Vietnamese star sign meanings

r/translator - the Reddit community for translation requests

2011.08.26 03:38 smokeshack r/translator - the Reddit community for translation requests

translator is *the* community for Reddit translation requests. Need something translated? Post here! We will help you translate any language, including Japanese, Chinese, German, Arabic, and many others. If you speak more than one language - especially rare ones - and want to put your multilingual skills to use, come join us!

2024.05.20 03:35 opiniondevnull Datastar (Real-time Hypermedia Framework) releases v0.13.1

If you are already exploring HOWL stack with HTMX you might give Datastar a try. It's got reactivity built in (signals), easy to add plugins and only 11kb before tree shaking!
More people are getting into HOWL stacks. Datastar is a single CDN include that gives you the ability to make real-time hypermedia apps with less code and a unified model.
We are starting to get more developers involved and that's wonderful. Datastar's originally intent was to be a plugin framework for creating declarative hypermedia. Seeing more active involvement on Github and Discord has been amazing.
Major changes this release are...
  1. We have TESTS! Pete took on the major effort to integrate Playwright and start writing tests. It's already found regressions and will help make Datastar release more more battle tested going forward.
  2. Plugins are now better about how/when to cleanup on an idiomorph merge. Some were killing themselves and others (like on page load) weren't cleaning up signals completely.
  3. We now support multi-line HTML fragments! This is a problem with the SSE spec. Since we work directly from the event/text-stream primitives we can handle this better. It means easier integration with hand written HTML and native support for formats like CSV within a fragment's attributes.
  4. Signal regexp could have issues if calling a function on a signal. data-text="$input.toUpperCase()" would be interpreted as a nested signal instead of a method call, fixed.
  5. data-scroll-into-view got more modifiers about exact placement, animation, and ability to focus the element as well. Led to removal of data-focus as it's redundant.
  6. More examples based off questions from Discord and Github issues.
  7. Delete SSE events no longer need any html fragment.
  8. New $$clipboard action
  9. We have our first plugin developed by another! Thanks Patrick for his work on data-fetch-signal plugin and $isLoading signal.
  10. A Haskell back-end example was provided by Henry. It's great to see as many back-end example as possible!
  11. Redirect simplification
  12. Deleting an element was flaky and is fixed with tests
If you start getting into more complicated UIs where fine-grain signals and a more robust plugin framework makes sense but want to keep it declarative please give it a try and give us a Github star
submitted by opiniondevnull to csharp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:32 opiniondevnull Datastar (Real-time Hypermedia Framework) releases v0.13.1

If you are already exploring HOWL stack with HTMX you might give Datastar a try. It's got reactivity built in (signals), easy to add plugins and only 11kb before tree shaking!
More people are getting into HOWL stacks. Datastar is a single CDN include that gives you the ability to make real-time hypermedia apps with less code and a unified model.
We are starting to get more developers involved and that's wonderful. Datastar's originally intent was to be a plugin framework for creating declarative hypermedia. Seeing more active involvement on Github and Discord has been amazing.
Major changes this release are...
  1. We have TESTS! Pete took on the major effort to integrate Playwright and start writing tests. It's already found regressions and will help make Datastar release more more battle tested going forward.
  2. Plugins are now better about how/when to cleanup on an idiomorph merge. Some were killing themselves and others (like on page load) weren't cleaning up signals completely.
  3. We now support multi-line HTML fragments! This is a problem with the SSE spec. Since we work directly from the event/text-stream primitives we can handle this better. It means easier integration with hand written HTML and native support for formats like CSV within a fragment's attributes.
  4. Signal regexp could have issues if calling a function on a signal. data-text="$input.toUpperCase()" would be interpreted as a nested signal instead of a method call, fixed.
  5. data-scroll-into-view got more modifiers about exact placement, animation, and ability to focus the element as well. Led to removal of data-focus as it's redundant.
  6. More examples based off questions from Discord and Github issues.
  7. Delete SSE events no longer need any html fragment.
  8. New $$clipboard action
  9. We have our first plugin developed by another! Thanks Patrick for his work on data-fetch-signal plugin and $isLoading signal.
  10. A Haskell back-end example was provided by Henry. It's great to see as many back-end example as possible!
  11. Redirect simplification
  12. Deleting an element was flaky and is fixed with tests
If you start getting into more complicated UIs where fine-grain signals and a more robust plugin framework makes sense but want to keep it declarative please give it a try and give us a Github star
submitted by opiniondevnull to rails [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:32 Few-Negotiation3278 Switching 5 star help

Switching 5 star help
What does the small shield icon on the bottom left of these monsters mean? Im trying to switch my Amber to another 5 star from the event and ive unequipped her in my arena defence, seige defence, etc. etc. but for some reason it still doesnt let me switch and it seems to be related to the shield icon but idk what that means.
submitted by Few-Negotiation3278 to summonerswar [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:31 opiniondevnull Datastar (Real-time Hypermedia Framework) releases v0.13.1

If you are already exploring HOWL stack with HTMX you might give Datastar a try. It's got reactivity built in (signals), easy to add plugins and only 11kb before tree shaking!
More people are getting into HOWL stacks. Datastar is a single CDN include that gives you the ability to make real-time hypermedia apps with less code and a unified model.
We are starting to get more developers involved and that's wonderful. Datastar's originally intent was to be a plugin framework for creating declarative hypermedia. Seeing more active involvement on Github and Discord has been amazing.
Major changes this release are...
  1. We have TESTS! Pete took on the major effort to integrate Playwright and start writing tests. It's already found regressions and will help make Datastar release more more battle tested going forward.
  2. Plugins are now better about how/when to cleanup on an idiomorph merge. Some were killing themselves and others (like on page load) weren't cleaning up signals completely.
  3. We now support multi-line HTML fragments! This is a problem with the SSE spec. Since we work directly from the event/text-stream primitives we can handle this better. It means easier integration with hand written HTML and native support for formats like CSV within a fragment's attributes.
  4. Signal regexp could have issues if calling a function on a signal. data-text="$input.toUpperCase()" would be interpreted as a nested signal instead of a method call, fixed.
  5. data-scroll-into-view got more modifiers about exact placement, animation, and ability to focus the element as well. Led to removal of data-focus as it's redundant.
  6. More examples based off questions from Discord and Github issues.
  7. Delete SSE events no longer need any html fragment.
  8. New $$clipboard action
  9. We have our first plugin developed by another! Thanks Patrick for his work on data-fetch-signal plugin and $isLoading signal.
  10. A Haskell back-end example was provided by Henry. It's great to see as many back-end example as possible!
  11. Redirect simplification
  12. Deleting an element was flaky and is fixed with tests
If you start getting into more complicated UIs where fine-grain signals and a more robust plugin framework makes sense but want to keep it declarative please give it a try and give us a Github star
submitted by opiniondevnull to django [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:27 Star_struck01 Positive for Oral herpes. Worried my partner had it or he has it now

I confirmed I have herpes. Now who gave it to me.
F22 with a new partner M23.
Funny thing is I posted this a couple days ago
HSV 1 was 33.6
HSV. 2 <0.9
I am devastated, crying my eyes out and damn near suicidal
Recently I’ve had a new sexual partner for a couple months now. I’ve tested negative for everything the only issue is they have never tested me for herpes. Ever since I’ve met him I’ve been getting sick every couple of weeks (could be a coincidence) and i just noticed that I’ve had a recurrent mouth ulcer? At the roof of my mouth. The last time I was sick last month for a week with a sore throat and I got the canker sore at the roof of my mouth again, usually very painful, one huge spot and white all over the spot. I got sick again on Sunday, sore throat, congested, fever and now its Thursday and I’m feeling another sore on in the roof of my mouth except in two different places. I’m worried sick, my partner is amazing, yes he is my boyfriend so I’m wondering if I have herpes? Is this a sign?
Also i would also like to note a week or so after my first sore appeared he seemed to have the same one around the same spot (upper gums)
Before I got tested I asked him if he gets sores like mine a lot and he said yes but they’re nothing to be worried about. Now I’ve confirmed I have HSV 1 I don’t think he even understands what I mean and now I think I sound very accusatory because now Im begging him to get tested. Now I’m worried that I probably gave it to him because we kissed a couple days ago when I had just started getting sick. He’s not my first partner but he’s the only person I’ve been with since I started getting sick and sores in my mouth. I hope I didn’t give it to him.
submitted by Star_struck01 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:26 inkryptvideos How Streaming Video Hosting Can Catapult Your Brand to Fame

How Streaming Video Hosting Can Catapult Your Brand to Fame
In today's digital age, video content has become a central part of the marketing strategy for most brands. With the increased consumption of video content by audiences across various platforms, the importance of high-quality streaming video hosting cannot be overstated. In this detailed article, we will explore the benefits of high-quality streaming video hosting for brands, detailing the process and instructions involved in a sequence similar to a tutorial. From enhancing brand visibility and engagement to reaching wider audiences, the advantages of leveraging robust streaming platforms are numerous. By understanding the intricacies of effective video hosting, brands can effectively harness the power of visual storytelling to connect with their target demographic and achieve their marketing objectives.

Understanding the Basics of Video Hosting

Streaming video hosting services store and deliver video content to your audience over the Internet. Unlike traditional hosting, video hosting is specifically designed to handle the large file sizes and bandwidth requirements of video streaming, ensuring that your content is delivered efficiently and of high quality to your audience. High-quality streaming means that videos load quickly, play smoothly without buffering, and are available in various resolutions suitable for different devices and connection speeds. This capability not only enhances user experience but also enables content creators to reach wider audiences across different platforms and devices. Additionally, streaming video hosting services often provide features such as analytics, monetization options, and content management tools to further optimize the video delivery process and maximize engagement.

Step 1: Improving Brand Visibility and Engagement

Reach a Wider Audience: High-quality streaming video hosting platforms offer excellent optimization capabilities that enhance video reach on search engines and within the platforms themselves. By ensuring your videos stream smoothly and in high definition, you attract and retain more viewers, expanding your brand’s visibility.
Enhance User Experience: Seamless playback without buffering or interruptions is crucial. High-quality streaming ensures a positive user experience, keeping the audience engaged with your content longer.
Interactive Features: Advanced video hosts provide interactive features like in-video calls-to-action, which can guide viewers to your website or encourage them to interact with more content, enhancing engagement and conversion rates.

Step 2: Strengthening Brand Credibility and Trust

Professional Presentation: Quality is often associated with professionalism. High-resolution videos represent your brand as credible and trustworthy. Poor quality or choppy videos might reflect badly on your brand and can deter potential customers.
Reliable and Secure: Top-tier streaming video hosting services ensure that your content is securely stored and protected against unauthorized access or data breaches, which reinforces customer trust.

Step 3: Leveraging Advanced Analytics

Gather Viewer Insights: Quality video hosts offer comprehensive analytics tools that allow you to track viewer behavior, such as watch time, click-through rates, and geographic distribution of your audience. This data is invaluable for understanding what works and what doesn’t, enabling you to optimize your future video content strategically.
Modify Strategies Based on Data: Utilizing the analytics provided, brands can see real-time results of their video marketing strategies and refine their approaches to better meet their audience’s needs.

Step 4: Optimizing Content for Different Platforms

Adaptability: High-quality video hosts enable your content to be adaptive, meaning it automatically adjusts to deliver the best quality stream based on the viewer’s device capabilities and internet speed.
Broad Compatibility: These platforms ensure that video content is compatible across all devices and browsers, broadening your potential audience reach.

Step 5: Enhancing SEO and Online Presence

Search Engine Visibility: Videos can significantly improve your SEO if they are high-quality and hosted on platforms that favor search engine indexing. This can drive more organic traffic to your site.
Social Sharing Boost: High-quality, engaging videos are more likely to be shared across social media platforms, further amplifying your online presence and potential for virality.

Step 6: Integrating with Marketing Campaigns

Consistent Brand Message: Streaming Video hosting platforms allow for customization such as adding logos and choosing color schemes that represent your brand. Consistently presented brand messages build a stronger brand identity.
Direct Call to Action: By integrating direct calls to action in your videos, you can guide the audience to engage further with your brand, visit your website, sign up for newsletters, or even make purchases.

Step 7: Maximizing Return on Investment (ROI)

Cost-Effective: Investing in a high-quality streaming video hosting service is far more cost-effective in the long run. These services reduce the need for additional hardware, bandwidth, and personnel to manage video delivery systems.
Increased Conversions: Effective video content has been shown to improve conversion rates on landing pages and advertisements. The professional delivery of video content can enhance the effectiveness of these sales tools, ultimately leading to increased ROI.
Concluding, the adoption of high-quality streaming video hosting is an invaluable step for any brand looking to enhance its digital strategy. The benefits range from increased engagement and visibility to improved ROI and stronger brand positioning. Through a systematic, step-by-step process as outlined above, brands can significantly enhance their video marketing efforts, ensuring they deliver compelling, professional-grade video content that resonates with their audience and drives business success. By leveraging cloud video platforms, brands can tap into a global audience, optimize content delivery across various devices, and gain valuable insights through analytics. Ultimately, embracing cloud video technology empowers brands to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape and foster deeper connections with their target audience. please don’t hesitate to contact us via email or phone for further assistance!
submitted by inkryptvideos to u/inkryptvideos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:23 breqfast25 Shrooms as a therapy

I’m curious if anyone has ever read of or tried psilocybin as a support for concussive symptoms? I’ve never done it before. I’m curious about the help it might give. I smoked weed somewhat regularly prior to my accident and found that it helped/helps me now in managing symptoms. Particularly when I’m starting to flare up big and have the “concussion heartburn starting” which is one of my personal big red flags. It means I’ve blown past several smaller warning signs. Unfortunately, sometimes you can’t help the environmental events- (bad grocery store lighting and someone’s tantrumming toddler, etc.) During my early concussion days the brain fog was so severe that it seemed to help my body feel like things “made sense” if I smoked because it’s normal to feel foggy when stoned. It helped a lot.
No judgement for casual smokers, but for me, this is something I’ve been open about with my providers. They haven’t told me not to, I’ve asked quite directly.
A friend gave me some shrooms recently, but I’m both eager and scared to take them. I’ve read mixed things. At this point, anything that will help alleviate my suffering and help me move along, I’m willing to give a shot.
submitted by breqfast25 to Concussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:22 Star_struck01 I confirmed I have herpes. Now who gave it to me.

F22 with a new partner M23.
Funny thing is I posted this a couple days ago
HSV 1 was 33.6
HSV. 2 <0.9
I am devastated, crying my eyes out and damn near suicidal
Recently I’ve had a new sexual partner for a couple months now. I’ve tested negative for everything the only issue is they have never tested me for herpes. Ever since I’ve met him I’ve been getting sick every couple of weeks (could be a coincidence) and i just noticed that I’ve had a recurrent mouth ulcer? At the roof of my mouth. The last time I was sick last month for a week with a sore throat and I got the canker sore at the roof of my mouth again, usually very painful, one huge spot and white all over the spot. I got sick again on Sunday, sore throat, congested, fever and now its Thursday and I’m feeling another sore on in the roof of my mouth except in two different places. I’m worried sick, my partner is amazing, yes he is my boyfriend so I’m wondering if I have herpes? Is this a sign?
Also i would also like to note a week or so after my first sore appeared he seemed to have the same one around the same spot (upper gums)
Before I got tested I asked him if he gets sores like mine a lot and he said yes but they’re nothing to be worried about. Now I’ve confirmed I have HSV 1 I don’t think he even understands what I mean and now I think I sound very accusatory because now Im begging him to get tested. Now I’m worried that I probably gave it to him because we kissed a couple days ago when I had just started getting sick. He’s not my first partner but he’s the only person I’ve been with since I started getting sick and sores in my mouth. I hope I didn’t give it to him.
submitted by Star_struck01 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:19 ketu11 Father's death in Natal chart

Father's death in Natal chart
Saturn the father figure, in the house of paternal Capricorn, 10H meaning legacy , in Scorpio the sign of death and investigation, digging beneath the surface which I need to do because I don't know much about him
submitted by ketu11 to astrologymemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:17 Fun_Table8155 I feel way too young for this

Long time lurker, first time poster. Sorry if this is too long. I am in my late 20s and my mom is in her 60s, with what we are 99% sure is some kind of dementia. She has had mental issues all her life but never gotten any solid kind of diagnosis (some have said severe depression, schizo, bipolar, etc). Lots of paranoia and irrational thinking on her part for my entire life, and even longer. Eventually, she got so difficult to take to a doctor (she absolutely refused) that my dad all but gave up. She could function semi-normally at home and in public for years, up until about a year ago. She started hallucinating, getting very angry and mean, forgetting absolutely everything short term, and having outbursts in public. At this point, my dad and I (only child) forced her to go to a doctor, where we told him everything. He did a sort of memory test, which she did awful at, and ended up signing papers to help my dad get guardianship since we both knew things were going downhill fast. He also started seroquel, which helped her sleep a little but did nothing for the moods.
A couple of months ago, my mom ended up hospitalized for heart failure. This just seemed to make things 10000% worse mentally. She was very confused, extremely mean, and couldn't even remember what she ate minutes before. While in the hospital, we pushed for a psychiatrist to see her, who started zoloft and zyprexa in place of seroquel. Things looked better for a few days, and she was sent home. When she got home, things ended up spiraling BIG time. She was a little less hateful, but now she has developed severe OCD-like behavior. Washing something 20 times. Eating one chip out of three bags. Going through 4 tubes of toothpaste. She is constantly hungry but never eats a full meal all at one time. She can't remember what happened in the last 5 minutes, let alone anything else. She has a neuro appointment next month to address the dementia and hopefully get some answers.
I feel so bad for my dad... he is basically chained to her and their house now. I come over and help when I am not working (I am full time). I am married and wanting kids, but feel like I just can't do anything right now. I guess I just needed to get this off my chest. Of course none of my friends understand. I feel so isolated.
submitted by Fun_Table8155 to dementia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:17 hands---free ARE To express the concept of "are" in ASL you don't use a specific sign but rather you consider what you mean and you choose the sign or set of signs and grammar features that most closely match your meaning.Very typically the concept of "are" is expressed as part of a question that can be...

ARE To express the concept of submitted by hands---free to learnASL [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:16 choogabalooga Another basically single mom rant.

There’s a lot of debate on what it means to actually be a “single mom”, there’s some gate keeping. But for me I’m literally single and I do everything for our kid myself.
I just signed our 7 year old up for swim lessons. Paid for them myself. I paid for his eye exam and glasses recently, all by myself. I clothe our kid, pay our rent, buy his school supplies, all by myself. I do the doctors stuff and everything for him by myself.
My ex is lucky enough to have his food phone and rent paid for by his girlfriend. But I still financially support all of my child’s needs myself.
My ex got a fast food job recently and today I called him with swim school details. He mentioned he was at Walmart and didn’t have time to talk. I asked him very kindly, since he was there, would he mind picking our son up some swim trunks? “I don’t have the money for that right now.”
He never has money for our son. Never has time for him never takes him anywhere or does anything fun with him, not even a playground. But him and his girlfriend are booking a fucking California vacation later this summer!?!
He doesn’t even call our son when I have him or text to ask how he is. I’ve brought this up to him before, multiple times, his response always “Well at least I’m PRESENT. Isn’t that enough!” “I watch our son for you!”
Excuse the fuck out of me? He acts like he’s a fucking saint by doing the bare minimum as a parent and he’s BARELY present. Our son already is verbally open about how he prefers me, and I’m accused of brainwashing him and bad mouthing his father to him. NO, our son just sees the hard work I put in for him. Fuck
submitted by choogabalooga to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:12 SoundersFan27 Something in my walls is making noises at night

“Jacob, can you come over here?”
“Give me a minute, Jess. Just finishing something up”
“I’m not asking a fucking question, get over here now.”
I stared into space for a couple seconds, conjuring up the strength to get off the couch. I had just gotten back from work, and helping my girlfriend around the house was the last thing I wanted to do that night. I mean, I thought she was about to have a bath; what the fuck did she want now? Before I could get up, footsteps started rapidly approaching me from the back bathroom. I quickly threw my phone aside on the couch and hopped up, acting like I was on my way.
“What the hell is taking you so long?” Jess said, bursting through the doorway. She was in her typical business casual blazer and jeans. I hadn’t seen her since she left for work in the morning; when she came home just 5 minutes prior she headed straight for the shower. She looked… flustered.
“Sorry, I had to just finish up some paperwork for some stuff at work,” I scraped out unconvincingly. Jess looked at me skeptically, so I quickly diverted the conversation. “Anyways, we can talk about it later, what’s going on?”
“I think, I don't really know how to explain it,” Jess said. I could sense a quiver of fear in her voice. “There’s, like, an infestation.”
“Like, of spiders?” I could feel my skin crawl. I sure as hell wasn’t hoping to have a showdown in the bathtub with a tarantula.
“No, no spiders. Just flies I think. And it’s not a whole nest or anything, they’re just crawling out of the floorboards. I saw a few last night but there’s way more now.”
“Shit, well I guess I’ll go check it out if you want.”
Jess nodded, and we locked eyes. She almost looked afraid, her eyes bleached with a sense of sorrow, while her brows were furrowed.. in fear? Maybe disappointment? It had always been so hard to read her. I had so many questions to ask her, but all I could choke out was, “Are you okay?”
She stared downwards and said, “Tough day at work.”
“You’re a bad liar.”
“Yeah, I know.”
An awkward silence followed. “I’ll see what I can do,” I said, awkwardly breaking the ice.
I walked past her, through the kitchen, and into the hallway. I peered over my shoulder as I wrapped around the corner and caught Jess staring at me blankly with that same face. I finally understood; she didn’t look distraught or afraid, she was guilty. I’ll admit, we had been going through a rough patch, but we had also been going to therapy and she hadn’t shown a sign of remorse. Guilt was something that she had never shown before. It was strange, but I didn’t think much of it at the time.
I opened our bedroom door and, to my confusement, the lights were out. I tried flipping on the light switch but nothing happened. I clicked it back and forth a couple more times, but the only light came from the far corner near the window. The bathroom door was slightly ajar, spilling in a sliver of light into the darkness.
A monotone buzzing noise traveled through the shadows, grating against my ears.
I moved towards the bathroom, but I stopped right before the door.
I was afraid. The buzzing seemed to grow louder by the second. It was deafening, piercing. “It’s just a couple of flies. I can handle a couple of flies,” I muttered to myself. I opened the door, and it let out a creeaak that split through the hum like butter.
When Jess had called it an infestation, she was wrong. No, that would be putting it kindly. It was a fucking plague of them. On the far end of the bathroom, where the tub lay right next to the window, flies were pounding against the window screen, attempting to break through the plastic wire. There were some who succeeded, but were stuck bouncing back and forth against the screen and the glass furiously like enraged ping pong balls. Their murmurs resonated through the room, the droning buzz mimicking the sound of power lines on a hot summer day.
I felt like running, but instead I moved closer. I stood straight over the tub, looking down at the floorboards. Flies were flying out of the cracks by the seconds. The floor held a mixture of insects, dead and alive. There were ants and beetles that scurried among a graveyard of dead flies. That’s when it hit me; a wafting stench flared at my nostrils. It made my eyes water.
I shoved myself further into the swarm, getting pelted by the insects as I shoved my hands forward. I gripped my fingers around the corner of the screen and ripped it back. Flies ricocheted off my face, looking for a route to freedom. My hands fumbled for the bottom of the window, and I shoved it upwards. The insects whirred out of the room, exiting through the window and out into the night. I fell backwards and scrambled away from the continuous swarm exiting through the floorboards.
The buzzing of the insects eventually faded. I got up, slowly but surely, and stumbled back over to the window. The flies were gone, but the stench still lingered. I looked downwards, over the sea of dead flies, beetles, and ants, and towards the floorboards. One spot in particular caught my eye. A few flies were still crawling out, but I took a large step over the bathtub and crunched down upon the beatles and flies. I squatted down next to the floorboard, noticing that it was very loose. I gripped my hands around it, took a deep breath, and ripped it out. The stench intensified, rushing against my face as I pulled the board out of its socket.
Concealed inside the walls of my bathroom, a rotting body lay right before my eyes. The unfortunate soul’s head had been ripped apart, its brain, or what was left of it, almost completely eaten by the insects. The body was bloated, and there was still plenty of flesh still left. It was fresh. I staggered backwards, my eyes plastered in the direction of the body. I couldn’t look away. All of a sudden, the light turned off, and my heart sank. I was completely and utterly enveloped in darkness.
“You were wrong, I’m not a bad liar,” a familiar voice giggled from behind me.
I wanted to turn around, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t bear to face what I would see, even though I knew what would await me.
“What the fuck, Jess?! Who the fuck even are you?” I decided to face my fears, and turned around to see the dark outline of my girlfriend. “You fucking killed someone and let insects turn him into fucking skin and bones?! What the fuck, what the fuck, how is this possible-” I wailed on in shock, before Jess cut me off.
“Oh, don’t worry. I didn’t let the beatles do all of the dirty work, I had a little snack as well!”
I looked at Jess in terror, disgust, and shock. She thought this was funny. Whether she was a cannibal or simply a killer, I couldn’t give a fuck. I spent years with her, I slept with that monster, and I fucking loved that bitch. I simply didn’t, and still, don’t understand.
What happened next was somewhat of a blur. All I know is that I didn’t want to end up like the person underneath the floorboards. I jumped straight out of the window and hopped in my car. I drove for hours, and I didn’t stop until I ran out of fuel. The one thing that I really do remember though, is her pleading screams for me to come back as I sped away from our house.
“Come back!”
“Please don’t leave me!”
“I love you!”
“Please don’t do this!”
“I don’t want to hurt you!”
“Let's just talk this out, please!”
As much as I want my old Jess back, I have a feeling that my old Jess never existed. I don’t know what would’ve happened if I had stayed that night. She might’ve spared me. She might’ve still loved me. Maybe we could’ve lived on as if her little hobby didn’t matter.
But I didn’t, and I don’t think I ever could’ve.
submitted by SoundersFan27 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:09 Glittering_Act_4059 Show recap! 5/19, 2pm showing

This is my second ever time going to SNM. I wrote up about my first time and how magical it was and I'm so glad I got to go again because let me tell y'all I somehow managed to have an entirely new experience this time.
I got the Oz Guest ticket to ensure I got an Ace card, and I was the first one off the elevator. I was dropped off on the 5th floor, alone, which was quite creepy with all the hospital beds and tubs and the forest. There was no one for several minutes, and I was disoriented and couldn't find the stairs or any way out. I drifted between the tub room and the forest, and eventually a nurse appeared in the tub room. I observed her wringing clothes in water, and draping them across the tubs, staging them like they were people. This process was slow and I heard a noise in the distance so I followed that into the forest, where I saw one other guest watching the cottage in the forest. I noticed finally that there was actually a nurse inside, eyes closed, only visible from one angle so I hadn't seen her when I passed earlier.
With nothing else to do, I stood there watching for what seemed like ages. Surely, at some point, she would do something? It was so long that I thought for sure I was missing a lot of the show. I wondered if it was worth it. I wondered what the other guest was wondering. A few others passed us, but no other characters for the longest time. Then a bell chimed, and the nurse finally opened her eyes. She looked out at us, stood, and....closed the window. At this point I was sure I had just wasted my time. I was debating leaving. But no one else was moving. But surely, this was a waste of time. I turned to leave, and suddenly the nurse from the tub room appeared, crying, and the nurse inside the cottage opened the window to observe her. I must say the lighting here was excellent, but then the lighting in this show continuously impresses me. I have never been a lighting nerd but this show has made me realize how impactful lighting can be to a show. It's used masterfully in many scenes.
But back to the show. The nurse finally came out, and touched hands with the other nurse. They walked. I walked. We all wove through that forest, until the tub nurse ran suddenly, and we were running too, and then we were locked out from a gate. The tub nurse appeared in a window to the tub room, and danced as we watched. This small dance seemed to me like she was on the edge of a cliff, and her grief took her over as she fell suddenly off the edge. Not fell, leaped. I read this scene as a woman tortured by grief taking her own life, while a friend? Colleague? Observed.
Then my cottage nurse turned and walked slowly back to her cottage. She opened the door a crack, and turned, staring at me. I stepped closer. She opened it further. Cautiously, I stepped inside. She closed the door behind us. What transpired next was a magical experience I will not soon forget, with the taste of tea on my lips and whispered words about a moon like decayed bark and a sun like a wilted sunflower and stars like flies pinned to place. Blood will have blood...
I left and there was no one outside the cottage or indeed in the forest at all. I made my way through it and the tub room and finally found another hallway. I'm going to be honest, I do forget where I wandered then, and I may definitely be mixing up the order in which the following scenes happened because the night was a fever dream. But I witnessed scenes I did not see the first time I went last month. Somehow, by luck, other than the ending scene and the rave I did not see any duplicate scenes.
I saw the porter - who I don't think I ever encountered last time - and his dance in the hotel lobby is my new favorite. It's so full of raw joy, and though he was clearly an older man he danced with boyish jubilance that was infectious. More than a few of us observers were absolutely dancing along with him as we watched. I also found his interactions with the Boy Witch fascinating and their choreography at the telephones was my favorite by far.
The Boy Witch was another character I only saw in the ballroom and the rave last time, but who I witnessed several scenes with this time around. He's far too fast for me to follow, but I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time several times throughout the show. It was the same actor as last time, and I have to saw I think he plays the character really well. He's clearly sought after by everyone he encounters, seducing and drawing people in. I loved every scene with him almost as much as the Porter. Also, is the snake tattoo his or his characters? It's really beautiful, either way.
I saw two very intimate scenes with the Bald Witch, who I wondered how I missed last show but found out I didn't - she wears a wig through part of the show 😅 The little room she cleans up in a few times throughout the show off the side of the lobby is where I encountered her most. Once solo, and I felt almost bad I stepped into the room with her because I'm not small and I know I partially blocked the view of people outside of the room but fortune favors the bold right? I did try to squeeze myself into a corner, which only resulted in another person coming in to fully block the view from the hallway. That person caught the eye of the bald witch instead of me (I should have just stayed out blocking them 😤) and was allowed to touch her head in a very intimate moment.
The second time I caught her in there was by following a woman whose character name I don't know, after the ballroom scene where the two of them move the trees and then embrace. This time I did not care if I blocked people, me and one other person were in the room and watched the two women clean themselves up and reapply makeup. When the other woman left, I stayed with the bald witch (now wearing a wig), who fascinated me.
At some point I ended up in the rave bar before the rave began. I didn't know the "Hell Here" sign changed to "Hello There" before the rave! Every time I had seen it previously it had the o and t unlit. I saw Hecate readying for the rave. The music changed, and she danced, and eventually she made gasping sounds. Each gasp seemed to be a summoning. A ritual, drawing the other characters towards her. Her scream initiated the rave, and this time I had front row view from a different angle than I had previously, so it was like seeing it new all over again. Every bit as incredible, but different enough to feel like a brand new experience. And again, the lighting, seriously I'm a lighting whore after this show. I will forever judge theater experiences by their use of lighting compared to this show now. I hope whoever is in charge of lighting design is paid handsomely because seriously their work really drives the story. The music too, but I'm more impressed by the lighting tbh.
After the rave, I debated trying for the Hecate 1 on 1 since I knew what triggered it from last show, but I wanted to try new experiences this time so I tried to follow the Boy Witch instead. But I couldn't keep up, and there were too many people, and the next thing I knew I was by myself wandering empty halls again.
I can't remember if this happened before or after the rave, but I saw Agnes in the hall with all the shops. She went into a bedroom, and lay to sleep, where the tailor (not sure that's the characters actual title?) snuck in through the closet and put her capelet over her as she slept. When he left, she woke, and she locked the door to the room. I watched her put on makeup, and then go into the closet. Me and the 3 others watching kind of looked at each other, wondering if we should follow. Two of them tried the door, to find it's locked. Once I knew that I plowed into the closet and had a delirious thought about going to Narnia but no, I just ended up back in the shops hallway, where I saw Agnes meet the man who had covered her when she slept, and together they went into the clothier, and danced as he presented her with fabrics to choose from, and when he left she stole his money, and he brought her flowers, and then she went back to her room. She went next to the detective agency, and wrote a letter which I couldn't read despite trying over her shoulder (I'm a creep, this show makes me feel like such a voyeur lol).
At some point I ended up back in the lobby, watching the porter and the Boy Witch and two women and I think MacBeth? Dancing on the lobby desk, which was wonderfully choreographed again. Instead of following the others I stayed with the porter and situated myself in front of him as he made a tiny boat out of a card. Then Agnes was there, ringing the bell for the porter, and I realized then we'd had a reset because I had seen this scene already. I went to take the boat origami, but as I reached for it another guest snatched it away - like literally, she had been pressed to my side the entire scene, her fingers twitching so she clearly knew the opportunity would be coming. I thought that was a little uncalled for, but whatever, I'd already had a few very special moments today I wasn't going to let one instance sour anything.
I left to find another scene as I had watched this one already, and ended up back at the Manderlay bar by accident. Took that opportunity to use the restroom and grab a quick drink because a woman was singing and she had a lovely voice. Listened until her song was done and when I went to leave, the guy who was the greeter at the start of the show asked if I want to enter a different way, and took me in through the "main" entrance which somehow I had never gone in through before?? This deposited me in the lobby of the hotel of course, and I wandered until I encountered two people running towards each other and embrace, sobbing. The man went on, and far too many people followed him so I followed the woman, who went into the room with the lit cross where Duncan(?) body is. She unwrapped him and used true loves kiss to bring him back to life. Together they went to the ballroom and danced, which was beautiful. Then she left, and I followed our resurrected Duncan because I had NO IDEA he came back to life at any point from last show so I was like bro what are you gonna do with your new life??? Well, he decided to retrace his steps of course, clearly confused and slowly remembering what had happened to him as he went first to the cross room, then to the place of his murder, then through to the room he dances in before his murder, and then he went running. I tried keeping up but well, I am not a runner.
Somewhere along the way I end up back in the ballroom, having followed someone I encountered in the hall. I thought oh great, banquet again, let me wander and see if anything else happens elsewhere since I have already seen this? But as I went to leave, the Porter and a woman came in, and positioned themselves in the back of the ballroom. I had not seen this before as I'm usually at the front, so I decided to stay and see if they do anything interesting. And this is when I realized the show was ending, because the banquet turned into a hanging, and we were then all ushered out.
Second time going to this show, and I feel I saw a whole new show having witnessed so many scenes I hadn't seen last time. I wonder how many more I am missing? I hope to see it once more next month, and maybe finally see the entire show and put together the pieces of plot. I definitely feel that this time I was able to absorb more, and found myself actually applying motives and thoughts and words to scenes that had none. I love that there are very few spoken scenes - it leaves the experience up to the beholder to interpret, and I know from reading others recaps that we all kind of notice different inflections that mean different things to us and change how we view a scene. I'm only sorry i waited so long to see this show - I wish I could have seen it more often to truly capture all of it.
But, I may have another chance next month! Until then, I for one will definitely be getting a good nights sleep after all that walking today 😂
submitted by Glittering_Act_4059 to sleepnomore [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:05 Ancient_Play148 New Mum with horrible dog-related anxiety. Help!

Has anyone here suffered PPA specifically triggered by their dog? I don’t know what’s happening.
Last year, I suffered a late term miscarriage and my husband and I made the decision to get a puppy - labradoodle after. I got pregnant 3 months later and recently welcomed my daughter although her pregnancy was very stressful as you can imagine.
Ever since bringing my daughter home, I have had this horrible and uncontrollable fear that our dog will hurt our daughter, either on purpose or accidentally, I don’t know ever this if coming from. She has never shown any signs of aggression and it was never a concern while I was pregnant. It literally started as soon as she was born. I think it may have been aggravated because my husband left our daughter and dog alone a couple of times and acted like I was overreacting when I got upset so I feel like I have to always be in high alert.
Before I get any hateful comments, our dog is very well cared for, I’m not being mean to her or anything but I get a pit in my stomach anytime I think of them interacting, especially when my daughter starts crawling and walking.
I started therapy this week but just wondering if anyone can relate? Please help! I’m feeling terrible about this and it is really taking a toll on me.
submitted by Ancient_Play148 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:00 LimeSlicer Abruptly losing bulk of leaves

Had a fairly established potted plant, moved out to a new container. Plant went into shock a week ago. It's been kept indoors, receiving indirect light, and it just started showing signs of recovery in beautiful new leaves. I moved the plant outside today (about 30) min total to spray it for possible pest issues because a neighboring plant got aphids. When I set it down outside about 1/3rd of the leaves came off I was shocked by the volume.
What's weird to me is that while the leaves are a lighter green, and curled, they are bone dry while leaves lost in early shock first turned yellow, were soft/flimsy and then dropped. I'm guessing this change in leaves before loss means I'm into another problem, but I don't know what that is?
I've been watering once every 3 days because the soil is staying moist to the touch on the surface and about 4" down.
Soil mixture is 2 pts MG potting soil, 2 pts peat moss, and 1 pts perlite.
Indoor temps range from 70 to 74.
Afraid I'm going to lose this one. What should I do now?
submitted by LimeSlicer to Hibiscus [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:00 SpookyDoings Hired Lowe's to build a deck in August 2023. Still not complete May 2024.

Hi all. I'm kind of losing my mind at how long this is taking and I was hoping someone here had advice on what I could do to speed things up? Or get a partial refund? Really, anything. We both worked very hard to save up $60,000 for this deck and it's been 9 months of constant frustration. We feel helpless. We contracted with Lowe's on this because we had such a nightmare time with our house contractors, and we figured Lowe's would handle the logistics for us. Hoooo boy that's not been remotely the case.
Here's a quick overview/timeline of events:
August - Signed a contract with Lowe's for a deck. Just a normal deck. Estimated date of material delivery: early October 2023. Estimated project completion date: October 31, 2023. We were told verbally that these things take time, permits take a while to be reviewed, etc., and that we should expect the deck to be completed by end of DecembeJanuary. Cool, that's totally reasonable.
October - Materials are delivered, including the concrete for the posts. When they finally did start this build, there were concerns from the decking company who Lowe's contracted for our project on whether these materials would still be good when they started, but they used them anyway.
November - The designeengineer comes out to build our deck plan. This plan was submitted to the city mid-November.
December - The engineer calls and says he needs to get paid for the deck plan. We are in Mexico and unable to do much, but we call Lowe's to sort it out.
February - A city inspector is at our house for a different thing and he shows us the permit that was submitted in November still required a $400 plan review fee. Again, this is something we assumed(????) Lowe's would be on top of. They act confused for the next month about who is supposed to pay for this (take it out of the $60,000 we gave you?????). Eventually someone pays for it. Not sure who.
March - Work starts. The company Lowe's hired spends about two weeks working. They are unable to continue work because Lowe's/the supplier sent vertical railings instead of the horizontal deck railing we ordered. The company Lowe's hired stops work and then stops responding.
April - Lowe's lets us know that they've removed that original contractor and have replaced them with someone new. Great. Turns out the rails are on back-order. Could be weeks until they arrive.
May - The correct rails arrive and the new contractor puts up two (2) for the inspector to check. Turns out the previous company did a terrible job on one set of stairs, missed a couple safety requirements on the deck itself, and made several accidental over-cuts into the Trex wood.
As of May 19 - We are still waiting on a re-order of replacement materials for the fixes listed above.
Again, I don't mean to be dramatic. There are people with real problems, I know. But we purchased a deck nearly a FULL YEAR AGO from a MAJOR HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY and it's still not built.
Does anyone have advice on what kind of recourse we have? Next steps? Hail Marys?
submitted by SpookyDoings to Lowes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:56 OwenWrites New game options are forcing me to interact with more of the game's mechanics and making it way more interesting

I was always content but not thrilled with Starfield. I loved the aesthetic and vibe, and I liked the idea of the overall story (Jules Verne's Star Trek, explore the stars to find adventure, mystery, and to leave the universe a better place than you found it), but I was let down by quests that were less interesting than I hoped and a gameplay loop that often boiled down to "run here, shoot all guys, win".
But the new gameplay options changed way more than I thought. A few examples include:
Suddenly, I'm considering building my first outpost to automate getting the rescources I need to keep my research going and medical updates intact. I'm actually collecting rescources and storing it my ship for when I need it. I'm searching POIs for more than just med kits. I want to invest in my ship to make it feel more like a home. I'm trying to find ways to avoid combat as much as possible.
The next thing I want to try is to turn off auto-save and only save when I'm on my ship or in a city. I want to make each fight feel more impactful and dangerous, plus help mechanically fulfill that "Jules Verne Star Trek" fantasy where every adventure begins and ends on my ship with my crew, as we flesh it out and make it feel more "homely" with notable items and memorabilia we take from our quests.
If your initial reaction to the game was like mine, I encourage you to give it a try with the new options on. The list of items feels small on paper, but they combine in just the right way to make it feel like an entirely new game has just opened up for me within the old one I thought I'd been playing.
submitted by OwenWrites to Starfield [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:55 carysteff We reached my goal!

Yesterday my LO turned 1, which means we made it to my breastfeeding goal! So grateful for this journey with him. I appreciate the advice I received from this sub in the early days of breastfeeding.
No sign of weaning completely any time soon (he’s one of those babies that I think would nurse forever if he could lol).
Wishing everyone & their little ones well💕
submitted by carysteff to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:54 GhostRedBlood Am I the jerk for not giving my older step brother a work to his work interview

So I just got my P’s and I’m already a pretty confident driver but also cautious. Anyway I’m 18 and my step brother is 28 and for a bit of background my step brother had been trying to get his licence for 10 years. He had been on his learners and he never drove. Untill I got my Learners and my stepdad started taking me on drives. But I guess my step brother got jealous because suddenly he wanted to get his license. So my stepdad gave us 2 driving lessons each a week. Now I was keen on mine and went whenever I could. However my step brother kept making excuses as to not do his lessons. Now before this he had gotten 100 hours which is what you need, but the thing is it took him 8 years and he went for his driving test but failed for speeding and his excuse was “I was looking at the road” which is fine, but he wasn’t paying attention to anything else, not the lights, signs or other cars. Literally he was looking at the black tar and that’s it.
So yea, he has had plenty of opportunities to get his license and he’s just procrastinated for so long.
Anyway this happened a few days ago, about a week after I passed my drivers test and I was gonna go and buy some ice cream, because I can. And my stepbrother comes up to me and asks “can you drop me off at my interview?” And i straight up said “no”
He then got annoyed and said “but why? I’m your step brother.” And I replied with “and? You should have gotten your license ages ago. Take a bus or something and not running around after you because you refused to get your license”
He replied “but I need to get to this interview it’s in 10 minutes” and I replied “well you should have left earlier, I’m not wasting my time on someone who is old enough to look after themselves, now grow up and find another way to your job interview” I then hopped in my car, locked it and drive off
Now I know that a bit mean, but he’s nearly 30 and he’s expecting an 18 year old to run after him because he was to lazy to get his license
submitted by GhostRedBlood to AmITheJerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:53 Amanda39 [Discussion] Armadale by Wilkie Collins Victorian Lady Detective Squad Readalong Book 4 Chapter 3 - End

Welcome back once more, for our final discussion of Armadale. I apologize again for the discussion being late. Last week, my excuse was that I had to spend time with my sister's family, including a labradoodle. This week, I am dog-sitting my mother's beagle, who has separation anxiety and gas. I am horribly sleep-deprived because this dog insists on sleeping next to my bed every night, snoring loudly and farting. Speaking of people breathing in poison in their sleep, let's get to the recap:
Allan has just set off for the Adriatic, with his cash converted to gold, obviously the result of Manuel's suggestions. Lydia and Ozias have been transferred to Turin by Ozias's employer, and Lydia pretends to have gotten a letter from her mother, asking her to come home, so she has an excuse to go back to London. Once there, she checks the newspaper for any articles or obituaries indicating that Allan has died. She also finds Mother Oldershaw's new address, but decides not to visit her.
After a few days, she finally gets the news she's been hoping for. Allan's yacht sunk off the southern coast of Italy, and everyone on board perished. Her next step is to write to Bashwood:
My dearest Bashwood,
I desire you... I mean, I desire to *meet with you... to apologize for my previous behavior towards you. I have foolishly made the mistake of marrying an immature child. If only I had married a real man (realness not necessarily extending to his teeth and hair)!*
Please, do not show this letter to anyone. Let us meet clandestinely.
Lydia Armadale (note the last name)
Lydia then considers the marriage certificate, and realizes a glaring flaw in her plan: Ozias's handwriting looks nothing like Allan's. In a panic, she decides that her only option is to get advice from Mother Oldershaw. Unfortunately, Mother Oldershaw appears to have found God, and no longer wants anything to do with Lydia's plans. (Of course, she refuses to give Lydia the signed paper that she was going to use to extort money from Lydia if her plans succeeded.)
While leaving Oldershaw's, Lydia runs into Dr. Downward... excuse me, Dr. Le Doux, totally legitimate sanitarium owner. She realizes that he may be able to advise her, and asks to meet him later at the sanitarium. The sanitarium is basically what you'd expect a 19th-century sanitarium to be: creepy old house with shelves containing jars of preserved "creatures," a "galvanic apparatus" for providing electric shocks, etc. No patients yet, though.
Lydia tells the doctor her story, leaving out the worst details (he doesn't know that she's the reason the yacht sunk, or that her husband goes by the fake name "Ozias Midwinter"). Downward agrees to assist her by claiming to be a witness to the marriage... for a fee of six hundred pounds. Lydia agrees, and he assists her in sending a letter to Thorpe Ambrose, claiming to be Allan's widow.
The next day, Lydia gets a visit from Bashwood, who delivers the news that Neelie is beside herself with grief, and Mr. Darch is handling the matter of the inheritance, which was going to go to Allan's cousin, before Lydia announced her claim.
Bashwood returns a few days later with a shocking letter from Yugoslavia: Allan is alive! This is where I'd normally try to write a funny version of the letter, but nothing I could possibly write would be funnier than the actual letter's opening line: "I have been the victim of a rascally attempt at robbery and murder." Yes, "rascally." Oh, Allan, never change. One of the would-be murderers took pity on Allan and didn't securely board up his cabin, so he was able to escape instead of sinking with the yacht.
Lydia turns to Downward for help.
Downward: What if we trap Allan in the sanitarium?
Lydia: And murder him?
Downward: WTF, no. We get him to agree to not press legal charges against us.
Lydia: And then we murder him?
Downward: I have so many regrets about teaming up with you
Lydia: How do we catch him?
Downward: You could get Bashwood to lurk around the train station and intercept him before anyone else sees him. Have him tell Allan that Miss Milroy was sent here because she was driven insane by her grief for him.
Lydia: Can we murder Allan and Miss Milroy?
Downward: I am running an unlicensed sanitarium under a false name, and even I think you're unhinged.
Lydia: Gwilty as charged
Downward: But wait, what if he doesn't agree immediately, and we have to keep him here for months? What if I have actual patients at the time, and they report us?
Lydia: What if...
Downward: ...please don't say "murder"
Lydia: ...what if he had an accident?
Downward: Oh. Well, if it was an "accident," that would be okay. I don't know how an accident could happen, though, if you aren't an inmate here.
Lydia: I'll think about it
Meanwhile, Bashwood keeps vigil at the train station, until one day he sees... Ozias, who is searching for Lydia because she's stopped writing to him. While they talk to each other, Bashwood can't contain his shock at hearing that Lydia is Ozias's wife, and accidentally calls her "Mrs. Armadale," which understandably makes Ozias suspicious, so he follows Bashwood to see where he goes, which of course leads him straight to Lydia. Lydia pretends she was never married to Ozias, and Ozias faints from the shock.
Lydia heads straight to the sanitarium, tells Downward she's going to be an inmate, and asks for a sleeping draught. Downward prepares the draught, but first places yellow liquid in a purple flask. He then informs Lydia of what he thinks they should say at the inquest after Allan dies: The two of them knew he hadn't drowned, but when he arrived in England, they decided to trap him in the sanitarium because, shortly after his marriage to Lydia, Allan had starting having a delusion that he was engaged to Neelie. Once in the sanitarium, Downward diagnosed Allan with an incurable and fatal brain ailment, and that's what killed him.
Downward has scheduled a "Visitors' Day" so that people will witness Lydia as an inmate in the asylum. The visitors are mostly women, because life as a woman in Victorian England was so boring, they had nothing better to do than go to sanitariums to gawk at the mentally ill people and see where they will eventually live when the hysteria finally drives them mad. (I am only barely paraphrasing. The actual quote is "In the miserable monotony of the lives led by a large section of the middle classes of England, anything is welcome to the women which offers them any sort of harmless refuge from the established tyranny of the principle that all human happiness begins and ends at home.")
Downward shows them around the sanitarium and explains how it will be run, including only allowing novels that make people feel comfortable. (I assumed this was an intentional satire of Wilkie's critics, and the notes in the Oxford World's Classics edition confirmed this.)
But then Downward gave a sales pitch that damn near sold me on his sanitarium. "I throw up impregnable moral intrenchments between Worry and You. ... Will ten minutes’ irritation from a barking dog or a screeching child undo every atom of good done to a nervous sufferer by a month’s medical treatment? There isn’t a competent doctor in England who will venture to deny it!" Considering I almost couldn't post last week's discussion because of a few hours' exposure to two loud children and a labradoodle, I'm about ready to self-diagnose with hysteria and deranged lunacy.
He also explains that while the bedrooms lack fireplaces, they're heated with hot water. This impressed me because I've read about Victorian insane asylums not having fireplaces in the bedrooms (since the inmates might burn themselves), but I always assumed this meant that the inmates were cold in the winter. But wait... the bedroom also has secret controls that let him open, close, and lock the window and door from the outside, and a vent that lets him pump gas into the room. Whaaat? I rescind my diagnosis of hysteria and deranged lunacy. I want nothing to do with this.
After the tour is finished, Downward demonstrates to Lydia how to prepare the poison, and then breaks the bottle so that his assistant (who doesn't know about the purple flask) will think there's no more of that chemical in the house.
Meanwhile, Ozias is stalking Bashwood at the train station. He thinks Lydia is cheating on him, and Bashwood is waiting for Lydia's lover. But then he sees Bashwood with Allan. After confronting the two of them, he learns Bashwood's story about having to take Allan to Neelie in the sanitarium. Realizing that Lydia is probably still behind Bashwood's actions, Ozias insists on going with the two of them. On arriving at the sanitarium, Allan is informed that Neelie cannot see him until the morning, but he and Ozias are welcome to spend the night: Allan in Room Four, and Ozias in Room Three.
Lydia sets Bashwood up to spy on Allan's door from a room with a grate in its door. She tells him to make sure Allan stays in his room all night. Later, watching from the grate, Bashwood observes Ozias leave his room and examine the fumigating apparatus connected to Allan's room. Then Ozias stuffs his handkerchief in the grate, blocking Bashwood's view, before going into Allan's room and convincing Allan to switch rooms with him.
Later that night, Lydia returns and asks Bashwood if anything happened. Too afraid to tell her about the handkerchief, he tells her nothing happened, and she dismisses him to bed. After almost convincing herself to not go through with it, she then starts the process of pouring the poison at five minute intervals. While waiting for one of the intervals to pass, she notices Ozias's handkerchief and realizes that Bashwood lied to her. She checks in Room Three, and finds Allan asleep where Ozias should be.
In a panic, Lydia rushes into Room Four and drags the unconscious Ozias out. She then continues to pour the poison, writes a last letter to Ozias, and locks herself in the room.
We end with an epilogue that rapidly ties up all the random loose ends. Lydia has been buried in a nearly unmarked grave. The doctor is apparently still running his sanitarium. Allan and Neelie will be married in the spring. Mrs. Milroy doesn't have much longer to live, but she's undergone a personality change for some reason and she and the Major are happy for once. Ozias is recovering and living with Allan. Mother Oldershaw is a religious speaker, apparently. Bashwood has gone insane. Manuel drowned.
But wait, one last thing: Wilkie has something to say to us. He wants us to know that he intended the dream to be left up to interpretation. Thanks for handing me a discussion question like that, Wilkie. He also shares a weird-ass story about how, after he'd finished the rough draft and while the story was in the middle of serialization, several people were poisoned in their sleep on a boat called The Armadale. Okay, Wilkie. Thank you for that incredibly weird anecdote.
submitted by Amanda39 to bookclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:48 Bob_the_peasant Brutal Dracula Solo Mini-Guide for Dummies Like Me

Brutal Dracula Solo Mini-Guide for Dummies Like Me

Brutal Dracula Solo Mini-Guide

So, you got comfortable with the longbow for the first 100 bosses and now you're here, like me.
While I know I'm nowhere near first to the party on defeating Brutal Dracula solo, I figured I would write up what worked for me in hopes it helps someone else trying for this particularly difficult achievement. There are many ways to win this battle, and this is one of them. I am only using gear available to you prior to defeating Dracula although some of it is rare. Using purple weapons with similar stats can work but may be slightly more difficult.


You'll want to make sure you bring both Potion of Rage and Witch potions along with a Vampiric Brew for the extra spell leech and 5% blood type boost. As far as blood goes, I was able to do this with both 100% Brute and 100% Rogue blood. Use whichever you have available, but I preferred the rogue blood (which surprised me). The weapons I suggest bringing along are Gravecaller, Mortitia's Lament, and Oaksong. Other swords and ranged weapons can work, but I think the only way to get condemn on a howling reaper is through Mortitia's, which is a nice 15% damage debuff. For armor I recommend the Shadow set, which will have 3/4 pieces along with the Shadowmoon Chestguard. The movement speed and critical strike chance will help you avoid getting hit while dishing out massive damage. The 4-piece set bonus will not be available, but if you are using rogue's blood you will have 100% crit chance after a Veil dash regardless. Last I recommend using Adam's Soul Shard of the Monster assuming you are on a private solo server or have it available. If not, the other 2 soul shards can work in a pinch, or use your favorite amulet (8% movement speed is nice) and Raging Tempest. Take a look further down at the abilities and their jewels for each phase.
Adam's Relic Shard

Phase 1 & 2

The loadout for the first two phases will look like this: Veil of Chaos, Blood Rite, and Frost Barrier. Included in the pictures are the jewel rolls I was able to equip on each of those.
Phase 1 & 2 abilities + jewels
In phase 1 do your best to avoid taking too much damage beyond your "black bar" because you'll want it for phase 2. You can run to the door and escape the fight at this point as well, no need to take durability damage from dying if you had a bad start. I was most comfortable with using the longbow at mid-range to quickly chip away at Drac's health. Multishot at full focus for big damage, Guided Arrow at full focus when he's going to stay put for a few seconds. Between Blood Rite, Frost Barrier and Veil you will always have a defensive option for any of his moves, although many can be avoided by simply running. Note that you will still take damage from his shattering smash that releases a star-pattern of projectiles if you're standing in the center - the projectiles themselves can be countered safely. His double-slash projectile is great for Frost Barrier and then recast in his face for some good damage as well. When the arena turns dark and many bats start coming out, shuffle walk back and forth to bait their trajectory lines while preparing to Veil away when the boss reappears. Don't use Veil while it is dark, you need it to dodge the grab / blood suck. You can run straight through the wolf move safely. His lunge and other sword attacks can be sidestepped or blocked/countered by our abilities too.
When phase 2 starts you can safely fire off your ultimate as he's landing. When he creates a large line of projectiles, the space directly in front of him is safe. Veil to dodge his large overhead chop, sidestep his lunge, and get some nice damage in on his quadruple blade projectiles by running the frost shield into his fast and recasting. When he vanishes and the bats begin coming out again, it's a great time to destroy crystals. Don't Veil into the crystals area though, you need it to dodge his attack. Instead, let a bat hit your Blood Rite, then walk in while you're ethereal. You should be able to do enough damage to destroy the crystal before he starts attacking again, freeing up much needed space. When he teleports to the center and create the cross and all the homing projectiles, just run to the edge of the arena back and forth. With enough movement % you can out-strafe them. You can get some damage in here by frost shielding 3-4 at a time too. When the second fire cross finishes, you can close the distance with frost shield to him early by blocking more projectiles too. Throughout most of this I used the bow, though I took out the sword for the crystals sometimes.
After his health gets to zero, he'll start to play his transition animation. It's pretty cool, but you shouldn't watch it. You should open up your abilities menu and grab Void and Ball lightning instead. There's a fair amount of time during this transition to do this, unlike Phase 4 where you should be prepared to be slightly faster.

Phase 3

Phase 3 abilities + jewels
You've swapped out your moves and are frantically looking around for the first enemy spawns on the outskirts of the room. If they get to the center, they heal Dracula and turn into an annoying enemy, so the goal here is to not let them get there. Void and Ball Lightning with certain jeweles will let you push and pull enemies. Place Void behind enemies to drag them backwards / towards each other, place Ball Lightning in front of enemies to push them backwards. If you can get 3 enemies with the bow's Multishot, this will push them back quite a bit too, followed by the Seeking Arrow that stuns with 3 focus. Don't forget you can feed on them below 30% health for an instant kill bite. When too many of them are getting near Dracula, fire off Adam's ultimate to knock them back into some heavy hitting lightning. If Dracula heals past 75% it is going to be difficult, but with this method I've been able to have zero healing applied to him consistently. When all the monsters are cleaned up, swap to the heart and throw everything you have it. Feed on the heart and immediatley open your ability menu for you phase 4 abilities. You’ll have to be faster swapping abilities here so you don’t miss out on some free damage time. Note that we use a different frost defensive now instead of the frontal shield (pictured below with gems)

Phase 4

Phase 4 abilities + jewels
For phase 4, you'll have special Dracula blood with very powerful abilities - but don't count on whatever blood type you brought because it's gone. Periodically swap to the Reaper weapon and toss the rotating damage on dracula since he is stationary. Otherwise, go to town on him with the sword and whirlwind. The 15% damage debuff from condemn will have a lot of uptime here. Veil has half the cooldown, so don't be afraid to use it frequently. As the line of projectiles comes at you, use blood rite or cold snap to intentionally get hit while dodging the swords. Don't break ethereal by attacking if you're in the middle of swords, you have plenty of time with this loadout to beat the "enrage timer." The stacking debuff will mean later in the fight you take significantly more damage and things like bloodrage don't clear this debuff. You can Veil through his knockback waves twice if timed correctly since we're using Veil of Chaos. Continue hammering on him with the reaper throw ability and the sword whirlwind - the bow is really not a great choice at this point because you are too immobile while firing. If you can manage to get his health to zero, you win! I say this because... even if you die simultaneously or shortly after he does, he'll be downed in his throne room when you return. Don't ask me how I know this.
Good luck!
I hope this mini-guide helps someone out there on their quest to defeat Dracula on Brutal. Don't give up, you too can brood in a big winged chair! Please let me know if there's anything I missed or anything you'd like to add in the comments!


submitted by Bob_the_peasant to vrising [link] [comments]