/LT/LT_Foghorn.jpg Looney Tunes Marin the Martian: template: { name: looney, summary: Episodes from the original Looney Tunes cartoon starring Marvin the Martian} trakt_list: file_poster: config/posters/LT/LT_Marvin.jpg Looney Tunes Pepe Le Pew: template: { name: looney, summary: Episodes from the original Looney Tunes cartoon starring Pepe Le Pew} trakt_list: file_poster: config/posters/LT/LT_Pepe.jpg Looney Tunes Porky Pig: template: { name: looney, summary: Episodes from the original Looney Tunes cartoon starring Porky Pig} trakt_list: file_poster: config/posters/LT/LT_Porky.jpg Looney Tunes Road Runner: template: { name: looney, summary: Episodes from the original Looney Tunes cartoon starring Road Runner} trakt_list: file_poster: config/posters/LT/LT_Road.jpg Looney Tunes Speedy Gonzalez: template: { name: looney, summary: Episodes from the original Looney Tunes cartoon starring Speedy Gonzalez} trakt_list: file_poster: config/posters/LT/LT_Speedy.jpg Looney Tunes Sylvester the cat: template: { name: looney, summary: Episodes from the original Looney Tunes cartoon starring Sylvester the cat} trakt_list: file_poster: config/posters/LT/LT_Sylvester.png Looney Tunes Tasmanian Devil: template: { name: looney, summary: Episodes from the original Looney Tunes cartoon starring Taz the Tasmanian Devil} trakt_list: file_poster: config/posters/LT/LT_Taz.jpg Looney Tunes Tweety Bird: template: { name: looney, summary: Episodes from the original Looney Tunes cartoon starring Tweety Bird} trakt_list: file_poster: config/posters/LT/LT_Tweety.jpg Looney Tunes Wile E Coyote: template: { name: looney, summary: Episodes from the original Looney Tunes cartoon starring Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius)} trakt_list: file_poster: config/posters/LT/LT_Wile.jpg Looney Tunes Yosemite Same: template: { name: looney, summary: Episodes from the original Looney Tunes cartoon starring Yosemite Sam} trakt_list: file_poster: config/posters/LT/LT_Yosemite.jpg 

Calling it in main config:

# -------Playlists playlist_files: # Looney Tunes Collections - file: config/configs/TV-LooneyTunes.yml schedule: all[monthly(13), hourly(03-05)] 
I have it scheduled for monthly, just so on the off chance I find some of the missing episodes or something it's added to the playlists eventually. When setting it up obviously you don't want it to wait that long to setup so comment that out until you have it off the ground.


So I wanted the playlists to look unique so you can tell at a glance who it's about. So I edited the traditional looney tunes season posters to just have the characters. It was a quick job and not perfect. But it's working for me right now. They look good when you click the playlist so I'm content with them. If you make better playlist posters please share them lol. But I uploaded the ones I made to Imgur They look pretty alright as playlist covers. I put these in my config/posters folder and use the naming structure you see in the config file above.


It was a decent amount of work making the Trakt lists, getting some passable posters, and making sure it all worked lol. But the results are good. Having the playlists are super nice and you can now like shuffle all the Donald Duck episodes and have a good time. My only thing I want to work out is an easy way to now cross reference them. Like if I want to watch the Daffy and Bug teamup episodes how can I easily watch episodes that are on both the Daffy and Bugs playlists since that presumable have them both in that episode. Haven't worked out an easy way for that yet but just wanted to get this guide out so it's off my todo list lol.
submitted by XanXic to Kometa [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:12 Zackhockey6 Advice on a new car?

Been looking for a new car for a few weeks now. Had a Mazda6 v6, but it finally met its end. Car prices and financing rates are an absolute joke right now. Trying my best to find what i can. Been honestly looking at carmax cars lately, dealerships have so many expensive BS fees and mark-ups right now that carmax is comparable in out the door costs, plus they give you a little more with the 30-day return window and 90-day limited warranty.
Test drove a 2020 Mazda3 select AWD yesterday from a carmax near me. 38k miles on the clock. Really liked it, car was in fantastic condition. Was a lease vehicle that is not being sold, no accidents, proof of dealer maintenance records. Carmax has it listed for $21k. I’m seriously considering it. Would be financing (credit union) athough I would have a large down payment and would most likely be paying it off in a maximum of two years.
Finance side of things, I make just over 60k a year out of college. Don’t have a housing payment right now, so most of my money is going into savings (with intention to pay down much of my student loan debt before interest hits).
I know i could find something with higher mileage and a bit older that would still be a great car, but honestly I’m tired of getting cars that don’t have a great lifespan ahead of them. I want to get something that I can maintain properly myself, and keep for like 15 years or until it blows up on me. Plus a lot of the cheaper cars are things like Chevy spark, Mitsubishi mirage, Hyundai accent, Kia rio. No thanks.
Wanted to get some opinions. Anyone have any experience owning this Mazda? I loved my 6. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks all
submitted by Zackhockey6 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:12 Ok-Escape-2018 E46 mods

E46 mods
Am the proud owner of an 03 e46 M3 and want to modify this summer. Not super experienced with cars or modifications so was hoping for some advice as to what yall find to be the best mods for this beautiful machine. (Assume money is no object). My initial list includes:
-suspension -intake -chipped -new battery (not really a mod but figured I’d include)
Any other ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am based in NYC so if anyone has suggestions about specific shops they have experience with that would also be awesome.
submitted by Ok-Escape-2018 to E46M3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:10 Zackhockey6 Advice on new car

Been looking for a new car for a few weeks now. Had a Mazda6 v6, but it finally met its end. Car prices and financing rates are an absolute joke right now. Trying my best to find what i can. Been honestly looking at carmax cars lately, dealerships have so many expensive BS fees and mark-ups right now that carmax is comparable in out the door costs, plus they give you a little more with the 30-day return window and 90-day limited warranty.
Test drove a 2020 Mazda3 select AWD yesterday from a carmax near me. 38k miles on the clock. Really liked it, car was in fantastic condition. Was a lease vehicle that is not being sold, no accidents, proof of dealer maintenance records. Carmax has it listed for $21k. I’m seriously considering it. Would be financing (credit union) athough I would have a large down payment and would most likely be paying it off in a maximum of two years.
I know i could find something with higher mileage and a bit older that would still be a great car, but honestly I’m tired of getting cars that don’t have a great lifespan ahead of them. I want to get something that I can maintain properly myself, and keep for like 15 years or until it blows up on me. Plus a lot of the cheaper cars are things like Chevy spark, Mitsubishi mirage, Hyundai accent, Kia rio. No thanks.
Wanted to get some opinions. Anyone have any experience owning this Mazda? I loved my 6. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks all
submitted by Zackhockey6 to askcarsales [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:10 KennyIlPhiddiPus Join our ASA(EU) Crossplay No-Wipe PVE/ PVP Server with 5x Mod, Shop, and More! [NITRADO]

Hello everyone!
We are excited to announce the opening of our new ASA Crossplay No-Wipe server! If you're looking for a fun and engaging gaming experience, our server is perfect for you. Here are some of the fantastic features we offer: Crossplay: Play with your friends regardless of platform! No-Wipe: Keep your progress and constructions without worrying about periodic resets. X PVE/PVP:
Join other players in epic battles or collaborate to tackle in-game challenges. 5x Mod: Enjoy enhanced gameplay with a 5x rate for gathering, taming, and XP. Shop: Use our in-game shop to get exclusive resources and items that will enhance your gaming experience.
Hosted by NITRADO: Reliable andstable server to ensure a seamless gaming experience. We are a friendly and welcoming community, always looking for new players to join the fun. Whether you're a veteran or a new player, you'll find your place here. Join us and start your adventure today! How to join the server: Search for [ASA Crossplay No-Wipe PVE/PVP with 5x mod,Nitrado] in the server list. Connect and get ready for a unique gaming experience! If you have any questions or need support, feel free to comment below or contact us directly.
See you in-game!stable server to ensure a seamless gaming experience. We are a friendly and welcoming community, always looking for new players to join the fun. Whether you're a veteran or a new player, you'll find your place here. Join us and start your adventure today! How to join the server: Search for [ASA Crossplay No-Wipe PVE/PVP with 5x mod,Nitrado] in the server list.
Connect and get ready for a unique gaming experience! If you have any questions or need support, feel free to comment below or contact us directly. See you in-game!
submitted by KennyIlPhiddiPus to ARK [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:09 Ok-Escape-2018 E46 mods

Am the proud owner of an 03 e46 M3 and want to modify this summer. Not super experienced with cars or modifications so was hoping for some advice as to what yall find to be the best mods for this beautiful machine. (Assume money is no object). My initial list includes:
-suspension -intake -chipped -new battery (not really a mod but figured I’d include)
Any other ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am based in NYC so if anyone has suggestions about specific shops they have experience with that would also be awesome.
submitted by Ok-Escape-2018 to BMW [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:09 ActualIllustrator836 iOS Native App for Habit Tracking?

Do they offer anything like this? I know I could make a reminder list that I check off daily, but I like to see something like a chart of how consistent I've been. Perhaps it's possible with the new journaling app?
submitted by ActualIllustrator836 to ios [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:08 s3RMh8t4R Hey, new to Tsons and looking for list advice

Hey, new to Tsons and looking for list advice
I know 10 termies + Magnus maybe isn’t the best since they are two expensive central damage units but I love both of them and they are the only set parts of the list really.
Wondering how best to disburse rubrics to characters and also what characters/ enhancements are optimal.
Any help much appreciated :)
submitted by s3RMh8t4R to ThousandSons [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:07 Zackhockey6 Advice on new car?

Been looking for a new car for a few weeks now. Had a Mazda6 v6, but it finally met its end. Car prices and financing rates are an absolute joke right now. Trying my best to find what i can. Been honestly looking at carmax cars lately, dealerships have so many expensive BS fees and mark-ups right now that carmax is comparable in out the door costs, plus they give you a little more with the 30-day return window and 90-day limited warranty.
Test drove a 2020 Mazda3 select AWD yesterday from a carmax near me. 38k miles on the clock. Really liked it, car was in fantastic condition. Was a lease vehicle that is not being sold, no accidents, proof of dealer maintenance records. Carmax has it listed for $21k. I’m seriously considering it. Would be financing (credit union) athough I would have a large down payment and would most likely be paying it off in a maximum of two years.
I know i could find something with higher mileage and a bit older that would still be a great car, but honestly I’m tired of getting cars that don’t have a great lifespan ahead of them. I want to get something that I can maintain properly myself, and keep for like 15 years or until it blows up on me. Plus a lot of the cheaper cars are things like Chevy spark/sonic, Mitsubishi mirage, Hyundai accent, Kia rio. No thanks.
Wanted to get some opinions. Anyone have any experience owning this Mazda? I loved my 6. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks all.
submitted by Zackhockey6 to askcarguys [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:07 IndigoSoln What protections and recourse do I have to dispute damages claimed by the LL following a move-out if I was never charged or paid a security deposit?

I recently signed a lease for an apartment that did not collect a security deposit. It's in a well put together building that does not give off slumlord vibes, but I'm concerned the management company may try to bill me for reasonable wear and tear or something else I would normally expect to be protected from under Massachusetts's security deposit laws. That's just the issue though - there is no security deposit to lean against nor is there an obvious small claims recourse to dispute something I should be protected from.
Is this the secret cheat code to circumvent half of the state's tenant rights laws - only rent to people with a credit score of 700+ and use their dreams of securing a mortgage someday against them?
Compared to the protections afforded under normal security deposit laws, what protections do I have to prevent my new landlord from charging me for damages that would normally be considered "reasonable wear" after I move out? What would be the best way to dispute these charges? What recourse for relief would I have if I can't take the obvious route through small claims against the security deposit? Would I even be be able to ask for a detailed itemized list beyond "lol we painted stuff: $700"?
submitted by IndigoSoln to bostonhousing [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:07 iamheartripper Help with Skyrim SE mods

I have been struggling with Skyrim working since all of the updates. I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what is going wrong with my mods list.
Skyrim has been crashing on the new game menu. It loads up alright until then however. Crash logger is also not generating a report, although in the mod list provided I do not have it active. Thank you for your help!!!!
Also could not get Modwatch to work...sorry about that....I've attached my load order and plugins list
submitted by iamheartripper to skyrimmods [link] [comments]