Dr seuss math pages

Were you abused or neglected by your family?

2024.05.20 02:58 ValoraTCas Were you abused or neglected by your family?

I was born in a large city. My parents 21f and 24m were both university students when I was conceived, my mother was in 3rd year. I'm not sure what year my dad was in. I always get vague answers when I ask. My parents originally planned to become teachers after completing teachers college.
Instead they married largely due to family pressure early in the pregnancy. Immediately after that they backpacked around southern Europe and Morroco. They drank considerably and smoked Marijuana as often as they could. Their original intention was to teach English in Spain, but apparently changed their mind because of the hospital, cost seemed to be the main factor. They returned to our city with my father going back to school and eventually getting his teaching degree and his first teaching job when I was 3 or 4.
My mother seemed to resent having to care for an infant. During my childhood she would complain about the awful diapers and mixing formula, etc.
When I was approximately 2 -3 years-old I was diagnosed with cerebal palsy. Immediately after I was diagnosed my parents started trying to conceive another child. By the time my sister was 1 year old, my parents decided she wasn't as perfect as they thought she should be so they conceived my youngest sister.
My kindergarten teacher wanted me to repeat kindergarten because of my very poor motor skills mostly cutting and pasting but also my printing was very messy, which was mostly due to the tremors. I was intellectually able to do all of the work and I could already read. If had gone to senior kindergarten I would have been able to enter French immersion, which started the year after I entered school. Also I was the youngest child in my class because I was born late in the year. The French immersion schools were much better funded and had much better teachers and resources. I stayed in the original school which was one of the 2 worst schools in our region. My first grade teacher made me stand in front of the class to evaluate my reading, I was very shy and soft spoken, so I stammered slightly. From this alone she put me in the bottom reading group even though repeatedly showed her that I could read any book in the room. Standardized testing in 2nd grade showed that my reading and math skills were at 6th grade level. I know this because the guidance teacher showed my scores and explained what they meant when I was frustrated with the pace of the classroom and lack of mentally challenging work. My teachers would make me write things over and over because of the 'messiness'. This never worked and my printing would get worse because of fatigue and pain. I was bullied by most of the kids in my class because I was small, clumsy, physically weak, and somewhat odd looking, the fact that I was very smart also didn't help. My teacher wouldn't allow me to use the washroom when I needed it, since I had a bladder disorder related to my cerebal palsy, that meant I would sometimes wet myself. This only happened when I wasn't allowed to use the washroom when I needed to. This led to the other kids calling me diaper queen. Eventually I was exempted from most of my in class subjects and allowed to work independently in the library on whatever I desired. When I was in 2nd or 3rd grade my arm was badly sprained by a bully and I was prescribed a tensor bandage to support my hand and wrist. I noticed that my printing was better with it and I tried to keep using it. My mother found out and angrily took it away from even though I explained that it helped me. She would not listen and there was no explanation at all. She would send me to school no matter how sick I was, and would only let be at home when the school said I was too sick to be there. Our house never had a thermometer or bandaids or any other health related items, not even a hot water bottle or heating pad. When I was in 5th grade I developed a ganglion on the inside of my middle finger, it was very painful and made it even more difficult and painful to write. I saw a hand surgeon who said he could remove it easily and quickly. My parents, mostly my mother refused to allow me to have this surgery even though it would be completely paid for through our canadian health program.
Every few months we would visit family friends in the city each time before we went home my dad would go to a bank machine, except we always parked at the far edge of the parking lot and my dad would walk away and then be gone for 30 to 40 minutes. I realized later that he was buying amounts of Marijuana about a pound or two each. He and my mother would smoke it regularly, they I wasn't aware but I especially the air currents would waft the smell to my window.
Even though I asked repeatedly to be moved to a different school my parents made no efforts to do so. I could have been moved based on my disability and also my intellectual giftedness. I was not taken to a dentist until I was 8 years old. By this time I already decay in several of my teeth, partly because our water wasn't fluoridated. My dad could have added flouride to our well water for a very low cost, but was too cheap to do so. Another factor was I did not have a child size toothbrush so it made much more difficult to clean my teeth effectively.
My parents were home most of the time but spent very little time with their children. There was very little affection shown. I had very few clothes, with one or two items bought for back to school. And sometimes none since I was failure to thrive and grew very slowly. At Christmas my mother would buy the same toys for all 3 of us even though I was 4 1/2 and 7 older than my sisters. One year she bought all of us cabbage patch dolls, this was even though I had never had any interest in dolls or girly stuff. She did this again when the cabbage patch dolls came out.
My grandfather died when I was 9 years old, my grandmother remarried suddenly when I was 13. She lived with him in England for several months but then they moved back to town close to us. There were frequent family gatherings that included him. From almost the beginning he would find ways to trap me and sexually assault me by pushing me against a wall or into a corner he would then force his tongue into my mouth and rub his penis against me. He would also shove his hands into my pants... During my adolescence I was misdiagnosed with depression, when I actually post traumatic stress reaction because of the many things I'd dealt already, I was sent to a psychiatrist who didn't listen to me and wasn't competent, she kept prescribing different drugs when I didn't respond to them the way I 'should ' have. She put on lithium with no sign of bipolar disorder. I very developed severe lithium toxicity. She took me off it eventually. At some point she decided that since antidepressants weren't working it must because I was psychotic. She put on antipsychotics even though I repeatedly told I was not psychotic and I never was. She wound up convincing my parents to send to this inpatient program for adolescents with psychosis. I talked to the psychiatrist there once and he knew I had never been psychotic, he stopped my medication immediately and I was the only one there not on any medications and was not mentally ill at all. But I wound up spending 8 months there.
There were other things that went on with my family but this about as much as I can write right now. Am I wrong to distance myself from my family ? I feel little connection to them and they usually want to draw me into some drama that I don't want to deal with. tl;dr; childhood experiences, neglect
submitted by ValoraTCas to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:40 SpaceC0wb0y86 Looking for advice on how to capitalize on increased recent exposure and potentially take a next step

Forgive me if this question should be asked elsewhere but I could really use some advice.
I’ve been a journalist full time at the same company in Huntsville, Alabama for the last 3 years. I started out at my university newspaper in 2013 before graduating and moving to New Orleans where I wasn’t able to book work consistently enough to truly say, “I’ve been a journalist for the past decade.” There was a 1-2 year period where I thought I didn’t have what it took.
My current situation has been very satisfying from the beginning. My boss owns a magazine and a business journal focused on Huntsville and the surrounding area. Most of the assignments have been limited in the amount of exposure you could ever expect as with most other community based journalism but Huntsville is also home to NASA and Redstone Arsenal. It requires more effort a long with putting yourself out there much more consistently, but any determined journalist can find stories locally that will generate readers far beyond the city and state lines.
In August of 2023, I had an instance where my luck and determination peaked at the same time when I was able to track down the son of a former Chinese immigrant turned Huntsville scientist, Dr. Ning Li. She wasn’t famous, not even among most Huntsville residents, but in the early 2000’s she had a run of published papers that made her extremely well known in the science community and even resulted in publications like Wired running multi page spreads about her work on anti gravity technology. I’m going to be REALLY short here but she seemingly disappeared after leaving UAH to start her own company for her research in 2002. Records show initial funding from DoD but the paper trail ends there and she never had a public appearance again.
Eventually this “disappearance” was noticed and some reporters were asking about her publicly at the time, but no sure fire answers ever came. This, along with some public rumors of her defecting back to China with US secrets, eventually resulted in a large community of people who were still asking for answers 20 years later in the form of YouTube videos (Barely Sociable had a big one with 2+ million views) or various science / conspiracy based websites. It only grew as more people started making claims that a lot of the UAP reports being publicized described technology that seemed to resemble her initial theory that gained promise.
I was able to track down her adult son’s phone number. After a series of phone calls over the next month, I gained his trust and was invited to his home where he was able to give me all of the answers except ones about the success of her research on her top secret work funded by the DoD. He didn’t know if she was ever proven right or wrong because she worked at the Arsenal every day until the day she was struck by a car driven by a student on UAH campus. She suffered a TBI that immediately rendered her as if she had late stage Alzheimer’s. Never spoke again and he cared for her around the clock until she died 6 years later.
He was unable to learn anything further about her work, but he gave me a lot of information that wasn’t known at the time and I was able to fully disprove any rumor of her turning traitor to the US for a return to China.
I published the story and it did really well in mid-late 2023 amongst the crowd who already knew of her obviously and the regular Huntsville readers of ours found her life story very interesting. It was immediately the most successful story of my career as other reporters were making stories about the fact that I was able to solve her mystery. It died down like I figured until 4-6 weeks ago.
The UAP disclosure hype has resulted in more people talking about her than ever before. I’m hearing my name and seeing my picture on videos with over 1 million views for the first time ever.
I was very happy but didn’t think it changed much for me because it’s not like it could grow more realistically. Until Joe fucking Rogan reads pretty much the whole story and talks about it for 5-10 minutes on the podcast with largest following in the world.
My excitement turned to disbelief that day and it’s still crazy to think about sometimes. I never realistically thought I would write something that would generate traffic numbers around 5-6 million readers on a single story. That number is over course of 8 months which is very far removed getting those same numbers in the span of a week but the increase in exposure has been noticeable in my inbox ever since the Rogan podcast.
Noticeable enough that it feels like I’m very possibly having a moment before it’s just a moment before THE moment if that makes sense.
I haven’t had any career advancing job offers but there’s been some who have reached out in support to suggest various story topics that run parallel to that story as follow up ideas. Maybe I’m overestimating here but I feel like if I capitalize on my recent success correctly, I could see my career advance a step farther than I thought was possible for the year of 2024 when it started.
But…. I’m not at all sure how of the specific road map that could achieve such a thing. Yeah, I proved I can put together a story that results in traffic from both readers and “cultural trendsetters” but only once.
If anyone has ever been in a similar position, I would love some advice on the best way to turn this exposure into interest from publishers 1 step up the totem pole from where I am now. That also applies to people who haven’t been in this position, the more feedback I can get, the more prepared I feel I can be.
Sorry this post has been so long, it’s just been heavy on my mind for the last 1-2 weeks and I needed to hear from people who are both A: familiar with the industry and B: Not my boss.
submitted by SpaceC0wb0y86 to Journalism [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:15 No-Pudding7670 Passed my SIE exam yesterday! 1 week of Study!

Wanted to share my experience doing crash course studying for 7 days and passing the SIE first attempt! I never post anything on here, but others posts made a big difference for me, so here goes!
I passed my SIE yesterday after only 7 days of study. Intense! I used Pass Perfect, spent 50 hours studying total. If you only have a week or two before your test, DO NOT take a bunch of notes on everything! Read the content, take the quizzes and test, take notes on those answers and explanations!
VERY IMPORTANT: Use the two free Achievable SIE dump Sheets and watch both the S7g.u.r.u and S7 Whisperer 60 min crash course SIE YouTube videos the day before or day of test! I’ve included links at the bottom of this post. Be sure to memorize the dump sheet tricks and formulas, and decide what’s most important to reference. The test center gives you two laminated sheets and dry erase markers you can use as soon as the test timer starts. Be ready to write down key formulas, acronyms, timeframes, etc. Mine were the Options 4 square box, SLoBS & BLiSS, yield teeter totter and Key Open vs Closed end market notes. (All on the achievable dump sheets except Open/Closed Markets).
My Story:
In late April I was hired by Vanguard for a position starting May 28. I’d been a contractor doing customer service in an unlicensed VG position for about 10 months (no finance background before that); with the goal of getting hired in a licensed, permanent role within a year. I worked hard and got hired! The position requires SIE, S7 and S63. After my start date they pay me to do nothing but study and take exams for 9 or 13 weeks (depending on whether I’d passed the SIE prior to start date), which is awesome, but there’s a $5000 bonus if the SIE is passed at least a week before start date.
Note: I did have a little familiarity with basic terms and what’s required for account opening, due to my contractor position).
I originally scheduled my exam for May 13. I had about a month from hire date to May 13, and VG paid for the Pass Perfect course. I started some light studying the first week, thinking I had 3 more weeks and was on track. Then I got really sick for 2 weeks! I’m talking bed ridden, definitely no studying. So May 10 I rescheduled my exam to May 18! I had to pay $40 but figured it was well worth it not to fail, lol.
I was finally well enough to start studying on May 11, giving me 7 days. 😅 I had retained very little from my initial studying so I started over. I thought “I can do this!” I figured I’d had to do similar in college while working full time. Boy it was rough!
7 Days to PASS the SIE:
The first 3 days I had all day to study: Sat, Sun and Mon (had the day off for my original test date).
THE PLAN 41+ hours 5 practice tests, scoring at least 75%
Days 1-3 (full days) - 8+ hrs per day - Complete Pass Perfect Course (16 chapters) start to finish (reading and all quizzes, chapter tests)
Days 4-5 (Tues, Wed) - 5 hrs each day (2 before work and 3 after) - Take 1-2 Pass Perfect Final exams (1 hr 45 min each) each day, taking time to focus/take notes on anything I missed - Goal of 4 total tests, with 75% or higher on 3
Day 6 (Friday, day before the test) - 5 hours (2 hrs before work, 3 hours after) - Take 1 FINRA practice SIE exam before work (free on FINRA website) - after work, Review all Difficult Topics - Listen to S7g.u.r.u & S7 whisperer on YouTube. (They each have a 60 minute crash course review, recommended for day before or day of test). - Print out Achievable Dump Sheets - add my own notes to dump sheets
Day 7 (Day of Test) Test scheduled for 2pm (1:30 registration) - 2 hours Notes and Dump Sheets Review in morning - Leave for Test at 11:30, arrive 12:30 (45 min drive) - One last Review of Dump Sheets for 45 min, take a break before registration
Great Plan Right?! Wellll, I didn’t quite stick to it. 🤣
WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED: 52 Hours Study - Not at the planned pace! 4 Practice Finals (71% average) A lot of tears, anxiety and stress!😫 A rollercoaster of Self-doubt and Self-Confidence
Day 1 (Sat): 7 hrs Completed first 3 chapters, taking tons of notes on a Google doc, color coded and highlighted. I’ll do more tomorrow I thought, my brain is fried
Day 2 (Sun): 10 hours Completed chapters 4&5 again taking tons (too many) notes, taking quizzes and Tests multiple times, worried I wasn’t getting the concepts and terms well enough. Getting really worried about my pace now, but “hey I have tomorrow. I’ll crush it and catch up”. Maybe I won’t get to tests until Thurs, but I’ll be okay..
Day 3 (Mon): 7 hrs (I was exhausted and burnt out, still not 100% from being sick) Chapter 6 OPTIONS… the death of me, soooo much to learn. Barely got through chapter 6. Full panic has now set in! I have to work full time the next 4 days! If the rest of the course is this hard, I’m screwed. There goes my bonus, how will I tell my husband? (He would not have been mad but I would feel terrible). “Children and husband, do not bother me! I need to focus!” 😅
Day 4 (Tues): 6 hrs ( 6pm-12am) Intense panic and anxiety, how the hell am I going to finish?! Screw notes, get through the chapters! Completed chapters 7-10 Whew, these chapters weren’t as bad, maybe it’s getting easier. I think I remember a good amount. Better wrap this up tomorrow!
Day 5 (Wed): 5 hrs Very worried, but I’ll finish today and take lots of tests the next 2 days! Completed chapters 11-13 😫 OMG I’m still not done with the course and I have 2 days left! I must sleep.
Day 6 (Thurs): 6 hrs in the evening - Completed remaining chapters 14-16, course done 8pm. Whew, content done. Worried about not taking any tests yet, but at least I feel like I know the content decently! Took my first Pass Perfect Test, score 71% not as bad as I thought but that’s not a lot of margin for error! (Need 70% to Pass actual SIE test). At that point I’m calculating how much each point is worth, looking up suggestions online and praying, lol 🙏
Day 7 (Fri): 7 hrs Took 2 Pass Perfect tests, reviewed missed answers carefully and took notes. Scores: 71% and 73%. Took FINRA SIE test (on their website), 69%. Omg I’m gonna fail tomorrow. 🥺
Friday night I thought “Hmm Maybe I can reschedule for Monday (the deadline to pass for bonus). Two more days and I will be ready!” So I go to the Prometrics website and try to reschedule, seeing one slot for Monday at a site 2 hrs away… awesome.. NOPE, NOT ALLOWED less than 3 days before scheduled exam! (Why did I not think of this Tuesday?) 🙄 So I called customer service, begged and told them I had been sick.. Since they said I could not reschedule the day before the test, I asked if they could cancel it and schedule a new appt for Monday? DENIED. So I took a deep breath, cried a little and came to terms with it. This test is happening, tomorrow. 😫 🤬
Friday night 9pm: As recommended by colleagues and online forums, I listen to S7 whisperer 60 min crash course on YouTube; no notes, listening in bed). Ok, learned some things, great overview/review. Maybe I can pull this off afterall. 🤔 Things are looking up. 😊
Saturday, May 13… Day of Test (2-4pm)
7am woke up, ate a good breakfast, prepared everything I needed to take and do. Now what? Should I take another practice test? Review my notes? Listen to video? I decided no more tests, I’ll listen to the other crash course (S7g.u.r.u 60 min crash course on YouTube). 🤞
8am—11:30 Crunch time. Im determined to pass this exam!! Spent 3 hours listening to the 60 min S7g.u.r.u video, pausing when needed, replaying as needed. Took 11 pages of color coded notes on the most important points and formulas I needed to remember, mainly on Regulations (what market does it impact, what type of product, who, timeframes). I knew this was going to be at least 15% of test (I was right) and these were the main questions I missed on my Practice Finals
11:30am Renewed Faith 🙌 DAMN I learned a LOT. I’m gonna pass this thing! I was already getting low 70s on Thursday practice tests and I KNOW I learned enough from the video to pass several more questions. S7g.u.r.u literally saved me, pulling it all together in my mind! 🤯
12pm Went to UPS store, printed the 2 Achievable dump sheets and my 11 pages of notes from the video! I scanned them at every red light on the way 😂
12:59 arrived at test center. Spent 20 minutes reviewing dump sheets and drilling in my mind what to put on the 2 pages they give me for notes (specifically below and in links)
1:20 walk in, first one there.. registration complete at 1:35. To my surprise, they seat me and I can start test immediately!
As soon as the timer started my hands were flying on the 2 laminated sheets they gave me. I spent the first 15 min vigorously writing out things I wanted to reference. 90 minutes left for 85 questions. Watched the timer closely to stay on pace. Used the notepad on the test platform for each question to write out calculations, or break down what each part of the question meant, used critical thinking for answer, marking questions for review when I was stuck between 2 answers. Most importantly, I followed my gut. I knew this stuff! Used calculator for EVERY calculation, even easy ones. Finished all questions with 5 minutes remaining. Reviewed marked questions and changed only 3, if I was SURE my original answer was wrong.
I hit Sum it and hold my breath. 🫢 OMG, does that say PASS?!!! Yes, I actually Passed! 😳 I cried out of happiness and relief, was on cloud 9. I will never cram like this again! S7 and S63 will be better, lol.
SO here’s how you can have a better experience than me if you’re a week or two away and wondering how you can possibly pull this off. YOU CAN DO IT! 💪
TIPS FOR CRASH SIE STUDYING (learn from my mistakes)
1 NOTE TAKING: I’ve always learned best by taking a ton of notes, color coded on a google doc. Taking notes reinforces it in my brain and helps me find ways to remember it for myself. However, if you are crash course Studying for the SIE, you do NOT have time to do this, lol. Honestly I barely looked at those notes in the end.
TIP: Read through the content quickly and only take notes when it tells you it’s likely a testable question! Take all quizzes and tests, REVIEW the quiz/test answers (in PP the answers also give you a brief explanation of the concept) and take light notes on that! Do NOT replace reading with the videos! The first 4 chapters I tried to save time doing this and wondered why I was failing the chapter tests. The reading content had way more info than the video! Don’t shoot yourself in the foot!
2 DON’T SPEND TOO MUCH TIME on EARLY CONCEPTS! The earlier (and for the most part, less valuable - less test questions) content will be reinforced throughout course. Most of the concepts build over the course, so the basics are reinforced later anyway. I wasted several hours!
3 EXPECT 20-25 hours are needed to complete the course/learn the concepts! Give yourself a day on REGULATIONS and 5 hours on OPTIONS , these comprised a LOT of questions on the test, could make or break you!
4 TAKE at least 4 PRACTICE FINALS with a goal of 75%, but if you’re not improving, use the crash course Videos, learn the content! Don’t take 5 more tests in lieu of learning!
5 SPEND A FEW HOURS on (free) ACHIEVABLE DUMP SHEETS and S7g.u.r.u & S7 Whisperer crash course review videos on YouTube! I would not have passed without these! Reviewing them for 4 hours and using them for key points on my tests sheets saved my ass!
I’ve included links below for the FREE Achievable Dump Sheets and the 60 minute crash course videos. Feel free to message me for more help!
GOOD LUCK! It IS Possible to pass in a week! 🍀
SIE DUMP SHEETS: (scroll to bottom of the page, there are links to download them):
S7g.u.r.u 60 min crash course
S7 Whisperer 60 min crash course
submitted by No-Pudding7670 to Series7exam [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:41 Emilie_Cauchemar CLNV information

Not financial advice
CLNV is in the process of acquiring 15 million from West Virginia
^ The current 15 million loan is a guaranteed loan from the state itself and is being coordinated between 1-3 banks.
Governor Justice himself confirming the intentions back in July.
CLNV has started a $340 Million dollar green bond.
Received a second opinion document from ISS in January. This can be read by clicking "second opinion" inside of the link.
^ release discussing the second opinion.
"Dr. Oliver Decker of Grant Thornton stated, "We are honored to support Clean Vision in this transformative venture, leveraging our financial expertise to drive positive environmental impact."
There are many moving pieces regarding CLNV that span across the globe:
Michigan, West Virginia, Saudi, Morocco and many others.
Many other articles can be read here.
submitted by Emilie_Cauchemar to pennystocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:28 billiebopeilish Dramas with characters and narrative momentum like The Hope (2023)? or any dramas with a character similar to one of the specific characters in The Hope? (or motivational ones in general)

note: This is really wordy but I have too many thoughts about this show and am so excited to continue with similar shows! Feel free to scroll down to (***)
I am a little past halfway through The Hope, which I started watching because I had nothing better to do (and because Zhang Ruoyun always delivers). I had no expectations coming in and thought it would be something like Go Ahead or maybe Gen Z, Dr. Romantic (kdrama), etc. so I thought it would be a nice drama about family, friend, and mentor relationships. Nothing could have prepared me for how blown away I am by the writing, realistic depictions of traumas/abuse/mental illnesses that both the teachers and students experience.
I love cdramas but I have never seen characters so fleshed out and alive than in the Hope. I have never cried so many times and so frequently when watching a cdrama. The stories are so compelling and everyone's narratives get told without me feeling like skipping the "boring" one, because all of them were so real. The cinematography, screenwriting, acting, soundtrack, and plot are genuinely among the best I've seen in cdramas, so I can't believe this isn't universally watched in the cdrama community!
I did not share every character's experiences, but I felt like I could relate to so many of them. There was no one-dimensional backstory for any of the students--they were all so alive and I cried when they cried, laughed when they laughed, felt pain when they felt pain.
I really like all sorts of dramas and very much enjoy all kinds of modern/historical romcoms/action/youth dramas. Coming-of-age dramas are also great, and the really good ones take a lot of emotional effort to even watch (which is a good sign). Sometimes I like to watch something motivating/inspirational, like sports or campus/youth cdramas where the main characters are depicted as the underdog or fueled by determination and passion for a sport or subject. I really enjoyed ones with a good balance in emotional depth of relationships and passion/competition/grit: top ones would be Hikaru no go, Cross Fire, and The Heart of Genius (mostly first half), Oh no! Here comes trouble (Taiwan), Rising with the wind; also liked Ping Pong life. There are other good ones (but spend more time with romance/less focused on the main character's passion or usually depicts their passion for sport/academic subject in the context of the romantic interest for the plot): Skate into Love, You are my hero, You are my glory, lighter & princess. I also like historical cdramas (liked Joy of Life, Mysterious lotus casebook, Legend of Shen Li a lot) but I just find modern ones more realistic when it comes to something motivating.
I am still in school so recently I've been looking for motivating cdramas that would show main character(s) fighting for their passion. i.e. if the setting is a campus, one that focuses wholly on a character's devotion to an academic subject, or for a sports drama, one that doesn't just have a stadium backdrop but actually shows them overcoming training obstacles. I also appreciate when it's realistic and the relationships they build don't just occur in that environment (like where the only thing they share is an academic or sports goal; maybe they start out like that but they want to actually understand each other outside of that competitive zone). Though not the most realistic, I have a soft spot for "genius ML/FL" characters -- not the obnoxious perfect cold romcom ML that happens to be academically gifted in every STEM field (and whenever they exhibit that, it's just them calculating something at the speed of light) -- but rather ones like Li Ran and Cheng Yushan in The Hope, or just very talented/hardworking characters like Xiao Feng and Lu Xiaobei in Cross Fire. I actually like dramas with romance in them, but there is an issue with them where whenever one character is some kind of genius, it's always the ML. Or if both characters are very smart, the ML has to somehow be on a different level of academically gifted. The closest I got to finding a FL who is on par with the ML or better is a) historical dramas like Journey to Love and My Journey to You where the FL is better at fighting/scheming (or smarter in the practical sense like Minglan and Imperial coroner and b) Heart of Genius, but the ML is still the one with some kind of God-given talent for math.
The Heart of genius was really great in fleshing out the FL and her relationship with her father and made me cry multiple times, and it made me start looking for something super niche and not a typical cdrama trope: genius FL (specifically math?) -- where the drama will actually try to portray her relationship with the subject and growth inside and outside academia. It's such a strange request, so I didn't really have any hopes of finding dramas or new upcoming releases with that kind of character. I broadly searched for FLs in STEM since math is also very specific, and if there was no romance, I was also ok with a ML who loved math, as long as that's what the drama focuses on. I had to pause The Hope when Lei Ming first meets Cheng Yushan and he realizes she's not just smart, but also a math genius, because I couldn't believe I found something impossible that I had been looking for (but had no hopes of finding). It was motivating on a different level, since this drama was already so inspiring academically. As someone also studying math in college, I saw myself in her avoidant tendencies, closed-off personality and how she takes time to warm up to friends, but prioritizes her friends over everything after getting closer to them. I loved small things that showed her kind (but never timid) personality, like when Yu Yang joins Class 11 and she defends him without hesitation. She is so strong and doesn't succumb to peer pressure or prioritize romantic relationships over her relationship with her mom, friends, teachers, and math. She somehow checked all of my boxes, the most impossible one being a top student in math second to none, and I never see a FL in STEM where the drama focuses on her studies and also consistently doesn't try to make a ML superior in talent. She motivated me to want to grow as she did, to work and care for my friends like her. I couldn't collect my thoughts after seeing this genius female character in math who is so well-written and acted, where the other genius male student in physics/robotics (Li Ran) neither outshines her nor somehow has a more complex narrative of his academic field compared to hers, depicting not just her happening to have amazing math intuition but also showing her hard work, traumas, relationships, growth, while not straying away from her abilities & passion for math.
(***) TLDR / The main point after all my yapping above:
Can anyone recommend a drama that is similar to The Hope not necessarily in terms of the plot, but rather how inspiring it is as a result of the complexity and character portrayals? Or (this is much harder since I imagine only The Hope has done this with specifically math) does anyone know of any cdramas where the FL is genius-ML-level type of genius in some sort of field? If there is an ML, he could also be extremely smart, as long as if it's the same field as the FL, he's not somehow more gifted, and if it's a different field, it's not something "more STEM" than the FL--I loved Li Ran in The Hope. Could be a sport, academic subject, etc. (I think I am just bored with dramas where the FL has some sort of unique business sense or something) Bonus points if it really is STEM!
(Now I go back to studying for my exams and praying for some nerdy writer to pitch my dream genius math major FL cdrama so I can be delusional about next school year lol)
submitted by billiebopeilish to CDramaRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:22 arunsodiumchloride Finally converted a B-School with a shitty profile!!!!

TL;DR: With a profile having academics 8/9/6, multiple gap years, no workex and 40 percentile in DILR. Ended up converting IITD.
I'm a maths grad from a top IISER with 62 in graduation. Decided to go to IISER leaving tier 1 engineering colleges because of interest in sciences but due to many factors, I lost the interest midway. initially I was enrolled in an integrated degree but had to left midway with bachelor's degree, because of getting a year back.
After that I had a totally unexplainable drop year where I did absolutely nothing. One year was gone because the provision of exitting the integrated program midway was being framed by college admin. I was stuck in bureaucracy.
After gettig the degree I decided to get myself a job but failed to get one, in the meanwhile I started upskilling myself and started preparing for CAT along with hunting for job. Ended up scoring a decent percentile but in DILR I ended up making an error in the set and score a percentile in 40s, didn't even get the CAP call.
OMETs also went horrible. Got SIBM call but failed to convert. In XAT got 99+ overall with 40 in DM. I accepted that my plan of doing an MBA is not gonna happen this year. But I was so desperate to not waste time anymore so applied to every college where sectional percentile was not an issue
Ended up getting calls from FMS, IIT-D,K,R,M, IRMA, DSE and IIM Rohtak. Weirdest combination of calls one can imagine. Always felt super stressed about interviews because of so many red flags in profile which might make interviewer ask for uncomfortable questions. By the time interviews ended, I had lost all the hope and thought about joining DSE and starting to prepare for Bank exams.
But in the end I ended up converting DMS, IITD. I know it ain't a BLACKI, people are suggesting me to give CAT again. But at this point I'm more than happy. Now the thing that matters to me is moving forward. I've got an opportunity and will make the best out of it.
Also thank you to everyone on this sub to help me keep my nerves calm during the journey.
submitted by arunsodiumchloride to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:15 Lopsided-Storage-642 Soon to be Sparky

Soon to be Sparky
So I’m not yet an electrician.And I’m not currently on the path to do it “traditionally” where I just apply for a job as an apprentice,looking to pick up an apprenticeship from some dirtbag company,or some unloved,divorced impotent alcoholic,absent father. Instead I applied for a scholarship program I found in my home state through the JATC.
The steps are, 1.Application 2.Aptitude Test(Math & Comprehensive reading) 3.Oral Interview 4.Decision
The app was very specific,asked for a lot,nothing that was too much to obtain or produce.(Transcript proof of completing Algebra 1,GED or Diploma,Work experience,etc.) Thankfully they accept applicants with absolutely 0 experience. The Aptitude test wasn’t very grueling.Is scored on a scale of 0-9(0 is indeed a possible score according to the proctor) Then we appear before the board of my states western division(a small group of Master Electricians)and I assume we’ll be asked why we deserve the scholarship,about ourselves,etc.I honestly have no idea.
Anyway.The point of this post is to say that I passed my aptitude test on May 10th.Score of a 6 out possible 9.I just realized that according to this pages Reddit rules I can post in here if I at least have interest to become an electrician.Please message me,comment,any tips,your best and worst experiences / stories,and roast me.I want it to sting so I know what to expect.Blast the hateful.
submitted by Lopsided-Storage-642 to electricians [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:04 _Serendepity_ CHEM 272 Question

Hey guys, I already searched it up in the subreddit but it was mostly from years ago and I just wanna ask the people from more recent years on how Dr. Schech is with this class? Im taking a PHYS 273 and MATH 243 along with BSCI 330 so I am not sure whether it would be doable or not.

Just wanted to ask:
-Why is this class hard? Is it the content or just the work that is hard
-Is the content graspable?
-Would working early on the lab be a smart or idea or is it so hard that even working for it a few days ahead is ehh
-What are your general advices?

Thank you so much!
submitted by _Serendepity_ to UMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:41 MartianLBP I am literally rolling on the floor

I am literally rolling on the floor submitted by MartianLBP to AntiFursInAction [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:34 neurodivergent_80 INFORMATIVE POST ON EMBRYO MATH

I thought this video was super helpful and I didn't find it until much later in my infertility path (long hauler at 10 years).
For those looking to start or maybe are curious what the statistics are Dr. Rahi Victory, MD has this incredible video on Embryo math, which is the statistics of retrieval to bringing home a baby.
I hope this helps you!
submitted by neurodivergent_80 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:34 G-M-Dark Episode 3: "Blow"- by Steven Moffat

So, did you manage to count all the re-cycled elements from Steven Moffat's first Doctor Who 2-parter The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances all the way back in May 2005 in Saturdays episode Blow - I mean, Boom...?
Did we have the Gas-Mask kid - no. We did not. But the main villain of the piece is indeed a combat ambulance, we have a kid - this time a little girl - searching (this time) for her Daddy who's been converted into something approximating what he originally was but not quite the original thing and the whole episode rests around a situation wherein everything's about to be blown to smithereens at any moment due to a bomb being on pause.
Oh yes, and the Doctor ends up dancing.
I'm a huge fan of Steven Moffat but, to be perfectly honest, Boom came across more a reject from the Droste Effect meta that became both the raison d'être and ongoing motif of his tenure as showrunner throughout his Matt Smith/Peter Capaldi era.
I got the gag right off the bat: Doctor Who instilled in this guy, at a very young age - that of Amy actually when 11 first meets her (a Scottish boy character would too on-the-nose and nowhere near as pretty to work with) - the urge to write, and I understand that: this fucking show got me at about the same age too.
So, when Steven Moffat gets his chance to write his own version of this thing, it's not just going to be a bunch of stories loosely strung together: this is going to be his dissertation on both the art of TV writing, as well as a history of Doctor Who.
If you want a free and actually very, very good course on both creative screenwriting as well as a crackingly good discourse on the art of writing Doctor Who - Steven Moffat's go as showrunner is an actually very, very witty, cleverly constructed and seriously well written Open University course in creative writing: he takes you through everything, the key core concepts being that writers - not just Doctor Who writers, but writers don't originate anything: they recycle.
To put it in the clearest terms, the screenwriter is The Silence: they don't originate anything, what they do is take whatever's already been done, chop it up into smaller bits and then tell an entirely different story to the "original" by simply moving the bits around to bring about a different outcome.
And you see this used over and over - the same motifs, the same story elements refused, often reversed from the original, and used as the basis of a new story effecting a different outcome, thus:
Say in the case of The Silence) (for example) you have a highly secretive religious order who go around manipulating everything to effect a history they want to replace another yet - at the same time - excise and remove all memory and trace of themselves from reality - whereas, when we come to Peter Capaldi's run we have The Monks who basically do exactly the opposite - they set out to write themselves into history making humanity believe they've always been there helping when, if fact the exact opposite is true...
But it doesn't just stop there: go back all the way to the Bill Hartnell era and the Peter Butterworth character The (Meddling Monk) - the idea of meddling Monks in the fabric of Doctor Who has its genesis far, far earlier - and The Silence too - go back to the David Tennant story Silence in The Library/Forrest of The Dead: Donna finds herself trapped in a virtual ream governed by a dapper suited Dr Moon who, the moment reality begins to creep in, just appears out of nowhere, gives you a "rational" reason why whatever glitch isn't important - and then, you forgot....
But even this has its roots in far, far earlier Doctor Who stories: the Mind Robber), The Land of Fiction - Moffat is perfectly candid about the fact he's not just simply a screenwriter, he's an incredible geek about Doctor Who - and he doesn't go to these lengths just for your benefit, this - his version of the show - is his oeuvre - he's not just a fan, he's a cleaver, cleaver bastard, and he never gets tired of letting you know that.
And so it goes on: Moffats take on the show is a meta involving his entire approach to both being a writer, the act of writing as well as knowing his stuff concerning the show - and, as you go through it, it's a joy to peel back the layers of exactly how many levels Steven Moffat likes to hold forth - confidently - about stuff he really does actually know a fuck of a lot about...
But here, in the context of the current show - this isn't what Moffats doing: he did all that, if you want to go back and stick your head inside Steven Moffats - by all means, go back and watch his version of Doctor Who.
Boom, however, is none of the above things, is just plain lazy: this is something he could have written with one hand tied behind his back and his eyes shut - and I wouldn't put it past him to have approached it that way were it not physically impossible for him to actually have done it.
This has all the superficial gloss of being a cleaver sci-fi concept - and. lest we not forget, the Villenguard Algorithm actually exists, if you're an NHS patient the acceptable cost of your long-term treatment is pre-determined and capped, controlled by an algorithm that just does the maths and decides to pull the plug after spending has reached a certain point: this is a real life thing, Steven Moffat hasn't made it up he's just become aware of it enough to feel as outraged as any right thinking person should - but, that's a different debate.
The point is Boom really is - for a fuck cleaver guy who never gets tired of pressing home how incredible cleaver he is - is a pretty lazy rehash of something he actually wrote far better, probably around 20 years ago.
Maybe that's the point - maybe this is a measure of the distance travelled and lessons learned: were this penned by anyone else, their parents would rightly (and proudly) give a copy pride of place magneted to the fridge - but this is Steven Moffat...
He actually does know better and he's ignoring it.
For Steven Moffat this really was going through the motions at turning in an original script - nice to see Davis's "snow" - and Ruby - are properly established as this season's Bad Wolf - but even this really is sticking to tried and tested crowd pleasing ground even on Russel's part.
Boom lacks, for want of a better word - everything that made Steven Moffat penned story the treasure it once used to be - I know the extended 5 years of the bugger running the show would drain anyone - but this was a rehash plain and simply just to have something to turn in.
Moffat wasn't trying here - he was coasting and, really, it shows. Great job on Russel's part pulling the show back from the brink BBC Studios had happily let the show slide perilously close to going over as far as domestic audiences were concerned - but I'm not seeing anything here that wasn't done better 20 years ago: and frankly it lacked any of the spark that actually made the show good when it first came back.
A few nifty tricks - the whole body thing - "Sharp scratch" - this is a guy who's been to the hospital more than he would otherwise like the past few years - you hit a certain age, I've been there.
But this was more a dud than an explosion - perhaps I should have tempered my expectations, but when the name Steven Moffat is attached to something - it should at least sparkle, and this wasn't even a sparkler.
Just a dud that, in the end, failed to go off.
8/10 if it were written by anyone else - coming from Steven Moffat, however - I'm being generous with a 6/10.
I watched it, probably never going to go back.
submitted by G-M-Dark to Doctorwhy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:25 Metalsnow100 Ignition locked my account for incorrect password n I can’t get it back

I created an account last weekend, deposited $100, got up to about $300 then stopped playing. I try to login today, but my password was incorrect n they locked my account, so I simply reset my password. When I put in my new password it said I was still locked n I had to contact the live agent. The live agent said he unlocked my account after a couple mins, but when I tried to login, I got a new error. Now instead of it saying I was locked, I just get a banner at the top of my screen that says “Error” when I try to log in. When I told the live agent this, he said to refresh my page so I did. That didn’t fix it n the live agent chat ended since I refreshed. I try to start a new live agent chat but I can’t cus it just gives me an error. I try to send an email thru the website but I can’t cus all fields are required but I can’t put a subject. I try to call customer service but they cancelled their line. I try to repeat my steps n put my password in incorrectly, but it still gives me the same error. I download the desktop app, but that won’t even load; just a black screen. So there goes ~$300 of mine + my ability to play online poker
TL;DR: I got my password wrong n it locked my account n now I can’t login at all or reach customer support so my account + $250-300 is likely gone forever
submitted by Metalsnow100 to IgnitionCasino [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:24 Stinduh This conference finals will be the first time all four teams face a 25-year cup drought.

Happy off day friends. With tomorrow’s Game 7 the only thing on the NHL docket until the Conference Finals start on Wednesday, I wanted to deep dive into something I had found mildly interesting: there will be four teams in the Conference finals this year, each of whom have not won the cup in 25 years. Dallas is the most recent in 1999 and exactly 25 years ago, followed by the Rangers in 1994, and the Florida Panthers who were founded in 1993 but have never won the cup. The Canucks also have never won the cup and were established in 1970 while the Oilers last won in 1990. This has never happened before.
That’s the tl;dr: Every Semi- or Conference Finals in the history of the league has featured either a team that won the cup in the 25 years prior or a team that hadn’t existed for 25 years.
This started as I looked for the last time the most recent cup winner among the four finalists was at least 25 years prior. That would be in 2004, when the Flames, Sharks, Lightning, and Flyers were the Conference Finalists. The Flames were the most recent cup winner of those four teams, having won in 1989, exactly 25 years previously (I love this coincidence with the Stars also being at exactly 25 years this year). The Flyers were also nursing a 29-year drought at the time, while the Lightning and the Sharks hadn’t existed for the requisite years.
Edit: I can't math, this isn't 25 years. I return to the deep dive to try and find the last time the most recent cup winner in a conference finals was 25 years prior.
Edit 2: I believe I return to the 94 Conference Finals. With the Devils setting the pace with their inception in 1974 and the Canucks not having won the cup, the most recent cup winner in 94 conference finals was the Toronto Maple Leafs in 1967. That was 27 years prior.
This is where the deep dive started, as I was next interested in if any conference or semi-final in the history of the league featured teams with such large cup droughts. So, let’s go all the way back to the beginning.
Pre-Original Six Era. 1927-1942
The NHL became the only league with claim to the Cup in 1917, but it wasn’t until 1926-27 that the league began using a playoff format that included four teams in the Semi-Finals. That year, the Ottawa Senators won the cup with ten teams in the league. From 1927 to the beginning of the original six era in 1942 (15 years), every team that played in the league other than New York Americans and Pittsburgh Pirates/Philadelphia Quakers won the Stanley Cup. Many of those teams were only founded within the few years prior to the 26-27 season, and those that weren’t had already won a Stanley Cup.
Original Six Era. 1942-1967
When the league reduced down to six teams in 1942, all of the remaining teams had won the Stanley Cup during the prior era. The longest drought at the time belonged (somewhat ironically) to the Montreal Canadiens, who had not won since 1931. They ended their 13-year drought in 1944. Two of the six teams never won the cup in this era, the Bruins and the Rangers. But since four of the six teams made the playoffs, it would be impossible in this era for four teams to make the playoffs with none of them having won in the past 25 years.
Expansion Era. 1967-1992
When the league expanded to 12 teams, they made a fascinating decision to split the league into the Original Six and Expansion Six divisions. Even when two more teams were added to the league in 1970, and two more in 72, the only non-expansion team in the West Division was the Chicago Blackhawks (hilariously, the Vancouver Canucks played in the “East Division”). So for those five years, it was impossible for the Semi-Finals not to include at least one expansion team.
In 1974, the league introduced the Wales and Campbell conferences, which remained in place through the end of this era in 1992 (which is conveniently 25 years since expansion). While it would not have been impossible for four different non-expansion teams to make the conference finals, it never happened. From 1967 to 1992, at least one non-original six franchise made the Semi/Conference Finals. It could have gotten close in 1979, when the Islanders were the lone non-original-six team in the Conference Finals. But, even had the Black Hawks beaten the Islanders in the Quarterfinals, the Canadiens were on the verge of a four-peat.
(Other of note here was the 1980 Semi-Finals, the first time in history that the Semis only featured non-original-six franchises)
But by virtue of at least one expansion team in the conference finals before any of those teams had a chance to have 25 years in the NHL, there was always at least one team in the Semis/Conference with a drought no more than 25 years.
Pre-Salary Cap Era. 1992-2004
By the time the clock turned on the 92-93 season, 25 years after the Expansion Six joined the league, only two of those teams had won the Stanley Cup. More teams would hit the 25 year threshold in this era, but with more teams joining the league and the lingering years of the 70s and 80s dynasties, the buffer remained for at least one team. This era did have 1994 conference finals with the Canucks, Maple Leafs, Rangers, and Devils, all of whom had 20+ year droughts at the time. This is also a significant year, in that the Devils “set the pace” at exactly 20 years since their inception in 1974. The first time since 1928 that a team’s inception was more recent than another Conference finalist’s last cup.
A close call in the 1997-98 playoffs featured the Dallas Stars, the Washington Capitals, and the Buffalo Sabres, all of whom had never won the cup and were over 25 years old at the time. The Red Wings rounded out that group, though, and they had just won the year prior. The St Louis Blues lost in the quarterfinals to the Wings; had they won, they would also have had a 25+ year drought.
And then, the era ends with the last time the most recent cup winner of the remaining teams was 25-years prior. The aforementioned 04 Conference finals featured two teams with 25+ year droughts and two teams that weren’t yet 25 years old. The Lightning, established in 1992, were 12 years old.
Edit: See above, I can't math
Salary Cap Era. 2006-Present
Since then, each conference finals featured a cup winner more recent than 25 years prior. 2010 featured the long droughted Chicago Blackhawks, with the Flyers hitting another milestone year of their drought, but the Sharks were just coming up on just 20 years in the league and the Habs had won 17 years prior in 1993. And when the Golden Knights joined the league in 2017-18, they made the conference finals four times in their short existence (along with appearances from teams who had won the cup in the previous 25 years).
In Conclusion
Here’s a spreadsheet I made with every year’s most recent Cup winner or new franchise: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13i4sWXjNwDJsL-pZfduvBwQKB_JlVi8_26Dq03cz8Lc/edit?usp=sharing
This is a pretty historic conference finals. While 25 years might seem a little arbitrary (and if you’ve made it this far, thanks for not pointing out that it’s actually only 23 seasons), it’s the longest ever shared drought between four teams in the league at the same time. Also, it’s five years longer than the previous record, the 20-year droughts shared by the 1995 conference finalists.
One of these five teams will break a 25+ year drought this season. And none of them are the Toronto Maple Leafs.
submitted by Stinduh to hockey [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:24 Cmtsu55 Two Fables

Two Fables submitted by Cmtsu55 to OldBooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:15 Local308 IBEW Electrical Apprenticeship Math Aptitude Test Prep - Top 12 Skills You Need to Pass

IBEW Electrical Apprenticeship Math Aptitude Test Prep - Top 12 Skills You Need to Pass
Study this, buy I prep and study both reading and math. If you can read three pages of a book and then close the book and be able to write a couple of paragraphs you will be good with the reading. DO NOT TAKE THIS TEST LIGHTLY. I carries about a 50% pass rate.
submitted by Local308 to ibew_applicants [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:11 yungloser69 [Academic Repost] AI impersonation Form (Everyone Welcome)

Test if you can differentiate between Dr. Seuss and AI with this form!
submitted by yungloser69 to SampleSize [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:10 liilkogei Academic Support for Computer Science, Math, Essays and 3D Modeling.Email; tutorhelp505@gmail.com discord; dr.nicho

Looking for expert assistance with computer science, essays, research papers, thesis writing, data analysis, projects, online classes, or case studies that involve math and 3D modeling? You're in the right place! I provide high-quality academic support at competitive rates.
Reach out to me at tutorhelp505@gmail.com or connect with me on Discord at dr.nicho to arrange a session. Let's collaborate to boost your academic performance by incorporating mathematical concepts and 3D modeling techniques into your work. Let's work together to help you excel in your studies!
submitted by liilkogei to u/liilkogei [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:06 mikevunome cat in hat

cat in hat
I thought Dr Seuss made this up but it's for real!
submitted by mikevunome to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:00 liilkogei Expert in Complex Math, Coding, 3D Modeling, Essays, Bio, Chem, History, and More! For urgent help, contact me at: 📧 Email: tutorhelp505@gmail.com 💬 Discord: dr.nicho

Specializing in a wide range of topics to help you excel in your academic pursuits. Reach out for personalized support today! Email; qwriters27@gmail.com discord; dr.nicho
submitted by liilkogei to u/liilkogei [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:52 CryProper2280 [PubQ] When should one panic in the query process, and is there something I should try to fix before shelving? + How to know when R&R advice should be accepted?

Main question: After a surprising R&R and halfway through the querying process, should I attempt to save my manuscript by getting editorial help, or should I let it (potentially) die out with the last half of my agent list?
More context: Back in October, I started querying my novel after 5 beta readers, 1 critique partner, and two big-name agent consultations who gave me the green light to query. I started off with several agent requests from various pitch contents, and within a month, I had several fulls out. By December, most of those fulls turned into rejections, some kind and some form. I knew this was to be expected, and decided to take a break from querying for a few months in case I had some thoughts about revisions.
In early 2024, I was accepted into an acclaimed mentorship for the novel, and after another round of revisions with this trusted mentor, I sent my novel back into to query trenches in April. Now it’s been technically 2-3 months of sending this MS out and 7 months of this MS being out in agents’ hands, and I now have a decent request rate paired with 8 full rejections. Of the 4 full rejections who gave personalized feedback, 3 made it seem like there was a small reason why they had to pass (using only one personalized sentence) while one agent gave me a very lengthy R&R letter begging me to rip apart my beginning and start in a completely different manner.
After careful consideration, I’ve concluded that this agent did not read beyond 25 pages (my 20-25 page mark features one of the major things she told me my story lacked). However, their primary advice was to have my 1st chapter start somewhere else and have the main character do something completely different. As much as I’d like to consider this feedback, making such a change would alter the rest of the manuscript, as I’d have to introduce everything from the current Chapter 1 at some other time — all of which doesn’t make sense to me, and would only make my already long manuscript even longer. My book is a mystery/thriller, and shifting the pace and creating a new goal-based plot line (as also suggested) would upend the characteevidence balance I've already worked to create. They even said the way I’m setting this story up is not doing justice to everything else I’ve created for the book, which they listed to demonstrate specifics. I have no idea if this R&R is pointing out something crucial to my story succeeding, or if it's just their preference and I should take it with a grain of salt.
If you’d like further context, I can provide it, but TL;DR: This R&R is making me wonder if I need to rewrite the book or seek editorial assistance (possibly $3,000, I would go with someone on Reedsy) in order to save this book for the last half of my querying journey. Should I try to salvage, or should I let this book die in the trenches and move on? Or, is there an underrated craft book anyone can recommend if you've had to go through the same thing?
I'm aware this is a highly personal situation, but if anyone has gone through this before, I'd be happy to hear about it.
submitted by CryProper2280 to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:50 BenShapiroRapeExodus ReScored

submitted by BenShapiroRapeExodus to Ultraleft [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:21 liilkogei Expert in Complex Math, Coding, 3D Modeling, Essays, Bio, Chem, History, and More! For urgent help, contact me at: 📧 Email: tutorhelp505@gmail.com 💬 Discord: dr.nicho

Specializing in a wide range of topics to help you excel in your academic pursuits. Reach out for personalized support today! Email; qwriters27@gmail.com discord; dr.nicho
submitted by liilkogei to u/liilkogei [link] [comments]
