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2008.07.23 04:22 raldi reddit answers: a knowledgebase built on reddit

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2011.08.03 18:24 Raelshark Explain Like I'm Calvin

In the spirit of /explainlikeimfive, here's a place to come up with the best explanation you can on topics you know nothing about. Inspired by Calvin's brilliant dad, who knew everything.

2016.07.06 16:25 rsmtirish Ask the car folks!

This is a subreddit for automotive related questions.

2024.05.20 05:22 Helpful_Storage_2009 We’re any of you able to get a diagnoses uninsured? If so, how?

Hey so the title is pretty self explanatory. I do genuinely hope that my assumption is wrong and that the symptoms I’ve been dealing with for years are not attributed to Narcolepsy, but unfortunately when you don’t have the means to frequently visit the doctors, you try to get answers other ways. The symptoms of N2/IH is very on par with what I struggle with. I am employed but currently uninsured and don’t think I’ll even be able to afford a deductible or high premium come enrollment time. Was anyone here able to reach a diagnosis uninsured? What does the process look like? I have had a full blood work up, been prescribed ssris (which did not help) and also try my best to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This is becoming increasingly difficult for me to manage on my own and I really want to start working towards getting the proper help. Edit: I do not qualify for Medicaid due “making too much” … go figure
submitted by Helpful_Storage_2009 to Narcolepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:21 Realistic-Cap6638 I need money but I am completely useless

I have no interest in getting better anymore I cant work and hate society There is no purpose in trying to live in a capitalist society with no skills or motivation to make money No one can help me and I am unwilling to help myself, I just dont fucking care anymore I live in complete squalor in a small room in a house with people i barely know My family are useless and potentially psychopaths There is no money to survive with or help eachother and all i would do with a large sum of money is plan my suicide more efficiently Suicide is all i care about and its all i think about its been like this most of my life Its not sad because i do not value my life I am a burden and a waste of anyones time All i want to do is drink but i cant afford it anymore I cant afford anything and no one can help I really wish someone would help me with suicide instead of pretending they care about preventing it I have plenty of friends and even respect for my inteeligence (which i believe is misplaced) It means nothing to me All i care about is suicid, i pray every night that if their is some entity in the universe listening, to please kill me, i need to be free from this fucking disgusting society full of bigots and delusional self important psuedo intellectuals At least i admit im a moron Instead of pretending an ape from a tiny speck in the universe is capable of having answers to the questions of reality So if anyone is listening, please send me money to help me drink myself to death or help me find resources to die safely without making a mess
submitted by Realistic-Cap6638 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:16 Alarmed-Voice8373 Does he want to date me

Me 20F and him 21M have been friends for about a year. We met at college freshman year and we are now in our sophomore year. He has not done anything with anyone at school except for me. I didn’t hookup with him until just recently and it happened twice two weeks apart. Each time I ended up waking up and ubering home to my house he didn’t say a word to me. He also never texted me. To top it off I heard he was talking about it to his friends ): I asked why he didn’t snap me the second time and he said that I don’t Snapchat him. I left him on open in the winter when I went home from college. We are friends outside of the going out scene but I straight up asked him when he said I was the only girl he has done ANYTHING with at school if he would date me? He didn’t answer the question and made the excuse it is summer and I live far away from him. I honestly could be delusional but all the hints I’m getting is he only wants me for one thing and one thing only but I can’t wrap my head around why he has called me super pretty and attractive while it’s just us and also in front of other people. Not to mention again I’m the only one he’s done anything with at school and that is hard to find where I go as a sophomore. He has also been affectionate in front of others at the clubs. Please help me out. Call me delusional or tell me I have a chance ? When I come back for school in the fall do you think we could end up dating? Currently we both have each other on open. But we never really snapped before we started hooking up.
TL;DR we have been hooking up, he calls me super attractive, he said he wouldn’t date me because I live to far from college for summer, he has me on open but I also leave him on open. Is he interested?
submitted by Alarmed-Voice8373 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:16 Marrtii Sesamoid fracture check-in, discussion

Hello! The reason I am posting here is to describe my experience because I came here to look for others experience, to share my story, to see if anyone had any similar experience or advice, but most importantly to get the camaraderie and share the misery lol.
I (33F, casual runner) started to have pain in my big toe in December of 2023 (6 months ago). I went to a doctor in the end of January, and after x-rays was told I had no fractures and was just given an arthritis cream to apply for six weeks.
During the second appointment, when nothing changed or improved, I was told I actually may have had a fracture in my sesamoid that they noticed on the x-ray. I did an MRI and it showed that I have:
  1. Mild arthrosis of first metatarsophalangeal joint and sesamoid joints with impingement on the first webspace, distended bursa and first metatarsophalangeal joint effusion.
  2. Chronic avascular necrosis of the fibular sesamoid at the first metatarsosesamoid joint with partial tear of the fibular sesamoid ligament.
If anyone is interested I have MRI screenshots in my post history.
I was put into a boot by the original doctor. I was also told to do a laser IV treatment which sounded to me like $800 placebo, since you are in a boot and immobilized for the same six weeks anyway. So, who knows if that's the immobilization that healed you or the treatment. I declined the laser (was I wrong?). I did go to get a second and third opinion.
Dr. said this bone would not get any better with any therapy and advised to do a surgery. He said the worst that can happen if I don't get a surgery is progressive arthritis because the dead bone rubs against others. He said I could run and do my own thing if I wanted to and if pain is bearable.
Dr. said that we could try a boot for a bit, and that there was a small chance to heal. He also gave me a cortisol shot which removed pain for a week or two but otherwise did nothing else to heal it. Two weeks later with no improvement he said it wouldn't get better, and if it's bearable to get back to running and exercising as normal.
I didn't go back to the original doctor, as there was absolutely no improvement from the boot but pain is bearable. I started training again as I signed up for two marathons this year lol. It's still painful every time I walk or run but it's still bearable. Am I crazy? Haha!
Also, thanks so much for restarting this subreddit. I really needed it when I was in the midst of this whole thing, but couldn't post, I am so glad this is back on track!
submitted by Marrtii to sesamoid [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:15 taway541 Just found out

Welp turns out I’m part black 🤷‍♀️ my moms been sick and hasn’t been able to get a diagnosis for awhile because what the doctors thought she had she couldn’t have because it’s a “black disease” and we AREN’T black…until my mom got some genetic testing done. Turns out she does have the “black disease” because she’s part black. She confronted my grandmother about it and she confessed that she’s 1/2 black and has been hiding it her entire life. My great grandparents cheated on each other a lot my great grandpa with women over seas while in the military and my grandma with every black “handyman” she hired while he was away. My grandma was light skinned and could pass for white as long as she kept her hair cut short in a pixie cut so that’s what great grandma did and my grandma has kept that hairstyle her entire life. I don’t know if great grandpa ever knew or when grandma found out but she still continue the charade even though great grandparents have been dead since the 80s. It’s very weird because it’s not like we were fully white before my grandmas grandmother was Native American and my grandma was always very proud of that. Decorated her house in tribal decor, passed down the skill of tribal medicine and healing, taught all of us about our tribe and its history etc so why hide this? She isn’t racist either her 2 best friends to the point of me referring to them as aunties are both black women I’ve been to their houses celebrated holidays with their families grew up with their grandchildren my cousin even married one of them and now has 2 mixed kids herself. Like it’s just so weird that she’d hide this and is still wanting to pretend that she isn’t black and asked us to never talk about it again or bring it up to anyone she knows. This is weird right? I don’t even know how to feel about it. Like how did I not see it?? My grandma has always had dark tan skin but I just thought it was our native heritage and my mother has lightly tan skin with freckles and curly short ginger hair and full lips and thick hips butt and thighs but also very muscular kind of like Simone biles? I never saw it before but now I look at her and she looks like a black person with white skin and red hair. I myself am looking in the mirror and starting to question things,old remarks from high school about having “black booty” or “black girl lips”, my hairdresser calling my hair texture unusual (its wavy in some places straight in others when dry but curls when wet or humid) having a black boss at a fast food chain hire me because she could tell I was “mixed with something” why I also have a disease that is mostly common with POC. I know I’m probably being ridiculous but I feel like I just found the missing small puzzle piece and that something was always a little “off” and now that I have the answer it’ll get better.
submitted by taway541 to mixedrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:15 iDreamworldx New Recruit, need some definitive answers.

I'm looking to join the army as a 35L but have heard some conflicting information about it. 2 recruiters have said the MOS has been merged with 35W, one recruiter commander says it's still it's own MOS.
So is anyone a 35L out there who can give me a definitive answer on this?
If it has been merged is the job still the same Counterintelligence role with perhaps more responsibility and an emphasis on Foreign Languages?
submitted by iDreamworldx to army [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:15 Brack_234 Teaching is my dream job, but I've been told teaching in the U.S. will make it almost impossible to provide for a family. Is it possible for me to live in another country to teach so I can live my dream and provide for my future kids?

This is going to be a long post, and I don't know if anyone will have the answer for me so I plan to do my own research as well, but I figured it would be a waste not to ask others online just in case someone is able to help.
Context: (not necessary to read but I thought I'd tell my story in case someone is interested)
I am 19 years old in the U.S. , and have just finished my first year of college. Currently I am pursuing a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering, because that was the highest paying job that sounded interesting to me in high school. Growing up, my dream has always been to be a teacher. I would love nothing more than to turn around and share the knowledge I've studied up to this point with as many other people as I possibly can, and to have an effect on their life for a long time after I say goodbye to them. Around my freshman year of high school, my mother went back to college and got her degree in education and began teaching 6th grade math/science. Through her, I have found out about the painfully small salaries and the awful mistreatment of teachers here in the states. Even today when I ask her about how work was any particular day, she never has anything good to say about it. She tells me that her job has become a glorified daycare, as many parents of her students try to report her and make her lose her license when their children come home with F's on report cards (these children do not do any of the work my mother gives them, that's why they have F's). Because of these reasons, I chose to give up my dream of being a teacher and pursue something that would be able to provide more for myself and eventually the family I hope to start. I am the third generation of my family here in the U.S., and my family is originally from Scotland and Poland. With this, my mother recently brought it to my attention that it may be possible for me to pursue my dreams of teaching and still provide a good life for a family, but in another country.
The Problems:
As much as I would love to pursue the dream of teaching once again, there are a lot of questions that pop up when I consider the idea. For starters, what country would I attempt to go to? I have family in Scotland, and my mother tells me they are very open to the idea of meeting me and supporting me, and still consider me family even if we have never truly met. Is Scotland a good country for trying to teach and start a family? Or perhaps another country might be a better suit for me to look at?
How would I market myself to a school overseas? My whole life my test scores have always been 98th/99th percentile in the country, but does that matter to someone in a different country? Should I switch degrees to education? Maybe there is some kind of program I am unaware of looking for people to come teach?
I suppose this falls under the question of where, but am I going to be despised if I emigrate to another country? I have seen some people voice their opinions that they absolutely hate the idea of an American couple purchasing land in their country and living there, as it may push out someone who is native to the country but perhaps not as well off.
I don't expect anyone to have an answer for me, as to me this seems like a pretty niche problem. I plan to do my own research but if anyone knows anything they think may help me, please don't be afraid to tell me. If I haven't given enough details, I'm more than willing to give more if it will help you help me. I don't use reddit too often, so I may not even be putting this in the correct place, and if so I'll gladly move the post to where it should be if someone tells me.
If you've read this far, thank you for taking the time to see my story, and even if you don't have any advice for me I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to even consider it.
submitted by Brack_234 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:14 LucasNatal Just wanna say my thoughts for me feel a little lighter

(Sorry for my english, i'm trying to better it)
Well, i'm a M16 and i feel very alone, you might be thinking that i'm to young, there People older than me which still being alone or something like that, but i Just wanna say the things that are circuling my mind
I always was a person who to help, wants to make the other happy and be the most handsome person possible, but in the past few days i was feeling very alone. I think that if i die, no one would cares about it, or miss me, despite i have a lot of friends and People who know me, i really don't think anyone really likes me, i think that i'm a person that is easy to be change for another one.
Also talking about relationship itself, i never have been at one, and i really wish to be at, in my age is very common People start their "sexual journey", kissing, flurting and even having sex, but i don't did any of this things yet, i feel like i'm late and insecure about this, the majority of my friends have or had one girlfriend and i don't, the person which did i love didn't wanted to be my girlfriend (i respect her opnion). So the aftermath of this makes me feel very insecure, a lot of times i start to think "am i ugly?" "Am i boring?" And i never really gets an answer
Observation: i don't want a shallow relationship, i really want a good relationships that The both sides love each other, i know its difficult even from my age, but i want.
If anyone have any tip for me please tell me, it doesn't need to be about relationship, but how i can enjoy myself and be happy with my own.
submitted by LucasNatal to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:11 hydneysaines Entitled Strangers

This is a rant because I’ve never experienced anything like this.
This morning I was playing outside with my two daughters in our front yard (2.5 years and 6 months old) when a stranger approached our fence on a bike. I felt like he had passed our house and was lingering, so I moved closer to my girls, just in case. It was 7:30 on a Sunday morning so no one else was out, and my husband wasn’t home at the time.
He said “Excuse me, can you do me a favor?” He didn’t look homeless to me, so it didn’t feel like he was asking for money, so I said “what is it?” knowing that the answer would be no, but not feeling confident enough to just say that.
He immediately got mad. He said “it’s a yes or no question” and I said “Why would I say yes or no without knowing what the favor is?” Of course this made him more upset and he said “Why are you being so rude to me in front of the kids? That’s not setting a good example for them!!" Again, I have never seen this man in my life.
I said "I am not interested in helping you, goodbye." And that really set him off. Talking about how I am a bad mother and calling me all of the things you can imagine. I ignored him and said "you can go now" and he rode away, still yelling nasty things. I saw him meet with two other guys on bikes when he got about a block.
I took my daughters inside for the next few hours and looked out for him and anyone else, so scared and paranoid. I am from a small town and now live in a big city, and not being "constantly polite" has been really hard for me.
But fuck that guy for making me feel unsafe in front of my daughters. I don’t owe him anything. And I would do ANYTHING to protect them.
submitted by hydneysaines to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:10 Gumnaamx [TENANT US-CA]

Long rant but at the end of my rope .Renting for 1. 5 years so far .Not bad location for 2 union workers living in Los angeles, however the price of rent is high for the lack of maintenance on the property .My landlord was aware from the beginning that my fiance and I are both carpenters /painters electricians and capable of doing plumbing among other things that were beneficial to remodeling or repairing etc her eyes lit up and she initially offered us the place hinting she had some repairs she might want us to do cheaply for her ,and once we moved in she began asking me for finish carpentry jobs and to repair other contractors shoddy work prior to us having moved in, like damaged stone work in the driveway .Both of us are full time and we have 4 jobs between us both so we were not willing or even able to take on personal side jobs for her. Soon after we started to see what a nightmare of a landlord she has the potential to be since moving here ,pictures of trashcans out for 5 min while loading garbage from the house on trash day( countless pictures of trash cans ),told me once my door step is common place for neighbors to store their trash on because they have no room in front of their own door , told I can have a ring camera as long as I don't make holes or wire anything through text but when I soft mounted one on the Door with a tension knob she took photos and said the other tenants don't have one so why should we.(packages stolen and homeless try to get into our property regularly)we're not home often and out of town it doesn't state in the lease we can't have a ring camera . She won't allow us to pay rent past 530 even though we pay 1 day early and then herself collects rent close to 10 pm at night if she has something to do and it interferes with her schedule.She was aware of a leak in our bedroom when it rained and went upstairs in the attic and tracked fiberglass insulation through the house and then stated the person who set up the gas must've spilled water up there. Was aware of broken cabinets before we moved in , water leaking under the sink ,did a walk through and never sent anyone to repair,told us during the house showing ants are a problem in the Summer,when we asked her to give us traps when summer came she stated "there was never a problem before " we are to blame ... since moving in had to replace baseboards from previous tenant mopping and water absorbed into the wall ,plumbing fixtures ,cannot use broken washer and dryer so we go to the laundromat with weeks worth of clothing due to our hectic schedules.LEASE STATES WORKING APPLIANCES dishwasher hose improperly installed leaking under the sink .She tells other tenants not to talk to each other and told us the people in number 1 are assholes and number 5 don't speak to them, but the ones who take up our doorstep are saints to her !!!We spoke to number 1 and he has taken her to court before for not allowing his son to live with him and also found out we are paying 400 more dollars than them for less space.She is creating animosity between tenants so we don't find out who she really Is.But my current issue prompted me to write here as I can't find anything related to this particular situation ,My fiance pays an additional 100 dollars for parking she has a garage door in his parking space past 2 weeks the vines have falled into his space and he kindly asked her if she needed help removing it ,she fired back with :its already too late you bent and damaged garage door ",it was already damaged when we moved here but what is it doing in a paid parking spot? She completely ignored the vines and bushes falling into the space scratching up the truck and decided to make It about a garage door she has no right to store there.No answer as to what it's doing there .Do I have a right to remove this and call LAHD based on this list of complaints or should I handle this another way? moving is not really an option at this moment any help and reading this is appreciated
submitted by Gumnaamx to Landlord [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:08 coleca617 [REVIEW] POOR REPLICA & SHADY SERVICE: Hermes Depeches 25 in Noir Togo leather from seller Linda

[REVIEW] POOR REPLICA & SHADY SERVICE: Hermes Depeches 25 in Noir Togo leather from seller Linda
Disclosure - No incentive offered or received.
Seller - Linda. Whatsapp: (86)13631359060. Store page: LINK
Price - 2590Y + 290Y for shipping = 2880 Yuan = ~400 USD
Payment method - Paypal F&F
Shipping - FedEx
Timeline -
5/5: Order requested with seller and payment made same day
5/7: PSPs received
5/16: Bag received in USA
● My Photos - LINK
● PSPs received - LINK
● Authentic Link and Pictures- Can be the brand website or reseller sites such as Spotted Fashion, Bragmybag, TPF, and resale sites like Fashionphile and The RealReal.
Quality numeric rating and assessment - 3/10: Leather itself is soft but has a plasticky smell. I am hoping that will fade with time. The grain of the leather is a bit flatter and lighter than authentic Togo leather from the brand. From a distance this could be believable, but there are several obvious and major issues showing the item as a replica.
Accuracy numeric rating - 1/10: In short, I am kicking myself for only relying on the PSPs which are mostly at a distance and I did not probe in detail with the seller with add’l photos.
Here are the most notable problems:
1: As comparison shown HERE, the ‘HERMES PARIS’ **engraving on the sangle is completely wrong**–Font itself if wrong as is the size of the writing seems to be half the size and not centered. This wasn’t evident in the PSPs.
2: As comparison shown HERE, I didn’t initially even notice this in the PSPs as I was paying more attention to the font/lettering which can look off, but ‘Hermes Paris made in france’ stamping is in the wrong place. They put the stamping on the lip of the middle flap rather than on the back wall of the bag. It appears that larger versions of the Depeches bag (in size 38 for instance) which are briefcases, do seem to place the stamping in the middle flap but not for the 25 size.
3: As shown HERE, the hole punched out in the sangles for the hardware, is larger than the hardware, thus the metal visible on the backside. Anyone who is familiar with hermes kelly products should recognize this as an obvious problem
Satisfaction numeric rating - 1/10: This was my first purchase with the seller Linda although I have purchased many other bags with other ‘recommended’ sellers over the past 5 years. While most were smooth without issues, couple purchases with issues in the past were resolved with the seller easily with an exchange or refund. This was not the case with Linda. This is probably the most disappointing experience yet with a rep. While I did notice that Linda seems to have some reviews that were positive with other brands, I personally wouldn’t do business with her again, and wouldn’t recommend at least for Hermes products.
Service/Communication rating - 1/10. Initial exchange was quick and was shipped out promptly. When I reached out regarding the issues most notably with the very obvious issues (i.e. obviously wrong engraving with the wrong font and tiny font size), the seller tried to tell me that this is Hermes’s new hardware; anyone familiar with Hermes products should know this is a ridiculous claim for Hermes. When I asked for 1 photo of an authentic item with engraving/font like this one, the seller stopped answering and just said “you accept it” with no options for resolution offered. Buyers beware.
submitted by coleca617 to DesignerReps [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:08 Storms_Wrath The Human Artificial Hivemind Part 514: High Lawyer

First Previous Wiki
Ascendant Denali swept his tail across the floor. "Greetings. The New Ascendancy welcomes you and your kin, Diplomat Sommi."
The Misan creature did its equivalent of a bow, honoring him in his palace as was proper. He had been starved of respect from his surrounding powers lately and would feast upon this memory like a fine cut.
"The Misan Li Heptarchies receive your warm greetings, Ascendant Denali. We offer official congratulations on your ascent to the Trikkec throne, and the continued unification of your people. We are glad that you are regaining your prosperity, and offer additional aid to that end."
It was the perfect language of the High Dialect, with almost no imperfections on the translator's part. An expertly trained device, for sure, given the vast cavern between their respective languages. He had a translator as well working to ensure that the Diplomat heard his words correctly, and that he would know how their language distorted them to prevent any unfortunate misunderstandings.
Such things could be disastrous with certain civilizations, and Denali saw no need to make true enemies. He was strong enough to project power inside the New Ascendancy but nowhere near so outside of it. Pirates and raiders still festered upon the upper borders, and the lower borders were contested by a few minor lords who had survived the collapse of the Ascendancy. He was currently bombarding their planetary shields with asteroids and lasers.
"Aid of what sort, and with what stipulations?" Denali asked, waving an economic advisor over with a stray claw.
"Military and economic."
"You close all business with the Alliance."
Denali stepped off his throne. "Diplomat, I can assume you know how valuable that relationship is to the Ascendancy? I assume you already have a plan to replace them with something better. If your plan is ready, I will have my advisors review it. If not, no further discussions are to take place."
"Do you accept their power over you, Ascendant?"
"In this galaxy, it does not matter what we accept. If a Sprilnav comes barging into your house and takes your mate in front of you, there is nothing you can do. If one of the Core Powers manages to reach us, they can do the same. There are the laws of nations, and there are those of power. The Alliance's aid, even as its darker purposes twist it, has saved millions of lives. Children eating. Families working. They have the might of two AIs behind them."
"They are far too young of a nation for you to realistically believe their abilities are this high."
"Many have made that mistake," Denali said. "They are an older nation than mine, certainly. Would you say that my nation's abilities are lower?"
"I would not."
"Then you tell lies. I am not some foolish monarch who cannot see the reality in front of him. The Alliance's aid is a tool to keep me leashed like some common lizard. But it comes with economic growth and power that fuels the New Ascendancy further. I do not believe I will overtake their growth even when the entire species is reunited. And since your borders are further away than theirs, you will have added economic costs to any aid you give, with little gain on your end."
"They influence your culture. Your people."
"They do," Denali agreed. "You are a powerful nation as well. You would do the same with your own aid, yes? And you would call for us to destroy our traditions, our religions, and our very culture. We have seen your attempts at negotation with other powers nearer to you. You are an aspiring hegemon. But the Alliance's hegemony is already established. The Grand Defense Organization is something that I might even join, when I have the military might to meet their threshold."
"Because when power rises, others can latch on," Denali said. "Your offer, please. I am quite interested to hear it."
The Diplomat gave him a tablet. Denali brought it up with a hologram isolated from the network. His eyes began to shine.
"You should have led with this, Diplomat."
"Ah, but I needed to see the esteemed Ascendant's viewpoint on us. It is a shame that you must bow and scrape to the Alliance. How would you like to meet them on the field of battle?"
Denali chuckled. "I would like it very much, were they a normal nation. But they are taking planet crackers from King Siran and hauling them back to their space. They have a few of their own, not just stolen from the Wisselen."
"And they are pacifist."
"But not weak, Diplomat. All that means is they will not start the fight. But as we stand now, they will finish it. And a transfer of this many ships likely comes with enormous drawbacks and conditions."
"Then let us discuss those conditions, Ascendant. I am sure something more sufficient to your tastes can be selected."
"I am glad to hear that." Denali made a table hologram that was complete with hard light compatibility. Seating for the Misan, his guards, and Denali and his guards also appeared. The table was transparent.
"I will present my documents on this, and we can discuss in greater detail how you can divest from the Alliance without significant economic damage. There are certain facets we have identified which are key to your growth: military might, industrial capacity, and social cohesion."
Denali rubbed his teeth with his claws. Several cooks came in, bringing him food. The Misan Diplomat and his entourage refused, which was expected given the vast differences in their palettes.
"Those are indeed key parts of the Alliance's aid. Do you have an answer for me which is cheaper than the exports of the Alliance?"
"Yes. We can deliver 250 billion androids capable of continuous work for 20 years, each with a 96% likelihood of continued operation at the end of this period. We are willing to deliver these for you at once, though we would only request an escort of your ships alongside our own for added diplomatic security."
"A veritable army," Denali said.
"None of which will carry or operate weapons."
"We would need to verify that before shipping," Denali said. "As we would need to do for the price. The Alliance demands 1% of our current discretionary yearly foreign trade budget. How does your offer compare?"
"We would ask for a 30 year non-aggression agreement, and diplomatic outposts in your territory, as well as a possible defense pact, where we can defend you legally and militarily against Alliance encroachment."
"A large offer," Denali said. "Tell me, what is in it for you?"
"The Heptarchies wish to curtail the Alliance's growing influence by any means necessary, even if it means spending large amounts of money in the process. Having a monetary outflow is something the Heptarchies are happy to entertain, and we would be grateful for you to join us in this endeavor."
"And what of the risk of me playing both sides?"
"We can offer you high enough boons to ensure that does not occur."
So a bribe, then. A massive one. It was already enticing, but Denali sensed he could get more with better negotiations.
"You mentioned social cohesion and military might as well," Denali said. "Can you explain what you mean by this, and what aid you will send to address this?"
Now, the Diplomat looked more uncertain. It was an act, though a fairly convincing one. The pause lengthened.
"Ascendant Denali, surely you understand..."
"I understand you said 'any means necessary' for curtailing the Alliance. With an AI in their nation, such a thing will be expensive, yes? I'm sure that I need not remind you I will choose what is best for my nation overall. And if you cannot come through... I can always notify them of this offer to explore their ability to match it. Or, gods forbid, even exceed it."
"The trade agreement cannot encompass-"
"Then we have nothing more to discuss, Diplomat."
"Wait! Fine, we can discuss it! Just let us work out the new conditions. They're favorable to you, Ascendant. The Heptarchies value you as a potential customer-"
"I'm sure you do. You have four days to present an offer I appreciate more," Denali said, shoving the tablet back at the Diplomat. "Would you like me to procure food capable of Misan consumption?"
"That would be kind of you, Ascendant. We will accept that. And we will begin drafting a more suitable deal for both of our nations."
"Good!" Denali grinned, settling upon his chair with a new sense of pride in his posture.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Elder Pundacrawla settled his robe about his shoulders as he waited outside the room. In his implant, a small countdown reached zero. The silver doors slid open, and his eyes feasted on the room. It was quite ornate, but what really set it apart was the scene in the center. Elder Kashaunta sat on a short chair across a small table from the object of the entire star system's latest obsessions.
The bipedal alien sat in her own chair, which had an odd raised section to support her back. Her clothing was somewhat simple, with black and grey fabric covering her upper torso. He could tell the fabric was high quality—in fact, it was infused with psychic energy.
Her odd face looked a little smushed, and there was a faint red color to her pale skin and two bars of psychic energy thicker than he'd ever seen adorning her cheeks. She appeared unassuming, but her eyes latched onto him with an entrancing glare.
Her scrutiny waved over him, making Pundacrawla smile. Her gray hair fluttered, with a ring of fabric collecting it behind her head to rest on her back. Her fingers were short, without claws of any appreciable size. Her feet were hidden entirely by shoes; he could sense a thick armor.
In the mindscape, she roiled with collected psychic energy, like a promise of action for any slight. Her mind almost looked to have three minds in one, and iron bands of psychic energy encircled it from all sides, even above and below, preventing any quick avenue of mental attack. All in all, she was like an alien Elder when the conceptual energy came into account. She reminded Pundacrawla of an old friend, a secret he kept with Kashaunta that initially had been her leverage over him.
"It is an honor to meet you," Penny said. "You look as impressive as Kashaunta said."
There was no accent. The words flowed from her mouth smoothly, and Kashaunta showed no reaction to the omission of her title. That alone spoke volumes, and Pundacrawla knew he would be showing Penny more respect than most had the privilege to receive.
"I am happy to meet you as well, Penny Balica. Your accomplishments follow your name, and you are also quite impressive."
He settled on a third chair that appeared in front of him. He took a deep breath, his eyes falling on the pair of them.
"Elder Kashaunta has hired me to serve as your lawyer in the Judgment trial," Pundacrawla said. "This requires a great deal of risk to be taken on my part, which has also required that I received advancements."
He drew the word out, causing Penny to raise an eyebrow.
"Yes. I would like you to push the Soul Blade toward my left front leg."
Penny drew the sword, her fingers wrapping around the hilt easily. A grip of psychic energy materialized on her hands, and she carefully pressed the tip of it into the place he'd marked.
His skin was pierced. Penny frowned as her weapon went no further. Black blood spilled from the wound, which closed within moments.
"These are Type 3 nanites," Pundacrawla said. Black limbs materialized on his back, a second set of arms. And then a third set. They withdrew quickly.
"They also happen to cost a considerable amount of money," Kashaunta said. "Which I have paid, thanks to the added funds your singularities have brought."
"I will tell you not to worry if I am killed in the courtroom. I already have a deal in place with the Collective to ensure, at considerable costs, that I will still survive in some form."
"And killing Pundacrawla is also a declaration of war on the Peoples' Autonomous Stars," Kashaunta added. "You do not stand alone."
"Indeed, I do not," Pundacrawla smiled. He bowed his head toward Penny. "If I may, I would like to start the discussion around the argument for this case."
His implant connected to several devices on his body, manifesting many holographic articles and stories around the room. Penny's 'Liberator' title was printed on half of them in the headline. In others, images and even videos of her in various situations took precedence.
Pundacrawla pulled up an image of Penny kneeling in the rubble of Justicar, holding a dead child. "This is the argument I will make for you."
Penny nodded, her silence confirming that this was the right decision.
"You will be the alien who came to a world named after the concept of justice, and an Elder who bears the same name. I will show how you care for many Sprilnav in your life, and also that you have little motivation to do so purely for the Judgment. I will show you as a loving daughter to a doting father, as a willing partner of Elder Kashaunta, bearer of the Pact of Blades, and as a woman capable of acting with wisdom and grace beyond her years to work with an enemy to sign a truce contract.
I will paint you in as sympathetic a light as possible and will eventually call you as a witness several times. You will need to swear upon your life that you are not lying, and Indrafabar and Justicar will both be capable of detecting your lies, total or partial. If you want to win this case, you will follow my advice without hesitation and without question. Do you understand?"
"I do, Lawyer Pundacrawla."
"You may call me High Lawyer Pundacrawla, or Elder Pundacrawla. With an Eonic degree, I am deserving of this title, and it will remind them of who backs you and who I am."
"I understand."
Pundacrawla took a long moment to organize his thoughts. He removed unnecessary jargon that might be untranslatable. He had the VI program rephrase and dumb down the explanations he needed to say so they would be shorter and easier to understand. Understanding was critical for the early phases of any case, and the client always needed to be ready for what came.
That was Rule 53.
"Now for the second half of the Judgment. The Alliance. They have published a great deal of rhetoric condemning the Sprilnav and the Elders. Yasihaut will first attempt slander using the usual methods. Your species, your barbarity, your lack of being Elders. She will find images of people on social media platforms calling for the deaths of the Sprilnav en mass.
If she desires, she will flood them with this, as the Alliance's population allows for many instances to be located. She may call to past Elders' deaths or to the previous battles with herself and Kashaunta in the earlier history of your nation. But the most likely platform she will use to pose the Alliance as a threat will be the presence of Phoebe, Edu'frec, Brey, and the hivemind of Humanity. The reasons for this are many. I will list several now, with ideal ways to counter them also attached.
Given Yasihaut's personality, she feels that you and the Alliance's continual success is a direct and constant threat to her reputation as an Elder. When you first shamed her, this is what ignited her hatred. Kashaunta has regaled you more on what reputation means to us immortals, but it is a severe concern. Do not underestimate her willingness to regain her reputation and to do so by attempting to defeat you in a public matter.
Here, your physical advantages will be nullified. If you speak out of turn or show signs of resistance, they will be twisted against you and the Alliance. The next reason is that your specific rivalry is personal. It is unique, and the High Judges know this. You are a threat to her, and everyone in that court knows you mean to kill her when the Judgment ends. Do not express your wishes to do this because she may present your threat to her as one to Elders overall. Now, for the Alliance, the fear of AI, unregulated, intelligent, and improving, as Phoebe and Edu'frec both qualify as, is ancient and potent among the Elders.
Across all of history, rogue AI presents the largest threat to our rule, making weapons capable of disabling our ships with merely thousands of years of time to advance. The Alliance has been given leniency on this. But most importantly is the Path. For an AI, approaching technological singularity is a threat to all other beings in existence by the sheer possibilities that it provides. Yasihaut knows this, as do the High Judges. I will aim to prove that Phoebe and Edu'frec do not intend to kill the Elders or go to war with them when they reach singularity.
But this, Penny, will require that Phoebe comes to the stand herself and swears before the court. The Collective will be connected to her and will be capable of detecting the lies in all forms she attempts to tell. This is likely the only way to defeat the arguments Yasihaut presents in that manner. While Phoebe is not allowed to represent you as a lawyer, she is still allowed to be a witness, presumably for exactly this reason. The Collective will also use this as a means to determine Phoebe's progress in weaponry, so I suggest she finds a way to hide those memories well. The next reason Yasihaut will involve the Alliance is because it is visibly divided.
Your leaders bicker and argue, and she will attempt to use this to show you as an unstable power with dangerous ambition. She will use the clashes between your leaders as a way to convince the High Judges that you cannot be trusted, as your lifespans are too short and your minds too alien to remain trustworthy and united in their support of any sort of treaty. She will likely use this to bypass the reality of your truce with Valisada, which the Alliance is not a direct party to. She will discuss the specific threat of Brey in the Alliance. Her ability to use portals makes your nation over fifty times as productive as it would otherwise be.
This makes you an economic threat, coupled with Phoebe. Brey has a historical hatred of the Sprilnav, which also motivates possible military attacks against us. She is also being directly strengthened by the Alliance's psychic amplifiers. I will attempt to stave off this argument by downplaying the threat Brey poses and showing the reality that a Progenitor could kill her instantly.
I am not expecting any specific arguments in this scenario to be effective against the High Judges. This will be a difficult point if Yasihaut exploits it properly. As for the hivemind of Humanity, your threat comes in multiple forms. Firstly, we can confirm you share some power with the hivemind. So if you grow strong, it too will grow strong, and it bends to the will of Humanity as a whole. Polls show that you all, to put it lightly, hate us.
The hivemind also has a direct diplomatic link to the Source and easy access to it via the Servant in the hivemind's city and the city's location itself amidst the Source's bones. Remember that many of us still call the Source the Great Enemy and the Servants the Enemy. Yasihaut will likely attempt to use Rimiaha's presence here to link you as well to the image of the Source, if not the hivemind. If she does this successfully, you will lose the case.
The hatred we have for the Servants is almost bottomless and is only exceeded by that of the Source. Kashaunta has told me that there have been over 30 thousand attempts to kill Rimiaha since he got here, most psychic in nature. All of them have failed due to the intervention of either Justicar, Kashaunta herself, or Rimiaha using his psychic energy to blend in with Sprilnav. Behind the scenes, Kashaunta has destroyed entire mercenary companies in the Underground for this and made deals with Justicar to suppress any mention of this to avoid stirring the fires of war. I will do whatever I can to distance you from Rimiaha.
But if this fails, you must call him to the stand. Make him testify of his lack of willingness to attack the Sprilnav. Indrafabar may request that his mind be invaded to determine the truth about this. If the Source intervenes in that case or Rimiaha refuses, you will also lose the trial. This is the most dangerous idea that Yasihaut could bring against you, which links back to Humanity and you, Penny.
Another reason she has is that if she can push the Judges enough on the Alliance to either level more restrictions or kill the AIs, you will be crippled beyond recovery and will fade into nothingness for her to kill at her leisure. In short, most of this trial hinges on circumstances and testimonies given by witnesses. This is another reason Indrafabar is on the case. He can detect lies in almost any being if he uses his power. And if you resist, which you might be capable of, but..."
"I lose."
"Exactly. This is not a place of honor. This is not a court like before. Arguments will be heard, debated, and either accepted and recorded or discarded and ignored. I will do my best to use Justicar's law principles like recency to your favor, but history is littered with petty Judges making decisions on cases related to how much a threat people are. Not to this level, of course, but there is luckily precendent to lean on in both types of outcomes."
"Pundacrawla, I thank you for your high-level overview. Shall I assume the legal jargon was left out of your description?"
"Yes," he said. "I was uncertain if some words would translate."
"What are my realistic chances for winning this trial?"
Pundacrawla sighed. He didn't want to see her hope shatter, but he refused to lie. Kashaunta seemed fine with him sitting here and talking about things truthfully. If she wasn't, she would have requested a different lawyer.
"In the worst case scenario, which is Indrafabar and Justicar dislike you, and Yasihaut has a lawyer with an Eonic degree of their own, then I would say about 9%."
"That is quite high, actually, for a worst case scenario."
"That is only because this is a Trial by Majority, Kashaunta's backing and all that implies, your friendships with Nilnacrawla, Spentha and Equisa's continued survival within the Alliance, the various political motivations the Judges might have, the fact that you have built up your image, that you have refrained from killing your enemies recently, and the extreme nature of Yasihaut's hatred for you.
Your attack on Tassidonia's court normally would have been the death knell for you. But since your power didn't kill anyone and specifically was weakened to avoid that, it has been a boon more than a curse. And the Sprilnav with bleeding hearts also are pleased with your war on slavery. You will lose that war without Kashuanta's help, but your determination on that is seen as an endearing characteristic."
"The Elders think of you as a child, Penny," Kashaunta said. "Your fight against slavery is seen as a childish fantasy, but in a good way. If you wish, Pundacrawla can lean into either your maturity or immaturity on this case. Both may achieve the desired effect, if done right."
"I am not sure about that. Who will watch this trial, and how many?"
"Cast away your ego, Penny, it will not serve you here," Pundacrawla said.
"I'm 76 years old. I can handle this."
"I don't think-"
"200 quintillion," Kashaunta blurted out. Penny flinched.
"That is the number of watchers on the channels that have reserved timeslots for the trial among Sprilnav territory."
"And... Elders?"
"35 million, likely including all the Elders with names of any note," Kashaunta said. Pundacrawla gave a worried look to Penny. But the human just took a deep breath and nodded.
"Thank you for telling me. That is manageable."
"You're quite composed about this," Pundacrawla noted.
"I can conceptualize the enormity of that, but also this is a pretty big deal. And if I prove that I am fighting for the common people, it will achieve-"
"Nothing," Kashaunta said. "They cannot rebel on a large enough scale to risk toppling the Elders. If there is one aspect of our system that has survived the rot of a billion years of decay, it is the ability to divide and conquer. This is not an opportunity to get a manifesto out. I warn you against treating it as such."
At first, Penny looked wary of accepting the Elder's advice. She seemed to contemplate that matter, though she was really talking with her adoptive father. But instead of arguing, she simply smiled.
"I understand, Kashaunta. Thank you. I was getting a little sidetracked. All that matters is winning."
"So is there anything I can do to increase my chances?" Penny asked Pundacrawla.
"Outreach. Keep fighting the slavers, and maybe do a few interviews. Make sure to express a lack of hostility toward the Sprilnav people. And be wary of the gangs. When you are in the trial, they may seek revenge upon the freed slaves, or upon you yourself. I would not be surprised if they did their best to conduct false flag attacks under your name. In high-profile trials like this with many enemies, that risk is high. The gangs have high numbers of personnel and a motivation to see you lose this trial before you destroy them."
"I see. Thank you, High Lawyer Pundacrawla," Penny said, lowering her head in an approximation of a bow. Kashaunta nodded but didn't say anything. Penny took another breath in, and Pundacrawla could feel the air currents entering her nostrils.
"Can you explain exactly how a Trial by Majority would work versus the previous sort of Judgment?"
"Previously, the Judges, led by a High Judge, had to agree on a verdict. In that case, they failed. This structure is more flexible, however. All the Judges on the court, or the High Judges in this case, may voice their opinions behind closed doors and attempt to come to a verdict. They will emerge when the agreed-upon time period has passed, and their decisions will be made public.
If one Judge disagrees, there will not be a mistrial. Instead, the verdict with the most Judges behind it, ideally the majority opinion, will be the one chosen. This Judgement will have 20 High Judges. The final verdict, if none can reach the required 11 Judges to pass, will simply be held once all remaining evidence is heard or discarded."
"The High Judges will be required to resolve the dispute. If there are three or more options, the one or multiple with the fewest High Judges backing it will be discarded, until a runoff occurs. The result will then determine the verdict given."
"Can I be acquitted of the charges if that is the majority opinion?"
"Yes, you can. So can the Alliance. The structure of this Judgment is such that Indrafabar and Justicar will counterbalance each other."
"Can't Indrafabar just offer them money to do what he wants?"
"If he wants to lose his licence, severely harm his reputation, and destroy the careers of the High Judges being bribed, sure. While obviously Justicar will not have the power to truly punish him, the consequences would be severe, to say nothing of the other Progenitors. Given the factions present within them, it would be quite unwise for him to influence the case in such a manner. That influence would not be accepted by all."
"What if Yasihaut makes them an offer they can't refuse, or tries to make it look like Kashaunta did to get me in trouble?"
"I have taken steps to prevent that second outcome," Kashaunta said. "As for the first, my spies within Yasihaut's groups will alert me of it, and Justicar will know."
"But if he is a High Judge, wouldn't that be a conflict of interest?"
"His institutions function properly even without his intervention," Kashaunta replied. "There is little risk of that on his part."
"Hmm. Kashaunta, should I hide the Pact of Blades until the trial?"
"Yes. Its shock value will be maximum at that point."
"Elder Pundacrawla, are the rules on decorum the same as before?"
"Yes, but this time there will be proper enforcement. With the galaxy's eyes on him, Justicar will have no choice but to be firm in this trial. He will not be lenient to either of you, and might punish you more for infractions given that you are not a Sprilnav. It is unfair, but it is in his best interest to please the Elders who will be viewing this trial."
"Kashaunta, is there a way I can help you with the politics around this trial?" Penny asked. "I know if the event is this big, there is a lot for you to do, either to gain or to lose."
"A thoughtful offer. I might require one more linear singularity, and to finally get a piece of that negative energy you promised me. If you could tune your rhetoric toward peace with the Elders, it would help my position massively. The Alliance has already started scrubbing anti-Sprilnav rhetoric from its networks after I discussed the damage they could do, so what remains is your opinions. After the Judgment, more eyes will be on you than before. Declare your continued anti-slavery position, and I will have an easier time helping you with less damage to my reputation due to the revealed Pact of Blades."
"Do you also have an entourage of Elders to back you through thick and thin?" Penny asked. Pundacrawla smiled, glad that she was concerned about helping Elder Kashaunta.
She didn't know it, but now Pundacrawla was fully resolved to help her case. He'd been properly convinced that she really did care for her friends. In this case, while she likely was conflicted about it, Kashaunta was her friend. Given the Pact of Blades was in place between them, they were lifelong friends, close enough to be effectively married.
The political meaning of the Pact was certainly closer to that side of it since its most common use was to unify powerful Elder families. Kashaunta didn't have a family name, but that was because her name already carried so much weight everyone knew who was related to her. Pundacrawla gave Kashaunta a list of additional actions Phoebe needed to take using his implant. Kashaunta's eyes sparkled with recognition, though Penny didn't seem to notice.
"I do," Kashaunta said. "They all work for me. Most of them I acquired through either mud diving or through owed favors, though."
"Mud diving?" Penny asked.
"It is a term for doing one's utmost to please a superior for personal benefit, even if the 'please' section is derived from an unfortunate root meaning."
"I see. Elder Pundacrawla, can you get me something I can use for personal communication to you and Kashaunta, like an implant but less invasive?"
"Yes, I can do that," he responded.
"And also, one more thing before we go. Displace."
Penny appeared right in front of him, crouching down so her eyes aligned perfectly with his. They crackled with psychic energy, but beneath them lay a guarded desperation that he recognized from many of his more unfortunate past clients.
"I will not threaten you right now. But I need you to understand what is at stake for me. My friends. My family. My species. My nation. Over 200 billion living, breathing souls with lives and dreams they struggle every day to inch closer to. My titles, Champion of Humanity and Liberator, do not describe what I am but who I am. My world, my people. My home. Everything I have ever known and everything I have ever loved is at stake. Maybe you know what that is like. Maybe you don't.
Either way, please, I beg you to do your best to save us. I'm relying on you to be my hero, Pundacrawla. You can do this, and you must, or I will die for nothing. You will live with the consequences of this Judgment for the rest of your life. I hope you are everything Kashaunta claims you to be and more.
Hundreds of billions of people are counting on you. Look me in the eyes, Pundacrawla. Take in my alien face and my alien features. Know the creature standing here, and tell her you will do everything you can to save her and her people. And if it comes down to choosing to save me or the Alliance, save the Alliance."
Pundacrawla let out a breath. The hot air flowed across Penny's face, moving alien hair strands to the side. He looked into her eyes, peering into the reflection of three beings inside of her.
"Penny Balica. Champion of Humanity. Liberator. Human. I, Pundacrawla, High Lawyer, Elder, and Sprilnav, promise you, with all of my heart, all of my mind, and all of my soul, that I will do my best to win this Judgment for you and your kin. My actions will speak even louder than my words to you."
submitted by Storms_Wrath to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:07 Economy-Cash-2961 tf is stickeys?

Hello everyone in this sub, those who are waiting for their pre-orders and refunds, and those who still believe our beloved Stickeys.
I am sorry to say but this guy doesn't deserve anyone's trust anymore, even after being banned in IMKC and bashed on reddit sub, he still hasn't learnt his lesson, although making some claims like he doesn't need IMKC nor Reddit to do his business, this is clearly not the case, I am going to list all the recent things that they have done which have put an everlasting effect on this community. I will be providing the full context to everything so that he doesn't take anything out of this and post it on his server and plays the victim card by stating this is "Pure BS", whether it be against him or not.
  1. (UB asli account se aao)
He made a new site called, using a new account, new address for the business, and a supposedly new warehouse which is most likely the same as stickeys' new one (this is an assumption)
Put the least amount of effort in template, copying esckey's theme and using a premium canvas logo
All items on this "new vendor's" site are all from stickeys' coming soon notion page (, down to every single switch except for Lucky65 and KeyTok keycaps
Both business and their warehouses are in or near Gurugram with their offices and warehouses being only a few kilometers apart, I do not know the specifics of the way they were trying to make this business plan work but you can make a pretty good guess.
Domain was created on 5th of May, 4 days after his ban on IMKC.
Lastly this account creation email that desktoy sends will clear all your doubts if you are still having any (Read bottom line in the picture).
Imgur link with sources :
  1. QwertyKeys (Stuck at customs, i paid 65000 :c)
The whole Qwertykeys debacle, where he was caught lying red handed, he closed the server, banned QK reps who joined to see everything that was going on, and everyone who tried to post anything against stickeys, at the end accepted that he was lying and apparently because customers were bothering him for status updates that were out of his control, funny thing is that he didn't even pay QK for most of the boards until he was found out, delays happen in transit, that is understandable, but all the info being available on the vendor's status list which clearly shows that stickeys didn't even pay them, this excuse is just another lie.
Also claiming to have Paid Rs.65000 custom duties by declaring Neo70 as a personal package to get the shipment early because he cares so much about the customers, while it wasn't even ordered and paid for, I sadly do not have the screenshots of old vendor statuses from QK's vendor status page for Neo80 and Neo70, but there should be enough people who can confirm if you all still feel the need to check my sources that they had not paid for Neo70 nor Neo80 up until the announcement on 6th of May where he said that he has paid for orders.
Questions for status of all QK boards (Neo80, Neo70, QK100, QK75n) were all met with the same responses
"In customs" "In transit"
He did provide refunds for most of these boards after being found out, no refunds for neo70 were sent out afaik, but I could be wrong, this could be because of the above claim, QK100 and QK75n are still not paid for, although according to him since most of the pre-orders were refunded, they are not liable for that anymore, however they are still trying to keep customers by claiming that QK100 and QK75n both will be instock later this month.
But tell me, is holding onto people's funds for <4-5 months , providing them with false updates, thereafter claiming that you did lie to them due to a BS reason, and still acting like you are doing them a favour by refunding just because you are going against the store policies ethical? I do not think so.
After that he also went on a rant that QK is doing a bad thing for their business by sharing B2B order statuses which is good for the customers but bad for other business? Hello? I thought you were a vendor that put customers above all else? Or was that all a lie once again?
Imgur link with sources :
QK vendor status sheet :
  1. Top tier customer service (its my server, meri marzi)
He keeps yapping on his discord server on how no one should make any remarks on his nature, they don't know him irl and shit like that, what are we supposed to do exactly when you are treating a public server that is for your business as a ranting ground where you are openly arguing with customers who only want an update on their product and keep telling them that you are doing them a favour (refer to the previous posts) by agreeing to refund or sending a spare board which is not what they even paid for buddy?
I know how annoying it can get to answer the same question every single time every day, but still, It's a business, you are calling people stupid fucks and all co-vendors idiots publicly, not to mention other things that have been posted on this server before ], "you say crap, you will get crap" this ideology has ruined your reputation and rightfully so, It's a public server, what you say to those customers is visible to everyone in that server, do you think it has no effect on others?
You refuse to take criticism and keep making excuses for every complain thrown at you, whether it be arguing with the customer that they aren't supposed to complain because you did them a favor, make personal remarks towards you and nit-picking every small thing that you can to shut the other party up and sometimes even straight up banning them because why not? It's your server, you can say whatever you want, and of course won't tolerate any negative remarks.
"I have told you a 1000 times that I have shipped all the boards, now if you want to trust whatever x courier is showing you then that is your problem", yes brother, we will totally trust every word you said after you accepted lying to avoid people raising concerns about where there board/item is and not trust the tracking status, for sure.
The people who after all this are still somehow being fooled by him continue to think that "pre orders take time, its normal, other people just don't have patience", I'm sorry to say you are being absolutely delusional, the guy might not be lying about the item that you have pre-ordered, he might even deliver it one day or you have already received it or might give you a refund, but personally I wouldn't defend or keep my trust in someone who has lied to the members of this community and to his own customers time and time again.
  1. Thora Taras
I did go on a bit of a rage rant there so here are some points so that he doesn't take all of this out of context and play the victim card on his server by saying the same things again and again.
They started out as a really good vendor who promised to bring budget stuff to the market, and up until very recently they were doing decent (there were still a lot of reddit posts back then regarding their communication issues), they have delivered pre-orders before, and yes having an offline store does help in this case, he's not a scammer, he is not going to run away with your money, probably.
He does own a few restaurants and might even be backed by investors as he claims to so there should be no lack of funds and is not going to go bankrupt, again, apparently.
Mental Health issues are another matter, I do not want to believe that he is lying about his health to only use it as an excuse, everyone has their struggles but how you handle them is the most important part, you clearly didn't do that part well and tried to hide behind them to cover up your lousy mistakes, on the other hand it is not right to call someone way past midnight, and definitely not abuse their family members whatever might be the case, it will do nothing good to either parties, rather take legal route than exchanging abuses over calls or messages.
Stickeys is also on amazon, they will always have that offline store, they will keep bringing stuff that is enticing, but people who are already here and those who will be reading this when they are searching for "Is stickeys reliable" on google or reddit, read all of the posts that are against them or in favour and think thrice before ordering.
Now to quote our favourite vendor,
submitted by Economy-Cash-2961 to mkindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:01 stardewnoodles Splatoon 2 “Presence” vs Splatoon 3’s?

Hi, I’m an onlooker who hasn’t actually ever played Splatoon 3, nor visited the subreddit longer than the last 5 days, so apologies if this question has already been asked and answered an absurd amount of times. With the latest Splatfest having just wrapped up, it feels like the perfect time to ask this, not so much as I “I’m better than you” grudge match, but more so I just want to hear about the experiences people have seen or had relating to it, and if they feel their inner expectations, or the “crowd’s” expectations, were met, and therefore the interest was kept. Here’s what I mean by Presence:
To me, Presence is it’s hype cycle. This is how much of the game you feel is being enjoyed by a broader audience than just the people always actively playing it. Splatoon 2 came out in a shooter heavy marker and so did Splatoon 3, and despite this they remain just as relevant as the underdog in the whole shooting community. So where do they stand beyond that? Are there casuals? Are there new players learning to get better, inspired by the scene? Is there more excitement? Less excitement? With Splatoon 3 reaching where Splatoon 2 stopped at the end of its second year, it had me curious, since while Splatoon 3 is a very successful game, I feel like the outward reach, it’s hype, it’s stuff that gets theorists outside of the know to look in in surprise and awe, it has had has been less than the last one?
I was wondering if anyone else felt differently or the same. I don’t blame it for this either because, well, I think the biggest “Presence Factor” is the DLC that comes out after its debut, and I don’t think any game in general could ever top the Octo Expansion and what it caused for the series and it’s player base to rise.
submitted by stardewnoodles to splatoon [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:00 May_the_force 17” Griddle Not Getting Hot

We got this griddle for Christmas and it’s been a headache since day 1.
First issue was our faulty regulator. We thought maybe it was a floor model, as the gas had nowhere to go; the valve was sealed shut. Bizarre.
Thankfully Blackstone sent us a new regulator so we took the griddle to the beach to make chicken sandwiches. Everything fired up great, the flames looked high, but the griddle just wasn’t hot, even with the flame cranked to high. Took about 30 minutes to cook a single chicken breast.
After doing some research on why this might be happening, wind guards seemed to be the answer. So we bought wind guards and headed to the beach for smash burgers, only to be disappointed yet again.
The wind guards helped a little bit, but we were unable to get a sear on our burgers, even with the flame on high. Also the wind on both occasions was no more than a breeze, maybe 10 mph.
Unless there’s something I’m missing, I don’t understand how these griddles are designed for outdoor use yet can’t handle a breeze. Does anyone have any additional recommendations or can I only use this griddle with zero wind?
submitted by May_the_force to blackstonegriddle [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:00 DTG_Bot Daily Questions [2024-05-20]

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submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:59 Negative_Cut_8387 Broken At First Sight (2)

Audio log
Patient: Mina Paraan
Medically Recommended Therapeutic Journal
Entry 64:
I've made a mistake. After the incident, I failed to make my report to the Galactic Council. Because I was hospitalized, they had commissioned someone else to meet with the human ambassador. I should have seen it, the new products at the market. They are coming...
Entry 68:
I saw one of them down on the street from my apartment...well not them personally. I saw the wave of red wash down the street. It was following traffic so they were probably in a vehicle. They are already here...on my home planet. It is already too late.
Entry 74:
My therapist thought they would try to help me get past my trauma from the incident. They brought a human to the building, I guess as a form of exposure therapy. To bad for them I could tell the human was in there just by looking at the red glow of the windows. The brightest was next to my therapists office. I cancelled the session for today.
Entry 75:
The Peace Keepers came by my apartment today. Asked why I didn't go to my therapy session. Told them I wasn't feeling well and didn't want to get anyone else sick. They bought it and wished me a quick recovery. I can't keep doing this.
Entry 81:
I've asked the therapist to set up a meeting with the ambassador. I was quite rude to him, fainting like I did. He must think of me as terribly weak. The meeting will be held in a weeks time. I hope I'm doing the right thing.
Entry 82:
What am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing? Why would I do this? Am I insane? Of course I am, I'm seeing a psychiatrist. These humans have so much potential for violence that it fills entire buildings with that thick red light. But something keeps bugging me. What were those shadows swimming in the red?
Entry 83:
I've been thinking more often lately about my psychic ability. Am I really seeing the potential for violence like the rest of my kin, or something else. I did some research on some of the other species in the council. The Tar'sha, a silica based species has no predators, no enemies, are the calmest and most patient I have met. And yet, after I met the humans, I'm starting to see more red. Particularly from the rocky outcrop coming from the crown of their heads. Did I not notice this before or is it new? Why am I only noticing it now?
Entry 84:
It happened again. I was at the market getting more of those Peechees I like, with the fuzzy skin. I saw a red pond spreading towards me. So I quickly paid for my fruit and ran home. The strange thing is...I didn't see the human that was the source. They would tower over us, coming up to their knee as we do. Which begs the answer. Where was the red coming from, if not a human.
Entry 85:
I woke up this morning expecting to eat a peechee for breakfast, only to look outside and see red...everywhere. Like a light mist but it was prevalent everywhere. I at first thought someone had messed up on the cloud seeding, and asked a neighbor. They looked at me confused and I realized they couldn't see it. Only I could. I've realized that what I see when I look at people isn't their potential for violence like I thought...I don't know what I am seeing anymore. All I know is that while it was here, attached to the different species, there wasn't much. A few drops here and there. Someones claws tipped in red. Horns glowing a bit brighter. But now, whatever this is, loves the humans. It travels with them, where-ever they go. And it is getting stronger the longer they are here.
Entry 86:
The red has thickened to the point I can't see the buildings across from me. Then there are the shadows. Great behemoths floating in silence. Quick little ones chasing after each other. They don't seem to see me. But then, I haven't the courage to enter the red ocean. I can still hear the traffic down below, so I know the world hasn't ended. I called my parents to see if they were okay and if anything weird has happened around there. Mom said they were both okay and it was perfect weather to do some gardening. I'm glad they are healthy and doing well. Now, what about me...
Entry 87:
It's tomorrow. What will happen to me? Will I be swallowed by the red, or what's swimming in the red?
submitted by Negative_Cut_8387 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:58 ClamSteamer Newb, maybe?

I have a Steamfitters interview for local 290 in Portland tomorrow. I've been in construction most of my adulthood, and always been interested in steam technology. Well, steam powered vehicles, anyhow. So, it's pretty late to ask, but if anyone browses past this who knows, what kind of questions should I expect? Anything to be cautious about answering totally wrong? I'm fairly confident, but this is also the first actual job interview I've had in about 10 years.
submitted by ClamSteamer to pipefitter [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:55 haizzz_zzz Faculty administered scholarships

hii would like to know more regarding faculty administered scholarships. What exactly do they cover (e.g. for overseas exchange or just the school fees)? Have the interview invitations been sent out yet? The portal says 'application received' but I've yet to receive any email regarding nus scholarships 😭 Atp does it mean that i won't receive any scholarships since I've heard some people already being called up for interview (merit/global) and yet they are being offered faculty administered scholarships instead. Would appreciate if anyone have the answers to these 🙏 thanks!!
submitted by haizzz_zzz to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:55 Adam8418 Who do I engage if roofing companies aren’t honouring their warranties? QLD

Long story short, had a new roof installed, the following month when rains hit the roof leaked and dripped onto the ceiling and caused damage/warping/discolouration.
I informed the company and they were quick to remedy the exterior roof, and then said they’d have the interior ceiling repaired also. They organised a carpenter to come out and inspect, stupidly I didn’t get his number and now I haven’t been able to get an answer off anyone for what’s happening.
Multiple unanswered emails and when I call the office and the project manager blames turnover in staff, and claims it on her list to action, yet i don’t hear back.
It’s been 5 weeks of this happening, I understand carpenters are busy but I just want a firm answer of who is doing the work, and when it’s happening.
So assuming this continues, is there any group/body i can refer to even if to prod the roofing company along?
submitted by Adam8418 to AusRenovation [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:50 jaywaywitanak So been here a month now

So here is a few things I need answered !
What is with the 195 stops in 10hr is this fucking normal ?
Also does anyone else have more stops at the end of the day than you originally started with? I swore I started with 186 ended with 195 not quite sure wtf happened.
Did 195 stops and only took a 15minute break and still finished 3 minutes over my 10hr shift What is the rules with taking breaks they said that’s figured into my route but how tf is it possible with that many stops? The damn app keeps yelling at me to go to break but there is no time it don’t make sense to me and I really don’t feel as if I’m milking the clock but I’m sure my dsp does
submitted by jaywaywitanak to AmazonDSPDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:48 Ok-Possibility2418 Please don’t laugh

Has anyone heard of a romance scammer giving you access to to 3 different bank accounts, producing military emails and certificates, when I block comes back on another number. Even helped me seek out help for myself. But so many things say Romance Scammer! I did the reverse search and he says someone stole HIS identity! I have given very little money to this person but he just won’t go away. Even when I say hey you’re a narcissist romance scammer. Has his nanny text me asking why I don’t help get him home. He is deployed in Türkiye and retiring. Needs money for a safety vest and fuel to get home. He has borrowed money from Commander, nanny and family doctor. His bank account is a business bank account and has clearly enough money that he can’t access. I know I probably already know the answer but please help me thank you
submitted by Ok-Possibility2418 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]