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2015.09.28 18:09 Death_by_pickles Clip Studio

For everything and anything Clip Studio: Clip Studio Paint : Pro/Ex Clip Studio Modeler : Tabmate : Products below for Japan Only: Clip Studio Coordinate - Create Bones for your 3D Models. Clip Studio Action - Animate your 3D Models. QUMARION - USB Interface Doll used to assist in posing 3D models. * (Unofficial) Clip Studio Discussion Discord

2018.03.27 08:17 Scratchy_The_Toon Conan Gray

Welcome to ConanGray, a subreddit about Conan Gray :) Feel free to share your thoughts on Conan's songs or post fan art or share anything relating to our broccoli king. Please be mindful of Conan and don't share unauthorized copies of his music!

2012.11.01 03:43 VeggiAttack Life pro-tips for girls and women.

This subreddit was created for women and girls to request tips and share discoveries to aid others in daily life. A survival guide of "life pro-tips" for the everyday female. Post away!

2024.05.08 08:07 inwhichzeegoesinsane Operation "Get Awesome Stuff Done At Work; Sabbatical Focusing Psychology, and Eventual Recontact", Part 1: So You Wanna be a Hero, Kid? :P

Well, whoop de doooo... 😂
Oh hell yeah, it's so early it's the night before. Let's fucking goooo
have a kickass Wednesday. (Context: Slept and woke; will prob sleep again just to be safe hahah)
Week goals:
  • Impress Mike, OR prep own projects
    • Develop NEAT and wrap Nord work for the eventual Story; what did He wrap up while he was at N?
  • PSC work/class; phys prep for and be present fostart focusing on
    • In order to be my best, most unified self, I need to understand my goals and needs in life, heal my own attachment style, and develop confidence. PDS is perhaps the best resource for me to do so, and a fantastic community for me to grow and network in (irrespective of anything else, Thais seems to know her stuff + could be a good mentor).
    • I also just want to shift to Psychology and Communications, having gained sufficient understanding of Computer Science for my overall life goal/childhood dream of developing TS. (which has now evolved into the whole "human/computer interface" stuff for which I need Psychology). I eventually want to knock out other life goals like creating Nightfall, some pol activism whereby we develop a digitally-empowered generation of reconciliatory political philosophy, and try and explain myself to this woman I need to understand and listen to better.
      • Unifying feels amazing. I should almost pass for a single cohesive passes-for-normal person by the end of this. (And then recontact - doesn't need goals to be done, just roadmapped, and thoughts in order so I can act as Him in his current part of the story and not doubt myself.)
      • I do miss you, Bee. <3 And yes, I am sorry about some things that I did, would want to listen to and understand/hear you on others, have needs I should have communicated better on others still; but at the end of the day, mutual trust and respect are what's important to me, and if you cannot forgive me for impinging on your boundaries I understand. If you can, and we can reconcile boundaries such that you can ever trust me again (and I ask you to consider that I do have rules and bounds I can stay within; there's an Art to romance as well and I like coloring outside those lines but not lines you drew for me) still time to join me while I'm cooking. I can re-ask you (once) once I'm Done if you need some level/measure of success to prove my worth/value as a potential mate, but unfortunately Arts are merely half for me; I'm still preoccupied with the Sciences. =D
      • With that said, I have a healthy understanding of my desires and goals in life; and if you'd want me tor prio Arts I can take that into consideration when weighing my overall priorities. =)
        • Sorry; I know you may have simply wanted an apology and/or poem, but my Unified self has about 12 Things sublimating on his mind at any given time which is why I'm so friggin' scatterbrained =D that said getting that out there seems to be going better for me at last (thank god - which, if I was reading something correctly, I have a question for you about =D) since at least it means I interact with others on some real and personal level. I just have to find people I trust to do that with. You're still one of them by the way; I feel like I know your core. It'll take me a long time to explain why, but I just feel like I do. 😃 Please take that into consideration when evaluating if I'm a safe person to be around; I don't want anything from you, I just like you and so you're free to and welcome to observe me as I juggle about 11 other things
        • Subgoal: Create TS. (This should not be here; this should be part of the primary hierarchy as an Objective with several Methods)
  • Prep socal move on Kanboard
    • Map areas; decide which is gonna have prop values go up in around 5-10 years; research 1031 exchange or mortgage for house.
    • Even though I may wish to move abroad, it makes sense pouring my current savings into an appreciating asset I can then rent out if I ever move. It presently solves the Spaces problem and progresses several others (proximity to Opportunities, Arts, Languages, Social Scenes)
Kanboard iter: (I think I'm realizing I wanna block out Time separately from, yet alongside, the overall Goal flow. That way I start allocating Time in accordance with; grants me the flexibility
Create Kanboard (Physical or digital) to get my Roadmap/ideas/plans for EUS across to Mike. Reconcile with his goals for the Department; figure out whether our interests align. If they do not, transition to (See Zee? Simple. If person accepts A; else if rejects B. Complete, confident self can present simple options and choices which in turn are a clear-cut API on the personhood level...)
  • And yes, I'm actually pretty serious about
I am, after all smiles as he tosses thought-ball confidently a Systems Engineer. ^^ (todo: gain that title as non-self-styled, both from a deference-level and confidence-level; then start collecting both like fucking gym badges and explain to Bee how her conlevel of Writer feeds into his conlevel of ohhey a Writer thinks I'm good and how
O.O Hol'up
    • Someone else does that diag-thing too and istg between how my pkmn type matrices mimic that thing and ygo's flex-complexity (Can I use the X there to hybridize that? Probably?) theory: Japanese Datasci might be very relevant to my interests (Also I need a better understanding of non-Western-char-constrained computer systems on an intuitive level; [a] that'll be me revisiting CS and [b] I am so excited for my life right now)
One thing at a time, Zee. You are at any given time a single thread of his overall Story; at every scattered moment and instance you'll train yourself to channel back to your unified sense of self and purpose.
Once you're thinking like Him all the time, then you can truly weigh your words before sending them, read and ask and intuit and understand hers better (honestly just start by asking and reading and asking and reading before trying to understand and intuit; Assumptions were your downfall) and explain how you're a very precise logician [and excessive pile of being-sorted information] who can absolutely play by rules but whose Needs include definitions and mutual agreement to rules and that you are happy to prove it going long periods of time without contacting if that's a sufficient Action-test despite this side agreeing-to-disagree with its efficacy.
  • Yes I know I've linked it before; I am one of those "ah he only has like 5 jokes" folks but will develop my comedy-sense too, in that I'll just collect a list of things I find funny and go from there;; pile-of-thoughts me just randomly remembers stuff from YT though.
  • But like vaguely: blob-me would want to be about as silly as Babish, in the kitchen or elsewhere. (Cooking progression has been relegated to a post-socal-move task) Just a silly dude running (a) business(es) living his best life. #Goals. (Talk to Angad re: SBA stuff; but honestly, talk to Lee about TDL and the school thing. He's so right; there's no reason not to have the school be a steady-state and have the deflevel of "Est. 2024" later when it's like 2034 or towards the end of my life. Were a digital omni-lifeskills Competency-based learning academy to have been founded as part of His story, it'd've started as some rinkydink-edu thing just as Amazon started as an online bookseller. IT MAKES MORE SENSE WHEN YOU MAP IT OUT gaaah =D thankyou thankyou thankyou Bee for existing and motivating me to get my shit together because that'll be what that looks like :YAY:
    • And if you need me to be that, and stable, and sane before you can talk to me again... That's fine. I live, I exist, to be accepted by people I love and cherish and respect - that's my core wound. About myself I'll accept and embrace what I can (Lusson's approach is to decide what we want to accept in ourselves) and heal what I can (PDS inspires me to believe we can Earn Secure attachment.), about you I'd be willing to accept a lot for reasons perhaps Unified-me can explain better. I'll be a rock; and yes, hopefully yours. The Ruby to your... well, I'd have to ask if you'd want to try for a while, even if not forever - to be my Sapphire. đŸ„Č
(WHEW feeling good, and it's still only 11p on Tuesday! _let's gooooo)
submitted by inwhichzeegoesinsane to u/inwhichzeegoesinsane [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 08:00 AutoModerator Welcome Wednesday!

Feel free to introduce yourself in the comments. You are welcome to share a picture of your art with your comment!
Welcome to the community!
submitted by AutoModerator to Artisticallyill [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:57 misssSnuffleupagus In Search of Art Gallery Film about Free Love / Polyamory.

I was once sent an upload on youtube of a film/speechless documentary that was in galleries as an installation/art film. It was around an hour long, no words, just music background. It captured people living in what seemed to be a communal house, sharing partners, free love, stuff like that. It seemed to be shot on film, looked grainy. Almost like it was filmed in the 70s or something.
The only scene I can remember is two men in a large bed, and a woman getting out of it and walking out of the room naked. Not in a sexual way exactly, just slowly and calmly.
Unfortunately I can't remember much else of it, but it had so many comments of people saying they were so grateful they had seen it, and changed their lives, etc.
submitted by misssSnuffleupagus to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:56 SadEngineering682 Opinion

Just was thinking.. you know how much it costs me to give a haircut? Nothing. Little time, yeah. (And yes, my education, my specialty training, tools, years of experience, yada) BUT bottom line.. not a dollar. Tube of PROFESSIONAL color..? MAX 9-10$. I would rather offer a whole experience and high-end job to ANY person who wants it. From single moms who deserve pampering, to wealthy.? Why not? It costs me nothing to bring beauty and confidence to my city? Getting close to 20 years of making people feel and look beautiful has been an honor, and now it’s my time to give back. ALSO. Why don’t more do free back to school cuts? Or free holiday child cuts? Hair shouldn’t be a luxury for that nasty green paper. I am determined to do my best to make this happen for our beautiful town filled with beautiful people of all generations, backgrounds, monetary situations and hair of all kinds. Kinky, straight, wavy, thin, thick, nappy, even damaged đŸ«Ł(we would gladly nurse to health) So keno
 what yall think?
submitted by SadEngineering682 to Kenosha [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:55 LostInThe__Stars I was watching a video on the Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons when I was disappointed to hear this

I was watching a video on the Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons when I was disappointed to hear this

Firstly, I’m sorry about the poor quality lmao. I did my best.
I’m always so disappointed to see this kind of message spread around, even though I understand it’s a ‘popular’ one.
While I understand some people are uncomfortable by some areas of fandom, just leave it alone? While you may not morally agree with something, it doesn’t mean you have to bash it in such a way.
let people be! You are more than free to disagree, but you don’t have to engage with it and so publicly bash it. Let people engage in fandoms how they please.
In real life, this a lot of this stuff is absolutely morally reprehensible and disgusting. But this is fandom/fiction. And there can be a lot of ‘gray areas’.
I’m also especially sad about how ‘shippers’ get talked about in these kinds of videos. I fully understand not being a shipper and disliking them, but come ON! Ship (or don’t) and let ship.
Anti rhetoric is nothing new, but I’m so sad when time and time again creators talk like this about different aspects of fandom, without even trying to ‘understand’, or just leave it alone.
There are many creators I enjoy that will cover topics involving fandoms/fandom spaces, who come on and ridicule what they find. Those aren’t your spaces, and that’s fine, so stay out of them if you dislike them.
This probably isn’t very coherent, I’m not very good at getting my thoughts out. While this isn’t necessarily Ao3 centric, it does pertain a lot to what happens on Ao3 and I think we’re all used to seeing these kinds of messages spread.
submitted by LostInThe__Stars to AO3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:53 OrthodoxyMan 33 [M4F], #Middle East, Egypt/Anywhere, A Christian Man Looking for a Christian Life Partner

Hello everyone, I am hopeful that I can find my perfect match here. I may not be overly optimistic, but why not give it a try here, right? 😅
I am not simply seeking only a relationship, I am looking for a lifelong partner and a best friend. Life can present its challenges, and having the right companion makes all the difference.
Allow me to present a concise and organized overview of myself through bullet points for easy readability:
Introduction (About Me):
Personal Qualities:
Dreams and Aspirations:
About the Ideal Partner (You):
No one is perfect, and there is much more to discuss and explore. Please feel free to DM or chat with me to get to know me better. Let's see where our connection leads. I also have a Discord account under the username "orthodoxyman".
Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
submitted by OrthodoxyMan to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:53 Routine_Novel_8949 [real] (5/8/2024) Another Day

I’m so stressed. I just cannot handle people talking bad about me. I worry what people think of me. I worry what they say about me. I don’t know why I’ve always been this way but I cannot free myself from it.
I’m being dramatic, I probably can. But today I felt like I couldn’t.
I deleted all my journal entries and I’m just starting over. I feel like I am bouncing between so many ideas in my head at the moment, and it’s always been hard to just sit down and focus.
I keep doing things that I know I shouldn’t do, or ask things I already know the answer too. I am that kind of coworker, the annoying one. I hate myself for it. People will remember you for your flaws not positive qualities. I feel like I have to act and bullshit my way through people and that takes away a lot of authenticity
all because I care and don’t care at the same time, I just want to look good and the situation to be done and over with. I hate social anxiety so much.
It’s currently storming and I’m not calm. I’m not afraid of storms. I’m just like this. I’m not chill. I’m constantly nervous, even when I am calm, I still feel nervous deep down.
I have no idea how people talk to each other. They just aren’t
afraid. My whole life people have talk down to me. People have told me that I’m annoying. People have reminded me my place in this world. And that’s why I can’t fucking talk to people. Everything is fake at the end of the day, even me. Maybe everyone is just faking it. Maybe nobody is authentic. Maybe I’m just crazy and overthinking it. Maybe I’m just mad at myself.
I wish I could be a rapper. I know that’s so random but if I could choose between art and rap, I would choose rap. I’d love to be on a stage and hear people screaming my song lyrics. But I am an artist.
Holy shit! A loud bang just happened from the storm.
I am hyper tonight. I drank a lot of caffeine. These thoughts still occur when I’m not high on sugar. I wish I knew how to free myself from this pain and embarrassment. I’ve been this way my whole life and I just embarrass and humiliate myself when I try to step out of my comfort zone.
Tomorrow is another day. Maybe I can be different. I just need to quit doubting myself and allow myself to take advantage of being an employee and what that means. I need to stop looking at this like it’s wrong.
submitted by Routine_Novel_8949 to DiaryOfARedditor [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:53 stayinganongal ridiculous situation and i just can’t take it anymore

I (25F) don’t really want to write my life story here, but basically, because rent is so high, I had to get surgery, and I’m trying to finish my education, I was forced into moving back in with my parents last year and it is horrible. My abusive parents. I guess tonight really solidified the abuse for me and I want to explain and vent it and get some help and advice here.For context as well, I am diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, ADHD, PTSD, and insomnia. I also struggled with anorexia and binge eating disorder. Every psychiatric professional has said it is due to my parents’ treatment of me now and in childhood. My dad doesn’t believe any of these exist in me and that I’m “addicted to pills” (like
antidepressants) and my mom says that I “only remember the bad of my childhood” and just need to “change my mindset” and is into natural medicine bullshit.
SO in tonight’s particular situation it all started because my dad got tickets to this heavy metal band stadium concert. I found out from my MOM that he got a ticket for me, and was expecting me to go with him. Not once, did he ask me if this is okay with me. I have generalized anxiety disorder, auditory sensitivity, asthma (Smoking is pretty common at outdoor venues for metal or rock concerts. My mom went with my dad years ago and had a cough attack because all the people next to her were smoking weed. She isn’t even asthmatic like I am) and chronic migraines, so this was pretty upsetting. (Well, he says I make up all my medical problems so I guess that didn’t matter to him.) The loudest concert I have been to was probably Panic! at the Disco and I wore earplugs there. As for this concert, I do not like this band’s music and all metal and my dad knows that. So when I said that I never agreed to go and was shocked he bought me a ticket, both my mom and my dad started yelling that he had brought it up several times while I was in the room, and I never said no, so I had agreed by proxy. The thing is, my dad brings up a lot of things when I’m in the room, like how he hates gay people, how women do this and that and other bullshit but I don’t respond, because if I do, HE SCREAMS AT ME. My mom even told me TODAY to not say a man did anything bad in any situation, because it might make my dad think I’m a “crazy feminist” and set him off. He has a hair trigger for yelling and being angry, victimized, and turning anything and everything into some form of rage. Yet my mom had now manufactured my consent because I “didn’t disagree” to going to the concert.
Again, not once did he ask me if I would go. I kept saying this and my mom kept saying “it just really seemed like you were going” and my dad straight up lied and started screaming that he asked me several times (I swear on my life, he didn’t. But he is a liar, always has been. It seems compulsive, like an actual psychological issue because he does it very often about random things. For example, once, he claimed there was a drive-by shooting at our house. He claimed a car full of men drove by and shot bullets into our windows. Obviously, this is easy to prove untrue since there were no casings, no other neighbors heard anything, our windows were intact, etc. He will make things up like this and absolutely lose it if you challenge him. It is honestly concerning.)
He then started saying “why can’t you just be a normal daughter”, told me I’m pathetic, I never shut up, he can’t stand me etc (in retrospect I now see the irony that he supposedly “wanted” me to go to a concert with him
?) I started to cry because at this point in my life when I am berated like this it really gets to me; I don’t have the strength to deal with it anymore. He made fun of how I cry and told me my crying was like a little kid’s. He started going off about how this is a once in a lifetime experience, but lucky for him my asskissing mom (who literally takes and supports his abuse every chance she gets) will go with him instead. He said I would miss out because i was so emotionally unstable and made it clear I didn’t want to go. I told him I wanted to do more things with him and would go, but could he just ask me if I wanted to go? Like a “normal” FATHER might? Could he just ask me “Will you go to the concert with me?” The reason I ask this is because he is extremely, extremely controlling and manipulative. Here’s what he wanted: he wanted to sign me up for something I didn’t want, and then for me to just go along with it. Because him asking me consent about anything whatsoever puts me in a position of power, however tiny. It gives me authority over myself. and he HATES that. So I just wanted him to treat me with a modicum of love and respect, just to show he actually wanted me to go with him, especially after all he had just said about me. But he said “You’re not worth talking to” and cut me off every time I tried to speak. I mean it. I tried like five times. I asked my mom to ask him for me because he would actually let her get a word in. I said “You listen to me and let me talk, I’ll listen to you and let you talk, and we can understand each other’s feelings and reconcile.” He just yelled over me, told me I was stupid, there was no talking to me anyway.
This really drove me over the edge. I went to his “work desk” in the garage and took a couple childhood drawings I made for him as a kid as well as one I made for him recently (I study Art). I said if I was “Not even worth talking to” that clearly these didn’t matter to him. And they didn’t. He said he didn’t care.I was bawling so much, feeling so broken, so much like a thread about to tear, thinking of doing things to end my existence, I called a crisis line. I just typed unalive hotline on google and clicked the first number without thinking too much. I was on the phone for over an hour. I didn’t tell the counselor the specifics of the situation like here, more my general situation in day-to-day life. She convinced me it really is abuse, it really is a way no one should have to live. I explained their side, I said I felt overdramatic, but she really made me understand the mixed signals, the control, the mental issues at play here and that I am being abused.
I started watching videos about narcissistic parents and holy shit. Like, one said that they tend to idealize you at the toddler stage and always compare you back to that. MY PARENTS HAVE ALWAYS DONE THAT!! They “love little kids” and shake their heads at what I’ve become. It started around age 9. And I realize now it is because I never had the ability to form my own ideas, be critical of them, think for myself before. I was literally just their extension and they loved that. Now they hate me because I’m not.
My parents actually live in their own delusions. They make themselves and everyone around them miserable, which probably explains why they don’t really have social circles to begin with. My mom is now crying. She looked at me crying and muttered to herself that I am a “fucking psycho” and she can’t stand living in this house anymore and is now crying to herself. She does this kind of thing a lot.
Update: As I type this, my dad is now bitching about me to my mom in the “stage whisper” he always does, saying how disgusting my behavior is and how I ruin everything.
I should also mention I have a little sister (17F) who lives here too obviously. She is a lesbian vegetarian and my dad doesn’t even know. She never talks to him. My mom will straight up have to put some of her meat on my sister’s plate when my dad is around, so he thinks she is going to eat it because they are both TERRIFIED of his reaction to learning she is vegetarian. She is going to the concert, against her will, but she is just going along with it because she goes along with literally everything my dad does and says because she is terrified of getting yelled at and says as much. She actually has POTS, cardiac issues, and also has auditory sensitivity, so this concert is legit dangerous for her, but he doesn’t care. Even my asskissing mother objected to it at first and he told her she was being crazy and eventually, like she always does, she agreed with him and now my sister is going I guess. My sister can’t stand him and he has no clue. He has no idea who she is and takes no interest in her life, but uses her for praise and manipulation when it is convenient. For example, he enjoys looking in my direction while patting her head and saying things like, “At least I have one kid who loves me”. Just a few minutes ago, he made a point of saying “good night” to her then slamming the door, to emphasize that he was in fact NOT saying good night to me, the bad child.
So I guess I needed to get this off my chest.But now what my dad said is getting to me. This band is really popular and they’re never touring again, and now I feel like I am missing out on seeing them, and I wish I just had a dad who loves me and wants to do things with me and I feel like I should go and just figure ways around the loudness and whatever. I know he wants me to ASK him to go so he can have power. Should I? Will I regret it if I don’t go? I genuinely don’t know and on top of it all I’ve just been crying my eyes out looking at the drawings I made as a kid, a little girl making shit for her dad, a dad who has called me a bitch and a whore and all the things in the book over the years now that I am an adult.Sidenote is that I also really dislike babies, like I can’t stand to be around them, and I’m starting to wonder if this is some vitriol from my inner child, because I didn’t get unconditional security, safety and love when I was a child and still do not have it. It was yelling as soon as I started to have any thoughts different from my dad’s. He even made me run on the treadmill when I was seven years old because I was "getting chubby". I want to go to therapy again but my parents are helicopters, I have no car, no money, and my last one said I can’t really heal when I ‘m getting metaphorically stabbed every day so I don't really see the point until I have enough money to leave.
My dad’s abuse patterns are batshit insane. Yesterday, he texted me out of the blue, after not talking to me for almost a week, that he is glad I failed to un alive myself. Today, he wishes I was dead. If I do not accept this batshit cycle and start acting all smiley when my dad is on the positive side of the roller coaster right after saying horrible things to me and screaming, my mom will then become angry with ME for “dragging it on” or “ruining the mood”. In the past he claimed my un alive attempts were me actually being manipulative and wanting attention, but I guess yesterday they were real.
In addition, does anyone know of any resources for people who need help finding housing, full-time work or even part-time work, or money? I did apply with a program in my state on the phone with the crisis counselor but she said it can take months to hear back. She also recommended I call the domestic abuse hotline so I will probably do that. Any advice or thoughts on this situation and help at large would be appreciated. Like, educate me more if I’m missing something. I might eventually type up a post explaining everything about my situation in detail but this stuff fell onto the keyboard tonight and I needed an outlet. I guess I’m still kind of surprised to hear an outside source tell me I’m being abused and that this is still a form of domestic violence. you know? I dunno. I’m still crying and feeling lost and overwhelmed all while my parents, who fucking hate me, hover.
My dad literally acts like a cartoon villain; he is currently muttering to himself what a self-absorbed brat I am constantly, sticks his lip out to pout and give the silent treatment, and keeps whisking my mom behind walls and doors to stage whisper about what a problem I am. I can't eat, I'm just feeling like, heartbroken mentally and numb physically. So any thoughts or advice are welcome. Thank you.
submitted by stayinganongal to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:49 Delicious-Dust7673 23M AZ/Cali/MX looking for my true love

A little about me, im currently studying uni in mexico, but i come back to Arizona during vacations to work, i am born in the U.S but with mexican parents so i have dual citizenship, im 5'9 skinny but started working out, white and brown hair, used to have long but i recently cut it kinda short. I enjoy playing videogames and watching anime just as much as i enjoy spending time in nature, be it hiking, camping or at the beach. I love food, i love cooking though im more of an amateur cook but i try my best. My friends would describe me as a very laid back and chill person, but i also make fun of my friends with love and care obviously, my sense of humor is very Michael scott like. I'd like to meet someone thats looking to have a real relationship, filled with love and care and also a lot of humor, someone around my age 20-28, and that shares common passions, im a very good listener so i would love to hear all about you, if you'd like to know more about please feel free to dm me, and a brief introduction would help, thanks for reading
submitted by Delicious-Dust7673 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:45 Known-Map9195 Overall Series Thoughts

I am finishing up my reread of the series, about to complete Disquiet Gods for the second time and I thought I would post my overall thoughts for anyone interested. I'm going to try to keep this as a spoiler free as possible just talking broad strokes about the books.
First thing that I'm really impressed by is the character growth, most notably Hadrian for obvious reasons from book 1 to book 6 really does feel like a different character and I appreciate it because book to book I don't really notice it so that tells me it's done in a believable and gradual way. Even all of the minor characters grow and change book to book whether it is in their views of Hadrian and the war or just in their physical appearance, each character has notable growth and I really appreciate that. Special shout out to Lin, his development is my favorite in the series.
The galaxy is so vast and all of the cultures feel believable and meaningfully different from each other. You would not approach solving a problem on Forum the way you would in the Commonwealth or on Delos.
The duels are probably the best parts of the series, at least they are my favorite. Anytime Hadrian fights another person one on one, especially someone with a high matter sword you can bet that the scene is going to go down as one of the best duels in sci-fi and will live rent free in your memory for a long long time.
One of my bigger complaints is that in certain ways there can be too much of a good thing. The siege sequences are always full of interesting moments but for my taste they tend to go on too long and they lose their tension after a while. I would rather a gripping 3 or 4 chapters for a siege but sometimes it can be 10 or 12 and I just get a little bit bored especially on rereads.
Beginnings and momentum also seem like a little bit of a weak point. The second half of most of the books is a lot better than the first half, and I guess to a certain extent that makes sense because that's where the plot gets rolling and the climax happens in your typical 3 act structure, but the differences are so dramatic in a few instances that I wish some of the beginnings were more gripping. Disquiet Gods has probably the best first third of any of the books. So I think CR has been learning as he goes on and getting better at this with each entry.
Very few books have made me cheer and have shaken my soul as much as the Suneater books. There is one in particular that really just left me feeling like a shell of a man trembling staring at the wall when I was done with it. Felt like my soul went through a juicer to read.
There are certain reveals later in the series that I'm not the most thrilled by, I don't hate them by any means and I respect the choices made. I think the execution is done well for what they are so CR deserves his roses. Just not what I would have liked to happen and takes the wind out of my sails a bit knowing they are coming.
I don't think that there is a dud book or a slog sequence like there might be in some other series, the fact that I would have to split hairs to pick my favorite from among my top four books (Howling Dark, Demon in White, Kingdoms of Death, or Disquiet Gods) is quite the compliment.
This series really does deserve to be spoken in the same breath as Star Wars or Dune or the Cosmere and I'm hoping one day it takes off to that popularity so we can see TV show adaptations or movies because it deserves that level of acclaim.
submitted by Known-Map9195 to sollanempire [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:45 Effective-Ice-2623 Unlock Your Mom's Style Potential: Sew In Hair Extensions and Mother's Day

Unlock Your Mom's Style Potential: Sew In Hair Extensions and Mother's Day
Sew In Hair Extensions
This Mother's Day, it's time to pamper the most important woman in your life with a gift that will make her feel like the queen she truly is. Whether she's a busy mom juggling a million tasks or a seasoned fashionista looking to switch up her style, sew-in hair extensions offer the perfect solution for transforming her look with ease. And with our Mother's Day Semi-Annual Sale Extravaganza, featuring discounts of up to 50% off, there's never been a better time to indulge in a hair makeover that will leave her feeling confident, glamorous, and ready to take on the world. Join us as we explore the wonders of sew in hair extensions and discover how you can treat your mom to the ultimate style upgrade this Mother's Day.

The Power of Sew In Hair Extensions:

Sew in hair extensions are more than just a beauty accessory—they're a game-changer for anyone looking to elevate their style with added length, volume, and versatility. Unlike temporary options like clip-ins or tape-ins, sew in hair extensions are securely woven into your natural hair, offering a seamless blend and long-lasting hold that can withstand even the busiest of lifestyles. Whether your mom wants to add length to her locks, boost her volume, or experiment with a new color or texture, sew-in extensions provide endless possibilities for customization and self-expression.

Tailored to Perfection:

Sew in Human Hair Extensions
One of the best benefits of sew in hair extensions is their ability to be tailored to your mom's unique style and preferences. From sleek and straight extensions to voluminous curls or beachy waves, sew-in extensions can be customized to complement her natural hair texture and achieve the look she's always dreamed of. Plus, with a wide range of colors, lengths, and textures to choose from, she can switch up her style as often as she likes, without the commitment of permanent extensions.

Convenience Meets Luxury:

With our Mother's Day Semi-Annual Sale Extravaganza, treating your mom to a luxurious hair transformation has never been easier—or more affordable. Get Amazing discounts of up to 50% off on select sew-in hair extensions, making it the perfect time to indulge in a gift that will make her feel pampered, cherished, and utterly fabulous. With our curated selection of high-quality extensions, she can Get salon-worthy results from the comfort of her own home, without breaking the bank.

Why Choose Our Sew-In Hair Extensions:

At Indique Hair, we're committed to helping your mom look and feel her best with premium-quality hair extensions and Custom wigs that are designed to impress. Our sew-in extensions are made from 100% human hair, ensuring a natural look and feel that blends seamlessly with her own hair. Plus, with our dedication to quality and craftsmanship, she can trust that she's investing in extensions that will stand the test of time and keep her looking fabulous for weeks to come.

Tips for Caring for Sew In Extensions:

Sew ins
To ensure that your mom's sew in extensions stay looking their best and last as long as possible, here are a few simple tips for care and maintenance:
  1. Wash and condition the extensions regularly using sulfate-free products to keep them clean, soft, and manageable.
  2. Brush the extensions gentle use a wide-tooth comb or a special extension brush to detangle them without causing damage.
  3. Less heat styling tools as this can damage the hair and cause breakage.
  4. Be gentle when styling and handling the extensions to prevent pulling or tugging, which can lead to damage or loosening of the weave.


Natural Hair Sew in Extensions
This Mother's Day, show your mom how much she means to you with a gift that will make her feel like royalty: sew in hair extensions from our Mother's Day Semi-Annual Sale Extravaganza. With amazing discounts, there's never been a better time to treat her to a luxurious hair transformation that will leave her feeling confident, glamorous, and utterly fabulous. So go ahead, unlock her style potential, and make this Mother's Day one to remember with our stunning sew in hair extensions!
submitted by Effective-Ice-2623 to u/Effective-Ice-2623 [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:44 EldritchKeeper 30 [M4F/MtF] Mexico/Anywhere. Looking to chat with someone.

Hi everyone, i'm trying this again. I'm from Tijuana/Mexico, demisexual and neurodivergent male. I have facial hair, wear glasses and i'm about 5'8" on height
I like music (industrial, 80s, and i'm pretty open to almost every genre). I enjoy reading and watching movies (horror and sci-fi are my favorites). I like art in general, but i do like to draw and paint from time to time, even thought i don't think i'm that good at it. I like to play video games, JRPGs are mi favorites, and i play only in the switch. I been trying to get into TTRPGs, but i'm in this, only played a scenario of Call of Cthulhu, as the DM. I enjoy anime and manga, but almost any kind of nerd stuff.
As i said before, i'm neurodivergent, and because of that, i can't have a job for the moment.
About you: I would like if we share some interest, but is not a most. Also, please be on my age range 25+.
submitted by EldritchKeeper to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:42 nelsonhops415 San Francisco Bay Area Calendar Of Events, Things To Do This Week

Check out this curated weekly email newsletter of events (food, drink, arts, music, nature, cultural, pop-ups, shows, music & more).
Mostly SF events but also some good ones in the greater Bay Area.
Free via email, sent out once a week on Sundays or Mondays.
Over 11,000 subscribers.
submitted by nelsonhops415 to stanford [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:34 Spiritual-Bus973 The Sterling Spectrum Actress MacKenzie Blackwood Interview

Welcome to The Sterling Spectrum where your host Vince Sterling interviews celebrities and other known people.
Vince: HELLO LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND EMBIES!!!! Today in the Sterling Spectrum we are interviewing MacKenzie Blackwood, also known as Ruby Rose in the RoosterTeeth live action show RWBY. Now, how are you doing MacKenzie?
MacKenzie: I'm actually doing fine thank you.
Vince: So, is it true that you stopped acting? I mean you have a cool start, you were doing theater acting and then hired by RoosterTeeth.
MacKenzie: Yeah, that's what happened. In fact, I'm still surprised RWBY lasted for this long and I'm now glad that the contract is over. Because, there is a lot of baggage that needs to be unpacked.
Vince: If that is the case then what actually happened on set? I have heard about the recent controversies where actors are telling their RT horror stories. What kind of horror stories do you have.
MacKenzie: Honestly, the skeletons in RWBY's closet is not as bad as the ones in Gen:Lock but it's kinda close. You see many of the cast, especially those within Team RWBY and JNPR have their acting careers destroyed. Though fortunately we are all doing well. The only ones who actually managed to continue acting witgin the main RWBY and JNPR casts is Nicolas Mercer, who plays Jaune Arc. The long hair and beard in Volume 9 was actually his real. He literally grew out a beard and long hair though the wrinkles were make up.
Vince: WAIT!! He actually grew out his hair and grew a beard.
MacKenzie: He actually did, I remember when we first saw him we we're shocked. The funniest thing is that he is currently dating Sofia Sanchez, the actress who plays Green Lantern in the Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes and Huntsmen, Part Two. Theodora Kontos, who plays Pyrrha Nikos is currently in the new Werewolf: The Apocalypse TV show. My friend Alexandria Cooper, who plays Weiss Schnee is also doing both acting and singing.
Vince: Have you heard that Nicolas Mercer is going to be in that new Warhammer 40K TV show. He's going to play as some Inquisitor.
MacKenzie: I have heard about that. In fact, he even told me that he was always a fan of fantasy and science fiction. He was one of the few actors in RWBY who try to be positive. I think the reason why RWBY failed is both the enabling of toxic fandoms through parasocial relationships and also the fact that most of us were local Texan actors. Unlike Red vs. Blue, where it's live action stunt performancers with voice actors. RWBY was live action, we had actors and actresses and at first it was fun. I made friends with the cast especially with Felicity Pierce who plays Yang Xiao Long. Though I think it all changed after the death of the shows creator that things took a whole new level. Edgar Oum, Monty's youngest brother was affected the most. He played Lie Ren I think by the time Volume 8 was going he was very angry with RT. He said to me the only reason why he didn't quit was due to us being his friends.
Vince: Is he the only one that is angry at RT? I mean I have heard of actors leaving RT and some even threatening to sue.
MacKenzie: I remember where one of the higher ups want my voice to be soft and high pitch. The voice you hear right now is my real voice and it's actually more androgynous. Ever since I was little I always bullied because of my voice. I would sometimes be mistaken for a boy when I talk. Now, I'm more confident with my voice and I wanted to show my true voice but they wouldn't want that. They want Ruby Rose to be this young idealist who is quirky. I was okay with it from Volume 1 to 3 but as it continued they want me to be even more high pitched.
Vince: Wow, so they want you to be squeaky? How did they did it exactly.
MacKenzie: I can do a high pitched voice but it hurts to the point that they have to use software post production.
Vince: WHAT?!! YO!! They actually had to use software. Holy shit that sounds fucking crazy.
MacKenzie: I know, when I first heard that I was laughing my ass off to the point that I accidentally vomited. Honestly, I do love trolling with people that they think I'm young when I'm actually 27 years old. It's funny how we were in our early late teens to 20s when RWBY started but by Volume 9 we are all in our mid to late 20s. By the time Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes and Huntsmen, Part Two was done filming we all just left and didn't talk to anybody when we left the set. We were so done with RWBY that most of just didn't even want to do it anymore.
Vince: Like many actors who are in movies or shows did you get any souvenirs?
MacKenzie: I don't really think so. Many of us especially with Team RWBY were so done with it that we probably didn’t take anything as souvenirs.
Vince: Are you still doing acting or something else? Did RT ruined acting for you? You did said that you enjoyed working with your brother in a family owned whiskey distillery.
MacKenzie: Actually in a way yes. The contract with RoosterTeeth pretty much ruined our potential in a acting career. The cast who played Team RWBY and JNPR had the most restrictive contracts incompared to the other actors in the show. Most if no all of us were local Texan actors in theater or musical. RoosterTeeth was at its infancy at the time when it comes to big budget productions. After RWBY was done I've realized that working with my family's whiskey distillery was more fun and I've felt more fulfillment helping my community more than acting.
Vince: That's sounds kind of wholesome actually. What made you realize that acting wasn't your thing anymore? What was the most most disturbing thing that happened?
MacKenzie: ...It was during Volume 9 with the tea scene that was pretty infamous. During each take infront of the camera I was looking at the tea cup prop and I realized that maybe this isn't my thing. It's just that ....I was just tired of RT and it's fucking bullshit. I literally tried any way to leave. At one point I thought of walking away and never looking back. Acting is fun and I've done a lot of plays and musicals but it just destroys you when you're in a terrible company.
Vince: So besides that do you still have contacts with anybody from the cast or crew?
MacKenzie: Actually, I'm sill have contacts with my friends from Team RWBY and JNPR. I think the most hilarious thing is that in some way the show helped me realize how messed up the industry is. It's not as fucked up as Dan Schneider from Nickelodeon but it is pretty bad though. Personally I've always find the end of RoosterTeeth to be pretty pathetic. Instead of a whimper it's just a wet fart.
Vince: You said you now work at a distillery right?
MacKenzie: Correct.
Vince: So what is it called?
MacKenzie: It's called Barrel & Bond Distillery. I actually got a bottle I bought from the nearest liquor store. You want to try it.
Vince: Alright pour some. Woah this smells and taste good. I can smell and taste the smoky flavor and aroma. So what was in this contract?
MacKenzie: The contract includes things such as you can't cast as characters in movies or shows that have a sex scene. I was 19 when I stared in RWBY so that's obvious. Though it later became more restrictive, especially with Felicity Pierce and Erica Lopez, they are the actors of Yang and Blake. I think the most funniest thing is that all of us are straight as an arrow but RT wants Felicity Pierce and Erica Lopez to play as a yuri couple. It was pretty uncomfortable because RT wanted them to fit the ideal "lesbian romance" in the show. Felicity Pierce loves to mixed martial arts but RT don't want her to build muscle. After RWBY was done she became a MMA fighter and managed to get a few wins. Erica Lopez on the other hand despised her character. She finds the idea of her character having a romantic relationship with Yang to be hypocritical.
Vince: If that is the case then why didn't you leave the show? I mean is there a reason why you didn't quit the show?
MacKenzie: I think it was a combination of the fact that it's my first official role and the fact that we were young at the time that we didn't realize that's an option. By Volume 4 there was a dip in quality on the set. It didn't also helped that RT has Gen:Lock at the time so they were juggling with show quality. But I did made some friends and I do consider some of them as my extended family. Despite the shitty environment we became friends. At least it is not as bad as the set of Gen:Lock. I've heard that was a literal shit show.
Vince: Yeah I have heard about that. It was so bad that the actors of Cameron McCloud and Kazu Iida did not attend the LA premiere of Gen:Lock season 2.
MacKenzie: I actually did met the actress who played Cammie. It's funny how Valerie Knight quits acting and decided to continue her DJ career as Jinxster. Her concerts are always cool. The biggest whiplash is probably the fact that she is 26 years old and she is engaged to actress Regina Meyers who played Raven Branwen and she is 37.
Vince: I will admit that was pretty hilarious especially with the memes and fanart. So how was you're relationship with the other actors?
MacKenzie: Obviously Augustus Valentine was probably my favorite to interact with. He plays Professor Ozpin, this stoic and calculating man who is played by a West Virginian actor with slight country accent. There were deleted scenes and bloopers where you can hear his accent leak out. He is actually the most expensive actor in the show because he is an A list actor and he looks pretty damn good for a 47 year old. I have noticed that the older actors and actresses were pretty expensive because they are either famous or known. Personally I think this was also one of the reasons why RoosterTeeth failed because they were wasting money on very popular actors.
Vince: Since we are wrapping up this interview is there anything else to say before we finish.
MacKenzie: I will say that I appreciate the opportunity to do this interview and also Barrel & Bond Distillery sells great whiskey, bourbon, rum, and moonshine.
Vince: Alright that wraps it up. This is The Sterling Spectrum and we're signing off now. Goodbye, adiĂłs, au revoir, and good night.
submitted by Spiritual-Bus973 to RWBYcritics [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:32 AltAccountBuddy1337 15 years as a professional illustrator and I still don't know what's a fair price to charge people from the 1st world for my art

15 years as a professional illustrator and I still don't know what's a fair price to charge people from the 1st world for my art
I always feel embarrassed when it comes to payment. When doing commissions I never take half of it up front like other artists do because if money is weighing on me I can't focus on my art. I love my art but I don't think it's on par with some of the stuff I see other people do and I'm ok with that, I'm not an ambitious person and working as an illustrator, for me is the best possible job in the world, so even if I don't make much I'm very happy.
I never know where to ask these questions, to show my art and to have someone tell me what a good price for it would be.
For example this was $150, I'm beyond happy with how much the client paid but I worry I might have overcharged, he wanted to give me $200 but I couldn't take $200
A few years back another client paid $200 for this
This comission, tho I only have this low quality version atm, it was huge was also around $150
I'm 40 years old and have been a professional illustrator for around 15 of those 40 years and I still can't, for the life of me tell how much I should charge.
I often illustrate books, in my country, Macedonia I get paid around 20-30 Euros per illustration so books can be anywhere from 600-1500 euros or so
The following are some of my illustrations I've done for books locally and for foreign clients, but even foreign clients don't pay me more than 1500 euros per book or so.
There isn't much wiggle room for setting your own price in my country because no matter how good you are, they're simply going to hire someone else who is cheaper even if they're not as good.
I don't feel comfortable charging per hour because for one I take slightly longer to do a piece probably than normal people due to my poor eyesight, second I don't feel comfortable being recorded, measured or watched as I work, so I just settle for a price and try not to offend anyone.
I don't do work for free of course, but I always stress I'm offending people or wronging people when it comes to payment if it's commissions and if I'm working for a client and illustrating books I feel that I'm wronged and paid too little but they openly say that that's the best they can do and they can hire others who'd do the work for the same amount or less.
I'm always polite even when I ask for more because I feel I've spent too much time and effort on a book to just get paid 600 euros or 1500 euros.
submitted by AltAccountBuddy1337 to DigitalArt [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:28 TheCactusPunk I'm curious. How do you know which path of art is the best path for you?

I'm asking because I feel really lost.. I can do realistic portrait painting with oils,pencil,watercolour.
I can do cartoon designs as well. I can do digital art, mainly procreate.
I have done 2D animation course. I really thought it was something I wanted to do, I dream of this since I was age 5 and was inspired by Loin King the Disney Film and watching behind the scenes how they did Snow White.
However when I enter into the course it wasn't what I thought, I did not enjoy just sitting there ALL day making one object move. Along with that I was bullied to the point I had to change classes and was bullied again by a teacher following the year. At the end everyone who learnt animation there was taught wrong, meaning they weren't taught updated animation and they had to be retaught when they got jobs. This sigifinatnly affected my confidence and social anxiety.
Anyways, I try acting and that wasn't what I wanted. Sadly ended up with another toxic teacher. I'm not saying that because I didn't want to accept some part of my behaviour. I ended up hearing people from film industry who did work this drama teacher and had many negative feedback. So it was vaildating at the least to know it wasn't in my head.
I have done social media creative. So making videos and taking photos. However I found social media was again isolating just like animation.
I did try to do online art class it was for free. However that ended well it was more interpersonal stuff with my friend who I did it with. Let's put it simply they ended up doing less and less work in teaching and I ended up doing everything..And they still called the shots though??? at the end I had to leave. And we'll that "friend" ended up not carrying on with the class.
I have try other things other than art say retial! ugh!!! and that never work. Especailly if you have dsylexia and audio processing disorder.
So I'm left with no idea what path to go on..I have been left with dissspaointment time and time again..
I'm wondering so I don't repeat this pattern whatever I'm in. How do you know what is the right art career path for you?
I both enjoy traditional and also digital. I both enjoy realistic and cartoons too.
submitted by TheCactusPunk to ArtistLounge [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:26 the_stang_boy [USA-NC] [H] Pokémon Games, Jungle Green N64, Switch Consoles, Super Bowling 64, Loose Carts/Disks/Manuals, Guides, Custom Controllers, Retro & Modded Consoles [W] Special Ed. Console Variants, Vinyls, Neo Geo Pocket & Virtual Boy Games, Jap Watermelon N64, Boxes & Manuals, Nintendo Oddities, Lists


Stock Consoles

Item Condition Notes
Nintendo Switch Very Good [Serial XAW1011] OEM Red (not Mario Red) Joy-Cons, glass screen protector, custom transparent backplate, Pokemon stickers, kickstand, and case
Nintendo Switch Very Good [Serial XAW9420] This is a demo/kiosk unit that displays a message "Could not load software" upon boot. The console has been formatted and does not display the demo software. It needs to either be modded or loaded with the demo software to run. This is a collector's item more than anything. Kickstand and screen protector included. No Joy-Cons.
Nintendo Switch Very Good [Serial XAW1003] UNPATCHED, Neon/Red Joy-Cons, includes glass screen protector, kickstand, and case
Nintendo Switch Very Good [Serial XAW 1002] UNPATCHED, Pink/Neon Joy-Cons, glass screen protector, kickstand, and case
Nintendo Switch Lite (Blue) CIB
Nintendo Switch Lite (Gray x2) Very Good Loose; will come with USB-C cable for charging.
Nintendo New 3DS (Black Friday) Very Good New top screen shield installed, some general signs of use throughout. Comes with charger.
Nintendo 3DS XL (Black) Good Loose; will come with third party charger
Nintendo *New* 3DS XL (Black) Very Good Comes with soft case, charger, and Nintendo-branded hard shell case
Nintendo WiiU Black 32GB Very Good Loose, comes with all cords (may be third party) and fresh setup prompt
Nintendo WiiU Black 32GB Legend of Zelda Edition Very Good Loose, comes with all cords (may be third party) and fresh setup prompt
Nintendo WiiU White (PAL) with New Super Mario Bros. U (PAL) Very Good Loose, comes with all cords and fresh setup prompt
Nintendo N64 Various Loose, can include cords, Jumper or Expansion Pak, and OEM or custom controller
Nintendo N64 (Jungle Green) Very Good loose, can include cords, Jumper or Expansion Pak. Will come with a matching OEM Jungle Green custom controller if desired
NES Good New pin connector, lockout chip removed. Can include cords and/or controllers
Nintendo Gamecube (Black & Platinum) Various Can include cords and/or controllers
Sega Dreamcast Various Can include cords and/or controllers
Nintendo Wii (White & Black, Gamecube compatible) with Homebrew Launcher Various Can include cords and/or controllers
Nintendo Wii (White & Black, Gamecube compatible) Various Can include cords and/or controllers
Nintendo Wii (Light Blue) Very Good Can include cords and/or controllers
Playstation 2 (Slim & Fat) with Free McBoot Various Can include cords and/or controllers
Playstation 3 (Slim) Various Loose, can include cords and/or controllers
Nintendo DS Lite (Black) Good No charger, stylus, or Game Pak cover; charges with good battery and both cartridge slots work
Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie! Game Boy Color Very Good Loose
Nintendo 3DS (Pink) CIB With box protector
Playstation Classic Loose (x2) Includes 1 controller (each)

Modded Consoles

Item Condition Notes
Nintendo N64 (USB-C power mod) Various Loose, console has a USB-C port instead of stock power brick connector. Can include cords, Jumper or Expansion Pak, and OEM or custom controller. Console will be made to order
Nintendo Gamecube (Black & Platinum) with GCLoader ODE and/or USB-C power mod Various Can include cords and/or controllers. Console has a usb-c port instead of stock power brick connector. Console will be made to order.
Sega Dreamcast with GDEmu ODE Various Can include cords and/or controllers. No other mods installed.

Cartridge Games

Console Item Condition Description/Notes
NES Super Mario/Duck Hunt Various Loose
NES Super Mario Bros. 3 Various Loose
SNES Super Mario World Various Loose. Will come with new save battery
Nintendo 64 Super Bowling 64 Very Good Loose (Valued $800 firm)
Nintendo 64 Super Mario 64 CIB Very Good Player's Choice
Nintendo 64 Super Smash Bros. CIB Good
Game Boy (Color) Pokemon Blue Very Good Loose. Will come with new save battery.
Game Boy (Color) Pokemon Pinball Various Loose.
Game Boy Advance Super Mario Advance CIB Very Good
Nintendo 3DS Pokemon Moon Very Good CIB
Switch Nickelodeon Kart Racers Very Good Loose
Switch Minecraft Very Good Loose
Switch Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania Loose
Switch Super Mario Party Very Good CIB
Switch Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Very Good CIB. Box art is slightly crinkled
Switch Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Double Pack New Sealed

Disk Games (Complete or Semi-Complete)

Console Item Condition Description/Notes
Gamecube Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition Promo Disk Good Box and disk only, no inserts, some wear on the box art
Wii Wii Sports Various Cardboard sleeve & Manual (some are missing manuals)
Wii Mario Kart Wii Very Good Big Box, Wii Wheel (new in bag), Game with Manual & Inserts
Wii Zelda Twilight Princess Very Good Box, Manual, & Inserts
Wii Mario Party 8 Very Good Box, Manual, & Inserts
Wii U Mario Kart 8 Very Good Box & Manual
Dreamcast NFL 2K Factory Sealed
Dreamcast Sonic Advance Very Good First run
Playstation Jet Moto 2 Very Good Black label
Playstation Road Rash 3D Very Good Greatest Hits
Playstation Crash Team Racing Various Greatest Hits & Black Label, some missing manuals
Playstation Soul Blade Very Good Greatest Hits
Playstation Resident Evil Director's Cut Various Greatest Hits CIB

Loose Disks

Console Title Description
Dreamcast Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Has a Hollywood Video protective security sticker overlay
Gamecube ATV 2: Quad Power Racing
Gamecube Batman: Vengeance
Gamecube Bionicle Heroes
Gamecube Conflict Desert Storm II: Back to Baghdad
Gamecube Crash Tag Team Racing
Gamecube Crazy Taxi
Gamecube Donkey Konga Also have several DK Bongos for trade!
Gamecube FIFA 2003
Gamecube Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Gamecube Harry Potter to Himitsu no Heiya (JAP)
Gamecube Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup
Gamecube Home Run King
Gamecube LOTR: Return of the King
Gamecube Mega Man Anniversary Collection
Gamecube Metroid Prime Echoes Bonus Disk
Gamecube MC Groovz: Dance CRAZE
Gamecube Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance
Gamecube Naruto Clash of Ninja 2
Gamecube NAMCO Museum
Gamecube Need For Speed Underground
Gamecube Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2
Gamecube NHL 2003
Gamecube Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Gamecube Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Gamecube Resident Evil 4 Disk 2 only
Gamecube Resident Evil Biohazard 0 (JAP) Both disks
Gamecube Robotech Battlecry
Gamecube Shrek 2
Gamecube Sonic Heroes
Gamecube Sonic Mega Collection
Gamecube Splinter Cell: Double Agent Both disks
Gamecube Spy Hunter
Gamecube Spyro: A New Beginning
Gamecube Star Fox Adventures
Gamecube Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
Gamecube Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron 2
Gamecube Super Smash Bros. Melee (x2)
Gamecube Tak: The Great Juju Challenge
Gamecube Tak: The Power of Juju
Gamecube The Simpsons Road Rage
Gamecube Tony Hawk's Underground
Gamecube True Crime: Streets of LA
Wii Backyard Baseball '10
Wii Battalion Wars II
Wii Bleach: Shattered Blade (Shonen Jump)
Wii Donkey Kong Country Returns
Wii Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
Wii Kirby Epic Yarn
Wii Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Wii Mario Kart Wii
Wii New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Wii Super Mario Galaxy
Wii Super Mario Galaxy 2
Wii Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Wii Wii Sports
Wii Wii Sports & Wii Sports Resort (Single Disk)
Wii Wii Sports Resort
Wii Zelda Twilight Princess
Wii U Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival
Wii U Minecraft Wii U Edition
Wii U New Super Mario Bros. U
Wii U Pokken Tournament
Wii U Splatoon
Wii U Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Wii U Zelda BOTW Will come with home-printed cover
Playstation Agile Warrior F-III X
Playstation Auto Destruct
Playstation Blasto
Playstation Breath of Fire III
Playstation Casper
Playstation Chrono Cross White Disks
Playstation Crash Team Racing
Playstation Croc: Legend of the Gobbos
Playstation Dragonball Final Bout Gray/Blue Disk (Bandai version)
Playstation Final Fantasy Chronicles & Chrono Trigger White Disk
Playstation Final Fantasy Tactics White Disk
Playstation Final Fantasy VII White Disks
Playstation Grand Theft Auto
Playstation Jet Moto 2
Playstation Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Green Disk
Playstation Lode Runner: The Legend Returns/Extra
Playstation Mega Man X4 White Disk
Playstation Mega Man X5 Blue Disk
Playstation Metal Gear Solid Disk 1 (Black)
Playstation MYST
Playstation Need for Speed 3
Playstation Need For Speed: High Stakes
Playstation Playstation Demo Disk 42 March 2001
Playstation Playstation Underground Jampack Fall 2001
Playstation Power Serve: 3D Tennis
Playstation Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
Playstation Revolution X: Music is the Weapon
Playstation Ridge Racer
Playstation Rogue Trip
Playstation Saga Frontier 2 Comes with waterlogged manual cover and back art
Playstation Silent Hill
Playstation Squaresoft 1998 Collector's CD vol. 1
Playstation Spyro The Dragon Silver Disk
Playstation Star Wars Episode 1: Jedi Power Battles
Playstation Syphon Filter 2 Disk 1
Playstation Tekken 2 Color disk edition
Playstation Tekken 3 Color disk edition
Playstation Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
Playstation Test Drive 4
Playstation The Last Revelation
Playstation Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Blue Disk & Greatest Hits (x2)
Playstation Tomb Raider II Red Disk & Greatest Hits (x2)
Playstation Tomb Raider III Green Disk (x2)
Playstation Tomb Raider Blue Disk
Playstation Toy Story 2
Playstation Twisted Metal 4 SilveGreen Disk
Playstation Twisted Metal II
Playstation Wild Arms 2 Disc 2 only
Playstation Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories
Playstation 2 Contra: Shattered Soldier
Playstation 2 Dark Cloud
Playstation 2 Def Jam Fight For NY Greatest Hits
Playstation 2 Def Jam Vendetta Greatest Hits
Playstation 2 Drakengard 2
Playstation 2 Ed, Edd, n Eddy: The Mis-EDventures
Playstation 2 Gran Turismo 3
Playstation 2 Jak 3
Playstation 2 Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Playstation 2 Metal Gear Solid 3
Playstation 2 Metal Slug Anthology
Playstation 2 Midnight Club Street Racing Greatest Hits
Playstation 2 MLB Power Pros
Playstation 2 MLB Slugfest 2006
Playstation 2 Need For Speed Underground 2 (x2)
Playstation 2 NFL Street DEMO NOT FOR RESALE
Playstation 2 Resident Evil X Code: Veronica Greatest Hits
Playstation 2 Skate 3
Playstation 2 Sonic The Hedgehog
Playstation 2 Spider-Man Web of Shadows Amazing Allies Edition
Playstation 2 The Simpsons Road Rage Greatest Hits
Playstation 2 TMNT Greatest Hits
Playstation 2 Tomb Raider Anniversary
Playstation 2 True Crime: Streets of LA
Playstation 3 Bayonetta
Playstation 3 Ratchet and Clank FUTURE: A Clank in Time Greatest Hits
PSP 007 Casino Royale (Movie) Tested, in original white shell
PSP Capcom Classics Collection Remixed Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Daxter (x2) Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Dissidia: Final Fantasy Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Final Fantasy IV Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (Movie) Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP From Dusk Till Dawn (Movie) Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Harry Potter & The Order of the Phoenix (x2) Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2 Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Kotoba no Puzzle: Mojipittan Daijiten Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Medal of Honor Heroes 2 Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Medievil Resurrection Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Metal Slug Anthology Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Midnight Club 3 DUB Edition Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Midnight Club L.A. Remix Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP MLB Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Monster Hunter Freedom Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP NAMCO Museum Battle Collection Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP NBA Ballers Rebound Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Need For Speed Most Wanted 5-1-0 Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP NFL Street 2 Unleashed Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Pursuit Force Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Secret Agent Clank Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Splinter Cell Essentials
PSP Star Wars Battlefront Elite Squadron Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Star Wars Battlefront II Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Star Wars Battlefront Renegade Squadron Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Star Wars Lethal Alliance (x2) Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Tekken Dark Resurrection Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Tony Hawk's Underground 2 REMIX Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP Tron Evolution Tested and re-cased in new clear shell
PSP True Crime: Streets of LA

Game & Console Boxes

Console Game Item Condition
Nintendo Gamecube The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker K-Mart exclusive cover and Nintendo Power Strategy Guide (no game or inserts)
Nintendo Switch Switch Lite Yellow and Coral boxes (no inserts)
Nintendo Switch Switch Gen 1 & 2 Boxes Red/Blue and Gray variants, some inserts
Nintendo 3DS Pokemon X Box and inserts only
Nintendo 2DS 2DS Console (Black/Blue) Super Mario Bros. 2 Console Box (x2)
Nintendo 2DS 2DS Console (White/Red) Super Mario Bros. 2 Console Box (x2)
Gamecube Spongebob Sauarepants: Creature from the Krusty Krab Black Label Box
Gamecube Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble Black Label Box
Switch Zelda BOTW Box & Art


Console Game Item Condition
Atari 2600 Centipede Loose Manual
Atari 2600 Combat Loose Manual
Atari 2600 Missile Command Loose Manual
Atari 2600 Pac-Man Loose Manual
Atari 2600 Space Invaders Loose Manual
Atari 2600 Tutankham Loose Manual
Game Boy Asteroids/Missle Commands Loose Manual
Game Boy Bionic Battler Loose Manual
Game Boy Brain Drain Loose Manual
Game Boy Donkey Kong Loose Manual
Game Boy F1 Race Loose Manual (x3)
Game Boy Game Boy Camera Loose Manual (x2)
Game Boy Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Loose Manual
Game Boy Joshua The Battle of Jericho Loose Manual
Game Boy Jurassic Park Loose Manual
Game Boy Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues Loose Manual
Game Boy Kid Icarus Loose Manual
Game Boy Kirby’s Pinball Land Loose Manual
Game Boy Mega Man: Dr. Wily’s Revenge Loose Manual (x2)
Game Boy Pokemon Sapphire Loose Manual
Game Boy Star Wars Loose Manual
Game Boy Tetris Loose Manual (x2)
Game Boy Tetris Blast Loose Manual
Game Boy The Rugrats Movie Loose Manual
Game Boy Toy Story Loose Manual
Game Boy Yoshi Loose Manual
Game Boy Advance Breath of Fire Loose Manual
Game Boy Advance Breath of Fire II Loose Manual
Game Boy Advance Cima The Enemy Loose Manual
Game Boy Advance DK King of Swing Loose Manual
Game Boy Advance Frogger’s Adventure: Temple of the Frog Loose Manual
Game Boy Advance Frogger Advance: The Great Quest Loose Manual
Game Boy Advance Gauntlet/Rampart
Game Boy Advance Golden Sun (With Poster) Loose Manual
Game Boy Advance Lufia The Ruins of Lore Loose Manual
Game Boy Advance Mario Kart Super Circuit Loose Manual
Game Boy Advance Metroid Fusion Loose Manual
Game Boy Advance Namco Museum
Game Boy Advance Pokemon Emerald Loose Manual
Game Boy Advance Pitfall The Mayan Adventure Loose Manual
Game Boy Advance Pokemon Sapphire Loose Manual
Game Boy Advance Shaun Palmer’s Pro Snowboarder Loose Manual
Game Boy Advance Star Wars Trilogy: Apprentice of the Force
Game Boy Advance Super Mario World - Super Mario Advance 2 Loose Manual
Game Boy Advance Super Mario Advance Loose Manual
Game Boy Advance Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 Loose Manual
Game Boy Advance Warioland 4 Loose Manual
Game Boy Advance Wolfenstein 3D Loose Manual
Game Boy Color Duke Nukem Loose Manual
Game Boy Color Frogger Loose Manual
Game Boy Color Pokemon Pinball Loose Manual (x3) 2 in good condition, 1 has a loose cover
Game Boy Color Revelations The Demon Slayer Loose Manual
Game Boy Color Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater Loose Manual
Game Boy Color Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 Loose Manual
Game Boy Color X-Men Mutant Academy Loose Manual
Game Boy Color Zelda Oracle of Seasons Loose Manual
Game Boy Color NFL Blitz Loose Manual
Gamecube NBA Live 06 Loose Manual
NES Duck Hunt/Super Mario Bros Loose Manual (x2)
NES Excitebike Loose Manual
NES Formula One Built To Win Loose Manual
NES Mega Man 2 Loose Manual
NES Super Mario Bros 2 Loose Manual (x2)
NES Super Mario Bros 3 Loose Manual
NES Tetris 2 Loose Manual
Nintendo 64 Donkey Kong 64 Loose Manual (x2)
Nintendo 64 Goldeneye 007 Loose Manual (x2)
Nintendo 64 Mario Kart 64 Loose Manual
Nintendo 64 Zelda Ocarina of Time Loose Manual (x2)
SNES Super Mario All Stars Loose Manual (x2)
SNES Super Mario Kart Loose Manual
SNES Super Mario World Loose Manual (x3)
Wii Mario Party 8 Loose Manual
Wii Mario Super Sluggers Loose Manual
Wii Super Mario Galaxy 2 Loose Manual
Wii Super Smash Bros. Brawl Loose Manual
Playstation Crash Bandicoot (Greatest Hits) Loose Manual
Playstation Crash Bash (Greatest Hits) Loose Manual
Playstation Duke Nukem Total Meltdown Loose Manual
Playstation Final Fantasy VIII Loose Manual
Playstation Spyro The Dragon (Greatest Hits) Loose Manual
Playstation Tekken 2 Loose Manual
Playstation Twisted Metal III (Greatest Hits) Loose Manual

Strategy Guides & Magazines

Console Game Item Condition
Game Boy Game Boy Player's Guide Official Nintendo Very Good
Game Boy Pokemon Red Prima Strategy Guide (x2) Very Good
Game Boy Color Pokemon Trading Card Game Official Nintendo Power Guide Very Good - no promotional card
Game Boy Advance Pokemon Emerald Official Nintendo Power Guide (x2) Acceptable, no poster, some loose binding, creases
Game Boy Advance Pokemon Emerald Prima Strategy Guide Very Good - poster included (detached)
Game Boy Advance Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Prima Strategy Guide Acceptable, slightly waterlogged
Game Boy Advance Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Prima Strategy Guide Good
Game Boy Advance Zelda Minish Cap Official Nintendo Power Guide Very Good - poster included (attached)
Gamecube Super Smash Bros. Melee Official Nintendo Power Guide Good, some creases
Gamecube Zelda Wind Waker Official Nintendo Power Guide Acceptable, some loose binding, creases
Multi Primal Rage Brady Totally Unauthorized Guide Good, some creases
Nintendo 64 Diddy Kong Racing Brady Totally Unauthorized Guide Acceptable, some loose binding, creases
Nintendo 64 Pokemon Stadium Prima Strategy Guide Very Good
Nintendo 64 Star Wars Episode I RACER Official Nintendo Power Guide Very Good
Nintendo 64 Zelda Ocarina of Time Prima/Gamestop Exclusive Good
Nintendo DS Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Official Nintendo Power Guide Acceptable, some loose binding, creases
Nintendo DS Pokemon White 2 and Black 2 Official Preview Guide Very Good
Nintendo Power Volume 99 - Goldeneye 007 Official Nintendo Power Magazine Very Good, includes tear-outs (attached), small price sticker on front

Controllers, Accessories, & Misc.

Item Condition Notes
Official SNES Controller for Nintendo Switch Very Good (x2) CIB but missing plastic bags
Official Nintendo 64 Controller for Switch Very Good Loose
Nintendo Swtich Pro Controller CIB Used but in Very Good condition
Super Mario Game & Watch Various NIB & CIB but missing outer sleeve
Nintendo New 3DS Black Friday Bottom Faceplate Very Good Will trade for literally any other set of OEM faceplates
Mario WiiMote Very Good Loose, comes with blue strap and red WiiMote sleeve
N64 Expansion Pak Very Good Loose
Xbox One Minecraft Controller Very Good Loose
Various Nintendo Consoles & Handhelds Parts & Mods Various See what I do here
Custom Nintendo 64 Controllers Various See what I do here
Nintendo 64 Joystick Gears New See what I do here
Pokemon Go Plus wristband Very Good Complete in Box
Sony PS3 controller New New in Box/Blister pack
Gamecube DK Bongos Various
PS Vita 4GB Memory Card Very Good Loose (x2)
Retro Fighters N64 Controller (Ice Blue) Very Good Loose, but not used other than to test.
Dreamcast VMU's (Gray, Clear Blue, Clear Green) Very Good Missing caps, looking for other colored variants. I have: Clear Blue, Clear Green, Clear Black, Clear Red


Console Item Swap For:
Xbox Series S/X Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Disk Version (Loose) Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Xbox Digital Code
Nintendo 64 Orange/Yellow Pokemon N64 Controller Blue/Yellow Pokemon N64 Controller

High-Priority Wants

Console Item Description/Notes
Nintendo 64 Blue/Yellow Pokemon Pikachu N64 Light and Dark Blue varieties, Console and controller
Neo Geo Pocket Color Baseball Stars CIB Preferred
Miscellaneous Tony Hawks' Pro Skater 1&2 Vinyl Click link for specific release
Miscellaneous Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow Vinyl Click link for specific release
Nintendo Gamecube Paper Mario TTYD Manual only
Game Boy Advance Metroid: Zero Mission Game and manual only
Game Boy Advance Pokemon Sapphire Box only
Game Boy Advance Pokemon Emerald Box only
Misc. Nintendo Nintendo Oddities Kiosks, displays, promotional items, NFR cartridges, etc. Not dumb little Target/Walmart keychains
Nintendo New 3DS New 3DS White Can have any/missing faceplates
Nintendo Switch Poor Condition Joy-Con Controllers Any and all OEM Joy Cons. Can have stick drift. All buttons must be functional. Do not value these any higher than $30/set.
Dreamcast VMU Variants Looking for clear yellow and other international variants

Other Wants

  • Open to offers!
Console Item Description/Notes
NES Super Mario 3 Box only; Left Bros preferred
Nintendo Virtual Boy Virtual Boy Games, Boxes & Accessories I have: Mario Clash, Mario Tennis, Teleroboxer, Golf (CIB), Wario Land, 3D Tetris, Galactic Pinball, Red Alarm, Red Alarm (NFR cart) & Virtual League Baseball (CIB); CIB preferred
Nintendo 64 JAP Watermelon console Loose preferred, do not need cords/controller
Game Boy Advance Zelda Four Swords Box & Manual (Greatest Hits Okay)
Game Boy Advance Pac Man (NES Classic GBA Series) CIB preferred
Game Boy Advance Metroid (NES Classic GBA Series) CIB preferred
Nintendo Gamecube Mario Party 4 Manual only
Nintendo Gamecube Mario Party 5 CIB only (Greatest Hits Okay)
Nintendo Gamecube Pokemon Colosseum Bonus Disk CIB only
Nintendo Gamecube Paper Mario TTYD Manual only
Nintendo Gamecube Soul Calibur II Box & Manual only
Nintendo Gamecube The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Disk and manual only
Nintendo DS HeartGold/SoulSilver PokeWalkers Any and all, including the clip and cardboard insert
Nintendo Gamecube Metroid Prime 1 & 2 Case art that advertises the dual pack only with manuals (no games)
Nintendo 3DS Special Edition 2DS/3DS systems I have: Pokemon B, Zelda Hyrule, Zelda Triforce, Black Black Friday, White Black Friday, Pokemon Red & Yellow 2DS (JAP), NES, Mario Maker 2DS, Galaxy, New Super Mario Bros. 2; Interested in basically any special edition variant of the 2DS/3DS line, New & XL models preferred. Complete In Box preferred
Nintendo 2DS White/Red Nintendo 2DS Loose preferred
Nintendo 2DS Blue/Black Nintendo 2DS Loose preferred
Nintendo 2DS 2DS Screen Or one with a damaged motherboard or other issues. Screen must be in working condition
Misc. Nintendo Pokemon Boxes & Manuals Any and all cardboard variants
Misc. Nintendo Nintendo Game & Watch handhelds Pre-Game Boy era systems only. Not looking for the new re-releases
Dreamcast OEM Controller Variants I have: Clear Green/Red/Black/Blue looking for other transparent variants and Sega Sports Black with matching VMU's
Dreamcast Typing of the Dead Case/Manual/Box only
Playstation 2 DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3 Manual only
Miscellaneous Celeste OST LP Vinyl Complete preferred, any edition
Miscellaneous Lo-Fi Girl Vinyls All collections, any edition
Miscellaneous Console/Game Boxes & Styrofoam Any and all, non-stock versions preferred

Items Pending Receipt

Item Status
submitted by the_stang_boy to gameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:20 kingcobweb Unions in Absalom (and beyond): expanding on what's in the book.

Union organizing is my day job. Of the four players in the Pathfinder campaign I GM, I met three of them through union organizing. Because I love unions, RPGs, and cities, the two pages in Absalom: City of Lost Omens about “Guilds and Unions” are my favorite.
The ideas in these pages (and scattered in a few other places) are both super exciting, in that I can’t remember another fantasy RPG that had unions as a prominent feature, and pose some difficulties in terms of ambiguities or unanswered questions I have about them. Because my Absalom campaign prominently features Lifter’s Mooring (the dockworker’s union), I’ve done a lot of work expanding upon what the writers of this book wrote about them.
Obvious caveat: this is largely based upon official Paizo material. I haven’t read through the adventures that take place within Absalom, so if any of this contradicts Paizo’s official stuff, let me know. When I mention an NPC, I’ll try to make it clear whether it’s from the Absalom book or an invention of mine.
Guilds, Craft Unions, Industrial Unions, and Political Groups That Confusingly Have “Union” In The Name
Using the word “Guild” is really ambiguous, but that’s not Paizo’s fault. Unions in America do the same thing: News Guild and Screen Actors Guild, among others, are labor unions with nothing in common with the medieval “guilds” also featured in more traditional fantasy settings. I’m a union organizer, not an economic historian, so I’ll leave an explainer of what the “guild” system was to someone else, but for our purposes, I treat most of the organizations Paizo calls “guilds” as what we in the union world call “craft unions.”
A craft union is a labor organization based around having an elite, trained, not-highly-replaceable workforce. In real life, think of an elite job like a movie director: if they’re organized, they have a lot of economic leverage against their employers, not with numbers, but because their training and expertise makes them extraordinarily difficult, if not impossible, to replace. This was the model of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) before its merger with the CIO. Organizations in Absalom like the Barristers’ Guild, Locksmiths’ Guild, Navigators’ Guild, and Scriveners’ Guild are in this category. Organizations like the Perfumers’ Conglomerate probably act more like a cartel than a union we’d recognize in modern America. If you have an organization like this in your setting, their members are probably making decent money, and aren’t plotting to overthrow the system or break their chains of serfdom. They might charge extremely high initiation fees, or have a policy of excluding people they have a prejudice against: a craft union of clockwork artisans might deny membership to goblins, then refuse to do business with anyone who patronizes those goblins.
The alternative, an industrial union, is a labor organization based not around having a specific training, but being in the same industry. In real life, if a nurse in a hospital is a member of a nurses’ union while the rest of the hospital is unorganized, that’s craft unionism; if they’re in the same union as the cooks and janitors, that’s industrial unionism. In Absalom, Lifter’s Mooring is an industrial union: if you’re doing anything on the docks, you’re a member. These organizations are going to be filled with people worse off economically, and more prone to “negotiations” through burning down their workplace.
A couple organizations that aren’t labor unions are worth mentioning here: the Free Union and the Firebrands.
The Free Union, made up of Halfling former slaves, will help workers organize but has its eyes on a bigger political picture than just getting better wages and benefits. Paizo’s official words talk about what they do (“organize strikes, protest Lord Gyr’s secret prisons, and increasingly seek seats on the Low Council”) but little about how they’re organized beyond that their leader is Milly Tundall and that their headquarters is really nice.
My implementation: they combine democratic participation, drawn from their aversion to anything remotely resembling the domination they felt as slaves, with the militant discipline necessary to win their fights. I see Milly Tundall as not the head of a hierarchy, but the one democratically chosen by the rest of the Free Union to represent it when a speech or talking to the upper classes is needed. Other leaders have different jobs, such as this NPC from my campaign:
Orana Brovaird
Female / Halfling / Organizer / Level 5
Where Milly is the Free Union’s inspiring orator, the propagandist to the rest of Absalom on behalf of the Free Union, Orana is the militant firing up her fellow halflings to stand up for themselves. When someone tells her that they’ll go ask their boss for better wages instead of participating in a strike, she’s known to ask them, “do you want to ask for your freedom? Do you ask to be treated with dignity? Or will you stand up and demand it, with your actions instead of words?” Despite their opposing demeanors, she’s well aware that someone needs to rub elbows with the politicians of the city, and she’s relieved to have a friend and comrade in Milly who will do that. Orana will sometimes work with other unions, especially Lifter’s Mooring, but gets frustrated at how willing some of them are to compromise when she feels total victory is possible. She also draws a hard line at ever working with a former slaver: “they’ve taken my freedom from me once, I won’t give it to them again with a handshake.”
The Firebrands, being a collection of autonomous cells with no formal relationships between them, fittingly have inconsistent relationships with unions. Cells such as Oh My Gourdness- yes, this is a canonical Firebrands cell from Paizo- explicitly help workers meet their demands (in their case, doing sabotage to help workers for loggers), but others can have different interests or get in the way entirely. In Absalom, many cells such as Mithril Chefs are headed by the owners of a business, rather than common workers.
If your players are Firebrands, you can get creative with having them take actions workers themselves cannot: raiding a warehouse holding goods made by scab workers, or tying a union-busting boss to the tallest tower in your city, for example. If your players are on the union side working with Firebrands, you can play up the romantic idealism of the Firebrands while hinting that they may care more about the fame and glory than the cause they’re helping with. (Or they may think nothing of spending 100 gold on fireworks for a fabulous distraction instead of giving that to the workers who have been without pay for months.)
Lifter’s Mooring: a deeper dive
Here I have to call out Paizo for what seems like a clear mistake: the Absalom book lists “Dockworkers’ Union” separately from “Lifter’s Mooring,” which it also describes as a group of dock workers. The chapter on the Docks refers exclusively to Lifter’s Mooring, as do the NPC descriptions. I’m going to disregard everything about “Dockworkers’ Union” and refer exclusively to “Lifter’s Mooring.”
One of the unanswered questions I had was: how do the docks work now that there’s a union? We know that the strike that created Lifter’s Mooring, to get its founder Guyton Grerton compensation for an injury that crushed his legs, shut down the whole docks. So what was the settlement that put the docks back to work?
In my game, the union runs a sort of hiring hall. (If you’ve seen season two of The Wire, remember the scenes where a guy is yelling out who has work that day.) Unlike the guilds who charge exorbitant fees for members to join, union membership in Lifter’s Mooring is as simple as showing up at the right time of the morning. You get your union card, which becomes your proof of seniority for getting the better jobs as you work longer. The person distributing the jobs (in game terms for my players, their first questgiver) is Nazko.
Male / Troll / Union official / Level 7
Nazko is short for a troll, in that he’s only twelve feet tall. He’d long been sick of getting pushed around and cheated out of his wages on the docks, even as he was doing the work of five people for one person’s wages. When the word went out about Guyton Grerton being hurt and not getting compensation, Nazko dropped the cargo he was holding and went ship to ship telling everyone that their work was done for the day. No one dared contradict him.
On the picket line, he was the first line of defense for the other workers: the owners of warehouses and other businesses on the docks came together to hire strikebreakers to try to beat the newly-formed Lifter’s Mooring back to work, but above-average humans lose easily to a below-average troll. He was careful not to hurt them, though. Just threw them in the water, one by one.
His current position as a union official isn’t just a retroactive payment for his work on the picket line, though. Despite troll’s reputations as being dumb and short-tempered, he’s always fair with his fellow workers, if a bit gruff. Whenever someone grumbles that he doesn’t do real work any more, he’ll remind them that no one else on the Docks can stand up to two dozen orcs that all disagree with their job placement for the day.
After work, he’s usually found at The Grog Pit, and at one copper each, he can afford to keep up a tradition of his: buying every union member a drink on their first day.
Unions outside of Absalom (and making your own (in a campaign, but feel free to make your own union in real life too))
Unions in a metropolis like Absalom are going to be more established, more accepted, and more bureaucratic than out in the wilds where a lot of campaigns take place. Here’s how I would advise incorporating them.
First, outside of the reaches of organized law enforcement (let alone labor law), the organizations running industry like lumber and mining are effectively the only “law” there. As such, any labor organizing is going to be more prone to direct actions, more hidden about who is involved (to avoid blacklists and other repercussions), and less able to rely on third parties for support. What the do have is the advantage of all living together, and being the only labor in the area. In Absalom, it can be difficult even finding all your coworkers after your day is done, and nearly impossible to stop replacements from coming in. When you’re a week’s travel from anywhere, this isn’t the case. Villainous bosses in Absalom might have to smile in the public square at everyone; when they’re in the wilderness, they won’t be so shy about telling workers they’ll get to work or face death.
If you’re incorporating a union or themes of labor struggle, ask: was this something the workers started doing themselves (an independent union)? Or is it a strategic workplace that an existing labor organization targeted? If the latter, who is the boss? What other industries are they in?
Adventure/campaign ideas
Salt in the Wound: the players sign up to be fighters in The Irorium, Absalom’s largest gladiatorial arena
 because they were hired by the Street Performers and Actors’ Guild to convince the fighters to join their union. The party has to not just fight, but figure out who are the most influential fighters there who they need to convince, then survive long enough in seemingly-unwinnable combat to convince those fighters they deserve more. (Have you seen the health insurance costs when your job is fighting magically-created chimeras? And they have to pay for it out of pocket!) [Combat-focused with persuasion minigame in the middle; 1-2 sessions.]
Which Side Art Thou On: in a remote wilderness, a group of Dawnsilver miners are at death’s door on strike over unsafe conditions and much less pay than they were promised before they traveled out here. The players have to scour the wilderness for food to keep the strikers alive, fight guerrilla battles against the company’s hired goons, plan advances and retreats like a general, and keep the morale of the miners up to stop more of them from slinking back to work before the company gives in. [Grand strategy with time-based mechanics; 4-6 sessions.]
I hope that GM’s running campaigns in Absalom got some good ideas for incorporating the canonical unions into their stories, and I hope other GM’s got some campaign ideas for union-involved campaigns. I’d love to hear how other GM’s are incorporating unions into their Pathfinder campaigns, whether in Absalom or maybe in a different setting than Lost Omens altogether.
submitted by kingcobweb to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:18 Fantastic_Branch_48 Thine head upon thee is like Carmel, and the

Thine head upon thee is like Carmel, and the hair of thine head like purple; the king is held in the galleries.How fair and how pleasant art thou, O love, for delights
submitted by Fantastic_Branch_48 to u/Fantastic_Branch_48 [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:12 jatermif [15MtF] looking to pass some time and find people to speak to and befriend

Hello, I’m Quinn-jatermif, people call me jater, I’m bored and looking for other people to talk to and hang out with, if you’re queer, autistic or a general internet enthusiast then I’m a pretty easy person to talk to, if your not any of those things I’m gonna sound insane
I enjoy a lot of stuff, personally very interested in video games, politics, art (I’m an illustrator), theology, archaeology, science, philosophy, and tons of other stuff, I’m very friendly or at least I try, mostly trying to come out of my social anxiety shellm
Feel free to message me, I don’t got much going on rn and would love to speak to you
submitted by jatermif to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:11 JuniorIllustrator156 Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art

Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes within thy locks: thy hair is as a flock of goats, that appear from mount Gilead.Thy teeth are like a flock of sheep that are even shorn, which came up from the washing; whereof every one bear twins, and none is barren among them
submitted by JuniorIllustrator156 to u/JuniorIllustrator156 [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 07:04 sanitybar Thyroid Concerns — High T3, Normal-High TSH and T4

Hello friends,
I (22F) got bloodwork back for a thyroid panel indicating 1.5x higher T3 and free-T3 levels (both out of range.) However, my T4 is normal as well as my TSH — both at normal-highs. We at first thought this was Graves’ Disease because the same hyperthyroidism (minus optic issues) symptoms have been startlingly present since early-childhood or likely birth. But getting bloodwork back today, the antibody used to detect Graves’ Disease is negative. It was also predicted by my OB/GYN that it was not Graves’ considering the TSH is not only not suppressed, but on the high-side of normal.
I want hope for treatment and that there will be a course of action or an answer for this. There was a part of me hoping it was Graves’ Disease since there would a clear hope for healing or at least controlling this. A lot of symptoms are present like failure to thrive/severe weight loss, tremors, heat intolerance, brittle/thin nails and hair, and tachycardia. I have an endocrinology appointment coming up, but the results of the bloodwork today stirred up my paranoia about this. Has anyone dealt with these types of thyroid results? Was viable treatment available? What can I expect to hear from my endo/should I bring up anything?
submitted by sanitybar to endocrinology [link] [comments]