Cute bitchy attitude quotes

Boyfriend Too Feminine.

2024.05.20 09:23 aWonderingCat Boyfriend Too Feminine.

So Before everyone starts to judge from the title imma make clear what exactly I mean. So The boy im with , grew up with his mom (mostly) and his aunts (his moms sisters) i think that this affected a lot on how his personality was built. He has a nice cute and caring personality and is very smart but a feminine attitude. He is easily scared and the way he acts makes me feel the man of the relationship. To be honest here. Im not a fan of very manly man either and I am not a girly girl . (Now people will tell me why even bother??) well im not here to say i dont like or regret my decisions .Im here to put off my chest these thoughts of mine hoping there are people with similar experiences to give me their point of view or experience.
submitted by aWonderingCat to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:51 Fit_Instruction3646 I honestly hate the basic "it's just a cycle, bro" attitude and other simplistic takes on this sub

So, I've been thinking about this a lot throughout my whole life and coming to this sub I recognized this attitude so I finally decided to make a post about it.
You see, however cool and easy the cyclical explanation of history and/or ideology may seem, I don't think there is such a thing as clear-cut cycles and neither do I think it's always the same. No, generations don't go through exactly the same phases, the world is much more complicated than that, there are genuine and unique changes that only people going through can really feel, appreciate and understand.
And yes, there is a difference between feeling nostalgia for the 50s, feeling nostalgia for the 80s and eventually feeling nostalgia for the 2020s. There is that tendency in every humoan to feel nostalgia for a past period but other than this most general predisposition, nostalgia for every period is a unique phenomenon. Naive takes such as "bro, it's just like the last time, there is a 30-years cycle, you'll see" get on my nerves. And quoting a roman author who complains of the youth being rude and disobedient doesn't mean he has had the same experience as you or that he has gone through the same time period as you or that you can simply predict what will happen based on what happened then.
And no, the future is non-linear. You won't have a repeat of 2010s fashion in the 2040s or massive boom of nostalgia for 90s shoegaze in the 2030s. Or at least, there is no way to predict if this will happen and you're all making stuff up.
My point is that reality is much more nonlinear and complicated than that. Decadeology is interesting but I see people here making naive and simplistic takes and then circle-jerking about things I don't think we'll ever see.
submitted by Fit_Instruction3646 to decadeology [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:36 Present_Option_3874 Cute love quotes

1.Loved you yesterday ,love you still,always have ,always will
2.I saw that you were perfet and so i loved you.Then i saw that you were not perfect and i loved you even more.
3.Ilove you not only for what you are,but for what i am when am with you.
4.I all the world ,there is no heart for me like yours.In all the world there is no love for you like mine.
5.I 'll be loving you always with a love thats true.
submitted by Present_Option_3874 to u/Present_Option_3874 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:49 Authentic_VG Beauty

Beauty submitted by Authentic_VG to ShortQuotes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:23 Its_sven1 Long distance relationship

I apologize in advance for the length of this behemoth Story time Reddit: Last night I was chilling at a camp grounds in upstate NYC and this really cute bartender was on her first day ever for the job, anyways I didn’t even notice her until a community dinner at 6pm when she got some food and went to the bar to get ready for the night because us folks at the camp were gonna party till LATE I’m 18M turning 19 and I had aspirations to be a bartender myself in the familiar country of Mexico where my family operates a gin booze business. she 22F just turned and I was eager to Yk like ask her how her first day on the jobs going right? Now I time goes by we all just chilling having dinner and our rolls out some Gigachad kitchen employees with dessert and everybody fiends the fucking ice cream sandwich bars and I hastily think about the fellow bartenders out the back of the building (it’s the girl I’m taking about whose new and one other girl whom is basically her chaperone because they are her aunt) approach the bar with 2 ice cream sandwiches asking if they wanted the last stock of what remained of dessert 😂 they politely decline and I just give them away to my boys and walk back to the main cafeteria area and around 5 minutes pass people start to clear out and I not really a drinker and not of age to drink in the US (although I have been to other countries to bars that you don’t need to be 21 to drink all fine) Sit down at the bar with the 2 bartender ladies, i start yapping about all the musical bullshit I do in life and the video game I’m developing and whatnot and that’s why I came up to nature to record the ambient sounds for my project idk why BUT then when I realize is that the girl whose new’s eyes fixated on me intensely full German stare and I’m kinda intimidated ngl, so ofc as a good bartender would ask, they ask if I want anything to drink and i politely decline because I wasn’t really thirsty 💀 We start to just chat a bit I ask about how their day went and then that’s when I realize the new girl whose bartending it’s her first day and she’s absolutely drunk out the wazoo, I feel kind of bad because she was about to just go take a walk break and I saw she could barely even move straight 💀 so I ask “so what are some good things to do around here?” They reply really excited that before it gets too dark (somehow they say that and it’s already becoming 8:30 and dark at out) I should go to this really pretty creek waterfall and the absolutely double whammy hammered chick volunteers to take me. Now me skeptical af and realizing that either A, she can’t keep her eyes of me because she’s deadbeat drunk or B, she thinks I’m cute and wants to know me this is why she offered to take me to a cool place. I accept and I have to walk this girl out the bar because she’s in heels and bouncing all over the place. We make it to a downhill section we have to cross and I see her struggling and ask if she needs a hand and she hastily accepts, next thing up her arms are basically spaghetti and rolling with the wind as we make it down this hill her holding onto me for dear life. We start to walk a bit and I start to ask the big legal concern questions that us “technically inclined” men ask like “How old are you” “Do you have a boyfriend?” And “Are you in school?” I eventually get all these answers and we by some will of god walk up to an abandoned dark horror movie looking ass tipi (basically this ⛺️ thing for u non cultured swines) for some reason my hood senses start tingling and the white girl slasher film mindset goes into my mind like “Why the fuck am I about to go in there?” But hey YOLO why not go into creepy dark crowded place with drunk girl? We waltz up into that bitch looking like injured bank robbers clobbering all over the ground because the ground muddy and we can barely fit into the small opening of it, point is in there she starts basically interviewing me fucking speed run piers style and I answer being sober decently competent. Me not trying to make her feel uncomfortable turn my flashlight on to scout the area and we realize there’s some makeshift bench in there so we have a seat. She doesn’t like the fact the lights on and then she asks “do you want to kiss” and proceeds to inform me I’m a weirdo for turning on the light. Now I’m like: “ aight what the fuck girl like it’s dark spooky af out the hell u want me to do get mauled by spiders in this Native American trap house? Then Yk me never had a girlfriend and curious accepts her kiss offer and right as we are about to friggin kiss a RANDOM ASS NPC COUPLE SPAWNS IN AND JUST WALKS UP TO OUR FUCKING TIPI! What are the fucking odds bro, like it’s pitch black basically out and I’m in the middle of the woods, now they see us (we look hella sus at that moment) and kinda just walk away after being like “ooooh cool!” But anyways I get a pretty Alr first kiss, get insulted for being a horrible kisser and walk it off quoting myself “Bro it’s cuz I’m a Libra right?” Jokingly anyways we kinda talk a bit she enlightens me on some personal facts and me too, I ask if she’s had a boyfriend and she says yeah I would had asked how many but didn’t weirdly enough and she’s asked me then if I had ever had a girlfriend and I respond honestly that nope I haven’t and she doesn’t buy it, she thinks I’m lying. She then proceeds to ask me how tall I am and me being a tall ass mf for my race i respond “6 foot 3” and she’s like DAMNNNNNNN ewwww. I’m dying of laughter and ask what’s wrong. I never get a response 😭 Anyways she then decides to empty her pockets and she came for some reason with basically a mythical rarity load out of pocket loot. 2 Cinnamon booze plastic shots, lip gloss, chapstick and a cart. Now me being the worlds biggest glorified coward who never smoked and almost never drinks was amazed she had all this shit on her. I ask her how much she had to drink tonight and she told me how for every drink she served she also drank (idk why tf weird flex but ok?) we then kinda decide to go out of the tent because all of a sudden she wants to explore the pitch black woods when we both have very little phone battery left for flashlight. I think in my sober mind that’s a horrible idea and I remember in the back of my mind we had to be back in an hour from like 8:30pm and I remind her assuming she will have it into account but fail to realize SHES DRUNK AF AND CANT PROCESS SHIT!!! Anyways we walk around the creek bed and eventually we have a seat and just weirdly enough lay down watch the stars and talk about romantic stuff, she is very kind all of a sudden and we are just laughing wholeheartedly and enjoying ourselves and occasionally she tries to sloppily kiss me and I’m kinda just laying there like : 🙃. But yeah we there doing all that and then she somehow convinced me to do shots of the weird spicy booze she brought and I was very nervous and almost about to fully fold because I had a lot of important things in my life impending in the coming days and I didn’t want to fuck something up being drunk (not knowing myself if I’m a lightweight or heavyweight drinker) We each do one and I’m kinda there lying paralyzed and shivering in my boots not because of the alcohol but because of the nerves I am chilling with a girl on a beauty of a night next to some lovely sounding creek noises and making out. Me being the newbie I am just go along with anything she says or does because I’m not trying to blow what I have going Yk. But yeah time passes we just there on essentially natures lawn hugging and kissing and talking about cute life aspirations and then I have to break the hard news to her, I inform her I won’t be staying around long by any means ( I leave the next day back to da hood for school) and I feel so bad inside! Like this girl even age difference aside whatever was very kind and I didn’t want to ruin what we had going so I try and explain how I would try to visit her and later the next day I am able to check that tickets cost roughly $50 for one ways to the town she lives in and takes 2 hours and a half something if me for love I was able to do im down ig… Now as a recap: She knows I live super duper far away, She and I both understand we don’t want to ruin what we have and we are trying to see how we can keep this going. I hear someone scream her voice and then I’m like Awww shit ur in trouble right? I check my phone and it’s MOTHERFUCKING 11PM!!!! I’m like OH SHIT WE BEEN GONE A WHILE DAMNNN, I pull her up off the ground and try to get her to her aunt who I assumed was looking for her and then we sadly said it last farewell quickly. She kisses me and then she gets yoinked and chewed tf outta by basically her big auntie bartender me feeling horrible and all because I was so immature not checking the time, I walk up to her to take responsibility for the situation and not be a beta male type character she asks me all of a sudden if I’m “ok or hurt” and I say yeah I’m fine and then she walks away and for some reason my good manners and habits kick in as I quietly shout “good night” and she shouts back “yeah good fucking night!” Slams the door with my newfound friend and they both gone. I feel real bad for the situation but hey it already happened, and I then find out from some of my fellow campers that she was threatening essentially to call the state police because people have gotten lost in the woods but in my head I’m like NUH UH I GOT S TIER GOD MEMORY!!! Anyways I do have the girl I was withs number I message her apologizing for not being more responsible and whatnot and then a lot of time happens from there on. I go to bed at 1:30am, wake up the next morning at 6:57am and I’m worried because she hasn’t responded. I paranoid and feeling like a hopeless romantic sit around stressing for hours until BOOM I get off a call checking up with my moms who was out of town get a message from my dear bartender girl! I’m beyond ecstatic and try to see if we can say goodbye because I have to go so soon that same day (today as I’m writing this) we try to compromise and plan but sadly it doesn’t work out for us and we just don’t get a well deserved farewell. I feel truly defeated and depressed about it and people I’m with are speculating how I have barely eaten in all the hours I have been up today. I reply it’s that m stresses but don’t go into detail trying to avoid ancontroversial discussion. This girls name is Sofia and I as I hope a constituted decent person hope I can keep this relationship but there are a few obstacles. 1, she lives 2 hours best case scenario from me. 2, she doesn’t really answer my messages until very late after I send them (for example i message her 12:30 she responds then doesn’t respond until past 5pm same day) and It’s hard to have a relationship with flawed communication I can see. Now for me I have always wanted to find love but never really succeeded in it and I’m truly just grateful for having any experience like this at all and I want to hear feedback from fellow guys and girl as to what I should do to keep this a respectful and responsible relationship you know?
Sincerely and looking forward to feedback, K
submitted by Its_sven1 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:08 Castle_Vlad Wife told me the reason she doesn't help around the house is because she "Works and Puts Out."

I made a throw away just for this because I don't want it on my main.
Today was a typical Sunday. I (39M) was doing a lot of house work and like usual no one else was really doing any. For just some quick context we've been married for 17 years and together 18, we have 3 kids (15F, 6F, 4M)
Today, my wife (37F) made a minor deal out of me doing outside yardwork today. I said I'd rather do it tomorrow. She tried to talk me into it but I said "I'm not going to, there's too much to do inside. So I'll do it if you take over what I was doing inside."
Normally this is where she would try to sweet talk me into doing what she wants. But that didn't happen today. She said, "I ain't doing shit, I work and I put out, thats what I do around here." At first I thought she was joking but she was dead serious.
I said, "You don't do housework because you have a job and you put out?". She said, "Yeah, you knew I always wanted to be a SAHM, if that happened Id do the house, but it didn't, so I work, and I put out, so you don't really have any reason to complain."
I just said "okay" because this was not argument worthy to me, went to hug her, she blocked me and said "No." 10 minutes later she texted me the weather will be fine tomorrow so you can just do the yard then. I did a bunch of housework, she layed around and watched movies but acted really annoyed any time I came into our room until after dinner, when she said "Get the kids to bed early so I can ride you ".
I'm still thinking about it, she normally acts cute and butters me up when she doesn't want to do something or wants me to do something. But today she was crass and aggressive, which is not normal. I had no idea she felt this way. We talked about the SAHM thing many years ago and I thought we had both agreed that we couldn't afford that. It was just such odd behavior, she had an angry tone the whole conversation and an annoyed tone the rest of the day, it was not the usual playfulness she gives me.
Does this sound like some kind of built up resentment? Anyone else had a spouse with a similar attitude? I would chock it up to a bad day but it's was a day off for everyone and she just got back from a work out she told me was really good. When I picked her up she seemed happy. I'm just really confused right now.
submitted by Castle_Vlad to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:15 CroatianComplains Am doing a late night study session with my cute led lights, for the final english lit, and i just opened the blinds and its goddamn day there are birds singing and everything its 4:15am and i have no sleep but hey atleast i know my quotes now

Am doing a late night study session with my cute led lights, for the final english lit, and i just opened the blinds and its goddamn day there are birds singing and everything its 4:15am and i have no sleep but hey atleast i know my quotes now submitted by CroatianComplains to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:01 Auditore569 An unlikely friendship

An unlikely friendship submitted by Auditore569 to PokeMedia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:40 Ari-the-Bug-Catcher What do you *mean* the picture might be edited?! I just wanted to show everyone my cute bugs! :(

What do you *mean* the picture might be edited?! I just wanted to show everyone my cute bugs! :( submitted by Ari-the-Bug-Catcher to PokeMedia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:39 duelmastr23 They are some bitches every day, but especially in this episode so did Mandy keep her bitchy attitude in the new season

They are some bitches every day, but especially in this episode so did Mandy keep her bitchy attitude in the new season submitted by duelmastr23 to TotallySpies [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:32 Sawyerboi169 How do y’all get over girls

(Sort of a rant) Ive been crushing on a girl friend of mine for a while now, and my cis male best friend does not really talk to her. She knows i am trans and he does not, because he does not like trans people. I do everything for this girl, we go out to movies, she comes over to do shit, i drive her around EVERYWHERE, and have never gotten anything but subtle hints at her liking me. But tonight, at MY graduation party, IN FRONT OF MY PARENTS, she was all snuggled up with him on my couch. She knows he is transphobic and does not care, and he fucking knows about “brocode”. Does anyone else feel like they will just never win over a cis guy, even if it’s an asshole one? I just never feel like enough for anyone. Advice appreciated. Also, before i told her i was trans, she said i was cute and that she was bisexual, but her attitude around completely changed when i told her.
submitted by Sawyerboi169 to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:27 ram3974 WHAT DOESNT HE UNDERSTAND?! My husband (30M) and I (31F) have been together for 12 years now and have two kids. For Mother's Day this year, he decided it'd be funny to REGIFT my belonging to HIS mother.

Three years ago for Mother's Day, my husband lifted me flowers from La Fleur website. I had been asking for an arrangement from there for a very long time due to the longevity and moder-look bouquet. I finally got one in 2022 - he got me the 5 set of peonies (in my favorite color) in a cute clear acrylic squared box. I'm not going to lie, I was Moody and received them with an attitude asking why he couldn't get me the bouquet I asked for in the first place. The bouquet I wanted was the original one with roses and it goes for about $400-600.
Let me explain....the reason why I got upset (and continue to till this day) is for the following reasons: 1. Length of relationship (we got civilly married in 2021) 2. I'm always sending him ideas or the EXACT item/gift I would like 3. He can definitely afford it, especially after telling him over and over again, year after year, month after month... 4. He had more than enough time to "save up" for it.
So fast forward to this years mothers day, he took care of getting his side of the family gifts and I never saw what he lifted his mom. This past weekend, we are in the car driving back home and he decided to tell me that I haven't even noticed something different in our bedroom...I specifically kept those La Fleur flowers in our room since they were a small arrangement I wanted then next to our he said (laughing while telling me this)..that he REGIFTED MY LA FLEUR ARRANGEMENT THAT HE GIFTED ME TWO YEARS AGO, TO HIS MOTHER!!!!! Reason why, besides the fact that he's a complete moron, inconsiderate, disrespectful, unappreciative person ....he said because he didn't know what else to give his mother for mothers day (and he had already gotten her a diffuser to go with it).
I am BEYOND infuriated at the fact that he's bringing up how upset I got on Mothers day 3 years ago when I opened them and keeps saying that I didn't even want them and was complaining. YES, BUT THREE YEARS AGO!!! Not three weeks or days ago.
The fact that his mother has also been in our house and knows that I have those exact flowers and we don't even speak to her on a weekly basis. Plus the fact that she's a lousy, ignorant grandmother to her only grandchildren, ticks me the fuck off. The fact that he is trying to please his mother or "fluff up" her gift, when he also rants about her at times, upsets me.
My stomach has been hurting from how upsetting his filthy actions are!! I don't know what else to do aside from arguing to get my point across his head. You do not take MY belongings without my permission to REGIFT them so someone else!!! Horrible.
submitted by ram3974 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:05 IseKai_MC Origami above (almost) everyone - DAL vol 10 cover + some illustrations

Origami above (almost) everyone - DAL vol 10 cover + some illustrations
Hello guys, since I read Date a Live, I realized that the novel has a certain quality that even more popular and cult novels do not have and that seems to go unnoticed by the fandom, the covers. Yes, the covers are spectacular and break away from the standard of most LNs, there is not just fanservice, there is not just a character striking a cool pose, we actually have covers with a certain visual narrative, whether a connection with the highlighted spirit itself or with the story itself and I will be pleased to show this to you, here are the rules:
  • Due to the oriental reading sense being left -> right of the page, the details will be presented respecting this sense.
  • A picture is worth a thousand words, and DAL is a novel so the images are even more valuable, the idea here is to analyze the covers and relevant illustrations to understand hints, references, foreshadowing, and contexts.
  • Pure fanservice images will not be taken into consideration (at least most of them). No, I’m not the type of otaku who says things like: “fanservice is unnecessary, objectification of women, too gratuitous and empty, it only serves to “excite the viewer””, the last one is even plausible and I understand those who think like this, but all the others are nothing more than cheap demagoguery. They will not be taken into consideration because in addition to not actually adding to the plot most of them are posted to exhaustion on this reddit.
  • Major spoilers will be avoided, at least directly.
{LN 10 Cover}
  • Author's name.
The first element is Tachibana’s name, again.
  • The highlighted girl.
The girl of the moment is… Origami? But how is Origami a spirit?
Calm down, my boy, you haven’t missed anything, in fact I promised plot twists and we have one right on the cover.
As for the spirit Origami, I want to draw attention to two things. The first is obviously her astral dress which is a wedding dress, each astral dress follows the taste of its spirit user and Origami as a child had the dream of being a wife, but there is much more than that, so this Astral Dress is a small hint of the main plot, this will become clearer in the Spirit Info topic.
The second is about the facial expression, Origami looks like she is waking up, this may symbolize that she has just become a spirit, it may be a premonition of the plot of this volume, which deals with Origami discovering the truth about her past. But this expression will be referenced in a scene that will happen 7 volumes later, when we get there I will talk about it.
  • Angel Tobiichi.
In the volume, Origami calls the spirit that killed her parents “angel”, look at the hint there.
Again the subtitle cites the spirit’s surname, the other time this happened was in the volume 4, Sister Itsuka, clearly there is a connection here as the Tenguu-Nankou fire was a relevant event for both spirits, I also believe that the work opts to use surnames if we already know the spirit of the cover and the main reason is that Tobiichi is written with the character 1, let’s go to the next topic.
  • Spirit info.
Origami is the bearer of the first sephirot and, suddenly, everything makes sense. The first important thing here is the rivalry between Tohka and Origami. Tohka is spirit number 10, Sephiroth Malkuth, the kingdom, the final receptacle that concentrates the creative force now in its densest and residual state, while Origami is spirit number 1, Sephirot Kether, force and light in its most subtle state that flows to the others, Malkuth is a reflection of Kether on a lower plane. The rivalry between Tohka and Origami reaches its definitive stage but there is still a small detail missing.
That is, Origami, among the spirits, is the closest to God. But it’s still too early to talk about this.
And yes, spirit number 10 is on the cover of volume 1 and spirit number 1 is on the cover of volume 10, I would have liked to come here and say that I discovered this but Tachibana put this information in the afterword.
Her codename is "Angel", again this word, the name of the angel is Metatron.
  • The title.
The title goes back to being in front of the spirit, in the composition “Date” above and “A Live” below and whenever this happens the rule that must be respected is, the characters corresponding to “Live” are always positioned in the belly of the spirit.
  • Background
Last but not least, the background, this time very hidden and perhaps in a horizontal strip format, I say perhaps because that part of the astral dress occupies almost the entire cover in that part. The novelty is due to the positioning of the strip that frames Origami’s legs, which gives a rather empty aspect to this cover. Referring to the position of Origami’s Sephiroth, closest to God, above the other sephiroth, as well as referring to the main scene of this volume.
The scenario is a bit hidden, there are some debris there but nothing that allows to fully identify the scene but obviously there is a fire happening there, which is obviously a reference to that relevant event again, the great fire in Tenguu-Nankou. I don’t even need to say how relevant this event is to Origami’s life, in her first illustration in volume 1, she says: “Five years ago a spirit killed my parents.”
Finally, in my opinion this is one of the best covers, again, just imagine you go to the convenience store to buy this newly released volume and find out that Origami is a spirit, just by the shock the value is already high, if you already know the story of the anime and stop to analyze the cover, the value is double the previous one, if you know the whole story of Date a Live, and try to analyze the cover in a deeper way, the value is the squared of the previous one.
Let’s open the volume.
{Illustration 2}
There’s something different about this volume, the compositions have improved a lot, apparently a reflection of the success of the animation.
The high school student and protagonist of this story, Shido Itsuka, says: “Tohka and the other girls just want a normal life.”
But wait, Shido is tied to a chair in a strange room and there in the middle is a bottle of water. Ok, it seems that Origami really changed sides.
The wizard who hates spirits is unyielding and responds that she will not only kill the spirits, “but also the entity that made me have a relationship with them.”
In the middle of the illustration there is a crack in the wall, symbolic.
{Illustration 3}
Another plot twist, Tohka is in full astral dress. And not only that, the spirit Tohka is making a declaration of hatred to Origami.
“Origami Tobiichi, I have hated you from the beginning, but the hatred I feel for you now is probably different from the hatred I used to have before and for that reason, this time I will intend to kill you, don’t die, Origami.”
Despite everything, this is a cute declaration because for the first time Tohka calls Origami by her name and not satisfied asks Origami to resist because even though she is angry, she does not want to kill Origami.
Tohka will gain a little development in this volume, hence the illustration, we will talk about this scene later.
{Illustration 4}
Gentlemen, one of the best illustrations of DAL.
The spirit Origami says: “Metatron!”
Tohka says: “Origami, why did you become a spirit!?”
In a great composition by Tsunako, Tohka and Origami are referencing the positions of their sephiroth in the tree of life. Origami appears in a superior position, distant from the “camera” and in front of the sun representing illumination, Kether, while the representative of the Kingdom, Malkhut, is in a much lower position, in the foreground and with her back to the reader. So, besides everything, they are staring at each other, symbolizing the mirroring already mentioned before.
And speaking of mirroring, do you remember the illustration I asked you to keep? As I know I asked a lot I will make it easier for you, I am talking about the mono illustration number 9 of volume 2, I warned that that image would be mirrored and there it is. In the aforementioned image Origami was still wearing a basic CR Unit from AST and Tohka for the first time debuted in her limited astral dress, the reader’s angle, our angle, brought Origami almost back in the foreground, in the image now the camera position has inversed and now we are with the vision of Tohka.
A great illustration but what generates more content here for sure are the illustrations of the table of contents, I’m sure the next one will please some people here.
{Table of contents}
Look who’s back, Kurumi Tokisaki, it’s been a while since I’ve talked about “The worst spirit.”
But there’s nothing enigmatic here, it’s just Kurumi from the back (we’ve seen and will see many backs in this volume) and as for the phrase, she just stole Kotori’s catchphrase, I’m sure she wouldn’t be happy if another character started saying “ara ara” around.
Anyway, just having Kurumi here is hype enough because, whether you like the girl or not, just her being here is a sign that something relevant is going to happen.
{Mono Illustration 5}
Ellen seems confident, on the other hand Kotori seems impatient.
To ensure that Fraxinus does not interfere with Origami’s fight, Ellen plans to use the newest toy that DEM has manufactured, the Goetia ship (another name related to magic and occultism).
Ellen and Kotori have a small dialogue where Shido’s sister tries to provoke THE STRONGEST WIZARD IN THE WORLD, but Miss Matthers is calm today, at least until she mentions Woodman.
The duel is unavoidable.
{Mono Illustration 6}
There is a lot to talk about here, let’s start with the context.
Origami challenged the spirits Tohka, Yamais, and Miku to a fight to the death and by being equipped with the CR-Unit Mordred, Origami is able to build an advantage in the fight, she leaves Tohka unconscious and hurts the other 3 a lot, the former sergeant-major decides to start the killing by Yuzuru, precisely the spirit she got along with the most. It is at this moment that Tohka wakes up and seeing this whole scene she begins to go through the inversion process, but Tohka manages to interrupt this process, two passages stand out.
“This power would not save anyone.” She didn’t want to save just Kaguya, Yuzuru, and Miku, she wanted to save Origami too.
“She was an arrogant, violent, uneducated, and foul-mouthed girl, Tohka never knew what was going on in the mind of that girl who always bothered her. Even so, Tohka wanted to hold that girl’s hands.”
Tohka says: “Shido, lend me your strength.” And she gets her full powers back. And so the two engage in a really cool fight, at this moment the narration becomes from Origami’s point of view, there is a detailing about the features of Mordred and the fighting movements, time passes a little and Origami begins to feel too confident. She begins to ramble about having the ability to kill spirits, she begins to think about the death of her parents, about what she saw in the DEM report of the fire in Tenguu-Nankou.
Clearly Origami is not well, finally her body collapses and we have an illustration.
Now talking about the illustration itself, this is a reference to Mono Illustration 2 of volume 1, whose differences I highlight now. The most obvious difference is about Tohka who is no longer with that serious and empty look, here Tohka is clearly angry and screaming, in a way such expressiveness demonstrates how much this girl has developed.
Still about Tohka, this time it is she who is making an attack movement, but there is no blood in this image, an indication that it was not an attack to kill.
The other difference is about Origami, in that illustration I quote how much the “expressionless” Origami demonstrated tension, effort, and pressure, and I highlight the drop of sweat on her face. Something we can’t do here because this time Origami is with her back to the “camera” not allowing us to see her eyes.
“The eyes are the window to the soul” So not showing the eyes is a strong symbolism, you can’t read the person’s emotions, you can’t even recognize the person, humanity is taken from the person and about this, this is the last illustration in which Origami Tobiichi is still human, because…
{Mono illustration 7}
Origami became a spirit.
“Hey, is it power that you desire?”
“What are you?”
Origami used [What] instead of [Who] in reflex. [It] might have guessed what she meant and laughed as if it found it funny.
“What I am doesn’t matter now.”
After becoming spirit Origami, without delay, she goes to Tohka and then we have the illustration which is of Origami using Metatron’s Shemesh skill.
{Mono Illustration 9}
Ara, ara.
Origami was so crazy that it was only after seeing Shido and running away from there that this girl began to understand the points, mainly about who gave her the spirit powers, the mysterious “Phantom”.
She reflects a little more and realizes that a certain spirit may have the ability to go back in time. About the illustration itself, another beautiful composition by Tsunako, in it we can contemplate Kurumi, apparently on a terrace, with building lights, Kurumi appears joyful in seeing Origami.
“It’s been a long time, Origami-san!”
As for Origami, again she is with her back turned and carrying a clone of Kurumi. The anime softened but here in the novel Origami seems to have returned the “affection” that Kurumi had done to her in volume 3 in the form of a very strong “massage”. But the clone does not seem to have liked it.
“I did not come here to fight.”
“Among the 12 bullets, is there one that can go back in time?”
Kurumi makes a little suspense but answers that, yes, there is, Origami asks her to lend her this bullet.
At first Kurumi denies, but since we are talking a little more about the Kabbalah, the Sephiroth of the worst spirit is Binah, the understanding, realizing that Tobiichi would not leave there without a “yes” as an answer Kurumi asks “why?”
“I want to go back 5 years and kill the spirit that killed my parents.”
At this moment the narration enters Kurumi’s thoughts, she begins to think that Origami came to her because she felt so invincible and therefore would force Kurumi to do what she wants, if necessary.
But then Kurumi begins to think that it was just a miscalculation by the girl, a miscalculation caused by the temptation to change the past.
“And Kurumi understood so much that it even hurt.”
Kurumi accepts but will not do this for free, time travel would cost a lot of lifetime, but that would not be a problem since now Origami has plenty of it.
{Mono Illustration 10}
Origami discovered the harsh truth.
She really went to the past, had a brief fight with Phantom, managed to be the first to take off Phantom’s "mask", also managed to hear Phantom’s real voice, and when she thought she had also managed to save her parents, when she looked down there was a little girl swearing Origami to death, the little girl was Origami herself 5 years ago.
“I will definitely kill you!”
“Who killed… my father and my mother… Was me…”
  • Mini review of the volume.
This was Volume 10, released on March 20, 2014, about 2 weeks before the second season premiered, and it’s a sensational volume.
First of all, it’s a volume full of plot twists, Shido in private imprisonment, Origami fighting with the intention to kill 4 spirits at once, Fraxinus being defeated by Ellen’s Goetia, Tohka returning to use a full astral dress, Origami becoming a spirit, Origami going to the past, Origami facing Phantom, Origami killing her own parents, the illustrations end there but there’s still a lot of content, Origami inverts, Inverse Origami destroys all of Tenguu City and finally Kurumi going to Shido, Shido also being sent to the past. Entertainment and tension are not lacking here.
Did you notice that the lore makes a lot of references to the first volumes? This volume also makes a point of rewarding the reader for all this time following the story, the plot twist of Origami for example, was foreshadowed back in Volume 1, when she aims at Tohka but hits and "kills" Shido, from there a big hint that Origami has the bad habit of killing, by accident, the people she loves the most.
Origami was not the only character developed here, Tohka also grows and thanks the Shido’s ideology, at no time did she deny the existence of Origami and even though she said she was going to attack to kill she asked Origami not to die.
Although short, Kurumi had a great participation and we were able to learn more about her and for someone who is known as “the worst spirit” she was quite kind.
The only impediment for Volume 10 to sit alongside the best volumes of DAL is because most of the answers are in the next volume and when we take into consideration what both have to offer, the overall impression about Volume 10 improves, after all there is a big cliffhanger for Volume 11.
Origami managed to take off Phantom’s “mask” and even hear her voice, with that we can know that Phantom is a girl and is someone Origami knows, that is, she is also someone we know.
That’s it, Origami was a spirit all this time, and next we will find out how Shido and Kurumi will solve this mess. Finally, stay with this iconic phrase that Origami says in this volume, the phrase says a lot about many things in DAL.
“I will now wield this power to defeat the Spirits. I will become the Spirit that kills Spirits. Once I eliminate all Spirits────I will erase the last one, me”.
Previous Reviews.
-volume 1 - The color of the Night.
- volume 2 - Yoshinon and the Rain.
- volume 3 - The smile of Kurumi.
- volume 4 - Sister or Girlfriend?
- volume 5 - Yamais
- volume 6 - Lilies, she likes
- volume 7 - The Dark of the Night.
- volume 8 - What do people do on Halloween?
- volume 9 - Natsumi Without Costume
submitted by IseKai_MC to datealive [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:35 9937-Lg4511G0987 Quote from unknown source meant a lot to me but can’t find where it’s from

Someone posted this on Reddit as a response to a person who was struggling. I liked it a lot and I tried to google it but I wasn’t able to find anything, google just spammed me with mental health resources bc of the quotes context.
“So, you’re experiencing a crisis. I understand. I’ve been there, many times. And I want you to understand no matter how dire the situation may seem, no matter how slim the odds, there is hope. There is a way through this. But, I also won’t lie to you. If you genuinely want out, you’re going to have to fight your way out. The hard truth is that in all likelihood, no one is coming to save you. So, if you won’t work the problem, no one will. It’s important therefore that you approach this crisis with the proper mindset. A mindset of acceptance. You’re here. The problem is real. It’s happening to you, right now and it’s not going away. You don’t have to like it or pretend that it doesn’t upset you, but you must accept it. Because when you accept your circumstances and assume ownership over the state you’re in, something crucial happens. Your perspective begins to shift. Instead of viewing the situation through the lens of the luckless victim, you approach the problem with the mind of an appraiser. You begin to see the situation for what it is. The variables begin to emerge and with them, a more complete understanding of the problem comes into view. Through acceptance consequences, constraints and root causes all become clear. Armed with this knowledge, you’re ready to make the next mental shift to move from the mind of an appraiser to one who is focused on solutions. And with this mind you’re ready to work. A solution oriented mindset focuses on identifying pathways rather than dwelling on obstacles. It enables you to approach life’s challenges with a proactive attitude. Instead of becoming overwhelmed or stuck, you actively seek out answers, think creatively and explore options. By focusing on solutions, you avoid getting caught up in negativity or unproductive thought patterns. Above all, adopting a solution-oriented mind helps you stay focused on what is most important during any crisis. And that is taking action. Without action, there is no movement and without movement problems remain what they are. If you’ve calibrated your mind to seek out solutions, you must pair this mindset with a bias toward action. When the pressure is on and the crisis is real, staying put is never a winning strategy. You need to move and move with a purpose. If you’re feeling fear, anxiety or despair as a result of your present circumstances, you cannot allow these feelings to paralyze you. Instead, use your emotions to fuel your efforts to meaningfully execute upon the solutions you’ve already identified. When things get hard, you shouldn’t go at it alone. Sometimes, the problems we face are genuinely bigger than ourselves. To make progress toward addressing such problems, it’s ideal to seek out help from family, friends and colleagues who can compliment your strengths and supplement the areas where you’re struggling. Remember that many hands can make light work of weighty problems. Don’t neglect the resources available to you out of a mistaken notion that only you can carry your present burden. While others likely aren’t coming to save you, they may be willing to assist you if you’re humble enough to ask for help when it’s needed. Just remember to show the proper gratitude when aid is rendered and always pay it forward. I know the challenges before you are difficult and the long climb to a better outcome will be tough. But this isn’t the end for you. Not yet. You still have some fight left in you. Your strength isn’t spent. If you’ve accepted where you are and have identified where you need to be, the only thing left for you is to put boot to ground and take one determined step after the other. In time, and with the help of those around you who care, you’ll walk your way out of this mess. And perhaps someday, teach others to do likewise. Hang tough and know that whatever happens I’m rooting for you.”
submitted by 9937-Lg4511G0987 to find [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:23 linuxaddict334 Cat paintings

Cat paintings submitted by linuxaddict334 to CuratedTumblr [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:19 AwkwardOakTree This is my venting post. Absolutely no reason to read it, I'm typing this to look back in the future.

This girl, I've noticed her for the first time in middle school. She caught my eyes, yet remained a stranger in her own world. Something about this girl felt different about others. I rarely saw her speak or act, simply minding her own while on the way to school - which overlapped with mine. Even there she was not to be seen by me, mostly due to us being from different classes. Still, I recall seeing her on very few occasions, like field trips. I was not in love nor had a crush, though that was the time my curiosity began building up, wanting to know more about this girl.
It's an unexplainable feeling, really. Back then, I already got to recognize the sensation of romantic love, both its warmth and burden. Thoughts inside my head merely kept signaling, "I want to get to know her". Eventually, realizing we were still total strangers, I had no other option than to mind my own. This continued till the end of 9th grade.
Enter Highschool. Everything changes - new classmates, teachers, syllabus, higher pressure and what not. I didn't decide what to make of the new reality during the first few days, I simply rolled with it. Then came our first math class - to give some context, where I live, your level of math education is determined by 3 levels, with students from each level being grouped in separate math classes. As it turned out, that very same girl and I were grouped together in the same class.

From that moment onwards things accelerated. I began noticing her more thoroughly as time kept going. It may sound weird, but I remember even dreaming about her once, despite us not even speaking to one another. I don't know what was it with me, an infatuation, perhaps ? I still didn't feel it with her, but I like to believe (or maybe those are my delusions) I felt a certain connection: that girl kept to herself, had a composed mindset, she focused on reading books and was on her phone before the teacher got in - despite always being surrounded by her own wonderful friends. Coupled with her short height, I couldn't but think how cute she looks.
One day, at math class as usual, sitting at the table in front of me, this girl did something unimaginable to my head - she turned her sit around to face me, and abruptly exclaimed with a smile - "did you know that our little sister's, [x] and [Y], are best friends ?" - we had a very brief chat about it, including one of our past sudden altercations, by the end of which she turned away and got back to minding her own. This was.... a lot shocking to me than a third party would expect...
Till that point, in my opinion, life seemed very predictable, unimpressive and disappointing. I was the social loser who didn't get to make strong bonds past kindergarten, so I didn't have real, true friends - just a few buddies I seldom chatted with. Coinciding with moving to the city I live in now before starting Elementary, I was pretty much doomed to be lonely, so from then on I never imagined to socially amount to anything extraordinary, much less to speak with another female (which has always been more intimidating). Now, this girl whom I wished to know and was too enclosed to talk to, broke the endless time barrier to inform a small piece of information. To say this moment was a change of pace is an utter understatement. Talking to one another gave me a clearer insight as to who the girl is - as composed, focused and quiet as she was, I could sense in her angelic-like voice and the way her vocals switched a hidden enthusiasm, an undiscovered encircling joy. Her voice signaled that she was truly interested to speak with me, and despite trying to stay composed, I felt as if she planned this conversation sometime ahead out of shyness to construct an abrupt small talk. Her character made me for the first time consider if I fell for her. She was a somewhat shy, introverted person with joyful attitude, and overall seemed like a kind, positive gal, simply too quiet to present it to anyone at once. But I was stunned not just for her character - she was gorgeous. Talking to that girl and formally facing her for the first time made me notice things unnoticed before - her enchanting, glistening eyes, her beautiful dark blonde hair, the humble little ears and nose, including the overall shape of her face. I barely kept myself composed as we responded to one another due to all this shock instigated by understanding who she is, and learning we were - in a way - related (not biologically ofc). Felt like forever, yet lasted less than a minute.
Of course, I began pondering about her reason to reveal herself as my little sister's best friend's older sibling. Two days later (and another month after), that girl repeated the first event: turning herself around to face me, then striking out a conversation revolving around our little siblings. By the third altercation, getting more smitten by her after each one, my interest in her peaked.
Here's what felt fishy: Us not amounting to anything but strangers meant this girl could chat solely about something seemingly as unimportant to HS students as familial bonds. I should also mention that by this period half a year has flown by. If so, why would she bother herself to say these things ? Maybe she just cares for our sisters' friendship ? That still wouldn't explain the timing...
Perhaps I'm deluding myself, but my something is telling me she's fond of me. And I think I'm starting to actually like here back the more I think of her. Sharing the same class with her gets me out of bed every morning, and the first sight of this girl feels like being showered with roses. I cherish every glance I get at her because of the warmth it brings to my soul.
I wish I were right about her feelings towards me, however this is where the letter must leave the reader at a cliffhanger. I don't know if she likes me, thinks of me as I have of her. Nor do I, nor her, have the courage to ask each other due to our mental struggles. Looking back, I think it's my fault. I should have attempted to chat with her myself instead of letting her initiate ever chat, it would explain why she gave up on trying. She was braver than I, if I'm not mistaken. Maybe I really did let an opportunity slip, but that's a revelation to come. Best wishes, your fellow HS student.

submitted by AwkwardOakTree to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:05 Big-Restaurant-2766 “The Harvest”; The Earth is Doomed. What are Your Thoughts on Season 1, Episode 2?

“The Harvest”; The Earth is Doomed. What are Your Thoughts on Season 1, Episode 2?
“The Harvest”; The Earth is Doomed.
These posts are me sharing my thoughts and opinions, you are always allowed to disagree. I make these posts to share my thoughts and see others. 💙
Title Sequence; I’ve always thought the opening credits are so cool and especially nostalgic this season. But I do prefer the later version of the theme, it just has that *kick* to it that’s hard to explain, that this version just doesn't have. It just needs that extra sound at the end.
Underground Church; I just have to say the underground church idea and setting is so cool. If I think of the other villains' hang out spots, this ones probably one of the coolest. The second would be the Crawford Street mansion that Dursilla, Angelus and Spike stay in. The Trio’s lair is okay. The Mayor saying at the City Hall is okay but kind of dull setting wise, same with Glory’s mansion, and I guess the hideous rebuilt Sunnydale High School basement for The First. I forgot about Adam lol, I’m so sorry.
“Welcome to the New World”; Hehe, double meaning! Sorry, just a tiny random note.
Principal Flutie; He isn’t too bad, just a guy doing this job, certainly much better than Snyder. Flutie is actually just being strict because it’s actually going against the rules other than that he’s a pretty chill principle. While Synder on the hand just has it out for Buffy.
“I’m Less Than Man”; I don’t like when these characters are like little mirrors that remind me of all the bad parts of myself lol. Don’t get me wrong, I actually do like Xander. But whenever Buffy refuses to let him go along or help he has a little self pity party, I even notice it all the way in season 6 and 7, like when he slaps the car. It’s okay, Xander, I’ve done it too. But it isn’t just him she refuses to let help her, she does it to the other scoobies too. It kind of makes me sad but also Xander acts like it’s just him and tries to pull some kind of guilt trip.
Harmony; I’m so used to her as a vampire that it’s so odd seeing her as just regular high school Harmony. And is that a unicorn on her shirt? Cute.
Willow and Cordy as the Victim; I have noticed a lot they switch between putting Cordy and Willow in danger a lot these 3 seasons. In season 4, it changes to Tara and then eventually Dawn. Though, Cordelia does have a really good, horror movie worthy scream.
Bent that Door like Nothing; I was watching this episode with my mom one time and told her the way the break through that door reminds me of Zombies, they spook me. Then Angel: The Series decided to go all survival horror on me, not cool. Oh, and “Dead Man’s Party” but that wasn’t as bad. Also I always thought that the noises the vampires make sounded like tigers.
The Master; Another thing from when I was watching Buffy with my mom, I would call the Master “Alien” and she would glare at me. That aside, he works really well in that underground church. Sometimes I wonder if that scene between the Master and Luke would be the equivalent of how a vampire wedding would play out, that’s a joke.
“If You Don’t Go Out It Will Be the End of the World”; It’s funny because in Buffy’s case it’s very much true and Joyce has no idea how literal what she just said is. But a good way to work a metaphor I got to say.
Jesse McNally; I always thought it was kind of sad how they never mention him again. We have Xander who kicks a trash can and mentions that “he doesn’t like vampires and he’s going to take a stand and say they’re not very good” but that’s it.
Random Thing that Amuses Me; I love when Cordy asks “Okay, now how do we save it?” And Willow tells her “Deliver”. Then she hits delete and it’s all gone! The slow realization on her face is hilarious too. Also everything that Jesse says. Or, Cordy calling that other girl “Motormouth” as she is the one who keeps speaking.
Favorite Quote of the Episode; “There's something you forgot about, too... Sunrise! It's in about nine hours, moron.” or Buffy: “So, Giles, got anything that could make this day any worse?” Giles: “How about the end of the world?” Buffy: “Knew I could count on you.”
Favorite Soundtrack of the Episode; “Ballad of Dead Friends” by Dashboard Prophets. And I love the score that plays when Angel appears and Buffy’s trying to open the door, it plays again in the episode “Angel”. The scores of season 1 have such a different vibe then the rest of the show but I love them too.
Favorite Outfit of the Episode; Willow’s overalls are so cute! And Xander’s green mushroom shirt has always stood out to me and I love the chain on his pants. Buffy and Xander both have cute hair.
Favorite Moment of the Episode; At the end, when they are talking together and Giles says “The Earth is Doomed”.
What Are Your Thoughts on Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 1, Episode 2: “The Harvest”?
submitted by Big-Restaurant-2766 to buffy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:03 KiriDomo [Thank You] and the Philosopher's Stone

u/Adoreible95 - 🦋Thanks for the 🧈🪰 facts!
u/duygusu - Thanks for the quote and the cute food-related content.
u/ngocburin - Thank you for the letter, I appreciate hearing your story!
u/YESmynameisYes - Maybe self-charmed flour would not stick all over your hands when breading things. That's the real magic I want.
submitted by KiriDomo to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:02 ninetyninessrh_22 Elijah and Hayley, worst couple??

Am I the only one who doesnt understant the relation Elijah-Hayley?? It feel so forced, if you really analyze their personnalities, interactions, actions, feelings and all, their is literally no compatibility and chemistry whatsoever. For me, Hayley is that bitchy, punk girl, with an attitude and Elijah is all about modesty, hes boring , like just the way he speak gives me the ick. I cant even say if he made me laugh only once. Hayley really doesnt talk like him, she has that modern way of speaking, she can be sarcastic and has a strong personnality, I really like her. Even their morals/values doesnt match. Elijah is capable of the worst just to protect the family, but Hayley doesnt think they can do everything they want (like killing people) just by necessity of protecting themselves. Idk tbh I dont understand their love.
They are so different, and I dont even remember how it happened, its like they fell in love in 2-3 episodes without really showing us how or why. I feel they made Hayley and Elijah love each other at first just to create that situation/tension with Klaus, knowing hes the father of their child, and after they just kept that «love» during the series..
They are just saying they love each other continuously throughout the seasons, but we dont see neither feel that love!! Even Rebekah and Marcel, who doesnt really have lots of screentime, like Elijah-Hayley, through the series, have more tension and chemistry compare to them. You can feel their love and attraction.
Seriously, in my opinion, E-H is the worst couple of the Originals.
For those who dont share my opinion, explain me what I dont see that you do, maybe I'll change my mind, but I doubt it
submitted by ninetyninessrh_22 to TheOriginals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:40 ThrowRAdandy I (20) have tendencies i feel are sociopathic. Is there any way for me to change this and become more compassionate?

I (20) have done a number of awful things in my life but I want to do better.
I believe part of my issue is sociopathic tendencies.
I care about people but it's hard to connect on deeper levels. If I connect to someone it's usually only one individual and I give it my all but i dont think it’s selfless in retrospect. I want companionship and intimacy and so if I find someone who can provide that, I'm willing to put in time and effort to maintain it.
I’ve never really had close friends and the close friends I do have I am still more distant to than I think most people are to their close friends.
I also have some issues with compulsion which can lead to harm.
In my youth i had a pet rabbit that I did not take care of. I neglected them badly and on one occasion physically harmed them. It didn't cause any severe injuries but it could have.
I did mention this to my therapist at the time but they didn't understand the gravity of the situation and just recommended I get a new litter box for the rabbit.
I repeated this behavior a few times to a couple of pets. I always felt guilt afterwards but i'm not certain if i felt remorse.
I have changed in adulthood, i don't tend to get that angry anymore and when i do i move away from the situation. I take care of the pets where i live but i don’t have a deep bond like others seem to (these pets are not exclusively mine, if they were i would believe the best option to be rehoming but that’s not an option in this situation but i will be adopting no animals in the future).
I think they are cute, and I enjoy petting them on occasion but I don't think of them as my babies or anything of the sort.
I have never physically harmed people but I am very cold and distant towards others. I will have friendly conversation, joke, laugh and share interests, but i rarely take it further. I genuinely don’t know how to and if and when people come to me for help I genuinely dislike it even if they have helped me before.
This is most prevalent with my mom. She has helped me a ton. I can logically recognize this yet emotionally it doesn’t do much of anything. I still get frustrated when they ask for favors I logically know are non issues despite what she’s done for me.
The one time i was close to someone i was dating them. I was caring during that period, but looking back i don’t know if i cared for them out of compassion or more so because it gave me a sense of meaning and feeling of importance. They also held a decent workplace position so there was pride i got from being attached to that. If I'm 100% honest, though i do believe I genuinely loved them l, more than anything, I somewhat wanted them to essentially choose me. I wanted to be their utmost primary person in their life because it made me feel better about myself to have someone want me that bad.
I do the same thing with flings. I am respectful and i don’t hurt anyone but sometimes i can sense someone is a tad lonely and revel in it for a bit since it gives me a feeling of importance. When it stops feeling like they “need” me i become quickly disinterested.
With friends if it feels they “need” me i kind of just cut them off. I wouldn’t cut off my close friends but the idea of someone seeking comfort from me throws me off a bit. I wonder if this is because if i feel I wouldn’t go to that person for help I wouldn’t help them. Like i stand to gain nothing from it at face value so i don’t do it unless it’s someone who benefits me.
I genuinely don’t like that i act and feel this way but it also feels a bit hard wired. Like it’s not an active choice but instinct. I want to do better. I’m tired of being lonely and ruining good things because of selfish behavior but I genuinely don’t know how to change.
I have a therapist but idk how to bring up some of the more difficult stuff and any time i’ve started with previous therapists they kind of undermine it. “We all make mistakes” kinda deal but i genuinely feel if my mental health were to totally plummet i could be dangerous. I don’t think that’s the most likely outcome, i think most likely if i don’t change ill just wind up very lonely and a bit mean but i could also see in extreme circumstances this sort of distant attitude towards people causing me to lose more and more of my ability to sympathize with others.
I genuinely want to become empathetic and be one of the “good” people, not just kind of pretend but genuinely be compassionate towards others, do things not with the idea of benefiting from it in mind, and connect on a deeper level to others. Where do I start with that? Has anyone been through this before?
submitted by ThrowRAdandy to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:39 Twitchs-Temp-Spot My Blue little blue sundress passenger seat princess...

You ma'am were my everything, from the moment I first saw you walking to my tow truck. I was in aww of you in that moment I was so hooked I can't explain it in any other way. I just needed to get to know the real you. Looking back I wish I could have slowed everything down a lot because we moved so fast. Opened the door for you and got you up into the truck. At first she was impressed I even would do that for her. She said it made her feel special and no one had ever done that for her. As I walked back to my door to get in time for me started to slow as I thought about a million things at once I was so drawn to her wanted everything for her and me to be amazing and guys, it really was great from my seat. She's absolutely gorgeous, sweet yet she's a pretty bad ass chick though. She's into heavy metal and rock over anything. She's my only ginger I've ever dated in my life. She's so beautiful, selfless when she knows u need something she is the first one to get it for you and she's an amazing cook, So incredibly sexy, and no matter what she broken and all was the only woman that I ever bought a real ring for wherever would and that red hair gets me now every time I find one around in my truck or my house. She loves to play with it as her nervous habit I used to say she was marking her territory jokingly but I loved watching her do it I love watching her play with it It was awesome to just be able to look over at her and see her sitting there was the greatest feeling in my life next to having my children and watching them be born. Seeing her smile was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen in my life That's what I lived for I lived for being silly with her and joking around and just having a good fucking time and spending that time with her no matter how much it was. I loved it always. Even when we fought I didn't ever stop loving her I did never stop caring about her obviously I was in it for us. Call me a wuss whatever you want I don't care I honestly have a thing with other people's hair it grosses me out when it is off the body so I'd have these piles of hair is have to immediately get out of the floor of my work truck when id open it for her to get her out of the truck lol it grossed me out but I didn't really care it was more funny that she was nervous cus we were so chill together. I quickly fell for this girl front the start and she was exactly what I said in the title. She's always going to be my blue little sundress passenger seat princess, the only women I've ever actually seen, planned, or dreamed of a future with and I've had longer relationship with kids even. But she has two sweet little girls that are amazing as well and I have become attatched to them as well throughout this 3 years. Especially because when her and I first met and went on our date I knew already that she was a mom of two but I hadn't met either one of them yet. Days after she was still with me and we spent every waking moment together in that truck. And we had a great time It just felt right. After that weekend was over we went to pick up her 3-month-old daughter. We had to go to the next town over and get her from her dad's house. As I got this little girl up into my truck put her car seat in the back of the tow truck I did what any normal person would do when meeting a baby for the first time. Started talking to her just to see her reaction to me. She was so sweet and so damn cute. She smiled so beautifully and was just so amazing it brought back all the memories for me having my kids. And that one really just cemented in the fact that I wanted to do this so much for my girl and I and for these kids cuz they were amazing. I spent my days just working away. Most the time with her by my side. There was times where yes we were not together 100% there's things she had to go do. Which was fine That's what we needed some time apart to miss each other cuz we did spend a lot of time together but honestly As long as we were there in my truck we were amazing together just hanging out while I was working spending time together and she said she loved watching me work. She loved how manly I smelled after and during a days work. Everything was great. So before her and I met I was always working and keeping to myself just trying to focus on myself but I lived in a hotel. So since her and I got hooked up together, we lived in my hotel which was not bad at all it was a fairly big hotel that offered reduced rates for long extended stays and they offered me a corporate discount. So it was fairly inexpensive as far as paying for the place but it was still extremely expensive compared to renting someplace. But it was by my own money because she had no income no job that I paid for everything. Literally everything. So as I worked 7 days a week and worked from time outta bed in the morning until well after midnight. I had no time to find our own place for cheaper living to start new direction for us. So she started searching for our own place to rent. Let's say we got distracted from that because of this damn drama that seemed to always be happening with her life. I'd always listen to what was going on with her and try to help. It's what I do in my everyday life I jump out of a truck when people are at their worst and it makes me feel a sense of joy because I get to get out of the damn truck like Superman get over to them and calm their life down a little bit slow it down for them when they're in their worst moments of the day and just take that weight off their shoulders. I get that fulfillment for my life that joy and it drives me to keep going That's the only reason I push through my days. I lived for it, soon after meeting her she became a big part of that meaning for me so much so I never even realized that it would end up costing me my career because I just couldn't do it anymore getting in that truck And as I open the door I see her there in the passenger seat with a flooded memory that comes rushing in and I get happy really quick like it's all real again and as soon as I sit down take my guys off that seat I look back over when it close the door cuz I'd always smile back at her when I got in the truck and she's not there and it breaks my heart every single time I experienced this so imagine getting in and out of that truck every day all day long and having to do that. I've been such an emotional wreck now that I literally had to go to my boss and quit my job because I couldn't safely do it and this was the job ladies and gentlemen that I prayed for at the end of our relationship I wasn't working hadn't been working for a few months because I just found out that I got cancer in my throat. So I got depressed I didn't know how to tell her my mom anybody being only 37 years old that I'm not going to be here that long Not as long as I thought so it started to destroy me and by this time in our relationship two and a half years in we had had several moves several little breakups but we'd always come back together and we always seemed great afterwards but then it always seemed like something would come up or she would lie or do something that I didn't like or that I wasn't approving of and every time I tried to talk to her about it she would just blow up at me and yeah there was lots of red flags I missed her out of a relationship I wish I could have done so many things different but stress and being what it is and everything you know I let my emotions get the best of me I let my my everything get the best of me every single time because as soon as she starts yelling it makes me louder and I just don't see anybody giving me that kind of a disrespectful stance especially when I'm trying to be calm I'm trying to just talk to them about it and then they blow up and makes me want to blow up right back So yeah my mistake but are honestly feel like it was just to cause me to do that so she could break up or we can break up and she can run away for a couple days and go get what she needed somewhere else and then come right back. That's what I feel like now. Don't know if it was all lie from delusional or what but everything I've read on here it all speaks to me so much that I honestly I really feel like I was lied to the entire time I was made to believe something that was never true This girl told me she loved me like 3 months in and I honestly felt it before that but I really think it was all just a facade now for her We found each other and we were broken pieces everywhere we started putting our lives together picking everything up putting ourselves back together and we felt more complete than anything is the way I saw our lives up until a year and a half into it though it was for me even with the little small breakups and stuff it was amazing It wouldn't trade it for the world soon as I found out I had cancer though guys It broke me I wasn't working I wasn't doing anything for myself and yeah that I regret I regret not just telling her right away because looking back now it may have helped but I doubt she would even cared She probably would have broke up with me then is how I feel now. But I never told her until almost 3 weeks after we broke up. The 17th of this month was my birthday my 38th birthday The day after is her 3-year-olds 3-year birthday. Which I didn't get to go to even though that little girl calls me dada loves me like there's no tomorrow and I love that little girl so so much she was like she was my daughter shortly after I found out I had cancer I was taking care of that little girl not working but taking care of her all day everyday for months in my house with her living here and my girlfriend living here while she worked. Then she's sitting here telling me griping at me that I need to get back working by about she can't be the only one working but then if I did that we wouldn't had a babysitter We would have nowhere for "Our daughter" She always insisted when I would say her daughter because she has a lot of hateful feelings towards her baby daddy. The other thing I forgot to mention is the fact that about 2 years into our relationship she went through a pretty major surgery for herself No one was there for her except for me I sat with her through the whole thing waited for her at the hospital I waited on her hand and foot at my place of living She laid in my bed took care of her gave her everything she needed and would do it again in a heartbeat The point is that I was there stood by her side took care of her in every way I needed to every way I could. In the first part of our relationship all the way through I'd say the first half She was always constantly wondering if I had eaten today or if I needed food or if I wanted her to cook me anything or I mean would she selflessly would do every single time she was happy to do it She loved doing it She loved being at the hotel and me coming home to a cooked meal how she would do it in her bra and underwear because just for shits and giggles you know She was the most sexually appetizing person I've been in with in my entire life number one and from day one of our relationship I never saw any other female on this planet My eyes never strayed not once they only saw her She was my everything. Fellas tell me when you fell in love If you ever felt the same because I know for me there was another woman on this planet that could ever even have compared to my woman she was so sexy so incredibly just mesmerizing for me and having her in my arms I felt complete I felt like a man I felt like I would move to heaven and earth for this woman and I was trying doing everything I could and it always just seemed like our little stupid spats and our bickering was so much more to her than it was to me because she would always end up leaving and going to her sisters. Her sister was and is so incredibly damaging for her mental state that I'm surprised that this woman has not killed herself yet She has no movement in her own life she's a stay-at-home girlfriend for her boyfriend of 16 15 16 years something like that and she is about a cow about 300 lb heifer that has always been jealous of anything the little sister gets that makes her happy that makes her have a better life than what big sister has then big sister has to sit there and destroy little sisters mental state just to bring her back down so she can feel good about her own self So anytime she ever went back there that's exactly what happened Big sister would just tear her down and break her down and it's just sick and that's where I think first mistake for us ever went was allowing her to move in there because as soon as she did seem like everything started going downhill and that's when I started finding things out about how much she was actually lying to me about stupid silly little things because her brother in-law and sister would talk to her about our relationship at night when they're all home together or whenever and they'd be giving her advice when these two are alcoholics they will not ever get married even though they've been together forever but this is just to not lose social security crap it's ridiculous there's a real fear of commitment between the two and a lot of damage between the two and it just fed right into my woman's head and I'm really truly believe it loud it her to be severely poisoned cuz she started turning into a completely different person but yet I still loved her like the day I first met her I still looked at her exactly the same I still do to this day even though she won't have anything to do with me for whatever reason I don't know I never got a reason but after everything we've been through I honestly felt like every time she made me promise never to leave her every time she made me the promise that she would never leave me no matter what blah blah blah I feel like it was all just a game to her now and a game to her family because my woman was the child that was traded off when things got too stressful for Mom she was the kid that was sent to the hospital to you know being the mental ward because it was just too tough for Mom to cope with having two kids and being as destroyed of a person as she is So of course that's led to a lot of emotional damages for my woman and for that entire family It's led to alcoholism and the other side of the family with her sister and her mom being best friends they hang out all day long and it's about the worst family situation you could think of but sadly she will still choose her family over anybody at the end of the day even though they don't choose her like that It breaks my heart to watch honestly the best thing she could do is cut them off from her life but there is a lot of times that she needed them there because she had no other option is what she felt instead of when we fought going there honestly alsoever wanted her to do is just calm down and instead of leaving stay here choose me over that bullshit fight choose me over the fucking nonsense of everything because at the end of the day none of it mattered to me I always forgave her for everything not because I wanted to be the doormat or because I allowed myself to be the doormat but because when I grew up I grew up in a Christian family That's what we do if we fight we work shit through I may not be the best Christian in the world but I know the values that I have in my family were not the same as hers they traded her off when times got tough they never showed her unconditional love so she doesn't even know how to unconditionally love her own children and it's really sad cuz honestly to this day I feel like that little girl would choose me over her own mother and that breaks my heart for her. I realize I've been rambling on for a while now but this one really doesn't sit right with me guys I've never had any issues with any breakup since this one and I know the mental state she was in when she made it and made this choice but the way she did it just recently after having promised her yet again and her promising me that we would never leave each other and to always fight for the relationship. She comes over about a 3 weeks ago we have sex been seen each other in a few days few days prior to that we went and took "our daughter" to her dentist appointment she had to be knocked out at and did great through who'd she want afterwards after she woke up me Not her mom just me to comfort her. So being the dad that I am of course I did that I gave her the comfort she needed we had a great day together but it was short-lived. My girl's been in such a bad spot mentally but she refused to talk to me about it I could never get her to open up and yes I did a lot of things wrong because I was always trying to fix her or trying to help her through it is how I see it She saw it as me trying to fix her and she said I don't need to be fixed. But I know I didn't see it that way and that may have been my mistake because she wasn't looking for advice or whatever on how to try to help her through it but she just wanted somebody to listen to her which I did I can repeat everything she's ever told me about an issue word for word I can almost predict in my head I can sit there and say okay what's she going to say. And then I can literally as she's saying it out loud I can pretty well determine already know what she's going to say while listening though just to make sure I don't miss anything It ends up being the same thing every time and it's always all about her family's issues and things going on between them. It's been this way for the last year and a half probably since she moved in there now just before this breakup she had been for a couple months looking for place for us to go cuz I want out of where I'm at now and she obviously wanted out of there and so she was supposedly looking for it for a place to go That was ours because I got a new job I sat here and prayed for a new job that I had applied for and they just weren't moving fast enough or something I guess because like 4 days before she broke up with me they called and I started working I was so happy I got back in that truck I was doing it for her for us for me for those girls everything was going the way I had invisioned it going. Then like I said two days go by she came over spend some time together We had a little quickie and then we went to her appointment with the psych doctor couple days later she breaks up with me This is how I wake up the next morning after being at work all night long in my tow truck to a text message and I'm blocked on everything every single social media outlet every everything that we had together online I'm just blocked. Knowing the mental state she was in I was like what the hell is going on now I got a short text message that said something like I can't do this anymore This is after going through her girl parts being taken out being with her the entire time waiting on her hand and foot this is after saving her daughter because her drunk ass sister drove home from their mothers house while watching the like 5-month-old baby at the time and ran the car into the fucking house in the middle of the night and we were both working shoot while she was watching her That's why she was watching her So of course I get a phone call she can't leave work and she's freaking out because her daughter was just in the car that just slammed into the house and did thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars worth of damage So what happens This guy goes and rescues the child and keeps the child with him the entire rest of my work night until mom gets off work there's lots of reasons that this woman has loved me completely and tried so hard and there's lots of reasons why I've loved her as completely as I could and tried so hard and tried getting back on track now I used her in those kids and myself to get me back to a point where I could even start to function again after finding out I had cancer and not knowing how to tell her or anybody and what hurts the most is the fact that she just gave up and just blindsided me with all of this if I feel like and it kills me but this is what I had to do because of her putting all her walls up and just stonewalling me with everything and knowing the fact that even on her Facebook she chose to not put family photos of us for up there but to put every other photo of that entire time together on there even ones that she had taken separately with just her and her girls making it look like nobody else was there the entire time She just failed to include the you know few pictures she took all of us. Which are now deleted off her phone obviously cuz she deleted everything of us together She always does that She always does it just deletes them because she never had any good memories as a child so she has an inability to just keep that stuff because it's painful to her now for some reason even if it was a happy memory She doesn't like those happy memories cuz those are painful that they're not going to happen anymore so she just erases everything and gets rid of it because it's easier for her while I'm not that type of person I'm a sentimental person I keep everything So of course when she goes gets her mind off track whatever I start to be sweet and send her you know our pictures together and things because I know she's already done deleted them which gets her nine times out of 10 and gets her right back to where she needs to be and realizing that I'm there for her that I I want her I choose her and I choose to do this together well not this time She completely stonewalled me wouldn't even respond to me for days and it was literally out of the blue So I'm freaking out because I'm thinking she's going to go hurt herself which she's tried to do a few times and she just reapped on all her medication the last time she tried to hurt herself that's what had happened She took all of her medication and thank God nothing happened but now she had you know six new bottles of pills which would have done it so I was scared for her life honestly. So I was literally just freaking out day after day night after night and all while having to work at night now with this new job in the truck that I was freaking out because I couldn't see her in my passenger seat anymore and then I was seeing her and then I was worrying about her and I was concentrating more on her than I was even able to do my job like I said I had to give it up even though I sat there and prayed for her prayed for myself to pray to get the job and it was literally a blessing because they created the position for me they didn't need to fill a position they created it for me I've been doing this job for well over 10 years of my career and I'm damn good at it Just not right now and so for the last month after everything that I found out everything that it's been said This is what I had to do guys and I I can't regret it I can't feel any type of way about it but I've been pushing and pushing and pushing on purpose because I know she's not coming back no matter what That's the way she feels but once I stop trying to fight for the relationship to fight for her and fight for those kids I know she's going to start to feel the feelings of losing me and it's going to start getting into her head so I knew if I stopped talking to her that's what would happen and she would try to slide right back into my life a month later whenever however it would happen she would come back eventually and I'm not going to be in a new place in my life where I would allow her to do that I can't So what I did was I pushed on purpose not only because she made me promise to do it but because I knew it's what needed to happen because I needed my mental state to be better and it's not right now I'm a wreck right now because of this woman because of losing this woman cuz I honestly felt like she's the one person on this planet that I would never let go. So my life is just turned into a fucking wreck on a wreck on a wreck because of her vindictive nature her mean-spirited bullshit when she gets mad She doesn't not have a filter so she uses her daughter against me how's it feel no that you'll never see "her daughter" ever again trying to dig into my heart and just cause more pain This is the type of stuff she would say to me That would just break me down to nothing. I've literally been in tears since the breakup and before that because I I think I kind of knew it was coming but I was just so depressed that I couldn't do anything I would cry every night even a month before we were broken up I would cry every night just cuz I missed her I missed her being next to me but that was her own fault that was her own doing She lied put words in my roommate's mouth that were never there and she couldn't apologize She could not be an adult and apologize to him and then it would have been fine She would have been a loud back at the house She would been able to come see me but she just is not the adult that I thought she was or that she used to be before when we first got together and and I don't understand what happened I can't see where it all just went so terribly wrong except for her moving in with her family. It has been the greatest experience of my life loving this woman but at the same time in the end it has been so destructive so I had to make sure that she would never come back So for the last month I've been pestering her coming at her yelling at her calling her all these names in the book and just destroying anything she ever had for me because I won't let her back into my life I can't cuz I know if I do it will be the death of me so I'm choosing me over the love of my life. The woman that I have lived for for this past three fucking years of my life given everything to worked my ass off so I could fucking just keep going the next day to provide what I could for us as a family mind you have paid for everything every waking moment for the first year and a half of our lives because she didn't have a job She didn't work so I paid for everything and that's everything we needed for the baby as well. That couldn't get bought with food stamps. Literally drained every bit of funds that I had saved up everything Just took me for a rollercoaster ride through hell but I chose me I choose me now And hopefully the apartment that she was finding for us the one that she supposedly went to Once she supposedly is at now I hope her I wish her all the best but I had to sit here and destroy any chances of ever being with the woman that I still to this day want because I know she comes back crawling back I knew that I would take her back in a heartbeat and I just can't do it so I had to get it done and over with for me for her for everybody because I won't be hurt like that I won't be disrespected like that I won't be turned into a monster because she tears me down with her hateful little remarks and digs into my heart that are totally unnecessary when I'm being everything I can try to be and be sweet for her She literally anytime I would try to be sweet would turn it into something it's not telling me I'm manipulating her telling me I'm doing this I'm doing that well okay so that's what I'll do That's what I thought and that's exactly what I did If I'm the monster let me know cuz I feel like it honestly but I know it's for the best. To my little blue sundress princess, the love of my life I'm Sorry I had to do what I did sweetheart I'll always love you no matter what babe Just can't have you walk back into my life and and destroy everything that I build from here on out because I'll end up killing myself and I don't want that to happen so this is goodbye even though I know you'll never read this. Just know that I see you everywhere in every place I go there's memories that flood back to me everyday that are amazing or that are bad or that are just that their memories they will fade eventually hopefully but for now they are still too real for me to just forget like seems like you want to do by going out there and supposedly live in your best life faking it just to make it for the rest of the world being that strong independent woman with that attitude exactly even though I know you're sad inside I know you just buried those feelings All the love you had for me and you're lying to yourself but that's on you now I tried I really really tried to get you to understand that that's where we were headed was the life we wanted so sorry I asked you to choose me and love me for me instead of love me for what I had or didn't have. I'm sorry I needed to do this or even felt like I needed to do this cuz I will always love you no matter what, But now my life is going to be for me and for me only for its remainder because you gave up the fight and I ended it.
submitted by Twitchs-Temp-Spot to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:01 mikeramp72 Endgame #23

23rd: Jane Bright (Nicaragua - 6th)

A deserving, incredible Survivor endgame level character standing next to Jane Bright.
I don't have Jane in my personal endgame, but I'm not mad at all that she made it here. She's probably the most divisive character in Nicaragua, but I personally love her. She's got a spunky attitude, has a great rivalry with Marty, great relationship with Chase, and has one of my favorite eliminations ever. Her boot is so god damn memorable, that lasting moment of the alliance telling her it's gonna be her tonight, with Jane in complete shock and despair is just perfect. One of the best characters of Nicaragua for sure.
Jane is on a very small list of players who I think has run the entire spectrum in terms of where they land in my rankings. Top ten, top hundred, middle of the pack, bottom hundred, bottom ten… I think I understand pretty much every Jane take known to humanity, cause I’ve had them. Nowadays, I tend to lean more positive on her, but I definitely still have too many issues I’m hyper aware of to let her rank too highly for me.
“What if we have Rupert’s hero edit to someone who was just really really mean, and did the bare minimum to hide it” is genuinely hilarious to me. Jane’s got good energy and her many, many, many feuds (the majority of which being with Marty) make her a great character to guide the narrative. There’s also just her boot episode, which is like… way too good of an episode for Nicaragua. I think I’m neutral-lean positive on Nicaragua, but it’s not a season that does a ton for me, but dear god, Jane’s boot and the scene of her dousing the camp fire is like so fucking metal.
She’s such a raw, powerful person. I think my biggest issue with her right now is just that, in a similar vein to Brandon Hantz, sometimes she feels a little too real at times. Like is she funny when she’s talking shit about Marty? Yes! Is the story great? Yes! But does some of what she says about Marty and his kids feel a bit too much? Yes, very much so. It’s not enough to detract from her character, but again… Brandon Hantz-tier of character. For me, that’s a pretty big compliment, but I also do not keep him in my Top 100. Same with Jane. But despite being one of the names that made Endgame that I disagree with the most, I am very curious and excited to see our resident “Least Sane Jane Bright Enjoyer” spin a tale or two about why she deserves to be up here!
Overall Rank – 138/821
While I disagree with her being endgame, I understand the reasoning and defense behind it. I respect the hustle that Tom did to get her here and I’m happy for him that Jane made her first endgame.
I love that Jane is here, I am not even going to lie. Before my recent rewatch, I had Jane in the 200s, and after my rewatch, I was completely blown away at how complex her character is and the great relationships she had all season. To me, she felt real with her hatred, and the switch between the dry laugh we know her for, to the nasty person she became was endlessly incredible, she was such a great part of Nicaragua and one of the few praises I have for that season. Plus, when she finds out Chase, Holly, and Sash are voting for her, the music change and piano chord that happens there might be the piece media I have ever seen. Congrats Tom for getting her here!
Personal Rank: 73/821. 9/10.
Nicaragua is such a great season due to how emotionally charged it is, and Jane is a big part of that. Jane is the sweet southern lady until she feels crossed, then she has a whole vendetta against anyone who crosses her, so it's a lot of great fun. She is not in my personal endgame, but I can always appreciate a kooky character showing up in it.
Jane Bright:
This is undoubtedly my most anticipated write up of the rankdown, I have such a love for Jane and everything she does for Nicaragua. She has one of the best stories of all time, and just has so many moments that further it and make it cohesive. And that is what I will explain today. Jane is not just some badass southern old lady, ok well she is, but she’s also a very deep, broken old lady trying to put on a facade for herself. Her hatred towards everyone around her has its story and here it is…
The Mask
A lot like Rupert, Jane tries to paint a mask on herself as a hero and somebody who always follows her heart for the greater good. However, throughout the season we see cracks start to arise in this persona she puts on herself. She’s someone who needs a purpose and when somebody gets in the way of that, she gets insecure and bitter and that’s when we see the wrath of Jane break out.
The editors never try to pull the wool over your eyes by painting her as a hero, because they show petty rivalries with her and Marty and her boot episode meltdown. We get to see her from all angles, even if she only wants to present one. She’s insecure about herself, making her feel entitled to be treated as a queen and carried to the end due to her “heroic” manner. Once she realizes it doesn’t work like that and she actually has to play the game, all gloves come off and we get some of the most petty, uncalled for, or even bitchy moments that just have so much raw emotion.
She’s not painted as a hero while being an asshole (*cough* Ozzy *cough*) They show her as her flawed self, but they also let you make your own decision on what to feel without pushing a narrative onto you. Of course she wins Favorite Player at the reunion, so some people still thought she was a hero but you get to see this very broken and entitled person struggling. She really hates everyone but that’s not what she can show because that’s now who she wants to be and it’s such a complicated story arc throughout the season that we see the cracks grow and it’s told so subtlety but perfectly. And this is only the tip of the iceberg with how deep this old southern lady is.
Without this defining feature, she’d just be a badass southern lady but with it she becomes so much more just adding to this brilliant story building up all season until her boot episode. Her masking her real personality just makes her a much more complex character and when we see these glimpses of it, you start to realize, ohhh this is the person I’m supporting.
Even on top of the mask, there is so much more to Jane’s character…
When you watch Nicaragua for the first time, this part of her character is not inherently obvious. Grief?!? What are you talking about? She just seems like a badass until she’s a bitter old hag for being the target. While, yes that’s a very simplified version of this, there’s so much more to dissect there. The grieving of her husband, greatly plays a role in her story, and although it’s sometimes subtle you can see how it play into it so beautifully well.
In her very first confessional, what do we see Jane say?
“They think I'm some middle aged housewife that tootles around the house all day long, they’re in for a big surprise. Because that is definitely not me. I'm fifty-six years old and I'm the type person that stays busy all the time doing things. I just don't think there's anything I can't do. Winning the million dollars is real important to me ‘cause it’ll help me pay off my farm and the fact that I lost my husband, uh, in '09, it-it-it means I wouldn't have to work as hard as I do. But his spirit, I know is still with me and that's what keeps me going.”
Her husband obviously is impacting her mentally during this season, and we see this throughout the game. Every Time somebody makes a gesture that they want her out, her personal viper just breaks out. This is because she knows this is getting in the way of her dream, and the spirit of her husband that made her want to do this and she’s not letting anybody take that from her.
She’s still grieving and wants to win for her husband, and it is a very sweet story but sadly it takes a dark turn as she starts using this as entitlement for her to win. She believes she’s obligated to be brought to the end because of who she is and the loss of her husband and yeah, it’s dark but damn is it good when you think about it.
This is also why the family visit is SO important to her story in her boot episode. Right when her daughter, Ashley gets there, she starts talking about her husband and how Ashley is the one she is doing this for, to help her. This is WHO SHE IS FIGHTING FOR!
That is why it hits so hard when everyone flips on her! How dare they! She thinks. These people are voting me out right after I fought my hardest to give my daughter a better life?!? She’s one of the only I have left, this is disgusting. It’s so sad but at the same time it’s brilliantly shown not told. And what do you know, when Jane is talking about Sash’s mama raising him, she immediately brings up her daughter, just ugh how perfect does it round back to her family and her grief with loss.
Now obviously, does that make her outrage justified, I don’t know, maybe? Is she still kind of a bitch? probably! Is she a badass? Probably! That leads me to my next point.
If you have read a lot of my other writeups on Nicaragua you would have noticed I love to talk about the perspective a lot of these characters receive on the season. Complimenting how diverse they can be seen depending on your morals or values. No character represents this better than Jane Bright.
How do I know this? Well let’s look at her placements in Rankdowns Past:
SRI - 485/501 - Seen as a bitchy, entitled, worse version of NaOnka, and someone who went way too personal in the game.
SRII - 455/537 - Seen as annoying and sour, forced fan favorite edit not giving her the trashing she deserved by the other tribemates.
SRIII - 549/575 - Seen as a narcissist and self-righteous, below the belt remarks and “a human embodiment of a rash” (that made me laugh a bit).
SRIV - 518/615 - Seen as an ultimately fascinating character, who got a dishonest edit that didn’t show her true side until the end. Ultimately ending up as an unlikable “venomous bitch” who somehow won fan favorite.
SRV - 108/653 - Seen as a great T.V personality whose kooky first half and vigorous 2nd half make for a good story and uplifts everyone around her while also being a great character.
SRVI - 127/731 (Had to be idoled to get here though smh) - Seen as a badass challenge competitor who is actually sour, who unfairly attacked Marty and is a bit too much when it comes to her toxic side to make her slightly less good.
SRVII - 185/767 - Seen as an extremely authentic personality and very entertaining to the chaos of Nicaragua, as well as having an iconic rivalry with Marty, being an iconic mother.
See the difference between one half and the other? Yeah, that shows just how well of a character she is edited as. She has so many times where she is shown to be a hero but juxtaposed with so many times she is shown as an asshole and it works off each scene perfectly. This is why we get such a difference of opinion and I think it’s told so well to where most people don’t even see it.
You have to weigh her good and bad and see based on your morals, if she’s a good person or not, and how acceptable or right was she for her constant hatred of others? I really love that as they aren’t trying to make you think a specific feeling about her. You need to come up with that conclusion yourself on how you think she is, that’s why she won the fan favorite vote in 2011 but today many call her an entitled bitch. (And yeah, she is but that’s a lot of what makes her so amazing).
Her kicking ass in challenges and being a lively spirit contrasted to her nasty demeanor to Jill and especially Marty personally attacking them and her boot episode meltdown, contribute to making one of the most wishy-washy characters when it comes to people’s opinions on her. I don’t what to be told how to feel, I want to come up with it on my own, and I feel like a lot of that has been lost in recent years of Survivor and seeing Jane and having all these different perspectives on her personality just adds so much life.
There is a reason why so many people despise her and so many people love her, she’s just edited that well to where people have had to come up with their own feelings about Jane. Not being coerced to feel a certain way, and I feel that is the best way to edit a character. What you see is what you see, not an objective stance the show is trying to put onto you, and I feel all of Nicaragua shows this but Jane is the prime example. Perspective means everything with her.
This makes her one of the most complex characters of all time, she’s either a broken woman seeking admiration, an entitled bitch, or a badass southern lady who is an inspiration. It’s all based on what you value and isn’t that what Survivor is all about, a social experiment where you weigh your values and personalities with each other to build a society.
Speaking of building a society, how is Jane’s relationships with the cast, well let’s see her main stars:
Sash: Jane and Sash’s dynamic isn’t really shown and I think that actually helps her and Sash’s story. Sash is sleazy and doesn’t really make any genuine connections and we see that in her breakdown scene. When you watch the moment she learns she’s going home and the confessional she gives, you see a direct tone shift from how she talks about Chase and how she talks about Sash. When she’s almost crying about Chase and his betrayal, she is outright vile and nasty when talking about Sash. Showing this major lack of connection between them, that she never saw him as a friend and will not hold back from releasing her rage on him.
Chase: Jane and Chase’s connection is one for the books. Both being from North Carolina and being southern types, they instantly bond and feel close to each other. Their relationship just feels more special than anyone else’s that season, that’s what makes the betrayal so much more entertaining. You literally see her about to cry over Chase, they really were close and got to know each other and just to have him stab her in the back, it’s so good. It just felt special but it wasn’t enough for him to not cut her…
Now how could you talk about relationships and not bring up Jane’s defining one…
Come on! This rivalry is one of if not the best rivalry in all of Survivor. They just despise each other and really are either of them in the right? Not at all, that’s what makes it so great. Marty’s a sleazeball, cocky, and a smart ass while Jane’s an entitled, bitter, old lady and they just work so well off each other. You just have personal jab after personal jab that is just so entertaining and perfectly helps tell Jane’s story.
There is really no reason why they should hate each other as much as they do but their walks of life and personalities just clash so hard that you still understand why they hate each other. Jane takes everything Marty does to heart without any grain of salt, and it makes her reactions so visceral and truly legendary. It’s what makes Jane the Jane we love to love or love to hate!
Now, I think it’s time to talk about the pinnacle of Jane. Her magnum opus if you will… her boot episode.
The Wrath of Jane Will Break Out Tonight
This is one of my favorite episodes of Reality TV. Everything about it is perfect and told in such a way to where it’s the perfect ending for such a broken character.
Building her up with her daughter coming during the family visit, talking about her and how much she wants to provide for her. Having a seed planted in Jane’s brain after she’s not taken to the reward thinking she was entitled to be brought.
Fabio winning immunity, throwing everything for a loop, just when Jane’s attitude has really started to shift and then we get to the scene. Which personally is my favorite scene in all of Survivor without a doubt. The scene where the alliance tells her it has changed and she’s going home is so brilliant. The raw awkwardness and silence next to Jane’s utter disbelief and anger. After she flips them off it is followed by again my favorite confessional of all time.
This is what she has been building up to, everything just falls about when she believed she deserved to win. Having such raw and unfiltered emotions where she’s about to break down and cry and then the turn to anger and fury bringing Sash’s mother into it, talking about how she raised a damn liar. (WITH THAT HEAD COCK THOUGH) All with very subtle sound effects or just no music at all until she gets up and makes one last hoorah by pouring water on the fire. “I started and I put it out” 🔥🔥🔥
Then we get to tribal, where Jane is just done with the bullshit and just calls everyone out for being liars and backstabbers. “The writings on the wall Fabio!” Like come on, that is TV gold, followed by the vote having Chase and Sash “cowardly” play their idols sticking it to Jane when she is already at her lowest by not even having her vote count. She leaves bitter and broken, not the happy ending she felt she deserved.
Mortgage Gate
I’m putting this here because that’s where it best fits, and this is brief because it doesn’t really affect my rankings on Jane because it’s not in the season.
I wish they did show this though, as having this added layer of controversy between Sash and Jane with real world implications would have been amazing, even if what Jane is saying isn’t true it still would’ve shown her as an ass, making up lies just to make someone look worse. I just think it’s such an interesting topic to discuss that I wanted to give it its own section. Sash is sleazy so I wouldn’t pass him to do that, however Jane is extremely bitter and entitled so I could also see her making that up, I guess we'll never really know will we… (I know Marty called the incident fake, but it’s Marty, of course he’s gonna dispute whatever Jane says, if she says the sky is blue, he’ll say it’s orange).
I'm Not Breaking My Tile!
This kind of relates to the mask section of this write up. However, I wanted to talk specifically about Jane’s challenge prowess and wins throughout the season and how much it adds to this arc. Building her up as this badass figure competing against big guys half her age and actually winning?!? It gives an excellent face to the real Jane, having this much courage to go against Chase and Fabio even after winning, not only being such a badass in that moment but showing how she’s trying to play up this persona of old challenge great.
Jane, The Tribe Has Spoken
So in conclusion, you can see that when you really glance over Nicaragua you don’t see Jane as some sort of deep character. However, when you really look into her and her actions and motives you see a broken old lady who is obviously grieving. She is such a deep and complex character that Nicaragua needed to really round out the story.
Jane isn’t supposed to be this likable hero, nor is she supposed to be a villain, she’s not edited as one archetype. However you value your morals, is how you will see Jane and even if you find her an ass, you have to admit they tell it very well. She’s also objectively entertaining, her rivalry with Marty, her being badass during challenges, cooking fish in the woods, her boot episode meltdown, and so much more are just so iconic to me and make this season what it is.
This write up obviously won’t sway everybody, but I hope that if you rewatch Nicaragua, take a closer look at Jane and her actions and see how it lines up with somebody like Rupert or Coach who are much more prevalent when it comes to these “entitled, broken, facade” archetypes. You will see a brilliant story of grief, hatred, entitlement, and a fake persona that the show knows she is trying to present.
Personally, Jane will always be one of my favorite characters of all time with amazing scenes and a story almost as complex as Ian’s. She didn’t win this rankdown, but she won my heart and has definitely earned herself a #1 spot on my rankings for this endgame.
SMC0629: 19
DryBonesKing: 21
Zanthosus: 24
Tommyroxs45: 1
Regnisyak1: 20
DavidW1208: 24
ninjedi1: 24
Average Placement: 19.000
Total Points: 133
Standard Deviation: 8.206 (2nd Highest)
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