Is direct tv still tested hacked


2019.05.29 03:14 Infinitrize PokemonHome

Welcome to /pokemonhome! This is a community for trading Pokémon through the use of the Pokémon Home application. It’s also for discussing & trading anything related to Pokémon Home, also announcements that may affect the service.

2011.10.07 17:40 spirit-fox Saint Seiya

This is the community led Saint Seiya (Knights of the Zodiac) (Caballeros del Zodiaco) SubReddit. Made for fans all across the world. Your hub for anything related to Saint Seiya including News, Anime, Manga, Games, Merch, Fan Works, Cosplay, etc.

2020.08.29 19:07 Wuont Daniela Melchior

Daniela Melchior was born on November 1, 1996 in Almada, Portugal. She is an actress, known for "The Suicide Squad" (2021), "Parque Mayer" (2018) and "Massa Fresca" (2016).

2024.06.02 20:48 Guilirecs14 I dont know how to access my website any longer

Hey, i need some real help right now.
I created this website as my first wordpress since i didnt have any previous experience with it and wanted to test some things, which i have been doing for the last few weeks, and i ended up pretty Happy with the result. I had obviously purchased my domain, hosted it on a Linode VPS and used Hestia Control Panel for some administration (and from where i downloaded wordpress). Since i didnt know how to set up properly a domain, i ended up using a subdomain ( because doing some trials i ended up using, didnt want to break anything or to take too much time with any setup so i went on with that. However, after i finished everything i decided it would be better if i could use the no subdomain option. I didnt give it too much thought, saw the option on the first page, and went on and changed the address to and now, both urls stopped working. And i got the image on the second slide after doing so. I tried changing it manually by Hestia going to wpconfig.php and adding manually the following configuration, but that didnt work either.
define( 'WP_HOME', '' ); define( 'WP_SITEURL', ‘' );
What can i do? I can see on Hestia that the space for the website is still being used, and i also had some backups created on Wordpress. I just want to access to my site. I dont really care if i cant change the subdomain thing, but please, i want to find a solution to this. Thanks
submitted by Guilirecs14 to Wordpress [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:46 siciliangoon [6 MONTH UPDATE] Why I’m shutting down my cleaning business

Hi everyone. A few months ago I made this post as an update to my residential cleaning business journey. Well, I've made the decision to put an end to that journey and shut the business down. This was not an easy decision to make. I noticed a lot of people got value out of the last post, so I felt compelled to make this final update.
To preface everything, one of the main reasons for me making my original post had to do with the fact that, generally speaking, when I saw content on the internet related to cleaning services it was very reductive of the difficulties that one actually faces when starting up a business. I won't deny that I was sold on this idea of "Create website + Put a business on Google LSA + Hire contractors = Big Moneys 🤑" I thought this would be a pretty simple come up, but I learned quickly that that's not the case. Below I'll talk about why I’m leaving, go over some common myths I see, and what my future plans are, and some other stuff.
I hope that this post reaches anyone interested in doing this business — not to deter you from doing it, but rather as a forewarning for what you may be getting into. (Hint: It's not sitting on your ass all day while contractors and VAs do the work for you.) I think there’s a lot of value in learning from other people’s experiences and mistakes, and please remember that this is just my personal experience — results may vary.

Why did I start a cleaning business in the first place? Why am I leaving now?

Truthfully, I had dreams of achieving “financial freedom” and living the good life. I wanted to build "passive income" while enjoying a relaxed life, living where I wanted to, driving what I wanted to, and ultimately doing what I wanted to. In the guru space, the cleaning business is sold with these dreams in mind, and I genuinely believed that it was the path that I was headed down. It was only a matter of time and hard work. Looking back now, I realize these reasons were a bit superficial. Not necessarily in and of themselves, but as a premise for getting into this business. This led to me realizing something really important, that is probably the underlying lesson learned: If you don’t have passion or genuine interest, you will probably burn out. If you don’t burn out, then honestly more power to you. For me, I reached a point where I had to ask myself if this was what I really wanted to do. If, for potentially the next 5-10 years, I would be happy and fulfilled with this pursuit. As you now know, the answer was no.
Now, I definitely consider myself entrepreneurial and I love business — it energizes me, it’s one of the few things I find truly engaging and get excited about. But one of the main reasons I’m shutting down is that I have zero passion for this business at all. I actually did some cleanings myself in order to learn what was going down, and I absolutely hated it. I went out and put flyers on mailboxes and hated it. I hated talking about my business to people. I hated being the little guy on the block while the franchises and the 300+ five star review businesses were booming with business. I don’t think many people talk about this, but getting over this curve at the very beginning is really tough. Not just in a business sense but also psychologically — you’re really grinding from the ground up. I also have zero connections in the area, so I couldn’t really ask around for referrals to build upon. So yeah. I knew all of this at first, and I thought I’d be able to toughen through it. But again, I think it comes back down to the lack of passion that I had. I didn’t have it in me to push through, probably because deep down I didn’t really want to. And I think that’s okay. You’re allowed to not like stuff. I'm still happy that I went and did it instead of always having wondered “What if?” There were a lot of good lessons learned from this experience.


Now, I want to dive into some of the specifics. Particularly, I want to debunk some of the things I hear and don’t hear from content creators, gurus, and people on the internet.
  1. The Contractor Model & Getting Employees
This: I genuinely don't understand how people get away with doing this. When I started off I used contractors and found it VERY difficult to control the quality of work, as well as ensure what would actually be done during the cleaning, whilst maintaining a legal relationship with contractors. As I'm sure most of you know, you can't provide training or anything like that to contractors, and it's a bit harder to hold them accountable. If you see my last post you'll see some of my horror stories from the beginning (stealing cash, messing up cleanings), and in the end there wasn't much I could do about it. I decided to work with some part-time employees, but this honestly opened up a whole new world of problems to be solved. Getting supplies, where to store supplies, learning about the chemicals, training the cleaners, what exactly to include in cleanings, getting payroll stuff set up, managing the cleaners, etc. to name a few. Keep in mind that prior to this I had no experience with actual cleaning outside of cleaning my own home. So I knew there was a mountain of learning ahead of me. Which is fine, that’s how starting a business is. Except for one thing: this technically wasn’t “part of the original deal.” I was just supposed to do business stuff, and let the cleaners clean. The majority of online guru advice you see just simplifies this into “hiring contractors,” or even to take it further it’s just a matter of “getting good employees.” There’s actually so much more that comes with it though. This was one of the biggest factors in me deciding to stop the business, again tying it back to the lack of passion. When it came down to me actually learning the cleaning stuff, I hated it. So keep this in mind. If you do want to go the employee route, you might have to get into the trenches yourself, and you might find out that you do not actually like it. Again, a lot of these internet personalities claim to use contractors and have really successful businesses. I mean I guess it technically is possible, but I felt really anxious about not having quality control over what’s going on, and having that lack of security. There’s really nothing stopping a contractor from fucking you over. I know it’s the same with employee, but it still feels a little different by principle. Dunno. If it’s really working for them and anyone else, more power to them. The employees that I did have were great, but they were family friends so it came with a bit of strings attached and there were just some nuances that I won’t get in to.
  1. The Intimate Nature of the Business
This is something I rarely hear talked about online. This is relevant to both the business aspect and the cleaning aspect of things. From a business side, it’s actually kind of hard to convince people to let complete strangers come in to their houses. I know it seems intuitive but again, I never hear it mentioned. Pair it with the fact that you’re a newer business with <20 reviews and you’re going up against long time businesses: Who do you think people are going to choose? Who would you choose to clean your house? I’m definitely not saying you can’t build your reputation up, but it takes a lot of work and grit. It’s not just “Slap your business on Google LSA and your phone will ring off the hook!” From a cleaning side, it is soooo much different cleanin in someone else’s home than cleaning your own home. I hear people say all the time how “they love to clean” and what not. I like to clean too, my space is pretty well kept. But when you go into someone else’s space and you have to get up close and personal with their mess, with their problems, with their own life, it’s really a different experience. Maybe some people don’t feel this way but this was a huge problem I had. It’s pretty difficult psychologically. Granted, I had one really, really bad experience with this but I’ll save it since this post is going to be pretty long as it is. (If you want to hear just lmk in the comments.)
  1. Dealing with People
This isn’t really addressed by the guru’s. Dealing with people is not always that easy. Everyone has their own preferences, they want extra this, extra that, discount this, add on that, etc. It’s not always going to be that you have a good client that’s straightforward, wants to book, and goes through with that booking. Again, it seems pretty obvious, but it’s rarely mentioned. If you’re not that comfortable with sales and talking to the variety of personalities that the world has to offer, this might be something that’s difficult to deal with.
  1. Being a Solopreneur
Not directly related to the residential cleaning business, but it is tough doing this on your own. For context, I’ve had a couple of ventures in the past that I did with friends that didn’t end up working out, but I always carried this sentiment with me that I could run a business on my own, and that I would do it more efficiently, it would be easier, etc. I can’t stress how difficult it is when you’re liable for everything that’s going on, and you have no one to help. It sucks. I’m glad that I learned this lesson, but damn my respects to solopreneurs out there, you have to be really mentally tough for this.

Final Numbers

I’m not going to go into much depth with this. I did a little spreadsheet last post but tbh I don’t really feel like it this time (sorry). We ultimately did $4.3k in revenue, and around $5k in expenses, including maybe like $1-2k of my own money that I sank into this. Honestly not a huge loss considering how much some people invest into their businesses from the jump. I’d say it was money well spent considering the lessons I learned. I will say this: If you do start something like this, don’t listen to the guru’s that say “You need this booking software! This accounting software! Etc! Etc!” I honestly sunk a lot of money into that stuff, and in hindsight I probably could have gone this whole time without it. Yes, it’s nice when you do have it, but it’s not really worth the cost when you don’t have much volume to start with. I think I had the idea in my head that I was going to be booming with business so I needed to “be prepared.” Honestly, take care of the absolute necessary’s first (LLC if you want, insurance, bonding) and get the extra stuff once it actually makes sense.

Consider your background

I think this is important to touch upon. There’s a narrative that I see that goes something like this: "Degrees are worthless, plumbers, electricians, lawn care owners make six-figures. You should do the same!” And then I guess presumably you are supposed to hear this and follow a similar path. As you know, I kind of fell into this narrative. I figured cleaning can make good money, the numbers made sense, so why couldn't I do it? Let me say something really quickly though. You might not be cut out for this kind of thing. I definitely wasn’t. I’m going to be honest, I don’t come from riches but I do come from middle class: solid upbringing, good university, parents got me a car in high school, you know the vibes. I usually had to work jobs to support myself, but I had a cushion to land on if it really came down to it.
Now, let’s think about the demographic that ends up doing these harder, boots-on-the-ground, laborious jobs: e.g. Plumber, electrician, lawn care, house cleaning, (I’ll just refer to them as “blue collar” jobs for the sake of brevity). Oftentimes, it’s not people that end up with business or accounting degrees, or even get the opportunity to pursue higher education or whatever. Not that that's a bad thing, but it's just what it is (or what I've noticed at least).
Like we established, I do come from the latter category, and as we know, I (and I’m now seeing many others online) tried to do a little segway into the former category.
I say all this to say, that you need to think long and hard about if you’re actually cut out for this. Because blue collar work is no joke, and if you think you’re just going to waltz in and play Mr. Capitalist and rake in a bunch of money while others do the tough work, you should reconsider what happens when it comes time for you to step in and get your hands dirty. For anyone that doesn’t actually know, cleaning a house is hard asf. If you’re considering going into this business, I encourage you to try deep cleaning a house that isn’t yours. You’ll see. This whole section might be personally anecdotal, and I hope that this doesn’t come off as patronizing, but I see a lot of people similar to me thinking that they can just follow the magic formula presented online, not realizing that they're entering a whole different world. After all this, I have even more respect for people that do blue collar work, boots on the ground, every day. It’s a grind that a lot of people will never know or understand.

So what’s next?

It’s definitely bittersweet leaving the business. Despite not going on for long, I put a lot into it; it’s pretty much everything I thought about for the last few months. I had a lot of hopes and expectations for this to not only work out, but I also thought I was going to become rich af lol 😂 I’m not saying it’s not possible, but please be wary that you will not get rich quick. At least not without being unethical in some shape or form. Up until now I’ve only really done small businesses for work. It’s provided a ton of unique experiences and lessons that were priceless and that I’m extremely grateful for, but it’s been extremely exhausting and stressful doing this for the past few years. I’m still pretty young, and I think that after learning everything I have, I’m ready to try to segway into some career of sorts. I’m looking heavily into a sales career (maybe tech). I think it would be really nice to hone in on one particular skill (rather than try to manage ten things at once), and I like how transferable sales is, in case one day I do decide I want to come back and try my hand at another business. I’m sure this isn’t the end of my entrepreneurial journey.
Anyway, if you made it this far, thank you so much! I know this was kind of a long post but I wanted to get everything off my chest and get some closure with the business. I genuinely do hope that this provides some value and insight to someone. I get a lot of my own information from people’s stories on Reddit and conversations with them, so I hope I can return the favor. I look forward to your questions and discussions in the comments, and let me know if I can help you out in any way! Best of luck to everyone and their own pursuits :)
submitted by siciliangoon to EntrepreneurRideAlong [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:46 SubmarinesOnze Worst “Vacation” ever.

My God, where to start? First time (and last time) cruisers. Flight reservations and itinerary didn’t arrive until after too late to change flights. Norwegian made out like it was our fault we didn’t contact them earlier to change our flights. Flight arrived in Seattle 1:00pm, final boarding group for the cruise was 2:30-3:00pm. Seattle is notorious for having poor baggage claim and transportation service/traffic. Although we purchased all the insurances we would need, we were panicked all the way leading up to arrival on the ship. The middle part was ok, but the whole thing really felt like a week long trip to an old folks home. Specialty restaurants were pretty good, Cagney’s was exquisite. Entertainment in the way of bands was pretty good. Not a big drinker, liquor package is a rip off. You have to buy water if you don’t want to end up dehydrated. Don’t drink water from the stateroom bathroom faucets. 🤢 Family member wound up with pneumonia and racked up $11k+ in medical treatment bills. First thought was, “Yeah, this sucks, but it happens, no one’s fault, we got the insurance and it’ll be fine.” WRONG. Medical bills are tied directly to your statement and must be paid prior to disembarking, as we were informed, “The cruise ship doesn’t deal with insurance. You must pay now. It’s your responsibility to adjudicate this with the insurance company.” Departure from the ship was a completely new nightmare. Their service for taking your bags to the airport and getting boarding passes prior to disembarking required you to fill out a form. Went to customer service, got help from them, made sure it was filled out correctly, they took it and lost or never filled it. The day we were to leave luggage outside the room, went back to inform them we never got boarding passes or luggage tags. We were informed at that time, “It’s too late for that now. You should have informed us earlier.” Again, making it our problem for not knowing we had a problem that regulated from them not perform their job correctly. Finally get to the airport. Unable to check in or check our luggage due to arriving at the airport greater than 12 hours prior to departure. This loops back around to us not being able to change our flights because we received our itinerary outside the window to change flights because of them. Mind you, all of this was with a family member that needs assistance due to physical disabilities. Never again. Never ever, ever, ever, ever again. Norwegian certainly made never ever cruisers again out of our family. Now back at home and the stress of this vacation still hangs over us as we try to get the $11k+ worth of medical bills taken care of. Worst “Vacation” ever.
submitted by SubmarinesOnze to NCL [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:46 YoghurtDull1466 How to water orchid?

How to water orchid?
Hey, I’ve got this flower and I’ve been trying to water it by following the directions to submerge bottom of plastic cup in water for 15 minutes once a week but a smaller portion of the plant is still wilting, how can I save it? No direct sunlight.
submitted by YoghurtDull1466 to plantclinic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:46 Curious_Fun3519 What is this uti like thing I'm having?

D mannose masking symptoms of uti? So I had a uti 10 days ago for which I took d mannose and cranberry and nitrofurantoin tablets.
My symptoms went away for 5 days after the course ended.
Then I got my periods, and now I have the urgency symptom again just not the burning.
Is it the uti not being cleared the first time and d mannose is masking it? I'm still taking d mannose and cranberry supplements.
Or is it just an irritated bladder
Ps- I've sent for my tests but a little solace would be nice from you guys. Btw I'm new here.
submitted by Curious_Fun3519 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:46 ChrisX8 Skull&Bones activation not valid

Hi. I decided to go for the Ubisoft+ subscription after testing the Skull&Bones weekend trial, but now I cannot add the Premium Edition in my library. I’m getting a « Activation code or cd key is not valid » message. I tried to log into the game, but it still shows as the free week version, nor do I have access to the premium edition stuff. Any idea?
submitted by ChrisX8 to ubisoft [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:45 Curious_Fun3519 D mannose masking symptoms of a uti? Or just an irritated bladder?

D mannose masking symptoms of uti? So I had a uti 10 days ago for which I took d mannose and cranberry and nitrofurantoin tablets.
My symptoms went away for 5 days after the course ended.
Then I got my periods, and now I have the urgency symptom again just not the burning.
Is it the uti not being cleared the first time and d mannose is masking it? I'm still taking d mannose and cranberry supplements.
Or is it just an irritated bladder
Ps- I've sent for my tests but a little solace would be nice from you guys. Btw I'm new here.
submitted by Curious_Fun3519 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:45 givemethekreddit Suing husbands business in small claims court?

Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. My husband, who I am separated from (can’t afford a lawyer for divorce yet unfortunately), has a landscaping business. My neighbor had a tree fall down in his backyard which is back to back with mine. My neighbor hired my husband’s landscaping company to cut the fallen tree and remove it, and paid him $500 to do so. Husband accepted this money and cut the tree, but left the cut up tree in my yard in huge rounds and stumps. Husband is refusing to give me the $500 to have the stumps removed and he’s also refusing to come and finish the job.
Am I within my rights to sue his business? Can I pursue him directly if we’re still technically married? Just trying to find out what my options are.
Thanks for any insight!
submitted by givemethekreddit to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:44 -thimbl ideas for my big trailing plant? (golden pothos)

ideas for my big trailing plant? (golden pothos)
its the one on the bottom.
it is a huge, chunky plant, and i love it. neon pothos is above it, the size comparison is crazy. i want to keep this plant producing large stems and leaves, so i want some advice
i hang it right here because it gets a bit of direct sun in the mornings (less than 30 mins) so i hope that will help it make big leaves, but because it has nothing to climb, i fear that it will get smaller leaves. it also has slow release fertilizer beads in the soil, it got new soil recently, and has beautiful roots
if i got a moss pole, it would be too tall and heavy to hang, and i'd have no space for it. i cant bend the stems and bury the nodes in the same pot because the stems are too thick and will break.
any ideas? is there anything else i can do to keep it healthy and producing huge leaves? i can't tape the vines to the wall because i have to move it to water it. will it keep producing big leaves without assistance, since it already has in this pot? also, how much direct sun is recommended for these? (i know they are labeled as "low light" plants, but giving low light makes smaller leaves. i wanna know what is fhe max amount of direct sun they can get while still being healthy)
submitted by -thimbl to houseplants [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:44 PP_BOY__ Is it just me or is Season 16... really fucking good?

The title is a bit of a reply bait. I acknoweldge this but do not apologize. Bozo.
I'm a long time fan of It's Always Sunny. I remember feeling like I was a latecomer picking up that show everyone had been telling me to watch for years... right when Season 4 was premiering. I never would've thought that that grungey underdog show would go on to be the longest-running sitcom in modern TV.
Like most people, I noticed a downward trend in the show's quality starting around Seasons 10-11 and that became really noticeable between 12-15. I'd kept up with the show for nearly a decade at that point so I still watched the new seasons as they came out, but I'll admit I hardly ever thought that the show was getting better between seasons and I honestly can't think of any times I found myself rewatching anything from seasons 11-15 outside of when I'd throw the show on shuffle for background throughout the day.
Well, I found myself with the house to myself last night and noticed that a new season of IASIP had somehow slipped under my radar last summer and figured I'd throw it on and see what was going on with The Gang while I made dinner.
I didn't eat "dinner" until well after 3:00 AM and I binged the entire season in one sitting on my couch. That's something I never thought I'd want to do for another season of Sunny again. Maybe it was just the sleep deprivation, but S16 felt like a real return to form for the show that reeled back a lot of the "Flanderization" that had really hurt it for me from the last few seasons. All of the characters felt like their S1~S7 selves instead of the exaggerated, unbelievable versions that we'd seen in the last few years. The story lines were more grounded and didn't just feel like a retread of "safe" fan favorites. Even the worst episode, for me it was Celebrity Booze, still had plenty of fun (Charlie's Nickelschlager bit being the highlight).
Am I just preaching to the choir here? Am I just a bozo and the show never went down at all? I'm sitting here on a Sunday morning right now kind of floored that I enjoyed a new season of IASIP as much as I did.
submitted by PP_BOY__ to IASIP [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:43 Curious_Fun3519 D mannose masking symptoms of uti?

So I had a uti 10 days ago for which I took d mannose and cranberry and nitrofurantoin tablets.
My symptoms went away for 5 days after the course ended.
Then I got my periods, and now I have the urgency symptom again just not the burning.
Is it the uti not being cleared the first time and d mannose is masking it? I'm still taking d mannose and cranberry supplements.
Or is it just an irritated bladder
Ps- I've sent for my tests but a little solace would be nice from you guys. Btw I'm new here.
submitted by Curious_Fun3519 to CUTI [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:43 Fault-from-the-vault I hope you're gonna have fun with this one

Alright so, if the tests I took aren't pseudoscience (Insert laughing emoji here), I am INTJ (16) and my sister is INTP(14) with aspergers. My mother is probably ENFP or something like that idk but she's not a thinker 100%
The thing is the combo and dynamic that's on the table. ENFP is pretty organised I suppose but the uncontrollable outburst of rage after any mild disagreement with certain circumstances are indeed very fun. We get kinda well together but the way she reacts when she loses her shit(Every monday, Saturday and Sunday) is kind of impacting my mental health. Combined with her method of self doubt to exact projection as ego-protective mechanism you can imagine the dances. I'm still wondering how the hell are our dishes still intact after the weekend?
Combine it with the fact that I'm physically disabled INTJ with average grades on highschool (But I never go below B that's obvious) and you get a very stable family where absolutely everyone is happy and fine. Not that I would be depressed for 3 years straight or going without purpose or anything lmao.
When I say something or suggest any change of behaviour to my sister she dismisses me as some asshole even though I only want it to never happen again. She then proceeds to repeat the same mistake again because why not. We didn't get to pull the knife out of wall or anything right? RIGHT?
Anyways I need advice on what to do with this dynamic since it gets on my nerves and makes me a hypersensitive asshole which really isn't good. I'm really scares me when someone rises their voice just a bit or shows any visible signs of anger. I'm comfortable in any place other than home right now and it isn't going to change soon.
Thank you for reading this to the end. Any advices welcome.
submitted by Fault-from-the-vault to INTP [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:43 Itchy-Spring7865 [WTS] 11.5” custom BCM/Shaw 5.56 upper, 16” m4e1 light profile 5.56 upper, BCM/Roscoe 16” .300blk upper, 16” BCM/Aero 5.56 upper, 12” free float quad, olight Valkyrie, off brand WML, glock parts, magpul grey Mlok grip,

Time to help fund more poor decisions. This go round I’m trying to get a 10mm 1911 in the stable. Only trades would be for quality stripped uppers, a holosun MOS, or a Steiner MPS. Cash is king. More pics on request. Let’s do this-
Uppers- top to bottom. All uppers have been lapped/trued/assembled by me, I’m a machinist, not a hack job, have build likely north of 50 uppers in the last 10 or so years. These will be as accurate as the person shooting them, I guarantee it. NO BCGS INCLUDED.
16” m4e1 upper, ding on shell deflector, great paint candidate, 13” BKings handguard, light profile barrel, unknown make, maybe Diamondback? Very light upper, low rounds on upper, barrel/gas/handguard new. $290
BCM STAR FORGE UPPER, Shaw custom 11.5” heavy profile 5.56 barrel, 10” Mlok handguard (GGP/Diamondback/PSA? Not sure), birdcage, carbine gas, BKings block, Melonite tube, DD rail cover and fang style handstop. Does have forward assist, will install before I ship. Zero rounds, all new build. $375
BCM/Roscoe/UTG 16” .300 blk. Bcm star forge upper, Roscoe .300 blk 16” heavy profile barrel, UTG Pro Mlok handguard, pistol gas, Christensen Arms titanium radial brake,mil spec charging handle. All parts new/unfired, barring possibly the charging handle. Great combo of parts. $390 without brake, $450 with brake
BCM/Aero/PSA 16” 5.56 upper, BCM star forge upper, Aero 16” modern profile barrel, PSA 15” Mlok handguard. Light and sturdy build, all new/unfired $400
Larue RATS stock and APOD grip in UDE (urban dark earth). Stock is new takeoff, still has sticker on it, grip is used, comes with grip screw. $65
Glock 17 RSA and slide plate-$20
Magpul MVG in grey $18
ODG 1 / 2 point QD slings $15
Unknown brand free float quad, has salt, $40
Olight Valkyrie, no rounds by me, battery power, has glock key $40
Off brand WML, works, pretty bright, $35
Open to offers, all prices shipped, comment then pm, let’s do this!
submitted by Itchy-Spring7865 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:42 Anonymous_150 Can't seem to get dgvoodoo2 to work for Lego Island for Windows 11

Trying to test out some of my old childhood games for the niece and nephew to play when they are around and as I look into studying how to run old games I see dgvoodoo helps with the resolution. Well I got that and I can't seem to get it to work for any game I've tried, despite running it in admin mode and the settings are saved they just don't seem to apply to the game.
To get even deeper into the mess of the situation, I have an old disk for Lego Island and the altnerative installer, and the processes will launch but nothing pops up. Tried rebuilder and still didn't work. Managed to find someone did a walkthrough for Windows 11 setup and provided some resources, which came with a different Lego Island Rebuilder and that finally got the game to work but the resolution is still the orginal one. I have edited the settings for dgvoodoo to do it's thing and it doesn't seem to work. I've tried running it off the various applications and if it's not through rebuilder there's graphical glitches and still no updated resolution. RGB emulation seems to work and the Direct X Hal seems to be missing the lego figures. It's a mess trying to figure out what's going on and I just want to get dgvoodoo to work for setting the game to 1080 resolution.
submitted by Anonymous_150 to abandonware [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:42 ThePottyMouthPrncess Dyscalculia improving in adulthood

I am 90% sure I have dyscalculia. I say only 90% because the other 10% is me doubting because it has gotten better. I am a 26 y/o female. As a child I struggled with math so badly it made me depressed and crushed my self esteem. My math teachers thought I was an idiot, but my teacher in literally every other subject said I was intelligent (in everything else I was an above-average student). My parents got me tested (early 2000's) but I don't think people really knew about dyscalculia in Australia those days.
I have decided to go to university (I didn't do it earlier in life for lack of confidence and lack of belief that I could pass an entrance test due to how much I struggle in maths). I am now studying for the entrance test and I see that as an adult with a now fully developed brain I still struggle, but not as much as I did as a kid.
Can dyscalculia improve as you get older? I want to get diagnosed but I am afraid I won't get the diagnosis as it is better than it was, despite the fact that I still really struggle with quantitative reasoning, and sometimes when there is a plus sign, even though I know it's a plus sign, my brain with multiply it... (I realise right after what happened and it is so embarrassing... anyone else do that)?
Sorry for the rambling.
submitted by ThePottyMouthPrncess to dyscalculia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:42 SleepyAlways412 Bound to End But Still Hoping

My bf and I have been a year together. The relationship is very healthy and we have been tested through challenges but always became more connected after. But the thing is we have different religion. I (30,F) is a Muslim while he (27,M) is Catholic. We are both devoted to our faith. From the courtship stage, sinabi ko na that religion is non-negotiable for me. So I thought he understood and would eventually study the faith and become Muslim only if he believes and not just because of me. But I fell so damn hard and by the time that he made it clear he is not converting to Islam, I was already into deep. Mahal na mahal ko na. We tried. We debated reasonably and listen to each other's logic. He truly wants me to be Catholic and I truly want him to be Muslim.
I have broken up with him twice but always come back within a day or two kasi di ko kaya. He had never initiated a break up. He is okay with me not changing my religion. I couldn't say the same thing.
We would end up in tears when we talk about the possible inevitable day na we might have to break up. He said he would stay for as long as I want him to. It's just so hard.
Naka ilang solo cafe introspection na ako, writing my heart out and convincing myself I have to end it. But I just can't.
He has introduced me to his family. I haven't introduced him but I have mentioned the situation to my family. And their advice was that the mere fact he had explicitly told me he isn't converting is enough reason for me to let go.
I wish I am stronger than this. But I don't wanna lose him.
I know what to do. I just... can't do it.
But one day I will have to.
His love is just nurturing. And we bring out the best in each other. But he told me if our relationship makes me feel a lot of guilt, he would rather be sad without me than be with him and still feel that I am doing something wrong.
Thank you in advance for your advices.
submitted by SleepyAlways412 to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:41 boopo789 Doctor dismissed my sleep concerns because I don’t randomly fall asleep or collapse when laughing - looking for advice/resouces

I will try to keep my frustrations to a minimum since I want this to be more about what to do next, but I’ll first give a summary of the appointment.
I had an at-home sleep study for sleep apnea on Thursday and it showed me having very mild sleep apnea (from memory, 5 dips and my lowest O2 was 87%). The doc seemed to suggest that it wasn’t really a big deal but just that it would get worse if I put on weight - I’m currently losing weight.
We talked about my symptoms and he eventually asked for a questionnaire I had to fill out about them. I included a list of things that I’ve flagged as potential cataplexy symptoms (still not entirely sure, but I put everything I could think of in case anything raised a flag) and he asked a little bit about what happens when I laugh. I told him and he asked if my limbs get weak, so I said no (when I laugh, it’s mostly in my head - still unsure if it’s cataplexy or POTS, but again, wanted to include everything). He also asked about whether I fall asleep randomly, so I said that I get intense urges to sleep, but I don’t suddenly fall asleep. I brought up the possibility of narcolepsy or IH and asked whether a sleep study would help, but he turned the idea of me having either disorder down. He said people with IH sleep 16-20 hours a day, and people with narcolepsy fall asleep suddenly and collapse when they laugh (I wish I was exaggerating).
He ended the appointment saying that he isn’t ruling either out, but that I am not getting a sleep study yet. I have to wait 3-6 months to redo the apnea test and then maybe I’ll get a sleep study.
As you can imagine, I really wasn’t satisfied at all with this - he went based on the most extreme, outdated stereotype for how both of these issues present. From my research, I know a lot of people with N don’t just suddenly fall asleep and those with type 2 don’t get cataplexy, but he spoke like everyone with N has cataplexy and falls asleep.
Anyways, I am currently working on writing up all of my symptoms in more details and providing credible resources about symptoms to hopefully persuade the doc to test me.
Anyone have any resources I could include? (For example, to show that narcolepsy isn’t just suddenly falling asleep.) Alternatively, any advice on what to do to prepare for the next appointment or what to do/say when I next chat to the doc? (I’m not sure if it’ll be the same doc or his colleague since he mentioned something about consulting with someone else about my case.)
Any advice or even reassurance is appreciated. I’m beginning to feel like I’m being dramatic, especially cuz people irl aren’t very understanding either.
TLDR - Doctor didn’t refer me for a sleep study because he believes outdated stereotypes about both IH and narcolepsy. Need advice about what to do before/during my next appointment in 3-6 months to not be dismissed.
submitted by boopo789 to Narcolepsy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:40 DrKoalii Do I have a Hiatal Hernia??

If anyone could give advice or experiences, it would be really helpful. I don’t even know what to do anymore. For context I’m f24
I haven’t been able to keep any food down for the last 4 months. At the beginning I made diet changes but still no improvements. Went to the ER for fluids and they did a CT, bloodwork, and urine analysis all came back normal. Put me on pantoprazole and sucralfate. The pantoprazole helped with my acids reflux but, other than that, no improvements with my nausea or vomiting.
The GI did a lower abdominal Xray to check for bowel obstructions, which was normal. The EGD (endoscopy) showed mild GERD and some inflammation in the stomach, otherwise normal. Biopsies from the endoscopy to check for H Pylori and celiac disease came back normal. Gastric emptying study came back normal. Upper GI study or barium swallow study came back normal.
I’ve lost about 45 lbs in the last 3 months. Im nauseous everyday and vomiting everything I eat. I can’t exercise let alone walk up the stairs w/o getting tired. I get chest pain after I vomit, feel like something is stuck in my throat, quickly feel full after eating a few bites, bad acid reflux, upper abdominal pain, high heart rate, and have trouble breathing.
I don’t know what to do anymore. I dont understand how I can have all these symptoms and all these tests are coming back normal. I don’t even know how to proceed at this point. Is a HH still a possibility or should I go a different direction? Does anyone have any suggestions or advice?
submitted by DrKoalii to HiatalHernia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:40 Independent_Desk8457 How do you know if your barrier ring has swelled too much?

Trying out the deep convex sensura mio right now. I just put it on this morning and I chose to use a hollister barrier ring because I tried the coloplast ones previously with a light convex bag and I’m not too fond of them. (I noticed during this change the skin around my stoma indents more than usual, I am also currently about the same weight as pre surgery so I’m assuming that’s why, gained 20 pounds back since the surgery…) but my stoma does not stick out much and the barrier ring has swelled quite a bit. I seem to still be having output.
What does everyone else do in this situation? Would you change your bag? Or just continue wearing it if you see no issues present? It’s Sunday and my next bag change is Wednesday.
I like the sensura mios so I’m testing them out right now because I still have so many hollister bags that I don’t want to buy new bags until Im finished them since they still work for me. The light convex was working good but I think I cut the wafers too large as I had a lot of redness after wearing them, and the third time I wore one not even 24 hours later I had a bad leak when I went to bed.
Edit - If the area around your stoma is out more then where your stoma sits, should you be pulling the skin very taut so it becomes flatter?
submitted by Independent_Desk8457 to ostomy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:39 _LELEZ Honor Duel! Got stats for you and a nerdy spreadsheet you can clone and use. Feedback appreciated

Honor Duel! Got stats for you and a nerdy spreadsheet you can clone and use. Feedback appreciated
Hi reddit! I'm lelezero and I love honor duel. I am sad to see many many of you hate the mode cause I think it's full of space for experimentation, it's always fresh and it is very funny to play. Yes even against the RNG bullshit you think you're fighting.
I am commited to write a huge guide to help struggling players get their hands on this mode cause it's awesome and it doesn't even require spending real money to be enjoyed. That being said I need more time to complete my guide so if you're interested in that stay tuned!
On with the stats now!
The spreadsheet looks a bit like this (I took a screenshot of a portion)
In the past 2 weeks I played 77 runs (at the time of writing this) and I climbed roughly 600 points. Yes I play a lot I know (I also stream on twitch 5/6 hours a day honor duel gameplay if you're interested, lelezero on twitch is the channel hope to see you there!)
My favorite thing to do with this new tool is at the start of the run when I get to artifact selection I go and look up which one is the best performing for me and I also look at past runs to see when I did good with it what I was running (which heroes with which items and so on). It's so powerful to have your mind already set in the correct direction. Sometimes I still choose to experiment cause I want to see if something works out (so I can add it to the good strategies for next time) or if it doesn't (so next time I see I failed in the past and try to avoid it)
My server is pretty young (S460) I'm still on pre-season so I don't have districts just yet, I am in solid first place at the moment with 500+ elo points advantage over rank 2 but I hope after the merge someone will battle me on the leaderboard. There is people around at 5K points total I know, I'm still enjoying a +1 points on the 5 wins run and later on it will be tougher.
My cold takes (this means things I think everyone knows, but still nice to note):
  • Wilders OP (the last 24 games of 5 Wilders I played I had a 72% round win and gained 19 points per run on average)
  • Maulers suck
  • Graveborns work but only with very specific artifacts (limited amount like 4/5 at best)
  • Lightbearers I still haven't figured out (sorry)
  • Hewynn is OP
latest games with Hewynn playing with 5 Wilders
But if you wanna fight over these I'm all ears cause I'd love to be proved wrong, it would actually mean I still have a huge world of stuff to discover so please tell me you can make Maulers work or
My hot takes (now it gets interesting)
  • Pale Crown is not the strongest artifact, Swifty Book is (for context Pale Crown is "the Silvina" artifact while Swifty Book is the one that teleports the enemy backline in the middle and stuns them)
But I played more Pale Crowns than Swifty Books this might require more testing
  • Tranquil Flask is not as good as you think (the one that heals Wilders after 5s and then every 10s) I hope it's me and one day I'll understand how to make that work
  • Bone Scroll and Breeze Rider are too swingy to feel "good" to pick (Bone Scroll is the one that makes Maulers unkillable for some seconds and Breeze Rider is the one that stops your team from casting ultimates but deals waves of damage at intervals)
when they work you feel OP but many times they just don't want to work
  • The "strongest" hero is Florabelle (and not Silvina, nor Hewynn) My Flora has 18.8 avg points per run against Silvina 15 and Hewynn 13 (but I have to say Hewynn feels so powerful I tried to slot her in practically every team so the stats overall went down a bit, whereas Flora I basically only play in 5 Wilders so she "wins more")
  • Damian is a beast when used properly
latest games with Damian playing with 5 Wilders (had Hewynn too most of them tho)
Other funny things that came up with my spreadsheet giving me the chance to answer my own complicated questions like how good is this item, or is this item only good with this specific hero and stuff like that (I know you can have an idea built up with experience but it's nice to see stats and numbers prove it or disprove it!)
Swifty Book played with 5 Wilders in the last 2 weeks I had 6 games and landed 4 nine winners Illusion censer is on 3 out of 4 aswell In my last 15 nine winners only 1 was a clean 9-0 My average points per run if I DON'T play 5 heroes of the same faction is always a negative number, meaning I should start to never "splash" heroes here and there anymore (the only exception seems to be Immortal Flame in particular, it's the artifact that deals increasing damage every 4 ultimates of your team and I had success "splashing" Lucius and Rowan into 3 Wilders Grannie, Hewynn and Flora or Parisa. Makes sense cause you want to cast tons of ultimates so Rowan for extra energy and Lucius to stall the fight as long as possible) The best items overall seem to be Fire Dance (40g immediate ultimate with +20% damage) Crimson Abyss (ultimate costs 30% max HP cooldown 10s) Grandmaster Crown (+15% stats on Mythic units) and Decaying Ring (+11% of the carrier stats on all the same faction heroes) Grannie Dahnie with Stalwart Helmet is a beast (20g -40% damage dealt and taken)
There are so many more things I discovered these days but it's a nightmare to remember all of them and also take screenshots over and over to compare stats and paste them here. If this post receives attention I might go on and publish more tho!
Now what? You can use the same spreadsheet I am using! I'm sharing this work with you all, feel free to use copy modify and whatnot. Wanna have access to my stats cause you can't play as much as I do but you still want to see results? Wanna play stressless for fun so you don't feel like recording every run? I'll share my own file so you can visit (no modifications) and take a look, it should update every 5 minutes or so, it's almost live!
You should be able to see the spreadsheet, click on file and make a copy to use it on your own! (might require being logged in with google to have an account and a Drive space to clone the spreadsheet to) Let me know if there's anything you'd like to see added, I can't promise anything but I'm happy to help if I can
If you decide to use it read the README sheet first and carefully. To record a run you just need the end of the game screen (accessible in game with the top right button) and you can also use the sheet in a "mini" version where you just input the results and skip all the heroes and items so you are faster. If you play on mobile you can update the sheet when you're on PC later by looking at the battle logs. Chances are you already have your latest 100 games still there recorded if you feel like inserting those to start (all in a bunch it's a bit of a chore I advise against this but if you want the option is there!) Remember the new patch hit on the 10th or so of May so you can filter before and after patch games (cause heroes changed and so on)
unfortunately I cannot make filters editable for you otherwise anyone could mess up all my work
Have some good runs! May your 9s be plenty and close to each other
submitted by _LELEZ to AFKJourney [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:39 WaveAppropriate1979 Rewriting Chelsea's character (Ruby Gillman)

Hi, everyone! "Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken" has a weird place in my heart. It's not a good movie but I like the ideas of the characters. I want them to be better written so I'm going to rewrite the character closest to being popular among the viewers, Chelsea Van Der Zee. I get it that this movie had it's time in the spotlight, it wasn't a lot of attention but it was talked about June of last year and has since lost it's relevance. I'd still like to share with somebody my ideas, it would be amazing if I could have you here with me. If your willing to do so, thank you and let's dive on in.
I pretty much went with a similar concept that previous people went with. Oh, spoilers for the movie. It's important to this rewrite.
Chelsea turned out to not be real, it was just the alias of an evil mermaid queen named Nerissa. She poses as a teenager, pretends to want to be Ruby's friend, secretly using her for her strength in order to get back a trident that she can use to fight krakens with. I'm not even sure what she was gonna do if she defeated the royal krakens. Maybe there wasn't enough time to explain her plan? People came up with the idea that Chelsea and Nerissa should be separate people and I like that better. Anyway, now I'm gonna actually give you a rundown of what I made. I work on a Ruby Gillman rewrite series and I got to make my own version of Chelsea. Here we go!
Chelsea was formerly a mermaid princess but one day fled from her mother, Queen Aria. She ended up at Oceanside and grew up there. She became the most popular kid in school until Ruby came into the picture, Chelsea loses her popularity after looking like a paranoid lunatic trying to reveal to everyone that Ruby is a sea monster. No one ever believes her, Chelsea and Ruby naturally don't get along. It's your typical dynamic where a protagonist and their bully are enemies but become friends. Chelsea is starting to get on better terms with Ruby until she's saved by Aria one night and convinces her to help use a trident to fight the krakens. Chelsea was hurt by Ruby's grandmother which was what made Chelsea betray the gillmans. Both Chelsea and Aria become kaiju mermaids and attack Arthur, Agatha, and Ruby. (Sam wasn't a part of the fight because he was looking around for Chelsea.) Ruby hugs it out with Chelsea, getting her to turn on her mother and destroy the trident. After Aria's defeat, the Gillmans realize that Chelsea has no home and they adopt her. She becomes Chelsea Gillman.
Two things to clear up, Chelsea's mom isn't named Nerissa because that was the name that Chelsea was given at birth. I know that other people like to ship Ruby and Chelsea, as you have already seen I didn't go in that direction. I still have Connor as Ruby's love interest. There will still be LGBTQ represention in this story however, Ruby's best friend Margot is a lesbian in this version because of this part in the actual movie where Margo told Ruby that this girl named Kayla asked her to prom and she said yes. Those two are an official couple here. That's all I have, thanks for reading this and giving me the time of day. Bye!
submitted by WaveAppropriate1979 to badMovies [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:39 zaliahbby sold a tv on fb in working condition, buyer says we should go half because it doesnt work anymore

i sold a tv in great working condition that was tested 3 times before being given and paid for by the dude. he was at the hospital and his nephew did the talking whilst the guy was on facetime on the phone. i had recorded the tv before being brought to him in working condition that was sent in the chat. when i arrived to the agreed upon location, he proceeds to ask me if he can test it in the front of building where there is a outlet. we did so and it worked. he still asks to see if it works in his apartment which i was hesitant in doing being a girl and by myself. once connected inside his apartment i showed him on FaceTime it being connected to his ps5 and the audio, visuals, and everything working. that was set. he sent me the money and i was on my way out. two days later he proceeds to message me stating the tv wont turn on. when asked what changed he said nothing. he woke up and it doesnt work. i asked he would send pictures for proof and he sent videos. we tried everything in the manual and it still wont work. it wont turn on at all. i prefer to send him half of the paid amount but my boyfriend states its the concept of giving him it in working condition and it breaking on his own behalf. i can somewhat agree as it was tested x3 and we had never had any issues with the tv over years of ownership never once, but i feel for the guy and i dont think hes on funny business. what do you guys think, should we give half or let it be as is?
submitted by zaliahbby to AITAH [link] [comments]