Phim loan luan online

Need help sa mga may experience sa online lending

2024.05.20 04:03 Chickenmi99 Need help sa mga may experience sa online lending

Hello, ask ko lang anyone na na try mangutang sa mga online lending apps. Nag hohome visit ba sila? Nag loan ako sakanila and due to financial difficulties hindi ko kayang mag bayad as of now pero mag babayad ako pag naka luwag luwag na. Kinakabahan lang ako na baka pumunta sila dito sa bahay outside ncr naman ako pero nag hohome visit ba sila?
submitted by Chickenmi99 to adultingph [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:46 Gold_Bred Random Additional Fees after Transferring

Hi, I'm looking to see if anyone has any advice on what to do. I transferred to SFSU this spring and on my EB account, it had said that everything was paid off so the transfer was approved. Unfortunately today I was just sent an email stating that I have over $2,400 due for Pre-enrollment fees, housing fees, and late fees. When I had dropped housing I had additional charges that I paid using FAFSA, emergency funds money, and a $1,700 loan so my account was good.
The Pre-enrollment fee was already paid for at the beginning of the year, and after endless calls and emails to the financial department, they will not fully explain why I have more charges than what I left with. The only explanation I've been told is due to my loan, my FAFSA was reevaluated to match. After some digging online, I found out that's not what changes FAFSA, so I'm even more confused.
So, I'm here today with questions about who to email to get a response about these additional charges that I was told were already paid for.
submitted by Gold_Bred to CSUEB [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:41 easyasPNP What are your recommended online payday lenders?

I needed money quickly and considered online payday lenders. I know it's not the best option, but unexpected expenses happen. I searched for online payday lenders hoping to find a temporary solution. There are so many options! It's overwhelming to compare interest rates, options, and fine print to avoid more debt. It's crucial to research these lenders to ensure they're reliable and transparent about costs and terms. Does anyone have experience with online payday loans? Have you found a trustworthy lender?
submitted by easyasPNP to PayDayLoansHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:32 5conmeo Nguyễn Tất Thành, giá như…

Dù sống cùng thời nhưng khác nơi nên tôi không gặp Nguyễn Tất Thành lần nào ráo. Giao lưu, tương tác, chit chat… qua không gian mạng, cũng không luôn. Bởi vậy, tôi chỉ đoán già/đoán non rằng con đường học vấn của ổng không dài và dường như cũng không được suôn sẻ gì cho lắm.
Trăm năm trong cõi người ta
Cái gì không biết thì tra gu-gồ !
Tôi rà rà chút xíu thì thấy Quân Đội Nhân Dân Online có loạt bài (“Thời Trai Trẻ Tìm Đường Cứu Nước Của Bác Hồ”) với những đoạn sau:
Năm 1909, Nguyễn Tất Thành theo cha, lúc đó là Phó bảng vào huyện Bình Khê thuộc tỉnh Bình Định nhậm chức tri huyện. Sau đó Người được cha gửi vào Quy Nhơn học tiếng Pháp. Những tưởng việc học hành sẽ thuận lợi nhưng chẳng bao lâu, tháng 1 năm 1910, cha Người bị triều đình bãi chức và triệu hồi về Huế. Việc học tập của Nguyễn Tất Thành nguy cơ dang dở…
Cuối năm Canh Tuất (1910), Nguyễn Tất Thành rời Trường Dục Thanh về Sài Gòn tiếp tục con đường đã định… Năm 1960, tập sách Bác Hồ do nhiều tác giả viết in tại Hà Nội đã được Bác Hồ xem. Khi đọc, Bác nói với đồng chí thư ký: Bác không có ý định dừng lại Phan Thiết song đến đó thì tiền lộ phí đã cạn mới quyết định ở lại tìm việc làm để có tiền đi tiếp cuộc hành trình …
Đến Sài Gòn, Nguyễn Tất Thành xin vào học một trường kỹ thuật do Pháp quản lý, dạy về hàng hải. Sau này, đồng chí Hà Huy Giáp kể lại, có lần Bác nói: “Bác đâu có ý định học thợ, nhưng trong lúc lang thang để tìm cách sang phương Tây, mà có nơi cho mình học, có cái ăn là mình vô thôi”.

(Hình: tác giả cung cấp)
Cũng với cách suy nghĩ tương tự “có cái ăn là mình vô thôi” năm 1911, Nguyễn Tất Thành nộp đơn xin “vô” Trường Thuộc Địa nhưng không lọt. Về sự kiện này, trong một cuộc phỏng vấn dành cho tạp chí Hợp Lưu (số phát hành vào tháng 11 năm 2020) Tiến Sĩ Vũ Ngự Chiêu cho biết:
Đầu Tháng Hai, 1983, khi làm việc trên kho tài liệu trường Ecole coloniale, tức học hiệu huấn luyện các viên chức thuộc địa Pháp, trên đường Oudinot, quận 7, Paris, tôi vô tình khám phá ra nhiều hồ sơ học viên người Việt tại học hiệu này, như Bùi Quang Chiêu, Đèo Văn Long, Phan Kế Toại, Trần Trọng Kim, Lê Văn Miễn,…
Thật vô tình, tìm thấy tập hồ sơ xin nhập học nhưng không được chấp nhận của Nguyễn Tất Thành, tức HCM sau này… Trong biên khảo tam ngữ Một ngôi trường khác cho Nguyễn Tất Thành (Paris: 1983) tôi đã trình bày khá rõ: Người mà chúng ta biết như HCM sau này đã rời nước không vì muốn tìm đường cứu nước, mà chỉ vì những tao ngộ bản thân (cha bị cách chức, tống giam, nên phải bỏ học nửa chừng,…). Từ cổng hậu đóng kín của trường Thuộc Địa, HCM sẽ tìm thấy cánh cửa mở rộng của Đại Học Phương Đông của Liên Xô (Nga) 12 năm sau.
Tập tài liệu mỏng, viết bằng ba thứ tiếng (Một ngôi trường khác cho Nguyễn Tất Thành – Another school for young Nguyễn Tất Thành – Une autre école pour le jeune Nguyễn Tất Thành) của Vũ Ngự Chiêu và Nguyễn Thế Anh đã đặt ra một câu hỏi hơi nhậy cảm: “Hồ Chí Minh ra đi cứu nước hay kiếm cơm?”
Theo tôi thì cả hai và không có cái nào sai cả. Có thực mới vực được đạo chứ. Hơn nữa, cứu cánh vẫn biện minh cho phương tiện cơ mà. Nguyễn Tất Thành học ở Paris hay Moskva đều çava tuốt.
Tôi chỉ hơi có chút lăn tăn không hiểu là vì do ảnh hưởng nền giáo dục Đại Học Phương Đông của Liên Xô, hay vì do con đường học vấn (không được êm xuôi lắm) của chính mình mà kể từ khi Nguyễn Tất Thành lãnh đạo thành công cuộc cách mạng vô sản ở Việt Nam thì xâảy ra một hiện tượng hơi bị bất thường. Nhà tù ở đất nước này bỗng mọc lên khắp nơi còn nhà trường thì thưa thớt hẳn.
Thời Việt Nam Dân Chủ Cộng Hòa (1945 – 1976) đã có người ta thán: Trại lính, trại tù, người đi không ngớt/Người về thưa thớt dăm ba. (“Nguyễn Chí Thiện – 1965)
Qua đến thời Cộng Hòa Xã Hội Chủ Nghĩa Việt Nam thì đúng là giai đoạn hoàng kim của nhà tù. Đỉnh điểm có thể lấy ngày 4 Tháng Mười, 2019 làm dấu mốc. Ngày hôm đó, báo Công An Đà Nẵng hớn hở loan tin: “Khánh thành nhà tạm giữ của Công An Quận Hải Châu với tổng mức đầu tư là hơn 9.8 tỷ đồng trên thửa đất có diện tích 2.064 m2.”

(Hình: tác giả cung cấp)
Trời! Bộ tính bắt nhốt hết cả huyện hay sao mà làm nhà tạm giam cấp quận “bao la” dữ vậy, mấy cha?
Cổ kim, có lẽ không có xứ sở nào tổ chức lễ khánh thành nhà tù như thế cả, và cũng không nơi đâu mà thiên hạ lại đổ xô đến nơi để xây trường tấp nập như ở VN:
–Nhật Bản đ viện trợ xây dựng 158 trường học tại Việt Nam
-Người Úc sang xây trường cho học sinh vùng lũ Quảng Bình
–Việt Nam và Vương quốc Anh hợp tác thúc đẩy giáo dục đại học
–Hàn Quốc hỗ trợ Việt Nam xây dựng đại học
-Hàn Quốc giúp VN xây dựng trường tiểu học
–Pháp cam kết giúp Việt Nam xây dựng trường đại học đẳng cấp quốc tế
–Cựu binh Mỹ góp sức xây trường ở Việt Nam
-Lính công binh Mỹ giúp Việt Nam xây trường học
Mọi công trình xây cất, giúp đỡ, viện trợ đều được chấp nhận với không ít e dè, và rất nhiều nghi ngại, theo như tường thuật của nhạc sỹ Tuấn Khanh:
“Tháng Tám 2022, lính thủy trên tàu bệnh viện Mercy của Hải Quân Hoa Kỳ khánh thành công trình phúc lợi là một trường học cho trẻ em ở Phú Yên. Toàn bộ chi phí được phía Mỹ tài trợ và sức lao động của lính thủy Mỹ nhằm ghi dấu cho một công trình mang tính hữu nghị và giáo dục.…
Nhưng những chuyện nói trên cũng không quan trọng bằng chuyện một chương trình giao lưu và hoàn toàn thiện nguyện từ một quốc gia khác, mà không hiểu sao phía truyền thông dư luận viên pro (ủng hộ) nhà nước tổ chức rất công phu những ngôn luận phủ nhận những hoạt động này, và nói rằng đây chỉ là những thứ mua chuộc để phá hoại Việt Nam, hay là giả dối để âm thầm tổ chức diễn biến hòa bình.”
Ôi! Tưởng gì chớ “những thứ mua chuộc để phá hoại Việt Nam” (“hay là giả dối để âm thầm tổ chức diễn biến hòa bình”) thì nghi kỵ hay dè bỉu như thế là phải giá. Cái “giá” này chỉ hơi bị hớ, bị hố (hay bị lố) sau khi trang Vnexpress đi tin:
“Cậu bé gốc Việt quyên tiền xây trường ở Quảng Nam… Nam Harrison, 12 tuổi, kết hợp với một chuỗi cửa hàng bán sandwich quyên góp được $10,000 để xây một ngôi trường cho trẻ em ở tỉnh Quảng Nam. Nam được vợ chồng bà Maria Cina Harrison nhận nuôi từ năm một tuổi tại một trại trẻ ở ngoại thành Hà Nội và hiện sống tại khu Sherman Oaks, quận Los Angeles, bang California.
Hai năm trước, khi lần đầu trở về thăm Việt Nam, cậu bé được bố mẹ nuôi đưa đến thăm vùng núi ở tỉnh Quảng Nam, nơi vợ chồng Harrison đang kết hợp với tổ chức từ thiện Children of Vietnam để xây dựng một trường học. Sự nghèo khó ở đây đã khiến Nam bị sốc.”

(Hình: tác giả cung cấp)
Giản dị rứa thôi: “Sự nghèo khó ở đây đã khiến Bé Nam bị sốc” rồi quyên góp, gây quỹ xây trường cho những đứa trẻ bất hạnh cùng tuổi với mình thôi, chớ em không hề có ý “mua chuộc Việt Nam” hay “âm thầm diễn biến hòa bình” (hay “bình hòa”) cái con bà gì sất.
Nỗi bất hạnh của lũ trẻ con không trường học (hay “trường không có nhà vệ sinh”) khiến tôi chạnh lòng nhớ đến tiếng thở dài cố nén của nhà báo Huy Đức: “Lịch sử không có chữ NẾU. Nhưng, đôi khi tôi vẫn cứ không cầm lòng được, suy nghĩ vẩn vơ, Việt Nam sẽ ra sao, nếu từ Tháng Tám 1945 vẫn là Chính phủ Trần Trọng Kim”.
Tôi lại suy nghĩ vẩn vơ theo kiểu khác, giản dị hơn: Giá đơn xin vào học Trường Thuộc Địa của Nguyễn Tất Thành không bị trả về thì dân Việt, có thể, đã không vướng họa cộng sản như bấy lâu nay!
Tưởng Năng Tiến/SGN
submitted by 5conmeo to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:18 junghoseokwifeu BPI Personal L0an Online Application

Hello, na try niyo na ba mag apply online sa personal loan ng bpi? May credit card and savings account kasi ako sa bpi, nung nag fi-fill ako ng details sa application form online, hindi na ako hiningan ng mga documents kasi daw cc holder na ako ng bpi.
Ganon ba talaga yun? Haha nagtataka lang ako, kasi sa ibang bank hindi naman ganon. Thank you. 🙏🏻
submitted by junghoseokwifeu to PHCreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:09 dumblittlepuppy exhaustion.

Life has become too much. I've struggled with depression of the better part of my 25 years, and only within the last year got on antidepressants. But now, after having been on them for months, I'm starting to get thoughts of self harm again. If I don't take my meds, I spiral out of control.
In large, I believe it has to do with financial hardships. We were doing so, so good. We had over $6k saved up. Then the car broke down (it still needs repairs toalling over $3k). Then we needed more and more. The ex-roommates fucked us over. The baby needed this or that. Birthdays and holidays happened...
We are living paycheck to paycheck while I work 30-40hrs a week. I have to BEG my boss for more hours. Getting a minimum of 30 was a fight. I'm listed as full time and getting more than 32 hours is a shock.
I'm stuck in a town I hate, in a house I hate, with no one around to support me. All my friends are 12 hours away and family at least twice as far, all in different time zones. I feel so isolated. We were supposed to move, 3 years in a row, and every year we got fucked again last minute.
My fiance doesn't work, he's a SAHP to our 8mo son. He watches me sob about money and has not once offered to start working again without attaching some kind of guilt to it. Saying he'll go back to the company that treated him like garbage with a "I'll hate my life and I'll just be miserable again" tone of voice. He's dead set on joining the navy SEALs, he thinks it'll solve all of our problems, but it won't. He fails to realize that my only options once he's gone will be living in this trap of a house, with his parents (worse), or with mine (also worse).
I'm at the end of my rope. Every day I find myself fantasizing about ending it. About hurting myself. I'm over a year clean of SH, but I just... I want to do some very, very scary things.
We've been engaged for 5 years, and probably won't ever get married, because he wants a giant wedding with all his extended family invited... And we have maybe $100 in savings, as I found out today. I'm always overdrawn in my bank account, and I can't find better work.
I'm supposed to be starting college in July, and I have nothing ready. I got the Pell grant, but my classes are $23k a semester and I don't know where to start on student loans. I don't even have a laptop to go to school with. It's online bc I can't go to physical college bc I work so much.
Today I had to worst breakdown I've ever had. I couldn't calm down. I set the screeching baby in his crib so he would be safe in his room and closed the door, and then I just lost control. I was throwing things, banging my hands on the walls and cabinets, holding back screams, sobbing... I locked myself in the bathroom and took on the fetal position in the tub. I curled up there for what felt like 45mins just... hyperventilating and sobbing. I was shaking, I felt dizzy and nauseous, I couldn't get a grip.
Eventually, I picked myself up, took my meds, and went to hold my son. I apologized to him for leaving him alone, but as I always say after one of my episodes "I don't want you to see me like that." He doesn't remember now, but one day, he will.
I go to the gym for my health, because when I was pregnant I weighed over 300lbs. I'm down to 265, but that's still too much. I can't get insurance no matter what I do. I lost Medicaid when I started working because I make too much to qualify. (I make less than $20k annual) I can't get any other insurance because it's too expensive.
I'm always exhausted, always annoyed, angry, depressed, hopeless... i fainted at work 2 days ago due to exhaustion, but I refused to go home because if I don't get the hours, we can't pay the bills.
I'm stuck. I'm literally stuck. I'm just ready to take out a life insurance policy and just... go. So that my boys will be taken care of and they don't have to worry about me anymore. So that I can be at peace. Once and for all...
submitted by dumblittlepuppy to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:54 technobrendo 2 loans back to back. I bought a lemon (car) and need another one asap.

US East coast here. We are having car issues and need some advice, this entire situation has been bad up to this point.
My wife got in an accident a few weeks back (no one hurt, other driver at fault) and thus need to replace her car. Insurance declared total loss and she got around $5600.00 for her 2008 Toyota Prius. The car does not run well and we needed to get rid of it a long time ago, now our hand is forced. It is now a salvage title
I looked at a replacement that fell through as she didn't feel comfortable with the cost (2014 Lexus CT200h). It was a very good deal, I'll leave it at that. Instead we got a different car that will probably end up being a lemon as there are nothing but bad things to say about this car online (2017 Buick Encore premium).
The buick all things considered cost around $15k with tax, tags, reg...etc. I financed and we are going to put the $5600 from the prius down for first payment.
However the very next day (yesterday) the car wouldn't start (internet was right!), i determined it needs a new starter. The car comes with a 60 day / 1000 mile warranty, we will call them tomorrow and hopefully I can get it started and drive it up (dealer 27 miles away). Ill have to leave work early.
The Lexus that I wanted originally still looks to be at the dealer (far, but now quite as far), so we'll go back, hold our heads in shame and see if I can't still buy it.
Sorry, that was long winded, onto the question. How should I go about paying for it? My credit is around 730, I make $84,000 a year. What I would like to do would be to get a bank loan, pay off the Buick, sell the f'ing thing, pay back part of the loan. Also that loan could help buy the Lexus. We also have a newborn so its hard to juggle all this back and forth and bring her along. Also I have a car that works perfectly btw.
Advice welcome :)
submitted by technobrendo to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:38 Special-Mixture-5513 Any Job Recommendations/Gig work? Need help!

Anyone know of job openings or gig work/need anything?
I recently got back to the Denver metro after helping take care of family and I need to get some income rolling in within the next two weeks.
My background is in commercial real estate finance and cannabis finance. Specifically, I’ve worked with loans to develop, purchase, etc. real estate and the same for cannabis + business loans. I’ve operated my own business for the last 5 years and bring those skills with me. The interest rate hike made things a bit tighter than I can handle for now.
I’m open to whatever can make ends meet for the future. I’m finishing my undergrad at CU Denver with a dual degree in Economics & Finance, online so I have work flexibility.
I appreciate any and all insight; at this point I had to widen the network!
submitted by Special-Mixture-5513 to denverlist [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:37 RenZenthio A (well-paying) Job To Match My Interests?

Hello, I don't know if this is the right place for this or not, but I was hoping to get advice on possible careers I could go into given my skills/interests. If this is not the right place, I would appreciate guidance on where to possibly ask this question.
I am a 22 year old male who recently graduated college with an English major and a minor in psychology. I am signed on for a 10 month contract as an English teacher starting this coming August. I don't anticipate disliking the job, I enjoyed student teaching (best part of college in fact), but I am starting to do research on salaries and prices and realizing that a teacher's pay (44k a year in my area, which is actually not awful for my location) is not going to cut it for my life goals. For reference I am also getting married at the end of this month, and one of my goals is for my wife to be able to be a stay at home mother (which will require getting a job that pays atleast ~75k+ within the next 3-5 years).
I am currently looking at finance, specifically becoming a CFP, as a possible career change and have already started pursuing the education and certifications necessary, but I thought I would ask online to see if anybody could think of a job more suitable for my abilities. I just chose CFP because I know it pays well, and have recently went into a deep dive on how to optimize personal finance, as well as investment portfolio optimization and retirement planning. It also stood out to me because it would let me help other people, which is the reason I initially chose being an English teacher.
Although I have no formal education in math unless you count AP calculus, I really enjoy making spreadsheets. I have made one for calculating the amount owed to the IRS (and FICA) for a given income (including different filing statuses), as well as the tax savings one would get from taking deductions or tax credits. I have also made a calculator that compares the cost of different cars over a 20 year time horizon given initial cost and mpg, factoring in gas inflation. The car calculator also doubles as a loan cost calculator given price, interest rate, and down payment (also works for houses). I enjoy making these calculators on spreadsheets, especially if I find them useful.
I also really enjoy optimization. Which can probably be gleaned from my enjoyment from making spreadsheets. I buy my own T-bills because 5% in a high yield savings account is suboptimal to holding the bills myself. When I play games I am the guy who makes calculators and does math and build optimization for hours just to get a 10% damage increase.
Another thing is that while I am an introvert, I have a good amount of public speaking experience, and am alright with addressing crowds or individuals.
Besides that I am a quick learner, have a good sense of humor, and put my all into everything I do. I think it also probably goes without saying that I have a good knowledge of literature, know how to communicate myself, and am good at writing and interpreting writing.
Things I wouldn't want to do: Jobs with heavy amounts of physical labor or working outside, Jobs with excessive work off the clock working hours (Haha, kinda funny considering I'm gonna be a teacher. I don't mind working some off the clock, just not enough that I have no free time whatsoever), and jobs that would require constant relocation.
submitted by RenZenthio to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:22 H0mesickAngel Donating my car to non-profit

I have a regular job(W-2) and an investment account (1099). No mortgage, student loan, kids... Single...
I plan to move to Europe in couple months and considering donating my car to non-profit. I don't want to deal with car sales men or online scammers. What kind of tax advantage I could get? If car's value is 5$k, how much tax advantage I would get?
submitted by H0mesickAngel to tax [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:19 medicalthrowaway96 Question about Dad’s debts and assets after he passed

Hi everyone,
For pretext, this is in California. My father passed away recently and left no will or trust. I discovered he has no money in the bank and has $30k in credit card debt and loans. He owns a car I could reasonably sell for $10k. He owes $2k on the car loan and people have told me I should pay off the loan and take the pink slip and death certificate to transfer the title of the car into my name, which I can then sell and keep the proceeds of around $8k.
I am worried about a few things, namely If I will be able to transfer the title easily, and if creditors will be able to lay claim to the car as part of his estate. I read online that I can fill out a couple of forms to do this legally, but I just don’t know if creditors will be able to stop me from doing so. I want to avoid wasting $2k to pay off the loan if I cannot get the car in my name. Should I pay off the loan anyway? Should I contact the loan servicer (which is the same bank there are other debt accounts with)? Does anyone have any advice?
submitted by medicalthrowaway96 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:10 Existing_Falcon_4331 First-gen student seeking advice on my options (NOT asking for money whatsoever; asking for ideas that I have not thought of or didn't know existed)

PREFACE APOLOGY: I hate how long this post is, but there are so many nuances that are applicable to the intricacies of my situation - so for best chance of receiving tangible advice, I felt I had to give a good amount info (this is just the tip of the iceberg lol but I'll save the rest for the Titanic)
First: Explanation of title above; I am a first-gen college and current medical student. The relevancy here is I come from low-income and uneducated (does not mean stupid or that you need to be educated to know about financing or alternative solutions at all) parents who don't know much about how to approach finding options as it pertains to either acaedmia or financing
Second: In full transparency, my mental and physical health is hanging on by a thread so while I very much want honesty, any advice along the lines of "you're SOL", "damn that sucks...medicine isn't for everyone", or "it just is what is is", while valid thoughts, would only further harm me right now. So if tangible advice is not feasible, words of affirmation work wonders as well <3 THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR EVEN CLICKING ON THIS AND/OR READING THIS
Situation overview:
Without going into too much detail, I am essentially on what is commonly referred to as a "research year" in med school - which is when you take a year in between the normal four years to do research. This can also be used to catch up on exams, finish academic makeups, or slow down due to life circumstances while remaining an active student. These years are less than half-time where I go, which means that students qualify for zero federal or state financial aid for living expenses. From what I understand, a lot of students traverse this via one of the following: paid research positions (2 birds, 1 stone but extremely competitive and hard to find), financial support from family, obtaining a private student loan, or simply getting a full-time job (depending on if they have remaining academic items to finish first or if they don't want to do an LOA but still need a break and don't have anything academically to catch up on).
Applying above dynamics to my circumstances:
Personally, I had a major med school exam to finish and a couple smaller ones after during said research year. Originally, my hopes and intentions were to do research during this year, but life and changes in school policy resulted in that not being the case. At the start of this year 20 months ago, I was extremely open with faculty about my needing to get a job in addition to these academic requirements, despite our common shared opinion that the aforementioned exam is itself a full-time job and is extremely high stakes. However, since they stated they could not offer me any grants or aid, quite literally having a job was a matter of life or death as I needed to eat and afford stable housing. Flash forward, I began communicating how balancing the two was causing me to be spread thin and I was still struggling financially, which resulted in delays in academic progress in terms of exam readiness. The only advice I was given was taking an LOA (which was so frustrating and hurtful as we regularly get grants from donors) - but I was always so against an LOA for much of this time because this seems to be their solution for everything rather than actually finding tangible solutions and student support (have a cold? Take an LOA. Boyfriend dumped you? Take an LOA). Additionally, I knew while on an LOA I could not finish the items required of me since I would not be an active student - so it would solve nothing while further pushing me behind another year from graduating. Flash forward, I've had 7 months of food insecurity, using food pantries, utilities being cut off, trying to maintain some semblance of self-worth and mental health.....all while trying to be a med student. I also don't feel bad for myself, it sucks, but I'm not new to this, I'm true to this" life lol. I have just been trying to navigate the situation to the best of my ability - because even though I don't feel this way right now - I'm meant to be here and deserve to be here. I have overcome far to much to get here to begin with.
I can't go into why - but essentially, right or wrong, this is make or break for me. And I have 6 weeks to get said remaining academic criteria done (preparing for it is a full-time job). The school has since gotten the year that I'm on to qualify as half-time enrollment status, so students will get aid and don't have the problem I am having. However, this change doesn't apply to me (naturally lol), as it will only be in effect for new students starting out on said year.
Summary/overview of current sitution:
What can I do? I am beginning to look into emergency personal loans, but I really don't understand how these types of loans and pay day loans work? Does the APR kick-in after 30 days? If so, if you pay it earlier do you avoid all the APR? How soon can you get these deposited into your account if approved? I'm sure it's all specific to each lender but according to my initial loan match, my APR would be 99% lmao. I essentially only need 2k in personal loans to get me to July and finish this exam. My hope would be to use $200-$300 of these funds to apply for online MPH programs that starts in July (I've always wanted to do this anyways while in med school), which would qualify me for financial aid that I could get in the next couple weeks and then I could use these funds to pay off payday/emergency loans by July - which is when I will be all in the clear and can get a full-time job OR take an LOA without dire consequences academically - and will be able to finish required exam in the next 6 weeks.
Final info is that I asked about taking an LOA given extreme circumstance, and I was told no/that it would not be good in the long term (sort of implying I could get dismissed as soon as I come back for not taking the exam by 6 week deadline)
submitted by Existing_Falcon_4331 to Assistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:44 Thebestinthewrld Square has been holding my funds for a year.

I’ve used square for my mobile business for about 3 years now, I sell clothes online through my website and my local store in my neighborhood. My transactions are usually around $20-$100 depending on what and how many items that are bought. For the past 3 years I’ve had no issue besides the typical account review, they’ve gave me a loan for $6,000 after a year of processing with them and everything has been fine. Last year (2023) they decided to deactivate my account due to being “high risk”, which I don’t get because like I said I’ve been processing transactions with them for 3 years with 0 issues. But they sent me an email saying my funds ($1,000) will be released after a 90 day wait period, this was Jan 30th 2023. I then refunded a few transactions on my square account because the customer(s) agreed to pay another way. After the 90 day wait (April 30th 2023) I was left completely in the dark, didn’t receive an email or update about my situation. After patiently waiting 180 days for them to release my funds I yet again was left in the dark. I’ve called more than 100x and they all say “we can’t discuss this issue further with you” or “we’ll escalate your case to the account services” or just flat out lie and tell me “they don’t know why my funds haven’t been released”, “my funds should be released that day (the day I called)”, or just straight up hang up in my face. I haven’t been able to reach anyone through email and the chat service no longer works for me. It’s almost impossible to talk to someone at square about this because they all say the same thing or can’t do anything about it. I’ve now reached out to BBB to try to help resolve this since reaching out via phone, email, chat support, and any social media account they have isn’t getting me anywhere.
submitted by Thebestinthewrld to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:27 T00thd0c23 Refinancing steps

Not sure this is the correct sub but I’ll ask anyway. I currently have an existing auto loan through TFS. My credit union recently pre-approved me for $25k at a lower APR. I took advantage and filled out the application through my CU’s online app and it says approved. Now what? How do I actually get my CU to pay off my loan with TFS? What do I do next?
submitted by T00thd0c23 to Toyota [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:08 Different-Teach-2404 TransAmerica 401k hardship

Hello everyone, so I was looking to withdraw money from my 401k. The guy online said I can do a hardship program and listed about 7 reasons to qualify. The options were like funeral, purchasing home, going to school etc. My reason for it is I really need it to pay off CC debt. Cards are maxed out and with these minimum payments, I’m left with nothing from my checks every two weeks. Does anyone know if Debt could be an option to qualify to take out the funds? It wasn’t listed but I did read that it said “your plan may also have other qualifying provisions.”
Also, can’t do 401k loans since I’ve taken those out already and aren’t getting paid off until next year.
submitted by Different-Teach-2404 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:16 alpha_onex Help understanding the EMI of SBI Education Loan

Hello All,
I took out an education loan (Global Ed-vantage) from SBI to pursue my masters abroad around 3 years ago. In these 3 years, simple interest was charged and added to the principle. Currently, the principle sits at around 10.1 lakh INR, and my ROI is 10.64% (earlier 8.5, now increased) for a tenure of 10 years.
high, My EMI is starting in June 2024, and the EMI amount mentioned in the email alert is just too high. The mail says my EMI is 22k INR, but when I calculate it with the online calculators with my loan details, it gives me an EMI of around 13-14k. Do you guys have any idea why the EMI charged by SBI is so high, or is it the case with the first installments?
Your help is much appreciated.
submitted by alpha_onex to personalfinanceindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:01 SurlyMermaid615 Scammer messaging me

Scammer messaging me
This is an elderly friend of my mom whose account I’m pretty sure has been hacked. How can I string them along and mess with them/waste their time?
submitted by SurlyMermaid615 to ScammerPayback [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:46 gpod80 Extended Car Warranty Cancelation Question (USA, Texas)

On March 29th, 2024, I bought a 2024 Mazda CX-30 and I got suckered into getting an extended car warranty. On April 3rd, I went to the Mazda dealership and canceled the extended warranty. A few weeks ago, I called the warranty company, and they confirmed they had received the cancellation paperwork and told me the dealership should notify the bank. However, when I checked my online loan statement recently, there was no credit for the warranty cancellation. Early last week, I emailed the dealership's finance department and left them a voicemail, but they haven't responded. I have a copy of the car extended warranty cancellation form. What should I do? Should I contact the dealership's GM, call the bank to investigate, or get a lawyer?
submitted by gpod80 to askcarsales [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:41 Regenator CH 13 Mortgage Question

So my wife and I filed chapter 13 and we only filed for some old personal loans and credit card debt. Our mortgage is still our responsibility and not part of the bankruptcy. Now online, my mortgage shows “paid off” and I can’t find any information on the website on what to do. Anyone have any idea on what’s going on there? I need to make a payment in the next couple weeks to stay current on my mortgage.
submitted by Regenator to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:37 XangaMyspace MOHELA transfer

Just got two separate emails right now: “Repayment Schedule Changed” and “Your account has transitioned to a new online platform” from MOHELA (
My monthly payment is due next week. Afraid to login to the new site and see any fuck ups lol. Hope my payment is the same as it was, and my loan balance is the same too. Anyone have any issues logging in? Or any issues with their payment amount/loan balance?
Thanks lol and will let you know 🙏🏽
submitted by XangaMyspace to PSLF [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:10 WhereIsMyTequila Which wood for photos?

I have my Roly Mk 2 20W up and working great and trying to catch up on projects. I have someone wanting a photo etched and I've tried luan plywood and poplar but they aren't suitable. What does everyone use and where to get it online?
submitted by WhereIsMyTequila to lasercutting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:46 bright_cookie24 Manifested my success and failure at the same time

Hey everyone! I just wanted to share my success with y'all I have been into manifestion since 2 years now and after alot of failure here's what worked for me and what didn't
I finally move out and started my college at a new place and at a new state it was near to impossible because months ago I was financially struggling I had no motivation and felt like I can't get selected by any college because of my grades, My mom and dad didn't even had the money for me to study further and I kinda accepted it but something in me still wanted to try so I tried attracting my dream college which is one of the top buisness university in my country rn I felt anxious and scared and yeah... You guessed it right my online test for that particular University went great but I f-ked up in my university interview still after the interview I clammed myself somehow and forgot that it ever happened I listened to a random subliminal after that lol but somehow with low score and everything I got into that university
After everything I totally forgot about this top University and I prepared for other colleges and kept myself occupied with tests and work (and to my shock I got in all of them) fast forward to the next month I got my results which were very important for my university and bank loan, My exams went really bad because of family problems and I lost my motivation to study even knowing it was important still I couldn't focus but somehow without any prior studying or guidance I manage to pass in all my subject (which was still good cz I thought I'll fail) but I had failed in an additional subject which doesn't gets counted while calculating my overall percentage as it was additional so I was saved by an inch one thing I realised is I had put all my attention, thoughts, listening to subliminal and scripting while desiring my perfect grades but back of my mind it always hit me they my exams weren't good I had a 44 subliminals in my exam success playlist which idk is the reason that I got lesser than what I desired my marks to be. At the end everything worked out anyway and the bank nor the university stopped me due to my marks lol
Now here comes my another problem after receiving my offer letter I saw the fees and no way I could afford that but I always went to sleep thinking it happened and I'm in front of my dream university standing there admiring it and soon after a month a distinct relative of mine called my dad and told him he will fund my living expenses and everything I was over the moon to hear that (we aren't really close but that relative of mine still wanted to help to his own willingness) and after that I applied for a loan to cover my college fees and here you would need connections with the bank employees to get your process done fast or it would take upto a month to get approved (I had already emailed the university admission council to extend my fees deadline so I needed that money badly) but idk how an old friend of my mom got in contact with her and told us he could help me with that he had alot of connections in the bank which made the process fast. Also in my college process I just listened to one subliminal and that too I haven't consistently give it a thought or attention Maybe that's the reason why I got into that prestigious university.
I still don't exactly know what I did wrong while manifesting my exam desired marks a little guidance on this would be helpful for me to work on what really went bad from my side.
Currently I'm still in my hometown just waiting for my bank to approve my loan this week and then I'll be moving to my new appartment at a new place next month :)
submitted by bright_cookie24 to Subliminal [link] [comments]