5 year old birthday poem

OldSchoolCool: History's cool kids, looking fantastic

2012.04.21 22:38 Apaz OldSchoolCool: History's cool kids, looking fantastic

/OldSchoolCool **History's cool kids, looking fantastic!** A pictorial and video celebration of history's coolest kids, everything from beatniks to bikers, mods to rude boys, hippies to ravers. And everything in between. If you've found a photo, or a photo essay, of people from the past looking fantastic, here's the place to share it.

2012.03.08 23:42 SmellsLikeUpfoo The Way We Were

What was **normal everyday life** like for people living 50, 100, or more years ago? Featuring old photos, scanned documents, articles, and personal anecdotes that offer a glimpse into the past.

2011.11.28 08:37 jonnybegood Consistent Quality[citation needed]!

~~If you are anything BUT 5 years old, and you're confused by something, this is the place for you.~~ Now that /eli5 clarified that they want simple explanations, (fake) 5-YEAR-OLDS ARE NOW WELCOME TO THE SUBREDDIT. But not in a creepy way.

2024.06.02 21:06 jedels88 Some questions regarding Kindle Unlimited exclusivity.

So, my first three short stories that I've deemed fit for publication go up on KDP within the next couple days! Huge personal milestone for me as a writer, since I've been hesitant to pull the trigger on doing this for literal years. Now that it's finally happening, I'm starting to get into the nitty-gritty of marketing and promoting myself, and I have a couple questions I couldn't get a straight answer to:
I understand that if I publish on KDP and sign up for Kindle Unlimited, I'm locked into 90 days of exclusivity with them and can't publish my stories on any other digital storefronts. Totally fine with that, intentionally timed it so the three-month exclusivity would expire on/around my birthday. My questions then become, once the exclusivity window is over, do I have to remove my stories from Kindle Unlimited before I can post them on, say, Google Books, Barnes & Noble, andApple Books? Or, can I still have my stories enrolled in Kindle Unlimited, so long as I respect the initial 90 day exclusivity? If it's the former, and I remove my stories from Kindle Unlimited to publish elsewhere, would I then need to remove the stories from other digital storefronts if I ever wanted to enroll them in Kindle Unlimited again?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by jedels88 to selfpublish [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:05 ciaoi91910 Age difference intervals

Age difference interval
For example if I was born on 5 December 2006, how would you divide the age difference between me and someone born in 2008?
Someone born from January to may: 1 year Someone born in June: 1 year and half Someone born after June: 2 years
Someone born from January to april: 1 year Someone born from April to August: 1 year and half Someone born after august: 2 years
submitted by ciaoi91910 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:05 ActiveConfidence29 Realized some crazy shit while drunk on vacation with my family. Or I’m just trippin?

Realized some crazy shit while Alr so rn I had a BIG realization about life and myself and idk if I’m just delulu and cuz I’m drunk as a mf rn but yea, it’s mostly about my self esteem, social skills and character in general. All my life I’ve been very antisocial and shy and self conscious about myself for some reason even tho I was an all star baseball and football player since I was 4 years old(stopped playing in the pandemic and never got back to sports).
So yea idk if it was cuz I’m over here on vacation in this tj resort with my family and my parents let me get drunk, and I may have gotten a couple more beers than they let me but still. I realized it when I drank 3 beers(doesn’t really matter just saying cuz that’s what got me a lil more drunk) and yea when I went down to the lobby to ask for the WiFi password I saw these group of girls and they were around my age and they were in front of me but it’s like we connected automatically without even saying a word to each other it was crazy.
I was behind them and as they were leaving so I could go ahead and ask for the wify password one of the girls looked at me and we kinda acknowledged each other for a bit but we went our separate ways. And idk if it was cuz I was drunk af but it’s like she COMEPLETELY understood me somehow and somehow made me realize that all I needed in my life to grow as a person socially, emotionally, psychologically, and in general character wise was just some unconditional love.
It was so fucken weird the way she looked at me was as if she knew me comepletely inside and out, we ovb didn’t talk or nothing and even tho if we had the chance we prob wouldn’t cuz that’s not how I am, if I don’t know u I’m not gonna talk to u no matter what especially if ur a girl my age or around.
But yea sorry idk what tf this shit is, all my life I struggled with depression and other shit but it’s just weird what I realized, like I said idk if it’s cuz I was drunk af and on a beautiful vacation get a way but still. A little background of me is I’m 17 and got big parents issues, their narcissists and never showed me unconditional love as a kid and till this day nothing, not just that but they used me as a emotional toy as a kid and drained tf out me which more than likely caused my mental issues and social issues I got.
Idk it’s like just from that “experience” with that random girl made me realize a whole bunch of shit, the thing is tho idk if I’m just being delulu or not. Another thing I got really big issues with girls for some reason, I got no female friends and for some reason look down on girls ALOT, every time a girl shows interest in me and stuff like that I comepletly shut them down.
And ik for a fact it’s cuz my mom made me have this unconscious image of girls in my head which led me to be like that towards girls. Trust me their is a whole bunch of other shit I could say rn but for some reason every time I try to tell stuff like this to random people on the internet it’s hard for me to explain my thoughts idky.
( edit, I also feel like I need a girl to help me let that big guard up I have down since my mom never showed love and basically “betrayed” me so many times and let me down so many times as a kid to help me “build” myself up and grow.)
Rn as I’m writing this I’m sitting beside the pool drinking a modelo smokin my geek bar and just chillin listening to music in the night sky. And I’m writing this on my journal cuz the wyfy here is acting stupid and not letting me download Reddit so ima post this in the morning.
But yea it’s fucken crazy wtf I realized and btw before this interaction with that girl my mood was bad and everything but once I got that realization from that interaction kindve when I went back up to my room to give my mom the wyfy password code I felt like “myself” and was energetic af and brought the whole rooms mood up for the better.
But at the same time idk if it was cuz was drunk af and hitting the vape a lot, BUT at the same time i was vaping and drinking before that and wasn’t in that same mindstate for some reason. The mind is really weird, but yea sorry ik it’s a lot ik my bad, could it be I realized all my life’s issues?? Or im just delulu af??
So basically to put it in short terms I realized just from that not even interaction but “situation” with those girls and that one specific girl made me realize I NEED a gf and need that love I never got from my mom, and basically somehow need it to fill in that void my mom never filled up ever since I was a kid.
Not just that but my parents are also the same way, their antisocial and people don’t really like them much, luckily I’m at a trade school we’re I live there Monday through Friday so I’m away from them most of the time and basically growing away from them and bettering myself for the better slowly and slowly but could that be really it?
And sorry rn as I’m looking back and reading this it doesn’t sound much as how I pictured in my head so ik for a fact ima get hate from people and say that I’m basically gonna “use” them for my character development or shit like that cuz that’s what happened last time I posted something similar like this.
But yea that’s about it, I can’t really think about much else to say cuz it’s like I’m fried from vaping too much. But yea could that be it? Or im just trippin thank u for reading all this ik it’s a lot sorry.
Another thing sorry, I never had a real gf I’ve had a couple gfs when I was younger but nothing serious at all, every time a girl showed interest I’d lose interest real fast and never took it serious but would basically “date” them.
(Edit sorry I just remembered something, if I never got drunk I would’ve never got that realization if I was in a sober state)
(another edit sorry😭, reading this a couple minutes after writing this, it does not sound at all as what I pictured in my head so if u find it stupid or as if I’m stupid sorry that’s not how I really am it’s just hard for some reason writing my thoughts, I never went to regular hs, I basically dropped out and never did one full semester (or even a full 3 months☹️)of hs and was supposed to graduate literally yesterday but I’m at a trade school and never went cuz of mental issues so bare with me.)
submitted by ActiveConfidence29 to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:05 Yogiblob What is a good full body routine?

So I’ve been working out at the gym on and off for the past 5 years. I am relatively slim, I am 5’11 and about 155 pounds. The past two weeks I’ve been going to the gym for the first time in a few months and I’ve been working out full body each time. Typically I will try to do 2 arm workouts, 2 leg workouts, 2 chest workouts, an ab workout and I will end it with some cardio. Once I do a workout, I try to wait a few sessions to do it again but I have no set schedule of when I do what workouts and it feels a little random at times since I don’t have a set plan. Does anyone have any tips on what a good structured plan would be or where I could go to find one?
submitted by Yogiblob to beginnerfitness [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:05 fifa_1995 Mistakes in chapters "In Memoriam" and "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore"

When exactly did Kendra and Ariana die? Many people, including myself, believed for years that they both died in 1899, but recently I discovered a book error, or people misunderstood.
We know that Albus was born in August 1881. Aberforth was born between September 1, 1883 and August 31, 1884, and Ariana was born before the summer of 1885, because she was 14 when she killed Kendra. Kendra died in the summer of 1899, shortly after Albus graduated from Hogwarts, when he was approaching 18 years of age. A lot of people claimed that Ariana died the same summer as Kendra, just a month later. However, I noticed some inconsistency. In the chapter 2 "In Memoriam", Elphias Doge says that when Kendra died, Doge set out on a solo trip around the world, and his trip lasted A YEAR when he had to return for Ariana's funeral. "That was the period of our lives when we had least contact. I wrote to Albus, describing, perhaps insensitively, the wonders of my journey, from narrow escapes from chimaeras in Greece to the experiments of the Egyptian alchemists. His letters told me little of his day-to-day life, which I guessed to be frustratingly dull for such a brilliant wizard. Immersed in my own experiences, it was with horror that I heard, toward the end of my year's travels, that yet another tragedy had struck the Dumbledores: the death of his sister, Ariana."
This would mean that Kendra died in 1899, and Ariana died a year later, in 1900. And for some time after their mother's death, Albus and Aberforth had good contact until Grindelwald appeared in Godric's Hollow in the summer of 1900. Aberforth then felt very lonely, and in that summer he fathered Aurelius, who was born in 1901, so it would be fitting that Credence was on a ship to America in 1901. And Grindelwald probably left Durmstrang no later than June 1900, he was not yet 17 years old at the time, so he must have been born no later than July/August 1883. We only know that Bagshot said that when he left Durmstrang he was 16 years old.
But in the chapter 18 "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore" is said :"The very same summer that Dumbledore went home to Godric's Hollow, now an orphan and head of the family, Bathilda Bagshot agreed to accept into her home her great-nephew, Gellert Grindelwald."
Unless Grindelwald came to Godric's Hollow in 1899 and they were friends for a year when Ariana died. And then it would appear that Grindelwald was born in 1882.
But there is another mistake in the same chapter. "Barely two months into their great new friendship, Dumbledore and Grindelwald parted, never to see each other again until they met for their legendary duel (for more, see chapter 22). What caused this abrupt rupture?Had Dumbledore come to his senses? Had he told Grindelwald he wanted no more part in his plans? Alas, no."
According to the book, Dumbledore's and Grindelwald's friendship lasted only two months, and at the end of their friendship Ariana died. Albus became the head of the family right after finishing school, because Ariana killed Kendra and Ariana also died that same summer. However, Elphias noted that he traveled for a year until he returned for Ariana's funeral. There are a lot of inaccuracies here, and I didn't find them among the book errors on the Harry Potter Wiki.
So what do you think about it?
submitted by fifa_1995 to FantasticBeasts [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:05 Recent_Affect7975 My ex’s family still follows me on social months later. Is that weird?

So like the title says my (30F) ex boyfriend’s (31M) family follows me on instagram and very much keeps up with all my stories.
We broke up a little less than a year ago. If you see old posts - it was a bad toxic relationship. It did leave me heart broken and I am still struggling to get past the pain of it. Although, I have very much moved on with my life - moved towns, bought a house, got a new dog, just got a new job that is significantly less hours and more pay and I am working on me. I’ve also finally been going out and being more active with friends and family.
My happiness and activities have increased so I start to share on social media more again. I unfollowed his whole family (who I was extremely close with but never said anything to me after the break up). I just noticed and they all still follow and have watched all my stories this vacation that I just went on.
I just find it a little strange that they wouldn’t unfollow me. The last time I also talked to his mom and oldest brother was very dramatic as it was 5 months after the break up and he created a new email to get in contact with me to say how depressed he is and that he wanted to unalive himself, and asking what I thought about getting back together. I gave him 24 hours to tell his family that he contacted me and what he said to me. He didn’t do that so I did reach out to both his mother and brother to show him the text exchanges. I asked them to call me because he had said worse things on the a phone call and I was not the one who should be handling this. It should be them.
They never got back to me. Only my ex did saying how crazy I was to contact them. After that I did send a harsh text to both his brother and mother saying that I can’t handle that type of behavior and they should be ashamed that he is doing that to me.
Again why after all of this follow and watch every single one of my stories?
I am going to remove them from my list but just why not remove yourself? Why keep up with my life? Especially when I made it clear that my ex up rooted mine?
submitted by Recent_Affect7975 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:05 Wrong_Drive4037 Newest rescue

Newest rescue
Update on the 3 year old boy that I rescued yesterday. He was in a 30 gallon enclosure with absolutely no room to move. He literally just laid on the floor of the enclosure. I don’t have the money to buy a bigger enclosure so I’m improvising with a huge play yard that my grandkids outgrew. Please no hate I’m doing the best with what I have to work with. I ordered him a uvb tube light today and it will be delivered tomorrow morning. He’s never had a uvb light and he had a 15 watt light bulb and a ceramic heat bulb that’s it! He doesn’t move around at all and I gave him a bath earlier because he has dried poo on his legs claws belly and tail. He froze in fear didn’t move an inch. But he did drink some water! I’m going to order him a 4x2x2 enclosure from dubia next week. I feel bad for the guy.
submitted by Wrong_Drive4037 to BeardedDragons [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:05 MurAmCon Currently have a lawsuit against homeowners insurance to fix roof, can we sell the house before it's settled (FL USA)

So we had a hail storm come through April 2023 and damage our roof. There's no leaks but it's visible damage, the roof is also old (20 years) so I'm assuming that's why the insurance denied it. Roofing company said "yep it's damaged, make an insurance claim". Insurance inspector said " there's no damage, we are denying the claim". Hired a public adjuster who said "there is absolutely hail damage". We hired a lawyer, the insurance company came back with an "offer" that was total bullshit. So we have submitted a suit and are currently waiting on insurance company to file an NOA.
In the mean time we've decided to sell the house, for a number of reasons. Just tired of bullshit like this. As I said the roof is 20 years old and the AC is also on its last legs, and we can't afford to fix it all, so we will be listing the house "as is". My realtor was worried that it's possible having this issue in court will mean the title won't come back clear. I asked my lawyer about it and she responded with the following:
"it won’t really affect anything except for the monetary amount that you are able to recover. You may have to give a credit to the new owner for the damages that currently exist (unless they have all been repaired) and have that reflected in an Addendum to the purchase contract. I would speak to your realtor about that. Keep in mind that you will be limited to recover that credit that you give to the new homeowner for the damage"
I feel like if we are selling the house as is, the purchaser will know the roof is bad (well, old anyway. It's not leaking or causing problems). Are they entitled to part of the settlement? I'm not fighting the insurance company at this point, I'm just taking whatever offer they give us because I'm not trying to get enough money to replace the roof at this point.
Should I just get a real estate attorney involved? As I said money is tight for us. My realtor is very knowledgeable but I know this isnt exactly a common situation. I'm just over everything at this point.
submitted by MurAmCon to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:05 ciaoi91910 Age intervals?

Age difference interval
For example if I was born on 5 December 2006, how would you divide the age difference between me and someone born in 2008?
Someone born from January to may: 1 year Someone born in June: 1 year and half Someone born after June: 2 years
Someone born from January to april: 1 year Someone born from April to August: 1 year and half Someone born after august: 2 years
submitted by ciaoi91910 to TooAfraidToAsk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:05 limabeanquesadilla Questions about a reading…

Questions about a reading…
*I am not asking for a reading (yet). I had originally posted this in Mediums and it was not allowed there and recommended I post here. The photo is of my beautiful mom before her illness 💚
I appreciate any insight into this reading, thank you in advance!
I am on mobile so I apologize in advance for formatting issues.
I visited a medium this past Friday. She is considered one of the best in my state and has over 200 5 ⭐️ reviews online. A very good friend saw her after her step dad passed and got a lot of questions answered and received closure and felt her grief was lessened significantly. I, unfortunately, did not have that same experience with the medium, at all. I was hoping to reach out to my mother, who passed away after a very long illness earlier this year. I was somewhat prepared for her passing so I am not in the “wild and crazy unpredictable mood” stage of grief any longer. My mom had lost the ability to speak, besides a handful of words in 2004. The medium I saw knew immediately, correctly that it was my mom I was trying to reach, and said she came through strong. She said my mom’s death was the result of hypertension and this isn’t true. Her precipitating illness nor death were the result of high blood pressure, she never had or was diagnosed with this. She told me to keep an eye on my own blood pressure and I do tend to run high and yes probably need medication for that. My life and career are very stressful. The medium said that my mom is showing her Mickey Mouse, riding on a motorcycle and horses (all during separate times of the one hour reading.) Not one of these mentions, I felt, made any connection to my mother. She didn’t like horses, we never had one, never took lessons, didn’t live on a farm etc. Also were never Mickey Mouse fans aside from my little sisters having Disney VHS tapes. We never went to Disney, or even thought about it. There was nothing Mickey Mouse in her home or the nursing home so was later put in. The only relevant thing, the VHS tapes are now at my grandmother’s house and have been for years and years. The medium said my mom was on a motorcycle with a male relative that died when he was a child. This also didn’t happen in my family. I have a small family and the deceased males are my grandfathers and uncles only, my grandpa was the youngest to die at age 54. I should mention that my sisters and I have a significant age difference- they are 8 and 10 years younger than me. They are incredibly irresponsible and one struggles heavily with an active drug addiction. I haven’t talked to her in almost a year. My other sister wants a specific necklace that was my grandmothers, then my moms and my mom always wanted me to have it. My sister has been asking for this necklace since my mom died, it’s all she wants. I haven’t given it to her bc she loses everything, doesn’t have stable housing and before my mom’s illness she told me it would be mine. It’s a unique gold necklace (no diamonds or gems) so its value is very very sentimental to me, not so much worth $, except being gold. I told the medium my sister has asked for it several times and she cut me off and said “give it to her, what are you doing with it anyway?” Well I’m wearing it and was wearing it during the reading. I would be shocked if my mom actually wanted her to have it honestly. She literally yelled out “WEAR THE EARRINGS, YOUR MOM SAYS WEAR THE EARRINGS DON’T SAVE THEM FOR A SPECIAL OCCASSION!” The problem with this is there aren’t any earrings besides a pair of small hoops my mom got as a Christmas gift after she was sick, she never even wore them, and she was buried in her ruby earrings that she loved. If I had those I would be hesitant to wear them but not the hoops. I just haven’t even really thought of them, I don’t know why my mom would think I wasn’t wearing them because I was saving them for anything. The motorcycle isn’t anything I can correlate either, besides the fact her boyfriend after high school had one. She ended the reading by telling me not to have so much self doubt and asked to hug me saying she doesn’t usually hug her clients. She recommended that I attend her expensive school/classes for intuition and processing life essentially, and gave me a flyer for it. During my reading she mentioned I should read her book, that her second book is out soon, and her work with the FBI. I felt like she was trying to validate herself with me. Did I do something wrong for this reading to be so inconsequential to me? Is she a dud and has fooled others desperately hoping to connect with their loved ones? Any advice is appreciated.
Edited to add that I fully believe and my entire family believes in mediumship and special gifts and always has. My grandmother had what she called a “reader” that she used to visit yearly until that person’s death. I feel I even have heightened intuition.
submitted by limabeanquesadilla to MediumReadings [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:05 Ok_Egg9495 Do I 30F move past my parter 33M paying for porn? And AMITH for wanting to see his phone?

I (30 F) have been with my partner (33 M) for 6 years. We were together as teenagers and he broke my heart because we were just too young. We both had 5 year relationships and then split from them (I bought my ex out and owned my own home by myself) a couple of years later ended up together, moving in and falling pregnant within a year. It was heaven, I felt loved, safe and truly cared for. Once we had our son things quickly changed. We were in lock down due to covid with a new born unable to get help from any of our family’s. He totally shut off from me and stayed up until 2/3am drinking and wouldn’t wake till around 12/1 in the afternoon so it was hard for me. Along with a lot of other issues that we worked through together. Once he went back to work things seemed to turn around. I allways picked him up from work as I was still on maternity leave but he finished at different times every day. One day my phone crashed and wouldn’t turn back on so I went on his iPad to log into Facebook to ask when I should pick him up and seen his emails on the notifications and there was around 4 different email accounts all for porn websites, only fans, admire me and peoples own personal sites. This caused HUGH arguments as with him being self employed after covid his business was struggling and he was making zero money, but I on the other hand also self employed was making a good amount from my business being ran by my team. I paid for everything! I was constantly lending him money from £10 for lunch money to £300 for rent. Rarely paid back to me. I didn’t mind this one bit as we were a team and a family and he needed support and I was able to help. No resentment at all. But, spending my money on porn when our sex life was very active (daily) seemed like a kick in the teeth. I instantly felt like I wasn’t good enough. I felt like he was watching this to get though having sec with me. I felt so low. We talked about it and he said it’s because of the fetish he’s into, it’s not on main stream porn. He’s into being embarrassed by women? I don’t really know what the porn would be like but when we do have sec this is what I do to him and he loves it so it’s not like he’s not getting his fix? Anyway we moved passed it and he promised he would stop buying porn as he couldn’t actually afford it. Around a year and a half ago we went on a break because he was constantly lying to me, saying he’d be home at 4 o’clock then he’d end up going out drinking with who he worked with when again he had no money. After a few months split he asked for a second chance and I agreed as long as he cut down drinking and got a normal job (didn’t mention the porn as this was a while ago and didn’t think he’d been buying anymore) he agreed and ended up getting a job, and getting promoted pretty soon. I was so proud of him! He seemed to have truly turned around. Since having a wage coming in he was paying his share of the bills so it was a lot better for our family. But today when he finished work (night shift) he went to bed and I popped in the room for something and I could tell he was hiding something. So I asked him to show me his phone and he flat out refused and told me to get out the room. After a bit of an argument I left. When he woke up my son was at my parents so I asked to speak about it. He couldn’t show me what he was watching so I asked to see his bank account on his phone so I could see what he was spending on porn. He refused but after a bit of time he agreed. He logged onto his app scrolled down and then looked at something and refused. This happed around 4-5 times where he agreed and I see him scroll then change his mind. I told him if he doesn’t show me then I can’t be with him because I’ll never be able to trust him and now I know 100% that he his hiding something in his banking from me. He said that I should trust him and believe him that there is nothing there. I know I should but the fact is I don’t. He’s let me down time and time again and when I thought we were past all this it all comes up again.
So AITAH for asking to see his baking? Should I let it drop or should I stick to my guns and leave him for not letting me see for my own peice of mind?
My bank statements come as post so he could look whenever he wants and he’s able to look through my phone at any point he chooses and if he needs to go on my phone for anything he can. But with his I’m never allowed. He also has a vpn and I’m assuming this is for porn? I’m not very tech savvy so I don’t really know what it would be used for but I’m assuming to download porn?
submitted by Ok_Egg9495 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:04 narwhalpaper My old friend wants to rekindle but I'm still angry

My old friend wants to rekindle but I'm still angry
I(F 29) had a friend (F26) that I was very close to (we were roommates for a year). I will not bore you with details but she turned out not to be the amazing friend I thought she was. Not saying at all that she is a bad person, but she really did me wrong. (Talked about me behind my back, tried to rally other friends against me, minimalised a very painful thing I was going through, forced me to be around someone that made me feel incredibly uncomfortable)
She has now moved to a different country and in the 6 months she has been gone I have noticed just exactly how much I had been putting my own health second and how much energy she drained from me.
When I decided to get over it and messaged her, she talked mainly about herself. Did not really ask how my life was going and then ignored my last message for two months (even though I had asked if she would like me to come on a visit along with other mutual friends)
The day those other friends were about to arrive (2 months after i messaged her) is when she finally responded asking if I would like to facetime sometime.
Truth is I do not at all want to facetime. I really liked/loved this person (she was going to be my maid of honour even) and I recognize that I may not want to just throw all that away. I also recognize that she did a lot of things because she was going through tough shit too. On the other hand, I am still very hurt and at times very angry about things she did. I feel more at peace, for now, knowing she is not a big part of my life anymore but I might want to rekindle -albeit with clear set boundries- in the future.
I have not responded to her request to facetime for two weeks and I dont want to leave her hanging either. What do I say to her without hurting her feelings?
submitted by narwhalpaper to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:04 Bailzay Spirits Review #305 - Lucky Seven The Proprietor 14 Year Old Bourbon

Spirits Review #305 - Lucky Seven The Proprietor 14 Year Old Bourbon submitted by Bailzay to bourbon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:04 ABCofCBD The Domo (Marvel’s Eternals), the Weirdest spaceship ever

The Domo (Marvel’s Eternals), the Weirdest spaceship ever
I randomly started thinking about the Domo and the reference of it being an homage to 2001: A Space Odyssey. I like how they made it make sense in the film why the space ship is a rock by having Arishem also be like made of rock like substance so the Domo is a reference to him in the film.
Aside from the clever references, this ship is weird as hell. 1. It’s legit made of Rock or some Rock-like substance. 2. It has no gadgets. No weapons. It doesn’t have a cloaking gadget either. That was just Sprite that made the ship invisible that one time. 3. No Captain Seat or controls in general 4. It doesn’t even have engines. It just has rivets in the rock where you think rockets would be but there’s nothing 5. The only known functions it has are communication equipment, Gravity, lights, oxygen (because there’s plants there) and that wall that spawns the Eternals clothes. Also that Arishem Statue that activated the Eternals could be considered a ship function I guess 6. It has no windows. There is a window like view when inside the ship which might be like a screen or something but on the outside there is no window. 7. It has no ramp for getting in and off the ship. The one time we see people exit ship, the camera is intentionally too far away to see exactly how they leave the ship 8. It doesn’t explode when it’s destroyed. It just crumbles like a rock 9. Severely not aerodynamic with its box shape and sharp edges 10. Doesn’t decay. Sci-fi usually has ships that last a long time but the Domo was literally underground with rocks and soil all over it for 500 years and it still functioned properly the entire time with Makari regularly using it as a base.
submitted by ABCofCBD to spaceships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:04 zoointhewoods Dasher LOVES his 103-year-old Grandma! And she loves him 🥰

Dasher LOVES his 103-year-old Grandma! And she loves him 🥰 submitted by zoointhewoods to Awww [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:04 Obvious_Tadpole_5153 How do i study?

I'm 15 years old and i really found archaeology interesting and i want to study it, but it seems really hard to study from scratch, does anyone have any advice for me to learn it as a hobby?
submitted by Obvious_Tadpole_5153 to Archaeology [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:04 Upstairs_Mammoth_261 Single 25yo looking for a reality check/advice on my financial plan. Main question: should I buy a home or keep renting?

Current finances (For anyone curious, I'm only this far ahead for my age because I got lucky and received some help from my parents.):
Salary: $115k (No bonuses but stable job)
Retirement: ~$115k in FXAIX split 50/50 into 401k and roth 401k (My company has an amazing 401k match so I've been maxing this out since I started working full time)
Brokerage: $45k in VTI and $45k in a HYSA
Bank account: $5k
Other assets:
$7K bond from my grandmother
$36k my parents are planning to give me with the intention I use it on a down payment
Car: 2013, fully paid off, with low mileage. I work in office 2-3 days a week with a ~17 mile commute
My take home monthly after maxing out my 401k contributions is about 4400 (I get paid biweekly, two months of the year I'll get 6600)
Total assets outside of my 401k: ~$135k
I currently live alone with the following expenses (0 debt/loans):
Rent: $1550/month
Utilities: ~$200-300/month
Gas: ~$60-90/month
Car insurance: ~$1k/year
Pets: ~2-3k/year depending on their health issues (Spent ~1k extra on health issues last year)
Food: ~500/month (Food for myself + I generally pay for dinners on dates)
Hobbies: ~1k/year
One time payments like furniture, clothes, kitchen appliances, etc.: ~3k/year
Gifts ~1k/year
Vacations: ~$1-2k/year
Yearly take home after taxes, benefits, and 401k: $57200
Yearly expenses: ~$38-46k (Everything I've given is a rough estimate and I definitely forgot some things so I added some wiggle room for random expenses)
Currently I'd guess I end up with about 10k I'll invest in my brokerage per year, outside of the money I put in my 401k.
Future plans:
I've just been maxing my 401k and adding extra money into a HYSA. I'm trying to decide if it would be a good idea to buy a home in my area. My rent is low for the area because I'm friends with the landlord and take care of any maintenance myself (i.e. replacing parts in the toilet, fixing the leaky kitchen sink). My landlord is hoping to sell their property soon so I'm looking for other options. I could find a smaller place to rent at market rates for ~2k/month. I think my experience with dealing with all the home issues has helped prepare me to be a homeowner.
Ideally I'd like to buy a 2-3 bedroom condo or townhouse for 350-450k. A condo at that price where I live would be on the nicer end while a townhouse would either be small or not that nice. I would rent out the extra bedrooms.
I got prequalified with my bank to see what numbers I'd be looking at. I have almost exactly an 800 credit score. I was prequalified for a 380k loan at 7.25%. If I go with my bank as my lender I'm eligible for a 10k down payment grant and 7.5k closing cost grant, where the only stipulation is that I'm required to stay in the home for more than 1 year. With those numbers I'd be looking at a monthly mortgage + insurance + hoa/condo fees of around 2.5-3k/month.
I love the area I live in and have no plans to move anywhere else. With all these numbers I feel like I shouldn't have an issue affording a home here, especially if I'm able to rent out 1-2 rooms for most of the year. One thing I've considered is trying to buy a ~500k home where there's more upside because they're in a faster growing area. I'm leaning more towards the 350-450k range so I can keep my investments more diversified with some money in the stock market and some in my house.
Thanks to anyone that took the time to read all this. My biggest question is whether I should buy a home or keep renting, but if anyone has any comments or advice related to anything else they read in my post please feel free to mention it. I'm all ears and appreciate any and all feedback.
submitted by Upstairs_Mammoth_261 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:04 Beautiful_Biscotti10 Friends talked about receding harline today, now worried about my hairline. 21 years old

Idk what my hair used to look like, so maybe nothing changed much, but my hairline is not as straight as somepeoples.
submitted by Beautiful_Biscotti10 to Hairloss [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:04 Away_Teaching_4947 I'm looking for an artist.

Hi, I'm not going to say that I am going to pay or will pay for an artist. So please keep this in mind while I explain myself.
I have been making this story for a couple years now. All the information I have on it is either on papers or on a notes pad on my phone. I used to draw a lot back in the day but, I have been through things that made me unable to draw much anymore.
Anyways, on to the juicy parts, my project that I'm working on has not start or end point currently. It is going to be an action, superpower, drama, adventure, and will have much more starting characters then normal comics/manga do. I have the start all planned out for the most part. Everything else is way more complicated than I had originally thought cause of the complexity of my ideas.
The story is complicated to say the least but I'll explain the ground work as best I can. The story is set in a world where everyone starts developing powers, known as Talents, at the age of 7 years old. These Talents are usually used for everyday life for each person. Super strength can be used for construction or military or just MMA fighting and such. The difference here is that this isn't the only world. There are other universes that partner up with humans at a young age. These partners help their humans get stronger and guide them through life too. These beings are only able to partner up with human children from ages 8 to 12, because they are not developed at that age so the beings are able to help them then.
P.S. The story is still being written and I am still finishing details of the premise. I have protagonists and antagonists and I even have over 30+ characters who are already going to be in the story. I just don't want anyone to agree to this if they don't read this. So please don't blame me for you not reading this.
submitted by Away_Teaching_4947 to ComicBookCollabs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:04 FujiMochiNootok Would you take this booking?

Would you take this booking?
Personally it’s gonna be a no for me!! Especially considering the GSD already doesn’t get along well with the other two dogs??
submitted by FujiMochiNootok to RoverPetSitting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:04 ugh-asdfjkl Kiwi’s birthday month

Kiwi’s birthday month
I can’t believe my pretty girl is going to be a year old! 🥹❤️
submitted by ugh-asdfjkl to Xoloitzquintli [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:04 Sylvkin_there Guinea pigs are fighting a lot

So I have two Guinea pigs they’re both girls and both 3 years old (estimated) one of my Guinea pigs (bell) has been chasing my other guinea pig (cinders) around and trying to hump her. Bell bites her, humps/ jumps on top of her, tries to get under her and chases her around whilst purring. It’s gotten really bad and I don’t know what to do. Bell has always been the dominant one and had always bit her, she’d never do any of the other things though.
submitted by Sylvkin_there to guineapigs [link] [comments]
