Runescape pest control bot


2024.05.19 23:49 crazycatsister [REQUEST] [STEAM] V Rising

Hi all!
My name is Jena! I am female, 30 years old, I am an Aquarius, and I never done something like this before. I have been a gamer for about as long as I could get my hands on a game, however growing up in a family that was not particularly into video games made that fairly difficult. I grew up playing Neopets, Runescape, The Sims, and other old classics on my computer. I didn't get my first gaming console until I was 18. Unfortunately, at 18 I had to try and be an adult and that left little time or money to play and build up a game library, but I started. 12 years later I am out of a controlling relationship (part of what he controlled was my spending habits) and I am still slowly trying to build up my collection of games. I was unfortunately left with all the shared debt between us, so despite working full time, all my money goes to bills and debts for the next few years until I can dig my way out. It means a lot to me to be able to relax and enjoy myself on my days off, and playing games is one of my favorite ways to do that.
About the game V Rising
First of all, if you don't have this game maybe you should get it for yourself. V Rising is described on steam as "Awaken as a Vampire. Hunt for blood in nearby settlements to regain your strength and evade the scorching sun to survive. Raise your castle and thrive in an ever-changing, open world full of mystery. Gain allies online and conquer the land of the living." It is a multiplayer, open world survival, base building game. I am a huge RPG fan and love open world survival games. I have more recently expanded into base building games, and man I wish I had known those were a thing a long time ago. I also love Vampires and a game with all of these elements has me extremely interested in playing, which is how I ended up here. I have actually tried to limit what I know about this game as I very much enjoy immersing myself in the lore and learning the story as I go. I have watched a limited few videos on gameplay but I am always weary of spoilers, so I didn't want to watch anything too in depth.
Thank you so much for learning a bit more about me and V Rising, and if I didn't convince you to gift me V Rising, I hope you will at least consider trying it for yourself, lol. :) Seriously though, thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a fantastic day. <3
[V Rising Link](
[My Steam Page](
submitted by crazycatsister to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:45 Good_Dot_2065 Remarks for an idiot

Guys got al much amazing feed back on my last post, over 1k up votes, tons of comments, a few fucking loser traders and bots but overall a ton of you out there just like me. People say we are dumb "gambling" like this but fuck you buy a house in this market you take a gamble, you guy a car it's a gamble, everything you do everyday is more of a gamble then putting 1k on FFIE and praying to send your money to the moon. Interest rates, cost of living, gas prices, we get fucked everyday for these people. I say these people because tue hedgies we are going up against are the blood suckinf vampires that make up the 1% that controls how we all live our lives. We are asking for much are we, just what we are fucking owed, because they make thier money of the sweat of our back breaking work, our service industry jobs, our fucking taxes. We are fucking owed what we fucking seek, they owe this to us, if one of these fuck faces makes a million it doesn't mater, but to us it changes our life. We all know what happens if they lose, it will be a drop in the bucket, they will get bailed out, but if we lose we are gonna feel it. We have to take the fight to these muthafuckers for each and every one of us that has carried these fucking hedgies for years. Look at the shorts, look at how much the fucking people own, look at the WSJ target price. We are the fucking few, we are the powerful, we will fucking live forever. Til Valhalla muthafucker. Tomorrow is our day, it is owed to you, so fucking take it back!
submitted by Good_Dot_2065 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:41 Hyuto Is Hwei support a good pick?

In the last 30 days, Hwei has had 48.37% win rate in emerald+ globally, compared to 52.25% as bot laner and 50.82% as mid laner. However, support Hwei has 57.56% win rate amongst one tricks, which is comparable to mid and bot for one tricks. We could explain that by saying Hwei support players are just mecanically failing on him or just lack champion mastery, but that doesn't affect one tricks. Or it could just be that the sample size for one trick supports is too low to reach any valuable conclusion. Or maybe its a cheesy pick that is only good when you master it, while mid/bot are easier to have consistent impact on.
Kit comparison:
If we compare Hwei to other similar mage 'supports' picks (Zyra and Seraphine) I think its safe to say that he has similar utility and damage. His QE in teamfights is bonkers zone control even without any items, WQ is awesome, WW lets him act as a front line early in lane, E offers different types of CC to pick off people or peel.
The R, in my opinion, might be one of the things that hold Hwei support back. Its really good when Hwei has items and can one shot a target from afar by comboing with R. But if we compare to Zyra and Seraphine R in terms of utility, is it as good?
The other factor that is hard to decipher is his reliance on items and levels. For levels, it would seem that he's fine considering Hwei bot has a good win rate. But support often likes to roam and miss even more xp, so that could be a problem. I feel like as long as you reach level 6, you're in a good spot to provide utility. But the damage might not be there.
As for items I honnestly don't know how he needs them compared to a Zyra or Seraphine. Maybe running First strike and Cashback can help alleviate this issue?
submitted by Hyuto to summonerschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:37 miri__3107 Save me from these creatures!!!

It has been a year since we had our first bed bugs infestation and after 4 rounds of pest control made us think we finally got rid of them until i started seeing a few bugs here and there. My family as usual thought i was just messing around until they themselves started seeing a few of these blood sucking monsters. I discovered a spot wherein there were multiple cracks and spaces and upon closer look I discovered that they had been laying eggs there for some time now so I sealed those cracks thinking we almost got rid of 70% of them. well that’s not it anymore, I have been scratching my body every time I try to sleep at night and when I look for bugs they ARE never around as if they disappear in thin air. I am desperate to get rid of them because I am the only one who is affected by them the most as my skin is sensitive and i develop those big bumpy rashes very quickly. My parents don’t take it seriously as they don’t get bitten often. Anyways I am writing this while trying to sleep, getting bitten and developing big bites making me stay till late
submitted by miri__3107 to Bedbugs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:32 adorabletapeworm Index

Orion Pest Control
First Post
  1. More On The Housekeepers
  2. Dog Days
  3. Don't Ask To Speak To My Manager
I Think I Lost My Throne As the 'Weird Coworker' (Complete. For Now.)
First Post
  1. I'm In Trouble
  2. I Actually Went Out For Once
  3. I Need To Fix My Front Door
  4. 🐐 -
  5. I Had To Get A New House
  6. Matthew Is The Worst
  7. Wish #2
  8. I Got Some Answers
  9. I Have A Fan, Apparently
  10. The Worst Monster I've Encountered Yet
  11. I Broke Into A Middle Manager's House
  12. I Think I Made A Mistake
  13. My Final Wish
submitted by adorabletapeworm to u/adorabletapeworm [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:25 fehbuary Black knight stacked season one (193 skins) (172 pickaxes) (stw + modded guns) (plat 2 ranked rn)

Black knight stacked season one (193 skins) (172 pickaxes) (stw + modded guns) (plat 2 ranked rn)
Lmk any questions and I’ll answer!
submitted by fehbuary to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:54 AxstromVinoven Jumper Axstrom - #28A - The Fountain + Biosphere Supplement - Builds

28 - The Fountain Build

Point Summary

Point Total: 1000 CP 1000 (Base)

Jump Details

Document name: 28 - The Fountain Version: 1.1 Author: SJ-Chan Source:

Jump Duration

Years: 10 Months: 0 Days: 0


Noble Thought (Free)
A noble is a creature of excess, and excess has a way of blinding one to reality. Well, not you. No matter how much you have, you will never forget the value of things, the realities of the lives of people who aren’t you, and truth that the world does not, in fact, revolve around you. You will not forget to treat people with the respect due them, nor will you disregard their suffering simply because it doesn’t affect you.
Noble Deed (Free)
Things you do echo further, have greater impact, are remembered longer. History books never leave you out and, when you visit places you once tread, you will find relics and signs of your passage no matter how much time has passed. You will not be forgotten. But you might not be remembered fondly.
Inventor's Vision (Free)
When you look upon a problem or issue that you understand even a bit, you instantly get a sense for how you might solve that problem, upgrade that item, or improve that situation. The longer you study some situation or item, the greater the insight will be and the more far reaching the solution. You might look at the state of education in your society and within a week have a dozen workable plans for small ways to improve the situation, and within a year of study have a comprehensive and feasible plan for a complete overhaul of the system. While not guaranteed that all your ideas will be good ones, improvement becomes far more likely with time and effort. Unforeseen side effects might still crop up though.
Inventor's Intent (Free)
One of the worst things an inventor can experience is discovering that someone has used their invention in a way they would not approve of... or even worse, that their invention has some horrible side-effect. Now this is much less likely to happen to you. Processes, techniques, and tools invented by you are much harder to abuse in ways you would not approve of, and you’re much better at foreseeing potential problems ahead of time and figuring out ways to head them off or, at least, lessen the fallout that will result from them.
Improved POV (Free)
Somehow, wherever you go, you always seem to be in five closely related locations at the same time. Well, that’s not quite right. Let me try again. When you are anywhere, four versions of you that aren’t quite really there, but could be there if you weren’t there... are there. Does that make any sense? Probably not. But what it boils down to is that for every event you experience, you have not one but five points of view on the event. Maybe one of you was right in the middle of a bar-fight, while another you was in the corner watching, and a third was working a pick-up shift behind the bar, and a fourth was an EMT who responded to the event and the fifth was a bum on the sidewalk outside listening. Only the primary you is the one who was really in the moment, but you can freely remember what all the four... let’s call them shadows... would have seen and experienced from their own unique POVs. You can’t really choose what they were doing, as they are more like echoes of potential you’s, but their experiences will be close enough to what you’d have experienced to be easily internalized and all the details will be as true as anything you actually experienced.
Bystander (Free)
When you don’t want to be involved in the events unfolding around you, be that a war, a fight, or a natural disaster, you may remove yourself from the flow of events almost entirely. As long as no individual or entity involved wants to target you specifically, you may become an all but intangible, unperceivable, untargetable observer. Even area effect things like, say, atomic bomb blasts, will pass harmlessly through you, though you might want to get out of there before the radiation gets to you. All Together Now (Free)
You have grown tired of casting off the memories and emotions each Jump layers over your basic identity. You may now choose to absorb the personality of any self you gain or have ever been into a gestalten whole. While this may dilute your basic youness, it also makes it much harder for anyone but you to make sense of your memories or to use any specific traumatic experience against you. Although there is now more of you, your essential sense of self only grows stronger the more times you do this, as all these facets of yourself serve to reinforce your fundamental identity, and you realize that the more you appear to change, the more you explore the limits of who you are. In layman’s terms, each apparent change is more akin to uncovering further digits of pi. Pi itself never changes even as it grows more complex.
500 Years of Practice - Teaching [100/900 CP]
You have spent five centuries mastering (and beyond mastering) any singular skill or artform. Sure, you might be a bit obsessed with that subject, but that obsession will fade as the jump comes to an end. Your compulsive delving into the limits of this singular area of study has granted you insights that no other living being has ever reached, allowing you to casually compose masterpieces which can profoundly move those who witness them, or create stunning refinements undreamt of by mere masters. A painter could trace a perfect circle in black on a white background and viewers would stare for hours. A dancer could reduce the audience to tears simply by standing still. A sculptor could carve hard stone until it was all but impossible to tell the sculpture from a living being. A poet’s words could touch the hardest heart or sway public opinion like a gale-force wind.
Soothing Presence [200/700 CP]
You have achieved inner calm and can project it at others as long as you are not currently experiencing any strong emotion yourself. Merely being in someone’s presence is enough to calm them dramatically, but physical contact, oratory or song, or simply allowing them to see you can all boost the effect by orders of magnitude. This can sooth mental, emotional, or spiritual suffering, or simply induce a sense of lassitude over the target or targets. This can work on any number of people as long as you can reach them with your presence.
Absolution [300/400 CP]
If you can convince someone to willingly pour out their deepest fears, regrets, or sins to you, you can grant them true absolution, allowing them to forgive themselves and move on. This does absolutely nothing for you as it does not work if you make it conditional. Their repentance must be genuine for this to work and they cannot desire gaining absolution for any immoral or unethical purpose.

Items Stipend: [+200/600 CP]

Meditation Garden (Free)
The Body. The Mind. The Soul. A perfect trinity, working in harmony to reflect the Self. But when one of these is disrupted, balance can be at risk. Balance must be maintained. Upon purchase, your Warehouse gains a small Meditation Garden attachment, that while it cannot be used for storage, it will always fit whatever form you are wearing. Its aesthetics will always change to represent what you interpret as an environment of perfect serenity and 'oneness', and a significant time meditating in this space will help you reach an intrinsic understanding of the self and how your experiences can define you. The past cannot always be changed, but the present can forever be gleaned on... so that the future is always one of your design. You can, if you like, plant a few small plants in your Garden as well. Any plant inside the garden will always be in the full flush of life.
Biosphere [200/400 CP]
The body is but a vessel of the mind, with one changing as the other does, constantly learning from what it experiences and accomplishes. It is only natural then, that the experiences of those around the body will likewise help shape it. To gain the perspective and change you desire, your environment must reflect that. For this meager price, your Warehouse has gained the properties of a Biosphere; self-contained, but controlled. The walls and ceiling can be made 'open', to make it appear as though you were in the middle of an open field in the summer, or a cliffside as the night sky illuminated the plains. While you cannot store anything outside of the Warehouse boundaries, and you will always be aware of these boundaries... the weather and the environment around you shall be in your control, with even simulacrums of wildlife that may fly around. Perhaps by expressing your mind in here, you can begin to understand it. The higher price unlocks the Biosphere Supplement and grants you 800 BP to spend there instead of the default 600.
Tree of Life Sapling [400/0 CP]
You have managed to obtain a fully viable, albeit fairly young Tree of Life. It produces both bark and, once a decade, six fully viable fruits that will (if left on the tree) mature to seeds. Each takes a hundred years to become a sapling, and a thousand years to reach full maturity. The sap is incredibly deadly, so it’s a good thing the flesh of the tree is all but impenetrable to anything short of divine weapons. If you purchased the Meditation Garden, the Sapling will initially be planted there. If you did not, it will be planted in a small reflecting pool attached to your Warehouse. Those who eat the fruit of the tree of life can live forever in the prime of life and free of all disease, gaining the effects of the Perfect Health Perk above.
Note - Perfect Health [Free in the Future, 400 to Keep]: Thanks to the wonders of modern medicine, you have gained perfect health, immunity to all diseases, the ability to heal from any non-lethal wound, and to live, essentially, forever.

28A - Biosphere Supplement Build

Point Summary

Point Total: 800 CP 800 (Base)

Jump Details

Document name: 28A - Biosphere Supplement Version: 1.7 Author: SJ-Chan Source:


Biosphere Basic and Freebies (Free)
Note: Main island is 64km diameter (3217 sqkm area - basically the same size as the county I live in) , 2 islands are 16km diameter, 3 islands are 4km diameter, etc. "World" zone is 25,736 sqkm area (181km diameter)
The Sphere is divided into an inner “Land Space” World and an outer “Air Space” Shell. If the World expands, it does not increase the thickness of the Shell and vis versa. The sphere is always a perfect sphere.
The initial World is 1 km from edge to edge and contains your base island. The Island is 1 km in diameter. It is mostly circular, with an area of 0.785 km2. It is 200-250 meters thick and all jagged on the bottom. The World is a sphere, though the half above “sea level” is likely to be largely full of air. It is exactly as tall as it is wide. Your warehouse is always at the exact center of the World’s horizontal axes, though it can be raised or lowered vertically if you have the means.
The initial Shell is also 1 km. This means it is ½ km give or take, from the edge of your initial island. If you fall off the edge of the island, you will fall to the bottom of the sphere and need to get someone to come and get you if you cannot fly. Building within ½ km of the outer edge of the Shell is prohibited.
Gravity is Earth normal.
Biosphere Day Cycler [Free] - Now you can run your Biosphere through a day night system.
Utilities [Free if you have them from the Warehouse or Housing] - Electricity, Intranet with wifi (will only connect to outside data net if you have that upgrade), Running Water (Fluoridated or not, your choice), Sewage System, AC & Heating to all buildings.
Basic Pollution Scrubber [Free] - This pulls all incidental contamination out of the atmosphere of your Sphere.
Rope Ladders [Free] - Extends off the bottom of all your islands so you can climb up.
Biosphere - The Huge Island [90/710 CP]
Your Island is now 64km in diameter / 3,217 km2 in area. The thickness increases to 1600-2000 meters. Your World expands to contain this respectably sized landmass.
Biosphere - Double Archipeligo [150/560 CP]
You really like land, don’t you? Okay, just for you. You now have 2 Secondary Islands, 3 Tertiary Islands, 4 Quaternary Islands, and so on. You may also have up to 200 smaller islands that may not exceed 4 m across. This doubles the size of your World one last time.
note: each island is 1/4th the diameter of the last. If your main island is 256 km across, your other islands will be 64 km, 16 km, 4 km, 1 km, 250 m, 62.5 m, 15.6 m.
Biosphere - Snowball in Hell [20/540 CP]
The thickness of your Shell is now 4 km in all directions.
Biosphere - The Ocean Not So Deep [50/490 CP]
Instead of just being surrounded by air, your Island is surrounded by water. This water is freshwater and drops down to the bottom of your island, but only has a seafloor for the first 100 meters in all directions. It does not have tides or waves and has no flora or fauna. This ocean extends out to within 1km of the walls of your sphere, including down. Requires at least Snowball in Hell.
Biosphere - The Seafloor [20/470 CP]
The ocean around your islands now has a seafloor that extends out as far as your ocean does. It gets progressively deeper the further from land it is, down to within 200 meters of the bottom of your thickest island. Requires The Ocean Not So Deep.
Biosphere - Ocean Life [20/450 CP]
Your ocean now teams with freshwater plants and fish, shellfish, and bivalves. Nothing poisonous or dangerous exists in this environment naturally, but you could import it if you like. There are no marine mammals, but you could bring those in too if you like. The native species are self replicating, even if fished to extinction. Requires The Seafloor.
Biosphere - Weatherworks [15/435 CP]
Want to do a spot of sailing or just like a breeze? This machine makes the wind blow. There are now heavy updrafts for you hang-gliders. There are now big white fluffy clouds floating around inside your Biosphere. You have complete control over weather if you have the Observation Deck.
Biosphere - Season Simulator [10/425 CP]
Like variation? Now you can set the seasons to cycle anywhere from once a day to once a century. Don’t like Winter? Skip it! Want to make up your own seasons? Cool! Requires Weatherworks & Day Cycler.
Biosphere - Climatology [10/415 CP]
Now you can designate latitudes inside your sphere where the climate varies, either arctic at the center and tropical at the edges or vis versa. Need not be that extreme. Requires Season Simulator.
Biosphere - Terrain Modification Engine [40/375 CP]
All the flat getting to you? This machine can raise hills or create valleys or rivers or any other terrain features you might want within your Biosphere. You could even make mountains that tower up to 30 km high if your Sphere is big enough. Terrain features rise or fall no more than 1 meter per 24 hours. High mountains will develope snow caps if you have the Weatherworks and Oceans.
Biosphere - Floral Universe Creation Kit [20/355 CP]
All the endless grass getting to you? This machine can create forests, jungles, savannahs… you name it. Plants grown with this machine grow 1 meter per day and each machine can create up to 5,000 cubic meters of living plant matter every day. This system can generate 10,000 different species of plant and adding a new one simply requires a genetic sample. Only natural plants can be generated. The machine can be removed from your Biosphere for up to 7 days before needing 28 to recharge.
Biosphere - Small Fauna Generator [25/330 CP]
Want some chipmunks, birds, butterflies, bees? Nothing this machine generates is overly dangerous or a pest species, and the system automatically keeps everything in check, even if you’re a dick to nature. Each Generator can produce and maintain up to 500 species of small (5kg or smaller) animal life, both terrestrial and aquatic. Each machine can create up to 5,000 kg of animal life per day. To add a species to this machine’s databank, you must have at least 50 different genetic samples of that species. Only natural animals can be generated.
Biosphere - Big Fauna Generator [50/280 CP]
Want some more… aggressive or majestic species? Or just some sheep or cows or piggies? This is for you. Each machine can generate and maintain up to 50 species of large (500kg or smaller) animal life, both terrestrial and aquatic. Animals made by this machine will not be hostile, but can be dangerous if provoked. Each machine can create up to 5,000 kg of animal life per day. You will need to acquire at least 50 different genetic samples from the same species for this machine to add it to its databank. Only natural animals can be generated.
Biosphere - Celestial Bodies [5/275 CP]
Suns, Moons, Stars, Rings, Comets, Meteor Showers, Other Planets? You name it, all of them can progress across your fake sky. They’re just images, but comforting ones. You have full control of them.
Biosphere - Transport Disks [20/255 CP]
These disk platforms are all over your Biosphere. Each one can carry a person at 10km/h to anywhere within the sphere and each can carry up to 750kg. THey can be programmed to follow you around and there is even a Transport Disk launch station at the very bottom of the sphere in case someone gets stuck down there. Biosphere - Industrial Disks [10/245 CP]
Removes the weight limits from Transport Disks.
Biosphere - Airport & Marina [20/225 CP]
Not only does this give you a place to store, maintenance, and launch all your watercraft and aircraft, it also allows you to generate a world rift that allows you to bring them into or out of whatever world you happen to be visiting.
Biosphere - Observation Deck [25/200 CP]
This structure is at the top of the Sphere and allows you to look down upon all your creation, like some kind of god. If you have controls, they can be accessed from here instead of from the warehouse. You can even move your bedroom up here. Only you and those you invite can enter.
Biosphere - Restricted Zones [25/175 CP]
You get to set areas of the Biosphere (like the warehouse) off limits to some people. Like keeping kids out of the arsenal… or your friend who’s on a diet out of the fridge.
Biosphere - Hydrogeology [20/155 CP]
Your islands now have a complete hydrogeological cycle, meaning that water, in the form of cold, freshwater springs, will form on all your islands, providing rivers and ponds as appropriate.
Biosphere - Farming Zone x6 [30/125 CP]
Farms for your Farming Needs. Covers 20 hectares initially, but can be purchased multiple times, doubling the farming area each time. The soil is always perfect for whatever crops you plant in it. (total 640 hectares: 1581 acres / 6.4 sqkm)
Biosphere - Freestanding Buildings [10/115 CP]
Each of the various add-ons to your Warehouse now are freestanding, forming a nice compound, or spread out across your entire domain.
Biosphere - Industrial Plant [100/15 CP]
Your Biosphere includes a complete factory system, including advanced Atmospheric and Hydrological Pollution Scrubbing. You'll have to find someone to do the actual production, or find robots. It is the size of Detroit and automatically up to whatever tech-level your science has reached.
Biosphere - X - Spaceport [15/0 CP]
I just made this up, it's not in the doc, but this seems reasonable. Requires Airport & Marina and sufficient space
submitted by AxstromVinoven to u/AxstromVinoven [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:44 JohnTheCynic Game Balance Requires Game Bugs to be Squashed

Too long, didn't read version: With the shocking amount of bugs in the game, there are a series of problems when it comes to balancing the game when a lot of systems might not be functioning as intended, and looking at patch notes history, you can easily come to the same conclusion I have. This needs to be addressed, but doing so has some problems us consumers might not be privy not to.
Too long, DID read version:
Balance is a hotly-debated topic on the subreddit, but most of it boils down to "X needs Y in order to Z" or any other derivative of that argument. An example would be, say, "The Liberator needs 5 more damage in order to compete with the Sickle" or "Civilian extraction missions for bots are stupidly difficult and need to be toned down", and arguments like that are fine, but a pressing issue for me is that the game has so many unintended bugs that it is almost impossible to truly gauge what system needs change simply because we don't know what the developers are intending, nor do we know what is bugged.
So, I began to review the patch notes up to today to try to find some examples, and I'd like to point out my findings.
- Patch 1.000.200 -
This is the main thing that got me into thinking about game bugs ruining any sense of balance in HELLDIVERS. People rightfully complained for a while that bots were unfun to fight because a rocket would commonly oneshot a player, and it was due to a bug in damage calculation. This had a knockon effect with Shrieker bodies previously oneshotting a player if they were hit by the Shrieker body, which was fixed in the same patch.
The game had been out for almost 2 months by this point, and the "inconsistent" charge rate of the arc thrower felt more like a feature than bug for a lot of players. For those not aware, the Arc Thrower used to be able to fire rapidly after the initial charge (~ .5 second charge needed instead of the full 1 second in the patch).
"Inconsistency" in weapon performance is also responsible for a handful of changes to weapons: the Railgun was famously nerfed in Patch 1.000.100 just before Charger head durability was nerfed and rocket penetration was normalized in Patch 1.000.102, and the PC to PS5 damage bug was fixed in Patch 1.000.203, as an example.
So far, this has been the final nerf to the difficulty of the "Retrieve Essential Personnel" mission, and it's downright laughable. If anything, it pushed back Automaton dropship spawns ~15m from their previous drop points but did nothing to the breakneck pace the dropships come in at, which is where the main complaint comes from players.
Players get around this by having 1 player stealth the objective while 3 cause a bunch of noise elsewhere, but that's unreliable at best. From personal testing, enemy spawns are centered on the player and not the objective, so once the stealth player gets unlucky with a 25% chance for the enemy spawn to select them, the bots/bugs will spawn on top of them as normal. I've heard that developers have commented on the ludicrous spawnrates on the Discord and that they'll be adjusted, but getting information from Discord might as well be torture.
An attempt to make damage-over-time weapons more palatable (which at the time were not even working), but led to the dreaded Hulk Scorcher instakilling divers. This was partially fixed in later patches, but Hulk Scorchers can still instakill via headshots.
- Patch 1.000.300 -
Once again, by the time this change was made, no word was said about the size of patrols in >4 player groups, but the design director stated that the scaling was "unintended" to be exponential instead of linear, and changed patrols to be much more punishing for >4 player groups. This, thankfully, was changed back as confirmed by Twinbeard.
On release, the Airburst was a meme, let's not beat around the bush, and Arrowhead agreed by reducing the amount of entities that would spark the fuze to the warhead. Until Patch 1.000.304, where they added back the ability for the warhead to fuze off of Helldivers. It's easy to say the most up-to-date patch is the "truest", but it begs the question of which way are Arrowhead trying to design the Airburst if they changed their mind in 2 weeks?
- Patch 1.000.100 -
The Patriot has been in a sad state ever since launch. It suffered from a bug that if the user were to fire a missile while rotating right, the user would explode. In Patch 1.000.103, the Patriot was "fixed" by restricting the missile launcher elevation controls and making the sight wildly inaccurate, and then was further gutted in Patch 1.000.200 that any launched Patriot missiles need to be a direct hit to penetrate armor; a restriction that was removed for the EAT and RR in Patch 1.000.10. Following Patch 1.000.200, it's been complete radio silence if this is the final iteration.
There are more examples, but these are the main examples I want to put forward without risking overflowing a reddit post. Bug fixed are a low priority for a live-service game (because fixing a bug doesn't drive engagement like a shiny new weapon does), but each day that goes by just makes me wonder what else could be "unintended" and will be fixed. My money's on the RR animation cancel.
submitted by JohnTheCynic to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:42 WTXNews Daily Mirror - No control, no compassion

Daily Mirror - No control, no compassion submitted by WTXNews to UK_News24 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:30 Joshh170 How Animal Crossing, Lemon Cake, and More Inspired Rolling Hills

How Animal Crossing, Lemon Cake, and More Inspired Rolling Hills
Rolling Hills: Make Sushi, Make Friends is a cozy indie life sim game that puts players behind the wheels of a charming robot sushi chef. It's up to players to learn over 50 sushi recipes and check out the local ingredients to improve them as they master their skills as the adorable Sushi Bot, serving customers in the namesake town's sushi restaurant. As a confirmed Xbox Game Pass release for June 2024, Rolling Hills is likely to attract the attention of fans of life sim games such as Stardew Valley, albeit with an art style that's more akin to other cozy titles like Animal Crossing.
Indeed, Rolling Hills has several inspirations from the video game space, including Animal Crossing, recent restaurant management titles Lemon Cake and The Sushi Spinnery, and the old-school platformer adventure game Chibi-Robo. It sounds like an exciting mix of titles and genres which, altogether, could make Rolling Hills an endearing and entertaining blend of life and restaurant sim mechanics. Game Rant recently spoke with one of Rolling Hills' co-creators, Matthew Taylor, who developed the game with his brother and fellow co-creator James Tillman. Taylor spoke more about the specific inspirations of all these titles.
The Sushi Spinnery, Lemon Cake, and Chibi-Robo
When asked more about Rolling Hills' various video game inspirations, Taylor identified The Sushi Spinnery as "an early inspiration," with both he and his brother being "big fan[s] of Kairosoft sim games" and mentioned it was also "a helpful example of a sushi-themed game." Fans of restaurant management games may also be familiar with Lemon Cake, an indie game about running an abandoned bakery. Taylor went on to explain how Lemon Cake specifically inspired Rolling Hills from a gameplay perspective:
"Lemon Cake helped demonstrate how to make a fun, more cozy restaurant sim that focused on controlling a character. We felt this was important to make the game more accessible, as opposed to a full-scale sim game where you control everything from a godlike perspective."
Additionally, while some players might be less familiar with the Chibi-Robo game series, it's perhaps not too tricky to see the parallels with Sushi Bot as a concept. Taylor described Chibi-Robo as a "personal favorite," adding it was more of a "subconscious" rather than a direct inspiration:
"Looking back, I never directly thought "Let's make a game with a robot protagonist," but it's no surprise that Chibi-Robo was in my subconscious the whole time."
Rolling Hills' Animal Crossing Inspirations
Fans of Animal Crossing may appreciate Rolling Hills' appealing visuals and for good reason. It's clear that Rolling Hills drew from a lot of sources, and Taylor identified Animal Crossing as inspiration for the game's art style.
"It's evolved a lot over the years, but we've always strived for something cute and colorful. We've seen a few games attempt "indie Animal Crossing " over the years, and although our game shares very little in common with Animal Crossing 's gameplay, it was no doubt a big inspiration for our art style."
Although the visuals look to create cozy, chill vibes, it will also be interesting to see how relaxing Rolling Hills' restaurant management gameplay is, something which can sometimes feel more frantic than cozy in some restaurant sims. While games like Plate Up! and Overcooked might come to mind, even cozy games like Lemon Cake can sometimes feel chaotic for some players. When asked about the balance of restaurant management and coziness in Rolling Hills, Taylor reflected on the game's initial inspirations:
"I imagine a lot of folks who see Rolling Hills will be reminded of Overcooked , but we definitely tried to make a chiller game. A big component of that is taking inspiration from RPGs instead of purely action-based games. For instance, if you're overwhelmed by the number of customers, you can invest in better recipes or furniture, both of which will make the game easier."
Rolling Hills releases on June 4.
submitted by Joshh170 to GameGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:07 SplatW Condo do I know where to target them?

I'm finding ants in my condo, but I can't figure out where they're coming from or how to best target them. They are sort of all over the place, but nowhere that I've found en masse. A few on the counter, some when I sweep, one or two on the kitchen wall, some randos on the bookshelf in the other room. But no trails and not even in a particular central area.
The condo association has monthly building pest control, and I've reported my issue with them, but nothing has really changed with the frequency and numbers of ants. Hasn't gotten worse but hasn't gotten better either.
If I use baits for these, would that do anything? And where would I even put them?
submitted by SplatW to pestcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:02 lordflores Update on my tomatoes

Update on my tomatoes
My tomatoes are looking so good lately! Every two to three days I’ve been checking under every leaf and killing any pests I see. Excited to see how well they produce. Another question, has anyone ever used Diatomaceous Earth for pest control?
submitted by lordflores to tomatoes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:32 Professional-Act-812 Grain mites in kitchen

I think I have grain mites in the kitchen from a bag of dog treats. Since i found out i tried to fumigate the kitchen and called pest control to spray after that. Also ive took out all the food from the kitchen and did a deepclean for like 6 hours. Next morning found a few of them wlking around on the airfryer. How to deal with them hiding in airfryer and stuff which also have been fumigated and others. What to do more than continue cleaning and keeping food out of the kitchen and for how long should i keep this up. Its really taxing on us and hard to focus on our lives.
submitted by Professional-Act-812 to pestcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:30 jdbig1015 What are these?

What are these?
I posted a few days ago and couldn’t figure out how to add another picture. The first one was in my bed and now is crushed so hard to identify but I drew a line on my hand to maybe approximate the size. Weve searched upside down for more and failed find any, and we dont have a box spring on the bed. The second one was much much smaller, maybe the size of a grain of rice. Confused, grossed out, and pest control has been closed for the weekend.
submitted by jdbig1015 to Bedbugs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:30 Vskg [Patch 1.000.304] In-Depth Support Stratagems Tier List for Helldivin' the Automatons (Difficulty 9)

[Patch 1.000.304] In-Depth Support Stratagems Tier List for Helldivin' the Automatons (Difficulty 9)
Support Stratagem Tierlist

Hello there divers!

It is well know to everyone that Helldiving the automatons is no easy task, which is why it is with utmost importance that your group is well equiped to deal with those pesky Hulks and Factory Striders.
This tier list serves the purpose to aid the choice of your trusty support statagems on this endeavoring task that is taking down Cyberstan again.
To preface, my opinion may not equal the absolute truth for everyone, but I hope that by providing well rounded thoughts I will be able to at the very least spark some discussions that the whole community can be benefitted by.

Topic 1 - Backpacks

While some may find it weird to not straight up jump to weapons, I find it of utmost importancy that Backpacks are explained first, as some of them viabilize many of the weapons present on the higher tiers of this tier list.
  • (S) Shield Backpack - If you consistently play Automaton Helldives, this shouldn't shock you at all. More than a rechargable permanent extra health, this backpack will absorb the impact of many ragdolling effects that would make the usage of any Support weapon difficult. The amount of value you get from this is simply insane and should always be on your loadout if your Support Weapon of choice doesn't require a backpack of their own.
  • (A) Supply Backpack - While it doesn't really give you any protections whatsoever, it serves a vital purpose of providing Ammo, Health Injections and Grenades on demand. Call in a Supply Drop and the guy with this Backpack can effectively duplicate each supply pack, being able to basically top up everyone on the team on cooldown. Without this, many ammo hungry primary/support weapons will feel lacking and this backpack solves that on it's own.
  • (Viable) Ballistic Shield Backpack - I get it, you want to frontline, and I deeply respect that, a Helldiver that can withstand Heavy Devastators and Factory Striders miniguns is a very valuable asset to the team. But the sad thing is that Rocket Devastators exist and they WILL fuck you up. The ballistic shield would really benefit by getting some blast resistance, like sure, you still get staggered, but the shield protecting you from any ragdoll effects seems reasonable and a nice direction to go buffing this Backpack.
  • (Borderline Trolling) Rovers - They get the chaff under control pretty well, but the amount of times this will unnecessarily aggro patrols is insane. The worst part is, it will pick fights with stuff it really can't take care of, like Hulks, Factory Striders and Tanks - stuff that is VERY common on a difficulty like Helldive.
  • (Borderline Trolling) Jump Pack - Amazing extra mobility, feels very good to use, can reach some very interesting High grounds and do some flashy movements on the battlefield. But that's basically it, even if you get the positioning of your dreams, Automatons have a very sus good accuracy and are able to hit you basically everywhere. And when you're deep into shit, the long cooldown won't help you a bit. This actually is pretty good on a Hit'n'Run playstyle, so it is not fully trolling going into it, just be mindful what the your purpose is with this on your loadout.

Topic 2 - Support Weapons

The part everyone is actually waiting for, the stars of the show, the pinacle of Helldivers gameplay, the bread and butter of all Divers. A diver without a support weapon is a sad one, and having it make them feel powerful is supposed to be their whole job.
  • (S) Auto Cannon - First and foremost, AH - It is Not op, It is Not op, It is Not op, It is Not op. This weapon is something else, it will deal with anything you throw at it quickly and flawlessly, has a very generous mag size and a very balanced reload time/animation. There just isn't a single thing to hate about it and even when I see that there is two of my divers with the same support weapon, if that weapon is the Auto Cannon - I'm actually overjoyed by it. Also, teaming up with it is badass and peak gameplay.
  • (S) Anti-Material Rifle - A good well-rounded weapon that has most of the same damage breakpoints as the Auto Cannon but on a sick-ass Sniper Rifle. It feels harder to take down gunships than the AC so it gets some demerits here, but It can do it just fine with good cover and a steady aim. Being able to reload it while running is also a very positive upside, so using this makes you feel alot more mobile in comparation to an AC user. It also does not come with a mandatory backpack, so it feels amazing to pair it with a Shield or Supply Backpack.
  • (S) Laser Cannon - Also a very well-rounded weapon. Instead of a bullet shooting weapon, this will materialize a no-damage dropoff laser beam that packs a HUGE punch if it comes in contact of any enemies weak points. But it suffers alot to any stagger or ragdoll effects, making it feel almost useless in the middle of some intense action. If that's you, give this a try with the Shield Backpack, you'll be surprised how much extra time you get for beaming up those weak spots and make you feel like a bot-killing menace. This might very well be the best gunship deleter in the game, so if that's also your thing, you should really give this support weapon a try.
  • (S) Expendable Anti-Tank - A low-cooldown 2 charges of Anti-Tank Missiles that'll take care of anything you desire. This is a god's gift when stuff gets tuff and you really gotta deal with 1 specific sonavabitch. Feels good to use and basically has no reload time (since you use one and then just grab the next one), but would really benefit from 1-shotting anything instead of 2-shotting stuff, a problem in general for many AT weapons.
  • (A) Heavy Machine Gun - I feel y'all confusion on this, as this weapon has some CLEAR weaknesses, but I would like to bring attention to many of it's awesome advantages after them. Reload time is too high - getting stuck on the same place for 7 seconds is fun to no one, the mag size is very restrictive so wise use and good aim are a must for this weapon, and the sights on this weapon are CLEARLY misaligned and make hitting distant shots VERY HARD. Now with that out the way let's talk why this weapon slaps: DPS on the maximum (950) RPM that is rivaled by no other weapon in the game, able to SHRED a Factory Strider's Belly in a couple of seconds, able to delete anything that dares expose their weakpoints near your position, can somewhat-realiably take care of hulks coming on a straight line toward you by hitting it's eye, and gets the job done against any structure or gunship with a decently good aim. Definitely not an S-tier weapon, but a good weapon to diversify your team's loadout.
  • (Viable) Anti-Tank Weapons [Recoiless/QuasaSpear] - They feel great to use, they are the heaviest hitters on the game. But even then, they can't reliably take down the stuff that they're supposed to be good at on 1-hit. It feels bad to hit a Hulk in the face with a Recoiless/Quasar and watch it still march toward you while you either gotta stop to reload or wait 15(!) seconds so that your Quasar's Windows 95 restarts up. The Spear can lock on and sometimes 1-hit them if you're far enough, but the finnicky lock on and restrictive backpack size just makes it feel lacking all-around. These weapons should really reliably 1-hit anything below a Factory Strider to be worthy to include more than one on the team.
  • (Borderline Trolling) Railgun - Look how they massacred my boy. Once a very versatile weapon, it is now delegated to a finnicky job of 1-shotting Hulks on the head if your aim is good enough, something that is not helped by the fact that the ADS on this weapon is horrible - the middle red dot basically makes it harder to hit those weak spots. It also basically has negative structure damage and straight up can't take down Gunships, Factory Striders and Tanks. You just feel very powerless with this gun, and hitting 90%+ shots just doesn't feel rewarding at all. If 90%+ shots 1-shot Factory Striders miniguns, Gunship engines and 2 shot Hulks/Tanks/Structures on their respective weakspots this weapon would rapidly jump to S tier and be my new main.
  • (Borderline Trolling) Grenade Launcher - Very good chaff + Devastator + Structure cleaner, with a decent enough damage to heatsinks to help with the big stuff. With that being said, it is hard to find angles to hit those weakspots and you are essentialy powerless the moment a Hulk decides you're their new bitch. Don't even try getting Gunships and Factory Striders as those are extremely tough an nigh impossible to hit. If you do your job well, you'll make the life of your team easier by dealing with those pesky Rocket/Heavy Devastators, so you're still relevant to the team, but really everyone would rather have an AC user instead of you.
  • (Borderline Trolling) Arc Thrower - Look how they massacred my boy. AH at it once again. It was exceptional with 50 meters range, with some clear weaknesses of not being able to do shit against Gunships, Tanks and Factory Striders, to being finnicky at 35 meters and needing to expose yourself to danger, to being straight up useless right now when Hulks aren't staggered by it anymore. It has good DPS and can stagger multiple Devastators/Berserkers at the same time, providing the team with a valuable breathing room, but it is just too hard to justify this given the amount of clear drawbacks that this now has. AH, please revert the 50meter range and Hulk's staggering power to it.
  • (Don't) Light/Medium Machine Guns/FlamethroweAirbust/Mech - Just... don't.


Automaton Helldive difficulty has many viable loadouts and weapons that feel great to use, but at the same time has many that just doesn't. Once again, I just wish every weapon to feel as great as the AC is to use, the understandably GOAT of support weapons that we have in the game right now. What are your thoughts on this, did I miss anything that makes weapons betteworse than I made them out to be? Curious to read what y'all think!


See the TierList Image
submitted by Vskg to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:26 Sarelbar Pest control treated my apt 3x in 2 months. Why am I still seeing roaches?! Daily. I’m desperate.

Howdy folks. I have a roach problem in my kitchen. These are the big ones, not German cockroaches. Located in Texas.
Pest control treated my apartment 3x in the last two months to no avail.
The first guy treated the entire property including outside (I think), hallway, and my neighbors (3) units. Sprayed and set those rectangular paper sticky traps that smell like peanut butter.
The last guy put putty bait in areas like the window, pantry where the water heater is located (I dont store food in there), corner of countertop, etc. Could this cause more roaches to enter?
I moved into the apt in February and saw maybe one or two roaches. Set out those square/circulaflat black bait traps and never saw them again. I left them out after my apt was treated. My neighbors still had issues though. Could these traps be luring in these assholes?
I run into a live roach every day. Saw one today after I finished washing paintbrushes. Yesterday one was in my dishwasher with my clean dishes.
I keep my kitchen clean. I rarely cook, but when I do I clean up afterwards. Disinfect countertops. Vacuum. Sweep daily. The appliances are brand new. Just had a new water heater installed. I keep the sink plugged. What the hell is going on?!?
submitted by Sarelbar to pestcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:20 iasadnotion Need Help with Telegram group photos sending automation

Need Help with Telegram group photos sending automation
Hi, I am trying to send images from notion to telegram in a group. I iterated over the pictures property which was an array with different image URLs so in the output, I got multiple bundles with each photo and its URL but the problem is when sending photos in a group I selected send album where I don't have the option for individual bundles from iterator but I only see one link and it sends it over and over for all the bundles/pictures rather than just sending them all in one group
any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
submitted by iasadnotion to Integromat [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:14 DemoralizedResort Going Crazy Over Clovermites

So, we've lived in our high desert CA home for 4 years and over the years the clovermites have expanded exponentially.
Over the years their population has exponentially grown and they are coming in two areas of our house by the thousands.
We have a pest control service that comes out biweekly, but their efforts have been useless.
We've tried
Temprid FX Cykick CS Bifitherin Granules OTC sprays such as Orkin or yard treatments Diatomaceous Earth Soap and water
Looking for some help to drive this infestation to a close. Since nothing has worked so far.
I treated the yard and siding with cedarcide this weekend but it hasn't been long enough to show any results.
submitted by DemoralizedResort to pestcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:12 One-Career-516 Advice needed for new flat checks

Hi guys, this is going to be a long one so buckle in.
I’m going to talk about my recent renting experience. This is the first time i’ve rented a property so here’s how it went…
A week ago I found a 1 bed flat I liked, went to see it twice and put my application down for it. Got my keys on the Friday, took videos/pictures of any marks on walls/doors/cabinets etc before I moved in and started to move some boxes in on friday. On the same evening my sister noticed she was bitten on arm but I just disregarded it.
On Monday I was on the sat on the floor with my partner building some ikea furniture when I noticed some black dots (around 5-7) on this piece of fabric that was on the floor. This fabric comes with the vanity unit I was building from Ikea. I looked closer only to my horror that these were BUGS. To be precise these were fleas. It all made sense how my sister was bitten on her arm. By the time I had found out it was already around 8pm, me and my partner went to the closest shop to get more cleaning products/disposable mop etc to clean all around the skirting boards, hoover the skirting boards, hoover the room and mop each room. I was in such a state of horror and stress because they were in every room bouncing around, I was so disgusted. I took videos and pictures of every room. We spent HOURS cleaning the flat and finished at almost midnight.
The same night I messaged the landlord of what had happened and he comes back and tells me he will put a flea bomb in the flat. The same evening I went to see if it had done anything and I still saw some fleas alive. I also noticed on the radiator grill there was fur like substance which I mentioned that to the landlord and he didn’t address it. (Pets are not allowed in any of these flats). The radiators were so filthy and dirty inside and when I looked behind it the previous tenants underwear was left behind covered in dust. Whoever the previous tenants were had obviously forgotten this there plus the maintenance men did not really do thorough job cleaning.
I tried to limit myself going into the flat but if I did when I came back to my family home I had to throw all my clothes into a hot wash, shower, wash my hair, throw my bedding in the wash, hoover my room, empty the hoover out etc. I was in a constant state of paranoia because I was scared I will end up brining these fleas into my family home.
The landlord was then blaming me saying I could have brought them in on myself or on my furniture. I mentioned I, or my family/partner do not own pets neither have been around any pets recently. I told him all the furniture i’ve taken in has been brought brand new from the store, nothing had been used. Luckily the new sofa, bed and mattress had been delayed in delivery but I put a hault on that. If that had been delivered any earlier into the flea invested flat I would have had a mental breakdown.
He then said they are going to call pest control and I wont be able to clean/hoovewipe anything for 4-5 weeks basically meaning the flat is not in a habitable state.
He said his maintenance men were in the flat cleaning / painting before I had moved in and they did not get bitten and it only started when I moved in.
He then gave me 2 options.
Option 1: -Out of goodwill they return half the months rent to me. -Cover the cost of extermination -If the fleas return within 6 months, they do a 2nd treatment but my rent will stay the same.
Option 2: -Tenancy will be dissolved in 2 days. - Any remaining rent is refunded - Tenant will need to pay £350 exterminator fees/ letting / vacancy fees. - Deposit returned.
Now, anyone in their right mind would want to leave from this place, it was my way out from this week of HELL and i took option 2. There is no chance I would stay there miserable and in constant paranoia for the whole tenancy, I would be trapped.
I had argued that I also payed £65 on their smart utility meter and I wanted it refunded so he then reduced it from £350 to £300. I had mentioned the pet fur on the radiator for the 2nd time and he did not address it AGAIN.
I did seek legal advice and they mentioned that any proof I have including photos/videos would be admissible in court as I can’t prove the flea infestation was there before I moved in unless I get a witness statement from the previous tenant or neighbour. Let’s be real, no one is going to give a statement. If I wanted to fight and get my £300 back I would end up loosing more money for court fees so overall it would be a loosing battle.
I had to find a storage unit and removal service ASAP then the following day moved out of the flat and the tenancy has now ended.
This while ordeal lasted exactly 1 week since I had ‘moved in’. I wasn’t even living in the property but somehow he blamed me for bringing a whole infestation in. It’s clear to say the previous tenants must have secretly had a pet without the landlord knowing and I ended up being the victim to it.
Now I am in search for the new flat and wanting to find one soon. I’m so traumatised by this experience that’d like to know how people search for any signs of a possible infestation so I can check beforehand when seeing a new flat.
Even if you have any advice on things to check on in general that would be highly appreciated.
submitted by One-Career-516 to Renters [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:00 RanaKozu Omnia Protocol : The DePIN that you wont miss in 2024

In the rapidly evolving world of decentralized finance (DeFi), one name stands out for its significant impact—Omnia Protocol. As the demand for innovation and security grows, Omnia Protocol is stepping up to provide traders, developers, and applications with a reliable toolkit that offers seamless connectivity and round-the-clock support.
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But Omnia goes beyond just bridging blockchains. It's tackling the critical issue of sandwich bots in the public mempool, a major concern for traders who want to protect their strategies and assets. Through advanced safeguards, Omnia ensures that decentralized exchange (DEX) transactions are shielded from malicious actors, preserving the integrity of the trading process and boosting user trust.
Omnia's benefits extend beyond individual transactions—it's bolstering the entire DeFi landscape. By providing a dependable toolkit, Omnia is reinforcing the foundations of DeFi and fostering an environment ripe for innovation and opportunity. Its unwavering commitment to availability and support offers a robust defense against volatility, ensuring that the DeFi ecosystem remains strong and flexible to meet evolving challenges.
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submitted by RanaKozu to Crypto_General [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:57 LondonPedro Slug Pellets? Yes or No?

submitted by LondonPedro to UKGardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:43 d0ctorsmileaway A great pic my brother took of their leggy pest control

A great pic my brother took of their leggy pest control submitted by d0ctorsmileaway to Entomology [link] [comments]